#TV programmes
pointless-letters · 1 year
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“People complaining about things are such snowflakes. On the other hand, my complaining about people complaining about things makes me a brave, common-sense speaking, salt of the Earth hero. It’s really very simple.”
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slack-wise · 5 months
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Original here
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wolfie-wolfgang · 1 year
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how we laughed. the comedian and me. working in tv.
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writerofweird · 3 months
Why I Still Have A VCR
I still have a VCRBut it’s only for one VHS Which I watch once a yearThe date doesn’t matterAs long as it’s once a year It’s not on streamingIt’s not on DVD Sally Slither’s Garden:A Bunch of Beans and Four Other Stories Not enough TV shows use “stories” instead of “episodes” It’s a UK puppet showAbout a puppet snakeAlways smilingIn a garden made of crepe paperWith all her plant and vegetable…
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babsi-and-stella · 6 months
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Marianne Faithfull, September 1966.
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normalbrothers · 4 months
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TOMMY: All right, we'll do it.
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mariocki · 10 months
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Patrick Troughton - billed as Pat - helps the stricken French nobility (and flashes the audience) as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes, a staunch ally of the title character in The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel (ITP, 1955 - 1956)
#fave spotting#patrick troughton#the adventures of the scarlet pimpernel#doctor who#classic doctor who#two#itp#itc#1955#I've had a nice rhythm going lately with pairing a 50 min series (usually The Saint these days‚ tho not for much longer...) with a shorter#25 min one to dip into when I've less time or whatever. with The Adventurer over (adieu and farewell Gene Bradley you insane#multi talented everything) i thought I'd change it up a little and go for a much earlier itc series for a different tone. so early in fact#that they weren't even ITC yet; the company was then known as the Incorporated Television Programme Company‚ ITP for short‚ but be not#fooled; this is in every way the Lew Grade led company that would come to dominate the commercial tv world in the decades to follow#The Adventures of Robin Hood is usually identified as the first ITC production but in fact it beat this series to the screen by only#3 days and the two shows were presumably in production simultaneously. Hood went on to be the making of ITC and Lew Grade and lasted#a whopping 143 episodes over 4 years; Pimpernel made it to only 18 despite being planned as a 39 part series (standard length for these#early itc shows). exactly what went wrong i dont know; Goring was heavily involved in production as well as starring and maybe that played#a part‚ or maybe the popular success of Hood meant this show was no longer affordable. idk im just speculating but from#what I've seen it's fairly fun. starting on ITV just a week after the network commenced transmission‚ it's safe to say this didn't capture#the public imagination like Hood did and it does seem to have been rather forgotten about. Pat is actually a series regular and these#pics come from a few different eps among the first few. he isn't in the very first (nor is the Pimpernel's other faithful companion#played by Anthony Newlands) and i do wonder if that was a pilot (it has Robert Shaw as the Pimpernel's right hand and to my#knowledge he doesn't reappear; he'd make up for it with a starring role in one of ITC's next series‚ The Buccaneers#but yes he's here and he's fantastic and gets to be dashing and heroic (tho never moreso than Goring of course). he's also the one of the#three heroes who best suits the powdered hair look (Newlands looks quite unfortunate). and of course i know what im doing with that#last shirtless pic.. you're welcome Pat girlies (gender neutral)#maybe I'll make another post after I've seen a few more eps but i wasn't going to commit to a Pat post for every episode im afraid
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So what's in store for us tomorrow, the 29th and 30th of July?
18.30 p.m. on japanese time and at 11.30 p.m. on european time- programme with Sakurai Sho on "TBS" channel.
20.00 p.m. on japanese time and at 13.00 p.m. on european time a programme with Aiba Masaki on "TV Asahi".
22.00 p.m. on japanese time and on 15.00 on european time dorama with Sakurai Sho "Laughing Matryoshka" on "TBS" channel.
16.30. p.m. on japanese time and at 09.30 a.m. on european time "Aiba Marubatsu" on Fuji TV.
18.51. p.m. on japanese time and at 11.51. p.m. on european time a programme with Ninomiya Kazunari as a guest, on "TBS" channel.
19.00. p.m. pn japanese time and at 12.00. p.m. on european time a programme with Aiba Masaki as a guest on "Nippon TV".
21.00. p.m. on japanese time and 14.00. p.m. on european time "BABA2024" with Aiba Masaki and Jun Matsumoto on "Fuji TV".
10.25. a.m. on japanese time and at 03.25. a.m. on european time "Nino-San" on "Nippon TV".
18.00. p.m on japanese time and at 11.00. p.m. on european time "Aiba Manabu" on "TV Asahi".
We're waiting!
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martitheevans · 2 months
Me talking about two seperate pieces of media I enjoy is either
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chocodiaxa · 5 months
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Working mode 😎🔨⚙️
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slack-wise · 5 months
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muninnhuginn · 5 months
Episodes 24+30 of Beryl and Sapphire are just. You know it's inevitable even if you don't know the details until it's too late.
But at the same time, the whole deal where it's about memories vs future and the revelation of just how it would spin apart? It would truly have always ended this way because of their respective approaches to memories/the future.
Xiao Lu couldn't bear remaining friends with Xiao Lan when the confession went south. He couldn't stay, not with the regrets of living alongside him with that knowledge. He only had the hope to confess in the first place because he didn't know what would cause their parting. And in doing so, he sealed their fate.
So he chose to leave, despite being desperate for them not to part ways when he thought that he could do something about it.
Whilst Xiao Lan knew the entire time from when they met how it would end. He had that knowledge all along, but still chose to befriend Xiao Lu. Xiao Lan thought Xiao Lu the most important person in his life (and he was, to the end) which is why the moment where they both switch places hits so hard. Xiao Lan held onto the future knowledge (his potential regrets) until he hit the point where Xiao Lu left and at that point, he chose to forget, to no longer live with the regrets. He chose to live in the future even when he had the option of the past.
Whilst for Xiao Lu, the person who couldn't bear to keep Xiao Lan in his life, dedicated years to researching ways to help Xiao Lu. He always remembered for them both.
Only one of them ever remembered their whole relationship at one time. But they were still thankful to each other.
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writerofweird · 3 months
The Average Cartoon
I’m the totally average cartoon,You saw when you were eight,When you saw me, you didn’t love me,Nor did you feel any hate, I had loads of slapstick,Jokes and puns in store,None of them were done better,Than any cartoons before, Even though you were young,You still saw me as mediocre,You knew I wasn’t worth remembering,You forgot me when I was over, I’m currently at a pub,In a corner of your…
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alberta-sunrise · 10 months
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Can’t go wrong with Attenborough
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When i learned that bread is like a german stereotype i was like what we like bread a normal amount. As if he is normal
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120grad · 2 months
fallout tv show boring as hell imgonna go watch music videos for an hour
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