#Tax Extensions Online
fantasticalleigh · 1 year
this is a very weird rant to have on here and i acknowledge that but:
fuck people who wait until the last second to go somewhere to do their taxes. my dad works in a tax office and i barely ever see him during the tax season bc he’s always coming home so late.
apparently today they got so many people coming in that they had to start turning people away after a point because they just couldn’t handle any more even though there’s multiple tax preparers there. that’s never happened before. tax deadline week is always a nightmare no matter what but this is still ridiculous. now he’s probably not gonna get home until 3 am again.
 then his clients get so damn snippy with him when he accidentally sleeps in and opens up late the next day. and the majority of clientele he gets never come prepared and expect him to wrangle everything together for them. and they always have the worst attitudes.
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feeling-kinda-sad-ngl · 6 months
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nexgentaxes · 1 year
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phoebejaysims · 1 year
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Social Clubs Mod - DOWNLOAD
Tired of your sims walking aimlessly through town? No friends, no hobbies, no purpose? Put an end to their lack of a fulfilling social life by creating a million and one clubs for them to join and/or get kicked out of! 
With 50+ activities for you to push, including activities from over 10 different mods, and 4 specialised club types, you can create almost any club you can think of: book clubs, invite-only hangouts, afterschool clubs and more! Grow memberships, take part in tournaments and ship cute little subscription gifts straight to your sim’s door.
Note: This mod is very extensive, so please thoroughly read the documentation in the download that I’ve painstakingly written up.
Compatibility: Should be base game compatible however expansion packs, store content and mods add more content.
7 New Objects: Credit to @aroundthesims who has generously allowed me to use her items as well as @twinsimming who converted 2 items for me. Full credit in the documentation.
Testers: @desiree-uk who not only tested the mod, but contributed ideas for club activities, the banking system and the subscription gift system. @simsdeogloria who kindly offered to test the mod and caught some bugs that I had completely missed.
Credits: Full credit in documentation. However, thank you to @olomayasims​, IcarusAllsorts, Arsil, Buzzler & @zoeoe-sims​, @anitmb​, @greenplumbboblover​, @flotheory​ as I push some of their mods as activities.
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Club Types
Custom Club: Push specific activities (or no activity at all) and watch your active and inactive club members congregate and do said activities. Push bowling, swimming, rumba, nectar drinking, collecting, studying, music lessons, among many other things. 
Subscription-Only Club: While members won’t meet up, force them to pay a subscription fee to the club owner for your own purposes. Consider: food subscription service, council-tax payments, school fees.
Book Club: Choose a book for the book club. Your sims will sit together, have discussions, and read said book.
Formal Gathering Club: Set musicians and/or a speaker (podium or pulpit). Have your club members sit down and act like they’re listening to said musicians and speaker. Choose a skill to increase while the club is in operation.
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Club Vibes
Clubs can have different vibes depending on the cost and activities, attracting or repelling different types of sims. There are sports, games, intellectual, low-brow and high class clubs. Some personalities will be more inclined to join than others.
Customising Clubs
Set different open days, open hours, required club outfits, subscription fees, gender, age, career and trait requirements/restrictions, forbidden actions etc.
Allow or restrict autonomy in different ways. Make clubs open or closed invite, allowing or disallowing sims to join, leave, or be kicked out of clubs with or without your own input. Put club boards around town and let sims browse. Impress observers by having a great club session and watch them beg to join!
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Win tournaments and gain club acclaim. Get cash prizes, find yourself in the newspaper, and find out if any of your fellow club members are playing for the opposing team. Your own sim isn’t exempt from the repercussions of being a club traitor!
Create Bronzo accounts for your sims. You can link these accounts to schedulers and have the club fee delivered straight into the account. Take out loans, find the best interest rates online and stay out of your overdraft. Try not to get your account details stolen at the all new ATMs that you can place around town and don’t leave your debit card laying around near strangers!
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Download MTS: http://www.modthesims.info/d/677428
Conflicts: None.
If you would like to donate to say thank you, you can do that at my Ko-fi, here.
It’s been a long 8 months getting this mod done; thank you all for your patience and enjoy! @ me if you post any pictures of your clubs—I’d love to see your pictures.
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mariacallous · 8 months
A 32-year-old man in Pennsylvania posted a video on YouTube this week where he picked up a clear plastic bag containing the severed head of his father and held it in front of the camera.
“This is the head of Mike Mohn, a federal employee of over 20 years, and my father,” Justin Mohn said in the now-deleted video reviewed by WIRED. “He is now in hell for eternity as a traitor to his country.”
Over the course of the next 14 minutes, he ranted about a myriad of far-right talking points and conspiracies including Black Lives Matter, taxes, the LGBTQ community, and the Biden administration. He also urged viewers to kill all federal employees and seize federal offices, while railing against “far-left woke mobs.” He claimed to be the head of an American militia network known as Mohn’s Militia. “I am now officially the acting president of America under martial law,” he said.
But there was one issue that he focused on more than any other: migrants along the southern US border.
“The federal government of America has declared war on the American citizens and the American states,” the man says. “America will be less protected when the fifth column of illegal immigrants strikes Americans on our own soil.”
He also made demands that the US close its borders to immigrants and for “the mass deportation of the millions of illegal immigrants who have entered the country under the Biden regime, which has put Americans in direct harm.”
Over the past few weeks, right-wing rhetoric around a so-called migrant invasion reached new heights as the standoff between Texas governor Greg Abbott and President Joe Biden’s administration over the removal of razor wire on the Texas-Mexico border has continued. A convoy of far-right extremists is driving to the border and Republican politicians around the country have come out in support of Abbott.
Multiple researchers tell WIRED that the events and rhetoric surrounding the Texas-Mexico border could be linked to the violent video Mohn posted this week. This border controversy and the incendiary rhetoric surrounding it appeared to be something that deeply angered Mohn, highlighted by his YouTube video and the rest of his extensive online footprint of books, pamphlets, music and social media posts, many of which are steeped in far-right conspiracies. In a 2020 essay entitled “America’s Coming Bloody Revolution,” Mohn claims a violent revolution against the government is not only necessary but will succeed.
“For individuals in this conspiratorial mindset who have been subjected to countless hours of extremist narratives and grievances, every new flashpoint—from the Texas border crisis to the Israel/Hamas war to Taylor Swift—is evidence that their worldview is the reality,” Jon Lewis, a research fellow with the Program on Extremism at George Washington University, tells WIRED. “This act of violence represents the threat posed by mainstreaming hateful and dehumanizing rhetoric.”
“I listened to his diatribe about 20 times to write it all out and there is zero doubt in my mind that he was influenced by the recent events involving Texas,” Caroline Orr, a behavioral scientist and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Maryland who tracks extremism online, wrote on X. “This was expected and there will be others.”
Investigators have not mentioned a motive for the alleged decapitation, but Mohn was formally charged early Wednesday morning with first-degree murder, abuse of a corpse, and possession of an instrument of crime with intent. Police said in a statement posted to Facebook that they were alerted to the incident when Mohn’s mother called 911 and said she had come home to find her husband’s decapitated body on the floor of their bathroom. Mohn was arrested 100 miles away on Tuesday evening when he was discovered armed and wandering around a Pennsylvania National Guard training center at Fort Indiantown Gap, AP reported.
Multiple experts believe that extremism and conspiracy theories could still be at the root of what happened. “Some have been quick to write Mohn off as mentally unwell and while this may be accurate, this incident illustrates the threat of anti-government extremism and conspiracy theories, which have become all too common since the 2020 election,” Katherine Kenealy, the head of threat analysis at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, tells WIRED. “He was so steeped in anti-government beliefs that he not only viewed his father as a ‘traitor’ because of his purported job, but selected him as a target because of it.”
Following the alleged murder, far-right figures immediately began boosting conspiracies about the beheading being a false flag in favor of the Democrats—something that has virtually become a reflex action among far-right figures following major news.
One of the main narratives shared was a claim that the Democrats were behind the incident as a way of boosting support for the Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity bill currently making its way through Congress. One of those pushing this narrative was Laura Loomer, a close ally of former president Donald Trump.
“Justin Mohn sure looks like the perfect Democrat Patsy for the sake of demonizing people who call out the invasion on the border, and for the sake of getting support to ban militia,” Loomer wrote on X, adding: “Just another ‘coincidence.’”
“False flag and ‘psyop’ conspiracy theories have rapidly spread online since the incident,” Kenealy tells WIRED. “These narratives detract from the severity of the incident and attempt to minimize the threat posed by anti-government ideologies.”
But despite a long history of Mohn expressing his disturbing views on platforms like Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, as well as publishing music on YouTube, Spotify, and Deezer, experts say that it would have been virtually impossible to identify him as a threat before his alleged beheading of this father this week.
“It’s more or less impossible to track this stuff in advance most of the time,” Orr tells WIRED. “We can make an educated guess about what will happen when politicians are putting out inflammatory rhetoric that has incited violence previously, but it’s extremely hard to identify who is going to be the one who responds to the ‘call.’”
As the convoy heads toward the border and rallies are organized in Eagle Pass, Texas, Republican lawmakers, including former president Donald Trump, continue to push violent rhetoric. These kinds of actions, experts say, could lead to potential violence.
“It's hard to determine when acts of violence like this will occur, but given the panic being spread about the border, it's highly likely that more will act on these narratives,” Samantha Kutner, an extremism researcher and CEO of counter-terrorism company GlitterPill, tells WIRED. “Not everyone who gets exposed to conspiratorial worldviews and beliefs and theories about the border wall engages in violence, but the proliferation of disinformation and conspiracy theories does impact certain subsets of the population who are perhaps more vulnerable to that messaging than others.”
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
Congrats on the new mattress! Would you be willing to share the brand for a fellow Old who also has an unkind bed?
Aha, it's this one:
They have three different styles (basic, premier, and Premium TM), and because I had a bit of spare income from the Exam Grading Marathon (this was indeed my primary motivation for doing it this year), I splurged and got the top-of-the-line Premium version, which is the link above. This is also an ideal time for doing so if you are so tempted and/or have a little cash on hand, because they are still running the 4th of July sale wherein all the mattresses are half off. As such, I got a luxury mattress normally priced at $2.4k for like, $1.3k including tax (shipping was free, which was nice). The lower tiers also start at around $600, which is pretty reasonable for a mattress tbh. But if you can afford to have a bit of a splurge, then I feel like a mattress is something worth paying more for if you can. So yes.
There is a bit of leeriness involved in buying a mattress online when you haven't had the chance to test-drive it in a showroom, but I will say that I also briefly had the same concern (i.e. whether it would work if I hadn't been able to test it in-person beforehand) and mine is REALLY nice. I am a tall person with back pain, and that sucker is so comfortable. It is really thick and cushy on top, but it also has good support, and it does feel like a cloud. I got a full, which is SO big and thick that I will probably have to order queen-sized bedding at least, because the full-sized sheets barely fit. I got the hybrid (springs + memory foam) version, since I am someone who needs that lumbar support, baby, and as a stomach and/or back sleeper, it was super comfy for me in both positions.
The mattress is hefty (95 pounds...) though they manage to vacuum-pack and roll that sumbitch up real tight for shipping, and if you might need help hauling it around or moving it up stairs etc, that is something to consider. Fortunately, my apartment is on the first floor so I could mostly haul it around myself, but it was still a workout getting it on the frame. As noted, I would probably order sheets a size up from whatever mattress size you end up getting, because it's Chunky. But thus far, I am extremely pleased and look forward to doing more extensive quality testing this weekend. Ahem.
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tangibletechnomancy · 9 months
The reason I keep stressing that The Problem Is Capitalism isn't because I think we should all just give up on doing damage control with the worst of the ways new tech is abused and wait until Capitalism Gets Overthrown and solves all our problems; I think that's an incredibly stupid strategy for anything and damage control matters a lot-
I keep stressing it because ~98% of the proposed "solutions" are at best time-honored losing bets (e.g., "unmake these technological advances! Shove those worms back in the can NOW!") and at worst actively making things worse (agreeing with corporations that use of new tech is Mindless Unskilled Labor not even worth minimum wage) or even indulging in blatant trad and/or fascist ideology abstracted by the computer (if you have accepted the premise that degenerate art is a real thing and a great replacement is possible, you are headed for some DARK places even if you truly believe you're not fighting any human - you're already dehumanizing the people operating the "robot" you hate so much by extension).
We don't need copyright to devastate transformative art, we don't need to shove worms back in a can, and we DEFINITELY don't need to attack random hobbyists as Fake Artists; we need unions and automation taxes. We don't need to clamor for Real Art over Degenerate Art, we need to recognize the work involved in art that's been devalued for decades. We need to, for example, stop shitting on CGI because it's "lazy" and start shitting on the conditions that MAKE it unfairly cheaper than practical effects - i.e., corporate greed combined with the idea that the computer just does it for you and CGI is a cop-out rather than an art that we've been hearing since 1982; we need to push for VFX artists to unionize and recognize them as artists. We need improved unemployment protection as a foot in the door that can be upgraded into UBI, paid for with said automation taxes. We need online privacy protections so we have more control over who has access to personal things in the first place, as far as we can have privacy in a public space at all, and we need to undo Facebook culture and start remembering, and reminding others, that public websites ARE public.
Does it suck that the easy way out is anywhere from impotent to actively detrimental? Yes. Does the fact that it sucks suddenly make it untrue? No!
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loser-female · 4 months
i've seen the part in your bio saying you donate to feminist organisations so i'm just gonna ask you this, but do you maybe know any list of good feminist organisations or know anyone on here who put something like that together? i've been working my first real adult job for a bit and feel like i'm at a point now where i can put my money where my mouth is so to say, but i don't even know where to start. i don't want to donate to any places that do more harm than good
Hi! So I donate to people in my country generally speaking and I don't really keep track of other countries stuff. I will however make a list on how to decide if an organisation is worthy of your money or not. But in general to anyone reading this:
Before you start donating be sure to be financially stable. As in: you do have savings and disposable income.
Please be sure that the amount of money you decide to donate is actually... susteinable. No, donating the majority of your disposable income is not a good idea or a sustainable one.
I donate between 1 and 5% if my income, sometimes I don't when I do have too much expenses, sometimes when I see the org that gave me my cat Fetcher I hand them 50€ in cash(again, i can afford it, if you struggle to pay your bills don't) just because they are the best.
To anon in particular, about checking if the organisation is legit:
In certain countries publishing the year balance sheet. If you know how to read it, that's a good start: it shows where the money comes from and where it goes;
Read the organisation statute. Every association should have one: it basically says what the organisation is there for and what the values are. Do these sit right with you? Are they too vague? Are they too specific?
In what kind of activities do they engage? Is there proof of that? As in social media posts etc?
It's also fine if you send a mail asking where the donation money will go. Most charities will give you a detailed list;
Was there any controversies (in particular aroung the management of money) around that charities? If so, what was about them?
In general, do an extensive research if you want to support an organisation for a long time. Online you can find more complete lists of suggestions about this. Transparency is fundamental about everything. I also tend to avoid charities that rely on guilt tripping or emotional manipulation or... well, they are good people but clearly have no idea on what they are doing. Like when I see shelters spending money to give pets acupunture, just no, but that's me.
Also, in some countries money spent to join an organisation or donated can be written off your taxes by a certain amount.
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Hey, this is for my west-of-the-mountains PNW folks!
As they have for the last several years The Carbon Capture Foundation (TCCF) is offering free bare root native tree seedlings this fall for folks wanting to increase tree cover on their property. Primarily four species will be provided: Douglas fir, western red cedar, black cottonwood, and red alder. However if other species are needed, that may be possible by special arrangement. Generally the limit per household is 240 seedlings per year, but this limit may be exceeded by arrangement with TCCF. Pickup will be in southwest Washington near Longview.
Tree recipients are responsible for making arrangements to plant their seedlings and maintaining them. WSU and OSU Extension Foresters are available to help with questions online, by phone and sometimes in person. Also materials on seedling planting, care and maintenance will be provided by TCCF when you pick up the seedlings.
The only limitations for receiving the free seedlings is that they cannot be used for commercial purposes, for replanting areas you have had logged, or for planting areas that you have to plant to keep your ground as forest land for tax purposes. For planting purposes these trees should generally be planted about 12 feet apart. And cedars are best planted in areas that tend to be wet or close to wet areas. With our current drought conditions cedars are struggling to survive in dry areas that they formerly did well in.
Interested? Contact TCCF president Norm Dick at (360) 751-3142, or norm(at)thecarboncapturefoundation(dot)org
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beautifulpersonpeach · 6 months
BPP can you explain anything about what this UMG partnership might mean? I’m seeing some interesting conversation or some vague comments about it but it’s all going over my head a little bit.
Hi Anon,
The deal is simply an extension and expansion of the distribution deal HYBE has had with Universal Music Group (UMG) since 2021, which itself was an extension and expansion of the deal BigHit had with UMG Japan since 2017. The expanded scope in this latest deal includes the allowance for UMG artists such as Kendrick Lamar and Billie Eilish, to access and use the Weverse platform the way k-pop and HYBE-affiliated artists do now.
I've talked about this being the business case for Western artists using the Weverse platform on my blog before, here. So, none of this should be new or unexpected to anybody even marginally cognizant of how HYBE has been doing business since inception.
I saw your ask come in weeks ago, during the height of the hysteria around the UMG deal, and made it a point to not respond back then. Partly because I hope hindsight, now that everything has died down, better clearly shows just how ridiculous all of that fearmongering was.
Now, I'm about to say something technically controversial, but (as usual) it's what I think. I believe what's happening in online spaces right now all over the globe, is the (anti-)Jewish equivalent of the Red Scare. That's why the extension of a distribution deal that already existed, resulted in mass hysteria in a fandom filled with people who by all appearances are old enough to earn a salary and pay taxes. Regardless of how noble the cause, a lot of people are well past the point of no return in terms of the conspiracies they are ingesting as gospel. It's not exclusive to fandom spaces, like I said this is happening in online platforms all over. But fandoms are a pressurized environment and so it happens quicker in fandom spaces, even more so in a k-pop fandom where there already exists the latent expectation that k-pop idols and companies exist to cater to your every whim. It's the flip side of the parasocial contract between k-pop stans and the idols they feel entitled to.
I said this weeks ago, but I've checked out of this particular discourse. It took me some time to hear what the sides have to say, to see how they act, and to decide for myself what makes sense to me. None of it does, and so I've checked out.
Stream Neuron.
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whisperofthewaves · 7 months
I am flying to athens tomorrow for a couple of days and I need to pack my bag, but I also have to send some documents to the tax office before I leave OR ELSE, but because their fucking interactive pdf with the forms doesn't work with basically any browser/viewer except for internet explorer (what the fuck, but also I'm not surprised in the least) I have to print it and then go to the post office.
of course my printer is useless, and it's my fault for procrastinating three months replacing the damn cartridges, so I need to go to a xero point.
but I also should buy a tap extension replacement bc it broke off yesterday and now washing the dishes means you also wash yourself bc the splash is so strong. and that shop is in the opposite direction to the xero point.
and my flatmate asked me to buy her some stuff while getting the replacement.
and I have to sit down and puzzle out how to fill out the damn tax form, bc I've only ever done the simplified version online.
and we're going to watch Dune 2 today at 7pm.
and I ordered a pizza for breakfast/the rest of the day to get that out of the way, but the waiting time turned out longer than anticipated and I can feel almost physically the window of opportunity to get the hell up and go to the xero point closing with every passing minute I'm waiting for the pizza.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
A legal adviser to the European Court of Justice has argued a ruling allowing Apple to avoid paying €13bn (£11bn) in back taxes should be overturned.
The move is the latest in the long-running saga between the EU, the US tech giant and the Irish government.
Three years ago, a ruling which found Apple had been given illegal tax breaks by the Irish government was overturned.
But Advocate General Giovanni Pitruzzella at the Court of Justice said the case should be reviewed again.
He argued a series of legal errors had been made and the ruling in Apple's favour had failed "to assess correctly the substance and consequences of certain methodological errors that, according to the Commission decision, vitiated the tax rulings".
The legal opinion is not a final verdict and is non-binding, but the court does tend to agree with such opinions in the majority of cases.
In response to the latest twist, an Apple spokesman said that the initial ruling allowing the firm to avoid paying back taxes was "very clear that Apple received no selective advantage and no state aid".
"We believe that should be upheld," they added.
Amazon v EU: Has the online giant met its match?
Apple has €13bn Irish tax bill overturned
In 2016, the European Commission decided Apple had received unfair preferential treatment from the Irish government, allowing it to pay a much lower rate of tax than other companies.
The Commission said this constituted illegal aid given to Apple by the Irish state.
The affair became a symbol of the Commission's efforts to clamp down on what it saw as massive tax avoidance by multinational giants.
The Irish government has argued that Apple should not have to repay the back taxes, deeming that its loss was worth it to make the country an attractive home for large companies.
Ireland, which has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the EU, is Apple's base for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Although corporation tax rates for businesses are set nationally, and are not subject to the EU's jurisdiction, the trade bloc does have extensive powers to regulate state aid and in this case, it argued that by applying very low tax rates to Apple, Ireland was granting it an unfair subsidy.
Two years ago, the lower court, known as the General Court, ruled that the European Commission's decision that Apple should pay back taxes was legally flawed and should be set aside, but that ruling itself could now be overturned after the latest twist.
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omegaremix · 3 months
Record Store Victory Tour 2022.
They say that once in a while you should treat yourself. It’s not often I do. After nine months of stay-at-home recovery, I promised myself that, when I was in a better place emotionally and monetarily, I would. So I had a wild idea. I decided to do something for myself I’ve never done before: an island-wide ‘record-store victory tour’. It consisted of hitting up each and every music store I could and buy as many vinyl records, cassettes, and CDs I could.
It started when I received my third paycheck of the month, my tax refund, a monthly store bonus, and our company giving us full-timers an extra $1,000 from national tax breaks and major donations. It was 2018 and the timing was right. I was in a much better place than I was 10 years before and for the first time in a long time I was feeling great.
It was intense and exhausting, but I loved it. It felt great getting back into doing what I loved doing the most; visiting a record store and spending as much as I wanted to on anything and everything I was a fan of or read about. I chased the excitement of finding artists, albums, and sounds I always meant to take home with me and get the most bang for the buck as possible. It became one of the largest excesses of individualism I’ve ever done for myself and I was all the happy for it. In the end, I spent no more than $1,500.00 on 280+ titles across eleven stores. I had fun doing it, and I told myself that if I could, I’d do it again.
It’s now 2022, and a new record-store tour was way overdue.
 I missed the days where I’d get lost in the hunt and have the outside world fall behind me if only for a few hours. I never forgot the fascination of discovering those gems I waited years for and feeling surprised in finding the unexpected. In fact, those feelings never left me. I’m the same way now as I was then. I neglected myself for so long that I had to come back. And I did.
I’d return to all the stops I made last year. Gone are the ones who receded to online selling, and good riddance to the over-priced locations who’d scam anyone for three to four times the price. They would never get my attention from me. I even added a few new locations and then some. From the east end of Long Island to (now) some of Brooklyn and Manhattan’s most appealing stores, this year’s tour would be more extensive than the last - and the most expensive.
I knew I was better off financially than I was four years ago. I had way more in the bank than expected so I knew I could spend and feel guilt-free without the consequences or buyer’s remorse. You cannot even begin to imagine how much I laid out. Chances are it’s more than you ever want to.
And with money comes things I’d ultimately learn about this -tour. I no longer buy blindly and have Discogs at my hip. I’d discover specific albums and remembered searching through certain sections that changed the course of the visit. I’d revisit my Atari / Nintendo childhood via 7” and 12”s and also my alternative days when I told myself all the artists and albums I’ve once dismissed were actually OK. I even quit and cashed it in when I wasn’t feeling a store’s selection. Conversely, I’d go all-in and spend on genres and artists I felt I missed out on, plus insisting on giving my dealers a little extra for free records to keep them in business. That is what you call appreciation.
I’d tell myself to be patient and take all the time in the world for what I loved doing: staying in touch with myself. I’d build up my identity, to score style points, and separate myself from all the other vanilla people around me who “been there, done that”. Each and every record, tape, and disc I’d buy would be a beacon for me to shine on those who want to relate. They would all be ammunition for future playlists, broadcasts, and back-and-forth discussions on who-knows-what and what they don’t know.
In the end, I felt complete. I bought everything I wanted and did it all with no regrets. It’s the ultimate in self-care and the biggest favor I’ve ever done for myself.
Would I do this again? There’s always a shooting star’s possibility. I got it out of my system and things like these take a few years before I have a renewed urge to go for it. For now, there’s lots of titles I know I’ll never find in stores that I’ll find online. Should you ever have the chance to go all out and do a victory tour, do it. Do something guilt-free and with no regrets. Build yourself up, cross boundaries, take chances, and experience something that will stay with you forever. I promise you’ll be glad you did.
Needle & Groove:
Deodato: Artistry LP
Hank Crawford: We Got A Good Thing Going LP
Ronnie Laws: Friends And Strangers LP
Ron Carter: Blues Farm LP
Grandmaster Flash: “Flash To The Beat” 12”
Melle Mel & Duke Booty: “Message II (Survival)” 12”
Solitair ft. Choclair & Cardinal Offishall: “No Doubt” b/w “S.O.T.” 12”
Nu Shooz: “Point Of No Return” 12”
Techno Animal ft. El-P & Vast Aire: “We Can Build You” 12”
Frankie Goes To Hollywood: “Relax” 7”
System, The: “Don’t Desert This Groove” 7”
Academy Records (Manhattan):
Kool Moe Dee: “Death Blow” 12”
Prime Minister Pete Nice & Daddy Rich: “Kick The Bobo” 12”
Professor Griff & The Last Asiatic Disciples: “Pawns In The Game” 12”
Kool Moe Dee: “They Want Money” 12”
Queen Latifah: “Ladies First” 12”
Public Enemy: “Give It Up” 12”
Kool Moe Dee: “Wild Wild West” 12”
Heavy D. & The Boys ft. various artists: “Don’t Curse” 12”
Spoonie Gee: Godfather Of Rap LP
Original Concept: Straight From The Basement Of Cooley High LP
The Men: Devil Music LP
Stepdad SS: Mad About It LP
Vaaska: Ruido Hasta La Muerte LP
Institute: Re-Adjusting The Locks LP
Test Dept.: Compulsion (Machine Run) LP
Boy Harsher: Country Girl (Uncut) LP
Hubert Laws: Then There Was Light LP
Hank Crawford: Tico Rico LP
Richard ‘Groove’ Holmes: Dancing In The Sun LP
Glam: self-titled 7”
Perdition: self-titled 7”
Soaker: self-titled 7”
Strutter: self-titled 7”
Hombrinus Dudes: self-titled 7”
Deformed Conscience: self-titled 7”
25 Rifles: History Of Flags 7”
Funeral Shock: Paint Thinner 7”
Vagra: Refuse 7”
River City Tanlines: “The Devil Made me Do It” b/w “Nothing Means Nothing Anymore” 7”
Shizuo: “Sweat” b/w “Stop It” 7”
Code-13 b/w DS-13 split 7”
Billy Ocean: “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car” 7”
Stacey Q: “Two Of Hearts” 7”
Miami Sound Machine: “Bad Boy” 7”
Cameo: “Word Up” 7”
Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz: “Deja Vu” CS
Who’s The Man: motion picture soundtrack CS
Ata Kak: Obaa Sima CS
Captured Tracks:
Jon Lucien: Premonition LP
Ron Carter: Peg Leg LP
Ramsey Lewis: Love Notes LP
Hubert Laws & Earl Klugh: How To Beat The High Cost Of Living LP
Weather Report: Tale Spinnin’ LP
Olympic Runners: Don’t Let Up LP
Bootsy’s Rubber Band: Stretchin’ It Out In… LP
Jeff Lorber Fusion, The: self-titled LP
Blackbyrds: Unfinished Business LP
Herbie Mann: Sunbelt LP
Hank Crawford: Cajun Sunrise LP
Kool Moe Dee: Knowledge Is King LP
Blank Stare: self-titled LP
Police, The: “Every Breath You Take” 7”
Simple Minds: “Don’t You Forget About Me” 7”
Bangles, The: “In Your Room” 7”
Thompson Twins: “Hold Me Now” 7”
Janet Jackson: “Let’s Wait A While” 7”
Kim Carnes: “Bette Davis Eyes” b/w “Miss You Tonight” 7”
Alan Vega: Mutator CD
Marissa Nadler: The Path Of The Clouds CD
Record Stop:
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion: Now I Got Worry
Keelhaul: Subject To Change Without Notice
Outrage: Disharmony Brings Harmony
Lost Highway motion picture soundtrack
Candlebox: Lucy
Heavens To Betsy: Calculated
Lou Reed: The Blue Mask
Type O Negative: Life Is Killing Me
Judgment Night motion picture soundtrack
Stabbing Westward: Darkest Days
Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories: Tails
Goo Goo Dolls: A Boy Named Goo
Candlebox: self-titled
Collective Soul: self-titled (clear yellow case)
Mad Season: Above
Sponge: Wax Ecstatic
Collective Soul: Hints, Allegations, and Things Left Unsaid
Stabbing Westward: Ungod
Stuttering John: self-titled
Lou Reed: Transformer
Wattstax: The Living World
Beat Street Volume 2
Paul Simon: One-Trick Pony
Expose: Exposure
George Benson: The George Benson Collection Volume Two
Richard Marx: self-titled
Cheapo's (Commack):
Crusaders, The: Southern Comfort
Earl Klugh: Dream Come True
George Benson: Bad Benson
Brecker Bros., The: Straphangin’
Hubert Laws: The San Francisco Concert
Crusaders, The: Images
Richard Tee: Strokin’
Chuck Mangione: Feels So Good
Sonny Fortune: Infinity Is
George Benson: In Flight
Earl Klugh: Heart String
Hank Crawford: Don’t You Worry About A Thing
Tom Scott & The L.A. Express: Tom Cat
Crusaders, The: The Best Of The…
Ralph MacDonald: Counterpoint
Force M.D.’s, The: “Itchin’ For A Scratch”
Brecker Bros., The: self-titled
West Street Mob: “Let’s Dance (Make Your Body Move)” b/w “Monster Jam” (ins.)
Earl Klugh: Finger Paintings
Crusaders, The: Those Southern Nights
Sonny Fortune: Awakening
Depeche Mode: Black Celebration
Pig Destroyer: The Octagonal Stairway
Velvet Underground, The & Nico: self-titled
Rollins Band: Nice
Matthew Sweet: Altered Beast
Death: For The Whole World To See
Crowbar: Symmetry In Black
Cure, The: Disintegration
Menace II Society: original motion picture soundtrack
Run DMC: Greatest Hits
Queen Latifah: Nature Of A Sista’
X-Clan: Xodus
Gin Blossoms: New Miserable Experience
Matthew Sweet: 100% Fun
Indecision: To Live And Die In New York City
Rollins Band: Weight
Big Daddy Kane: Looks Like A Job For…
Pig Destroyer: Phantom Limb
Sisters Of Mercy: A Slight Case Of Overbombing
Sonic Youth: “Bull In The Heather”
Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy: Hypocricy Is The Greatest Luxury
Porno For Pyros: self-titled
Ice-T: “Ricochet”
KRS-One: self-titled
Eric B. & Rakim: Let The Rhythm Hit ‘Em
Boogiemonsters: Riders Of The Storm: The Underwater Album
Vision Of Disorder: The Cursed Remain Cursed
Matthew Sweet: Girlfriend
Fugazi: Repeater + 3 Songs
Grandmaster Flash & Grandmaster Melle Mel & The Furious Five: Greatest Hits
Das EFX: Straight Up Sewaside
Jane’s Addiction: Ritual De Lo Habitual (censored)
Sponge: Rotting Pinata
Lost Boyz: Legal Drug Money
Dead Kennedys: Bedtime For Democracy
Rollins Band: Get Some Go Again
Pig Destroyer: Head Cage
Cure, The: Wish
Depeche Mode: Speak & Spell
New Jack City: original motion picture soundtrack
Ice-T: O.G. Original Gangster
EPMD: Business As Usual
Velvet Underground, The: White Light, White Heat
Depeche Mode: A Broken Frame
Higher Learning: original motion picture soundtrack
Pig Destroyer: Book Burner
Looney Tunes:
Halsey: If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power  
My Bloody Valentine: MBV  
Full Of Hell: Garden Of Burning Apparitions  
Koyo: Painting Words Into Lies  
Every Time I Die: Radical  
Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist: Alfredo  
Pantera: Far Beyond Driven  
Henry Rollins: Think Tank  
Presidents Of The United States Of America, The: self-titled  
Pharcyde: Bizarre Ride II The Far Side  
Public Image Ltd.: Happy?  
Verve Pipe, The: Villains  
Velvet Acid Christ: Fun With Knives  
Psychopomps: Six Six Six Nights In Hell  
Kaada & Patton: Romances  
Parquet Courts / Parkay Quarts: Tally All The Things You Broke  
Nurse With Wound: The Sylvie And Babs High-Thigh Companion  
New York Dolls: self-titled  
Pure Disgust: self-titled
Diat: Positive Energy
Rogers Sisters, The: The Invisible Deck
Crusaders, The: Free As The Wind
Ronnie Laws: Flame
Earl Klugh: self-titled
Adrian Belew: Lone Rhino
Kurtis Blow: “The Bronx”
Flora Purim: Open Your Eyes You Can Fly
Bruce Hornsby & The Range: “Mandolin Rain” 7”
Bruce Springsteen: “My Hometown” 7”
Starship: “Sara” 7”
Rolling Stones: “Harlem Shuffle” 7”
Whitney Houston: “Saving All My Love For You” 7”
Robbie Nevil: “C’est La Vie” 7”
Samantha Foxx: “Touch Me (I Want To Feel Your Body)” 7”
Gloria Estefan & The Miami Sound Machine: “Anything For You” 7”
Bananarama: “I Heard A Rumour” 7”
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts: “I Love Rock ‘N Roll” 7”
Bruce Springsteen: “I’m Going Down” 7”
Pressure: Your Rage EP 7”
Plan A Project: 532 Seconds Of… 7”
Truth Inside: self-titled 7”
Record Reserve:
Def Leopard: “Pour Some Sugar On Me” 7”
Cutting Crew: “I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight” 7”
Kim Carnes: “Bette Davis Eyes” 7”
Eurythmics: “Here Comes The Rain Again” 7”
Huey Lewis & The News: “If This Is It” 7”
Janet Jackson: “Nasty” 7”
OMD: “If You Leave” (Pretty In Pink) 7”
Lita Ford: “Kiss Me Deadly” 7”
Don Henley: “The Boys Of Summer” 7”
Berlin: “Take My Breath Away” (Top Gun) 7”
Starship: “Nothing’s Gonna’ Stop Us Now” (Mannequin) 7”
Glenn Frey: “You Belong To The City” 7”
Make Or Break: Down For Life e.p. 7”
Poverty Bay Saints: self-titled e.p. 7”
American Cheeseburger: self-titled e.p. 7”
Riistetyt: Tuomiopaiva e.p. 7”
Transitions b/w After The Fall: split 7”
Insult: self-titled e.p. 7”
Degenerics, The: self-titled 7”
American Nightmare: “Four Song Demo” 7”
Embrace The Kill / In Defence / Hellmouth / Opposition Rising: split 7”
Wreck: Reap What You Sow e.p. 7”
Asinine Solution: My Dad’s A Goat! e.p. 7”
Sex Vid: Tania e.p. 7”
Steve Khan: Evidence 12”
Billy Cobham: Spectrum 12”
Crusaders, The: Chain Reaction 12”
Cheech & Chong: Los Cochinos@#!!* 12”
David Sanborn: Heart To Heart 12”
Spyro Gyra: Free Time 12”
Pat Metheny Group: self-titled 12”
Cars, The: Candy-O 12”
Paula & Carol: In The Magic Garden 12”
High Score: New Fuel 12”
Murder Suicide Pact: self-titled 12”
Insomnio: Happy Loneliness 12”
Ubasute: Tyranny Garden 12”
Terminal Youth: self-titled 12”
Sedatives: self-titled 12”
Sleeper Cell: self-titled 12”
High Card: Generation Y 12”
Massmord b/w Shades Of Grey: split 12”
Intensity: The Ruins Of Our Future 12”
R’N’R: self-titled 12”
Police Bastard: Traumatized 12”
Mrtva Budounost b/w Left In Ruins: split 12”
Still No Future: Under Pressure 12”
High Fidelity (first visit):
Weather Report: Mysterious Traveller LP
Chuck Mangione: Chase The Clouds Away LP
Urbie Green: Senor Blues LP
Sonny Fortune: With Sound Reason LP
Herbie Mann: Waterbed LP
Hubert Laws: Crying Songs LP
David Newman: Mr. Fathead LP
Al DiMeola: Elegant Gypsy LP
Herbie Mann: Bird In A Silver Cage
Richard Tee: Natural Ingredients LP
Grover Washington. Jr.: Feels So Good LP
David Sanborn: Promise Me The Moon LP
David Newman: Newmanism LP
Herbie Mann & Fire Band: self-titled LP
Roy Ayers Ubiquity: Mystic Voyage LP
Jackie Martling: Goin’ Ape LP
Pop Will Eat Itself: Box Frenzy LP
Freur: Doot Doot LP
Treacherous Three: “Gotta Rock” b/w “Get Up” 12”
Terror: One With The Underdogs CD
Every Time I Die: Gutter Phenomenon CD
Throwdown: Vendetta CD
Talking Heads: More Songs About Buildings And Food CD
Parliament: Up For The Downstroke CD
Joy Division: Closer CD
Cage: Hell’s Winter CD
Tha Alkaholiks: Coast To Coast CD
Goodie Mobb: Soul Food CD
Parliament: Trombipulation CD
Squarepusher: Ultavisitor CD
Batman Forever motion picture soundtrack CD
High School High motion picture soundtrack CD
Babes In Toyland: Painkillers CD
Every Time I Die: New Junk Aesthetic CD
Henry Rollins: A Rollins In The Wry CD
Deftones: Minerva CD
Parliament: Mothership Connection CD
Bootsy’s Rubber Band: Bootsy? Player Of The Year CD
Nitzer Ebb: That Total Age CD
Consolidated: Play More Music CD
Excessive Force: Blitzkrieg CD
Tool: 10,000 Days deluxe CD
Godflesh: Merciless CD
devL: self-titled CD
Parliament: Motorbooty Affair CD
Talking Heads: Stop Making Sense CD
Vfanhthore: Tremebunda Calígine RegionalistaCD
Sakrileg: self-titled CD
Sorgelig: Apostate CD
Rotten Age: Upadek ŚwiatłościCD
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona: Horns In The DarkCD
Sepulchral Cries: Misery Exhibits CD
Lihporcen: Illuminate CD
Sagverk: Sahataan Ne KaikkiCD
Sorgelig: Forever Lost CD
VolkeinBlucht:To Consume The Darkness Whole… CD
Tragedy Begins: Kleos Aenaon CD
Unholy Desolation: The Age Of Lost Souls CD
Torvara: Killing Culture CD
Sacristy: 4444 CD
Svartsorg: Agonie Des LichtsCD
Soundbombing (CS)
Kraftwerk: Autobahn (CS)
Poor Righteous Teachers: Holy Intellect (CS)
Dame: self-titled (7”)
High Fidelity (second visit):
Malcomb McLaren: “Double Dutch” b/w “Hobo Scratch (She’s Looking Like A Hobo)” 12”
2 Live Crew: “Me So Horny” 12”
Jackie Martling: What Do You Expect? LP
Kurtis Blow: self-titled LP
Animal Collective: Centipede Hz CD
Garbage: “When I Grow Up” CD
Filter: Anthems For The Damned CD
Pearl Jam: “Dissident”
Talking Heads: True Stories CD
Blind Melon: self-titled CD
Killing Joke: Democracy CD
Singles: motion picture soundtrack CD
Weezer: Pinkerton CD
Temple Of The Dog: self-titled CD
Filter: “Welcome To The Fold” CD
Seven Mary Three: American Standard CD
Folk Implosion, The: Dare To Be Surprised CD
Murs: 3:16, The 9th Edition CD
Double XX: Ruff, Rugged, & Raw CD
Aanomm: Dragging Hurtful Shame CD
Kveste + Neftaraka: Finis Coronat Opus CD
Alter Of Blood: Rehearsal 2018 CD
Cavus: The New Era CD
Darkness + Oltretomba: Horned, Winged And Grim CD
While They Sleep: La Nausee CD
Doden Grotte + Fullmoon Cult: Summon The Wolves Of War CD
Nostalgic War: self-titled CD
Pestem + Occulator: Bastards From Hell CD
Wraith: Shadows CD
Infernal Blast: Wolves Elitism Speech CD
Mordrean: Under The Black Frost CD
Iugulatus: Call Of The Horned God CD
Thantifaxath: self-titled CD
Basilisk: A Joyless March Through The Cold Lands CD
Darkness Creature: Darkness Do Mal CD
Nephilim: Klandestyn CD
Wolfenburg: self-titled CD
Blasphemus Crucifixion: Crude Burial CD
Dead To Earth + VolkeinBlucht + Idvarp: Three Way Split CD
Berzabum: The Compilation To The Infernorum CD
Lich: Cryptic Stench CD
Hatefrost: Frozen Land CD
Bloodrain: De Vermis Mysteriis CD
Nazghor: Diabolical Teachings CD
Graven Dusk: self-titled CD
Neocortex: Es Liegt Die Welt In Scherben ‎CD
Demonification: Obey The Antichrist CD
Cultus Funeris: Revertere Ad Locum Tuum CD
Liturgia Maleficarum: Totus Tuus CD
Mahdyhell: Conquerors of Hell (An Infernal Journey) CD
Neoheresy: Noc Ktora Dniem Sie Stala CD
Misanthrope: Noctivaga Tempestad De Inerme Conocimiento CD
Gestane: Dedicated To Total Devastation CD
Fornace: Deep Melancholic Wrath CD
Cultus Funeris: Revertere Ad Locum Tuum CD
Beheritbras: Goat Worshipping Blasphemic Metal CD
Freezing Blood + Widmo + The Sons Of Perdition: Desecration Rituals CD
Malaflame: Ca Del Diaol CD
* various artists: Nas Chamas Abismais Em Misantropia Luciferiana CD
Anger: Juvenile Anthems CD
25 Ta Life: Haterz Be Damned CD
Shai Hulud: Misanthropy Pure CD
Flipper: Generic CD
Nobodys: Hussy CD
Laughing Hyenas: Life Of Crime CD
Boysetsfire: After The Eulogy CD
Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack CD
Toll: Christ Knows CD
Noisex: Over And Out CD
Leaether Strip: The Rebirth Of Agony CD
Hocico: Sangre Hirviente CD
Noisex: Serious Killer CD
Cobra Killer: Six Secs CD
Noisex: Groupieshock CD
Controlled Bleeding: Larva Lumps And Baby Bumps CD
Leaether Strip: Serenade For The Dead CD
Noisex: 1920.00 CD
Wolf Eyes + Black Dice: self-titled CD
Kraftwerk: Tour De France Soundtracks CD
Infinity Records:
Black Dice: Load Blown 12”sampler
Buzzcocks: Spiral Scratch 12″ EP
Deodato: Very Together LP
Jon Lucien: The Best Of… LP
David Sanborn: Taking Off LP
Spyro Gyra: Morning Dance LP
Hubert Laws: Family LP
Gary Bartz: Love Affair LP
Richie Cole: Keeper Of The Flame LP
George Benson: Blue Benson LP
Deodato: First Cuckoo LP
Lovebug Starski: “House Rocker” 12″
Robert Palmer: “I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On” 12″
Lou Reed: “No Money Down” 12″
Sugarhill Gang: “Sugarhill Groove” b/w “8th Wonder” 12″
Father MC: “Everything’s Gonna’ Be Alright” 12″
Billy Ocean: “Carribean Queen” 12″
Raveonettes, The: In And Out Of Control CD
Metallica: Garage Inc. CD
Zola Jesus: Versions CD
Sunday Records:
Prince: “1999” b/w “How Come U Don’t Call” 7”
Re-Flex: “The Politics Of Dancing” b/w “Flex It” 7”
Normal, The: “TV Overdose” b/w “Warm Leatherette” 7”
Gary Numan: “I Die: You Die” b/w “Down In The Park” 7”
Pet Shop Boys: “It’s A Sin” b/w “You Know Where You Went Wrong” 7”
Robert Palmer: “Simply Irresistible” b/w “Nova” 7”
Pet Shop Boys: “What Have I Done To Deserve This” b/w “A New Life” 7”
Bananarama: “Cruel Summer” 7”
Belinda Carlisle: “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” 7”
Dead Or Alive: “Brand New Lover” 7”
Joan Jett: “Little Liar” 7”
Killing Joke: “Adorations” b/w “Exile” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “Silent Running (On Dangerous Ground) b/w “Par Avion” 7”
Tone Loc: “Funky Cold Medina” 7”
Suzanne Vega: “Luka” 7”
Human League: “Don’t You Want Me” b/w “Seconds” 7”
Escape Club: “Wild Wild West b/w “We Can Run” 7”
Erasure: “Chains Of Love” b/w “Don’t Suppose” 7”
Don Henley: “All She Wants To Do Is Dance” b/w “Building The Perfect Beast” 7”
Starship: “We Built This City” b/w “Private Room” (ins.) 7”
Todd Rundgren: “Hello It’s Me” b/w “Cold Morning Light” 7”
Huey Lewis: “Stuck With You” b/w “Don’t Ever Tell Me That You Love Me” 7”
Stevie Winwood: “The Finer Things” 7”
Wings: “With A Little Luck” b/w “Backwards” 7”
Robert Palmer: “Addicted To Love” b/w “Let’s Fall In Love Tonight” 7”
Bananarama: “Venus” b/w “White Train” 7”
Joan Jett: “I Hate Myself For Loving You” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “Through The Living Years” b/w “Too Many Friends” 7”
Stevie Winwood: “Higher Love” 7”
Don Henley: “Dirty Laundry” b/w “Lilah” 7”
J.J. Fad: “Supersonic” 12”
Black Moon: “I Got Cha Opin” b/w “Reality” 12”
Big Daddy Kane: Raw ‘91 12”
Kurtis Blow: “If I Ruled The World” 12”
Jeru The Damaja: “Come Clean” b/w “D. Original Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” 12”
Fu-Schnickens: “Ring The Alarm” 12”
Young MC: “Bust A Move” 12”
Chaka Khan: “Crush Groove (Can’t Stop The Street)” 12”
Big Daddy Kane: “I Get The Job Done” 12”
Double XX Posse, The: “not Gonna Be Able To Do It” b/w “The Pure Thing” 12”
Domino: “Sweet Potato Pie” 12”
Masta Ace Incorporated: “Jeep Ass Niguh” b/w “Saturday Night Live” 12”
Fonda Rae: “Over Like A Fat Rat” 12”
River Ocean ft. India: The Tribal EP
Grandmaster & Melle Mel: “White Lines” b/w “Melle Mel’s Groove” 12”
DMX: “Born Loser” 12”
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five: “On The Strength” 12”
Anti Nowhere League, The: The Perfect Crime 12”
Mr. Mister: “Is It Love b/w “Broken Wings” 12”
Thompson Twins: “Lies” 12”
Roxette: “The Look” 12”
T’Pau: “Heart And Soul” 12”
Dire Straits: Extended Dance EP 12”
Flora Purim: “Stories To Tell” 12”
Raveonettes, The: Pe’Ahi 12”
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark: “If You Leave” b/w “La Femme Accident” 12”
Nu Shooz: “Point Of No Return” 12”
Falco: “Vienna Calling” b/w “Rock Me Amadeus” 12”
Shirts, The: self-titled 12”
Belinda Carlisle: “I Get Weak” 12”
Captain Sensible: “Wot!” 12”
Young Gods, The: self-titled 12”
Men Without Hats: “The Safety Dance” 12”
Level 42: “Something About You” 12”
Killing Joke: “Sanity” b/w “Eighties” 12”
Pere Ubu: The Art Of Walking 12”
Kraftwerk: The Man-Machine 12”
Innocent, The: Livin’ In The Street 12”
XBXRX: Gop Ist Minee 12”
Cabaret Voltaire: The Crackdown 12”
Cars, The: Panorama 12”
Cheapo's (Mineola):
Krush Groove: motion picture soundtrack LP
Spyro Gyra: Carnaval LP
David Sanborn: Taking Off LP 
Lee Ritenour: Captain Fingers LP 
Rasa: Everything You See Is Me LP
Ronnie Laws: Fever LP
Hubert Laws: Say It With Silence LP
Earl Klugh: Living Inside Your Love LP
Billy Cobham: Magic LP 
George Benson: Blue Benson LP    
Nas: Life Is Good CD
Salt-N-Pepa: Very Necessary CD
Craig Mack: Project: Funk Da World CD
Notorious B.I.G., The: Ready To Die CD
Tool: 10,000 Days (non-deluxe) CD
Live: Four Songs CD
Bjork: Selmasongs CD
Henry Rollins: Big Ugly Mouth CD
Hole: Live Through This CD
Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables CD
Bad Brains: self-titled CD
Posies, The: Dear 23 CD
Les Savy Fav: Inches CD
Savages: Adore Life CD
Die Krupps: Odyssey Of The Mind CD
Peaches: The Teaches Of Peaches CD
VNV Nation: Matter + Form CD
Cyberaktif: Temper CD
Indecision: Release The Cure CD
Dead Kennedys: In God We Trust, Inc. / Plastic Surgery Disasters CD
Live: Mental Jewelry CD
John Cougar Mellencamp: “Paper In Fire” 7”
Bangles: “Hazy Shade Of Winter” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “All I Need Is A Miracle” 7”
‘Til Tuesday: “Voices Carry” 7”
Loverboy: “Working For The Weekend” 7”
Glenn Frey: “The Heat Is On” 7”
Fabulous Thunderbirds: “Wrap It Up” 7”
John Cougar Mellencamp: “Small Town” 7”
Jackie ‘The Joke Man’ Martling: Hot Dogs And Donuts CS
Madonna: The Immaculate Collection CS
Jackie ‘The Joke Man’ Martling: Rollin’ With The Punches CS
Innersleeve Records:
(No purchase.)
2 notes · View notes
lunarsilkscreen · 8 months
The Domain-Name problem
China gets a lot of hate for sectioning off the rest of the internet from their people. But that's probably one of the things they got right .
When the internet hit a global scale, China reasonably thought "we should have our local stuff more readibly accessible to our local people" after-all, what use is driving directions to an individually owned diner in Vermont to somebody in Xinagsheng?
China created their own internet, which to the internet is just a very large intranet.
The reason for this is because the base internet design really only benefited the U.S., and didn't take into account fiberoptic wires under the ocean to communicate with other countries.
We can see it in effect today with IP4 vs IP6. Where the use still uses the IP4 standard and the rest of the world is forced onto IP6. (Internet address Protocol)
Domain Names (www.address.com) only turn an IP-Address into something human readable. And again we see the same paradigms; U.S. first, and then a country designator at the end (co.jp, co.de...
The (www) part is the sub-domain, or part of the same network as the domain, just a different machine (usually, not always).
Now, the .com, .net, org was originally supposed to mean (commercial), (network), and (organization). But as we've seen: didn't mean much to actual usage... Now they're just random extensions we don't care what they mean anymore.
And there's a problem; parsing out a domain name could be as complex as
Sub.sub2.domain.co.jp vs sub.domain.com vs domain.org: which part indicates what is local on the server? And which part indicates what the infrastructure(internet routers) should use to direct traffic? There isn't a set standard here.
What this means to me is that we should rethink how we split up the internet. In order to allow users to visit hosts from other countries*and* allow foreigners to see (but not necessarily interact with) local social media.
And how can we tell which websites are operating effectively doing operations for multiple countries? Like Amazon. Country tax laws can't tell.
I get the feeling Elon Musk would be very sad about the development after his very large purchase.
For the interest of National Security and World-Wide-Economic prosperity.
There are even large amounts of data used in search engines and AI to infer local area around the user, that could be clarified via a change in systems.
Think about our area codes for phone numbers and zip codes for mail. We don't have them online. I think we need them.
If not simply to increase the speed of the internet.
7 notes · View notes
girlactionfigure · 11 months
ISRAEL REALTIME — war updates 19:45 Oct. 23
— HOSTAGE NEGOTIATION?  An Israeli source confirms: Qatar is working significantly to bring about a hostage deal with Hamas. (Yaron Avraham, N12). The White House spokesman for national security affairs, John Kirby, refused to answer the question about negotiations with Qatar on the release of additional abductees. Kirby said of the abductees: "Hamas should release all the abductees.”
— FOREIGN HOSTAGES TO BE RELEASED? A site “BahaNews” wrote, A number of foreign hostages who have been reportedly held by Hamas since October 7 are expected to be released "within hours," sources told Al Arabiya on Monday. ((I could not find this on the Al Arabiya English web site.))
Earlier today, The New York Times reported, citing information from an unnamed Israeli official, that the Palestinian genocidal group might release an additional 50 hostages with dual citizenship following extensive discussions between the United States and Qatar.
— AN ECONOMIST CORRECTS… a reader who is an economist wrote, “Higher interest rates keep the sheqel strong as you said. BUT that KEEPS PRICES FROM GOING UP! You wrote the opposite.”  Does it lock in the current pricing, keeping it from getting worse? “Yes.  And higher interest also makes borrowing dearer. Economics is a weird thing.”
— TAX AUTHORITY… Some reporting and payments may be delayed until March 31, 2024. The decision was made due to the war.  Contact the authority.
— NORWAY THREATENS… The Norwegian Foreign Minister stated that Norway is "ready to assist in the investigation of war crimes in Israel and Gaza”.
— POLITICS… Chairman of the Labor Party, MK Merav Michaeli: "Netanyahu needs to be replaced immediately. Not tomorrow and not after the campaign - immediately. Not only is it possible - it is necessary"
— KIRYAT GAT, RELATIVELY CLOSE TO GAZA… is gradually bringing back classes in kindergartens and elementary schools in the city. The daycare centers and kindergartens will open on Wednesday in an emergency format and the elementary schools will open tomorrow, also in an emergency format. High schools will continue to operate online only.
— PLANS AND PERMISSION FOR HORROR (gruesome warning)… The IDF published excerpts from an interrogation conducted with a Hamas terrorist who participated in the attack on Kibbutz Alumim and was captured by the security forces. During the investigation, the terrorist revealed that the terrorists received permission to commit atrocities, including religious legal instruction: "The plan was to go from house to house, from room to room, throw grenades and kill everyone, including women and children." The terrorist also confessed that Hamas approved abusing bodies and even dismembering them.  (N12 Nir Debori)
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masllp · 1 month
Subsidiary Company Registration in India: A Comprehensive Guide by Masllp
Setting up a subsidiary company in India has become an increasingly attractive option for foreign businesses seeking to expand into one of the world's fastest-growing economies. Whether you're a multinational corporation or a small business looking to tap into the Indian market, registering a subsidiary company in India offers numerous benefits. In this guide, we'll explore the process, benefits, and key considerations for subsidiary company registration in India, with expert insights from Masllp. Why Register a Subsidiary Company in India? India's booming economy, large consumer base, and favorable business environment make it an ideal location for foreign businesses to establish a subsidiary. Here are some compelling reasons to consider subsidiary company registration in India:
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Access to a Growing Market: India is one of the largest markets in the world, with a population exceeding 1.4 billion. This vast consumer base offers tremendous opportunities for growth and expansion.
Favorable Investment Policies: The Indian government has implemented several reforms to attract foreign direct investment (FDI). These policies provide various incentives, including tax benefits and easier regulatory procedures.
Limited Liability Protection: A subsidiary company in India operates as a separate legal entity, offering limited liability protection to the parent company. This means that the parent company's assets are protected in the event of any liabilities incurred by the subsidiary.
Operational Flexibility: A subsidiary in India can operate independently, allowing the parent company to maintain control while benefiting from local expertise and resources.
The Process of Subsidiary Company Registration in India The process of registering a subsidiary company in India involves several steps. While it may seem complex, partnering with experts like Masllp can streamline the process and ensure compliance with all legal requirements.
Choosing the Right Business Structure: The first step is to decide on the type of subsidiary company you wish to establish. The most common types are:
Private Limited Company: The most preferred structure for foreign businesses, offering limited liability and ease of management.
Public Limited Company: Suitable for larger businesses planning to raise capital through public offerings.
Branch Office: An extension of the parent company, suitable for companies looking to explore the market without establishing a separate legal entity.
Obtaining Digital Signatures (DSC) and Director Identification Numbers (DIN): The directors of the subsidiary must obtain DSC and DIN, which are essential for filing online documents with the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
Name Approval: The next step is to reserve a unique name for the subsidiary company. This is done by submitting an application to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
Drafting Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA): These documents outline the objectives, rules, and regulations of the subsidiary company. They must be drafted and submitted along with the registration application.
Filing the Registration Application: The final step involves submitting the registration application to the ROC, along with the necessary documents and fees. Once approved, the ROC issues a Certificate of Incorporation, officially recognizing the subsidiary company.
Key Considerations for Subsidiary Company Registration in India Before proceeding with subsidiary company registration, there are a few critical factors to keep in mind:
Compliance Requirements: Subsidiary companies in India must adhere to various compliance requirements, including annual filings, tax obligations, and audits. Partnering with experts like Masllp ensures that your subsidiary remains compliant with all legal requirements.
Taxation: Understanding the tax implications of operating a subsidiary in India is crucial. Subsidiaries are subject to corporate tax, GST, and other local taxes. Masllp can provide guidance on tax planning and optimization strategies.
Local Partnerships: Establishing partnerships with local businesses or consultants can provide valuable insights into the Indian market and help navigate regulatory challenges.
Cultural and Language Differences: Understanding the cultural and linguistic nuances of the Indian market is essential for successful business operations. Investing in local talent and resources can bridge these gaps.
How Masllp Can Help with Subsidiary Company Registration in India Navigating the complex process of subsidiary company registration in India requires expertise and local knowledge. Masllp offers comprehensive services to guide foreign businesses through every step of the process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Our services include:
Legal Consultation: Expert advice on choosing the right business structure and complying with Indian regulations.
Documentation and Filing: Assistance with drafting and submitting all necessary documents, including MOA, AOA, and registration applications.
Tax Planning: Guidance on optimizing your tax strategy to minimize liabilities and maximize profits.
Ongoing Compliance Support: Ensuring your subsidiary remains compliant with all legal requirements, including annual filings and audits.
Conclusion Registering a subsidiary company in India is a strategic move that can open doors to one of the most dynamic markets in the world. With the right guidance and support from Masllp, you can navigate the registration process with ease and set your business up for success in India. For more information or to start the process of subsidiary company registration in India, contact Masllp today. Our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way.
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