robertwalton · 1 year
Writing ask
1, 3, 5, 11, 23 :)
COLLEEN. the way i saw this and thought very contentedly "well thats nice i should answer right away" and then immediately forgot you sent the ask & went to make dinner for like two hours... THANK U!!! okay.
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
tbh so many but the most egregious one is the robert victor breakup heartbreak divorce story. i want to write abt victor coming back and trying to rebuild a relationship with robert/june/all their friends while they both struggle with the pain/get to know each other and themselves as the new people they have grown into after their 3 years apart. i've written bits and pieces about it, but the most defining images i have of the story haven't gone down on paper yet. honestly the reason why i haven't written it yet is because it's soooo heavy and so Real................. i don't feel like i have the necessary life experience to successfully capture it (yet!). i need to either 1) be in my thirties 2) have tried to repair and reignite an insane gay relationship after a heartwrenching breakup OR 3) be touched by true blue beauty that inspires me so strongly in such a blaze of clarity that i can't not write it in spite of everything holding me back
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
HAHA i start at the start and that's usually pretty easy, but then the bigger it gets the more i pull it apart and start new sections beyond what i already have and go against chronology etc. i can't write straight front to back... like when i wrote successions, i'm pretty sure i leapt ahead to the aquarium scene WAY early on and built the whole sequence around two major visions: 1) luma's duel with anaris and 2) the image of the shark inside the tank. so i started with those two concepts and then wrote in all directions everywhere at once bit by bit. and on a larger level that's true for the entire writing process. i bounce around constantly whittling away on different sections throughout the story and that helps a LOT when it comes to tying ideas and themes together across the entire narrative. it does mean i have to rewrite conversations and exposition constantly to reflect updated context, tone, or what my characters know/believe, which means editing is, frankly, sooo brutal. BUT WORTH IT
i normally think of it as a surgery... like i get as much of a draft as possible and then i cut it open and start chopping and screwing and then at the end i stitch it all back up
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing?
oh my god there have been so many... it's always the character i don't think has legs to stand on that ends up having the best and brightest most interesting personality and backstory forever. cher. kennick (tbh!). theodred. esme. corinthia. JACKDAW. jackdaw surprises me every time i write him!!!! but most importantly. anaris... not to get back on my successions soapbox but i want u to know that anaris was originally "supposed to" be a straight up and down evil villain with no redeeming or even interesting qualities. and then the story as a whole turned into this kinda beautiful epic about two men who are uncomfortably similar but disgusted by each other's life choices/values & who (despite their very best efforts) end up finding profound meaning and even humanity in their father-son relationship UGH ANARIS!!!!!!! he's a bastard but he's SUCH an interesting bastard and i could write him all day. let's not even forget about the kretz/anaris crackfic because i think that opened up even more interesting parts of his character (i mean. he's an - as far as his own definition goes - entirely heterosexual man who would still rather bottom for men for release/physical pleasure than admit to women that he doesn't have a penis and therefore can't fulfill his own criteria for masculinity, sexually speaking. which i personally think is just so sad and so flawed and so self destructive and fascinating. i mean. lol. colleen it does NOT align with the worldbuilding you released for mestrus today LOLLLL. BUT it's already set in stone it's in print so i'm keeping it)
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
HAHA well. i "started" writing as soon as i learned how to read (brag LOL). i have always loved narrative... ive always been making little books and stories... before i knew enough words to write actual stories i was drawing little comic strips and worldbuilding... but for the purpose of this question i'm going to point to the very first "book" i ever finished writing, which i wrote when i was 12! i still have a physical printed out copy of it :-) spiral bound with a cover. since then i would Like to say i've improved just about every single aspect of my writing period. but one thing i kinda pride myself on now that i didn't have back then is character voice. all my characters used to be kinda samey... i watch out for that now and i Try to make characters think and talk differently.
for example i want louriz and mira to be looking at the same situation and have unique opinions about it & respond to it in completely different ways. i try to keep in mind how character psychology would frame whatever it is they're trying to say. i Try to keep speaking patterns consistent and unique so you can tell what character said what even if there are no tags. SHRUG. i don't know if i'm even THAT good at it but it's something i KNOW has improved since i started, bc i actually think about it now and do my best
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
mama mia... it's too obvious to say that i'm trans, and on the transgender website i don't think that's even an obscure experience... um... um...................... WELL HERE'S ONE. my entire friend group top to bottom is made up of passionate and creative artists and writers, which means i'm always seeing creation & art explode around me!!!!! (this is the life... bohemia...) when you're exposed to art and poetry and galaxy brain ideas all the time, from your entire social group, it can only help your writing! even when i'm stuck in creative blocks, my brain is tapped into this constant flow of creation and inspiration and sometimes just seeing other people write kinda starts the engine. I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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laufire · 5 months
I don’t know if you’re still doing the AU ask game but what are your thoughts on the “Jason and Damian meet each other via LOA” au? I know you’re writing a young justice au and that’s basically canon in that universe right? I don’t headcanon them knowing each other early in mainline canon but as a separate au/elseworld sort of thing it does intrigue me
if my inbox is open, consider it fair game for any asks (from a game or otherwise) you might send :P
when it comes to mainline canon, no, I don't headcanon them knowing each other during the lost days era, and that goes into my own headcanons on the al ghuls and damian's upbringing.
my view in that respect takes some things from what morrison built with damian into account, but ignores anything that's in contradiction with batman: son of the demon. the result is, among other things, that I 100% believe talia tried to put damian up for adoption, but ra's caught up to it. the years later, in part as a punishment, in part because of his need to be the most (maybe the only) important person in talia's life, as well as a desire to control, and to mold damian specifically, ra's limited how much damian and talia were in each other's lives. am I the only one who sees some parallels with bruce's parenting here btw.
in my head this means that, at most (and this is something I do use in some WIPs), damian got to see jason from afar when he was catatonic, maybe a few times. later... well, after jason almost kills bruce before stopping himself, talia definitely doesn't want them to meet. if she ever contemplated the option of introducing them (probably never that seriously, just as a distant possibility if at all) after jason started to kill on behalf of victims, particularly children, she weighted the options (jason's protectiveness over children vs. his bruce issues) and decided not to.
now, for the young justice cartoon fic! it is true that jason and damian know each other day, since damian was born specifically. but this doesn't happen in the league of assassins (league of shadows in the show) because by the time damian is born, the al ghuls have left the league LOL.
I actually headcanon that the al ghul's left the league BECAUSE damian was going to be born. I think talia put her foot down and ra's actually listened, and decided he'd accomplish his goals in a way that would compromise for his daughter's desires (young justice makes room for both bruce AND ra's to be better parents. ain't that something lol).
as for some headcanons about jason and damian in this 'verse! (which will be canon. in my fic. xDD)
the (canon) birthdates for them are 1999 for jason, and 2018 for damian. that's an almost 20 years gap and imo it significally affects how they relate to one another. in many ways, jason is a quasi-parental figure more than a brotherly one (he wouldn't call damian his son, but he's... his brother, his kid... his, you know?). at the beginning of the fic, when they're hiding from the new league of shadows, their cover is actually father and son lol.
related to the above: I headcanon that yes, this one time jason and talia do have a biiiiiiiit of a surrogate mother-son relationship (talia was born in 1984 btw). BUT. only because it comes with heavy doses of spousification/parentification lol. this contributed to that kind of dynamic with damian, because in this world talia's pregnancy was complicated, damian's health was at risk when he was born, talia had one hell of a post-partum depression... basically, despite the fact that jason himself wasn't at his peak then (canonically he just started regaining some memories after this), talia relied a lot on him at this time. if bruce can do it with HIS robins... xD
re: jason's health. he dies in 2013, and yet in 2018, when he has his first appearance on the show, he's not recovered (he doesn't say much, he struggles when he does, and we're told he has memory issues). my personal headcanon is that this jason doesn't go into the pit and recovers the long, hard way. I love giving characters chronic issues so I've decided he has aphasia. mostly expressed with difficulties talking, but sometimes reading as well. this was all to say that by the time my fic starts damian is six and he's gotten in the habit of reading to jason (has been learning to read by doing this, actually lol). this includes political/philosophical books that are definitely not aimed at kids his age (but damian's upbringing, albeit not as terrible as in the mainline, has been sui generis), but also "the demon headmaster", because jason think he's really funny.
I've decided to take one of the few things I liked about how they wrote dcau!jason (but with my own spin) and given him an older bio sister. the age different wasn't AS big as with him and damian, but circumstances conspired so that dani had to take care of jason on the streets (in this canon, I have her as barely 17 when she died, with jason as 10 when he meets bruce). jason picked up on quite a few things from her.
due to several reasons (including the fact that the joker's been dead for a while, at harley's hands), jason is less interested in a utrh-type crusade here. he's instead put it all on damian. he's who he'd die for and kill for and fight the entire world for.
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necrotic-nephilim · 16 hours
i love your fics and the ideas you describe for the ask games. i'm especially fond of your takes on the rarer pairings and i always smile when i see your posts in the ship tags <3
and don't stress too much about not posting anything, real life is important and participating in fandom should be fun, not something you have to force yourself to do. god knows fandom burnout is real, especially if you feel like people are expecting something from you. just keep doing what makes you happy :)
ghgfhgjhkjhjhg this was so sweet, thank you so much! i *love* talking about rarer rarepairs, especially if it gets other people to ship them too. the popular ships are fun and all, but i truly love spreading rarepair propaganda.
that's very reassuring, thank you <3 i've loved everything i posted here so far and have not felt pushed to post anything i haven't enjoyed, but sometimes i forget i can like. use this blog for whatever i want and not *just* headcanons/fics/mets/etc lol. and i also forget i don't have to rush myself. it's annoying to want to write and either not have time or not have the words work. i used to run a fandom blog in my teens that got very large and felt like a chore and i was so stressed about the need to perform and the numbers and all of that. like if a fic didn't do well i saw it as a personal failing and forced myself to write popular headcanons just for the numbers game. was not fun or sustainable in the long run and i think it contributed to me no longer having any taste for the ship i primarily wrote for. so for too long i treated existing in fandom like a job lol. i've mostly gotten it through to myself that this is a space for me, but i occasionally forget when i'm so caught up in all the things i want to get to for this blog. my to-write list is a mile long and i need to be bonked with a paper towel roll, i think. so it's very kind of you to say this bc the reminder is nice <3
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leftdestiny-posts · 3 months
Good morning, Shiro, DOTT!! When I heard about your bakery, I just had to check it out. Which pastries would you recommend for a first-time customer?? :3
"That depends on the customer."
DOTT places the last cupcake from this morning's batch behind the glass counter. The bright blue and pink icing does not stand out between the other bright colors in the bakery. If anything; it seems like it'd be a signature item on the menu.
Once he's satisfied with its specific placement, a smile forms on his face and he gently pats his hands against the apron that's tied around his waist.
DOTT Bakery (Also known as .bakery on official papers and the sign on the building) has always had a peculiar reputation.
It's unusual in the way the building appeared in the corner of a street in Snezhnaya's capital out of nowhere, unusual because of the neverending new items and recipes; their unusual ingredients which somehow taste amazing when prepared by the baker, and the unusual DOTT himself;
An eccentric guy that no one really gets.
He's rumoured to be, well... many things.
Quite frankly, the rumours clash and people can't seem to make up their minds about him.
Some people say he's too friendly; his smile is too wide and, really, why would anyone be smiling in Snezhnaya's current conditions?
He is too much; a freak, strange, and most likely an outsider.
Other people praise his creativity and are attracted to the welcoming feeling of the bakery. They say it's a refreshing shop amidst the otherwise grim streets.
Too friendly turns into a sigh of relief to people who experienced the coldness of the world. To them, his eccentric nature can be accepted as a form of comfort.
A hope that perhaps, some day, the Archon of Love will bless the nation with prosperity and happiness again.
And while you can't judge these things upon someone you've just met; you can see why there would be contradictions surrounding him.
Despite the smile and the welcoming impression he gives off, a set of lifeless eyes makes you feel uneasy as they glance your way. Their red color is alarming, unusual. Unique, yes. Certainly. However, for something so bright, his eyes are seemingly lifeless... dull????
If you were staring, DOTT would not be bothered by it. Instead, he seems quite cheerful at the sight of a new customer!
From the counter, he grabs a card and turns it to you. His fingers slide over the words. "My bakery is specialised in sweets, although we have a vast variety of savory pastries as well."
If you were to look at the menu, you'd notice that the items on it do not match the items currently available. From the looks of it, it's not outdated. Perhaps he is still trying to decide what to add.
"Feel free to look at the items with reviews. If you find nothing to your liking, you're free to request something to your taste."
> every time a customer orders a [ new ] item, it will be added and delivered with a fragment of DOTT's memory
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 5 months
That's some amazing Onisister art you did there! Good job!
Aahaww!!! Thank you so much, tokupidgeon!! She’s an all-time fave, I love her a lot✨
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She’s currently chilling with all the other heroes hanging out above my desk eehehe.
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
I just LOVE the way you draw Fishlegs. I really do.
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thank you!!!!!!! i'm so glad!!!!!!
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wyldblunt · 1 year
u have probably talked abt this before but i am dying to know what kind of relationship lorelei and glyn have
lorelei.... is not glyn's biggest fan. they've managed to stomach merrit's previous nightmare affiliation, and to believe that he's sincere and capable of change, but. that was already a lot for them to process and they're not extending the same grace to other ex-courtiers/general criminal types. lorelei still has a lot of hall-monitor-esque energy that they never quite grow out of, and sneaky order of whispers types give them the heebie jeebies.
and THAT'S just a bad first impression; on top of all that, especially compared with alan's gentle and encouraging mentoring style, lorelei is Not very pleased with how they see glyn treating viper squad (who are we kidding. by this i mean how he treats merrit, specifically). he's a mean person! lorelei thinks mean people are extremely dull and frustrating to be around!!!!
buuuuut he's lorelei's superior, and is also inexplicably close with commander alan, and so lorelei is being good and biting their tongue about it. they at least take their pact duties seriously enough not to kick up a fuss. besides, merrit looks at the guy like he hung the moon — that has to count for SOMETHING, even if lorelei doesn't get it at all.
as for glyn's side of it: he does not remember lorelei's name for the vast majority of the personal story. the only reason he eventually gets it is because 1. merrit is going through the throes of horrific lesbian situationship drama and will not stop crying about it 24/7 and 2. alan yells at him.
by lws2 he knows lorelei's name but generally continues to act like he doesn't. this is not malicious but it is not completely neutral either. he thinks it's a little funny.
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asukiess · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
ahdahdbahbdhajbdakhd I don't really consider myself a writer but maybe someone who occasionally is struck by an idea, but:
to be something you miss - I think it'll be my favorite until I die purely because I made some really great friends from writing it and it broke a.... seven? year long fic writing break? anyway I am constantly flipping between "this was as great as I can write" and "I could do some parts way better" and yet I still love it.
hearth - this was the first fic I really "tried" on as like. I had Themes and Ideas and an Outline and that was kinda new to me as a "vibes" writer yknow. anyway.
I don't really have five fics so i'm gonna sprinkle in WIPs that currently have my attention:
substitute - ladynoir fwbs; chat noir comes to grips with the fact that all his daydreaming about taking ladybug on dates and proposing and all that romantic stuff can be substituted for a reality where he can kiss her for real. basically a fic about how much it sucks and is masochistic to be in a "situationship" lol
my flower is ephemeral - adrien dies For Real after the Final Battle (but not in that battle, which is crueler. it's just right when they are building their lives post-lycée) and marinette goes a little mad with grief and tries messing with the rabbit miraculous (aka stealing it).
unnamed ladywalker fic. but I do be thinking a lot about it.
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galaxostars · 1 month
iris i need to know your fav rarepairs immediately
hi robyn !!
HA so this question is hard cause I’m a huge multishipper and fall in love w pairings reallll quick so you could basically name any pairing and… I’d be into it, but I’m gonna try and keep it short (or my definition of it at least)
Mauraudeurs era :
Remus/James (my absolute babes the most underrated)
James/Sirius (they shouldn’t be a rare pair ohmygod they’re SOULMATES)
Remus/Regulus (seriously? those introverted book nerds who are done w prongsfoot? need I say more?)
James/Barty (the potential for these two to be UNHINGEDDDD is so so good plus it brings out dark!james which i love—but on that topic I ship James and Barty w pretty much anyone sooo)
James/Narcissa (this proves my theory of me shipping James with everyone but also, it’s not my fault if a friend wrote the hottest fic ever w those two and now I’m brainwashed)
Golden trio era :
Ron/Krum (…this one’s my friends’ fault, they cough cough gently bullied me into writing them and now I’m obsessed)
Ginny/Cho (the way they’re both so powerful, smart and hot and so done w Harry lmao)
Oliver/Marcus (idk how I fell into that one but the flintwood fics out there are so fucking good it’s not even funny)
Blaise/George (yes yes yes I blame ‘here’s looking at you, kid’ but also George and Blaise are both so hot and I ship them w everyone)
Harry/Sirius (I’m a sucker for age gap—and these two! ohmygod the ANGST is amazing??? to rlly hurt myself I like to think of this ship as Harry being so lost and in need of a masculine older figure in a fucked up way and Sirius still mourning James, trying to navigate his feelings towards his best friend and his son, his guilt, the way he’s literally touch starved, probs like Harry… they fuck me istg)
Next gen era (including cross gen):
Harry/Teddy (this one’s like sirry but cuter? there’s more hope? two orphans finding family and love where they can…. and age gap my love)
James Sirius/Teddy (again idk why they’re so good but THE FICS OUT THERE HOLY SHIT)
Draco/Albus Severus (I read ONE 100k long fic abt them and now I’m soooo fucking hooked, they’re both soooo slytherin which makes the dynamic super fun, and petty abt not being Harry Potter lmao)
I have not mentioned my dead dove fave ships for my… protection and peace haha but I have a lot of those too !
So, ahem, there ya go 🤣
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leftneb · 1 month
Maybe 9, 26 and/or 39 for the ask game? :>
ask game
9. tell a story about your childhood
I'm ngl I had a generally shitty childhood so I had to think about this one
I, due to experiencing this story at the ripe age of three (3), have no recollection of it but I've heard it about 15 times from my dear mother so. I was a pretty big baby, and continued to be a bit (naturally) rotund for a couple years, and for some reason my dear father (instead of just assuming I got his genes) decided that I should go on a diet. as one would expect from a 3 year old I did NOT enjoy this decision AT ALL. one day, out on the playground I'd appearantly chosen violence because instead of solving my hunger by just. idk asking mother for something (tbf that would not have solved the issue so maybe I'd just learned by then) I locked onto another toddler who just so happened to be unfortunate enough to be eating a piece of kifli (which is like a crescent shaped bread thing that is all the rage in hungary for whatever reason), waddled over to them and TORE the bite out of their hands before pushing them over in the sand. my mother, who'd been watching this go down on the sidelines, pried the piece of bread from my hands to give it back to the poor sod I'd assaulted, and promptly decided that I'd quit the diet.
26. fav colour and why?
YELLOW!!!! (specifically what we call "sun-yellow" in my household, which is like a warmer tone but still pretty far from orange) associated with it since I was pretty young but I'm a sucker for more complex (usually contrasting) colour combos, also really enjoy just. all shades of blue and reds/magentas. the whole rainbow tbh I just really really like colour
39. youtuber you've been obsessed with and why?
okay so if you're not hungarian you have definitely never ever heard about this guy:
Walrusz (technically means nothing in hungarian but yes the man litterally named himself walrus)
he is (more like was :c) a mainly minecraft plus like, science(??) youtuber active from 2013 all the way until 2022, very likely awakened my inner nerd by sharing science-y fun facts and even making whole (animated!) videos just explaning like, how life first formed on earth or how camels store water or how fucking weird mushrooms are (all of those are core memories for me lmao) he's one of those (very rare) cases of hungarian mcyt that never fell into the "only making this one thing because it gets me views" pit thankfully, like my guy was just a college student who enjoyed playing a bit (a LOT) of modded minecraft with his also nerdy friends. I guess the current valefisk viewing experience of just watching a friendgroup exist and being funny along the way is pretty similar to me in appeal, walrusz used to make these mothly/yearly compliations that I watched RELIGIOUSLY, really miss him sometimes tbh
other youtubers like tubbo, technoblade and (in hindsight unfortunately) wilbur soot also fall into this category but walrusz I'm luckly able to think back to very very fondly still so
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titania-sleeps · 1 month
let me say first, i am LOVING your works so far and am eagerly awaiting your next post. with that said, after spotting the allusions to The Divine Comedy i have to know if you plan on writing anything more Greek
YAYY thank youuu <3 i'm so glad you noticed!!! i almost regret posting his pov second after the reader's pov bc a lot of the references really flourish thru his perspective. they're partnered works; i think his pov adds a lot more meaning to the main themes i want to convey (mostly his struggle with his divinity and sin vs repentence). w that said, i'd also like to think what readers see as the theme bc i promise it's not just smut... 🥺🥺🥺
on that note, i will absolutely be writing more that has to do w Greek mythology and Greek works! I'm an avid fan, so def be prepared to spot more allusions to Greek (and maybe even Roman and Mesopotamian) mythos! maybe some Greek tragedies too... heh.
as a teaser, i have a little idea based on psyche and eros... but that's for later :3
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necrotic-nephilim · 18 days
What do you think about the fab five polycule
(Dick x donna x wally x garth x roy)
i'll be SO honest i wish i had like. insightful interesting opinions on them but i've always been a Young Justice kid and sort of. breezed past consuming Fab Five Teen Titans content-
but of what i *do* know, from the few comics i've read with these characters is this is one of the best ships for Dick, honestly. it always deeply annoys me when fanon content breezes past the Titans as if they're just some distant teammates and not some of Dick's closest friends, if not a second family. *especially* the Fab Five. for most, if not all of them, it's the first time getting to actually connect with other teen heroes. so there's something fun about how sort of terrible they are at it, at first. they all care about each other a lot. but they're kind of chucked into the deep figuring out how to work with each other and get along with *very* different personalities, so it's fun to see where the conflict comes.
as a ship, i do really love it. the Titans are a family. like we call a lot of teams found families, but for the Fab Five, that shit is the truest. they depend on each other and trust each other. when Dick and Bruce are on outs and Bruce fires him, he goes to the Titans.
i also enjoy how, to an extent, all of them are outsiders of some kind. Donna is alone in a new world she's never experienced, the same as Garth. Roy is still new and awkward to living the rich life with Oliver. Wally doesn't connect to his parents well. and of course, Dick has lost his parents and only has Bruce, who isn't the most emotionally available. of course they're going to cling to each other, as the first people they can really develop connections too. they're very clingy with each other and i think that's both cute and *fun* to explore like, codependency issues with them. how protective they can be of each other, how they default to trusting each other over their mentors, etc. it's all very interesting for a polycule, especially since for most of them, it's their first real relationship. i'm a big fan of "none of us know what dating looks like bc we've had such strange childhoods so we don't understand the Rules very well. we're all just going to date each other bc why would i date only one of you. do teamups count as dates now." vibes with teenage polycules. and the Fab Five just. have that on lock. they each fulfill a different "niche" in the group. Garth is the softer, more emotional one you can go to if you're upset. Donna is the one for planning bright fun trips and making sure you don't wallow. Roy is protective and can pretend to be suave, but he shows affection through gift giving and grand gestures where words fail him. Wally can cheer any of them up with jokes and distractions. and of course Dick is the logical one who makes sure they all keep their heads on and don't drown in the responsibility.
overall i think it's a really cute ship and i do wish i just. knew more about them to be able to write them/read fic of it because i do love their dynamic. and i'm just a firm believer in the Titans being Dick's family, just as important to him as the Batfam. they're a disaster and for that you gotta love them.
#necrotic answerings#fab five#ty for asking!!#i love getting asks liek this even if on things i don't know a ton about#i think the only real comics i've read of the fab five are world's finest: teen titans and teen titans: year one#and some of the silver age stuff but only ever for the plot not for those characters specifically#so like. i know enough to vaguely understand the characters#but i did have to approach it from the perspective of dick bc obviously i know him the best#i am interested in reading more about garth. he's a little cutie. i love him.#he seems very easy to whump. you could do a lot of dead dove things to that boy.#also this is darker in concept#but i find the way bruce dislikes the titans and dick working with them pretty fascinating#bc the reasonable answer is it's the first time dick is operating outside of bruce and it just gives bruce anxiety#but the *fun* answer is: brudick vs fab five polycule#where bruce is hyper possessive of dick developing other potentially romantic bonds#or just bonds in general#so he tries to come in between it#if i ever wrote a fab five polycule fic#that's the route i would take personally. very dark controlling brudick with the titans slowly taking notice and growing more concerned#otherwise tho i leave this ship to be written by ppl who understand them more#bc i know next to nothing about a lot of them#dick and roy i understand#garth i'm interested in#couldn't tell you much about wally or donna tho#and i prefer wally as flash when i do read him. bc he's a disaster man.#i really haven't read much titans content in general i fear#i've read some new teen titans for like. slade content and whatnot#and some of the 2003 run but besides that. i was always on the yj side of the fence#that said i will say *as* a core four truther#the fab five are *always* going to be closer as a team than the core four.
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weezerlvr228 · 1 month
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they look half dead ☹️
#weezer#rivers cuomo#brian bell#patrick wilson#matt sharp#i rlly like rivers’ hair in this one! it’s epicness#i liked his hair in the 90s with his bowl cut.#bowl cuts are cool#and he looked great w it !#anyways yesterday was my boyfriend’s birthday party; and i got him some chaos emeralds from sonic that he’s been wanting like ; forever!#it was fun for the most part; but nobody told me we would be swimming plus i was the only girl there sooo i was just sitting around while#everybody swam and stuff. and my friend hayden i guess felt bad so he stayed out of the pool despite having swimwear and just played mobile#games with me; which was fun and i really appreciated but this guy ; who will remain nameless was being rlly mean to me at the party#like he was saying stuff abt how my boyfriend didn’t really like me THAT much (we have been together for nearly a year…)#and other things like that; which made me rlly sad and i kept asking my mom to pick me up but she wasn’t answering so i couldn’t do anything#besides trying not to cry and stuff. but it’s okay#and after everybody went inside besides me and my boyfriend ; we were cleaning up the table since the guys left all their trash and i had#like a whole pile of trash; like tons of plates and a whole stack of trash still; the guy from earlier who was mean just like#put his trash on top of the trash i was already carrying inside#since the guys were all crowded around the trash cans (he was closest; but he couldn’t throw it away; rather he wanted to deliberately just#put it on the pile i was carrying ) and it wouldn’t be a big deal if he wasn’t mean earlier; i wouldn’t have cared so much#but he was being real mean and just did that. and i’m a passive person ; but i rolled my eyes a ton at it and idk it felt like the#other guys were laughing; which made me feel even more awful about the fact but yeah so i rolled my eyes tons and he told my bf that he was#sorry about it; but didn’t say it to me and stuff and idk it just made me feel bad#when i was younger i got bullied a lot and people would throw their trash on my lunch tray n it just reminded me of that and made me sad;#but it’s okay now! other than that i had a good time and it was fun! my boyfriend said he loved my gift to him so ya! :D it was fun other#than the stuff with the guy! but yeah. not rlly weezer related tags today; just really wanted to get that off my chest#my boyfriends mom asked if i felt left out; which i definetly did and really wanted to go home but ik i couldn’t so i was just sitting at a#table alone for abt 20 mins while everybody was changingninitially#but it’s okay! ty for listening to my rant i love u all
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
Can you recommend some favourite woodwind pieces? Like quartets and so on. Maybe something from the Haydn / Mozart era, or maybe not! I've been meaning to listen to more instrumental music. Thank you!
the haydn london trios (written for 2 flutes and cello but i've played it them on oboe before, chamber music of the period was often written to be played with interchangeable instruments; fl/vln/cello is also common)
adolphe deslandres pièces en quintette (mvt 1 2 3) (this is later romantic, not classical, but i have a fondness for it, plus i think it's lesser known)
beethoven oboe trio op 87 (mvt 1 2 3 4) and variations on la ci darem la mano
mozart oboe quartet (mvt 1 2 3)
mozart clarinet quintet (mvt 1 2 3 4)
strauss serenade for winds (also late romantic. includes brass but gd damn i love this piece)
dvorak serenade for winds (mvt 1 2 3 4) (i'm only really familiar w mvt 1 but it's dvorak so the rest of it has to be good too)
the telemann canonic sonatas (baroque, not instrument specific but this album is two flutes)
basically this whole album (oboe quartets by fiala and krommer) (can you tell what instrument i play yet)
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alfiely-art · 7 months
wht r the flags in ur pfp if u dont mind me asking.. i know the ace gay and i think demiaro? but idk the other two. no pressure jst curious :p
I got gay around the entire thing, transmasc around Yomi, demiro top left, ace bottom left, robotgender top right and schizospec bottom right
I managed to fit six flags on this thing... I'm so proud of myself
(Before anyone asks. I am serious about the robotgender thing. And being on the schizospectrum is important to my identity and how I see myself so it's there too <33)
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murdleandmarot · 3 months
Hi! saw the asks thingies, 3 and uhhh I forgot the number for the...i forgot the word also...honeymoon was it? And desire and wound 👀 for bluebelle
Hi hello!!!!! Dw I know what number you’re talking about :)))
3. Bluebelle is an outdoor kitty, mostly because she doesn’t really have a home, and she had to get used to living ‘outside’
I actually have Bluebelle’s entire living situation mapped out in my head, (den in an alleyway, she set it up right next to the abandoned theater she discovered, that’s where she and the gang practice :)))))
So yeah!!! Outdoor kitty!!! She loves the rain a lot, not so much being out in it, although she doesn’t mind it, but being in her den as it rains, (me for real). She fucking LOVES the snow though. Special Bluebelle lore, she LOVES snow, she’ll eat it, she’ll lay in it. Unfortunately the cold does very much bother her, so she can’t prance around forever 😭😭😭
13. Norway orrrrr Paris. I don’t really have a reason for Paris, it just seems honeymoon appropriate, and for a bit I was gonna make Bluebelle French? (For. A reason. My mind works in often stupid ways). And Norway is gorgeous, it has a lot of aforementioned snow, Aurora Aksnes is Norwegian and I associate her with Bluebelle, so yay Norway!!!!!
I already did desire in a previous post (it’s not too far back if you’re super interested) so I’ll just do wound under the cut :))))
Wound: ooo okay so, bluebelle got stuck in the gutter/drainage pipe when she was rly young, and got hypothermia, and had to be fished out by humans. She probably stayed with them until she was better, then ran away. So that’s the most she’s ever been Wounded Wounded.
If she got hurt now? She’d completely freak out. She can try to ignore all of the mental stuff, but a physical injury? That’s tangible enough to be a present and actual problem to her. She wouldn’t know how to handle it, and would probably try to find Victoria in a panic.
As for mental wounds, as I won’t shut up about, Bluebeard traumaaaa she is NOT dealing with the situation well at ALL. Bluebeard when I catch you Bluebeard
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