#Target didn’t even have pride stuff
azrail-has-a-vendetta · 3 months
me in the target parking lot after spending $60+ dollars on my mom’s gift: If she doesn’t like this I’m going to tell the church. I’m going to tell the church I’m gay. Gay and trans, please end my misery.
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fandoms-x-reader · 1 month
Goth! MC
Requested By: @fernstarsblog
Summary: How the OM! characters would react to an MC who is goth/drawn to the supernatural. The Sevon Demon Brothers & Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon and Solomon Word Count: 2,504
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Lucifer remains as expressionless as ever when he first sees you.
After all, you’re a new human exchange student. That’s what everyone should be focusing on, not the way you did your makeup or the way you were dressed.
At the end of the day, you were a target to lower-level demons no matter how you looked.
But, take away those formalities, and Lucifer is completely attracted to your look.
You had an ethereal beauty to you - something he had yet to see in any other human and it drew him in like a moth to a flame.
He’ll notice everything about you - your outlook on life, your interest in the dark and mysterious, etc. 
And he’ll find the opportune moments to have conversations with you about these topics. Lucifer is as much a well of information as Satan, he just doesn’t typically flaunt it the way his younger brother does.
Lucifer is particularly interested in the Gothic culture when it comes to buildings and decoration. Would you say the House of Lamentation fit the bill?
Lucifer only agreed to allow you to put eyeliner on him after a whole lot of Demonus was in his system.
And he wore it with absolute pride. 
Until he realized you took a picture of him with the makeup on and sent it to his brothers.
It’s funny that you’re attracted to the supernatural because he’s about to turn you into a ghost.
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Mammon came into the assembly hall with so much confidence, ready to tell you off in front of everyone and make sure you knew that he was the one in charge.
But, when he actually saw you, he stuttered.
He still managed to get his words out in the end, but why were you dressed like that?
Mammon thinks you look great, but you weren’t what he was expecting and you definitely didn’t look like a pushover like he was hoping.
Mammon will boast about your look to others, and he’ll dare someone to comment on it in any way that he didn’t deem acceptable.
But if you’re interested in the supernatural, that’s where Mammon draws the line.
Let’s not forget he’s a scaredy cat when it comes to things like horror movies and ghost stories and whatnot.
He’ll act all brave in front of you, pretending as though he’s interested in the same stuff just for a chance to spend time with you.
But if you go somewhere scary he’ll be holding your hand and if you watch a movie that frightens him, he’ll sit closely to you and offer to turn the light on - all for your sake, of course. He can’t have his human having a heart attack!
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That being said, you did notice that Mammon’s latest photoshoot was all goth-themed and he even did the makeup to perfection.
Levi knows all about goth culture.
There are so many iconic characters in his manga and anime who are goth and he can’t help but admire the way they look and act.
There’s something just so intriguing and mysterious about them!
Not to mention the fact that a ton of his video games have designs modeled after gothic looks for their playable characters, NPCs, and the overall setting of the game.
Levi has even considered trying out the gothic look himself when he wanted to cosplay as one of those characters.
But, he’s never been able to bring himself to do it, afraid he won’t be able to get the look right.
But now that he has you, he’s ready to try it!
Please show him all your tricks on properly doing the makeup. He wants to look like this character in this anime!
You’re a bit surprised at how well Levi pulls off the goth look. The eyeliner really brings out his features.
He freaked out when you told him that, but he’ll keep it in mind.
He can’t wait to play all of his favorite games with someone who can truly appreciate the gothic nature of them!
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Satan was one to notice your appearance straight away.
There was something different about you than the typical happy-go-lucky and naive humans he had seen pictures of in his books.
Your appearance was something that enticed him.
There was something beautiful and mysterious about the makeup and clothes you wore.
His initial thought was that you looked like you walked right off the pages of one of Edgar Allan Poe’s books.
He even went so far as mentioning that to you and if you tell him that you knew who he was talking about, Satan would be ecstatic.
He believed that Poe was an excellent author in his own right, but he was also from the Devildom so he couldn’t be sure that humans would hold the same affection.
He’ll offer to read some of his stories with you excited to use the similarity to try and get to know you. 
And if you have any other books or authors that were similar he would be more than happy to read those as well!
If you’re drawn to what humans would consider “supernatural” Satan is the best person to turn to.
His knowledge is extensive and he will happily tell you about any creature that you’re curious about.
If you want simple information, he’ll just tell you if it exists or not.
But if you want to know more than that, he’ll excitedly tell you all of the facts he knows.
If you mention a creature he doesn’t know about, he’ll take you to the library and the two of you will do research together until you find what you’re looking for.
All in all - he likes that you’re goth.
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Asmo is a bit taken aback by your appearance at first. 
He isn’t used to seeing others wear heavy make-up or such interesting clothes. 
He kept up with all of the latest fashion trends, so of course he knew about the “goth” look.
He just doesn’t typically do it on himself.
But, he loved the way you looked. So much so that he considers you his inspiration for his new look!
Asmo will be attached to your hip, asking you which makeup products you prefer and which colors you tend to use.
He liked making his own clothes and he will make up some outfits that have a gothic look to them with a touch more of Asmo.
He’ll set up a whole photoshoot to show off his clothes and he’ll ask you for help with his makeup.
He wants to make sure he does the look right!
He’ll ask you to do the photoshoot with him, wanting the world to see the two of you together.
But, if you decline, he’ll just take double the amount of photos to make up for it. 
After that photo shoot, you do notice that others in RAD have started dressing the same way.
You and Asmo have started a new trend.
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Beel doesn’t focus too much on appearances. It’s all about what’s on the inside for him.
He likes your overall aesthetic, but at the end of the day, he isn’t completely wrapped up in the details of your appearance like some of the others would be.
Did you call yourself “goth”? You’ll have to explain to him exactly what that means.
He’ll ask you if goths eat the same food as other humans in a completely innocent and curious way.
Bad time for a vampire joke.
Beel thought that you were serious about drinking blood and was a bit wary of you. 
Beel can bond with almost anyone about almost anything so he’ll find a way to connect with you.
He enjoys learning more about your culture and he even lets you put makeup on him to see what he would look like.
He 100% pulls off the goth look. 
He also likes listening to you go on and on about your knowledge of the supernatural.
He’ll happily munch on food while he listens to you talk, smiling at the way your eyes lit up as you talked about something that was so closely related to his world.
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Belphie is one to make witty comments about your appearance.
He’ll joke about keeping you away from garlic or keeping you inside during a full moon.
He’ll tease you about wearing too dark make-up and will ask you if you have more than one color in your wardrobe.
Basically, anything he can to hide the fact that he finds your look insanely hot.
He’s a total sucker for the goth look but you would never get him to admit it.
He finds your conversations so much more interesting than any other humans because where they shy away from dark topics, you embrace them.
He’ll feel naturally drawn to you and one day you caught him looking up how to do goth makeup on his D.D.D.
He immediately denied it but from that point on you made it a point to try and convince him to let you do his makeup.
He declined every single time and you eventually had to wrestle him and pin him down so that you could apply eyeliner to him.
It was obvious that he wanted to see what he looked like with it because he could have easily pushed you off if he really wanted to.
Belphie pulls off the look effortlessly. He fit right in with the goth culture.
And the next time you were in his bedroom, you noticed eyeliner sitting on his dresser.
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Diavolo found your appearance strikingly beautiful.
As the future King of the Devildom, he was drawn to all things dark and mysterious and you fit both of those categories to a T. 
How could he not be attracted to you when you already looked like you belonged?
Diavolo is a very busy man though and didn’t have much time to get to know you at first.
Instead, he had to admire you from afar.
He noticed the way that you wouldn’t be afraid of things in the Devildom. Most humans would have already run for the hills by now.
But you welcomed those things and even looked excited while experiencing them.
When Diavolo finally had a chance to speak with you privately, he wanted to know everything about you.
He was curious to know how you perceived the supernatural and what stories the human world offered about them versus how they actually were in real life.
He wears his classic boyish grin as the two of you talk about it. It’s the first conversation in a long time that he’s been so invested in.
After the two of you grow closer, you manage to convince him to try the makeup.
But, he’ll only do it in your presence. He doesn’t want others to see him with goth makeup in case he can’t pull it off.
But, goth makeup on Diavolo is a 10/10 - especially if he’s in his demon form.
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Barbatos won’t mention anything right away, but he does find your goth appearance intriguing. 
Were humans starting to become more in tune with the dark secrets the world had to offer or was it just you?
He had been alive for far too long to be able to keep up with every fashion trend that came out. They all blurred together for him.
But this one stood out. It was alluring in the best way.
It was a look that demanded one’s attention and then refused to let it go. 
And whenever you were in the same room as him, his attention was all on you. 
He would do his best to perform his tasks like normal but his eyes would find their way to you no matter how many times he tried to look away.
He can’t deny the excitement he has when you talk to him about the Devildom.
You have such a natural curiosity for dark things and Barbatos has such an affinity for talking about them.
And your perspective on things in life is refreshing. 
He’s had so many mundane conversations in his life but you find a way to always grab his attention.
The two of you would get along very well.
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Simeon is a bit taken aback by your appearance at first.
He came from the Celestial Realm where everything was bright and bubbly. 
So, he didn’t know what to think when he saw you decked out in such attention-grabbing makeup and clothes.
There was no doubt about it, you looked great.
But what was it about your look that was so appealing? He couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
Simeon does some research on the side to understand goth culture.
He finds it much easier to bond with you after knowing why you wear the makeup that you do and the customs surrounding it.
As an angel, he should have been put off by the fact that you were drawn to darker-themed ideas.
But, Simeon secretly had an inner desire to try some darker things himself.
He’s lived his whole life as an angel - don’t judge him.
This inner desire is what drove him to ask you to do his makeup. He just wanted to see what he looked like with it on. For research purposes.
Luke ended up catching the two of you and nearly had a meltdown. So, Simeon didn’t dare try it again.
But you did inspire his main character for his new book.
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Being a fellow human, Solomon knows all about the goth trend.
So, there’s no need to have to sit him down and explain it to him.
That being said, you are the first person he had seen execute the look so perfectly and he can’t help but admire you.
How do you manage to get your makeup to look so perfectly? And do you make your own clothes or do you buy them online? Surely you can’t find some of the items you wear at the regular outlet store.
Oh, you want him to try the look out? He couldn’t possibly do that…he says as he’s handing you the eyeliner.
Solomon pulls off the look very well and you have him questioning himself. Why hadn’t he ever thought to try this out?
Solomon will use his new look to prank the brothers with you - especially Mammon.
They don’t quite understand the goth culture so he’ll make it a point to go out of his way to make them think it’s so much more sinister than it is.
“Mammon, let us drink your blood, won’t you?” The white-hair demon ran faster than when he was running from Lucifer.
“Satan, I think I’m having an allergic reaction to the garlic you put in this meal.” The fourth-born laughs it off until you both start hyperventilating.
Then he’s freaking out and looking for a cure until you and Solomon burst out laughing. Not funny.
Solomon would 100% be your partner in crime.
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gay-dorito-dust · 10 months
Could you possibly write headcanons for a relationship with Mizu from The Blue Eyed Samurai? Hope all is well with you!
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At first being in a relationship with Mizu was heavily strained for a multitude of reasons but the main one being that the people in Mizu’s life don’t tend to stay for the long run.
Which meant that Mizu was always putting a good deal of distance between the two of you as a way to prevent becoming overly attached to you, in the fear that you wouldn’t last as long either.
They acted like your second shadow with how close they stood near you, especially when in the company of unsavoury and shady individuals. A silent body guard that was about as still as a statue unless a move was made against you with ill intentions.
However thar never stopped Mizu from answering the call they had to protect you when needs be but by the time the threat was eliminated, it was back to pushing you away while keeping conversations you had to a minimum, all in hopes of deterring any and all hope you may have for a connection.
It’s not in a mean way but more so Mizu’s way of protecting you without integrating you into their mess, or be targeted by people who would love nothing more then to hit Mizu where it hurts.
It didn’t matter whether you were associated or not, you were still fair game for them to attempt other forms of capture.
Mizu wants the best for you and that isn’t sticking with them.
This often leads to arguments being had between the two of you because you felt as though Mizu was just trying to get out a relationship with you and doing things without your input on them, whilst Mizu believed you to be stubborn and not fully grasping the threat of being with them had on you and your well-being.
Anyway, enough of that angsty stuff.
Once Mizu gotten use to the fact that you weren’t going away anytime soon and rather serious in being by their side through thick and thin. They would slowly start to open up to you more by starting off small such as;
Shielding you from sight when someone becomes aggressive.
Making sure you don’t get injured and even if you did, no matter how large or small or maybe, Mizu would want to heal it themself and oversee your recovery process personally.
Sitting/ standing closer to you than before.
Or even Brushing off the snow from your clothes before it melts and soaks the clothing.
When Mizu gets even more comfortable within your relationship then they’ll start contemplating on how to enact physical contact but never knowing how. It had been a long while since they last allowed someone to hold their hand never less hold them but Mizu wasn’t quite sure you’d like that sort of affection.
So you’ll probably have to make the first step yourself by showing Mizu that you were more then okay with it by grabbing their hand, interlocking your pinkies together, holding on their arm or even straight up hugging the life out of them after a gruelling fight.
‘Thank god you’re okay.’ You cried into Mizu’s chest, breathing them in as much as you could as though the moment you let Mizu go, they’d disappear.
‘You know I’d always come back to you.’ Mizu told you as they reciprocated the hug despite how it pulled at their wounds but Mizu didn’t care, your health and well-being was something they hold in high regard.
‘I know that but I just can’t help my fear of the day I’ll loose you.’ You told them, pulling away from them a little bit and trying not to smile when Mizu instinctively tightened their grip on you. ‘But I also must remind myself that you’ve proven yourself capable enough to hold your own in a fight on multiple occasions.’ You pressed a tender kiss to Mizu’s cheek, chuckling when you saw their eyes widen at the innocent act.
For someone as powerful and amazing as Mizu, you pride yourself in how you were probably the only one that got to see this side of them. It was an honour to witness a moment that tasted as sweet as it looked.
Mizu meanwhile felt warm throughout their body, enjoying the feeling of you holding them as tightly as you were right now. Were they really this touch starved? Yes. Yes they were. Severely so.
They’d crumble internally during the more intimate moments where your both alone to your own devises. Run your fingertips gently across the scars on their shoulders or across their calloused hands and Mizu will be melting like butter. They felt safe within your hold, they felt as though the didn’t need to be on guard with you near and you felt protected and loved within Mizu’s hold, taking comfort in knowing that nothing could touch you with Mizu nearby.
You felt invincible either with Mizu and Mizu felt cherished. You both fill a void that neither of you thought could ever be filled.
Can and will punch Taigen for flirting with you. Mizu has done it before and isn’t afraid to do it again as extra.
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Lucky Break Prologue
Yandere Straw Hats x fem!Reader
5k words
I finally got this done, boy did it take longer than I had planned. I’ve worked hard on this and will continue to, so I hope everyone who takes the time to read this enjoys it! This fic is for the most part going to feature platonic yanderes, and the reader insert does use she/her pronouns.
There isn’t much One Piece stuff in this chapter, but there will be in the next.
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When you’re a kid, everything seems so simple. You look around at the world around you and assume you know exactly how your life is going to go. After you finish high school, you’ll go to college and study for a major of your choosing. Immediately upon graduation, you’ll get a job in your desired field, and have a prosperous career to be proud of. Somewhere along the way, you’ll get married, maybe have some kids, and eventually enjoy a comfortable retirement where you will look back on your life with nothing but pride!
Yeah right. What a joke.
If provided with the opportunity to go back in time, you would kick your child-self’s ass for her naivety and optimism. How dare she foolishly get her own hopes up for a good and easy life. 
Okay, so maybe you’re a little bitter, but who could blame you? Who isn’t disappointed with how at least one aspect of their life is going? It’s perfectly normal. Though, admittedly, for you it was wayyyy more than one aspect. 
For starters, your job sucked. Not an uncommon complaint, but one that wore you down dramatically. Being a waitress was hell, but what could you do? You need money to live just like anyone else. Not that you were making much, not if the late fees were anything to go off.
You couldn’t get a better job because the more desirable jobs were all long since taken. Well, what few jobs you could apply for given the lack of a college degree. Oh yeah, you’re a college drop out. Much to the intense disappointment of your parents. They kicked you out when you told them and have hardly spoken to you since. 
Seriously though, what did they want you to do? Keep going to school in hopes that you’ll magically figure out what you want to and go into horrible debt in the meantime? It’s easy to tell someone to keep going to college when you're not the one paying for it. You don’t understand how you’re the bad guy for not wanting to take your student loans to the grave.
It didn’t help that the friends you had have all slowly fallen out of contact with you since you moved away. You thought that maybe starting new somewhere else would be refreshing, foolishly not realizing how difficult making new friends as an adult is. You had some coworkers that you go along with well enough. They had even talked about meeting up outside of work to just hang out, but these plans never fully came to fruition thanks to conflicting schedules. 
Whatever. Dwelling on it isn’t going to help you. You need to focus on the here and now.
Currently, you were on a bus, and not to go to work this time. No, you were going to indulge yourself tonight with a little urban exploration. Today’s target was a somewhat recently abandoned mall. It’s been closed for around a year now, long enough for retailers to take what they wanted and for cops to be beginning to lose interest in constantly patrolling it. It was still under surveillance, but nothing you didn’t know how to navigate. 
You spent a couple weeks scoping out the place, a nearby cafe made it easy to do so without raising suspicion. There wasn’t any on site security to worry about, you just had to keep an eye out for the occasional cop car that would drive by. They only stopped to investigate if there was a car in the parking lot near the building. This wouldn’t be a problem for you given your lack of a personal vehicle.
The plan was straightforward. You’d already identified an entry point while poking around the building at night, an employee only door with a busted lock. It took a bit of elbow grease to jerk it open, but there wasn’t an alarm rigged to it, so it was perfect. All you needed to do was make sure no one spotted you as you went in, and you would be golden.
The bus was slowing to a stop, and it was your turn to get off. Shouldering your backpack, you scooted to the edge of the seat in preparation. As soon as it stopped, you were on your feet and hurrying to the door. The mall was only a couple blocks from here in a rapidly failing part of the city. The only businesses around there were the aforementioned cafe and a couple of thrift stores. Fortunately, your way in was facing away from those stores. As long as a cop wasn’t driving by as you snuck in, no one would see you.
As you made your way there, you could feel the excitement setting in. You didn’t have much in your life to look forward to, this was one of the few things that made you feel alive. The thrill of getting in and out without being caught was addictive if you were being completely honest with yourself.
There were other pros to it, too. Sometimes you got lucky and found something valuable that you could pawn. A forgotten piece of jewelry, a dropped phone, some abandoned tools, you never knew what you were going to find. Even if you didn’t find anything, it was fun to be able to explore an old building with no one around. It gave you this sense of adventure your life was otherwise devoid of.
Granted, there were risks. Cops being the biggest one. Having a criminal record sounded less than ideal to you. There was also the concern raised by the fact that you did this completely alone. If something went wrong and you got seriously hurt, no one would be likely to find out until it was too late. That, and the threat of encountering someone dangerous.
So far, you’ve gotten lucky, only ever personally running into a couple of other urban explorers that were fortunately perfectly nice. There had been a few other close calls, but you were able to avoid detection those times. Your mom used to harp on this, saying one of these days you would get killed or kidnapped while doing this. Maybe she was right, but you couldn’t say you cared that much.
At least you wouldn’t have to go to your next shift!
You shook your head at the depressing thought. It’s not good to think that way, even if it was how you felt.
The mall was just ahead now, you looked around the parking lot for any indicators that anyone else was here. Nothing. It was completely empty. Good. Despite your excitement, you keep your pace casual, not wanting to attract attention.
Taking a cursory glance around, you don’t see any cop cars on patrol. You’re officially out of sight of the nearby businesses, so you shift into a power walk, wanting to get inside quickly while no one is around. You put on some disposable gloves and also pull a facemask out of your pocket and fasten it onto your face. Partially in case the air is bad, but also to protect yourself in case there are any security cameras.
The door takes a good few pulls to open up, but that’s fine. You do one more look around, and upon seeing nothing, you go in. The second the door shuts, you’re thrown into darkness. You fish a flashlight out of your backpack and click it on. It became immediately apparent that you were not the first person to discover this way in, the walls were already covered in graffiti. That and there were some heroin needles on the ground. You know, the usual signs of life.
You carefully make your way down the hall, trying to make your way into the main part of the mall. The air was musky, the smell easily cutting through your mask. It was far from pleasant, but you’ve smelled worse. At least you weren’t smelling any shit (yet).
The door at the end of the hall was easier to open than the last, no resistance at all. You peek out, looking for anything concerning before stepping out. There was natural light coming in from some sliding glass doors nearby. Looks like this place used to be a Macy’s or something like that. Lingering near the glass doors wouldn’t be a good idea, so you hurry off away from it. Once you’re in the main part of the mall you shouldn’t have to worry about being spotted from the outside.
The former maybe-macy’s was picked clean, they didn’t leave anything behind besides the counters and some flyers advertising a long since past sale. No shelves, no mannequins that would give you a heart attack if you saw them out of the corner of your eye, nothing. 
Outlets in malls were typically very thorough when cleaning out after closing, you doubt you’ll find anything valuable here unless some other explorer left something behind. Oh well. You do this more for the experience than anything.
You found the way out pretty quick and took in the sight of the abandoned mall. Even after being closed for a year, it still had a certain beauty to it. The research you did on the mall told you it was built in the early 70’s and the architecture reflected it. The ceiling had a quirky pattern to it, with blocks of it being solid and other blocks being glass to let natural light in. 
There was also an artsy metal structure that climbed all the way up to the second floor, and a big water fountain that acted as the centerpiece. Granted, all of this was decorated with a layer of broken glass from the shattered guardrails on the second floor, but still. This kind of decor was rare to see in modern malls, with all of them wanting to be as plain as possible. This was a pleasant change of scenery.
You meandered through the open space, glass crunching under your boots with each step. The escalators were right ahead of you. Like the guardrails, the glass on was also shattered, but that didn’t matter. As long as the stairs were in one piece, you could still climb them. 
You had a specific destination in mind for your visit here. Yes, you would like to see every nook and cranny, but the movie theater was especially exciting. You’ve never been in an abandoned theater before, so you were dying to see it and made a beeline for it.
It was damn near on the opposite side of the building, but that just gave you a chance to see what other places you could check out later. While many people find places like this unsettling at best, you found an odd sense of comfort in it. Part of it was the silence. Provided no one else rocked up, the noisiest thing you would hear would be some birds flying through.
There was also the nostalgia of being in a mall and seeing the familiar, albeit vacated, stores you remember from your childhood. Malls simply aren’t what they used to be, and it’s nice to reminisce on what once was. Sure, it’s not like you could afford to shop at one, but just being able to walk around and window shop was enjoyable. At least you could still do the walking around part even when they’re closed.
As you make your way down the second story walkway, you take note of all the signs of life around you. Lots of spiders have set up shop with massive webs in every corner to make meals of the local insect population. Nests were crammed into the spaces in between letters on the remaining signs, and although you haven’t seen any, there are enough droppings here to indicate the presence of a thriving rodent society. That means there’s probably some stray cats lurking around here, too. You hope you get to see one. There’s a laser pointer on your keyring and some treats in your pockets just for such occasions. 
You look up and are thrilled to finally be at the theater. There are blank rectangles on the wall from where movie posters used to be. The sign that used to display movies and showtimes now simply says closed. Well, technically it says ‘CL S  D’, but you got the drift.
The lobby is surprisingly intact. The ticket and snack counters are both still here, even the glass around the ticket counter was unbroken. Some of the old snack machines still remained, which surprised you. It was faint, but you think you could still pick up on the smell of popcorn. It could also just be a placebo effect but shh. 
You hop over the snack counter to see what’s back there. The first thing you notice is how sticky the floor is, your boots sticking with each step. The remaining machines are in rough shape, but that’s to be expected. The nozzle on one of the slushie machines was snapped clean off, and the doors on the popcorn machine were just gone. You meticulously opened all the drawers and cabinets, hoping to find something interesting. You didn’t. Just some garbage and rat shit. 
Moving on, you head towards the really exciting part. The showing rooms. You can’t help but pick up the pace as you run into one, only to feel a touch disappointed. It was completely gutted. The screen, the chairs, nothing was left. Who the hell even wanted a bunch of old ass movie theater seats? Where did they go?
There was a problem though, the area near where the screen would be was completely flooded. You shine your light up to the ceiling and are baffled that there’s no hole for this much water to leak through. Where the hell did it all come from? It also smelled weirdly fishy? The fish smell was so potent that it almost distracted you from all the mold on the fabric covered walls. Yikes. “N95 mask don’t fail me now,” you mumbled under your breath.
Whatever. Spinning on your heels, you head for the stairs to go to the top of the room. They’re creaky and the carpet is coming off of them in bits and pieces. 
There really wasn’t much of a reason to come up here beyond it just felt like the right thing to do. You decide to peek through the window to the projection room. Surprisingly, it’s very cluttered in there, it almost looks like a storage room. Oh, you’re definitely going to have to go in there!
… But how?
Now that you’re thinking about it, how do you even get inside one of these? It must be behind some sort of staff only door. You hope it’s not locked, there was a lot of stuff in there.
You rush down the stairs, ecstatic at what a good find this was. Once you’re in the hallway, you whip your head around to locate any possible entrance, and you find it. A plain, unmarked door between two of the theater rooms. Bingo. You twist the knob, but it doesn’t budge.
Not bingo.
It’s unlikely that the keys for this door are still here… but you can’t just let this go. After testing the fortitude of the door with a few kicks and yanks, you resolve to look for the key despite the low odds of actually finding it.
The most likely place it would be would be a main office or something. You head back to the lobby, that’s probably where the door to one would be. The beam of your flashlight flits over the surrounding walls in search of a side door.
Some fallen ceiling tiles and wires almost hid it from you, but there it was. You pick up what looks like a snapped off broom handle and use it to push the debris out of the way and keep the wires off you while you try the door, praying that this won’t also be locked. 
It doesn’t turn. Dammit! Out of sheer frustration, you give it a violent shake. It snaps clean off, the knob from the other side loudly clattering to the ground. Looks like your luck is coming back around.
The door still takes a bit of rattling to shake loose the remaining bits of the old locking mechanism, but it finally creaked open. Wasting no time, you hurried in, observing the new area. While it was dirty, it was untouched by graffiti and general vandalism. It’s a simple long hallway with two doors. You get to the first and open it up, greeted by the sight of an old bathroom. 
The mirror above the sink doubles as a medicine cabinet, so you decide to check it out. When you pull it open, the whole door comes right off. Oops. The cabinet in question didn’t have anything interesting in it, only being occupied by a bottle of tums, some nail clippers, and a box of dental floss. Thrilling stuff.
You move on and head for the other door. Surely that has to be the office. The door clicks open again, thank god. You grin to yourself, it is the office. The desk is right in front of you and in good shape, not appearing to have been tampered with this past year. Excellent.
It’s surprisingly clean in here. There is some dust, but not nearly as much as you would have expected. The desk itself is old and made of wood. It honestly looks way too nice to have been left here. The chair is, weirdly enough, not present. What, that was worthy of being taken but not the desk? Whatever. It’s not important.
You’re quick to start rifling through the drawers. Paperwork, pack of gum, more paperwork, some pens, a few paperclips, even more paperwork… it’s not looking good. Your heart is sinking with each passing second. You squat and look under the desk as a last ditch effort. Your light reflects off something. Keys!
There’s a strip of tape attached to them, like someone had taped them to the underside of the desk rather than using one of the drawers. An odd decision, but who cares? These might be the keys you need! 
Not wanting to waste any more time, you run back to the possible projector room door. The key ring has several keys on it, so there’s a bit of trial and error to go through in your attempts to unlock it. Your heart rate steadily picks up as you go through each key with no success. It’s not until the second to last key that you finally hear that much anticipated ‘click’. 
The door is surprisingly heavy, you really have to pull to get it open enough to slip through. It loudly slams shut behind you and you’re met with the sight of two staircases. The room you saw through the window should be on the right. 
The stairs are carpeted but not as worn as the ones in the theater, making them less of a tripping hazard. Dust is being kicked up with each step, you can see clouds of it flying through the air and clinging to cobwebs.
Now you’re at the top and there’s another door. This one wasn’t locked. The room itself honestly resembles a boiler room to you. Pipes and cables were running along the walls, and the walls weren’t painted. There was a table in front of the window where the projector would have been.
That’s not what made you want to see this room though. Shelves were along every wall and they were loaded. You’re gonna need both hands for this. Luckily, you have a lantern type of flashlight in your backpack just for situations like this. You fish it out, click it on, and set it on the projector table before turning back to the shelves. 
There were lots of boxes, so you grab the nearest one and bring it over to the table to go through it. It’s full of what you think are spare parts for a projector, though you don’t know enough about this stuff to be sure.
The next box has some old broken lenses. Then one with tools. You even found some film, but it seemed blank. You held it up to the light and saw absolutely nothing. You suppose it makes sense for all these things to be in here, but you can’t help but wish there was something more exciting. 
You pull down another box, this one from the top shelf and open it expecting to see glass cleaner or something like that, but instead you find another, smaller box. You pull it out, and it looks like a jewelry box. There’s an image on the top of it: a skull and crossbones that’s biting what looks like a wand. Interesting. It kinda looks like something you would see on a pirate flag. What were those called again? Jolly Rogers? Yeah, that sounds right.
You give it a little shake and hear something clatter inside it. Trying to open it, however, is fruitless. It’s locked. All the keys you got earlier are way too big to fit the hole, but you think it should be easy enough to break open yourself at home. 
A genuine smile spreads across your face, you found something cool this time! The jewelry box goes into your backpack, and you’re about to resume your search when you hear something. It sounds like voices in the hall.
Quickly, but quietly, you snatch your lantern to turn it off and creep down the stairs and towards the door to try and listen better. There are two sets of footsteps but only one voice.
“-nd today WE are doing an overnight challenge in a haunted abandoned mall!”
You cringe. Oh great. Youtubers. Liars too based off that comment about the mall being haunted. In all the research you did on this place, you never saw so much as one ghost sighting.
Huffing out a sigh, you know that your fun is going to be cut short. There’s no telling whether or not these idiots parked right by the front door. You need to get out before cops show up. That, and you don’t want to accidentally end up in one of their videos. You can practically see the title now: “REAL ghost sighting at ABANDONED mall??? SCARY!!! (NOT CLICKBAIT)”
No thank you.
Lucky for you, you’ve already got a nice find, so at least you’re not leaving empty handed. You wait until they go into one of the theaters to leave the room, carefully easing the door open and closed. After a moment of thought, you lock it, too. You want this to be untouched when you come back. Naturally, this means you’re taking the keys with you. They can’t be that important to anyone if they got left behind like this.
Your escape from the mall and trip back home was uneventful for the most part. You were able to leave unnoticed and before cops got there. The youtubers did, indeed, park at the front door, so it was only a matter of time. 
The apartment complex you lived in was kinda run down, but overall not that bad. Sure, it was dingy and the bathroom had a mold problem, but it kept you warm and dry so things could be worse. 
After entering your apartment, you immediately lock your door behind you. No sense leaving it unlocked and letting some creep in. With that taken care of, you drop your backpack by the couch and go to grab some tools. 
You unceremoniously plop yourself onto the couch and toss a screwdriver and hammer onto the coffee table. You bring out the old jewelry box and really look at it now that you’re in a properly lit room. The dust was really caked on, prompting you to use your sleeve to wipe away the bulk of it.
The picture was very detailed. The skull and crossbones were painted beautifully, even the small wand looked lovely. The box was wooden, expertly varnished. You already feel bad that you’re going to have to break this open. Hopefully you’ll be able to keep the damage to a minimum, that way you can use it for yourself after this.
Experimentally, you try to pull it open again. It does have some give to it, but not enough to actually get it open. You grab the screwdriver and wedge it into the sliver of space between the lid and the box. You try and pry it open. It creaks a little, opens up slightly more, but stops short. Okay, time for the big guns.
Using your feet to hold either side of it in place, you grab the hammer, aim, and bring it down on the screwdriver handle. You hear a crack, but it’s still closed. You raise your arm and bring it down again, harder this time.
Both the plastic screwdriver handle and the lock shatter from the force of the blow. You discard the hammer onto the floor next to the bits of handle and throw open the box.
There’s only two things in there. A rolled up piece of paper, and a necklace. The pendant on the necklace sports the same image as the top of the jewelry box over a bronze lattice patterned circle. You gingerly pick it up. It’s thin and feels brittle, like you could snap it in half without much force. What’s the point of a necklace being this fragile? 
You set it back down gently and pick up the paper. It’s almost as bad as the necklace, it looks very old and is crumbling around the edges. Slowly, you unfurl it and see there’s a message scrawled onto it with red ink.
“Congratulations on your lucky find
I wonder what desire you have in mind
Close your eyes, make a wish, and break the pendant in two
Whatever you want most will come to you”
An eyebrow quirks up and the strange rhyme. What, was this left by a genie? You sigh, and here you thought you might get something valuable out of this. 
Still… What would it hurt to play along for a second?
You grab the pendant again and examine it while you mull over what to wish for. Money? Nah. Money can be earned, however difficult it may be. If you’re gonna be using some sort of (allegedly) all powerful magic necklace, it should be something more unobtainable. What do you really want?
If you’re completely honest with yourself, you hate where you are in life right now. The monotony, the loneliness, everything. You need a new start. A new start with some new friends. Friends that actually give a shit about you. Anyone that loves you for you. Yeah, that sounds good.
Leaning back, you close your eyes and make your wish. You’re not sure you need to say it out loud, but do anyway, “I wish to have a fresh start somewhere new. A place with adventure where I can be loved.”
The pendant snaps in half easily. You hold your breath and wait. Nothing. You crack an eye open. You’re still in your same old apartment. Of course you are. Why did you think that would work? How childish.
Even though you expected this, you can’t help the wave of bitterness that washes over you. Angrily, you stuff the broken pendant into your pocket and grab your backpack. You stand up to go put this shit away, but…
You fall through the floor.
The floor didn’t break, it’s like it just ceased to exist. As you fall, everything goes black, and there isn’t a sound to be heard besides your own screaming. What’s happening? What’s going on? Shit, was that stupid thing really magical??? Was it fucking cursed???
Trying not to panic wasn’t even being considered, how could anyone not freak out from this? So here you are, screaming and crying while holding onto your backpack for dear life as if it’s going to help you right now.
Suddenly, you can see light coming from underneath you. You’re torn between being relieved to see light and being terrified that you’re about to splatter onto the ground. A wave of warmth hits you, carrying the smell of sea water. You realize that the ‘ground’ beneath you is actually a huge body of water.
And then you’re in it. 
There wasn’t enough time to prepare for the sudden immersion. Water flooded into your open mouth and you scrambled and flailed in an attempt to get to the surface. As you break the surface, you’re coughing and hacking the salty water out of your lungs. You weren’t anywhere near the ocean, how are you suddenly fighting for your life in one?
You whip your head around and are horrified to see absolutely nothing, No land or ships in sight. Oh my god. You’re going to die out here.
You attempt to spin around to identify your potential savior, but a wave hits you, knocking you under the water again. Dammit, no! Not like this! 
Miraculously, you get back to the surface again, and the second you do, something grabs onto your shoulder and pulls. And pulls. And keeps pulling. You went from almost drowning to feeling like you’re flying over the surface of the ocean. In an attempt to feel some semblance of security, you grab onto whatever is holding you. 
It… it feels like a hand??? No, that doesn’t make sense, who could be pulling you along like this with their hand???
“Luffy, you need to slow down! You’re pulling her in too fast!”
You try to look over your shoulder to see what the hell is going on, and through your hair you think you can make out what looks like two people on a small boat. The boat is already very close and rapidly getting closer. Way too close!
And everything goes dark again.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Can I request Guzma with a stoic CisMale S/O with a Centiskortch? I love your stuff and your writing style :)
Guzma x male reader
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Hope your okay with me making the reader a team, I just really like making them ^^
I made reader a fire and bug type user :) He’s also at least the same height and build as Guzma or bigger, cuz I think the reader hovering over his shoulder is cool.
Heres the team I made, I used a card maker and just inserted a character as a placeholder ^^
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It was raining across Po town as always, the water pelting down across the rooftop of the large mansion Team Skull used as a base. It had been extra gloomy that day, and everyone on the team seemed in a lower mood than usual. None of the teams’ plans had gone as planned, many grunts had been beaten in battle and some had even had to flee as their families came for them.
It was no secret that a lot of team skulls members were people who weren’t accepted by their families, outsiders, the black mareep of the family. The same thing could be said about Team Skulls boss Guzma, the outsider of outsiders of his generation.
He sat upon his throne, chin his hand as Golisopod wandered out the room, chittering and making other bug like noises as it wandered around. Vikavolt and Masquerain were sitting on the bedframe of the large bed in the room, making noises at one another as they spoke.
Bug pokemon were the one thing that had helped a young lonesome Guzma many years ago, back when everyone avoided him and his fathers expectations became too heavy. After meeting Wimpod Guzma was still as much of an outsider as ever, but at least he had a friend. He was still bullied and looked down upon, but when Golisopod finally evolved, the bullies didn’t dare come near him as long as the large armored pokemon watched over him.
Guzma had accepted he would be alone forever, or as long as he was stuck on Alola. But then he had met Plumeria and a couple of the first grunts that would later make up Team Skull. They had all not fit into what society wanted them to be, and they found a friendship with one another.
They were stilled targeted by less than kind people, but they always stuck together as best as they could so no one was left alone. This was when Guzma met who would later become his boyfriend. One of the grunts had been alone, a bug using grunt on top of that. Their Cutiefly had posed by challenge to the bullies pokemon.
As the bullies had started to close in on the grunt, a loud hissed noise was heard before a long glowing body dragged itself between the bullies and their target. The large body twisted, and flames blasted from its face as it turned its angered eyes on the bullies. It hissed again as the bullies stood frozen, and it only seemed to somewhat relax as its owner approached.
The bullies turned as the pokemon they had never seemed hissed in the new persons direction, though this sound was much less threatening. There stood a tall man, with a calm or almost bored expression, his eyes tracking over the situation. The Grunt on the floor with a face wet from tears, being protected by his Centiskortch who had jumped from its pokeball, and the group of bullies.
(Y/N)s eyes turned cold as he stared down at the bullies, a displeased tone in his voice as he demanded an answer to what they thought they were doing. The bullies tried to come up with an excuse, and when that didn’t seem to have any effect on the man, they tried to explain how the grunt deserved to be bullied, and how pathetic the grunt was for using bug types.
The man had no facial reaction as he stepped in front of the grunt as he pulled a quickball from his belt, tossing it into the air and releasing a pokemon. It was clear it was a bug type, the new pokemon placing itself between the man and the bullies, releasing growls and chitters at them and their pokemon.  Centiskortch had quickly pushed itself to the front as well, its flames large and enraged.
The bullies didn’t back down though, their pride too powerful as they made their pokemon attack. That was when Guzma and Plumeria arrived, their eyes wide as they watched the man’s two pokemon completely wipe the floor with the bullies teams. The bullies had cursed him out when they lost, but the stoic expression on his face and in his voice had them running away.
(Y/N) had turned and crouched down to the grunt and helped them to their feet, he also offered to heal their pokemon for them. The two fire-bug types had stayed outside of their pokeballs, both ready if the bullies should return. That’s when the two leaders of Team Skull stepped in, and one thing led to another and (Y/N) decided to join the team, at least somewhat.
Guzma learned that the man was a traveler, had had traveled across many countries, had met and battled many people, and that Alola was his last stop. They had bonded over their love for bug types, and Guzma had been so excited to meet pokemon from outside of Alola. The leader of Team Skull hadn’t planned on developing feelings but it just happened, and one thing led to another and he ended up confessing on accident, and right when he was scared (Y/N) was gonna reject him, the usually stoic man had smiled a very tiny and careful smile as he confessed he felt the same way.
As if summoned by the thoughts, (Y/N) stepped in through the doors of Guzmas room, his Scizor following close behind him, his Alolan Marowak not far behind, both carrying large sacks with them. (Y/N) was carrying another large sack over his shoulder as well. He stopped in front of Guzma, his expression as stoic as always, but there was a faint glint in his eyes that meant he was excited about something.
“Whats up babe?” Guzma asked, still leaning on his hand, trying to ignore Vikavolt who had flown over to his chair and was nudging against his hand for pets. That’s when the tiny barely noticeable smile pulled onto (Y/N)s lips and he plopped the sack down at his feet, the fabric pulling open and z-crystals pouring out. Bug z-crystals.
Guzmas jaw dropped as the two pokemon following the man dropped their sacks as well, exposing even more crystals. It had to be all the crystals on the island there were so many, the Team Skull boss didn’t know how to react as his felt a grin grow on his face. Of course his handsome and strong boyfriend would be able to do something like this, why was he even surprised.
Guzma chuckled softly as he got to his feet, stepping over the many crystals as he leant in a kissed (Y/N), the other mans hands coming up to rest on Guzmas hips as he pulled him closer. They both ignored the sound of (Y/N)s pokeballs snapping open and releasing all his pokemon, the room becoming slightly cramped at all the pokemon in it alongside the two men.
That’s when they felt something coil around their bodies, the warm length of the body and the hissy noises it made as if laughing immediately let them know it was (Y/N)s first pokemon and trusted friend, Centiskortch. The bug-fire pokemon seemed to snicker at them as Guzma squaked at the action, but (Y/N) just rolled his eyes and leant down to kiss Guzma again.
Centiskortch got itself into a comfortable position around its trainer and its trainer’s partner, holding the two humans close as the pokemon decided to take a short nap. Guzma rested his head against (Y/N)s shoulder and released a sigh he didn’t know he was holding, maybe it wasn’t so bad as long as the stoic man was with him, he was sure tomorrow would be better.
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player1064 · 7 months
kate for someone reason thinking jamie is homophobic not sure why or how but she does (sara has me obsessed with the idea that they can’t stand each other now lol) and then him introducing her to gary and she’s like 🤯 ft. micah in the corner like you didn’t know he never shuts up about him???
god Kate and Jamie literally CANNOT STAND EACH OTHER!!! I'm OBSESSED with that dynamic tbh!!!!!!! As always. this one is much longer than intended...
Also, don't need to have read it but this is technically intended to tie in to my fic Happy wife, happy life (but tldr Jamie regularly calls Gary his wife partly to keep their relationship under wraps but mostly bc. he finds it funny to call Gary his wife.)
“Obviously we’re done for the season right before pride month kicks off,” one of the CBS producers is saying, eyes darting over something on an iPad. “And since you four have been pretty popular we were thinking of including you in some of those ad campaigns, so if I could just get some dates off of all of you –”
“No,” Jamie says immediately.
All three of his colleagues snap their heads up to him, but only Kate looks at him coolly and says “no?”
Micah, because he’s Micah, chuckles and slaps Jamie in the shoulder, trying to diffuse some of the new tension in the air. “Not like you to turn down extra cash, Carra.”
Jamie rolls his eyes, pretends not to notice the way Kate’s eyes are burning into him. “Check my contract. Wish I could, honest,” he says to the producer, feeling very very glad that he had a clause added to his contract specifically so that he doesn’t have to take part in things like this, “But it just wouldn’t be do-able. You lot ‘ave fun, though, with yer rainbows and yer glitter.”
Kate just looks at him incredulously. “This is one thing you decide to take a stand on, mister ‘I don’t care about politics’?”
Rainbows just don’t really suit Jamie, is the thing. Nor does the extra scrutiny that comes from wearing rainbows.
Doesn’t really matter to him what Kate thinks of him, though, so he just shrugs and continues packing up his stuff for the day.
“Jamie – Jamie, I finally got onto Raya, can you have a look at my profile?”
Jamie looks up at Micah with a frown. “What the fuck is a Raya?”
“It’s a dating app,” Kate says from her end of the desk, in that unimpressed tone of hers that makes Jamie wonder why she’s bothering to insert herself into the conversation at all.
“An exclusive dating app,” Micah corrects, wiggling his phone in front of Jamie.
“Weren’t you already seeing someone?” asks Jamie, but he accepts the phone with a sigh and puts his glasses on. “I don’t – I’ve never used one of these things, what am I meant to be lookin’ at?”
Micah shrugs. “Didn’t work out,” he says breezily. “How have you never used a dating app, you’ve not been married that long. And look at yourself, you can’t tell me you weren’t a player before Mrs Carra came along.”
Jamie had got around a bit, in his playing days. Not much, mind, because he’d had to be careful, but he’d done alright. Unfortunately – and this is not something he’ll ever admit to anyone, even under duress – any thoughts of that had gone out the window the moment he’d walked onto the Sky campus after retiring.
“You’re right,” he says with a wink, “look at me. As if I’d need an app to find myself a bird. Why’d you want me to look at this, I’m not exactly your target audience. ‘less there’s somethin’ you’re not tellin’ us,” he adds, elbowing Micah and waggling his eyebrows.
Kate looks on unimpressed as the two of them double over in laughter. “Not that any of us would have a problem if you were, right Jamie?” she says haughtily.
Jamie catches Micah’s eye and has to fight back another bout of laughter. “Dunno,” he says, “I can think of one or two problems I’d ‘ave if Big Meeks here suddenly tried hittin’ on me.”
Micah bursts out laughing again, his hand clapping to Jamie’s forearm, and Jamie can’t help but join in – it’s infectious, okay?
“God,” Micah says, wiping a tear from his eye, “can you imagine how your missus would react. I’d never be able to work in television again.”
“Nah, she’d prob’ly send you a fruit basket, thank you for taking me off ‘er hands.”
Kate clears her throat and the two of them sober immediately at the sight of her raised eyebrow. “Maybe cool it with the outdated banter,” she says, “or do I need to remind you boys that you’re not in a dressing room anymore?”
She storms off, he heels click-clicking away as Jamie and Micah look at each other and try (and fail) not to start laughing again.  
“You didn’t want to bring your wife to the end of season party, then?” Kate asks politely, looking slowly around the room.
“Huh?” Jamie says eloquently, because he’s had a couple of glasses of prosecco and he’s not thinking as quickly as he usually might. “Oh, the missus. Yeah, she’s here but  – I dunno, she’s a bit shy, like. You didn’t invite Malik?”
Kate rolls her eyes, the way she always does when Jamie mentions her boyfriend. “Well, he lives in America. So.”
“Carra,” an annoying voice calls from just behind him, “Carra, come over ‘n meet Schmeichel? I’ve not seen ‘im in years, d’you know, I think I’d forgot how tall he was.”
Jamie puts a hand on the small of Gary’s back to keep him from bouncing around too much (the man is such a lightweight, it’s embarrassing), and says “I’ve already met Peter, you dolt. I work with ‘im, remember?”
Gary squints at him for a second. “You drag me all the way down to London, and then y’can’t even be bothered to –” he finally seems to realise that Jamie had been talking to someone, because he quickly shakes his head around a bit and holds a hand out to Kate with a smile. “You’re Kate, right? I love what you do on the show, honest, I’m always sayin’ people need to be meaner to James here.”
Jamie thinks he sees Kate blush a bit, like she hadn’t realised anyone else had noticed her dislike of Jamie, but she takes Gary’s offered hand anyway. “And of course you’re the famous Gary Neville, I’ve heard a lot about you,” she greets. “But aren't you still with Sky? What brings you to our little operation here?”
“Scopin’ out the competition,” he says with a wink, then turns back to Jamie. “Carra – Peter?”
“I said no! I’ll talk to him later, stop badgerin’ me.”
“Did you two travel down from Manchester together?” asks Kate, “You know, Jamie seems so invested in my relationship but none of us have ever met his wife, do you know where she’s got to?”
“Ah, his fuckin’ wife,” Gary mutters, smirking up at Jamie. Jamie winks in reply and slips his hand down a bit to pinch him on the arse.
Micah comes over, his tuxedo strained against his biceps, and he pulls Gary away from Jamie to throw an arm around his shoulder in a half-hug.
(Gary squirms a bit at the unexpected contact, but he still gives Micah a friendly pat on the chest.)
“Big Nev! It’s been ages, man – Jamie told us you were coming, but he’s promised that before and not delivered.”
“Been pretty busy, up in Manchester,” Gary says with a shrug, carefully extracting himself from under Micah’s arm and returning to Jamie’s side. “But I’m obliged to do the plus one thing at least two –” (“Three,” Jamie corrects,) “—fine, three times a year, and I figure there’re worse places to be.”
“Aw, you love it really,” Micah says. “I’ve always kind of wondered what it’s like to be a WAG.”
Gary rolls his eyes. “It’s a thankless job, to be fair.” He pokes Jamie in the bicep and adds “I’m going back to talk t' Peter, you miserable old twat. Honest, I’m always talkin' to Scousers fer you.”
“I already know –” Jamie starts to protest, but Gary’s already wandered off. “Ugh. Sorry about ‘im. You can’t take Mancs anywhere, can ya?”
The two Mancs he’s talking to look at him, unimpressed.
“He seemed nice,” Kate says carefully.
“He’s not,” Jamie replies.
“Good summer?” Micah asks, their first show back after the break.
“Brilliant,” Jamie replies with a grin. “It were my turn to choose the destination, so –”
He nods. “Ibiza. The house was done just in time, too.”
“You know, I can’t really imagine Gary in Ibiza.”
“Oh, he hates it. Complained the whole time, but he does that wherever we go.”
He becomes aware that Kate is watching them from across the desk, not trying to hide that she’s listening to their conversation with curiosity. Jamie nods to her, all polite like. “Hows about you, Kate, good summer?”
“It was fine, I –” she shakes her head. “Sorry, you’re saying you go on holiday with Gary Neville?”
Micah scoffs. “Who else would he go with?” he asks, and Jamie points to him in agreement.
“I dunno, his wife?”
Jamie blinks.
He thought he’d got all this out the way, dragging Gary along to the party a couple of months ago. Apparently not.
“Gary is my wife,” he says, then suddenly feels very stupid saying that to someone who’s not already in on the joke, so he corrects to “my husband, I mean. Obviously he’s not – he’s a man. Obviously.”
Kate’s eyes are wide, unblinking. She looks between Jamie and Micah, lips pressed together while her brain seems to be buffering.
“You’re married to a man?” she says eventually. “But you’re not gay, I mean – you’re –”
Jamie, who last time he checked definitely was gay, raises an eyebrow, amused. “I’m what?”
“You’re a footballer,” she attempts, and oh, this is far too easy.
“Bit ‘omophobic, that, sayin’ footballers can’t be gay,” he replies, holding back a smirk.
“Oh shut up, you know what I – you’re a lad! You’re always with the banter, and the…”
Thierry wanders over, freshly brewed cup of tea in hand. “What have you two done this time?” he asks, looking pointedly at Jamie and Micah.
Jamie raises his hands to protest his innocence.
“Thierry,” Kate asks, reaching a hand out towards him, “did you know Jamie’s married to a man?”
Thierry rolls his eyes. “Ugh, fucking Neville,” he replies, and goes to sit down.
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Translation Excerpt from Gundam SEED Novelization Vol. 4 (Mu and Murrue's First Kiss in the Bridge)
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Seeing the kiss might have been a little too intense for them.
At the Archangel dock where repairs were underway, the area was nearly deserted and eerily quiet. 
'It's like the calm before the storm,' Murrue found herself thinking.
In a few hours, they will be back on the battlefield. She found herself questioning her judgment as doubts resurfaced. What lay ahead was a battle against war itself, a profound contradiction. Even if Orb complied with the Alliance's demands, conflict was inevitable. She felt lost, unsure of what was right or wrong.
As she looked out of the window with a sigh, a voice from behind called out to her.
“What is it that you are lost in thought about, Captain?” 
Mu made his way to the bridge and stood beside Murrue. 
“In the end, only eleven people stayed on board. Isn’t that amazing? JOSH-A must have really ticked them off,” he commented. 
Most of the crew chose to remain on the ship, but what was the reason behind their decision? Did she unknowingly coerce them into staying? The thought leaves her feeling uneasy.
In the military, although she remained indecisive, Murrue could always fall back on the standard protocols and orders to issue strict commands to the crew. Despite her past doubts and acts of defiance, when those were stripped away, she was anxious about what to rely on to make decisions.
Suddenly, a question she had never asked before escaped her lips.
“Major… about JOSH-A, why did you come back?”
From that moment on, Mu defied his orders, choosing to return to the Archangel and rejecting his new assignment. What might have motivated him to take such action?
A look of surprise crossed Mu's face and his shoulders slumped.
"I didn't think you would ask me now..."
Instead of answering, he grabbed her waist and pressed his lips to hers. The unexpected kiss made Murrue freeze for a moment. She'd endured a lot herself—joining the military had made her a target for sexual harassment by impertinent individuals who didn't know their place, and she made sure each and every one of them regretted laying their hands on her. This time, however, she didn't hit him or throw him to the ground; she simply gave in to her feelings.
When they broke the kiss, Mu looked down at her face from up close and smiled with satisfaction. His smile was so cool that Murrue had to swallow the last of her pride to yell at him.
"I hate mobile armor pilots!"
Mu replied shamelessly, completely unperturbed.
"Oh, I'm a mobile suit pilot now."
Just as she was about to reply, Mu interrupted her with a second kiss. There was no point in arguing anymore. From the moment she didn’t hit him—no, even before that—he must have figured out her true feelings.
She wondered if this was the answer...
Maybe it was. Mu returned to the Archangel, and almost the entire crew stayed on board—that was enough for Murrue. What more could she ask for?
"Please excuse…"
Hearing the door open, the two quickly parted to see Neumann and the others who had entered the bridge standing frozen with their mouths agape.
Seeing the kiss might have been a little too intense for them.
Thanks for reading this short translation. Initially, I may post Mu X Murrue moments (from analysis to translations) from SEED to GSF, since I love the couple so much since high school. However, in the future I might post stuff from other fandoms as well :).
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sketchfanda · 2 months
A Little Moxxie Love Party 3
Herron Hell: Brat Attack!!
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It had cost her a good bit of cash, having to pay through the nose to get it from Joy but the resident halfpint short-stack brat known as Jenna Herron wasn’t too bothered by it. She was a reckless spender when it came to money anyway(lot of which wasn’t even hers, got to love simps especially when robbing them blind), and lot of the stuff the gothic satanic cousin was into was expensive but for what she paid her for? It was going to be so worth it as she stood in the room the Goth shared with that weeb streamer camgirl cousin Jacqui and made some last minute checks to see if it was all set up right because if so? She was going to have herself a whole lot of fun and she wouldn’t even have to pay her soul, talk about a steal of a deal!!
Call her a prideful little runt but she had to say, setting this up down to the last detail wasn’t too bad for an admitted bimbo like herself, as she lit the candles, right down the big one that’d act like her sort of hour glass timer and began to chant and there she had her designated demon boy toy. And in case you need reminding, yes it was Moxxie who as one can guess, was feeling some major lead recognising Joy’s room, only to be confused to find himself face to face with Jenna, literally and figuratively given their similar heights. Suffice to say he was puzzled while Jenna was warming an annoyed pout on her pretty little face. THIS was the best lay Joy ever had in her life?
Jenna:*Sighing as she decided to accept it, starts snapping her fingers and waste little time with this limpdick runt.*”Alright you demonic little simp, you know how this is, get out of the tacky penguin suit and lie on the bed so I can see what I’m working with…” *Seeing the imp just standing there and stare, the shortstack brat’s eye twitched at the idea she was dealing with hell’s equivalent of Forest Gump. Putting her hands on her trim, toned waist as she glared at God’s little gift to the women of Hell like he was brainless* “what’re you dear, dumb and blind and maybe a eunuch? I said we’re gonna fuck!! Don’t you know what to do with a woman unless she’s in a magazine or on a screen? Or did Joy just have you jerk off? You even need a better reason?!!”*Now for those of you wondering Jenna was a a little quick and harsh with the insults, this was a standard routine of hers to work and rile a guy up enough to hatefuck her and if this runt could satisfy Joy then he had to be packing….and growers really went all out when she’d got under their skin.*
Moxxie:*Simply gave Jenna a deadpan look like he usually had for Blitzo when he was being well…Blitzo, and it wasn’t like the shortstack bimbo’s barbs meant anything to him. Hell he used to hear worse from others, Loona especially before he tamed her and thrse days she was an absolute puppy around him.*”Look Miss, I do get what you mean and all but….I’m not really, interested in all honesty so I don’t know…I guess if I got to be here, maybe you can get Joy or something….oh god I actually want to spend time with Joy?!”*Moxxie seriously had to wonder if he did say that, was he really that disinterested in this pint sized Barbie doll? Jenna on the other hand was feeling absolutely livid, this guy didn’t want her company and her hatefuck routine wasn’t getting results…..until she noticed the wedding ring band in his finger.*
Jenna:*Armed with this clue, she thought fast and tried changing gears, now knowing she had a better possible target to try and work the imp into fucking her into next week.*”Well gee I guess you’re in no hurry to run back to your wife then huh? Unless she’s busy sucking off a delivery guy or maybe she’s as bad in bed as you are that even lesbos wouldn’t give her the time of day? ”*It seemed insulting Millie was finally getting a reaction out of Moxxie as the usually rational imp felt himself begin to lose his temper, Jenna was really pushing her luck and little did he know she was just getting started.*”But hey no accounting for taste right? Guess you two just work for each other, bet the day you were born the doctors. Us te wanted to slap your mama!!*Now of course before this point Moxxie might’ve been able to endure the shortstack brat’s barbs to a point given what he deals with from Blitzo but soon as she crossed the line and mentioned his dear departed, beloved mother, all rationality and reason went out The Window! The next thing Jenna knew, she was flying through the air, landing on her back, her clothes torn to pieces, and a naked Moxxie pinning her, eyes blazing red, and practically foaming at the mouth and it was at this point she knew, she fucked around and was about to find out.*”Hey now just a second! I-!!”
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What follows was an intense hate-sex session so intense that Millie could sense a disturbance in the force, so to speak, as the wrath shortstack had a feeling someone had gone a flushed the wrong buttons on her man. Feeling very scaroused as her thighs became soaked with her nectar, a sensation that was plenty mutual among certain other ladies in the possum’s love life, making them wonder just who was the unfortunate butch to both pity and envy right now. While a certain smutmaker in lust felt his determination skyrocket in his personal quest to find and recruit who he felt was a future star in the making but back in the living world in the meantime? Jenna was finding her sex life flashing before her eyes, each and every cock she’s sucked, fucked and milked, every set of balls drained drier than the wallets she had jacked, every single girth and length from the BBCs who wanted to make her a queen of spades to others she couldn’t care to remember.
All of which and whom were all being put to shame because the big red Imp dick that was fucking her with the intent to destroy rocking her goddamn world!! The bimbo shortstack’s howls and moans filling the room along with the heavy thud and creaks of the bed springs as Moxxie was an erotic rabid animal, driven to put the naughty little slut in her place. Right off the bat, he had gone into pounding her in a mating press, balls deep and jackhammering away into that tight snatch as if ensuring her guts would be more messed up than the guy in the Operation game. Bending and folding the size queen brat like an accordion as she felt the most intense sex she never thought possible since the day she lost her virginity. 
Now she was no stranger to positions like cowgirl, missionary or doggy style and with her size and height? Getting hauled around and thrown into being hoisted into something like the full nelson or pinned up against the wall wasn’t an unfamiliar sensation either but with Moxxie fucking her the way he was? Ooh the unreal sensation as that imp clung to her like a barnacle to the hull of a boat, his heavy crimson balls smacking her clit and her ass, the twin meat buns sporting handprints from the constant slaps he was giving them, thst is when they weren’t being occupied having themselves some squeezes of juicy bouncing shortstack tits. All the while her bimbo brain was drowning in pleasure, the words “breed me daddy!”running like a mantra all the while and to think, Moxxie was only getting started!!
Now of course being a Herron girl, there was no way Moxxie wasn’t going to fuck her face but she felt like she was going to suffocate on that demonic cock, her head hanging off the edge of the sure to be demolished bed as her Imp Daddy pounded her mouth and throat like they were pretty much an oral pussy. All in a 69 position of couse as Jenna found first hand that the imp REALLy knew how to eat a girl out, his mouth latched onto her crotch as his tongue slither and plunged deep into her olds. Christ on a stick, she could swear even a lesbian would want to give this a try if they even had to pick a dude!! If this was a dream, don’t wake her the fuck up because she had a feeling this wasn’t even getting to the best part!! 
Seconds and Minutes passed into as many hours for as long as the ritual’s master candle burnt, Moxie showing no signs of slowing down his rabid hatefucking. As if driven to teach the bratty bitch a lesson and leaver her something or rather someone to remember him by, a fucked stupid expression on the bimbo’s face as he pinned her down in a prone bone position on the trashed, sweat and juice soaked bed. Strangling her with her own pigtails as makeshift nooses which really seemed to be a turn on for Jenna, hearts glowing in her eyes thinking if Hell had a guy like this, no wonder Joy was a satanist!! Better to rut in hell than to be play nun in heaven!!
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When the ritual finally wore off and Moxxie was sent back, Millie ran to find him on the couch in an exhausted heap. Concerned as to what happened to her hubby to leave him in such a state like that one time he accidentally got drunk n Beelze-Juice. And rather turned on at the sight of his semi-relaxed, juiced soaked dick, which likely explained what that disturbance she had felt not too long ago. Suffice to say, once he had some r&r and a little extra hydration, Moxxie was going to have quite the details to share….
Meanwhile Jenna was left laying prone bone with her bubble butt in the air, her pussy and ass gushing with an overflow of Moxxie’s demonic baby batter. Twitching and laying as her booty stung with the delicious pain of the imp’s skilled little hands as Joy then entered the room in all her scary hit satanic goth glory. Surveying the erotic crime scene with approval as she breathed in that familiar scent of her much beloved and badly missed imp daddy, fingers scooping up some of the excess jizz as she licked and sucked the clean. The taste making her shudder with the delicious memories of that fateful encounter before she looked at her Barbie doll cousin with amusement.
Joy:”So was worth it?”*She quipped teasingly, earning a shame thumbs up and a hoarse “worth it.” The goth herron then the ritual instructions and items, gathering them up as she made her exit.* “You want another turn? Then you pay double next time.”*As she said this, she finds another one of her cousins with a stack of cash in hand, the wheels in her wicked head turning. At this rate..her little imp daddy might wind up becoming heir much wanted and needed family bull…*
~To be continued……~
Herron Hell:The Handy Girl and The Farm Girl
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The redhead sisters and spawns of the infamous Veronica Herron, the busty farmgirl Violet and her gear head machine sister Virginia currently found themselves with an unfortunate issue, that being the former’s milking machine broke down and the latter can’t fix it, leaving the two flummoxed as to what to do. Especially as no repair men around here knew how to fix one, after all who in the suburbs actually had a milking machine? Which of course left them without s means to ease Violet’s heavy milk tanks of their excess treasure until they get an idea of an instant stud they could try to get them out of this tricky situation. Which soon lead right to the duo carefully sneaking into Joy’s room and steal a certain ritual, instructions and all (written by the satanist goth in a way that even that slacker Jen could understand) a big risk, given how protective she was of her stuff and it being taken or handed without permission, but worth it they figured. 
Thankfully, Joy was out of the house for now as the two followed the layout of the guide and proceeded to summon Moxxie, who going by the apron he had on had likely been working on something in his kitchen. Naturally the redhead Herrons had to resist the urge to squee, not having expected someone or something so cute to come out of Hell of all places, he even had a little bow tie!! Our resident sweet possum of course was equal parts annoyed and confused, this again? And why was he feeling a familiar sense of danger he felt he knew all too well?
Violet:”oh my goodness, just look it him and his suit, he’s like a little butler!!*The busty milktank Herron couldn’t help but squee as she grabbed and smooshed Moxxie’s freckled face, wanting to nuzzle and snuggle him in a manner akin to Janet and her plush toys. The imp blushing as he found himself close to those big boobs of hers, so round and firm. Barely contained within the strings of her denim outfit, looking ready to escape and flash him any moment. Their jiggling and bounce so hypnotic akin to a lava lamp…*
Virginia:*Shakes her head in amusement at her sister’s behaviour, admittedly she couldn’t blame her for reacting that way, this little fellow was a cutie. Before she decided to at least be merciful and give the imp some context for why he was here.*”Hey sorry about this little guy, out of the blue we know but the thing is, our milking machine has gone bust and Violet here we’ll…she sort of needs to lose some excess pressure, if you get my drift?”*The imp was blushing as he could gather what the gear head was implying, how could he not when Violet’s titanic tits were right in his face, looking ready to burst. On the one hand, this was a bit unorthodox but on the other, it wasn’t looking like he’d feel his dick would fall off from overuse this time again.*
It certainly helped that the girls seemed nicer than Joy, and he found himself rather enamoured with Violet’s country accent, it reminded him so much of Millie so what the hey, he agreed. And so our resident sweet possum found himself pumping Violet’s breasts as the Dixie babe whipped them out, all ready to go. Those firm, round jugs so warm and supple in his hands as seconds passed into minutes, the little imp stunned and slightly aroused as at least a baker’s dozen worth of buckets counting were filled, Virginia biting her lower lip as she watched on. She couldn’t help but find the moans her sister made so hot, wondering wha it’d feel like and Violet was certainly finding Moxxie’s hands delightful so it was small wonder the two Herron girls got so turned on that they couldn’t help but jump Moxxie, pouncing and assaulting him with kisses as their clothes went flying snd their hands got busy depriving him of his.
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If they weren’t feeling horny before, naturally their libidos pretty much skyrocketed at laying their hands and eyes on Moxxie’s big red imp cock, that length and girth twitching with the promise of rutting them and filling them up with enough juice to ensure some buns in the oven. The imp soon feeling himself assaulted from head to toe with licks and issues, suddenly finding a mouth and faceful of Violet’s tires, his tongue being filled with warm, delicious breast milk. All the while she and Virginia stroked that red rocket of his before they soon began to assault it with a tandem blowjob, licking and kissing that cock. Violet adding some extra lubrication with a titfuck as her milk soaked and drowned that slicked up rod, ensuring it’d be nice snd ready to plow their tight little holes.
However as they were doing this, Moxxie was getting lost in a memory, of his first time with Millie in her parents’ barn, thanks to Violet’s accent and overall country farm girl vibe, and which wound up causing him to Millie’s name. The red headed sisters couldn’t help but feel angered by this as they overheard him, seriously here he was with the duo and he was thinking of some other woman?! Never let it be said that Herron girls, being the size queen bimbo sluts they were could be competitive as any bitches in heat during mating season could beproceed to go wild and get extremely aggressive and competitive. Something our sweet possum was about to find out and experience first hand as Violet and Virginia decided the time for foreplay was over, now was the time to make sweet, hot fucking rut!!
Violet:*Riding Moxxie cowgirl style, her fsrm girl booty bouncing and clapping as she held and hugged Moxxie’s cute little face to her tits. Ensuring he’d be smothered by her twin globes and drowning in her milk while Virginia had him fingering her gushing wet, sloppy pussy.* “Aaahn fuck yeah!! How this feel little man! Does Millie fuck you this food!? Buck me like I’m riding a rodeo bull you horny little bastard!!” *The milktank farm girl moaned with wanton lust as she continued to ride Moxxie’s shaft driven by the competitive urge to be the only name running through the imp’s mind. Just when the little guy wondered if third time was really the charm when dealing with Herron girls.
Virginia:”Oooh yeah you’re packing a V8 right here little man!! Make my motor run and howl!!”*The gear head grease monkey hollered passionately as she now had her turn, riding in reverse cowgirl with the imp having a fine view of her backside with that bubble butt jiggling and clapping on impact. That is when when Violet wasn’t making him suckle and drink from those big juicy tits of hers of course as she sat behind him. Hugging and holding his head between the warm marshmallow heaven that was her cleavage valley, making him feel this was what it was like to be in heaven and hell all at once. More so as Virginia’s pussy drowned his cock in her juices with those tight muscular walls aiming to milk those glorious imp balls of his.*
Moxxie soon found himself going through minutes into hours of an erotic montage with the redhead Herron sisters, going from taking them on one on one in turn to two on one especially. From having one ride him as the other sat on his face while they made out to taking one in missionary or doggy style as she ate her sister out, such being the case as he pounded Virginia from behind, his pelvis becoming soaked in her juices while she either lapped away at Violet’s pussy or suckled on her tits. The imp hitting Virginia’s key spots in such a way that soon as he came inside her, the gearhead howled as she orgasmed so intensely that she squirted causing him to fly from a geyser of her nectar. Moxxie pretty much ultimately knocked out as the stream launched him into a wall, landing in a deep crater with a spiderweb of cracks.
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Violet:*At this point the ritual died as the master key candle gave out and Moxie leaves in a flash of sulfur with no doubt quite a few questions from a concerned Millie and some other lovely ladies of his. The redhead sisters surveying the damage of their crime scene as they shared an anxious, embarrassed look.*”Uhm, whoops, I think we went a little overboard there sis…..think the little feller will be okay?” *Sometime the duo had to remember, for some guys first time with them they could be intense. Especially when Virginia could erupt like a goddamn geyser.*
Virginia:”Oooh I’m sure he will be fine. Now we better fix this up before Joy catches us and finds out….”*But before the two can clean up the evidence, they are confronted by The satanic goth size queen herself in her scary hot glory, standing in the doorway brandishing a whip. Looking she truly came out of hell itself, her amber blood red eyes seeming to glow with ominous sadistic intent, which gave off dominatrix vibes on par with then famous Penny Burufine. It was at this point, the redhead duo knew….they fucked up.*
Joy:”You can give me the details later…for now, it’s time to remind you hitches….don’t go into my room and take my stuff without permission..”*Suffice to say, Violet and Virginia were going to find themselves quite sore and walking funny for a while. As well as having to pay Joy a late fee for their little stunt of course but it somewhat soothe her to know her imp daddy made his mark on another relative or two. Her sweet dreams that night filled with kinky dreams of her and her family being theirs short king’s devoted sex slaves while Moxxie recovered snd dreamt differently. Of drowning in a tidal wave storm of love nectar, so damn much….”
Herron Hell:The Bubbly Princess and her Brawny Guardian
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It was one of those occassions where Moxxie not only found himself with a little peace and quiet but also a chance for some sensual but still plenty kinky fun, case in point? Him, Millie, a couple of scented couples in their cosy love-nest and of course Verosika for some threesome fun, currently rocking her human disguise form for a little roleplay with her as a pretty young up and coming music star looking to sell her soul for fame and the imp couple as the wicked demons willing to oblige her for that price…as well as her body of course. There they were, him sitting on the couch, Millie beside him as they enjoyed the succubus popstar really playing her part just right, so seemingly naive and innocent yet clearly a slut just waiting to let loose. But of course leave to to Murphy’s law to come along like the announcing bag of dicks it was as a distinct flow began forming around Moxxie’s biodynamic, a telltale sign he was familiar with as it signified someone up in the living world was summoning him!!
Given the girls needed their Moxxie fix as they haven’t had it for weeks, Millie’s and Verosika grabbed onto him and get caught up in the summoning vortex along for the ride. Upon arrival, the trio found themselves in an odd bedroom with one side loaded with plush toys and the other with plenty of exercise and gym equipment before Moxxed was then hugged tightly by a squealing figure, his sweet little head smothered between a perky pair of tits before he found something familiar about that pheromonal scent. But upon looking the girl over and seeing some pictures on the mantle and walls, he started putting two and two together as he felt a distinct sense of dread….
??:”OMG you’re even cuter than I thought!! Ooh and you’re just adorable!!”*She does the same to Millie and then notices Verosika, still in her human form disguise, her bright blue eyes sparkling.*”Oh wow, THE Verosika Mayday!! Like wow I didn’t know you were into this kind of stuff too!! Guess a girl has to have her fun secrets too right? Don’t worry I won’t tell, big fan by the way, bonetown is so catchy!! Ooh I’m Janet, Janet Herron FYI!!”*Confusion gave way to a growing sense of shock as Millie and the secret succubus in hiding realise this girl was part of thst infamous family fheir sweet possum had been been becoming acquainted with recently. Moxxie now felt that dread setting off alarm bells, just his luck another one of those size queens came calling and this one was a motormouth pixie!! Before things could proceed to the inevitable sort of fun he knew was pending, a brickhouse Amazon of a woman bust into the room and snatched him out of Janet’s grasp by hone of his horns, finding himself face to face with the cheerleader’s behemoth sister and noted cockblocker.*”oh hey Judith, lookie lookie, Joy’s thing worked AND Verosika Mayday’s here!, isn’t this exciting?!!”
Judith:*The Amazon butch sister of Janet narrowed her eyes, glaring at the imp she held up before her as easily as one of her little sister’s plush toys. Looking at him like he was some dirty stray that intruded into their home and throw him out like Uncle Phil woild do toJazz in the Fresh prince.*”Yeah well if that’s the case, I’m seein to it whether or not this guy is even worth the attention. Quite frankly I’m not impressed, he looks more like a twizzler than a sex machine, what’s the hype anyway?”*A deadpan expression formed on Moxxie’s face, in spite of the slight intimidation he still somewhat felt in her presence, after having his manhood questioned like that, he decided to just get it over with and stripped down, pants first with the results being immediate as Judith went from cockblocking tomboy to horny, thirsty slut at the sight of his stiffening imp dick. Herron girls no matter their personality, body shape and interests were always prone to going primal bitch in heat soon as they laid eyes on a dick that was 9 inches or more.*”W-well, I stand corrected……”
Before Moxxie knew it, he found himself sat right on Judith’s shoulders as the titanic bimbozon had his imp cock in her mouth, making him hold on for deer life as the woman deepthroated him with abandon. Lust burning in her eyes as she held his cute little red booty in her hands, making him facefuck her with abandon as Millie, Verosika and Janet watch on in awe, the former two concerned for their little possum. Thus far from his experiences, Herron women could be a near death experience and Judith seemed just about ready to drain him dry just from sucking snd blowing him. But as soon as that brickhouse butch babe got naked, for Moxxie it truly became a matter of life and death.
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For as much as she was the sexual gatekeeper for her sister and her female cousins, as said before when Judith was in the presence of a Herron class bitch pleaser, she was like a whole other woman. Which Moxxie was experiencing first hand as he fucked her in a missionary postion, holding onto her waist for dear life as he pumped and thrust his length and girth into the vice-like embrace of her snatch. Millie and Verosika keeping Janet busy, mainly gossiping and giving her an autograph, all the while hoping their little man would be able to survive this. They were well familiar with the details of his last few encounters with Herron girls especially after that Virginia almost made him drown.
It was quite a few intense rounds o but a couple of effective positions and orgasms later Janet found Moxxie throw her away, catching the little imp stud with glee as she pounced and began to make out with the little sweet possum as this lead to some girl on girl action with Millie and Verosika deciding to double team Judith. Much to her welcome delight of course as they had a feeling their little alpha male would need all the help he could get as sure enough, Moxxie was finding that in spite of her sweet innocence aura, Janet was still a Herron. Her pretty mouth currently latched onto his cock as she practically made his hips buck and pump with delightful facefucking thrusts as she sucked and blew him off. Not seemingly bothered or out off that she could taste her own sister’s juices on his length and girth, it was like incest wasn’t an issue for these girls!!
Janet:”Oooh daddy yes! Right there daddy!! All for you, all yours! Give me a D, give me an A-!!”*The bubbly princess cheered on as Moxxie, in quite a display of strength for his size and height had her held up in a full nelson position. Arms hooked and wrapped around her legs as that cheerleader trained flexibility of hers was put to the test, the kinky pixie moaning with every smack of those balls against her clit. Loving just how deep and filling Moxxie’s length and girth felt, it was like this cock was meant to please Herron girl pussy!! It was like Joy made her a plush toy and her dream stud all at once!!*
Judith, no surprise given her butch like nature and aura, was proving to be quite a handful for Millie and Verosika to deal with, figures the unofficial alpha female gatekeeper would be intense with women sexually as she no doubt could be with men. Not just with her hands and tongue but when the toys got involved, it was a whole other story, unsurprisingly she was a beast with the strap-ons. Though the length and girth on those things had nothing on Moxxie’s cock of course, but damn could that butch eat a gal out and scissor, those muscles weren’t for show. Though thy couldn’t help but notice Judith wasn’t taking her eyes off of her sister and their little alpha male fucking, seems Moxxie had left quite an impression on the Amazon…..but that was the Moxxie charm for you of course, at its finest.
Judith:”Aaah fucking A daddy…right there…mess up my sides and fill me right up to the brim!”*It wasn’t surprising then to find the butch Herron had wasted no time in wanting her next turn with Moxxie, riding him cowgirl style soon a her next turn presented itself. Her sister hugging her from behind, looking in with erotic giddy delight while Millie and Verosika laid on either side of their man to give him moral support. Helping him hang in there as they took turns kissing and making out with him knowing that this little encounter would last a good while. At least until that ritual master candle burnt finally burnt out or these 2 Herron girls were down for the count, whichever came first….pun unintended.*
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It was minutes passing into hours with a sea of bodies and a tangle of limbs, orgasm after orgasm with the walls and ceiling echoing with moans and heavy skin slapping, pussy pounding primal sex. The carpet and bedsheets becoming stained and soaked with sweat and juices as the night passed on into the long twilight hours with combinations of 4 on one and then some. Janet unsurprisingly was a bundle of perky peppy energy, seemingly eager to have Moxxie mate and breed her and of course relishing being so intimate with her favourite pop star as they shared the ride to bone town. While Judith seemed to become a sweet submissive little slutty kitty puppy each and every time “Daddy Moxxie” gave her another dose and round of that big imp cock of his…
After spending a wild, lewd night of swapping partners, the ritual had finally ended with the demon trio gone home in a flash of soulful, leaving behind a very exhausted satisfied pair of sisters who dreamt sweet imp daddy dreams. Finding themselves back in their little love nest, naked and spend as an exhausted Millie and Verosika joined Moxxie in his thoughts, that indeed the Herrons were human succubi. They just had to be, there wasn’t any other explanation for how intense human women like that could be and to think!! And what’s more, Moxxie had omly as of now just dealt with six of them!!
So it made him shudder and dread to think how many more of them he might wind up meeting in the future, bar any repeat encounters of course. Ooh if he only knew but at the least when it came to Judith and Janet, it was just a matter if and when they could save up enough to pay Joy’s fee for borrowing the summoning ritual. But believe You me, think he’s had some wild time with Herron girls at this Point? You’ve seen nothing yet…..
~To be continued….~
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Sunny Girlfriend Headcanons! (SFW + NSFW)
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SFW Headcanons:
You’re going to be the target of some of her pranks, sorry 💀 She has to practice them somehow before trying them on her members!
She’s loves it when you call her “bunny” or “puppy” ❤️
She LOVES cuddling, like when you’re not doing anything she’ll just cuddle you all. day. long.
She likes to rest her head on your chest and listen to your heartbeat 🥺
Sometimes it leads to play wrestling or tickle fights , but they’re all in good fun :)
Her love language is quality time… setting aside special time for just the two of you is really important to her!
She also loves experiencing new things with you… like going to museums, taking cooking/painting classes, going to concerts, etc.
Doing the absolute most for her birthday because she has to share it with her two older sisters and you want her to feel special
Helping her get everything off of shelves, or i king her up so she can reach them herself
Calling her “shorty” just to annoy her
But it’s okay because she annoys you with her disgustingly cute aegyo all the time
Covering her ears for her whenever there’s fireworks
Watching horror movies together and hiding your face in her chest because she’s not scared of ghosts at all 😤
Eating the rest of her bungobbang for her since she hates red bean paste, or throwing it away if you don’t like it either
You make her feel better about her real name, when you call her Soonkyu it just sounds so perfect 🥰
Sunny is a very honest and loyal girlfriend, she would never keep secrets from you and expects you to do the same ❤️
Waking up in the middle of the night from her mumbling like a puppy
Going to charity events on her arm <3
She’s a huge nerd, so you’re going to have to take her to the comic book store and play video games with her ALL the time
The true test of your relationship was whether or not Salt and Pepper liked you (her cats,) and when they did, she was absolutely relieved. They even lay on you and ignore Sunny, which you find hilarious (She doesn’t lol)
She’s one of those girlfriends who will just randomly bite you sometimes, and it’s gotten to the point where you don’t even get surprised anymore
She also touches your butt ALL the time. It doesn’t matter the size or shape, she’s going to be taking a squeeze every so often
Her out-drinking you all the time bc her tolerance is so high. Her and Tiffany usually end up dragging you and Hyoyeon home from karaoke while the two of you are absolutely wasted 😭
She usually drives you everywhere since she prides herself on her good driving skills (unless it’s at night, then you’ll drive because of her astigmatism)
Reassuring her that you think she’s a great cook, and that you’re not tired of her making rice cakes and noodles all the time because those are the only things she’s confident in 💀
I really hope you’re not a neat freak because she constantly leaves stuff lying around the house… she just gets so busy and doesn’t think about it until much later :(
She’ll absolutely adore you if you clean her things up for her and organize them 🥺
She has a secret snack stash that you totally pretend you didn’t find while cleaning one day… you decided to let her maintain her fantasy that she’s good at hiding things and just steal a few treats every now and again 😗
She’s the best person to have around when you’re sad or anxious… she’s amazing at creating humor out of dark times and never fails to make you laugh through tears ❤️
Like her original title, Sunny is literally your energy pill. She’s so optimistic and hopeful, and it always inspires you to keep going and to never give up ☀️
She’s willing to help you through any problem, and will stick by you through thick and thin! 🥰
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NSFW Headcanons: (18+/MDNI)
TW: groping, dom/sub dynamics, nipple play, nipple sucking, biting, marking up, roleplay, missionary, mating press, reverse cowgirl, praise
She’s technically a switch, however most of the time she ends up taking on the submissive role
Every once in a while she’ll surprise you and take control, like when she’s stressed or irritated with something, but for the most part, she likes to be dominated by you
LOVES having her boobs played with (groping them, punching her nipples between your fingers, sucking on them, etc.)
The biting thing? Yeah that extends to the bedroom too
Even when she’s being a sub, you somehow end up COVERED in hickies and bite marks 💋
Sunny strikes me as someone who sees sex as the ultimate physical connection between two people who love each other, so she might not be very experienced because she doesn’t like to sleep around. You’ll have to be very patient and understanding with her ���️
She also doesn’t strike me as someone who likes it rough… like don’t get me wrong, it’s not all just gentle and soft love making, but she definitely does NOT want to be thrown around
However, I COULD see her being into roleplay 👀 Like a idol/groupie dynamic could get her going SO fast when she’s feeling dominant
Or when she’s feeling submissive you could be the uptight boss to her sexy secretary 😈
She also might like dancing for you, or doing a strip tease
We all know Sunny has big, beautiful lips… bite them. She adores it when kissing gets a little nibbly
In terms of positions, I think her favorite would just be the classic missionary. She likes being able to look up at you so you can see her face
Sometimes you’ll push her legs back into the mating press when you’re feeling extra dominant… her flexibility comes in handy ;)
She might be into reverse cowgirl when you’re being a power bottom, riding you while you grope at her ass
She likes to be praised… tell her how pretty she looks, how good she’s doing, how much you love seeing her like this 🥰
Overall, Sunny’s not super adventurous or rough, but you’ll certainly always have a good time ;)
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storyunrelated · 4 months
War of Dakka (Dat's a working title)
Continue to chip away at my nascent 'Orks and Tau' idea (with obvious title) and I've done this first bit.
Curious if it is hitting the right notes. Suppose we'll see.
Lugnut, self-proclaimed best mek on the planet, was putting the finishing touches onto a personal project. He did this regularly, to the frustration of those who had actually given him money to do specific things.
Today’s project was a new type of gun, much like yesterday’s project and, indeed, tomorrow’s project, too. These aliens might have been weedy cowards who hid behind  things and shot you from far too far away and never stuck around for a proper scrap, but they certainly had a lot of very exciting guns - exactly the sort of thing that endlessly sparked a mek’s fertile imagination (and provided material with which to see this fertility bear fruit).
This particular gun was an improvement on an existing model. It had hitherto been attached to the arm of one of those weird jumpy kans the aliens had, at least until it had been liberated in a notably impressive explosion. The gun - a lovely, chunky, boxy one that Lugnut knew for a fact melted stuff right good - had then been salvaged, somehow made its way back, and even more somehow wound up in Lugnut’s hands, where it was now all set to enjoy a new lease on life.
“Get dat target over dere!” Lugnut barked, impatient. He’d finally finished hammering out the kinks on the gun (literally hammering them out) minutes earlier and the fact he hadn’t yet had a chance to shoot at something was starting to agitate. If the grot didn’t get the target in place soon Lugnut felt he’d just pick whichever part of his workshop he was least attached to and shoot in that direction. 
Firing at an actual target was mostly a formality, anyway. Made you look more professional.
But if you were on your own did that really matter? Lugnut was starting to think no.
With a final heave and an obvious level of putting its tiny back into it, the grot succeeded in shoving the vaguely fire warrior-shaped collection of junk into position. Lugnut did not wait until the grot cleared the range before opening fire. He was far too excited to waste that kind of time. Grinning, he whipped it up and pointed more-or-less the right way and squeezed the trigger. There was a crack and a flash and a clap and the target was gone, along with a good chunk of the wall behind it and the hut on the other side. Something was on fire, too, but it wasn’t anything of his so it didn’t matter.
“Dat’s dead good, dat is,” Lugnut said to himself with pride, grinning broadly.
“Psst,” said a voice by his ear.
Lugnut stopped grinning abruptly and whirled, raising his wrench and swiping it through what turned out to be empty air. Someone tapped him on the shoulder and he whirled again, finding himself face-to-face with Ripslik.
The kommando was smiling at him. Never a pleasant sight.
“Zog me, Ripslik! Why you gotta be sneakin’ in here for anyway?” Lugnut growled, wrench lowering again. Ripslik chuckled. Never a pleasant sound.
“Hur. Sorry, Lugnut - force ’abit, ain’t it?”
This was why no-one liked kommandos. That this particular kommando was also a proper Blood Axe as well only made it worse. No-one liked Blood Axes, either.
Especially Blood Axes who showed up with sacks.
“Yeah yeah. Wot’s all dis den?” Lugnut asked, eyeing both Ripslik and the sack with (frankly, warranted) suspicion. Ripslik was used to getting looks like this so it didn’t bother him all that much. He gestured emphatically at the sack, complete with all the obvious tau equipment it had already had poking out the top.
“Wot’s it look like? Bitz! I got a projekt for ya!” Ripslik declared, grinning. Lugnut’s interest was piqued immediately. That word tended to have that effect on meks.
“Bitz, eh? Bluey bitz?” he asked, his interest piqued. Ripslik grinned wider, which even for another ork was a disquieting experience.
A ‘bluey’ in this instance being a tau, for clarity. The orks had a variety of names on offer for them, mostly because very few of the orks on the planet had actually discovered - or bothered to try and discover - the name of the tau. It didn’t seem especially important. They were enemies foremost and aliens second - everything else after that was just unnecessary detail.
Lugnut reached into the sack, rummaged, and produced a dark helmet. It was a little beyond dark, actually. Light seemed to somehow just fall into whatever it was the armour had been coated in, making it darker than dark and, frankly, kind of difficult to look at.
A head then fell out of the helmet and bounced off of Lugnut’s boot.
“Eurgh! Dere’s still alien in dis one!” He said with distaste, turning the helmet over and grimacing at the mess he could now see was on the inside. Blood and guts was one thing, that was fine, but blood and guts on the bitz? That was uncalled for. Ripslik was unmoved.
“It’ll ‘ose off! Stop bein’ a grot ‘bout a bit a blood!”
“S’more dan blood! It’s leakin’ all ova ma floor! Look!” Lugnut said, glowering and pointing to the sack which was indeed leaking all over the floor. Still glowering, Lugnut turned to one side of his workshop where lounged about half a dozen grots, half of whom appeared to be napping. “Oi! You lot! Stop lazin’ about and clean this up! Now!”
To punctuate this order - and to emphasise its urgency - Lugnut threw one of the several weighty spanners he just-so happened to have hanging about his person. His aim was very good (this wasn’t the first time he’d done this) and one of the grots did not get up to join the rest as they hurried over, grabbing mops and buckets as they went.
Ignoring all of this and especially ignoring the grots, the two orks continued.
“Wot you talkin’ ‘bout ‘projekt’ anyway? Wot you want?”
Ripslik pulled another piece of armour - what looked to be a chunk of the torso plating of a stealthsuit, just as painfully dark as the helmet - from the sack and waved it about demonstratively.
“Da bluey’s got dese sneaky suits, yeah?”
“The one’s wot turn invisible?” Lugnut asked, digging a finger absent-mindedly into his ear.
“Yeah, ‘dose ones,” Ripslik said with just the hint of a growl.
Ripslik had a complicated relationship with tau stealth teams.
On the one hand he had a profound professional distaste for anyone else attempting to intrude on his covert realm, particularly if they did so by cheating with fancy wotsits. Turning invisible? That wasn’t fair, and it meant you weren’t proper sneaky, either. On the other, he did have to admit they were at least reasonably good at what they did. For cheating alien scum.
Then again, so he’d come to consider, if he could turn invisible he could probably do it even better than they could, him not being an alien and all, and him being dead sneaky to start with. With him it wouldn’t even really be like cheating, not like how they did it. He’d just be getting up to some new level of sneaky no kommando had ever reached before. That was just sensible! 
It was this line of thought that had inspired the project.
So he’d started making a point of hunting the stealth teams down specifically, something which had cost him a fair few boys and (perhaps more importantly) a good amount of teef, too, when he’d splashed out on a scanny-wotsit made by another mek who had assured him it would flawlessly reveal anything invisible. When it worked. Smacking the thing against the head of the mek in question had done much to improve its performance, so Ripslik felt.
Still, despite the setbacks and the outlays, he had met with success. Partly on account of his natural talents, partly on account of the tau stealth teams not considering that something might be hunting them.
They knew now, obviously, but that was a bit late for some of them.
“Wot ‘bout ‘em?” Lugnut asked.
“I wanna get one of ‘dere suits, but proper orky - better! So I got the bits. Dat’s da project.”
“You want an alien invisisuit ‘fing?”
The idea of specifically building something that was for hiding sat distastefully with Lugnut, who grimaced, trying and failing to think of a way to make it more palatable to his sensibilities.
“I dunno…”
“Well, if you don’t fink yer up ta it I guess I can take dis here scrap to Snakrot…” Ripslik said, leaning in to pick up the sack again. Snakrot being another mek. The one who’d made the flawless (when working) scanny-wotsit. He probably wouldn’t have been especially seeing Ripslik again, given how their last meeting had went, but Lugnut didn’t know that.
“You wot,” said Lugnut with flat dangerousness.
“E’s dead ‘andy wiv dis bluey tek, I ‘eard. Could prob’ly knock it up right quick, yeah,” Ripslik said breezily. Lugnut scowled and jabbed a calloused, oil-stained finger.
“You better wotch it wiv’ ‘dat talk. You tryin’ ‘ta, uh, si-col-a-gee me wiv’ some grotty kommando trick, get me to do wot you want!”
“Nevah! Just sayin’, if yer not mek enough den I know anuvver one who’ll do it.”
“I’m mek enough! I can do it easy! No problem at all! Squig-fer-brains zoggin’ kommando scum…” Lugnut grumbled, quickly adding: “S’gonna cost you ‘tho! S’not cheap fiddlin’ with this stuff!”
“I come prepared!” Ripslik said, reaching back to unhook from his sneakin’ sack a smaller sack that was not for sneaking, but was in fact full of teef (some his, most not). He dropped it on the floor next to the sack of bits and it landed with a satisfyingly rattly crunch, the sound that all orks so enjoyed. Lugnut prodded the sack with a boot.
“Dis it?”
Ripslik’s turn to scowl.
“Wot you mean ‘Dist it?��?! Dis is more teef dan most Orks’ see in a life!”
Patently untrue. Lugnut shrugged.
“Yeah, well, s’not enuff, issit? Big job, dis!” He said.
Ripslik briefly considered the odds on getting what it was he wanted if he killed Lugnut on the spot. Long, he decided, and he really did want some of those suits. He quickly cooked up a workable alternative. Initiative like this was a hallmark of kommandos, doubly so for proper Blood Axe kommandos.
“Well, how ‘bout dis? How ‘bout I get you one’a dem big stompa fings o’ theirs?” He said.
Ripslik did not know what a Riptide was actually called, neither did he care. Lugnut did not know what they were called either, but he knew exactly what it was Ripslik was talking about, and his ears pricked up.
“You wot?”
“I know where ‘dey got one - ‘an lots of uvver dakka, too. They fink they got a secret hidey-hole, but I know ‘about it, I ‘found it. Howsabouts I get you one’a ‘dem, eh?” Ripslik asked. Lugnut’s mind was already starting to run away with the possibilities.
“One’a ‘dem with the, ah, you know, the-” he mimed the arm cannon of a Riptide and acted out hosing down something with a withering torrent of fearsome energy, complete with sound-effects. Ripslik nodded. He knew what the mek was referring to. The spinny ones.
“Yeah, yeah, one’a ‘dose ones.”
“I could do with one’a dose…” Lugnut said, dreamily, mind wandering off briefly to somewhere wonderful with a lot of screaming and explosions and gunfire before snapping back to the moment and the practical problems involved. “How you gonna get it back? They fry boyz wot try to get in ‘em.”
This Lugnut knew from experience. Not personal experience or else he wouldn’t have been around to say anything about it, but he’d shoved enough grots into enough battlesuits to know the sneaky aliens had made arrangements to stop you just stealing the things. He was working on a way of getting around that, but it wasn’t ready yet. He’d get through a lot of grots before it was ready, he knew, but that was the price of progress.
(On the plus side, the suits crisped the grots up super-nice, so for every failure you at least got a snack out of it. Every cloud.)
“You leave dat to me. We got a deal?” Ripslik asked.
Lugnut knew better than to trust a Kommando. Indeed, he knew better than to trust any Ork attempting to cut a deal with him, or any Ork he passed outside his workshop, or just any Ork at all, really. But still, the mental picture of one of those really, really big shiny battlesuits kept popping into his head, stomping all over his good sense. He might even have drooled a bit.
“Alright. You bring me one’a dem fings - in one piece! - and I’ll do yer armour. For yer lads, too!” He said. That was called motivation, that was. Dead cunning idea he’d picked up from somewhere - or come up with on his own? Probably on his own, on reflection. Another good idea! He was full of them!
Ripslik hadn’t expected this bonus.
“I’ll ‘old you to dat!” 
“Yeah yeah. Just leave da bitz.”
“Yer ‘avin a laugh - leavin’ bitz ‘round fer a mek…safe keepin’! Har! Nah, I know a safe spot for dese - you’ll get ‘em later!”
It had been worth a shot.
“Fair play,” Lugnut said.
Sweeping up the sack of teef and the sack of bits and slinging both over his shoulders Ripslik made his exit, as quiet as his entrance had been and just as impressive given he was carrying a whacking great leaking, clanking sack. Lugnut was all set to get back to work when the grot who had pushed the target into position and who had, in defiance of reason and in a burst of unbelievable luck, actually survived, perhaps unwisely chose this moment to stick his head up again and appeared at Lugnut’s elbow.
“Gun works good, boss!”
Lugnut had better luck with his wrench this time. The grot’s luck, however, couldn’t stretch quite as far as they might have wanted it to, and certainly not so far as to allow it cheat death twice in one day.
“Gotta clean ma wrench now…” Lugnut muttered, scratching himself and wandering off to find something to fix.
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anthonybialy · 4 months
Liberally Wrong About Israel
Israel has some nerve surviving.  It’s like they’re trying to encourage anti-Semitism.  The country that keeps fighting just because others keep punching also embarrasses its critics.  Scolding about hunting terrorists embodies how the left sees everything.  Honorary North Koreans get war sides wrong like it’s the economy.  The next round of printing cash will be the one that lets us buy what we want.
Figuring oppression is innate leads to reflexively seeing who’s its victim.  The only way to exacerbate warped claptrap about incessant mistreatment is to identify the alleged oppressor incorrectly.  Of course, atrocity’s enablers do that.  One side targeted the other, which is inconvenient for foes of coherent timelines who think corporations discovered greed after Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Ask who Hamas admirers think were World War II’s bad guys to at least get some giggles out of their shame.  Uncannily siding against one particular faith also involves thinking loser countries have gotten robbed.  The Third World party isn’t having much fun.
The team with less surely must be exploited.  A faction that’s unable to devise anything surely couldn’t be resentful against one that can: in fact, we’re told they’re just trying to get their stuff back.  The alternative is that hard work and creativity lead to success, and we can’t let conservatives start to think they’re right.
Believing there’s a finite amount of wealth is the standard belief of the useless.  Forget trying to actualize any: those who mooch off the productive can’t even conceive of contributing.  Personal desires motivate the philosophy of the ironically selfish as they condemn the greed of those who desire to keep what they earn.
There sure is a lack of empathy amongst those who claim to care about everyone else.  Retailers offering value resemble Israel building an outlet out of sand, and such entrepreneurship spurs resentment in social justice studies majors.
Identifying who’s victimized is a challenge invented by those who don’t like anything easy.  Israel is a shark tank surrounded by a sea of predators.  Pretending it’s the neighborhood’s aggressor is a common hobby for those who coincidentally also damn cops instead of criminals.  America’s vanishing property spike resulted from Democrats getting everything they want.
The keffiyeh crew announcing which place they prefer enhances their emblematic cognitive dissonance.  Offer the chance to live anywhere in the Middle East including Gaza for the real chance to live with allies in earthly paradise.  A relocation to somewhere more diverse is not just an opportunity to flee racist police state America but a chance to put values into practice.  Funding moving expenses would be a great grant program for a civically-minded wealthy free market fan.  As for the beneficiaries, they should scout locations for a pride parade.
Creating a comfortable country out of nothing is a testament to ingenuity.  Those who think government is the source of productivity are outraged.  Liberty’s opponents get to loaf because of it.  Uncannily, they universally think Israel’s thriving must be either a matter of random luck or predatory plundering.
Israel is not good at colonialism.  They occupy land that was theirs since the dawn of recorded history that nobody else wanted.  Demanding their share of something that belongs to someone else is how Israel’s enemies inspire affinity in Western leftists.
The joke about God’s chosen people living in the one Middle Eastern place with no oil is funniest because they didn’t let it bother them.  Sighing about what’s unfair before working to withstanding it offers a crucial life lesson about what to do with what we’re handed.  Israel possesses something way more valuable than fuel.
The gift of developing character by working hard isn’t the most fun one to receive, but it’s rather useful in this rather imperfect world.  As a result of overcoming not being handed a cushy life, Israelis established the one country you’d want to live in if you were in the vicinity.  Their concocted pleasantness is exponentially cozier than living on the quad with student commies.  Only one of the two groups can obtain their own groceries.
Israel defends itself after manufacturing prosperity.  Of course they’re despised by the left.  Responding righteously to an assault seems a little too close to exercising Second Amendment rights.  A concealed carry country shows why the virtuous deserve to arm themselves.
Screwing up identifying aspects of reality is the pinko brand.  Outrage is reserved for daring to suggest punishment for illegal immigrants who tally second crimes.  As for citizens, they particularly adore those who have turned to shoplifting as a career.  Looking at the global scale involves presuming terrorists have legitimate beefs.
Bad guys have regrettably good friends.  Woke lunatics express sympathy for the turnstile-hopper instead of the commuter who occasionally foregoes lunch to afford a ride.  The concert slaughterer motivated by having land that was never theirs and nobody wanted stolen will always find backing from the 2020s’ purveyors of radical chic.
The only crimes indolent adversaries of society care about are imaginary ones.  Justice’s warpers maintain a grievance toward Israel like it’s a supermarket that uses plastic bags.  New York City is once again renowned for muggings, but at least villainous pizzaioli can’t cook with coal.
Political junkies who got every policy they want fume at how lousy conditions have become.  Avoiding troublesome notions about consequences is common amongst those who put sanctimoniousness in place of sense.  Zealots who conclude their cause is righteous will do everything possible to demonize heathens.  If they’re fighting for the survival of millions, then anyone opposed must be diabolical anti-social justice goons.  Acting obnoxiously is part of the commitment to preening.
Israel made it when nothing in the natural realm went its way.  I wonder if there’s a term for that.  Persevering when everything tells you to quit shows character at its best, unlike what its frothing critics flaunt.
If class warfare warriors really believed in conquering persecution, they’d be praising Israel nonstop.  Instead, the Hamas Campus Camping Club decided the side fighting back against human demons who massacred music festival attendees is the one perpetrating genocide.  
Doing the right thing when it’s unpopular is decried by fans of the trendy.  Declare pronouns along with contempt for the one country that happens to be Jewish.  Uproar over preserving their existence could be based in more than anti-Semitism just because the shriekers hate everything connected to that particular religion, including those humans and nation that practice it.
The republic that wouldn’t take its beating like a bitch will never be forgiven for it.  Using weapons just makes the mean war even more repressive.  Seeking out grievances while impugning the one place with genuine ones is how leftists stay consistent.
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jewishbarbies · 2 months
I disagree with Yuval saying civilized society and stuff in his video but it is so insane how people are purposefully missing the point of what he's trying to say while making excuses for a person who outright said Israel paid for the Holocaust to be important.
Will we ever be free of oppression olympics? The Holocaust offends people so much that antisemitic people of color thinks that its existence is an attack on them and their oppressions and trauma. How is admitting that the Holocaust and Nazis were a unique evil an attack on black and brown people? As a person of color I am so offended and disgusted at this thinking.
it’s a tongue in cheek use of the phrase, because he’s saying it from the perspective of people who wouldn’t have cared if the holocaust happened somewhere NOT considered “civilized” at the time, and a lot of people do find it so shocking because it happened in a place considered “civilized” where that kind of thing should be unspeakable. like WWII enthusiasts who dgaf about jews. I can see how it would be misunderstood, though. it looked to me like he was really trying to respond in a calm way even though he was genuinely angry and upset, so his inflections didn’t totally come through.
what gets me about this “saying the holocaust is bad is an attack on poc” is that the nazis also killed poc. like, if you consider jews white, the nazis STILL killed poc. they nearly completely wiped out the roma people, and they rounded up black people just the same. these morons like to use the holocaust to make it a uniquely queer event during pride month, as if a lot of the queer people killed weren’t also jewish, yet when jews have a day to mourn and remember the people we lost they scream and throw a tantrum for not mentioning other people targeted. the nazis targeted people bc they believed the jews were the reason for the “filth” to begin with. all roads lead to jews when it comes to nazi ideology, yet WE are the ones constantly intentionally left out and demonized for caring.
they love to bring up Magnus Hirschfeld as a queer icon and proof the nazis “went aftwe gays/trans people first” (as if it’s a competition), completely leaving out his jewish identity playing a direct role in that. yes, he was queer, and HE WAS JEWISH. it’s like when there’s an attack on a black jew and it’s clear it was an antisemitic hate crime, yet leftists say it’s just because they were black, then when a white jew is attacked it’s just because they were white and acktually they deserved it - they don’t see jew as an ethnicity, a culture, it’s just a religion you can take on and off as needed like christianity.
you can’t talk about the other groups targeted or the ideology of nazis without talking about jews, but all they care about when nazis march in Tennessee and Florida is that they’re racist, homophobic, and misogynist. leftists hate nazis bc of the threat they pose to other minorities, not bc they threaten jews.
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anqelstears · 2 years
my apology. (from an ex-proshipper)
i encourage both sides to read this, but make sure you read the content warning segment.
CW // sexualization of the following : grooming, abuse, sexual assault, incest, “lolisho”
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i will never post this on my main. i have drowned myself in lies and the guilt of it all will never let me rest.  this is an apology for whoever wants to read and a cautionary tale for the ones who are, unfortunately, going down the same path i regrettably chose for myself. if it brings peace to anyone or if it prevents something truly terrible, i will feel accomplished. my asks will be open if you want to let out your frustrations on how stupid i once was. i am encouraging you to, since i’m too much of a coward to suffer any kind of major consequence, feel free to tell me all of the nasty things you may feel once you’re finished reading this, and to whoever finds nothing wrong with what i have done, please revaluate your stances.
i used to be a proshipper, if the title hadn’t made it obvious enough, and i regret every second of it. i’m not even sure where it even began, everything feels like a blur. the more i try to remember, the foggier it gets. my therapist doesn’t quite understand the discourse, which, of course she doesn’t, but she has told me i have developed an anxiety disorder and according to my version of events (what i remember, at least), she’s convinced i have been taken advantage of by these people who i called my friends.
and i believe her. i hate admitting this. for once, i will put my pride aside and say that i’m gullible. i’m an idiot. i believe her when she tells me they’ve taken advantage of me and i believe her when she said that they radicalized my views and that i would do anything to feel like i belonged in a space. i’m desperate to feel anything else but alienation. all my life, i have longed for this feeling and they knew, taking advantage of my past trauma that i, regrettably, told them about. i was one of those people that used fiction as a coping mechanism to deal with my childhood trauma. i can’t stress enough how dangerous it is for you to make yourself vulnerable like this on the internet, and the worst part of it all, i should have known better. i was 18 years old when this happened.
i have done terrible, terrible things. i forced myself to be okay with lolisho, to be okay with abuse, incest, sexual assault. all because “it was all fiction”, and “no one was getting hurt”, but deep down, it was hurting me and so many others. i engaged in conversations with these people. i was told that my trauma was hot and they wished to be groomed, to be sexually assaulted, and all i could do was nothing because i knew what the consequences were. i would be shunned and would be alone again. these people loved me, they told me so, often.
i drew for them, i wrote for them, i wanted them to love me more. i felt like i was on top of the world, so many people enjoyed my company. i had friends. i was blinded by these rose colored glasses.
they loved me so much, until i started realizing how terrible they were. i saw how other people felt about them, how invalidated other victims felt. i felt terrible, knowing that i had contributed to it. i distanced myself from them and once they realized i did this, i was suddenly a target. i was harassed nonstop for hours, days, even. they love to preach about being anti-harassment until you’re no longer okay with the stuff they enjoy. suddenly, you’re a nasty anti or an anti dickrider. 
they didn’t love me anymore, and leaving was one of the most liberating feelings i have ever felt. i should have known better, but i unfortunately was in too deep. this wasn’t an attempt to excuse my actions, this was my story, my side of things, what i remember. 
i’m sorry if you’ve ever seen my posts on my old accounts, and i’m sorry if i made you relapse, i’m sorry for making you feel like i was glamourizing your trauma, i’m sorry for everything i have done. i denounce proshippers, i denounce this era of my life, i wish i could erase it, but i can’t. i will live the rest of my days with this and i hope that nobody goes through the same things i did. my actions are disgusting and i will never do this again. 
you are not cool, you are not better than anyone. and if you’re a child, please run. run as fast as you can from them, you’re bound to be taken advantage of like i have. they’re all sick in the head. 
this post sums up very well how proshipping may affect real people, please give it a read.
once again, i apologize for all the horrible things i might have caused.
thank you for giving me a chance. like i said, my ask box is open if you want to voice frustrations, ask questions, and essentially, whatever you want.
love, angel.
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grayintogreen · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Hello, hello. Chapter 39 is coming along nicely. I'm about 13k into what's estimated to be probably a max 19k chapter (three scenes left to write), so it'll be a little bit shorter than average for this arc, but I'm trying to streamline some stuff since the last two chapters involve a lot of fight scenes and conflict and there's just no time for a lot of downtime, etc.
As such, here's two small scenes for a preview!
Mighty Nein Battle Tactic, code name Inclement Weather:
Primarily an ambush tactic for melee fighters, using the Ring of Obscuring or Marine Layer (or both for a thicker fog), the party hides within and signals their location with individual bird calls whenever someone gets within five feet of them. If the person close by doesn’t respond, then they are an enemy and dealt with accordingly.
Fjord never considered the psychological ramifications of trapping people in fog and startling them with bird calls until now, but maybe it was the just the audience. A bunch of kids with swords and a little bit of magic and something to prove rush into something like this, and suddenly they realize they’re in over their head and get scared. You would think this would inspire pity and you’d be right if they were not scared kids with swords and a little bit of magic. He was getting back exactly what he gave whenever someone wandered close to his section of the fog simply because his opponent was being too reckless.
They were children, but they were dangerous, and as much as it hurt him to fight lethally, he couldn’t see well enough to hold back even if his targets weren’t being completely erratic. Pragmatism won out, as it always did, and he took solace in the fact that he couldn’t see the bodies he was stepping over.
Someone came up on his left and he whistled his call and got back Beau’s as a response. He relaxed a bit.
“Inclement Weather, nice,” she said, casually- a bit too casually.
“What happened in there?” He shot back.
“I dunno, man. Why didn’t you catch the runner?”
Fair. He swallowed his pride and didn’t argue with her. He could hear Cree and Caduceus doing their calls from farther back and they both answered, their responses punctuated by the wet sound of a glaive being driven into someone’s intestines and twisting them like so much fucking pasta. Cree also wasn’t in the vicinity of fucking around with these people.
“Where’s Lucien?” Beau hissed, noting the absence of his call.
“Must still be fighting the arsehole who was watching us.”
“Must be a tough opponent if he’s still fighting.”
“Must be.”
The blade in Eadwulf’s hands hummed like an Elven lullaby as he shook off Lucien’s blood curse. For fuck’s sake, he had hoped to have a few more rounds of it. Scowling, Lucien spun and danced and tried to land a hit, but now his opponent was playing for keeps and he wouldn’t allow a single thrust to land, leaving him constantly on the defensive, parrying the much larger blade to keep it from finding purchase.
Worthy opponent, his tail. It was only fun when he was winning.
“You’re slowing down,” Eadwulf grinned, managing to make even cheek look stoic. Was that disappointment in his eyes? Oh fuck that.
Vigor renewed, Lucien lunged like a demon in a furious dervish of spinning blades. Eadwulf’s defenses couldn’t hold against that kind of savagery. He faltered under the weight and dropped to one knee and Lucien, seeing that moment of vulnerability, trapped his neck between the two adamantine scimitars, panting and ready to take it as a prize.
His opponent looked at him with resignation, tinged with a sense of deep personal victory that this was how it would end, even if it wasn’t necessarily how he intended the fight to go. “I see why Bren is in love with you.”
Lucien startled. Bren… Bren… Who the fuck was Bren? Caleb?
A sense of abject fury rose so fast that the Beast was curious and supplied its own echo to the way he growled out, ”This whole time… You thought you were fighting Mollymauk?!”
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the fixation on one possible “girl” is soo funny to me like is that supposed to change the way he’s always presented himself 😭 go rewatch the cute hoodie scene in rainy days anon. i hate to break it to u but he’s going to be linked to her even if he didn’t have a pronoun thrown in. his ig story in tokyo got linked to her right away and now ppl on tiktok think they went japan together like 😭😭 u can’t stop it. yes u could argue it’s a lot more “specific” now but like hmm, not really? i’d look at it the same way we’re supposed to take seven. it’s a song made for a hit. it appeals to the target audience. him not being in any of the credits means something. esp when we all know he’s been writing a whole load of stuff. at the end of the day the ppl who see his queerness will always see it for as long as he continues to present himself like that (cough cough pride hoodie in paris), and the people who refuse to believe it will always refuse, and they’ll let themselves feel more secure by inserting a girl in to reassure themselves. they’ll throw in a quote of his from when he just debuted, or they’ll bring in his “problematic” wooga squad, or they’ll insist he needs a wife to have kids, these are all narratives you can’t stop. just try and enjoy the song and ignore those who want to bring her up. (also blue is coming after slow dancing mv, on the 13th i think.)
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Teruki Hanazawa
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Age: 14
Home: Seasoning City (Mob Psycho 100)
Blood type: A
Likes: Steak, rock music, himself
Dislikes: Oyster, admitting his faults
Esper: Proudly
Teruki had a lonely past, with both of his parents moving out of the country for work and leaving him behind (for some reason). Like many lonely middle schoolers, he coped by imagining himself as the protagonist of the world; unlike most of them, he has psychic powers. Teruki still thinks of himself as an anime hero despite being popular with girls, successful at most mundane things he accomplishes, and the leader of his middle school’s delinquents, all of which would paint him as the rival at best and the starter villain at worst, even if he didn’t end up entangled in the life of an esper with stronger psychic abilities and a less aggressive attitude.
That synopsis might give you the impression that Teruki is an arrogant little shit, and he is at first. He’s egotistical, arrogant, and selfish. He frequently used his telekinesis for petty shit, waterboards people for information, and has terrible fashion—wait, did I read that right? Teruki waterboards people?
He has been known to hold people upside-down and dunk them in a bucket of water until they tell him what he wants to hear.
Welp. Luckily, Mob befriends Teruki Nanoha-style, and he chills out a little. He becomes less arrogant, less violent, and even a bit self-sacrificing. He also ends up mentoring other weaker espers, which is pretty nice! I mean, yes, he’s still prideful, still more violent than is often called for, and continues to think of himself as the protagonist of Earth, but at least he stopped—
Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: He likes beating or waterboarding the answers out of uncooperative mooks, even after his Heel–Face Turn. (emphasis mine) The Drama CD reveals that he similarly tortures his VCR when it eats one of his vintage tapes.
…This blog does not endorse the actions of Teruki Hanazawa. What do other people who disavow Teruki’s waterboarding have to say about him? (Aside from the shipping stuff, which is very cute but not what I am looking for.)
the reality teru has before meeting mob is this: he lives on his own, he asked to live alone, no one has visited his apartment, his parents live overseas, he believes himself to be the only natural born psychic there is, he has been targeted by a terrorist group trying to kidnap him and brainwash him into being a manufactured esper soldier, all the other espers he has met have been claw grunts
something about teru's continuous struggle to be humble. something about mob's teaching was the reason why he wanted to temper his ego. something about him facing off something that calls itself god, and also with the likeness of mob ohhh this is so fucked up
teru fans when teru gets blasted into the stratosphere for the 2783478th time (it is important for his growth and character development) [there was a happy gif here but I forgot to copy it]
He has parents but they abandoned him to move out of the country and he lives in an apartment all alone. He’s handling it a lot better than you might expect but I still think someone should adopt him. Idk his exact age but he’s in middle school so like, in the 11-14 range probably.
(Note: The wiki has two citations for him being 14.)
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