lem-argentum · 2 years
i love having a jester-y self insert i finally have someone to associate all my clown tunes with :]
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triglycercule · 30 days
i'm going on a trip to europe tmrw until the 31st so get ready for a bunch of airport/europe/tour/beach/whatever international bullshit i experience during the trip because i MUST relate everything i do to the murder time trio or can i even call myself a fan. the tricule hc tag is going to be FLOODED over these next few days (and i also have unironically like 45 drafts ready for the posting if i run out of ideas (UNLIKELY) so yeah. this blog is GETTING SPAMMED!!!!!!)
anyways i'm packing now :3 i took a day off today because i just seriously spent all of monday and tuesday horror analyzing th moment i wake up at 9 and go to sleep at 1. and then i spent the entirety of wednesday yesterday dust translating (and i have more of calvateyla's ao3 fics to translate too) so i'll probably be working on both of those (AND HOPEFULLY MY SUMMER HOMEWORK BECAUSE I DIDN'T DO IT YET) until i return. in which idk ill explode or something maybe i'll make a new project or pick up a wip or something (stares with my big pink orange green sparkly luminous iridescent eyes at swapinverse. or my other mtt ideas that DEFINITELY should be made into art or writing or something instead of text form but i'm really lazy so)
#tricule rant#UGGHHH today has been an MTT DAY for me#theyve been on my mind all day. this is the most i've posted in a while#i usually try to hold myself back from posting because like. what if its annoying someone to have random un-mtt related posts on their page#but like also i need to save my ideas for future days incase i cant come up with an idea for the next day#scarcity mentality but with fucking murder time trio headcanons and rants#AND ALSO if i don't post the next day then how will i satisfy myself and my fans??? the world is at a loss if i keep my mtt ideas to myself#because then that means therell be less mtt content in the world and then that means a sad world and then the utmv explodes#and then ink is sad because i didn't create and shared my creations and told everyone my ideas and#i love ink sans being a little creator motivator type of guy. he genuinely pushes me to create#because wdym someone made a character to motivate you to create THATS SUCH A COOL CONCEPT!!!!!!!!!#anyways mtt at the airport being drafted once i'm at the airport at probably 3 in the fucking morning or something#mtt on a road trip coming soon. mtt at the beach PART 2 coming soon. mtt at tourist attractions coming soon. mtt eating food coming soon to#EVERYTHING MTT RELATED IS COMING SOON. im cursed with mtt brainrot help#if i were another person and i found my blog i would be like OMG this person's awesome because they post all the content i like and are coo#and then id b like this person is amazing and they dont know it but theyre now my favorite online figure#thank you alternate me i do really appreciate it#youre welcome blog poster me keep posting mtt content it keeps me alive like the sun and a tree
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makeitlookdecent · 29 days
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srry homie for what im boutta do
for the au[other colors] i thought it would be cool to have klugs parents show up for a couple scenes, but for the timeline of the major events i needed them GONE and UNRESPONSIVE.
hes smart so i think, even at a young age, he gets that they're busy with work and all, and he's not alone per say- his friends and teachers and everyone in primp would definitely look out for him, but ive just been thinking. because like, i thought itd be cool if it was almost like strange also helped raise klug. as a (malicious) mentor of sorts. after they made truce (that they both keep breaking)
i imagine klugs parents are probably good people, but are horrible as parents. like they just keep doing their own thing and just let the village raise him.
but then that got me thinking, in this setting, do you think he would unknowingly (or maybe knowingly but trying not to think about it) resent them for not being there for him growing up?
#click for some deranged ramblings below with almost zero context#its other colors tadaaaa-*.#like klugs mom is awesome dark wizard but is too busy doing deep dungeon dives for months at a time to be home#shes a field scholar if you will#and klugs dad is very awesome sought out healer or whatever that also does dungeon runs. but he also does traveling healer stuff#i also thought itd be cool if they were divorced but on good terms and klug's primary guardian is supposed to be his mom#hence the looking up to her lots#oh i think#im pretty sure i got the jobs idea from someones headcanon years ago#im like 95% sure thats not a me idea#not my original idea <_<#hold#hold on now i gotta find it#edit: i found it!!!!! from minun @/marisexmas from way back when!!#anyway!! yea#ive been thinking about this because i was thinking of a scene before bed where klugs dad came back home like 6 months ***after***#klug had left the hospital. and then duh duh; plot plot#klug sees his dad packing again one night (its been a week max) to leave and he went “your leaving...?”#and the “already..?” goes unsaid but its clear from the tone and his dads like yeah they need me back at [hospital some countries away]#and he's all “okay klug remember to rest some your not looking to good still” and he just leaves#but the only reason his dad came in the first place was because his mom couldnt since she was balls deep in some dungeon#in the buttfukc of who knows where#but it#the accident was MONTHS AGO so the cruel part of klugs brain is all#damn what if i died?? would it have taken months for yall to show up#then too; if you even come????#and i woke up instantly to Write That Shit Down#((ngl mostly because the scene in my head was *chefs kiss* artstyle wise i mean. the colors were nice))#anyway this started because i wanted klug to battle strange and red ami but for serious reasons and then i backtracked just a bit#other colors
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karoochui · 11 months
What im hearing is:
Little crow feet outside my window bcs im feeding them- that’s besides the point!
Is there magic??? His shovel looks magic and they look magic
And do give me every detail you are thinking of for the series even if its in the distant future or not that relevant but you want to share
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Crows!! Cute!! Also sorry i didnt get to this sooner my laptop BROKE (still broken but usable) and my mom and i have been looking for someone to fix it. Ive been drawing with it sparingly to be careful.
YES there is magic. Of course im still working on this storywise but im getting characters designs n whatnot done right now. Dynamics n stuff. BUT i do have some refs i made before my laptop broke.
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I like to draw out certain stuff so that it helps with descriptions in the future; i have the worst memory so it helps to be able to do so. (More beneath cut)
Im so excited for moon's shadow form. Oh my god. Its probably my favorite thing right now.
Fun thing about it is that in this form he can touch you but you cant touch him. Something something you can be cast in shadow but you cant take it off yk? He's still light sensitive like this though, so if the area hes in isn't dark enough or he's hit with anything too bright he just reverts back. At that point he'd just have to rely on normal hand to hand stuff and his sand lol. The shadow form is just better for sneaking and speed. Really, he's some amalgamative idea of the sandman and boogieman. I thought it fit well with his whole "naptime attendant gone wrong" thing.
Sun's design, however, is more like if you mixed a cowboy, wizard, and gravedigger together. I made it a while ago on a whim with no intention behind it but then i ended up thinking "ykw would be so awesome".
The hat dips to cover the crescent side of his face (not intentional on his part) to symbolize his resentment towards moon and how he basically damned him to an hourglass. His eyes are easier to see bc of this which could seem more trusting (eyes are the window to the soul or whatever), but the thing is thats not normal for him (as we know) so it's meant to make him look suspicious and looming to 4th wall viewers. There's also the fact that i just thought it was cool too.
He also doesn't get a second form. Moon's sneaky and weird so i thought it would fit to give him some freaky thing iykwim. Sun, however, is a pretty "in your face" kinda guy, so his look and fight style is more extravagant and boisterous. Lots of swinging amd yelling and boom bang zap! Despite the showiness he's actually a longer range fighter. Mainly because unlike moon, thousands of years ago, he wasn't often one to get violent with his hands. His weapon is just obnoxiously large too though.
They are still one animatronic and their transformation is still triggered by light. Instead of an AI chip though (which is still in there but long dead), they live through the work of a soul. They're still physically inorganic but as far as spiritually they're as close as they're gonna get to being human. Their life and functionailty is derived from the magic itself, not the machinery. Like if for some reason they lost all their magic they'd just drop dead from a battery life long since drained.
The hourglass has a carousel-like design to it purely as reference to moon's level in Help Wanted 2.
Sorry for rambling so much but this is what i've got for you so far! I have a general idea for the plot but im tryna to make it more than what it is rn, so i dont wanna share too much of that just yet in case i change or completely toss away an idea.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
How can I cultivate the same, "just keeping making stuff all the time" kind of energy you have? It's very impressive and something I wish I could do!
well, theres a couple reasons i think! one is that i just found ways to be satisfied with small amounts of work. its in part because of my ADHD, but my parents were always trying new things (motorcycles, leatherwork, acrylic paint, collage art, photography, video editing) so that definitely rubbed off on me; i had a great example of people just wanting to try stuff. i keep making stuff all the time because i love trying out new things; you don't have to be an expert to try something new! you just have to have a desire for it! wanna make a zine? google it! wanna write a comic? give it a shot! wanna get into woodworking? buy a carving knife and find a stick or something! i think theres plenty of ways to find entry points into interesting stuff and you gotta let yourself be okay with making shit that sucks just because its fun. which leads me to my second point!!
im okay with being dogshit at stuff! i try new things, i kind of suck at them, and i think it's either 1. cool that i made it this far or 2. kinda funny that this is what its like at the moment. i know that sucking is never permanent, everything can be improved with time, and rarely does anyone ever magically get good at something first try. i think of myself as a talented artist, but its over the course of 2+ decades of drawing; im always improving, and no matter what im going to find things i want to get better at, so why fault myself now for not being perfect? a couple of months ago i really wanted to try woodcarving, so i made spoon with my dad. did it turn out great? not really! you cant even use it as a spoon! but im glad i tried it, it was fun, i had a great time with my dad, and now i know a little bit more going in next time. the idea that you have to be perfect or make tangible progress every single time you try something new is a recipe for burnout. i promise you, it doesnt matter if something doesn't come out like God's Gift to Humanity! Did you have fun? did you learn something? are you satisfied in some small part? good!
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(pictured: tha spoon)
last, im just really easy to please myself! I'll make a doodle or implement an idle animation in my game or color a piece and go "wow! thats so cool i did that :)" and it really is just a matter of realizing that its fucking COOL to create stuff, no matter how small! whatever you made didn't exist before you, especially in your own unique way, and now it does! doesn't that rule?! i'm obsessed with it! even if its just a stick figure, its a stick figure you made, and it wasn't there before. thats fucking awesome!!! art is so cool!!!! i think that being happy with small goals and victories is a great way of trying out new things and showing off cool stuff u made, no matter what skill level. :) this turned into a whole big thing, but i hope this helps! tl;dr is try things if they seem fun, be okay with not being good at them, and find stuff about it that makes you happy or satisfied!
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fueioekjfisks · 4 months
Im so sorry im losing my absolute mind but please hear me out for a second.
You know the common misunderstanding au in the danny phandom rn about vlad being a creep and people thinking hes like a CREEPY CREEP and not just a supervillain creep?
Well imagine danny is going on break or something and his dad wants to bring the whole family up to vlads castle for whatever reason.
Danny, obviously, does not want to waste his ONE FREAKING CHANCE of getting some god damn sleep being tormented by vlad and his stupid birds. Plus, vlad will probably plan some big murder plot for his dad and danny CAN. NOT. HANDLE. THAT. RIGHT. NOW.
So danny decides to make a PowerPoint presentation about why he doesnt want to go.
Obviously he cant reveal vlad or his own halfa status so its mostly just really jumbled information about vlad being creepy.
He gets backup from sam, tucker, jazz, and even val. He also knows his mom already dislikes vlad and knows hes a total creep so all he really needs to do is convince his dad.
But??? As hes compiling evidence??? And rehearsing his presentation with hes friends??? He realizes that it sounds super fucked up???
And like, it’s mostly just bad without all the context. But he realizes that Vlad is actually kinda sick in the head. Danny knows he would never actually do something that terrible, but its supper concering how similar his actions are to like, actual bad people.
Danny isnt mad about it or anything, he’s actually just worried about it Vlad.
Danny is not perfect by any means. But Vlad is the only other member of his species besides, like, his fucking clone (which holy shit Vlad what the fuck) or maybe dan who is also fucked up.
Danny knew that Vlads death definitely messed him up, but he never really thought about Vlads actions beyond “obsessive fruitloop, at it again :/“ and is just now realizing that vlad might need psychological help. Which he feels pretty (REALLY) bad about.
Danny has no idea what to do, and no idea who to go to.
So he sneaks out, doesnt even go ghost as he takes the powerpoint to vlad who obviously freaks tf out because holy shit thats SO MUCH WORSE THAN ANYTHING HE COULD HAVE POSSIBLY IMAGINED. What if he had actually hurt daniel? What if he had hurt his precious Madeline?? He needs help like yesterday! How did he ever get so bad???!
So Vlad freaks, trashes his own house, apologizes to danny, and books it through the portal to find the far frozen or somewhere else he can get help.
Danny is somewhat shellshocked about the whole situation. It doesnt get better when people start investigating Vlads disappearance.
The state of the manor indicates foul play and the police look into it further. Find security tapes. They see danny, frazzled and paranoid, enter Vlads property, everything goes to static, and only danny leaves.
Hes arrested of course, and he and his friends/family are interrogated.
Everybody vehemently denies that Danny would ever do such a thing, but when they are asked if danny has potential motives everyone (except for jack) gets all squeamish.
Its practically common knowledge in Amity Park that the mayor and the weird Fenton child had beef. People just were unsure why.
I think it would be really cool to focus a story around the polices pov of the investigation/ random Amity Parkers interpretation of the events.
Danny being kinda creepy after the accident (because death) could totally make people assume he did it and that would be awesome.
We can also add in de-aged Dani/Ellie and or Dan for that extra spice.
Imagine the fentons finding out about Dannys supposed kids in the context that they are MOTIVES FOR THEIR SON TO MURDER THEIR COLLAGE FRIEND ( AND DANNYS OWN GODFATHER) WHO APPARENTLY GROOMED HIM???!? AND THEY DIDNT EVEN NOTICE??!?
This could totally be a crossover too. Lucifer tv show. Batman. Supernatural. All are good.
Anyway, thought this could be kinda interesting
Please continue if you want
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radioroxx · 8 months
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@maskedinfinate HIIII ok i know you asked about alphys specifically BUT i had mettaton thoughts too lol ill put them below
also i didnt go into the kanako stuff at all yet sorry hfkf i will i will. one day. not right now. ok ok.
(ps! im gonna start tagging these as cloverbot so ppl can find it. yippie!)
btw i should mention my idea for this au(?) is! post undertale pacifist, monsters on the surface, the souls werent destroyed upon opening the barrier… and thats hkw theyre able to get clovers soul back for alphys to build them the body.
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clover i think would make good friends with alphys :) if not cuz they like hanging out with her, but also because alphys is who they go to if they need repairs etc. which doesnt happen TOO often… they DO try to be careful with their cool robot body but yknow yknow jfjkf plus. adjusting to a whole new body is kinda? hard? can you really blame them?(ill come back to this). anyways anyways. they arent as close to her as they are to their other friends ofc, but still comfortable enough to know they can depend on her and talk to her if need be. so sure. awesome aunt figure works. awesome aunt figure who can give them cool upgrades like the finger gun or a built in jetpack or-
AS FOR METTATON. post ut i would think he and alphys make up of course… and alphys would ask him for a favour of helping this new kid get used to the body. as its something he had to go through as well, so he’s possibly got tips or just advice etc. or at the very least, its nice to have someone who knows sooomewhat what youre having trouble with lol. (not that adjusting to the body takes very long for clover- but they’d be friends afterwards anyway. of course mtt likes to have someone who looks up to him jfjf)
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postmail · 3 months
im reading the hobbit right now, just finished chapter 8 in fact, and one thing i like is that while bilbo does use the ring in his trademarked “heroic and awesome bilbo moment in mirkwood”, it still feels like its mostly him thats doing all that wicked cool shit. the ring doesn’t feel like a crutch that he leans on and cant do anything without; it feels like a useful little tool that bilbo cleverly uses to his advantage.
the ring made him invisible, sure, and plenty of the stunts he pulls would be made all the harder, maybe impossible, without that boon. but the ring didnt make him able to scheme the dwarves out of the spiders’ hold, it didnt make him sing his little ‘attercop’ song, it didnt make him so good at throwing, and it didnt make him kill all those spiders. that was bilbo.
and even earlier in the chapter, in his little turning point after killing the first spider, the ring wasn’t even involved.
it was all bilbo. was he using the ring? yes, he was. would half of the stuff he does probably not work as well, if at all, if he didnt have the ring? oh, probably - maybe even certainly. but, then again, he wouldnt have been able to snipe those spiders if there were no stones, and he wouldnt have been able to stab and slash at them if he hadnt had sting.
the ring is a tool - and maybe this pure conjecture from a guy yet to finish either lotr or the hobbit, but i cant help but think that this very succinctly symbolizes the relationship bilbo has with the ring, at least during the hobbit. to him, its just a benign, very helpful little trinket thats done him a lot of good. he has no idea of the ring’s malevolence, no reason to look too closely at it, and so he only sees it as the tool that it is to him. a tool that he has a right to be so fond of and maybe a little possessive of... doesn’t he?
...i dunno man, i just really like these bagginses and their fucked up ring.
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vinylshifting · 14 days
(but my dr self!)
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Sure, they dont really care ehat i do so thats nice
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
my girlfrienddd
03: Do you regret anything?
Moving to america wahh (even though it wasnt my choice)
04: Are you insecure?
not really
05: What is your relationship status?
taken <33
06: How do you want to die?
eithee in a super cool awesome way or at my own hands /hj
07: What did you last eat?
cant remember
08: Played any sports?
i like to play hockey sometimes
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
cant remember
11: Do you like someone?
My girlfrienndd
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Annoying ppl at school
14: Do you miss someone?
Not really tbh
15: Have any pets?
yes! my cat elivera
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Wouldnt you like to know
18: Are you scared of spiders?
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
What does that even mean bruh
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
sleep and play elden rings
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
snake bites would be cool
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
Anything science or music
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
nope, but maybe my friends from my hometown when i was little
26: What are you craving right now?
Some zaxbys
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
Nope, my girlfriend is my first (and only) relationship
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
i dont think so
30: What’s irritating you right now?
School 100%
31: Does somebody love you?
My girlfriend
32: What is your favourite color?
Grey, any shade of grey
33: Do you have trust issues?
A tiny bit
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
Cant remember
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My online friend
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
I cherish every year
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
13??? maybe 14
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
No, and never plan to
51: Favourite food?
SOUP 🔥🔥 any kind i love soup
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Probably jerk off scroll instagram reels
54: Is cheating ever okay?
No never
55: Are you mean?
I wouldnt say i am
56: How many people have you fist fought?
57: Do you believe in true love?
58: Favourite weather?
RAIN, or cloudy days. i like the cold
59: Do you like the snow?
yes 100%
60: Do you wanna get married?
To my girlfriend yes
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Only when its my girlfriend
62: What makes you happy?
My friends, Alcohol, My girlfriend
63: Would you change your name?
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Pepper spray, im locked in with my girl
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
Not really
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
My mom
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My girlfriend
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
My girlfriend or my friends
(feel free to take this idea too!!)
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Hello! I know you're one of the people who ship Moon and Solar (TSAMS) And y'all have gotten me into the ship as well! XD I'm not caught up on the lore of the show(s) So i haven't even seen Solar IN SHOW before (i am very behind to before Lunar was Sun and Moons brother :' D) But I have some ideas I'm debating writing for the ship buttt....I have no clue how Canon Solar acts??? Do you know if theres somewhere I could find a Summary on his personality? (and I suppose...new Moon?) I'll probably unintentionally make them OOC...never written for anything TSAMS related, but i'll try!
And is there a ship names thats...like used for them instead of Solar X Moon or is it just called that?
Anywho, I hope you have a good day/night!!! You make awesome stuff! (And I know theres been some people making drama over the ship, I hope you don't let them get to you too much tho!! <3 /P)
Heheheh. Thank you. I've been shipping these two since June 2023 so I'm glad I can share the brainrot and some people are more welcoming and cool then I expect. (mostly the ones who can't think critically are the youtube audience but that's expected. Since a lot of the youtube target audience are... like.. minors or really young adults who can't conceive the concept.)
I rewatch that Episode where Solar changes his name and rebuilds the Daycare in a week just for Moon constantly cause it's just... so much admiration and appreciation Moon has for Solar in that episode. I swear I don't know if it was a flub on the actor's part... but I swear Moon calls him 'sexy' as he's dragging him to charge. the stock sound effect of "OOOOH" doesn't help my APD and I've listened so many times and I have no possible idea what Moon could be saying to Solar other then 'come here you stupid, sexy-...." (trails off) sooo... idk. I might have misheard that severely but that's just what I'm hearing.
Like, in terms of New Lore of the show, it gets pretty complicated.
So complicated in fact, TSAMS themselves released a new video on the subject.... But it's NOT a very good guide, as it misses a lot of things. (and no I don't mean the stupid guest cameo stuff) this is more or less an abridged take on what happens with no emotional impact:
Like, this is a good starting point if you want the barest of bones, but it misses so much stuff. I think they don't even mention how Solar gets introduced into this family. lol. Just like "yeah Im here and I helped kill Eclipse" fheahehf. It's a super well made video though, and I don't mind the editing mistakes (clearly when the actors change the avatar on screen.... whoops. Happens a few times)
There is also the Fan Wiki, but as of now, it is incomplete, (@twinanimatronics is working tirelessly on updating the wiki and I wish they got more reconignition from the tsams community as a whole ) but it does give a decent look into Solar
There is also the huge TSAMS Lore Document, which Ceph(twinanimatronics) also worked on which contains a further detailed explanation of the story so far, for those who don't have time to watch 2 years worth of youtube content that aren't in a concrete playlist. (TSAMS. PLAYLIST YOUR STUFF PROPERLY. YOU HAVE TWO YEARS OF LORE HERE)
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Liike.... yeah... this is okay but like..
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This is VRchat. Aka the lore. Which also includes when they play videogames in VRchat, which don't impact the story... Like Uno, Amongus and SCP stuff.....
And it doesn't divide the arcs. Something that TSAMS severely needs more then any other SB Show channel.
Also, in the early days, the gameplay videos USED to be part of the lore. As the concept of Eclipse itself, being a rouge evil ai that lived in Sun's head (as it was presented initially but we know the truth it was the killcode moon planted in Sun when they separated.)
These days, they kinda dropped the gameplay videos being directly connected to the over arching plot. Other then just saying that their vids are pre-recorded or "we're back" after an annual halloween takeover.
Not to mention... When Earth and Lunar got a show, they became intertwined with the Sun and Moon show. LAES is very much it's own thing, but it's the ONLY Security Breach Show that consists of two Original Characters spawned from the Sun and Moon show. A rarity. So their lore continues off from the Sun and moon show, giving more info on Lunar these days and Earth (their sister)
Then you have the Monty and Foxy show (which is my least favorite of the shows... Personal Preference. I try not to complain cus I know some people like it. But I do not like the plot points in that show, or the character writing and weird directions they take while being connected to the same universe.)
And Monty is a character voiced by Davis, who also voices Sun. So Monty started out as a prominent character on the Sun and Moon Show, and then got his OWN show... at a point in TSAMS history after Eclipse got the star and killed Lunar.
So yeah. I wish the playlists were better organized here. So we knew when each era starts.
(people say Matpat should get on this show lore... And noooooooo no thanks. Keep him away. We got you covered. Ceph honestly has enough info to make a video guide at this point.)
But long story short, Solar is a "Good Eclipse" from another dimension that the Old Moon introduced to Lunar, when Lunar was struggling with his trauma of leaving Eclipse. Good Eclipse and Lunar become friends.
Anyway, here are some key episodes that outline NewMoon and Solar's relationship, as Solar had never met the Old Moon.
Old Moon had never met Solar. It was New Moon who introduced himself to Solar to help defeating Eclipse once and for all. (and by this point lunar had died)
He was actually surprised that this Moon was a chill Moon and could be reasoned with and talked to, considering he was living a rather oppressive life from his own Moon.
There's also a whole episode saga of just these two bantering and talking while they work on the satellite together. I can't remember which specific episodes those are.
You can also see the difference between the Evil Eclipse and Good Eclipse here in one of my all time favorite episodes:
Moon saving Solar's life: (also the death of the bad Eclipse)
Everything is good and happy after Eclipse dies for awhile. (aside of Ruin and Bloodmoon wrecking shit) He goes back to his own dimension... and you get to see what his sad life is like:
From his Moon calling him "byproduct" and failure very often.
But... Something happens and Solar is forced to come to Moon's dimension
here's Solar at his poor little meow meow "I have nowhere to go" stage and just... thought to go to Moon immediately due to their history.
Moon's only question about Solar moving in, is that if he wanted him to blacklist his dimension once he heard what was going on with his Moon.
And immediately, Solar jumps in to help Moon with his problems.
Also during the halloween takeover part 2 electric boogaloo, Solar was the one to help get Sun and Moon back after being teleported to a different dimension with no hopes of returning
Also, after Ruin was cured and Bloodmon ran off, Solar rebuilt the ruined Daycare in a week. And Moon is so grateful for it. (i rewatch this episode a lot. It cemented the ship in my mind and built the commodity that they've been building up for months)
We also get what Solar's daily life is like so far... How out of place he feels, being someone from a different dimension, despite the Brothers (and sister's) insistence, he still doesn't really feel like he's part of the family. He feels like an outsider. (He also has less opportunities to hang out with Lunar. As he expressed interest in playing games with him like the good old days, and as of recently, they have not yet)
also a good example of the Celestial family changing minds on family dynamics because they are robots. Lunar flat out rejected Vegeta-Animatronic is his brother even if he technically is. Like, they're robots. They can change their relationships to each other based on their word. I like to see it more flexible then it is in reality with actual people/humans.
Moon also trying to make Solar feel comfortable and feel like he's adjusting well here. Expressing his concern for him doing so much for him and his family. And hoping to not pressure him into so much work.
As of recently, his Sun died, and he killed his Moon. And in his therapy session (on the Lunar and Earth Show) he expressed regret over "Leaving" them...
But he has not properly told anyone about this.
My reasoning is that he probably thinks that the family will jump on the chance to call him "Evil" .....They don't have good luck with Eclipses.... and every Eclipse they met other than him has been Evil. (that must weigh on you. Every version of yourself is deemed as evil across every dimension. You are the only good one. Maybe there is something wrong with you)
I'm already at the video limit, but on Lunar and Earth show, there is an interesting episode where Lunar goes into Solar's head, and his mindscape looks like the Willy Wonka TV room, because it was a movie he watched with his Sun before they separated and Sun died. Showing that he did care about his Sun a whole lot... Which is probably why he doesn't interact with our Sun that much alone.
He also compartmentalizes everything before he can feel emotions, playing his own memories in third person as if he's not experiencing them.
Not to mention, he organizes and separates his thoughts on NewMoon and HIS Moon, just so he won't associate the two.
I also missed what episode it was, but Solar is always the first to call Moon out when he's being angry, or irrational, and Sun admits in his therapy session, that Solar is the only person who can calm Moon down. (mainly cus he's used to it, but unlike his old moon, this moon listens)
I love Solar a lot, can you tell?
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aloekat · 6 months
giving pokemon teams to d20 characters!
The Bad Kids / Fantasy High!
pt 1/?
part 1 || part 2
hello chat and welcome to aloe shoves their hyperfixation onto everything they enjoy! making pokemon teams for fictional characters has always been a fun past time for me that i enjoy greatly so i wanted to apply that to dimension 20! i plan on doing every season once i’ve watched it, starting with all the intrepid hero seasons before moving on to side quest seasons
(also i finally decided to post these after @jadelion made posts sharing their team picks, so go check those posts out as there are some great choices! i also wouldnt be inspired to finally post these without him doing so first! i made my list completely independent of hers so if there's the same pokemon its purely coincidental lol)
first i want to talk about some guidelines i’ve given myself for this, which will apply to future posts as well:
only 4 pokemon per team - this keeps things more easy and makes them feel closer to mid-game trainers rather than fully stacked end-game ones. or feel like gym leaders maybe? it also helps with rule 2…
try to have no repeat pokemon - this just keeps things unique between seasons but sometimes a pokemon is a perfect fit for more than one person but for the most part everyone gets unqiue pokemon and there are almost no doubles
low to no legendaries on teams unless for a good reason - same goes for shinies but im more lenient on the shiny rule lol
i made a lot of these these like 3 months ago as of posting this - some choices may be outdated or the character has changed enough that a choice may not fit as well but i didnt want to change it lol (this is solely for the fantasy high kids tbh)
thats all for the rules! finally it’s time to get into the teams!
Lycanroc - representing Tracker, again i made these before junior year so trackerbees was still a thing but i imagine it can count for cassandra also since it’s a night themed pokemon. don't know which form of lycanroc she would have though Solrock - she was given solrock during her time with Helio, and while i know sunflora exists i think solrock makes a little more sense, since she was a chosen of Helio she would be at an elevated status and therefor have a better pokemon if that makes sense? it also pairs with... Lunatone - representing her change to Cassandra, a goddess of night. there's like cool symbolism with her pokemon now wow isn't that so cool and awesome!! Unown ("?") - a question mark unown to represent Yes? (and the other Yes forms) along with her cool question mark staff! can also ALSO symbolize doubt with cassandra
Toxitricity (Low Key) - low key form gives the vibes of a bass and Fig plays the bass! toxitricity would help fig practice her instrument and come up with music. also literally called “the punk pokemon”
Obstagoon - similar reasoning, obstagoon has The Vibes that fit along with also being a sort of rock n roll pokemon
Moltres - representing Ayda, i imagine Ayda gifted it to her once they became girlfriends :)
Mimikyu - a pokemon known for its imitation of another pokemon, very much fits into Fig’s actor feat and her high deception and her not wanting to be her real self sometimes
Dhelmise - big connection to his father and being a pirate, his father probably gifted it to him as his first pokemon
Marowak (Alolan) - fun idea i had for this is he originally just had a cubone with him during freshman year, but once he went to Fallinel and learned about the power of dance it evolved into an alolan marowak! it's a fire dance pokemon of course he would have it lol
Sirfetch'd - representing his mother and also his general fencing/fighter style that he works with
Tentacruel - just a cool ass water pokemon i feel he would have, also vaguely pirate-y with big kraken vibes
Pikachu - detective pikachu go brrrrr i imagine he would have gotten a pichu when very young, and it's evolved over time! it would wear a tiny detective hat as well because um i said so
Inteleon - super spy/gun pokemon also go brrrr, very much a reference to his father and just the general super spy-ness of Riz and Pok in junior year especially
Togekiss - ok this one feels very out of place and i forgot why it was here originally BUT i think it's to represent like a guardian angel sort of? again another reference to Pok because i love Pok and think he's very cool
Voltorb - he's the ball. this is a pokeball pokemon. are we starting to connect the dots
Politoad - representing Boggy of course, nothing much else to say
Espeon - a very psychic pokemon representing her oracle powers, it would be fun to think that she had an eevee that simply evolved into an espeon once Adaine realized that she in fact was the elven oracle!
Delphox - another powerful psychic pokemon, again this is just vibes and it's a cool pokemon and adaine is a very cool character lol
Audino - these pokemon are known for being able to hear super well and know how their trainers are feeling from listening to their heartbeat. a gift given by Jawbone to help with Adaine's anxiety but still a good member of her team regardless
Archen - "i'm Cloaca, i suck!"
Gogoat - a grassy pokemon which can sorta represent the tree he lives in but also intended to represent Zelda in some ways (again i wrote these before junior year came out). it would help him carry around a lot of scraps for tinkering
Rotom - found in the village near the Nightmare King's forest, this rotom had gotten lost in the forest and, with no tech from solace nearby, couldn't find a way home. gorgug rescued it and lets it inhabit the Hangvan a lot
Rillaboom - another grassy pokemon but this one is also a drummer! can we take a wild guess as to why i picked this one. for it's drumming ability. because. because gorgug is a drummer.
whew ok that's the first season done! i'll probably do unsleeping city next, which will be linked to this post once it's done!
have a better option that would fit a PC better? please tell me i would love to hear everyone's takes on this!
ok that's it that's the post everyone go home now (once again go look at @jadelion for their pokemon team picks!)
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mythological-mayhem · 2 months
Hi!, this is anon who asked you what type of music the 4 tezcatlipocas would listen to. This will be a long question so take your time reading it you don’t need to answer it right away :)
Am here, to ask about how you and your buddies sort y’all’s information about not only Aztec but other pantheons, as well the country/culture that pantheon is from.
Am creating a story about characters getting chosen or trained to be a god's “champion” like they’re here to represent the god and help people by fighting monsters. Some champions aren’t gonna be the same as their god (for example Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl don’t usually get along with one another, but their champions do. Huitzilopochtli is more stoic and quiet while his champion is more outgoing and fun)
You can send this question to other blogs that tackle mythology too or could send ideas about some character designs they wish people added into a mythology series
You can call me pen anon for now thank you :)
Heya pen anon! Side note before I start rambling I really enjoyed your last ask :D
I just want to start by saying that your idea seems awesome, it's a great and creative concept (is it going to be posted anywhere? I'd definitely want to check it out when it's done if thats possible haha)! I also want to say that I'm still learning about Aztec mythology and the countless myths and I'm still learning about a lot of them (same goes for other mythologies!)
As for getting information, all you need to do is a quick google search for different gods and myths. Some sources are more official and go into more depth about different aspects of the mythology, whilst others just give a brief recap. For Aztec mythology, I recommend you to go to mayaincaaztec.com and click on "aztec religion".
Another source of information is Youtube. Specifically, I like the channel "overly sarcastic productions" because they organize different myths into 15-20 min videos and also make it humorous, fun, and enjoyable to watch.
As for organizing information, I'm not very good at it lol I kind of just remember random stuff. But there are going to be myths that are more famous and spoken about such as the Aztec five suns myth or greek heroes like achilles and Hercules, etc etc. And then there are going to be myths that are more obscure myths, like those that entail the creation of a certain plant or animal or such. If you're going to write a story, I recommend making a google docs or just memorizing which of the bigger myths you want to have play a bigger impact on the gods' personalities + their relationships with one another, and which ones will just be cool "oh yeah I did that once" memories for them.
Again im kind of unorganized lol, so this is the best advice I have, sorry. Thanks for the ask!
Tagging my mythology buddies to see if they want to share their methods:
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triptychofvoids · 10 months
First things first, I love your head cannons and the way you draw it's very very crunchable, now the question, do you have any science party head cannons? That's all, thank you!! :3c
thank you i appreciate it!! and yes i have a few im normal about them <- foaming at the mouth btw
you know the drill theyre going under the cut in case it gets long
someone made a post about this already i think and i dont remember who but medic and engineer would be so good at parallel play. theyre both content to be in the lab or in the workshop doing their own thing just alongside each other, maybe occasionally dragging the other over to look at what theyre working on either to show it off or get feedback of some kind. they both find each others work to be fascinating even if they dont completely understand it, and on the occasion they combine their knowledge to work on something together it always ends up being Really Fucking Cool and fun for them, regardless of whether or not it ends up being something successful. thats their idea of a date. parallel play working on fucked up and evil science stuff
out of all the mercs, engineer and heavy strike me as the ones that would do most of the cooking. not that the others cant cook (although i think some of them would need supervision....) but most of the time they just dont really want to, and besides theyd both be very good at it. but anyway engie would know about medics sensory issues and him being picky about certain foods and hed always try to make meals everyone will enjoy. if there is something in a dish that he knows medic wont like then he will either mess with the recipe a bit in order to exclude it or will just make it on the side so everyone else can have some but medic wont have to deal with it.
medic uses a weighted blanket and likes to hold onto things in his sleep as well so anytime they share a bed engie gets compressed into a jpeg. this is sometimes avoided because it isnt uncommon for engie to pull an all-nighter or for medic to wake up freakishly early so sometimes medic will already be asleep and/or will get up before him but still, its like a hydraulic press in there
like i said about engie knowing about medics sensory issues and whatever else, sometimes on the battlefield if medic is starting to get overwhelmed he will fall back to a dispenser and engie will shoo anyone else off to go find a health kit instead so medic can get just a few brief moments of peace
they have the kind of relationship where neither of them ever get bored of each others company and neither of them ever run out of things to talk about. which is very cool and awesome for them and sort of boring and awful for anyone else who might get stuck in a room or a car with them for any extended period of time
medics love language, platonic or otherwise, can be best described as 'all of the above'. hes very affectionate and bitey and he isnt always very good at communicating that he cares but he tries to convey it through things like weird gifts (like how a cat brings back dead animals), surgery and medical evaluation, talking a whole lot and hoping it counts for something, acts of service but he can only kill and dissect, etc. and engie somehow has the patience to put up with it. engie is big on acts of service and words but it doesnt matter because medic saps up any and all affection he is given like an infinite sponge and then tries in his own deranged way to return it tenfold
also. i think shipping these two is so funny because at first glance it might look like medic is the feral one and engie is the responsible one but then you look again and the roles have switched. and then you look a third time and theyre actually both a little unhinged. anything in the name of science
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retrotenn · 2 months
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hello everyone!!! im finally starting to cast for my awesome and cool junior year film - The Band Goes to the Evil Forest! its about a band and they go to the evil forest. so this is call for cast. casting call. more info under the cut !!
first - feel free to dm me to audition at this point! im going to set up probably something on casting call club soon, but i wanted to throw this onto my social media first as i feel like i might have more reach here lol.
logistically, full recording will start sometime in august so i can compile an animatic with the storyboards of the film which im working on soon!
now ill go over the characters - the blue one is lee and he is the main character! he’s the leader and guitarist of the band and always has some kind of weird idea of what to do with it creatively. he is loud, annoying, impulsive, and a little silly.
the red one is simón! he has the least lines in this script but i love him. coming from a wealthy family, hes awfully sheltered and anxious, often going against whatever plans lee has. hes the bassist
last but not least, the green one is brett! he is the most intelligent of the group, but still goes along with whatever lee wants to do because he finds him interesting and whimsical. he plays the drums
anyway thanks for reading By the way this project wont be in development hell or anything because i have to complete it to actually pass my class. it will happen and will maybe be submitted to festivals. you will have something for your reel if you want .!!!!!!
anyway thats it thank you for reading if youre here i really appreciate it
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I really need to stop trying to explain my fics out of context to my college friends. Today, someone asked if they could read my Hyrule whump fic because I said it was about "a rescue operation." Which technically isn't lying because I've got at least 2,000 words of Sky & Warriors rescuing Hyrule, but I also didn't tell him it was fanfiction...
Anyway, I've been poking at the Midwest gothic horror AU and have made progress on Sky's backstory. He is, of course, a god-killer.
God-killers are a whole thing in this AU. It's not a species so much as a classification based on potential. No one really knows how people become god-killers, they're just born that way. Given that it's based on their potential to kill a god, they're only called god-killers before they kill a god.
This is because once a god dies, there has to be a replacement or else the world will end. So you can think of god-killers as baby gods, I suppose, even though that's technically not right. Anyway, god-killers are forced to lose the type of mortality that prevents them (and everyone else) from being gods as they're slowly turned into the very thing that they destroyed. The variable is which god they kill if they kill a god. (Not all of them actually kill gods.)
Sky never looked for a god on purpose until the mess with Sun happened. Hylia ended up convincing him to fight Demise on her behalf because gods can't kill each other. Only god-killers can kill gods, so she needed him. Once he killed Demise, though, he ended up getting stuck in the process of becoming the next god of that domain.
no because today i was telling a coworker about how i ranted to my friends about the star wars sequels and essentially rewrote the movies in said rant and she went, “Oh you mean like fanfiction? You write fanfiction?” AND I WALKED STRAIGHT INTO A FUCKING WALL. BECAUSE LIKE YES, I DO WRITE FANFICTION (OBVIOUSLY), BUT THAT WASNT WHAT I FUCKING MEANT, I MEANT I TOLD MY FRIENDS HOW I PERSONALLY WOULDVE WRITTEN THOSE MOVIES, SO NOW MY COWORKER THINKS I WRITE STAR WARS SEQUELS FANFICTION. and I don’t even think I can correct her because she genuinely thinks thats super cool and I cannot ruin her image of me by going “haha actually i write fanfiction for a fan COMIC of a video game ☝️🤓”
guess i have to go rewrite the starwars sequels now /j
‘slowly turned into the very thing that they destroyed’ <- BITING YOU. /pos
dude im SO obsessed with this au idea its so awesome. midwest horror my fucking LOVE. AND THE THOUGHT YOU PUT INTO ALL OF IT?? OUGH. EATING IT. EATING IT!!
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piquuroblox · 9 days
WOOO!!! Rehab au gang :33
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First off: puff!!! I'm tired rn so some of this might not make sense I'm js yapping💔💔
Puff went out w some others on a run or smth one time and got their eye injured by a twisted scraps and when the gang came back with help he was gone 💔
Found him a while later as he was twisting and took him back n did all the rehab stuff 🔥
Sooo now they're js chilling ig.but not rlly. They're kinda silent and still or like unresponsive unless he wants smth or someone they don't recognize or trust well enough gets too close (he can't have his glasses on for long because it aggravates the eye injury and starts to mess up the bandages, but he'll put them back on occasionally)
Tries to get away a lot, very quick to swipe at people w/ their claws, often huddles up in corners or secluded areas. He seems to be a bit more at ease in dimly lit rooms (not completely dark but not too bright) if there aren't that many others in there with him! A few r fine tho
I also imagine they'd climb on stuff a lot or hand out in high areas and just generally be kinda annoying to deal with💔💔
Giggles... LEMON!!!! the guy... waow......
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He doesn't really fully get what's going on I think but he does his best :3
I think he'd have started to twist at some point, most likely shortly after puff went missing, but caught it early enough it didn't have too much of an effect other than a bit of erosion(??) on his tail. It does need to be checked up on occasionally because the ichor holding his tail together still will eventually try to spread again but he's good at taking care of that on his own, and it's fairly easy to deal with
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He is also willing to climb up places to try and get puff down (it most often does not go well but then again puff has a VERY hard time seeing. So. Sometimes it works good!!)
I LOVE YOUR YAPPING THIS IS AWESOME. PUFF… PUFFF… SO SAD….. I FEELS…. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE LEMON SLOWLY TWIST IM GONNA GET YOU. RUN. at least its easy to take care of (sweating profusely) id be so sad if you twisted TWO of your lovely ocs.. Hahahahaha (looking around) dont get any ideas.
im Obsessed. with these two so bad. I will doodle them soon. ….
i lav the idea of the ichor slowly spreading too thats kinda cool. Gonna gnaw on lemon regardless of his condition. Comehere. (POSITIVE
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