#The Altogether Altered Pirate
esteemed-excellency · 11 months
Lore drop about Hiram and Captain Dargor (@thunder-threnodies), for everyone who's curious about the husbands. They go waaay back:
Francis Morgan arrives in the Neath just a year after the Fall, searching for their father's contacts at the Admiralty. Their childhood friend, Eleanor, awaits them on the surface, and they write to each other during the entire time they're apart. Francis never manages to confess their feelings for her, but they look forward to to meet again.
In 1865 Francis debutes as Captain. Hiram is present at the Admiralty's party, having invited himself in to meet with some contacts that should help him smuggle souls across the underzee. The Neath is a new reality for everyone and Hiram is establishing his criminal business, trying to regain at least some status and connections. Hiram and Francis are introduced by a mutual acquaintance, and they agree to undertake the smuggling business together, Hiram working around the city and Francis across the zee.
During the 1860s the Admiralty tests the newly promoted Captain's prowess for the Grand Geode project, dispatching them all around the underzee. Francis keeps in touch with Hiram when they dock at Wolfstack, and they soon become friends. The Captain trusts Hiram with their increasing paranoia and distrust towards the Admiralty, and they let him in on some of the Admiralty's secrets. Hiram trusts the Captain with his ambitions, and together they discuss his discoveries and theories about the Neath, both fuelling each other's obsessions.
Hiram's violant incident happens in 1867, and the Captain helps him deal with his burned eyes, staying with him through some of the worst moments between migraines, nightmares, and flashbacks. They remain with Hiram for some months, until he finally regains sight.
In 1869 the Captain is sent on a long voyage along the zee currents, a final test from the Admiralty. They're still keeping in touch with Eleanor on the surface, and with Hiram in London. But not even a year passes, and something goes wrong at zee.
The Captain disappears and Hiram loses the only person he fully trusts, just as he's dealing with the violant incident's consequences. Not receiving any more communication from his friend, he decides to stop sending letters. He meets the Quiet Deviless around the same year and he slowly stops caring about the Captain altogether, absorbed by a new search of information about the Marvelous. It's a busy time for his businesses and his Ambition.
Meanwhile, Eleanor is in Vienna, where she spends the 1870s trying to get her letters sent to London in every possible way she can find, Great Game included, until she manages to receive some letters back. Francis is still sailing the underzee, they forsook the Admiralty and they're now sailing under the pirate name of Captain Dargor, of the Requiem. In their peregrinations they find the Seven Against Nidah, they start revering the Zee Gods, and they reach the Mountain of Light. As Francis Dargor wanders for a decade, lost and enraptured by the light of the Garden, all contacts with Eleanor cease abruptly.
In 1882 Hiram wins the Marvelous, securing more Time to himself and to London, and accidentally postponing a Reckoning.
Captain Dargor returns to London in 1885, their eyes peligin, their Time forever altered by the years spent in the Garden. They reconvene with some city contacts, but London feels like a long lost dream. The news that Eleanor was killed grounds them in the present once again. In the follwing decade they embark on a quest to seek Eleanor's killer, who becomes their Nemesis. They find Hiram again, and after some initial coldness they manage to get back in touch, both trying to figure out how the other changed since the last time they met.
The Captain ends their Nemesis quest once and for all in 1889, finally avenging Eleanor's death. They meet again with Hiram, and they have a long due conversation about their respective lives and Ambitions, slowly regaining trust in each other. Avenging Eleanor was the last thing Francis really wanted to do, and all their years feel heavy on their soul. Hiram, on the other hand, although devoid of soul, can't seem to get enough of everything.
They grow close again until, one Hallowmass, the Captain proposes to Hiram, almost as a joke, and Hiram says yes, almost out of habit. They plan a grandiose wedding at the Bazaar, with the goal of pestering the Masters as much as possible with it. They have enough Time on their hands, but they're in no rush, and they keep going on with their affairs and their lives. Their respective circles of friends and lovers gravitate towards each other, turning into common acquaintances and friends over the years.
After the disastrous Horticultural Show of 1902 1899, they both fly into the Eye, momentarily taken by their own flavour of madness at the thought of witnessing true sunlight again. The Captain, being the one most prone to reflect on the consequences of their actions, realises that the right moment might be now or never, and they propose again immediately after they both return from the River. Hiram, not reflecting on the consequences of his actions at all, and still a bit sunlight crazed, agrees with enthusiasm. They finalise the marriage preparations, achieving their goal of making it the biggest event of the summer, booking the entirety of the Bazaar Sidestreets for the party.
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dylanlila · 2 years
So what are your thoughts on Jo's letter to Laurie in the 2019 film?
FUCK. (what a way to start an essay woah) THIS IS MY!!!!! FAVOURITE ACT OF ALTERING THE SOURCE MATERIAL AND IT SUCKS THAT PEOPLE JUST.... do not get it lol. it's an excellent addition and it says sooooo much if you read the text properly... let's look at it shall we:
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the worst fate is to be a wife -> the worst fate is to live my life without you in it. she never confesses love!!!! she would... if they were still children. back when i love you only meant i love you ... when it could be something that was solely theirs!!!! she's not saying that she wants to marry him... she's just picking the lesser of what she considers to be two evils... and YEAH, it is a love story, her best friend is absolutely essential to her (which she knows now. that he's gone.) and she is lonely. and man the lifespan of this letter (it is alive to me ok) is simply devastating... it is kept alive in the mailbox laurie introduced, it is locked away thanks to the key laurie's gifted jo and her sisters (her sisters. the only force capable of overpowering jo's ambition). and that, to me, is the perfect metaphor for jo and laurie themselves... keeping each other alive, but at what cost... does the world you created protect you or cut you off from everything else (they are physically separated from everyone during the dance sequence... on the porch while life goes on) their friendship ridicules social norms and jo LOVES that, she loves seeing herself in laurie... and then. and then the person you thought shared your worldview is perfectly happy living the life both of you were supposed to be running away from... she literally tries to embody him here. (WEARING HIS CLOTHES IN THAT SCENE WITH BETH TOO!!!!!)
look at this progression:
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they're practically sharing a face in the scene above vs the camera barely even lets them be in the same shot in the scene below and when it does there's a clear drift between them (excellent work with filters too. mwah), like they're not supposed to be in a room together (OBSESSED with how damn physical it all is and it's a FRIENDSHIP!!!! so punk, punk rock equivalent I AM RIGHT)... they embrace, but the focus is on each of their faces separately while the twin boys hug (jo sells her hair moment) from their youth does little to accent their individual features... their faces are mostly hidden...
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she's not in love with him!!!!! the person who was supposed to be her equal in everything is just... not the same as her... what if she's the only one dreaming of far away places and pirate ships? well, for one... that would mean she's all alone. I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!! WE ARE JUST THE SAME!!!!! because of you i can love all the crooked parts of me. it's so fucked up actually lmaooo. back to the letter... THE DEATH SCENE (letters can die) look at the script, this fucking haunts me:
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once it left the mailbox, the letter has to die... "she might end her suffering in the most tragic way - she leans towards the river"... just... the loss of friendship synchronized with physical impairment. it's all about the idealized world you've created in your head blending with the harsh version of reality you've also created in your head and resulting in The Unknown (the truth is always in the in-between) and jo wants the world to just ... stop altogether because of this... she can't get the bookish culmination of events, neither the fairytale nor the tragedy... she can't love laurie differently so no Happy Ending from her romance novels (she reads them!!!! we always forget it, but she loves romance novels!!!) and everything is so mind-numbingly passive so no Shakespearean Death... (i'd even argue that she doesn't end her suffering in the most tragic way because she finds her reality lacking in events that would support that sort of final act... also ties in to my thoughts on the movie's particular manner of storytelling! nothing Important ever happens, but lives keep on changing... amy march gets it!!!!) idk man... just. the letter. it's all about the letter.
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madame-cookie · 2 years
Alsacius (they/them) Rank: Champion
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They awoke from the Pale Tree with a natural curiosity towards elemental magic. They were singed in a sparring match with a colleague, and began obsessing with the power of fire magic. After doing some intentional studies in regards to the history of fire magic, they decided to dedicate their life to harnessing their already budding abilities. They became a Soundless, severing the connection to the Dream and other sylvari. After this, they began delving into ruins, interrogating powerful mages, and traveling in guilds in search of furthering their power. 
Alsacius was tracking a small convoy of fire djinn in Istan, when they were ambushed by a group of masked pirates in red scarves. When they came to, Scarlet Murakai, kingpin of The Scarlet Drakes, was making them an offer:
She slowly extended the pulsating, emerald blade from its pommel, offering the edge of the sword like an outreached hand to the nearly-dead sylvari mage. “I’ve seen your desires like so many sparkflies in the dark, and I can make them all… come… true…”She paused as she spoke, altering the appearance of the room to reflect different places that Alsacius had been on their travels, and a few they didn’t recognize, with a glow from behind her eyes. Alsacius raised a weak wrist up towards the blade, and began to prop themself up when they nearly fell altogether at her interruption. “But! A deal with the Scarlet Drake isn’t one you can ever go back on,”as she finished this thought, a dozen images of Alsacius frozen in painful ecstasy flashed before their eyes, and a high pitched wail temporarily echoed overhead “...ever.” They were afraid, but weighed their options and made a decision. They grabbed the blade, which cut their palm immediately with immaculate ease. It was a burning like no other, erupting pain like a fountain from the source– which began to bleed a golden light. Alsacius writhed as the immolation spread up their arm from the inside. Without looking, Scarlet slammed the blade into their chest, and kicked up her chair as she walked out of the room. “Welcome to the team”, she offered, unamused, slamming the door behind her.
Alsacius burned to ash that day, and the crystal blade evaporated into nothing but a pommel. When they awoke, they had insectile wings from their back, which blazed with sparks. Their new body was fireproof, being made of fire magic entirely. Scarlet informed them that by drawing blood by that blade, they had made a deal with an ancient fire demon within the delves of the northern charr mountains, and that, more importantly, they had made a deal with her. They offer their services whenever she calls upon them, and generally serves as her personal bodyguard.
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elahan-alastrovitz · 4 years
I figured I should do a bio for Elahan, since the blog is named after them and all Name: Elahan Alastrovitz Appearance: Large nautical hat, reddish-brown hair, flowing past their shoulders (think a bit more brown then the Topsy King’s), often a bit of similarly colored stubble. Peligin eyes with flashes of storm across them. surprisingly well-kept teeth. They’re on the lean side of built, usually encompassed in a massive, flowing piratical longcoat with a multitude of pockets. Their bone harpoon is always on their back, and a variety of other weapons are stashed about their person, some obviously, some less so. Heavy boots, with laces that talk. Sometimes, they bear the coat of Mr. Cards. Closest to: The Docks Ambition: Heart’s Desire Ending: Power (but only as a means to an end, not because of a love for the bazaar) PoSI specialization: Shattering Force Relationships: Poly, Married, sort of involved with Mr. Pages? it’s complicated. Destiny(s): The Road/The Oath overview of their story below the cut
Elahan’s hopes started simple: find a crew, explore the zee, become a successful pirate in a still exciting, untamable world. After establishing themself, they stumbled on the tale of the Marvelous and threw their full weight into finding and competing in it. They found themself at odds with Virginia, the Manager, and Beechwood, but growing to either tolerate or care for the Bishop, Tristham, and even Mr. Pages, who revealed to them the existence of the high wilderness.
They grew to find the Correspondence fascinating, never having been much of an academic before, but growing quickly to study it and more, choreography, shapeling arts, toxicology, anatomy, archeology... Knowledge became another treasure to be puzzled out or fought for. The zee spoke to them, and they took up monster hunting, and it changed them as they dived deeper and deeper, some might say monstrously, but they find it incredibly freeing and empowering. They acquired a fast clipper, and became a real force on the zee, as they’d always dreamed. They even married, a thief queen with whom they hope to spend a lovely extended life in the neath and beyond.
They returned a heart, returned a mind, shared an intimate dream of Truth-Strangling. In time they won the Marvelous within the depths of the bazaar. Their choice was torn between Power and Time, and in the end the call of the Horizon and the chance to learn even more lead to them taking up the mantle of Mr. Cards. This is, however, only a means to an end; they have other plans in mind. The sky will open up to them, and their destiny is their own. Right now they extend a railroad towards hell, digging up bones, fighting for worker’s rights (they have always hated Fires, Veils, and the others in London who exploit them), and puzzling on the possibilities of locomotives. Perhaps, someday, why they fly into that Wilderness, they’ll bring one with. The Neath continues to change them, and them the Neath, in a chain-shattering, magnificent tale.
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softlyblues · 2 years
It takes two days for Stede to catch up with the Revenge, rowing hard the whole time, still in his bloodstained nightshirt, his hands shaky on the oars he doesn’t actually know how to use yet. Badminton’s words refuse to leave him, but he’s determined, determined to find Edward before he goes to right his wrongs - even if Edward is one of the wrongs he thinks he can’t right.
He catches up with his ship just in time to catch Lucius off the side, toppling down with an offended squawk to land headfirst in a soggy coil of greenish-brown rope. “Yeah, and fuck you too!” He bellows up at the ship, before turning and seeing his rescuer. His eyes widen. “Captain?” 
Stede waves cheerfully at him, although he’s beginning to think he’s made some incorrect assumptions. “Lucius! Are we… under attack? Is your head okay?”
“No,” Lucius says snippily, sitting up on the floor (there’s a hole in the boat, so he’s actually sitting in about three inches of cold water, but he makes it work), “In fact, after this week I think my head may be permanently altered. Where the hell were you?”
“I feel like this accusation is unfair,” Stede begins, drawing himself up as haughtily as he can, when a book hits him square on the forehead. 
“Oh my god,” Lucius says. He puts his head between his knees and sounds a lot like a parrot being stood on, which Stede surmises is some sort of delayed shock reaction. 
Stede stands in the boat and thumps the oar he’s holding against the hull of the Revenge, dislodging a few barnacles - another book goes sailing off the side of the ship and lands in the water, although it’s just the book about pirate myths and legends, so Stede doesn’t care so much. “Excuse me!” He hollers, “I am the captain of this vessel, and I - uh - I command you to stop! I know Blackbeard, you know!”
“I am going to kill you,” Lucius says quietly to his boots. 
Stede chooses to ignore this, since it isn’t showing good positive team spirit. 
Another book flies over the edge; with a high-pitched scream, Stede dives to catch it, and falls over the side of the raft (he saves the book by batting it into Lucius’s lap, which is really what matters). “Uncouth,” he splutters, flailing, “Uneducated, violent bastards-” 
A face pops over the side of the ship, their eyes gleaming in the moonlight under the brim of their hat. “Captain Bonnet? ¿Estás bromeando?”
“Throw me a rope, Jim,” Stede gasps, inhaling rather a lot of seawater and feeling miserable about it, “Who’s on my ship? Who’s stealing my books?”
“I am going to kill you,” Lucius says again. 
On board, someone shouts. 
The rope ladder smacks heavily on the wood, but Stede is a practised hand now at climbing on board his own ship having fallen off the side, and even in his bloody and waterlogged Army uniform he manages to grip the first few rungs, swinging the weight of himself out of the waves and onto the ladder. He hasn’t yet worked out how to climb the fucking thing without nipping his fingers between rope and hull every time he takes a step, so his progress is marked by constant swearing and appeals to a pitiful God, but eventually he reaches the top. 
A dark hand hauls him up, Oluwande slapping him heartily on the back. “Took you long enough, captain,” he says, as Black Pete extends another rope for Lucius to steady his entry, “Um. You wouldn’t talk to-”
“Someone’s chucking out my books,” Stede straightens his lapels, then realises he isn’t wearing anything with lapels to straighten. The entire crew are looking at him, most of them with his own books in their hands, their faces ranging from dumbfounded to horrified to incandescently happy. Most of them avoid his eye when he says that last bit, though, the Swede dropping the books altogether like they’ve turned red hot and burnt him. “Someone’s chucking out my books,” Stede repeats a little louder, “And I would like to find them. Have we been boarded?”
“Um,” says Oluwande. 
He does not elaborate. 
“Fine! Where’s Ed? He’ll know. Ed?” 
“Blackbeard don’t want you on this ship,” says the unwelcome, raspy voice Izzy Hands is unfortunate enough to possess, “Get lost, Bonnet.”
Stede decides to ignore him, and as Lucius is hauled on deck and he and Pete descend into the sort of kiss best kept private, he marches right on through the door to the belowdecks, to the captain’s quarters, to sort this whole sorry (soggy) business out. 
He finds Edward in the closet, a summer waistcoat over his forearms, wearing Stede’s red sleep-robe. There’s an odd look in his eyes, a glinty, flinty hardness Stede has seen only behind him and in his dreams, and his jaw is set so tight it looks impenetrable. “Get out,” he says when he sees Stede. His chin is covered in black, like charcoal from the fire; the bookshelves have been struck clean of books, although the floor is carpeted in a heavy mat of them, and all of the bedclothes have been ripped from the mattress, lying now in a heap in the corner. Edward’s hair is tied back, still, but he no longer looks with any softness. “Get out,” he says again, and like a whiplash, the summer waistcoat comes flying at Stede, closely followed by the knife. 
Stede ducks it - the knife makes a boi-oi-oing sound, pinning the waistcoat to the wall. “Ed,” he says, his mouth dry, looking at his shoes instead of Edward, “I came as quick as I could-”
“Get out,” Ed hisses, “You don’t get to fucking call me that-”
This time, Ed throws one of the paperweights from Stede’s desk at him, and Stede isn’t looking to duck it. “Fuck! Ow, Ed, that hurt!”
Edward doesn’t say anything, but he does come closer, all boots and creaking and the swish of Stede’s own robe, and the smell of him. (Leather and teak.) He bends until his face is right up against Stede’s - Stede is still on the floor, ducking the knife, the waistcoat, and the paperweight - but there’s nothing there. “I told you to leave,” he says calmly, his hand on Stede’s collar, pulling him upward resolutely by the open neck of it, “I’m Blackbeard, motherfucker, and I’m commandeering this vessel.”
“I went - to the - wrong dock,” Stede wheezes, his palms by his sides. It’s a nice thing to feel, really; to know that if Ed, if Blackbeard, if both of them, wanted to kill Stede, he’d let them. “I - looked for you - you were - you weren’t-”
Blackbeard’s grip on his nightgown loosens slightly. His eyes don’t change. “Izzy’s right,” he says, shaking Stede from right to left like a disobedient shirt that refuses to button, “You distract me. I’m fucking Blackbeard, mate. I don’t have time for you.”
“I - have - time - for you-” 
Edward drops him like he stings. Stede falls and rubs his neck where the old bruises never quite fixed themselves, the time he was hung. “I don’t want to sound like him,” he says reproachfully, “His voice isn’t dulcet.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“Dulcet? Sweet? Rich? Heavy? All qualities Izzy Hands lacks, I might add.”
Edward prods Stede with his foot. “So you didn’t come. You get cold feet? Realise Blackbeard wasn’t the man for you?”
“I went to the wrong fucking dock,” Stede pulls his nightshirt up for evidence, “And I almost got shot! I thought you’d be impressed I found you so quickly, to be completely honest-”
“I killed Lucius,” Edward’s body thumps beside Stede’s, his back pushed right up against the wall, “And I made Iz eat one of his toes, and I’m going to kidnap Jim and maroon everyone else. Fuck off while you can, Stede, or I’ll kill you too.”
“You haven’t ever killed anyone, Ed.”
“‘S a lie. I lied to you.” Edward’s fingertips are all black too, charcoal and blood, and they sit on the floor looking ever so lonely, paler than the rest of him but just as work-scarred. “I kill people all the fucking time. I set fire to that ship, I killed my dad, I killed Lucius, and I’ll kill you, too.”
Stede picks his hand up and presses his thumb into the pulsing blue vein that runs along the centre of it, branching out at the knuckles. Blackbeard snatches his body back away from him. “I was coming,” Stede confesses quietly, “But Badminton woke me. Took me to the woods. Tried to shoot me, and the gun backfired. Rotten luck for him of course, but wonderful for me. I left for the docks right then and there, but he’d marched me so far into the woods that by the time I emerged, I was on the other side of the stupid island. By the time I realised it, it was long past dawn, and you were gone. I swapped my pocket watch for a boat. Lucius landed in the boat.”
Edward jolts. “In the boat?”
“He’s back on this boat now, I think, but probably in a state of dishabille.”
“Dunno what that means either.”
“Means he’s fucking Black Pete.”
Edward snorts, but it sounds like he doesn’t mean to. “You came back,” he says like a question. 
Stede, with some difficulty, picks his hand up again. “I never left,” he says - 
At this point Wee John, who has been watching through the cleverly-disguised hole in the deck, pulls his face away. “Let’s give them their privacy,” he announces, and there’s much stamping and clearing of throats and hot faces as the crew pretend to ignore how red-faced and flyaway their captains are, when they emerge an hour or so later, joined at the hip once more. 
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jessilynallendilla · 4 years
To get through the quarantine here’s a super long list of Hobbit/LOTR/Silm fics
Let me know if links aren’t working and feel free to add more
(check the original post as I update the list)
Please read the tags before reading some have sensitive content/are unfinished
Kili/Tauriel Centric
Stolen Heir
Who is Kili's father? He doesn't know. Thorin doesn't know. Dis knows. She's not telling. What happens when he finds out that she left and didn't tell him she was carrying his son? Alternative Ending to BOFA. Family drama!
Paths in Starlight
Kili has never set foot in the magical land he was born in, but the search for a fallen star leads him beyond the Wall and into world of Arda. The star he finds is not what he'd thought she'd be, and Kili is pulled into an adventure that takes him over hill and through the air, joins a crew of Sky Pirates to help them aid their King, and finds out the truth about his family.
Take a Bow
Tauriel has been a prisoner in Erebor since returning a gravely-wounded Kili after the battle. Now finally she is permitted to stand before the Dwarven court and tell her truth; to save her life, to show why she wants to stay.
King Under the Mountain
Or the one where Kili survives the Battle of Fives armies but has to learn to live without his brother and uncle and to accept the throne.
All Those Who Wander
Kíli goes on a simple diplomatic trip to all the elf kingdoms. Of course, because Kíli’s involved, it quickly becomes anything but simple.
Dare You to Move
Each year since their victorious alliance, the respective Kings and Councilmen of Erebor, Dale, and The Woodland Realm gathered together in one of their great cities for the duration of five days. During this time they would spend the daylight hours debating and discussing the maintenance of their alliance, and then by night the people gathered together to celebrate. In the midst of the complex political negotiations, Prince Fili learns what it means to be a great King from the one person who just might be his Queen, while Kíli and Tauriel struggle to keep their illicit relationship hidden from those who would keep them apart.
Think of all the Places We Could Go
Kili woke, panting, to have his mother fuss over him and his brother sit and sharpen his swords on the chair adjacent to his bed. “Are we dead?” were the first words out of his mouth, prompting his brother to laugh and his mother to look at him strangely.
Silver Starlight, Burning Bright
Once upon a time, there was a hidden kingdom in the woods. There are not many stories of this hidden kingdom, as they were a secret and private people. There is one story, however, about a prisoner and jailer.
Erebor Restored
The Lonely Mountain is reclaimed. Thorin, Fíli, and Kíli recover from their wounds while Dáin makes himself at home.
Land of What Might Have Been
Five years after the Battle of the Five Armies, Fili sits on the throne as he struggles to help his family and his people. Kili is lost without his love, the elf maid Tauriel who was injured before the battle and disappeared. What becomes of a dwarf who has lost the love of his life?
Flowers Among the Fallen Leaves
Bilbo Baggins returned home in mourning after the Battle of the Five Armies. All of Middle-Earth knew that Thorin and his nephews had fallen in the battle. It seemed that all that was left to him was a quiet, lonely existence in his empty smial. Then fate in the form of a pregnant Silvan Elf came knocking at his door one night. Bilbo Baggins, it seemed, had never been meant for the quiet life.
A Frank Conversation (Is Easier Said)
He always loved making Tauriel laugh. For all the time Kili spent trying to understand the woman before him, he had come to cherish the moments of simplicity. There was nothing complicated about a laugh. Smiles were trickier, but laughter—that required no translation.
Kili hasn't kissed her yet, and Tauriel doesn't know why.
Love is Never Wrong (Together We’ll Make it Right)
With a little help from a nosey wizard, things might just work out for a prince of Erebor and a Captain of the Mirkwood guard.
Beneath the Stars
After the Battle of Five Armies and the Slaying of Smaug, King Thranduil held a feast in honor—grudging honor, but honor nonetheless—for the King Under the Mountain. Tauriel had mixed feelings about this feast because it meant that Kili would be in attendance. There was a part of Tauriel that wondered if the connection they had formed was indeed some dream.
The Lesson of the Moth
The battle is over. Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain, is dead. His nephews still live, even if the life of one hangs in the balance. Tauriel too has survived, although what that means for her, she is not altogether sure. Choices are made, and promises are kept, though not without hardship. Sometimes the best course is to forge your own path, even if it takes you far from all you know.
Together Forever
Alternate ending to BOTFA. Kili and Tauriel are able to slay Bolg, but the battle leaves her badly injured. Further complication arise when King Thranduil blames the two for the death of his son and Kili is willing to lay down his own life to ensure her survival.
The Line of Durin
How do you build a new life when you're supposed to be dead? Three new royal tombs in Erebor, but two are empty. Kili, Fili, Bofur and Tauriel are on the move. Now what?
Starlight and Firemoon-Part 1
They walked in starlight, under a firemoon.
The Five Wives of Kili Durinson
The bride thought he understood. The groom thought he did too. Cultural misunderstandings abound. Now what?
So Comes Snow After Fire
In the weeks since the battle, Kili has kept his meetings with Tauriel secret. Yet when a fierce snowstorm looms, he would rather dare Thorin's displeasure than leave the exiled elf unsheltered on the mountainside. Once Tauriel enters Erebor, of course, it is only a matter of time before her feelings for the dwarven prince are discovered. And despite Kili's hope that there is a place in his life for all those he loves, he may soon have to decide whether his loyalties lie with his kindred or an elf.
Innikh Dê
In the aftermath of the Battle of the Five Armies, is there anyplace that will shelter an exhausted prince of Durin and an exiled Woodland Elf? Perhaps Lord Elrond's magical city of Imladris will offer Kili and Tauriel a haven as they prepare to have their first child. Or does the promise Kili made to his mother to return to her take precedence? In either case, Kili and Tauriel know the path won't be easy, but neither of them expected that so many Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Wargs, much less a wizard and a hobbit, would be on that path with them!
The Heir Apparent
Tauriel saves Kili's life during the Battle of the Five Armies and alters the course of history, forever. 
After the Battle of Five Armies, Fíli is stuck running Erebor while his brother and uncle recover. However, things are somewhat mixed up with the arrival of Tauriel, banished from Mirkwood and carrying a secret. If Thorin can forgive Bilbo, though, surely he can be convinced to accept an elf?
In the Moonlight
Tauriel and Erebor
The Poison in Your Veins
She is guardian to a besieged and rotting dynasty, duty-bound and well served by her predator's instincts. He is one of Durin's Folk, hunters of renown until calamity destroyed much of the bloodline and cast the survivors from their home. Their descendents roam the land, carrying on the fight as best they can while hiding the secret that once made their kind so formidable.
A Promise Kept
He made a promise, and she returned it. But in trying to save Kíli's life, she caused his death. Or so Tauriel thinks until she returns to Erebor to throw herself on the mercy of her unborn child's only kin and discovers that sometimes love outlasts death. But can it remain unchanged by the harsh realities of life?
Spring After Winter and Sun on the Leaves
After their wedding, Tauriel and Kíli will share their most exciting adventure yet: raising a child. But blissfully happy as they are, becoming the parents of the world’s first dwelf isn’t easy. No one is certain a half-blood child is even possible, but prejudiced dwarves don’t want to let Kíli live to find out. As even darker forces take an interest in Kíli’s unusual heir, others are put danger, including Fíli and his bride, Sif. All Kíli and Tauriel want is to start a family, but they may end up having to save Erebor, too.
Marriage of Choice
Kili had always been the spare prince. Always been the Golden Heir's shadow and companion. He knew his purpose and place. After retaking Erebor, he's surprised and just how much his life changed because of it. Tauriel believed she would be captain of The Greenwood's guard for the rest of her life, expected to die in battle for her king. But she's been banished and everything has changed. Elves don't like change.
Bilbo/Thorin Centric
Finding Purchase
“What are you doing in here?” Thorin gestured around the audience-chamber as he approached, his half-smile obvious even at a distance. “I mean, my throne is yours if you want it, ghivashelê, you know that, but in the middle of the night?”
The Seven Gifts
Thorin had his crown off. This wasn’t an uncommon sight to Bilbo. Even though Fili had crafted his uncle a new crown, the weight of it still made him wary. Bilbo was not as used to seeing the dwarf’s hair gathered together in a braid that spilled over his shoulder. Or the spectacles perched on his regal nose. He would deny the ache of his heart in that moment.
The battle was over, and Thorin Oakenshield awoke, naked and shivering, in the Halls of his Ancestors. The novelty of being dead fades quickly, and watching over his companions soon fills him with grief and guilt. Oddly, a faint flicker of hope arises in the form of his youngest kinsman, a Dwarf of Durin's line with bright red hair.
Battle of the Mind and the Heart
Thorin, Kili and Fili, and the others survived TBOTFA but Bilbo does not know this thinking Thorin died in his arms ...and now as the dwarves make the trek back to the shire to show their burglar that they are okay, the other hobbits of the shire have to deal with a rapidly mentally deteriorating Bilbo and the dwarves will not like what they bear witness to when they get there
Marriage of Necessity
In a desperate attempt to make sure someone he trusts rules over Erebor, Thorin marries Bilbo on what will probably be his deathbed, as well as that of his heirs. When all three Durins survive, Thorin's marriage to Bilbo comes under scrutiny. Not everyone is happy with it.
Reclaiming Erebor…Again
Bilbo is sailing to the Undying Lands but wary of letting go of the guilt that has been with him for many decade. His most sincerest wish is to go back and change what was done. Before reaching the lands of peace and healing, he dies aboard the ship and finds that his wish is being granted but not because he is the one to wish it. He finds that not only is he going to be sent back to his younger body, but so is the entire Company of Thorin Oakenshield. Time is a fickle thing and not all the members have their memories returned to them at the same time. The journey on becomes interesting as the dwarves slowly remember and fight for themselves and their kin, yet for some reason they are not the only ones to remember.
Hiding Myself
Bella Baggins is a perfectly normal, respectable Hobbit living alone in Hobbiton. That is, until Gandalf the Gray arrives at her house looking for someone to share in an adventure. When thirteen dwarves show up at her doorstep, she stupidly agrees to go with them to reclaim their homeland. Thorin Oakenshield, the moody and brooding Dwarven king, has managed to capture the unwanted affections of the Company's burglar. But one thing nobody knows is that their burglar is hiding a secret from them all that may destroy everything or change the way dwarves think for a very long time.
To Love a King
"“I never assumed that I could – that he could -,” Bilbo tried feebly. Dain leaned in close enough for Bilbo to feel his hot breath over his face. “He could never have cared for you. Was he not clear enough when he threatened to cast you to your death?” Bilbo pinched his face up in pain and clenched his hands into fists. Dain smiled triumphantly.
Buried Coals
After the Reclaiming of Erebor, life was supposed to settle down. Things were supposed to be simpler once there weren't people trying to kill them and things trying to eat them and so on and so forth. Things didn't get any simpler, but after the whole Tauriel incident, and after Dain got the snot beat out of him, things seemed to settle a bit. Billa should have known it wouldn't last.
At Last
Thorin Oakenshield has spent twenty long years alone with his broken heart, he has spent twenty long years learning to live with what he has done and what he caused, and he has spent twenty long years thinking that Bilbo hated him. But miscommunications can cause the worst heartaches of all, he finds, as Bilbo has spent twenty long years thinking that he’s dead.
Bilbo fled Erebor before his friends could be buried, before he had to see Thorin encased in stone. He returns to the Shire and settles into a life of unsociability and some amount of loneliness, but finds comfort in the figures of the children of Hobbiton. After twenty years, however, his luck is gone, and Bilbo has to flee the Shire with Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, and with four very young Hobbits, there is only one place he can turn to.
This is a Love I Cannot Undo (Eyes Open, I Burn in Hell)
In which Kili, Fili, and Thorin survive the Battle of the Five Armies and have to deal with the fallout.
Fiercer Than Fire
The Quest of Erebor as it might have been. Billa Baggins is not your average burglar- or, perhaps, a burglar at all. That remains to be seen. Thorin resents this little female's habit of gaining a foothold wherever she lands. Even in his heart.
A Flower Among Gems
The Fell Winter destroyed Billanna (also known as Billa) Baggin's small hobbit family, as her parents were murdered and she kidnapped by orcs. However, she is saved by a familiar group of dwarves which, after deliberation (and Thorin's younger sister giving him grief) Billa joins the family of Durin. As the years pass, relationships are brought into light, and with quests thrown in, it seems a quiet life is a little hard to find for a hobbit among dwarves.
Think Before You Speak
The three fools of Durin's Line try to court their Ones. Things get crazy, hectic, emotional, and brains continuously shut off at the worst times.
Words Unanswered
The most terrible thing you can do to a writer, Bilbo is sure, is answer words with silence.
Together Once More
Thinking himself banished, Bilbo leaves Erebor before he and Thorin can reconcile. Meanwhile, the entire company thinks that Bilbo died in bofta. 20 years later, Bilbo, now the guardian of Frodo Baggins, is asked by Gandalf to travel to rivendell to discuss a growing evil that is encompassing Middle Earth. However, the two hobbits mysteriously vanish, and never make it to rivendell as they were supposed to. And somehow, to make matters even more confusing, Gandalf comes to the realization that Bilbo Baggin's has the One Ring.
Hurricanes in Hertford, Hereford, and Hampshire
Bilbo was banished. That's it, the end. She wants nothing more to do with dwarves. Now all she needs to do is get back home, but there may be some complications along the way.
Eastern Homecomings
After an unprecedented Goblin attack on the Shire, Bilbo finds himself whisked back to Erebor with his son he never wanted Thorin to know about.
A Most Sensible Idea
Bilbo Baggins isn't sure about this. Not one bit. Frodo is definitely too young to enter into an arranged marriage with a dwarven king called Thorin Oakenshield. It's a good thing that Bilbo is there to chaperone him through their courtship. After all, there's no chance that a fussy hobbit bachelor would ever catch the eye of a king.
You Got Me
The Company shows their affection for Bilbo in accordance with dwarvish tradition. Bilbo... has no idea why everyone keeps giving him gifts.
The Most Precious of Treasures
Bilbo is thought to have died during the Battle of the Five Armies, but in reality she has returned home to Shire, believing that she is forever banished from her friends sides and that they are far better off believing that she is indeed dead. However, her plans to remain dead to them are complicated by the most precious treasure a certain Dwarf King left her with and by a few friends who simply refuse to believe that she had truly gone from Middle-Earth. Bilbo believed that her journey was done, she had gone there and had come back, her story was finished, she had no idea that she had just walk headlong into another.
A Second Chance
The Valar send Bilbo back in time, to the day where Gandalf asks him to join in an adventure. After living a lifetime of regret and suffering, he vows to change things for the better. For Thorin. For Frodo. But will he succeed?
Retelling the Hobbit
This is a comic adaptation/retelling of the Hobbit! It's framed as a bedtime story that Bilbo is telling a younger Frodo.
A Passion for Mushrooms
There are many trials for a hobbit attempting to make a life among dwarves. A hobbit wants a garden. A hobbit wants to eat regular meals. A hobbit wants friends, good books, and comfortable chairs. Bilbo does his best to carve out a little hobbit life for himself in the mountain. If only there were not one final obstacle. For a hobbit heart wants love, and among dwarves that is a sticky subject.
Something Blue
Thorin marries Bilbo after the Battle of Five Armies, a marriage of convenience, not love. Slowly, they must come to make the best of it, Bilbo resolves. After all, he's a Hobbit. They make the best of things.
Following the aftermath of the Battle of the Five Armies where Thorin must fight with his own guilt and mind over his choices and what they mean and meant, where he must decide whether or not to rule, and how to live with himself after dying. Focusing on many different characters and relationships, as well as building on the lore of Erebor and Middle Earth. A story about coming home.
An Expected Journey
For years Bilbo has written about his adventures and told stories about his dealings with dwarves and dragons. To most it seemed like fanciful nonsense but to Bilbo it was all very real. A weight followed him home from his travels, one called regret. Now in his final moments Bilbo has a choice to make – go quietly into death’s embrace or go back again and face all the fear and pain for the chance to make things right?
Lay Down Your Sweet and Weary Head
Thorin dies. Thorin wakes up. He is understandably confused by this, especially since he appears to be in the Erebor he knew as a young dwarf, about to be attacked by a dragon.
Call You Home
In which the Company are entirely too nosy about matters that are supposed to be a secret, and Bilbo learns that being concerned about propriety is overrated when you could be making friends instead.
Courting Habits of the Line of Durin
Hobbits didn’t have such things as courting rituals – they were uncomplicated folk. They announced their affections with flowers or a cooked meal, a shared pipe or simply a kiss – and then there were meetings with both families and a date set for the wedding. Dwarves, as he kept discovering, were a completely different kettle of fish.
The Road Delivered Us Home
In the years since Bilbo left Erebor, he has lost his respectability, gained a nephew, and gotten on with life at Bag End. He'd left aside adventure for the comforts and peace of his little Hobbit hole, and for the love of a child who needed him. Though perhaps, adventures can yet find him.
“To let someone else braid you is an intimacy. Brothers often do it for one another, or parents in our youth, or lovers when we are of age. I have none of these.” Thorin pulled a silver bead from the pouch and rolled it between his fingers, and his gaze on Bilbo held weight
Fix That Which Was Broken
When Mahal himself offers to send Thorin back to the start of the quest to save the line of Durin, he is determined to make amends for all of the mistakes he made the first time around. When Bilbo wakes up in Bag End eighty years in the past, all he knows is that he has somehow been given the chance to see his beloved dwarves again and he'll be damned if he doesn't take it.
Tears of the Sun
Based on a prompt where Frodo is Thorin and Bilbo's son and no one knows.
Reading in Autumn Sunlight
Summer was over. The lingering warmth from those long, languorous days were steadily replaced with opaline skies and bracing winds which brought with them the threat of the first frosts of winter to Erebor.
Three years to the day following the beginning of the Quest for Erebor, Bilbo was asked to pose for an official portrait.
The World Spins Madly On
The end of the journey to retake Erebor is harrowing. As Bilbo Baggins surveys the wreckage of what was once a group of the best friends he ever had, he wonders if it was all worth it. And then he wakes up. And wakes up. And wakes up.
How Shall This Day End?
Thorin Oakenshield dies. And then returns to himself in Erebor, staring down at a gold-covered floor. He doesn't quite understand what is happening at first, but soon realizes he has been granted an incredible chance (and a terrible burden): to relive the battle again until he finally gets things right.
Though the Stars Walk Backward
Bilbo wakes, always in Erebor, with dark shadows to one side and the first light of a terrible dawn to the other.
Many Paths
Bilbo wakes up in Dale. With the memory of a battle won but lives lost, he finds an army of Men and Elves readying to attack Erebor. Bilbo tries to save his dwarves. Again and again.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Bilbo Baggins led a rather peaceful life, thank you very much, until an old acquaintance decided to turn it upside down, and he found himself agreeing to take a job that’s… let’s say not exactly up his alley, and might eventually cost him a little more than his treasured cozy lifestyle. Who would have thought tutoring a slightly menacing monarch’s more than slightly overbearing nephew could prove to be such an adventure?
Courtship Works Best When Both Parties Are Aware of It
The halls of Erebor flourished under the reign of Thorin Oakenshield. His coronation was a welcoming ceremony to celebrate the final wave of refugees returning to the Lonely Mountain. Bilbo, the hobbit under the mountain, is concerned with the amount of time the weary King under the Mountain is spending with a simple hobbit. Thorin is worried Bilbo is spurning his courtship. Suddenly all the dwarves are concerned for Bilbo's happiness in Erebor. These two idiots need to learn to communicate.
Run! Glorfindel Saw Us!
Bilbo Baggins was raised by elves in Rivendell. Thorin is not impressed. At all
The Rampart
When Thorin realized what Bilbo had done, realized that the hobbit had traded his Arkenstone, he saw fire. And Bilbo, being so incredibly small, was easy enough to throw from the Rampart. The company leaves Erebor, seemingly forever. 10 years after Thorin 'killed' Bilbo, he breaks from his dragon sickness, sick at what he's done. He runs to the Shire, hell-bent on paying his respects to his burglar, ashamed at killing him over a stone. But what will Thorin find in Hobbiton?
An Unexpected Addition
All of the dwarves survive the Battle of the Five Armies, but Bilbo must return to the Shire to sort out his old life and make way for a new one in Erebor. Over one year later, Bilbo comes back to the Lonely Mountain with a recently orphaned Frodo. King Thorin isn't quite sure what to make of this new, tiny addition to his Company.
Heartbeat of the Mountain
Bilbo adjusts to caring for a nephew and realizes that the Shire holds no future for him anymore. It is time to return to the mountain. With Frodo in tow, he sets off to find out if Thorin regrets his decisions and to discover if the mountain can handle not one, not two, but three troublemakers.
The Took’s Arrangement
Shortly after Bilbo Baggins comes of age, he is swept up into a life he never expected. Upon the promise made between his grandfather and the dwarrow of Ered Luin, he sets off to marry the crown prince of Erebor, Thorin. Arranged marriages are not ideal, but he is a Baggins, and Bagginses keep promises, while his adventurous Took blood sends him running down the road to Erebor.
Beware the Nice Ones
Five years after becoming Consort Under the Mountain, Bilbo is struggling to prove his worth to Thorin's most xenophobic subjects and foreign kinsmen. However, when visiting nobles mistake Bilbo and Frodo for common servants, Thorin is not pleased and Bilbo has had enough. Political intrigue, cultural misunderstandings, and a trial of honor ensue...
The Greatest Treasure in Erebor
It takes roughly two months of being taken on a different walking tour of The Splendors of Erebor every single day for Bilbo to work out that Thorin and Company are trying to convince him not to leave.
Our Lives to Make
Bilbo must venture the long road back to the Shire to see his newborn nephew, leaving Thorin to rule over Erebor. But when word reaches him mid-travel that Frodo has been orphaned, he knows he cannot go back to the Lonely Mountain alone. What will Thorin say when Bilbo returns with his nephew in tow, when he’s lost his own kin so recently?
An Unexpected Son
Bilbo left Erebor with a treasure more precious then gold or rings. What happens when the dwarves discover Frodo? Will Thorin bend enough to admit he was wrong to force Bilbo to leave?
lay down your sweet and weary head
Thorin dies. Thorin wakes up. He is understandably confused by this, especially since he appears to be in the Erebor he knew as a young dwarf, about to be attacked by a dragon. A time-travel fic with Thorin as the one living his life twice
The Shire's Sacrifice
When the Shire cannot honour its Treaty with Erebor, the dwarves enforce a contractual clause: one Hobbit must be sent to Erebor to marry the King as a sign of good faith. But with neither party at all willing and plans afoot to undermine the King, maybe an unwilling Bilbo Baggins is exactly what Erebor needs…
Gimli/Legolas Centric
Comes Around Again
Gimli closes his eyes, an old Dwarf on the brink of death in the home he had built with his husband in the Undying Lands, and opens them again as a young Dwarf in his childhood home in Ered Luin. He's returned to the tumultuous week before The Company set out to recruit their Burglar from his cosy hobbit hole. Gimli, once again a impetuous teen in the eyes of his family, must get into that Company--the lives of his loved ones, and the very fate of Middle Earth--depends on it.
Heart of the Mountain
For three hundred years they've been under attack. It's become background noise now but Gimli can't help but wonder why. Why in Mahal's name are the elves still attacking them after all this time? Surely they have something better to do?
Hearts Will As Hearts Must
The Dwarves are returning to Erebor reclaimed, and the elves uphold their promise to safeguard the caravans as they pass through Mirkwood. One particular Dwarf has wit and spark enough to match Legolas Greenleaf - perhaps even outmatch him. It's hate at first sight.
Cultural Differences: If Thou Kiss Not Me
Legolas and Gimli fall for each other, hard. But culture shock causes some problems when Gimli realizes that Dwarves and Elves don’t share certain customs.
Forged in Frame
A very contrived take on the Professor!Gimli and Influencer!Legolas AU, in which they’re still somewhat reluctantly trying to save the planet because Aragorn asked them to.
Secrets of the Lonely Mountain
Legolas is sent to Erebor after the War of the Ring, where he's given the chance to meet up with Gimli again.
we raise our cups
Legolas determined he would have to cut through the Woods of Oromë. If all went well, it should be a straight shot to what Celebrimbor had labelled as the Mansions of Aulë. Perhaps, were he a wiser elf, he would first seek the guidance of Mandos – because after all, he was still alive, and Gimli was still dead. But Legolas was, at the end of all things, not a very wise elf. He was simply an elf with a fiddle and a bow, who was deeply in love. And he had to hope that would be enough.
"Terroir - the characteristic taste and flavor imparted to a wine by the environment in which it is produced." It's almost the tourist season in the wine country, and Greenwood Cellars is gearing up for its busiest time of year. The new Blue Mountain Public House threatens to disrupt decades of tradition - this is wine country, after all. Aragorn is running for County Sheriff on a platform of community policing - but he's running against his boss. Eowyn feels trapped in the family business, and thinks the handsome young motorcycle cop is her ticket out. And Gandalf is selling his fireworks, like he always has, even though there's no way they should be legal. The story of a town, and the people who want to make it better, and what happens in one tourist season.
A city, a marriage, a world. Legolas and Gimli return to Minas Tirith with their people to help Aragorn rebuild his city, and learn how to be together in a new world of peace.
The Wild Hunt
Vampire Legolas vs. Slayer Gimli
What Song Can Fell the Mountain
Valinor has been their home for a century and a half when, scant days after his four-hundred-and-twelfth birthday, Gimli says, "I will soon die. What are we going to do about it?"
Lest We Burden Our Weary Hearts
If one must call them ‘missed chances’, then do so warmly, for even in the distance of space and years there is no shortage of affection here. Each other’s dearest companion, indeed.
Modern Lasgalen bears some little resemblances to canon Mirkwood. Gimli encounters one of them in the bathtub one morning.
Going Viral
When a dangerous new virus spreads rapidly through Middle-earth, Gondor goes quickly into lockdown. Legolas and Gimli weather the pandemic together as best they can.
Rebuild Your Seawall (Brick by Brick)
For weeks and months, Legolas has felt a pull - and dares not name it, does not heed its stormy-sky warnings, does not track the ebb and flow on the shoreline of his life. Here’s the thing about the tide, though: it rises whether one wills it or not.
M&M and E&E2
A Gold Star in his Crown
The Silmarils have been stolen. So has Elrond, on the very same night, and the only trace left of those who took them is a note in Maglor's handwriting. Years later, after Elros has gone after his brother and never returned, Gil-Galad goes to reclaim his young kinsmen from their second captivity in Faerie.
The Ransom of the House of Fëanor
Maglor goes to war for a final time, the eternal darkness looms, and Elrond bargains with the Valar for the ransom of the House of Fëanor. In which fathers give up everything for their sons, and their sons offer everything in return; title, name, and fëa. Or, the one where Maglor believes he is destined for eternal darkness, and Elrond politely says otherwise.
To Safety
Elrond and Elros, after yet another horrible day of being hostages for their mother's Silmaril, awaken in an unfamiliar forest where the sunlight doesn't seem quite right, and somehow run right back into the arms of their captors. Maitimo and Makalaurë have no idea who these children are, but it seems like they're supposed to raise them. It's more difficult than it sounds, because somehow they don't speak Quenya. In other words, the twins time travel to Valinor in the Years of the Trees and proceed to be parented against their will.
Low Water
Elrond is gifted with foresight. Elrond has seen how this chapter ends.
New Strings
Maglor is rescued, now to fit him into life in Imladris.
And Love Repaid
It was never about owing.
It began with the Second Age. Or actually, it did not begin at all. It simply did not end. Against all odds, Maedhros and Maglor survive. For Elrond, that is a beginning of sorts.
Lessons Learned
It all begins with Maglor wanting to give the young Peredhels he and his brother captured a some sense of normalcy in their lives. He gave them over to Erestor so that they might learn simple things, how to read and write. He hardly expected to find his own relationship with the twins to develop, and Maedhros expected it even less...
It's not that they're not happy that Maglor's been brought back to the Undying Lands. It's just that they're a little concerned about the fact that he's been taken into the house of someone he once kidnapped, and that no one's seen Maglor since.
The attack on Sirion
After Sirion
After the Third Kinslaying, two pairs of brothers struggle to repair their broken families.
Caught up in his grief over his twin brother’s death, Elrond hears rumours of his foster-father’s whereabouts. With only Erestor as his companion, the half-elf leaves Lindon to find Maglor. But at the end of their journey they must all face the question of what to do when the elf who was never meant to return to elven settlement is actually found.
On the way back to Amon Ereb, Maedhros and Maglor carried not a jewel, but two small boys instead.
Always There
A young Elladan and Elrohir return from playing by the sea with a strange tale that sends their father on a mad chase.
Sons of Eärendil
Elros, King of Numenor, reminisces to his absent brother. Talking through memories of the terrors of their childhood and the things that drove them apart as adults.
As Little Might Be Thought
From the Sacking of Sirion to Amon Ereb; from princes to captives to sons. The story of the unlikely bond between Elrond and Elros and Maglor and Maedhros.
Pieces of Stars
When the Oath brings disaster to Sirion, Maglor attempts to fix what he can, but a temporary arrangement becomes much more permanent than anyone had foreseen. Elrond and Elros grow up, grow together, and grow apart at the end of a world slowly decaying into myth and legend.
The Lines on My Face, the Lines on My Hands
Nearly eighty years after Celebrían left Middle Earth to seek healing, the people of Imladris have yet to quite move on. But when a simple task of 'make sure the road is clear' ends in the Elladan and Elrohir bringing home a seriously injured and sorely missed elf, the entire household is forced to re-examine just what they are to each other, and to themselves.
The Starlit Sky
Elrond's account of his boyhood with the Fëanorians
There is singing from the southeast tower of the citadel. There is always singing from the southeast tower of the citadel. For over three thousand years someone has lived in that tower and sung, and today Faramir wants to know why.
I Beg a Deep and Dreamless Sleep
An alternate version of my fic "Give the Children Closure" Maedhros is unsurprised by Elrond coming to let him out of the Halls, though he knows he won't actually be leaving. This is a kinder hallucination than most. Again I will stress that everything is going to be okay, he just has to be sad first.
Lords of Amon Ereb
Maedhros and Maglor have stolen the Silmarils and disappeared. Beleriand is sinking. Finarfin, Gil-Galad, and all the people moving east pay a visit to Amon Ereb, assuming that the Sons of Fëanor returned there. Instead, they find Elrond and Elros.
With Eyes of Nightingales
Finarfin wants to know what happened to Elrond and Elros. Against their better judgement, Círdan and Gil-Galad go with him. What they find is a terrifying forest, a fortress that defies geometry, and a pair of twins with bright eyes.
Nightmare Sequence
A series of dreams and nightmares that everyone sincerely hopes are not prophetic, mostly taking place in the early days of Elrond and Elros's time as hostages. (aka things that were too messed up or too out of character that I really wanted to write)
plus ça change
Elrond has had many homes and many families, in the Ages of Middle-Earth. He has lost them all. Or, a character study, from toddler in Sirion to Lord of Rivendell.
Softly Sing the Children
Elrond and Elros are unsettling children. All the children in their family are.
Childhood Memories
Sometimes the waves of war wash strange things to the shore. Perhaps Maglor senses what it means for him when he finds Elwing's twin sons Elrond and Elros abandoned in the forest. He does not take them with him to Ossiriand as his prisoners of war, but rather takes on the role of a foster father for them. Little by little, the little Half-elves learn that he means them no harm, and gradually they begin to love him as their father.
And Family Means No One Gets Left Behind
Earendil returns home to find it burned to the ground and his sons missing, presumed captured by the Feanorians. He does the logical thing. He goes after them. He's not entirely expecting what he finds when he gets there.
Tears Like Rain
The first in the epic Mellon Chronicles. Mirkwood has suffered tragic losses in the Last Great Alliance, including her King. With the very survival of the kingdom at stake, Thranduil finds himself at deadly odds with his older brother Doriflen. When young Legolas becomes a pawn in his abusive uncle’s ruthless power games, the lies, deception and betrayal risk destroying more than just the young prince’s life.
Golden Light
They have loved each other for so long that when Finwë grieves, Ingwë grieves with him, but he also tries his best to comfort him.
No Other Choice
“Your word means nothing,” she spits at him, baring her teeth, nearly shaking with anger as sudden as a cataclysm. The sea roars behind her, cold droplets spraying up and flecking her bare legs. “I do not barter with murderers.” The Fëanorians descend upon the Havens of Sirion to retrieve the Silmaril. Elwing makes an impossible choice.
All Our Old Follies, Come 'Round Again
Celebrimbor sees Elrond again after a long separation. It isn't a good thing, at first. But then Celebrían meets Elrond for the first time under... unexpected circumstances.
The Siege of Khazad-dum
Rescued from Sauron by Celebrían, Celebrimbor and Elrond fled with her to the great dwarf-kingdom and stronghold where Durin is king. Celebrimbor, badly injured in body and spirit, is impatient. Galadriel and Durin oppose the might of Sauron to the utmost. And in Lindon, Gil-galad is unwilling to wait. This is a direct sequel to All Our Old Follies, Come 'Round Again
Songs of the Heart
It's not that Earendil isn't glad that the kinslayers are in custody. It's just that he's not entirely happy that the place they're currently in custody at is his ship.
Letters to a Daughter
After arriving in Valinor, Elrond writes down his thoughts and experiences in letters addressed to his now mortal daughter.
Songs of Shadows, Songs of Blood
There are shadows in the forests of Beleriand. Some of them have teeth.
More than the Stars Above
Elrond had lived without his parents for this long. He could certainly continue to do so if they proved to be indifferent. That didn't stop his hand from shaking when he reached out to knock on the door.
Watcher in the Woods
"The creature has been with us for many weeks, and Balan caved to its wish to learn. He has been teaching it our language, our politics, our culture. Our very way of life. Wherever we go, it is there. Watching. Always watching." Something does not bode well with this golden stranger in our camp, and yet, there is nothing to be done about it. I can only watch, and pray that what I fear does not come to pass. And it will.
Suitable Foster
"“Children?” Felagund sounded uncharacteristically distressed." Bëor strongly discourages his friend from adopting.
Beor and the Faerie King
The humans have their own story of how they met the Faërie King, what they gained and one they lost. The story of Finrod and Balan later named Bëor, as told by an old woman in a mountain cabin.
Little Boy Lost and Crying
I feel like the house of finwe just found a confused, crying, and lost little boy in the woods one day and decided to keep him and call him gil-galad and thats why his parentage is so confusing because everyone claimed he was theirs
Scion of Kings
Gil-galad struggles to write a letter to the man he thinks (hopes) might be his father. Or, in which we are all Gil-galad, failing to start an email.
The untold story of what happened to Dior's sons during and after the sack of Menegroth.
Twin Troubles
When Celegorm ends up in the Halls, he finds himself reluctantly playing guardian to a pair of lost twins.
Forget Me Not
It’s a marriage of convenience, a way to forever strengthen the bond between the Dwarves of Erebor and the people of Dale. Or so Sigrid tells herself.
Too Much Truth
Legolas accompanies Tilda to Erebor to visit her sister. It is his father’s wish that he does so. Legolas does not understand the new world he finds there.
Work for Idle Hands
King Bard carries so many worries, especially now his council want his eldest daughter Sigrid betrothed in a way to best benefit Dale. Sigrid carries her own worries and is determined to cut back her Da’s. There’s a trade agreement between Erebor and Dale; Sigrid and Fili begin using it.
My Lady Dis
On her way to Erebor following the deaths of her family, Princess Dís receives some unexpected news from King Thranduil, and an offer to make Mirkwood her home. King Thranduil can't abide Dwarves, but the more time he spends with Erebor's last princess, the more he begins questioning his long held convictions.
We Were Legends: Book I - Champion's Dawn
In the First Age of the world, House of Elmo supports the King and Queen of Doriath in ruling their Kingdom. Princes of Doriath hold on to it as well - they found themselves in different roles to support their Kingdom, but beside their duty, they still hold deep loyalty and love towards each other despite grudges from the past and poorly made decisions. Will their loyalty linger through all the Ages to come?
The Burned Prince
After the sacking of Doriath, the lands once girdled by Melian were abandoned. Faerbraichon, Lord of House Brethil, went east in search of a new land for his Sindar Elves, a land far removed from the grief caused by the Silmaril Thingol had coveted. With him came his family - those who were left - and those for whom he was Lord.
The first time he saw her, when he climbed out of her toilet and into her father’s home, he barely even registered her presence – he was too preoccupied with his mission and his brother’s injury, so he wrote her off simply as a perfectly ordinary human girl. But then he started observing her – and Mahal, she was the most extraordinary creature he had ever laid eyes upon.
A Favorable Arrangement
Fili and Sigrid agree to an arranged marriage, and quickly learn that mountains and lakes ally more quickly than people.
Episodes from Middle Earth
Collection of one-shots
Fear and Family (Or, the One Where Kíli Is the Sensible One)
After the Battle of Five Armies, Bilbo isn't sure of his welcome in the mountain, and thus returns to the Shire as soon as he can. Somewhat to his surprise, Ori goes with him -- but it turns out Ori has his own reasons for leaving Erebor behind. Well, Bilbo's quite used to being the talk of the Shire.
The tale of Thranduil and his wife from the beginning of their journey to the downfall of their tragedy.
Seduction to Destruction
Before the awakening of the elves there was the rise of the Valaraukar. As the Valar attempt to keep and contain their Maiar from succumbing to Melkor’s might, they fail to realize that it only takes one to destroy their efforts from within. The fall of Almaren will be detailed with Mairon and his relationships with others as the central plot points. Eventual Angbang because that was why I started writing this thing in the first place.
Bury My Sins Down By the Sea
Wandering along the seashore singing an unceasing lament for what his people had become and what they had done was supposed to be the last line for Maglor, son of Fëanor. When he accidentally trespasses on Avarin territory, they take him briefly hostage in order to ensure that he will lead no war parties to them. Among their people, thrust headfirst into a culture completely alien to him, Maglor learns quickly exactly how different they are. Despite all their differences, he still finds kinship with Denethor of the Laiquendi, and the comfort of a connection helps him open his heart again at long last.
Adopted of the Khîtikweni
Maglor has been avoiding others since he flung the Silmaril into the sea. Some, he finds, are more stubborn than he is.
Mortal Cold
Elladan, Elrohir, Legolas, and Aragorn are in the mountains during a terrible cold autumn storm and the sons of Elrond reluctantly stay with some of the Avari after Legolas' insistence and the severity of the storm.
Secret Hope
Nerdanel is, she suspects, among the last to receive word - the ships are coming home. The Elves are returning at last. She knows she will likely be disappointed. But she can't help but hope.
Whenever anyone asks Erestor how he ended up in Rivendell, he defers to Glorfindel.
My Father’s Eyes
They are terrible and cruel; warm and loving. I see my father trough his ever-changing eyes, and they tell me his truths if I read them wisely. But sometimes I fear i will never get to know everything there is to know about them. They are like the grey sky before it rains, like the universe itself or the forest when it rains. They speak to me if I listen closely. And I do listen.
The Prisoner of Dol Guldur
Thranduil makes a terrible discovery after the fall of Dol Guldur
The Web of Darkness
An experiment of the Witch-King backfires, big time, and the Elves of Mirkwood find an unexpected ally.
Hungry Eye, Ancient Soul
"In this Fifth Age of Middle Earth, there are many stories about the romantic past of the earlier ages. Ancient stories of love and adventure, and those who inhabited these lands alongside us mortals. The terrifying reality of these stories is often ignored, and I will bring them to light, remaining anonymous lest these beings find me for revealing the truth." It is the Fifth Age of Middle Earth, and the Elves have fallen into legend; legend twisted into tales of deceit, Fae magic, disappearances, and betrayal.
The Unseen Fate
Namo once said, "There long shall ye abide and yearn for your bodies, and find little pity..." so basically, he said that the House of Feanor will abide in the Halls of Mandos and remain dispossessed for ever. However, it would seem that Eru has another fate in mind. A story where the House of Miriel has found their place in the world. They meet new friends along the way and grievances are forgiven. Finally, a happy ending for the House of Miriel.
"She is her father's daughter. He was never really a father at all." Elwing and Eärendil remember their children.
The Wanderer (Maglor's story)
The silmarillion as told from Maglor's perspective. Some implied Russingon and a whole bunch of vala/elf relationships.
A Meeting In Valinor
After the War of the Ring, Sauron returns as a prisoner to Valinor and, much to the incredulity of his self-appointed guard Eönwë, encounters a hobbit.
Casting Out The Serpent
Balan-who-will-be-Bëor comes to some conclusions about his new friend after said new friend demonstrates a terrifying knowledge of venomous snakes. In conclusion, Finarfin was a reptile hoarder and also elves might be poisonous.
The Fourth Hall
Where do the orcs go when they die?
green are the leaves (i leave in mirkwood)
"A choice sits upon his head, pressing down past his elven bones and into his very fae. He must choose either to turn back to the stifling safety of the King's Halls, or venture on into a world that will not offer favours nor protection to an Elf as young and inexperienced as he." OR: Legolas learns what it means to chase freedom, choose, sacrifice and find family even in the darkest of hours.
A Feast of Ashes
Now High King of the Noldor in Middle Earth, Fingolfin decides to host a feast to reunite the free people of Beleriand, the Noldor, and his own family. What he did not expect is to be reunited with dead relatives, spies from Angband, dark secrets from Cuivienen, and a fair share of angst
An Unexpected Exchange
Bilbo always knew there was something off about his nephew. He didn't fit in amongst the hobbits. And when a stranger shows up on his doorstep claiming that the boy is not his nephew at all, things get a bit... complicated.
Should A Star Fall, The Sky Won't Go Black
The stars are sacred to all of the eldar, but for some, they may have a little bit more meaning. Or: Elurín has a nightmare that leaves him lost and confused, and Maedhros helps guide him back onto his path with the help of the night sky.
Two Stars in Time
While undergoing a hunting test, Elurín and Eluréd have a strange setback and wake up under the Two Trees. Lost in a land of old, there is only one person whom they can think of to search for: Adar Maedhros.
In Elin Gelebrin
After the Second Kinslaying, Maedhros searches for two young children and succeeds in finding them. Here are some small moments of their time together.
An Untold Tale
Injured, afraid, and freezing in the forests of Doriath, Elurín manages to tap into an inheritance from Melian he never realised was there. In his desperation, he uses it, and he and his brother vanish from history. Three thousand years later, a patrol of Imladris finds two strange boys in the woods.
What if Elrond Had Pushed Isildur into the Fires of Mt. Doom? Theory
The One Ring and it’s survival by the hands of Isildur gave rise to Sauron and the War of the Ring in the Lord of the Rings, but what if Elrond had pushed Isildur into the fires of Mount Doom, bringing an end to the One Ring altogether?
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aaluminiumas · 3 years
Hi Luffy
Hi Luffy,
You know, the idea to write you a letter came to my mind right after our encounter in Alabasta. That’s where I got in a full-blown funk: I was sure you were about to outshine me – you’d managed to kick Crocodile’s ass, and he was a goddamn shichibukai! I couldn’t even think about doing anything like that – got a pile of assignments to be accomplished. As you know, I’m a member of the crew created by the greatest pirate in the world, Whitebeard. He’d take you along too but you’re such a bonehead.
But I’m proud of you, Luffy. And Sabo would be proud too. And Grandpa is definitely proud of you, he just doesn’t want you to get in trouble. Well, unless this is the trouble he himself causes. Do you remember how he spanked Sabo just because he was caught by mistake? Grandson is always a grandson, that’s what he says, right?..
And then we hunted crocodiles altogether. And you pouted as we didn’t want to take you with us while we were simply scared to get you injured. I’m still frightened, actually. Now even more, I guess. I would’ve been able to beat the shit out of any crocodile if it’d harmed you, but from now on I cannot be around although I know that you will stand up for yourself. And I also know that you have a great crew. It isn’t like ours though but your nakamas are amazing as well. We’ll tussle down the line, trust me!
…without me, I believe. I know that I won’t make it out alive… there are too many people. You’ve stirred quite the pot here at Impel Dawn! Everybody is talking about you, and probably this is why I’ve managed to send this letter. I’m still not sure if you’re going to receive it. The whole world has gone insane, and the Marines have gone wild, too. They say, your name is always on the front page. Garp comes here too and it gives me the willies. I’m not afraid to die. But he keeps coming, sits down and stares at me. He knows that his friendship with Sengoku won’t change a thing.
I miss you terribly, Luffy. And I really want to see you; if Sabo was alive, I would be glad to meet him as well. I wouldn’t even mind a kick from Garp if it altered the situation.
Just be careful. Please, be careful, my silly little brother. Knock ‘em dead. Become the Pirate King. I believe in you. And I know that Sabo would belive in you too. Don’t be sad. It will be ridiculous of the future Pirate King to sob, right?
- Ace
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atinydroid · 4 years
So I started draft 4 and I’ve rewritten the beginning (again for the 4th time......) and I like it LIKE A LOT OK so here you go!
“-Barris system wishes to--- any potential travelers of--- meteor-run that there has been--- increase in pirate act--- suggests pilots either avoid--- altogether or--- Alliance escort.” A deep voice carries through the crackle and static of the long distance signal. A halo-pad laid gutted on the floor with a thick long cable connecting it to an open wall panel. 
The sound of broadcast devolved into nothing but static as Vic stepped through a thick cloud purple steam. Her grey coveralls were stained in an oil-slick of colors along with the bandanna that was protecting her hair and her cheeks ran with bright purple against her dark skin. She didn’t even bother removing her pitch black goggles as she set down her quartem-wrench and pulled off one of her oversized gloves with a sigh, “What’s the point of having a radio that can pick up an iggie’s signal from two systems away but can’t hold onto a news cast?” She poked at the halo-pad until it eventually changed to a working channel. She waited till she heard a woman’s voice come through the pad’s speakers clearly before putting it back down and disappearing back into the steam with her wrench.
This time a woman’s voice came through the pad’s speakers much clearer than the last reporter’s. “-have been following the royal couple since they announced their engagement last Wayan year! We were all-” A loud clang interrupted whatever the woman said next. “And now that Princess Altheae is 18 there’s no reason for them not get married as soon as possible.” “Isn’t it romantic? I wish a handsome Yvestian prince would come sweep me off my feet.” A different woman sighed dreamily.
Vic let the white noise of the gossip mix with the sounds of the ship, it was like a different kind of silence, one that she created so she could focus on what she was doing. Cause stars forbid she makes one wrong move in here and dislodges a pipe sending core backsplash all through the ship. This was delicate work and it needed a delicate touch. She only had a few more adjustments to make she’d be-
“What are you listening to?”
Vic jumped from her position only to slam her head right into the thick pipe she had been squatted under. “Fuck!” She hissed and quickly backed out from under the pipe, rubbing her hand against her bandanna. She spun around with a growl to face just who the fuck did that. “Repo! Stars I told you to knock!” She stomped through the steam and came face to upside-down face with a blue robot face. The LED eyes were shining a bright yellow and created a head-light effect through the steam. 
“I fail to see how that would result in a different outcome.” Vic was still glaring at them as they dangled through the open floor panel. “Also I do recall you telling me, what was it again?” They waited as if they were actually going to give Vic a chance to respond. “Ah yes it went something like, ‘I am Vic, I can readjust the output of the engine while I sleep’.” They did their best to alter their voice box to sound a little higher pitched but it was a little off-mark, as per usual.
“That is not what I sound like.” She crouched down and unplugged the gutted halo-pad from the wall, letting the cord slither back into the access panel.
“You will forgive me for not having a voice module capable of replicating your specific cadence.” Repo moved aside as Vic shooed them out of the way of the open hatch. “However I think you will find that I was successful in capturing the vibe of your phrasing.” 
“Don’t say vibe.” Vic grabbed the edge of the hatch and pulled herself up through the floor. Repo stood up as she did and closed the hatch behind her, not bothering to lock it considering they were the only two who ever went in there.
“Now you wish to police my language choices. Is there nothing I am capable of doing to satisfy you.” They didn’t even bother attempting to sound hurt like they did when they were really trying to push Vic’s buttons. 
She pulled her goggles down around her neck as she rolled her brown eyes. There was a distinct purple ring around her eyes where the goggles had done their job keeping the steam out. “Oh please. If I really wanted to ‘police your language’,” she threw up air quotes, “I’d tell you to use a contraction once in your life-cycle.” She smirked at the outrageous gasp Repo let out. She pulled the bandanna from her head and scratched her fingers through her tight-coiled hair, letting her mohawk fluff up a bit after being pushed down for the last hour. 
Repo hummed in dissatisfaction, “Contractions are for those who do not have the kind of processing power that goes on in my motherboard. The amount of data that goes through my AI-unit at any given time and you want me to use contractions? You might as well...”
Vic tuned Repo out by now, letting them go into a rant that Vic had heard many many times before, the first being when she was 8 and didn’t know any better. She stepped up to a large metal sink before she unzipped and shrugged off the top half of her coveralls, her muscles shifted, a sheen of sweat coated her skin until she grabbed a towel and began to wipe herself off.
She turned and leaned her hips against the sink as she wiped the streaks of color off her neck. Although it was kind of pointless seeing how humid it was in the engineer’s room at the moment. It sat on top of the warp-core output and was always hot. But when the core was in use, it was almost unlivable. Well for anything that could feel heat. Unfortunately Repo didn’t fall under that category so Vic was left to suffer alone. Which was why her cot was on the farthest wall from the output room, behind a curtain in an attempt to block out the humidity which was ultimately pointless but made her feel better. Where as Repo’s recharge nest, which was just a pile of pillows Vic threw there to make herself feel better about Repo just sitting on the hard metal floor, was closer to the hatch that lead down.
Their room was simple but it was home. Everything about it, from the work desk covered in random parts that needed to be fixed, to the scraps of paper that had little notes her and Repo had left to each other. Sometimes it was hard to remember that she had only lived on this ship for 10 years and not her entire life. She couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
“Are you listening to me Victoria?” It sounded like Repo had finished their rant a little earlier than usual.
Her eyes came back into focus and she looked over at the very indignant robot with a smirk, “Absolutely. You were just getting to the part where the one time you said ‘don’t’ your motherboard almost short-circuited.”
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thessalian · 3 years
SWTOR Prompt Meme for Srina ☼
"Well, that was brave."
The Chiss now officially going by Srina'idash - getting used to going by a name on the regular, instead of simply Cipher Eight - looked over at Mychae Qiin. Bane of her existence once, now doorway to a whole new life, and despite everything, apparently still willing to offer a compliment of sorts. Not that Srina intended to acknowledge it until it was further clarified; she simply glanced over at the cantina rat made good, raised an eyebrow and asked, "How so?"
Mychae, perched on a wall at the Rest, clearly at loose ends with her partner off on a solo mission of sorts, shook her head. "You had a whole mess of potential Jedi to meet first. I mean, you'd never met a Jedi before, right?"
"Not to speak to, no." She'd killed a few, and run game on others, but that did not, in Srina's mind, count. Nor was it a topic it seemed wise to broach here, of all places.
Rather than chasing the vaguery of the statement until it gave her something to pin down, Mychae just continued with, "So first time meeting a Jedi, here in the heart of a militant anti-Dark Side organisation, probably more clued into its duty roster than you want anyone to know about ... and you pick Nyomi 'The Wall' Adastra. Like, deliberately. Since I know you're not stupid, 'brave' sums it up."
Srina let out a sharp little breath that no one knew yet was her version of a chuckle. "Not so much brave as necessary. I could have picked someone more ... personable, charitable, call it what you will. It would have been unwise. If I am to be judged by Marran Jedi, I will be judged by the unforgiving first. Honestly, the ideal would have been the Archon, as he combines caution with an empath's skill, but I'd hardly interrupt his day simply to be vetted by the best. And your other empath is..."
Apparently fully aware that Srina was waiting for Mychae to fill in that sentence in a fishing-for-data sort of way, Mychae just shrugged with a nonchalance that Srina felt compelled to take mental notes on. "Also busy as kriff, yeah, I know. Between the lab and medbay, there aren't enough hours in the galactic standard day."
Srina gave Mychae another sidelong look, trying to decide whether it was caution, loyalty or both that had Mychae so cagey about her opinions of the Marran Jedi. After settling on 'both', she gave a small nod of acceptance and moved on. "Indeed. Thus I went for the one with least cause to be comfortable with former Imperials."
"So you picked the Jedi who counts among her best friends the former Darth Malyxia. Bravo."
"That simply means that Master Adastra knows altogether too well when someone has truly and wholeheartedly defected. That seems to work in my favour regardless."
Srina watched Mychae as the human thought about that, then nodded a little. "Fair, I guess. At the same time, keep in mind that she's also the one who wrote me off as 'pirate scum' when we first met."
After a moment's consideration, Srina shrugged. "Not that surprising, honestly. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to read someone whose mind has been substantially altered, as I understand yours had been. Plus I imagine that even without your usual 'let them underestimate me' appearance, the aforementioned alterations had you looking less than your best."
"Huh. Hadn't thought of that, but I guess." Mychae thought a little longer, then gave Srina a nod. "Good call. Still brave, though. How'd you manage the Patented Fort Ny Flat Look?"
Srina thought for a long moment about how she was going to respond to that. Uncharacteristically, she opted for honesty. "I have faced the glares of multiple particularly powerful and bloodthirsty Sith ... and yet somehow, that look is worse."
Mychae laughed. "So you hate people being disappointed in you more than you hate potential evisceration. Good to know!"
"I do hope you won't be spreading that ... assumption about the place," Srina said, levelling Mychae with a glare of her own. "That military saying about people who assume spans the Republic / Imperial line, you know."
Still laughing, Mychae shook her head. "I know, I know. Your rep. I get it. Not a word. Anyway, I've got some follow-up calls to make about 'Semalta Trase' and her 'disappearance'. Welcome to the Marran, Srina." With that, she walked away.
Srina watched Mychae go, then mentally added, "My reputation; you understand" to her repertoire of ways to blow off any subject that got too close to who she was as a person. Just in case.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 years
Doctor Octavia Cox reads an essay / by Virginia Woolf about Jane Austen’s last novel, and what Jane Austen might have written after that, had she lived.
I’m not sure I agree with Virginia Woolf’s speculations about the possible trajectory of Jane Austen’s writing after Persuasion, and what influence newly found fame would have had on her, but I do agree with her conclusion that this is a book that marks a shift in attitude in Austen’s work, and that is is deeply psychological.
Auto-Generated captions of variable accuracy. I’ve found the essay online, and copy/pasted it below (shh... the journal where it’s archived puts its stuff behind a paywall; I’m a pirate -- Yarr!).
Anybody who has had the temerity to write about Jane Austen is aware of two facts: First, that of all great writers she is the most difficult to catch in the act of greatness; second, that there are 25 elderly gentlemen living in the neighborhood of London who resent any slight upon her genius as if it were an insult offered to the chastity of their aunts.
It would be interesting, indeed, to inquire how much of her present celebrity Jane Austen owes to masculine sensibility; to the fact that her dress was becoming, her eyes bright, and her age the antithesis in all matters of female charm to our own. A companion inquiry might investigate the problem of George Eliot’s nose; and decide how long it will be before the equine profile is once again in favor, and the Oxford Press celebrates the genius of the author of Middlemarch in an edition as splendid, as authoritative, and as exquisitely illustrated as this.
But it is not mere cowardice that prompts us to say nothing of the six novels of the new edition. It is impossible to say too much about the novels that Jane Austen did write; but enough attention perhaps has never yet been paid to the novels that Jane Austen did not write. Owing to the peculiar finish and perfection of her art, we tend to forget that she died at 42, at the height of her powers, still subject to all those changes which often make the final period of a writer’s career the most interesting of all. Let us take Persuasion, the last completed book, and look by its light at the novels that she might have written had she lived to be 60-years-old. We do not grudge it him, but her brother the Admiral lived to be ninety-one.
There is a peculiar dullness and a peculiar beauty in Persuasion. The dullness is that which so often marks the transition stage between two different periods. The writer is a little bored. She has grown too familiar with the ways of her world. There is an asperity in her comedy which suggests that she has almost ceased to be amused by the vanities of a Sir Walter or the snobbery of a Miss Elliott. The satire is harsh, and the comedy crude. She is no longer so freshly aware of the amusements of daily life. Her mind is not altogether on the subject. But, while we feel that Jane Austen has done this before, and done it better, we also feel that she is trying to do something which she has never yet attempted. There is a new element in Persuasion, a quality, perhaps, that made Dr. Whewell fire up and insist that it was “the most beautiful of her works.”
She is beginning to discover that the world is larger, more mysterious, and more romantic than she had supposed. We feel it to be true of herself when she says of Anne: “She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older—the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning.” She dwells frequently upon the beauty and the melancholy of nature. She talks of the “influence so sweet and so sad of autumnal months in the country.” She marks “the tawny leaves and withered hedges.”
“One does not love a place the less because one has suffered in it,” she observes. But it is not only in a new sensibility to nature that we detect the change.
Her attitude to life itself is altered. She is seeing it, for the greater part of the book, through the eyes of a woman who, unhappy herself, has a special sympathy for the happiness and unhappiness of others, which, until the very end, she is forced to comment upon in silence. Therefore the observation is less of facts and more of feelings than is usual. There is an expressed emotion in the scene at the concert and in the famous talk about woman’s constancy which proves not merely the biographical fact that Jane Austen had loved, but the aesthetic fact that she was no longer afraid to say so. Experience, when it was of a serious kind, had to sink very deep, and to be thoroughly disinfected by the passage of time, before she allowed herself to deal with it in fiction. But now, in 1817, she was ready. Outwardly, too, in her circumstances, a change was imminent. Her fame had grown very slowly. “I doubt,” wrote Mr. Austen Leigh, “whether it would be possible to mention any other author of note whose personal obscurity was so complete.” Had she lived a few more years only, all that would have been altered.
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wickednerdery · 4 years
The Three Musketeers [FanFic]
Title: The Three Musketeers Author: @wickednerdery​ Pairing: Reid/Ethan/Lil Foyet(friendship), Barbossa, Pintel & Ragetti Rating: Teen/Mature Summary: When best friends Spencer Reid, Ethan Bellamy, and Lil Foyet work together to get one over on a patron at a Tortuga tavern they all get more than they bargained for. Notes: Right, so this piece is almost 10 years old, lol! But some y’all wanted to read my Criminal Minds/Pirates of the Caribbean crossover stuff so here’s the first piece; it’s something of a prologue to a larger story I was working on and takes place well before the first movie. (Notes of characters at the end.) There’s some violence and adult themes involving children, also it’s WAY longer than most pieces I write nowadays lol!
“It be too late to alter course now, mateys!” ~ Barbossa, PoTC:Curse of the Black Pearl
Little Spencer Reid was a scrawny boy of eight with greasy hair that fell into his eyes as he spun his head this way and that making sure no one was watching too closely. This was his job in the crew, given to him by Ethan who promised it was the least dangerous one there was. So far that had held true. This stuff always made the boy nervous nevertheless, but they were starving and without money to pay so what choice did they have? That and the other two stressed that it wasn’t exactly stealing, per say, if the person was too drunk or otherwise busy to take care in keeping an eye on their goods. Ethan snapped up some bread and rum from the sailors in the tavern who were too busy with their company for the night before he saw the jackpot. Set beside the dark boots of an imposing man was a basket containing apples. Good apples, ones ripe and ready for eating. The temptation was too much, but Ethan wasn’t about to just grab and dash…he was smart, he always examined, staked out, a target first. This target, the man with the bushel of fresh apples, was imposing even while sitting. A large hat kept much of his face in the shadows, but Ethan could see a bushy beard and long, dark, auburn hair held back loosely with a strip of leather. He was significantly older and it looked like the years at sea had already begun to ravage the man leaving scars and sunspots about the face and body. Still, he was a finely dressed man and wealthy enough to keep the monkey on his shoulder dressed better than most those Ethan saw on the island itself. The teen boy slipped past the man onto where his other crewmember, Lil, leaned by a post keeping watch as well. She turned her face to him and arches a brow. “Well?” “I need ya,” Ethan said simply before drawing the young girl’s gaze to the man with the apples. “On it faster than he’ll be on me,” she teased a touch before giving Ethan a kiss to the cheek and heading over to the man and his monkey. Like the boys Lil had grown on the island of Tortuga the child of a pirate and a woman…in her case a whore already dead at the hands of a jealous lover. Whether from guilt or just plain pity the madam allowed the small girl to live in the brothel even after her mother’s murder. So Lil was raised in brothels and even at ten capable of working seduction skills enough to catch the eyes of drunken sailors and distract them for Ethan to steal. That was how it all worked. Little Spencer kept a sharp eye, she a tempting manner, and Ethan a fast hand. They’d done this all long enough to avoid capture when working together and, for Ethan and Lil, to have no real fear in it. Only Spencer held the fear, just as only he held the knowledge of the immorality of the behavior. Ethan watched as Lil sauntered over to the man, shifted herself into his eye-line, and held his gaze with stormy eyes and teasingly quirked lips. There was always something strange about Lil; how she carried herself, demanded and got attention from all those around her. She was a force and even at twelve Ethan knew she’d only become more so as she developed into a woman. It was as frightening as it was exhilarating. The young man’s gaze then trailed to his frail runt of a friend still loyally keeping lookout for all of them. Spencer was the virtual opposite. Small, meek, and ever unsure in his steps the eight-year-old was more of a comfort to Ethan than anything exciting. Spencer kept him and Lil anchored to their abilities, stabilized in their emotions, and reigned in from their impulses. Altogether Ethan imagined they were a complete person – heart, mind, and guts – and without the other two he wasn’t sure any would truly survive. Ethan turned back to the target with his monkey and waited until he got the signal from Lil (a thrumming of fingers on the wooden table) before he tucked his frame in the shadows of swinging lanterns and jostling bodies to snap up the booty. He stuffed a small bag kept on his hip with apples before grabbing one more in hand. He moved out in the next rowdy crowd that passed and headed towards Spencer with a grin, showing off the apple in his hand. The monkey’s shriek came first, then a string of curses from its owner and a shot from a gun. “RUN!!” Lil screamed to her boys as she grabbed a knife up off the table and slashed at the target. The man cursed, struck out, and knocked the girl to the floor. “Ethan?” young Spencer’s eyes became saucers as his older friend started a full dash to him. “Run!” Ethan grabbed Spencer’s arm and the two boys began to move as fast as their legs could carry them out into the crowd that was the streets of Tortuga. Spencer could barely keep up, tripping over his own legs and those of others. “Ethan, what…” he couldn’t get the words out as his friend began to virtually drag him. “Ethan…Lil…” What had become of their third party? Had the man gotten her? Was she okay? Ethan took a sharp turn, grabbing hold of a fruit cart and pulling it down as he did. The curses from the vendor followed them, but what was more important was that sounds of a scuffle did as well. The man with the monkey was now busy arguing with the vendor. At the second shot heard young Reid let out a squeak of nerves. He wanted to eat, yes, but not get shot in the process. The fact that Ethan only seemed to enjoy this, the danger of the chase, just made him more nervous. “Ethan…Ethan, maybe we should, uh, just give the apples back and…beg pardon?” The older boy pulled the younger into an alleyway and dropped his voice low. “Men who shoot first and ask later don’t pardon, Spencer.” “Wha-what about Lil, Ethan?” The older boy almost smiled. “Lil can care for herself, Spencer, you know that.” “But –“ “I think he’s a pirate,” Ethan’s adrenaline had already forced a switch of topics. “A proper one?” As opposed to those lowlifes who boasted without ever making good that littered Tortuga in greater numbers than the whores. Ethan nodded. “The only way we get out of this is to run, hide, or try and parley.” “But…we’re not pirates.” “Not yet,” the older boy smirked some. Both boys had parentage in piracy, but only the elder wanted to carry on the legacy. Spencer Reid saw his father’s piracy as a form of abandonment; William Reid preferred theft on the high seas to his family and the youth had no interest in becoming like him. Spencer aimed to use his intelligence for good, to help others, and never to bring misfortune. The truth was he wasn’t comfortable stealing, or even keeping watch over Ethan and Lil when they did, but there weren’t many options being the only son of the Mad Woman of Tortuga. Ethan felt differently; the bastard son of pirate legend “Black Sam” Bellamy he wanted nothing more than to share in the life. He adored the stories he heard from the sailors, Navy and pirate alike, and hoped someday there’d be stories told about him. Being a pirate sounded thrilling and he could never understand how his friend saw it differently. While he had a set of morals, it was already skewed towards piracy. Young Bellamy did what he had to in order to survive, to thrive, and had ease about him when it came to the underhanded and devious. Spencer sighed some. “Can’t we just hide then? I can’t keep running like this.” He hadn’t the physicality of Ethan. “Fine, you hide,” Ethan pulled out a few of the apples and stuffed them into his friend’s pockets. “Keep these with you.” “Where are you going?” “We should spilt up anyway,” Ethan replied simply. The truth was Ethan sort of still wanted to continue the chase though. Hiding wasn’t his style except as a last resort. Spencer frowned, “Oh. Okay.” “Just…stay in the shadows and tuck yourself behind the pigs outside The Faithful Bride, okay?” It was where they usually met up at the end of the night if they didn��t spend all the hours of the day and evening together. “Aye.” Ethan smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll find you. You and Lil.” Spencer just nodded then watched as his friend dashed off out the other end of the alley. The small boy stayed hidden where he was for sometime before he began to take back routes to the pigsty, searching for their Lil as he did. *** Ethan took a few more sharp turns and random routes before he realized there was no one chasing him anymore. The young man let out a sigh that bordered on disappointment as he looked at the apple that, miraculously, had remained in his hand. He took a bite, savoring the juice that exploded into his mouth with the piercing of its skin before swallowing it down. The chase was over, time to enjoy the spoils. Ethan set his teeth into the apple again as he began to head out towards the water’s edge. He was half through the last alley and his apple when a dark figure appeared, blocking his way. Perched on the figure was the outline of a monkey that screeched at him angrily. Ethan froze a moment before he stepped back and turned on his heel to make another run for it. No dice this time as two others blocked his way. A tall, thin, fellow partnered with a stout one who held his pistol out and at the ready to fire. “It’d be unwise to make yer run, boy,” the monkey-man remarked just on the edge of amused. Ethan spun back. “Parley!” “Parley?” one of the two groaned behind him. The man before Ethan just laughed some as he began an unhurried approach to the teen. “Ye got no right to parley lest ye be a pirate, boy.” “Well, I am,” Ethan insisted stubbornly to the man he now realized was the leader of the crew. The moonlight caught blackened blood on the man’s face from Lil’s knife and Ethan stepped back with shaken nerves. “By birth, anyhow.” “’Ow’s that?” the skinny one spoke up almost curiously. Ethan’s back hit the stones of a building as the three pirates closed in. “My father is Black Sam Bellamy, surely you’ve heard of him.” The three men and one monkey looked at one another seeming to debate the lad’s truthfulness and their next step before the leader gave a cackle. “Right then boy, I’ll give ya the privilege of parley. Now what’s it ye need to say?” “I’d like to say it to the captain.” “I be him,” the man replied simply as his monkey grinned. “Captain Barbossa of the Cobra. Now…” Barbossa closed in on the thieving boy, made the oozing blood on his face something Ethan’s eyes couldn’t avoid as he brought a pistol up under the boy’s chin. “Speak!” Ethan shook under the hot, rageful, breath of the pirate captain, but spoke nevertheless. “I wanna join your crew.” It was the one thing he could think of that might prevent his death and finally get him what he always wanted…a chance to be a real pirate. The two men to his right seemed stunned, the monkey ticked its head in utter confusion, and Barbossa simply leaned back a touch to appraise the bold youth. “How old are ye, lad?” “Thirteen, sir. Captain. And I’m still growing.” In truth, from malnutrition and general poor living conditions, the twelve-year-old Ethan hadn’t even truly started growing. “I know plenty about ships and I learn fast. I’d make a good member of your crew. A loyal one too.” Barbossa considered the offer in silence as he continued his appraisal. True, the lad was slight in build, but being on the cusp of puberty and given enough food he had plenty of room to grow. Ethan’s fast hands and quick thinking could certainly be of benefit as well. “Ye ever worked a sword or pistol?” “No, Captain,” Ethan confessed with a touch of shame. “But I’ve fought by hand, with small blades, and won more than once. More than I’ve lost.” The monkey gave Ethan a smile that announced Barbossa’s decision before the man did. “Ye owe me payment for my apples and for the handy work of that lil’ lass o’ yers. You’ll work it off on my ship.” “Yes sir.” Then Ethan looked to the other two pirates before his eyes went to the bloody gash of the captain’s. “The…the girl…” “Yers, yes?” Barbossa smirked some. The boy avoided the question, worried what an answer could bring to Lil. “She alive?” The monkey heaved out the squeals of a laugh with the men. “She were when I left her,” Barbossa grinned out. The man hadn’t the time to trouble with the girl much beyond the slap. “Now, ye pay off yer debts…” Barbossa gave a wicked smile, “and we’ll see if ye ‘ave what it takes to be a true pirate after that.” “Aye Captain,” Ethan smiled back, not seeing the evil glint of Barbossa’s eyes through his own excitement. “I’ll do ye proud, I swear it.” *** Lil rolled herself under a table after the hit, playing possum until the coast was clear. The bar now emptied of her troubles the girl picked herself up off the floor and began to examine her state. Her straw-colored hair was more wild than usual, her hands red with pirate’s blood, and her cheek still stinging but otherwise she was fine. She’d live to fight another day without troubles or worry. After wiping her hands on the cloth bits that were her dress the girl grabbed an unattended bottle of run from a table and a lost apple off the floor before heading out of the tavern as she drank and ate. Whatever the boys might think, this was a victorious night in Lil’s book. The girl wandered for a bit, adjusting her posture to appear her most non-threatening and uninteresting in hunched shoulders and hung head. She swung the bottle back enough times that her legs grew unsteady as she approached their usual meeting spot, The Faithful Bride. There were no signs of her boys so she began to call out to them. “Spencer! Ethan!” A mop of scraggly hair poked up from behind a few of the pigs where they dozed in slop and their own filth. “Lil?” Reid’s voice mixed equal parts relief and concern. “Aye. Where’s Ethan?” The younger shrugged as he worked his way out to street where Lil remained, bottle and apple in hand. “He said he’d meet us here when he could. Are you okay?” As he got closer, out in the lights trickling from the bars and brothels around them, he could see the angry red handprint across Lil’s face. “I’m fine.” Lil had gotten far worse over the years and the pain still there was dulled by liquor now. “You get anything to eat?” “Oh, yeah,” Reid’s lips curled up a touch as if he remembered his pockets had been stuffed with his share of the apples. He pulled one out and started to eat. “What should we do now, Lil?” Lil finished her apple and tossed the core to the pigs before offering her friend some of the rum. The boy declined with a shake of his head to which the elder girl shrugged, drank some herself, then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before finally answering. “I say we wait it out till dawn, then start searching.” “Okay.” Because Lil refused to sleep in the muddy shit of the pigs the two children tucked themselves in the doorway of a closed shop nearby. Lil laid herself across its length and had Spencer rest his head in her lap for comfort as he curled up into himself. Despite those instincts that told Lil her little friend was too weak to survive, that being rid of him would be the wiser thing for her to do, she kept him as close as she did Ethan. Something about the weedy boy was precious to her, something that went beyond his advanced intellect. It was his innocence, that purity of the soul he clung to even as those closest to him – Lil and Ethan – willingly discarded or had it torn from them bit by bit each day. She did not understand how or why Spencer held to it, but the fact he did fascinated her. The young girl began to run her fingers through Spencer’s hair as she hummed, then sang. “We extort and pilfer, we filch and we sack, drink me ‘earties, yo ho…” *** The morning brought nothing but sun and angry hollers from the shopkeeper for the little urchins to be gone from the front of his store. Too tired to do anything more Lil and Spencer left without argument and took to roaming the streets in search for any signs of the eldest of their crew. They came across none. Ethan had simply vanished in the night. When they reached the whorehouse where Lil stayed the girl offered Spencer a share in her tiny attic of a room, but the boy declined. He wanted to be home, to see if his mother was all right and if perhaps Ethan had somehow ended up there or at least left word somehow. “Lemme know if he did?” the girl requested as the sun lit up the colors of bruising on her cheek as it rose higher in the Caribbean sky. “Of course.” Lil smiled bright and bubbly a moment, then nodded a touch before heading inside. No one was waiting up for her, no one worried or cared. The morning crowd of exiting men simply walked around her as she made her way up to her straw heap of a bed to sleep. By the time Spencer reached home his mother was to ill to even speak with so the small boy took to wandering out in back of his shack of a house. There were no signs Ethan had stopped by in the middle of the night; the only sign of his best friend’s existence at all was Iggy, their shared pet iguana, relaxing in the shade of the foliage grown wild on the property. “Hey Iggy,” the eight-year-old noted with a frown as he settled onto the ground. The iguana seemed to sense one of its owners, or smelled the fruit, as he crawled out into the sun over to Spencer. “You seen Ethan?” The iguana made a gutteral noise in reply. “Thought not,” Spencer replied back before pulling out one of the apples and biting off a hunk. He took half into mouth and pulled the other half out to hold out to Iggy. The iguana snapped his jaw, taking the apple from the boy’s fingers. “Guess it’s just you and me now.” The iguana tilted his head some as he chewed. Reid sighed some already missing his friend deeply. Spencer only had two, Lil and Ethan, and now one was missing. He worried too…had Ethan been found? Had he been jailed or, worse yet, murdered over their group-effort theft? Lil didn’t seem concerned, but then she very rarely was. In all his years of knowing the girl Spencer couldn’t recall a single time she’d cried or even shown fear. Not when that drunken lout had tried to take her behind one of the taverns, not when she’d been whipped for stealing, and not last night when the monkey-man caught them. Spencer bit his lip, looked down some, and let his wavy locks fall into his face as he debated crying over the seeming loss of his friend, his best friend. He shook with the thoughts of it. Then he felt the rest of the apple being yanked from his possession. “Hey!” the boy snapped to attention as Iggy scurried away with the last of the trio’s prize. The last thing Ethan had given him, the last memory of his friend before the older boy vanished in the Tortuga night. Spencer wanted, needed, that last bit of apple back. “Stupid iguana! Stupid…blimey…bloody…” the boy cursed aloud as he made chase, tripping over rocks, roots, and his own feet in attempts to catch the animal. He skittered to a stop when the lizard dived into a hole in the dirt that the boy couldn’t follow him into. “You’re just like Ethan, ya thieving bastard! Stupid Ethan!” Exhausted and enraged the boy lay by the hole and began to cry. “Stupid Ethan,” he muttered, face and fists in the dirt, until he drifted off to sleep with the tropical sun beating down him. "Friends hold both the power to excel your life, or destroy it." ~ Adam Murphy
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I took some of the background given to Barbossa in the books based on PoTC to use to my own advantage. Ethan is from Criminals Minds Season 2, Episode 18, “Jones” - I grew insanely attached to him, he ended up in many pieces lol - and Lil Foyet is an OC daughter of serial killer George “The Reaper” Foyet from Season 4-6 (mostly?) who’s also in my Criminal Minds Noir AU “Living for the Night” on my AO3.
Those Who May Be Interested: @lady-crowned-with-stars​ @chibiyanai​ @ultrarebelheart​ @holykryptonitekitten​ @darcee74​ @lareinedususpense​ @poetic-fiasco​ @star-spangled-pan-with-a-plan​ @dreatine​ 
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yr-hen-ogledd · 4 years
Have you got any Iron Tusks lore lying around, or are they a completed project? I've been scrolling through the tag snapping up those gorgeous in-universe fluff snippets, and it's made me really curious about their backstory.
Ok so first of all thanks for saying a nice thing about my writing, which I have much less confidence in than I do in my painting. I’m super happy it grabbed your interest!
As for the Great Iron Tusks Fluff Bible… Well, for most of this evening I thought it’d been lost when I upgraded to my new(er) PC. But apparently I never delete anything ever and having done a bit of digging, well: here’s just about the entire history of the chapter, up to end of the 41st millenium & the creation of the Great Rift. Delve beneath the cut if you dare.
 Caveats: I read the background for the Warhammer 40,000 universe back in, like, 1996? ‘97? I haven’t paid too much attention since. I much prefer to just make shit up. I dip in here & there but you may find bits in here that seem to contradict actual canon - roll with it, I guess? It’s a big universe governed by an unreliable megabureaucracy; there’s room for more than one version of the truth.
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>IRON TUSKS: Adeptus Astartes chapter. Founded 738.M41 using Ultramarines gene-seed on Khaskal IV, Ultima Segmentum. Supervising officer Capt. Jun Harkenas (ex-Silver Skulls), subordinate officers including Capt. Astor Valk (ex-Silver Skulls), Capt. Haral Gor (ex-Carcharodon Astra), Reclusiarch Bron Ovidor (ex-Doom Eagles), Sgt. Torias Telion (Ultramarines, secondment), assisted by advisory council led by Barad Valur Arendt & other tribal elders.
On advice of Capt. Gor and the elders of the laghun, attending hiero-scrivenor Gorganaeus grants permission to Captain Harkenas to alter original ministorum designation BLACK PALADINS to IRON TUSKS in recognition of indigenous ursid life-forms known locally as Roortagha. Harkenas also orders chapter livery changed to deep crimson to fit with native blood rituals and warrior traditions. The Adeptus Terra’s initial audit detects minor mutations of the oolitic kidney, Betcher’s gland & the mucranoid gland, producing a moderately toxic & caustic airborne suspension when the marines’ sweat evaporates. The mutation falls well within acceptable levels of deviation and the founding is consecrated. The chapter is officially armed on St. Burden’s Day, 744.M41, fighting strength 350 scouts, 250 marines, plus command staff and various supporting elements including 3 strike cruisers. Captain Harkenas is named First Marshall, Captain Valk is named 2nd Company Marshall ; Master of the Armoury, Captain Gor is named 3rd Company Marshall ; Master of Recruits ; Bron Ovidor becomes High Chaplain. Sgt. Telion returns to Macragge.
745.M41: Hive Fleet Behemoth descends upon Ultima Segmentum. The Great Devourer carves a bloody path through the Imperium’s suprised and confused defenders leaving only lifeless rocks in its wake. Bio-ships appear at system terminus without warning after listening posts on Brennan’s World and Valentina are overrun by hostile xenoforms. Massively outnumbered, First Marshall Harkenas orders Khaskal IV evacuated and the chapter’s gene-seed secured aboard the strike cruiser Silverback. Harkenas and Ovidor lead half the chapter’s evocatii in a forlorn delaying action. Behemoth is eventually stopped at enormous cost, but Khaskal is stripped of all life weeks beforehand. The surviving brothers make a final return to salvage what equipment & armour they can, but leave the system within a week of arrival.
The Iron Tusks, now fleet-based, appear to drift between campaigns for several years, intervening in battles at Verrae, St. Nazaire, Xavierus and Sacristan. At Xavierus, Major-General Valdestin of the 120th Cadian Expeditionary records the Iron Tusks deploying “4 companies in good order, though unorthodox in equipment.” At Sacristan, Captain Serrus of the Star Phantoms notes the Iron Tusks battlefleet joining their own with 5 ships of the line, “three of which had clearly been reclaimed from unsanctioned sources.” Both commanders describe their allies scavenging war materiel from their enemies and after Sacristan, in which the combined Astartes forces drive off a raiding force of Red Corsairs traitors, the Iron Tusks (apparently now under the command of Haral Gor) pursue the traitors into the Maelstrom “with relish.”
The following decades paint a confusing picture: in 786.M41 they appear in the journal of the Rogue Trader Jelena diVerre as masters of Loghain’s Cross, a feudal world to the galactic south of Baal. Certainly, a number of imperial records from this time period make mention of the Iron Tusks fighting numerous battles against the orks raiding out of the Galatian Belt and against eldar pirates on Barre. But by the time Waaagh! Gormug makes a ruin of several Imperial worlds in 802, the Iron Tusks have apparently moved on. While the Blood Angels defend Loghain’s Cross, the Iron Tusks are recorded fighting “at chapter strength” against the bloody, Alpha Legion-led rebellion on Vittkenstein
“Though all who know the space marines know the essential diversity bred by their independent formations, I declare I never encountered a body of fighting men of such strange attitudes as these - leastways not as allies. The Irontusks (sic) seem to view their vocation almost as a great sport. They count kills upon their armour, they swear a great deal, they make indecipherable guestures toward the enemy (many of which I suspect are lewd in character!). Throne preserve us, at one juncture I visited a defensive position to inspect the conditions and found one of them sat in the cupola of his tank, smoking a lho-stick of very ill flavour. And yet who can complain of their devotion to the Emperor’s cause? After every raid they return with fallen comrades over their shoulders, bloodied banners of the enemy and grotesque smiles across scarred faces. One of their officers asked me if the regiment had encountered foes such as these before and when I answered him in the affirmative he declared that his men would be following us home.”- Colonel Ferdinand Maxwell-Gray, Mordian 18th.
Certainly the Iron Tusks do seem to have moved erratically toward the Mordian system for a time, but their route is difficult to ascertain. The war on Vittkenstein lasts another 4 years, but after that various naval records refer to the Iron Tusks retiring to a number of different homeworlds: Ironhold, Merite, Kyushin II, Jara-na-vere-ko, Elva XI and as many as 8 other planets are recorded as the chapter’s home base. Furthermore, having reached Mordian they seem to have moved on shortly after in the direction of the Cadian Gate and the Eye of Terror. More informatively, we can say with certainty the date at which they did so. Having claimed the death world of Morsava sometime before 984.M41, they subsequently sell the planet in 999.M41 to the governor-militant of Mordian for the perfunctory sum of 1 Imperial Credit - three days after the onslaught of the 13th Black Crusade. At this time Battlefleet Obscurus naval records indicate a fleet of 7 strike cruisers, one battle barge (designated Tough Love) and numerous escorts, bulk haulers and sundry other ships leaving the Mordian subsector and bearing galactic south-west.
It would appear that the Iron Tusks have adopted a modus operandi by which they occupy any world which they are able to take from enemy forces, staying long enough to recover losses in men and materiel, before abandoning it in the event that better ‘sport’ presents itself elsewhere. It is a pattern which has seen battle companies attach themselves frequently to Imperial army groups unsolicited, apparently to involve themselves in more violence.They seem to act without any thought to wider Imperial strategy, or to collateral damage. Can their wilful disregard for authority be tolerated? More gravely, is their pursuit of violence for violence’s sake not a well-worn trail on the path to damnation? My Lord, I must recommend an immediate Inquisitorial audit be carried out on these rogues - lest rogues be left to turn altogether renegade.
I remain your humble and obedient servant,
There you have it. The rest of it gets written as & when models & projects inspire me to get typing. You’ve seen glimpses of the Tusks post-rift activities - stranded on the wrong side of the sky-scar, scavenging the debris of fallen worlds, occasionally finding gold dust on shattered hulks that float out of the few relatively stable shipping routes across the Cicatrix Maledictum, and sometimes adopting new friends of mysterious origin from the beleaguered worlds of the Imperium Nihilus. There will probably be more in the future! No project is ever really finished until you run out of ideas.
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hollyethecurious · 6 years
Oh this one sounds good for the neverland drabbles: i can tell you’re hot and bothered from all the way over here.
Instead of Neverland… how about some S3 canon divergence from after Hook punches his past self?? Let’s go with the alteration that Midas’ ball doesn’t happen the same night, shall we?
“I can tell you’re hot and bothered from all the way over here.”
“Excuse me?”
“Admit it, Swan. My past self had quite an effect on you.”
“I admit nothing.” 
There was no way Emma would give him the satisfaction of knowing just how affected she was by him. Or past him, anyway. How her lips still tingled from where his lips had pressed against hers, or how she could still feel the heat of his hand on her skin. Or maybe that was just the fire. Yeah, that had to be it.
She wet her lips and could taste the rum from Hook’s tongue; that, and the salty sheen of his face from when their kisses had become sloppy with distraction. For her, distraction in keeping him occupied. For him, distraction of too much rum and desire flowing through his veins. 
Okay. Fine. It had run through her veins, too. The desire, that is. She’d only pretended to drink the rum.
“Deny it all you want, Swan,” he said as he casually tossed bits of forest into the fire. “Just answer me one question.”
“What would have happened if I hadn’t still been on the Jolly Roger?”
His casual demeanor evaporated when his eyes flicked up from the fire to meet her gaze. Even from this distance she could see storm clouds swirling in their depths. Emma swallowed and considered his question. She hadn’t really had a plan. When she’d descended the stairs into his cabin she thought of finding something to knock him over the head with, but had run into Killian instead. 
No, that wasn’t true. For a brief flickering moment the giddy excitement had almost been real. The idea of fooling around with Hook when there was no danger to his feelings had been more than a little tempting. She had never denied his appealed, even if she had buried the feelings that had been growing for him deep down where she could try (and fail) to forget them. It had been fun to flirt back with the pirate, to give as good as he gave. So, maybe if Killian hadn’t been there…
“Nothing,” she answered assuredly, tearing her eyes from his and focusing them back onto the dancing flames of the fire.
“Yeah,” she answered a bit more adamantly. “I was planning to knock him out, okay?”
“I’m relieved to hear that.”
“Why’s that?” Emma wasn’t sure why, but his response got her dander up. Did he not think she could take care of herself? She didn’t need some knight in shining armor (or pirate in sexy leather) to rescue her. “You don’t think I could have handled full on Captain Hook?”
Hook chuckled, “Oh, I think you would have handled him just fine, love. I fear, in his condition, he wouldn’t have been able to handle you properly, though.” The storm clouds continued to swirl, but where moments ago they had gusted with anger, now they were being stirred up by something a bit more heated. “I bristle at the thought of your first encounter with me being less than… satisfying for you.”
“Are you saying you think you could do better at handling me than he could have?” Whoa, Emma… where was this coming from? Who cares?
“I don’t think it, Swan. I know it.” The pop of his t had her abandoning all concern over the fresh swell of desire cresting within her.
“Awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you?”
“Careful, Hook,” she warned coyly. “I might have to make you put your money where your mouth is.”
“I’m not altogether familiar with the expression, but I do know where I’d like to put my mouth right now.”
When had they gotten so close? Moments ago they were on opposite ends of a downed tree, and now she was practically in his lap.
“And where is that, exactly?” she breathed against his lips.
“Pull up your skirts, and I’ll show you.”
Continued here: you know you want it
CS Suggestive Drabbles Master Post
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tragicbeauty1991 · 6 years
In Defense of Disney's Captain Hook: A Not Wholly Unheroic Figure
With the recent popularity of ABC's hit show Once Upon a Time, the classic view of fairytale villains as irredeemable bad guys has been turned on its head, and while some of our favorite baddies like Cruella and Dr. Facilier remain fairly true to their original Disney counterparts in appearance and personality on the show, others have gotten such a complete makeover that they are hardly recognizable as the same character they are supposed to portray. Among those given the latter treatment is fan favorite Killian Jones, a.k.a. Captain Hook. In a day and age when Jack Sparrow is the first fictional pirate who comes to mind, it's no surprise that the show's creators decided to embrace the guy-liner and black leather-wearing sexy bad boy approach to the character, but while this creative choice has had the effect of garnering fans' attention, it has also had the unfortunate effect of turning the original character into something of a joke. While Killian is viewed as a well-developed sympathetic character with the potential for redemption, Disney's original version of the character tends to be seen as little more than a straightforward comical villain with little or no real depth. As a fan of the original Disney version of the character, however, I'd like to argue that from the very beginning, Disney's Hook was always intended to be a complex, likable villain and continues to be portrayed as such in modern Disney media. My argument is as follows:
Hook's original creators, including author J.M. Barrie, producer Walt Disney, and voice actor Hans Conried loved the character.
The original author of Peter Pan, James Matthew Barrie—who significantly gave his own first name to the pirate captain—is quick to remind the audience that despite his flaws, Hook “was not wholly evil; he loved flowers...and sweet music (he was himself no mean performer on the harpsichord)....” When Walt Disney decided to approach the character, he quickly realized that a villain with such a soft side would appeal to the viewers and instructed the animators to alter the original ending of the story, having Hook chased off by the crocodile but still clearly alive because “the audience will get to liking Hook and they won't want to see him killed.” Hans Conried, who served as both the voice-actor and the live-action reference model for Hook's character design, also had a fondness for him, stating that “He's a much maligned character. If you read the lines with any sensibility at all, you must have an animus against Peter Pan who could fly, and took outrageous advantage of this one-armed man. Hook was a gentleman. Pan was not. His behavior was very bad form.”
His motivation as a villain departs from the standard and immediately sets him up as a sympathetic character.
Whereas many of the traditional Disney villains are motivated by greed, envy, the desire for power, or revenge for a petty slight, Hook departs significantly from the norm in that his motivation stems from severe physical (and arguably psychological) trauma suffered at the hands of the supposed hero. While we are never told the exact circumstances under which the hand loss occurred, Hook has a legitimate reason to hate Peter Pan that runs much deeper than mere jealousy or megalomania. In fact, in his opening scene with Mr. Smee, Hook concedes that even such a crippling injury alone would not have warranted his hatred; rather, it is the fact that Peter gave the hand to the crocodile, causing him to live in a constant state of fear (and the boy's tendency to exploit that fear), that pushed him over the edge.
He has a multifaceted, well-developed personality which humanizes him for the audience.
In various interviews animator Frank Thomas has discussed the disparity between the personality storyman Ed Penner and director Gerry Geronimi envisioned for the character and the resulting difficulty he had in designing the version of Captain Hook that we see in the finished film. One viewed him as a foppish dandy of a fellow while the other envisioned a much darker, more frightening man who readily used the hook as a weapon against his enemies. This difficulty was further complicated by the fact that action-scene animator Woolie Reitherman—who was responsible for drawing Hook's interactions with the crocodile—wanted to bring a level of comedy to the character which somewhat clashed with his depiction in more serious scenes. The final result was a villain unlike any other Disney had created at the time—a villain who was by turns both fearsome and fragile, dangerous and debonair. Many of Disney's earliest films focused more on the new art of animation than the art of developing well-rounded characters, resulting in very black and white idealized heroes and villains. With Hook, Disney crossed a line into the morally gray territory, resulting in a sympathetic yet sinister character whose moments of weakness would endear him to audiences while his wickedness simultaneously appalled them.
His physical and emotional issues are highly relatable.
Ironically, despite the obvious mention of the prosthetic in his name, we tend to forget that Hook is technically disabled (by our “hero” no less!)...and that physical disability comes with a host of other issues, some of which are trauma-related. In addition to the crippling anxiety we see displayed on-screen, other Disney media indicate that he also suffers from high blood pressure (Kingdom Hearts manga), depression (365 Bedtime Stories), and low self-esteem (Jake and the Neverland Pirates). These are very real everyday issues that we can all relate to on some level either through personal experience or through someone we know.
The dynamic he has with Mr. Smee is unique among Disney villains and sidekicks.
Disney sidekicks—while often providing exceptional comic relief for the audience—are not always necessary for the hero/villain to stand on their own. Many early villain sidekicks, in particular, are given very little personality and some (Diablo in Sleeping Beauty and Gideon in Pinocchio, for example) don't even have any lines. While the sidekick to the primary villain often relies on his/her master as the brains of the operation, the primary villain usually has little need for their companionship. They are expendable resources whom the villain could easily replace or do away with altogether. Hook and Smee's relationship is different in that neither character could properly function alone; Smee relies on Hook for leadership and direction while Hook heavily depends on Smee for emotional support. Further, Smee—unlike many villain sidekicks—seems to genuinely care about his captain's well-being, and Hook recognizes and appreciates this, if only subconsciously. Despite being frequently irritated by his sidekick's apparent incompetence, Hook—a man who doesn't hesitate to shoot his own crewman for singing badly—never legitimately threatens Smee, resorting to raising a fist or giving a smack with the blunt side of his hook to show his frustration rather than taking a swipe at him with the more dangerous side of the claw. The crew, too, recognize Smee's privileged ability to speak his mind plainly to the captain without fear of serious repercussions, showing obvious disdain for him. One character is rarely ever seen without the other, and for good reason—neither one is capable of standing alone, their on-screen chemistry likely a result of the fact that animators Frank Thomas (Hook) and Ollie Johnston (Smee) were real-life best friends.
In the more lighthearted Jake and the Neverland Pirates series for Disney Junior, the characters' relationship is further expanded into actual camaraderie, and the two pirates play off each other extremely well in what voice-actor Corey Burton (current Hook) has described fondly as a “vaudeville comedy routine,” crediting the success of their dynamic in the show to his own friendship with fellow voice-actor Jeff Bennett, who performs as Smee, the relationship of the men behind the characters once again bleeding over into their fictional personas with the best possible results.
He occasionally displays qualities typical of a Disney hero.
While Barrie notes in his book that Hook is a “not wholly unheroic figure,” Disney's original film did little to show this side of the character. However, subsequent portrayals of the captain in various media indicate that this villain has the potential for moral growth. For example, in a deleted song from Return to Neverland, one of the pirates mentions Hook taking him in when he was a child. Another example of such benevolent behavior occurs in Epic Mickey: Castle of Illusion; at the end of the game when the illusion is broken and characters are saying their farewells to Mickey, Hook actually apologizes for his behavior while he was out of sorts, suggesting that although he is quite willing to fight anyone actively siding with Peter, he generally has no qualms with other Disney heroes and is capable of being civil and even polite to them. Additionally, in the Kingdom Hearts manga, Hook actually saves Peter (admittedly because he wants to have the pleasure of taking out Peter himself, but it's something, at least). Furthermore, in the preschool series Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Hook occasionally partners up with the main characters and in most instances, though he's a bit of a bully, ends up doing the right thing when hard-pressed to make a serious decision so long as Peter isn't around. In the episode The Legion of Pirate Villains, he even proudly proclaims to the main cast's common foe, “I am no mere villain. I am a villainous hero!” This concept of Hook as a sort of anti-hero was even hinted at in a line-up of character products known as the Disney Adventurers franchise sold at the Disney Store between 1999 and 2004. This franchise, originally intended to be the more masculine counterpart of the Disney Princess line, featured Hook as the ONLY villain apparently fighting alongside heroes including Tarzan, Aladdin, Hercules, and—astonishingly—Peter Pan.
TL; DR – Captain Hook is a highly complex, relatable character who deserves his place among the most iconic Disney villains. Walt and others who were critical to the development of his character loved him, and you should too.
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glcrification · 6 years
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ON THIS SIDE OF THE BRIDGE--a bridge that didn’t exist unless you were privileged enough to conjure it, harry had found--everything looked different. colors were splashed around recklessly; brightly; almost incoherently. it was as though they didn’t care whose eyes felt assaulted by the abrupt upheaval of “drab” scenery into a birthplace of something all too foreign to his eyes: ones that were much too accustomed to pale blues mingled with shades of black and reddish maroons dulled by dirtied wooden schemas. he hadn’t necessarily been too phased or in an uproar over the overtly dizzying effect it all had on him the entire ten or so minutes he had been in auradon. no--he hadn’t felt the brunt of it hit him beneath his ribcage until uma had been escorted away from him; to her own room, as though they hadn’t shared close quarters on the lost revenge since. his only mild saving grace was the fact that gil would be “rooming” with him ( roommates--now there was a concept that managed to fly over harry’s head entirely ). but even that didn’t alter the facade-shattering, angry heat that rose in him when he thought about the days to come. acclimation was never his strong suit--he was a pirate through and through. even now, still in scrappy pirate apparel ( sans his hat and sword, although he had already stuffed his hook behind two far too exuberant pillows ), he wondered how people like them ever expected someone like him to assimilate.
and then he thought of the vks--who had come to auradon long before him. but mostly he just thought of evie, and it made his fists unclench and his fingers fall near a slit in his shirt, where the carved ‘x’ was surrounded by much older scars with much more vile stories than the one evie had blessed him with. what a funny word, ‘blessed’: he oftentimes felt banned from it altogether. his speech wasn’t eloquent enough. 
he was sitting at the end of the bed, pulling off his black gloves--feeling at a loss without his hook; his identity--when he heard the clicking of heels on carpet approach his open door. he needn’t stare or gawk in order to piece who had come to visit him before his first hour in auradon had even come to a close. “evie,” he said, his voice neither hostile nor lackluster. more so, he was hesitant. especially now, with no gloves and torn up clothing while he was surrounded by the likes of auradon, and evie, of course. evie, who, to harry, seemed to sail waves ahead of them all. assimilate, assimilate, assimilate. he stood up for her, his back straight and his gaze lifting slowly to meet hers for the first time since she had visited the isle to save mal, and then ben. it had too much for him to bear at the time, and he didn’t know if he could even bear it now. but when he met her eyeline, he lamented over how her eyes were still the darkest shade of brown he had ever let himself be engulfed by, and it caused a wicked smile to grow on his face. granted, he wasn’t happy; just enamored with the way her unmoving lips and poise captured him without her having to lift so much as a finger. he ran a hand through his dirty mess of wide curls before speaking again, “doesn’t feel right without ‘n oversized hat t’ call my own,” he paused, and then shrugged, looking away from her, “figure these parts’re gonna throw me off for a while, eh ?” it’s a place fit for princes, and you and i both know i’m everything but.
@apcthies, “skin-deep.”
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rascalrobinhood · 3 years
My vision for the Fablemaker series
What if magic influenced human evolution? In the country of Aniyuu, the discovery of “magic” has kick-started a new era for humanity, completely transforming the biology of the land into new creatures altogether. Depending on each individual’s reaction to magical effects, their genetic DNA is altered through generational natural selection. Naturally, through these changes comes its own set of societal prejudices, and these mutated humans have become categorized into “clans” to best congregate these new races into groups with similar qualities. These similar qualities begin to form the three general categories: Sapiens, Anthro, and Animalia. Below is an excerpt from Fablemaker: Renegade analyzing a more in-depth explanation about the worldbuilding of Aniyuu:
“‘We all have a place in this world, though it may not always be clear.’ The baffled face of the siren compelled the witch to keep explaining. ‘All clans are derived from humans, much like how dogs are evolved versions of wolves. Each clan is ranked based upon how well they can control magic on their own; this forms the categories Sapiens, Anthro, and Animalia.’
Andrea began putting the pieces together. ‘I’ve heard about these! Sapiens are humans and nymphs; people who cannot control any magic without some sort of a support item. Animalia includes sirens and angels, as well as other animal-based beings that can harness magic naturally. Finally, Anthros are a bridge between the two other categories, such as elves and faeries.’
‘If everyone has a place, what about demons?’
‘They are the only clan who doesn’t fit into any of these categories. Demons are a new clan that we can only describe as reincarnations; those whose souls transcend lifetimes, though no one knows how or why. What’s even more strange is that they can have children with other clans, but cannot do so with other demons!’
‘Demons are the only clan that can rival angels in terms of magical abilities. Plus, they age at a much slower rate than all the other clans.’ The pirate mistress joked, ‘You know, when I asked what kind of food you like, I didn’t expect to learn about my place in the hierarchy.’”
Aniyuu is on the brink of a civil war. Renegade Caelum, an outcast of the elven clan, has recently been informed that their secluded village of Splent is no longer being supported by the emperor’s forces, leaving their home open to one of the many invasions occurring across Aniyuu. Behind these invasions is the traitorous pariah Lucaros, who believes that the only way that the different clans will unite is through the fear of a common enemy. Though a sound plan on the surface, it is revealed that this common enemy is made up of the minorities of Aniyuu! Renegade’s family are descendants of multiple clans, pinning Renegade and their loved ones in the middle of the crossfire. However, the elf’s livelihood is not the only one caught up in the chaos; the Rivera-García triplets, a family of sirens, have been struggling to integrate themselves into modern society, as legends and prejudices have accused their kind as using “pure-blood” humans as their main source of food and using their hypnotic singing voices to lure unsuspecting citizens to drown at sea. Renegade bands together with the triplets, as well as a demon with no past, a bounty hunter seeking justice, and a nymph with an appetite for curiosity. Together, this self-proclaimed “Fablemaker Clan” will claw their way to reach Emperor Fletcher before Lucaros dethrones him, hoping to prove to the emperor, as well as all of Aniyuu, that not all outcasts are contrived of the stereotypes placed upon them.
This project currently takes the form of a new adult novel by Robin Phillips, though my aim is to be aired as an animated series premiering on streaming services such as Netflix, extending the series into three seasons to include the two sequel books in the trilogy. The goal of the Fablemaker trilogy is to help spread awareness and discussion about difficult topics such as discrimination against minorities, addressing different types of racism, the normalization of LGBTQ+ people in society, coping with the loss of loved ones, dealing with religious trauma, single-parenting, and the impact of how human involvement in nature can alter environmental and evolutionary progress. The audience will be able to connect to the characters through their personalities, how their circumstances have formed them into the people they are today, and may have some shared experiences with the characters as well. For example, the majority of the characters identify as LGBTQ+ and are designed to incorporate people of color to provide representation for minorities in modern-day society; Renegade, the protagonist, is non-binary and a single parent. The issue with other modern media is that its representation of minorities either includes complex characters with little to no diversity at all or diverse characters where their diversity is their only personality trait. Fablemaker combines these two extremes to write fleshed-out characters whose gender identities and sexualities are not addressed directly in dialogue, and is instead shown throughout their use of personal pronouns and how they interact with one another in an attempt of “show, don’t tell”.
This project uses the genres of science-fiction and fantasy to detach societal issues plaguing communities around the world and places them in a fantastical setting to show how these social issues would still arise despite changes in setting. Even in a world where dragons exist, people would still deal with hardships such as abusive relationships and mental disorders; magic cannot fix the problems that humanity constantly faces. In fact, the creation of magic could result in the possibility of creating new social issues. Fablemaker also explores the hypothetical biology of fantasy races and creatures, commenting about how the magic-oriented evolution of humans impacts their abilities and how this would influence their cultures over time. An example of this is how sirens have developed bioluminescence on their scales, allowing them to communicate in situations where talking may not be an option and attract potential partners. On the other hand, elves have evolved so that their long ears have the ability to resist the hypnotic singing of sirens to survive, adapting to the ever-changing environment.
As an animated series, the messages this show provides will reach a larger audience in the modern-day era of technology, as opposed to a physical book that the novel is currently limited to. Animation is a medium either reserved exclusively for children or strictly for adults, and this project will serve as a bridge between those audiences to spark discussion, as well as serve as inspiration to how animation can be used to tell intriguing, complex stories that can address serious topics in an artistic language that people from different communities can understand. The themes used to define the Fablemaker trilogy include equality and understanding, and how people can change despite their background.
To read Fablemaker: Renegade, click on the link!
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