#Annie Bot
bangbangwhoa · 2 months
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books I’ve read in 2024 📖 no. 053
Annie Bot by Sierra Greer
“She has been happy here, and anxiously miserable, but she has never been free.”
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myhikari21things · 3 months
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Read of Annie Bot by Sierra Greer (2024) (231pgs)
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milestoearth · 2 days
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thehappyscavenger · 5 days
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Books Read June 2024
Direct Sunlight by Christine Sneed
I fell in love with Sneed's writing after reading The Virginity of Famous Men earlier this year. This is another strong collection with her trademark subtle shifting glances into people's delicate lives and emotional states. Excellent work.
Cocktail by Lisa Alward
This was the final of the 2024 Danuta Gleed nominees I had to read. The funny thing is this is a lot like Sneed's work; literary fiction about relationships, but this didn't resonate. Probably found it the least engaging of the nominees but what do I know? It won the Danuta Gleed.
The Doll's Alphabet by Camilla Grudova.
Also a Danuta Gleed nominee but from a previous year. I saw this mentioned in a Twitter thread about best short story collections. Lived up to the hype. Eerie speculative fiction.
The Dance of the Demons by Esther Singer Kreitman
I heard someone mention Kreitman in the context of being Isaac Bashevis Singer's neglected and forgotten older literary sister. Was she an undiscovered amazing author buried by the patriarchy? Well, not in English she wasn't. I found the novel quite sad and a bit of a slog. An interesting read in the way it captures a way of European Jewry about to be completely obliterated but not a great read on its own. The edition I read included essays and notes on the translation which were very interesting though.
Things That Cause Inappropriate Happiness by Danila Botha
I wanted to like this so much. I found it incredibly mid. Also not the author's fault but there was an insane amount of typos in my copy, like 20+ which I've never had in a book before.
Bear by Julia Phillips
Went in and out of like with this one but I thought it stuck the landing incredibly well.
Annie Bot by Sierra Greer
Quick and heartbreaking look at a sex bot who gains sentience. I thought this was incredibly heartbreaking and wonderful.
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mostlynatur3 · 9 days
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Annie Bot review
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corvusreads · 10 days
Update on my June Books
Okay! I Hugely dropped the update ball but whatever I finished Project Hail Mary and it was Fine. Good book for a dad in your life. I started the Unbroken by C.L. Clark, and I'm not loving it so far but I'm trying to stick it out to at least 50% before I consider dropping it. I think the characters just feel so young? I'm not falling into step just yet.
I finished House Of Hunger, which I wrote a much longer review of on my Goodreads earlier this month, but again have to take a second to mourn the fact that HoH was so so short and underdeveloped. I wanted so much more from that because I really liked Henderson's writing style too. I also finished a pretty good essay collection called Hood Feminism by Kendall Mikki which was a good starter for people not familiar with intersectionality. On a date with my girlfriend, she pointed out Here for the Wrong Reasons by Annabel Paulsen and Lydia Wang. Which of course I bought on the spot and read in just the last three days. It was a delightful romcom rift on The Bachelor. Moving forward I'd like to try and knock out both the Unbroken, which I'm listening to on audible, and Annie Bot by Sierra Greer, which isn't too long so it might be possible if I do 50 pages per day. I'm not moving as fast as I was in January, but I'm picking up the pace a bit again after a pretty big slump.
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Happy pride to my favorite LESBIAN who KISSES WOMEN and DOES NOT COUPLE WITH JEFF Annie Edison :))
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gauwaine · 3 months
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imagine getting a divorce and your ex husband creates a sex bot version of you except whiter.
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raurquiz · 3 months
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#happybirthday @NotTheTimCurry #timcurry #actor #congo #clue #therockyhorrorpictureshow #thehuntforredoctober #annie #homealone2 #legend #it #TheThreeMusketeers #MuppetTreasureIsland #Gargoyles #CharliesAngels #ScaryMovie2 #ChristmasinWonderland #RescueBots #TheCloneWars
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tuxebo · 6 months
poll! okay, i've got a few atsv bots out and it's time i ask what you guys want next. i've got requests for cod and avatar but pjo tied with starwars in second place in our last poll (also i really want to do pjo so like oui, i grew up on that series omg i could talk abt it for actual hours)
i have so many ocs for pjo from my wattpad rping days (not my proudest) and i want to share them so bad. my current fav (a new one) is my son of ares, fallen onto calypso's island. baby really filled a cave with broken rafts and convinced her he didn't love her just so he could stay with her. im bawling my eyes out and i'm the one that came up with the damn premise 😭😭
also harry potter?? finally watched the movies, im so late ik, but i have so many questions. for starters, where's charlie? blud was so busy, he couldn't show his face. that's wild. (not rlly i js love myself a smart man with an very uique hobby) also tom riddle was so unjustifiably attractive, magic just snatched that when he started acting up, like a child and his ps5
anyways dw, i'll make more atsv bots over time, i just want to focus on another fandom for now. requests are open for any fandom you want, btw. i'm more focused on percy jackson ones (luke) though so those will be at higher priority.
tldr; please let me know which fandom you want to see me make bots for next! i'm really getting back into that percy jackson obsession so requests for that fandom will be at higher priority. sneak peeks under cut??
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leo, luke, and percy.
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mattheo, fred (+ george)
all prone to editing
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melishade · 3 months
Me after Reading the Optimus Dinobot what if
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Love your what ifs
Previous Episode of the Dinobot Timeline
I guess this is a timeline now lol
So Optimus is obviously in hot water for not revealing this form to the Survey Corps and Megatron, even though he has explained that he can't control it. Hanji immediately wants to run experiments, but the Survey Corps has to take care of the coup. The bad news is that the ruling party got wind of Optimus' chaotic form and used that to slander Optimus' name throughout the public. Now the titan that was lauded as being a Savior was now being seen as someone to be feared.
It makes Optimus feel bad, obviously. All that hard work and he's being scorned and ridiculed. He can't blame the humans for their fear. However, the Survey Corps and Megatron are obviously pissed off for this injustice.
Reiner and Bertholdt are still in the Survey Corps, helping them out and obviously buying time to try and get at least Annie back. Pieck managed to worm her way into the outer rim of the rulers of the inner wall. So she's getting a substantial amount of information. Specifically about Annie's location and their experimentations on her, Eren holding both the Founding Titan and the Attack Titan, and Historia Reiss being of royal blood. Meaning the most valuable players that could turn the tide in this war and make up for the loss were standing right there. Zeke and the Jaws were no doubt a small price to pay if they could somehow get Annie, Eren, and Historia.
Rod is still able to successfully replicate the energon serum and use it on Annie while also making spares of the energon. Pieck, being closer to the inner circle, is able to find Annie, free her and take her out right before Armin, Mikasa, and Megatron get there. Pieck also manages to spot a spare energon titan serum and grabs it before bolting. Armin, Megatron, and Mikasa don't find Annie, but after a little more digging, the trio find notes on the energon serum, and now there's more of an urgency to find where the rest of the serums are and where Annie is.
The coup itself plays out like it does in the anime, not like in AOP. Because Optimus is currently feared for his titan form, Hanji thought it would be unwise to use him, and the people of Trost probably wouldn't rally behind him when marching to Sina considering what they've learned.
So the Survey Corps and Megatron break into the underground cavern to get Eren and Historia back. However, Pieck is close by, debating her options on whether to take the energon serum. She knows if she doesn't, the chance to take Eren and Historia are gone. But, she has to take a chance. Pieck takes the serum and transforms into her titan form, busting through the ceiling of the underground cavern, startling everyone. They try to use their weapons on her, but because of the energon, she's immune. The Survey Corps have to take cover, but Reiner and Bertholdt use the distraction to get to Eren and Historia. Megatron sees this and immediately bolts after them.
But because of Pieck, there's a delay. And Historia still makes the decision on her own to judo flip Rod while Kenny is watching in delight. But Rod still takes the energon serum and becomes that massive titan with energon in its system now. Kenny manages to leave unscathed because his team isn't coming in to break his focus. Reiner and Bertholdt come in to 'help' rescue Historia and free Eren. And as they're ready to bolt out of there, Megatron screams at Eren and Historia to run before fatally shooting Reiner in the neck. However, Reiner uses whatever energy he has left to transform into his titan form to take Bertholdt, Historia, and Eren out of there. Megatron is ready to pursue in his bipedal mode, but there's the matter of the Survey Corps still being in danger and the massive lumbering titan heading towards one of the walled towns. Pieck does manage to catch Reiner in titan form running away and quickly bolts after him, surprised at how fast she's able to run now. Reiner gets out of his titan form and he and Bertholdt take a depressed Eren and screaming Historia away. The Survey Corps do manage to escape the rubble, and so does Kenny, but not his team as they get crushed. Megatron informs them all that Reiner is a titan shifter and he took Eren and Historia. Ymir quickly turns into a titan and bolts after them, ignoring the screams of her comrades. She barely manages to see Pieck climbing over the wall and screams Historia's name in titan form, while Historia screams Ymir's name.
Normally, the Survey Corps would have pursued, but again, Rod's titan form. They have to focus their resources there to prevent civilians from being killed. Megatron and Optimus end up tag teaming to take out Rod's titan form with the civilians in the walled town watching. Optimus also uses his Dinobot form during the battle, and everyone is in awe to see Optimus and Megatron work together like this.
When it's over, Ymir informs them in sorrow that Historia and Ymir have been captured by Marley, and everyone is devastated, but Megatron is the one asking what Marley is. Ymir explains that's its the most powerful nation in the outside world, and that humanity is not extinct at all.
A few notes:
-The monarchy government is replaced with the military government, but because of the Survey Corps actions and Optimus and Megatron's battle prowess, the public don't seem to mind them being in power. Megatron and Optimus were able to prove they are trustworthy.
-Because Reiner and co flee to Marley, the Survey Corps are able to retake Wall Maria with no casualties, using Optimus, Megatron, and Ymir to eliminate the titans.
-Kenny's been captured and interrogated for obvious reasons, but Kenny is willing to spill what he knows. Specifically how Eren's father Grisha stole the power of the titans from Rod years ago. With Mikasa's help, they do find the basement and manage to pry open the drawer with the notebooks with brute force. And they get more history about the current outside world since Ymir's knowledge is no doubt outdated.
-Ymir, Armin, Mikasa, and Optimus are the most devastated out of the loss of Eren and Historia for obvious reasons.
-Megatron does notice the photo and how the kid looks similar to Zeke, now that he's completely healed. No one actually knew Zeke's name up until the notebook's discovery. So Megatron brings it up during interrogation of Zeke. He brings up his name first, which gets a visible reaction. Then Megatron shows the picture, which Zeke is surprised by, then Megatron brings up Grisha Jaeger by name, pointing at the standing man. Zeke realizes that the Founding Titan is being held by Eren Jaeger, his brother and decides to offer his help to the Survey Corps on the condition he be granted immunity. Megatron questions why he should even bother doing that, and Zeke retorts that if Marley has both someone of royal blood and the Founding Titan, that it's only a matter of time before they get around the vow renouncing war. They need him in order to stop Marley's continued reign over the world and the abuse of Eldians everywhere. Megatron says he'll run it by the military first.
(Man this was not something I was not expecting with the Dinobot timeline)
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geryone · 8 months
Started reading a novel about a robot woman that is used for sex & cleaning by her owner bc it was pitched for fans of My Dark Vanessa & I’m honestly having such a weird but enjoyable time reading this
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ask-the-becile-boys · 6 months
Story. No Other Options
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[ID: Eleven digitally sketched panels in black and white.]
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[Panel 1: Close up of someone's pocket, with a smartphone ringing (SFX: ring four times) in it. The person says, "Huh, pretty early for a telemarketer."]
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[Panel 2: The person is revealed to be The Spine. He answers his phone cheerfully, smiling with his eyes closed, saying, "Howdy! This is The Spine, from the robot band Steam Powered Giraffe! I won't be buying anything today, but if you quote me a price I will pass it along to one of our human employees!"]
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[Panel 3: Over the phone, Hare says, "Christ, Silver, you answer the phone like that every time?" The Spine slouches forward, immediately grumpy, and asks, "Hare? Who gave you my number?" Hare responds, "Rabbit, remember?" The Spine says, "Right. Well, goodbye." Hare yells (all caps) "no wait I need help"]
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[Panel 4: Shot of Qwerty the computer (a monitor screen with an ASCII smiley face and two claw hands) playing with plastic bricks while The Spine, with his back to them, talks on the phone. The Spine says, "You need my help?" Hare responds, "Not you, the Walter brat (em-dash) I mean, kid, the one what runs the joint. Our friend is dying of Green Matter poisoning and (ellipses, then in smaller text) and we got no other options."]
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[Panel 5: Same shot. The Spine turns to Qwerty, who swivels over and displays a question mark. The Spine says, "Green Matter? (ellipses) Qwerty, find Ms. Vivian while I go get Peter. And tell Norman to hide."]
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[Panel 6: The Spine's hand knocking (SFX: knock times three) on a door. In overlay, The Spine says, "This better not be a prank." Then, in the present action, he says, "Peter? We've got trouble incoming."]
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[Panel 7: Peter the Sixth's wooden mask, sitting on a while a hand reaches for it. Peter the Sixth (AKA Six) says, "What kind of trouble can't wait until after breakfast?"]
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[Panel 8: Shot from behind Six's shoulder as he puts on his mask. The Spine says from off panel, "Becile trouble. I'll explain on the way down, but they said they'd be here (em-dash)"]
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[Panel 9: All caps SFX: screeeech crunch in Riker's font. The Spine and Six turn toward the noise, The Spine lowering his eyelids halfway, unamused. The Spine continues, "(ellipses) aaaaany minute now."]
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[Panel 10: Annie Walter (Six's mother) standing in a doorway, looking shocked. She holds a mug of coffee and says, "(italics) My goodness!"]
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[Panel 11: The front lawn of Walter Manor, as seen from the front door. The gates have been smashed open by the Beciles' van, which has also torn through the grass and run over a plastic lawn flamingo. The Jack and The Skull are carrying Scratch between them, his arms around their shoulders, while Hare is taking Dee out of the passenger seat. Riker stands at the front door, shaking slightly, and says, "Yeah, sorry about the gate. It's been a hell of a morning. Is there any more of that coffee?" End ID]
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artificial-condition · 2 months
Also another update is that I’ve reread all of murderbot (again) (but this time the audiobooks!!) and I’m frothing at the mouth
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onewomancitadel · 3 months
People really really aren't comfortable with ambiguity, are they? Like it being termed a 'plot hole' or the promise of a further story is itself a failing. Sorry I don't want to be handheld. This is why these people hated Midsommar isn't it.
(The genius of Midsommar is that it's two stories at once. I view it as both a horror and romcom. It's equal parts freedom and damnation. Whose freedom? Whose damnation? What comes at the cost of the other? The first sacrifice in the story are Dani's sister and her parents).
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morayofsunshine · 5 months
love jeffshirley love jeffrich love aro!jeff character studies love aro!jeff being trainwreck besties with britta jeffbritta is fine but i like em being besties more and jeffannie is such a stupid terrible waste of both their character arcs
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