#Tech Evolution
moonchildjelly · 11 months
I don't know people understand what tech evolution should be doing... The tech evolution is to make us have to deal with less work, to help us with it no to take our work at all... Is supposed to make us have better quality of life so the idea isn't take at all but that a part for don't overwork ourselves and have enough time to enjoy life... Is so sad seeing that every time something is descovered in this area people always get scared to loose their job... Isn't just the small employee fault that exist so much fear of new tech but also the employee because is always saying that can get less people to "waste" their money with even that they don't know what this "new tech" really does... Is just like put a targer on evolution like something made because if we evolute we are harder to manipulate so rich people or more directly the big corp employee don't wanna us to want evolution... Is like don't wanna us to be educated... Is basically for the same reason men don't want that women get education or even evolute in the Curporative climbing... Basically most of the shitty behaviors are explained as fear... Fear of loosing some power for someone... They don't care about the small employee... They care for themselves so when they say that tech evolution can be bad for us is because is really can be bad for them not for us
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pebblegalaxy · 10 days
The Great Amazon Product Sunset: Analyzing Why Amazon Discontinued Multiple Products in One Bold Move @Amazon #TechFailures
The Great Amazon Product Sunset: Analyzing Why Amazon Shut Down Several Products in One Fell Swoop Amazon, the global e-commerce and tech giant, is no stranger to innovation and experimentation. Over the years, the company has ventured into a vast array of products and services, some wildly successful, others less so. However, in recent years, Amazon has shown a noticeable pattern: sunsetting…
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fixmypc24ex · 2 months
How artificial intelligence will change your life (msn.com)
Technology’s ability to quickly process mountains of data, learn from experience and replicate tasks associated with human cognition means that it has the potential to transform many of the things we do and enjoy. Indeed, the transformation is already underway in a wide range of areas.
We tend to adopt recent technology so fast that it can take time for the questions we should be asking to catch up. For example, will AI make your job easier or make it redundant? Are you OK with your personal information being used by technology so that others can make a profit? How will AI affect you?
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wauln · 3 months
[ The AI Takeover Is Ahead Of Schedule ]
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magnigeeks · 9 months
Agile Development Methodology for Efficient App Creation
The agile technique is an effective architect. The increasing need for quick and creative app development makes adopting Agile not only a wise decision but also a tactical need. This blog explores the nuances of the Agile Development Methodology and demonstrates how it may be used as a driving force behind productive app development.
1. Agile Foundations: A Blueprint for Flexibility and Collaboration
At the heart of Agile lies a fundamental shift from traditional linear development. It champions flexibility, collaboration, and adaptability, allowing development teams to respond swiftly to evolving requirements and market dynamics.
2. Iterative Development
Agile thrives on iterative cycles, breaking down the app creation process into manageable increments. This approach enables continuous improvement, with each iteration building upon the successes and learnings of the previous ones.
3. User-Centric Focus
Agile places users at the center of development, emphasizing the creation of features that align with user needs and expectations. Regular feedback loops ensure that the end product resonates with users, fostering seamless and intuitive experiences.
4. Cross-Functional Collaboration
Silos dissolve in Agile environments. Developers, designers, testers, and stakeholders collaborate throughout the development lifecycle. This cross-functional synergy enhances communication, minimizes delays, and accelerates decision-making.
5. Continuous Testing
Quality is not an endpoint in Agile; it's woven into the fabric of development. Continuous testing ensures that each iteration maintains high standards, identifying and rectifying issues promptly.
6. Adaptability
In the fast-evolving tech landscape, requirements are bound to change. Agile embraces change rather than resisting it. This adaptability ensures that apps remain relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of users and the market.
7. Regular Feedback Loops
Agile thrives on communication. Regular feedback loops, sprint reviews, and retrospectives ensure transparent communication among team members and stakeholders. This constant dialogue enhances understanding and aligns the team with project goals.
8. Swift Time-to-Market
Agile's efficiency is synonymous with speed. By breaking development into iterations, each delivering tangible value, Agile expedites the time-to-market, allowing apps to meet market demands swiftly and iteratively.
In the ever-accelerating landscape of app development, Agile is not just a methodology; it's a manifesto for efficient, user-centric, and innovative creation. As you embark on your app development journey, let Agile be the guiding light, shaping your path towards success.
Embrace Agile with Magnigeeks, where innovation meets methodology.
Learn more about our Agile development services at https://magnigeeks.com/ and witness the transformation of your app creation process. Agile development is not just a methodology; it's a mindset that propels your app creation process into a realm of efficiency, innovation, and continuous improvement.
Get Agile involved in your business with Magnigeeks, where methodology meets innovation. Explore our Agile development services at https://magnigeeks.com/ and experience the evolution of your app creation process.
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ocherednoe-dno · 3 months
the AdMech should have an interest in the Leagues of Votann that rivals or even in some cases exceeds their interest in the necron
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fanfoolishness · 9 days
I do not understand TikTok edits and fandom. Why is the video twenty seconds long? Why are the cuts so fast I’m barely getting a glimpse of my blorbo’s beautiful face? I can’t feel an emotion that quick! Is that why the same shots are then reused 2 or 3 times in this twenty second video? But we could’ve just had the shot be longer in the first place! And I still can’t hardly tell what the shot is even 2 or 3 times around because the cuts are still so fast, and then it’s just over and I’m confused on what I was supposed to feel about That.
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posthumanwanderings · 2 years
"The new USB headset for PlayStation 2 is simply an extension of man’s desire to communicate...”
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vioyume · 8 months
Ya think "Flower Journey" would get into controversy within the game world since the wasps are depicted as villains?
I spent too long playing this stupid flappy bird clone and I am forming stupid headcanons surrounding it.
You can probably make the same argument about the enemies in Mite Knight but they're more or less depicted as "mystical creatures".
Don't take this too seriously. I just thought it would be funny to have Flappy Bird be canceled.
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indeedgoodman · 2 months
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tallochar · 4 months
This is possibly just me and, in that case, that's fine, but I think it's very crunchy and meaty to consider the fact that before the late 90s, you did not have interconnected-by-earpieces-and-phones Bats at work.
Most of Tim early run was in a technological period where cellphones, satellites and earpieces were not available. One of the big hallmarks of the story where Tim goes after Bruce, at the risk of losing Robin, is that Tim *could not* contact Bruce in the field.
He had called the police to tell them the information he had so they could try to help, but Bruce had no way of being contacted in the field (and the same goes around the opposite way when Tim was out in Paris / in the streets of Gotham on his own). People had to meet up and talk in person and if they were separated in the field there was no technological fallback to rely on.
Tim's parents abduction tape was a literal vhs tape that was mailed (not e-mailed, I am talking straight up postal mail) from Haiti to Gotham (that it got there in what seemed like a day or two and did not get lost in the general mail really tell me this was comic-logic at work).
Tim having a phone in his room was a clear sign to me that he was in a Well Off People (not necessarily rich rich but upper middle class for sure) private school and them calling him from across the world meant that they were spending to get in touch with him that way.
The reason Tim's parents sent him postcards is because people did do that because that was both a bit traditional and a good way to keep in touch when phones were still not necessarily reliable (you were often calling pay phone to landline or landline to landline and if nobody was there to pick up the call you'd have to try again another time).
(I am coming at this from an European experience, but I remember going to a family camping site for the summer, and I am talking something that would be considered glamping nowadays, where we had a camper / roulotte with a plastic veranda attached to it and we would stay all summer in our assigned lot, with my grandparents & aunt with cousins in the lots around us if they could swing it, and I had to bike half hour to get up to reception and pay to put in a call anywhere, pay extra to call Italy because we were in Istria and so it was an international call, and then be absolutely sure, because it had to have been discussed before hand, that my father would be home to pick up the phone because he did not have a cellphone, none of us did, and it was actually better to send letters or postcards home and get letters back from him or see him when he came for the odd week-end, because he had to work and couldn't spend the summer with us and that was just the state of communications at the time. And we were in the same time-zone!)
As someone whose first cellphone was a brick the literal size of my forearm at the time, which had the newest tech available on it, which was texting (I do not mean MMS or video messages, I literally mean SMS, which cost a certain amount for each one sent and if you ran out of that amount you had to recharge your card to add more texts on it, same went for the minutes) and had no one to use it with because nobody else in my social circles had one that did that, most of them did not have a cellphone at the time, I remember where just being in touch with everyone was Not A Thing.
You went out and agreed to meeting points / check-ins / times to come back at or be home for and that was it.
I remember everyone getting into nokias, the small ones that played snake and if you wanted a specific sound for your ringtone you had to find it on websites on the internet and insert it note by note following the code the phone used, while I sort of disassociated by cellphones in general and was more excited that I could fit more songs in an MP3 player, battery charged, than I could have done before on my CDs or, earlier still, on my homemade mixtape.
We were still using tiny tape recorders at the time. My mom specifically taped and then transcripted her university lessons, because she was in a program for people going to the university while being older and part of the working force and not everyone could be at the lessons in their group, so they all recorded it in turns and transcripted it to share with each other, as a group effort.
(I disassociated from cellphones because I didn't like to be reachable when I was out of the house, as I had no friends and the only people looking for me would be my mom or my grandmother and I resented what felt like being put on the leash of being always accountable for where I was and what I was doing, so I was reliably either forgetting it home or "forgetting it at home" or genuinely forgetting to charge it and it was immensely frustrating for them, who just wanted to be able to call me if something happened / they needed to talk to me.)
And I think that's crunchy, I think that's meaty, I think that creates way more interesting possibilities to chew on than everyone being always reachable at all times.
Especially if you then contrast it with the changing times when everyone did become reachable reliably 99% of the time and compare / contrast it with younger characters (like Damian or similarly aged young heroes) who are growing up in a world where everything is connected and you can just use a comm or put in a call and expect someone will answer.
Imagine the tension, if something is happening and an explosion goes off and nobody knows why it happened yet and who was in there and who wasn't and they have no way to check but to go in and hope to find people, instead of doing a quick round of check-ins on the comms.
Or possibly something something a villain causes a communication-wide black-out in Gotham and frieds most not-faraday-caged systems and no one can rely on tech for a few days, because if they try to use it it gets fried too, so they have to dig out the old hydraulical grapples and cannot check in with each other the whole time they are out in the field and suddenly you don't know how everyone else is doing and you cannot rely on calling for back-up and you cannot check things in with Oracle / Alfred / whoever you have operating comms and they cannot give you directions and you cannot pull up a map. Some people have never been without that support before, some people have but got used to it, some people might even find relief in being able to go around unchecked.
How much dread and tension / sudden sense of freedom could you cram into that? How much conflict in the aftermath too, when some people don't *want* to be back on that thether, while also appreciating all the advantages that come with it, and others instead might be extra clingy through it?
If you do a 'sent back in the past' / 'sent to another dimension' / 'time travel' fic, why not lean into the tech side of things not being what is now and thus hampering your heroes and both how much they can get done and how they get it done?
Just some food for thought.
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hackeocafe · 2 months
The INSANE Evolution of Click Farms
how ironic. We had bots that "watch content", now we have bots to create content. The two ends of the circle has finally touched
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clannfearrunt · 5 months
random annoying Thresher fact is that bc they play turf purely for their own personal entertainment and exercise they’re not concerned with much of anything else like winning, or making sure anyone else is having fun, or “sportsmanship”(????) or what ever,
Which isn’t normally a problem bc they’re not particularly an asshole player either but if they get matched against like, a really good charger or something, that completely shuts down any attempt to play the game normally, or something to that effect where they are not having any fun at all they’ll just disconnect mid match. Usually not even early enough to stop the entire match because they’ll initially give it a whirl you know to see if they can’t turn things around. But then if they can’t they’ll just unplug some part of the safety equipment to trigger a “disconnect” and leave everyone else to fend for themselves. They don’t care about the time out afterwards. They have better things to do than get repeatedly spawncamped by an E-Liter thank u. Is there a problem. They’re going to get a sandwich.
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humanoidhistory · 1 year
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From the walking stick to Sputnik.
(Mondorama 2000)
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cavewolf · 1 year
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seriously though it's been almost 10 years what is up with lysandre's pokemon team like what is he going for here. what's the theme.
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ms-hells-bells · 1 year
You're just a drop out. What makes you think you know better than the people with masters and phds in physics as well as female politicians like AOC who are taking this seriously and investigating it? Once undeniable proof is presented that aliens are real (which will happen soon) will you accept the truth or will you double down like covid deniers? Real intelligent people stay open minded and wait for evidence before dismissing an idea. You're not a scientist or smart you're just an immature girl with a minimum wage office job.
this is the funniest ask i have gotten in a long time. out of all the stuff i have said and believe, what gets the most riled up hate anon in a long time is me saying the government isn't hiding alien bodies and spaceships 🤣🤣
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