#TOH headcanons
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heart-locket-musicboxless · 2 years ago
So I have this headcanon that Hunter casually drops the most concerning information about his health and the things he says get worse and worse every time... Just imagine :
Hunter : Hey isn't it weird how teeth hurt all the time even when you don't have a cavity? It doesn't really make sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Don't you think that's strange?
Willow : Um, I think you need to see a dentist. Pretty sure teeth aren't supossed to hurt at all.
Hunter : Oh... yeah, that would explain a lot...
Willow : ... I'm gonna call Camila.
Hunter : Ow, i slept on the wrong side of my face last night...
Gus : The wrong side of your face?
Hunter : When i sleep on the side of my face that has the scar the whole right side of it hurts all day... Usually it just feels numb or tingly. Normal stuff, you know?
Gus : No, dude. That's not normal stuff.
Hunter : Come on! It's just a bit of nerve damge. I mean, who doesn't have any?
Gus : ...
Hunter : ... Are you gonna call Camila too?
(Later again)
Luz : Are you okay?
Hunter : Yeah, I just "blip out" sometimes.
Luz : Blip out?
Hunter : Don't worry, it's fine. I just go unconsious for a few seconds, but from the outside it looks like i'm just staring or blinking really fast for some reason. Usually it's random but it happens with flashing lights sometimes.
Luz : That's... That's a seizure. You're having seizures. How did you not know that was a seizure? How long have you been epileptic??
Hunter : Oh, no! It's not epilepsy! It's just from a concussion i had a few years ago.
Hunter : Yes...? Wait. Wait don't call your-
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mymanyfandomramblings · 4 months ago
Any headcanons for toh?
Oooooh. I have several, including an entire section dedicated to my love of the terrible Blight family dynamics. Here we go:
Luz and Gus both love Hamilton. Amity does not love Hamilton, but she tolerates it.
Amity's music taste is either 'the softest, lightest, saddest pop music' or 'heavy metal'. all happy songs on her playlist were added because she associates them with Luz or her friends, not because she listens to them.
Luz is convinced that Elvis is alive somewhere on the Boiling Isles.
All of the Hexsquad are the type to call each other in the middle of the night because an idea occurred to them. it's usually Willow who ends up being called.
Willow has tried--and failed--to understand the hype with either The Good Witch Azura or Cosmic Frontier. She however does know so much lore about both, and is so good at pretending, that her friends have yet to figure out that she doesn't care about their fandoms beyond 'you're really happy talking about it'.
Edric and Emira see Gus as their unofficial little brother
Darius makes Willow's wedding dress, when she gets married.
When Hunter and Willow get married, Gus is a combination of best man/man of honour and Luz is a combination maid of honour/best woman. Amity's just a bridesmaid, but her feelings are unhurt by this.
Hooty writes terrible RPF
Lilith likes Raine just fine but she will not let them know this.
Luz and Gus will corner Hunter at some stage and be like 'listen, we know you like Willow. If you're going to date her you have to treat her like a princess. Spare no expense, leave no stone unturned. when you ask her to Grom you must do a big romantic gesture."
Willow does not like big romantic gestures nearly as much as Luz and Gus do.
Gus helps Luz and Amity plan their big dramatic Gromposals, so that they both ask at the same time, with equally massive fanfare.
Amity is not naturally a big romantic gestures person, but Luz is, so she has adapted to a big romantic gestures person.
Eventually Gus and Luz will figure out that neither Hunter or Willow are 'big romantic gestures' people. it will take too long for them to figure this out.
Camila and Darius are appreciative of each other for raising Hunter. Beyond that, they don't actually mesh all that well. She doesn't understand his dramatics.
Darius is occasionally prone to calling Raine and Eberwolf in the middle of the night to drag them on sidequests.
Back when Lilith was head of the Emperor's Coven, Eda used to go to wherever the coven heads would meet, and she'd sit under the window with a boombox and blast the Boiling Isles equivalent of 'You May Be Right' and 'Everybody Loves Me Baby'. This stopped after Lilith left the Emperor's Coven, but a little while later, Scooter Crane resigned, Raine Whispers ascended to head of the bard coven, and Eda and her boombox returned.
When Hunter starts attending Hexside, he isn't sure what he wants to study, and with the track system being far more flexible--and him being very traumatized and not very well-socialised--Principal Bump lets him have a blank schedule and go to whichever classes whenever. This often ends up with him spending much of the day in Plants, where it's peaceful. or at least he says it's because it's peaceful.
Grimwalker physiology is pretty similar to witch and human physiology, however it has some strange and inexplicable quirks. One of these things is a complete and utter lack of a detectable heartbeat.
Eda and co. would not all have survived high school without Raine there to keep the peace, and rein in the more stupid ideas.
Also, my incessant headcanons about the Blight family:
Odalia's family used to be one of Bonesborough's richest and most eminent families, however either thanks to a bad business deal or a scandal they lost most of their fortune and repute while Odalia was a child, and by the time she started Hexside, she's been living in genteel poverty for years. This has given her high-class trappings, memories of having wealth, and a desperation to regain it.
Darius was the one to originally introduce Odalia and Alador. he eventually regretted this.
Odalia wasn't always a terrible person. She was always unscrupulous, sharp-tongued and a social climber, but she is also capable of genuine pleasantness.
Odalia and Alador once did like each other--or at the very least were attracted to each other originally. This soured over years of an unsuccessful marriage.
They got married very young. Odalia was keen to lock down the last heir to the Blight fortune as soon as possible, and Alador thought she was pretty, and a good business woman.
Everything started falling apart when the twins were born, and properly fell apart when Amity was born.
Odalia's pregnancies have never been easy on her, and she experienced bad bouts of post-partum depression after both.
Alador is most definitely autistic. and also undiagnosed. among the things he finds overstimulating are a) children and b) Odalia when she's in a bad mood.
so when Amity was born and suddenly there was a crying baby, two chaos twins, and a very irritable post-partum Odalia, Alador's response was 'spend as little time in the house as possible.'
This is about when any last love between Odalia and Alador left the marriage.
Back to general headcanons, Edric gets bad asthma attacks
Emira is like a very immature mother to her siblings. they'd be lost without her.
Amity is unambiguously the favourite child. not that this gets her preferential treatment from her parents, but it does foster resentment among her siblings.
it took the twins much too long to figure out that Mittens has other emotional needs beyond 'an ego check'.
Alador just...gives them their inheritance when they asked for it. Amity put hers into saving, Emira uses it to be the hot rich single aunty to her nieces and nephews, and Edric spent his all at once on something like a waterslide for his house.
Edric needs budgeting lessons ASAP. he's not very good at it.
Post-divorce the twins joke incessantly about the fact that their mother is in jail.
That's all I can think of right now.
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numericalbridge · 5 days ago
i think an important thing about Raine and Darius is that compared to their loved ones they might appear as more collected, fullfilling the role of the straight man - Raine via appearing soft and introverted, Darius via appearing dignified and unapproachable. And they both cultivate that image for their own gain as well. But they are just as weird as Eda or Eber, and (even if in Darius's case he might grumble) they absolutely endorse and participate in the shenanigans.
Another important thing, for my headcanons at least, is that when Raine and Darius are interacting with each other they actually can't maintain that outwardly facade, like they were teasing and trolling each other in Oh, Titan. And they are obviously both very smart, but when they combine their braincells they get worse.
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maxcatz · 3 months ago
raine whispers body + general headcanons and kind of a redesign !!! or just how i view them idk !!!!!!
shirtless warning idk also there’s a 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 joke in here
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some yap below if you please
* I read a post a while back from @/dazeddoodles about how their body type would be muscular but it’s hidden underneath some chub and I really liked that idea but I don’t really know how to incorporate that into my drawing because I cannot draw muscle for the life of me so bear with me
* I kinda wished the witches in TOH had more animalistic features so that’s why I gave them the bat ears, tail and the ear tufts - also I thought the bat ears would be cool and them having more bat like abilities like echolocation (I hc that bards have more sensitive ears than most witches and better hearing so that’s also part of it)
* The rings and piercings are just because they’re a little queer critter (they take their rings off around eda dw)
* The alto clef tattoo is because they play the viola (ITS NOT A VIOLIN.) and the star tattoo is them matching with Darius & Eda hehe
* I honestly liked their pre time skip hair color more so I added some more of that
* I gave them a stubble because I hc that they went on testosterone (and top surgery scars)
* Around 5’6 but wears heels to appear taller (i’m bad at incorporating height into my drawings shh)
some silly headcanons
• Listens to all types of music, like they can find appeal in literally anything
• Produces their own music alongside working with the coven heads for the government and stuff (the art that Dana made of them and the BATTs going through their vinyls rotates through my head forever)
• Fav season is winter/autumn, they despise being to hot especially at night (I hc that the boiling isles has a warm climate because of the boiling sea so it gets really hot there during the summer)
• Horror movie geek + likes a lot of crime podcasts that they ramble to Eda & Darius about
• Likes Peanuts (not the actual nut as in Charlie Brown) and Muppets
• Love language is physical touch (yapped about in a different post and it won’t let me link it for some reason)
• Talks with their hands a lot and sometimes hits people in the face on accident (they feel terrible afterwards)
• Autistic, normally gets fixated on music related things and will buy every CD or record they can find of their current favorite artist
• Really good at flirting but sometimes they do it on accident and they’re really confused when Eda/Darius are flustered as fuck from something they said
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bitchliteraria1906 · 5 months ago
Hc that Luz and Amity have a whole Knight x Damsel thing going on and switch depending on who needs to be pampered the most that day. Luz is sad? Amity takes her to eat out, pays for everything, and holds every door open. Amity is sick? Luz carries her to bed and takes care of her hair for her and gives her a massage. I just think both of them are big fans of acts of service.
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sparklyballoonballoon · 9 months ago
The Owl House Post-Finale/Post Watching and Dreaming Roleplay Request
Anyone up for an Owl House roleplay with me? I was hoping for a roleplay that takes place during the timeskip of the show, sometime after the finale.
I also want Palisman to play a big role in the roleplay as well. I love the concept of palismen so much that I was hoping if we RP that we can have it play a bigger role than it did in the canon series.
I also wanna do a thing with King going to Hexside and making friends, falling in love, and even making some enemies in the process. Maybe have him form his own Hexsquad.
Here are the ships I wanna do for this RP (some of the names of the characters of the canon background characters are based off of MoringMarks headcanons):
Luz x Amity 
King x OC
Cat x Sibley (Pufferfish bipedal demon in the abominations track with the sloth Palisman)
Boscha x OC 
Amelia x Lucas (the blond guy with the black beanie in the oracle track uniform who is a part of Boscha’s group in the episode Once Upon a Swap)
Eda x Raine
Jerbo x Edric 
Viney x Emira 
Skara x Fled (The brown bat biped demon who was in the beast keeping hexside uniform who went to grom with Skara)
Gus x Matt
Vee x Masha
Perhaps the two human students who talked to Luz and worked the haunted Hayride with Masha at Thanks to Them, along with Vee and Masha’s friends could also play a role as well.
Anyways, anyone wanna roleplay with me? OCs are allowed BTW. Anyways, lemme know in the comments below if you wanna roleplay with me
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badgrrlscoven · 2 years ago
Hey hey! May I request headcanons for luz and hunter (separately) with a S/o that's to innocent for their own good but at the same time always manages to get themself into some sort of trouble. (gender neutral pronouns please)
Luz and Hunter with innocent s/o headcanons
a/n: oh i had so much fun doing this! i hope you like this as much as i do, if you want anything changed at all you can message me :)
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- she honestly thinks you’re just super adorable
- this simple thing called common sense goes over your head and to her, you’re just a witch version of king
- def gives you the “who’s a whiddle guy” look when looking at you for too long
- she will tease you relentlessly for your innocence, and again, your dumbass won’t always understand or you’ll pout
- now for the danger part 😭
- Luz believes you can handle yourself just fine but the poor girl also has a hero complex
- she has made to help you with any tussle you somehow manage to get yourself into
- a lot of ‘oh nos’ leave her mouth when you give her the smile that tells her you most likely did something…again
- Luz will most definitely help you from any problem and support you always, but i know for a fact this girl will tease you about it later til’ your whole body is red with embarrassment
- the trouble you always get yourself into is always stupid or because you did/said something stupid
- you’re her ‘innocent whittle bwean’ as she likes to call you in that voice
- you: you know, warden wrath’s face looks like a bunch of mashed snake butts
- Warden Wrath in the distance just staring you down before charging
- Luz, face sweating and dragging you away: ThEy DIdn’T mEAn iT!!!
- conformatorium escapee buddies together
- you both definitely have wanted posters for different things and honestly, it makes Eda very proud
- You have no idea why she’s proud though
- in the beginning he’d probably point out how innocent you are, maybe accidentally making you feel stupid but this would never be his intention with you this boy absolutely adores
- (Probably cause he hasn’t really had a chance to experience love just yet and he may be mildly obsessed with you)
- only titan knows how this boy doesn’t lose his mind sometimes
- he completely adored you but you worry him with how innocent you can be
- honestly, you both probably have the whole ‘dumb x smart’ dynamic going on (you’re not stupid, just super naive but super cute so dw)
- this boy will be explaining something and if a question pops in your head, you ask it. sometimes he’ll pretend to me irked, but he loves sharing any information he knows
- he knows he’s uptight sometimes but he tries his best with you to grow and be lenient with your innocence
- it’s honestly a surprise when you two start officially going out because he is a very big rules and authority person abut because of the trouble you get into it’s sort of out of the norm for him
- you’re his little way of rebelling against belos even if you may not realize it :)
- now, after the whole belos ordeal and you’re all in the human realm hunter would be different around you a bit
- More laid back and chill
- he’s such a smartass about your innocence, cracking jokes about your questions and acting a bit of a know it all
- He’d be happy to answer questions you have without problems
- his ass would trick you and answer the questions wrong and would just watch the chaos that would ensue from this
- flustered.
- that is the only word to describe this boy and how your innocence affects him
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groverman6-2 · 29 days ago
Headcanons about Grimwalkers
Making Grimwalkers used to be a popular practice in the Demon Realm, done by people who were having a difficult time coping with loss of loved ones. This was a flawed idea for various reasons, namely because despite being mostly physically identical to whoever their cloned from, Grimwalkers are just different people than their template, and their creators would be very upset by these differences.
Some even took it a step further by using Oracle magic to summon the spirits of the dead and have them take over the Grimwalker's body, trying to get their original loved one back for real. This would often turn out badly to, As now we would have two beings warring over control of the body
Nowadays Grimwalkers mostly exist as tall tale to scare children into behaving, most people wouldn't be able to create one, because the ingredients used to make one are rare (Palistrom trees are declining, Selskidomus and Stonesleepers are endangered and hard to find). Though it is rumored that some families have the needed parts, just in case something happens to their children
In the words of Rusty Venture: "If you have a clumsy child, you make him wear a helmet. If you have death-prone children, you keep a few clones of them in your lab."
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sergeantsporks · 11 months ago
[Gives Darius separation anxiety] [Gives Darius separation anxiety] [Gives Darius--
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iamchaos1234 · 1 year ago
Morreeeeee Owl House headcanons!
Luz's favorite class in school is flex/homeroom hour but her favorite core class would have to be science
Amity uses reading glasses because her eyesight isn't the best
Belos cared a lot for the first few grimwalkers, reminded strongly of his brother. But eventually, as they kept betraying him, his care for them gradually dimmed to nothing
Hunter has worn a cape to school in the human realm and would do it again
Willow's favorite human realm flower is a hyacinth. Despite this sge has a particular fondness towards carnivorous plants as well
Hunter loves to help out, helping Camilla any time he can. Camilla makes sure he gets breaks so he doesn't overwork himself on accident
Lilth made hootie a door to protect in the new school of the boiling isles. Give hootie food and he'll do your homework
Emira and Edric are like the Fred and George of the boiling isles, always pulling pranks on other students. They have figured out the line on what's acceptable now, though.
Boscha and Amity actually become friends again, though it took a lot of time. She is still petty and rude at times, but has definitely softened a bit
Camilla wanted to have another child but didn't have the chance to do so after her husband's death. This explains the bunkbed in Luz's room. She enjoys having Vee and Hunter around in addition to Luz as well, since taking care of people gives her a sense of meaning and comfort
Gus puts on shows with illusions for the younger children of the boiling isles as a hobby
Lilith has dyed her hair multiple colors, trying to find the one she likes best. She really like lavender, though ended up sticking with her iconic red
King, even as a mature adult, does not ever roar to use his power. He still just 'wheh!'s in a much deeper tone. It's kinda hilarious to think about
Eda loves to go on flies with her sister to just catch up on life. She also loves to just go harpy mode randomly and impress people
Hunter and Amity fight over who gets to braid Willow's hair. They ended up making a chart and everything
Hunter in addition to Waffles has multiple other palisman chose him. He makes sure to give them each love evenly. These other palisman include a wolf, a woodpecker, a turtle, etc
Raine and Eda like to go outside when they can't sleep and watch the stars together
Thats all for now!
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ruiner-of-days · 5 days ago
LGBTQ+ headcanons for Belos Caleb and Evelyn
Belos - Nonbinary, Demisexual Demiromantic, bisexual
Caleb - Bisexual
Evelyn - Bisexual
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ammonitetheseaserpent · 2 years ago
Collector/Titan headcanons? :0
Oh heck yeh!
- The Collectors have some eldritch aspects to them; one of these being that no mortal can look directly into their eyes without risk, as the person’s mind and senses will be scrambled/overwhelmed as if the cosmic eyes were boring into their very soul.
- I saw someone (I wanna tag em but I forgor their username) bring up a headcanon of theirs that if you beat a Collector in a game, they’ll be bound to do any favor you ask of them.
- Promises between Collectors and other beings have actual weight and power behind them, which is part of why our Collector puts so much emphasis on pinky swears.
- Both Titans and Collectors have the ability to control if or not they’re affected by language barriers - especially with mortals. As a young Titan/Collector’s magic strengthens and develops, so too does their capacity to tap into an understanding of all different languages.
- Referring to the previous one, our Collector chose to keep this power closed off so they could learn English from Belos - as he knew they would need to talk to each other a lot if they were to work together, and if any Collector were to speak their cosmic god language to a mortal, the words being processed through the person’s ears and mind would overwhelm them to the point of an intense headache and feeling of dizziness.
- If a really young Titan child sees you as a potential threat, and you want to show you mean no harm, you need only to bow down below the Titan’s current stature, as being at a higher stature will trigger a sense of safety within a Titan child and dissipate any fear of you. A Titan fully grows out of this instinct in their adolescent years.
- In the days before Titans were mostly wiped out, parts like their skulls, horns and fur were believed to contain magical properties and were highly sought after by some. Nowadays, these beliefs are still somewhat prevalent among the Titan Trappers.
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pickledragon · 1 year ago
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Lilith Clawthorne Sexuality Headcanons:
Official Labels/Flags: Aromantic Asexual (Aroace), Aromantic (Aro), Asexual-Spectrum (Aspec).
Has never really been interested in romantic relationships, but never felt self-conscious about it or that she didn't fit (a product of the Boiling Isles queer acceptance and also her not really thinking about it.)
Never guessed Raine and Eda were dating back at Hexside, she just assumed they were really good friends.
Sex-neutral in almost every way, with little to no attraction. Sex-positive in the abstract and for others, especially around historical fact and education. Has had sex but mostly for the intellectual analysis and experience. Might again if it strikes her fancy.
"Oh! I did indeed try experimenting with allosexuality in my younger years. It was fine, just not my cup of tea."
Attempted a QPR with Steve at some point after the series but it didn't work out (Lilith discovered she's not really into QPRs.) They parted amicably and remained friends.)
Awkwardly returns gifts of romantic affection but did discover her separate love of potted plants and flowers from them.
"Married to my work? Ha! Like I'd be married."
The Boiling Isles' queer community adapted the tradition of gifting jewelry to signify romantic relationships into exchanging pieces to represent important relationships across the romantic and platonic spectrum.
Lilith owns:
A brass hoop earring from Eda.
A feathered charm bracelet from Hooty.
A braided bracelet from Amity and Luz for her mentorship post-series in library and university planning.
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numericalbridge · 2 months ago
the theory that the Coven Heads would be left with scars after the draining spell didn't turn out to be canon, but since Terra's sigil seemed to briefly burst into flames, i still headcanon that the Coven Heads' sigils were affected and left burnt and visibly distorted with smaller burns around them.
That might have affected the magic use too. Or alternatively - a crack headcanon that if the sigil was partially destroyed while the spell was working through it, it allowed a very limited use of the magic from other tracks to slip in, and that also then helped with developing the sigil removal technology.
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cr0cutacr0cuta · 2 years ago
Hey Darius enjoyers I had another thought sorry I'm kind of unhinged lately.
I was thinking of magic combinations. Mainly Darius making abomination armor for Eberwolf and his beasts in battle etc.
Then I thought.
Hey Darius has a giant Abomination form right.
It looks fucking huge.
Gotta at least be 10ft by my estimation with how tiny Raine was compared to him right. So like. What happens if you combine that form...With more abomination users' magic? Like Alador? Or Amity? Or both? Just all three of them using abomination magic on Darius' abomination form?
Because Amity and Alador made a HUGE abomination during the brawl episode already right?
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So please consider...
Kaiju sized Abomination form Darius.
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bitchliteraria1906 · 3 months ago
Consider: Raine's expertise in bard magic giving them some form of siren-like ability and making them able to control or at least strongly persuade people with their voice, but they never use it because they have so many negative connotations with mind control (Belos, Terra, being one of the Collector's puppets) and even before that, they valued freedom too much to do it and wanted to give people the chance to rebel against Belos by themselves.
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