byfaithmedia · 3 months
Jews are preparing for the Third Temple to be placed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel. From the Red Heifer to the Temple instruments.
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clarissaxrose1212 · 9 months
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Being followers of God and believers in Jesus, we are Christians, and we thankfully have the chance to be saved! Christianity is built on the work of the prophets and apostles in the past, with Jesus being the part that stably holds everything together (as a cornerstone stably supports a building). We as a group of followers fit together to make up the building that is the Temple for God to dwell in us and be with us!!!!!
#PraiseGod #PraiseTheLord #GodIsGood #Christian #LoveGod #LoveJesus #LoveEveryone #Love #FaithInGod #ChristianFaith #Faith #HopeInGod #Hope #BelieveInGod #BelieveInJesus #HaveFaith #FollowGod #TempleOfGod #ChristianChurch #CornerStone #Pray #GiveThanksToGod #Repent #Forgive #BibleQuote #ChristianQuote #Quote #BibleVerse #Ephesians #Ephesians2 #Ephesians2v19to21 #KJV #🙏 #❤️ #🙌
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spiritsoulandbody · 1 year
#DailyDevotion We Live In Hope
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#DailyDevotion We Live In Hope Psalm 92 10But You have given me strength like that of a wild bull, and fresh oil is poured on me. 11My eyes see those who watch for me; my ears hear the evildoers attacking me. The Hebrew here probably should be expressed in future time as a number of other translations do it: Psa 92:10  But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil. (KJV) I would tend to agree with those that do that. We, the oppressed Church, look forward to the day of the resurrection and judgment. On that day we are raised immortal, imperishable, incorruptible and glorious. (1 Cor. 15). Though certainly at times in this life we receive from the LORD the strength we need to face the day and all of its troubles. (Phi. 4:13) Often our strength and encouragement for today comes from the fact of what the LORD is going to do for us in the future. We can bear all things if we have a hope for the future, which we do. On the day of the LORD we shall see those who watched for us, who waited for us to fall and fail receive their due. They despised the love and the forgiveness of our LORD Jesus Christ and trusted in their own goodness to prevail in the afterlife. They will be terribly disappointed. They will no longer surprise us on that day. We shall see and hear all their plans against us and they will come to naught. The LORD is with us. 12The righteous flourish like palm trees and grow tall like cedars in Lebanon. 13They are planted in the LORD's house; they blossom like flowers in the courts of our God. 14Even when they're old, they still bear fruit, being green and full of sap, 15to show that the LORD is righteous. On the day of resurrection how glorious we will be. The apostle says we will be like our LORD Jesus Christ in His resurrected body. (1 John 3:2) Revelation1 gives quite an image of our LORD, “He wore a robe reaching down to His feet, with a gold belt around His chest. 14His head and hair were white like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like flames of fire. 15 His feet were like glowing bronze refined in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters. 16In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp, double-edged sword, and His face was like the sun when it shines in all its brightness.” Well the Psalm gives us more of the image of majestic palm trees and the cedars of Lebanon (see sequoias in California as a reference). In the kingdom of God, the kingdom of our LORD Jesus Christ, we shall ever bear the good fruit of the Spirit. We are planted in the New Jerusalem. We are pillars and stones in the temple of God. We will never wear, tear, or have the effects of wearing out as we age. This is to show the LORD is righteous. We put our trust in Him. This will be our reward for believing in Him. Let us then remain faithful to Him all our days as we pass through this veil of tears and darkness. He's my Rock, and there's no iniquity in Him! There is the name He calls Himself in Deuteronomy, Zur, the Rock. Jesus is the Rock. He is the stone rejected by the builders which has become the cornerstone. He is the One whose word we are to believe and put into practice. No one who puts his trust in Him will be put to shame. Upon Jesus, the Rock, the Church is founded. He is your foundation. Paul in no uncertain terms identifies Jesus as the Rock of the Torah in 1 Cor. 10:4). In Him, there is no iniquity. So He could take our iniquity and trespasses upon Himself, make the atoning sacrifice for them, and give to us His righteousness so we may be His holy people. Heavenly Father, always put before our eyes Your promises that we may trudge through today in the hope they give us of the world to come where we live under Your Son, Jesus Christ, our LORD in all holiness and righteousness. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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delightintheway · 2 years
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*NEW Video* Hear The Word of The Lord! Section 4 of 8: "FACADES OF THE DEVIL" (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2) -> -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQRLGdhXyTw&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=82 <- <- "…Therefore, thus says The Lord: I HAVE BROUGHT CHARGES AGAINST YOU, O CHURCHES OF MEN! And My judgment shall be swift, your discipline severe, and you shall all be broken in the day of your ruin! Indeed, judgment must begin at the temple of God, of which each one of you were to be. Thus it has been decreed and must be, it has commenced. Behold, the call has gone out and shall continue, until the first separation is made complete. Then shall that which I have purposed upon your houses immediately follow. Indeed, it has come forth already to shake you and to stir you up, that you might be moved from your places and come out, that you might fall hard upon your faces and repent. Oh My people, why do you stand defiant?! Why do you stiffen your necks and furrow your brows?! How is it you say you are My people, yet continue to shoot out the lip and shake the head, tempting The Lord your God?! For I tell you the truth, it shall by no means be finished, until every last one of your detestable sanctuaries is torn down and you are broken, until the loftiness of men is left in tatters and the rebellious are utterly devastated!"
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_Part_2_Come_Out_of_the_Churches_of_Men_and_I_Will_Receive_You!_Says_The_Lord
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ancestralvoices · 3 years
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As cliched as it may sound. The TRUTH is 'you're more powerful than even you realise' and it is ignorance of said fact that keeps one's potential under-realised and untapped... Lock back into the Ancient tools for survival that still remains useful and relevant today on our FREE 5-day E-course. All you have to lose is ignorance: https://ancestralvoices.co.uk/free-video-e-course/ LINK IN BIO #temple #bodypositive #body #bodypositivity #templeofgod #templejewellery #chakras #chakrahealing #relevant #truth #truthquotes #truthseeker #anceatral_voices #ancestralvoices https://www.instagram.com/p/CVSjHs8DS-x/?utm_medium=tumblr
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coptorthodox · 3 years
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Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16 #coptorthodox #bibleverse #bible #bibleversedaily #dailyverse #coptic #orthodox @coptorthodox #godslove #theeyeofthelord #1corinthians #1corinthians3 #1corinthians316 #1corinthians3v16 #youarethetempleofgod #templeofgod #thespiritofgoddwellsinyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CWAXCi-vJA5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gcicconebiz-blog · 4 years
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I’m so passionate about my health and worshiping Jesus. I want to show the world that being leaders who love God and take care of our bodies is so important. Join my challenge see link in my bio • • • • #WorshipLeader #Healthy #Worship #OurBodiesAreTheTemple #TempleOfGod #HolySpirit #TempleOfTheHolySpirit #HealthCoach #Coach #HabitsOfHealth #HealthyHabits #Leadership #Responsibility #Example #LeadByExample #CrushYourHealth #Trilogy https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0aaupgruG/?igshid=f5g7uw7n7u0j
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mariaperezolson · 6 years
I Began 2019 in worship and prayer.. Second day working out..💪🏻🥊 • Seeking Jesus is my number #1 priority Number #2 is taking care of my health.. • Taking care of our temple is vital if we want to have health to do the things we love to do.. • 1 Corinthians 3:16 New International Version (NIV) • 16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? • #templeofgod #respectyourbody #spirituality #relationshipwithjesus #childrenofgod #jesusismysource #cantlivewithoutJesus #savedbygrace #happynewyear2019 #jesusismylifeline (at San Antonio, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJxbMzFHkE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s6gkl40tfumr
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melissamangus · 2 years
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“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1/1co.3.16.KJV #templeofgod #spiritofgod #spiritofgoddwellsinyou #wordsofwisdom #happysoul #happysunday https://www.instagram.com/p/CgIkT_UM9rm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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derekmusisi · 2 years
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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16 NLT https://bible.com/verse-of-the-day/1co.3.16/293?version=116 #TempleofGod #BodyofChrist #LivingTestimony #LivingforChrist https://www.instagram.com/p/CgGnYidqjEW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spiritsoulandbody · 2 years
#DailyDevotion You Are Individually & Collectively The Temple Of God
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#DailyDevotion You Are Individually & Collectively The Temple Of God Eph. 2:17-21 17And He came with the good news of peace to you who were far away and to those who were near, 18since by one Spirit he enables both of us to come to the Father. 19Then you are no longer foreigners or strangers but fellow citizens with the holy people and members of His household. 20You are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and Christ Jesus Himself is the Cornerstone. 21In Him the whole building is fitted together and grows to be a holy temple in the Lord. 22In Him you, too, are built up with the others to be God's home in the Spirit. Jesus is not only the Peace between Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews aka Goy) but he is the Peace for both Jews and Gentiles. Jesus came with this good news of peace proclaimed by the Christmas angels. Jesus by the message of the cross removed the hatred of God toward us because we all were law breakers. Strangely, while there was hatred toward us in God because of our wickedness, the Father sends Jesus because he loves us. Probably one of the biggest things we cannot wrap our minds around here. It is a great mystery. God hates sinners (Psalm 5). God loves sinners. (John 3:16) But the enmity or hatred toward us is removed in Christ. By and through Jesus' blood (which means his suffering and death), God the Father is appeased. He is at peace with us, both Jew and Gentile. He has given us his Spirit so we may believe this and have a clear and a clean conscience concerning our sins and our sinfulness. With pure and clean consciences we can boldly and confidently come to the Father and receive from him every good and perfect gift. Through Jesus good news of peace there is no longer Jews or Gentiles in Christ. There is only Jesus who is Israel. Through faith in Jesus and baptism into Jesus we are made one with him with one Spirit. We are “no longer foreigners or strangers but fellow citizens with the holy people and members of His household.” The Church doesn't replace Israel. The Church is Israel and always has been. It is the Israel of faith who receives all of God's promises and to whom all of God's promised are fulfilled. There is not a Jewish/Messianic Church and a Christian Church. There is only one Church, the Church of Jesus Christ (not saying a denomination needs this name to be the true Church). There is only Jesus' body and Jesus Temple and Jesus' household. No one is before or after the other here. Jesus is our head and we are his body. The body is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and Christ Jesus Himself is the Cornerstone.” Again this is why we confess in the creeds one holy catholic and apostolic Church. The Church's foundation is the teachings of Jesus' apostles and those have been written for us in the New Testament, which is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. There isn't one set of rules for one people and another set for a different people. We all have the same Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself is the chief cornerstone. The cornerstone directs all the lines of the building. The building is shaped by it. Jesus therefore is he who shapes and guides the building of his body, his temple, the Church. Not only are we collectively the body and temple of Christ, we are also individually God's home in the Spirit. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all reside in your heart (the center of your being), your body being their Temple. Yet, we are never only individual Christians but Christians who are members of a greater whole which is Christ's body. Heavenly Father, grant us faith in the good news of Jesus that we may approach your throne with boldness and confidence and give us your Spirit so we may be your holy temple now and forevermore. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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lightworldshorts · 3 years
#riversoflivingwater #riversoflivingwatersflow #templeofgod #templeoftheholyspirit #holyspiritpower #desiregod #desiringgodsbest #desiringjesus #desiringgodsbest #lovegodgreatly #presenceofgod #presenceoftheholyspirit #godinspiredmessages #jesussaves #jesuslovers #jesussavesyou #livingwaters https://www.instagram.com/p/CSun8azDfnr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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seekthelord · 3 years
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vodou-fairy · 7 years
The Body is a Temple of God
We are told that our body is the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells within us. So the question I ask to any Christian is: Why do you put something in God's temple that you know is unhealthy and unclean? And particularly if the only reason you're doing it is for pleasure, that suggest that you love pleasure more than you love God. And that's something that Christians have to think about and have to pray about. Because if the only reason you are consuming this animal is because of some perverted idea of pleasure and even though you know about the unspeakable horrors that are perpetrated on these animals in order to provide you that bucket of fried chicken. That says something about your spiritual health. That you are willing to put up with that kind of abuse and cruelty simply to die by some diseased animal body.
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rhsalembey · 4 years
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How does this concept escape your innerstanding 🤔🤔🤔 #MARINATE #PAYATTENTON Salaam 🇲🇦 #Moors #Muurs #Moslems #Air #Earth #Water #Spirit 👈🏾 🔥 #IAMTHATIAM #GODBODY divine light body sentient being I.S.L.A.M 🇲🇦 ➖ ➖ ➖ Reposted from @texas_consciousness Spiritual Maturity allows you to cultivate the God-Body... 🔑 #YeAreGods #Evolution #TempleOfGod #KnowThyself #Libations #Ancestors #Altar #Obatala #DivineIntelligence #SpiritualAlchemy #ScorpioSeason #CrownChakRa #FBF (at The Northgate) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHQOP8Xn7EB/?igshid=r54nyncm8bza
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rhans306 · 4 years
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give priority to the House of God, not to your own..!! #houseofgod #templeofgod #thoughts #quotes #spiritofgod #christianity #christianinspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/CFWB0DBD_aJ/?igshid=9cpd2joqho0y
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