#That's a lotta designs o-o
spectra473 · 5 months
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Got something for you guys! Sorry if the quality's kinda dead- LMAO
After 17... no- 18 design changes and upgrades, this is Spectra's final design for her confirmed normal form. This is just a sketch, I'll have a more detailed in color ref soon.
Also thinking about posting all the other design changes and forms, excluding one. That one's gonna be for later :). Would anyone like to see em?
For anyone confused or freaked out about why Spectra has so many forms and designs, I promise that each one of them has meaning! Some are for different AUs, some are connected, a few are for my main story, and some are funny little references. I might do a poll about it soon, but I'll still ask early. What form do you guys wanna see the lore for?
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MORE Spider Society Headcanons
Halloween: Spiderween
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First of all: DECORATIONS??????
The ENTIRE campus done up with jack-o'-lanterns and lights and smoke machines and COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF SPIDERWEBS for the Spooky vibes???!!!
Spider decorations EVERYWHERE. From October 1st.
There's a haunted house on campus - filled with volunteers AND REALLY REALLY good jumpscare holograms made by Lyla
The food court starts serving Halloween specific food. Like a Vampire Miguel Milkshake at McMiguels.
TRICK OR TREATING Some people stay home at their universe and people portal over for candy and they get to see a glimpse of your universe
Or you get to hop universe to universe dressed like a Spider-person dressed like a giraffe. And since it's Halloween, it's fine if a bunch of Spider-people are running around dressed ridiculous because so is everyone else on most Earth's, Miguel's like 'yeah sure okay'
BIG BONUS POINTS if they dress up like ANOTHER Spider-person but like... Still over the suit.
Like wearing the crappy costume Miles had over your actual suit and 'acting' like someone else.
And EVERY TIME you see someone dressed as you, or wearing the same costume -
You know what you must to do.
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One year Hobie comes as Ben Reilly. All dressed up in punk but with a blue hoodie crop top to match . He spends the whole day wailing about the harrowing memories and crouching on ledges. Dramatically collapsing in people's arms
Is your Spidersona small? Imagine them dressed as Miguel. Walking around acting and irritated and fake angry and DOING THIS TO MIGUEL
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Miguels like 'are you serious? Cut that out-'
"aRe yOu SeRiOuS?? cUt ThAt OuT'
(and Lyla's like 'oooo that was good. They sound JUST like you Migs')
Lyla being a very popular costume
A bunch of Spider-people wearing fur coats and heart glass and they just decide to spend the whole day being useless to Miguel.
They all lounge around on all the seats like her, some even in bob cut wigs, and they follow Miguel and trying to get selfies with him LMAO
The Lyla with the cutest or funniest Miguel selfie gets put in the Campus newspaper
ALL the lazy Spider-people wanna throw a red party city wig over their suit and be like 'I'm MJ'. NO YOU'RE NOT.
Or some will even wear their MJ's clothes. Walking around calling everybody, Tiger. (Mayday gets the joke - they're supposed to be her mom - she thinks it's HILARIOUS and giggles the whole day)
Sidebar - can you image Gwen with a wig over her suit BUT LIKE under her hood??? SO SHE WOULDN'T LOOK BALD?? I'M SCREAMING AIRPOD LOOKING AHH
VILLAIN COSTUMES - Spider people dressed as Doc Ock over their suits, coming in with fish bowls on their head and going 'Look, I'm Mysterio!! Lol'
While the caged villains are looking at them like
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('y'all mfers got a lotta nerve')
I bet some people get REALLY REALLY into it and go all out, designing everything to a T. (Like the perfectionist!pavitr)
Some friends even do joint costumes - WebSlinger makes a costume for Willow so they match. Hobie does all his costumes DIY and it's like the ONE thing on campus he participates in.
Because he loves the DIY spirit. And the chance to mock his bosses on company hours.
Goes ALL IN on him and Gwen's (he wants to match) costumes. Or maybe he doesn't participate cause-
What's even better is people 'Punkifying' their suit to be like Spider-punk is a popular costume too!!
They throw together their own vest and jeans and jewelry and boots. And follow Hobie around, hands in pockets, and they all act all cool and fake punk all day , Hobie hams up the act for the occasion
Hobie of course weaponizes this by annoying Miguel with his 'clones'.
Ten Hobies outside his office sturming untuned guitars REALLY badly and Hobies likes 'Keep it up you !! U sound great!!'
Miguel's office full of Hobies and Lylas, Last year Margo went as Jess and Jess was touched
Then there's some Spider-people that are broke as hell. But since they all have top tier humor they make the intentionally cheap or out of the closet costumes. that ends up being stupidly hilarious.
Like wearing boxes and drawing a Spider-suit on it. Boom - Lego Spider-man.
Sometimes people might wear their makeshift suit over their new suit. So like a Spider-person having this as their costume OVER their suit
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And arguably the funniest of them all - having a really elaborate overdone homemade costume of a specific hero on campus, and everyone is like woah so cool have they seen you in it yet?
And you take off the costume mask... And it's just you... AS YOURSELF Like it's just the same mask underneath LIKE A HAT ON A HAT
Venom and Deadpool.
Venom is too risky. Deadpool is not allowed on campus and if THE REAL ONES seen they have to evacuate and deploy the capture team cause he gets too excited (you'd be surprised of what one man is capable of in the need of Spider-attention)
Anything else is fine though-
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mist-touchedxiv · 4 months
Constantly updating
🦋 https://bsky.app/profile/mist-touchedxiv.bsky.social
Tags in progress: #lore-sen tyr (background/info); #a-musings (mun talk); #loksen tyr (general writing)
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Rating: 18+: I'm not trying to ERP. I am OPEN to it, but it's all about C O N S E N T. Just looking to make friends and RP.
Name: Loksen Tyr
Race: Viera | Veena
Patron Deity: Oschon
Hometown: Skatay Range | Kópavogur
Age: 75+
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 198 lb
Hair: Black with unusual natural blue streaks
Eyes: Aether blue
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Formerly Wood-warder, slave
Currently Adventurer
Favorite Color: Blue
Smoking: Yes, occasionally. Prefers using a kiseru. Blends own tobacco, typically with vanilla. The smell of smoked tobacco can help dull his already potent Vieran sense of smell if he feels overwhelmed
Drinking: Yes. Loves Vieran aquavit and Mjød, but hasn't encountered either in years. Due to spending time in Hingashi enjoys sake and often carries a flask, which he has been known to use as a weapon
Diet: Omnivore
Hobbies: Whittling, archery, drinking and eating, traveling, fishing, mahjong, reading Vieran poetry, camping
Personality: Reserved, almost aloof. Intense. Helpful. Honorable. His noble heart and wanderlust belies a quiet guilt.
Distinguishing Features: Vieran male. Lotta blue. Speaks Eorzean with a noticeable but pleasant accent akin to Finnish. Faded scars across his back and torso. Brand on the back of neck to identify him as a Garlean prisoner, usually covered by hair.
Löksen was a typical Wood-warder many years ago, until the day the Garlean empire attacked Dalmasca. During a periodic visit to his home village, hearing disturbing rumors that Garlemald had set eyes on Dalmasca. Having proven to be a great archer, the leaders urged him and a small group of other Wood-warders to make a trip to Dalmasca to convince the Viera living in the city to come home.
Ultimately, they failed. Having scarcely arrived in the foreign city, it was overrun by Garlean forces and the other men were killed in the ensuing battles and Löksen taken prisoner for several years. During his imprisonment at a Garlean labor camp, Löksen was a target of fascination and sometimes ridicule as a rare male of an already elusive people. His Wood-warder background prepared him for the harsh conditions of the camp and helped him survive. His time in the camp also introduced him to a variety of people and cultures that he never would have encountered otherwise. Imprisoned Sharlayan scholars taught him the Eorzean language, an old Hingan woman taught him the way of the samurai, a pair of Lalafell smugglers regaled him with stories of Ul'dah, among others.
Eventually, the camp was inadvertently liberated by Bahamut's rampage and during the chaos, Löksen fought and killed the Garlean officer who had served as a tormentor and overseer and took their gunblade as a trophy that he carries with him.
Now he wanders Etheirys partly as an adventurer inspired by the stories of his fellow inmates about the diverse lands they came from, but also to try to escape a sense of guilt for failing his people in Dalmasca and trying to seek solace.
RP Hooks
Hey there, mun here. I'm pretty flexible on how to start interactions. I'm completely open to discussing things or just go with the flow, provided you start of course.
I designed Loksen to essentially be a support character. He's not a WoL, he's not blessed with Echo. Honestly, my goal with him is to bring texture and enhance YOUR story. I suppose I'm more focused on being a character than a protag, I guess.
He's got his own little stories, but I'm here to make friends and try my hand at a creative outlet that I haven't done in several years.
Anyways, here's some possibilities!
Yojimbo: A wandering warrior of no small skill. Something need doing? Body? Guarded. Bounties? Hunted. Monsters? Slain. Need a courier because you can't deliver through regular services? He's got legs.
Animal-lover: He will pet the animals.
Tarzan Boy: You can take the Wood-warder out of the woods, but you can't take the warder out... of... the... Well, Loksen prefers to be out in nature when he gets the chance and he can be a bit wild. Maybe you encounter him out in the Shroud climbing amongst the trees and foraging for food.
"Where'd You Get That?!": As a samurai, Loksen carries an extremely unusual blade: the gunblade of a Primus Ordinarius of exquisite craftsmanship. Sure to draw the attention of any Garleans affiliated character. It has been modified to be suited for fighting in the manner of the legendary Hingashi warrior tradition.
About the RPer
Cishet • M • 30+ • North America Central Time Zone • Weird, but well-meaning
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Seeing a lotta RWBY rewrites/redesigns. Not complaining so long as nobody’s slandering the crew, and I’m gonna throw my in the ring a bit. Yang is one I see often and a common criticism is the fact she’s got brown in her color scheme. I get why this rubs the wrong way, but anyone trying to pull off her redesign knows yellow is a BITCH to pair with other colors w/o making it look tacky. Brown isn’t a bad neutral considering, but I think we can enhance it a little. Bear with me. (Haha)
Here’s my solution + small rewrite (if you can even call it that). Yang’s composed of a mish-mash of different things. Goldilocks being the central fairytale, fire/the sun, dragons. Going back to her fairytale and emphasizing a woodsy aspect in her (being raised in a cabin in patch is a good start) would make furs and specifically bearskin/fur being incorporated in her design and by extension the brown make sense. This sounds like a stretch and congrats if you’ve read this far but listen.
What if: Yang is from a little island traveling around looking for her mom and being exposed to different cultures but she keeps the traditional bearskin/furs of the patch to remind her of home while traveling like a safety blanket could be something. Or maybe she keeps it bc that’s the only part of the Brawnwen tribe and therefore her mom that she has and Yang holds onto it for V1-4 till she meets her and decides to move on and embraces team rwby’s colors more instead. This ALSO visually emphasizes Blake and Yang being both the beauty and the beast more for Yang! Whew this was a long one, I got a lotta thoughts like this so there’ll probably be more of this and maybe even some art if I got time.
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okay so I’m getting close to 100 followers! Which is wild to me, it’s prolly not a lot for most people but personally that’s a lotta people choosing to follow me. I kinda wanna do something when I reach it, but I have a lotta ideas and simultaneously have no idea what to do so I’m doing a poll
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askthe-r-m-au · 2 months
Oh golly gee willakerz! It's that time again!!
I can't write for shi-
Also finally this is the part where Voz is introduced so I can answer some things about his existence-
[The Ring-Misstress | Chapter 3: The project]
There was about 1 more day until the big launch of The Amazing Digital Circus computer game. The recently promoted Co-Ringmaster had lay awake in her bed the night before. All this combined with the constant looming need of an exit was a whole lotta pressure. It's probably the exact opposite on Caine's end...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Within the circus walls, outside of bounds was Caine. He, too, had been up all night (but for a few more reasons). They had much less time than he thought they would. He may have to continue adding the finishing touches throughout the week. Hopefully, it shouldn't be too much trouble. I mean, he does have Pomni to help him and- POMNI! HE'D NEARLY FORGOTTEN TO WAKE HER UP!
The ringmaster quickly pulled out his WackyWatch.
☆Ah, it's only been 5 minutes...☆
☆5 MINUTES!?!☆
Gadzooks, he'd better hurry if they wanted time to prepare for tomorrow.
Making his way towards her door, he couldn't help but realize. After the other day, he'd felt awfully strange. Maybe it was the unfamiliarity of Bubble not being there. He'd never thought that he could ever let a virus in under his watchful eyes. How long had Bubble been like that? Had he just gotten infected by something sometime before or something else? Something about his absence made him uneasy...
Buuuuut now was not a good time to think about all that! He couldn't spend time thinking about such silly things when they had such important matters!! He had such to to and- Okayy... get ahold of yourself, Caine! What is wrong with you today??
He took a quick breath and reached his hand to the door (witch was very shaky when did that happen???).
Okay... you can do this...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pomni jumped from her bed, startled at the fact that Caine actually used the door for once. Not that she minded.
♧Oh- uh- morning, Caine... wh-♧
The ringmaster cut her off impatiently.
♧Huh? Hold on, what're you-♧
She looked up at Caine and back down at herself, recalling the last few days' events.
♧Oh... alright, one sec.♧
☆Great!! Meet me out here. I have something I wanna show you!!☆
She grabbed her hat and cane, sitting on a small shelf next to her bed, and headed out to where Caine said he'd be.
♧Alright... what's up?♧
☆I'm glad you asked!! See, I've been working on this for a while now, and I thought it'd be great if we could work together to finish up on my most recent project!!☆
He snapped his fingers, and in front of Pomni stood a little model. Closely resembling her old jester outfit, but more green instead of red, except for the additional party hat. Which was also lined with teeth?? Eh, it makes sense if Caine designed it.
Other than that, he looked... rather adorable. The little guy opened his eyes, taking in his new surroundings as Caine began to speak.
☆This little Fella is Voz. Or a V.irtual O.ffspring Z.imulation!☆
♧Wait, doesn't that start with a- nevermind...♧
☆I know, I know, it just rolled off the tongue more. Aaaaanyway, this little guy will be able to get along with the other players, as well as help the rest of us with minor tasks! Or, yaknow, just do other kid stuff.☆
♧Such as..?♧
☆A- well, let's ask him!! Cmon, little buddy, say hello!☆
Voz took a big gasp of air before attempting to speak. Except his words came out all glitchy and distorted. You could hardly make out what he was saying.
[H- h- ɛl·l -o¿ -lo-?]
Voz covered his mouth, and another tiny gasp escaped. Pomni looked at Caine in confusion.
☆Heheh... so maybe he can't speak... b-but that's where YOU come in!! Your job is to help program him, you can start by giving him a voice!☆
Pomni looked down at Voz then back up at Caine.
♧Well how? I don't even know what he's supposed to sound like.♧
☆Well... what do YOU think he sounds like??☆
Pomni thought for a second. She thought long and hard. She hardly remembered anything about children herself. She turned to look at Voz one more time.
Out came the voice of a little boy, around 6 or 7.
He gasped and covered his mouth again. But this time in surprise rather than shame.
Pomni's eyes lit up. It actually worked.
Caine flew in right beside Pomni, nearly shoving into her.
☆Welcome to the circus, little fella!! I'm your creator Caine, and this is your Co-creator, Pomni!☆
Caine gestured towards himself, and then his Co-host.
Voz Looked at the two standing together. First Caine, then Pomni. Caine, then Pomni. Caine, Pomni. He softly spoke up once again.
[...Papa? Mama?]
The pair looked awkwardly at each other then back at the child infront of them.
☆Oh my stars how could I forget? These things adapt to the first thing they see.☆
☆I'm pretty sure that's a kid thing, just go with it.☆
She looked back down at Voz, who stared back, anticipating an answer.
♧I... yaknow what? Sure. Just- you can call us that.♧
He looked up at his "Parents" with huge eyes. His smile almost stretched all across his face. He didn't need to say anything for the two to know he meant "thank you".
♧Heh, you're very welcome-♧
Before she could finish, Voz ran up to the both of them and hugged their legs.
Pomni and Caine accepted his embrace. Looking down at their new project, all that dead from before? Was gone.
Maybe this wouldn't be so hectic after all.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I procrastinated alot-
Expect chapter 4 in like...
20 years
Anyway yall know the drill, ask them stuff, ask ME stuff, and... uh-
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mikeyyyyy030 · 1 month
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Magma artdump
AU: TMNT—ROOKIE HEROES (in a half-shell):
Rough Raph design
Don, Raph & April sketch
Leo basic deign
Height chart & Official designs!!
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Name's Miketron (aka Mike/Mikester)
Imma fifteen y/o dude!!
I'm peruvian, pronouns are he/him, aroace
big wishes of being a professional artist :3
Still not that much of an artist, but I enjoy the process!!
I love my pookies AND mooties, please notice me 🙏🙏
homophobia, transphobia, people who thinks aro/ace ppl aren't part of the LGTBQ+ commutiny, racism, xenophobia, misogyny, bigotry in general!!
Pedophilia, zoophilia, heavy sexual connotation if you ain't a close friend, incest, heavy fetishization.
Pro-Israel, ableism, unnecessary political opinions.
No weird TMNT fans (y'know who you are...)
Sexualized ocs!! I'm uncomfortable with that!!
Tiktok (most active!!)
Twitter (don't post a lotta stuff there..)
Spacehey (more personal uses)
Artfight (erm, I'm not good at deadlines)
Character.AI (no requests, I just like to code)
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Yes, Deltarune song, surprise!! Noelle jumpscare!!
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keef-a-corn · 4 months
I need a huge lore drop on the elemental au >:]
IMMA MAKE YOU REGRET THAT! (ALSO SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY, I WAS GONNA MAKE THEIR PROFILES BUT IT'S UNBELIEVABLY DIFFICULT TO DRAW MY BOYOS FULL BODIED ATM) LET ME BEGIN Omega has an elemental connection because I said so and it's for shits and gigs. She just randomly has them. HOWEVER Originally Experimental Unit 99 was composed of 8 total clones. With the upper 4 clones having the same genetic mutations as the lower 4 - 01 and 08, 02 and 07, 03 and 06, 04 and 05 What made them different was that 01 - 04's DNA was more heavily modified as Nala Se tried to manually give them a higher M-count. Not long after creation 05 - 08 all experienced organ failure due to their enhancements, and not one of them could be saved. 01-04 were spared this fate thanks to their Modified DNA, however as they developed non-human traits started appearing, as well as a way to create and control certain elements. It was a scare and a half when Crosshair, who had developed fox appendages, lit a cot on fire.
As for Echo- Surprise surprise his connection to electricity~ and energy~ comes from the Techno Union.
So there's the Enhancements (what makes the Bad Batch the Bad Batch and goes with a general understanding of each of their abilities from the show), the Elements (Their abilities to control and create a respective element), and the Extensions (Physical features designed to help in some way- Omega's extensions [I gave her dragon features because that's cool af] can be shown and hidden seamlessly, with very little thought and effort put into it. Echo's extensions [literally his bionic parts] are completely artificial so can only be changed manually, but cannot be hidden, the finally the rats who are all connected in their heart of hearts, who need a whole lotta effort to put away their enhancements and it tends to hurt and be very uncomfortable. Then after Crosshair becomes bad boi- none of them can manage to hide their extensions, which can cause a lot of problems when your wings are tangled up in wire and they feel like they're ripping off, but you can't put them away so you can climb up the wire, and because they're so heavy they're actively drawing you down so you have to take desperate measures. IF YOU CATCH MAH DRIFT. I do have a lot more to say, but I wanted to get like.. S O M E T H I N G out because there's a lot of timelines and a lot of events, and it can get a little confusing all written out as one. Further requests for more info is strongly encouraged, especially in question formats! Also the tag for the Elemental AU is 'Crosshair's a Furry'
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super-ion · 9 months
So I've spent quite a bit of mental energy the last couple days on character creation for an upcoming Pathfinder game (as I do). So of course, in true Char fashion I had to throw a drabble together to get into her head (directly inspired by a scene by @the-sword-lesbian for her character).
She's a half orc inventor with a fighter flavor. She's 6'6" and built like a tank. She's a nerd with special interests. Her dump stats are wis and cha.
They spot her in the back of the seedy tavern. She's hunched over a table surrounded by an array of incomprehensible tools. Half a meal sits forgotten on the edge of the table. Her brow is furrowed in concentration and she chews on her bottom lip as her fingers work at the clockwork before her.
The lead bounty hunter casts a look at the barkeep, who frowns and disappears into the kitchen. A few of the more observant patrons clear out and the remainder soon follow.
Not her though, she's too busy. She is absolutely completely focused at the task at hand.
She's big, she is half orc after all, but she has a roundness to her cheeks, a softness in her shoulders. She has a few faint scars, maybe broke her nose once, but that all might just be from lab accidents. She gives off the air of an academic type, some well fed student who got too many ideas about adventure in her head.
“Akhana Greystone?”
“Huh?” she replies, jumping slightly at the interruption.
She peers at them through light brown eyes, almost golden. One of the hunters, the newbie, decides the color reminds him of when there are storms high in the mountains and the river is fully saturated with the high desert silt.
Another of the hunters notes the ribbons woven into the messy braid of dark hair, bright pink and purple. She's brought in a few marks in her career and has never seen anything so frivolous.
This job is guaranteed easy money.
The mark makes an awkward smile at the three of them, not entirely sure who to address.
“Uh… yeah, Akhana. That's me,” she replies. “Y'all need any tinker work done or anythin? I'm kind of between jobs right now, but I'm not above a little bit o’ freelance if it keeps my belly full.”
She looks at them hopefully for a moment before her smile slips at their expressions.
The leader glances back at his more seasoned companion with a raised eyebrow, silently asking if this is the right person. She frowns dubiously as she nods.
“I had a pretty good gig goin’ for a spell there,” she nervously continues, starting to ramble as she returns her attention to her work. “Gunrunning and all that. Lotta time to be alone in my head to think about designs and it pays a might bit better’n working the forges. Hurts a lot less than the fightin’ ring too. But of course, somebody had ta go and ruin it. Jerk wanted a cut of the money, like we're some kind of criminal enterprise, if you can believe that! Okay, I mean, yeah, it's technically illegal and everything, but it's not like we we're doing anything wrong, ya know? Just gettin’ supplies out to good honest folk tryin’ ta eek out a living out in the wild. So what if some of those supplies just happened to be black powder weapons of dubious provenance? I tell ya what though, Ma ain't to happy about my face being on a wanted poster, her bein’ a former marshal ‘n all that…”
She trails off, perhaps realizing that she effectively just offered a confession to a trio of strangers. She looks around the room and seems surprised to find it empty. She squints at the three of the bounty hunters in turn, sizing them up.
“Aw heck,” she says. “You fella’s are here about the bounty, ain't ya?”
The leader gives a curt nod.
“Come in quietly,” he says. “Nobody has to get hurt. It'll be easier for all of us.”
She runs her tongue along one of her tusks, considering for a moment.
“Nah,” she says finally and returns to her work, slipping the last few gears and pieces of wires into the gauntlet.
The bounty hunters exchange a baffled glance.
She holds up a finger to silence him. She clicks a mechanism shut and spins a dial, listening intently to some unknown response. She gives a quick nod, apparently satisfied, she starts packing up her tools.
The leader clears his throat.
“Ma'am, we're here for the bounty on your head-”
“Yeah, I know,” she interrupts. “I heard ya. Answer’s still no.”
Only after the last tool is carefully placed in its place does she uncurl herself from her hunched posture. As she squares her shoulders and cracks her neck, the hunters realize that what they mistook for softness is actually a healthy layer of padding over solid muscle.
The hunter on the left, the newbie, takes a nervous step back.
She slips the gauntlet on her wrists. Something clicks and whirrs. There's a spark and a tiny puff of blue smoke from the gauntlet.
She grins, her eyes filling with a manic sort of delight.
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crapmagak · 3 months
Fe4 Remake Predictions
Alright, yet again, a nintendo direct is around the corner. And yet again, we might get the Genealogy of the Holy War remake revealed. Personally, my guess is probably not, but it’s a soft probably not.
That all being said, every time a direct arrives, I tell myself I’ll post my predictions for what the Fe4 remake will look like, but never get around to finishing it. So fuck it, Imma post my predictions today before it’s too late.
Prediction 1: The map design will remain mostly untouched. Fe Echoes had a lot of respect and reverence for the old game, and those maps arguably need much more touching up than Genealogy’s. 
Prediction 2: Presentation wise, however, I think these maps will be stylized visually in some way. After all, most maps in Fe4 are the size of entire countries. Maybe the overworld units will be sprites again. Maybe the maps will do some fancy HD2D shit. Can’t say it will be either of those for sure, but some kind of visual abstraction will be employed to make the maps work.
Prediction 3: There will be slight adjustments to the trading system. Characters can still only do it with their spouses, but there’d be slight quality of life changes like getting to choose exactly how much money is given. Still gotta due pawn shop shenanigans to give weapons to non spouses, however.
Prediction 4: The love system will be fully replaced with a simple support system. Pretty much everyone is expecting this, though.
Prediction 5: Only the Castle Towns you start a chapter in will have free roaming segments where you can talk to characters, give them gifts, order food, ect. Since usually there’s a bit of a time skip between chapters and all. The castle towns you visit mid chapter will be more like the towns in echoes.
Prediction 6: There will be an avatar character. I know, I know, it’d be for the best that there wasn’t. However, the main reason an avatar wasn’t included in echoes was because of the story structure. It’d be a lot easier to introduce an avatar character in Fe4. And of course, this is the entry in the series that introduced romance. Story wise they’ll be a tactician for house Chalphy. I also think they’ll make the avatar another manakete who never actually transforms, mostly so they don’t visibly age during the second generation (So it’s less weird when they let you romance those characters as well). You will also get your own child unit/ an apprentice character if you haven’t S supported anyone yet. There will also probably be a lot of “I’m sad my S/O died” angst.
Again, this is not the timeline I desire, merely that which I believe will most likely come to fruition.
Prediction 7: There will be a small handful of new playable characters in the game. Most likely there to round out the cast balance wise, so probably a new ax unit for each generation, and maybe a new mage or wyvern knight. Maybe we’ll even get a token good dark mage.
Prediction 8: The replacement gen 2 characters will still be in the game. They’ll probably get their own unique supports as well. 
Prediction 9: The child characters will probably be rebalanced a little, most so the players can sail their favorite ships without crippling the usefulness of their children. 
Prediction 10: Most of the cousin incest will be removed in the english version. This will mostly come in the form of every potential second generation cousin pair having their S support be written more platonically, and if they actually are cousins, they’ll become “companions” instead of married. Think Owain and any of his potential cousins in Awakening. However, some pairs will slip through the cracks. Like a Lissa sired Morgan with a Chrom sired Inigo/ Brady in Awakening. Arvis and Deirdre’s situation will remain uncensored since it’s both plot important and not exactly a good thing. 
Prediction 11: There will be references to Thracia 776, but mostly in Lief’s support. A whole lotta “You remind me of an old comrade of mine” and “Hey Nana, this reminds me of…”.
Prediction 12: The DLC will be some kind of non canon alternate timeline thing where you get to control both the first and second generations, and you get a lot of interactions between them.
Can’t wait to see how wrong I end up being.
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darknoverse · 5 months
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers (optional) !
a- whole gush pass? all for little ol' me?????
*grabs papers*
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ok soooooo a whole essay about NOS4a2 and why he matters to me sm as a f/o ever
k so, starting off.
what makes him special design wise?
first of all, his whole design is sharp and edgy(literally.lotta edges). each end is pointy and sharp . lotta triangles used in his design. but despite that there's something interesting about how he has a cape (something usually made out of soft fabrics) as a cover, but even so the sharpness REMAINS. something else is how he has like two different eyes, which one of them is a monocle which is slay idk lol. also something else is how he's not like- he doesnt look strong physically at first sight even tho he's trully capable of being so . also fangs; LITERAL energy vampire, it's so cool as a concept.
ok personality wise:
most of the times he's on scene, it's always this very classic "muahahaha evil" kinda deal, he's silly af. geniunely enjoying it . he keeps on making stupid unfunny jokes all the time and he laughs at his own stupid jokes lol. idk i think it's cute and sillly waaaaaaaaaaaaa
BUT! he's capabe of being TRULY TERRIFYING (like half the robotic gore in BLOSC is caused by him lol, also his plan in ROTM was dark af)
it's even more interesting cuz his motivations are simply, yes being in charge as a SECOND need. the FIRST need is mainly to feed on robots. SENTIENT ROBOTS. LIKE HE D O E S WANT TO FEEL THE THRILL OF THE KILL. HE COULD JUST DRAIN from lifeless machines, but he'd rather HUNT and play with his food, if you will.
it's just very interesting.
now, SPECIFICALLY WHY do I like Nos and why is he so important to me?
so in general i was/still am a villain apologist ok? i always loved villains, no matter how evil they were. it sortz felt really comforting. but something about Nos specifically felt very special . possibly the fact that the first episode i watched in general was Revenge of the monsters (aka the climax of his character in everyway) .so basically my first impression was based on seeing him in his best if u know what i mean . like if it was any other episode things would've gone differently but that's not the case as you see. like ROTM is like this whole bigger climax yk? say, if it was another episode there's a high chance zurg could've been my fav character but boy he literally ran like a coward in ROTM so i just didnt care much cuz he wasnt in the ep as much as NOS.
like yea in an alternate reality it could've been Zurg but NUH UH . Nos it is.
also the fact that ROTM is like, as i said, sorta sums up his whole character in a great way . so when I watch that episode i IMMEDIATLY got attached especially when my introduction to the series is this. both his ultimate downfall and like .. the top of his character arc . like, INSTANT attachement.
another thing to note is how like … the whole episodes sorta focused on his turning every Z to an N .
ok here i might start explaining things a bit too personally here but ok it's an essay . ok so the circumstances of me watching the show for the first time were…something.
see i didn't have much friends back then as a kid. even the ones i had were pretty much SO different and can't understand me cuz im that shy, weird kid who goes on info dumping about my interests it might get annoying. but nobody understood those interests except ONE friend. whom just left and idk where he is till now. another thing to add, being the weird kid sorta let people exclude me and/or bully me soooo yeah .
so my putting that into prespective with the whole Ns all over the place thing in that specific episode sort of.. made me relate ya know? feel like it's specifically an episode for me . there was something nice and comforting about it.
the fact that it's the first letter of my name (which at the time was a big deal cuz all my favs didnt specifically put that fact into like, part of the story like Nos if u get me.) like, something about a villain i KNOW has the first same letter in their name as me, being all goofy yet menacing, also a vampire of sort -i am obsessed since day one idk) just felt right.
last part of this might sound silly or stupid but like . another reason WHY i felt this connection to Nos specifically till now :
people i know irl did NOT know what blosc was.
even the few who knew, don't remember it or specifically know who Nos was when i asked them.
so it's like "damn. all this epic character being so obscure and unknown despite everything they did?…sounds like me "
so until i went online and find more blosc mutuals (and till i went to Uni where people know it somewhat and still take show suggestions seriously from me) it just felt like this one character was specificaly made for me . like, this one character nobody knows except me . cuz i'm just as unknown and as unnoticed irl .
and to this day that still stands . Nos is still one of the turning points in my life in general. be it in art , in social life , or in general anyways. still my favourite fictional character of all time . my Top 1 fav and my main comfort character along Antasma and Zira for similar reasons.
thank you for coming to my cringe talk btw and reading all this lol.
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mezzopieno-news · 1 year
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Le centrali idroelettriche e le dighe forniscono enormi quantità di energia pulita nel mondo, contribuendo in modo essenziale alla lotta al cambiamento climatico. La loro presenza, tuttavia, può rappresentare un ostacolo per i cicli e i fenomeni naturali come la vita dei pesci e i processi riproduttivi.
In una centrale idroelettrica l’acqua viene convogliata attraverso turbine per far girare le pale che alimentano i generatori. Le pale feriscono o uccidono circa il 22% dei pesci che le attraversano. Le centrali idroelettriche tentano di ovviare a questo fattore, tenendo i pesci fuori dalle loro turbine, modificando il loro percorso con reti o attraverso canali di deviazione. Ciononostante, la mortalità dei pesci è un elemento che il settore idroelettrico sta cercando di eliminare. Per questo motivo è stata inventata una turbina che permette ai pesci di attraversarla rimanendo illesi. Il sistema Restoration Hydro Turbine dell’azienda californiana Natel Energy è stato progettato per consentire il passaggio sicuro del 99% dei pesci attraverso la turbina, grazie all’impianto di lame con bordi d’attacco disegnati con smussature, curve e inclinature che riducono al minimo gli impatti, senza compromettere l’efficienza. La nuova turbina adotta un design più olistico, creando strutture più naturali, più vicine alle dighe dei castori che alle dighe in cemento.
L’energia prodotta nel mondo dall’idroelettrico rappresenta circa il 20% del totale e copre il fabbisogno di circa 1 miliardo e mezzo di persone, senza produrre emissioni nocive e con limitati impatti ambientali; un settore che sta evolvendosi anche nell’utilizzo delle maree e delle piogge.
Fonte: Natel Energy; foto di Piat Van Zyl
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Finally posting oc content again bc I can’t hold it back anymore <3
Ok so I have this set of ocs (I’ve talked abt them before in this post right here) and uh. I’m remaking them now. or trying to, I’m having bad writer’s block hngh—
So like. Now that I’ve exploded and absolutely NEED to post them or I’ll die, I’ll give you some basic info on them :)
I’ve renamed Jay to Jeiviin. They’re a six-year-old Sky Dragon born and raised in Emporia, having lived in Taldrena their whole life (up until an incident in which they ended up in Voxtren). They’re intersex and were raised genderless, and have an older sister.
I’ve renamed Cora to Avaki. She’s a seventeen-year-old Sky Dragon that was born in Talix, one of Emporia’s islands, and moved to Taldrena with her family when she was 8. She’s Jeiviin’s older sister, and really into true crime.
I’ve renamed Sigasi to Sivea. She’s a fourteen-year-old Healer Dragon born in the Philippines, but moved to Emporia (specifically Voxtren) when she was 11. She’s an only child, but became best friends with Jeiviin and Avaki after the events of her (and the other characters’) story takes place, and she’s surprisingly feisty for a Healer.
I’ve renamed Delta Sun to Astrallon. They’re somewhere around 150-160 years old, and they’re an Angel from the Concept Universe (or the Void). They left their home when they were in their 20s to search for their missing mother (idk what happened to her though), but they never found her, and instead decided to just. Stay in Emporia. I mean, it’s a really pretty country, so. Fair enuf.
None of them have designs yet, but I have some very basic ideas for what I want them to look like —
Jeiviin will be pretty short (I mean they’re 6 so ofc), and their main colour will definitely be blue. Lotta scars.
Avaki will be more seafoam green I think? And a lot taller. Possibility of being emo or scene
Sivea is so so purple. I kinda want her to resemble a violet-backed starling. I love those fucking birds. I want her to have a sorta medieval-goth-princess aesthetic, but more modern
Astrallon gets to be tall as hell. Way taller than they need to be. Get enlarged stupid. And I want them to have some vague religious vibes, like biblically accurate or something. Perhaps multiple sets of wings, or too many halos. Or too many eyes.
Ok now that that’s out of the way.
Storyline thing or something!
The kiddos are still both gonna be experiments — that was an integral part of their story before the remake, and I don’t wanna change that — but Astrallon won’t be an experiment anymore. Instead, they’ll be friends with the guy running the experiments, but they won’t know about it until he calls them up and says “DUDE WE’RE GETTING FUCKED UP PLEASE HELP”.
The experiments aren’t gonna be turned into some form of superhuman (superdragon?) beings anymore, either. Instead, the cult is trying to transform Dragons into Humans by surgically removing their Draconic traits and making them physically look as human as possible.
Those experiments never end up working and all the subjects that went through the procedures died. Including Jeiviin. But they get to come back as a ghost, because I said so.
Anyway!! The reason Mr. Cult Guy calls Astrallon screaming for help, is because Sivea and the other still-living experiments broke out and started killing motherfuckers. As they should.
Astrallon is a very kind person, so of course, they immediately run over to their friend’s location to help, and promptly get their shit FUCKING WRECKED by Sivea, who thought they were another cultist.
Some other stuff happens after that, and then the story ends, but I haven’t gotten to that point yet. As I said, I’m having writer’s block atm, so I can’t get past the part where Sivea starts plotting.
Also, despite the setting of this story being in Emporia, which is also where my AHiT AU takes place, this is not set in the AHiT universe! It’s an entirely original work, full of the blorbos from my autism.
I am tired and can’t think of anything else to write, so that’s it post’s over. Eat up
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🔪: 1,2,19,22,35
🔧: 1,4,5 22, 30, 35
Zhulong: 12,22, 35
HIII HEEHEE finished watching 1 dollar love actually dvd because our wifi went out but IM BACK AND I GET TO TALK ABOUT MY SILLIES
wow this post is gonna be Long soooo adding the cut now~!
1: are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
UHHHH okay sOOO the simplest answer is probably black bc like. it wears a lotta black. military gear etc is usually black? but! its got this stupid orange striped short sleeve shirt thats actually like. a uniform (as in. I referenced the batman 2022 Arkham uniform when I first designed this idiot. yea) so its usually associated with either orange or red (for blood rawrrr)
2: what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
oh uh!!!!! I dont think this thing listens to music. tbh everything would be better if it did but! it get zero enrichment ever. so instead for this question I get to give you two songs I associate with it for some reason or another. because I said so. and those are House of Wolves (MCR) and Barbie Girl (Aqua). I want to know what you think of it from these two songs together because the combination is sooooo silly to me
19: are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
ooooo this one is fun to think about. mmm I think generally it's not very like,,, externally angry. it is in a perpetual state of something between annoyance and disdain almost all the time (when not Letting Loose), but that's a bit different from angry, I think. things that will make it snap at you: remove mask w/o permission, get touchy w it without permission. probably other things too I forget. things that will make it do super petty things and/or get revenge on you some other way: assume you've got the best of it. assume you're in charge. assume you're in control.
22: do they sleep well at night?
bold of you to assume it sleeps yea well uhh. its a pretty light sleeper I think but it can sleep wherever. no nightmares or w/e its just. rechargin I think
35: do they ever return home?
no. lol. zero percent chance of this thing ever returning home and idk if that ever even existed for it. if it gets a "happy" ending its going to have to claw that into existence itself. and why would it
1: are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
blue! they wear the most black, again, but thats cause of the goofy suit thing I've got ingame. blue tie blue waistcoat blue accents on the gas mask, so blue's ended up as their color :3
4: how crafty/resourceful are they?
the wrench is their emoji because that's its main weapon. if that says anything. dont think it'd be the best at like. street brawlin no supplies no powers but it can be pretty inventive with the things it knows how to use.
5: how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
oh it's so stupid <3. suit jacket tie collared shirt waistcoat belt black cargo pants with big ole pockets fingerless gloves combat boots w straps and a belt chain. it's sooo stupid. <3333,,. character creators be like what if all the pieces we let you use were assorted pieces of other characters. OH and dont forget the half gas mask. when I made this guy I referenced one of two Literal Actual Techwear Official Dot Com gas masks. the pockets are practical at least? and thats just one outfit realistically it has other clothing too but idk what though. probably they steal clothing from the rogues lol
22: do they sleep well at night?
depends on where they are! with dork squad probably! unless one or more of them get on an inventing bend or something but it can just wrangle them back to sleep or at least to be quieter. with the sirens that's more of a wild card. depending on if harl's there she's def gonna wanna like stay up n talk or something. tbh though most things happen at night. like heists! :D but they can usually get a good sleep in. and even a lazy morning, probably!
30: do they smell like anything notable?
uhhh probably vaguely like flowers and/or fear toxin. lol. can you tell what I sourced this guy from yet
35: do they ever return home?
it never returns to where it came from, but that place (read: dimension. lol) was never really home. they do find a home, where they end up. and they're happy.
12: how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
oh man how long has this guy been around? discord chat messages says I made him December 16 of last year. I do not know his birthday. it could just be dec 16 that would be silly. kayfabe though he doesn't really have one hes just Old lol. out of kayfabe hes like chill about bdays I think he'll get ppl close to him a present or whatever. in kayfabe he didnt really get it pre Punishment I dont think but with his whole Chained In A Human Body thing he gets to have a crisis! yay ! over He Is Aging and He Will Die !! again!!!! yipeee!!!
22: do they sleep well at night?
out of kayfabe as long as hes not too sore or w/e he's good. usually conked out from exercising. in kayfabe uhhh he thinks sleeping is weird. his lore says he never eats or sleeps or breathes but now he has to. and he hates it.
30: do they ever return home?
I think he goes to visit his parents sometimes :3 (outside kayfabe.) lol silly answer. in kayfabe nah the place he considers home is long gone and buried by time. and even if it still existed he'd never be able to reach it as he is. sorry
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adultswim2021 · 4 months
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Freaknik: The Musical | March 7, 2010 - 11:30PM | Special
Whither That Crook’d ‘Sipp? 
Freaknik: the Musical! A special that I’m ill-equipped to truly go deep on because 1) I am a cracker-ass and 2) I live in a hell of my own making and sometimes it's far too difficult to tune out. Oh well! I’ll give it a shot, yuh know? See what happens! Also: I pledge to not google anything about this, so I will be speaking from my threadbare knowledge of the subject at hand.
Freaknik is based on a real-life recurring block party, or outdoor music fest, or something like that, held, uh, probably annually in, I’m guessing, Atlanta, Georgia. It probably has rap stuff going on and people probably have a lotta fun listening to live music and attempting to find sex partners among it's many attendees. I have gleaned this from the special itself, as well as the fact that when you search for this to see if it’s playing on any streaming services you’ll instead find a documentary called “Freaknik: a big party that happens” or something like that. 
This special follows a likable rap group who are down on their luck. They intend to travel to the big event so they can compete in some battle of the bands type thing. The party is happening because Freaknik, a ghostly personification of the party itself, has sprung back to life. I forget how. He’s a black ghost with money signs all over himself and hes real charismatic. He embodies good times, blackness, and above all, love. We see him going on a publicity tour, while a council of hater-ass black establishment figures (including mostly unidentified-but recognizable figures like Oprah, Jesse Jackson, Bill Cosby, and Al Sharpton) all scheme to stop Freaknik once and for all. 
The rap group have little adventures along the way, such as a memorable stop at a white frat. They tangle with a rival rap group, who look just like them. They meet a car full ‘o bitches and a brand new bong. One of the "bitches" is a character from That Crook’d ‘Sipp, but with a different name. There is almost no continuity between the two specials, just reused assets. That’s probably a best case scenario for That Crook’d ‘Sipp, which is maybe one of my least favorite things I’ve ever watched on Adult Swim. This is far from the worst thing. In fact, it’s fairly solid. 
That Crook’d ‘Sipp felt like it was speaking an alien language, and was borderline incomprehensible. This doesn’t feel that way. But, and I mean this in a non-insulting way, this show doesn’t feel like it’s for me. It’s a flavor I have a bit of a shallow distaste for. This is ultimately a good thing! I like when shows get on the air that are very specific and meant to appeal to a certain segment of the population.
I could quibble with the humor here and there, but I don’t think this special was designed with specifically pleasing me in mind. So why don’t I focus on the positive, instead? In fact, why doesn't everyone do this when faced with stuff that's not specifically for them? Okay , here I go: the characters are colorful! A lot of the drawings are great, funny, and cartoony! Even when it felt like it was about to veer into broad, stereotypical humor, it still pleasantly surprised me by aiming higher! It wasn’t boring, and a lot of the songs were pretty goddamn great! 
I actively enjoyed three moments in particular. One was the bit where Tyra Banks goes undercover as a corpse. This was a parody of the time she went undercover as an obese person utilizing a fat suit. (whoops, I googled this, just because I thought maybe I was confusing her with the episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air where Will did that. Wait, wasn’t she on that show? Aw, geez!)
Moment two: the frat bros, who have their party shut down by the cops (you’ll hear famous white people Andy Sandburg and Bill Hader in this scene). When the cops leave, they lament being targeted by them, but then one says “I kinda like cops though, because they found the guy that killed my mom.” This right here is my favorite line in the show. 
The other part I liked, which I recalled from watching this way back when, was the scene where Al Sharpton is watching the news report that he died in his home after being struck by lightning. He looks around quizzically and then it happens. A lotta really fun cartoon gags like that are in this! I respect it!
Not my favorite thing to air on Adult Swim; not by a long shot. But the more I think about this show, especially its final act, the more I think that this special is pretty undervalued and underseen, and that’s a real shame. I honestly think that Adult Swim really should try to bring this back at some capacity. Maybe repeat it with a special promotion? Maybe a sequel? Maybe there’s a reason for it's absence that has nothing to do with Adult Swim or their parent company. But I think if they pushed this back out into the world and tried to get more eyes on it, only good things would come. 
From KON:
The funniest thing I ever said in my life was about Freaknik: The Musical. The special aired on the same night as the Oscars that year, the year that The Hurt Locker FAMOUSLY upset Avatar and won best picture. When the winner was announced, at one point they cut to James Cameron looking pissed. I said, "he's mad because he's missing Freaknik." Thank you, thank you
BIG LOL. I really do hope that he DVR’d it. And that he didn’t get it on DVD, because the DVD looks like shit. I hope he DVR'd it, or had a 1080p webrip from cartoonchaos on his seedbox.
THANK you for your neon knome review. As one of five people on planet earth who actually likes the problem solverz I'm glad to see another fan out there. Granted, PS was nowhere near as good as Neon Knome (even one of Ben Jones' own friends said it was 'too shouty'), but it's definitely not like, "Consistently and infamously ranked the worst cartoon of all time among a large amount of people" bad. Most of the hate seems to be from people who hate the brash art style and think the colors hurt their eyes, and from people who think that Alfe is annoying. I'll give them the latter, but like you said the style is very deliberate and I like how... 'visceral', it is, for lack of a better word. I unironically feel it was just too ahead of it's time and aired on the wrong network. This was when tumblr normies were geeking out over Adventure time, so something like this freaked them the F out and it stuck cause of word of mouth. Kinda like how Freddy Got Fingered was called 'the worst movie of all time' until pretty recently. I think if Neon Knome came out 15 years later, on [AS] in it's original form, people would love it. Cruelty Squad has like 10,000 positive reviews on Steam and it's just as visually abrasive/experimental as this is.
Thanks! Hopefully Criterion Channel will add Problem Solverz to it’s line-up so we can properly reassess it’s place in the culture at large. It does feel like if it got deleted by Zaslav that nobody in the world (except you and me, I guess) would stick up for it. People all snarkily saying “at least he got this one right”. The snark would be off the charts. The snark charts.
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ashleyy69land · 4 months
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<<nexus crisis>>
its ma first post n im supa unsure of everythin,, the artwork featured is from 'nexus crisis'!!! it was gonna be my first comic but it required a lotta models n i was very demotivated to keep workin on it,, if it came out as it would've been itd be a real mess but as o now id love to work on it much later in the future!!! i have many chars planned for it
nexus crisis revolves around jack n yuri workin as assassins for an undercover mission led by the city security's executive to assasinate the orion 3,, which consists of 3 executives chosen to lead the city, introducing a multi-faceted leadership system,, cus security executive wants to bring back justice to the city's leadership,, as the orion faction makes major changes to the law
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these two are lil panels i did on my free time!! both in holidays actually,, im very proud of the first one even if its still messy and shittsy,, the second one goes real crazee but i still like how some o the shots turned out!!! i love making extreme facial expressions ^u^
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these two are sketches!!! if the blog gains any popularity i may start doin sketches of sum o the villains!!! only one is featured yet fully designed,, the second pic
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