#The Dance of the Demons
thehappyscavenger · 5 days
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Books Read June 2024
Direct Sunlight by Christine Sneed
I fell in love with Sneed's writing after reading The Virginity of Famous Men earlier this year. This is another strong collection with her trademark subtle shifting glances into people's delicate lives and emotional states. Excellent work.
Cocktail by Lisa Alward
This was the final of the 2024 Danuta Gleed nominees I had to read. The funny thing is this is a lot like Sneed's work; literary fiction about relationships, but this didn't resonate. Probably found it the least engaging of the nominees but what do I know? It won the Danuta Gleed.
The Doll's Alphabet by Camilla Grudova.
Also a Danuta Gleed nominee but from a previous year. I saw this mentioned in a Twitter thread about best short story collections. Lived up to the hype. Eerie speculative fiction.
The Dance of the Demons by Esther Singer Kreitman
I heard someone mention Kreitman in the context of being Isaac Bashevis Singer's neglected and forgotten older literary sister. Was she an undiscovered amazing author buried by the patriarchy? Well, not in English she wasn't. I found the novel quite sad and a bit of a slog. An interesting read in the way it captures a way of European Jewry about to be completely obliterated but not a great read on its own. The edition I read included essays and notes on the translation which were very interesting though.
Things That Cause Inappropriate Happiness by Danila Botha
I wanted to like this so much. I found it incredibly mid. Also not the author's fault but there was an insane amount of typos in my copy, like 20+ which I've never had in a book before.
Bear by Julia Phillips
Went in and out of like with this one but I thought it stuck the landing incredibly well.
Annie Bot by Sierra Greer
Quick and heartbreaking look at a sex bot who gains sentience. I thought this was incredibly heartbreaking and wonderful.
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meow-and-ink-demon · 7 months
Listen - I don't give a fuck if you prefer Batim more than Batdr or Batdr more than Batim
I don't give a fuck about your opinion on this game or character
Reblog it if you are actually still in Bendy fandom or at least remember being in it
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I need to know how many of us are left in the world...
Edit: YOOO WE GET TO 1000
BENDY FANDOM (or people who just like it) - RISE!!!
Another edit: 2000???
Where were you hiding all this time???
Edit: yeah, gonna write it here too
By the way this post was not made for reblog bait... I mean, you can do anything - reblog, comment or just like, I just wanted to know how many people still know this game. Not that anyone said it is, I just don't want anyone to think this is. No, do what you want, it's okay
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fishbloc · 13 days
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the trees still wither, with or without you
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pinksartdump · 5 months
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I can make them DANCE. More scribbles, enjoy. Used a ref for dance poses.
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crowleyanthonys · 8 months
it's been months and i'm still reeling from the fact that hell interrupted aziraphale's love confession while heaven interrupted crowley's love confession 💀
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novvalandd · 5 months
Bendy is coming to the big screen! >:)
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ryanarmoberly · 6 months
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goryhorroor · 26 days
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horror sub-genres: musical
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crowlixcx · 3 months
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mrmoonytoonie · 2 months
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My Ink Demon redesign
It honestly looks like he is about to Rick roll someone lol
Let me know what y'all think :D
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thewalrus-said · 11 months
One thing that was really driven home for me this season was how much power Crowley has. How much influence.
To recap:
Shax, despite hating him and being his literal replacement, is constantly asking him for advice and help.
Furfur comes to the magic show in 1941 to arrest him and Crowley, like, laughs at him and goes back to sleep. "We shant, this is ridiculous."
In a room (the bookshop) with both Heaven and Hell's top brass, somehow Crowley was in charge of that meeting.
Both Furfur and Saraqael really really wanted him to remember working with them.
The Metatron knew he had to separate Aziraphale from Crowley in order to effectively manipulate him.
Like. He's unafilliated from both Heaven and Hell at this point, everyone (but Aziraphale) hates him, and yet people listen when he talks. People do what he says. It's incredible.
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Do you ever just listen to a song and go "damn this song is so good that i want to inject it into my system"
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beebopboom · 8 months
something something about how they created a silly little dance - which angels are not meant to do
because Aziraphale doesn’t know how to ask for forgiveness - angels are meant to give out forgiveness not receive it
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vanana-r0tat3 · 5 months
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im not late its still the anniversary in my timezone im nor late i swear 😭😭😭
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rockhousejai · 3 months
Cuphead is a troll
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Cups fine dw
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icaruowl · 11 months
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Shall we dance?
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