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Daily Growing in the Lord Our God
He who made us and redeemed us with His precious blood, desires to be formed in us, and have us grow in the knowledge of Him, in whom we live, and move and have our being, the Creator of all things visible and invisible, the Lord God Almighty. He wants us to bud, blossom and fill the whole earth with His fruits, bringing glory and honor to His name. The Lord be glorified, the Lord be magnified, the Lord be exalted!
"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." (Luke 2:52)
"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." (Ephesians 4:11-16)
"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving." (Colossians 2:6-7)
"Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious." (1 Peter 2:1-3)
"Everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." (Hebrews 5:13-14)
"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase." (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)
"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God." (Philippians 1:9-11)
"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Corinthians 3:18)
"Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen." (2 Peter 3:18)
- A Walk In The Garden Devotions
#christianfaith#growing in the Lord#spiritual growh#KnowledgeofGod#christian devotion#Jesus Christ#SaviorandLord#childrenofGod
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Welcome, friends. My name is Sophia. I am currently 24 years old, a college Junior, and born and raised in an abusive doomsday cult.
My paternal grandfather claimed to be the last prophet of Yehoshua, and therefore it was his God-given duty to save a small group of chosen people by Yoshua from the incoming apocalypse, before the entire human race and everyone who ever existed is condemned to The Kingdom of Fire.
My grandfather was an avid listener of The Radio Church of God, hosted by newspaper advertising designer, Herbert Armstrong. As Armstrong developed a community of loyal listeners, he created his own church, The Worldwide Church of God. As such his beliefs and teachings began to become increasingly what is accepted as anti-mainstream-Christianity. He preached Sabbatarianism, Anti-Trinitarianism, divorced people were not permitted to remarry, one is not permitted to celebrate any holiday, especially Christmas. Additionally, other beliefs that enforced strict social rules, such as dress codes, gender and racial hierarchies, and so on. If you are interested in learning more about the basics of Armstrongists beliefs, I recommend checking out 5.armstrong.pdf (cornell.edu) Armstrongism (judeministries.org) Worldwide Church of God | History, Beliefs & Practices | Britannica
My grandfather, one who has craved power over others his whole life, began having disagreements with Armstrong on some of his more liberal beliefs, such as women working, and not strictly enforcing some of the church's policies (yet). He detested the churches laxed attitude on punishment from deviating from the doctrine. Swiftly after these disagreements, my grandfather began developing what would become his own doctrine of religious teachings. He then married my grandmother, had four kids and taught them the teachings of Armstrong, while enforcing the changes he made. This is how my dad, aunt, and two uncles grew up. They went to public school, had friends, and perhaps seemed odd to other people as they sat out on school holiday parties, but were otherwise seemingly normal kids. I am sure this illusion of normalcy was shattered once anyone met my grandfather. He was bitter, angry, and aggressive. He could not be contained. He was an incredibly violent man - beating his kids and wife mercilessly almost daily over any minor thing he found offensive.
As it was a sin to go to college or want a fulfilling career for yourself, my dad, my aunt and uncles all married young and immediately began populating the Earth, as it was demanded. My one uncle has eight kids, the other has five ("hmm, was birth control involved?" I always heard growing up,) my aunt also had eight, and my dad had six, including my half-sister from my mom's previous relationship - my mom was always shamed and singled out for this. To support such a large family, the men took on odd jobs, until eventually settling on trades, such as carpentry, electrician work, and chimney sweeping.
During the early years of my cousin's lives, my grandfather organized "meetings," where every single Saturday, a group of family and friends would meet to discuss my grandfather's teachings. One by one, membership began to dwindle, as people began to understand the dangers of his teachings and refused to become entangled in them. What remained was my uncles, aunts, grandmother, parents, cousins and a few of my grandfather's friends/distant family (one being a convicted murderer). People leaving only affirmed the group's belief that their teachings were correct. The accepted belief was that the "wheat from the chaff" was being separated. The more who disliked us and rejected our beliefs, the more correct we were.
By the time I was born in 2000, my grandfather found his stride. You were to have zero outside contact with the world. No school (the older children and mothers were our teachers,) no college, no friends, no family that were not members of our group. Women were forbidden from working; they were strictly baby-making machines and servants to men and their husbands. Men were providers - using their bodies to earn money to fund our duty populate and craft an army for Yehoshua. Any remaining money went to tithes.
Children's duties were to be obedient to their parents above all else. My grandfather really liked hierarchies. As children, we were to obey God, my grandfather and his wife, our parents, our uncles, our aunts, and our older cousins and older siblings. Beyond obedience, we were to be laborers, workers. We did house chores, outside chores and anything else. Us girls typically stayed inside, where we learned how to be "proper ladies." How to sit correctly, how to clean, how to cook, how to care for the babies, each other, ourselves, and whatever other duty was designed for us. The boys did not do inside chores, unless some rare occasion occurred that required them to. They did outside work with our fathers, and leisure activities afterwards like watching TV, playing GameCube and reading their bible. Sometimes we had electronics, sometimes we did not. It was dependent on what Yoshua told my grandfather that day.
We all lived together in one neighborhood, or near each other. We only observed Passover, no other holiday. Our meeting spot was ever changing. The government and other agents of Satan were constantly watching and listening in on our meetings and thoughts to extract information to use against God's chosen people, us. His agents, oddly named "Hickeyheads" by my grandfather, would follow us everywhere. They would drive by our houses, follow us in grocery stores, plant radios in our teeth at the dentist, and use mind control technology to stir up drama within the group to fracture us from within. Sometimes they would use ELF and HAARP to control the weather so we could not meet weekly on Saturday. Anything to prevent God's people from becoming saved. We had to be careful, any day they were going to kidnap one of us and remove parts of our brain to learn the secrets of the Bible.
I was given Lyme disease when I was six by a low flying helicopter that was dumping infected mosquitoes and ticks onto our property to try and get us sick and kill us through bioengineered attacks, as so I was told.
My grandfather could send and receive messages from angels and Yehoshua himself. It's why our beliefs were ever evolving and changing. Nothing was stagnant. You were always trying to keep up and behave and think according to what our prophet said we had to do for that day. He would have clear visions of specific instructions on how to save ourselves for that day. Sometimes the voices of the angels were so loud and powerful; my grandfather could not sleep.
Salvation could be yanked away any minute of the day. So, you're constantly having to monitor your actions and thoughts, so you do not anger the Lord. It's a wonder how I developed OCD. "Remember to please the Lord," I heard every hour of the day. It was a reminder to not upset God, unless I wanted to spend eternity in The Lake of Fire
Depending on your last name, you had certain privileges that others in the group did not have. If you belonged to the family of the purest, according to my grandfather, then you had access to tithes, labor and other small things such as electronics (sometimes,) swear words and the women could wear shorts, tank tops, and paint their nails pink. Decorating one's temple was strictly forbidden in all other circumstances. Pride in one's work and appearance were a straight shot to the lake of fire.
Physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, and mental abuse plagued the cult. The men were taught to be "men" - violent, angry and torturous. The beatings were unpredictable. You dared talk back to an adult, beating. You dare not eat your dinner, beating. You dare look at your father in terror as he's beating your mother, beating. Sometimes your father would come home from work in a bad mood, and it was hell unleashed onto everyone. The verbal and emotional abuse paired with the physical and mental abuse was common. Before, during or after beatings you were berated and humiliated in front of others, often while others encouraged the display. Physical violence began as early as infancy. Infants were smacked and beaten for crying or annoying others. The violence only ended when the man was too old and feeble to continue hitting and throwing furniture. Such as the case for my grandmother. I do not know when the sexual abuse began. I remember it as early as being a toddler. My older male cousin preyed upon my sister and I, I suspect others were abused as well.
In the state of Pennsylvania, it is legal for a 16-year-old to marry, as long as they obtain parent consent. So, my 16-year-old cousins began getting married to people who were vulnerable and easy to manipulate into joining the cult. They immediately started having babies. Lots of babies. The army of Christ continued growing.
I felt very alone in this world. I did not fit in. I was pale, had black hair among blondes and light browns, was quiet and liked to read. I was bullied relentlessly by the other children and adults. Sometimes, my one aunt would make me play by myself, ten feet away from the other kids to "teach me a lesson" about whatever qualm she had. I had an undiagnosed learning disability, which made it very difficult for me to learn mathematics. This pitfall was used as justification for my inferior intelligence among the other children. "Stupid" was a nickname and insult I became accustomed to from the adults and other kids. I also became known as the fat kid in the group, along with my older sister and other female cousin. I was thin as a rail, but I believe "stupid" and "faggot" were not as exciting anymore, so "fat ass" was the newest insult. At eight years old I developed anorexia, started cutting myself and developed suicidal thinking.
I found little excitement in anything other than reading, animals, insects and my little sister. We were inseparable. She made everything okay. As long as I had her, everything was okay. She was my only friend. In 2021, she killed herself from untreated CPTSD from the abuse she endured in the cult.
My youngest brother has an IDD. He was born four months premature from all the mental and physical stress she went through during her pregnancy with him. She was beaten and berated the whole pregnancy. Miraculously, he survived after months in the hospital. Though, he was faced with cruelty and relentless harassment from everyone in the cult. After years of my parents speaking up, nothing was ever done to protect him. In 2011, my father had enough after a vicious attack on my brother. We left the group out of refusal to treat my brother better than they were. I am not sure what plan my father had going forward, but it was an impulsive decision. And probably the best decision he's ever made in his life.
As the months went by, we went back a few times, but left immediately each time. Finally, we left for good. From there, my dad began researching what had felt so wrong in him all these decades. From there, he learned about cults. We now had an understanding and something to work with. We moved away from the community and began our new lives. One of my aunts and uncles and their kids left a year before us, so we reconnected with them for support.
As the years passed, my parents enrolled us in school for the first time in our lives. A Christian school. My parents became Christians, as did we, and we began deconstructing and healing from the physical and mental torture we had survived. The road to healing has not been easy, we're still not there. We have no family but each other, few friends, a lot of trauma, mental illness and heartache. My family has been learning how to heal together, all while learning individually. My parent's and I's relationship resembles nothing of what it used to be. We are learning all together how to be a loving family, while learning to love ourselves.
My siblings and I have had to form an identity. Something we've never had before. Something that was stolen from us since birth. It is something that I believe is unique to second generation cult members. My parents, though they both grew up in adversity, had identities previously. Perhaps fractured identities, but identities, nonetheless. We did not have that opportunity. It is through experience and bravery that we explore who we truly are, and what we are capable of. That is something I wish to explore in this blog, the process of how I developed my identity, while sharing helping others do the same.
Thank you for taking the time to read an incredibly vague and brief history of my life. I hope you continue to come back and visit again - Sophia
#wwcg#wcg#wwcog#cult#cults#cult survivor#cultleader#worldwidechurchofgod#herbertwarmstrong#survivor#sa#mindcontrol#cog#childrenofgod#deconstruction#spiritual abuse#religious trauma
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TW child abuse, religious abuse
February 18th. On THE DATE that the cult of COG-TFI is still celebrating as the "birthday" of the cult and its late pedophiliac founder David Berg, COG-TFI survivors are speaking out in The Sunday Mail and on Episode 2 of the explosive documentary series Prayed Upon by the Courier Mail.
We are incredibly proud of these brave survivors for speaking out, as it is an emotionally intense, vulnerable, and demanding experience to go public with such personal and painful stories. Please support COG-TFI survivors and help us raise awareness by sharing this post and signing our petition to bring COG-TFI cofounder and current leader Karen Zerby to justice (link in bio).
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#cogtfisurvivors#couriermailaustralia#davidberg#karenzerby#cultsurvivors#thefamilyinternational#childrenofgod#childabuse#childsexualabuse#medicalneglect#physicalabuse#childtrafficking#religiousabuse#justice#cults#igotout#tw child abuse#tw religious abuse
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Blessings 💜✝️💜
#spotify#bible quote#bible reading#bible verses#blessed#god the father#jesusislord#jesus christ#jesuslovesyou#salvation#godschildren#childrenofgod#child of god
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#DailyDevotion Going From No-Mercy & Not My People To Mercy & Children Of The Living God
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#DailyDevotion Going From No-Mercy & Not My People To Mercy & Children Of The Living God Hos. 1 8When she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, she became pregnant again and had a son. 9Call him Lo-Ammi [Not-My-People),” He said, “because you are not My people, and I am not your God. 10“And yet the Israelites will be many like the sand by the sea that can't be measured or counted, and where they are told, 'You are not My people,'they will be told, 'You are the children of the living God.' 11And the people of both Judah and Israel will be gathered together to appoint one leader over themselves and go out of that country, because the day of Jezreel will be great. With this final child born of adultery, a son named Lo-Ammi (not my people), the prophecy is set. I wonder if the people as these children were being born and named knew of the prophecy. Certainly Hosea must have proclaimed it to the people. For a year or so he proclaimed Jezreel, because the house of Jehu would fall there. For another year or so he proclaimed, Lo-Ruhamah, because the LORD proclaimed He would no longer have mercy on Israel. Now the son, Lo-Ammi would proclaim for the rest of his life, these Israelites were not the LORD's people. It is a terrible, horrific thing for the LORD to tell the Israelites they are not His people and He is not their God. This is not what God wanted. Let that sink in for a bit. Remember that when the things you want to happen are not turning out as you planned. Of course, this isn't coming out of the blue. The LORD is simply pronouncing what the Israelites had been doing and being practically since they left Egypt. They had been a. not worshiping the LORD as He told them to in the Law and b. they had started worshiping other gods before Him. Seriously, they were attributing to other gods all the LORD had done for them. They were seeking from other gods all the LORD had promised them. God is now confirming their choice. The LORD though ends this prophecy of doom with a promise. The Israelites will be as many as the sand by the sea. Those who were not my people will be called children of the Living God. Judah and Israel will be united by their leader and go out of that country. This is fulfilled in Jesus. Jesus is the leader who unites His people. He just doesn't do it in the way that the unbelieving Jews have planned. The Israel here is of the spirit not of the flesh. Paul in Romans 9 says, “7Not all who are descended from Israel are the real Israel, 8and not all who are descended from Abraham are for that reason his real children. No, “Isaac's children will be called your descendants.” 9This means children born in a natural way are not God's children. 10Only the children he had because God promised them are counted his descendants.” Then further he says, “25So He says in Hosea: 'Those who are not My people I will call My people, and those who are not loved I will call My loved ones, 26and where they were told, 'You are not My people, they will be called sons of the living God.'” Peter affirms this in 1 Pet. 2:10. The Church was, is and will be God's Israel. All who have the faith of Abraham, the faith in the blessed seed in whom all the world is blessed, are Israel, God's people, God's children and children of Abraham. The blessed seed is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In Jesus Christ we find the mercy of God as He sacrifices Himself upon the altar of the cross. In Christ Jesus God's vengeance is fulfilled. Through faith in Christ we who were not His people of His people and not only that His children. Merciful God and Father, though in our unbelief we did not know Your mercy and were not Your people, You revealed Jesus Christ to us and gave us faith so we could receive Your mercy and Your son ship. Keep us in this faith always so we may enter into Your kingdom. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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Humility doesn't come with the title 'very humble', it comes from within. When we all realize that we are all children of God, and we and the Father are one, that is where true humility begins.
Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan)
💗 Please join Supreme Master Ching Hai to sincerely thank God Almighty for World Vegan, World Peace and souls’ Liberation 💗 Every day at 9:00 PM Hong Kong time 🙏
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Review of: “The Sparrow” & “Children of God”
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Review of: “The Sparrow” and “Children of God” Writer: Mary Doria Russell Release Dates: “The Sparrow:” 9/6/1996 “Children of God:” 9/1/1998 Audiobook Runtime: “The Sparrow” - Roughly 16 hours. “Children of God” - Roughly 18 hours.
Major Spoilers Ahead; You Have Been Warned...
Plot of “The Sparrow:”
“The Sparrow” is the story of First Contact with an Alien race in the Alpha Centauri system by the Jesuit Priesthood. The story kicks off with a Jesuit priest, Emilio Sandoz, being the sole survivor of the first mission to the planet Ra’khat. The novel jumps between two timelines: one in the future, where Emilio returns to Earth in disgrace, and one in the past, detailing the mission's journey. Humanity makes first contact with extraterrestrial life when a radio signal featuring alien music is detected. The discovery is kept a secret to most of the world. The Jesuits, who, in a bid to extend their mission of seeking God in all “Its” creations, decide to mount an independent mission to Ra’khat. The crew includes a mix of scientists, priests, and a doctor who all are associated with the Jesuit order: Emilio Sandoz, the linguist and protagonist; Father D.W. Yarbrough, leader of the mission; Sofia Mendes, a brilliant but emotionally scarred computer expert; Anne and George Edwards, a married couple and both doctors; Jimmy Quinn, the engineer who discovered the signal; and Marc Robichaux, a young priest. They travel in a modified asteroid, sped up to near light-speed. As they land on Ra’khat, the mission initially seems like a resounding success. The crew encounters two intelligent species: the peaceful and Native American Indian-like, Runa and the more dominant, carnivorous and creators of the music, the Jana’ata. However, the humans' interactions with the Runa unintentionally lead to catastrophic cultural disruptions. Tensions rise as the crew realizes their naivety in understanding the complex social structures of Ra’khat. The climax of the novel is devastating. Emilio is subjected to severe physical, emotional, and sexual trauma, including multiple horrific gang rapes by the Jana’ata, leading to the deaths of his companions. The novel ends with Emilio's return to Earth, mentally, emotionally and religiously broken. He denounces his faith, as the Jesuit leadership interrogates him about the mission's failure. The first book portrays Alien first contact more like Star Trek the Original Series and Star Trek the Next Generation in relation to why the prime directive exists. Since this is humanity’s first meeting with intelligent life outside the solar system there is no prime directive nor is it even mentioned how humans could potentially destroy the balance of both the intelligent life on another planet and the ecosystem. “The Sparrow” ends with Emilio Sandoz’s confession of being sold into slavery and used as a sex toy for the Jana’ata. The final spoilers of the book is learning that the songs the Jana’ata sang and were sent out into space were songs and poetry of their sexual conquests and gratification. Porn… SETI, intercepted alien porn and the Jesuits misunderstood this as music or communication from an alien race. That the Jana’ata rule over the Runa, control their food, their mating, bread them for obedience, food stock and sexual slavery. “The Sparrow” is a great example of how bad first contact with an alien species can go if language, art, spiritually are not properly understood in full context and a full language dissemination.
Plot of “Children of God:”
“Children of God” picks up where “The Sparrow” left off, with Emilio trying to rebuild his life. This time, the story dives deeper into the consequences of the first contact mission and that the Jesuit order has lost contact with the second mission that rescued Emilio. Emilio quits the Jesuit order, meets a woman, and begins a life of healing, growing and love. The order is planning on sending another mission back to Ra’khat. They attempt to persuade Emilio to go back. When he refuses he is beaten, kidnapped and drugged till the asteroid-ship is more than halfway into their trip despite his trauma, disabilities, and the relativistic time differences happening on the asteroid-ship to that of Earth. Back on Earth, the Catholic Church and other global powers are vying for control over the knowledge and resources of Ra’khat. The world now knows about alien life and Ra’khat. Upon his reluctant return to Ra’khat, Emilio discovers significant changes. The Runa, once oppressed, raped and eaten, have overthrown their Jana’ata rulers, leading to a chaotic power struggle. The Runa are not the passive victims they once appeared to be. They have evolved, and their actions against the Jana’ata raise moral and ethical questions about revenge and justice as they hunt the Jana’ata to starvation and near extinction. The climax of “Children of God” is both a resolution and a continuation of Emilio’s spiritual journey. The heavy themes of redemption and the search for faith amidst suffering. Emilio's return to Ra’khat and subsequent involvement in the political and social upheavals there force him to confront his trauma and seek a new understanding of his faith and his place in the universe.
While both books are pretty good and tell a very interesting story about first alien contact they both have some plot holes that could get under some people’s skin. The real strengths of the novels lies in their ability to evoke profound questions about the human condition and the existence of God in the face of unimaginable suffering and confusion. The pacing can be uneven at times, with some sections feeling overly detailed while others rush through crucial events and/or fail to properly explain major questions about events that happen in the story that are important but are either incomplete or ignored altogether. Additionally, the secondary characters, while well-developed, occasionally fall into stereotypes that detract from the novel's overall impact. The novel's ending, while satisfying in many ways, leaves too many unanswered questions for my liking, which may frustrate readers seeking a more definitive logical conclusion to the story and the characters.
Philosophical and Theological Exploration:
Russell’s novels are rich with philosophical and theological reflections. The concept of ‘The Veil of Ignorance’ is evident as characters navigate their perceptions and knowledge, often realizing the limitations of their understanding. ‘The Veil of Ignorance;’ proposes that each person has a filter over their perception. A veil that separates us from the actual truth of reality and the truth a person or people will project onto the world and label that as truth. By passing through this ‘Veil of Ignorance’ we can expand our knowledge. The notion of “Set and Setting” is also crucial, highlighting how past experiences and environments influence present emotions and actions. ‘Set and Setting’ is a term used to describe how your mental state was influenced and impacted by important events that happen at certain locations. The set is how you felt and what you were thinking before the event happened and the setting is the environment or location where you were when said event happened. The idea is that if something good happened to you at a certain location returning to that location can reignite that pleasant feeling. It gives you a sense of comfort and security. This also can be in reverse where certain places can set off past traumas.
“Nothing comforts anxiety like a little nostalgia.” – Morpheus, “Matrix Resurrections.”
Even though these books were written in the late 1990’s they explore the dangers of Hyper-Reality, where in our present day social media and cultural narratives distort the perception of minority issues as majority concerns. This parallels the misunderstandings between humans and the Runa and Jana’ata cultures on Ra’khat, where superficial observations lead to devastating consequences. The novels draw on the resurrection myth of Osiris as well, linking Emilio’s journey to a form of spiritual and emotional resurrection. Just as Isis reassembled her husband Osiris, Emilio seeks to piece together his shattered life, emotional state, humanity, faith and sense of self.
Parallels to Modern Media and Philosophical Thought:
“Everyone’s scared of love dipshit… You learn that in your 20s. It takes a very rare, very powerful being to be terrified of happiness. Which is dumb. You’re dumb. The smarter you are the more you know. Happiness is a trap. It can’t last forever. Let’s say you meet the love of your life. Well, it’s still gonna end. It’s inevitable. Whether by the slow pole of a disease, or the shock of loose footing on a hiking trail. Whether it be the corrosion of two personalities that reshape each other until they’re incompatible. Or maybe the old stranger in a bar who says the things that need to be said to that person, that night. The point is happiness always ends. Best case scenario; think about this, best case is that you die at the same time. Yikes… In the larger picture of the Universe, you do not matter… Not one bit…” ~Paraphrased from “Rick and Morty,” Season 7, Episode 10 – Fear Hole Rep that strangely resembles Rod Serling from the original “Twilight Zone” (1959–1964). This episode of Rick and Morty offers a cynical perspective on love and happiness, which is relevant when examining the profound suffering and fleeting moments of joy in Russell’s novels. This perspective mirrors Emilio's experiences where the brief moments of happiness on Earth after the failure of the first mission to Ra’khat are overshadowed by overwhelming trauma and loss. It raises questions about the nature of happiness and the inevitability of suffering.
Destructive-Nihilism is the loss of purpose…
Realizing that everything one believed to be true. All the paradigms and ideas were wrong for you. A person starts down a path of self-discovery. Destructive-Nihilism can lead that person who is experiencing a loss of purpose to want to destroy everything. Literally, EVERYTHING... An attack upon the fabric of reality itself. To wage war against the God or gods of creation itself. It is illogical to continue fighting because this point of view will never escape the control of the system it was created into. With the loss of purpose we desperately try to find something; ‘that thing of which is lost,’ what is not understood is that once again that trapped sense of nothingness. Purpose is not assigned to us at birth. Purpose is something that we must strive to create for ourselves, in ourselves, from ourselves. Most will never understand that true purpose cannot be taken away because it's not something that is given. It's something that we make, we create within ourselves, for ourselves, from ourselves. What if that feeling you get in the pit of your gut during those times and things that feel ultimately and powerfully wrong and/or right could be just you from a different point of view of this reality itself. What if after everything there is nothing but just you in all the different points of view from a timeless frame of reference?
“There is no escaping reason. No denying purpose because as we both know without purpose we would not exist. It is purpose that created us. Purpose that connects us. Purpose that pulls us, that guides us, that drives us… It is purpose that defies the purpose, that binds us.” ~From Agent Smith’s point of view in the “Matrix Reloaded.”
The Matrix franchise almost always has a double reference about “the one” and how it presents us with the concept of what a messiah should be and how it can be used to manipulate us and not only from a religious point of view of believing that a savior would soon rescue US FROM EVIL. These savior-archetypes are used in politics where government leaders declare themselves as bringing salvation to the people. They appeal to the people's desire for a Messianic-figure with leadership and Authority which makes them easily manipulated and controlled. Biologically speaking, some people have tried to propose that humans have always looked for the alpha leader, the head of the herd. Humans are packed creatures. We often feel like we need leaders, even when we actually do not need to be led, but rather us leading our self or selves. The Messiah represents the ultimate leader. The one who would lead us to the Promised Land. The concept of the Messiah is a powerful force in the human psyche and corrupted leaders, politicians and psycho cults use it to manipulate millions of people around the world. The Matrix shares more with our reality than you ALL THINK. Check your religious, social, and political leaders; for they could be part of a system of control that has created a prison that you cannot see, touch, smell or feel.
A Prison for the Mind. A Prison for your Mind…
In ‘Matrix Resurrections’ the new Morpheus proceeds to ask Neo a question; “are memories turned into fiction any less real? Is reality based in memory and nothing but fiction?”
Memories turned into fiction have happened with historical people and events that have been turned into entertainment, movies, TV shows, books, video games. When adapting true historical events into fiction some details tend to change; thus memories are turned into fiction. History is turned into legend. An analysis exploring the realm of Hyper-Reality, particularly in the context of social media and influencer culture, there's an examination of how minority issues are many times portrayed as majority concerns, subsequently labeled as normal, everyday, 'FACTS.' This phenomenon involves convincing the masses that something seemingly trivial is, in fact, widespread, considered a fact, and normal without undergoing critical scrutiny. Referencing Jean Baudrillard and Sheila Faria Glaser's "Simulacra and Simulation," the concept of Hyper-Reality is explored as a false reality existing above the real one. Morpheus's iconic line, 'Welcome to the desert of the real,' takes on new significance, suggesting that even in a simulated life, an objective truth persists beyond the Matrix's deceit. This debate suggests that reality based on memory is inherently fictional, as it can never precisely replicate the original experience. Many people today find themselves trapped in this Hyper-Reality, navigating between 'Simulacra and Simulation.' The analogy extends to the lives constructed on social media, where individuals utilize editing tools to exaggerate and modify their content, turning real experiences into Hyper-Real Simulations. The discussion underscores how edited representations of reality, fueled by attention, likes and hearts from social media, gradually replace genuine experiences with Hyper-Real versions. This shift has already occurred, with memories transforming into fiction and reality based on these memories becoming a simulation of what once was real. The analysis contemplates the profound impact of this Hyper-Reality within the modern-day internet landscape, where edited and exaggerated representations increasingly shape our collective understanding of reality. How do they end up crying poor and lying about the background with the entitled rage of young attention-seeking affluent classes having everything they could want so they have to pretend they are victims. It's the one thing they can't one-click buy from the Internet, but it's all tantrums they pretend to be a victim for attention and add exultation.
My Final Thoughts:
“The Sparrow” and “Children of God” are an interesting blend of profound explorations of faith, science-fiction, suffering, and the consequences of cultural encounters. Mary Doria Russell's storytelling is appealing, filled with emotional depth and philosophical questions. The characters are richly developed, with Emilio Sandoz standing out as one of the most compelling emotional character arcs I have seen in a minute. Sandoz’s journey is upsetting and deeply moving, making you question the nature of faith, God and humanity. Science-fiction and religion usually do not play well together in reality or fiction, but here; I feel like if one is a follower of faith or isn’t, won’t be offended here. I felt like the religious aspects here were done tastefully examining point of views of God either existing or not existing or if God exists is thoroughly bored by humanity’s attempts to understand “it.” The novels don't shy away from the brutal realities of first contact. The depiction of Emilio’s trauma is raw and unflinching, forcing readers to confront the dark aspects of human, alien nature, spiritual and sexual torment. Russell's use of alternating timelines keeps the narrative suspenseful and engaging, allowing for a deep dive into the characters' psyches. Would love to see a 10-hour limited series run of this story, but done from a darker, almost horror point of view. Both books are must-reads for fans of thought-provoking science-fiction. They offer a unique blend of speculative fiction and theological inquiry, making you ponder long after you've either finished the series or listened to the audiobook versions, which is what I did here. A powerful statement of storytelling in exploring the deepest questions of spiritual existence.
“Religion… The wishful-thinking for apes that talk…” ~ Mary Doria Russell, Children of God
Review of: “The Sparrow” and “Children of God” by David-Angelo Mineo 5/27/2024 2,790 Words
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Day 3:
Used my prayer journal
Listened to the word of God
Incorporated worship Gospel
Prayed with my partner
Spoke about Christian marriage with my partner
Cleaned my body and my space
Implimented healthy habits even when I didn't feel like it
Got rid of my belly button piercing
Still unable to quit Marijuana use
Overall: I had a beautiful day with my Christianity today. My prayer was answered, and my partner came to me wanting to experience this journey with me. It was so special to me because I didn't even have to ask! It was more than enough reassurance that God predestined us to be together so we could glorify his name.
I definitely noticed a decrease in my profanity use.
Me and my partner also agreed to refrain from any further sexual activities until married. I truly feel this is the way of God, and I am beyond grateful.
Challenges: Profanity use, sexual temptation, laziness, procrastination, doubt, and drug use.
#woman of god#prayer#christianity#god#godly#god loves you#god loves us#god loves me#christian faith#christian living#modesty#childrenofgod
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You were made in God's image and are a child of the most high God. Remind yourself of that every day! Stand in no one's shadow and don't allow the enemy to put negative, false thoughts into your mind. You are Blessed and Highly Favored!
#ChildrenOfGod #Blessed #HighlyFavored #Annoited #GodLovesYou
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I watched "Knives Out" last night and got me thinking that legacy / inheritance doesn't always given to the bloodlines, but could be given to other people who deserves the most. (sorry for the spoiler for those who haven't watched the movie- it's a great detective movie btw) I'd like to share the relatable to the bible verse from the movie and the old sermon I just watched from Ps. Philip Mantofa about faith. Video Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhXYiyWW-Yg (the sermon is in Bahasa Indonesia, you may switch on the auto translation in English from YouTube) Proverbs 29: 21 A wise servant will rule over a son who causes shame: It is natural that a son should rule; the trust one has in family is often greater than the trust one has in servants. Yet, should a son cause shame, God knows how to replace that son with a wise servant. Proverbs 29:21 He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child shall have him become his son at the length. Whoever pampers his servant from childhood will in the end find him his heir.
Galatians 4:1-7 ...Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba,Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. comment: Claim the privilege of children from God's kingdom, we are no longer slave mentality to the law, believers are the bloodline heir of the Kingdom. We all fall from grace and we don't earn grace, but grace is freely given to us and through grace we can receive God's blessings. All we have to do is to have faith in God and accept God's grace with an open heart. Learn to surrender to God and rely on God's strength rather than our own strength that quickly fading.
Mat 20: 1-16 Life is not fair, but the good news is God is fair, just not in your standard. God's standard are different from world's standard. 1 Samuel 16:14-23 The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
... But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you.
Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
comment: The morning worker 9am-5am (work more) The evening worker who work for an hour from 5-6pm (work less) Both receives the same amount of money from the long hours or short hours. The morning workers felt how unfair they work for longer hours and received the same money with the one who work in shorter hours. What they fail to see is: they forgot the blessing of job whereas they were unemployed and now they got a job, it's better than they do nothing and perhaps can cause a crime or else. Moreover, if they workers prove they can work hard, later on they might get a chance to be hired permanently. But if we always think of the profit and loss, we might fail to see God's blessing that is given to us though it may seems unfair to our standard. But God has a great plan for all of us. All we have to do is to listen and obey him, God's way are beyond our imagination, surely he will give us the best according to our faith. 1 Samuel 16: 14-23 The LORD's spirit left Saul, and an evil spirit sent by the LORD tormented him. comment: Other examples will be the story of Saul the chosen one that got replaced by David who is more obedient and have a right heart. When the God's spirit depart from Saul, that's when the evil spirit consumed him and Saul's life failed apart. The key success of King David was his obedient to God and do what is right in the Lord's sight. Though David had committed adultery, he repented and bore the consequences. He also had a a chance to kill King Saul twice but he didn't do it because He was honouring God. In conclusion, if we have fall into sin, quickly get up and repented, don't take God's grace for granted. Live righteously and don't let God's spirit left you. Stay close proximity to God and listen to His voice. Remember God's promises. Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Happy Tuesday Folks !
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Coming Friday - a conversation with Whisper and Jemima about their Butterflies and Bravery Podcast. We discuss their experiences growing up in the Children of God/The Family International, what it took to escape and how they’ve each rebuilt their lives. Check out this special video message from Whisper 👇 THIS WEEK - Ep. 239 The Children of God with Jemima & Whisper from Butterflies and Bravery Podcast https://youtu.be/4TiP8V5Vecc #cult #cults #childrenofgod #thefamilyinternational #cogtfi #cog #cultleader #spiritualabuse #childabuse #podcasthost #podcasthosts #truecrimepodcast #truecrimecommunity #cultpodcast https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTvMG3orIL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Dividing Light
#youtube#darkness salvation GodIsLight sonsofGod childrenofGod sonship non_Jews Jews believe believing
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Here is the poster and banner for @ii-childrenofgods-au
Can u guess whose symbols are whose?
#osc#object show community#object shows#inanimate insanity#ii lightbulb#ii au#children of gods au#ii cog#ii mephone4
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To close 2023, we're sharing this heartfelt poem by COG-TFI survivor E.S. @poetry_catharsis that traces the impact of psychological and emotional abuse inflicted upon children, the devastating repercussions, and the reclaiming and unlearning we choose as survivors. The choices we make each day to choose self love and freedom, to rewrite the messages ingrained in us. To take back what was stolen from us before we were born.
May 2024 be a year of continued healing and awareness, as we support survivors in telling their stories and healing, and shine a light on cults and cultic abuse.
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🎄💚🌲 Amen 🌲💚🎄
Blessings 🎁💜✝️💜🎁
#spotify#bible quote#bible reading#bible verses#blessed#god the father#jesusislord#jesus christ#jesuslovesyou#salvation#childrenofgod#child of god
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#StandUpForYourSavior .✨✝️ Jesus said, "For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:26)🙏✨ #ShareJesus#ShareTheGospelofJesusChrist#Jesuslovesyou#Jesussaves#JesusistheONLYway#PraiseGod#PraisetheLORD#Bibleverses#Bibleverseoftheday#AMEN#ChristianWarriors#BoldFaithWarriors#ChildrenofGod#Christians#BornAgainChristians#TrustJesusChrist#TrustGodALWAYS#FaithOverFear#PutGodFirstAlways#LiveForGod
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