#Thank you for this Chrome! <3
teethofthedeeps · 8 months
hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
Thematic Headcanons.
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The night may hold terrors to many for it is the unknown that hides in the darkness but for Stoplight, it is the other way around. It is the darkness that provides comfort, offering him a place to hide, to hunt and to thrive. Daylight offers no such security however, hurting his eyes with how bright everything is and there is no terror like the surface being illuminated for all who live within it. During the day, Stoplight hides away from the sun, nestled in the furthest reaches of the underwater cave he now calls home. Daylight is so bright, painfully so and worse, it provides no cover for him whatsoever. He's exposed, vulnerable in the open therefore Stoplight holds no love for the day. Night is a little better but even then the moon can betray his presence just like her sister, the sun. The two orbs way up in the sea of stars might as well both be his enemy. Rest is all Stoplight can do when daylight arrives, having fled back to his den as soon as dawn starts breaking over the horizon. In the darkness of his cavern, he can do little else but wait until the sun falls again and may pass the time examining his hoard, studying all the strange objects he's picked up around the coastline.
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alphachromeyayo · 1 year
Druid Grove Theme from Baldur's Gate 3 but make it metal af ⚔️🤘
Fully obsessed with this game, and when I'm not playing, I'm blasting the awesome soundtrack.
So I made this ridiculous thing, old school Mortiis kinda dungeon synth vibes. Enjoy, I hope!
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cxpperhead · 10 months
What will your future be like?
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"As long as people want somebody dead, I can always make more money..."
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crunchworldsupreme · 1 year
Bookmarks: More Useful Than You Think (FireFox Edition)
RSS feeds are great, but more often than not I don't really want to subscribe to a website, just save the link. This is where bookmarks come in. You're probably already using them for some things, but I tend to see bookmarks treated as messy and impractical.
This is only as true as you make it! There are really great built in tools that allow bookmarks to be organized and easy to access. Better yet, they don't impact performance! You can have a ridiculous amount of bookmarks. This is basic stuff, but I've seen a lot of people not know it's there so:
If your bookmarks look like a digital landfill and you want them to look like this ���
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You're probably used to navigating bookmarks like this, or directly from your toolbar. It works, but it's annoying.
There's a whole bookmarks sidebar built into FireFox for a cleaner, more useful interface!
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This guy! Opens and closes with the click of an icon. If you don't already have it, add it like this:
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Just drag it wherever you want it on your toolbar. (And change anything else you want while you're in there.)
Now that you can open the sidebar, you can start organizing your bookmarks however you like. It's as easy as managing files on your computer. Right click for new folder then drag and drop bb.
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Folder before and after organizing. Took about 30 seconds.
If the sidebar isn't ~advanced~ enough for you, you'll be pleased to know there's a whole other UI you can access for even easier editing.
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0o0 !! love this thing. You'll notice the bookmark I highlighted has a vague ass title. Directory of what? You can quickly edit titles and tags here to make them easier to navigate. The name and the url are separate, so you can title them however you want. You can also export(backup) bookmarks to an html or json file that you store locally. Something you should do every once in a while just in case. It means you can also share these with other people, or transfer between different browsers.
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You can also edit bookmarks on the fly by just right clicking them.
Why complain about the lack of resources on the internet when you can start hoarding them in a clean and orderly fashion?
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lem-argentum · 2 years
i love having a jester-y self insert i finally have someone to associate all my clown tunes with :]
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mbrine · 6 months
I have hacked the mainframe (Inspect Element)
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It seems like WOW starts at 4000 boops given, OMG at 2000, MAX at 1000
Adding on all the tiers I've found so far
MAX - 1000
LOL - 1500?(Missed the window, can't confirm)
OMG - 2000
WOW - 4000
*-* - 5000
WHY - 6000
PLZ - 7000
AAA - 7500
;_; - 8000
0_0 - 8500
T_T - 9000
MAX - 9200+? (I think the counter bugged? idk)
<33 - 9500
TUM - 10000 given
BLR - 10000 received
How to Super Boop
On desktop, hover your mouse over the Boop button for around 5 seconds, and it will do 2 spins.
Once the button is done spinning, click on it and you can send a Super Boop!
EVIL BOOPS can be accessed by allowing the animation to play 3 times before clicking
One way to get Super Boops on mobile is using a web browser to access tumblr. Use "Desktop Site"/"Desktop Mode", then click and hold the button to send the boop. That'll convert it to a Super Boop button. It seems pretty inconsistent though.
For all clicking enthusiasts, do click this too, trust me, it's just as satisfying
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Omg thanks everyone for the boops, I've been butterfly clicking the boop button for so many different people for the past 6 hours and I'm exhausted
I'm pretty sure this is also my most engaged post on any platform I've ever used, thanks for all the RBs and likes <3 <3 <3
If anyone's crazy enough to try reaching 10k without an autoclicker, here's what I did
Ok, one more tutorial for the boops before I go to bed for real.
How do I check my exact given and received boop count?
NOTE: You'll need to refresh the page to update the counters, unless there's another method to check the live count
Go to your dash ("home" tab).
Press f12, or right click and select "Inspect Element"
In the window that pops up, click on "Sources" then "dashboard" under "www.tumblr.com" (Pic below for reference)
In the window showing the code, press Ctrl+F and type in either "givenCount" or "receivedCount".
Ta da! (Pic below for reference)
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Go to your dash ("home" tab).
Press f12, or right click and select "Inspect Element (Q)"
In the window that pops up, click on "Debugger", then "Sources" and "dashboard" under "www.tumblr.com" (Pic below for reference)
In the window showing the code, press Ctrl+F and type in either "givenCount" or "receivedCount".
Enjoy formatting (Pic below for reference)
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Gonna take a break from Tumblr for now, my fingers are in shambles and I'm pretty sure I can hear the mouse clicks echoing around inside my skull. Thanks to everyone for making this random Singaporean guy's day, mbrine signing out! ❤
Here's a link to my Twitch and Instagram for those who're interested, seeing as the standard procedure for when a post blows up online is to shamelessly plug lol ;)
Happy April Fool's Day!
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syrinq · 9 months
sick of this shit
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0 notes
i got the old tumblr dashboard back T_T
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i got the old tumblr dashboard back T_T i used the xkit rewriten options in this post and installed the firefox application called stylus and installed this script by @pixiel through it for the old tumblr layout <3
(psst reblog and spread this so it can get to who needs it )
update :hi besties both xkit rewritten and stylus are available for chrome too!
Thank you so much to pixel for saving our lives 💓
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hickoryhorneddevils · 2 years
0 notes
teethofthedeeps · 3 months
Sitting on the dock, Eliza pulls out a book and starts to read aloud.
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She was back, that redheaded woman. Sitting up on the dry docks with something... something he couldn't quite make out. It wasn't food, he could smell them from here. Eliza, Stoplight vaguely remembered handled the object in hand, turned it over in hand, the sound of rustling pages catching his interest. Latching his claws onto metal and wood, he climbed with all the ease of a practised hunter, fang-laden maw leaning in for a better look. Books were not something he was accustomed to. Couldn't be as their fragile nature would never survive getting wet, let alone survive the journey down to the bottom of the sea. Still, there was some vague recognition as Stoplight watched Eliza turn another page, revealing the contents within. There were images, or rather small markings that made absolutely no sense to the Trench, but clearly did to the human woman. Vaguely did he recall something from his time back home, down in the innermost depths of their territory. There'd been vast pillars and stone murals depicting their ancient past, of a time long ago before their people had been thrown to the darkness below. Such a time had been almost completely forgotten by the Trench altogether, the memory of their past kept alive only by the haunting songs of the Queen, who retained more than most about what they truly were, and what they'd once been... Thinking about his Queen brought a sense of melancholy to Stoplight, of loneliness and loss. Memories were all he had now that his home had been lost to great heat and fires below even deepest water and stone. His appetite was quite lost but Stoplight still hungered for something, company and knowledge, both of which Eliza might possibly provide. She did not seem to fear him like the other landwalkers, choosing to read close to the water when inside her territory might be more comfortable. "What say?" Stoplight rasped, pointing a brutal talon to once of the sentences Eliza was reading. He swallowed; speaking above water was so hard, the words of humans unfamiliar as they were unfitting to his teeth and tongue but he was trying, in hopes that Eliza understood what he meant. He needed to know.
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cxpperhead · 2 months
❤️ for my favorite icon of my muse
what icon? ask meme.
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Okay, it's a hard pick as there's a few but this is probably one of my favourite icons for him? It's close up, the colours are bold and striking, there's nice lighting going on and it's a neutral talking expression, it really shows off his nice cheekbones and peculiar anatomy going on around the mouth. Also nice snek pecs!
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ascel-vibes · 1 year
How to safely get rid of the 'promotional' dashboard clown with uBlock Origin (without needing to open tumblr and look at it)
alternate method to getting rid of the clown on dash for those with intense coulrophobia or unreality triggers, via the uBlock Origin browser extension:
1. Download uBlock Origin here (firefox) or here (chrome)
2. Click on the extension icon, then choose the cog icon
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[ID: Screenshot of the uBlock Origin menu, with cyan circles over the extension's icon and the cog icon in the bottom right. /End ID]
A screen like this will appear:
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[ID: Screenshot of the "my filters" tab from uBlock Origin's filter screen, showcasing an empty list to insert text in. /End ID]
3. Copy the following line:
edit: as of september 1st, new line to remove the skull (thank you to @nnwest and @sealie-seolh !)
And paste it into the box:
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[ID: Same screenshot of the above uBlock Origin screen, but now the list contains the copy pasted filter on the first line. /End ID]
4. Click "Apply Changes"
Afterwards, be sure to close any previous Tumblr tabs to ensure the save carries over- and the clown should now be permanently gone after opening a new Tumblr tab session
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lustspren · 11 months
P.S.T EP. 8 | After Hours ft Giselle.
length: 10.1k words✦
Giselle & Male Reader
genres: anal, oral sex, hard sex, creampie, foot worship, ass eating, pool sex, public sex
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The flight landed on the night of Tuesday, August 8, 3 days before the performance that Aespa had scheduled for Outside Lands on Friday. San Francisco was a city that for some reason you had always liked a lot, it was not exactly the most tourist friendly city in the country thanks to its stupidly steep streets, but all that was compensated by the beauty of the tourist places they had, among them the very famous Golden Gate, City Hall, or more discreet places such as Lombard Street or the Painted Ladies of Alamo Square. As if all this were not enough, they had a tram system that went to any corner of the city, you didn't know if you would have the opportunity to get on one, but it would be on your list of things to do.
You passed the respective controls at the airport, and when you went outside, towards the street, that was when everything became a dangerous situation for you. Cameras, and fans. Noze had warned you minutes before that for your own good you should put on sunglasses and a cap, obviously like the good fool you were, you didn't listen at first, but time proved her right and you had to put sunglasses on while you walked behind them dragging your suitcase. You knew that they were giants as a group, but you didn't fully assimilate it until you experienced it in person, a few meters from all the noise and the spotlight.
When you left the hot zone you finally reached the street, where a long black van with chrome windows was waiting for you with the door already open for you, the path delimited by a row of security guards who kept people and photographers contained. You finally entered the van, and took a deep breath when the door closed and it drove away.
"Get used to it, this was rather quiet," Noze laughed, patting your shoulder, as you settled into your seat and looked outside, wondering what the hell you had gotten yourself into.
The hotel you were staying at was the Hilton San Francisco, a five-star hotel, known for having the highest bar in the city located on the 46th floor of one of the buildings. The infrastructure was imposing and rudimentary, contrasting with the amount of luxuries that should have been inside.
The check-in when you arrived at the lobby was faster than you expected, Noze was certainly incredible at her job, and you were impressed by how enormously organized and effective she could be for some things. She always had everything in order and on time, even the most insignificant things that anyone could have overlooked.
Each of them were given the access cards for their respective rooms, the girls had deluxe rooms with a single bed each, while you, Noze and the rest of the staff members had regular rooms with a single bed. When you went up to settle in, you realized that a regular room in that hotel was without a doubt the most beautiful room you had ever stayed in, and you considered your bedroom as a palace of kings.
The room has a king size bed, with a small nightstand on the left with a landline phone, and on the right a larger nightstand with a digital alarm clock on top. In the far corner was a sectional sofa that covered a bit of the bed wall and much of the wall to the right of it. In front of the bed there was a long dresser with few things on it, with an office chair in a space to put your legs when sitting, and on the wall above the dresser, a television that was nothing special and that honestly didn't work. you had planned to use.
The views you had weren't particularly impressive either, it was just the inside of one of the buildings that made up the structure of the hotel, but even so, it felt like a comfortable and pleasant bedroom, perfect for a few days that you knew would be long.
You began to unpack your things patiently, leaving the suitcase open on the floor next to the bed and then taking out the important things from your backpack, your laptop, which you left on the dresser in front of the chair, AirPods, power bank and some snacks that you had bought at the airport. You were going to continue One Piece with the chapters saved on your laptop, you were about to sit in the chair, and at that moment someone knocked on the door. You sighed, closing the laptop to go to the door and look through the peephole. It was Noze.
You reluctantly opened the door, meeting Noze's playful gaze.
"Was the flight fun, pretty boy?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, and you huffed, turned your back on her and went to sit on the edge of the bed. She just laughed at your annoyance.
"I'm not going to comment on it, woman," you said, crossing your arms, "what's wrong?" you asked, looking at her.
"Nothing really," she said, stepping forward and closing the door behind her, "I was just coming to talk to you about some things," she walked over to the chair and grabbed it by the back to roll it around until it was facing you, then she sat there so she was on the same level as you, "How did you handle that walk through the airport? You know, with all the flashes and stuff."
"Fuck, it was an experience," you sighed, your face softening as you looked at the ground, "I'm not going to lie to you, it was kind of claustrophobic... I wasn't expecting so much commotion," at that moment the screen of your phone lit up. and it buzzed twice in a row, out of the corner of your eye you noticed it was Chaery and the girls. Noze also saw the phone, but she ignored it.
"Well, that's nowhere near the worst you'll ever experience, probably," she said, scratching her temple and raising both eyebrows, "panic attacks can be fatal, so try not to fall for that, oh, and something else-" she was interrupted by more buzzes from your phone, which she looked at for a few seconds and huffed in annoyance.
"Uh… sorry," you said, grabbing your phone and skimming through all the messages through the notification bubbles. They were all messages from the Itzy girls worried about you, asking if you had landed safely and if you had seen Cake's performance on Mnet. When you finished reading everything you turned the phone face down.
"Aha, no problem," she nodded, thinking that your phone was no longer going to bother you, "look, you have to make an effort to play your role, okay? You're supposed to be just another staff member, we can't raise suspicions among fans." 
"I don't think that's too complicated for me, the ones you have to keep in line with those matters are your girls," you said with a small mocking giggle.
"You are right, but it still doesn't hurt to warn you. You are listed as the girls' personal assistant and translator," she began to explain, "in short, you are supposed to help them with everything related to cultural integration."
"But don't you already have Giselle for that?" you asked with a confused expression.
"We had to have a cover for all this, don't ask questions!" she said tiredly.
"Alright alright, fair enough," you laughed, and contrary to your expectations, your phone rang again, but this time it wasn't a message, someone was calling you. You picked up the phone to see who it was. Yeji.
You stared at the screen for a second just like Noze, but unlike you she did act on it. She snatched the phone from your hand and answered the call.
"Honey, our little man is really busy right now!" she said loudly into the phone, already losing her temper, "I would appreciate it if you would leave him alone since he doesn't have time for distractions right now, damn it!" she finally hung up the phone and tossed it onto the bed, next to you. You just stayed silent for a few seconds, taking in what just happened.
"What the fuck did you just do?! Are you crazy?!" you said, raising your voice to her, frowning. Noze took a deep breath and rolled the chair forward, sticking it as close to the bed as possible to lean forward and leave her face a few centimeters from yours.
"Listen to me, boy," she grabbed your chin, "do you know how fucking lucky you are to be sitting in this fucking bed you're in right now?" she said in a low but threatening voice, "you know that right? Now tell me, are you willing to take this damn thing seriously or not? Because I have no problem going to the airport right now and buying you a plane ticket back to Korea. "
Your blood was boiling inside, your fists were clenched between your legs, and your teeth were clenched as she kept her grip on your chin firm. In your mind the idea of abandoning everything at that precise moment flirted closely with you, but so did the image of Ningning's pretty eyes looking at you, just like her sweet voice or how tender she had been with you from the first moment. She didn't deserve that.
"Fuck, fine, I'm sorry," you said, letting out a heavy breath, you closed your eyes, hoping your anger would go away. When you opened them again, you met Noze's now more relaxed gaze. From that distance it was easier to detail her face, and boy was she stupidly beautiful. She let go of you and leaned back.
"You'll have time to talk to them, okay? But for the love of God, focus on the here and now," she asked, as if regretting the fact that she had to talk to you like that so you could wake up, "Anyway, as I said," she sighed, "being photographed and seen in public with the girls is inevitable, this is why we can't afford to be suspicious of any kind, everything has to look natural, and nothing out of the ordinary. Understood?"
You meditated on it for a few long silent seconds, realizing that all of this was bigger and more serious than you had contemplated. What she was asking of you wasn't exactly difficult, your own anxiety was never going to allow you to act any differently towards girls in public, just normal conversations with little or no physical contact. You could control that, but you couldn't control how the girls were going to behave. You were afraid of that.
"I understand," you nodded, "you don't need to stress it to me again."
"Great," she nodded too, "can I have your phone for a second?"
"You're not going to call Yeji again to yell at her, are you?" you said picking up your phone with a raised eyebrow. Noze rolled her eyes.
“No, just give it to me,” she insisted, placing her outstretched palm in front of you. You handed her your unlocked phone, and watched as she entered the number pad, quickly adding the girls' contacts and hers, "look, they already have your number," Noze warned, "if anyone texts you for... you know, you must go immediately, no matter what you are doing."
"What if I'm taking a bath?"
"As soon as you finish bathing."
"What if I'm sleeping with my phone on vibrate?"
"You are not going to sleep with your phone on vibrate, it's an order."
"Okay..." you were silent, "...so what if I'm taking shit?"
"Fuck you get my point!" she yelled already annoyed, you burst into laughter, "stop laughing, this is serious!" You wanted to stop laughing, but you had met few people who looked so cute and at the same time funny in a situation like this.
"Okay, I'm sorry," you said, taking a deep breath to mitigate your laughter.
"I'm going to kick your ass," she said annoyed, and then sighed, "anything else you need to know?"
"Not really," you shook your head.
"Cool, now, I must give you some recommendations and warnings," she leaned back in the chair, "Minjeongie is... fuck, that girl really is like a black hole, no matter how much is inside her, she always wants more."
"Well, that's a pretty accurate analogy."
"You should be especially careful with Aeri, she really likes playing with fire," she sighed, you guessed she was remembering all the trouble she had given her, "you know, she doesn't abandon her American ways."
"I'm not surprised, she looks like something out of Mean Girls."
"I loved that movie when I was a little girl. I liked Lindsay Lohan so much..." she said going off the deep end for a second, you stayed silent watching her, and when she realized what she had said she blushed, "Ehm, like I was saying. Ning likes to drink, she's not an alcoholic, but she likes it, and when she gets drunk she tends to get into trouble."
"She drinks alone in her room, for example? Is that what you mean?" you asked curiously.
"Aha, she doesn't do it often but when she does we find her red-cheeked and acting like an idiot," Noze put a finger between her eyebrows and massaged that space, "and about Jiminie there's really nothing important that you don't know already, she's really competitive and always wants to win."
"I fucking know that," you said with a huff, remembering how she kept you from cumming in Ning's mouth.
"Well, I think we're done for now," Noze said, straightening up in her chair, she rolled it back and stood up, "By the way, we're going to dinner in a few hours, get ready and wait for my message."
"Alright, I'll take a bath then," you said, standing up as she walked towards the exit.
"Oh, one last thing..." she opened the door and put half her body behind it, only her head and part of her chest sticking out, "Honey, you're no longer just a masseuse, you're now part of this whole industry and the gears that move it. I know how fucked up being in a relationship can be from firsthand experience, so please..." she took a deep breath before continuing, "make sure you make this easier for the Itzy girls, they are very sweet enough to go through heartbreaks."
With all that said, Noze left your room and closed the door, leaving you silent and staring blankly as you took in everything she had just said. She was right, you knew perfectly well how the industry and Korean society behaved when an idol was discovered or involved in a dating scandal, and causing a problem of that caliber to girls was something that did not cross your mind as something that you wanted to live, but still, how the hell did you plan to get away from them? Your bond at that point was already too close, especially with Chaery. It wouldn't be an easy task nor one that you would want to do. Besides, what did she mean by saying she knew it from her own experience? Was she a trainee? Had she been with an idol?
You mulled it over for a few minutes until you grabbed your phone to respond to the Itzy girls, telling them all that you had landed safely and that you were going to watch their Mnet performance in just a moment. Then you specifically told Yeji that you were sorry about Noze just now, that she had just caught her at a time when she needed your attention. You had also written that you missed them all very much, but you thought about what Noze had told you a few minutes ago and you growled bitterly, deleting that part of the messages and sending the rest.
You left the phone on the bed and went into the bathroom, undressed and entered the shower. You turned on the cold water and put a hand in to test the temperature, too cold. Your hand went to the other handle, and you turned it until the water began to come out at a warm, perfect temperature. You took your time in the shower, not thinking about anything specifically, you simply relaxed, eyes closed and doing breathing exercises to come out as calm as possible.
After about fifteen minutes you turned off the shower and walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around your waist. You quickly searched your suitcase, looking for something appropriate to wear. In the end you opted for an outfit with a sporty aesthetic: a gray Japanese windbreaker jacket, black sports pants and silver New Balance 408 sneakers (which were one of the three pairs of shoes you had barely brought) and a black Nike cap.
As you tied your shoelaces your phone vibrated with a few notifications, reaching out to pick it up and checking it, there was a message from Noze telling you that it was time for you to meet in the lobby, but you also had messages from each of the Itzy girls.
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You wanted to respond, but you no longer had time to sit and write messages for each one, so you finished tying your shoelaces, grabbed your phone and wallet and left your room heading to the hotel lobby.
When you got there you saw the group of girls standing not far from the bar, near the group of tables and chairs that made up the place.
"Do you think those shorts are appropriate for going out, Uchinaga Aeri?" You heard Noze scold Giselle as you walked towards them patiently with your hands in your pockets. You wanted to see how Giselle defended herself.
"Oh come on, who are you, my aunt?" Giselle teased her, followed by an arrogant giggle, "I'll be fine, woman, don't be dramatic," at that moment you stood behind Noze, who turned to look at you and sighed in relief.
"Fuck, thank goodness, it's already late, let's go," she nodded towards the exit, and you all followed her.
As soon as Noze moved and started walking, your eyes went straight to Giselle's perfect fleshy legs, she turned around, and that's when you noticed how stupidly short her shorts were, thanks to the amount of butt they revealed, it wasn't anything out of this world, but for an idol it was a lot.
"Do you want a photo to make it last longer?" She asked, looking at you over her shoulder as she walked, a mischievous smile on her face, then she stopped to wait for you, and when you stood next to her she moved closer to your ear making a wall with her hand, "I'm not wearing anything underneath… in case you were interested in knowing," a shiver ran down your spine, and you did your best to play dumb.
"Hey, get in the van," Noze said, and you stopped to let all the girls walk in front of you, Giselle last of all, right in front of you. Your eyes never left her round ass, and she was perfectly aware of it, she even pretended to fix a strap on her sandals just to bend over and give you an even better view of her ass. You took a deep breath, and when she got in you followed her into the van.
The trip wasn't too long, in fact it was rather short. You stopped at an In & Out Burger, a fast food chain with which you were not very familiar. Before going down, Noze told you and the girls that they would be recording some group and individual tiktoks trying In & Out's burgers.
You got out of the van, and went inside the restaurant to all sit at an empty table. You made to take your seat, but Noze put a hand on your thigh to stop you.
"Honey, could you order for us, please?" she asked you kindly.
"Yeah, sure, what do you want?" you asked, and Noze looked at the others as they looked at the menus, you waited patiently, until Noze finally gave you everyone's orders. You turned to go to the register, but Giselle interrupted you.
"I want my Animal Style," she told you, and then she winked at you. You could see everyone frowning in confusion.
"And what the hell is that?" Ningning and Karina asked Giselle.
"Don't worry about it," Noze interjected, motioning with her eyes for you to go order. And so you did it.
After a few minutes you returned to the table with hamburgers (you had to make a double trip to carry all the trays), fries, sauces and shakes for everyone, including Giselle's Animal Style. You all had a pretty nice meal, the girls loved their burgers, and they ran out of fries in a matter of a few minutes. Noze recorded a few tiktoks just as she had said a few minutes ago, and then it was the girls' turn to record their respective individual videos.
Everything ended up being pretty normal, and you all went back to the van.
"Hey, make sure you sleep early today," Noze said, looking at you in the rearview mirror, "you have a dance studio booked for tomorrow for your rehearsal for the festival. I need you to be energized and refreshed."
"Oh, unnie, you have sauce there..." Ningning said softly, pointing to one of Giselle's thighs.
"Oops, how did that get there?" Giselle said, playing dumb, then she wiped the sauce on her thigh with her index finger and brought it directly to your mouth. You froze, savoring the sauce as you watched her with wide eyes. She just laughed, and Karina sighed.
"Oh poor boy... there's no way you're going to survive this tour," she said, feeling sorry for you and everything that lay ahead of you.
When you returned to your room again the first thing you did was take off your cap, throw it in your suitcase and jump on the bed to take out your phone and answer the girls.
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After sending all the messages you left the phone on the nightstand next to the landline and stood up to take off your jacket, leaving you only in your sweatpants and socks. You turned on the air conditioning, and got under the blankets ready to sleep. You lay on your side, hugging the free pillow like you always did, your eyes still open, lost in nothingness. What Noze had told you didn't stop spinning around in your head, and you wondered if it was the right thing to have told everyone that you missed them, then you thought about it for a few seconds, and you concluded that it wasn't right to be an idiot either. Being honest wasn't going to hurt anyone, and the truth was that you did miss them all.
You closed your eyes ready to fall asleep when your phone rang again. You opened your eyes immediately and reached out to pick it up from the bedside table, hoping that it was Ryujin's aforementioned fancam, but to your surprise, it was a message from Ningning. A silly smile appeared on your face when you read it.
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Before you could put your phone back on the nightstand you received another message, but more than a message it was a video from Giselle. You downloaded the video quickly, and your jaw dropped as you watched what it was about.
Giselle had put the phone on the dresser in front of her bed recording her. She fixed her hair and looked at her angles a few times before starting the action. Her hands went to the button of her shorts to unbutton them and slowly lower the zipper, when she did, she grabbed her shorts by the curb to lower them very slowly. You noticed a slight well-groomed bush on her pubic area, and before you could see her pussy she turned around to continue pulling the garment down, this time revealing her wonderfully round ass. She spread her buttocks with her hands and shook her ass from side to side, showing you her pussy and her butthole before turning around, walking over to her phone and stopping the recording with an evil giggle.
It didn't end there, seconds later you received a photo of her that only showed her shorts wrapped around her ankles, and her pretty, perfectly pedicured feet. You watched the video about three or four more times in which your cock was rock hard, until she sent you several text messages.
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After reading the messages you received another video, in this one Giselle was lying on her back recording herself with the rear camera, she wiggled her fingers adorably, but then slowly brought one hand towards the bush at her crotch, ending the video as soon as her fingers reached to her pussy. You were left drooling again, and the next thing you received was a goodnight from her.
You finally put the phone on the nightstand and closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep with a painfully hard erection.
When you woke up the next morning the first thing you were going to do was go wash your face and teeth like you always did, but when you got out of bed to go to the bathroom you noticed that a folded piece of paper had been passed under your door. You took it to see that it was an itinerary for today, you read it carefully and folded it again, left it on your bed and went directly to the bathroom to clean up.
That day was going to be much heavier than the previous one, so you opted for an outfit just as comfortable as last night, a gray sweater with a collar and black trim, black sweatpants, and the same sneakers from the day before. When you were ready you took your things and went down to the lobby, where there was a significant flow of people going to the bar area to enjoy the hotel food, sitting at one of the tables you found the girls without Noze, they had saved you a seat, from what you saw.
"Good morning girls," you greeted, sitting down with them, and they greeted you back. There was already all kinds of food for breakfast on the table, and you slightly rolled up the sleeves of your sweater so as not to stain them, "Did you sleep well?" you asked as you grabbed a plate.
"Fuck no," Karina said while eating a piece of toast with blackberry jam, "Mingjeong's noises didn't let me sleep at all," Winter, beside her, let out a small mischievous giggle as she looked at her waffles, into which she was pouring Maple syrup.
"I slept like a baby," Ningning told you as she looked at you with a small smile.
"I slept very well too," Giselle said, drinking some strawberry juice, "And how did you sleep, honey?" she asked back with a hint of mischief in her voice.
Before you could respond, Noze arrived at the table with you and interrupted you.
"Girls, are you done yet? We have to go," Noze said as she checked her phone.
"I haven't even eaten," you said with a poker face.
"You can take something to eat on the way, silly, but we have to go," she repeated, and then all the girls finished what little was left of their plates. You had no choice but to go to the people in charge of the buffet to order a takeaway breakfast. When you came back they were all ready and waiting for you to go to the van.
"Alright let's go," you said, nodding toward the exit, your packed breakfast in your hand.
"Hey, you're not going in our van today," Noze told you as you walked to the street, "I need you to go with the rest of the support staff and make sure everything is in order, provide logistical support and help them with the language, you know."
"Roger that," you nodded, and when you went out to the street you saw the girls, "see you in a while girls," you said, waving your hand, to go to the second van where the rest of the staff was.
"Oh by the way!" She told you from the distance, "In the afternoon we will meet in the lobby again, the girls will have a photo session and then you will have the night free!" You just gave her a small military salute and got to work with the rest of the staff.
You never thought you would feel that way, but for some reason you really enjoyed helping the staff work. They were all very nice and fun people, and it was really interesting to see how all the logistics behind such a giant group worked. The day passed faster than you expected, and the moment you least expected it, you were back at the hotel.
There in the lobby everything was quite chaotic, since as soon as we arrived they had the photo session practically within half an hour, so everything was a mess of people going in all directions, including the girls, making all the preparations and cleaning up to be able to arrive presentable at the photo studio.
In the photo studio your job was quite simple, in fact, it was quite close to your real role, a personal assistant for the girls. You went from here to there, with blankets and bottles of water to give to the four beauties who posed behind the lights with a truly enviable naturalness. You were inevitably closer to Ning than the others, and you knew that you shouldn't show preferences towards anyone, but the warmth and tenderness with which Ning always received you made you feel at home.
When the photo shoot was over all the girls thanked the staff with smiles and bows, and Noze gathered you all together to give each of you a Snickers chocolate bar.
"Alright princesses, we're going back to the hotel, night off," she said with a small smile on her face, and the girls cheered, "what you want to have for dinner or how you want to spend the night is up to you, but if you want to go out of the hotel, don't forget to inform me beforehand so I can assign you a staff member."
"Understood boss," Karina agreed with a small smile.
"Your departure is already approved, by the way," Noze told Giselle, "you're going with Yoonjung," Yoonjung was one of the stylists.
"Brilliant!" Giselle said with a little smile and small applause.
"I'll take a nap for obvious reasons," Karina sighed, looking at Winter who was avoiding her gaze while she played dumb.
"Can we go sightseeing?" Ning asked Noze, bright eyes only searching for a 'yes'.
"I'll work on it right now, for that you need bodyguards," Noze agreed.
"Thanks unnie!" Winter said in her tiny voice.
"Rest for a little while while we pick up everything, okay?" Noze said, taking a few steps away, "except you, handsome, come help," the girls laughed at your face.
"On my way," you sighed, and went after Noze.
You helped the entire staff by packing things and served as a translator between them and the photo studio staff, it took you about 15 minutes to put everything in order until you were ready to leave. The staff van had once again served as your transportation to the hotel, where the first thing you did was go to your room to lie down for a few long minutes in which you only dedicated yourself to scrolling through Twitter.
The fatigue accumulated in your body began to take its toll on you, and your eyes began to feel heavier than usual, you were falling asleep. You didn't want to take a nap at that moment, the night was still very young and you definitely knew it was going to be busy, so you made the decision that 70% of young adults would make being in a luxurious hotel with an open bar, go to the restaurant from the lobby.
With such a wide variety of drinks and beverages it was difficult to choose, but there, sitting at the restaurant bar surrounded by dozens of strangers, you didn't care to think about what to drink, anything would do to prepare you for that night.
"Tell me sir, what do you want?" one of the bartenders told you, waiting for your order.
"Surprise me, I honestly have no idea," you said with a nervous laugh, resting your forearms on the bar as you looked at the good atmosphere around you.
"Do you like vodka?" he asked.
"I love vodka."
"A White Russian will do, then," he said before turning around and starting to make the cocktail.
You took out your phone and waited patiently, calmly scrolling through Instagram, until an unexpected appearance made you take your eyes off the screen.
"Hey there, taking a well-deserved break?" Noze asked, leaning with both arms of the bar to the side of you, quite a bit closer than you expected. You were surprised by her presence, you thought she would be busy with more important matters.
"Oh yeah," you nodded with a smile, watching the bartender prepare the cocktail, "and you?"
"Well, I ran out of things to do today and I got bored," she shrugged, looking at the shelves full of bottles, "us managers need breaks sometimes too," she laughed.
"And you certainly deserve it, I can tell these days have been stressful for you," you commented.
"Don't mention it," she sighed, "have you ordered anything yet?"
"Yup, do you want something?"
"A Rusty Nail would be nice," she said, her arm tucked into yours.
"Hey boss!" you caught the attention of the bartender when he came with your drink, "Give me a Rusty Nail too, please."
"On the way!" he said, setting the small glass with your drink in front of you.
"Damn, Scotch Whiskey?" you asked amused.
"I guess I have a pretty strong palate," she said with a giggle, "Hey, are you hungry?"
"Now that you mention it, yes," you took the glass and took a sip of your drink, and your palate was delighted with the taste of the liqueur coffee mixed with the vodka and cream, "are you inviting me to dinner?"
"I don't know, do you want to have dinner with me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow with a little smile.
"It wouldn't hurt me," you laughed, taking another sip of your drink, and at that moment the bartender arrived with Noze's drink, you raised both eyebrows, seeing the strong, yellowish content inside the glass.
"Damn, I hope it's not too strong," Noze said, making a face of fear as she took the glass.
"And you worry about that now?" You took a sip of your drink, "Just drink," Noze took a small sip and scrunched up her face, you let out a few small laughs.
"Well, I was certainly hoping for something softer," she said, stirring the glass, "but it's perfect, let's sit down, pretty boy," she nodded at you and stepped away from the bar for you to follow her.
You and Noze went to sit at a table in the middle of the restaurant, and talked for a few minutes until you finally ordered your food. Noze was a much calmer and more ordinary girl than she seemed, your conversation flowed very well with her at all times, and she had a quite pleasant sense of humor. You enjoyed each other's company so much that as soon as you finished eating you continued ordering drinks, one after another, until you finally got up the courage to ask her something that you couldn't help but question since the flight.
"Can I ask you a question?" you asked, leaning back on your seat as you looked into her eyes, she looked back at you, her cheeks a little red from the alcohol.
"Sure, tell me."
"Why weren't you with the girls when... you know," you cleared your throat, "quality control."
"Oh... that..." she paused for a moment, and looked down at one of the empty plates, as if memories had invaded her head, "well, it's kind of complicated, honey."
"I understand..." you nodded slowly, "well, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
"And you're right, I don't want to do it right now," she said with a small smile behind which you noticed a hint of sadness and nostalgia.
"Then I have another question for you," you took a sip of your drink and set it down on the table, "how come you're Aespa's manager? I mean, look at you," you pointed at her with your outstretched hands, "you look like something out of an arts museum," Noze laughed adorably at your comment, but the same expression from a moment ago returned.
"Do you wanna know the truth?" she asked rhetorically, "I was a backup dancer for Red Velvet back in the day, I thought that my future was there and that my artistic career would take a big leap... but something happened, and well, events let me know that there was no future for me in that field," you didn't quite notice it from her downcast gaze, but you could swear that her eyes were crystallized, "the company knew of my good leadership and intelligence, so they offered me to be the manager of the new group that was about to debut, and I clearly accepted."
You remained silent as you watched her, carefully analyzing her body language and her face, it was very evident that she had a lump in her throat. You didn't want to push her about it, but curiosity was killing you, and the alcohol didn't allow you to contain yourself.
"But… what happened?" You asked in dismay, but at that moment you saw from the corner of your eye how Giselle arrived at the lobby without noticing your presence, you followed her with your gaze, and upon seeing your gaze Noze turned to see her too.
"We'll have to save that conversation for another time, darling," she sighed, swallowing thickly as she wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her sweater, "you have work to do, so go," she nodded at you. Giselle, "I'll pay the bill, don't worry."
"Are you sure?" you asked, before standing up.
"Yeah, no problem, I'll go check on the other girls too," she told you with a smile.
"Okay..." you grabbed your phone, put it in your pocket and walked to stand next to her, putting a hand on her head, "And hey, I'm open to listening to you whenever you want," she looked up to see you with puppy eyes.
"I appreciate it, a lot," she made a small silence as she looked at you, "come on, go."
You nodded and started towards your room, and just as if Noze predicted the future, as soon as you arrived you received a message from Giselle.
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As soon as you read the message you rushed to search like crazy in your suitcase, you knew you had put swimwear in there, but you took out and took out clothes without any success, in the end, your swimsuit turned out to be at the bottom of the suitcase. The you of the past was quite unintelligent. You changed your clothes quickly, putting on a pair of Crocs, swim shorts, and a loose white t-shirt. Once ready, you hurried to the hotel pool.
It was 12, almost 1 in the morning, at that time you expected to find at least several people in the hotel pool, but to your surprise, in the distance, already immersed in the water, you could see Giselle with her forearms leaning on the edge of the pool. You walked closer, looking in all directions to make sure no one was there.
"Oh well, what a shame," she said with some disappointment in her voice when you showed up just a meter away from her, "I was hoping you'd forgotten to pack your swim shorts and come in your underwear," as she said that, she planted her hands on the edge of the pool and pushed herself up to support her abdomen on it, letting you see the incredibly hot swimsuit she was wearing. It was a two-piece bikini, the top resembled an ordinary black bra, and the bottom part covered up to the middle of her abdomen, but it brought out all the dump truck that Giselle had as an ass, "you join in, dear?"
"You don't even have to ask," you said, taking off your shirt and crocs to sit on the edge of the pool, and with a little jump, you joined her in the pool, where the water reached you by a few inches under the chest. It was quite cold, but you acted brave in front of her.
As soon as you entered the pool with her, she swam towards you, clung to your body with her meaty thighs and to your neck with her arms and crashed her lips against yours without even thinking about it, you reciprocated for a few short seconds in the that you felt her soft flesh rub against your skin under the water, but when you came to your senses you pushed her away.
"Huh? What's wrong?" she asked, confused.
"Are you crazy?" you said looking around paranoidly, "we can't do that in public, someone might see us and photograph us!"
"Do you want to know something funny?" Giselle approached you again, this time placing a hand on your chest as she looked at you with her lips parted, "my aunt is a pretty important business woman here in the United States, do you want to know who one of the co-owners of this hotel is?" There was no need for you to answer her question, because immediately after she said that the lights around the pool went out completely, leaving you alone with the surrounding light and the moonlight.
"Dear residents, the pool will be closed until further notice due to an electrical problem in the machinery area, we appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience," said a voice through speakers that were invisible to you at that moment.
"You see?" She said in a cocky way, and then took your hand to guide it inside the bottom of her bikini, your hand went down slowly, until it found an area of extremely soft skin where yesterday you remembered there was a bush, that's when you realized where she had gone today. Your first instinct was to lower your hand a little further and begin to slowly rub your fingers along her slit and clit, but she winced and stopped you, "I'm still very sensitive from the waxing, honey."
That was not an impediment for you. You pulled your hand out from inside her bottoms and used both to quickly lower them to her ankles, where she kicked them away. Now you had Giselle naked from the waist down, with her bare ass and her meaty legs fully available to you.
You submerged yourself completely under the water, and took Giselle's legs to put them over your shoulders, sitting her on top of them to cling to her thighs and begin to eat her pussy in the most tender and careful way you could, making sure to do the least amount of damage possible.
Her pussy was fucking delicious and soft, you already knew that from your past experience on the flight, but this time you had both your hands free to take them to her ass and squeeze it as much as you wanted, massaging and groping it as much as you could. After a few seconds you stuck your head out to take a big breath of air.
"More!" she moaned, her face already twisted with pleasure, and you listened to her, diving back under the water and burying your mouth in her pussy again, attacking her clit and her soft folds. After a while you came back out for air, "Oh my fucking god more!" She moaned again, a little louder than the previous time, and you submerged yourself in the water again. This time while you were eating her pussy you took one hand to run a finger through her butthole, but when you got there you found a round, metallic piece. A buttplug. Instead of removing it you started playing with it, moving it around in circles a bit and taking it in and out a few times until you had to come back to the surface for air, "just take it off," she told you, referring to the buttplug.
You submerged yourself under the water again, and continued eating her pussy while you took off her buttplug, which floated away in the water. One of your hands went to one of her buttocks to squeeze them, while the other went directly to her butthole to trace the outline of it with your fingers, playing with it a little before inserting your two fingers inside.
You pumped your fingers in and out of her dilated ass for a few long seconds while you kept giving attention to her sensitive pussy, which you were impressed by how stupidly addictive it was, and you reluctantly had to come up for air again.
"Fuck, let's go to my room, right now," Giselle demanded, her face red and her breathing heavy.
"I thought you'd never ask for it," you said with a smile, and turned around to go grab her bottoms and her buttplug, but she quickly grabbed your forearm.
"Just leave them, there's no time," she said, taking you with her to the edge of the pool, "quickly, get me a towel."
"But..." you sighed, seeing both things floating in the water with some concern, "gosh, okay," you got out of the pool, and quickly went to one of the pool chairs to grab a couple of folded towels.
When Giselle got out of the pool you helped each other dry off as you walked towards the light, when you came out of the darkness you already had towels wrapped around your waists. As soon as you entered the hotel, you noticed over your shoulder that the pool lights had turned on again, but there was no announcement this time. Giselle was undoubtedly a clever girl.
You quickly moved towards Giselle's room, a path that had you on edge at all times with the fear that someone would see you, but luckily for you, the hotel at that time was not as busy as usual. When she got to the room, the first thing she did was finish drying herself properly and tie her hair into a ponytail.
"Honey, would you go to the bathroom to get the lube, please?" She asked, giving you a peck on the cheek.
"Sure thing," you nodded, and walked towards the bathroom to look for the aforementioned lubricant. You had a hard time finding it, since she had it hidden behind another bottle of body lotion. When you returned to the room you found her completely naked on the bed, legs wide open while she rubbed gel on her pubic area.
"Oops, sorry," she said with an embarrassed giggle, "I thought it would take you longer to find the lube."
"Nah it's fine," you said, leaving the bottle of lube on the bed, "do you want me to help you?"
"You're very sweet darling, but no thanks," she said with a little smile, "anyway, I wouldn't mind if you worshiped my feet while I'm done here."
You immediately got to work, kneeling in front of her on the bed and grabbing her ankles to bring her pretty feet directly into your mouth. It didn't take long for her toes to be completely salivated thanks to your tongue and lips, which worked with great dedication along the length and width of both feet.
Giselle didn't bother to hide her pretty moans as she continued rubbing the gel on her pubic area. A few seconds passed, and when she finished applying the gel, you grabbed her by the waist and turned her face down, to continue sucking, licking and kissing her feet the same way you did with Karina.
While you kissed one of her feet, Giselle moved the other one directly towards your cock, rubbing and squeezing it over your swim shorts, which you pulled down with a quick tug so that her foot rubbed against your cock without any restriction. You moaned against her foot, letting her rub your cock with her free foot for a few seconds until you pulled her by her ankles towards the edge of the bed, leaving her bent at the waist, her incredibly hot, round ass raised and her chest pressed against the bed.
You stood up for a second so you could take off your shorts and be completely naked. You bent your knees, and brought your hands to her ass to grab her buttocks and spread them wide, to immerse your mouth in her pretty butthole and start eating it with as much enthusiasm as her pussy.
Giselle moaned loudly at the feel of your tongue and clung to the sheets, while you worked your best to eat her delicious ass. Your hands squeezed her buttocks, soft and fleshy like two pieces of cloud, and your cock throbbed thanks to her sensual moans.
"Lick faster and towards the edges honey!" She asked between moans, and you thus pleased her demands, following her instructions to the letter and driving her crazy with pleasure.
After a few minutes of being immersed like a hungry dog in her ass, you stopped to take a breath and give your tongue a well-deserved rest.
"Keep your ass open, baby," you told her, as you grabbed the bottle of lube and poured some of it over your fingers, leaving them nice and slippery. Giselle complied with your order, grabbing her buttocks and holding them open. You brought your fingers to her butthole, tracing a circle around it before inserting them completely inside her ass.
"Fuck!" she squealed, as you began to slowly pump your fingers in and out of her butthole, which let your fingers slide in as easily as if it were her pussy. Your pumps became faster and more intense, and Giselle's squeals gradually became louder, "Hey... did you r-really mean what you s-said on the plane?"
"What are you talking about?" you asked with your mouth slightly open, panting as you fucked her ass with your fingers.
"D-don't play dumb... ah!" she moaned, "about how my ass and pussy were the tastiest you'd ever tasted."
You stopped pumping your fingers and bent down again to plant your tongue flat on her clit, slowly moving up through her folds until you reached her ass, kissing every inch of it.
"I meant every damn word I said," you said, placing kisses and bites on her buttocks, "I could eat you all day because of how fucking delicious you are, Uchinaga Aeri."
At that response, Giselle put a hand on your forehead and moved you away from her ass, settling on her hands and knees for you.
"Then let's hope it's also the best ass you've ever fucked," she said in a provocative voice, biting her lower lip.
You had been waiting for that moment since you were on the plane, and you didn't hesitate for a moment to grab the bottle of lubricant and quickly lubricate your cock. You knew that her butthole was well lubricated and dilated, so you didn't take long to grab your cock and press it against it, sinking to the bottom with a single strong thrust.
Feeling your cock buried deep in her ass, Giselle broke her own volume record with a single moan. You smiled, and gave her a small, spicy spank before holding onto her waist with both hands and starting to fuck her ass fast and hard right from the start. She buried her head between her forearms, moaning like crazy as your cock pounded in and out of her ass.
You pounded her ass so fast and so aggressively that it only took a few seconds for Giselle to reach her climax. She moaned from the rooftops, crumpling the sheets under her fingers as she pounded herself against your cock, her entire body trembling and writhing with pleasure. It was hypnotic to watch how her ass bounced against your pelvis, and how her buttocks wiggled like jelly with each crash.
"I'm not done with you yet, cutie," you said after letting her rest for a few long seconds.
"I didn't want you to stop either, fuck my damn ass as hard as you want, handsome," she demanded in a provocative voice, and you leaned forward to grab her ponytail and forcefully yank her head back, making her scream in a combination of pain and pleasure.
Her ass was once again being brutally hammered by your cock, without any kind of mercy or care towards her, only pure aggression and desire which was reflected in your moans and hers, which made a perfect symphony that was consistent with the pleasure that you both felt at the moment.
Your grip on her ponytail was firm and strong, keeping her head up at all times as you made every part of her body shake with each hard thrust. You used your free hand to give her ass another hard spank, but one turned into two, and two became countless spanks that made her scream with pleasure while her buttocks were marked red hot.
You felt your orgasm incredibly close, but her ass was tight enough for her to tell by how your cock was throbbing inside it.
"Pull out!" She ordered you, and you reluctantly did so, your cock aching and wanting to cum. She rolled over onto her back, and lifted her bent legs up to her chest to place her arms behind her knees in a firm grip, "You can get back to work now, honey," she gasped, and so you did it.
You took your cock and guided it back into her butthole in that new position, she felt you deep again and her toes curled tight as she squealed. Your hands went to either side of her body, and you leaned forward to pin her against the bed and begin pumping your hips aggressively up and down, making the entire bed and thighs tremble.
She moaned uncontrollably, her eyes watering and her mouth open the entire time, she writhed, and grunted with every pump of your cock against her ass. It didn't take her too long to cum again in that new position.
She whimpered, finally letting go of her tears and giving in to her violent spasms, which prevented you from moving any further. Her butthole clenched very tightly around your cock, and you crumpled the sheets under your fingers as you gritted your teeth and growled. Her toes were curled up and wiggled, and you couldn't help but take them into your mouth again to suck and lick them, hammering her ass back without barely giving her any time to rest.
"Fucking look at me!!" Giselle squealed as she felt your cock throb again inside her butthole, "look at me while you fill that damn tight ass with that hot load!"
With her toes still inside your mouth you looked into her eyes, pumping her ass hard again and again, multiple beads of sweat running down your temple as if you were running a marathon, seconds later, after a few violent thrusts. In and out of her butthole you reached your sweet spot, which became more intense due to the eye contact that you and she maintained.
Your cum shot freely into her ass in thick, long streams, which painted every part of her tight butthole and left it full as you moaned uncontrollably, pumping now with the same force but slower. Giselle accompanied you in her orgasm, and she came for the third consecutive time when she felt how your hot load was stored inside her ass.
The moans did not disappear for a few long seconds, in which both you and she did not stop writhing with pleasure, rather a little while passed until you finally slowly came out of her ass, which began to spill an abundant waterfall of cum that made a thick pool on the sheets.
You gave yourself a short break before standing up and going to the bathroom to grab some toilet paper and help Giselle clean up after picking up everything. You didn't let her do anything for herself for a single second, you yourself took care of cleaning her ass, the sheets and even the sweat on her forehead, which you instinctively kissed before lying down next to her and hugging her.
"Fuck, now I can understand how the Itzy girls are so possessive and protective of you," she said with a giggle, snuggling into your body with her arms.
"What do you mean?" you asked, brushing away some of the hair stuck to her face.
"Not only are you the best fuck I've ever had in my fucking life, but you're also so sweet and tender," she said with a smile, tracing circles on your chest with her finger.
"Well… it comes naturally to me, I guess," you laughed, and she laughed with you before letting out a long yawn.
"Honey... you should go," she said in a softer, more tired voice, "we can't risk falling asleep together and getting caught."
"No problem, cutie," you gave her another kiss on the forehead and stood up to get dressed and gather the rest of your things. You were about to leave the room until she interrupted you again.
"I'm sorry you couldn't fuck my pussy, but I was too sore," she said looking at you, lying on your side with your arms curled up to her chest. You approached her, and put a hand on her shoulder to give her a kiss on her lips.
"Hey, it was perfect," you assured, "besides, it's going to be a long tour, right?" you said with a giggle, and she giggled back. You winked at her, and then turned back towards the exit.
"One more question!" she said, and you turned around, “was fucking my ass as good as eating it?”
"Better, so much better," you said with a seductive smile, you blew her a kiss and finally left her room towards yours.
You were so distracted looking at your phone that when you got to the hallway where your room was located you didn't realize that Noze was standing in front of your door. You looked up at her, meeting a pair of furious eyes, Giselle's bottoms in one hand and the buttplug in the other.
Well, you were pretty screwed.
"This shit is fucking unacceptable!" She said loudly and then buried the bottoms and the buttplug in your chest, extremely angry with you, "Am I supposed to trust you like this? Don't fuck with me!" she shouted, "I'm not always going to be around to clean up your damn messes, so this better be the first and last damn time something like this happens!"
She finally walked away and left you there alone, with Giselle's bottoms and buttplug in your hands. You were completely stunned, as you had never seen a person as upset as you saw her in your life, much less with you. You didn't know what the hell to think, the only thing you felt inside your chest was a great feeling of disappointment towards yourself for having failed Noze.
You went to your room completely collapsed, leaving the objects in the corner of the bed and lying down on it completely dejected. You grabbed your phone, which you hadn't checked in a while. Multiple unread messages.
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You sighed, realizing that Noze had not been the only person you had disappointed today, but also Ryujin. You dedicated yourself to responding to all the messages, leaving Karina and Winter as read.
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When you finished answering the messages, you didn't even bother to change your clothes, you simply left your phone on the nightstand and fell asleep with the window of your room open, letting the cold wind accompany you to rest after that bittersweet evening.
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decvyed · 6 months
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Hey everyone, for this drop, I teamed up @squaresverse & @siik-manic to put together a collection of staple pieces suitable for any occasion. My part includes a hoodie & embroidered shorts with colourways inspired by Chrome Hearts. As usual, I have included an in game version as well as a blender version with 4K texture maps. We hope you enjoy this collection and look forward to seeing your characters in it! 🙏🏾✨ SATANSHUBBY's PART • SIIK's PART This drop includes the following: Chrome Hearts Oversized Hoodie 12 Swatches - Male Frame - Top Category - Specular Map for Shine Chrome Hearts Embroidered Shorts 10 Swatches - Male Frame - Bottom Category - Specular Map for Shine MASC4MASC Collection (Blender Only) 4K Texture Maps - Male Frame - Rigged Chrome Hearts Oversized Hoodie (Sample) 3 Swatches - Male Frame - Top Category - Specular Map for Shine New Mesh • Med-High Poly • HQ Textures • BG Compatible • Teens to Elders • All LODs • Custom Thumbnail • Disallowed for Random Base Mesh Credit: Wolves Studios Base Body Credit: @magic-bot Render Credit: @necromancerltd DOWNLOAD TOU:
Conversions are not allowed regardless of the gaming platform
Do not reupload
Do not claim as your own
Do not edit or recolour the mesh
Alternate Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100931275 Thank you for supporting DECAYED. Feel free to tag us in your posts on Instagram, we love to see you in our content.🙏🏾💫 You can also see our previous releases on our Pinterest Board 🌟
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piecesintoplaces · 2 months
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As a thank you for so many new followers, here's a brand new edition of my editing resources masterposts ✨ (you can find the previous editions here). Make sure you like or reblog the posts below if they’re from other blogs to support their creators! A friendly reminder that some of these are free for personal use only, so be sure to read the information attached to each resource to verify how they can be used.
Textures & Things:
Collage Kits from @cruellesummer that I find myself using basically every single day
Taylor Swift Wax Seals from @breakbleheavens that I also use literally every day
Rookie Magazine Collage Kits (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Scribble Textures & Cross-Outs (1, 2, 3)
GIF Overlays (1, 2, 3)
Film Grain & Noise Textures (1, 2, 3)
Paper Textures (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
PNG Overlays (Paper, Flowers, Clouds, Stickers, Lips, Vintage Paper, Misc. Symbols)
Halftone, Scan Line, & VHS Noise Textures (1, 2, 3, 4)
VHS Tape Textures by @cellphonehippie
Misc. Texture Packs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Photoshop Effects (Halftone Text Effect, Chrome Effect, Glitch Effect, Ink Edge Effect, Photo Morph Effect)
Badass Fonts (free fonts designed by womxn 🤍)
Open Foundry Fonts
Free Faces
Uncut Free Typefaces
Some Google Fonts I Like: Instrument Serif, DM Sans, EB Garamond, Forum, Pirata One, Imbue, Amarante
Some Adobe Fonts I Like: New Spirit, Ambroise, Filmotype Yukon, Typeka, Big Caslon CC (TTPD Font!)
Some Pangram Pangram Fonts I Like: Editorial Old, Neue World Collection, Eiko, PP Playground
Fonts In The Wild (font-finding resource)
Tutorials & Resources:
Comprehensive Rotoscoping Tutorial (Photoshop + After Effects, great for beginners!) by @antoniosvivaldi
Rotoscoping & Masking Tutorial (After Effects) by @usergif
Texture Tutorial for GIFs by @antoniosvivaldi
Color Control PSD by @evansyhelp (to enhance, isolate, or lighten specific colors)
Cardigan Music Video PSD by @felicitysmoak
Picspam Tutorial by @kvtnisseverdeen
Moving GIF Overlay Tutorial by @rhaenyratargaryns
GIF Overlay Tutorial (+ downloadable overlays!) by @idsb
Icon & Header Tutorial by @breakbleheavens
GIF Blending Tutorial by @jakeperalta
Split GIF Tutorial by @mithrandirl
Guide to Coloring Yellow-Tinted Shots by @ajusnice
Slow Motion After Effects Tutorial (useful for GIFs!)
Gradient Map Tutorial by me!
How to Make Your Own Textures by @sweettasteofbitter
How to Report Tumblr Reposts of Your Work by @fatenumberfor
Tips for Accessible Typography
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dnfao3tags · 1 year
Finding Deleted Fics: A Multi-Method Guide
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i feel like we are the fandom who needs this post the most any fandom has needed it ever.
all of these methods require you to know the title, author and/or link of the fic.
[disclaimer: the fic i am using as an example is not deleted, i just can't think of any other fics to use as an example right now.]
Method #1: Wayback Machine
this is my go to method that i always try first.
every fic on ao3 has a url of archiveofourown.org/[specific-numbers]. you're gonna need that url, doesn't matter if it doesn't work anymore.
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2. now you're gonna go to archive.org and enter your url in the search bar.
3. something like this will come up. it probably won't be saved as many times though, just once or twice.
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just click any of the links now, either the dates marked blue on the calendar or the earliest/latest date. that's it.
often, a problem arises when searching for fics rated mature or explicit.
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the site will have archived this page but not the actual fic. though, maybe lady luck is on your side and clicking proceed will lead you to a saved version of the actual fic. but usually not. and not all fics are saved here. in those cases, i have some more methods.
Method #2: Search Engine Cache
search engines like google and yandex often save a cached version of sites, though yandex is much more reliable than google. i'll give you a tutorial for both.
steps (yandex):
the link isn't completely necessary, just the title and author of the fic will suffice.
go to yandex.com and search for your fic by either entering the url or entering the title and author as such.
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3. this will probably immediately come up.
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just enter the captcha and it should let you in on the first go but there's a glitch i've encountered where you could be entering the captcha completely correct but for some reason the site still won't let you in. for that, you just have to keep trying again and again until eventually the site lets you in. might take more than 10 tries.
4. once you're in, search results will pop up. directly clicking them will only lead you to the not found page. what you're gonna do is hover over the box of the search result and you'll see 3 dots pop up on the right.
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click those and a dropdown menu will appear. click the first option 'saved copy'.
and thats it! this is a much more efficient method especially for explicit or mature fics.
for some reason, when i open yandex in google chrome, i can't see the 3 dots. i can in firefox though. don't really know what thats all about.
i'll show you how to do it with google too just in case yandex doesn't work.
steps (google):
in the url bar, type cache:[link of fic]. that's pretty much it. google doesn't have a lot of fics saved though so you'll probably get a 404 page.
Method #3: Reddit
there's a subreddit called r/DeletedFanfiction that can probably help you out. either search for the fic as it may have already been posted or req it and someone will probably get you a google drive link soon enough. u/throwthisaway11112 is my lord and savior.
afaik it's still up and running fine despite the reddit protest thing (which i recommend taking a minute to look into).
Method #4: Archive.org Database
okay, now you're gonna need a lot of memory on computer for this one. i'm not gonna even bother and try to explain it, i'll just link you to the original post. thank you once again to the anon who sent me this method!
Method #5: Fandom
if absolutely none of those methods work, you can still just send me an ask and maybe my followers or i will have a saved copy. same for any other fandom, i recommend asking around in popular fandom spaces, someone is bound to have it.
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