#Teutonic castle
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livesunique · 7 months ago
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Zamek Golubski, Golub-Dobrzyń, Poland
Courtesy: Golub-Dobrzyń 
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the-orphic-youth · 1 month ago
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Malbork Castle, Poland
Built in 13th century by the Teutonic Knights, former seat of the State of the Teutonic Order, from 15th century the residence of Polish kings and later the Kingdom of Prussia; significantly damaged in 1945 and restored after Second World War is now the largest castle in the world raised with bricks and one of the most stellar monuments ever created.
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photo-snap-stories · 3 days ago
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Zamek krzyżacki, Malbork, Polska
Przykład architektury gotyckiej o imponujących rozmiarach. Uznawany za największy gotycki zamek na świecie pod względem zajmowanej powierzchni - 21 hektarów. Posiada wiele baszt, murów obronnych i wież, które tworzą niepowtarzalny widok.
Castle of the Teutonic Order, Malbork, Poland
It is an example of Gothic architecture of impressive size. It is considered the largest Gothic castle in the world in terms of area occupied - 21 hectares. The castle has many towers, and the defensive walls create a unique view.
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anglokonigsberger · 10 months ago
3D Konigsberg Castle Model https://www.facebook.com/myownkonigsberg/posts/digital-3d-model-of-k%C3%B6nigsberg-castle/3754381991247851/
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beautyofpoland · 1 year ago
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vmprshrk · 1 year ago
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Malbork Castle, Poland
I will post more of my edits because it was truly magnificent inside 🕯
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knyyghts · 1 year ago
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“The colourful brigade of German knights were trooped about a Castle or Palace, to draw wonder and awe from the commonalty—propping up the view of their lieges.”
From “A Study of Knights; Their Stations and Issues of Order” by Walter Hitchcock (1964)
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paramedicabroad · 1 year ago
Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork
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Embark with me on a virtual journey to the imposing Malbork Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site situated on the banks of the Nogat River in Poland. This colossal fortress, once the seat of the Teutonic Order, invites you to explore its labyrinthine halls, towering walls, and delve into the epic tales of knights and crusaders that echo through its storied chambers.
Malbork Castle received UNESCO recognition in 1997, celebrating its exceptional cultural and historical significance. The inscription acknowledges the castle's role in the medieval history of the Teutonic Order and its enduring architectural legacy.
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Stand before the grandeur of Malbork Castle, a testament to Teutonic Order's architectural prowess. The castle complex, with its monumental walls and towers, reflects the military might and strategic importance of this medieval stronghold.
Immerse yourself in the history of Malbork at the Castle Museum, where artifacts, weaponry, and medieval artifacts paint a vivid picture of life within these stone walls. The museum offers a fascinating journey through the castle's rich past.
Ascend to the High Castle, the central part of the fortress, and marvel at the intricate details of its Gothic architecture. Explore the Great Refectory, where knights once gathered for communal meals, and imagine the echoes of their camaraderie.
Discover the ingenious defensive system of Malbork Castle, including drawbridges, moats, and defensive towers. These features showcase the military innovation of the Teutonic Order in protecting their stronghold.
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Visit the Chapel of St. Anne, a gem of Gothic architecture within the castle walls. The chapel's intricate decorations and sacred ambiance offer a glimpse into the spiritual life of the Teutonic knights.
Wander along the castle's riverside promenade and enjoy picturesque views of the Nogat River. The surrounding landscape, with its greenery and serene waters, complements the castle's imposing presence.
Experience the castle's vibrant atmosphere during summer cultural events, including medieval reenactments, concerts, and theatrical performances. These events breathe life into the ancient stones and transport visitors back in time.
In conclusion, Malbork Castle invites us to step into a realm where history unfolds in the shadows of towering walls and Gothic arches. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it stands as a sentinel of Poland's medieval legacy and a symbol of the Teutonic Order's enduring impact. When you're ready for a digital odyssey through a fortress of legends, Malbork promises to captivate and inspire. 🏰🇵🇱✨
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rastislav-duch-lesa · 2 years ago
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Teutonic castle in Malbork - Poland
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delsograf · 7 months ago
Music: GOTARD - "The Cross on the horizon horizon” https://gotard.bandcamp.com/track/the-cross-on-the-horizon-feat-lamia-darkgrace
Video: Delsograf 
Rekonstrukcja zamku na podstawie opisów wygenerowana przez AI 
(Eng) The construction of the castle in Złotoria near Toruń, on the site of the wooden stronghold of the Masovian princes, was initiated after 1343 by King Casimir the Great. The castle guarded the northern borders of the Kingdom of Poland and changed hands over the centuries; Ultimately, it passed into the hands of the Teutonic Order, but it was soon bought by King Jagiełło of Poland. This is the first stronghold that was destroyed at the beginning of the great war of the Teutonic Order with Poland. Since then, the castle has remained in ruins. It is not known what exactly the castle looked like. Part of the corner tower and the outer ward walls have been preserved. The ruins of the outer ward are washed away by the nearby Vistula River. The castle was built on a rectangular plan. The castle complex included a high tower, a residential building and defensive walls. The former castle courtyard, measuring 35 x 50 m, is now filled in and overgrown with vegetation. Picturesque ruins stimulate the imagination. It is worth visiting the nearby historic Toruń. 
(PL) Budowę zamku w Złotorii pod Toruniem, na miejscu drewnianej warowni książąt mazowieckich, zapoczątkował po 1343 roku król Kazimierz Wielki. Zamek strzegł północnych granic Królestwa Polskiego i na przestrzeni wieków przechodził z rąk do rąk; Ostatecznie przeszedł w ręce Zakonu Krzyżackiego, ale wkrótce został kupiony przez króla polskiego Jagiełłę. Jest to pierwsza warownia, która została zniszczona na początku wielkiej wojny Zakonu Krzyżackiego z Polską. Od tego czasu zamek pozostaje w ruinie. Nie wiadomo, jak dokładnie zamek wyglądał. Zachowała się część narożnej wieży i murów przedzamcza. Ruiny przedzamcza zmywa pobliska Wisła. Zamek wzniesiono na planie prostokąta. Zespół zamkowy obejmował wysoką wieżę, budynek mieszkalny i mury obronne. Dawny dziedziniec zamkowy o wymiarach 35 x 50 m jest obecnie zasypany i porośnięty roślinnością. Malownicze ruiny pobudzają wyobraźnię. Warto odwiedzić pobliski zabytkowy Toruń.
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the-orphic-youth · 1 month ago
New year resolution: be a Teutonic knight ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )
I'll be searching for historical reenactment groups near the place where I'll study, I have some of the clothes already and can carry a sword well, and am learning horse riding. they must take me in and hopefully, during summer holidays I'll be chilling by the castle walls or on a field with a friend and at the same time be a tourist attraction for people visiting a medieval fair
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photo-snap-stories · 17 days ago
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Zamek krzyżacki, Malbork, Polska
Krzyżacy, obok Joannitów i Templariuszy, to jeden z trzech największych zakonów powstałych na fali krucjat w XI i XII wieku. Zaczątek Zamku w Malborku zbudowano w latach 1275-1300. Pierwotnie, jeszcze pod koniec XII wieku siedziba Zakonu Krzyżackiego mieściła się w Akce, następnie od 1209 roku w Montfort, a ostatecznie została przeniesiona do Malborka w 1309 roku.
Od początku zakon chciał zdobyć Pomorze Gdańskie i po��ączyć się z Brandenburgią, początkowo wykupując ziemie, by w końcu przejść do otwartych działań zbrojnych przeciw Polsce.
Przegrana bitwa pod Grunwaldem zapoczątkowała upadek Zakonu Krzyżackiego, zwieńczony porażką w wojnie 13 letniej. Od 1457 do 1772 roku Zamek w Malborku stał się jedną z rezydencji Królów Polskich.
Od 1772 roku zamek przejęli Prusacy i zaczęła się jego regularna dewastacja. Burzono gotyckie sklepienia i okna, zamurowywano krużganki, kuto nowe okna, a Pałac Wielkich Mistrzów przerodził się w przędzalnię bawełny.
W 1816 roku rozpoczęła się wielka odbudowa zamku, by przywrócić mu wartość historyczną. Nie wszystko odbudowywano zgodnie z oryginałem, zamieniając oryginalne materiały na bardziej nowoczesne.
Od 1933 roku na Zamku w Malborku zawisła nazistowska flaga. Miejsce to służyło do odprawiania uroczystości.
W 1945 roku po walkach o miasto z Armią Czerwoną, podczas to których zamek został zamieniony w punkt oporu, około 70% zabudowań Zamku Wysokiego, Średniego, Wieży oraz kościoła zamkowego zostało całkowicie zniszczone.
Po przegranej nazistów zamek przeszedł we władanie Wojska Polskiego, które zajęło się pierwszymi pracami porządkowymi i rekonstrukcyjnymi po wojnie, a w jego wnętrzu utworzono Muzeum Wojska Polskiego.
Od lat 50-tych rozpoczęła się odbudowa zamku zgodnie ze średniowiecznym oryginałem, za wzory do odbudowy służyły dwa obrazy znajdujące się wewnątrz zamku i przedstawiające jego wygląd z końca XV i początku XVI wieku.
W 1997 roku zamek został wpisany na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.
Castle of the Teutonic Order, Malbork, Poland
The Teutonic Knights, along with the Knights of St. John and the Knights Templar, are one of the three largest orders to emerge from the crusades of the 11th and 12th centuries. The beginning of the Malbork Castle was built between 1275 and 1300. Initially, at the end of the 12th century, the seat of the Teutonic Order was located in Acre, then from 1209 in Montfort, and finally it was moved to Malbork in 1309.
From the beginning, the order wanted to conquer Pomerania and unite with Brandenburg, initially buying lands, and finally moving to open military operations against Poland.
The lost Battle of Grunwald began the decline of the Teutonic Order, crowned by defeat in the Thirteen Years' War. From 1457 to 1772 Malbork Castle became one of the residences of Polish Kings.
From 1772, the castle was taken over by the Prussians and its regular devastation began. Gothic vaults and windows were demolished, cloisters were bricked up, new windows were forged, and the Palace of the Grand Masters was transformed into a cotton mill.
In 1816, a major reconstruction of the castle began to restore its historical value. Not everything was rebuilt in accordance with the original, replacing the original materials with more modern ones.
From 1933, the Nazi flag was hung on the Malbork Castle. This place was used for ceremonies.
In 1945, after the battles for the city with the Red Army, during which the castle was turned into a point of resistance, about 70% of the buildings of the High Castle, the Middle Castle, the Tower and the castle church were completely destroyed.
After the Nazis lost, the castle came under the control of the Polish Army, which began the first post-war cleaning and reconstruction works, and the Polish Army Museum was established inside.
Since the 1950s, the castle was rebuilt in accordance with the medieval original, using two paintings from inside the castle, which depict its appearance from the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century, as models for the reconstruction.
In 1997, the castle was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
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beidak-art · 6 months ago
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Teutonic prosecutor, commander of the Ortelrsburg castle. He takes care of the local administration and knights. Huno is the apple of his eye. He is something of a father figure to him.
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whencyclopedia · 1 month ago
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Henry IV of England
Henry IV of England ruled as king from 1399 to 1413 CE. Known as Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Lancaster before he became king, Henry clashed with his cousin Richard II of England (r. 1377-1399 CE) and was exiled in 1397 CE. Returning to England with a small army in the summer of 1399 CE, Henry made himself king as Richard's support collapsed. Kicking off his reign with the murder of his predecessor, Henry would face major rebellions in both England and Wales, and he frequently clashed with Parliament, particularly the 'Long Parliament' of 1406 CE. Henry was the first of the kings from the House of Lancaster and he was succeeded by his son Henry V of England (r. 1413-1422 CE).
Birth & Family
Henry was born in April 1366 CE at Bolingbroke Castle in Lincolnshire, the son of John of Gaunt (l. 1340-1399 CE), himself the son of Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE) and so a claimant for the throne of Richard II (who was the grandson of Edward III and the son of Edward the Black Prince, l. 1330-1376 CE). John was a powerful but unpopular figure who had been passed over for the throne because he had supported corrupt nobles and officials identified by Parliament. Henry Bolingbroke's mother was Blanche of Lancaster, daughter of the Duke of Lancaster. The young nobleman was given the title Earl of Derby, the first of many he would acquire over his career.
Henry married Mary of Bohun (b. c. 1369 CE) on 5 February 1381 CE, but she died during childbirth in 1394 CE. The couple's most famous son was Henry, future Henry V, born on 16 September 1387 CE. Henry, now king, married again on 7 February 1403 CE, this time to Joan of Navarre (l. c. 1370-1437 CE). Henry had a typical noble upbringing where he showed a flair for the medieval tournament, courage, piety, and an interest in literature. The young Henry had his share of adventure when he twice went to fight pagans in Lithuania as part of the long-running Northern Crusades (12-15th century CE) alongside Teutonic Knights. There would also be a pilgrimage to Jerusalem before he concentrated on his ambitions in England.
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ruv-simp · 12 days ago
Kingdom of Prussia/Prussia
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Facts about him:
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Mother: Teutonic Order
Never knew her but doesn't care
He hates her anyways
Father: Holy Roman Empire
Loves him so much
Was taught how to fight by him
Took care of him by brushing his wings, washing his clothes, fixing some mistakes in his plans, etc
Is innocent just like him
Somewhat scared of him when he gets pissed off
Brother: Austrian Empire
They aren't really close
Doesn't really know him on a personal level
A.E was separated from HRE and Prussia when Teutonic decided to just leave them behind
Is pretty neutral with Austrian's husband, Kingdom of Hungary
Didn't like the fact that he called HRE an "Old man who should've been dead ages and is long overdue", to which he beat the living shit out of him
Boyfriend: Russian Empire
They met when they were young children and were really close friends
Later they became allies
And then Russian Empire got the balls to ask him to be his boyfriend
Being a dense man, he never knew that Russian Empire was courting him all these years. He thought he was being nice-
Absolutely adores him
Got to experience what it feels like to fly because Russian Empire just
R.E's "Birdie"
Absolutely heartbroken when R.E died, an swore he will never love anyone else for as long as he lives
Every night, he would always call out to him and cry for him in his sleep
Son: German Empire/Reichtangle
Was shocked when his son brought someone (Austria-Hungary) to his castle
Even more shocked that his son had a boyfriend, but he approved it all the way
Cried during his wedding
He loves him so much that he still babies him even though he's a married adult man
Relation: Tsardom of Russia
Hated the fact that he was so abusive to Russian Empire
Eventually he starts to respect him after knowing what he went through and the great lengths he took just to protect his son
Mortified when Tsardom gets pissed off and goes full eagle
Is neutral towards him
Death: Natural causes
He was reunited with his beloved at last
German Empire was deeply saddened, and despite having hatred towards Russian Empire, he was happy his father was in a better place
No matter how hard he tries, he can't cook shit
Always wished he could fly
His hair is short, so that's why he treats the fake hair on his helmet as if it were real
Pretty insecure about his appearance
Gets EXTREMEYLY jealous that many countries, including French Empire, are hitting on HIS man
Oreo... I mean look at him-
He finally understands why Russian Empire loves peaches so much👀
As said earlier, he's really innocent like Holy Roman Empire. He doesn't really understand the signs of love or when someone's hitting on him
He's really naïve and slow on picking up certain things (Be nice to him :( )
Unlike Russian Empire, he doesn't speak formally and is really laid-back despite having an entire kingdom
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inexplicifics · 1 year ago
Do you have a mental (or an actual) floor plan for Kaer Morhen? I ask because I notice new architectural details when I reread. Also, is your AW Kaer Morhen the same as your Wolfblood one?
I do not! The current working theory is that Kaer Morhen is in fact possibly sapient and grows or opens new wings and rooms as they are required by the growing horde of people within her walls.
That said, I based its carrying capacity off of Malbork Castle in Poland, which at one point apparently housed about three thousand "brothers" of the Teutonic Order. Kaer Morhen doesn't actually have that many people in it yet, so there's still room to expand!
Kaer Morhen in the Wolfblood 'verse has a few differences from the AW AU one, including markings on the walls to aid in navigation and small shrines to all the spirits, and a more defined layout overall.
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