#The Blue Rose Syndicate
verysium · 7 months
blue lock boys as assassins (au i guess?), i hope you could include Oli, Yuki and Barou!
anon you have me at crossroads because the very idea of an assassin AU spawns an infinite glitch of possibilities....🤔 like mafia underground syndicate assassin? or like solitary mysterious hitman type of assassin? or even better could this be ninja/shinobi stealth warrior assassin? i'm going give a general description though:
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oliver is the laid-back good guy. escorts you to the bar, drinks on him. claps every passerby on the back as if he personally knows them. you think he's alright. not too handsome and just the right amount of ruggedness. he offers you a good time, so you two hit off for the night. and that's where everything starts to go downhill. one shoot-out, intense knife fight, and grueling police chase later, you pant for dear life against the side of a brick wall in some torn up alley because it turns out your one-night stand was actually an assassin for japan's largest underground syndicate.
you grip your broken heel tightly in one hand, body collapsed against the brick cornerstone as you seethe, the condensation of your gasping breath forming tendrils in the cold night. you reach up a hand to wipe the sweat off your face. it comes back red, the meticulous hours of applying your makeup wasted when you see the damning smears of lipstick. this was not the type of fun you signed up for on a friday night.
"oliver, what the fuck was that?"
he laughs sheepishly, cocking his gun back with ease before he lights up a cigarette, palm cupping the flame. he turns, then walks over two bodies without blinking, suede shoes clicking against the cobblestone. you're angry at him, but he doesn't care, wrapping an arm around your waist, nose buried in your hair.
"just a side hustle, sweetheart. come on, let's get you home."
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yukimiya is the sweet, unassuming literature student. he came home from university to help his grandmother out over the summer, manning the front counter of her antique oddities shop. you like him. he's awkwardly charming, a little too zealous for the job, but still endearingly kooky. you have him pinned down as the sad poet type. the kind of person who wears the same knitted cardigan every day, complete with horn-rimmed glasses and 1940's gingham elbow patches. he can handwrite a sonnet in less than a minute, gift-wrap your purchases in record time. you let him buzz around you while you make your daily visit to his shop, listening to him talk about the collections of radioactive glassware, the vintage phonograph in the corner, and the rare edition of Gutenberg bibles sitting silently in the old book section.
"you know, you really don't have to do that."
he peers up at you owlishly, dark brow furrowed before you point out the spool of twine in his hand, the way he's carefully folding the newspaper around the edges of the new vase you purchased. he laughs, shrugging off your concerns with a wave. you catch a brief whiff of his cologne, the subtle scent of mint and toluene. maybe a hint of vanillin too.
"don't worry about it miss! gift-wrapping is a free service. i'll even add two complimentary trinkets if you'd like. we have a clearance section that's been slow to sell. you could even take a few for free."
"i'm alright. thanks for the offer though." he nods, fingers delicately tying a bow before he places your vase in a bag, fluffing up the tissue paper on top. you smile to yourself when you see the intricate lettering of the card he snuck in. must've been another one of the love poems he wrote. you know how the saying goes.
roses are red. violets are blue.
by the time you step out the shop, the door chime twinkles in the distance, a peal of bells to signal your departure. from behind the windows and glass paneling, he watches your figure trail down the sidewalk, winter coat fluttering in the wind. his eyes darken beneath the tortoiseshell frame, finger moving down the yellowed pages of his accounting book before crossing off another name. he doesn't even look up when he hears the loud honking and screams, the sound of a body hitting the pavement.
one is dead, and so are you.
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barou is probably the most obvious one. very upfront about the work he does. the only caveat is that you can never trace his work back to him. he cleans up way too well. always shoots his targets through the eye because it's less of a mess that way. leaves absolutely no evidence at the murder scene. i picture you as one of the unfortunate victims caught up in the fray. collateral damage, as he likes to call it.
"you know, i've never met someone so equally stubborn and stupid."
you glare at him, throat sore and aching as you scream through your gag, cursing him out in every language in existence. he merely stares down at you, arms crossed and eyebrow arched in amusement. you struggle for a good minute, flopping around like a fish as you try to free yourself from your bonds. how the hell do you go from taking an errand trip to the grocery store to getting kidnapped and tied up in a man's trunk?
"what's that? couldn't hear you from all the noise."
god, you want to strangle him. you heave a breath, swallowing the bitter taste of your own spit when he finally unties the gag, your lungs gasping for air.
"i said...you think i'm the stupid one? you're the one who tied me up!"
"because you wouldn't stop squealing like a pig."
"you were trying to kill me!" he snorts derisively at your comment, his red eyes piercing and haughty. the loud thump of the trunk door closing reverberates throughout the parking garage before you find yourself face first on the pavement, body dumped unceremoniously on the ground. he looks down at you dismissively, wiping the dust off his hands.
"nah, i'd save myself the hassle."
your eyebrow twitches in irritation, jaw dropping at that violation. oh, it was personal now. he deserved capital punishment. strangling would be too merciful. you try to get back on your feet, a task that proves all the more difficult with your legs bound and arms twisted behind your back. he merely waits, as if knowing when you'd finally give up, sinking at his feet in defeat.
"you done?" you nod your head, slumping down into the concrete. your voice becomes small and sheepish by the time you raise your face to look at him.
"can't you just...let me go? i promise i won't say anything." he rolls his eyes, swinging you over his shoulder in one fell swoop, locking the car with a resounding beep. you start to panic when you feel him carrying you to the garage exit, vision swirling with nothing but concrete and the solid sound of his combat boots.
"wait....wait! i swear to god! please just let me go. i won't tell a soul."
"nope. can't have any witnesses." you feel a handkerchief come up at engulf your nose and mouth, the sweet smell cloying and sharp. you start to squirm in his arms.
"wait! no...please! if you touch me again, i'll scream." his grin is the last thing you see in the darkness, sharp canines brushing against the shell of your ear.
"oh, you'll do so much more than scream, darling."
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soapflavoredtea · 2 months
Standards — Yuji Itadori (1)
Chapter One: Failed First Impressions
Pairing: Yuji Itadori x Black Female Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Series Summary: After being scouted from abroad by the esteemed Yuuta Okkotsu, your once normal life takes many new turns as you learn to navigate the numerous issues that come with not only being a rookie sorcerer, but a Black girl in Japan.
Chapter Summary: Your first day in Japan is nothing short of eventful.
Content Warnings: Not beta read, so probably some typos
Series Masterlist
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There were a plethora of ways you had expected your first day in Japan to go. Having spent fourteen hours on a plane that left you with nothing better to do than conjure up a list of everything that could go wrong, you were more than positive you had mapped out every scenario possible. Getting organ trafficked certainly wasn’t one of them but somehow ending up lost was–so the overlook canceled out.
The initial instructions given had been very straightforward. Exit the plane, find some guy named Ijichi, and the rest would be taken care of for you. So simple it was too good to be true. And it was.
When you had finally made it to the greeting area the said man was indeed there. Clad in a suit and tie holding a white sign that had your name neatly written in sharpie. He had been nice enough. Carrying your luggage to the vehicle and making small talk with you in English for the duration of the ride. However the problems started to arise when you had gotten to the destination. Prior to coming, you had never seen what Jujutsu High was supposed to look like, but you highly doubted it was the place you arrived at.
“We’re here,” Ijichi said, his thick Japanese accent lacing the words.
Your lips pursed.“This is the place?” There was nothing around safe from an abandoned looking building. If not for the cursed energy seeping out of it, the mucky green a big contrast from the light blue sky, you would’ve thought it was haunted. “And you’re sure?”
He nodded in response while he got out to open the car for you. Looking suspiciously apologetic as he did so. You made the mistake of putting your back to him while you gave the building another inspection. “So is this supposed to be the school or–”
The slamming of the car door followed up by the engine revving interrupted your sentence. It had taken you longer than a couple seconds to process what had just happened. And by the time you finally did the driver was long gone.
There was a nice bench that you deemed as a perfect spot to wallow in your shame and misery so you did. And now here you are, deserted somewhere in Japan with not even a dollar to your name and a dead phone in your pocket.
After a couple of moments you came to the conclusion that this had all been one huge organ trafficking scheme that you had fallen victim to. If you were to be knocked out in one moment and woken up in an ice bath the next–you wouldn’t even be that mad. Whatever crime syndicate that had been in charge of this operation deserved your kidneys as kudos. It was all so convincing. Like heck, they had even given you a whole uniform.
You just stared at the ground. Contemplating whether to curse Yuuta when you died, for putting you in this situation or Ijichi for getting you there. 
“Ah, there she is!”
The headlines were already forming in your head. Foreign high schooler goes missing because she was too dumb to realize she was getting scammed. You just hoped that the photo they used for your missing poster wouldn’t have you looking busted. Multiple pairs of footsteps were starting to draw closer and closer. This was really it for you.
You were too tired for any sense of panic to hit you so you sunk your head in defeat. Contemplating whether to curse Yuuta when you died, for putting you in this situation or Ijichi for getting you there. 
“—Helloo. Is anyone home?”
Your head slowly rose to the man who would be the culprit of your soon to be kidnapping slash murder. The guy was tall. It took quite a bit for your neck to crane to the point where you could get a full view of him. A blindfold and spiked snow white hair. Gojo. You had never met the man but basing off Yuuta’s many stories of him, there was no mistaking it. Next to him stood three teenagers, who all bore the same uniform as you. “She’s alive!”
Gojo gestured to you with jazz hands. “This is the last first year. [Last Name] [Name]. Per Yuuta’s recommendation she will be joining us. Isn’t that right, [Name]-chan~.”
The shock of today not being your last on Earth finally wore off. With a newfound appreciation of life you shot up to your feet. “Oh..um…yes,” you huffed out, the words for some reason coming out breathlessly which you accredited to the adrenaline. Yuuta and old faithful (Google) always told you that bowing was a common custom in Japan, so now would probably be a better time than any to do it. “Please…please take care of me?”
You could feel the trio staring down at you. Their silence to your introduction only proving your gut feeling right and that you had probably done something wrong. If it wasn’t for the fact you were Black your face would’ve been the deepest shade of red of all time. The cramping in your back was growing by the second.
“[Last Name]...you can get up now,” a stoic voice spoke.
“Right,” you coughed out, straightening up. A ‘pft’ broke through the silence. The source being from the salmon haired boy that was miserably failing to hold in a laugh. Hoping you left a better impression on the one other girl in your group, your attention shifted to her—who’s expression more or less mirrored his. The last first year wasn’t looking at you. You were unsure of how to take that but chances were it wasn’t good.
Well shit.
A pair of hands found a home on their shoulders and shook you back and forth with a gentle playfulness. “What are you guys waiting for,” Gojo asked, “introduce yourselves to your new classmate!”
“Fushiguro Megumi,” the stoic voice from earlier said. Still barely giving you a glance.
The one with a red hood pointed to himself, “I’m Itadori Yuji.”
"Kugisaki Nobara,” the sole girl started, “glad to see this group won't be too unfortunate now that there's another woman."
Whatever was said by your teacher after you didn’t catch, only something about a curse, before Kugisaki and Itadori started making their way into the worn-down building. You were about to (reluctantly) follow suit before Gojo teacher called out to you.
 "Kugisaki Nobara, glad to see this group won't be too unfortunate now that there's another woman," she proudly declared.  
"Oh, [Name] you're fine you don't have to go in," Gojo assured, beckoning you over to where he and Fushiguro were sitting, which was the bench you had previously been at.
It didn't take long before you started zoning out again during another one of your teacher's rambles. The jet lag was finally starting to hit you and you couldn't even be bothered to translate his little lecture on jujutsu sorcery. 
"-me] is plenty crazy, well at least from what Yuuta has told me. Though I do eventually want to test it out for myself I know you're tired from the flight so I'll give you a pass today." He said gleefully, giving you a thumbs up.
“Thank you?”
At the mention of your name you perked up quickly replying with a nod, "Speaking of Okkotsu-senpai, how is he?" The first year asked.  
“From last I saw he’s doing well. His eye bags have probably gotten worse since then.”
Shattering glass rang out and a curse was escaping out one of the windows.
"I'll exorcise it," Fushiguro said, standing up ready to fight. 
Gojo waved him off, "Wait." At his words the once flying curse was hit by a few nails before incinerating into thin air. "Nice, she's crazy all right." 
“Um Gojo…sensei. Not to be rude but when are we heading back to the dorms?” You asked.
“Soon,” he replied with a smirk. You hoped he meant actually soon and not your parent’s version that would be three hours later. Seeing the two first years finally exit the building with a little boy a couple moments after, it was good to see he was talking in a literal sense. While your classmates took the elementary schooler back to his house you moved to a set of stairs so you wouldn’t be too far from them. It’d be a lie to say that you weren’t still a bit on edge about being in a new country. 
"Did you know that I get into a foul mood when I'm hungry?" You jumped at the sudden voice not even noticing when Kugisaki and Itadori joined you at your space on the steps. 
"Well we made sure the kid got home so let’s grab some food!” Gojo said. 
"Leave it all to me! And you [Name]? Megumi?" Fushiguro ignored him, too busy scrolling through his phone to acknowledge his teacher. 
"As long as I don’t have to pay, I’m fine with whatever," you yawned. 
"Okay, let's go!"
After another one of Itadori and Kugisaki's arguments the four of you happily agreed on steak joint, much to Fushiguro's dismay, and were now heading to it. All the boys were walking in the front leaving you with the brunette in the back. It was painfully silent between the two of you. Neither bothering to take the first step in killing the awkward moment.
"[Last Name], right? I like your," she made a gesture at her own bob," hair. It's really pretty."
At the unexpected compliment you grinned,"Thanks, yours too." 
"How tacky do you think the dorms are gonna be?"
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anarchy-and-piglins · 5 months
this is a weird tangent but I saw that one scythe anon and my brain went wild
I cant stop thinking abt Techno and Phil and peeps with weapons or in a universe similar to RWBY. I used to be like super super hyperfixated on the show when I was younger so thinking abt Techno with a weapon like crescent rose is sick as hell and my brains dream come true.
Especially because RWBY has some pretty interesting lore and takes on discrimination for Faunus (aka hybrids!!!)
Syndicate RWBY AU would fucking slap not going to lie.
Their team would be called TRPN (pronounced Trypan, as a reference to trypan blue and other such dyes. Especially relevant since those dyes are used to color dead tissue so you got a cool link to death and stuff!)
They're an all faunus team! Which makes them pretty unique.
Techno is the leader, some kind of boar faunus probably. His weapon is a sword that can change shape and size (broadsword, rapier, big ass anime sword, little tiny dagger, whatever he needs) and uses dust built in kinda like Weiss' weapon.
Phil is a crow faunus, naturally. His weapon is a crossbow that turns into a double bladed scythe.
Niki is a cat faunus (cat girl niki supremacy) and her weapon is an axe that folds into a glock just because I think Niki deserves a fucking glock.
Then Ranboo, I don't really know what kind of faunus he'd be bc of the whole enderman thing. Maybe an albino ferret? I think that'd be cute. His weapon is a huge shield that has kusarigama built into them (think Futaba from madoka magica because she's my girl and she reminds me of ranboo a lot)
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genevawrenn · 7 months
My headcanons I use within my writing from DSMP, QSMP and beyond;
Dream SMP: -Emerald earrings are given to those blessed by the Death Goddess, which includes; c!Techno, c!Philza, c!Niki, c!Ranboo, c!Eret, c!Foolish, c!Wilbur and c!Tommy -c!Techno, c!Philza, c!Eret, c!Foolish are ageless beings who can travel across the Realms -c!Philza uses his crows to send messages across the servers and dimensions -c!Techno and c!Phil can force their will upon Wither creatures to somewhat guide their decisions, they are still rather unruly beings -c!Techno's hound army is made up of the souls of those he and Phil defeated in battle -c!Techno can summon them at any time to do his bidding -c!Techno and c!Phil can make the conscious decision to leave a realm when they feel they have accomplished enough -c!Phil wears a braid that now has seven beads around the end in my QSMP tellings; Rose pink (Techno), daffodil yellow (Wilbur), leaf green (himself), blood red (Tommy), indigo purple (Ranboo), caramel brown (Niki), ocean blue (Chayanne) and gold (Tallulah) -c! and q!Phil suffered from injuries that greatly reduced his ability to fly for long periods of time, in some of my tellings he loses one or both wings all together depending on the canon the story decides while I write it -c!Eret is also known as Themis, where c!Foolish is their Undying Totem -c!Eret is blind from the long-term exposure to Withers from when they were set to be sacrificed by a Wither Cult. The only way to prevent the diseases progression was the Death Goddess' blessing. -c!Eret is related to Herobrine, where c!Foolish is the Death Goddess' first child with DreamXD until he went off on a power trip. Then She found c!Phil and had c!Wilbur. Which means technicially, c!Foolish and c!Wilbur are stepbrothers in my pantheon. -c!Eret contracted c!Techno to assassinate c!George when he was crowned after c!Eret was dethroned. c!Techno's only exception to his anarchist demands is c!Eret because they are fair and leave him alone, threatening c!Dream to do the same post c!Eret getting their throne back -c!Wilbur can also communicate using his Mother's crows, whether that be within the same server or across dimensions -c!Techno went to comfort c!Tubbo after the fireworks execution cause c!Techno might act like an emotionless badass, but he will always have a soft spot for youth -The Death Goddess is the one who prepares souls for their next chance or ferries them off to their afterlife -Herobrine controls all limbos (I also dubbed them 'the Unknown One') -DreamXD's controls travel between dimensions primarily, the Goddess can also use this ability -c!Ranboo's earrings all have meanings; a small L’Manburg flag (a momento to the nation lost), a bee (c!Tubbo), an allium (c!Tommy), a fox (c!Fundy) and a cookie (c!Niki) all hung from silver chains beside the gold-gilded emerald -The scars of previous deaths persist on your skin in the DSMP universe, as a reminder of how you died. -c!Eret is Harpocrates in the Syndicate, there was just never an opportunity to reveal themself as such. They were sworn in shortly after c!George's assassination.
-c!Technoblade and c!Philza make a point of brushing and braiding each others hair every morning they live together.
ALRIGHT QSMP TIME; -Everyone forgot their previous lives except q!Philza, the Angel of Death, for the first few weeks of that world. Also q!Wilbur, q!Niki, q!Bbh, q!Foolish -q!Philza still closely guards the emerald earring he will always wear
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demonicappetite · 2 months
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a rose by any other name
a captive prince mob au
II. Cul-de-sac
He was shorter than Damen and maybe a bit younger, Damen couldn’t really tell with the mask confining the man’s face. Though the few things that the mask drew attention to were the eyes, dark blue resting between long, fair eyelashes; and his mouth, two horizontal drops of Merlot that demanded a separate painting. The stars varying in size on his mask had the color of foil engravings of the ceiling, his hair added a different shade on the palette of brightness. Damen’s palms itched with the phantom feeling of his camera and the shutter sound going off with the satisfaction of capturing something exquisite.
Damianos Valens, heir presumptive to the Lions, a formidable criminal syndicate, meets Laurent de Vere, the younger son of their historic rivals, the Pythons. Without the highly unnecessary additions, it was simpler: Damen meets Laurent.
The second chapter of my Captive Prince mafia au is now available on AO3 <3
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minie-mastermind · 3 months
Eternal Evil Head Cannon
My Earth 3 Crime Syndicate & world
(Crime Syndicate)
Owlman Aka Thomas Wayne Jr.
Ultraman Aka Klark Kent
Superwoman Aka Lois Lane
Johnny Quick Aka Jonathan Chambers
Power Ring Aka John Stewart
(Owlman Aka Thomas Wayne Jr.)
Talon i Aka Flamebird Aka Jim Gordon Jr.
Talon ii Aka Renegade Aka Jason Todd  
Talon iii Aka Hawkfire Aka Carrie Kelly
Talon iiii Aka Furry Aka Helena Bertinelli/Wayne
She-Bat Aka Magpie Aka Maggie Kyle
The Stalker Aka Jack Ryder
Rubber Bandit Aka Patrick O'Brian
Phantasum Aka Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan
Heretic Aka Cassandra Cain
Nightwing Aka Katherine Webb-Kane power from Medallion of Acrata taken from Andrea Rojas
Red Wing Aka Bette Kane power from the Meltdown Suit
Spitfire Aka Harper Row cyberneticly enhanced by Sarah Charles with parts from LeTonya Charles
Black Light Aka Duke Thomas
Death Mask Aka Gavin King with powers from Tektites nanotechnology
The Vulture Aka Tim Fox
The Stranger ii Aka Renee Montoya
(Ultraman Aka Klark Kent)
Assassin Bug Aka Irwin Schwab
Black Power Aka Jefferson Pierce
Shock Aka Anissa Pierce
Awe Aka Jennifer Pierce
Wolf & Bane Aka Rose Canton
Grid Aka Victor Stone R.I.P.
Hazard Aka Grant Albert Emerson
Warpath Aka Maggie Sawyer with powers from Karen Lou Faulkner
Terrible Turpin Aka Dan Turpin power from The Dark Seed made by New Apokolips Cult
Gang Warrior Aka José Delgado power from Powerhouse Formula
Valor Guard Aka Tanya Spears power from Alpha Centurion armour
Bibbo Bibbowski owner of the Ace's Club & holder of the Ace Armour originally the Rook Armour made by Derek Reston
The Sun Slinger Aka Steve Lombard power from Frederic Fowe's solar healing ray
Black Beetle Aka Michael Carter
Wormwood Aka David Reid with power of the Sword of Hyperiex
(Superwoman Aka Lois Lane)
Satan Girl Aka Kara Danvers power from Forge
Galatea Aka Donna Troy copy of Queen Diana Prince & last weapon of Demon Island
Olympia Aka Cassie Sandsmart
Requiem Aka Artemis the Shim'Tar of the Daughters of Arse wielder of the Bow of Arse
Annataz Arataz
Doctor Chaos ii Aka Khalid Nassour
Swamp King Aka Alexander Olsen
Bagman Aka Rory Regan took the Suit of Souls from Gerry Regan R.I.P.
Sapphire Fiend Aka Marlene Bloomberg power from the demonic skin of Daniel Patrick Cassidy
Deadly Nightshade Aka Susan Linden
Sorceress Aka June Moone
Jason Blood possessed by Asmodel
The Sirit Xanadu Aka Nimue Inwudu turn into a ghost by Trigon
Marilyn Midnight the Spirit of Cetropolis
Mary MAZAHS Aka Mary Mayhem Aka Mary Bromfield
(Johnny Quick Aka Jonathan Chambers)
Infero Aka Beatriz da Costa & Frostbite Aka Tora Olafsdotter
Enforcer Aka Guy Gardener Ex Owner Warrior Veronna
Scarlet Scarub ii Aka Ted Kord
Vamp Aka Mari McCabe 
The Molder Aka Ralph Dibny
Steel Wolf Aka Dmitri Dmitriyevich Pushkin power suit from the Crimson Missile Corpse
Blüdwind Aka Raphael Arce
Elemental Man ii Aka William Everett iii
Red Claw Aka Vivian D'Aramis
Star-Tsar Aka Leonid Kovar
Gold Rush Aka Alix Harrower
Animal King Aka Bernhard Baker 
Silver Siclone ii created by Thomas Oscar Morrow
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
(Power Ring)
Blue Bowman Aka Oliver Queen
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance
Bolt ii Aka Mia Dearden
Atomica Aka Rhonda Pineda the first 'Made Man' power from Dyno Might Aka Ray Palme
Sky Tyrant Aka Carter Hall
Blood Wing Aka Kendra Saunders
Warwolf Aka Lobo
Nightmare Aka Nia Nal
Mister Misfortune ll Aka Shilo Norman
Death Storm Aka Professor Martin Stein & Ronnie Raymond R.I.P.
Break Dance Aka Virgil Ovid Hawkins
Night Flier Aka Adam Strange
Mars Boy cloned from Alexander Luther & The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Conner Kent)
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
(Legion Of Justice)
Alexander Luthor
Genral Grodd
Lonar the New God
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel
Venus Aka Pamela Lillian Isley
Devil Ray Aka David Milton Hyde
Power Tower Aka Doris Zuel
Savanna Aka Barbara Ann Minerva
Omega created by Professor Anthony Ivo
Apocalypse Girl Aka Clara Kendall created by Professor Anthony Ivo & Thomas Oscar Morrow
Thaal Sinestro holder of the Yellow ring of Terror
(Justice Underground)
Genral Grodd
Sir Sonar Aka Bito Wladon
Lady Sonar Aka Ilana Wladon
Doctor Pychie Aka Edgar Cizko
Doctor Venomous Aka Princess Maru
Odysseus i Aka Morgan Ducard
Equinox Aka Justin Ballantine
Black Swan Aka Vanessa Kapatelis
Multitude Aka Danton Black
La Hechicera Aka Lourdes Lucero
Jackie Frost Aka Caitlin Snow
Dr. Eclipso Aka Bruce Gordon possessed by Aztar
Chance Aka Veronica Sinclair
The Abominable Snowman Aka Byrna Brilyant
Meltdown Aka Michael Miller
Live Fire Aka Floyd Lawton
Lightning Aka Lawrence "Larry" Bolatinsky
Tomestone Aka the corpse of Sheriff Cyrus Gold revived
Kirke (Anti-Matter counter part to Circe)
Powerhouse Aka Roland Desmond ex police officer of Blüdhaven power from Powerhouse formula made by Mark Desmond
Mayor Maximillian Shreck
Commissioner Cobblepot
Captain Rupert Thorne
Captain Carlton Duquesne
Detective Edward Nashton Aka Enigma
Officer Victor Zsasz
(PDC Gangbuster Unit)
Police Captain Bruno Mannheim
Mayor Morgan Edge
New Rotterdam (Anti-Matter counter part to Gotham)
Cetropolis (Anti-Matter counter part to Metropolis)
Seaboard (Anti-Matter counter part to Coast)
Midway (Anti-Matter counter part to Central)
Starling (Anti-Matter counter part to Star)
Beckville (Anti-Matter counter part to Fawcett)
(The Mystery Mask Society Aka New Rotterdam Justice Underground)
Orpheus Aka Roman Sionis
Morpheus Aka Dr. Francine Langstrom R.I.P.
Janus Aka Harvey Dent Wayne Industries ex defence attorney
Reaper Aka Andrea Beaumont fiancé to Julian Caspian R.I.P. mentored by Judson Caspian
Doctor Achilles Milo creator Anthony "Lupine" Lupus
Maxie Hades Aka Maxwell Zues (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxwell Zues)
Siren Aka Iris Phelios
Hydra Aka Waylon Jones
White Knight Aka Warren White ex DA
Apollo (Anti-Matter counter part to Prometheus)
Clayface l Aka Julie Madison
Clayface ll Aka Ethan Bennett
Clayface lll Aka Alain Mauricet
Clayface llll Aka Dean Devereaux
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(New Rotterdam City Vigilantes)
Manhunter Aka Thomas "Big Game" Blake
The Musketeer Aka Mortimer Drake
Silance Aka Thomas Elliot
Charaxes Aka Drury Walker power by Dr. Roderick Rose
Wraith Aka Elliot Caldwell &
Shadow Aka Clyde Anderson 
Mrs. Zero Aka Nora Fries
Astro Anne Aka Roxanne Sutton
Stayman Aka Effigy Aka Jonathan Crane
Skeleton Key Aka Lyle Bolton
Professor Hugo Strange & his Paladins
White Rabbit Aka King Of Hearts Aka Jervis Tetch
The Puppeteer Aka Slam Bradley Aka Arnold Wesker
Sea Wolf Aka Grace Balin
Dollhouse Aka Mary Louise Dahl
Arkham Angel i Aka Vicky Vale/Arkham
Arkham Angel ii Aka Astrid Arkham
(New Rotterdam City Criminals)
Owlwoman i Aka Katrina Moldoff
Owlwoman ii Aka Sonia Alcana, Kathy Duquesne & Rocky Ballantine
(The Harpy's Of New Rotterdam)
Mrs. Zero Aka Nora Fries
Red Hood Aka Alexis Kaye
Black Bat Aka Francine Lee
(Justice Underground Insiders)
Black Power Aka Jefferson Pierce
Tsukuri Aka Tatsu Yamashiro
Transmuto Aka Rex Mason
Terra-Force Aka Prince Brion Markov
Model Citizen Aka Emily Briggs
Aurora Aka Gabrielle Doe
Violet created by C.O.M.P.U.T.O. 8 (Anti-Matter counter part to Indigo)
(Justice Guild)
Pinkerton Ghost Aka James Craddock
Shadow Sheriff Aka Carl Sands
Mister Black Aka Richard Swift
Matter Mage Aka Mark Mandrill
Dummy i Aka Peter Merkel
Loin-Miss l Aka Priscilla Rich
Loin-Miss ll Aka Deborah "Debbi" Domaine
Iceberg i Aka Joar Mahkent
Iceberg ii Aka Cameron Mahkent
Sportsman Aka Lawrence Crock
Pantheress Aka Paula Brooks Crock
Crusher Aka Artemis Crock
Terra-Mancer Aka Adam Fells
Warlock Aka William Zard
Music Master Aka Isaac Bowin
Brainpower i Aka Henry King Sr
Johnny Misery Aka Jonathan Sorrow
King Basilisk Aka Shiro Ito (Anti-Matter counter part to Dragon King)
Saber Aka Cindy Burman
Brainstorm i Aka Clifford DeVoe
Black Jack Aka Steven Sharpe i
Black Jack Aka Steven Sharpe ii
Roulette Aka Rebecca Sharpe
Challenger Aka Edward Clariss
Card Queen Aka Molly Mayne
Captain Thunder Aka Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam
Tomestone Aka the corpse of Sheriff Cyrus Gold revived
Cival Sage (Anti-Matter counter part to Vandal Savage)
Yellow Bee (Anti-Matter counter part to Yellow Wasp)
Golden Bee (Anti-Matter counter part to Killer Wasp)
Whitebriar Rose (Anti-Matter counter part to Blackbriar Thorn)
(Crime Lodge)
Streak Aka Jay Garrick
Emerald Knight Aka Alan Scott using the Heart of Chaos
Emerald Aka Jennifer-Lynn Hayden
Oblivion Aka Todd James Rice
Johnny "Thunderer" Thunder with the power of Yz
Mad Dog i Aka Ted Grant 
Mad Dog ii Aka Yolanda Montez
Mad Dog iii Aka Tom Bronson
Bogeyman i Aka Wesley Dodds
Bogeyman ii Aka Garrett Sanford
Bogeyman iii Aka Sandy Hawkins
The Clock Aka Rex Tyler
Mr Horrific i Aka Terry Sloane
Mr Horrific ii Aka Michael Holt
Atomico Aka Grant Albert Pratt
Elemental Man i Aka William Everett, Sr.
Southwind Aka Norda Cantrell
White Cat Aka Dinah Drake
Brainpower ii Aka Henry King, Jr.
Doctor Chaos i Aka Kent Nelson
Doctor Noon i Aka Charles McNider
Doctor Noon ii Aka Elizabeth "Beth" Chapel
Commander Iron Aka Nathaniel "Nathan" Heywood
Phantom Aka Jim Corrigan possessed by Galid
Skully Aka S.K.U.L.L. AKA Pat Dugan & Cross Bones Boy Aka Sylvester Pemberton
Radion Aka Terrence Kurtzberger
Fusion Aka Fallout Aka Albert Julian Rothstein
Silver Siclone i Aka Abigail Hunkel
Twister Aka Maxine Hunkel
Spaceman i Aka Ted Knight
Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
Sky Tyrant Aka Carter Hall
Blood Wing Aka Kendra Saunders
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
(Entropy Inc.)
Emerald Aka Jennifer-Lynn Hayden
Oblivion Aka Todd James Rice
Mad Dog ii Aka Yolanda Montez
Mad Dog iii Aka Tom Bronson
Southwind Aka Norda Cantrell
Brainpower ii Aka Henry King, Jr.
Doctor Noon ii Aka Elizabeth "Beth" Chapel
Fusion Aka Fallout Aka Albert Julian Rothstein
Twister Aka Maxine Hunkel
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
(Young Offenders)
Hawkfire Aka Carrie Kelly
Olympia Aka Cassie Sandsmart
Mars Boy cloned from Alexander Luther & The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Conner Kent)
Speed Freak Aka Bartholomew Henry "Bart" Allen II
Remnant grown from the blood of Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Slobo)
Priestess Aka Anita Fite
Revenant Aka Greta Hayes
Miss Fire Aka Cissie King-Jones
(Teen Tyrants)
Flamebird Aka Jim Gordon Jr.
Wildfire Aka Koriand'r
Mirage Aka Tennyo Kushna Daughter of Rama Kushna & Katarou (Anti-Matter counter part to Raven)
Changling Aka Garfield Logan
Grid Aka Victor Stone R.I.P.
Geo Aka Tara Markov
Ballistic Aka Amy Sue Allen
Speed Zone Aka Wallace R. West
Riptide Aka Jackson Hyde Aka Kaldur'ahm
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(Young/New Syndicate)
Miss Maneater Aka M'gann M'orzz 
Tempest Aka Garth
Deadeye Aka Connor Hawke
Slipstream Aka Jesse Chambers
Mantis Aka Jamie Raynes
(Young Defenders)
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Klarion the kid Crusader
Anarky Aka Tim Drake
Toymaster iii Aka Hiro Okamura
Weather Witch Aka Joss Jackam
Black Arrow Aka Tommy Merlyn
Whitago Aka Miiyahbin Marten
Blaze Aka Keli Quintela Clonus's Effigy Gauntlet
Psi Kid Aka Sammy Stryker agent the of Psi-Ops Programme
(Young Underground)
Zero Aka Ivruskin son of Faora & Avruskin
Short Circuit Aka Julien Jourdain
Elastic Lad Aka Luke O'Brian
Amaxon Thunder Aka Aresia using Amaxon artifacts from the High Sisterhood of Hippolita Cult
Purifire Aka Aubrey Sparks power from Ignition the second Forge
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(The Angel's Sword)
Michael Al Malak/Wayne son of Cain
War Hound Aka Xiomara Rojas
Psionic Lass Aka Kathy Branden
Roughhouse Aka William Wu
Omega Kid Aka Reggie Meyer
Chernobog (Anti-Matter counter part to Flatline)
Brimstone (Anti-Matter counter part to Djinn)
Red Dart Aka Emiko Queen
(Teen Legion)
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
The Whize Aka Leonard "Lenny" Luthor
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Vis Majeure Aka Penny Booker
Cruise Aka Edward "Eddie" Thawne
Selkie Aka Ruth Lauer Aka Ra'ut L'lwer
Matrix Aka Roni Evers
Bobcat Aka Samuel Ballesteros
(The Revolutionaries)
Time Keeper Aka Temple Fugate
Marauder ii Aka Rose Wilson agent of the Amerikan Military
Lightning Strike Aka Terrence Bolatinsky agent of Justice Underground
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble agent of Human Supremacist Movement
Disastrous Aka Angelica Smith agent of H.I.V.E.
Kid Cobra Aka Nathan Prince agent of the Ouroboros Order
(The Rebellion)
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
Brainwave Aka Bernard "Barney" Venton
Violet created by C.O.M.P.U.T.O. 8 (Anti-Matter counter part to Indigo)
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble
Bestiary Aka Samuel Register
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
(Rebels For Rent / The Rebels)
Marauder ii Aka Rose Wilson
Kitsune Aka Jade Nguyen
Lieutenant Lightning Aka Behrad Tarazi
Ink ii Aka Mark Richards
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Ember Aka Carla Moretti
(The Resistance)
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
Klarion the kid Crusader
Mar closed from The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Match)
Kwiz Kid (Anti-Matter counter part to Enigma)
Ballistic Aka Amy Sue Allen
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
(The Ouroboros Order)
King Cobra l Aka Sameer Park
Queen Cobra Aka Larissa Diaz
Kid Cobra Aka Nathan Prince
(Barbatos Cult)
Black Bat Aka Francine Lee
Morpheus Aka Dr. Francine Langstrom R.I.P.
(The Magic Underground)
Brother Light Aka Eldon Peck
Cinder (Anti-Matter counter part to Ember)
Dark Angel Aka Lori Zechlin
Romdur the Merciful (Anti-Matter counter part to Mordru the Merciless)
Morgan Le Fay the rightful Queen of England
Darkness Mistress Aka Sir Ystin wielding the Sword of Night
John Sargent the Spellcaster user of the Ruby of Life
Jaimini Sargent the Spellcaster user of the Ruby of Life
Night Nurse Aka Suriel possessing Alice Winter (Anti-Matter counter part to Nightmare Nurse)
Felix Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Felix Faust)
Fauna Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Fauna Faust)
Sebastian Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Sebastian Faust)
(The Pentacle Pact)
J.J. Thunderer Aka Jakeem Williams with the power of Yz
Klarion the kid Crusader
Daughter 13 Aka Tracy Thirteen
Damon Arataz (Anti-Matter counter part to Zachary Zatara)
Hex Aka Ginny Hex the artefact hunter
(Human Supremacist Movement)
Cole Parker the Human Supremacist Movement founder, leader & head engineer
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble
(The Knighthood)
Brother Blood Aka Niccolai Tepes
The Knight Aka Natalia Mitternacht
The Slayer Aka Anton Mitternacht
Talon ii Aka Renegade Aka Jason Todd  
Superiorman "Soups" Aka Nullman ii Aka John Corben member of the Outsiders (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Akila runaway of The Daughters of Ares
FBI Agent Simon Baz
Ace of Spades Killer Aka Liza Warner
Long Shot Aka Jessica Cruz the globe trotting assassin
James Gordon the mob boss of all New Rotterdam City & agent of Owlman
Sister Selina Kyle of church of satanism
Steven "Shifty" Drake
the Human Target Aka Jonathan Drew
Code Name : Assassin Aka Christopher Chance
Overlord Aka Travis Morgan Amerikan defector & ruler of Skartaris
Doctor Leslie Thompkins Head of Arkham Asylum
Lucius Fox head of Wayne Industries tech division & arms dealer
Natasha Irons apprentice to Lucius Fox and employee of Wayne Industries tech division
Sin the Teenage Assassin Aka Sid Rickard (Anti-Matter counter part to Prez Rickard)
The Freak Aka Big Wheeler (Anti-Matter counter part to Brother Power)
Controller Mu leader of the Darkstars
Blackstar i R.I.P. (Anti-Matter counter part to Evil Star)
Blackstar ii Aka William Hand
Soranik Sinestro
Quanta Walker
(Ultraman Vengeance Squadron)
Mr. Abominable Aka Jimmy Olsen
Metallo Aka John Henry Irons cybernetic's powered by K-Metal
Daughter 13 Aka Tracy Thirteen
Insect Queen Aka Lana Lang & Zazzala ex owner Marcia Monroe 
Centaur clone of Jim Harper
(Cetropolis Vigilantes)
Liberator Aka Nullman i Aka Rudy Jones (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Cyborg Ultraman Aka Henry Henshaw ex leader of Excalibur using the modified body of Rudy Jones
Superiorman "Soups" Aka Nullman ii Aka John Corben member of the Outsiders (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Supernova Aka Nullman iii Aka K. Russell Abernathy powered by K-Metal (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro & Nuclear Man)
Black Banshee Aka Siobhan McDougal
Dead Air Aka Leslie Willis
Phosphorus Aka Claire Selton
Atomic Knight Aka Joseph Martin created by Doctor Albert Michaels
Officer Grflznk
Warden Aka Carl Draper
Castellan Aka Carla Draper
Toymaster i Aka Winslow Schott
Toymaster ii Aka Jack Nimball
Red Hood Aka Oswald Loomis the one man Red Hood gang of Centropolis
Armory Aka Mickey DuBois powers from Alexander Luther
Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Doomsday)
(Seaboard City Vigilantes)
Repulse Aka Neal Emerson
Ink i Aka Abel Tarrant
Ink ii Aka Mark Richards
Dummy i Aka Peter Merkel
Dummy ii Aka Peter Merkel, Jr.
Force Majeure Aka Paul Booker
(Midway City Vigilantes)
The Alchemist Aka Barry Allen
Tortoise (Anti-Matter counter part to Turtle)
Cival Sage (Anti-Matter counter part to Vandal Savage)
Brainstorm i Aka Clifford DeVoe
Brainstorm ii Aka Cliff Carmichael
Locust Aka Elizabeth Hersch R.I.P.
Godspeed (Anti-Matter counter part to Savitar)
Blue Flame Aka Malcolm Thawne using the Cobalt Stone
Gold Heart Aka Keith Kenyon & Silver Smith Aka Amunet Black
Anvil Aka Anthony Woodward
Prism Aka Roy G. Bivolo
Mister Element Aka Albert Desmond
Crimson Aka Frances "Francine" Kane
Blight Aka Neil Borman
(The Rogue Hunters)
Commander Cold Aka Leonard "Leo" Snart
Heat Stroke Aka Mick Rory
Weather Warlock Aka Mark Mardon
Trixer i Aka General James Jesse
Trixer ii Aka Axel Walker
Twister Aka Roscoe Dillon
Golden Guardian Aka Lisa Snart
Mirror Monarch i Aka Sergeant Sam Scudder
Mirror Monarch ii Aka Evan McCulloch
Private Piper Aka Hartley Rathaway
Commander Boomerang i Aka George "Digger" Harkness
Commander Boomerang ii Aka Eowyn "Boomer" Mercer
(Project Chase)
Hot Pursuit Aka Hunter Zolomon
Cruise Aka Edward "Eddie" Thawne
Speed Demon Aka Daniel West
(Sea Devils Aka Atlantis)
Sea King Aka Arthur Curry
Siren Lori Aka Lemaris
Barracuda Aka Orm Marius
Leviathan (Anti-Matter counter part to Lagoon Boy)
Dead Water Aka Peter Mortimer
Fisher King Aka Fisherman
Hippocampi Aka Lorena Marquez first of the Sunken
Piranha Aka Tula Marius the second in command of Orm
Weaponer-500 Hal Jordan
Weaponer-666 Kyle Rainer
(Red Hood Gang The Crimson Avengers)
Red Hood Aka Jack Napier the leader
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel second in command
Red Hood Aka Alexis Kaye
Red Hood Aka Ryan Wilder
Red Hood Aka Elizabeth Kane
Red Hood Aka Dana Harlowe
Red Hood Aka Gaggy Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(Brotherhood Of Good)
Cerebrum (Anti-Matter counter part to the Brain)
Gentleman George (Anti-Matter counter part to Monsieur Mallah)
Miss Shade Aka Laura De Mille
Gemini Aka Gemini De Mille
Port Aka Emil LaSalle
Freakout Aka Angela Hawkins 
Hemo-Goblin Aka Otto von Furth
(Salvage Squad)
Doc Aka Niles Caulder
Elongated-Doll Aka Rita Farr
Positive Man Aka Lawrence Trainor
Automan "Otto" Aka Clifford Steele
Changling Aka Garfield Logan
Plain Jane Aka Kay Challis
Worldspinner Aka Dorothy Spinner
Don the Mean Street
(Fearsome Five)
Jongleur Aka Myron Victor
Splitshot Aka William King
Lagomorph Aka Athena Tremor
Hindenburg Aka Herman Cramer
Tremor Aka Leander Brent
(League Of Light)
Ra's/Sawt Al Malak
Talie Al Malak
Cain (Anti-Matter counter part to Bane)
Black Archer Aka Malcolm Merlyn
Michael Al Malak/Wayne son of Cain
Odysseus ii Aka Maya Ducard
Bruiser Aka Colin Wilkes
(HellRaisers Decision The Satanist Church)
Brother John Constantine
Sister Sabina De La Croix
Father Midnite Aka Linton Midnite
(Order of St. Faust)
Asmodeus Aka Jean-Paul Valley, Jr.
(Metal Marauders)
Doctor William Magnus
(L.A.W. Living Assault Weapons)
W A R Warrior Weapons World Allocation Regent
Commander Steel (Anti-Matter counter part to Sargent Steel)
Armageddon Aka Timothy Zanetti
The Stranger i Aka Vic Sage
Martial Law Aka Ripley Jagger
Scarlet Scarub i Aka Dan Garrett
War Monger Aka Christopher Smith
Midnight Aka Eve Eden
(Starling City Vigilantes)
Artemis Aka Carrie Cutter
General Vertigo Aka Werner Zytle
(Queen Industries / The Bowmen)
Blue Bowman Aka Oliver Queen
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance first mistress of Oliver Queen
Bolt ii Aka Mia Dearden
Pandora Aka Chloe Sullivan archeologist specializing magical Amazon weaponry & second mistress of Oliver Queen
Watchtower Aka Felicity Smoak third mistress of Oliver Queen, hacker & head of Queen Industries cyber security
The Hood Aka John "The Gave Digger" Diggle head of security at Queen Industries & Agent of the Blue Bowman
(Lex Corp)
Alexander Luthor head of Lex Corp & leader of the Legion Of Justice
Ardora Luther wife to Alexander Luthor & Alien Refugee
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
(Future Criminal)
Black Scarab Aka Lily
Rip Hunter the Time Shredder
Anachronos Aka Matthew Ryder
XLR8 Aka Jenny Ognats
(Future Vigilante)
Black Guardian ii Aka Michelle Carter
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
Officer Zoom Aka Eobard Thawne
Hokus Pokus (Anti-Matter counter part to Abracadabra)
The Twin Tornadoes Aka Don Allen & Dawn Allen
(Past Vigilante)
Mister Misfortune l Aka Thaddeus Brown
El Mefisto Aka Lazarus Lane first holder of the spirit of wrath
Jonah Hex mercenary & artefact hunter
Per Degaton last of the Time Trust
(The 101)
Orca Aka Tobias Whale
Stalwart Aka Richard Hertz
(Blackguard Inc.)
Black Guardian i Aka Trixie Collins
(H.I.V.E Aka Hierarchy for International Virtuous Empowerment)
Geo Aka Tara Markov
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Marauder i Aka Grant Wilson R.I.P.
Major Disaster Aka Michael Beldon
Properium (Anti-Matter counter part to Protex)
A-Ternal (Anti-Matter counter part to A-Mortal)
Armakine (Anti-Matter counter part to Armek)
Morphxus (Anti-Matter counter part to Fluxus)
Primeve (Anti-Matter counter part to Primaid)
Ironix (Anti-Matter counter part to Tronix)
Xentury (Anti-Matter counter part to Zenturion)
Shüt (Anti-Matter counter part to ZüM)
Kingdom Aka Jackson Hawk
Jen Volt
The Maker Aka Dr. Angela Spica
Raptor Aka Shen Li-Men
Phoebus & Nightfall (Anti-Matter counter part to Apollo & Midnighter)
The Shaman Aka Jeroen Thornedike
Eradicator Aka Vera Lynn Black
United Jack Aka Manchester Black
Vulcan Aka Nathan Craig Jones
Chimera Aka Pamela
The Dragon Aka Rampotatek
(Amerikan Military)
Major Trouble Aka Joseph Jones
Agent Chain Aka Benjamin Lockwood of Children of Chains
Commander Hector Hammond the head of the Psi-Ops Programme
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Shepherd Aka Joseph Wilson agent of the Psi-Ops Programme
Psi Kid Aka Sammy Stryker agent the of Psi-Ops Programme
Pilgrim Aka Steve Trevor
Amanda Waller Director of the Ghost Initiative
Genral Nathaniel Christopher Adam head of the Armageddon Project
Major General Clifford Zmeck husband to Helen Zanetti & the onsite head the Armageddon Project
Lieutenant Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane agent of Project M & head of the Creeps Company
(The Armageddon Project)
Armageddon Aka Timothy Zanetti
Onslaught Aka Max Thrane
Genral Nathaniel Christopher Adam head of the Armageddon Project
Major General Clifford Zmeck husband to Helen Zanetti & the onsite head the Armageddon Project
(Project M "Monstrosity" / Creeps Company)
Lieutenant Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane agent of Project M & head of the Creeps Company
Lady Frankenstein Aka Bride of Frankenstein
Anthony "Lupine" Lupus
Andrew "Bloody Bennett" Bennett
Kha-Ef-Re the Sun "Sunny" King
(The Green)
Venus Aka Pamela Lillian Isley
Swamp King Aka Alexander Olsen
(Order Of Andromeda)
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
Valor Guard Aka Tanya Spears power from Alpha Centurion armour
The Andromeda Madonna Aka Ultrawoman Aka Dana Dearden
(The Republic Of Kahndaq)
Captain Thunder Aka Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam
Lieutenant Lightning Aka Behrad Tarazi
Sargent Storm Aka Zari Adrianna Tomaz
(Overlords Of Oha)
The Interceptors (Anti-Matter counter part to The Manhunters)
Interceptors Highmistress Aka Alpha (Anti-Matter counter part to Aya)
(High Priestess Of Zamaron)
The Unseen Lantern Corps (Anti-Matter counter part to Ultra Violet & Dark Lantern)
Infrared Aka Carol Ferris
Atrocitus The Unseen Lantern
Lyssan Drak holder of the book of Unseen Light
(Cosmic Citizens)
Star Taxie Aka Rokko
Infinitus the Multi-Alien Aka Sojourner "Jo" Mullein
Princess Neila (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxima)
Starro the unifier
Saint Walker failed prophet of the Astonia star doomsday cult & harold to Starro
C.O.M.P.U.T.O. (Civilizations Oncoming Meltdown Preservation Universal Transport Operator) hosted by Vril Dox
Hyperiex (Anti-Matter counter part to Imperiex)
Maximilian Lord Ex Attorney for the Crime Syndicate (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxwell Lord)
S@v0ur (Anti-Matter counter part to Kilg%re)
Terror Twins Shifter Aka Jayna & Downpour Aka Zan
Long Shadow Aka Holling Longshadow
Surge (Anti-Matter counter part to Black Vulcan)
Wind Dragon Aka Toshio Eto
(Happy "Hellion" Harbour)
Lucas "Snapper" Carr leader of the Snappers Street Gang
(Rings Of The Emotional Spectrum)
Raga holder of the Red ring of Furry
Yalan Gur holder of the Orange ring of Gluttony
Arisia holder of the Pink ring of Passion
Thaal Sinestro holder of the Yellow ring of Terror
Mongul holder of the Blue ring of Faith
Empero holder of the Indigo ring of Empathy (Anti-Matter counter part to Despero)
Power Ring Aka John Stewart holder of the Green ring of Resolve
(Sivana Squad)
Cabi The First Aka Cononel Thaddeus Sivana (Anti-Matter counter part to Ibac the First)
Major Magnificus Sivana grow up on Siegmund Krieger's miracle food
Captain Beautia Sivana holder of the Cloak of Darkness
General Georgia Sivana co creator & pilot for the Miss Atom Armour (Anti-Matter counter part to Mr. Atom)
Cabbas Aka Sargent Thaddeus Sivana, Jr. (Anti-Matter counter part to Sabbac)
Super-Humanite Aka Gerard Shugel's mind placed in the boy of an Albino Gorilla
Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Doomsday)
Snow Queen Aka Delores Winters's mind placed in the boy of Ice Queen Aka Sigrid Nansen R.I.P.
Samson Aka Xavier Simon's mind placed in the boy of a Sivlerback Gorilla
Powerman Aka Morgan Wilde's mind placed in the boy of an Ultraman android
(H.I.V.E. Five)
Commando Aka Simon Jones ex agent of the Psi-Ops Programme
Mastodon Aka Baran Flinders
Glimmer Aka Selinda Flinders
Bless (Anti-Matter counter part to Jinx)
Gadget Aka Mikron O'Jeneus
(Amaxons of Demon Island)
Diana Prince Queen of Demon Island
Hippolita ex queen, lover of Hades & the pact maker of Demon Island
(Amaxons of κόρες του είναι Aka daughters of Ares)
Antiope first Queen of daughters of ares, the pact breaker and first of the daughter of Arse
Requiem Aka Artemis the Shim'Tar of the daughters of Ares wielder of the Bow of Arse
Akila runaway of The Daughters of Ares
(Alexander Luthor's Test Animal)
Neutro the Ultra-Dog (Anti-Matter counter part to Krypto the Super-Dog)
Hadro the Ultra-Horse (Anti-Matter counter part to Comet the Super-Horse)
Proto the Ultra-Ape (Anti-Matter counter part to Beppo the Super-Ape)
Electro the Ultra-Cat (Anti-Matter counter part to Streaky the Super-Cat)
Negatro the Ultra-Mouse (Anti-Matter counter part to Krypto Mouse)
(Galaxy Communications)
Cat Grant head of GCN
(Checkmate Crewe)
Black King Aka Joseph Carny
White Queen Aka Mona Taylor
Black Bishop (Anti-Matter counter part to Jack of Spades)
Black Knight Aka Wanda Wayland 
White Rook Aka Derek Reston maker of the Rook Armour
(The MAZAHS's Family)
Mistress MAZAHS Aka Lena Luthor
Champion "Champ" Aka Otis Graves
The Whize Aka Leonard "Lenny" Luthor
Ignatius the pet iguana & dragon
(The Wizard MAZAHS's Militia)
The Wizard MAZAHS Aka Mamaragan
MAZAHS Aka William "Will" Batson R.I.P.
MAZAHS Jr. Aka Freddy Freeman R.I.P.
Mary MAZAHS Aka Mary Mayhem Aka Mary Bromfield
Darla Dudley R.I.P.
Eugene Choi R.I.P.
Pedro Peña R.I.P.
Dudley H. Dudley R.I.P. ex head of the Bad News Boys pick pockets
Tawny Tiger the ally cat & tiger
(Wet Works / The Horned Corporation)
Hadrian Aka Yohn Kohl
Sister Cyber Aka Maxine Manchester
Devotee Aka Lady Zannah
Razorback Aka Reno Bryce
Black Magic Aka Priscilla Kitaen
Mangaler Aka Jeremy Stone
Code Red Aka Cole Cash
Scourge Aka Marc Slayton
Rhamnusia Aka Lady Charis of the Adrastea
O.M.A. One Man Army (Anti-Matter counter part to O.M.A.C & T.A.O)
Slaughter Aka Kenesha
Mister Massacre Aka James Bronson Aka Massacros of Khera
Legend (Anti-Matter counter part to Mythos)
Black Zero derived from Experiment B 0 Aka Null Woman Aka Adrianna Tereshkova (Anti-Matter counter part to Void & Bizarro Girl)
(Team 6)
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Amanda Waller
Pilgrim Aka Steve Trevor
John Lynch
Code Red Aka Cole Cash
Jackhammer Aka Alexander Fairchild
Henry Bendix Director of The Weathermen & bonded with the Void entity
Celsius Aka Lauren Pennington
Prima Donna Aka Isabella Fermi
Heaven Sent Aka Nigel Keane
Gashadokuro Aka Toshiro Misawa
Brumal Aka Nikolas Andreyvitch Kamarov
(Ghost Initiative /Ghost Patrol)
Amanda Waller Director of the Ghost Initiative
Colonel Richard Flag, Jr.
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel
Live Fire Aka Floyd Lawton
Man-Shark Aka Nanaue
Commander Boomerang i Aka George "Digger" Harkness
(The Huntresses)
Overwatch Aka Barbara Gordon
Richard "The Gray Ghost" Grayson top assassin of mob boss James Gorden
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance
Talon iiii Aka Furry Aka Helena Bertinelli/Wayne
Condor ii Aka Dawn Granger & Swan ii Aka Holly Granger
Madame Black Mask ii Aka Zinda Blake
(Unalloyed Criminals)
The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus R.I.P.
Streak Aka Barry Allen the one man the Crime Syndicate couldn't catch
Condor i Aka Donald Hall & Swan i Aka Hank Hall
(Black Mask Squadron)
Black Mask Aka Bartholomew "Bart" Hawk
Andre Blanc-Dumont
Carlo "Chuck" Siriani
Madame Black i Aka Natalie Reed
Olaf Friedriksen
Ritter Hendricksen
Stanislaus Drozdowski
Weng Chan
(The Movement)
Commodore Murphy
Cecilia "Cece" Sunbeam
J.P. Houston
Lucia Lynn Houston
Mohammed Qahtanii
(Pokolistan Military)
Zed Aka Avruskin
Faora Right hand woman to Zed Aka Avruskin
Zero Aka Ivruskin son of Faora & Avruskin
Short Circuit Aka Julien Jourdain
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myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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The Ghost of Bugsy Siegel
One of the few original hotels and casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada that remains today is the Flamingo Hotel. This hotel has a very famous ghost residing in its Presidential Suite. At 10:30 P.M. on June 20, 1947 Benjamin Bugsy Siegel a well-known gangster was shot and killed at his girlfriend’s home in Beverly Hills, California.
Siegel rose from the poverty-ridden slums of Brooklyn, New York to become a famous racketeer. Ben as he liked to be called, was tall, charming, athletic and handsome. He had the gift of gab, was a sharp dresser and it was said his piercing blue eyes were fearless. From his early teens Siegel was a successful criminal.
Siegel was also the classic textbook sociopath. He took what he wanted without a thought for his victims. He was a master manipulator of people. He had a long history of robbery, rape and murder. His fellow criminals dubbed him Bugsy because he was known to take jobs others wouldn’t take. He became the mob’s most feared hit man. Bugsy is a fitting nickname because Siegel often would go bugs with anger if others crossed him.
Yet Siegel is not remembered for his crimes but for his flamboyant lifestyle, which included many mob connections and Hollywood friends. He is also remembered because he was one of the first to see the opportunity that Las Vegas, Nevada presented. Because of this his name is synonymous with gambling in Las Vegas. But it would be his association with this town that caused his death.
Siegel seeing Vegas’ potential convinced his mob and Hollywood friends to invest in a project that he assured them would result in quick profits. He started to build a hotel/casino called the Flamingo. The project turned into a money pit costing over 6 million dollars. This drained his mob friends treasury dry. To add insult to injury his mob friends back east, including Meyer Lansky, learned that Siegel was skimming money from the building budget and putting it in numbered Swiss bank accounts.
The mob decided to put a hit out on Siegel. Lansky, who was a close friend of Siegel because Bugsy had saved his neck on several occasions in the past convinced the Syndicate to hold off. He convinced them that the Flamingo was going to be a moneymaker therefore they could get their money back. At its first opening the Flamingo flopped but months later when Siegel reopened the hotel it was a success. But this did not save his life. To this day it is not known if the Syndicate fulfilled the hit contract they had out on Siegel or if other enemies had him killed. His murder was done mob style. The Syndicate did take over the Flamingo after Siegel’s death.
Las Vegas is no longer owned by the mob. The Hilton Corporation owns the Flamingo Hotel and Casino today. In 1997 the Flamingo celebrated its 50th anniversary. It is the fourth largest hotel in the world with more than 3,500 guest rooms. Siegel was not mentioned during the anniversary celebration. As one writer put it:
“…the lesson that the life of Benjamin Bugsy Siegel imparts on us: a killer with a good idea is, after all, just another bum.”
But the sightings of Siegel’s ghost indicate that he is pleased that his predictions for Las Vegas came true. Since his death, many witnesses have seen Siegel’s ghost at the Flamingo Hotel. For four years before his death in Beverly Hills, Bugsy lived in the Presidential Suite at the Flamingo. Guests that have stayed in this room have reported many strange encounters.
Moving cold spots are reported and objects vanish or are moved around the suite. Witnesses have seen his apparition in the bathroom and near the suite’s pool table. It is reported that he appears to be happy and content to still be present. Some witnesses state he looks to be pleased about something. Maybe he is happy that Las Vegas turned out how he envisioned it.
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cloudbattrolls · 4 months
So Far to Fall
This drabble is preceded by To Stave Off the End and followed by In Cold Blood.
Ullane Wistim & Epsilo Volant | Present Night
Late twilight hung over Chimer’s estate in a beautiful dark shade of blue, the color of relief from a recently set sun. 
The hive cast in warm glow and dark shadows was elegant without being opulent, a more lowkey building than one might expect to belong to a fuchsia. It had some well-maintained trees and a wild lawn, standing a short ways from other, similar hives also owned by highbloods in the rural area. 
In this part of Alternia, the dangerous local wildlife was kept under careful control by those who enjoyed hunting them. There were very few murders; most trolls around had what they needed. Lusii that ate trolls were forbidden, and culled if brought in. 
Ullane sat by the duck pond near the hive on a long low-set wicker lawn chair, watched the birds bob peacefully in the water, and was so bored she felt like she might start screaming.
She should be grateful, she knew, as she idly shredded grass with her hands. She was as safe as she could be, and had gotten off far more lightly than she deserved.
Yet she couldn’t contact her friends. Couldn’t make any sort of communication that could be tracked by the grey mob. 
They might still be hunting her.
She had made the trip here about a perigee ago disguised and under cloaking tech, but after the trial, they certainly would have put together how one of their number had been imprisoned. They may have also realized how another had lost an hour of his memory. 
Ullane now dressed in hemoanon colors whenever she stepped outside, and had swapped her symbol for a different one. She had stopped dying her hair and covering the marks on her face. 
She had - with slight reluctance - stopped wearing her contacts, letting her true violet-tinged eyes show. One could never be too careful. 
Her tail, too, flowed unbound behind her.
The former clinic administrator stared up at the stars starting to appear in the sky, a slight breeze rustling through the trees and tossing her ponytail.
She wasn’t sure what was more fantastical; having once been willingly possessed by a horrorterror and working with him to wrench her clinic away from the gang she had worked for, or being pursued by a different criminal syndicate after successfully escaping their attempt to frame her for murder.
The yellowblood thought of the lost Varzims. She’d seen Zanzul last when the violet had talked to Calcit for her, and Thrixe some time before the whole business started. 
Why was she safe, and they were trapped in the furthest ring? 
Nothing about her life made sense.
Only science ever had.
The lowblood fed the ducks some lettuce, scattering it over the water as they quacked and gathered to eat it, jostling for the leafy scraps.
Then she got up, and walked back inside with a blank expression. 
Hours passed in which she tried to read research papers, then cleaned the hive in the vain hope any excess dust had manifested since last night. She exercised, ate without really thinking about it, and fed her lusus his own dinner. 
Eventually, as dawn began to creep over the hive, she slipped into her recuperacoon and went to sleep.
Ullane sat bolt upright, gasping. Salt water welled from her mouth. She was - she was -
The water surrounding her rippled darkly, crushing down on her back and shoulders, yet she was not crushed. Violet tinged the liquid, galaxies of glowing lights slowly rising out of its depths, as if appearing from fog. 
She floated, suspended in this strange abyss, yet something about it was intimately familiar.
“Uryali.” she whispered.
She felt a rush of confirmation, of…relief?
What relief could she bring the Muted?
My DeScENDAANTSss are imPrISONED in the RING, came the voice that rose and fell in layered harmonies, a deep undercurrent of sadness welling through it. 
YoUUU heLPEd Us OOnCEE, MEDIIC. hElPP mE AGAAINN, foRR PESTILEnCE caaNNOT. THe fAEE have baRRED theiR reALMSss. buT yoU and I coULD opEEN thE wAY. 
“I am no medic.” She said softly. “Stripped of my title, my license.”
She felt…amusement? Amusement, and a hint of disdain.
alWAysS a mEDIC, medICC. yoU hEAL wITHoUT lAW. 
Ullane had no retort to that, and felt Uryali’s satisfaction.
“Who?” She said with a frown.
hE PREDIictED theSE eVENTss. He Is a POWErful PRophet…or WAs.
Sadness again crashed over her like a wave.
“Why should I find him?”
oNlY hE cAN guIDE my DescENDANTS hOME. 
Ullane sighed and figured trying to ask more specific questions was probably pointless. 
It was a miracle to get this much sense out of the horrorterror…though, she supposed he had once been a troll. Thrixe had been able to stop him from destroying Nott Station in his anger, by appealing to what was left of his compassion. 
She’d watched as the horrorterror piloted her body, nearly killing her as an unintended side effect of his possession.
In light of this, a different - saner - person might have hesitated.
Ullane Wistim did not think of disobeying. The thought never entered her head.
“How will you help me?”
A vast starfish tendril reached up from the dark waters and placed its tip gently in her hand, leaving behind a small, unknown plant bud. 
tAKE pART of mE wiTH you. I wILL sPEAk in YoUR dREaMS, yoUR PsIiONICSs bOLSTERED by My poWER. 
We WiLl UnLock The WAy. I wILl gUiDE yoU.
She woke up heaving for air in her sopor slime, clawing at the edges of the cocoon. 
A dream. 
She licked her lips. They were crusted with salt.
Slowly, with dread, she turned her hand over.
A black bud lay tattooed - no - scarified on her palm. It…moved. The edges of it moved over her veins and the lines in her skin, rippling with her breaths, changing in the light as she tilted her hand. 
How had she bound herself? Could it be undone?
No - could she truly rescue the Varzims? Had the dream been real?
She took a deep breath and climbed out, green slime gently steaming away as she took off her day clothes and got dressed. 
Yes. Yes, she would accept it as true. She would question Uryali when she slept again. 
Ullane changed into clothes she hadn’t worn for a long time - her traveling wear, sturdy and full of pockets, warm and water-resistant. Her tail flicked, still unused to being free of clothing layers.
She had come from a town built over ley lines, a place full of undead, where magic had sunk into the roots of the place and things from daymares prowled.
Never had she imagined accepting a supernatural being’s bidding. Or asking one for aid.
She needed help, if she was to rescue the Varzims. She needed someone who she could rely on, though once she wouldn’t have dared trust him with anything.
She needed Epsilo Volant.
The violetblood was refining armor for his guild when he saw her, hands deep in a pile of monster samples - bone, horn, and carapace - that he was working with. He sat at his outside work bench, for the weather was fine and here he could see one of the island’s shores. 
At first, the former seadweller thought his eyes must be at fault when he saw her. He took off his glasses and squinted, wondering if he’d accidentally imbibed some sort of hallucinogen from his materials.
No, she was still coming closer, walking across the island, unbothered by any of the passing hunters or their palicos. He put them back on and got up, dipping his hands in the pot of disinfectant he kept nearby before he went over to meet the yellowblood.
“Wistim.” He said, neutral if respectful as she got within a few feet of him and stopped. “Why are you here?”
Last time they had spoken, he had asked for his fins and gills to be restored. For her to lift her part of the curse she and Uryali had laid on him. 
She had refused.
She smiled at him, a perfectly normal smile, yet the highblood found himself unsettled. 
Perhaps it was her violet-tinged eyes - a permanent remnant of her possession. Perhaps it was the way she looked at him - eager, fascinated, as if he was a particularly interesting specimen. It was not an expression he expected on a woman he had captured and given to a horrorterror. 
“I need you.” She said. “You’re a werehyena. Immune to horrorterror influence. Strong, and knowledgeable of animals. You want to be a seadweller again? Help me rescue the Varzims.”
Before he could respond, eyes widening in shock, the lowblood held up her hand.
It had a black bud inscribed on it. A…shifting…black bud, as if it moved in a wind. He could feel the energy from it; the same eldritch energy Vallis and all of Vernrot had. 
“Uryali has charged me to save them.” She continued. “I must cross the fae realms to seek aid - very dangerous, though I know something of their ways. I need a guard again. Will you help me?”
Speechless, the highblood couldn’t speak for a few moments, staring at her with a shocked expression, his mouth slightly open.
Then he shook his head and came back to himself, face settling into sheer disbelief.
“Wistim. This is suicide. The two of us in a strange land full of magical enemies? How will we eat and rest safely? How will we ensure we can return safely, or make it there to begin with? It is impossible.”
She stared back at him with those wide, strange eyes, as if he was the one who was being unreasonable.
Then she smiled again.
“I escaped you twice. I survived horrorterror possession. I have wrenched my clinic from the gang I once sold myself to. I have escaped another gang’s clutches, after I tracked and hunted two of their number. I once killed a whole gathering of corrupt jades.”
She raised and opened her arms.
All around her, the air turned headier with the scent of salt and life. The island’s plants curled and blossomed at her feet, roots rising up through the soil.
The hunters, attentive to any disturbance in bio-energy, stopped and stared, looking at the yellowblood and then at Epsilo. A few started to draw their weapons.
“Stop it.” He hissed. “They don’t take kindly to that here.”
He shook his head as she lowered her arms and the power waned, but he could still feel a crackle of it on his skin.
“Yes, I can tell you’re more powerful than before. Will that be enough?” He asked bluntly. “Having Uryali’s blessing doesn’t mean you can stand against every fae.” 
She raised her eyebrows.
“Don’t you want the Varzims back? For Vallis’s sake, if not your own needs?”
The former seadweller paused at the mention of his best friend. The man had been bereft when the other two horrorterror hybrids had left this world.
He scowled, thick arms folded under his light violet shirt.
The Varzims gone. Arty dead. Vannyn was away from Vernrot most of the time, and Lusien had the lighthouse to tend to…
He put a hand to his neck, where his gills had once been. Sometimes the places where they’d still ached at day, when he woke gasping for breath from a daymare of drowning.
“All right.” He finally said, turning around to walk back toward his hive. 
Sifrek wasn’t going to like this, Epsilo reflected as he thought of his primary guild contact and friend. Hopefully she would understand. 
Ullane easily fell into step next to him, her tufted tail waving back and forth. 
“I’ll go with you.” Said the highblood, waving to the hunters that everything was fine. The trolls and their feline companions heeded him, but their expressions remained wary.
“But first, I want more details. I’m not leaving unprepared.”
One night later, the pair left the island, taking a motorboat with one of the guild hunters back to the mainland. Winds tossed them about, making waves around them as they cut through the water, but the hunter’s control of the craft was steady and sure. 
They arrived on land none the worse for wear, though Epsilo looked like he was having second thoughts.
“Why you?” He asked Ullane as they set their feet back on land, thanking the hunter before they began to walk off. 
“Hm?” She said, almost absentminded, eyes ahead as she led them further inland.
“Why can’t Uryali simply possess someone and find this angel-fae himself?” The violet asked pointedly. “Why does he need us?” 
“Their body would break down before they made it.” Ullane said bluntly. “I nearly died on Nott, and he wasn’t trying to kill me. I have just enough of his power this time to guide us and help protect us; you can treat me if it starts to overwhelm me.”
“How likely is that?” Replied the highblood acidly.
She looked away from him, smiling slightly as she stared forward.
“It’ll happen in less than a week, regardless.”
The violet dragged a hand down his face, then heard a rumble of thunder.
He looked up, noting the dark clouds.
“Wistim. We should stop for the night. Where did you plan on staying before we left on this fool’s errand?”
“We keep going.” She said, eyes briefly flashing a brilliant pale magenta.
Epsilo shivered as the wind picked up as well, tossing his shoulder-length wavy hair around his head. He took out a band to tie it back. 
Why did the Varzims glow the color of moonlit snow, not ink-black like Vernrot’s terrors? 
He found he didn’t quite have the courage to ask right now, nor argue with his lowblooded companion.
So he silently followed her as it began to rain, and the lowblood didn’t seem to mind it at all. She did not shiver, nor falter from her path. Water dripped down her hair and tail as she forged on, leading him through bushes and trees as he cursed and had to detach his clothes at times.
“Wistim, slow down - “ He called irritably, and she waved a hand.
The thornbush that had just seized him began to droop from the weight of gray fungus sprung into existence on it, clinging to its bark.
Epsilo sprinted away from it, catching up to her panting and flecked with mud.
“That was unnecessary.” He said between breaths.
Again those unreadable eyes looked into his own.
“It worked.” She said calmly, and turned away from him again, pausing after a few steps.
The medic looked down at…a mushroom ring, Epsilo realized. 
He was no mycologist, but he recognized the species, red-capped and white-stalked. Fly agaric, one of the most toxic species there was.
The yellowblood got down on her knees, examining the ring with keen interest, her ears and tail flicking.
Then she swiped into the air above it with her marked hand, the air crackling with white energy as she - she pulled the world apart, creating a jagged rent within the circle as its mushrooms withered and rotted. The fungi then grew together in a thickening black mass as the rift widened and stabilized.
Now it was a gap large enough for both of them to pass through, but Epsilo could not see what was inside it; all he beheld was fog. He leaned over, trying to get a better look -
Ullane jumped inside and grabbed his arm, pulling him with unnatural strength beyond her caste and build as they both fell into the portal.
He yelled curses as they plummeted through the hazy air, writhing, but her grip was firm.
The haze cleared…and Epsilo’s eyes grew wide as his breath billowed out in awe.
Below them - stretching for miles and miles - was a wild land. Frozen forests of vast trees, branches interlocking and grown into fantastical woven shapes. Waterfalls of moving, frothing ice. Lakes set in tundra with waves cast in perfect, glittering frost. 
The wind around them swirled with snowflakes and stranger things, glowing blue insects that buzzed about, leaving shining trails in their wake. 
Even in the ocean, he had never seen anything so beautiful.
Beside him, Ullane laughed long and loud, and he tightened his grip on her hand.
There was still so far to fall. 
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gender-darling · 1 year
(⠀🎀⠀) : ❝ Panbiotickin & Panabiotickin ❞
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[Image 1 ID: A rectangular flag with eight equally sized stripes. The colors in order from top to bottom are dark indigo, gray-blue, denim blue, dusty sandy brown, mandy's pink, coral red, dull red, and rose. In the center of the flag is a dark brown seven-point star. ID end.]
[Image 2 ID: A rectangular flag with eight equally sized stripes. The colors in order from top to bottom are royal purple, eggplant, dull lavender, peach, beryl green, mint green, cyan, and dark cyan. In the center of the flag is a purple-black seven-point star. ID end.]
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— ❝ Panbiotickin ❞ : ❝ A term for those who are kin with all living things ❞ — ❝ Panabiotickin ❞ : ❝ A term for those who are kin with all nonliving things ❞
  — For @xyz-syndicate ^ ^ Don't tag as xenogender !
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Please read my rentry before interacting ! Don't repost ! ♡
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orivaa-kun · 1 year
BAD ATTITUDE | Chapter 1: About That Life
chapter word count: 8k warnings: mature (18+), violence, drinking, drug use, smut, fluff, angst, feels, rough s*x pairings: Gojo Satoru x Fem OC, Geto Suguru x Fem OC, Nanami Kento x Fem OC, Fushiguro Toji x Fem OC series summary: Jujutsu Kaisen Yakuza AU where Riku Ozaki (OC) is really good at getting herself into trouble. Though the Ozaki family is ranked #10 out of the 15 clans of the Tokyo Yakuza syndicate in terms of power & strength; and the Gojo, Geto, and Zenin families fall at #1, #2, and #3 respectively; that doesn't keep her from getting in the mix with these highly ranked, highly dangerous men. Her clan's bodyguard, Nanami, can hardly keep up with all the compromising positions she constantly finds herself in. Will she ever learn her lesson? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ba- fic playlist: Spotify YouTube
Riku groans when she hears her phone alarm chime for the fourth time tonight but begins to stir beneath the covers of her futon. All she wanted to do was rest after a long day of work – but it was that time of year again, the night of the annual gala for all Tokyo Yakuza clans.
Riku hears footsteps in the hall outside of her room, “You better be getting ready in there,” her cousin Umika warns, before swiftly sliding the screen door open and flicking on the lights. Umika sighs at the sight of Riku still in bed and shakes her head, “Typical.” Umika is already wearing her fitted, black maxi dress with lace sleeves that’s rose pattern beautifully curled around the deep tan skin of her arms. Her hair is blown out into big ringlet curls that fell around her face and reached her shoulders.
“The fuck are we celebrating, anyways… another year of crime?” Riku grumbles and throws the covers over her own head.
Umika sighs, crossing her arms as she stood in the doorway, “Riku, you know this is about showing respect to the top clans. Not going would be disrespectful in itself. Also, that crime paid for this house, so show a little appreciation, yeah?”
Riku doesn’t know why she tries to reason with Umika of all people, but continues to anyways, “But shouldn’t Uncle Jin be enough? He’s the leader of the clan, and you’re his heir!” She pulls the covers down to look at Umika.
“Look, I don’t make the rules. You get invited to the gala, you go. If you don’t, bad shit happens, and our whole family takes the hit. That’s it. Now get off your ass!”
Riku moans in feigned agony, “Fine.” She slips out of her futon, beginning to fold it up on the tatami covered floor.
“And you better hurry, too; my dad is already on the way there.” Umika begins to slide the screen door back, leaving Riku’s room, “We’re leaving in 15!”
“You hate me!” Riku shouts, dramatically.
“Yeah, yeah…” Umika waves the comment away, already down the hall once more.
When Riku appears in the main room, she’s wearing a champagne-colored, silk, and sleeveless mini dress that shimmered under the light. Without time to flat iron or do much of anything to her hair, she’d decided to wear her jet black curls in a neat, high bun, and dedicated the bulk of her 15 minutes to doing a quick ‘no-makeup’ makeup look. She fumbles her hand around in her white and black leather-lined clutch, making sure she has the essentials, “Umika, do you know where my black hee-”
Umika raises the pair of black, red-bottoms up in the air, already approaching the front door, “Let’s go.”
“Thank you, Umika~!” Riku smiles over at her cousin lovingly, which is promptly ignored.
Nanami glances up from his phone at Umika’s announcement, eyes widening briefly when he sees Riku. He stands and whistles, taking a moment to admire her long legs and the glow of her café au lait skin, “Wow, you look nice-”
Riku smiles, about to thank him but is cut off by his next words.
“-was beginning to think you only wore sweatpants and t-shirts.” The blonde teases, smirking. Nanami wore an all-black suit tonight, different from his usual tan and blue shirt combination. He’s only 4 years older than Riku (25) and 2 years older than Umika (27), but he’s always far more serious about his work, that is, unless he’s having a drink with friends or cracking jokes at Riku’s expense.
She frowns, “You know, Kento, a clan bodyguard should be a lot nicer than you are.” Riku heads to the door and retrieves her heels from Umika before slipping into them.
Nanami follows behind her to activate the automatic lock on the door, “A clan bodyguard protects the clan,” he shrugs, “sorry sweetheart, not obligated to do anything else.” He begins to set up the home security system from his phone app as they make their way outside.
“Isn’t our family still ranked 11th out of the 15 clans in Tokyo?” Riku asks, genuinely, “Why do we have to go to this thing after all these damn years?” She briefly looks over the massive, combined traditional and modern style Japanese property that she and the whole Ozaki clan call home – though, it had been a bit empty with Uncle Jin and others out on business. As always, Umika and Riku were left to handle the day-to day tasks of their family’s businesses while their elders have other issues to attend to.
The trio approaches the black Chevy SUV parked in the center of the driveway circle, and Nanami opens the back door for the two women, “Your family is ranked 10th now, and though the rankings are based on each clan’s strength and annual generated revenue, we all still work together…”
“…to contribute to the Tokyo syndicate.” Riku choruses the last part with Nanami as she slips into the car behind Umika, having heard this sentence uttered at least a hundred times by Tokyo clan leaders. She rolls her eyes, “I know. Just seems useless for us to be traveling an hour into and out of the city to play dress up and drink expensive champagne... when we could, you know, be resting so we can actually have the energy to run all our damn studios, museums, and concert venues, ya know?”
Nanami closes the door once Riku is inside then slips into the driver’s seat before starting the car, “Ri, I’m already working overtime protecting you two today – you don’t have to convince me.” He begins to steer the SUV out of the circle and onto the main stretch of driveway that led to a large glossy black and bronze gate that slowly began to open at Nanami’s press of a button beside the rear-view mirror.
“You’re mistaken, Riku,” Umika speaks up, in the midst of typing up an email for something that was most likely business related, “this is part of the job.”
Riku lets her cousin’s words sink in. Well, Umika isn’t wrong about that. For a minute, Riku wonders how many other members of the Tokyo Yakuza would rather not be at the gala tonight.
“Ken, can you turn the music up?” Riku asks; it would be a long ride, after all.
“Sure thing, Ms. Ozaki.” Nanami nearly coos with a bit of extra formality, mostly because he knows how much Riku hates being addressed by her clan and family name.
When they arrive at the Gojo clan’s estate – well, one of the Gojo clan’s many estates in Tokyo – Nanami exits the driver’s seat and opens the back door for Umika and Riku before offering his hand to help each of them step down from the SUV. He meets eyes with Riku when she takes his hand, “Ma’am.”
“Shut up, Kento.”
He smirks just barely, then closes the door and tosses the keys to the valet.
There are two guards in all black suits and shades who nod at each other after sizing the three of them up, then move to open the main door to the conglomerate of mansion-like buildings. If the Ozaki home is massive, this is… simply otherworldly. It would take hours just to walk through the entire estate once. While one of the guards taps the com in his ear and mumbles something about the rest of the Ozaki family invitees entering, Riku glances over the expansive acres of property that she had only seen a few times before in years past. She takes in and notes the obvious Roman and British influences on the structure of the main building’s pillars, marble work, courtyard, and ivory shading. As visually overwhelming as the estate is, she can’t deny it is the perfect place to host hundreds of wealthy yakuza assholes.
The main door opens and the talkative noise of gangsters chatting and live musicians playing in the great ballroom immediately hits their ears. Two women in uniform check them for weapons then greet and welcome them in the entryway. The artist in Riku can’t help but hate the elaborate combination of white marble and gold all over the floors and walls; it was too stuffy and there was hardly any real sense of artistic intention driving the floor plan nor décor of this mansion, other than money, “Ugh… they call this a home?” Riku says beneath her breath, mostly to Umika who walked beside her, “Gross. How could anyone seriously live here?”
“Shh!” Umika quickly retorts, “Not the time!!” She whisper yells between closed teeth.
A uniformed man with a tray of champagne flutes strides over, and Riku takes a glass while Umika waves her hand at the man to decline. If Riku has to be here, she at least wants something to bear it a little easier. She takes a long sip from the glass as Umika scans the ballroom for her father, finally catching sight of Jin Ozaki who just happens to be at one of the bars shaking hands with Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto – the youngest and strongest clan leaders of the Tokyo syndicate. That said, they are still about Nanami’s age. There’s an overwhelming presence from that side of the room in general, and Riku doesn’t want to be anywhere near it.
“Oh great, it’s your friends.” Riku remembered Nanami sharing that he’d gone to the same private school with Gojo and Geto. She takes another, much longer sip from her glass, nearly finishing it.
“I’m gonna say hi to dad and some folks. You coming?” Umika asks, with zero excitement in her voice.
“Over there? Absolutely not.” Riku shakes her head. Gojo and Geto are the strongest for a reason and isn’t just because of their clans’ combined manpower and money. It’s because of their dangerously powerful business skills and practices. They are ruthless when it comes to advancing their goals and clan business ventures and aren’t afraid to use violence to get what they want – or so Riku hears, “I’ll catch up with Uncle Jin at our table.”
Riku strides over to the seated area where a gala waitress directs her to her table. Riku thanks her when they arrive at a table with a card in the center that reads ‘10’… 10th place out of the 15 families… of course, she thinks, “Thank you, I don’t know you all remember all these names to be able to direct us so easily…” Riku says in an apologetic tone, sitting in the seat that had her name card in front of it. Of course, her seat faces the back of the room instead of the stage and she would have to twist her neck just to look at the front. She isn’t from a top ranked clan and isn’t even the heir of the family. It all makes sense, but that doesn’t make this petty seating bullshit any less annoying.
The waitress rubs the back of her neck with a shy laugh, “Hah, it’s just part of the job, ma’am. Can I get you anything to drink while you wait for the rest of the Ozaki family?” The dining area is practically empty as most are socializing over near the open bars and live music.
“Uh, yes. Can I get a really strong old fashioned, and another glass of champagne?” Riku tucks her clutch next to her in the seat and neatly folds her hands over her lap.
“Of course, Ms. Ozaki!” As soon as the words leave the waitress’s mouth, a man in uniform appears behind her and is already refilling her flute, “Just a moment for the old fashioned.” She smiles in a practiced yet kind way.
Riku nods and the woman disappears. Riku releases a soft sigh as her eyes trail over the whole ballroom, squinting a bit as she she now sees Nanami and Geto laughing and clinking glasses of whiskey, while Umika chats with some friends of hers on the opposite side of the room. Part of her wonders where Gojo and Uncle Jin had gone but she doesn’t try to think much about it. For all she knows they could be in a back room talking business or something.
Riku opens the clutch at her side to check her phone for the time. 21:40. It would be 20 minutes until the gala starts, “20 minutes closer to getting the fuck out of here…” She mutters under her breath.
“I haven’t seen you here before.”
Riku turns in her seat to find two men standing behind her, one with his hand on her chair, “Hi,” she manages in a voice that is more customer-service sounding than authentic. The man with his hand on her chair seems to be in his late 30s and wears a flashy burgundy suit, while the other looks to be in his 40s and has on a gold-colored tux. Both are fashion choices that make Riku want to throw up in her mouth a little bit.
“What’s your name, sexy?” The one in the burgundy suit questions with a crooked smirk; both men look like they’ve undoubtedly been in countless fights with the many tiny scars littered around their hands and faces.
“Reina, nice to meet you,” she lied instinctively, offering her hand to shake with the man in burgundy then the one in the gold suit. She did not want her real first name floating around with whoever these guys were friends with. “You two are…?” She waits for the men to share their names.
“Reina? That’s pretty,” the man in burgundy replies, “I’m Akio, and he’s Kaito. We’re Zenin clan muscle.” Of course. Even with all their internal and external issues, the Zenin clan deals in weapons and has continued to rank 3rd for over 20 years now. Their sheer brutality is undoubtedly a big reason behind it.
Kaito lifts Riku’s hand to his mouth to kiss, instead of shaking it.
Literally kill me right now. Riku thinks to herself, continuing to feign a smile, “Haha, thank you…”
“What’s a pretty lady like you doing all by herself?” Kaito steps closer, both men towering over Riku as she’s still sitting and they’re pretty tall, themselves.
“Just waiting on my family, and bodyguard to sit down.” Riku emphasizes the last part, but the men pay no mind. They were far too busy raking their all-too-conspicuous eyes over every inch of her body. This is what Riku dreads about these kinds of functions. She glances over to where she last saw Nanami, but he’s still drinking with Geto. What do we even pay him for?
“Right,” Akio dismisses Riku’s words with his tone, breaking his gaze with her to glance over at the table; he spots the big number ’10,’ “Ten… that’s the Ozaki family this year – right, Kai?’
“Mhm.” Kaito nods affirmatively, “Who knew they had girls like this in the Ozaki family?”
“Hard to tell when they’ve never ranked under 10 before.” Akio says, and the two man laugh. “Can’t even see if they’re ugly or not, since they’re so damn far from our tables at the front of the ballroom!” He adds and their laughter turns into an all-out guffaw.
Riku’s fake smile quickly falters into a glare, “Well at least I’m not in the same family as you incestuous, murder-loving motherfuckers with dicks for brains. What’s wrong? Got tired of keeping it in the family and wanna hit on me? What will your sister-wives think?” Riku mocks, boldly. The whole ‘keeping it in the bloodline’ thing is more of a yakuza rumor, but Riku knows how much Zenin folks hate hearing it.
The men’s laughter comes to an immediate halt. Kaito bends over so his face is hardly a few centimeters from Riku’s, and Akio’s knuckles turn white at the tightness of his grasp on Riku’s chair, the wood creaking beneath his strong grip, “The fuck did you say, bitch?” Kaito questions, nearly spitting the words at her.
“Yeah, I’m definitely not afraid to teach a low rank cunt a lesson, even if she is yakuza.” Akio says, still standing up straight but glaring down at Riku, “Might even be fun, too.” He grins, sickly.
And the danger of the situation doesn’t hit Riku until this very moment. She tries to remain calm and keep her facial expression cool, but it’s more than obvious that she’s completely pissed these Zenin guys off, and she can’t help but fear how they might react.
Once again, her mouth had gotten her into trouble. Oops.
“Hey gentlemen, why don’t we keep things respectful and give the lady some space, hm?” A new voice enters their conversation, one Riku had only heard at a distance. It’s an unmistakable one.
Satoru Gojo placed his hands on the backs of the two Zenin men, and they’re ripped out of their anger-ridden trance at the sight of the white-haired man. He wears a royal blue, fitted 3-piece suit that is perfectly tailored to his tall and toned body. Small black spectacles sit low on the bridge of his nose so his cerulean eyes peek through.
The Zenin men back away, “Whatever,” Kaito mutters, shaking his head. Nobody wanted to fight Satoru Gojo. And now was not the time nor place.
Akio starts to walk away from the table with his friend by his side, “Better pray we don’t catch you alone again…” he taunts.
“Or what?” Gojo asks honestly with a dangerous glint in his eye. Riku’s pulse thumps loudly in her head when she feels the light pressure of his large hand on her shoulder.
Akio shakes his head, “Nothin’.” And the men depart to another section of the ballroom.
Gojo waits until the men are at a distance before focusing his attention to Riku.
“You good?” He takes his hand off her shoulder.
“Yeah.” Riku quickly collects herself, regaining her composure. She clears her throat, “I mean I had that covered, but thanks.”
Gojo blinks down at Riku a few times in complete silence, then suddenly bursts into laughter.
Riku feels her cheeks redden. It was that obvious she was in trouble?
When Gojo recovers from his fit of laughter, he taps Riku’s shoulder, “But seriously, beautiful, you should be more careful about what you say to these guys – sick as most of ‘em are.” Gojo suddenly drops into a squat so that he and Riku are nearly at eye level, his gaze just below hers, “What’s your name?”
The sudden proximity to Gojo makes her stagger over her words, “Reina.” Riku isn’t sure why she lies this time, perhaps out of nervous instinct?
“Reina, right.” Gojo briefly furrows his brows, “Ozaki family so you help handle the arts businesses in our city, right?”
“Yep. And you are…?” Riku asks, stretching her arm in Gojo’s direction and obviously acting as a sort of jab at Gojo. Everyone here knew who Gojo was, regardless if they’d met him personally or not. But something about his cool and confident nature makes Riku want to take him down a few notches.
“Satoru Gojo,” he chuckles out before lightly squeezing her hand, “well, if you need anything tonight, come find me, alright?” He continues to hold eye contact with Riku while he lightly flicks the name card in front of her that clearly displays her real name, “Nice to meet you, Riku Ozaki.” He winks at her, then stands before striding off towards the opposite side of the room and continuing to greet yakuza.
Riku puts her face into her hands, “I’m a fucking idiot.”
Just then the waitress reappears with Riku’s old fashioned and sets it down on the table, “Everything alright, ma’am?”
“Just perfect.”
Riku uses her fork to gently fiddle with the shrimp pasta she’d selected from the three gala menu options; it was okay, just not very flavorful. She sits beside her Aunt Risako - who’s Uncle Jin’s wife and cousin Umika’s mom. Nanami sat on the other side of her.
“You’re not going to eat?” Aunt Risako asks, cutting into her ribeye steak, “It’s good!” She smiled over at her niece, her short brown bob framing her face.
The room had finally quieted down as countless members from the 15 Tokyo families sat around their respective tables, talking, eating, and drinking between various gala speeches. Riku mirrors her aunts smile in return, “I will in a bit, just not that hungry now.”
Uncle Jin had already presented his talk about the recent venues our family had acquired and how it continues to increase our family’s income and contribution in an exponential way, but most of the families chatted through; they were far more interested in the Zenin’s talk about weapons or the Geto family’s speech about their drugs. No one cared about the arts much until it came time for entertainment.
A trio of spinning poles had been set up on the stage and Riku watches as three women pole dancers in elaborately lacy, tight costumes stroll out to dance their practiced routine. Riku recalls two of the girls’ faces, remembering that she’s she stood in to teach a handful of classes at their family’s dance studio a couple of times. Regardless, many of the men flock towards the stage to get a closer look, gawk at, and throw bills at the girls. It makes Riku want to step out for a moment. They’re not strippers, they’re pole dancers. There’s a big difference.
She pushes her chair a bit away from the table before standing and retrieving her clutch.
“Where you going?” Nanami asked, currently taking a bite of salmon.
“Bathroom.” Riku says, already waking back towards the ballroom entrance where the powder rooms and restrooms were. Riku is about to enter one but spots a more secluded bar that appears to be in a side room. She slides through the half open door’s small opening, which reveals a small yet extravagant lounge room and spread of countertop, a collection of old and expensive bottles on display behind the bar. There are only five yakuza inside and one single staff behind the bar, and this puts Riku’s mind at ease as she was happy to be away from the noise. She sits down on one of the leather bar stools, surprised by how comfy it was.
“Anything for you, ma’am?” The man behind the counter asks, wiping a class with a white rag.
Riku is already five drinks in, having had three glasses of champagne and two old fashioneds… She decides to tone it down a bit as her face was already beginning to feel warm, “Do you have a… sparkling chenin blanc by chance?”
“We do.” He smiles, “Loire Valley and all. Want to give it a try?”
“Yes, please.”
The man nods and starts to retrieve a bottle from a refrigerated shelf that’s still somehow covered in a thin sheet of dust; Riku doesn’t want to think about how expensive it is.
“Rare grape.”
Riku only notices the man behind her when he speaks up, her heart jumping in surprise when she turns to see the other half of the duo she did not want to be around tonight.
“Rare, yes, but amazing when you find a good bottle.” Riku is glad she has a few drinks in her, as her reply definitely wouldn’t have been as calm without them.
Suguru Geto plops down on the seat beside Riku, eyes holding hers as he does so. He wears a deep red shirt and a gray suit that was nearly black, his suit jacket tossed on the bar stool on the opposite side of him to reveal the red dress shirt that’s fabric is rolled up to reveal his sleeves of colorful dragon tattoos beneath which stretch all the way up to his neck. His hands were clothed in black leather gloves, “You’re right about that.” He agrees, lips curing in a small smirk as his small black eyes seemed to smile at her, “What are you doing in here?” He questions. Geto quickly diverts his attention to the bartender and taps his glass for a refill of whatever whiskey he’s drinking.
“Just needed a breather.”
Geto eyes quickly dart around around the room before refocusing on Riku, “You got a bodyguard?”
Riku rubs her fingers over the stem of her wine glass when it’s placed in front of her, “Yes.” She sighs out, “But I can handle myself.”
Geto chuckles at Riku’s response, not expecting her to be so offended by the question, “Just looking out for you, sweetheart. This is a dangerous place.” He takes a closer look at her, before raising a brow, “Ozaki family, right?”
Riku’s eyes widen in genuine surprise by the fact that he knows, sure they hadn’t personally met before, “Yeah… how’d you know?”
He lifts a finger from his glass to poke in her direction as the bartender refills it, “Your posture. I know a dancer’s body when I see one.” He takes a swig after his glass is topped off.
Riku isn’t sure why Geto’s words make her blush, but they do. She takes a sip of wine to hide it.
“What’s your name?”
She doesn’t dare lie again, “Riku.”
“What characters do you use?”
“Dignity, or awe-inspiring for the ‘Ri’ and sky for the ‘ku.’”
“That’s fitting. You’re gorgeous.” Geto’s smirk grows, but only for a moment. His smile softens as he leans over, closing a lot of the space between them. Riku is sort of startled by how intimate the other is able to make something as trivial as a greeting. Geto pokes his hand in her direction, the words spilling so soft and kindly from his mouth that they truly feel like a compliment, “Very nice to meet you, Riku. Call me Suguru.” Geto’s long black hair falls over his shoulder and Riku gets a whiff of his cologne. Of course, he smells great.
“Nice to meet you, Suguru.” Riku slowly shakes Geto’s hand, internally screaming. She could not take being so close to the drug clan’s leader for this long. Though it was just a greeting, her heart was doing backflips out of surprise, attraction, fear…? She’s unsure of which one; perhaps all three. First Gojo, now him?
“Tell me about yours-” Geto starts, but both of their thoughts are silenced by the sound of an automatic gun shooting into the air of the main ballroom.
Their eyes widen, and Riku is frozen in her seat with fear. Through the small opening of the door, she’s able to spot suited men with rifles enter the ballroom en masse, the whole room beginning to stir with yells and screams. The thunder of a hundred footsteps sounds as yakuza leaders, wives, and their adult children trample towards the main doors.
Before she realizes it, Geto is already at the side of the door in a safe position. He retrieves his handgun from his waistband and holds it expertly between his hands, ready to shoot anything or anyone that may enter the side room they were in.
The bartender and few other folks in the room had already fled, leaving just the two of them.
“You need to get out of here gorgeous.” Geto says, nodding towards the exit opposite to the door he currently stands by – that leads to the great ballroom where gunshots continuously sound. Riku is still frozen.
“Riku? Riku!” When she snaps out of her daze, Geto is at her side, her arm in his tight grasp, “I said you need to get out of here!” He shouts over the screams and shots in the ballroom. Wasn’t this supposed to be a weaponless event?!
“B-But my family!!”
“You better hope your bodyguard is protecting them,” He begins, but is cut off when two men notably from the Zenin clan appear, guns raised in Geto’s direction.
Geto doesn’t hesitate, using one hand to move Riku behind his back to shield her and the other to quickly shoot down the two men, hitting one in the hand and the other in his abdomen.
Riku watches in horror as their blood begins to spread over the marble floor, the color draining from her face.
“Zenin clan? What the fuck…?” Geto trails off in thought, not scared like Riku but equally astonished by this recent turn of events.
The two of them are both alarmed when Gojo barges through a third door Riku didn’t notice before, the white-haired man’s black spectacles now gone and his suit a bit disheveled – most likely from fighting.
His piercing blue eyes dart to Riku in confusion, “You…?” He shakes the distraction from his head before looking over at his friend, breathing heavily from previously running.
“The fuck is going on, Satoru??!”
“It’s Toji. Toji and a bunch of muscle from the Zenin clan are staring an uprising.” He walks closer to his friend and Riku, who’s still tucked behind his Geto’s back.
“Fuck.” Geto releases Riku to roughly run a hand through his hair.
“The hell are you doing here?!” Gojo peers down at Riku in confusion, anger, and concern, but mostly anger, “Your family’s already outside!”
Riku was relieved to at least hear that and opens her mouth, about to explain herself; Geto cuts her off, “We need to get her the fuck out of here.” He says, surprisingly calm.
Gojo releases an exasperated sigh, shaking his head and looking at Riku in a pissed sort of way that explains everything he isn’t saying: that she would slow them down, “Jesus Christ, beautiful, you sure are fucking good at getting your ass into trouble.” He grabs her arm, pulling her into his side before starting to make his way towards the 3rd door he’d just entered through that leads to a connecting meeting space.
Gojo and Geto are on high alert as they maneuver though the space, stopping behind tables and desks to occasionally scan the room for any hidden intruders. When a bald man in a bright orange suit enters, Gojo tosses Riku into Geto, and she yelps. Geto’s thick tattooed arm locks around her waist and pulls her into him as his friend handles the bald man with a few powerful punches and a harsh kick to his side. The man falls to the floor, immediately falling unconscious.
This continues through a series of connecting rooms, Riku practically being thrown between Gojo and Geto as they punched and shot their way through the mansion, most likely aiming for the building’s back exit. Geto feels Riku’s body tremble with fear one of the times he’s holding her and can’t help but feel for her. It’s obvious she isn’t used to this kind of violence and if this is what it means to be a member of one of the higher ranked families, then Riku wants no parts of it.
“Don’t worry, babe. We got you.” He tries to reassure her, briefly squeezing the arm he had wrapped around her waist while Gojo took out a duo of men in black suits.
Riku vaguely feels her phone vibrate from inside her clutch but it’s the furthest thing from her mind at the moment. She looks up at Geto, who’s eyes were still scanning the room. Riku could tell the soft smile on his lips was directed to her and nodded.
Suddenly, a side door busts open with a loud bang and five men pour in with guns drawn.
“Shit, beautiful, maybe not…” Suguru says so only Riku can hear.
“Everyone, hands up!” One of the armed men shout, pointing his gun in the direction of Gojo, who pushes his arms into the air in mock surrender.
“Hey, now, why don’t we settle this the old-fashioned way?” He asks with a smirk, as he was currently unarmed.
“Fuck you, Gojo.” The main man says, ignoring Satoru’s offer as fighting the strongest yakuza in Tokyo hand-to-hand was basically the same thing as letting him win, “Keep your hands up.”
Three of the men point their guns in Geto and Riku’s direction, “You two, too! Drop the gun, Geto!”
Geto does as the men say, allowing the silver handgun to thump to the floor before pushing his hands in the air. Riku follows suit, swiftly hiding her phone between her breasts before discarding her clutch altogether and raising her hands in the air.
“Out!” The fifth man commands, motioning with his gun for the three of them to exit the room and return to the main banquet hall.
The three of them slowly trail out and are led through the now completely abandoned ballroom - except for the five Zenin muscle that brought them here and one other man. Riku can tell the man is ripped just from his broad back alone. He turns and Riku sees the man she’d only heard rumors about prior to this moment.
A wicked grin spreads across his face at the sight of Gojo and Geto, and he starts to laugh, smile curving the large gash-like scar at the corner of his mouth. Toji. The undoubtedly powerful man wore a black suit like the bulk of his men, but it was visibly far more expensive than the rest. The tailored clothing just barely contained the thickness of his muscled form.
“Ah, just the people I’ve been meaning to see.”
“Awful to see you too, asshole.” Gojo replies with a smirk.
“What the fuck do you want now, Toji?” Geto asks, a look of disgust on his face. Guns still pointed at them so the three kept their hands raised.
“Well money of course, for one, but before that,” his eyes move to Riku. He walks over to her, a lustful, downright disgusting look in his eyes, “who do we have here?” He smooths his calloused, scar-littered fingers under Riku’s chin, trailing them down to her chest. She tries to push the man away, but he quickly grabs both her wrists in one of his hands, smirk only growing as Riku scowled up at the tall, bulky man.
“She’s no one,” Satoru starts, trying to protect her, “just a low rank clan family member. This isn’t about her.”
“Hey, fuck you, I’m not no one…” Riku starts, only realizing what Gojo was trying to do after the words slip from her lips. Her eyes widen.
Toji laughs again, closing the space between the two of them, “I like this one… She’s got some spunk to her.” Toji glances to Gojo and Geto with an evil look, “Would be fun to break her.”
“Toji you-” Gojo begins to move but freezes to the click of a handgun being loaded beside his ear.
“Whoa there, careful! Wouldn’t want to lose your brains now, would you?” Toji shouts, tone both overdramatic and disgusting, “Now, back to you, pretty…” He returns his gaze to Riku. Even if she’s no one to Gojo and Geto, Toji likes fucking with the duo’s sense of justice and knows they’d try to protect her regardless, “What’s your name?”
Riku spits in his face before responding, “None of your fucking business, prick.” She grumbles in anger, attitude as bad as ever. A small, satisfied smirk finds her lips as she watches her spit roll down Toji’s scarred face.
Geto exchanges looks with his friend, his exasperated expression saying everything words didn’t need to: Is this bitch crazy? Spitting at Toji??!
Toji’s grin turns into an unsatisfied look, clicking his tongue at Riku’s actions, “Now that’s not the answer I was looking for…” He shakes his head, removing his trailing fingers from Riku’s body before brutally smacking his palm over Riku’s cheek with a hard thump.
Riku’s head twists to the side, and she immediately begins to taste blood in her mouth as it is, without question, the strongest slap she’s ever received in her life. Pain jolts in the bones of her neck and she already begins to feel the skin of her face bruise and swell.
Toji grabs Riku’s face, and she feels like he could crush her skull in his hand if he wanted to. A tear streams down her swollen check at the intense pain. The man with spiky black hair repeats himself, an angered look in his eyes in response to Riku’s disrespectful action, “Your name.” He demands.
“Ymvr…” Riku mutters, barely able to speak with Toji’s grip on her jaw.
“What was that?” He leans in closer to the girl with a smirk as she writhes in pain, ear pushing closer to her lips.
“Your mother.” She finally manages, using Toji’s grip on her hands to steady herself as she quickly raises her legs, the bulky man now unintentionally holding her weight in the air as she swiftly sends the strongest kick she can manage to his balls.
“Agh!!” Toji’s face twists and he yells in agony, both him and Riku collapsing to the floor.
Gojo and Geto exchange looks again, both using the surprise of this situation as an opportunity to take out the two men directly behind each of them, first twisting and jabbing their arms to steal their guns away. They quickly make work of the rest of the five men, shooting some in non-vital places and kicking others.
All the while, Toji is groaning from the floor, “You bitch…!” He spits between clenched teeth, hands cupping his crotch.
Riku stumbles to her feet, abandoning her one remaining high heel before making a dash for the back door, “Coming?” She questions as she quickly breezes past Gojo and Geto, who had just finished kicking the last of the Zenin muscle.
“Yeah, let’s get the fuck outta here.” Gojo says with a final kick, and the two run out the door behind Riku.
“Uhh, car?!” Riku half asks, half yells once they’re outside, praying one of the two men had one nearby.
“Mhm, this way,” The dark of the night sky temporarily camouflages the men outside of Geto’s red shirt and Gojo’s white hair, that is, until Riku’s eyes adjust. Gojo reaches forward, “Matter of fact…” he grabs Riku’s waist and throws her over his shoulder, already beginning to move in an all-out sprint.
Riku yelps at suddenly being manhandled, now only able to see the white of Geto’s smirk as he ran behind Gojo. He thought this was funny?!
“What are you doing?!” She whisper-yells.
“Sorry, babe, easier to move this way.” Gojo gives the back of Riku’s thigh a small smack, that makes her face turn bright red with embarrassment.
Geto tries to hold back a laugh but fails after seeing the look on Riku’s face.
Finally they arrive at a large garage and Gojo hits a code into a keypad at the side of the building, Riku still over his shoulder. The door slowly rises off the ground and they slip in, Gojo grabbing the keys to his Lamborghini Urus before unlocking the doors.
Riku is thrown into the back seat and before she can get her bearings together, the engine is starting and the SUV wheels screech forward from a halt and out of the driveway.
Geto looks back at Riku from the passenger seat, “Buckle up, Riku, this guy’s a shit driver.” He smirks.
“That’s not true, I’m a great driver. Especially in these conditions—“ Gojo says with a sharp turn of the wheel and suddenly they’re speeding through the grass of the courtyard. Riku hears a few gunshots sound in the distance and buckles up before putting her head down. There's the yelling of a few Zenin clan men and the gunshots continue, a few bullets even piercing the back of the window, but none pass through.
Gojo chuckles when he quickly glances at Riku in the rear-view window, “It’s bulletproof, babe.” He explains, then takes another sharp turn to a roughly 400-meter-long driveway that leads to the main road.
Riku slowly sits up, worriedly looking out each of the windows before seeing that they were finally at a good enough distance from the Gojo estate. She takes a shaky, deep breath to calm herself down, almost wanting to cry at everything that had just transpired.
“Hey,” Geto’s tattooed arm reaches back, and he brushes his leather-covered thumb over Riku’s swollen red cheek, “You alright, beautiful?”
She looks up at him, the fear finally beginning to fade from her eyes. She’s safe with them. Riku nods, shakily.
“What a night!” Gojo laughs, “I mean who the fuck was expecting that?”
“Right?” Geto grins at his friend.
Riku furrows her bows, “You both think it’s funny? All those people hurt and in danger?!”
Gojo’s smile fades, “Oh no, that? That was absolutely fucked up… Also you don’t think I’m upset they pulled that shit in my house?” He switches from anger to charm so quick it’s almost scary, “But come on, Riku, that ‘your mother’ line was fucking priceless and you know it.” Gojo smirks again.
Geto laughs, still looking back at her from the front passenger seat, “You’re a legend, Riku. I don’t know how many people living can say they kicked Toji in the balls.”
Gojo laughs but his hand grips the gearshift so hard that his knuckles are white. He isn’t kidding; Riku understands that Gojo is probably the angriest yakuza in Tokyo tonight.
Riku joins in on their laughter with a small giggle, trying to ease the mood.
Geto turns back around to face the front but squeezes Riku’s thigh before looking to his friend, “Satoru, let’s get her some ice and take her home.”
“Yeah,” Gojo agrees and adjusts his mirror to get a better look at Riku, “fucked to see a pretty face bruised up like that.” He pauses, thinking for a moment, “You hungry at all, beautiful?”
“Starving.” Riku admits, regretting not having eaten her meal at the gala.
“Good, ‘cause I know a place and got a few calls to make.”
Geto looks at his friend knowingly, “You need some of my men?”
Gojo shakes his head and lowers his tone, giving Geto a hard look, “Not in front of her. She’s already in the mix of things enough as it is.”
Geto nods.
Gojo raises his voice again, “We’ll take you to one of our favorite spo-"
He’s cut off by Riku’s phone that loudly vibrates in her chest. She’d forgotten it was there. Riku retrieves the iPhone from inside her bra and sees ‘NANAMI’ flash across the screen. She quickly slides her finger across to talk. Before she can say anything—
“Riku! Fuck, finally!! Where are you?!!” He yells through the line.
“Nanami, I’m good, I’m fine… I’m in the car with Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo.”
“You’re what!?”
“It’s fine! They’re going to take me home, okay?”
“Is that Nanamin? Tell him I say hi!” Gojo happily beams, shouting from the driver’s seat.
Apparently Nanami hears that because he groans, “Jeez, Ri, what the hell happened?!”
Riku sighs, “A lot. But the gist is… Toji slapped me in the face, I kicked him in the balls, and we got away.”
“You WHAT??!?!!”
Riku laughs awkwardly, “But we got away and things are fine for now. They’re gonna take me home after we stop and get some ice for my face.”
Nanami is silent for a moment, and Riku can sense his anger through the phone, “Put Satoru on the phone, right fucking now.”
Riku hands her iPhone to Gojo, who quickly takes it and answers with a bright, bubbly tone, “Nanamin! How are you?”
“Look. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, or what business you have to do to clean this shit up, but if Riku comes back here tonight with anything more than a bruised cheek, I’m going to fucking kill you.”
Gojo smiles at the seriousness in Nanami’s tone, “Wow, Kento, I didn’t know you cared about your job so much… What are you in love with her or something?” Gojo grins over at Geto in the passenger seat, “Yeah, yeah, Riku delivery service is on the way.” He glances back at her for a moment before refocusing on the road, “We won’t let anything happen to her. But you know, it’s the fault of her smart-ass mouth that made Toji slap her, anyways.” He shrugs.
“…That unfortunately sounds about right.”
“Well, okay, Nanamin! You’re kind of breaking up,” Gojo shouts, turning up the music from the car stereo as he held the phone between his head and shoulder, “so, talk to ya later!” Once he’s finished increasing the volume to near-max levels, Gojo retrieves the phone once more and hits ‘end’ on the call before tossing it back to Riku, who swiftly clasps it between her two hands.
Riku rolls her eyes and sits back into her seat, knowing she was in for a wild ride in more ways than one.
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akwolfgrl · 2 months
The matchmakers match part 1
“All right, Ms. Lola, that is all the information I need from you, I have a few people already in mind to look into for you,” Sanji informed the women sitting across from him sipping a cup of his enchanted slumber tea, the drank sparkly pink was a pretty close match to her aura, it was only missing the swirls of orange and light blue.
“Thank you so much, Sanji! I have terrible luck in love,” Sanji could relate. He was turning twenty-five and made his entire career based on love. Yet he had awful luck when it came to his personal dating.
“Everything will work out, my dear, I'll get back to you within a week with a few men to look over,” Sanji informed her. “Then on to dating, you will find love in no time, trust me,” Sanji reassured her. “How's your sister doing? I heard she had a baby,”
“She did! I just was over their visiting, wana see photos?”
“Of course,” Sanji loved to make his clients happy. Lola turned her phone towards him. A baby with pink hair, a gray hat, and a five o'clock shadow on his upper lip was laying on a blanket. “He looks just like his dad but with Chiffons hair,”
“Such a handsome young man!” Lola cooed at the photo on her phone.
Sanji turned to place Lola's folder in his filling cabinet. He would get to work on it the day after tomorrow. He had invited his friends over to his place to celebrate his birthday. Most everyone was bringing a dish to pass. He himself was making the Don Angie lasagna that he had been dying to try, and the rolls of lasgan were in the fridge frimming up so he could cut and bake them tomorrow.
“Is it true you offer readings?” Lola asked him, and he could hear the clink of the tea cup hitting the suacer. “Also can I have anthoer treat? I had such a hard time deciding between a donut and those cookies,”
“Yes to both my dear, I bought the donuts from your brothers new donut shop in fact, the cookies are a love spell, there rose and pistachio with a pomegranate icing,” Sanji took her tea cup and stood up to rinse it out, a tea leaf reading was done best in tea with no milk or sugar.
“Ah! I knew they tasted familiar! Ever since you helped to take down Mama's crime syndicate, we've all been much happier…for the most part. Pudding asks about you, Chiffon hasn't told her anything, nor will I,"
“Ahh, thank you for that,” Sanji opened his jar from tea that he used for tea readings and added a pinch before adding just a bit of water from the kettle. He grabbed a cookie before heading back to his desk. “Here you are, please enjoy,” Sanji handed the cookie over and got to work on the tea reading. He could feel Ero's presones.
Sanji swlied the water in the cup before he placed the suacer atop the cup and turned them over. He spun and tapped the cup three times before typing just the cup back up.
“What's it say?!” Lola asked eagerly, leaning closer trying to get a look.
“Let's see, thire a few flowers,” Sanji pointed out the odd shaped flowers on the edges of the cup. “That means eternal love and beauty. A new beginning partnership or romance. Spring will be a special time for you,”
“Really!? Oh that's that makes me so happy! Spring is coming soon!” Lola cooed happy at the news.
“Next thires a heart, witch means, a happy and secure reaship, a new relationship. And lastly, I see a ring, romantic engagement. An offer you can't refuse.”
“Oh thank you, Sanji! I can't wait to find him!”
“Sanji, Namis, hear to see you,” Camie buzzed over the little incom on his desk.
“Namis here?” Sanni pressed the button and spoke into the intercom. “Please let her know I'll be with her in a moment.”
“You know Nami?” Lola asked, standing up, her purse in hand. “Can I have anthoer one of thouse delightful cookies to go?”
“Yes, since we were children,” Sanji turned and grabbed the cookies. She was his last clintet of the day so she could have as many as she wanted. It had been a slow day today he had been mostly working on setting his current clintets up. “You can have the rest if you want, Camie already called dibs on donuts,” Sanji wasn't surprised when she took the whole thing. The Charlotte's were notorious for their sweet tooth. “I'll get back to you in a week,” Sanji led her to the door.
As Nami and Lola chatted, Sanji turned to his secretary. She was cleaning up her desk, her green bangs pulled away from her face with fish and star shaped bratets.
“Would you mind feeding the fish tomorrow?” Sanji asked her, nodding to the large aquarium that took up an entire wall. It was one of his favorite things in his office. He wouldn't be here tomorrow since he was taking the day off for his birthday.
“Of course I can!” She replied, grinning. “Happy early birthday! I got you something,” She took out a warped package.
“Oh you didn't have to do that Camie, you are too sweet,” Sanji took it and opened the gift. Inside was a blue button-up with different water type Pokémon.
“Oh wow! I love it Camie thank you so much. You're just too sweet,” Sanji loved bright colored shirts for his days off. “I'll have to where it tomorrow,”
Sanji left her desk to stand in front of the aquarium. He had worked hard and spent a good amount of money on his aquarium. It was his favorite part of his office. He watched his fish swim around, tonight would be a quite night in, he would do his best to ignore his shitty love life, Eros had promised that he would find his soulmate, his true love by his twenty-fifth birthday but that was tomorrow and here he was single.
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thedawningofthehour · 11 months
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Like. So many? I had a bunch of ideas in the Fallout fandom that I never started, or wrote like three pages and gave up on. (which was for the best RPGs don't lend itself well to long-form fics, but still) There's all my different spins on separated AUs for TMNT, alts for doth and whatnot. And then there was the Rise/2012 crossover idea I was playing with before I started on doth-some of which did get incorporated into doth in the end, so elements of it are there.
Oh, before I started watching Rise I was playing around with a Steven Universe fanfic. I actually wrote some of it out but I never really intended to publish it. The basis was a human AU where Garnet had been a detective investigating the Diamond crime empire and had returned home to her moms in Beach City after a traumatic encounter with Blue Diamond that caused her to be retired. Pearl proposes a marriage of convenience so they could adopt Amethyst and Steven no fuss. Greg was in jail (Marty was doing fraud or something and it was all his fault) and his parents were seeking custody of Steven-Rose had died giving birth, and while he always considered Garnet and Pearl his coparents he never married either of them and they weren't Steven's legal mothers. Amethyst was Pearl's half-sister through their mother Opal, and was trying to legally adopt her since her other half-sister Jasper was trying to get custody of her. (the Famethyst all had the same dad who showed up to Beach City one day, fathered a bazillion daughters, and partied until he quite literally dropped dead) There was a whole thing with Garnet beating up Jasper in high school and Jasper being in love with her from that day on.
Eventually there would be the whole reveal with Rose having been Pink Diamond, the youngest daughter in the Diamond syndicate, and it would be uncovered that Greg being framed was orchestrated by White Diamond in an attempt to swoop in and legally gain custody of her grandson in a swift and sure manner-she could just have Steven kidnapped and produce fake documents for him, quite easily, but in a rare caring moment she actually wanted to make this as untraumatic as possible for Steven. (besides, she could play the savior later on by 'pulling some strings' and getting Greg out of prison) Eventually Yellow Diamond would have gotten impatient, kidnapped Steven, and forcefully recruited Garnet to her own empire, having been extremely impressed with her during her conflict with Blue.
And I have no idea how it ends, because then I started watching Rise and lost the SU hyperfixation. :D
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danger-xylophones · 2 years
Hi! If you’re still taking request, could you write a thrass x reader fic where the reader, his wife, find thrass staying up late at night trying to find info on Thrawn’s sister.
warnings: reader is referred to as 'wife, this plays with the idea that most syndics don't know about the skywalker program at all
It was cold, you noticed immediately. The satin sheets meant to comfort you in your sleep had become irritating and frigid against your exposed skin.
With an irritated huff, you reached out a hand to your lover - hoping to find and sidle up next to him to siphon some heat. But your hand met an empty bed. Empty, freezing cold sheets encased the top and bottom of your hand. You creaked an eye open just to confirm what you'd already expected and soon found yourself irritated for an entirely different reason. "Thrass..." you groaned into your pillow.
You didn't need to look at the chrono to know that it was way too late for him to still be up and yet, most likely, he was. Still seated at his desk you'd left him at hours ago. A part of you wanted to just forget it and go back to sleep. Thrass hadn't gone to bed at a reasonable hour in almost three weeks. For the first week, you'd tried tirelessly to get him into bed with you before midnight but he'd always get up after a few hours to go back to his desk. You'd eventually given up, hoping instead that your annoyance would shine through and Thrass would get the hint and remember that sleep was important for his well-being.
But now here you were again. And unfortunately, your concern for his well-being won. Sighing explosively, you rose from the bed and slipped your feet into some slippers. As you stood, the sheets fell from you like cascading water, reaching out like grasping hands to lure you back to bed. You ignored their silver call in search of your husband, the very man who made the sheets all the more inviting.
You padded through the halls - each step quieter than snowfall - as you crept to the only lit room in the small house you'd taken up residence in on Avidich. Thrass's office was alight with soft amber coming from the one lamp on perched on his desk. It spilled out into the hall from beneath the door like a dying beacon calling you to the man locked within.
This time, you didn't bother knocking.
The door slid open with a soft hiss and you readied a hiss of your own, a loving bereavement of Thrass's unhealthy habit. Only to find it wasn't needed.
Thrass had passed out at his desk, his figure slumped over on the desk mounted questis. His head pressed into the keys and you stifled a laugh at the thought of the small squares leaving imprints on his face.
"Oh Thrass, "you sighed, "you silly, silly man."
Approaching his desk, you reached a hand out to his shoulder to gently shake the man awake.
With a snort and a jolt, the syndic sat up and looked around the room almost wildly before his gaze finally settled on you and he relaxed. "Oh, good morning, ch'acah," he yawned, bringing a fist to his mouth to hide it. "Would you like me to get started on breakfast?"
You simpered at him, "no, darling," you rubbed his shoulder, "it's still much too early for that."
His face pulled into a confused pout and he looked away from you to the chrono on his desk. "Oh..." His beautiful carmine eyes returned to yours, "then, what are you doing up?"
You had to fight not to roll your eyes and settled instead for an unimpressed frown. "You never came to bed..."
"Oh..." he repeated more sheepishly than before. "I'm sorry, ch'acah. I lost track of time and-"
"You've been 'losing track of time' for weeks now, Thrass." You cut him off. "What has you so bothered?"
Thrass fell silent for awhile, his eyes drifting from your face to the still illuminated screen before him. You stayed quiet, your hand drifting down his arm - creating goosebumps beneath his blue skin in your light grasp's wake - till it settled atop his in Thrass's lap. Without looking at you, he turned his hand over to hold yours, bringing it close to his chest as he finally sighed and looked at you once again. "I told you about my last luncheon with Thrawn, yes?"
You nodded and Thrass turned his body back to the questis, still keeping your hand in his though. Without a word, you followed the movement and found yourself perched on the edge of his desk. "He said something I found odd - for him, I should clarify." Your lips briefly twitched into a small grin. "We somehow started talking about philosophy and it lead to the impact of grief. And Thrawn told me that he'd once had a sister."
"Had?" You clarified, tightening your grip on his hand. Thrass nodded, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the screen before him. He lowered your joined hands to his lap before he continued.
"He had a sister but he didn't say she'd died. She'd simply...disappeared one day. And he wouldn't tell me more." Your head tilted to the side - odd indeed. "So, I started to look into it."
"And?" you pressed.
"And I managed to track down her birth record - she was born as Kivu'rik'ardoc on Rentor and she was a bit older than Thrawn. I have her enrollment record too from when she started schooling. And then - nothing. Everything stopped after she turned five. It's like she vanished from the galaxy." He frowned. "Until years later an adoption record for her pops up. Or at least I think it's her. The core name is close enough - Rik'ardok - and she was adopted by the Irizi's." He looked to you, his expression pointed.
"My family?" You queried more to yourself than him. And then, taking a moment to really consider it, you tilted your head up as if the ceiling might reveal some hidden memory to you. "I can't say I remember welcoming any 'Zirika' to the family - what year would she have-?"
Thrass retracted his hand from yours to pivot his screen to you, letting you read her adoption record for yourself. You frowned. "I was active then, yes. But only just starting out..."
Thrass sighed, returning the monitor to it's place. "I was afraid you would say that." He fell silent, a downcast look darkening his face.
Your frown grew heavier at the sight of Thrass looking so defeated. Bringing your hands up, you took his face into them. "That doesn't mean I can't get access to them though."
His frown twisted from saddened to annoyed. "Ch'acah, how likely are they to hand over documents to the wife of someone from their rival family?"
You shrugged one shoulder, "They'd be more willing if they thought I was compiling my records to help an up and coming Irizi syndic."
Thrass blinked at you in disbelief. "I can't ask you to lie to your family, ch'acah just to help me."
"You're my family now, Thrass," you ran your thumb over his cheek for emphasis, "I would do anything for you."
His gaze softened and soon his hands came up to grasp yours. Bringing them away from his face, he brought them to his lips. "Please," he sighed, breath warming your knuckles, "I want to give Thrawn some closure."
You held his hands tight and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. "I will help you, my love." You leaned your forehead against his and spoke with a soft voice. "But you have to promise me you'll stop staying up till the whisperbirds start calling."
Thrass laughed, a choppy, startled sound that shook his whole body. "I promise," he sighed, retracting a hand to turn off his desk mounted questis, "no more."
With a quiet 'thank you', you pressed a fleeting kiss to his lips before pulling him up to his feet. "Come on, let's go to bed."
He happily let you tow him along without letting go of your hand. And when you got back to your shared room, he was more than happy to let you help him into his pajamas. He only separated from you to finish his nightly routine in the refresher and in the meantime you settled back into bed. The sheets were even colder than before and you found yourself shivering against them until Thrass finally joined you and pulled you close.
With your face tucked into his neck, you finally let out a sigh of relief and soon joined him in sleep.
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y00h00 · 9 months
Happy Hippy Mixtape 2023
To commemorate the passing of 2023, I’ve put together my nineteenth annual collection of the songs that made me happiest, that moved me to dance, that made each day a little better than the one before.
Note that the Spotify version is missing two songs, including this year's bonus track. For the complete streaming experience, try YouTube.
Listen to Happy Hippy 2023 on Spotify (28/30 tracks)
Listen to Happy Hippy 2023 on YouTube (30/30 tracks)
Download the entire Happy Hippy 2023 MP3 mix in ZIP format
Download the Happy Hippy 2023 mix as a single MP3 file
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Track List:
Thank You / Daði Freyr
Heat and Hot Water (Passion Pit Remix) / ARMS
Counterpoint / Delphic
This Head I Hold / Electric Guest
Angel Face / Gena Rose Bruce
103 / The Kills
Break and Enter / Hyper and Blue Stahli
Hate or Glory / Gesaffelstein
The Big Bad Wolf / The Heavy
Don't Let The Devil / Killer Mike ft. El-P, Run The Jewels, thankugoodsir
Dead Man Walking (feat. Virus Syndicate) / Milanese
Sing Me To Sleep / KING 810
Number 9 ft. Lil Yachty / Miguel
nihilist blues / Bring Me The Horizon ft. Grimes
Scream / Jake Daniels
Toy (#NotYourToy Remix) / NETTA
Slate / Model/Actriz
Cadillac (A Pimp's Anthem) / Victoria Monét
bullseye / girl_irl
Little Girl Gone / CHINCHILLA
Do It So Good / WARGASM
Pink Whitney / Scene Queen
Cha Cha Cha / Käärijä
Revenge Of The Orchestra (ft. Magugu) / Apashe
Wicked Game / Tenacious D
A House in Nebraska / Ethel Cain
Harbour (Song For Elizabeth) / Beverly Glenn-Copeland
The Magic Place / Julianna Barwick
Everytime We Touch / Electric Callboy
This year's bonus track is funnier on video.
As always, special thanks goes to Fluxblog and CPI for continuing their dedication to the art of the MP3 blog. I found most of these tracks through them.
This year's companion dance music mixtape, Dancey Hippy 2023, is available here: https://www.tumblr.com/y00h00/737189138978242560/dancey-hippy-mixtape-2023?source=share
You can browse all my mixes on Tumblr here: http://y00h00.tumblr.com/tagged/mixtape
The complete Happy/Dancey Hippy mixtape archive going back to 2004 is available for download here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1E2ZbJOv28bw1AYYjuu_FzcpIk8dPVgWj?usp=sharing
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genevawrenn · 3 months
These Little Wonders, These Twists and Turns of Fate
✨c!Technoblade & c!Philza, c!Techno & the Syndicate ✨6.6k W.C. ✨Fluff ✨c!Technoblade-centric ✨Emerald Duo 🎵Little Wonders by Rob Thomas
“Now come on, get up. It’s baking day!”
Techno’s rose-red eyes blink open, rolling his head to face Phil’s sky blue gaze.
“Baking day?” He questions, excitement growing in his chest remembering their discussion last night as the plan clicks into place.
“Indeed! I’ll be in my home with your tea when you decide to drag yourself from bed.”
The members of the Syndicate have a baking day where many good memories are made and Technoblade realises just how much he cares for the people he has around him.
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whirligig-girl · 1 year
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Outfits of Slamtha Uzgoel, the slimegirl astronaut who ended up indentured into service in the Orion Syndicate and then rose through its ranks and made a name for herself.
A recurring thing for Slamtha’s style is to cover her forearms with detached sleeves, which originally comes from traditional modesty standards of some federation species she learned of growing up, whose feminine fashion she really liked.
Slamtha was captured by the syndicate as they were trying to salvage her rocket--while it was in the middle of an interplanetary mission. She surrendered, and thus ended up indentured into servitude as a laborer for the Orion Syndicate. She was determined to make herself useful enough that they would not dispose of her as they did the rest of her rocket’s crew. She would have worn the “Syndicate Laborer” clothes during that period. Eventually she rose through the ranks and was granted a rustbucket of a starship and a crew to go with it. She then experimented more with style, primarily styles she’d seen worn by Orions and other women in the Syndicate.
The one on the far right, the blue starfleet miniskant, is from an alternate universe (or perhaps sci-magical fantasy) where Guz and Slamtha went through starfleet together.
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