#Tbh the post should prob show up in the tags
grishaverse-chaos · 6 months
The Darkling
why I like them: could have been SO GOOD in theory okay? I will never shut up about this because "character who everyone thinks is evil is actually just the victim of a smear campaign and some really bigoted propaganda" is SUCH a good character concept and I wish darkling fans were right about him because it would be so fucking cool and aesthetic
why I don't: he uh. he isn't that. he could have been so fucking iconic and instead he was just a vicious murderer. who grooms teenage girls.
favourite episode/scene: LOVE the bit where alina stabs his hand in s1e8. tbf that's more of a fav alina moment than anything else lmao, let me think... okay fr I love the "fine. make me your villain" scene bc it just really showcases who he is as a character and how he sees himself (hint: those two things are not the same)
favourite season/movie: imo he's better written in s1 of the show than in s2, idk though. and I do love his story in the kos duology lmao
favourite line: that one bit in rule of wolves where he says "everything I have done has been for ravka" because it's so clearly Not True and yet.... he clearly thinks it is.... so where does intent stop and impact begin...... it's deep okay
favourite outfit: purely for shits and giggles I'm going to say his black kefta in s2 where there's bits of gold bc I loveeee people being haunted by those they've wronged and I think alina haunting him really fits into that theme
otp: no thank you! in all honesty he prob could have been Fixed™ if he'd had a genuine relationship at an earlier age but he didn't so I refuse to inflict him on any other character. darkolai is interesting to consider though bc I feel like the ways they see themselves clash so heavily.... it's about self image and it's about villainy and law and justice and power and and and. they would Not be a good relationship but I think they should interact more for the Narrative
brotp: his sister ulla! they'd have such a fun sibling dynamic lmao I think it'd be sweet
headcanon: tbh I don't tend to think about him much beyond the big narrative stuff so I'm struggling to think of something that fits the genre of "headcanon".... but let's humanise him a little! I bet he reads really literary fiction and gets ever-so-slightly pretentious about it lmao
unpopular opinion: is it unpopular to say that despite his original good intentions he's a bit of a dickhead and not as smart as he thinks he is? in some corners of the fandom it totally is but idk
a wish: at this point there's not much more that could be done with his character beyond what's already been set up (him being mercy killed so he's not suffering in the thorn wood for all eternity) so I'm going to say that I hope his stans get better reading comprehension bc dear GOD some of the takes I see (posted in the alina tag btw I'm not deliberately seeking them out) are absolutely horrendous. is that too salty? perhaps. idc though it's my blog and darkling stans are free to block me if they don't like my takes
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: I swear if he goes NEAR alina genya or zoya again I will reach through the fourth wall to kill him myself. only half joking btw I'd be so pissed. imo they've all had the closure they need narratively and for him to seek them out again would be a dick move of the highest degree
5 words to best describe them: used to have good intentions. that might be cheating but idk if I can pick 5 random adjectives lmao
my nickname for them: I call him darkles sometimes (bc it's funny and also I think it'd piss him off if people called him that in-universe) also a lot of less positive nicknames ("that prick", "shithead" etc) but idk if that counts
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
So I’m thinking abt watching the new td season. I’m prob gonna split it into chunks bc it’ll be my reactions to all the episodes plus pre & post thoughts of the season, so if you wanna know my thoughts, just go to the 'total drama revival episode rambles' tag
Firstly, let’s start off with some pre-watching thoughts. These are just bullet points based on the trailers and promo pics I’ve seen. (I’ve only seen part of one trailer—I forgot which one—and some of the promo pics.)
I know most of the major details of the season bc of spoilers but I’ll try to pretend like I don’t lmao though there might be some occasions when I reference smth—I’ll put those in brackets ( [ ] ).
Now onto my thoughts!!
PRIYAAA!!! [ A lot of ppl on here initially brushed her off as the Nice Girl, but I was with her from the frigging start and wanted her to go far in the season! ] As a desi female, I was so so happy to see desi rep AND her name is Priya!! It’s so pretty and ties into cultural heritage, and fgdgdgdgd I’d already hc her as bi fyi (yeah it could be me projecting on her, that’s okay. That’s f i n e. She seems like such a bisexual though)
Axel should be a lesbian. It’s what she deserves
Tbh I never rlly vibed with Ripper. Sure he seemed cool and ppl kept calling him the ‘nowen child’ but he’s pretty meh to me
I didn’t rlly try to guess who the gay couple would be ngl. But I lowkey wanted one half of it to be Chase bc it would’ve been so funny if the one person most ppl labeled as The Token Straight was n o t like imagine how many mouths that would’ve shut 😂
Chase & Zee would’ve been a v cute pair. Plus the shipname Chazee is adorable hhfgdgd if they don’t end up canon, it could be a good noncanon ship 🤷‍♀️
Chef and Chris eyeing each other in the promo pics like come on. Gimme some of that chref content
Julia and Nichelle would be so. amazing. together.
I think I’m the minority who believed that the Hockey Duo wouldn’t end up together. Idk they give off a bros/bromance vibe, and that’s it lmaooo
I’m so so interested in Scary Girl and how her character will be like!!
Bowie’s style is odd but funky—10/10, love it!! Def gives me gay vibes
Caleb seems like a Justin. Plus of c o u r s e his name is Caleb smh (no offense to ppl named Caleb)
Chase was only in the trailer for like less than five seconds but if anything happens to him, I’d kill everyone in the room and then myself. Idk man, he seems like Such A Guy, I just know he’ll be one of the ppl on the show I’ll be fixated on. Plus I love the name Chase.
[ I saw a post calling Chase a ‘boyfail’ and cryinggdgd lmao ] [ Chase overall seems to have mixed reactions among fans, so I’m gonna tread lightly around him. I just hope he doesn’t end up like Dave. I adored Dave when I started PI, but then…all that happened and he’s hated so much. Genuinely hope Chase doesn’t end up like that, pls pls pls I’m counting on you buddy. Don’t fuck it up *cue that one meme I know you guys are thinking abt* ]
Chase & Priya seems like such a popular ship. Ngl their dynamic interested me too-
I saw a post comparing Zee to Shaggy from Scooby-Doo and I’m like :0 fr though?? makes me love Zee even more!
So where exactly will this take place? Camp Wawanakwa?
Am I forgetting anything? Idk but these are my thoughts! Now onto watching the season—idk when that’ll happen but you guys will know when I post my thoughts :D
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lindensea · 1 year
With all the talks about the WGA strikes, there's been a lot of confusion about where animation stands in this. Let's clear some stuff up! WGA is a writer's strike. Now, you might say, animation has writers too and YES it does. And you might be seeing posts saying that animation isn't unionized. But see, that's where things get tricky! Animation isn't a monolith.
SOME of animation IS unionized, and the biggest union by far is The Animation Guild (TAG), based in LA area (although it's been branching out). Click the link to see which studios are a part of TAG! Writers in TAG studios are covered under TAG, not WGA. That's why when writers strike, there are usually articles about animated productions still chugging away. Well that, and the fact that some studios ARE non-union, which means they also aren't WGA (and should also be striking tbh).
If a studio is unionized, does that mean everyone in the studio is covered in said union?? NO, it does not. Once again, using TAG as the example, since that's what I'm familiar with, TAG just covers creative employees. That's your writers, background painters, vis dev artists, animators, riggers, modelers, technical directors, executive producers, directors, etc etc etc). And that's just for the ones that work in-studio, because it gets even more complicated, but we'll get there in a second.
So what about the people who work in unionized studios but still aren't covered in the union? Well, that would be production (but also post-production and prob more I'm forgetting). Production is the organizational side of animation. Line producers, production managers, production coordinators, production assistants/secretaries, script coordinators/writers' assistants, etc. They keep everything from falling apart and make sure everything is happening that should happen. They're vital to every studio, but since they're not artists, they're not part of the union. There's been a movement to unionize, and TAG has been talking about this for years, but it's slow moving. There are a few studios whose production (or post-production!) staff have unionized in the past couple years, but it's really rare. Walt Disney Animation Studios' production staff has been working hard on this this year! Please support them.
To make things more complicated, union studios can farm out animation to overseas/foreign/partner studios, and these studios are almost always non-union. Union studios will write, develop, design all the art in house, and board the episodes (although in-house boarding has become increasingly optional in this pipeline) and send it all over to their much lesser paid, non-union "partners." This is pretty much the norm for American animated TV shows. It's been on the rise for feature films though, especially those released on streaming platforms.
But wait, there's more! What I just described is feature and tv animation in America. But VFX/animation used in live action productions, and gaming studios are, once again, whole other beasts that maybe someone else can talk about. My understanding is that those industries are even less unionized than tv/feature. And then there's non-US studios, although at least in Canada unions have been picking up steam lately
There's also the case of companies owning both union and non-union studios and thus causing more confusion. For example Walt Disney Animation Studios (Disney's feature studios, which makes things like Encanto and Frozen and Strange World almost completely in-house ) is union. Disney Television Animation is union (The Owl House, Gravity Falls, Amphibia, etc) is union but they send their shows to be animated by usually non-union studios. Pixar is non-union. 20th Century Animation is union. Marvel Studios is union, but that's specifically things like What If, not the animation in their live action movies. Walt Disney Studios, the live action feature division farms out their cg/VFX to mainly non-union studios. This is where things like The Lion King remake come from. This makes blanket statements like "Disney artists are non-union" kind of useless. Disney isn't one entity, and even though they're the worst example, that's how animation is becoming. A bunch of really different studios under one umbrella organization.
What I'm getting at here is that the animation industry is waaaaay more complicated than netizens make it seem. And netizens have a Lot of uneducated opinions which are very confidently stated as fact, which spread like wildfire. Please fact check! Look up a few articles. Fact check me even! You don't know who I am! If you genuinely want to help a cause, learning about it is the first step.
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emmabirb8 · 1 year
Okaaaaaayyy, so I went ahead and checked out Helluva Boss. Couldn't resist the siren call of Richard Horvitz forever I guess. (I still can't believe they got him for this series - he's a bit of a LEGEND in my book. In fact, I'm kinda baffled by a lot of people they managed to secure for the voice cast, but that's a whole other can of worms, lol.)
It's... not terrible. Not super great, but not terrible. I dig the concept, I think the series as a whole truly shines in its dramatic moments (it handles trauma surprisingly well, which shocked me), and it does succeed at being deep, emotional, and wholesome at times, but... tbh, there's MUCH more to criticize than there is to genuinely enjoy. Like, there're good bits and pieces; the ideas and valuable components are there, it's just that they're not utilized or executed in a satisfying way for the most part. Plus, a large portion of the comedy (esp the crude, sex-based stuff) just makes me roll my eyes and/or cringe so bad. Ugh. Why does "adult animation" always fall into the trap of thinking it needs to check that box?
And just to be clear: I am WELL aware of the controversy surrounding the creator. It's unfortunate that so far, I haven't seen very many people talking about that whole situation bc I personally think it needs to be more widely known, especially among the fanbase. That was mostly the reason I had been trying to avoid the show as much as I could up till now, knowing that I might find things to like about it; I didn't want to inadvertently show support for something that is clearly a product of a toxic and abusive environment if it meant putting the creator on a pedestal and sidelining the victims in any way. Helluva Boss is obviously (just like any other show) the result of a collaborative effort of a whole team of people, and anyone who enjoys the show even a moderate amount should think critically and give recognition to that hardworking team instead of only attributing everything to and directing all the praise at the creator (as some people have a tendency to do).
Anyway, rambling aside, I'm prob gonna reblog a few things here 'n there. I love Richard to death and, like I said, there are a few crumbs that I actually do like. I'm just... also gonna try to be conscientious and critical in my consumption of it too.
Blacklist "helluva boss" if you wanna avoid seeing any posts related to the show. I always tag pretty diligently.
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cubedmango · 1 year
I’m so upset about the tags :(( like we’re going to have to scroll back ages to find any content for cm how hard was it to just call it something else… and you’re so right while I was watching I felt as though it was missing something? Like ignoring how pissed off it made me to see /him/ playing one of my favourite characters ever it just didn’t feel like cherry magic should to me there wasn’t that sweet unique loving silliness about it… the casting apart from him is good I agree but even that lift scene seeing him try and fail to embody that adachi-like nervousness when karan falls on him just killed me I can’t I wish I could go about my life in peace without being reminded about this GOD
the name thing wouldnt be so bad normally bc usually adaptations of a thing do have the same name as the thing but theres such a massive flood of new people coming in doing their own thing and tagging every unrelated fucking post w the shows tags and its just So Goddamed Annoying like im here to look for news and fan content not stuff abt the actors that has nothing to do w the show stop !!!! augh. cant stand these people
i was so ready to reluctantly be like "ok that guy sucks but his acting is fine for the role" but i reaalllly dont think he fits tbh ??? probs not fair to compare him to akasos portrayal since its not based on that but even going off how adachi acts in the manga i rlly couldnt see many similarities mannerism-wise so idk .? we didnt see any bits of achi and karan properly talking pre-relationship either (only staring at each other for like 5 unique snippets which. sure! chemistry or whatever!!) and that last scene is nothing like how it goes in vol 7 so im not rlly sure what to think lol. but i did appreciate how karans actor voices his thoughts it was very kurosawa-esque no issues there dkjksjg anyway not sure why im thinking abt this so hard when i have no intention of watching the thing so ill shut up now
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mocacheezy · 5 years
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I'm going to post the rest of the ornaments on Waterfall, because I don't want to get this tmblr account deleted...
I Will add the link later, Just wanted to show this chill Sally Fisher first :3
Okay, on Waterfall, there are pics of a few characters from: The Penumbra Podcast(2) Voltron Legendary defender(2), The Dragon Prince(3), Spongebob(1), Rick&Morty(1), Sally Face (1 - the one up there) and KetchupXMustard UTxUF crossover (1)
THEY ARE ALL SUGGESTIVE (tbh, some are just nude drawings, but this is my first time sharing so *shrug* not sure what is ok and what not) OR IN POSES THAT ARE NOT KIDDY FRIENDLY
Whelp, click if you want, and if you don't, have Happy Holidays either way ;3
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carltonlassie · 2 years
I've been tagged by @youandthemountains and I'm using this as an opportunity to brain dump gjfhdhs you will suffer my posts boy
last song: The Avalanches - Because I'm Me
last show: better call saul
currently watching: i'm in the middle of so many shows.. bcs for one, then there's black sails, russian doll, killing eve s4 (which idk if i should continue watching =.=), what we do in the shadows, attorney woo, rewatch of elementary LOL they're all slowly getting watched whenever i feel like i need something new....... all of the shows i listed in the beginning need so much commitment to fully enjoy them so it takes forever for me to start watching again, but then when i start watching i can't stop. and when i do stop i don't pick up for a while gjhdfhgd
currently reading: I'm still making my way through house of leaves shfhgfhg i was reading it and then the entire month of july happened, so. yeah. i haven't picked that one up again yet. Though I'm reading an e-book of Mohōhan (模倣犯, The Copycat) by Miyuki Miyabe. It was a book popular among my friends in middle school (maybe just that one friend LOL idk), and I saw a copy of it in korea when i visited a used book store! I thought about buying it but there was no way i can bring it back with my single backpack so I bought an e-book and started reading it and it's. it's good so far. Idk if I like japanese novels or i just like reading novels in korean -- that part is unknown but I wanna try to get more contemporary korean novels after this! Oh. yeah. the book is about girls going missing & this guy who went through his entire family getting massacred finding the body part of one of the missing girls... and the story goes from there. it's a murder mystery so far. but also it's not a story dealing with a mystery so great and complex, but more with the psychological state of the victim's families, the boy's, the society's reactions, etc. etc. not sure why it's called The Copycat, but there are two more volumes of this to go through and i'm only on the first one >_<
current obessions: obsessed with home improvement/decor atm LOL bc i'm at a new apartment. The post about getting a microwave/air fryer/oven combo...... I'm still on that lmaoooo. I also just finished covering up the fuse box?circuit breaker thingie? the grey ugly box on the wall with a mushroom tapestry and i feel immense satisfaction. I think i need to get a lamp that looks like a mushroom and complete my mushroom shrine in this area tbh. If I can't find one I'll make one idgaf
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I knew the previous tenants and they left us a lot of furniture, but they're either busted or just WAY too dark and heavy and it making the place look so much smaller/darker.. so I might get a new coffee table and a cover for the couch bc DARK BROWN couches make it look so depressing 😭 currently it's covered with flat sheets lmaooo but it doesn't stay in place so I'll prob get a cover sometime soon. I need to get more lighting fixtures for the place as well bc the lights on the ceiling are so strangely placed + ALL of them are different in temperatures and it's driving me slightly crazy. But all of this needs to happen without going over budget so I'll prob check out a thrift/antique store I saw downtown
Currently playing (this was not in the original list of questions but I'm adding it anyways): Stray! I finally figured out how to play games on my TV yifjdhf did u know u can stream whatever's going on on your laptop to the TV without any cables involved????? I didn't know either but I figured it out yesterday and played some of the kitty catty game. I thought I'd be bad at it bc games in first person/games where I have to react fast and press multiple buttons are so hard lmfao but Legend of Zelda has been building my game confidence and playing Stray last night was a p enjoyable activity.
What's goin on in your world @birdkeeperklink @lassiesspanishaccent @zaxal @goobzoop @avatoh @figsandfandoms @deputychairman!! + Anyone else wants to inflict posts upon others
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omegawolverine · 4 years
since ive gained so many new moots in the last few hours i thought id give myself a proper introduction sooo let's go!
hi my name is damien, im 17 and i use they/them pronouns. im a slytherin, intp, 5w6 and a cancer too, if any of that junk matters to you!
this blog is primarily used to post things i find funny/interesting along with my hyperfixations, so while im mainly posting dream smp content now, ill probably throw in the occasional post from a past hyperfixation of mine or just some shit i find amusing.
just an fyi: i occasionally post triggering content but that stuff is tagged so as long as you have the words blacklisted, we should be good! just lmk if theres anything else youd like me to tag so you can avoid it!
um, quick byf ig?
-dni if u fit basic dni criteria
-im okay with adults following me just like. dont be creepy obviously lol
-i sometimes spam other hyperfixations (namely anime and kpop) so if u dont want ur dash to be occasionally filled with my bullshit then u probs shouldnt follow lol
-while im always up for a small, civil debate when it comes to dumb shit like tv shows, i am extremely uncomfortable with genuine arguing or "hate". if ive done something wrong, please just let me know in a private message. please also use tone indicators in these types of discussions (or at least when you first bring it up to me so i know you're being genuine)!
-i have a lot of problematic hyperfixations so if i ever post something that makes you uncomfortable please just unfollow/mute the tags i use for it instead of sending me a pissed off anon or something lol
-i swear A Lot, especially in the dms. lmk if that makes you uncomfortable when u first dm me and ill either tone it down or not swear at all (i wont not swear in my public posts tho lol)
-my dms are always open and id love to talk to some new people, however, im a very slow responder and i tend to have dry texts unless im talking about something that excites me a lot! i cant really help that tbh but if i seem uninterested im most likely not, i just dont know how to jazz up a conversation to save my fucking life
-i reclaim slurs sometimes so if ur uncomfortable with that, mute words or dont follow (i can reclaim the f slur, r slur, n slur, s slur, d slur, q slur and the t slur. if u dont know what those slurs are and u wanna ask me go ahead lol im just not saying them now so people arent made uncomfortable)
and that's basically all the important shit I can think of! if u have any questions, my dms and asks are always open! thanks :)
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bella-spil · 4 years
Summary: you and the avengers spend Halloween together.
Characters: Y/N (your name), Bucky, Loki, Thor, Tony, Steve, Sam, Natasha, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Peter, Shuri.
Warnings: cursing, tbh thats it.  VINE REFERENCES
Word Count: 2.4
A/N: hi.. I’m sry I haven’t written in a while.  School has been killing my creativity.  This is gonna be more of a miniseries, more like 2-3 parts.  It’s prob not gonna get much attention, but if you like it, just comment or re blog bc it helps my confidence with posting stuff on here.  This is also inspired by a meme I saw (Ill post it at the bottom of the story) and a video with Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans (link) Masterlist is here
Tag List: @sea040561 @wednesday-add-em @kmuir1 (lmk if you wanna join)
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Halloween was a week away.  Tony being Tony, already paid for the decorations for the tower, so basically all of the floors look like a haunted house.  Rolls of toilet paper stretched across arches in the hallways, tiny spiders were all over furniture, bones and eyes and zombies and witches and everything in between that you could possibly think of was in the tower.  The tower looked like a zombie on steroids; creepy yet entertaining at the same time.  
Everyone was fine with the decorations, but the costumes were a big issue.  Steve and Tony kept arguing over the ideas, both of them wanting to do group costumes.  Everyone else had their ideas too, but Tony and Steve were at each other's throats for the past couple weeks, since like August.  Your room in the tower was right by the meeting office, so hearing the two of them screaming at each other for the most stupid shit was driving you insane.  Once it got to the point where you had to yell at them to shut up.  
This morning, a week before Halloween, while everyone was there, you cleared your throat while you heard Steve and Tony bickering.
“Guys this is getting to be too much.  We need to have a meeting to discuss these fucken costumes.” you said.
“Yeah this is getting out of control,” Nat agreed.
“Guys, cmon, you have to agree with me.  All of us having Iron Man suits would be awesome.  We could fly around the city all night and have so much fun!” Tony said.
“Tony, stop.  All of us being soldiers is better.”  Steve countered.
“STOP!” Clint groaned.  “You guys are insane.  We need to discuss this as a group.”
Tony and Steve sat across from each other, glaring at each other.  Death was looming between them.  
“Fine,” Tony sighed.  “When and where?”
“The office, 2pm,” Nat said.  “And everyone has to show up, that means you too Bucky.”
Bucky groaned from the other side of the room.  He hated group discussions, he liked working alone better.  Said that it was faster to be alone and you didn’t have to worry as much.
2pm finally rolled by.  Everyone has showed up in the big office, one that seemed a little too big.  Everyone was tired of the bickering and had showed up, thankfully.  
Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Bucky, Sam, Peter P, Shuri, Wanda, Vision, Loki and you were crowded around the table.  Tony was standing at the end with a whiteboard, prepared to write down ideas.
“So guys, what do you want to do?” Tony said.
“What about we dress up as famous Star Wars characters?” Sam suggested.
“Nah, Steve isn’t going to know who Yoda is.  That’s a must if we do Star Wars.” Tony said.
“Devils and Angels?” Wanda said.
“Not original,” Steve said.
“What about we just wear each other’s costumes?” Thor suggested.
“You really think you are gonna wear my wings?” Sam said, a hint of annoyance in his voice that made you and Bucky snicker.
“I don’t think any of you guys want to wear a leather catsuit,” Nat said.
“We could dress up as famous vines,” Shuri offered, smirking at you and Peter.  
The three of you quoted vines daily and the rest of the team never knew what you guys meant, which made it even more fun.  Eventually, Sam, Bucky and Clint started learning vines with you because they kept saying things which you guys followed up with vine references.  The frustration got to the three men and they started to learn with you, but they weren’t nearly as attentive as you, Shuri and Peter.
“What’s a vine?” Steve asked.
“Vine was a website created in 2012, officially released in 2013.  It was ultimately shut down in 2016.  Vine was a website where users would create short videos an-” Vision said.
“Vis, I don’t think they want a whole essay,” Wanda said, seeing the reactions of the other Avengers.  Sam had started to fake snore, Loki was muttering something to Peter about knifes, and Shuri was about to watch vines, from what you could tell.  
“It’s this app filled with people saying and doing stupid things for attention,” Nat sighed.
“EDUCATE YO SELF!” Clint shouted, right in Natasha’s ear.  Doing that earned him a hard punch in the back of the head.
“Well I don’t have all day so we need something,” Tony groaned, hitting his expo marker against the whiteboard.
You and everyone else was trying to come up with ideas when all the sudden, quiet Peter Parker, who was pretty much the baby of the tower, spoke up.
“Mr. Frost Giant, God sir?” Peter asked.
“Loki,” Loki sighed, pleasantly shocked.
“So, you have ice powers right?” Peter continued.
“Yes, I am an ice giant,” Loki said.
“You should be Elsa for Halloween,” Peter gasped.
Then, out of nowhere, Clint jumped up, looking like he had 5 monster energy drinks and 10 packs of warheads.
“I’LL BE MERIDA!!!” he screamed.
“I must assume that I am going to portray Elsa then,” Thor said, with a smile on his face.
“So...we are doing Disney princesses?” Tony asked, slightly confused.
“Looks like it,” Bucky said.
“Who the fuck am I gonna be?” Shuri asked.
“Language.” Steve said.
You and Shuri looked at each other for a moment and with a slight nod of your head, you were both in a song.
“FUCK SHIT PUSSY ASS!!!” you and Shuri sang.
“MOTHERFUC-” Peter started to continue, but Tony just slapped his hand over Peter’s mouth.  Tony swore that Peter wasn’t like a son to him, but this didn’t help his situation.
Steve was turning ad red as a tomato in his seat, not being able to process all the dirty words that escaped yours and Shuri’s mouths.
“Ok, who are all the Disney Princesses?” Tony asked, frustration in his voice as he looked down at Peter.  Tony gave him a look, one that said “Stop this shit or you get your suit taken away for two weeks” and once Peter nodded his head slightly, Tony removed his hand.
Vision started to list a bunch of them off, even some of the ones that aren’t considered princesses, like Megara, Alice and Jane.  Once Tony had a list of all the princesses, he started to write of all the avengers, making lines to match them up with their character.  
“Ok, who wants to find their Disney princess counterpart first?” Tony asked.
“Me, I already asked before,” Shuri said rolling her eyes.
“Well I mean you already are a princess.” you said.
“Oh,” Shuri said. “I don’t have to dress up then.  Haha.  You can cross my name off, Tony.”
Tony sighed and rolled his eyes, while taking her name off.
“Next?” he sighed.
“What about me?” Steve asked.
“Oh this is gonna be interesting.” Sam grinned.
“Snow White.” Bucky said, without even hesitating.
“Wait why?” you asked.
“Ohhhhh, I think I see why,” Wanda smirked.
“Continue Barnes,” Natasha said.
“First of all, Snow White was the very first princess to come out.  She came out in the thirties or forties.  She’s the oldest.  Steve was the first avenger and he is the oldest.”  Bucky said.
“Bucky, you are a couple months older than me.” Steve countered.
“Second,” Bucky continued, ignoring his friend completely.  “She is like the most gullible and is surrounded by followers.  Snow White was like living with seven dwarfs.  And she was underage and just lived with them. Steve here, was the leader of the Howling Commandos.  And I was in that group, so I had to endure him and his stupid ass decisions, but I couldn’t elect to ignore it.”
“That’s offensive,” Steve said.
“That's the point,” Bucky said.  
“Ok so Steve is Snow White.”  Tony declared, making a line between Snow White and Steve on the whiteboard.  “NEXTT!”
“Me,” said the super secret Russian spy.
“Hmm..” you thought.
“Megara,” said Clint.
“Oh that's a good one,” Sam agreed.
“Who is Megara?” Steve asked.
“She is an attractive Greek lady that Hercules, the son of Zeus, who is the King of the Greek Gods, falls in love with.” Thor explained.
“Thor, how do you of all people know that?” Shuri asked.  “Shouldn’t Vision know all of these things?”
“M’lady, I am formally educated in Disney movies by the request of Peter Parker, also known as ‘The One and Only Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman’.” Thor explained.
“Kid, you make Thor, the God of Thunder, sit through Sleeping Beauty?” Tony asked, shocked.
“My dear man of Iron, Sleeping beauty was quite relaxing.  That Prince Philip, that amazing man, demonstrated quite intellectually advanced ways to use a sword.  Ways that I can use Storm-breaker effectively in battle.” Thor smiled.
Tony and Sam shared a look of disgust with a combination of interest and concern.
“Thor, I don’t think you can learn fighting tactics from a cart-” Vision started.
“I need to watch the movies again,” Clint and Bucky muttered under their breaths.
“No she should be Mulan,” Wanda said.  “Mulan is determined and strong.  Megara just messed with the God of Death.”
“I mess with death all the time,” Natasha countered.
“I should be Megara.” Bucky stated.
“Because you almost died?” Steve asked.
“Because your soul is dark and empty?” Sam asked.
“Yes and no.  My hair is long, not as long as her’s but I can make it work.  Hair extensions.  She plays with Hercules’ emotions.  She is also strong and independent.  Like me.” Bucky explained.
“That settles it.  Bucky is Megara and Natasha is Mulan.”  Tony said, making lines between the two avengers and their princesses.  
“nEXXttT!” Tony shouted.
“Me me me!” Wanda said happily.
“Yes Mr. Stark I would like to go as well.” Vision added.
“Wanda would make the perfect Moana.” Thor said.  “Moana and Wanda both demonstrate very strong emotions, which affect their abilities regarding their powers and limits and they care deeply about the people that mean the most to them.”
He nudged Loki in the shoulder to try to get him more involved in the meeting.  Loki was just throwing his knives up in the air, and Peter was getting very interested, and getting dangerously close to the God of Mischief.  Tony was eyeing the two of them very, very carefully.
“Yeah, yeah sure,” Loki sighed, just going along with Thor or the sake of it.
“Who would Vision be then?” Sam asked.
“He could be the dead grandma,” Clint suggested.
“Yeah, that one that turned into the manta ray.” Nat agreed.
“It’s settled.  Moana and Dead Grandma Ray.” Tony said, making the lines once again.  He had to add “dead grandma” to the board for Vision’s sake.
“NeXXXXXtttT!!” he shrieked.
“Tony, you should be Belle,” Natasha said.
“Yeah.  I mean, they both fall in love and save the people that mean the most to them, even if it means putting their own life at risk.” Steve agreed.
“And they are both really smart.” Peter added.
“Peter, you just had to say that and I would have been on board.  Now I had to listen to Steve and Natasha for a minute.” Tony groaned as he drew a line between his name and Belle’s.
“Thanks Tony,” Steve said sarcastically.
“Your welcome, Capsicle.” Tony gleamed back.
“Sam should be Cinderella.” Bucky said.
“OMG that works!!” Shuri exclaimed.
“Yeah..” Sam realized.  “I’m Cinderella ‘cause she broke, homie.”
“Yeah,” Steve said, smiling from ear to ear, looking back at Sam.
“She represent me, yooo,” Sam said.  Then he looked over at Steve and said, “Lemme borrow twenty dollas.”
By this point, Steve couldn’t hold in the laughter and almost fell out of his chair.  And Sam, being as he called it “Steve’s best friend, better than Bucky,” saved Steve from collapsing on to the floor.
“Steve is the cinder princess.  Deal with it.” Tony declared, adding another line.
“NeeXXttTTT!” Tony screamed.
“Now, all that’s left is Peter and Y/N,” Wanda said, eyeing you two.
“Peter should be Rapunzel.  Before they face the real world, they are both innocent, but then when they see what the world is really like, it changes them.” Thor said, analyzing the similarities between the princess and the superhero.
“Jesus Christ, why is Point break actually really on point?” Tony asked.
“My dear Stalk of corn, I am educated like I told you earlier.  Insect man has really helped me tap into my inner child and all of the pain my demon brother made me endure.” Thor said.
“Spiderman,” Peter mumbled.
“I take that as a complement.” Loki stated, out of the blue.
“Rapunzel is Parker.” Tony declared.
“Last but not least, Y/N.” Steve said.
Now, it took everyone a while to come up with a princess for you.  You didn’t fit the exact mold or looks of a certain princess, so it was definitely harder.
“What about Alice?” Sam said/
“Why the fuck would she be Alice?” Bucky asked.
“Because Alice in Wonderland is supposed to portray the effects of drugs.” Sam explained.
“So your saying that I act like a drug addict?” you asked.
“NO!” Sam shouted.
“Sam, drop it before you dig your own grave.” Steve said.
“What about Jasmine?” offered Wanda.  “You have a very free spirit like her, and she’s your favorite princess.”
“Yeah sure, that sounds fine.” you agreed.
“Y/N is Jasmine!  dOOONNEe!” Tony shouted with relief.
“FINE!” Tony shouted back.  “NOW WE ARE DONE.  EVERYONE HAPPY?”
Everyone in the room, not wanting to disagree with a hot-headed Tony, looked around at each other and slowly nodded their heads.
“Great!” Tony smiled, a complete change in moods.  “Tomorrow we are going to Party City to get our costumes.  Everyone in this room has to come so we can get the wigs and dresses and makeup.  No skipping out.  That includes you Clint, Bucky and Loki.”
The three men who were called out rolled their heads and sighed.  But they agreed to go.  To Tony’s happiness.
“Great.  Meeting finished.  Pepper wants me for something.  Probably for the party.  Nobody try to call me or you will be met with an ear rape of AC/DC.” Tony said, putting on his glasses and promptly leaving the room in Stark fashion.  Everyone eventually left the room, you being lost in your thoughts.  
“You coming, doll?” Bucky asked, seeing you were still sitting in the room.
“Ya, I’ll be out in a second.” you said.  
“Alright, you, me and Clint are doing a Disney marathon for fighting tactics.  Don’t be late or you because we are gonna eat all the food.  I don’t wanna hear you complain.” Bucky said, walking out the door with a lazy drag of his legs.
Now, relief filled your body.  Now you wouldn’t have to hear arguing about costumes!  And they actually agreed to costumes, shockingly.  Now you just couldn’t wait to go to Party City and endure all the chaos.  And then, you left the room to watch Disney movies again, for fighting tactics.  
Oh, the chaos that awaits.  
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masonscig · 4 years
about me tag game
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
tagged by: i was tagged by a bunch of people so thank u to @lilas, @veeples, @admdmrtn, @agentsunshine, @echohauville and @masonsfangs for thinking of me !!! and im using the edited version by meg @/lilas !!!
tagging: @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @bravomckenzie and whoever else wants to do this !!!
name/nickname: jade / please is there really a way to give me a nickname... most people make it longer when they try LMFAOOO
gender: she/her
star sign: I AM AN ARIES WOMAN [virgo ↑ sagittarius ☽]
height: 4′10...................... anyways
birthday: march 29th [the way im about to have my second birthday in quarantine im absolutely SICK]
lucky number: none bc i have the worst luck on the planet. i like even numbers tho
when did you create this blog: i made this sideblog in like... june i think ?
what do I post: all twc – i reblog twc art, edits, and fics [even though i’ve been really terrible at that lately since i’ve been active in another fandom atm]. i post commissions of my own, occasional headcanons, shitposts, fics every once in a blue moon.... tbh im boring on here :/ sowwy
last thing googled: jared hess’s filmography [nacho libre / gentleman broncos supremacy]
do I get asks: occasionally ! i usually get them from my friends and forget to answer them [i am SO sorry rip to chrisha and esme and kat and becky and alicia and baylee..... yall are the vips i don’t deserve u]. and i get some prompts i never finish.... i love funny anons pls send sum of those
why I chose my url: bc i wanted something relating to mason! and since he doesn’t have a canon last name i had to choose something that was close enough for me. i’m genuinely obsessed w my url like i was FLOORED when it wasn’t copped SKDFKSDJ i don’t think i’d ever change it
*my current projects/wips: i have.... many wips bc ill have an idea and a basic passage and i’ll jot it down and take forever to actually finish it – the attached series is on hiatus for now while i write for another fandom, but i’m working on that, a spiritual sequel to another mason fic i wrote before, another mason fic, a felix fic w my new detective, and some prompts i might get to eventually. i am the literal worst at finishing wips LMFAOOOO
favorite bands: hmm i don’t listen to too many bands, so i’ll include rap groups, and girl groups! foster the people, pivot gang, the internet, bad suns, & two door cinema club, chloe x halle, city girls, and wu-tang clan !
favorite solo artists: buckle up biddies! these are my favs at the moment + some are my favs of all time – rihanna, megan thee stallion, bree runway, smino, tei shi, sza, flo milli, ari lennox, tinashe, slayyyter, cordae, schoolboy q, vince staples ... ok ill stop here
song stuck in my head: unrequited love by thundercat GOD it’s so good but haunting i LOVE it
favorite song: kiss it better by rihanna will always be my favorite song of all time no contest
last movie: don verdean bc i wanted to finish watching all of jared hess’s films ! 
last show: jojo’s bizarre adventure part 5 [i am a mista and bucciarati simp first, human being second]
favorite food: i love food and eating omg so this one is hard as hell
*food I hate: h*t d*gs and chili idk how the hell yall eat that shit
*favorite color: i really love mustard yellow and any deep green color !
*favorite animal: omg.... i love monkeys and dogs and cats... idk i love all animals tbh KSKDKKDFS
what I’m currently wearing: cotton shorts, a tank top, and my grandpa’s sweater [he passed last year and my grandma gifted a bunch of his old sweaters to me so it’s v comforting]
dream job: haha should i get existential here..... i genuinely don’t know what i’m supposed to be doing w my life SKJFDKSDJKJSD anyways !
dream trip: tokyo w my boyfriend !!!! we’ve been talking about it for years so i think it’d be the trip of a lifetime
*currently reading: i was trying to reread twilight but i got distracted LMAO [don’t worry i read my old copy from middle school i aint giving her any money]
*currently thinking about: finishing wips for an appreciation week i’m running, 
nationality: usa :/
*fun fact: during the first month or so i started dating my bf we were swimming at my house and i tripped over my sleeping dog and tore my knee up and i still have the scar to this day ! and we’re still dating almost 8 years later LMAOOO 
top three fictional universes: god im thinking more anime but i’d prob choose hxh or mha or any universe yuasa comes up with bc he writes women so well
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
ask answering/updates
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first of all, thank you 💘 second of all...
ok ok ok don’t get too excited, but I finally got the juice to start working on the next part of Fanatic 🖤 most of you guys will be like ‘who cares’ but i know some of you have been waiting for this for a while! it’s been what, 2 months?? hope I’m not jinxing myself by saying this *knocks on wood* also not to hype myself too much but it’s kinda bomb 😳 maybe this is just my sick bias but I’ve really been wanting to write about...aftermath iykwim haha. reader all scared & shy & trying to avoid him but yk he’s not going to leave her alone :P
I also figured out the ending to it will come back!! it wouldn’t be shiggy if it didn’t get dangerous 😈 also gonna be nice to write some eyes-rolling-back-in-the-head fuckery so our favorite handsy creep can finally get his dick wet with his beloved little nursey <3
here are some other vague ideas, some based on requests, some not. as always no promises!!
BNHA—pillage & plunder with fantasy AU warlord Bakugo (and his gang of ruffians?? hmm...)
BNHA—Overhaul makes you work off your daddy’s gambling debts the extra hard way uwu...also I have SO many ideas for Overhaul 😷 after I finish iwcb my next multi-part fic will probably be with him
BNHA—various things with reader as an aspiring villain set in the same universe as Caught in the Act: reader getting quarantined with shiggy & dabi...dabi getting mad at you after you keep fucking up...incel shiggy jacking it to his adorable protégée without her knowledge (a galaxy brain request from a very good buddy!!!!)
BNHA—ABO with alpha Hawks and omega reader in an elevator...and uh-oh, it’s stuck! and you’re going into heat! oh no, whatever will you do??
Haikyuu—you get stuck in a hole in a wall, good thing your dutiful boyfriend Kuroo is there to help you out ;)
Haikyuu—gangbang with Tsukki, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kuroo...a challenge bc I’ve never written a gangbang before!! will have to do some research 🧐
Haikyuu—your bf Atsumu does mean things when he’s jealous, like putting his hands up your skirt in public
KNY—Kokushibou decides to keep a shrine maiden as his cute little human pet 💜 actually already wrote pt. 1 but I’ll wait to post til I’m done with Fanatic
AxK—just some no good very bad yandere content with Dr. Midori...neglect play stuff...sensory deprivation stuff...icky icky
Gintama—something with Kamui. does this count as monsterfucking? very very rough...idk what exactly? some form of dastardly acts
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thanks for the concern friends 💕💕 I’ve been preoccupied by things happening irl for the past few weeks, trying to educate myself, going to protests, etc.
also in case anyone else is confused, my stance is and always has been that Black lives matter and all cops are bastards. I’m not sure my porn blog is the right place to talk about this at length but if you’re a bootlicker, please smash that unfollow button and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. if you don’t already have a decently functioning moral compass you should not get anywhere near my writing...fr
learn more and get involved
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omg thank you & yes yes a million times yes!!! hope you don’t mind commitment issues and student loan debt 💝👯‍♀️
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the line between not hawksfucker and hawksfucker is very thin and very blurry, beware.....lol and thank you!!
the video you recommended...like damn!!! that’s exactly the vibe I feel like fratty Hawks x reader from be a little bad would be like if they had a happy ending eventually (start at 1:39)!!!!! “I didn’t make you do this” “I’m not accusing you of anything” it’s that exact dynamic. imo Hawks might be a little less willing to make things official and reader would prob have a hard time being straightforward enough to ask tho...hmmm
I did get several requests for a part 2! I’m thinking it over atm. I will say tho that most of my reqs have very slow turnaround so if I write it, it might be a while
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ooh I love getting recommendations! here’s what I like:
fanfic: I read stuff like what I write (smut, kink, yandere, villains). at some point I’m going to make a long post of fic recs of my own! I also read fluff and character x character ship fic so interests are pretty broad
TV: humor, crime shows like Bones, Criminal Minds, Psych, that kind of thing. nothing too dark or complicated, nothing that requires too much investment. same goes for anime
movies: pretty much everything! lately I’m really into Howl’s Moving Castle and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
books: literary fiction. can I say I’m into dark academia if the only dark academia I’ve read is The Secret History? favorite books I’ve read semi-recently are TSH, All the Light We Cannot See, The Poisonwood Bible, and Discipline & Punish. currently reading Foucault’s History of Sexuality
music: idk man...all kinds of stuff. I listen based on vibe more than genre. all my spotify playlists are named things like “sunday” and “the power” and “[sparkle emoji]”. my artists on repeat are Hozier, The Weeknd, Kendrick, M.I.A., The Neighborhood (F I’m a basic bitch) but I’ll try anything once
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jfc these two asks have given me so much hope 🥰😭💗 you know what? sooner or later I’m going to post Kamui x reader smut and it’s going to get 3 notes from the three of us liking it and that’s okay because I’ve thirsted over this man too long and too hard to go my entire life without reading over-indulgent reader-insert porn of him. yes the villain kink jumped out but DAMN!!! the man has ‘h*rny scumbag who lets his instincts rule him’ baked into both his DNA and his psyche, and I’m so here for it 😌
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if you don’t know who Kamui is, do me a favor and watch gintama. yes there are like 400 episodes but it’s worth it. I will convert more bitches to the gintama thirst train if it costs me my life. Kamui was made to star in disrespectful breeding kink smut and this is a hill I will die on.
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??? sure, if you can point me toward part 2 ????? lmao
I’m guessing you meant to ask for a pt 2 instead of pt 3? in which case, thanks for asking!! but tbh...for some reason I have a really hard time imagining what a pt 2 would look like, maybe because I wrote it 100% from Overhaul’s POV so it’s hard for me to define the reader’s feelings. I’m not saying it’ll never happen but 🤷‍♀️
HOWEVER if it’s Overhaul content in general you’re craving, you’re in luck!!! he’s a favorite of mine. legit he ticks so many of my boxes—villain kink? check. medical/scientist kink? check. yakuza kink? honey I’m weak. I’ll definitely be writing more for him in the future!
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oh no! I checked it on my computer & on mobile and all of the links are working for me? are the links still broken for you guys?
anyway, here are the rules, here’s the short version of the request rules, and here is part 1 and part 2 of it will come back.
thank you to everyone who has sent kind words, everyone who replies to my writing, and everyone who posts thirst in the tags!!! I read that shit!!!! and it makes me fucking cry, I love you all
one more thing: several people have requested continuations to Sleepless, Sidekick, and Fanatic. on one hand, I’m so flattered that you guys want more!!! on the other hand, I actually already answered asks about pt. 2′s for those particular fics. before you request a continuation of anything, it’s probably a good idea to look up the name of the fic as a tag on my blog so you can check and see if anyone else had the same question 💖💖💖
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
I was tagged by @darth-bagel thank you! I shall tag (no pressure as always and feel free to ignore!) : @a-muirehen , @palepinkycat , @walk-ng-d-saster , @kyber-heart and @berriku <3
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
Name/Nickname: I usually go by Elf/Elven online, tho my gf also calls me Boyscout (it’s an inside joke we have XD)
Gender: Cis female
Star sign: Taurus  ♉
Height: 5′4″ (I can’t believe I’m actually taller than someone, sorry Bagel!)
Birthday: April 21st. Prolly gonna be spending another birthday in lockdown but hey, at least I can either play SWTOR with some buds or ARK with dad this time so that’ll prob be what I’ll be doing. Gotta make the most of it
Time: as I’m finishing this to post it, it is 1:22pm
Favorite bands: I have a lot so hold onto your hats lmao: Fall Out Boy, Glass Animals, Panic! At The Disco, Hop Along (not sure if these two still count as bands or if they’d fall under solo now...), MISSIO, 30 Seconds to Mars, Shinedown, Lord Huron is apparently a band now too tho he started solo owo, The Oh Hellos, Of Monsters And Men, The Antlers, PVRIS, Bastille, Young Heretics, Dorothy, The Crane Wives, The Mountain Goats
Favorite solo artists: Hozier, Willyecho (pretty sure he’s solo? XD), Billie Eilish, Ed Sheeran, Lorde, Mikky Ekko, Iron & Wine, Marina (& The Diamonds), Florence & The Machine, EDEN, P!nk, Keaton Henson, Amanda Palmer, Halsey, Radical Face, grandson, Lincoln
Song stuck in my head: as of this morning, The Mighty Fall by Fall Out Boy
Last movie: Uuuhh, pretty sure it was Hotel Transylvania 2, I was feeling icky the other day and needed to laugh so XD
Last show: The Alien Worlds series on Netflix, it’s really cool even if I wish they’dve come up with better names for the alien critters ¬_¬
When did I create this blog: Oh, not that long ago actually, funnily enough. I’ve been in and out of tumblr for a long while but never made my own blog(s) till about March last year (2020)
What do I post: this blog is exclusively SWTOR (and KOTOR) related stuff, anything from awesome art, writing and headcanons from mutuals, to my own art, screencaps from my and mutuals’ gameplay, to my own fics, headcanons and stuff. My other blog is for “canon” Star Wars, general fandom/gaming stuff etc. Very occasionally I might post non-swtor posts like this one here if I feel it “belongs” in the “get to know elven” tag
Last thing I googled: "acnh how many villagers can you have” - I wasn’t sure what the limit was and I play sporadically so I didn’t know, don’t laugh at me LMAO
Other blogs: just my other/main blog: @itstheelvenjedi​ . There’s “canon”-era Star Wars, LotR/The Hobbit stuff as well as a little bit of Warrior Cats, other gaming (mainly ARK: Survival Evolved atm), as well as a tiny bit of politics and ranty stuff. All is properly tagged so you can block any tags you don’t want to see.
Do I get asks: I do! I’m kinda slow answering them sometimes but I promise if you send me one I will always answer it and I appreciate every single one <3
Why I chose my url: ok, so, my mains are mostly wlw - except for Kas - (and yes, wlw can use the word “lesbian” if we want to, as a demisexual wlw person I will beat you with my crutch, fuck off, it’s a blanket wlw term just like “sapphic” and you don’t get to decide what I can and cannot call myself or my characters, you’re not me), they’re chaotic and they live in the SWTOR verse which is sometimes affectionately called a “space opera” so: chaoticspacelesbians. my main blog is because “TheElvenJedi” has been my main online pseud since about 2014, but theelvenjedi was apparently taken when I made my tumblr so I had to add something else to the beginning, therefore I went with itstheelvenjedi cause it was the closest thing to theelvenjedi and easy for me to remember XD
Following: 229 apparently (oop. I should probably....go through that and trim out the year+ inactive blogs huh o.o)
Followers: 90 (holy crackers where did you all come from LMAO am I really that funny???)
Average hours of sleep: I try to stick to at least 7, sometimes when insomnia hits tho it’s more like 4... >__<
Lucky number: 4 again! I just really dig it, it’s a cool number.
Instruments: I used to play recorder, and I took a couple drum lessons in primary school but couldn’t afford to keep it up ;-; it was fun while it lasted tho!
What am I wearing: ...my pyjamas and a dressing gown. It’s cold and I don’t have to go out or expect visitors today so I’m staying warm. Don’t judge me LOL
Dream job: I would’ve loved to have done either Riding Groom/Jockey (which I might have managed 6 or so years back but uhhh, I can’t handle the physical strain anymore, thanks granny joints!) or Animal Assisted Therapy, but there’s no way I can cope with managing my own business, it’s too much for me qwq A lot of things are Too Much For Me, unfortunately. I will take working checkout at a grocery store at the rate I’m going now tbh.
Dream trip: 1) to visit the gf in Germany and see the Christmas Markets there, and also 2) to go to New Zealand and visit the Hobbit/LotR sets and see all the wildlife :’D
Favorite food: Mac n cheese, it’s just...so good....
Nationality: South African/British (yes, I am in fact dual-national even if my SA passport has expired and I can’t find money to renew it, it’s on my birth certificate and in my blood so HAH)
Favorite song: I have...a few... but uhh Bruno Is Orange - Hop Along Bury Me Face Down - grandson Domestic Bliss - Glass Animals (TW: abuse mention, abusive relationship) Raise Hell - Dorothy Woman King - Iron & Wine Save Rock n Roll - Fall Out Boy Saint Bernard - Lincoln I could go on for a while but these are the ones that oft live in my head rent-free XD
Last book read: I don’t even know, tbh....I haven’t been able to focus on reading in a while 😅
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in:
1. SWtOR (obviously. Gimme a lightsaber and Force powers, stat!)
2. LotR/The Hobbit
3. ARK: Survival Evolved (I’d prolly get eaten by a t-rex or a spino in like 5 mins but hey, the thought of actually having a bunch of pet prehistoric animals is nice~)
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baegarrick · 4 years
Have you considered a Zukka soulmate AU where you feel the same pain as your soulmate does... I'm both very in love with and absolutely terrified of the concept [thinking emoji]
YES ok so there’s a post about it actually (i couldn't find it so its prob in my queue) that I’ve seen which was very funny (it involved katara going “sorry sokka we have to beat you up to slow down zuko” and advancing on him with a bat) + I think there’s actually a fic in the Zukka ao3 tag (that I haven’t actually read, I was just browsing it yesterday) 
I have some THOUGHTS that ended up being long bc im incapable of being succinct so here they are: 
I’m a little picky on soulmate aus bc so many of them just don’t follow common sense + take away the concept of free will (I like the idea of this person being your perfect match, but what you do about it is up to you, rather than the ones that are like “you’ll meet this person at this exact time which means that you WILL be in a place that you can meet them” which kinda takes away the concept of free will, you know??) 
+ soulmate aus are notoriously difficult to make long because the idea is that you’ll get along with them because they are meant to compliment you, so fics that have them argue for NO REASON don’t work bc... why??? if you want the soulmates to not get along at first, or NOT want to be soulmates, they have to have a pre-existing relationship that would make them not want to be soulmates..... like your soulmate being your ENEMY and the ENEMY OF YOUR PEOPLE and the PRINCE OF THE FIRE NATION or like...... u know, a water tribe peasant whos harboring the 112 year old avatar
ANYWAY-- I think this soulmate au concept has the potential to be a long fic IF you’re willing to do a show rewrite bc this is one of those ideas that would be difficult to figure out at first and also difficult to accept!! 
ok so, I'm thinking this would be from Sokka’s POV, bc we see him and Katara first and a majority of the show is centered on him and the Gaang. (alternatively, you could do switching POVs to also show Zuko)
you’d have to catalog every time Sokka gets hurt (+ severity) and also Zuko’s injuries (arguably more important from Sokka’s POV bc he feels them), but when Sokka gets hurt you have to throw in Zuko wincing from the injuries and subtly showing him reacting to the injuries in a way the reader notices but not Sokka (irony, anyone??)
[minor interruption: what are the rules for this universe? is it just pain you feel? is it as sharp as your soulmate’s real pain, or is it more of a phantom pain from the blow? does it fade, or does it linger? how severe does the pain have to be to feel it? feeling all their minor feelings would be incapacitating difficult, so im thinking it would have to just be actual pain, like if you were hit on the head and it throbs or if you get a paper cut, not just like minor friendly punch from a friend *cough* toph *cough*. also-- is it just pain or injuries too? if your soulmate is stabbed, do you bleed too?-- I’m thinking more the phantom pain bit. you feel the sharp sting of a paper cut, but when you look, nothing is there. did you imagine it? you suddenly feel a blow to your stomach and double over, but nothing touched you. your friends look at you weird, and you know your soulmate must be an asshole bc people punch them all the gd time!!]
ok so: sokka doesn't notice at first. the first fight he gets into with his soulmate is in the south pole, and he’s fighting a guy. he gets tossed into the snow, he can’t land a blow (and if the guy he's fighting feels anything he doesn’t show it, he’s a better soldier than that). but when he does!! the boomerang comes back and hits the guy on the back of the head, and he winces involuntarily. He thinks its a sympathy wince/pain bc he’s been hit by his own boomerang before. 
when zuko is covered in a shock of ice, sokka shivers. [ngl i don't remember all their injuries, its been like a month since my last rewatch]
(aang figures out real quick katara is his soulmate. he takes one look at this BEAUTIFUL OLDER WOMAN and has to pinch himself. she yelps and socks sokka, telling him to cut out pinching her. he does it three more times for posterity.)
it takes a couple of meetings of repeated exposure that Sokka finally gets it. he’s not stupid, he just never would have ever considered that his soulmate might be fire nation. he only realizes it after being paralyzed by june’s shirshu and seeing zuko wince in the same spot. he’s too paralyzed to react properly, but Zuko isn’t paralyzed, and he doesn’t seem to realize it (it takes him ages to figure it out, actually, bc he doesn’t pay any attention to Sokka at all, actually.)
he tells katara and aang, who laugh themselves silly. that is actually the funniest joke you have ever made, sokka, katara laughs. yeah, good one, sokka! aang says. sokka gets mad and asks if katara remembers when he was 12 and dad had just left and he stumbled into the snow screaming one day like he’d been burned, clutching his left eye, but there wasn’t a mark on him? how the phantom pain had faded quickly, but unlike all the other minor cuts and bruises he had felt his whole life, he remembered this viscerally. it hurts sometimes, for weeks after that. this sobers her up quickly. it had been hard to understand for her, because she had never felt a thing in her life from her soulmate before meeting aang. 
katara asks him to prove it, and sokka throws up his hands, because zuko isn't here, katara, can’t punch myself in the face to see if he reacts!!
but before he has a chance, zuko has an assassination attempt on his life. sokka wakes up screaming in the north pole, like the time when he was twelve, and the pain quickly fades, but like the burn on Zuko’s eye, this pain ebbs and flows and comes back. the healers can’t heal a phantom pain, and tell him that his soulmate has gotten into some serious trouble. (sokka tells them he wants to absolutely murder zuko which is difficult because someone else is trying to do it first!!!)
he doesn’t even have to punch zuko to show katara and aang that zuko’s his soulmate, the injuries that sokka had felt show that off pretty well, when he shows up at the pond with the moon and ocean spirits. but none of that even matters, because he kidnapped aang’s body, the moon is gone, and Sokka can’t even leave his stupid soulmate in the snow to die like he would very much like to!! after yue’s gone he doesn’t even want to think about zuko
ok im too lazy to go through the eps looking for a good place that zuko might realize sokka’s his soulmate, bc tbh he doesn’t pay too much attention to sokka (meanwhile, as their main enemy, zuko gets a lot of attention from sokka) 
its possible!! he doesn’t even notice until they’re at the western air temple. sokka gets a vote because zuko’s his soulmate. zuko’s just like. what. what? WHAT??????? and sokka’s like, oh good, he didn’t even notice!!! i’m taking back my vote!! I think we should throw him off the side of the temple!!!!!!
there's a lot of teasing from everyone. toph punches him a lot and says “its for zuko”. and then keeps doing it, loudly, when zuko’s at the air temple, embarrassed. (when toph is mad at sokka she punches zuko even when sokka’s right there. she wants them both to suffer.) 
katara struggles a lot during this whole thing with how often Aang gets into fights, but she grins and bears it because she’s strong!! she can handle it!! and she knows that aang likes her and would try to protect himself more (and therefore protect others less) if he knew how much it was hurting her. 
forgive me for this small essay i just have a lot of Thoughts all the time and not a lot of motivation to write real things
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royal-viridian · 3 years
1. Why did you choose your url?
i like metallica's song king nothing :)
2. Any side blogs?
nah, was gonna set one up for my writing & essays but i still haven't gotten round to it
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
jan 2015
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no, you'll know when i'm online whether you want to or not <3
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i don't remember honestly, i think there were a couple people who were on this and only this that i wanted to follow? it's been that long tbh
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
bc she's cool as Fuck and great pretender is a great show that you should watch
7. Why did you choose your header?
it's pretty and i like kiznaiver
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
a silly post about "meaningful" choices in lis:bts
9. How many mutuals do you have? 9
10. How many followers do you have? 285
11. How many people do you follow? 54
12. Have you ever made a shit post? several
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
prob scroll through 2-3? i usually try to only check it in the morning and evening
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
nah i don't have the patience for that shit
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts
fuck em, chances are i was gonna reblog something before a snippy "why isn't this being talked about" was added
16. Do you like tag games?
ye they're fun :)
17. Do you like ask games?
i don't send people asks and i don't get asks so idrc either way lol
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
none of my mutuals are 'tumblr famous' w/e that means, but i have a couple who have a decent following :)
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
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teddylawrence · 4 years
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FULL NAME — theodore claude lawrence
NICKNAME — teddy, ted, tedward, bear (mom)
D.O.B. — february 13th, 1996
STAR SIGN / MOON & RISING — aquarius sun, sagittarius moon, n sagittarius rising too!
MBTI — enfp - the campaigner
MORAL ALIGNMENT — chaotic good
MARITAL STATUS & SEXUALITY — single & pansexual
LANGUAGES — english
TALENTS / HOBBIES — acting, singing, cheer, skateboarding, partying lawl, watching too many movies n tv shows
TOP 5 MUSICIANS — abba, troye sivan, dua lipa, billie eilish, the 1975
FAVOURITE BOOK — charlotte’s web ever since he was really little
FAVOURITE FILM & TV SHOW — 13 going on 30 or 10 things i hate about you, a cheesy older romcom basically / grey��s anatomy
FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME — like . mario kart or something he’s so bad at video games
WHAT DID THEY DO THIS PAST SUMMER? — stayed home trying to get ‘clean’
WHERE HAVE THEY TRAVELLED? — uh only throughout the states, new york, california a bit, etc.
DO THEY HAVE ANY DIAGNOSIS’S? — that juicy depression!
FICTIONAL CHARACTER THEY ARE MOST LIKE? — michael scott from the office, schmidt from new girl a bit w how dramatic he is, daphne blake from scooby doo
ARE THEY EMPLOYED? WHERE DO THEY WORK? — he used to be a bartender but decided maybe that wasn’t the Best idea given his circumstances so he’s working at a local diner rn
WERE THEY POPULAR IN HIGH SCHOOL? — honestly not at first cuz he had a major attitude and chip on his shoulder before settling in with the lawrence’s but became rather popular his junior and senior year
DO THEY DO DRUGS? — chuckles..... Too Much one might say......
DRINK? — :pensive: also too much probs ya.
WHERE WERE THEY BORN? WHERE DID THEY GROW UP? — syracuse, new york, but he was tossed left right and center growing up in the foster system all over new york
WHAT ARE THEIR PLANS POST-GRADUATION? — teddy always dreamed of broadway so he wants to try to slowly make his way to downtown new york and do his best there
PARENTS NAMES — annie holland & theodore rydel (biological), beatrice n kurt lawrence (adopted)
DO THEY HAVE SIBLINGS? NAMES & AGES? — ya!!! there’s maks (21, hunger game salutes julie n maks), n maggie (22, winks at neen), n then a whole onslaught of lawrence’s, they have an older brother james (26), bethany (18), nadine (10), thts all i remember i think thts it anyway
ARE THEY RELIGIOUS? WHAT IS THEIR RELIGION IF SO? — no he never rly grew up with a religion bt claims to b agnostic cuz he believes in Some Sort of higher power
HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE THEY SLEPT WITH? — like . idk 60+ probs.............
WHAT VEHICLE DO THEY DRIVE? IF THEY DON’T DRIVE, HOW DO THEY TRAVEL AROUND TOWN? — he has a license bt doesn’t have his own car, usually skateboards around n if all else fails walks/the bus
DESCRIBE THEIR FASHION — very hawaiian bbq dad chic............ lots of button downs with fun floral n crazy patterns, pretty soft boy esque i won’t lie. jst lots of bright fun colours usually with cuffed jeans n paired with equally bright shoes.
DO THEY BELIEVE ANY OF THE STORIES ABOUT RADCLIFFE? WHICH ONES? — he thinks they’re fun bt isn’t sure if he particularly believes in any of them....... tho the knocking lake freaks him out n he doesn’t like going over there if he can avoid it
DO THEY THINK THE MOTHMAN IS HOT? — he’d give him a go, why not! :D
A QUOTE THAT DESCRIBES THEM —  “If there is no love in the world, we will make a new world, and we will give it walls, and we will furnish it with soft, red interiors, from the inside out, and give it a knocker that resonates like a diamond falling to a jeweler’s felt so that we should never hear it. Love me, because love doesn’t exist, and I have tried everything that does.”
A SONG THAT THEY WOULD RELATE TO — high five - sigrid
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
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@moldygreenblue (tumblr why are you always like this? ;w; lemme tag) 
I believe I went off on her a little before (outside her dungeon, x) Anyway Futaba’s there for a number of reasons:
 I hate her dungeon, her shadow, just her whole arc from a lore perspective. The rules are broken....no...shattered for her, not just P5′s rules but previous games’ rules. (I think I mentioned it in these posts x, x, x, btw these are all pre Royal.....Atlus probs saw a post about it and was like “we need to add doubts in Royal maybe now it’ll make sense!” srry boo but she says it’s no her mom and her cognition should reflect that right away you still messed up, also too little too late).
I’m pretty sure I remember talking about how I do no think she is a good representation of mental illness, she basically is cured with the “power of friendship” after a week (of being conscious), and they only use her lingering issues when they need it for plot reasons (on top of the fact iirc the writing between main story and CoOp is contradictory, iirc she’s like “MC you’re the one who saved me! I can only go out if I’m with YOU!” and then the next day of one of my playthroughs Yusuke literally picks her up and she’s like “oh I’m fine now, and it’s thanks to EVERYONE!” and it’s just....pandering for a romance in that CoOp). It pisses me off she’s the rep for mental illness. 
She takes up too much screen time, and it feels like a lot of actual issues/obstacles we could just....overcome is instead made so we NEED to use her (I’m looking at you dungeon 3 of PQ2, you can suck it, Fuuka should’ve been the focus, literally makes no sense for Futaba to be the focus????) 
Ties into point 1 but still deserves it’s own point. I hate how she’s like “THEY STOLE MY HEART! THEY CHANGED MY COGNITION!” but....we didn’t.......we literally didn’t. Did we help/save her with our intervention? Yes, but it’s not cause it was supernatural, we just showed up for her. Did WE solve her issue supernaturally.....no....not really, we didn’t get a chance (remember how....there was no treasure! oOo yeah we go into her Palace, but that’s not really changing her, it’s us going in irl and being like “yo ya gotta go outside! get that sunny D!” than us screwing with her dungeon). She solved it herself, Yaldy gave her the app, she ran into her Shadow, she accepted her Shadow, she solved it on her own. Not only is it a straight up lie, and conflating someone changing their mind/”heart” with the PT way of changing hearts (as well as the fact you know....we didn’t change her cognition, she did), but it also reduces her own involvement in her own healing process and overcoming the obstacle herself. We were just the spark, the rest of the flame emerged from Futaba. Like listen, the IRL stuff we did was important, but when it came down to the wire, it was her own memory and faith in herself and her mom that helped her confront herself and her false memories (because y’know...she couldn’t hear us). And it pisses me off that the writers would take something important to a character and her message, away for some bullshit reason.
I dunno some times she acted like an ass and it was just annoying, I already had Makoto/Yusuke/Goro/MC(even Mona/Ryu at times, to other’s not each other, obvie they do it to each other) kinda getting away(or have gotten away) with that without much reprimanding. (and tbh, anything that could possibly be redeemable, is either nonexistent, or overshadowed by the fact she’s mostly just there for her be connected to a literal mother of a plot device, no her hacking isn’t needed you have superpowers and another world WHY do you need to rely on her????literally states in the first dungeon you can’t use a phone camera in the metaverse even, but for some reason a laptop is fully working?????I know one is part of the phone and the other is a comp but it’s our only tech we know/can relate back to, so what does it mean Atlus? Is the comp allowed but the phone isn’t? Why? Just explain. Here’s one I just made up for you: Phone has to have the app open at all times in the metaverse! Or, actually no tech works well in the Metaverse, which means no laptop, one or the other choose please)
Oh she kinda screws us over, until we joined we didn’t have any connections to doing anything illegal. Yeah she throws that out the window. I mean we can always sell her out, but we are her enablers/accomplices.
Someone I know who was studying hacking at the time (for their work) was like “she’s kind of pulling that shit outta her ass.” And it hurt them to watch any of her scenes play out (I think the wire tap was the one thing she got a pass on tho). It doesn’t help it’s not really explained enough (so they can see if it’s plausible). To them it’s cringe, to me it shows convenience for the story (obvie I care more about how it hinders the story skadlfj;alfj and if it’s like they say, it annoys me even more). 
Spinoff wise I hate how she tries to grope Anne and Makoto in P5D, and I hate how she takes up a shit load of screen time in PQ2 (I don’t care Hikari is a shut in, gdi Fuuka earned that spotlight in dungeon 3, it makes no sense why Futaba would do it, hell Fuuka should’ve been chiming in due to her knowing what it’s like to be bullied, same with Rise iirc she was also bullied, like god damn, PQ2 really went “We’re gonna give all the screen time to P5 kids even tho they won’t really do jack shit with most of it, and just have P3/4 kids chime in enough to remember they exist”) 
Basically I don’t like what she brings to the table, esp since the game makes us rely on her. She doesn’t spark the exact same amount of rage that Makoto does (tho if you saw me my last playthrough during Futaba’s dungeon I’d say it’s pretty close), but it does feel insulting from a long time fan/lore fiend/just a freaking viewer trying to consume the medium that’s seeing there’s some toxic stuff in her writing (and I don’t mean “toxic” I mean “it’s really bad to freaking think that friends will fix your mental health, it won’t, and it’s unfair to you and your friends to even think of putting that onto them” bad levels of thinking). 
I also find she’s a wasted opportunity, such as “oh what if we solved this mental illness with supernatural means? what could possibly go wrong? Esp with how drastic the change is for other people we’ve done it to! :D” *cough* *cough* If only they figured out that’d be kinda interesting *cough**cough* Oh mean what a violet coughing fit, I mean violent.... >.> *in a bad canadian accent* I really need soome air eh?..........8U ANYWAY, the biggest role she serves (besides spotlight stealing to justify having a hacker), is a connection to her mom and showcasing that even “good people” can have palaces.....sadly the latter seems to fall on deaf ears on even fans of this game.....and the writers/characters. So uhhhh good job failing at the latter (for awhile at least), and uhhh....we could just NOT have the former! I think the gov could be shady without them also getting in on supernatural stuff but that’s just me. 030
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