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spiritsoulandbody · 4 hours ago
Third Sunday after Epiphany January 26, 2025 10 am
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spiritsoulandbody · 9 hours ago
Can't get to Church?
Can't get to Church? You can listen to an abbreviated service at 8:30 am cst on www.krmsradio.com or you can join us live at 10 am cst here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClwQMjDeHKXtW_2kGcY0spQ Be sure to click like and subscribe to be notified when we go live. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 1 day ago
#DailyDevotion The Nations Will Drink The Cup Of God's Wrath
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#DailyDevotion The Nations Will Drink The Cup Of God's Wrath Ob. 15 “For the day of the LORD is near for all the nations. As you did, it will be done to you. What you did will come back on you. 16 As you drank on My holy mountain, all the nations will keep on drinking. They will drink and swallow down and then be as though they had never been. Now it seems like the LORD is expanding His vision of judgment here. Not only Edom will receive judgment but for all nations. The imminent destruction of Edom is included in the coming destruction of all nations. The Bible does not teach karma (as it is actually taught in Buddhism). It does teach divine justice and retribution. What the Edomites did to others, particularly to Judah and Israel, will come down upon them. They will not escape. The prophet Jeremiah speaks of Edom's judgment in chapter 49, “12The LORD says this: 'If those who aren't sentenced to drink the cup must drink it, should you go unpunished? You will not go unpunished but must drink it. 13I swear by Myself,' says the LORD, 'Bozrah will become a horrible example: it will be scorned, laid in ruins, and cursed, and all the towns depending on her will be ruins forever.'” Drinking is a sign of divine judgment and wrath. The LORD knows about hangovers, particularly those caused by wine. He will not only make Edom drink of the cup of His wrath but all nations. We see this again in Revelation. In chapter 14 it reads, “9A third angel followed them. “If anyone worships the beast and his statue," he called out with a loud voice, “and is branded on his forehead or on his hand, 10he must also drink of the wine of God's anger, poured out unmixed into the cup of His punishment, and must be tortured by fire and sulfur before the holy angels and before the Lamb.” In chapter 16 we read, “4The third poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of water and they turned to blood. 5I heard the angel of the waters say: 'O holy One, You are and You were. You are just in judging this way; 6they have poured out the blood of holy people and prophets, and You gave them blood to drink as they deserve.' 7I heard the altar answer: 'Yes, Lord God Almighty, Your judgments are true and just.'” We as Christians are aliens, strangers, foreigners in this world and whatever country we reside. We should wear our earthly citizenship loosely. We may be proud to be Americans or whatever nations you belong to, but realize all, I mean all nations act contrary to the way of the LORD Jesus Christ. All nations, including my beloved USA, cause trials, troubles, and tribulations to God's holy people. We need only look at what happened to Christians in Iraq, Syria and other places we “liberated” people. We are called nevertheless to be good citizens of whatever county we are residing in by praying for our leaders, obeying the laws not contrary to God's revealed will, and paying our taxes. Knowing the coming judgment upon all nations for their sins against the Almighty, let us not be too patriotic and participate in the sins of whatever nation we belong. Our loyalty is to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Heavenly Father, always grant us repentance that we not participate in the sins of our nation, but call our fellow citizens to repentance and live holy lives pleasing to You and to the glory of Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 2 days ago
#DailyDevotion How Do You Treat Your Enemies?
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#DailyDevotion How Do You Treat Your Enemies? Ob. 10 Because you did violence to your brother Jacob, shame will overwhelm you, and you will be cut off forever. 11 That day you stood by when strangers carried off his goods; foreigners came into his gates and cast lots over Jerusalem, and you were just like one of them. It is now revealed to us why the LORD is coming after Edom. His address to Edom is in a most personal way as He uses the name Jacob (as opposed to Israel), Esau's twin brother. Edom did violence to Jacob.When Jacob, aka Israel and Judah, were being overrun by their enemies, carrying off their goods, even storming the gates of Jerusalem, they just stood by and watched. Even worse, they were just like one of them. Because of this, shame would overwhelm them and they would be cut off forever. From our previous devotions, we know they were pushed out of their territory into southern Judah, they lost their name, and eventually ceased to exist. The prophet then continues with the charges. 12 You shouldn’t gloat when your brother has his day of calamity. You shouldn’t be delighted when the people of Judah are ruined. You shouldn’t boast so much when he’s in trouble. 13 You shouldn’t come into the gate of My people on the day of their disaster. You shouldn’t look so pleased at his misery on the day of his disaster. You shouldn’t lay your hand on his goods on the day of his disaster. 14 You shouldn’t stand at the crossroad to kill those who escape. You shouldn’t hand over anyone who gets away on the day of trouble. We probably should take note of how we handle ourselves when calamity strikes our enemies. When seeing disaster fall upon a people, we should listen to Jesus and repent of our sins. (Luke 13) But Edom seeing the ruin of Israel and Judah did not repent of their sins against the LORD. They gloated over his brother's calamity. They were delighted in Judah's ruin. They entered the gates of the LORD's people and took advantage of the situation. We see Edom partook in looting his brother. He killed those who escaped the enemies coming down upon Israel and Judah. They betrayed those in hiding to their enemies. What do we do when our personal enemies get their due for how they treated us? Do we take glee in it? Do we overcome evil with more evil as Edom did? Do we overcome evil with good? Do we clothe the naked, feed the hungry, give water to those who thirst and bless them, as we are called to do as Christians? While it is true, a nation is not a Christian, i.e. the commands to turn the other cheek, give to the one who ask, walk two miles etc. do not apply to a nation or its leaders in dealing with other nations, a nation of Christians should see to it our leaders treat other nations fairly, equitably, and even occasionally show mercy at the proper time. When we overcome our enemies who hate us, we should not gloat over them. It is the LORD who has given them over into our hands. The LORD Jesus does hold nations to account for their sins. Let us not give reasons for Him to correct, discipline or destroy us. Heavenly Father, give us a right attitude towards our enemies, especially those that are personal to us. Give us the mind of Christ, You Son, that we may example Him to them and perhaps win them to the side of Jesus. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 3 days ago
#DailyDevotion The False Church Does Not Have The Upper Hand
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#DailyDevotion The False Church Does Not Have The Upper Hand Ob. 7 All your allies will drive you to the border. Your friends will treacherously get the best of you. Those eating your food will set traps for you, and you won’t know about it.” 8 The LORD asks, “On that day won’t I destroy the wise men in Edom, and take away understanding from Esau’s mountain? 9 Your heroes, O Teman, will despair so that everyone coming from the mount of Esau will be killed off. This section of Obadiah reminds me of this passage from Revelation 17: 12“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet started to rule but for an hour get authority as kings with the beast. 13They have one purpose and give their power and authority to the beast. 14They will go to war against the Lamb, but the Lamb, and the called, chosen, and faithful people with Him, will conquer them because He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. 15“The waters you saw where the prostitute was sitting,” he told me, "are peoples, crowds, nations, and languages. 16The ten horns you saw and the beast will hate the prostitute, lay her waste, strip her, devour her flesh, and burn her with fire, 17God has put it into their hearts to do what He has decided, to carry out one purpose, and to give their kingdom to the beast until what God has said is carried out. Edom would be the great prostitute. The kings would be her allies. Her allies are only such until she serves no purpose for her any longer. Then they will turn against her. So this happened with Edom. Her allies drove her to the border. They, in fact, were driven into southern Judah. Those nations they trusted turned against her. Like the prostitute in Revelation, this is God's doing. For they persecuted Judah and Israel in their times of need just as the prostitute persecutes God's people today. She uses the kings of the earth to persecute God's people today, which is why it always amazes me when Church people look to the government and those in government for help and protection. If they do help, we need to watch out for treachery is afoot! For now, earthly governments serve the false church represented by Babylon. An interesting thing I found while studying Obadiah is that most scholars believe he himself was an Edomite. On top of that, it is believed, Job and his friends were Edomites. You know Job is a piece of wisdom literature. Apparently, Edom was known for having wise men. They apparently depended upon the wise men of their nation. Now, because of Edom's sin, the LORD is going to destroy their wise men and take away understanding from Esau's mountain. Many in the world hold themselves to be wisemen. They are counselors to kings, presidents, and prime ministers. There is coming a day when the LORD Jesus will remove or confound these wise men. The rulers of the world will not find wise counsel. They will come to fight against the Lamb and His Church. They will not win. Jesus with His holy angels will wipe out those who have come against us. The false church will be no more. Those who worship power and wealth will be no more. They will all be cast out into utter darkness, into the Lake of Fire to be punished with the fallen angels who also rebelled against their God, their maker, Jesus Christ. We will be gathered and comforted in the Kingdom of the Lamb and rejoice forever. Heavenly Father, help the people of Your Church not to despair when it seems the world is winning against them. Let them see the slippery stone they are standing on and help them to remember Your Son Jesus Christ rules over all and will soon overtake them in all their sin while we are gathered into Your heavenly kingdom. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 4 days ago
#DailyDevotion The LORD Provides Us Teachers
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#DailyDevotion The LORD Provides Us Teachers
Neh 8:1-3 When the seventh month came, all the people gathered like one man in the square before the Water Gate. They told Ezra the scholar to bring the scroll of the Law of Moses, which the Lord had ordered for Israel...3And he read from it before the Water Gate from early morning till noon, to the men and the women who could understand. And all the people listened to the scroll of the Law...5Ezra, standing higher than all the other people, unrolled the scroll before all the people, and as he opened it, all the people stood up. 6Ezra praised the LORD, the great God, and all the people answered, “So be it, so be it,” as they raised their hands and then bowed with their faces to the ground and worshiped the LORD.
So Judah had just spent seventy years in Babylon. While some of the exiles gathered regularly to hear God’s Word, especially the Torah (the first five books) many apparently did not. Having returned to Jerusalem the people were gathered and they wanted to hear the Book of the Law of Moses. Having done so, he brought it before the people and read it to them. It took at least 4 to 6 hours to read. Unlike some people today they were able to pay attention past ten to twenty minutes. Most people are able to pay attention (without all sorts of fanfare and the like). They were all very attentive. We see the people stood when the book or rather scroll was opened. We do the same thing when the Gospel is read in our churches. After blessing the Lord the people bowed to the ground and worshipped the Lord with their faces (literally nostrils) to the ground. Now it is unfortunate today that many kneelers have been taken out of the Churches. I cannot tell you why. I know I have unfortunately heard a few voices over the years proudly say they will not bow. They are children of God and shouldn’t have to bow. Apparently the worship scenes in the book of Revelation have escaped them. Even our Lord Jesus Christ, who is God of God and Light of Light bowed down in prayer. They even lifted up their hands in prayer. Well I have to admit we don’t do a whole lot of that either. Maybe we should. Now Ezra had some helpers among the Levites helped the people understand the Law while the people remained in their places. One could imagine as Ezra read, he often paused and the Levites distributed amongst the crowd would then help the people understand what was read. As far as we can tell this is one of the earliest records of systematic preaching, not that it never happened before. And so today, the Lord our God, Jesus Christ has given us Eph 4:11 “apostles, some to speak the Word, some to tell the good news, some to be pastors and teachers…” Our Lord Jesus Christ has given them to read to us the Holy Scriptures. He has given them to explain to us what those scriptures mean. Like the Israelites we should fix our attention on them so that we may know what the Lord’s will is toward us and what he wants to believe and to do. Such reading and explanations (sermons) should bring us to at the very least kneel before the Lord in our hearts and raise our hearts with repentance, thanksgiving and praise for all he has done for us. Heavenly Father, never let your word depart from us and give us ears that hear and hearts that believe all that you would tell us and give us your Spirit that we may live our lives according to your word. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 5 days ago
#DailyDevotion How Do You Look At You Suffering
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#DailyDevotion How Do You Look At You Suffering Romans 8:18–22 18I think what we suffer now isn't important when I compare it with the glory to be revealed to us. 19For the created world is waiting on tiptoe to see the unveiling of God's sons. 20For this created world must waste away, not because it wants to but because its Master would have it so, but it does so with the hope 21that this created world also will be freed from the slavery of decay in order to share the freedom of glory with the children of God. 22We know that all creation has been groaning with the pains of childbirth until now. Paul is just living in a different world, “I think what we suffer now isn't important when I compare it with the glory to be revealed to us.” Seriously? Doesn't he know we're not supposed to suffer? Doesn't he know how important our suffering is? It seems that either we think we are not suppose to suffer or all eyes need to be on us when we are suffering. Paul seems to have a slightly different take here on our suffering. But it's not as though Paul doesn't think our suffering isn't important in our life as a Christian. He just has a different attitude towards it with faith in Christ. In chapter 5 Paul writes, “3More than that, we also boast of our sufferings, 4because we know that suffering produces patient endurance, and patient endurance produces a genuine Christian character; 5and a genuine Christian character produces hope.” The reason for Paul's rejoicing in suffering is what it produces in Christians who put their faith in Christ. In 2 Cor. 4 Paul writes, “17The light trouble of this moment is preparing for us an everlasting weight of glory, greater than anything we can imagine.” Peter in his first epistle writes in chapter 3, “Gold is tested by fire, and your faith, when it is tested, should be found to be much more precious than gold, which perishes. This is how you will have praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ appears again.” You may thinking “light trouble of the moment?” Yes, whatever we are suffering no matter how horrific is light and momentary compared to the judgment to come and the glory we will receive as the children of God. These things we suffer are the fire that purifies out faith. It is preparing us to bear the weight of eternal glory. God intends us to bear or wear his glory in the world to come. I guess the reason we have such a hard time looking forward to that is we really have nothing else to compare it to. But we could not look at the glory of God in our present state without dying. I guess then it is no wonder we have to go through what we go through to be able wear it in the world to come. Even this world must suffer as it waits for us to be revealed as the sons of God. Paul says “this created world also will be freed from the slavery of decay in order to share the freedom of glory with the children of God.” Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father is not only for the children of men but for creation as well since created was affected by Adam's sin and our sin. If “climate change” or “global warming” is a thing that is bad the return of Christ and the revelation of us as the sons of God is the cure. All the natural disasters and the like are made right in the revelation of Jesus Christ to the world. In the meantime as Paul wrote in chapter 1 we live by faith, believing these things to be true. Heavenly Father, grant us a faith that only rejoices in our suffering as we look forward to the work you complete in us through them so we may live by faith. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 7 days ago
Second Sunday after Epiphany January 19, 2025 10 am
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spiritsoulandbody · 7 days ago
Can't get to Church?
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Can't get to Church? You can listen to an abbreviated service at 8:30 am cst on www.krmsradio.com or you can join us live at 10 am cst here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClwQMjDeHKXtW_2kGcY0spQ Be sure to click like and subscribe to be notified when we go live. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 8 days ago
#DailyDevotion Your Wealth Can't Help You On The Day Of The LORD
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#DailyDevotion Your Wealth Can't Help You On The Day Of The LORD Obadiah 5 “If thieves come to you or robbers at night, don’t they steal only until they have enough? Oh, how you will be ruined! If grape pickers come to you, don’t they leave grapes to glean? 6 Oh, how Esau will be ransacked and his hidden treasures plundered! Petra, the capital of Edom, was a place many traders went through. They stored their riches there until they moved on to another place. It was a place of trade and as such, much wealth was made on this trading. The wealth Edom had built up would be no more. No doubt, like many others, they placed their trust in their wealth. The LORD was not going to let them retain it. He would show it in the end was truly worthless to them in the day of trouble. The LORD says that thieves or robbers at night only steal what they want until they can carry no more. Pickers of grapes leave grapes behind. This would not be the case for Edom.The LORD would have His agents utterly plunder them to where there was nothing left, nothing they could depend upon. Mammon (wealth) is the world wide idol that all the world worships. Second to this is power. Many think they often go hand in hand. Indeed, many times you can buy power. But sometimes those with power can overrun those with wealth. Too often, we ourselves place our trust in worldly wealth. Jesus tells us in Matt. 6, “24“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other or be loyal to the one and despise the other. You can't serve God and money. 25“So I tell you, don't worry about what you'll eat or drink to keep alive or what you'll wear on your bodies. Isn't life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” In Luke 16, when the rich man died, where was all his wealth then? It could not save him. Death ultimately is the great equalizer. You cannot take your wealth with you when you die. Who knows what will happen with your wealth once you are gone. Even in life, those who have power may strip you of your wealth, with a stroke of a pen, and then it is gone. Therefore, we should put all our trust in God alone. Whatever wealth the LORD provides you, do not get attached to it. We are all only stewards of what the LORD has given us. If we are so blessed by God that if we put our trust in our wealth, the LORD may take it from us so that we again put our trust in Him alone. We cannot buy forgiveness. We cannot buy our way out of temporal punishments the LORD gives us to discipline us. Edom trusted in wealth and strategic positioning. The LORD took it away from them. He will on the Last Day, take away everything everyone has ever trusted in other than Him. Will your possession on that day be Jesus Christ? Heavenly Father, give us Your Holy Spirit so we may trust in no created things or anything else for every good but rather we trust in You alone, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our LORD, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 10 days ago
#DailyDevotion What Happens To The People Who Oppose The LORD Jesus?
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#DailyDevotion What Happens To The People Who Oppose The LORD Jesus? Ob. 2 “Look, I will make you small among the nations; you’re much despised. 3 The pride in your heart deceives you. You who live in the clefts of the rock, whose home is high up, you’re thinking, ‘Is there anyone who can bring me down to the ground?’ 4 Even though you fly as high as the eagle and make your nest among the stars, I will get you down from there,” says the Lord. See how this has come to pass? What people can you point to today who can show they are the descendants of the Edomites? They are nowhere to be found. Mixed in with the nations surrounding them, they are no more. While it is possible the inhabitants of the area they once ruled may be descendants of them, they do not know. Ultimately they have decimated as a people. Edom rested upon the cliffs to the east of southern Israel. Despite what Jedis' advice to have the high ground, when the LORD turns against you it does not matter. Yes, they often were able to repell enemies who came against them, the pride in their hearts of their position deceived them. Their pride in their heights would be their downfall. They should have put their faith in the LORD. Despite being descendants of Abraham, who worshiped the LORD alone, his descendants did not follow suit. Of course, the Israelites also did not remain faithful to the LORD alone either. No matter how high up, the LORD in His anger and wrath for their lack of faith in Him and in their treatment of their brother Israel, would be taken down. They would not be able to prevent the LORD's action plan. We should take note of this. Who or what do we look to for every help, protection, every good and helpful thing? Do we take pride in our nation's military might? Do we take pride in our country's great resources and economic strength? Is our faith in the “almighty” dollar? When push comes to shove are we looking to our own wealth, intelligence, power and strength? Indeed, who or what are our gods that we turn to and put our trust in? Daily we should repent of our idolatry. Our trust should be the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit alone. To this LORD solely, we look to for all good things. We are warned a number of times in the Scriptures about what the LORD will do to the nations that despise Him, rebel against Him and do not look to Him for all good things and instead put their trust in the gods of power, strength and wealth. All nations do this no matter what their motto or coat of arms says. We know all nations will reject Jesus as their king now and when He returns. That is not to say, there aren't those in positions of rulership who do not trust Jesus. It is just that they are few and far between. The biggest false god of all is Mammon, worldly wealth. Few are those who do not worship it and trust it, rich, middle class or poor. While we are called to be stewards of it, we should look upon it with contempt knowing it is a passing thing that rots and wastes away. It can be stolen, destroyed and the like. Eternal life, Jesus, the kingdom of God are the things we are to hold dear. God the Father preserves them for us so we may inherit them and possess them forever. May we remain faithful to Him. Heavenly Father, grant that we remain faithful to You and Your Son Jesus Christ. May You be our only God in good times and bad. Be our pride soley. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 12 days ago
#DailyDevotion When The LORD Has Had Enough Of A People
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#DailyDevotion When The LORD Has Had Enough Of A People 1The vision of Obadiah. The Lord GOD says this about Edom. We have heard the news from the LORD. A messenger is sent among the nations saying, “Come, let us go and fight against her.” Who was Obadiah? Many scholars think he was an Edomite prophet sent by the LORD to warn Edom of their coming judgement if they didn't repent. There is a lot of debate as to when Obadiah existed. Some claim it was during the time of the Assyrians, others at the time of Babylonians and still others, when the exiles from Babylon began returning from exile and started rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. You may remember Edom is the descendents of Esau (Gen. 25) who was the brother of Jacob aka, Israel. Jacob Jacob bought Esau's inheritance for a pot of beans and then deceived Isaac into giving him Esau's blessing. So there was strife between these two nations even in the womb, hence the name Jacob. Edom would grow into a nation during the time Israel was in Egypt. Their kingdom was south, south west of Israel, whose border had very high cliffs. During the time of Jehoram they bought Judahite captives. It was during this time, Edom broke off its servitude from the kings of Judah. During the time of the Babylonians, the Edomites took advantage of Judah. They attacked it, took spoils and captives. They killed men fleeing from the Babylonians. When the Jews returned from exile, they harrassed the Jews while they were trying to rebuild the wall. Since Edom was still a kingdom during this time, I tend to believe Obadiah was written around this time. It is written in Mal. 1:2, ““I have loved Jacob, 3but Esau I hated.” The LORD now warns Edom, He is sending the nations against her. This is because of Edom's treatment of his brother Jacob, i.e. Israel and Judah. So Edom eventually falls. During the Persian period, the Qedarites, followed by the Nabateans, ran the Edomites out of their territory into southwestern Judea. They would lose their name as the Greeks and Romans take control of the area they resided calling it Idumaea, then receiving the name Idumeans. You may recognize this name as the Herods were called Idumeans. These people either by choice or force, became converts to Judaism, while retaining a separate identity. Ultimately, as we can see today, they are no more, according to the prophecy concerning them. Some commentators take Edom to be a figurative naming, for they see the call for the nations to go against them as something not quite fulfilled, at least, not at any one point in time. Now I do think we can use this to some extent for ourselves in our day. Edom can stand for the false Church which persecutes those who preach and teach the Gospel. If you will, we can see it as Babylon in the book of Revelation, whom the nations eventually turn against. If we take it as such, then we as the true Church can take comfort in the midst of our trials and tribulations as we stand firm, preaching and teaching repentance for our sins and the free gift of forgiveness, salvation, righteousness, and holiness bought for us by Jesus Christ by the shedding of His blood and His innocent suffering and death. Just as Jesus was humiliated, suffered and died, we as His Bride can expect nothing less. But also, as Jesus is risen from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father, we can look forward to our own resurrection and the inheriting of the Kingdom of God and being seated with Him on His throne. Heavenly Father, always give us the sight to see in the midst of our trials and tribulations, the ultimate purpose for which You called us and redeemed us in Christ Jesus, so we may persevere in the faith. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 14 days ago
Baptism of Our Lord January 12, 2024
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spiritsoulandbody · 14 days ago
Can't get to Church?
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Can't get to Church? You can listen to an abbreviated service at 8:30 am cst on www.krmsradio.com or you can join us live at 10 am cst here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClwQMjDeHKXtW_2kGcY0spQ Be sure to click like and subscribe to be notified when we go live. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 15 days ago
#DailyDevotion The LORD Shows Us His Glory In The Face Of Jesus
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#DailyDevotion The LORD Shows Us His Glory In The Face Of Jesus Exodus 33:17-23 17“I will do what you say,” the LORD answered Moses, “because I am kind to you and know you by name.” 18“Please,” he said, “let me see Your glory.” 19“I will let all My goodness pass by you,” He said, “and will call out the name 'the LORD ʻ before you. I will be merciful to whom I want to be merciful and will pity whom I want to pity. 20You can't see My face,” He added, “because a man can't see My face and live. 21“See, here is a place by Me," the LORD said. “Stand on the rock. 22And when My glory passes by, I will put you in a crack in the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. 23Then I will take My hand away, and you'll see My back; but My face must not be seen.” The LORD in His great kindness listens to Moses and promises to do what he asks because He is kind and knows Moses by name. Now of course the LORD should know Moses by name. Doesn't He know everyone? Yes, but this is a Gospel knowing. The LORD knows him as one of His own. So Jesus in the Gospel refers to this in the opposite way, “I never knew you. Get away from Me, you who are so busy doing wrong.”(Matt. 7:23) Now remember earlier Moses asked to know the LORD's ways better. Now Moses wants to see the LORD's glory. He wants a more intimate way of knowing the LORD than he has known him already. The LORD loves Moses and wants to satisfy Moses. We know Moses had been talking with the LORD like a friend, face to face in the tent of meeting. Yet there must have been something lacking in these “face to face” meetings for the LORD here says, “You can't see My face, because a man can't see My face and live.” Face to face in those other places describe the relationship Moses has with the LORD and the type of revelation he had from the LORD. Practically all other prophets the Word of the LORD came to them, or they were given visions, or dreams. But Moses would talk to the LORD just like friends talk. The LORD in his kindness and mercy deigns to give in to Moses a bit. He would let His goodness pass by Moses, He would declare His name. But when His glory passed by He would hide Moses in a crack of a rock to protect him and then he could see the LORD's back (whatever that means, well I guess it's not God's full blown glory.) The LORD wants to be intimate with His people but He doesn't want to destroy them because of their fallen nature. Now Paul in 2 Cor. 4:6 says, “'Let light shine out of the dark,' has shone in our hearts to bring you the light of knowing God's glory in the face of Jesus Christ.” Here we see God shows His glory and His face in the face of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to show someone your face? To see someone's face is to really know them. There's a joke, a man doesn't really know the woman he loves till he wakes us next to her (you know, because all the make up is gone). If you really want to know what the LORD is like, you need not look any further than Jesus. When we look at Jesus, who is is, what He did, what He taught, why He did it, then you know everything there is to know about the LORD. You will see in Jesus the LORD's name, “merciful and gracious, slow to get angry, rich in love and faithfulness, 7continuing to show mercy to thousands, forgiving wrong, rebellion, and sin, without treating it as innocent, but disciplining children and children's children to the third and fourth generation for the sins of their fathers.” And in trust in Him, He also knows your name and sees your face. Heavenly Father, continually reveal to us who You are in the face of Jesus that we may see Your glory there, know You and be known by You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 16 days ago
#DailyDevotion Fear Not! Jesus Is The Lord, The Holy One Of Israel
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#DailyDevotion Fear Not! Jesus Is The Lord, The Holy One Of Israel Isa 43:1-3  But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.  (2)  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.  (3)  For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Despite all the pronouncements of judgment upon Israel and Judah by Isaiah in the much of the previous chapters, the Lord gives those who have been crushed by these pronouncements hope. The first note of hope hear is the Lord has not abandoned his people. He pronounces his name, YHWH, the Lord, the name He had given them to call upon in times of trouble and praise. He reminds them that it is He who created and formed them. It is He who called them from all nations of the world to be His holy people. Then the Lord puts forth this good news, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” Indeed the Israelites had much to fear. They had abandoned the Lord their God and run after other gods.  As a result of their abandoning the Lord they have abandoned his ways and fallen into many great sins, shame and vice. What they deserve is the wrath of God. Indeed the wrath of God was headed down the pike in the form of the Assyrians who would indeed put many of them to death, exile into slavery in distant lands and never to be heard from again. But there is a light shining through in the midst of this. Fear not! Why? Because the Lord has redeemed them. The Lord himself has redeemed Israel by providing himself as the redemption price. He has become man and offered himself up upon the altar of the cross. They have not be redeemed with the blood of bulls and goats or lambs or any other created thing but with the precious blood of Jesus is the Lord their God. He has called them by name and they are his. Just as the Lord calls out the stars one by one and makes them shine in the night sky, He knows their name and calls them by it. He gives them the comfort they may know they belong to Him. In light of His previous calling out of Egypt the Lord makes the pronouncements against being harmed by the waters or fires which may come upon them, even as they had passed through the Red Sea and the Jordan river. Indeed we can see the three young men in Daniel who were thrown into the furnace and the Lord protected them. Now for us too this word of comfort applies. Jesus is the Holy One of Israel. Jesus is the Lord our God. Jesus is our Savior just as He is for the house of Israel. He has called us to be joined to Israel and to become children of Abraham. Jesus has redeemed not only Israel with his sacrifice on the cross, but He has redeemed the whole world. While we may suffer much for His name’s sake we need not fear what man can do to us. It is only temporary. As we put our faith in Jesus, the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, we know we shall escape the floods of the pit and the fires of Gehennah. They shall not touch us. He has called us by name and declared us to be His as well. By His name we are protected from the wrath of judgment. Heavenly Father, when the world causes us alarm, grant us faith to remember your Son Jesus Christ has redeemed us and called us to be His own so we will not fear but walk in faith in promise of eternal life and living in your kingdom. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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spiritsoulandbody · 17 days ago
#DailyDevotion Faith Only Saves Because Of What It Receives In Baptism
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#DailyDevotion Faith Only Saves Because Of What It Receives In Baptism Romans 64Now when we were baptized into His death, we were buried with Him so that as the Father's glory raised Christ from the dead we, too, will live a new life. 5If we were united with Him in this likeness of His death, then we will be united with Him also in the likeness of His resurrection. 6We know our old self was nailed with Him to the cross to stop our sinful body and keep us from serving sin any longer. 7When we're dead, we're free from sin. 8But if we died with Christ, we believe we'll also live with Him… Some people have a problem saying that baptism saves. This is because they don’t understand what baptism is, does, or who is doing the work. They’ll respond, “Only faith saves!” Well not quite. Only faith receives salvation. Such people turn baptism into our work and then turn around and effectively turn faith into a work. Faith is merely the receptor of receiving salvation. Baptism is the act of God in which God joins us to Christ and his salvific work. Faith believes and receives this work of baptism. So what is baptism and what does it do? Baptism is that rite in which God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit puts His name on us, making us His holy temple. By putting His name on us, he declares us to be His and transfers us out of the kingdom of the devil and into his kingdom. We can see here in Romans six also what God does to us in baptism. Here in baptism God joins us to the body, life and work of His Son Jesus Christ. See what happens, we are baptized into His death. Now this is extremely important. The wages of sins is death, eternal death. That debt must be paid. In as much as Jesus died to pay that debt, when we are baptized, we are joined to Jesus’ death. It is appointed man to die once and then the judgment. If we had died in baptism and received the judgment of our sin in baptism, then we do not die again. We cannot face the charges of our sins again. They have been taken care of by being joined to Jesus in baptism. You died with Christ in baptism and you were buried with Christ in baptism. What can Death do to you now? Nothing. In baptism you are joined with Christ’s resurrection. Just as Jesus is risen from the dead you too are raised to newness of life. Your spirit/soul was dead because of sin. Now in baptism, being joined to Jesus, it is raised to eternal life. The living soul Adam was made, you now become once again. You now live your life in Christ. The devil will try to convince you that you are still the same old sinner you used to be and God cannot and will not love you. Do not listen to him. That sinner is crucified, dead and buried with Jesus. He is no more. The threats from our sins cannot touch us. We died and were nailed to the cross with Christ in baptism. We don’t have to listen to sin anymore. No, in Christ, in Baptism, (they are basically the same) you get to live a life free from the accusation of your sins. As such you are free to live the life of love that Jesus gives us in baptism. We died and are free from sin. You are in baptism, “think of yourselves as dead to sin and living for God.” Think that because that is the reality of your baptism. That is what God did for you in Christ, in baptism. What a gift of God! Heavenly Father, in baptism you joined us with Jesus so we may be one with him in his death and resurrection. Grant us faith to receive this gift so we may be living for you all our days. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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