#The Bad Samaritan
so-journeying · 1 month
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Woman At the Well: Simple Presentation of JESUS | Tim Keller
Number one, this ordinary woman is simply being transparent and honest about who she is and what she has experienced. She knows very little at this point; she’s not an expert. And all she does is go to her friends & say, “HE told me everything I ever did.”
In other words, “Look what HE’s done for me. HE knew what I needed. HE looked into my heart. HE knew who I was.”
She’s not telling them about substitutionary atonement.
She has no idea what that is.
She’s not giving them bullet points.
She’s not giving doctrine.
She’s not giving a Gospel presentation.
She’s simply being honest about WHO HE is to her and what has happened.
Excerpt from: Sharing the Joy We Have in CHRIST by Tim Keller
1 Peter 3:15 [DARBY] but sanctify [the] LORD the CHRIST in your hearts, and [be] always prepared to [give] an answer [to] every one that asks you to give an account of the hope that [is] in you, but with meekness & fear;
Psalm 2:12 [ESV] Kiss the SON, lest HE be angry, and you perish in the way, for HIS wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in HIM.
Acts 4:25 [NLT] YOU spoke long ago by the HOLY SPIRIT through our ancestor David, YOUR Servant, saying, 'Why were the Nations so angry? Why did they waste their time with futile plans?
The Psalmist, David [Acts 4:25], continues his counsel to the Kings & Rulers by telling them to kiss the SON to avert HIS anger. This contrasts with their plans to defy GOD [Psalm 2:1–6].
"Kiss" suggests homage. When Elijah was depressed in the desert and feeling that he was the only one who worshipped the LORD, the LORD told him, "Yet I will leave 7K in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him." [1 Kings 19:18]
"Kiss" sign of friendship. In biblical times a kiss on the cheek was an expression of friendship. The betrayer of JESUS, feigned friendship with JESUS by kissing HIM [Matthew 26:47–49].
"Kiss" sign of acceptance In 1 Thessalonians 5:26, Paul commanded the Christians to "greet all the brothers with a holy kiss." Today, at least in Western cultures, a firm handshake and/or a hug is an equivalent sign of agreement or unity.
This psalm makes it clear that failure to establish a friendly relationship with the ANOINTED ONE brings about HIS anger & wrath that results in damnation [John 3:36].
Revelation 20:10–15 reveals this fate involves being cast into the lake of fire. However, those who "kiss the SON" are blessed & protected by HIM [John 3:16–18].
This is a summary of the Gospel message, that we can be saved only through faith in JESUS CHRIST [John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 16:31]. This conveys a message like that of John the Baptist. He urged everyone in Israel to repent in preparation for the arrival of MESSIAH & HIS Kingdom [Matthew 3:1–3; John 1:8].
JESUS invited those who heard HIM to repent and believe on HIM [Matthew 4:17; 11:28; Luke 5:32; 13:3,34]. HE said no one can enter the Kingdom without being born again [John 3:3].
The Apostles Peter and Paul, too, urged those who heard them preach to turn to JESUS for forgiveness [Acts 2:38–39; 17:30–31; Romans 10:1–13]
Chapter Summary:
Godless cultures plot to rid themselves of divine authority.
But trying to escape GOD's will is ridiculous. HE will direct HIS wrath toward them & asserts HE has established HIS KING upon Mount Zion.
This passage predicts the Anointed KING—the MESSIAH—will smash the rebellious Nations to pieces with an iron rod. The psalmist urges the Rulers of the Earth to submit to the SON's Authority/Rule/Kingship by becoming friends with HIM.
friendship is thicker than blood [Proverbs 18:24] A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a FRIEND WHO sticks closer than a brother. [hint hint nudge nudge]
Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown This analogy works on the basis that wealth doesn't get you anything but a target on your back, betrayals from imposters & trouble makers—but this also reminds me of how Israel demanded a human ruler like all the other Nations, whom GOD warned would only break their backs with his demands/insecurities.
Flattery Will Get You Tied Up Laying it on thick, like lipstick on a pig, long drawn brown nosing. I guess I think of Keller's discussion of Hope Beyond the Walls of this World, where he combines his lessons of Counterfeit Gods with all the ways we will evade GOD & chase after our heart's obsessions, hoping it will not disappoint even after multiple failed attempts. Essentially, you cannot trust anyone for the truth when they are compromised by their desires, which will be as fruitful as asking a prostitute for her true identity: "Whatever you want it to be lover." Proverbs 14:20 [ERV] The poor have no friends, not even their neighbors, but the rich have many friends.
Psalm 2 closes with the declaration that all who take refuge [take HIS free offer of friendship] in [through] the LORD's Anointed KING are blessed.
Photo: nomadenord | flowers & cottages
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aq2003 · 1 month
for some reason this is making me lose it
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ghost-bison · 1 year
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It really just baffles me how they were all played by the same person
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cascodedtech · 6 months
The four David Tennant archetypes:
Poor little meow meow:
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The neurodivergent chaotic:
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The creepy, slimy, serial killer:
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The Wholesome Dad:
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I don’t think this man has had a single movie be both critically and commercially successful
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winter-seance · 9 months
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Robert Sheehan & David Tennant | Bad Samaritan BTS
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ffb6c1lover · 2 years
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me on my way to watching the entire filmography of david tennant
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pixxkill · 7 months
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Quick art dump for the archive :)
Been drawing more recently so hopefully I’ll be posting more
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i-like-media · 9 months
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imagine a killer hacking your Facebook and changing your status to single... CRYING
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Rob at OxFam's Style For Change, and several photos from his Square Mile magazine article.
These are honestly some of the best, most stunning pictures he's had taken his entire career.
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Some of David Tennant’s filmography.
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robsclan · 18 days
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Robert in Bad Samaritan
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princeloww · 5 months
David Tennant reaction images I send to my friends
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shuichiakainx · 10 months
David as an antagonist is really fantastic I love his cale erendreich 🛐
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davidtennantedits · 1 year
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BAD SAMARITAN (2018) David Tennant as Cale Erendreich
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raz-writes-the-thing · 10 months
second masterlist
this masterlist is closed (has hit the link limit). please see masterlist masterpost for more works.
fandoms are in alphabetical order.
Cale Erendreich x Reader
Cale NSFW Alphabet 18+
Cale x GN!Reader comfort HCs
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Violent in Nature - (Cale Erendreich x FTM!Reader)
Cale catches you doing something you shouldn't be.
Eight-Legged Horror - (Cale Erendreich x GN!Reader)
There's an eight-legged horror in your lunchbox. Cale is not impressed with your response to it.
Not The Bamboo Sheets - (Cale Erendreich x GN!Reader) 18+
Cale has some bratty behaviour to correct.
Focus Please - (Cale Erendreich x GN!Reader)
Cale takes care of you when you get a nosebleed.
What's For Dinner? (Cale Erendreich x GN!Reader)
Cale catches you eavesdropping on his phone call.
Billy Butcher x Reader
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Something New - (Billy Butcher x Fem!Reader) 18+
Slapping Billy doesn't go the way you think it would.
Little Kreature - (Billy Butcher x Fem!Reader)
The mission goes well and Butcher's found a surprise for you.
Soldier Boy x Reader
Drabbles (600 words or less)
My Command - (Soldier Boy x GN!Reader)
Soldier Boy knows just how to push your buttons.
Alec Hardy x Reader
Alec Hardy NSFW Alphabet 18+
Alec Comfort HCs
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
A Reception Worth The Miss - (Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader) 18+
You were pretty far from where the ceremony had taken place by now and you were sure you were probably missing the opening bits of the reception.
New Years - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Neither of you have had a New Years kiss before- it's time that changed.
Gallery Shenanigans - (Alec Hardy x Masc!Reader) 18+
Alec gives you a handjob in the art gallery bathrooms
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Beanpole Icepack - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Alec runs cold. You run hot. Match made in heaven.
Ask Me Again In The Morning - (Alec Hardy x Masc!Reader)
Alec's drunk when he confesses his feelings for you.
The Way You Taste - (Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader) 18+
Alec loves the way you taste.
Nip To The Park - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Alec discovers your newest yappy crime.
Missy x GN!Reader hcs 18+
Tenth Doctor x Eleventh Doctor x Reader
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
The Opposite Effect - (Tenth Doctor x Eleventh Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+
Was it a mistake riling the two of them up? Possibly. Will you do it again? Most definitely.
A Little Paradox Never Hurt Nobody - (Tenth Doctor x Eleventh Doctor x Fem!Reader) 18+
It's been six months since Eleven joined you both, and it's safe to say things have escalated a little.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Keep 'Er Steady - (Tenth Doctor x Eleventh Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+
It's about time you learnt how to fly the TARDIS
Tenth Doctor x Tentoo x GN!Reader
NSFW general headcanons
Tenth Doctor x Reader
Ten with shy singing reader
Dark!Ten aftercare HCs
Ten x AFAB!GN!Reader eating out hcs 18+
Ten x Tall!GN!Reader HCs
Ten x Short!GN!Reader HCs
Subby!Ten x GN!Reader HCS 18+
Full Length Fics (600 words plus)
Need A Ride? - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+
You’d fucked him many times, of course, but never like this. Never on top.  
Oval Office Adjacent - (Dark!Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+
The Doctor gets a little jealous when an alien race turns its carnal sights on you.
Unbidden - (Dark!Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+
The Doctor's gone too far this time.
Sometimes All We Need Is A Good Cry - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
It's all in the title, babes
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Worth It - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
It might be time to reflect on the choices that brought you here.
Devoid of Attention - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor is oblivious as per usual.
The Whole Time - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor finds your love letters.
Fun Tonight - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+
Overstimulation with the Doctor
Mine - (Dark!Tenth Doctor x Fem!Reader) 18+
Dark!Ten would do anything to keep you with him.
Not For Lack of Squirming - (Dark!Ten x GN!Reader) 18+
Oral with Dark!Ten
Merry Christmas, Doctor - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor plans a Christmas holiday
Eleventh Doctor x Reader
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Still Out There - (Eleventh Doctor x GN!Reader)
There were few things you’d never seen by this point, but the Doctor crying? That was definitely not something you’d seen before.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Do It Together - (Eleventh Doctor x GN!Reader)
Prompt: “When have I ever been wrong? … except about women. Generally.”
Unplanned Surprise - (Eleventh Doctor x GN!Reader)
You have an unplanned surprise to tell the Doctor about.
President of the World - (Eleventh Doctor x GN!Reader)
You don't believe the Doctor when he tells you he's President of the World.
Twelfth Doctor x Reader
Twelfth Doctor NSFW Alphabet
Full-length Fics (600 words plus)
Decidedly Not A Design Flaw - (Twelfth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+
The Doctor catches you fantasising about his hands.
No More Leaking - (Twelfth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor discovers you're not sleeping well.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Magazine Florets - (Twelfth Doctor x GN!Reader)
Catch and release prompt "animals"
Unofficial Fifth Member of the Beatles - (Twelfth Doctor x GN!Reader)
the Doctor has a new and unexpected accessory.
Terrible Idea - (Twelfth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor catches you watching Jurassic Park. Again.
Better? - (Twelfth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor comes to realise his lack of physical affection has been having more of an impact than he thought.
Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader
Reader with long hair HCs
Aziraphale x Reader
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Sinning With Lust - (Aziraphale x GN!Reader) 18+
Aziraphale catches you reading a spicy novel.
New Year's Kiss - (Aziraphale x GN!Reader)
Aziraphale asks to be your New Year's kiss.
Scar Tissue - (Aziraphale x FTM!Reader)
It's been one year since your top surgery.
Snowed In - (Aziraphale x GN/GF!Reader)
It's time you came out to Aziraphale as genderfluid.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Very Entertaining - (Aziraphale x GN!Reader)
Aziraphale cannot fathom why you enjoy horror movies so much
Spent and Sated - (Aziraphale x GN!Reader) 18+
Aziraphale knows you can take one more load.
Crowley x Reader
Reader with period HCs
Karaoke with Crowley HCs
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
You Didn't Say The Magic Word - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
Crowley isn't the biggest fan of your house guest.
First Picnic - (Crowley x Fem!Reader) 18+
You talk Crowley into going on a picnic date with you.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
An Unexpected Cosplay - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
Crowley is small, and a pain in your ass.
Talk To Me - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
Crowley never fails to comfort you when you need it. Particularly when your mother is involved.
The Way You Look Tonight (Crowley x GN!Reader)
You might be sick, but you'll be damned if you don't get this dance.
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Daemon x Masc!Knight!reader hcs
Full-Length fics (600 words plus)
A Fruit So Sweet - (Daemon Targaryen x Fem!Reader)
Daemon's noticed you before, and tonight he makes his first move.
Something In The Way - (Daemon Targaryen x GN!Reader) 18+
You reflect on the way Daemon touches you.
Rhaenyra Targaryen x Reader
One-Shots (600 words plus)
Gaze of the Moon - (GN!Reader)
You and your wife, Princess Rhaenyra steal a moment of peace together as you prepare for the coming birth of your child.
Eddie Brock/Venom x Reader
Venom x GN!Reader Relationship HCs
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Is That A Promise? - (Eddie Brock/Venom x GN!Reader)
Telling you about Venom does not go entirely how Eddie planned.
Naughty Thoughts - (Eddie Brock/Venom x Fem!Reader) 18+
Venom discovers your dirty thoughts about him and his tongue.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Sweet Like Chocolate - (Venom x GN!Reader)
Venom's enjoys it when you're his host.
Safe Together - (Venom x GN!Reader)
Venom has a confession to make to you.
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Drabbles (600 words or less)
A Hug? - (Loki Laufeyson x GN!Reader)
You ask Loki for a hug. He's very Loki about it.
Ed Teach/Blackbeard x Reader
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
On Your Knees, Love - (Ed Teach x GN!Reader) 18+
You find out Ed has a thing for having his hair played with.
Stede Bonnet x Reader
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Show Business - (Stede Bonnet x GN!Reader)
Stede is teaching you a thing or two about piracy.
Martin Whitly x Reader
Martin Whitly NSFW Alphabet
Giving Martin head after dinner hcs 18+
Martin Whitly x GN!Reader Snuggle HCs
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Study Bunny - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader) 18+
You ride Martin's thighs.
Doctor's Orders - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader)
You're feeling unwell. Good thing there's a doctor on hand.
Kaz Brekker x Reader
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Passing The Baton - (Kaz Brekker x GN!Reader)
To your knowledge, your crush on Kaz is unrequited. Apparently, this is not the case.
Paying Attention - (Kaz Brekker x GN!Reader)
You're a little clueless, but the Crows are trying their best to get you to see the light.
Heated Gaze - (Kaz Brekker x GN!Reader) 18+
Kaz likes to watch you play with yourself.
Team Free Will x Reader
One-Shots (600 words plus)
Monthly Pity Party - (AFAB!GN!Reader)
Your cramps are kicking your ass this month, though you do wish the boys would quit throwing pity parties for you.
Castiel x Reader
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Sudden Appearances Make For Good Times - GN!Reader 18+
Castiel learns his best moves from the pizza man.
Casifer x Reader
Drabbles (600 words or less)
The Odd Cuddle - (GN!Reader)
Flirty Casifer cuddles. That's it, that's the fic.
Dean Winchester x Sam Winchester x Reader (no Wincest)
One-Shots (600 words plus)
Anything You Need - (GN!Reader)
The boys discover you've been having some... unpleasant thoughts.
Dean Winchester x Reader
One-Shots (600 words plus)
Cute As A Button (AFAB!GN!Reader) 18+
smut prompt based on the word "button."
A Very Bisexual Revelation (Cis!Masc!Reader) 18+
Dean Winchester's never had trouble with the ladies, but this is brand new territory for him.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Hurricane Dean - (Dean Winchester x GN!Reader)
All Dean wants is a vacation. If only the MOTW would allow such a thing.
Sam Winchester x Reader
One-Shots (600 words plus)
Bored and in Need of Entertainment - (GN!Reader)
You're bored and it's Sam's turn to entertain you.
Polish and Shine - (GN!Reader)
Sam chews on his nails a lot. Too much. You come up with a plan to break the habit.
Negan Smith x Reader
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Not Part of the Plan - (Negan Smith x GN!Reader)
Negan discovers that you've been sent to spy on the Sanctuary
A Good Show - (Negan Smith x (cis)Masc!Reader) 18+
Negan likes a good show. He also likes seeing you handle Lucille. Match made in heaven.
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