#That said I've done basically no measuring for this and I enjoy that very much lol
sysig ยท 3 months
Featured - me, fully certain I will make this craft in This Exact Sequence, with These Exact Pieces, and Do Not Need to label or set things in particular order or prepare or anything:
Me, a fool:
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ravewing ยท 8 months
Could you talk about your infection au? I'm invested in it and I've been thinking about it all day
YES HULLO !! i dont want to spoil anything too much and im also working on a field guide sort of thing for the different stages of infection so im gonna try not to talk about those rite neow BUT im so glad that people r enjoying it! so id been seeing these scary mlp infection things ALLL over my tik tok feed for weeks and i was like .. yanno .. itd be really silly if i made this wof .. so i spent like 3 days mulling over what i could make the infection actually BE and i almost made it like the icewing plague but like it went scary but i didnt really know how to keep going with that so then i came up with a super smart idea which turned into this๐Ÿ˜‹i dont wanna say where it started yet cuz ermm lore stuff but i will say that liek in the story the infection doesnt officially have a name yet so everyones just calling it like. the sickness at jade mountain. most of the infected originated IN jade mountain with the first symptoms being noticed in moon and turtle respectively, and then with the icewing students. i cant tell you guys how they got sick bc again . lore ..... but i think that its like kinda possible to find out. but i dunno. vulture and fierceteeth are also sick. there is ONE singular factor that unites these 4 + icewings, which miight b the reason WHY they got sick.kinkajou technically SHOULD be sick but she isnt for another reason that i cant say but if you really look into wof lore then i think u can figure it out idk. the infections transmitted via saliva/blood transmission, so mainly bites. tail barbs of infected sandwings are capable of spreading the sickness. there are 4 stages (5 if you count death) and it takes around 3 to 3.5 weeks for all stages to finish,, by ep3 the sickness has been around for ~2.5 weeks. the only KNOWN cure is amputation of wherever the infected area is,, so MUCH easier in early stages, unfortunate if its on an inconvenient spot, and impossible after hives start spreading. obvi flame had to be important bc i heart flame and i was like .. wait .. hes a healer in canon ...... so that worked out perfectly !! ik that in canon liana is like one of glorys MANY bodyguards but idc shes a healer here bc ermm i said so . also liana and mango r dating but i dont think that its relevant to the plot theyre just girlfriends in my head . as of right now kinkajou and peril are the only known immune dragons, with kinkajou for reasons currently unknown and peril bc . yknow . shes on fire . glory is in close contact with ruby and both kingdoms have taken measures to notify their kingdoms; the rainforest is under a sort of lockdown with rainwings on constant patrol/lookout for outsiders entering, they accept anyone who isnt infected to stay there for refuge while the skywing kingdom is in basically total lockdown other than ruby's messengers. ruby and glory also exchange their respective kingdoms medical knowledge, with the skywings having very good technology and rainwings having an expansive knowledge on medical herbs. nobody has heard from coral- the last thing she did was call for anemone's return back to the kingdom, and once she arrived, they all went underwater and have since then cut all outside contact. the mudwings are aware of the sickness but have so far done nothing about it; moorhen has warned her subjects but thats really it. i havent really decided what the sandwings or the icewings are up to but let me tell you guys its looking really rough for the icewings . so far it looks as though royal icewings are more resilient- tundras currently sick, but the sickness seems to be progressing much slower. this was initially believed to be because of the cold, but then other icewings started getting sick, and so its believed to just be a royal thing- likely something in their genetics. icicle is also sick but shes in stage 4 .. pray for my girl guys. lynx is helping snowfall out the best she can, but with the population getting increasingly sick seemingly spontaneously, its extremely difficult and stressful. the talons have quarantined sanctuary too. ok im outta characters but ya ty 4 the support!!
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pbandjesse ยท 9 months
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I had a pretty nice day. And we got to end it with our signed contracts and getting the inspections scheduled. It is starting to feel more real and I'm getting to feel a little more excited.
I slept okay but not as well. I had very strange dreams. About exploring the basement of our building and moving and all those things my brain is working though. I let myself wake up naturally again and woke up around 930 and didn't feel amazing but I felt okay.
I had things to do before Naomi and Kim came over. She had texted me asking if I had green fabric and I said I would pull out some cheistmasy fabrics for us.
I would have eggsalad again and would pick up some stuff. I would take a hair drto the tops of my candles to try and fix a few imperfections. This did not work as well as I was hoping but I still think they look great and I'm very proud of them. I'm excited to give them as gifts.
I would do a lot of knitting today. And was able to finish all the pieces for one whole side of the blanket I'm making and I'm thrilled about that. I would do that basically on and off all morning.
I did some cleaning and played with sweetp and just enjoyed being home where it was warm and not outside where it was grey and gross. I encouraged James to take the car to work because of the weather and I'm glad they did because it was gross today and would start raining pretty soon after I got up. It was just grey and sad outside all day. It's still pouring now actually.
Kim would text me a little after 1 when her and Naomi arrived. I came down to get them and Naomi was clearly excited. Rushed right upstairs.
Sweetp was being very friendly and lovey which was really cute. And I love how much Kim and Naomi love him. He would hang with us some of the time they were here but he also would just do his own thing.
We had lot of work today. And that was awesome. I didn't want to be belittling or anything but I wanted to go over some basics and skills that seem really easy but take some skills. Like cutting the fabric and threading the needle but also just using a fabric tape measure. And I was able to go over a bunch of my tools like tailors chalk and pinking sheers and it was fun.
We started with a shirt and that went really well I also had Naomi do a blanket stitch around the collar because it's fleece and it makes it look more finished. And she did an excellent job. We would next use some cotton and I showed her how to sew down the hems first and then attach the pieces and that one would be a little jacket.
Finally we would work on a little scarf for one of the plushies that just has to big of a head. But he looks great! And we were just loving the way this scarf turned out. Honestly I could seriously see all the progression Naomi is making and I was having so much fun showing her everything. And she was able to use the sewing machine almost completely independently. I am thrilled. I hope to show her how to use her own someday!
Her mom was also just really nice to talk to. Kim is very sweet and I told her about the house and she wished us luck and she made me feel a little more excited.
I am still trying to not be to excited but I won't lie, I am excited. I've been saving ideas of painting and furniture and all that fun stuff and I'm just really excited to start figuring things out. I dont want to be disappointed but I don't think I'm going to be. I think it's going to be great.
After they left I would clean up our stuff and would jump into my next project. I heated up some frozen Mac and cheese and started planning out the stand for my fish knife.
I knew I wanted to do a board like a billy bass. But as I was laying it out I was thinking about it being on a plate. And I really ran with that and I love it. It's not done. I want to add something else to the plate but I had so much fun figuring this out.
I even used some modeling paste to create some dimension to the things on the plate and I was just having so much fun over the day. Painting. Then letting it dry. And coming back and forth. And for real, Callie knocked it out of the park it's such a good gift.
I would go back to the couch to continue to knit while I was waiting for the paint to dry. And soon James was home and I was so happy to see them. And they were so sweet when they got home being so lovey. They are very clearly stressed about everything but I was still really happy that they seemed so happy in that moment.
It was decided we needed to go to the grocery store for a few things for the dinner I wanted. James said I didn't need to come with them but I wanted to be with them. And so we headed out into the gross night together.
The grocery store was fine. We got a few fun things. But we stuck to the list for the most part.
While we were checking out Harold called us. And said to check our email because he has great news. His email was so cute with lots of bottle emojis. But the sellers signed the paperwork and we can move forward with the inspection. We are getting an air quality test tomorrow and then on Tuesday afternoon we are getting the home inspection. I'm thrilled. I am excited that we will get to be there so while he's doing his inspection I can be measuring things and looking at specifics like closets and the back "yard" and measuring things. Just being more excited and it's just really fun.
We had some stress after we called Harold back in the car and got some answers about how things will go and what we need to do. He said we needed to wire the money for the deposit over. But we didn't know how to do that so we had some stress when we got home.
We couldn't figure out how to Google it and our banks websites weren't helping. Finally we decided we should just text Harold and he said we can go to our bank in the morning. Excellent thank you Harold.
I had some nachos while James made us some Thai curry rice. Which was really good but I mostly wanted to eat the naan James made which was very very good. Love my James.
They were kind of upset with stress. But we would talk and try to just chill. They had forgotten their laptop cord at work so they used my laptop to watch sports while they painted their nails and I continued to knit and paint.
It has been a really nice night. I washed my hair. And we talked about our Christmas travels. And now we are in bed and it's just nice listening to the rain. I feel happy. Tired and sore but happy.
Tomorrow we have many things to do. We have to go to the bank. James is going to make cookies. I have to go pick something up from awah. We have to go get food gifts. And then we have the Christmas party at the BMI. It's going to be a full day but I think it's going to be fun.
I love you all. Goodnight everyone!
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animebw ยท 1 year
I find it hilarious that you dropped Hellโ€™s Paradise literally the episode before it outright addressed (and fixed, imo) the issues you have with it.
Well, I'll let you in on a little secret: it's not just that Hell's Paradise was bugging me in the gender department. It's also that it doesn't really have much to offer beyond that,
See, just because a work has Problematic Elements(tm) isn't really an indication of whether or not I'll stick with it. Fruits Basket is one of my favorite anime of all time, and we all know the kind of shit that show is capable of. What really matters, at the end of the day, is whether or not the anime in question is interesting or meaningful enough in other areas to justify me sticking with it through its ugly patches.
Example: there's another anime airing this season called Heavenly Delusion. It's this post-apocalyptic mystery thing that's like Shinsekai Yori mixed with Promised Neverland, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that there's a reveal early on where it seems like one of the protagonists might be trans, but then it swerves into gross territory instead. Basically, a younger brother had his brain transplanted into the body of his older sister who he had incestuous feelings for, and it's implied at multiple points that he still, well... has those feelings for this body, if you get my drift. It's an incredibly creepy detail, arguably worse than anything in Hell's Paradise, and I don't blame anyone who's too skeeved out by it to bother with the show.
But you know what else Heavenly Delusion has? Stunning animation, a great sense of mystery, some of the most electrifying, cinematic direction I've ever seen in TV anime, great chemistry between its main characters, and a constantly evolving story that activates my brain's theory-crafting centers like few things in recent memory. This show is a goddamn blast on so many levels that I can stomach this one gross element to enjoy all the other incredible things it has to offer. And hey, there's definitely an undercurrent of playing with gendered expectations running throughout its subtext, so this subplot might even end up going somewhere worthwhile when all's said and done. We'll see!
Hell's Paradise, though? I struggle to hold onto a single thought about that show by the time I finish watching an episode. Like, the action is neat, I guess? And the setting's certainly unique. But the characters are mostly flat, the dialogue is pretty trite all around, and despite how strong the action animation is, the overall aesthetic is just kind of ugly and unpleasant to look at. It's overly awash in dull fog and light bloom that desaturates the image to an almost painful degree; it's like trying to watch a show through a thin layer of vaseline smeared on my computer screen. It's clearly trying to do something interesting with its themes of the nature of death and killing, but it's all very Shonen Basic thus far. And with nothing else of interest to hang onto, I'm much less forgiving of, or willing to patiently wait out, its fumbled half-measures at reaching a point of Not Painfully Cringe on the gender front.
TLDR: Glad to head HP is turning around on that front, but the show's just not interesting enough for me to want to return to otherwise.
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strawberryspence ยท 3 years
A Dinner and A Future
Fluff | Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Spencer just wants your first date to be perfect and surprisingly, it goes really well.
Word Count: 3,7k.
Warnings: some cursing, first date nerves, but that's it. just pure mindless fluff.
Writerโ€™s Note: Hello! I've been going through a writing dry spell and the thing that solved it was writing this. I've been seeing a lot of edits on tiktok about Spencer's traumas and I just wanted to give him something simple and happy. I was also listening to Kodaline on repeat while reading this, so yeah it's going be hella sappy. Enjoy! <3
Gif is mine. Lesley Smith-Juniment, you have my heart.
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Spencer is nervous.
Wait no, scratch that, nervous is not good enough. He was brimming to the edge with worry and queasiness. What other synonyms does nervous have? Spencer was antsy, anxious, perturbed, uneasy, at this point he can recite the whole thesaurus.
Spencer closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe. He can do this. He has waited for this for a long time and he wonโ€™t waste it because of burnt pasta.
Okay, he looks back at the note that David Rossi himself wrote in his own special handwriting.
1. Cook 1 pound pasta until Al Dente. Boy Genius, Al Dente should be firm when bitten. You cook it on a boiling water with salt and oil. SALT AND OIL.
2. While thatโ€™s cooking, do nothing. LITERALLY DO NOTHING. Watch it. Do the sauce later. In some miraculous way, if you donโ€™t watch the pasta youโ€™ll burn it.
A grin spreads across Spencerโ€™s face as he puts down the paper and reaches for the fettuccine pasta and dropping it on the boiling water (which he measured with measuring cups he borrowed from JJ)
โ€œOkay, now I wait for it to boil.โ€ Spencer stares at the pasta as it cooks. Did he buy enough parmesan cheese? or enough pecorino cheese? Oh no. He looks over the other side of his counter where all the (complete) ingredients sit and he sighs in relief as if he hasnโ€™t checked it 15 times since he started.
The pasta was still cooking and isnโ€™t going to be firm anytime soon. Spencer ponders if he should just cook the sauce while waiting but he knows heโ€™s going to mess it up if he doesnโ€™t give it his undivided attention.
He looks at the watch on his wrist as it ticks to 5:21. He has one hour, thirty nine minutes and forty six seconds. He still has time before the date. The date with you.
It took him nine months, Derek and Emily annoying him to death to just ask the pretty librarian out, one extensive background research from Penelope, two separate talks of the โ€œYou deserve to be happyโ€ advice from JJ and Hotch and one lecture about marriage from Rossi to finally ask you out.
Heโ€™s kinda annoyed really because he spent so much time thinking about you and thinking of the perfect way to ask you out but he shows up at the library you work at one day with a cup of coffee in hand and his heart on the other.
You didnโ€™t even hesitate. There was no pause to process what he asked, there was no questions following the embarrassing stumbling of the words, โ€œW-will you go have d-dinner with me? L-like a date... Date?โ€ You immediately said yes with a small hop and the biggest smile on your face.
This date has to be perfect. He asked you to come to his apartment at 7. Spencer wouldโ€™ve picked you up but he was making you a home made dinner and the date was taking place on the rooftop of you apartment, which Penelope and Derek helped him decorate with lights.
He tries the pasta and when its finally firm to the bite, he takes this as his queue to read the paper again. Of course, he can remember all of the instructions but Rossi still wrote it down and reading it calms his nerves.
3. If its cooked, drain your pasta water but leave a little pasta water on the side. Then you can continue.
4. In a pan on MEDIUM heat (just around 2-3 on the stove setting) cook one pound diced pancetta and 1 cup chopped onions in olive. Put this down and chop chop!
Spencer puts the paper down as he follows the instructions to drain the pasta. After he was done with it he puts the pan on the stove and starts chopping up the ingredients he needs.
Cooking is strangely calming. He never thought heโ€™d find it calming. He always found himself burning stuff. So he sticks to the microwaveable meals and fast foods, even if he knows the statistics about these kinds of food.
After finishing the chopping he reaches over the paper and reads it again.
5. Are you done? Okay. Put the chopped stuff on the pan with olive oil and cook it until the pancetta is browned and onions are soft.
He immediately follows the instructions written. The onion and pancetta create a silent hiss as it hits the pan. As it cook he looks down again.
6. Thatโ€™s going to take a while, so leave it but stay by its side. I am giving you permission to do two things at once. Dr. Reid, please be mindful of it.
Spencer rolls his eyes before proceeding to #7.
7. Combine the two cheeses. Then divide it in half. Then pour the half into 4 egg YOLKS. Just yolks! The yellow ones! Then beat it lightly until its really combined.
He has already separated the egg yolks from the whites (a job he didnโ€™t think would be that hard but was surprisingly very hard) before he started cooking. He adds the combination of cheeses to the eggs and lightly beats it as he watches the pan of onions and pancetta sizzle.
When done with the egg and cheese combo, he gives the pan a stir before looking back down.
8. Is the egg done? Yes? Good. Is the pancetta and onion good? Yes? Good.
9. Okay, now you put your pasta in the pancetta pan.
Spencer follows the instructions to the T. He puts the pasta on the pancetta, gives it a stir and immediately removes it from the heat. He sighs in relief. He hasnโ€™t burned anything yet.
11. You havenโ€™t burned anything yet? I am proud of you.
12. Now, pour the egg mixture into the pan and toss the pasta until coated. TOSS IT GENTLY. If youโ€™re scared use tongs.
13. Pour about 1/4 cup of the pasta water I told you to set aside earlier. You donโ€™t have to pour all 1/4 cup, just until you get the creaminess you want.
Spencer reaches over the nearest tongs. Heโ€™s not going to toss anything tonight that involves pastas or pans. Heโ€™s taking the safe road because he wants everything to be perfect.
14. Add the rest of your cheese! Toss some more and then add salt and pepper as NEEDED!
15. You can serve it with parsley.
16. Now, go take a shower and change into some cleaner clothes.
17. Just be you and have fun, Spencer. Goodluck! :)
Spencer smiles as he puts the paper down and makes the finals touches to the pasta. He starts doing what was instructed and it surprisingly, ends up in the perfect texture. Just like the one he tasted when Rossi had a pasta night.
He was proud of himself as he takes it off the stove and makes sure that all the stoves are turned off. There was this report he read in 2018, that cooking and leaving the stove open was the leading cause of home fires.
He takes the food, puts it into a fancy tupperware (another thing he borrowed from JJ) and puts it in the microwave. He cleans up a little and stuffs the pans and pots to the dishwasher, because you are coming in his apartment even for a second.
He starts getting himself ready for the date with a shower. As the warm water glides through his body he thinks of how funny life could be.
Spencer first meets you in the library. He has not slept well in weeks so instead he opts to go to the library to get some reading done. But as soon as he sits in one of the (surprisingly) comfortable leather chairs, its as if sleep knocks him out. It wasnโ€™t until the closing time that you wake him up and he thinks that you were an angel sent for him. This elicits a giggle from you.
โ€œI am sorry, I am not an angel. I am just the librarian and weโ€™ve been close for over an hour now. I just didnโ€™t want to wake you up. You looked like you really needed that sleep.โ€ Spencer immediately jumps to his feet as he apologizes profusely to the kind librarian, โ€œOh, itโ€™s okay! Donโ€™t say sorry. I was also reading so I didnโ€™t mind the peace and quiet.โ€
Thatโ€™s how Spencer meets you. He comes back a few days later after a case with coffee, croissant and an apology. You immediately become friends and thats how all of this started. Spencer finds himself falling in love with the kind, gorgeous, clever librarian faster than he expected.
Every week after that, Spencer comes to the library with pastries and coffees for his favourite librarian and every week, you welcome Spencer with a warm smile and a new book for him to read. He can read it in one sitting but he reads it in the slowest pace he could so it can last for a week.
Spencer comes out the shower and stares at his closet. Should he go casual or formal? Casual or formal? Its just dinner, heโ€™s chill and casual is the way. He picks one of the few plaid shirts that he has and puts it on with a white shirt underneath. He tries to brush his hair, it sits for a moment before it starts curling again. He cringes but leaves it be.
Spencer proceeds to the kitchen to start packing the food into a wicker basket (that he also borrowed from JJ, he basically borrowed her whole kitchen). He packs the utensils in a table napkin that comes with the basket. The main course for the date was the carbonara, and the dessert was a tiramisu Penelope made.
He reaches over his sofa where the bouquet of paper flowers are. He made it a few nights ago with Penelopeโ€™s help. He stayed up to make more of it with old books he found in the BAU.
Because what kind of flowers is the best flowers for librarians? Origami flowers made with old book pages.
He shouldnโ€™t be nervous. Youโ€™ve been friends for all the months that he didnโ€™t have enough courage to ask you out. Youโ€™ve taken trips to old bookstores together for book hunting. This shouldnโ€™t be different from your other trips.
The pitter patter of rain against his window takes him out of his thoughts.
โ€œShit! Is it raining!?โ€ Spencer yelps, before opening the closed curtains. Beads of water runs down his windows and if its any other day he would love it. But not tonight, when he planned a rooftop date. He cringes as he thinks of the fairy lights hanged up and the table set up that is probably soaked now.
โ€œDonโ€™t panic. Donโ€™t panic. Think, Spencer, think.โ€ Spencer thinks fast. He finds the extra table cloth that JJ gave him because โ€œJust in case.โ€ He reminds himself to buy her a bottle of wine as a thank you. He places it in his small kitchen table before taking the utensils out of the basket and placing it on the table in a fancy way.
Candles. Does he have candles? Spencer scrambles around his kitchen, like a chicken without its head, looking for candles and he finds it underneath the kitchen sink. He lights some of it up and props it into some glasses (he doesnโ€™t have a candle holder he realizes after lighting it up).
With the lights dimmed down leaving the light from the window and the light from the candles, his dark apartment gives off a romantic, kind of comfortable, vibes. It was kind of perfect because with the books on his shelves and the lighting, it actually has the same vibes a library gives off.
He was ready now, bouquet of paper flowers in hand. He canโ€™t believe how smooth things are going, minus the damn rain. Only thing thatโ€™s missing is you.
A knock comes to the door and he instantly opens it. There you were, hair a bit wet and messed up from the rain.
His future was bundled up in a cozy cardigan and a pair of jeans right in front of his eyes and he didnโ€™t even know it.
โ€œHi.โ€ Spencer smiles.
โ€œHi.โ€ You smile.
โ€œA little to the right. No. No. Too much right, now give it a little bit to the left.โ€ You sigh, your hand under your chin, โ€œNo, no, baby, its crooked.โ€
โ€œLove, can we do this later? The pancetta is going to burn.โ€ Spencer laughs as he climbs down the ladder with the frame.
โ€œBut you said youโ€™ll help me with putting up the frames!โ€ You pout at him, Spencer chuckles before kissing your nose, โ€œI know but you also asked for my famous carbonara and I canโ€™t do both at the same time.โ€
โ€œHmmm. I still donโ€™t think you can call it yours when its originally Daveโ€™s.โ€ You follow him to the kitchen, zigzagging through the boxes of books youโ€™ve both barely opened.
โ€œWhat he doesnโ€™t know, wonโ€™t kill him.โ€ He winks at you before giving the pancetta and onions a stir.
โ€œIt already smells good, love.โ€ You snake your arms through his waist and lean your head on his back. Spencer lets go of the spatula and spins around to face you.
โ€œThank you, sweetheart. Go unbox some of the books and Iโ€™ll call you when its cooked so we can fix the frames. Okay?โ€ Spencer kisses the top of your head and lets you go.
You walk out of the kitchen to the hallway full of boxes full of books. You chuckle as you open the nearest box and its just full of chemistry books. You push it to the room where Luke, Derek and Spencer has built shelves for all of your books. An olive green couch sits in the corner beside the built in fireplace.
Hmmm. This is your home library but as a former librarian the dewey decimal is calling you. But then again, the books you and Spencer have doesnโ€™t have classifications on them. You began unpacking the chemistry books and placing it on the shelf. You can hear the distinct hiss of the pan and Spencer humming Kodalineโ€™s The One.
You push in another box from the hallway to the room and its another one of Spencerโ€™s, this one full of philosophy books. You start unpacking it to the shelf below the chemistry books before stopping as you pull out a book that doesn't belong with the philosophy books. A smile graces your face as your hands glides unto it. It was the book Spencer bought for you on your first anniversary.
The Peter Pan cover is a bit tattered, it was an older edition he found in your favorite old bookstore. You open the book and Spencerโ€™s messy writing greets you with nostalgia.
โ€œWe are most alive when we are in love. Thank you for making me feel alive everyday for the past year. Happy Anniversary, love. I live a full life as I love you fully.โ€
You smile at the book before hugging it to your chest. You sigh deeply as you looked around the room and how it felt so surreal to be in the new home you share with Spencer.
โ€œLove, I am finish. Come meet me in the hallway!โ€ You leave the book on the shelf as you hear Spencer calling you.
โ€œAre you helping me with the frames?โ€ You clap, excited to finally put up the frames. Spencer smiles as he sees you excited to put up the pictures.
โ€œYes, okay you need to tell me if theyโ€™re straight okay?โ€ He instructs before climbing the ladder.
โ€œTo the right, just a bit. Oh! Perfect!โ€ You scramble to reach for another frame as he comes down the ladder to move it, โ€œHere! This one.โ€ He climbs again and you instruct him with directions for the frame again.
After a few more frames, he finally comes down and looks at the frames you asked to be put up.
โ€œItโ€™s pretty, isnโ€™t it?โ€ Spencer smiles down at you and gives your cheek a kiss as he wraps his hands around your waist, โ€œIt is. Thank you for framing them.โ€
The frames comes in different shapes and forms, the biggest one in the middle is the picture of your wedding day. Your wedding took place in a library you immediately fell in love with when looking for places to get married at.
In the picture, you were smiling, your head rested on Spencer's shoulder as he reads a Harry Potter book he found in the kids section. It was a candid moment, both of you running to the back of the shelves to get a moment to yourselves after the wedding and the photographer snapped it before leaving the two of you in peace.
Beside it are pictures with the team on the wedding day, some on thanksgiving, christmas, new year with the BAU team, some with your family, some with Diana and in the corner is a shadow box containing the paper bouquet that Spencer gave you on your first date, the same exact flowers that was in your hands as you walk down the aisle to him.
โ€œSo, how's the first six months of officially being a Reid-Y/L/N?โ€ Spencer teases as he lets you go from the back hug to face you and you roll your eyes at him, โ€œOh very hard. They hear Reid and they immediately expect greatness.โ€
Spencer laughs, โ€œSame as the last name Y/L/N.โ€ This time your the one who laughs at his statement, โ€œUhhh. I am not the one with 3 PhDs and 3 BAs.โ€
โ€œAnd I am not the one whose a New York Times best selling author.โ€ Spencer laughs even more when he sees your nose crinkles, making his heart dance and swell in glee.
โ€œHey, letโ€™s dance.โ€ He takes your arms and leaves it on his shoulders as he wraps his arms on your waist.
โ€œWe donโ€™t have music, you silly goofy boy.โ€ Spencer rolls his eyes at the endearment used, โ€œIโ€™ll sing.โ€ He hushes you down.
โ€œYou make my heart feel like it's summer when the rain is pouring down.โ€ Spencerโ€™s singing voice was soft and sweet in the edges. Most nights you lull him to sleep with your humming to keep the monsters at bay and some days, his better days, heโ€™s the one who sings and these were the days you treasure the most.
โ€œYou make my whole world feel so right when it's wrong, that's how I know you are the one... Thatโ€™s how I know you are the one.โ€ He sways you to the gentle buzz of his voice. You close your eyes as he sings the same song he sings to your ears on the dance floor for you first dance as a married couple.
โ€œWhen we are together, you make me feel like my mind is free and my dreams are reachable hmmm.โ€ Spencer hums as he runs his hands on your back. Your head on his chest and your ear listening to the way his heart is beating for you.
โ€œYou know I never ever believed in love, I believed one day that you would come along and free me.โ€ Spencer feels at ease as he sways and sings, knowing that heโ€™ll have you in his arms for the rest of his life.
The song ends but you and Spencer continue to sway to the music of silence.
โ€œCan you believe its been 4 years since our first date?โ€ Spencer asks, in disbelief of how fast time is running when heโ€™s with you. You pull away from his chest so you can face him. You find a small spark in Spencerโ€™s eyes as he thinks fondly of the night.
โ€œReally? 4 years since our first date got rained on and Penelope cried because we broke all her fairy lights?โ€ Spencer laughs before protesting, โ€œHey! I paid for that!โ€
"4 years later and I still can't get enough of that damn carbonara." Spence cackles, like an evil villain, "Don't tell Rossi that I stole his recipe for my beautiful partner."
"4 years later and I am still completely in love with you." Spencer smiles as he leans down to place a small kiss on your temple.
"4 years since I almost completely lost my mind because I was so nervous about our date." You roll your eyes, "Love, our first date was perfect. We've had this debate how many times now?"
"19 times." Spencer answers and you pinch his nose before looking around the room thatโ€™s still full of unopened boxes, โ€œSee. We should probably eat lunch and unpack. Why do we even have so many boxes of books?โ€
โ€œHoney, you were a librarian and you are a writer. I am a professor and FBI agent that can read 20,000 words per minute.โ€ Spencer answers as he looks around the unpacked house.
You smile fondly at him before standing on your tiptoes a bit to reach him and give him a kiss and he immediately steadies you with his hands. Kissing you was intoxicating and Spencer loves every bit of it. You only pull away when the kiss finally takes away your breathe.
โ€œI love you, Spence.โ€ You smile as you hold his face in your hands, โ€œI love you more, sweetheart.โ€ He smiles at you as you untangle yourself from him.
โ€œLetโ€™s eat your famous carbonara and unpack the rest of our house. It doesnโ€™t really feel like home when all we can see is boxes.โ€ You giggle before dragging him to the kitchen, making Spencer sit on the island as you prepare the pasta he cooked. Spencer watches you as you sing and dance through the kitchen in one of his old cardigans.
He doesnโ€™t say anything but you were wrong. Home is not four walls with unpacked boxes and hundreds of books.
Home was when you showed up bundled in a cardigan, wet from the rain for your first date with him and home is still you, four years later, bundled up in his old cardigans and singing songs that magically fills and heals the crevices of his heart.
the recipe i copied for the famous carbonara!
taglist (if you want to be added, please message me ๐Ÿฅฐ): @all-tings-diego @shemarmooresfedora @averyhotchner @samuel-de-champagne-problems @bingereid
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glowingbadger ยท 3 years
I've been having major thoughts of Dimitri and Seteth dealing with a brat. Like they're laid back, do what they want, tease, and break rules sometimes on PURPOSE to bother them. Nsfw or sfw or both just anything from you is fine bc it's always chefs kiss
Well now, those are two VERY different ways of taming a brat I'd say :3 ((also thank you ^^))
cw: sub-dom dynamics, brat taming, some degradation
Dimitri, Seteth x Brat!Reader (GN)
NSFW 18+
- Dimitri doesn't instinctively lean into power play, and if you begin to introduce him to it, he does enjoy it, but primarily as a softer Dom. As a result, getting bratty and teasing him for a while is just about the only way to see the harsher side of what he could be capable of in bed. In a way, that can be quite enticing in its own right; what self-respecting brat doesn't just adore pushing their lover until their restraint cracks and they show what they can really do?
- He can tolerate and even laugh off a good amount of bratty behavior- you're his beloved after all, and your more feisty nature is refreshing, and part of what drew him to you to begin with. To a great extent, it could be assumed that he even enjoys indulging your more willful behavior. That said, Dimitri is also well aware of a certain measure of appearances that must be kept to maintain public opinion of him as King, so every now and then, an infraction of yours here and there may need to be punished. Sliding your hand up his thigh during a banquet with visiting nobles, or pulling him aside just before a meeting to whisper a few lewd words to deliberately rile him up will both result in a loving yet firm scolding later.
- For such every-day naughty behaviors, you're likely to be gently reprimanded, yet with the slightest hint that perhaps Dimitri enjoys your teasing a bit more than he lets on. Usually, he prefers to make love by easing into you, allowing you to adjust to his size gradually, and in a position where he can face you and enjoy your beautiful expressions and luxurious moans. When you've been pushing at him a bit, however, he'll turn you onto your stomach and snap his hips aggressively against you, stuffing you full of his cock and stretching you out around him. Though even as he steadily pounds into you, he nuzzles the back of your neck and murmurs, "Darling, you know that I can't withstand that sort of teasing..."
- In general, Dimitri is far more likely to coax you into behaving with promises of time together that night. He catches you rolling your eyes when he tells you he'll be meeting with a particularly irritating and arrogant member of the nobility that night, and he laughs, brushing your cheek, then kissing your forehead and saying, "I know his kind tend to test your patience, my love- but if you can be good for me and behave during our talks, I promise I will spoil you as much as you like this evening. Anything at all that you ask of me."
- It takes a lot to really break Dimitri's restraint- he wants so dearly to be kind and soft towards you. While he never wishes to strike you, even at your worst behaved (need I remind us, the man is fully capable of breaking bones by accident and he would never forgive himself if he did anything eve close to that to you), he will instead use his near-inhuman strength to manhandle you on his bed into any position he wants to fuck you in for a full night of punishment. Dimitri has a good deal of stamina and takes a while to cum to begin with, so when you need to be well and truly put in your place, he'll fill you with his cock over and over until you're an over-fucked, incoherent mess beneath him.
- He's not very talkative when punishing you- in fact, the worse you've behaved, the more Dimitri relies on primal grunts and moans, rather than words. The most you're likely to hear from him is a low, rumbling, "I am not finished with you yet," as he lifts your leg against his body, spreading you for him as he fucks into you, with you merely laying limp on your side. That all said, once he's sated for the night, he'll carry your trembling body to a hot bath and massage away any lingering aches and pains. He dotes on you and praises you for taking your punishment so well, and after how hard and deep he fucked you and how sweet your darling lover always is to you, it's hard to not want to behave for him.
- We're basically on the opposite end of the Dom spectrum here; Seteth is ready and willing to punish you to the fullest extent for any number of misdemeanors. I've said before that he thrives in power play, and I stand by that (though I do see him as a switch over all). There's plenty that gets under his skin- risky behavior that could bring you to harm, flagrant disregard for Monastery rules or decorum, and of course, teasing him during work. While to others, he may just stiffen and clear his throat, you'll always catch the spark of warning in his eyes, telling you silently that you're toeing a dangerous line.
- Seteth is more than comfortable with experimenting with you until he discovers the full range of what you can handle (and not-so-secretly enjoy) in a punishment session. He'll learn exactly how hard he can spank you, how firmly you want his hand around your pretty neck, and how deep you can take his cock. His usual style of punishment is stern and uncompromising, but fair, and you may even catch him slipping into his "school disciplinarian" voice as he lectures you about your unacceptable behavior, spanking you across his lap while forcing you to keep count of each strike.
- One of his favorite ways to put you in your place- especially if you've been pestering him during his work day- is to force you to sit still with his cock nestled deep inside of you while he catches up on the paperwork your antics distracted him from earlier. He'll remind you that it's your own fault that he's too busy to spend time with you now, then slap your thigh or your ass if you dare to try moving even an inch. Then, if you're very, very good for him and stay perfectly still until he's done, he'll lift you and carry you to his bed.
- Boy can Seteth compose a lecture, even in the bedroom. When you've been especially bad, he'll tie your wrists behind your back and force you to your knees. Then, as he pushes his impressive length into your throat, he'll go on about how shameful your behavior has been, how you're "evidently no better than some common whore," and so on. If you're the type who likes verbal degradation, Seteth is almost unintentionally a master in the field. It may even get to the point that overhearing him reprimanding a student at the Monastery intensely arouses you, simply because of how your body naturally responds to that tone of voice.
- Okay hear me out. Calling Seteth 'sir' completely by accident while he pounds you against the bed for being especially badly behaved. And it just does something to him that he was not prepared for. He's gripping onto the headboard for leverage and slamming his full length into you so hard you lose your breath. Your eyes roll back, and he's scolding you, but you can hardly even make sense of his words anymore, so you just mumble out, "Ye- Yessir..!" and he groans, grabs your hips in both hands and says, "Again. Louder."
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This is something I've been asking myself, but can you tell me everything the brothers Carla and Shin did wrong throughout all the games in and out of their routes? I've been wondering about this recently, sorry if this is sudden to ask...
Hi anon, while I do know quite a lot of Carla and Shin's routes off the top of my head, I'm not quite as good with all of the other Dark Fate routes and there are still routes in CL I haven't played that I don't really want to spoil for myself if I can avoid it. In order to do what you're asking, I'd basically have to go through every single DF and CL route and double check their LE routes (which admittedly I know a little too well but I do generally like to double check things). To my memory Lunatic Parade doesn't contain them doing anything particularly bad aside from Shin picking on some of the guys but if you were to do a really thorough job it wouldn't hurt to check those too.
I'm afraid that is a monumental amount of work that I'm really not willing to commit to for the sake of a single ask, especially as what I qualify as bad enough to make the list might not necessarily be the same as you or someone else. If you genuinely want to know all of the things Carla and Shin have done, then honestly I would suggest you read their routes for yourself as all of the DF routes have been very kindly translated by @dialovers-translations (who has put an incredible amount of work into her blog over the years) and their LE routes have also been translated and you can find links to them on @vampirerosemary's incredibly useful masterlists.
Now if you're asking this because you're not particularly comfortable with dark content and want to know whether to avoid DF or not, I'm afraid I would honestly suggest just not engaging with any of the main games and instead focusing on the bonus drama CDs and Lunatic Parade which is much more fluffy. I know some will say you shouldn't ignore the darker aspects of the series but at the end of the day, it's just fiction and looking out for your own well-being matters more than berating yourself for not engaging with all of the content.
On the other hand, if you're asking this just to measure how "bad" Carla and Shin are compared to the other guys, I'll cut to the chase. Literally all of the diaboys are problematic in one way or another (and even Yui can be in some of the bad endings) so I honestly don't think trying to find a "least bad" is really all that meaningful, especially as you may consider certain actions to be far worse than someone else (for example I actually found Shuu's HDB route to be way more off-putting than Laito's, which as far as I can tell, is a very uncommon opinion).
I have said before that I think out of all of the boys, Azusa is the least malicious but even then he's hardly a saint.
However, I don't think there's any use in feeling guilty about fangirling over the diaboys even though they've all done bad things. I think if you're mature enough to properly engage with some of the themes that feature in DL, then you should be able to distinguish reality and fiction. As long as you understand that irl you should run for the hills from anyone who acts like the boys, there's nothing wrong with having fantasies with dark elements if that's what you enjoy.
Another thing I want to just say while I have the chance that I saw mentioned many years ago but seems to have been forgotten about is this idea of choice. So, in game, particularly the early games, Yui does not have a chance to consent to what the boys do to her, and if you look at it from that perspective, DL is pretty much entirely a horror story (it's one of the reasons why I don't particularly enjoy writing Yui x diaboy scenarios versus reader x diaboy material).
However, the thing you have to take into account is that you, either through listening to the CDs, or playing the games, or reading the translations are effectively giving your consent to keep the scenario going and see what happens. At any point, you have the ability to take out your headphones, or turn off your console or stop reading, make up some ending in your head and never think about the series again. At the end of the day, the person in charge isn't the boys, or Yui, or even Karl, it's you.
Now I know some people prefer to view the player as being completely passive (i.e. Yui is her own character and we're just helplessly watching her story), but the fact of the matter is that in the games, that straight up isn't true, our decisions control the ending. And like I said, if anything comes up that makes you uncomfortable, you can just stop playing, and I would recommend you do at that point, especially if you're not too clear on what your own limits are when it comes to consumption of dark material.
Anyway what I am trying to get at here? Basically, the reason why you can enjoy DL as a dark fantasy is because at any point, you can disengage from it. If you find yourself reading DL and just getting upset about bad things happening to Yui, it's not that those feelings aren't valid, but honestly you are far better off taking a step back, maybe writing her a happy ending yourself if you enjoy writing, and then leaving it be. Please do not read things that only upset you, life is too short to inflict misery on yourself.
Anyway I'm sorry this isn't what you asked for anon, but hopefully it has at least been some use to you.
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help-im-a-gay-fish ยท 3 years
The Night of the First Mistake
Sequel to
Synopsis: pre X-orcist, almost a year after Nightmare's death, Dream is still not on top of his grief and causes him to resort to desperate measures.
Tw mentions of death/dead loved ones.
X-orcist au belongs to me and @zu-is-here
Dreams, Demons and Desires is by me.
Almost a year had past since he'd last seen Nightmare. The skeleton couldn't say he had mourned him, but the news of his death had been unfortunate to say the least. Who could have seen someone like Nightmare dying in such a preventable way? Not him, that's for sure.
He was a friend... Or at least a friendly acquaintance, clearly he'd not been quite close enough to Night's inner circle to be invited to the funeral. He'd never even met Night's brother. Despite that, the news of his parting had deeply saddened him and every so often, he thought of him with a sigh.
A good customer and a good person.
This evening, Nightmare played at his thoughts again, probably drudged up by the anniversary of the accident approaching, he hadnโ€™t meant to make note of the day, but he had. a few weeks would be the anniversary of the day he heard the news.ย 
He thought back to a year ago, a few weeks before his death. The words heโ€™d said about his brother and the increasing frustration about his sinful thoughts. Killer didn't judge him for such feelings, he was no stranger to sin.
Other then that, there was nothing at all strange about this night.
Tonight, just like any night, he was in his shop and the counter. It was a cold October and pretty soon he'd be closing up.
It was dark and chilly in his shop and had a strangely pungent smell, which hit the moment you walked in. A mix of crushed herbs and spices, old books and stale coffee.
An old set of scales sat on the counter top in front of him, as did a till, several glass jars and containers and a large collection of dirty coffee mugs.
Behind him there was a large book case full of many strange books. Ones with faded titles, ones with thick leather bindings, some with large strains spreading across the covers or pieces missing. If you asked him, he'd liked to have said that he'd read all of them... But there were a few he hadn't. He wasn't much of a reader outside of this collection.
As he nursed yet another cup of coffee from the cafรฉ next door, he tapped his slender skeleton fingers on the counter top. He was bored.
With a glance at the clock, he decided today that he could close up early. It was his shop after all, he made the rules. A small collection of trinkets and charms hung around his neck and clinked together against his old coat, as he got to his feet.
Just as he prepared to take today's earnings from the till to count it, he heard the door and a jingle of the shop bell, indicating someone had entered.
He set an empty eye socket in their direction as they froze, looking nervous.
The person was new, but also something about them was strangely familiar. After scanning them for a moment, his face twisted into a sly smile upon realising who the new comer could be. He turned his face to them fully, staring his pitch eyes right through them. They tensed, which amused him slightly.
"well hello Little Light.... How may I help you"
Dream seemed taken back slightly by the pet name. It wasn't something he was used to. His hands fused with the fastening on his coat.
"uhh Hello.....Iโ€™m..... Uh.."
The shop keep chuckled again. Such nervous behaviour wasn't something he saw often from his customers. Looks like it was going to be an interesting night and to think, he was going to close up.
"nervous Lil light?"
Dream once again tensed and shuddered slightly.
"Please.... Don't call me that" he stammered slightly before taking a breath "My name is Dream"
The shop keepers grin got even wider and it made a chill run up Dream's spine. There was something extremely unnerving about this skeleton. Maybe it was the emptiness of his eyes or the strange carvings around them, but Dream was sure that it was more then that.
The atmosphere of the shop was very unsettling and kind of cramped in Dreamโ€™s opinion. There were many trinkets, stones, crystals and small animal bones stacked neatly on the shelves. It was this, along with bags of salt and bundles of sage and garlic, that reassured him he was in the right place for what he needed.ย 
"Dream huh?.... Thought so" he said in a low tone "I'm so glad to finally meet you"
The nervous shifting of his hands continued, as Dream once again tensed even further. He was acting friendly, but it still felt ever so slightly...off.
"h-how do you know me?"
"I knew your brother and I'd recognise that pendant I sold him anywhere" he said, with his eyes looking at Dream's chest.
Dreams fingers quickly shot to the star charm hanging from his neck, and gripped it tight. Looks like this was the right place.
"Not to mention there's your golden eyes" heย  continued, shifting his gaze straight into Dream's eye sockets. It was strange how Dream knew where he was looking, even without eye lights.
"he often talked about them......He was right when he said they were very beautiful if I do say so myself~"
Dreams face blushed slightly, but he felt a familiar twist in this chest at the mention of Nightmare and a sinking feeling when he was reminded how Night felt about him. His brother had often complimented his eyes.....
He'd just never really understood it was more then brotherly affection. At least until now.
"I.... Uh" Dream said before clearing his throat "You're Killer.... Aren't you?"
Flexing his fingers, Killer nodded. The grin didn't leave his face.
"looks like my reputation proceeds me"
Dream let go of his necklace and a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "I thought it might be you.... Based off something he wrote in his diary".
Before Night's accident, Dream had never even considered reading his diary. That was just a basic code of conduct. However, after his death, it became something Dream had often thought about. The diary, and everything else Nightmare owned, now belonged to him. For that reason he'd taken the book out of Nightmare's room.
However, he'd just kept it on his bedside table for almost a year before he finally had the courage to read it.
It had mostly been a fond look over some old memories, some good and some bad. But there were also passages about his feelings for Dream, sometimes written confessions addressed him. Every word was full of truth, longing and pain. Dream had felt it all.
Those had been hard to read, but he'd not skipped a single page and read them each through several times.
Nearer the end of the book, Nightmare had started talking about his interest in the supernatural. Dream remembered his twin getting fascinated in that and spending long evenings talking with him about it over tea and biscuits.
One thing Dream hadn't known about, where his trips to the next town over, where he wrote about finding this shop and the shop keep. This had been where the interest started. It was this that had lead Dream to come here.
"right..." Killer said, downing what was left in his coffee mug and setting in on the counter top.
"well.... What can I help you with?"
Yeah.. Nightmare had written that Killer was always one to cut to the point. Dream knew that what he was going to ask sounded insane and he wasn't even fully sure if Killer was the right person to ask. But at this point he was desperate, he just needed to know. With his grip returning to his brothers pendent, he remembered who he was doing this for.
He took a deep breath.
"Can you bring people back from the dead?"
Killer didn't react visibly to that. But he drew out a long silence. After a little Dream was sure he saw his jaw clench. The silence was completely deafening, broken only by the sound of Killer's fingers tapping the counter top. Dream figured that he was probably struggling to think what to say. After what felt like a life time, he spoke.
"I specialise in charms and equipment for preventative measures to stop spirits inhabiting homes....I do not....." he paused
"I don't try and bring the dead to the living realms".
Dreams face fell. He really shouldn't have been so disappointed, it was a crazy ask. But with the way Killer spoke and what he sold in the shop, he'd felt so close to what he wanted. But maybe it really was just impossible.
He felt tears threatening to spill, he just couldn't take all this guilt anymore. All he wanted to do was tell his brother he was sorry. That night. That kiss. That dam horribly wonderful kiss...and that car.ย 
"however...." Killer continued.
Dream felt hope flush through at those words and stood up slightly straighter. Killer turned his back to dream and started looking over the bookshelves behind the counter.
He didn't say a word, as Dream curiously watched him. He ran his thumb across the spines of several of the oldest and most dusty looking of them, eventually plucking out a large leather bound book with silver straps.
He walked back over, blowing dust off it as he did, and set it down on the counter with a light thud. The cover was extremely dusty and the leather was cracked and split in several places, yet the title still read fairly clearly and Dreams felt his heart skipped a beat.
The Practice of a Necromancer. Vol one of three. Summoning, Controlling and Banishing.
"I've not read this one fully, but it's been in my collection for years.... I suppose this would be the right place to look"
With that, he slowly opened the book and very carefully started to turn its pages. The paper was completely yellowed and clearly very fragile. There were no photographs, only hand done drawings of various items and also what looked like people, but with strange and uncanny faces. There were also other frightening images that Dream was trying not to look at.
Killer eventually stopped and ran his finger across a page.
"ah ha" he said "to summon a spirit into the living world"
He read over the text for a moment, as Dream watched impatiently. Killer knitted his non-existent eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.
"this stuff sounds overly complicated to me..... so I guess I'm not sure really"
But Dream didn't really seem to be playing much attention to Killer's words now. He was so desperately trying to read the text upside-down. Reading was something that Dream always struggled with anyway, so reading upside down would be near impossible. He reached forward to try and pull the book to him.
But he jumped back in surprise as Killer slapped his hand across the book, sending some dust into the air.
"now now now not so hasty Lil Light" he said returning back to a sweet tone, as he said the aย pet name that made Dream's toes curl.
In his haste Dream had forgotten that this was a shop, not a library, so of course he wouldn't just hand it over.
The smaller skeleton knew that the book was probably pricey so it's not like Killer would just let him have it. It was clearly very old and Dream worried that he wouldn't have enough for it, but if he had to pay all the money he had to buy it. He would.
Reaching inside of his pocket, Dream pulled out a bundle of paper money and placed it on the counter and next to the book. Killer looked at it for a moment, before he took it and counted how much money was in the bundle. He ran his fingers across the notes, looking as if he was very tempted and contemplating his next move.
But then, much to Dream's disappointment, he put it back down on the counter.
"I don't want your money dream... That's not what I meant"
An unhappy wine left Dream's mouth, as Killer proceeded to hand his money back to him. Just as he was about to ask why, Killer cut him off.
"it's not for sale"
"but what if I just borro-
"or for rent or loan"
Dreams soul twisted. This felt so Incredibly unfair. He wasn't ever one to really get angry or feel hatred for people. But why had Killer gotten this book down if he didn't intend to sell it? Was he just trying to mess with him?
It was that moment that he wasn't sure he really liked Killer all that much.
He sighed.
"h-how come? Can I do anything to change your mind?"
Killer sadly shook his head.
"Dream....... I like to read the stuff for research purposes not for a practical use"
Dream opened his mouth to object, but killer silenced him.
"and I don't care what you say... but I don't think you're just interested in the topic"
Dream tried very hard not to show disappointment on his face, but of course Killer picked up on it. It upset him that his intentions were so easy to guess. Then again he'd opened with 'can you bring people back from the dead'.
He really should have asked in a different way. Feeling like an idiot, he tried to say that he wasn't intending to use the book in practice. But Killer once again shook his head.
He stood up slightly and gave Dream a sympathetic look, or a sympathetic as he could make it through his cold eyes.
"look....I know you miss him and that's ok I've lost people myself to" he said in a uncharacteristically gentle tone, which sounded fake.ย 
Dream looked at his feet.
"but the dead need to be left dead. Trying to bring them back never ends well, Nightmare wouldn't want you to get hurt trying to help him"
Dreams eyes stayed fixed on the floor, not wanting to look at killer any longer. He didn't want him to see him cry. He didn't want to look like a baby. Just as he was going to try arguing again, behind him he heard the shop door open and the bell ring
He looked back at Killer seeing he'd straightened up.
"K-killer...." came a soft but slightly panicked voice.
Curiously, Dream looked over his shoulder at the source of the voice. It was another skeleton stood by the door.
In all his life, Dream had never seen someone look to tired. They seem to be slightly younger then Dreams age but it was hard to tell how much. Their appearance was clearly young, but the huge bags under their eyes aged their face several years. The most notable thing about them was that their eye lights where small, indicating that they were on edge.
They were wearing a oversized cream knitted sweater and had a maroon scarf decorated with a paw print pattern tide around their neck. They fiddled with it as their eyes a looked at Killer and then to Dream.
From where he was, Dream could also see them wearing several of the necklaces and charms that Killer a sold, as well as a few layers of bandages around their arms.
Killer hastily exited from behind the counter and approached them.
"Hey Cappuccino......." he said, trying again to sound soft.
Ccino wasted no time in burying his head to Killers chest and wrapping his arms around him.
In response, Killer stumbled slightly and looked momentarily taken back and very uncomfortable. After a moment he sigh, before gently placing an hand on his back.
"hey.....it's ok ya wimp... I'm guessing they're back right?"
Ccino simply nodded, Killer sighed.
"Dream can you show yourself out? I've got to take care of this, we're closing anyway. I'm sorry I couldn't help you better"
As Killer attempted to comfort the shaking skeleton, Dream turned his attention back to the book in front of him. It was just within his reach, the page was tantalising.
It was so clear, a set instructions of the exact thing he'd need to do to reach his goal.ย 
Killer's warning played in his mind.ย 
But he knew what he was doing right? It was his brother, what did Killer really know about what Nightmare would have wanted. He didn't know how.... Close... They were. At least he thought he knew.
It was a split second choice.
As Killer continued to try and comfort his companion, he saw Dream hastily exit the shop without saying another word. He stared at the door.
It didn't feel right.ย 
He narrowed his eyes and stepped back from Ccino slightly.
"hang on"
He walked back to the counter and was relieved to see that the book was still there, however a moment later he noticed something else that make him freeze and curse under his breath.
"what's wrong?" Ccino asked, walking up next to him.
Killer didn't answer and instead picked up his book and looked at it closely to confirm what he saw. When he saw he was right, he near growled.
"Killer?" Ccino asked not seeing the problem.
"look....."Killer said quietly.
He ran his finger down the spine where the pages joined together. Once you looked closely you could see the remnants of torn paper sticking out.
"he took the page"
Tumblr media
references coming soon.
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mysticpetals ยท 4 years
Farewell, sunshine
๐™‹๐™–๐™ž๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ: Jake ร— f!mc (Syianne)
๐™‚๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ง๐™š: angst, a sprinkle of fluff
๐™’๐™ค๐™ง๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™ฉ: 4.9k (oof)
๐™Ž๐™ช๐™ข๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ฎ: All Jake ever wanted was to find his sister and protect the person who had helped him more than anyone. Only, he slowly began to realise that bringing Syianne into this had caused more harm than good.
๐™’๐™–๐™ง๐™ฃ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™จ: mentions of blood, physical attack, violence, hospitals, medical coma, panic attack.
๐™‹๐™ง๐™ค๐™ข๐™ฅ๐™ฉ๐™จ: Anonymous asked: 5. โ€œWake up! Please wake up.โ€ MC and Jake finally get to meet for the first time, but everything is heavily dipped in angst. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Also I adore your writing and keep up the good work!
Anonymous asked: Can you give us the most angsty jealous filled over protective short with Jake x MC i want all the ANGST to be seeping out of my screen
@mnrangera asked: Here's a nice angsty scenario for you: MC is in Duskwood continuing their investigation but is caught out in town after dark. They are on the phone with Jake when they are attacked by the Man Without a Face like Jessie was.
๐™‰๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š๐™จ: I know this has been LOOOOONG overdue and I apologise for the wait. Thank you to all my followers for being patient, especially those who sent the requests in. I hope the long wait is worth it and you enjoy it. Also, please read the warnings before proceeding, I don't want any of you to be triggered by something I wrote. There may be inaccuracies in how I progressed medical conditions and general working of the hospitals so I apologise for that. Please do not repost or translate this fic anywhere else!! I'm literally begging you, please don't ruin my hard work like this. I would love if I could get some sort of feedback, whether it be reblogs or comments or just anon asks. I've tried to improve my writing and I hope it shows a little in this. This is my Christmas and New Year present all wrapped in one! I hope you all have a great 2021 <3
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It was a cold, winter evening with the sky painted in a plethora of warm colors and Jake felt like finally things were going his way.
He, along with Syianne, had been working tirelessly for the past few weeks to find out what happened to Hannah. They had faced a lot of challenges along the way, with cryptic diary entries and threats directed towards them and their loved ones, but still, they'd prevailed and spent every ounce of free time, getting more information about Hannah's perpetrator.
They finally had the facts about what happened the day she was kidnapped and only the identity of the criminal was hidden. Syianne had suggested that she should go to Duskwood to try and find the last puzzle piece, to which Jake had been a little apprehensive. She argued that the rest of the group had already been through enough, with getting stalked and receiving threats and insisted that she should be the one to carry out her search in secret.
She never once asked for him to come along because she knew how dangerous it would be for him and she didn't want him to get caught. Jake was instantly warmed by the thought that someone cared so much about him, to think of his well being first.
So that night, as she called him to update him on her findings and plan after she went to Duskwood, he found himself speaking his thoughts impulsively.
"What if I came too?"
There was silence on the other end and Jake thought he might have overstepped or made it weird but she answered before he could stammer an apology.
"I'd like that. But only if you're comfortable and safe."
She told him to ruminate on it for a while and bid him goodnight. Jake thought about whether it was a logical thing to do. If Syianne planned to go undercover, he couldn't very well let her go into the lion's den alone. So he made up his mind and texted Syianne to let her know.
Jake [10:46 pm]
I'll come to Duskwood too.
Is it okay if we don't meet straight away?
I...I don't think I'm ready yet.
Syianne [10:47 pm]
I was lowkey hoping you'd say that ahaha
And of course! Take as much time as you need :)
That night, he slept with a smile on his face, excitement churning in his stomach.
โŠฑโ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹…โŠฐ
Syianne was looking forward to her trip to Duskwood.
She knew it was a potentially dangerous situation and she was only going there to investigate but knowing that Jake might be there too, sent a spark of thrill through her body. They had been speaking non-stop for the past few weeks and she really liked talking to him. His answers to questions about him or his life were adorably confusing and Syianne realized that she really wanted to get to know him, be his friend or possibly something more, if their flirty banter was anything to go by.
Her bag contained all the essentials she could need, along with a sketchbook and pencils to use in case of boredom. She couldn't leave Matrix with any of her friends as they were either busy or allergic to cats so her only option was to take her along.
She had never booked a flight so fast. Knowing she would have to take a car from the airport to the rest of the way to Duskwood did nothing to damper her excitement. She couldn't wait to meet everyone once they found Hannah, some more so than the others.
The trip was nothing eventful, just a lot of travelling and it made Syianne a little tired but the idea of meeting her friends and finally putting a stop to all this madness, made her keep going. She wouldn't admit it if you asked her but she was looking forward to possibly seeing Jake as well. She knew he might not be comfortable enough to meet her yet and she completely respected that, but the thought still lingered.
She checked in to the only hotel Duskwood had, not meeting the receptionist's - Lilly's - eyes and was eternally grateful that she had only leaked her number and not her photo in that video. It would have been much more difficult to move about Duskwood, if that were the case.
The room they had was pretty basic, but not too bad for a few nights. Matrix prowled around the room, getting herself comfortable in the new environment while Syianne slowly unpacked the few clothes and necessities she brought.
In the corner of her mind, there was the thought that Jake might be staying at this hotel too and that sent a shiver of excitement down her spine. But she was a woman of her word and would wait until Jake was ready and would not try to look for him.
She had a mission here and she wanted to be damn sure that that's what she would be focusing on and save Hannah.
โŠฑโ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹…โŠฐ
Jake was supposed to be in Duskwood about two nights ago.
He had encountered some issues with removing his tracks from the internet, as well as trying to find a safe way to drive to Duskwood without exposing himself. Working as a hacker did have some benefits and finally he managed to find a guy who made him three fake number plates that he would interchange every once in a while, so his whereabouts couldn't be traced.
He had let Syianne know of the unexpected delay but to his surprise, she was enjoying herself in Duskwood. She had told him that Jessy gave her a virtual tour of the town once and she was excited to explore all those places in person. She talked to him at night, describing the beauty of the small town and Jake felt himself growing wistful, wondering what they could do together if he had been there. But then again, hadn't he said that he wouldn't show himself right now? He was cautious - just as he had been all his life - but something about Syianne just made him want to let his guard down, to just be selfish for once.
He had no time to think further on it because finally, all the preparations and precautionary measures were done and he could drive to Duskwood. He couldn't leave Glitch at home because he had attachment issues and couldn't go without Jake for a long period of time. So he ushered him into his carrier and told him he could claw all the wood he wanted when they reached their destination and Glitch meowed in agreement. He had always been a smart cat, after all.
Changing the number plates every hour was exhausting, especially when he didn't do much manual work but he endured it, if it meant he was one step closer to finding his sister.
When he finally reached Duskwood, he was in awe of how normal it looked, how silent; how someone who didn't know that a girl had been kidnapped would think of this place as the perfect getaway. But he knew better, didn't he? This town held dark secrets, secrets that people weren't willing to acknowledge and he was going to expose them for what they were, no matter what it took.
Signing into the Duskwood hotel was as awkward as he imagined it to be, his half sister having no idea who he was and looking at his dark, baggy clothes suspiciously. He wasn't blaming her, he would have probably done the same if a strange man came out of nowhere to stay in Duskwood of all places. Lilly gave him a tight smile as he picked up his bag and key and made way to his room.
Syianne had texted him earlier that day that she would be checking out the lake in the evening, where Jessy was attacked. Jake was against it from the start but he should have known how stubborn she could be and eventually, he had to agree but only on the condition that she stays on video call with him the whole time. Syianne was evidently bewildered by his request, judging by the way she kept writing and erasing her reply but after a while, she managed to ask if he would be comfortable with that. Jake's heart warmed at her considerate words, never really having anyone who would care about his emotions, he was always surprised when Syianne said something like that. He replied that he would just turn off his camera or point it at the lamp or something but he had to be sure about her safety.
And that's why, he was sitting with his phone in front of him in the evening, camera turned off as he watched her fondly, pointing out the strange birds she saw.
"Ah, I wish you were here! The lake is so pretty this time and the light from sunset is reflecting off the water and it makes an amazing view," she said, voice breathy with the exertion of walking for a while and a tone of awe towards the scene in front of her.
"That's sufficient sightseeing, don't you think?" Her voice suddenly took a serious note and Jake straightened up in his chair. He was afraid but couldn't say anything. He had already agreed to let her go with a condition and he feared if he asked her to not investigate, she would probably end the call and keep looking for clues by herself. At least on the phone, he could look at her surroundings and made sure no one sneaked up on her.
"If you say so," he said half-heartedly, glancing at the surroundings behind her as she narrowed her eyes at his dismissive tone.
The next twenty minutes were spent with Syianne looking around the lake and Jake looking over her shoulder virtually. She had scouted the edge and went a little deeper into the forest, looking for a car, a boat, a mask - anything, really - but the search had proved to be futile so far. Everything was as peaceful as ever, no signs of any disturbance and it made Jake a little antsy. Nothing was ever this perfect.
"Well, since we can't find anything here, I think you should come back. It's getting late," Jake said, looking at the already darkened sky. It was an ominous red color and Jake was getting more and more worried as people left the lakeside.
Syianne frowned but didn't argue and that made him sigh in relief.
"Yeah, you're right. No use trying to find something that isn't there," she said and started walking again.
"Wait, you walked here? Didn't you bring your car?" Jake asked and she shook her head.
"Nope, I wanted to enjoy Duskwood and being in a car wouldn't have helped," she smiled at the camera and Jake let out an almost inaudible sigh. Why couldn't she care about her safety a little more? She was going to give him grey hair before he reached his thirties, that was for sure.
As he began to reply to her, he caught movement from the left side of the screen and instantly grabbed his phone, expanding the background.
There was a silhouette of a hand.
"Syianne, run!" He shouted, as the figure's arm came into view and she looked back in surprise before starting to sprint, the camera shaking from her movements.
Jake scrambled to get his car keys, not bothering with what he was wearing and ran towards the hotel parking, getting into his car and connecting the GPS to his phone, all the while listening to Syianne's panting breaths as she ran away from the man without a face.
Getting her location was no problem for him and he just hoped he would arrive there on time.
"Jake, I'm scared. I'm hiding behind a big building and I think he went on ahead," she whispered, voice shaky and trembling and Jake's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he glanced over at his phone to watch her looking around herself in a panic.
Five more minutes and he would reach her location. Jake had never been more thankful that Duskwood was a small town and the hotel wasn't so far away from the lake.
"I'm coming, Syianne. Just a little while more and we'll go back together."
"Okay, I think I'm safe for now," she said. There was a sound of slow careful footsteps as Syianne came out from behind the building.
The abrupt sound of a gasp almost made him lose control of the steering wheel and he increased his speed as he heard what sounded like a scuffle. Syianne had probably dropped her phone because it only showed the dark sky and sounds of her struggling against her attacker.
"No! Letโ€“"
Jake let out a harsh breath, jaw tightening as he heard Syianne's scream. He drove straight for a bit and turned the next corner and saw the man trying once again to restrain her. His eyes saw red and he honked and honked like it was nobody's business, speeding towards them.
The man without a face seemed to have realised that someone was coming to help as he pushed Syianne roughly into the wall and ran away towards the forest. As much as Jake wanted to go after him, Syianne was his first priority and he quickly got out of the car, dashing towards her crumpled form, lying on the ground.
He fumbled with his phone, calling the local police and asking for an ambulance, his body shaking all the while, as he knelt down next to Syianne.
He felt tears welling in her eyes as he looked at her battered form and realised that she was bleeding.
"Syianne?" He spoke in a scared voice.
"Syianne!" He said more forcefully, repeatedly patting her face in hope she'll look at him but her eyes were still glassy and unfocused as if she couldn't comprehend anything.
"I'm...so sorry. Iโ€ฆ" her voice trailed off as she struggled to breathe and Jake cried, seeing her in so much pain, when he couldn't do anything except wait for the ambulance to arrive.
After a moment, Syianne's eyes fluttered closed and Jake's panic rose to new heights.
"No, no, no! Wake up! Please wake up!" He shouted and begged but she didn't respond to his calls.
His hand was soaked in her blood from where he was applying pressure on the wound at her side. The blood hadn't stopped flowing and Jake was worried that she was losing too much, too soon.
"What do I do? What do I do?" He muttered to himself, adrenaline coursing through his veins, with only one thought in his head โ€“ to save her.
He heard sirens in the distance and was relieved to know that help was coming. He pushed up the fallen hood of his jacket up on his head and looked at Syianne for any signs of consciousness. Her breaths were shallow and eyes still closed.
Soon enough, paramedics rushed to the scene and immediately started tending to Syianne's wounds. Jake felt as if he was just a spectator, not being able to do anything but watch. Someone came up to him and started asking him questions, about how he found her, who he was to her and if he knew anything about the attack. He answered all the questions as carefully as he could, giving a fake name, because he still wasn't sure if the police department was in league with the kidnapper or not.
As soon as he was done with the questioning, a paramedic approached him, letting him know that they were taking Syianne to the hospital and he would have to come there for a bit of paperwork. Jake hesitated and said he'd drive there in his own car and the paramedic nodded in response and left.
He got in his car and put his head in his hands, shaking at the unfortunate turn of events. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Syianne was just going to check out the lake and then surprise her friends the next day by telling them she'd be here for a few days and enjoy Duskwood together.
Jake was even thinking of meeting her in person and telling her that she had changed his life for the better. But his cowardice, his meticulous nature to not let anyone know who he was or where he was might have cost Syianne her life tonight. Even thinking about it had tears pooling in his eyes and he took a deep breath to bite back the sobs that were threatening to break once again.
He felt guilty, so so guilty and couldn't bring himself to start the car. He was pretty sure that if โ€“ no when โ€“ Syianne woke up, she would want nothing to do with the man who put her life in danger. With that thought rooted in his mind, he opened his phone and with trembling hands, sent Jessy a text about Syianne's accident. He received a reply almost immediately.
Jessy [8:46 pm]
How did she come here?
You know what? If she's not okay, I'm going to hunt you down and make you pay.
Jake had no trouble believing she was telling the truth. All he wanted to do was help and now everything was falling apart. Taking a deep but shaky breath, he started the car but instead of going to the hospital, he turned towards the hotel.
โŠฑโ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹…โŠฐ
Jessy had no trouble believing that the hacker was telling the truth. His texts were frantic and he practically begged her to go to the hospital to see Syianne. She had no idea how she got here, but hearing that she got attacked, just like she was, was enough to make her worry and drive to the hospital, after letting Cleo know. She figured that the rest of them deserved to know too.
She rushed to the front desk, breathless and worried, and one of the nurses told Jessy that the doctors were with Syianne and she'd have to wait until they were done to know how she was.
After some time of relentless pacing, Cleo arrived and Jessy filled her in on everything that the hacker told her, which wasn't much, but it gave them a good idea of what had happened. Cleo said that she hadn't told anyone else yet and that they should do so as soon as the doctors had an update on Syianne's condition.
About an hour later, a nurse came upto Jessy and Cleo, asking if they knew Syianne and upon their confirmation, led them to the room she was kept in. They weren't allowed to enter yet as the doctors were still in the room, but Jessy gasped when she saw Syianne's scratched up face, with bandages covering her head.
"Oh my gosh." Cleo breathed and Jessy felt a rush of sorrow as she averted her eyes.
The doctors after completing their examination, told them that Syianne was stabbed in the side but luckily it didn't puncture anything important and they closed up the wound to allow it to heal. What was more concerning, was the fact that she was hit on the back of her head.
"She most likely suffered from a concussion, in which case, it is of the utmost importance that the patient doesn't fall asleep," the doctor said and Jessy and Cleo looked at each other uneasily.
"But Syianne fell asleepโ€ฆ" Jessy began and the doctor gave her an apologetic smile.
"That's right. She was unconscious when she was brought here. The superficial wounds are taken care of, we just don't know when she'll wake up."
Both of them were too stunned to say anything and a call for the doctor from one of the nurses broke them out of their stupor.
"So, she's in a coma?" Cleo asked.
The doctor hesitated before answering.
"Essentially, yes. But we can't know for sure without further observation. If the injury isn't severe she'll wake up soon, we just have to monitor her constantly and look for any changes." He then walked off when his pager went off, most likely to see another patient.
"Don't worry, Jessy. She'll wake up soon," Cleo said, placing a hand on her shoulder, as they looked into Syianne's room, seeing her sleeping peacefully, as if nothing was wrong and she was just taking a nap.
โŠฑโ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹…โŠฐ
As soon as she got home from the hospital, Jessy sent out a row of furious texts to the hacker, clouded by her anger and hopelessness. In her head, it was all his fault that Syianne was twittering between life and death. He was the one who asked her to come to Duskwood without letting any of them know, which caused her to be in such a terrible condition.
Everything was crumbling.
They were a tight knit group, always there for each other but when did it turn into a nightmare, Jessy didn't know. Emotion overtook her and she suddenly collapsed against the wall, keeping a hand on her mouth to muffle her sobs, and cried.
She cried for Hannah, who she had no idea whether she was alive or not. She cried for Syianne, who had become such a great friend to her. Most importantly, she cried for her relationship with everyone, that was slowly but surely, withering away.
โŠฑโ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹…โŠฐ
Jake had been pacing in his hotel room ever since getting back, waiting on a word from Jessy. Glitch watched him with big eyes, as he stubbed his on the bedside and cursed. Sighing in defeat, Jake realised that it won't do any good to worry himself to death, but that didn't mean that his mind didn't drift off to the earlier scene.
Syianne lying on the ground. Blood pooled around her.
He shook his head in frustration, trying to get that image out of his head but to no success. Glitch, sensing that something was wrong, strolled towards him, rubbing and purring against his legs. Jake softened at seeing his efforts to calm him and he picked Glitch up, moving to lay down on the bed. He petted him, smiling at the way the cat burrowed himself further against Jake, curling his tail around his wrist.
After a few peaceful moments of cuddling, Jake's phone lit up with a text, which had him scrambling to grab it from the bedside. Glitch meowed in protest but Jake was too wound up to notice.
Jessy [10:25 pm]
She's in a coma
They don't know when she'll wake up
Jake felt all breath leave him as he read Jessy's text. He didn't know what to think, what to do, what he could do. Jessy didn't give him a chance to respond.
Jessy [10:26 pm]
Don't contact any of us ever again
I don't want to find Hannah this wayโ€ฆwhich leads to everyone else getting hurt
Please leave Syianne out of this
Saying her mind, Jessy went offline again. Jake took a shaky breath, trying to ground himself. Syianne might never make up.
No, he told himself.
He couldn't think like that. He knew she'd wake up, it might take a little time but she will. Because if she didn't, Jake wouldn't be able to live with himself.
He got another text from Lilly, saying she was sorry that it happened but he couldn't bring himself to write back. His mind was empty, body numb to everything around him and he was cursing himself for being so careless.
If he hadn't been so selfish, if only he didn't put all of this on her, if he had just reached on time, if, if, if.
That's all he thought of, as tears continuously trailed down his cheeks, an arm covering his eyes, the only thing on his mind being Syianne, just as it had been ever since he started talking to her.
โŠฑโ‹… โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹…โŠฐ
The next day, Jake found himself holding a large flower bouquet and walking to Duskwood hospital's reception. He was trembling, scared out of his mind but he just had to see Syianne. So, he had braved his anxiety and was now standing in front of the receptionist, who looked at the abnormally large bouquet in his hands and raised an eyebrow. He cleared his throat.
"I'm here to see Syianne King, she was admitted here yesterday."
The receptionist's gaze sharpened as she looked him over and he partially hid behind the flowers.
"Only family members are allowed to visit," she spoke slowly and Jake bit his lip in frustration.
"I'm her fiance," he said and before the surprised receptionist could say anything, he continued, "I drove here as soon as I got the call but they wouldn't tell me what happened. Only that Syianne had been in an accident and I needed to get here as soon as I could and Iโ€”" he cut himself off, shuffling nervously and wiping away the tears that had managed to escape from his eyes.
The receptionist softened, seeing his genuine sorrow and care for his fiance and warmed her voice.
"Of course, I'm sorry for what happened. She's in room 309, third floor. The elevator is down the hall," she pointed and Jake thanked her profusely before walking ahead.
Him being Syianne's fiance might have been fake but everything he had felt was the truth and he felt overwhelmed now that he was here. Should he see her? Did he even deserve to see her after he put her in danger? Thoughts like this plagued his mind all the way to Syianne's room and they only stopped when he saw '309' written in bold letters on a grey coloured door.
His breath stuttered in his chest. He was second guessing his presence in the hospital, thinking whether he shouldn't have come. He stood in front of the door for about ten minutes, contemplating but when the nurses started giving him suspicious looks, he swallowed thickly and with shaky hands, opened the door.
Nothing could have prepared him for the utter despair and helplessness he felt, as he saw Syianne's motionless form on the bed, breathing as if she was just sleeping and would wake up any minute. But he knew that wasn't the truth.
She was here and it was his fault.
For the longest time, he just sat on a chair beside her bed and just looked at her. His eyes traced every injury, every bruise that was visible and he felt sick, blaming himself for letting it happen. She was still sleeping and suddenly, it just got too much.
There was too much light, too much beeping, the walls were too white, the flowers in his hands digging into his skin and he got up hastily, dropping the bouquet and backed into the furthest corner of the room.
His breath was coming in short bursts, it hurt to breath, to think, to stay uprightโ€”!
His legs gave from under him and he slid down, back against the wall, shaking hands coming up to wipe the wetness on his face.
He didn't even realise he had been crying.
His vision was a blur of dark shapes and in a distinct corner of his head that was still sane, he thought of what Syianne would have done had she been awake. He was sure she would kneel down in front of him and take his hands, running her thumbs against the back of his hands to calm him.
'Breathe slowly, Jake. Deep breaths with me, come on,' he heard her in his head and tried to slow down, breathing harshly at first but after a few minutes, his vision cleared and his breathing stabled to an acceptable rate.
His whole body shook with the sheer suddenness of the panic attack and he slowly tried to get up, holding onto the wall as a support as his gaze, once again, landed on the bed and it's occupant.
All at once, his head cleared and he knew what to do.
Snatching a sheet of paper from the notepad lying near her chart, Jake penned his thoughts, all his anguish, and his apologies on it. Not once did his hand shake as he wrote the note and not once did his mind waver from the decision he had made. At last, when he had said everything he wanted to, he put the pen down and glanced at Syianne's peaceful face.
His throat closed up but he swallowed once to make sure he didn't cry. No, Jake had no time for tears. It was his fault that this happened in the first place, so it was his responsibility that he would make it right.
He didn't know when she would wake but whenever it might be, Jake had everything he wanted to say, already written for her.
He bent down towards her and placed the softest of kisses against her forehead, knowing that it would be the only time he would ever get to do it.
She did not open her eyes and Jake stepped back with a miniscule tilt of his lips.
Yes, he would make everything right.
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loudestcloud ยท 3 years
Time for Luffy's fashion exam! Now, I'll be honest, I did skip an outfit because I decided I will be ending this whole thing with the Strawhat fashion show in Episode of Luffy. Also, sorry for the posting gap, I remembered I have other unfinished post sets. That being said, this is a very long one so let's do this!
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Kid Luffy, Post-Enies Lobby & Fish-Man Island: I think it's super cute when Luffy has white t shirts with red based logos because it reminds me of the first picture. Makes him look baby plus, they can always be found in cute domestic EPs or fun, cute flashbacks. The shorts change over time and that's also kinda cute, a range of cuffs is a nice change up. It's nice to see the red contrast the blue shorts and the white is a nice color on him cos it contrast his hair!
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Romance Dawn, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Sabaody Archipelago, Amazon Lily, Marineford & last Dressrosa outfit: This look is the pre Luffy look. It's the pre Timeskip look everyone thinks of is cuffed shorts, Kimono sandels and sleeveless vest (and Strawhat, obviously) but have you ever seen them all in a line? It's mad. Each outfit is the same basic look bit more are more spicy each time! I like the Thriller Bark and Sabaody Archipelago looks a little bit more cos it's nice to see that jacket open and it feels like he was trying something new. I also feel that the buttons on the jacket look like the ones on Shanks' pegged ankle sailor pants when we first see him so that's cool. (it took me hours to find the name for his trousers, oh my fucking god) The last Dressrosa outfit feels like a nice callback to the rest of the line up here without being too much cos it's just a red vest top instead and I do find it funny it's like the Enies Lobby and it's used in Dressrosa because of the jokes people make about Robin and Law being so similar.
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Timeskip: This is it lads, it's the one true icon itself, the post look! โ˜บ๏ธ When I sit back and look at it I see all the people this look is influenced by and want to cry at how masterful it really is. (Now, I do wanna say that I didn't come up with this nor am I the first to say it and I am definitely probably looking too much into this but) The yellow belt is taken from Shanks' red belt the first time we see him and the Shanks look Luffy is more familiar with. Now onto the jacket. I know it won't stand out as to why for most but it's Ace inspired! When Ace leave to become a pirate, the start of his adventure, he has his jacket open and Luffy having his jacket open also shows his scar from the ending of Ace's adventure. I also really appreciate how no one hides scars in this anime. Also, someone said that the style of the jacket and it's fancy frills could be in reference to Sabo's little jabot collar and honestly I do see it. it's quite subtle unlike Shanks' but not as hard to catch as Ace's so I enjoy thinking that it's there too. Lastly, he still has his cuffed shorts and kimono sandels because it's still Luffy's outfit at the end of the day and he is still who is is, just with a stronger appreciation of what people have done for him now. It's also his colour pallette for the pure fact he is the main character n needs his pallet. also sometimes he just has normal wooden sandels but the same outfit sometimes, it's a small detil a lot of people overlook but I prefer the sound of his Kimono sandels ๐Ÿ˜Š
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Dressrosa: I love this outfit cos it's stilly but also has very nice vibes. Looks ready for the beach but is really throwing hands and that's the best kind of outfit, it's a nice expectation subversion tbh. I also like how he tried to hide the Straw hat but not... All of it? And I love how the crew didn't actually question it either. It would have been super easy for one of them to just tell him to leave it behind or something but I do really love how respectful they always are of the hat. I myself have a hat that's super important to me and when I loose it I go mad.
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Whole Cake Island: I love this arc for outfits! I swear if the actual content of it doesn't kill me, the act looks will ๐Ÿ˜ญ it's all so magical and it knows it is! Like I said before, white is a good color on him as he has black hair but for the same reason, so is black! In this arcs outfit range, the Staw hat seems almost invisible and his outfit gets less and less 'Luffy' as the arc gose on showing this is not about him. He's not the focus of this arc and you can see that in a lot of the outfits thb. I also like the lack of blue and yellow, 2/3 of his colors as Sanji is often associated with those too as we've talked about before. Also, I like the little red strips on the white jacket with the gold buttons, idk why and I think it's nice that the last 2 outfits are so simple in general, it's a nice look for him. oh, what's that? A Pink jabot? Your killing me Lu, straight up killing me here lil' bro! Side note, is this the first time in canon Luffy has worn a suit jacket or is it the only time I've noticed? Cos DAMM!! Shits sick as fuck and I actually love that when wearing a suit jacket as such he always keep short on ๐Ÿ˜†
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Spa Island, Z's Ambition & Strong World: WHOS READY FOR A RELAXING SUNNY DAAAYY!? (pun not intended but very much enjoyed) I actually adore the fact Luffy still tries to go swimming cos it was his favourite thing to do as a kid so like fuck Luffy is gonna give up on that. He's got his safety measures ready, what more do you want from him? I mean I personally want him not to swim with his hat on cos it's litrally Staw and that's not good for water but anyway Z's Ambition, am I right!? The top is so fucking cute and I just noticed those shorts are also โœจdesignerโœจ fancy man!! Now, the pic of Zoro is the one I missed out before and it's also from Z's Ambition. I love that Luffy has the shark top but Zoro has the ocean shorts. I really love Zoro in this purple cos and thick white stripes really work with the ocean waves. It's really well put together and hes got dark brown sandels on to off set all the white but keep the purple from being a stand out color, it's cool! Than the last Luffy looks like he's at a fashion show. It looks like the shorts come from a kids set the shark top belongs to. Imagine those together, it'd be so cute. However, it isn't an ocean patten, those are clouds cos Nami has a bikini top with the same pattern in Skypiea and it's actually one of my favourites for her.
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Boss Luffy Historical Special! This filler AU is so much fun, I think any it a lot. He has his hair up in that super cute and useless way that doesn't actually do much but I do have my hair like that a lot n it's just... nice? Idk, it's strange buy I like he did that. I really enjoy his Kimono more that the actual Wano one cos it's a lot more simple look. The Sai being tucked in in that way is also cool but kinda makes it look like it's stabbing him a bit ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๏ธ. I like the pin strips being like a faded purpleish cos if you just glance at it, it makes it look it fuzzy. The belt also looks very nice with the middle ligter bit. It really feels like the Wano one was inspired by this is a way cos of the color matches. Like, it's probably not but still.
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3D2Y, Adventure of Nebulandia ๐Ÿ˜ & Heart of Gold: Hat-less Luffy is both a sin and a blessing. Regardless, I LOVE OP BOYS IN HOODIES!! I had to show you this specific the 3D2Y because we don't see the hood and it's soooo cute cos it a paw ๐Ÿ˜ but also ๐Ÿ˜ฌ cos it's like... Kuma's paw the thing that cause 3D2Y in the first place. But that's also why it's so cool at the same time and AHHHHHH ๐Ÿ˜„ Now! On to Nebulandia! I really like this movie but also in canon, how does he have that jumper? Who made it for him and can I have one? It's Usopp flag design so I guess it could be him but he doesn't seem the type. Point is I want one. Last of this set is some really cosy outfits!! "How much fur?" "Yes" am I right? Like the first one is sooooo cosy with all the fur! Plus, a funky new bamboo hat, always a good thing to have a new hat. I appreciate that you can see the zips on these too. Then the orange turtle neck one with little fluffy bits is just here cos it's so out of his usual looks, I had to at least mention it.
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Strong world & Film Z: The shorts on the first one are really cute cos it's a light rosey pink with red fur and just a plain solid dark blue colour jacket works really well. Not to mention the fact he has a super cute orange and yellow flight helmet hat with goggles on under the Staw hat. The 2 bag straps also make an X which is a nice detail. The 2nd outfits in this movie are super fuckin cool ngl. It's so strange to see them all dress in black and have guns but I like the red shirt for him with the yellow highlighted parts. Makes the Straw hat actually work with the outfit instead of ignoring it. Film Z brings us the same flight helmet hat just brighter and without the goggles but also opens with this T-Shirt and Luffy being silly with it. I think that's the only reason to mention it, it's funny. Then the obligation pirate outfit, always stunning plus the meat belt.
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Film: Gold & Stampede (also used in Cidre Guild): these are my top 3 Luffy outfits no matter what else I see. I love the straw cowboy hat sooooo much cos it's very Luffy. I like the balls they has as a team to choose white for all of them, considering they are all quite messy people, living for that dad shirt and I like the Golden chain around his neck but am always confused as to why it was never used against him. Like dude could and should have tried to choke him at least once, right? Anyway, the dress! Now, the dress isn't actually that good but it's my favourite because it shows how Luffy has no fucks about gendered things. On to of that, a big pink flower is wonderful and look at his confidences in it, he's so proud of it the boom, Nami told him he can't wear it! Lastly, the Stampede outfit!!! Just like the Nebulandia jumper, I have no idea who made it but it's irrelevant cos it's beautiful and I want it so badly. I like that it's white and red stripes, gives thenprefect vibes for Stampedes opening. The shirt is actually too big for him, you can see on his arms but it's actually super cute. I love the simple look of these shorts then the fact his yellow belt is replaced with white bandages and the black on the kimono sandels are now red? It's such a simple pallet and it's truly the best!
I also just wanna add, I think it's really cute when Luffy has the Straw hat on his back just cos his hair is really cute. Idk why, it's looks kinda cursed but cute at the same time
This post took 2 weeks or so to make and we made listening to the complete BNHA soundtrack, film gold OST and Sonic generations vol.1
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thunder-mountain-railroad ยท 3 years
Not Much Changes / Everything Changes
When I first had my awakening or somewhat of an understand that I was codependent and it had affected pretty much my whole life - I thought everything would change.
Maybe that's because when you're codependent your relationships are your everything. My self worth was, and still is measured by my value that I provide in my relationships. I knew that my relationships and how I would see myself would change, but things for me really haven't changed that much in my day to day. I do feel better in general.
As I've been processing everything and coming to terms with things, I think I was a little dramatic in my first post. It was just such a shock and a revelation and Eureka! moment that I thought my world would turn upside down and I wouldn't know myself, and that I would change dramatically and my relationships would change dramatically. I don't think that is the case.
I've realized that I do have some social anxiety which is actually very understandable. Its understandable because if you thought your very worth depended on what people thought of you and if they liked you, then yeah - every interaction with even your oldest friend to a new work acquaintance would be stressful. However, this is much better with the new "don't give a fuck and say what you feel like" methodology.
I do think I been aware of some sort of self for awhile now. Yes it has been repressed. Yes I have put others before myself to my own detriment. Listening and being true to myself is something I have done before, but not entirely enough. So I am somewhat familiar with who I am, and the person that I am in reality. I think this part of recovery will be somewhat easier than others.
I've been practicing just not caring what other people think, or maybe caring about other people in general as an exercise. Being 100% selfish with interactions, saying what I want, and just existing without tripping over how I'm holding myself or being perceived. I respect and listen to each and every feeling that comes into my being and feel it, evaluate it and express it. Even communicate it if it's necessary.
Mindfullness has helped me in this regard. I've practiced meditation in the past to some degree. By all means not at a pro level but I have made an effort before to practice. Actually every time I'm in the gym sauna I try to meditate for 10 minutes or so.
Each and every thought that comes to mind in my interactions must be analyzed. Is my initial reaction to rescue and fix? Is it a codependent reaction? If so, acknowledge the thought and let it slip away.
When clearing my mind of thoughts, I imagine a dark scene. I give the thought physical representation of basically burnt ash. Just like when Thanos snaps his fingers and half the universe disappears - I do that with my thoughts and imagine them turning to ash and being blown away by a soft wind from my consciousness. This helps me to acknowledge the thought and let it slip away.
The Work
When I first had my revelation I had probably 48 hours of a strange calm and peaceful feeling. That feeling has somewhat dissipated. I'm noticing as the shock and exhilaration of the discovery is aging, old thoughts and habits and behaviors are creeping back into the norm. I think the one issue that will be the hardest is the "Task Master" self criticism that I inherently have in my subconscious. Always pushing myself. Never satisfied. Never stopping to smell the roses. Never stopping to enjoy the moment. Never acknowledging that I'm a human and have limits. Never congratulating myself.
I believe this is where the work comes in. It will be work to change behavior. I'm excited and ready, already making improvements.
My wife finds my post
My wife and I were discussing my therapy and things, as she knows I am reading Codependent No More. I've told her that I'm going through some stuff and it will be a little difficult for awhile etc. I started to explain to her what it means, we got interrupted and I said, "Actually you're a smart girl, do some research on it if your interested"
She couldn't sleep the next night and indeed did some research. She is indeed a smart girl. She found my post on reddit, couldn't believe how much it sounded like me and put it all together. When she told me "I saw your reddit post", I was in shock, I said "No way!" I really wasn't even going to post it to reddit, with my username, on the forum but I felt compelled to. Initially I fought to not feel guilt and shame. There was internal conflict because I knew the content would be hurtful but it as true content and what I wrote.
She was understandably somewhat hurt and anxious from the post. Because of the revelations, and her basically loving someone who isn't themselves and is questioning every relationship and interaction they have ever had, including the relationship with her.
We had a good conversation in the Home Depot parking lot, which is where it came up. We sat in the car for about 20 minutes discussing everything. Initially I felt guilty and somewhat ashamed because I never intended for her to read these things. And now, with hindsight, I feel I was being a bit dramatic in my writing. I fought to not feel ashamed of how I was feeling in the post. I fought to not feel guilty for me causing her to hurt, from reading how I was feeling. It was very difficult. I also fought to not rescue, and tell her everything would be ok, because really I don't know.
What I told her, and what I do know - is that nothing in all my reflections and thinking has told me that I need to leave her. I believe this is true, and am very fortunate that is the case.
Will it change? Possibly. I have to be true to my thoughts, feelings and instincts. I have to tell that little shit "Task Master" inside that I'm human and have needs and limits and can only do so much. I have to tell them that I'm good enough, and what I've done it good enough. I have to love and respect my new sense of self. I have to be selfish in the noblest way.
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post-hoc-fallacy ยท 4 years
Alright got your attention. So if ya suck at wanting to sex or can sex pretty good once you get into it but just never think about this supposed pinnacle of human enjoyment untill you do, ive got a revelation for ya. Im usually pretty skeptical about "self help" books and junk but said eh why not and stumbled upon Dr. Emily Nagoski's Come As You Are and bought that shit.
Alright hear me out, I'm not done the book yet (like half way through) but it reads like a text book with some fun nerd references and if my college lvl psych class says anything, her research seems to be science based and sound. But I didn't even explain anything did I? Well, instead of 10 ways to satisfy your partner, Dr. Nagoski goes into the science and psychology of why people like myself (who never spontaneously want sex except for hormone going crazy time of the month) are perfectly normal and why we function the way we do. I hate when people plug crap like this, but with Dr. Nagoskis book, it felt like reading a biology or psychology book which I love just straight facts and no bullcrap. Some of the language she uses can be kinda "how do you do fellow kids" but for the most part it seems like part of the marketing and her just wanting to be relatable to people like myself (late 20 somethings), and just wanting to appeal to the widest range of people possible (also completely understandable since she usually teaches college kids).
Anywho, at the very least, her methodology and research seems sound to my very limited scope of psychology and resonates deeply with an insecurity I've had for at least a decase now. so at the very least I wanted to get a conversation started or plant some seeds in peoples mind weather this post gets reblogged or not. Dr. Nagoski's basic message (from what Ive read so far) is that no matter how much or how little you want sex, you are normal. No matter how your bits are rearranged, or colored, or shaped, you are normal. We're all made up of the same stuff, just organized differently and that is normal.
For many this might be beasic stuff, butbfor me it was revolutionary, that I'm not the only person who doesn't think sex is an end all be all, but isn't exactly asexual. I mean I still enjoy it in my own time, but I wanted to start a conversation, and even if I reach one of my followers, I've done my part. You're not alone, you're normal, there's nothing wrong with you and I love you and feel like you do too.
So here's a link to Dr. Nagoski's opening chapter of her books Come As You Are. It has the dumb "kinda looks like vag but is just a (insert innocuous object here) cover that marketing a book requires, but I assure you the facts and psychology is sound. Some words may be trying to hard to sound relevant, but if you look beyond that the messge of an accomplished, well educated, well established sex researcher is there.
If you're like me, and sex just isnt that sexy, im there for ya. I feel and respect ya. I'm married to boot and working my way through but there is hopefully a way out for those of us who want to work towards it.
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uppastthejelliclemoon ยท 3 years
I've read your newsies AU, and I really like what you have so far, but I wanna ask about the siren AU you mentioned, that sounds really interesting. I don't have any specific questions other than just the basic "who's who" sort of thing, so could you just detail your thoughts for it? lol
hello dear! iโ€™m so happy youโ€™re enjoying my newsies AU!
For the siren AU, it was basically born (as most of my AUs are) from a conversation between myself and the lovely @queen-with-the-quill!
We had done an RP that featured a mermaid!Tumblebrutus and Mungojerrie and pirate!Hestia and Jubilee, and wanted to switch it up.
I love being able to write Tumblebrutus and Mungojerrie (and Iโ€™ll be writing more of them in my upcoming chapters for my AUs), and Iโ€™m very much a sucker for a goodย โ€œcreatures who are spoken of as terrifying are actually soft and lovingโ€ trope.ย 
I kind of got part of my inspiration from the entire storyline of Philip and Syrena fromย โ€œOn Stranger Tidesโ€ (one of my favorite relationships from the PotC franchise!), and how Syrena is said to be a horrible, murderous creature, but sheโ€™s actually quite kind and protective of those she cares about. Thatโ€™s very much how I see Hestia and Jubilee in this AU: they'reย still creatures with fangs, claws, and a bewitching voice, but they donโ€™t hurt those they love, and as long as they arenโ€™t in danger, theyโ€™re quite nice.ย 
One of the main points of the AU is Tumblebrutus and Mungojerrie finding out that Hestia and Jubilee are sirens. They met the girls on land as humans, and the girls didnโ€™t reveal themselves as a protective measure. When they are revealed, Tumblebrutus and Mungojerrie are both conflicted, because of the stories theyโ€™ve heard, but knowing the girls like they do, they begin to realize that the stories are wrong.
I canโ€™t wait to actually be able to write this AU!
(if youโ€™d like to read through our original mermaid/pirate AU RP, head to my main RP blog for Hestia: @hestia-the-hearth-cat!)
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i am very much enjoying my vague void! it's currently blasting hozier at full volume and that's almost louder than my internal screaming (don't worry, everything is fine, i just saw a spider)
i've never once in my life have followed a recipe correctly. all of my measurements are completely random and whatever happens happens. it is no longer in my hands. whatever eldritch entities exist take the wheel. and i absolutely refuse to spell anything in english without autocorrect because y'all have way too many double letters and random vowel placement
thank you! sadly, i won't have a break right now, because we just had christmas vacations, but the start of the new semester is always pretty chill. and you're absolutely right, i should take up necromancy! the snow and the cold will add to my mysterious vibes. i just need to get a big black cape with a hood to complete the aesthetic
i definitely picture everything above 5'6 feet as the same height. 5'7 and 6'2? the exact same thing. no difference here
how is morepork a real bird name. it's just... more pork? but the bird is magnificent. i completely approve of your first order as bird queen, not that you need approval from mere peasants like me, but it's a great order. ohhh salps look really cool, and it does look a lot like it! when you said boob implant i thought of mermaids and them using salps as boob implants but then i realised wait wouldn't jellyfish be better for that? because of their shape? ignoring their little leggies they're quite boob shaped, no? and then i realised that i was thinking about mermaids and alive boob implants... if i had to think it, you have to read it. i'm sorry
i was sold before but now i'm even more sure that i want to hire you. and I'll make sure to have lactose free cheese for the backflips (unless you want the lactose version? i'm not judging). will the biting of ankles cost extra?
that sounds like a brilliant set-up for a horror movie where they kill off all the children one by one. it's absolutely horrifying. if something like that would've happened to me i would've most likely just passed out. whatever happens afterwards is not my problem. and now i really don't want to know what the hell your leg was caught on because that seems like knowledge that would get me killed
ah so you're a fellow dirt eater? according to my mom my favourite thing to do outside when i was a little kid used to be eating sand. just shovelling handfuls of it into my mouth and crying when my mom made me spit it out. which i refuse to believe. if there are no photos it didn't happen
you warm climate people are starting to make me think that i'm better adjusted to the cold than i thought i am! it's either that or our buildings are better heated. i definitely don't know if anyone else calls hot water bottled hotties but i like it so from now on i'm using it
that's so cute! i was clearly a way more selfish child because when i found any amount of money i just kept it and bought candy as soon as i could. i clearly couldn't save money then and i can't now. we have stores like that (or i'm assuming that they're like that solely based on how they sell lollies) and they used to be my favourite thing because you could get so many lollies for such a small price!! and my mom even used to let me order for myself sometimes so i always felt like a very big girl jsjshsbsjk
also the fact that i can't send pictures on anon is a crime (yes i know why and it's good that that's not possible because can you imagine anons being able to send pictures? oh no is all i have to say about it) but anyways. because i have this one super cursed photo that reminded me of you and now i can't share it :((
duuuuude, sick void bro. sounds like a vibing void. I feel like I havenโ€™t seen a spider in awhile. Other than daddy long legs. But theyโ€™re chill. They mind their own business.ย 
I nearly always follow recipes exactly. My mum is like oh cook this for about 7 minutes? Yeah sure. Iโ€™ll take a wild guess. Iโ€™m like they say exactly 7 minutes so Iโ€™ll set a timer for 7 minutes and start a stopwatch so if it does seem to need more than 7 I can keep an eye on the extra time and be aware of exactly how long it takes me for next time. Other people are like oh let's see I have [lists 5-10 things in their fridge], hmm...oh I know what I could make with that! Iโ€™m like I have beans in my freezer because one recipe required them and no other recipes I know how to make do so what am I supposed to do with these now,,, this is stressful,,, basically I barely know how to cook and recipes are the only things saving me in that area. That is entirely fair. Except for the fuck duck, and murder is not the word you want surely, situations, itโ€™s pretty helpful.
Ohhh I see. At least the start is chill! For a little! Before your entire situation spirals out of hand and youโ€™re behind in every class and itโ€™s taken you a whole day to read 10 pages and youโ€™re exhausted and itโ€™s only week 2. Just me? ok. fair. anyway. I want a cloak so bad. One of my uni friends tempted me to class because she said she was wearing a cloak so my depressed ass honest to god dragged myself out of bed and to said class just to see it. It was worth it. Theyโ€™re incredible. Everyone should own a big cloak for the aesthetic.
Iโ€™m glad it isnโ€™t just me hahaha. I can visualise my own height in feet but everything else is just the same size that is a vague amount taller than me, mentally.
Itโ€™s also known as the ruru. But the name morepork amuses me. Itโ€™s named after the call it makes haha. It does sound like itโ€™s asking for more pork if you know to listen for that. thank u for ur approval, it means a lot, turns out becoming bird queen didnโ€™t ACTUALLY get rid of my anxiety disorder weirdly enough so validation is great! lmaooo. What if the jellyfish stung them tho? At least salps wouldnโ€™t do you dirty like that. The mermaids would just look like there are hundreds of bugs crawling around in their boobs, flesh shifting as they float around. Which is a vibe. If youโ€™re into that. Jellyfish WOULD make a more solid, single, implant, some of them are definitely boob shaped. But thatโ€™s kinda boring no oneโ€™s gonna be traumatised by that. Salps on the other hand...yeah, that sight will DEFINITELY traumatise someone.
To be PERFECTLY honest I havenโ€™t done a backflip in years but for lactose-free cheese? Dude. Iโ€™ll be going back to training. Gonna be the best backflip youโ€™ve ever seen. As long as itโ€™s not Tasty cheese I am content, but lactose free IS better. The biting of ankles will not cost extra, it is a pleasure to be allowed to do that.
Oh it absolutely would be. Itโ€™d be very funny if it reached the wider world bc people would probably be like ok but who would send kids into the bush like that,, itโ€™s an odd concept. meanwhile everyone who grew up in nz is gonna be like yโ€™all, youโ€™re not gonna fuckin BELIEVE what i experienced growing up, itโ€™s real dude. On one hand, I feel like murdering kids in a movie is questionable, on the other hand, It exists, so maybe people would be down for it. I feel like itโ€™d be a good concept even if it wasnโ€™t murdery tho. Like psychological horror? Iโ€™m not sure if Iโ€™m using that category correctly I donโ€™t watch much horror. A kid following the rope but then being shifted into a different horror dimension but they never take the blindfold off because their teachers said not to and theyโ€™d probably have to let go of the rope to do it...I feel like this could work super well as a short film. The viewers see everything. The child just knows something is off and no one is coming when they call for help. I am so down for this. I also do not want to know what my leg was caught on. Some things I am better off not knowing.
yes! I am a fellow dirt eater! We had a sandpit at home (thatโ€™s a little bold. It was a large plastic shell that my parents filled with sand. technically a sandpit. but not fancy sdflsdkfsdf) but I donโ€™t think I ever tried to eat it. Then again, I possibly did and just donโ€™t remember because thereโ€™s no photo evidence of that one. Iโ€™d have to ask my parents sdfhsjdfs, I would however fully believe them if they said yes. itโ€™s very characteristic of me. I donโ€™t doubt it for a second. muuuum thatโ€™s my emotional support sand donโ€™t make me spit it out smh the disrespect these days.
Oh Iโ€™m absolutely terrible even by most peopleโ€™s standards around here when it comes to cold and hot temperatures. I remember sitting in the sun in my school shirt and school jersey in summer on a blazing day like itโ€™s a bit chilly, isnโ€™t it? Meanwhile my friends were in the shade absolutely dying from the heat. Likewise in winter Iโ€™d be shivering, teeth chattering, dying with my long sleeve thermal, my school shirt, my school jersey, my school jacket, my longs, warm socks and sneakers and gloves and school scarf while ppl would be walking around in a shirt and shorts like itโ€™s a bit warm this winter huh? my body didnโ€™t learn how to thermoregulate and it shows. But yeah NZ does also have a reputation for shittily insulated buildings and such. It shows. skhdfsfs if itโ€™s not common use maybe donโ€™t say can i have a hotty to someone without context but otherwise go ahead lmao. itโ€™s a fun shortened version.
I was typically a very good saver, to the point where my extended family started gifting me gift cards and vouchers for Christmas and my birthday because if they just gave me money Iโ€™d put it in my bank account to save towards uni once I hit like, 12 years old. Which I think was a smart move. But apparently, Iโ€™m supposed to buy myselfย โ€˜something niceโ€™ with it. I think Iโ€™m still an okay saver but Iโ€™m not as strict anymore. Iโ€™m aware of how much I can spare and Iโ€™m not just like you can never get anything for yourself ever, so I do get lil things for myself sometimes. oooo yay! At least you know what I mean. But yes. They were the gold mine for lollies. Absolutely terrific stores. My mum would be like hey lindsey how about you order? And Iโ€™d be like mother, I am 7 years old and I have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder everyone assumes is child shyness why would you think I would want to do that. Instead I will whisper my choices to you. After therapy tho I felt pretty rad for picking my own lollies by myself. I was like 13 at that point but sdfkjhsdf listen I got there in the end.
sdfkjsdfkjhsdf I like that a cursed photo reminded you of me. Thatโ€™s all I need to hear. Tumblr said no anon dick pics but they also said no anon cursed photos either,,, very sad. for the latter part. the first part thank god. If I could turn on photos on anon I absolutely would just to see this but I donโ€™t think I can :(
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punkscowardschampions ยท 4 years
Jac & Amelia
Jac: Hi, sorry if this wasn't the right way to go about this, but I thought it would be more awkward/worse for you to stop the conversation if I approached you in person Jac: but if you're open to it, I'd like to talk Amelia: What is there to say? Jac: From my perspective, a lot Jac: but mainly an apology, if that's all I get to say Amelia: I already know you're sorry, it's been all over for ages, I don't need to hear it Jac: Well you don't know that, I never said it Amelia: you've never said a lot of things, I'm still well aware Jac: That's how miscommunication and misunderstanding happens Jac: you can still not need or want to hear it but you don't know anything that I didn't tell you Amelia: okay Jac: I can confirm any ideas you have, if you would like Jac: but the main reason I want to talk is to apologize for the ways I behaved, and treated you Amelia: well, say whatever you want to say then Jac: Alright Jac: I should never have started anything with you Jac: it was never fair Jac: and continuing it for how long I did was worse Amelia: No you shouldn't, neither should I Jac: I can see how it was harder for you to make a better decision though Jac: given your feelings Amelia: that's no excuse, and I'm not interested in giving myself an out Amelia: I should've made better choices because of how much I cared about you, it's worse if anything Jac: Okay, you don't have to, but I certainly don't hold it against you Jac: you were still coming from a place of care, even if misguided, I wasn't Amelia: it's not comforting Amelia: I was coming from a selfish place, I know that, whatever you think Jac: Alright, it doesn't need to be comforting, I'm just letting you know Jac: there's no need or reason that I feel for me to blame you Jac: but I need to say sorry, for that, and for how we ended things before that Amelia: No you don't, because I'm not just a fucking lose end for you to tie up before you leave Jac: That isn't what it is Jac: I owe apologies Amelia: you don't owe me anything Amelia: we ended things ages ago Jac: that doesn't mean anything Jac: I still wronged you and never owned up to those things Amelia: it means getting into it isn't something I want to do because I've tried really hard to get over it Jac: Then we don't have to Amelia: I'm looking forward, not backwards Amelia: and there isn't an apology I can give you that'll make anything I did okay or me feel okay about it either Jac: I'm not looking for an apology or anything in return Amelia: you should Amelia: because I wronged you too and never owned up to it Jac: I don't see it like that, it didn't feel like that Amelia: okay Jac: if it would help, then I'd accept it, but you've said it won't make you feel better so really, don't worry Amelia: right Jac: So, if my apology doesn't serve you either Jac: I'll leave you alone again now Amelia: you said you need to do it, so just do it, if it's that important to you Jac: only if it's going to reassure people, or give some sense of closure Jac: the latter being more what I was aiming for Jac: it's not going to be anything for me if it isn't for you Amelia: I'll get closure by not having to see you any more Jac: Neither of us is going to gone forever Jac: it'll certainly be easier, and less frequent Jac: but I'm not going to say you'll never see me again, that's just unrealistic Amelia: there's at least higher chance Amelia: my mum keeps me super busy with all her holiday traditions Jac: Fair enough Jac: I'd rather not be concerned about having to avoid anyone when I'm here Amelia: you'll be busy avoiding all of Jess' fan's and stalkers Amelia: I like his music, but not to that level Jac: That's fine, I can deal with that Amelia: good, he's worried about how it's gonna be for you all Jac: You don't need to tell me about my own brother Amelia: you don't need to get defensive about it Jac: I just don't need to talk about that with you Jac: it's not got anything to do with what needs to be said, if at all Amelia: we're not, we're basically done talking really Jac: If you like Amelia: I'd have liked for this conversation never to have been started but you know Jac: I can't do anything about that, I'm afraid Jac: Good luck and goodbye then Amelia: yeah, you too Jac: Thank you, I appreciate that Amelia: I'd never wish you bad luck Jac: Never said you would Amelia: I'm not a ๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’ซ gay, still don't even know that much about astrology Jac: Whoever you are, as long as you're happy with that Jac: it's certainly no business of mine Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜‚ no and no Jac: I'm sorry to hear that on the former Amelia: maybe uni will fix everything, maybe not Jac: A fresh start in a new place can't hurt you Jac: and I'm sure you have other protections in place Amelia: ๐Ÿคž I won't be so dramatic Amelia: then it can't be as bad as here Jac: It's a change of scenery not a change of personality Amelia: rude Jac: I didn't mean it to be Amelia: it's a chance to grow up, I'm not 15 anymore and nobody there will have known me when I was Jac: That much is true Amelia: I'd say I'll see you around but if I do, I'll obviously act like I haven't Amelia: that's been working Jac: Whatever works for you Amelia: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Jac: I'll be seeing you Amelia: no, you won't ๐Ÿ‘ป Jac: I didn't say I'd pretend or adopt the same methods you use Amelia: I can't make you Jac: No Jac: I've got no interest in burying my head in the sand Amelia: because you already did it for so long Jac: because I'm moving forward, not just looking Amelia: that's great Jac: It does feel it Amelia: good, you've felt like shit for long enough as well Jac: I guess so Amelia: okay then Jac: If that's all Jac: Bye Amelia Amelia: we still need a different word for it but yeah, bye Jac: Does it really matter? Amelia: doesn't it? that this time we actually mean it but it sounds exactly the same as the times we didn't Jac: There's nothing final implied by any goodbye Jac: it's just a way to end a conversation you don't want to have Amelia: but this time there should be Amelia: very anticlimactic Jac: I don't mean to be rude again but that really is your problem too, loquaciously and otherwise Jac: I'm not attempting dramatics Jac: I opened lines of conversation, you closed them, that's all this is Amelia: I'm attempting levity, if anything Amelia: but alright Jac: Why? Amelia: because you sound like you're giving a rehearsed speech Jac: just because I've put thought into what I'm going to say, doesn't mean it's any less valid Amelia: I didn't say it was invalid Jac: you're invalidating it Amelia: no more than you comparing me to an ostrich Jac: We're at very different places, clearly Amelia: you think you're so far ahead of me, clearly Jac: You're presenting me with avoidance as coping Jac: I'm not gonna say good luck with that, or good for you Jac: you can do whatever you like but I won't pretend I think it's brilliant Amelia: you're presenting me with patronising bullshit over any kind of real conversation Jac: I gave you the opportunity to air your grievances, you didn't want to Jac: I offered apologies, you did not want them either Amelia: I don't know if I'll ever be able to see you and not want to walk immediately off in the other direction, I don't need your judgment for it Jac: I'm not judging you, I'm not applauding or enabling, that's all Jac: I was never asking to be back in your life Amelia: you're asking me to accept your apology as if that will paper over every fucking crack and then we can just see each other out and about as strangers Jac: You don't have to, I was literally just trying to apologize and then see where you were at Jac: and I have Amelia: you've โŒ my name off your list Amelia: that's literally all this is to you Jac: Don't presume to know that Amelia: you're just going to walk away from this conversation with your closure and into your new life as a better person Jac: Well no I'm not, because you haven't given me that or accepted my apology Jac: just because I'm handling that rejection in a more measured, calm way, doesn't mean I feel any better than you, thank you Amelia: well take it, then you can continue to feel superior as much as you like Jac: I don't feel superior to you, I haven't said that once Jac: I'm sorry for whatever is making you feel that way Amelia: it's just your tone then, okay great Jac: If you're gonna tone police, then you will probably come up against much more resistance than I'm giving Jac: You feel bad about yourself, and I am sorry for how much I undoubtedly played into that Amelia: I feel bad because things are bad, and I don't have your certainty that a new place is just going to sort that out Jac: That must be hard for you Amelia: give me whatever other apologies you've got left to get this over with Jac: I really hope life improves for you Jac: it's sad to see Amelia: me too, obviously Jac: You should really talk to someone, if you aren't Amelia: I don't need to be told what to do, the uncertainty isn't total Jac: Simply a suggestion Amelia: my parents made it way before you Jac: I'm glad Jac: how's it going? Amelia: I'm not going to talk about it with you Jac: Okay Amelia: okay Jac: Enjoy the rest of your summer Amelia: you too Jac: ๐Ÿ˜„ Amelia: it can't all be apologies, you'll have to run out eventually Jac: What do you mean? Amelia: there's not an unending number of ๐Ÿ’” people Jac: Yes, but I don't really get what your point is? Amelia: take a break to take your own advice and enjoy the โ˜€๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒผ Jac: Of course Jac: it's not the only thing I have to do Jac: I'm plenty busy Amelia: undoubtedly Jac: sweet of you though Amelia: everyone will be thrilled I still have it in me Jac: I'm sure they all already know Amelia: based on what evidence Jac: You didn't disown all your new friends and stop talking to your family, did you? Jac: No, that was me Amelia: I don't have any friends so my family are the only people I have to talk to Jac: you clearly talk to my brother Jac: and, your family, so case in point x2 remains Amelia: I try not to x 2 Amelia: and I'm hardly sweet when I do, so no, my point remains there's no basis for that Jac: if you weren't capable of being sweet, it wouldn't be a try for not talking to them Jac: but sure Amelia: I'm capable of being selfish, like I said Jac: I'm aware Amelia: I need them, let's not act like any of what I'm saying is for their benefit Jac: Admitting you need people makes them feel good by default Jac: you could've convinced them that you didn't Jac: and that they're not allowed to need you Amelia: clearly I'm not capable of that Jac: it's not a bad thing Amelia: the โœ” or โŒ next to it is kind of irrelevant because it's what's happened anyway Jac: it's about how you feel about it Jac: I don't know why you're trying to convince yourself you were as bad as me Amelia: I don't know why you're trying to ๐Ÿ˜‡ me Jac: Hardly Jac: there's just zero point being unrealistic about it now Amelia: exactly Jac: You were an awful friend to me Jac: and you stopped even that when I could have really used one Jac: that doesn't invalidate what I'm trying to apologise for Jac: and the fact that I took advantage of you and used you Amelia: I told you I don't want it Jac: No one is sainting you, is my point Jac: I really don't like you, at all Jac: that doesn't mean I didn't do wrong, that's the situation Amelia: I know you did, that's why I don't need it spelled out Jac: I'm not spelling it out Jac: I apologized, you didn't accept it Jac: now that's on you Jac: I've done my part Amelia: you're literally spelling that out Amelia: like I don't know what's happening Jac: you clearly are confused Jac: you've said completely the opposite of what I've said to you several times Jac: and I'm not interested in participating in that misunderstanding any longer Amelia: okay Jac: right, thank you Amelia: I accept your apology, you can go Jac: I'm not an idiot Jac: don't lie Jac: I'll still be able to move on without it Amelia: I'm not lying, I get that you're sorry and why Jac: No, the more I think about it, the more I don't want to do this Jac: don't bother Amelia: fine Jac: because an apology should be mutual, to work Jac: and I truly do not forgive you Jac: you actually talking to me again has only reminded me Jac: I'm sorry for contacting you, that was a mistake Amelia: it's alright, like I said, I get what you were trying to do Jac: there's no point pretending Amelia: no there isn't, what I did to you was horrific, don't forgive me Jac: there's windows of opportunity, sometimes Jac: and you had plenty of time Amelia: time doesn't heal everything Jac: and you prioritized yourself and your healing over me and the fact you've failed to do so Jac: yeah, that really disgusts me Jac: I can't help that, not yet Jac: I don't know when Amelia: I prioritised myself, I wasn't doing any healing, distraction isn't the same thing Jac: I don't even know if I'm able to forgive that Jac: but that's a me problem Jac: I can't care about you anymore, in any way, you walked out on me near a year ago, I need to do the same now Amelia: yeah you do Jac: fucking hell Jac: right Amelia: there's nothing else to say, I'm glad you're doing better but all I really did was throw myself into school Jac: there is so much more to say Jac: but you've made it clear how you feel Amelia: so have you Amelia: walk away, the last thing I want is any of this bullshit Jac: you've heard what you want, as per usual Jac: heaven forbid you have to deal with anything uncomfortable for you Amelia: fuck's sake Jac: because I really wanted to do this, you're right, it was all about me and how great this would make me feel Amelia: okay, it's not a walk in the park for you either Jac: how dare I try Amelia: I'm stubborn, not stupid Jac: so I'm not trying, yeah? Amelia: of course you fucking are Jac: and your solution is to not, ever Amelia: with you there isn't any solution Jac: fine Amelia: I treated you like shit, it doesn't matter how sorry I am or how hard I want to try Jac: Yes, it does Jac: it would Jac: that's such an excuse Amelia: no it's not, I am sorry but that doesn't and won't change anything Jac: you aren't sorry enough to do anything about it Jac: that's what you mean Jac: and like I said, fine Amelia: if there was anything I could Amelia: then I obviously would Jac: Okay, Amelia Jac: I can't tell you what to do Amelia: yeah you can, if there's something you want Jac: You don't have to serve what I want Amelia: I know that Jac: then just Jac: this hurts Amelia: it's been too long since I did the right thing Amelia: I don't know what to do Jac: Why haven't you been trying? Amelia: because I thought it would work, my parents just kept saying I needed time, to focus on studying, that once I get to uni things will be better Jac: it isn't going to just happen Jac: it's good that you've been studying but like you said, it's distraction Amelia: yeah Jac: but you'll never be over it if you ignore it, if we do Amelia: but trying to talk about it has only ever made it worse Amelia: we don't communicate well Jac: it can be different Amelia: can it? Jac: there has been time, distance Jac: the fact we're addressing it, that's different Jac: can we just, start this conversation again, try again Amelia: I don't get why you want to when you don't even like me Jac: because I loved you Jac: for a long time, that doesn't count for nothing Jac: I don't want it to Jac: and I don't want to dislike you Jac: what's the point of that? Amelia: okay Jac: I know you know and knew at the time that it was wrong, I get that, you aren't stupid and I'm not trying to keep saying the same thing over and over Jac: but I don't think either of us fully appreciated how hard it was for you to say no to me at the time Jac: and now I'm so ashamed of how much I used that to my advantage Amelia: I did so many things going really far back, to not say no to you, so I'm ashamed of that too Jac: yeah, it wasn't like it was just that, or it just started with that whole period of time Jac: I knew on some level Jac: and I used it, however unconsciously, I still did Jac: I don't really know why, except for the fact I could, pure selfishness, to get what I wanted Jac: it wasn't fair on you, but plenty of other people too Amelia: and I kept it going because I wanted to, even though I knew I shouldn't Jac: if I was any sort of friend, I wouldn't have put you in that position, of having to make that choice Amelia: if I was any sort of friend I would've put what I wanted to one side and actually tried to help you Jac: It's clear neither of us were in any position to help each other, after a point Jac: I just don't know when we got there Amelia: I didn't try hard enough, how can I say I loved or cared about you? Jac: I wouldn't let you Jac: but that doesn't feel true because I did let you in in those other ways Jac: which, again, confusing and not fair on any level Amelia: I don't think I can love or care about anyone properly, that's why I'm scared to go forward Jac: I don't think that's true, I'm aware that isn't comforting, or counts for much Jac: but if someone actually gave you the chance, and it was fair Jac: you can't base it on what we had Jac: it was bad for us both, and didn't work because of that Amelia: I'm not, I'm basing it on Is and Jess too Jac: We were all bad to Is Jac: it was like...I don't even know Jac: a way to make you fight for my attention? mutual bonding to leave her out? Jac: I'm not being vague purposefully, I truly do not know why Jac: I don't think we had much in common with her once we got older but still, we didn't have to do what we did Jac: and it's a whole different situation with Jess, I repeatedly told you to not be friends with him, starters, and obviously it's a reminder of me you didn't necessarily need Amelia: I just feel like I can't have friends, but what am I gonna do, not go? be the weird loner who doesn't get involved in anything? Jac: We were best friends Jac: and that blew up, spectacularly Jac: you're bound to have trauma Amelia: I have no idea if we were or not, maybe I was just ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ Amelia: because I can't pinpoint when that happened Jac: but we still were Jac: it can be both Jac: isn't it, ideally, when you have a s/o Amelia: not if I didn't treat you like it was both Amelia: which I obviously didn't because I had no issue ever saying no to Is Jac: maybe that was more about that we didn't treat Is like a friend Amelia: maybe Jac: I don't know Jac: I felt like we were friends Amelia: okay, that's a good start, I guess Jac: of course I did Jac: I know you loved me for a long time Jac: but does it discount the philia type of love Amelia: I don't know what that means but it sounds disgusting Jac Philia โ€” Affectionate Love. Philia is love without romantic attraction and occurs between friends or family members. ... Pragma โ€” Enduring Love. ... Storge โ€” Familiar Love. ... Eros โ€” Romantic Love. ... Ludus โ€” Playful Love. ... Mania โ€” Obsessive Love. ... Philautia โ€” Self Love. ... Agape โ€” Selfless Love. Jac: thanks, classics Amelia: oh well then I hope not Jac: I'm sure you can have more than one at play at once Jac: personal experience and general consensus Amelia: probably Jac: you can't go through life alone Jac: you don't need to Amelia: arguably I do need to Amelia: because I can't go through anything that comes close to this again Jac: I don't think it will Jac: and I'm not just being big-headed Jac: there's a lot of songs about it, more evidence Amelia: I haven't forgotten what you said about someone else taking advantage of me, even if you have Jac: I haven't Jac: I said Jac: particularly nasty things that day Amelia: it was an especially fucked up day for you Jac: yes, I haven't forgotten anything about that time Jac: if only Jac: I still had no right, to be as Jac: callous as I was Amelia: you wanted me to leave, it wouldn't have worked any other way Jac: yeah Jac: I needed you to Amelia: and I know you think it was a dick move for me to not be there after but it was for the best Amelia: you had Jesse, having me around would've just made shit worse Jac: I know nothing would have made it better, really Amelia: of course not Jac: I guess too much had passed between us at that point Jac: I didn't think we were there yet Jac: or that there was that point, arrogantly Amelia: that's why I decided for us Amelia: you had grieving to do Jac: I can see your thought process now Amelia: there's loads I should've handled differently but I'm not sorry for walking away then Amelia: it was bigger than me and us and that whole fucking thing Jac: It probably just hit me, that I had successfully isolated myself, at that point Jac: I can't blame you, I shouldn't Amelia: you can, if you want, there were loads of times I thought I should just get over myself and see how you were Jac: It just felt like you didn't care Jac: but complaining about that when that's consistently what I told you, well Jac: there was no way Amelia: I'll never stop caring about you Jac: Me either Amelia: but I'm not good for you Amelia: and even if I could've shown up and taken over from Jesse, it wouldn't have gone well or lasted Jac: but I never should have asked for the amount from you that I consistently did Jac: that's the truth Amelia: and I shouldn't have been willing to give you everything in exchange for nothing Jac: No Jac: but we don't have to go back, to fix this Jac: to be better Jac: we have to address it, not just push on Amelia: that's a relief because we can't go back or fix it Jac: Why do you think the latter though? Amelia: too much has happened Jac: but that doesn't mean stop and stagnate Jac: better things can and should happen Amelia: yeah, for both of us separately Amelia: you're way ahead of me Jac: I'm not Jac: but I agree Jac: but that doesn't mean we can't get us past this place Jac: like I said, that doesn't mean like it was before, or even a fraction of that, it can be what we want Jac: that's all I was ever suggesting Amelia: what do you want it to be? Jac: I don't want you to want to run when you see me, or for us to not be able to acknowledge that spending the majority of our childhood together means something for who we are now Jac: I don't have it in me to keep hurting you or the only way for that to not happen to be staying away forever Jac: maybe we still need time Jac: but maybe we can make a start Amelia: I can't imagine talking about โ˜€โ˜๐ŸŒง๐ŸŒจ with you, that's all Amelia: the feeling I had at Is' birthday party that last time was Amelia: I don't know, but I know I can't Jac: we don't have to pretend to be strangers Jac: there's no point in that Jac: setting boundaries this time doesn't have to equate to nothing to say Amelia: okay Jac: I know there's still chance we'll fuck up Jac: and I know you don't have load of reason to trust me Jac: but if we're both trying Jac: and at least communicating better than nothing Jac: surely Amelia: because I don't have the slightest clue how to set boundaries Amelia: or loads of trust in myself Amelia: but I'll try Jac: maybe it gets easier with practice Amelia: I'm not saying it'll go as badly as when I said I'd try to be friends with Savannah but let's aim for not Jac: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jac: the bars been set Amelia: I've got nothing if not realistic goals Jac: you did really well Jac: getting on the course you did Amelia: school's boring but not hard Jac: don't tell Delia Amelia: I don't think she'd open a message from me Jac: another congrats for her amazing grades? add it to the pile Amelia: not another declaration of love, how dare I? Amelia: our only conversation to date was her asking if I fancied her when I came out so she is waiting Jac: Oh my god Jac: delusion? wishful thinking? Jac: not her Jac: going to be so disappointed when she doesn't get swept off her feet by some Mr Darcy type at Uni Amelia: I like girls so obviously I MUST like her because she's head girl in EVERY WAY, it was simply a technically she didn't get the badge Jac: She's so tragic I'm breaking my rule of not shit-talking people to do so because Jac: yikes Jac: maybe she is THAT special, after-all Amelia: I told her it must have been SO hard coming such a clear 2nd to Savannah Moore at everything whilst having a bigger ego Amelia: but I think she thought that meant I fancied Savannah so Amelia: slightly awkward Jac: she might've just hated Sav more than you Amelia: we could've bonded over it if she'd been less Amelia: her Jac: Yeah, I'm really gutted for you both on that Amelia: I'm really gutted that she doesn't realise your grades were better Amelia: like maybe she can't count Amelia: it's all a dramatic cover for illiteracy Jac: do we call that innumerate or Jac: ha, we do Jac: ['cos did just google that] Amelia: Jess wasn't far off her grades and he don't care, she can honestly calm down Jac: The compensation is real with that one Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜ Jac: I hope she has a great time in Bath Jac: I don't hope that Savannah is there too and she has to rekindle that 'rivalry' or anything Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Amelia: that's so gay Jac: if this were a Netflix adaptation of a YA novel, for sure Amelia: Sav is too pretty for her, people would be up in arms Jac: not people like Delia Jac: aspirational, the ugly nerd girl gets the hottie Amelia: she does look like she could be royalty, maybe that's the plot twist Jac: fucking secret princess Jac: yeah, Savannah probably would have gone for that Jac: if Delia pretends to be a boy too, get Shakesperian Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jac: I've missed you Amelia: not that I've had much competition Amelia: I love Jess but he isn't very chatty Jac: he's been more of a warden than a friend, or normal brother Jac: not his fault, that was what he had to be but yeah Amelia: and less said about Darla the fucking better, to be honest Amelia: I wasn't ๐Ÿ’” when she finished school Jac: Well she was what I needed her to be Jac: naturally, as was everyone in that period Amelia: an enabler, yeah, she was Jac: she's got a fucked life Jac: and I didn't help her no more than she helped me so Jac: guess it makes us equal enough Amelia: I've missed you too, by the way Jac: Yeah, tah Amelia: not only because having your mum for a BFF is the coolest Jac: at least she does know all the good gossip Amelia: and I know how to cross stitch, crochet and knit, gonna be an amazing wife Jac: your future wife better love a handmade gift Amelia: I made you an oversized scarf but I also learnt my lesson about leaving stuff outside your ๐Ÿ  Jac: Perhaps a stray could have used it for a bed or something Amelia: okay, I'll leave it when I'm going that way Jac: I'm sorry Amelia: me too Jac: If I wasn't such a bitch, they'd have been really nice gifts Amelia: yeah, I'm a thoughtful bitch Jac: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜‰ Jac: Shame some passing gay ๐Ÿค“ didn't rescue 'em Amelia: any passing gay ๐Ÿค“ has probably already read them Jac: how much gay literature have you consumed, whilst not knitting like a ๐Ÿ‘ต Amelia: [a list lol] Jac: Oh God Amelia: I don't recommend most of it, wouldn't even to Delia Jac: I don't really do non-fiction, which you conveniently forgot when trying to bash me over the head with your moral messages and thoughtful bitch-ness Jac: maybe read a case study or two, but wouldn't recommend, it's not the most reassuring Amelia: at least I didn't hit you over the head with Shakespeare or Les Mis or War and Peace Amelia: and I didn't forget Jac: that's more assault than insult Amelia: the first ๐Ÿ“– was because it only took my 10 minutes to find my parents ๐ŸŽ and the 2nd was to put my ๐ŸŽจ in to try and protect it from the โ„ Jac: [why I write non-fiction when I clearly meant fiction I've annoyed myself wid that lol just so we don't get confused on a re-read] Jac: and the stories were a total coincidence Jac: not like plastic bags are cheaper or more plentiful Amelia: not to me but I knew YOU wouldn't read them Jac: I can google a title and get the sparknotes, like Jac: ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ Amelia: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Jac: erm don't be rude Jac: you knew I'd do that, I mean Amelia: I didn't know anything about what you would or wouldn't do Jac: except that I wouldn't read them, obvs Amelia: yeah, well the wouldn'ts are a bit easier than the woulds Jac: be very obvious if I lobbed them back through your window Jac: don't even need your ma's keen senses to work that one out Amelia: you wouldn't come that close to my ๐Ÿ  Jac: unlike you, I have no reason to be anywhere near Jac: again, obvious Amelia: unlike you I don't need a reason Jac: sounds mildly stalkerish Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜• you're right Amelia: I won't bother to delete it though Jac: Progress Jac: it's fine, there's been very little too stalk, accusing you of that lately would just be embarrassing for me Amelia: likewise Amelia: unless you really want to see what else I've been knitting that badly Jac: you don't have a etsy yet? Jac: slacking Amelia: I wouldn't gift it to you if anyone else would have it Amelia: I didn't say I was good, only that I technically learned how Jac: Charming Jac: you want me to walk around looking a state Amelia: it's the thought that counts Amelia: and I'm under no illusion you'd wear it Amelia: it's not chanel Jac: we're still a while away from me being able to wear exclusively chanel Amelia: ๐Ÿ’” Jac: I know Jac: all bitch no rich, according to you Jac: not the one Amelia: you wish I'd ever called you names Amelia: I can flirt better than that, thank you Jac: That's a development too Jac: I distinctly remember ๐Ÿ˜ณ Amelia: rude Jac: but true Jac: and we aren't pretending to be strangers, remember Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜ฃ fine Jac: ๐Ÿ˜‰ Amelia: how long did the ๐Ÿ’„ even last once you'd thawed or whatever? Jac: not like I was doing much ๐Ÿ’‹ after Jac: not to say it was poorly timed but you know Amelia: because that's the only time you ever wear it, we're not strangers Jac: okay, yeah Jac: I've still got it though Amelia: maybe it's not a total ๐Ÿค‘ scam in that case Jac: it is still for special occasions, if not just ๐Ÿ’‹s Jac: plus, like you said, my brother is the only person I'm hanging out with and enough fans thought we were dating for a while there without trying that hard for him ๐Ÿคข Amelia: your family and incest Jac: can you not Amelia: sorry Jac: you're okay Jac: it is vomit-inducing though Amelia: yeah Jac: like didn't want to be 'outed' as his sister but the speculation is worse Amelia: loads of fans thought we were ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜˜ after I went to one gig and that made me feel ๐Ÿคข too Amelia: happy to be outed Jac: ha, seriously Jac: it's so weird Amelia: I must not have wearing ๐Ÿ‘– that night or something Jac: gays own denim, yeah? Amelia: your guess is as likely to be right as mine is Amelia: I'm the only gay I know Jac: bollocks Jac: there's loads of out kids Amelia: and I don't know them, my mum is my best mate, remember Jac: 1. you had a girlfriend and all her pals, however briefly 2. you claim to know/love my brother 3. so what are you talking about Amelia: 1. I've mentally blocked out that entire time period 2. he's not gay Jac: 1. fair enough, yeah 2. neither are you unless we are using it as an umbrella term so suck it Amelia: ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿญ Jac: ๐Ÿ˜‹ Amelia: or ๐Ÿฆ because it's โ˜€ Jac: that would constitute enjoying the rest of our summer Amelia: you did tell me to Jac: likewise Jac: are you going to go to any of these final-blowout-before-we-all-leave-forever parties? Amelia: I don't know Jac: Me either Jac: probably not though Amelia: if Jess wants to before I go, I might, but there's loads of other things I'd rather do instead Jac: cute Amelia: he is my sometimes boyfriend, ask the fans Jac: that's truly horrifying Amelia: maybe I'll be washing my ๐Ÿ‘– Jac: write a song about it, boy Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jac: he would Jac: tell me I'm wrong Jac: you can't Amelia: he definitely would Amelia: as enjoyable as it always is telling you you're wrong Jac: more enjoyable than hearing his ๐Ÿ’” Amelia: yeah Jac: but not ๐Ÿฆ Amelia: I'm very hungry right now so no Jac: I mean, go ahead Jac: but I'm never wrong Amelia: we're not strangers Jac: ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Amelia: you were wrong when you thought you could โœ‚ your own hair Jac: I can't wait to be somewhere no one knows that anecdote Jac: and there isn't photographic evidence Amelia: and when you told me my mum's ๐ŸŒน didn't have thorns because you wanted me to pick them for you Jac: well, that was just a lie, not being wrong Jac: surprised your mum didn't cut my hair with her secateurs after that, like Amelia: okay but I can probably go on and on all day if you want Amelia: ending on my forehead scar for dramatic effect Jac: you're the one that โคs it more than ice-cream and indie pop Jac: anyway, I feel enough guilt and shame for the things I did wrong way more recently than that, if we're being real Amelia: yeah, I know Amelia: me too Jac: summer bummer Amelia: hey, we're trying Jac: true Jac: not that bad, is it Amelia: maybe we should go to one of the parties, do it right Jac: you think? Amelia: I might worry less about freshers if I can do that without fucking it up Jac: Alright Jac: if we find one with the least offensive cast of dickheads Amelia: if anything that sounds harder than not fucking it up but okay Jac: at least Delia won't be at any Jac: it'll be fine Amelia: I'm ๐Ÿ’” about the lack of goodbye ๐Ÿ’‹ so if you could just not mention her name Jac: ๐Ÿค Amelia: thanks Jac: any time Amelia: and we can leave any time if it's the worst idea I've ever had Jac: now that's unlikely Jac: however boring it is Amelia: alright, if I'm the worst date ever Jac: nah Jac: you haven't forgotten how many boys I've dated Amelia: I've tried to Jac: ๐Ÿค๐Ÿค Amelia: ๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿฅ€ Jac: don't worry, I'm very aware how tragic it was, no need to pretend Amelia: I'm just wondering if they are or if they really think they did something ๐Ÿ†โญ Jac: They did me and that was the ๐Ÿ†โญ Jac: some people can get an ego over nothing, like she-who-must-not-be-named but the majority were clued in Amelia: no arguments from me, you were ๐Ÿ†โญ Jac: you weren't bad yourself Amelia: it's not a real compliment, it's an if I were dressed like a Shakespearean boy one, so I don't need any back Jac: no it's not Amelia: and I'm going outside, you'll be thrilled to hear Amelia: โ˜€๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒผ Jac: that's nice and all but why are you ignoring me coming out to you Amelia: because I don't know what to do with it Jac: okay Jac: that went well then Amelia: how did you expect it to go? Jac: thought you might be able to muster a happy for you or something Jac: what did your mum say when you first told her? Amelia: she asked me if I was sure, which I'm obviously not going to say Jac: did you tell her she was the first person you told? Amelia: no Jac: well maybe that would've been a better place for me to start Amelia: I don't think I should be the first person you tell anything Jac: it's not like you didn't know already Jac: that's the only reason why Jac: I'm not gonna make an announcement Amelia: and you weren't happy so I'm not going to say I'm happy for you Jac: alright Jac: don't worry about it Amelia: I'm not worried about it, if you're telling me, that's different from how it was before Jac: yeah, sort of what I'm going for Amelia: the fresh start thing, yeah Jac: right Jac: may as well give it a shot Amelia: you'll have loads of chances to get a better reaction than the one you got from me Jac: not going to get laid Jac: or join a GSA Jac: just also not lying and getting laid by dudes, that's all Amelia: okay Jac: unless there's a future king of England, that's just the kind of chance you have to take regardless Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Amelia: I'll let you, Sav and Delia be ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿผ it's not really the happily ever after I'm looking for Jac: not that it ever is really Jac: ๐Ÿ“ธ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿš‡๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’” Amelia: Jess' fans are intense enough Jac: ๐Ÿ™„ yeah, can't wait for the complex he gets Amelia: loads of girls have already asked me out to try and get close to him, no thank you Jac: Ew Jac: another reason not to come out Amelia: you'll just get lads doing it instead Jac: nah Jac: lads aren't like that and he has like no male fans Amelia: not yet Jac: still Jac: gay boys aren't gonna pretend to be straight to clout chase Amelia: I was thinking more straight lads trying to be his mate and take his fan girls but sure Jac: why are you wishing predators on me just to prove boys are as bad as straight girls Jac: ๐Ÿคจ Amelia: I haven't made any wishes Jac: hmm ๐Ÿ‘Œ Amelia: you can have a clichรฉd good luck message when you actually leave Jac: I'll look forward to it Jac: you're so jaded now yeah Amelia: not that kind of ๐Ÿ‘ต Jac: I've only got the one so not much to compare Jac: โŒ๐Ÿ‘ต๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿ‘ด Amelia: I'll cellotape ๐Ÿ’ฐ to any cards I send you along with the ๐Ÿงถ๐Ÿงฃ๐Ÿงค๐Ÿงฆ๐Ÿงธ Amelia: leave you long rambling voicemails because I refuse to text and show up at every family function only to leave like an hour later Amelia: the full experience Jac: honestly, sounds like you anyway Jac: not a big stretch is it Jac: ๐Ÿ˜„ Amelia: I wouldn't do it if it was, selfish bitch that I am Jac: Obvs Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜ Jac: right Jac: better let you go enjoy the โ˜€๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒผ as requested Amelia: don't worry, I'm a ๐Ÿ‘ต who can do a few things at once Amelia: not wearing my ๐Ÿฆ or anything Jac: knitted bib would probably not work Amelia: my mum must've tried it when I was a baby Jac: she probably soldiered on as well Jac: like with the bob Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜ฃ Amelia: BFF or not, I won't be asking her advice on what to wear for my first day of lectures Jac: Bless Jac: the preppy look would be more her wheelhouse than freshers though Amelia: freshers is a banned word in our ๐Ÿ  Amelia: she thinks I'm going to go insane Jac: you aren't Delia who's never been to a real party in her life Jac: I'll send her some charcoal all ready, like Jac: DIY Amelia: she'd probably assume it was an early ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ and you were calling her ๐Ÿ‘ฟ Jac: she is that pessimist Jac: not gonna beat you with a switch, sorry girl Amelia: she'd at least need to buy you a drink first Jac: I'd need more than a single drink, tah Amelia: ๐Ÿพ Jac: that's the vibe Jac: [examples 'cos St Andrews so bouj with the champagne etc lol] Amelia: you'll fit right in Amelia: I don't know what Cork's vibe is Jac: You should check out the #s it can be really useful Jac: if you're not quite ready to dip your toe into the freshers whatsapps yet Jac: I'm holding off 'cos ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Amelia: me too, I feel at risk of a migraine just thinking about it Amelia: which would be about right when I haven't had as many lately Jac: alright, I get it Jac: massive pain in your ๐Ÿคฏ Jac: I'm glad you've got 'em a bit more under control though Amelia: I mean, you're not on my official triggers list technically Amelia: even if I was apparently always ๐Ÿ˜ณ Jac: Yeah Jac: but that's easily dealt with Amelia: right Jac: better than an aspirin, anyway Amelia: true, I'm still shit at swallowing ๐Ÿ’Šs Jac: That gay Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jac: Might go to [this] hers Jac: they weren't that awful Amelia: and it's not that far if we decide to ๐Ÿƒ away Jac: and her parents will only be down the pub or something 'til they call time, so no chance of it getting out of hand Amelia: my parents will be thrilled Jac: if you don't want them to join you on freshers Amelia: thank god she isn't reading over my shoulder right now, you'd have given her ideas Jac: no way she weren't already thinking of ways to ๐Ÿ”ญ Amelia: one of many reasons I'd never go to Trinity Jac: Same Jac: can't imagine anything worse Amelia: UCC's website already makes the BOLD claim of being in the top 2% of universities in the world so obviously I have no need anyway Amelia: don't ask me how they worked out anything like that Amelia: ๐Ÿคจ Jac: top 2% at what Jac: I love when they try to blind you with stats Jac: some of the websites are abhorent Amelia: Bath's would give me a migraine Amelia: because yeah I've looked at it Jac: don't remind me ๐Ÿ’” Amelia: I'll invite Delia to the party if you like, that'll make you feel loads better Jac: I AM thrilled that no one from school is going to st andys too Jac: ๐Ÿ‘€ anyone across campus, let alone her, nope Amelia: shit, now that you mention it, I really don't like my chances of not running into anyone quite as much Amelia: that'll be a great orientation depending who I get Jac: I think they're gonna announce it all at that ball thing they're doing Jac: if you're going to that Amelia: I probably have to now Amelia: to get a warning Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Jac: just don't dramatically gasp or scream in horror Jac: the other person/people might be a bit offended Amelia: that'll be everyone else at me in a ๐Ÿ‘— again Jac: okay, cinderella fantasy Amelia: thanks, yeah, I'm totally rocking some summer rags as we speak Amelia: I get it, if it's not chanel I might as well ๐Ÿงน the floor in it or with it Jac: at least you name isn't prefaced with ugly or evil Jac: r* Jac: ๐Ÿญ๐ŸŽƒโœจ Amelia: but I can't be leaving ๐Ÿ‘  behind Jac: packing is so weird Jac: how do you even know how much to take Amelia: I just know I'm going to have to keep going back and forth because I haven't grabbed the right things Amelia: I don't envy you Jac: what are you doing for living your 1st year? Amelia: rooms are on a lottery so if I don't get one I'll have to stay here and ๐Ÿš— Jac: Oh Jac: that's tense Jac: I'll ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž Amelia: scared as I am, I seriously don't want to live at ๐Ÿ  Amelia: what kind of fresh start is that? Jac: I agree, I mean, obviously Jac: I couldn't go much further Jac: you'd miss out if you had to commute, on all the student life Amelia: exactly, they also brag about having over 100 societies Jac: we love an option Jac: it'll be good Jac: even if you do ๐Ÿš— for a bit, you'll meet people you actually wanna share with later Amelia: ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž Amelia: so are you going to the ball ๐Ÿ‘ธ? Jac: better than being stuck with total nightmare housemates Jac: I opted for a single room for that same reason Jac: only so nice I can be still Jac: I wanted to scream at Jude earlier but I had to just ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚ Jac: May as well, though everyone is pairing up and making that a thing, or going as a girly group and then that's another thing so Amelia: right? I've never even had to share a bathroom before, I'm too only child for this bullshit to be honest Jac: ^^ you wouldn't cope, soz Amelia: I'd rather sleep in my ๐Ÿš— than with nightmare housemates Amelia: fuck's sake, maybe I won't go to the ball and take my chances with whoever else is going to UCC Amelia: we probably won't ever run into each other anyway Jac: I saw Is and all her mates dress shopping in town the other day Amelia: did she see you? Jac: Thankfully not Jac: I was stocking up on some beauty essentials so I was far enough away for that convo not to happen Amelia: It's so weird to just see her around Amelia: she always looks good though Jac: Yeah Jac: she's gonna be really happy Jac: it's good Amelia: but it has made my mind up about not going, because there's no way I'm going dress shopping Amelia: and nothing online can be trusted Jac: We could've gone together Jac: pure solidarity thing, as we have no one else to go with Jac: apart from Jess Amelia: do you want to? Jac: I mean, yeah Jac: the last day was pretty anti-climatic Jac: at least this will feel like a proper goodbye Amelia: I'm aware I haven't really shone in this conversation so okay Jac: You don't have to Jac: but it could be alright, us three Jac: see it through to the end properly, you know Amelia: I want to though, when you put it like that Jac: Okay Jac: cool Jac: I'll tell Jess Jac: at least he has to have something approaching formalwear these days Amelia: maybe he'll let me borrow it Jac: the full ๐Ÿคต๐Ÿป moment Amelia: I guess, if it means I can escape the ๐Ÿ› moment Jac: you don't have ANYTHING? Amelia: no ?????? maybe ??????? Amelia: I don't know, it's not a house party Jac: ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜‚ Jac: in fairness, every other bitch is finished by now Jac: so you aren't going to run into everyone Amelia: what are you planning on wearing? Jac: ๐Ÿค” Jac: I probably have options Jac: if I've worn it too recently is always the question Amelia: we're going shopping, aren't we? Jac: it sounds like we need to Amelia: alright Jac: When do you wanna go Jac: I've wrapped up work now so I'm pretty free most of the time Jac: when not packing, unpacking, repacking Amelia: tomorrow so I can change my mind AGAIN back to not going if all the ๐Ÿ‘— suck Amelia: plus my mum is busy and can't gatecrash to volunteer any 'advice' Amelia: more importantly, where do we want to go? because I'll ๐Ÿš— Amelia: obviously you'll be wanting to look ๐Ÿค‘ Jac: I won't make you do Brown Thomas Jac: but could we do Powerscourt? Jac: ๐Ÿฅบ Amelia: you can't make me do anything anymore but because you've made such a convincing argument with ๐Ÿฅบ yeah we can Jac: Oh that's right Jac: we're both better people now Jac: I still love Powerscourt though Amelia: I don't want you to change everything about yourself, that's erasure not improvement Amelia: and I still love how your face lights up when you go there Jac: It is knowing which parts to cut off and which can be salvaged Jac: like ย ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿฅ€ Jac: speaking of, the garden flower shop ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Amelia: like ๐Ÿ–Œ too sometimes you want to leave the first brush strokes in and sometimes you don't Amelia: fine, I'll make you a corsage, don't feel like you have to ๐Ÿฅบ I've made a shit load of Christmas wreaths, it'll be a piece of cake Jac: exactly Jac: or what ๐Ÿ–Œ stroke is going to be the one that's one too many Jac: or the painting that never seems quite finished Jac: by the way, if you do have to keep living here, please ensure my sister doesn't ruin my room Jac: there was talk of a mural Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜ฃ don't! I'm not going to miss any of those dilemmas when I have zero time for ๐ŸŽจ Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜‚ of course there was Amelia: Oh Jude Jac: Far too busy being Sherlock ๐Ÿง Jac: I think she was just trying to get a rise out of me, so naturally I didn't give anything Jac: but God knows the eyesore I'll come back to Amelia: I'll find out if she was serious or not when I devote my time to spying on the state of your bedroom walls Jac: It can't all be murders at dinner parties Amelia: ๐Ÿ’” Amelia: now you tell me Amelia: I've been channelling Miss Marple all year for nothing Jac: ๐Ÿ˜… Jac: she was a bad bitch Amelia: likewise ๐Ÿ˜Ž that was the easy bit Jac: you're such a fool Jac: ๐Ÿ˜ Amelia: you gave me another chance, I dread to think what it makes you Jac: what's it about beggars not having much option? Amelia: if you're financially fucked to that level we probably shouldn't go to Powerscourt Jac: Please, all I did was work this past year Jac: school and actual Jac: may as well blow some of it before I'm using it to eat rice every night at uni or whatever Amelia: stop flexing at me, thank you, I don't wish to see it Amelia: or you the return of my ๐Ÿ˜ณ Jac: I don't know what you're talking about ๐Ÿ’ช Jac: and I have fond memories of your ๐Ÿ˜ณ too Amelia: past tense not present Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿฆ Jac: not even for old times sake then? Jac: ๐Ÿ’” Amelia: you can't even see me right now and if you're using your imagination there's loads of old times to remind yourself of Jac: but when I do Amelia: I couldn't possibly comment on tomorrow before it has happened Amelia: not a ๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’ซ gay, if you recall Jac: so sorry Jac: about your lack of powers Jac: be really good if being gay came with those kinda perks, tbh Amelia: very disappointing Jac: yeah, I'll bring it up with god when I get there, like Amelia: I'll bring it up with ๐Ÿ‘ฟ so all bases are covered Amelia: because I was a miracle and I squandered it, or whatever Jac: Hardly Jac: 1. your mum loves the gays and you having a baby will be such a trial she will live for the bonding 2. you've survived to go to uni that's like all they want Amelia: ๐ŸŽบI feel so accomplished suddenly Jac: yeah, I know, making things sound as harsh as possible is my speciality Jac: but you actually should be Amelia: for what? Jac: Loads of things Jac: mainly getting on your course at the mo though, as that's all we can talk or think about Amelia: it's about picking the right subjects, that's all Amelia: like I said, school is boring but not hard ๐Ÿงฉ Jac: you still did that Jac: and that means you're smart Jac: or it would be both Amelia: you're the only one who didn't believe I had a plan or fuck to give about the future Jac: I was just trying to make sure you didn't give up Amelia: that went well Jac: yeah, I know Jac: okay, it was still rude to say, even if I had good intentions Amelia: you've been ruder, so have I Jac: I'm sure I don't even remember half the shit I said Jac: feel free to regale me with my worst hits if you wanna and I'll try not to kill myself, like Amelia: It's not as if I'd enjoy reliving it either Jac: it'd be alright if you did Amelia: not really Jac: I'm owed a lot worse than squirming for a bit from you Jac: but let's not then, unless you change your mind Jac: works for me Amelia: if I fancy ๐ŸŽฃ I know where you are Jac: I didn't take up old people hobbies too, I'm afraid Amelia: it'd be a bit rude to leave my dad entirely out Amelia: but actually his hobby is just sitting down in different places depending on the โ˜€โ˜๐ŸŒง๐ŸŒจ Jac: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jac: can think of worse Amelia: it's an easy one to take up when you get to Edinburgh so you're welcome for the great suggestion Jac: ๐Ÿคž there will be no time right Amelia: yeah, there is probably only so much distraction we can stand and we already got to the limit ๐ŸŒ  Jac: I will have a garden though Jac: and there's the golf course Jac: those are old people adjacent Amelia: of course you'll have a garden Amelia: that's the biggest you incentive I've ever heard Jac: it sold the single bed over the double Jac: along with the more historic building Jac: was used to a single anyway before the basement Amelia: if you're desperate to stretch just go sleep in the ๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒป Jac: ๐Ÿ˜… it's Edinburgh, not the Bahamas Amelia: obviously wear clothes Jac: I would manage that without your advice, thank you Jac: didn't go that mental post baby Amelia: I'll knit you a blanket and maybe some kind of onesie, it'll be fine Jac: just so dating really isn't an option ๐Ÿ‘Œ Amelia: maybe if it's tartan the locals will be super into it Jac: nothing more endearing than a bit of mockery ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐ŸŒˆ Amelia: no ๐ŸŒˆ don't worry, I haven't fully transformed into my mother Jac: ๐Ÿ˜ Amelia: at least you know you're getting a ๐Ÿ› Jac: yeah, that is shitty Jac: they famously charge more than any other uni for said rooms so Jac: there's that Amelia: ๐Ÿค‘ Jac: I'm gonna be broke forever ๐ŸŽป Amelia: until you straighten up and get that ๐Ÿคด Jac: at least some rich royal wannabe Amelia: I'll be a starving artist with no time to pick up a brush Jac: ๐Ÿ•ต Amelia: Miss Marple never solved student debt Amelia: I guess it's up to me Jac: she was a school of life type, aka totally unqualified, just nosy Amelia: and of 'independent means' aka ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ Jac: duh Jac: poor people weren't worth writing about Amelia: how would you know? you don't read any fiction Jac: exactly Jac: I've read the reports Amelia: because they can be trusted any more than the UCC website I'm sure Jac: data to back up the findings is key Jac: be interested to see UCCs Amelia: unlikely they have any Amelia: but I'll ask Jac: may as well get friendly with the staff Jac: start as you mean to go on Amelia: sweet of you to think about getting me a date Amelia: I don't think I'll start there though Jac: if you go for that cliche, like Jac: the fresh start thing we're doing might have to be reconsidered Amelia: I'm really cool with NOT Amelia: falling for your childhood best friend is enough of one Jac: you've read the books, I couldn't possibly comment Amelia: it's usually some ๐Ÿ˜Ž new hs student which your parents have been there and done Jac: Yeah Jac: I don't think the hilarity of the situation escaped them Amelia: it's always really funny to hear about so clearly not Jac: yeah, from an outside POV Jac: having your parents live out a romcom just gives you unattainable and unrealistic expectations Jac: see Jude Amelia: okay, point taken Jac: now beyond unattainable for me Amelia: nothing's unattainable for you Jac: you're sweet Amelia: no, unlike Jude you set goals and work towards achieving them until you have Amelia: if there's something you want, you'll get there Jac: isn't โค meant to be beyond all that Jac: not something you can put in the diary or on a vision board, like Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜ maybe Amelia: but love takes effort Jac: I don't know Jac: if I'll ever be ready Jac: so for now, it can take a backseat and that's fine Amelia: yeah, I feel the same way Jac: ๐Ÿ•ฎ Amelia: ๐Ÿค“ Jac: *๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“ Amelia: when I wear my glasses it's really not that far off Jac: you look cute in your glasses Amelia: ๐Ÿคฅ you do Amelia: I look like a kids book character Jac: what's wrong with that? Amelia: I'm not trying to bring back ๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿป Jac: I liked your hair too Amelia: maybe you need new glasses Amelia: I am going to do something different with it for uni though, I just need to decide Jac: you could never take a compliment Jac: ๐ŸŸฅ ๐ŸŸง ๐ŸŸจ ๐ŸŸฉ ๐ŸŸฆ ๐ŸŸช โฌ›๏ธ โฌœ๏ธ? Amelia: I'll pack them all up in my suitcase and take them to Cork in case I don't like it Jac: just don't start with red then Amelia: I'd never get that out Amelia: even more persistent than you with the compliments Jac: your mum would also think the breakdown had begun so Jac: wouldn't Amelia: she hasn't had me sectioned yet, assumedly it'll take more than rebel red or whatever they've called it Jac: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jac: you know it's someone like Delia coming up with these names Amelia: they should poach my mum off my dad's reception, she has A LOT to say about what ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿงถ colours are named Jac: a new career would keep her busy Jac: empty nest is real Amelia: I did consider getting her a pet but if it's too cute, I won't want to leave Jac: you're so soft Amelia: is that another compliment or an insult? Jac: it's an insult, don't worry Jac: no need for ๐Ÿ˜ณ Amelia: okay Jac: she can have one of the dogs Jac: wouldn't miss the one Amelia: and expose my dad's fake allergy? he's worked so hard on that lie Jac: such a move Jac: suddenly LOVES animals now you're gone Jac: I would Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜ฃ Jac: maybe I can convince him Jac: add him to my list, like Amelia: because that doesn't sound like you're about to seduce my dad Jac: only so you can have a dog Jac: excuse you Amelia: I don't want one THAT badly Jac: and I don't want your dad at all, tah Amelia: if you did you'd have kissed him instead of Valentina during your attempt to ruin my life or whatever so yeah, I figured Jac: I forgot who that was Jac: even your girlfriend had an ๐Ÿ‘ต name Amelia: funnily enough that wasn't why I went out with her Jac: Sure Amelia: at least I know she isn't going to Cork or any uni Jac: Colour me surprised Jac: I remember her being stupid Amelia: you barely remembered her name, she didn't make a lasting impression, clearly Jac: duh Jac: wasn't ๐Ÿ˜ Amelia: I know Jac: were you Amelia: all the things you could ask me and you go with one about her? Jac: I'm not on a limit of questions, am I? Amelia: I don't know what you're planning on doing later Jac: got that much to say? Amelia: did you want unlimited quick fire questions? Jac: you don't have to answer Jac: but you haven't Amelia: I wasn't ๐Ÿ˜ Jac: okay Amelia: it was just uncomplicated Jac: she was Jac: I get it Amelia: because she was blatant about what she wanted and why Jac: yeah Jac: that's what you needed at the time Amelia: no it wasn't Jac: wanted then Amelia: it was a bad idea in a long line of Amelia: the first distraction Jac: it was a better idea than the alternative at the time Amelia: the alternative was being single so no, that would've been a way smarter move Jac: I meant what I started that night Amelia: well yeah, but we're talking about my decisions and I wasn't going to do that Jac: that would've been too smart, I suppose Amelia: me kissing whatever lad you were with at the time would have been literally the opposite of smart Jac: that's not what I mean Amelia: I know what you mean Jac: it's not blame Jac: it would've been smarter for us all Amelia: yeah Jac: alas Amelia: ๐Ÿ’” Jac: you're alright now Jac: pretty sure you led with that Amelia: I wasn't going to lead with the alternative Jac: yeah Jac: Jude did the same Jac: totally thriving, not at all bullshitting Amelia: Oh great, it's been ages since you compared me to your sister, I've really missed it Jac: I can't help it if your approaches are similar and as blatant to see right through Jac: get better Jac: ๐Ÿ˜‰ Amelia: it was your choice to bring it up to annoy me, which you could easily do better at Jac: well I'm not used to being nice Jac: it'll take me a while to be really good at it Amelia: I'm not used to you giving me a sober compliment, we're both trying new things here Jac: I complimented you before Jac: you act like I never did when we were friends Amelia: forever ago then Amelia: when you were nice Jac: rude but fair Jac: I was never that nice, actually Amelia: I remember you being nice to me Jac: ha Jac: you admitted it Amelia: that you were nice to me when we were friends, yeah, it's right there Jac: mhmm Jac: I see it Amelia: if you're about to accuse me of bullshitting, go on Amelia: be brave Jac: why would I? Amelia: I don't know, to be annoying Jac: I'm not trying to be annoying Jac: so nah Amelia: okay Jac: I'm gonna go to that party Amelia: are you telling me because you want me there or as far away as possible? Jac: I'm just telling you because Jac: but no, if I see you there, I won't run Jac: but if you don't wanna see me, there's the warning Amelia: I'm seeing you tomorrow, just you Amelia: why would I need a warning for seeing you at a party Jac: Parties are a trigger Amelia: lots of things are Jac: it might be different Jac: in person Jac: and I've not been to a party since all I did at parties was get blackout at them and not remember much of the rest so Amelia: I won't go if it's going to make it harder for you Jac: no, that's not Jac: I don't even know if I should Jac: like you said, I can't not join in at Uni, that's not what I want Amelia: you have to start somewhere Amelia: and Jess would go with you if you want moral support from someone who isn't me Amelia: because I'm well aware I've never been great at it Jac: people from school SHOULDN'T fawn after him Jac: the whole playing it cool, knew you before you blew up, moment of it all Jac: but still Amelia: yeah, there's probably a lot of things people from school shouldn't do, but that's a different conversation Amelia: and a long one Jac: maybe I can't be bothered Jac: none of the people will be at uni, that'll take away the need to get completely trashed Amelia: right Jac: fuck it Jac: you go Jac: I'll stay home and knit instead Amelia: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jac: how hard can it be Amelia: you'll see Jac: judgmental ๐Ÿ‘ต Amelia: a rare ๐Ÿ‘ต who is willing to let you make up your own mind Jac: alright โœŒ๐ŸŒโค๐Ÿ•Š Amelia: shut up Jac: you'reso woke Jac: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Amelia: I don't know how well you'll knit, that's all Jac: I don't knit Amelia: not yet Jac: your ma has brainwashed you a bit Amelia: that's why I'm going to the party Amelia: to break her control Jac: ๐Ÿ‘ Amelia: alright, no need to take the piss Jac: I'm not Amelia: it's a small and bound to be disappointing step, I know Jac: little bit Amelia: but I don't know where else to start so Jac: it's a good idea Amelia: then why doesn't it feel like one? Jac: how was the last one you went to? Amelia: depressing Jac: that's normal, isn't it Jac: parties are Jac: you reckon you're meant to be having the best time ever and you ain't, that's the mood Amelia: it's lonely Jac: yep Amelia: but anyway Jac: we're both totally fine ๐Ÿ‘Œ Amelia: of course Jac: tomorrow though Amelia: send me a message when you're ready to get picked up or something Jac: Sure thing Jac: See you then Amelia: okay Amelia: ๐Ÿ‘‹
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minhoslut ยท 4 years
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โ™ก summary: Since long ago the seven kingdoms of Lentavia have worked together as one, sharing their resources and prospering because of it. Each kingdom has its own prince, each a beautiful man who rules fairly, caring for their people and distributing their resources amongst the kingdoms. The seven of them are much like brothers, having grown up together in their joint castles that sit in the middle of the island. They are free to rule as they please and do what they wish, as long as it is harmonious within the kingdoms. They must, however, follow one rule. At age 26 they must marry a person of their choosing in order to fully take the throne and become a king. The eldest prince, Seokjin, is 2 days from the date he must choose his betrothed and has yet to even suggest someone as an option.
โ™ก pairing: Kim Seokjin x fem!reader
โ™ก chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ? |
โ™ก series warnings: blood mention, injury mention, swearing, anxiety, death mention, depression
โ™ก series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
โ™ก series rating: Mature
โ™ก word count: 2628
โ™ก posted on: AO3
โ™ก chapter four: healing
After an hour of not so restful sleep, you got out of bed and went to the bathroom, splashing water on your face and taking a deep breath. You weren't exactly sure where Jin would be, and you didn't want to frighten him any more than you had already by leaving on your own, so you wandered the halls in search of a servant to help you. Eventually, you were able to find a kind maid who took you to Seokjins room, which was actually just a short walk from your own room. You thanked the maid and then knocked on the grand door, "Seokjin? It's Y/N, I'm ready to go out for herbs if that's alright?" You felt bad making him go with you but had a feeling he would insist even if you tried to tell him not to. After a few moments, Jin appeared and opened the door, "To the woods we go then! I assume you know where we are going?" He asked, making you smile. "I do, it isn't too far."
The two of you made your way through the castle, and then out into the gardens. From then on you led the way, the two of you walking in silence, just enjoying the sounds of the forest. When you reached the area you had been heading for, you stopped walking and began to collect various leaves you would need for the healing balm. "How do you remember which herbs you need?" Jin asked you as he watches you wander about. "Ah, well with this specifically, I've had to make it many, many times so it's basically muscle memory to me now." You chuckle but the implication of your words doesn't miss Jin.
Despite having met you such a short time ago, he feels protective of you and hates the life you've had to deal with. "It's impressive, you must be a very talented witch." He complimented, making you blush. No one had ever said that to you before. "I just do what I can, I don't do much high-level magic aside from when I was learning it. I prefer to just live life as organically as possible with some magic sprinkled in." Seokjin hummed, "That's interesting, I think if I could do magic I would use it for everything, though that may just be because I didn't grow up with it..." You laughed lightly, "It is tempting, and on days when I was sick at home, I'll admit I used more than usual to do things for me." Seokjin joined your laughter at that.
You folded the plants you'd collected into the handkerchief you'd brought along, and tied it up so nothing would fall out. "Alright, I've got what I need." You said, standing up and brushing some dirt off your dress. "I can carry it for you, you shouldn't use your hands too much." Seokjin said taking the bundle from you gently, which you allowed simply because you hoped it may ease any guilt he may have over you getting hurt. You followed a few steps behind him as the two of you walked back to the castle, "I hope you found something about that interesting, I really could have come alone..." You felt bad for Seokjin, as he had simply stood there while you collected what was necessary. "It was fun, I got to know some more about you which is nice. I think it's good to get to know the person you are to marry." He said turning and sending you a smile.
You had forgotten about that, the marriage. "It will need to be announced soon then? The marriage?" The prince nodded, "Tomorrow, I think. Really it should have been the same day I met you, but there were, circumstances as you know." You hummed in understanding. "Well, once I've made the healing balm, everything about me will look normal for tomorrow, but Seokjin, the villagers... They still know I'm a witch. It might end badly for you, what if they stop respecting you?" Seokjin stopped walking and turned to face you, making you nearly crash into him. "Y/N, I think the villagers who have issue with you being a witch need to realize that you deserve respect. I frankly don't care what they think if they are going to be prejudiced." Jin spoke with strong conviction, not a single waver in his voice. You smiled brightly, this had definitly been the right choice.
Once you were back at the castle, the two of you headed to the kitchen. You found a pot the right size and boiled some water, slowly adding the ingredients and muttering a spell as you did so. Waving your hand over it to stir, you closed your eyes and focused on the magic coursing through your veins. "And we are done." You said happily, opening your eyes to find the prince staring at you in amazement. "You're incredible, Y/N." You blushed at his comment, turning away and scooping the paste out of the pot and into a bowl. "It's simple magic really, I'm just lucky enough to have that power." Unwrapping the bandages around your hands you winced slightly, the wounds quite tender. You smoothed the mixture on your hands, sighing at the cooling feeling. Seokjin rewrapped your hands for you since yours were now covered in the healing balm. "Thanks, it already hurts less." You assure him, having noticed him giving you an intense look when you'd initially removed the bandaging.
"If you say so, shall we have some lunch then?" Jin suggested. You agreed and the two of you headed to the dining hall after Jin notified a servant that you'd be dining now. Since it was lunchtime anyway, you found the six other princes already seated at the table. "Y/N! I hear you were in a fire yesterday are you alright?" Taehyung asked, concern heavy in his voice. "Ah, yes! Me and Seokjin just went and got the plants for my healing balm so now that that's on, I'll be fine." You assured him, holding up your bandaged hands as proof. "It's a magic potion!" Jimin and Jungkook said excitedly, making you giggle. "Yes, magic."
Seokjin sat down and gestured for you to be seated beside him, which you did. The servants brought out various dishes and everyone got some of what they wanted. You listened to the seven men banter with each other, their relationship was so warm it made you feel happy just to see it. When everyone had their fill, Jin cleared his throat. "So, I will announce my engagement tomorrow, if that works for you all?" The six men gave their various answers of approval, and Seokjins lips pulled into a smile, "Alright! Fantastic." Jimin looked at you then at Jin, "Have you arranged for a dress for Y/N? She can't be presented to the public wearing commoners clothing, even as beautiful as she is." He said, sending you a wink.
Seokjin blanched, making everyone laugh. "I'll take that as a no then. Well lucky for you, I have a few dresses from when those princesses visited a few years back. They were meant to be gifts for them but, well they didn't deserve them so they are just in storage." Jimin said, a comforting smile on his plush lips. "Jimin have I told you how much I love you?" Seokjin said, looking very relieved, "I'll take her to my seamstress so that she can have a proper wardrobe made just for her, and try on the other dresses in one go!" Jim said excitedly as he stood up. Jin looked at you, seemingly checking if that was ok with you, so you gave him a slight nod and stood up to follow Jimin. He led you down a wing of the castle you were unfamiliar with, "This is my connection to the castle." Jimin explains as you walk, "It's very beautiful." His castle is similar to Seokjins, but holds a little more... elegance to it. There are many delicate light fixtures and pieces of art throughout it, giving it a different feel than Jins.
"Here we are! Jisoo, this is Seokjins betrothed, she will be trying on those dresses we have and then you can take her measurements for a wardrobe." Jimin said when you entered a room with a 9privacy curtain0, a huge mirror, and a small pedestal, as well as a few chairs and a table. The woman he was speaking to was gorgeous, long stark black hair, an angular nose, and sharp deep brown eyes, but a warm smile that rounded out her face. "Hello, it's my pleasure. My name is Jisoo and I am the seamstress and designer for the princes." Her voice was high, but melodic all the same. "It's nice to meet you as well, I'm Y/N, Seokjins fiancee. Thank you for doing this for me." Jisoo laughed and shook her head, "I finally get to make some beautiful dresses, and for an already beautiful woman at that. I should be the one thanking you." You tugged on a curl of your hair, embarrassed by her kind words.
"I will go fetch the dresses, I'll be back quickly." Jisoo excused herself, leaving you alone with Jimin once more. "So, Y/N, how are you liking the castle so far?" Jimin asked, sitting in one of the chairs. "It's certainly different from what I'm used to, though it's very beautiful." You answered, sitting in a chair at an angle from Jimin. "I hope that you will take care of Seokjin. I know this whole marriage thing is sudden and that you don't love him, but I hope that you will at least be a good friend to him." Jimin said, a serious expression on his face. You nod, "Seokjin deserves that at the very least. I want to be there for him if I can, no one has been this kind to me, outside of my late mother. He is a good man, that I know, and I won't take that for granted." Jimin broke out into a smile at your answer, "I'm glad to hear that Y/N, and please know that the other six of us are here for you as well." You returned his smile, then turned at the sound of the door opening once more with Jisoos return.
You stood up quickly to help Jisoo with the huge pile of clothing she had with her. "Oh goodness, thank you! I forgot how much more fabric dresses have, it sure makes it harder to transport them alone." She said, laying the dresses on the loveseat and gesturing for you to do the same with the ones you'd taken. "There are five dresses, each is a different colour and style so you can try them each on and decide which you like best, and then I will check if any alterations need to be made." Jisoo explained as she ushered you behind the privacy screen, one of the dresses hung over her arm. She threw in over the screen so that she could help you undress and then into the dress. You felt very exposed undressing in front of her, but this was her job after all.
The first dress was a lovely shade of pale blue, with a sheer flowing layer atop the skirt. Matching sheer fabric made up the sleeves that were puffy up to the wrist where they cinched in. The bodice was fairly simple, a v neckline that was still modest, with flowers embroidered across it . It was gorgeous, you'd never even seen a gown like this. Jisoo helped you shuffle into the various layers needed for the dress, then ushered you out and up onto the pedestal. You gave a spin and looked at your reflection in the mirror, "Very beautiful!" Jimin complimented as you surveyed the dress in full. You thanked him softly, then you were ushered back behind the curtain by Jisoo to try on another dress.
This time the dress was similar to the first, the same sheer fabric covering the skirt, in a peach colour this time. The sleeves were three-quarter length peach mesh, open and flowy. The neckline was rounded, while the entire bodice was covered in fabric flowers in yellow, white, pink, and green. A few yellow flowers were also sewn into the top layer of mesh, scattered about like they'd fallen from a tree . It felt a bit more uncomfortable, as pretty as it was. Your reflection obviously displayed this as Jisoo brought you back to the curtain barely a minute after you'd returned to the pedestal.
The third dress was a dark green. The top was a sweetheart neckline with straps that had a cut out in the middle covered with matching green mesh. Off the shoulder sleeves made of delicate short but flowing mesh accompanied the straps, while the same mesh was layered atop the light green skirt. Sweet bunches of pink embroidered flowers decorated the top quarter of the mesh on the skirt, while also lining the top along the cutout and neckline of the dress . The colour reminded you of the forest trees in the wintertime, while the flowers were like the first signs of spring. You spun around on the pedestal several times, admiring the different angles of the dress until Jisoo had you change once more.
Next was an off-shoulder dress in a sweet light pink, with slightly darker pink roses and whitish leaves and vines covering the bodice from top to bottom. The same roses were embroidered down the skirt along with a few vines. The colour was very pretty, it matched the idea of a princess you held in your mind . It felt more exposing than the other three dresses, though not really by much. You felt yourself covering your shoulders with your hands, or sweeping your hair to cover the exposed skin. It felt foreign despite the meager difference for the others. Jisoo tutted as she watched you fiddle with your hair and hands, then pushed you back to the privacy curtain to try the last dress.
The final one was soft yellow, with fancy white embroidery across the bodice and coming up from the bottom of the skirt. Golden leaves decorated the rest of the skirt where the embroidery was not so that the mesh looked full and elegant. The neckline was rounded but higher than the second dress and the sleeves went out to the edge of the shoulders before switching into a golden mesh that billowed out and then was brought back in above the elbow . The bodice was tight, slightly uncomfortable and you shuffled up onto the pedestal as best you could. It was holding back your movements and made you feel restricted, setting a frown upon your lips. "Not that one either than hmm..." Jisoo commented, bringing you behind the curtain again and helping you back into your original dress.
"Well, you looked amazing in each one Y/N, which do you think you'll choose?" Jimin asked when you came out. "Well, not the peach or yellow one, they didn't feel comfortable. The pink one I felt exposed in, so not that one either... I think I'll pick the green one, I felt like a true princess in it after all." You felt embarrassed to say so but it was the truth. "Perfect, that one already fits you exactly how it should! I'll set about getting jewelry to match, now Jimin, off you go so that I can do measurements." Jisoo shooed the prince away, as he promised to return in a half-hour to fetch you. "Now, let's get you undressed and measured." You gave Jisoo a smile and removed your dress once more.
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