#TMNT Hamato Atsuko
badassturtles235147 · 10 months
Splinter's Parents Oneshot
It has been a month since I have been taken prisoner by the Foot clan. I sat in a dirty cell, with my wrists bound to the wall and my ankles chained tightly together. I still do not know what they want from me. They have already taken my home and my family, what else could they possibly want? 
Why did they not just kill me too, along with the rest of my village? Why am I alive while everyone else has perished? Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I quickly held them back when I heard a creak of a door opening. 
Heavy footsteps could be heard, along with the crackling sound of armor. I narrowed my eyes, knowing it was the soldier who kidnapped me, once again coming to visit just to pester me. When he came in front of my cell, I turned to glare at him but I was confused when I saw someone else with him. 
The soldier was a bulky man, with no hair but a long brown beard. He wore silver armor, as well as his friend who was wearing a mask, so I was unable to see his face. 
The soldier chuckled, “What did I tell you, kid? A beauty, isn’t she?” 
“She is heavily chained,” The masked soldier noted. He sounded young. 
“Yes. Honestly, I hated to go to extreme measures but do not let her fool you. This girl is vicious. She attacked most of my men, almost breaking every bone in their bodies,” The soldier replied. 
“Why do you have her here at all? Why did you not just kill her, like everyone else in the village?” The young masked soldier then asked. 
That is what I have been wondering. 
“Her parents were traitors of the clan. They have kept themselves hidden for 16 years but we finally got word about them. Well, more precisely, their children. Word of a young girl, rescuing her brother from a dangerous thief got out and her skills were similar to ours. We went to investigate and found that she was indeed the child of the traitors, but we found that her parents were already dead,” The soldier finally explained. 
“Punished by the sins of the parents,” The masked soldier said, matter of factly.
“Yes, though, it was difficult to capture her. This girl was deeply beloved by her siblings and the village. They all tried to protect her. There was no need for the little ones, so the master asked for them to be executed and the villagers kept trying to get in our way, so we eliminated them as well.” 
“I see but I am still not understanding your plans with her?” 
“I honestly do not know myself but if I have to guess, the master is probably trying to find some use for her.” 
“I just love how you two are talking about me, like I am not even here,” I said sarcastically, as I glared at them. I heard enough and I wish not to hear anymore. 
The soldier smiled at me. “Ah, miss Hinokawa, how I wish you would just be more compliant. The master might show you more mercy.” 
I scoffed, “What does this clan know about mercy? All of you are just cruel, heartless monsters!”  
“Did you forget that your parents used to be one of us?” He taunted me, making me ball my fists. “Not by choice. They were born here and forced to serve the clan but they chose to leave. That is what separates them from you, they were not cowards,” I spat and the soldier's lip curled in an ugly snarl. 
He opened the cell door and came in, towering over me. In reply, I gave him a fearless gaze, refusing to show him any fear and give him an ounce of satisfaction. However, I was secretly terrified. I was heavily bound. The only part of my body I could move was my head so I had no way of defending myself should he choose to get physical with me. All I could do was remain strong as he growled in my face. 
He roughly grabbed me by the chin, making me wince in a bit of pain as he examined my face. I kept my glare but he just seemed to smile in amusement. “Those red eyes of yours truly burn with a lot of fire. You know, I think I finally know what the master is going to do with you.” 
“What?” I growled and he smiled more. “He might just make you his bride. He has been looking for a bride since his father passed. He will need to make a heir soon. You are very strong and beautiful; no doubt he believes you would be the best suited.” 
“I would rather kill myself,” I said, with venom in my tone. 
“Oh, now, do not do that,” He said while losing his grip up a little to rub his thumb against my cheek. “It would be such a waste.” 
I responded by snapping my jaw forward and biting down hard on his finger, making him bleed and cry out. He pulled his hand back, nurturing it in his other hand as I grin in satisfaction, his blood falling from my lips. He then glared, furiously and raised his hand. 
“You bitch!” He shouted and I prepared myself for the hit but before he could even bring his hand down, the masked soldier grabbed his wrist, twisting it behind his back and slamming him against the wall. 
“W-What are you doing?!” He demanded, painfully. The masked soldier did not respond, he just hit a pressure point on his neck and the soldier let out a little grunt before falling into unconsciousness.  
I doubt I hid the shock on my face, and I stared at him in complete confusion as his back continued to face me. He then slowly turned to me and took off his mask. Under the mask, was a young boy about my age. His black hair was up in a high ponytail and his warm brown eyes were staring at me in slight concern. 
“That was reckless,” He said, coming forward and kneeling down in front of me, making me flinch. He examined my face, seeming to be looking for any injuries and he raised his hand to touch the slight bruises that began to form on my chin but I whipped my head away from him. “Don’t touch me!” 
He immediately moved his hand away from me and stared at me with an unreadable expression. “I am not here to hurt you, I am here to help,” He tried to assure me, but I just stared at him questionably. “My clan and I are trying to put an end to the Foot Clan but we heard that there were prisoners being held captive. We came to free you and everyone else who was taken.” 
Free me? It sounded like music to my ears but… “How do I know I can trust you? How do I know you are not just going to take me as a prisoner too?” 
“Do you honestly believe I would sneak in here and save your life just so I can take you as a prisoner? I do not even know who you are.” 
“Your master might-!” 
“I am the master of my clan.” 
That made me speechless. He, a master? He looks no more than 17 years old? How could he be a master of a whole clan? As if reading my thoughts, he began to explain, “My father, the previous master, was killed recently, leaving me no choice but to take his place. I swore that I would follow in his footsteps and end the war my family has been trying to end for centuries.” 
Now, I felt guilty for my hostility towards him but still I could not let down my guard. I already did that once and it cost me everything. I will not make that same mistake again. “I am sorry for your loss but you being master doesn’t prove anything to me. You have not even said what you plan to do with me once you free me.” 
“We plan to take you back to our home until we are certain that the Foot clan will not be looking for you,” He answered simply. I was still skeptical. “Then afterwards?” 
“Once we are certain that your life is no longer in danger, we will help you anyway we can for you to have a fresh start. A new life.” He then smiled. “Though, it seems you can handle yourself well enough without our help.”
I blushed a little at the compliment but said nothing as he stood. He cut my wrists and ankles free with his sword. I stood frozen for a second, surprised by the action and once the reality of my freedom came to cross, the urge to run was strong but somehow, I stood frozen when my eyes caught his. 
The boy was hard to read but his eyes just kept staring at me. Searching. For what? I was not sure but he offered me his hand. “It will not be long before others show up. If you are going to make a decision, you best make it now. WIll you come with me or do you think you can make it out on your own?” 
He was letting me choose while still giving me my freedom? I looked at him and realized what he was searching for in me. He wanted to be confident that I could escape on my own, without his help. He did not want to force me to accept his help or trust him if I did not want to but he still wanted me to be free. 
It was strange. He did not even know me but yet, he seemed to care so much. Can I trust that though? I pondered my options for a while. I was sure I could easily escape and find my door to freedom but once I am free then what? I have no home to go back to, no family or friends. They are all gone. I have nowhere to truly call home. My path of loneliness would truly be a difficult and dark one but if I go with him, what would happen to me? Who will I become? The path to go with him was filled with uncertainty and unknowns but the path to go off alone, was filled with so much heartache. 
I have always been one who never shied away from danger. I was always up to take risks and chances but this was a chance that might change my whole life. I could never go back to my old life, go back to who I was before the Foot clan. That past was dead and gone. Now, I must move on, even though a part of me does not want to. I must because I know my family would want me to and I must always be strong for them, even though they are no longer here by my side. 
In the end, I decided that no place could be worse than here, and I slowly took the offered hand. The boy smiled, relieved by my decision and helped me on my feet. He began to guide me out of the cell and out the door to freedom. 
“Will you really help me find a new life?” I asked, quietly, hoping with all of my being that I will not come to regret my decision. 
“I give you my word, Miss Hinokawa,” He vowed. 
This guy was way too pilot and formal. 
“My name is Atsuko,” I clarified, and he smiled at me. “My name is Hamato Yuuta.” 
If you are wondering what happened to me after the day I met Yuuta, all I will say is....read TMNT: The Past of Hamato Yoshi! LINK BELOW!!
TMNT: The Past Of Hamato Yoshi - The Birth Of Hamato Yoshi - Wattpad
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One day, in DDMG, Raph spots a woman standing at the edge of the forest, watching the Lair. He's curious and a little concerned. If she's a normal woman then she must be lost, so needs help, but also shouldn't be allowed to see Splinter. If she's a spirit of some kind, then it's best they know what she wants. Could be that she's just passing through and wants to leave an offering, or she might be like Falco, in which case having an early warning will be nice.
Raph takes a bag with him. It's one of the emergency ghost kits they always have packed, filled with things they know work on ghosts, as well as a small med kit. Before leaving the house, Raph tells Donnie and Leo what he's doing. Leo grabs another kit, just in case the woman attacks and Raph needs help.
(Splinter and Mikey had taken Klunk to the vet/ Socorro.)
As Raph walks towards the woman, he figures out that she's a spirit. Ghosts, even those that still look human, have something distinctly otherworldly about them. It might be a side effect of having a core, he's not really sure, and to be honest he doesn't care. Her being a ghost isn't what's important, his father's a ghost after all, what matters is whether or not she's dangerous.
When he's closer, he realises she's dressed in traditional Japanese clothes. She has dark hair and amber-brown eyes.
The ghost looks at him and smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. There's a sadness etched there, and something about it is so familiar it almost makes him stop in his tracks.
"Hello." says the ghost woman.
"What do you want?" it came out harsher than he meant it to.
There was something held in her hands, and now Raph sees that it's a potted plant, "I heard your father likes to garden."
That's true. Several months ago Splinter had burned a patch of the long grass around the house and turned it into a vegtable garden. It's late autumn now, so not much is growing, but that patch of earth is still well maintained. The rat ghost enjoyed it, finding gardening mediative, and there was a satification in knowing this was a way he could provide for his sons.
What she's holding is some kind of flower, Raph doesn't know what it is, and the pot looks handmade.
Raph took it from her and for some reason he didn't understand said, "Father's not here right now. Do you want to wait to see him?"
"No," she says and the sadness spreads from her eyes to the rest of her face, "I am just passing through."
There's a long quiet moment, where her eyes go back to the Lair. The windows are all fixed now, the outside's been repainted and they'd hacked back the plants that had grown over one window. It's rough around the edges, far from perfect, but neither are any of them. And it's home.
"Could you, if it is not an inconvenience, could you tell him hello?"
Raph looked back at her. The sadness had retreated and there's a sort of peace in her expression that he doesn't understand. He feels like he's missing something important here, but doesn't have enough peices of the puzzle to figure out what.
"Sure. Got a name though? Like if I say, 'hey, a lady says hi' that won't mean much."
The woman laughed. It's a warm sound and he finds himself relaxing.
"Atsuko." She tells him as she turns to walk back into the forest, then stops, "Oh! I almost forget. Theres are the growing instructions."
Atsuko passed him a note and turning it over revealed diagrams of the flower and neat handwritting. When Raph looked up, it's just in time to see a final smile before she disappears into the forest.
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alright let's do this >:)
(raising your mystic kid au -- episode 0)
reblogged version with script lol
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 2 months
Rise August 2024
-- Day 6/13: Lou Jitsu + Hamato Atsuko --
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Days 6 and 13 of Rise August! Splinter says that he had some good times as Lou Jitsu, but I'm willing to bet he had some not-so-good times, too. I imagine he often wondered if his mother would be proud of the man he'd become... if only he could ask her.
(Rise August 2024 Masterpost)
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honeylief · 5 months
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Raph and Emmy's youngest baby has been on my mind. Her name's Atsuko 'Akko' Pawikan-Hamato!
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Her personality mood board! Sensitive. Gets bothered seeing others hurting. Patient. Will fight bullies. Absolutely affectionate with all the family. She's closest with Uncle Mikey and loves to help in the kitchen + arts and crafts.
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mintghostko · 2 days
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Ancestors, Hamato Atsuko, secrets and what if!
so… I had a thought™... when we first see the Hamato clan spirits they introduce themselves as Splinter’s ancestors… and this doesn't necessarily have to mean anything but what if it does? What if the Hamato’s ability to summon the dead is limited to their ancestors and their ancestors only?
Splintz would probably be fine with that at first, he can still talk to his mom and as an only child he doesn't have any siblings that he might want to- oh.
Sometime in a now averted apocalyptic timeline the boys lose their brothers. But death isn’t as cut and dry for the Hamatos so they try to reach out to them. And they try and they try and they try but for the first time in their lives they don’t receive an answer. And isn’t it kinda heartbreaking? they can talk to anyone from their clan except the people they miss the most.
original Rise August prompt list by @sariphantom :)
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got slapped with a sudden case of hamato atsuko brain rot and a boost of inspiration to accompany it! please enjoy
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mushroomgrenade · 5 months
New video up!
Thank you for @sticker-star-sketchbook for letting me dub over their work!
I really wish she had more screen time, makes me wonder if the original scripts had more for her since rise season 3 got canceled mid creation on season 2
Original Comic
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This was so fun to draw.
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indieyuugure · 2 years
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Lol, when I first watched this episode I was so confused 😂 like, for some reason Splinter’s mom is shown as being a mutant rat even though that makes absolutely zero sense at all.
Also, why does neither Splinter nor his “mom” have whiskers in the second pic? [that’s gonna bug me…] XD
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flamingoducks · 1 year
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i don't think she's appreciated enough so here's grandma hamato 🤍
w/o feathers:
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I like to think that in Ghost Splinter 2, Tang Shen and Splinter's mother are watching their family from the afterlife.
This means that Splinter and the kids have people who are cheering them on when they succeed, and wishing them well when things go wrong. It also means that should the worst happen (again), there are people ready to comfort them and help them come to terms with what happened.
It also means that Shen and Atsuko have front row seats to Splinter making the absolute worst decisions of his entire existance.
Like when he finds out Shredder is alive they're like:
Shen: He'll have to tell Miwa and the boys.
Atsuko: Yes, they need to know of the danger they are in.
Splinter: Okay, time for me to not tell my kids and hunt Shredder down on my own!
Shen and Atsuko: Yoshi no!
Splinter: Found him!
Shen: And now you'll tell your-
Splinter, turning into his ghost form: I am going fight Saki alone! He can not kill me twice!
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
A Mother's Guidance AU
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I never thought I would make an AU since I'm not good at coming up with stuff like this and this one is still very bare bones tbh but the idea wouldn't leave my head so here you go:
In this AU Splinter's mom still abandoned him, but she didn't have to sacrifice herself. It was more about leaving everything behind which could tie her to the mortal world and that sadly included her son. Over the years, living isolated in a big temple of the Hamatos, she began to question her decision and even came to regret it. I imagine that she tried reaching out once but her message went unanswered and she thought that her son didn't want anything to do with her anymore.
But the truth is that the message never reached Yoshi 'cause he was trapped in the battle nexus. After the whole Draxum debacle he finds the message waiting for him and decides to take a leap of faith and go to her.
His mother, faced with a traumatized son who is suddenly father to four mutated turtles, has a choice to make and decides that she has sacrificed enough for destiny. It is time to finally support her son. The both of them leave the Hamato Clan behind to raise the boys together.
I want this to be lots of fluff with grandmother Atsuko but of course there will be some drama too. You can't just leave destiny behind. Sooner or later it's going to come knocking on your door again….
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hotsoupthemusical · 8 months
One of our earliest scenes includes Atusko in it!! If you think you'd be able to fit into the role, make sure to check out the auditioning doc [link in pinned post] and join the server [link in pinned post] !!
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badassturtles235147 · 2 months
My Stories I am going to start making some time this year...
Children of Serpent, Death Angel, and ...Shredder
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Her brother was to be the next heir to the Foot Clan, even though he did not want to be, and her cousin, Irrilia was to be the leader of the Hamato Clan but where did Amai's path lay?
And would she discover it...after learning the truth of her mother's past?
(Description needs work)
Sneak Peak -
CH 1
It was a long time ago. She was probably no more than three years old when she first discovered it. She remembers getting up in the morning, wearing a messy braid pigtail and purple pajamas with black kitten pattern. Her twin brother was still sleeping next to her, snoring away. 
She was tempted to pinch his nose to wake him up but decided against it as she crawled out of bed. She could hear her Kaasan cooking in the kitchen as she slid open her bedroom door, but she did not hear her mother and her usual chatter, meaning she might have gone off to work early again. 
Seeing an opportunity to be the adorable little mischievous she knows she is she went to her mothers' room and began to snoop around. The room was big, with a big king size mattress, the walls painted a dark shadowy purple while the bedding was a violet with a black vein pattern. No doubt her Kaasan's work. It even has a balcony. Her room has one too, but her room was not quit as big as this. It even has two closets. One of the closets she already looked through, and just at first glance, she knew it belonged to her Kaasan. There were dozens of expensive clothes, shoes, hates, gloves, and even glasses inside. There was also a box there too but considering her Kaasan, used to be an assassin, she knew better than to open boxes that belonged to her. 
It was probably the only time her Kaasan ever truly got mad at her, when she opened her locked drawer which was filled with poisons. Her Kaasan had walked in and just started freaking out, scared her daughter would accidently pour it on herself as she was looking through them. So, after her near death experience, she makes sure not to open anything that was locked that belonged to her Kaasan but...what about her Mother?
She opens the other closet and at first, was a little disappointed at what she found. It was just a normal closet, filled with normal amount of clothes (unlike her Kaasan's) but as her eyes travel down the clothes, she notices a slight opening on the floor. Curious, she kneels down and takes off the floorboard, to see inside was a shoebox. She puts the floorboard aside before picking it up and opening it. 
It was a box of old photos but...they were weird. She saw pictures of who she could tell was her mother when she was young, but she did not see her uncles or Jiji. There were only two other people she recognized and that was her Kaasan and Obasan. Everyone else she did not recognize. Not the two teens with the alfro or the gold chains. Not the blind man who looked to be quit intimidating. Not the other children that were wearing black ninja garbs and defiantly, not the last photo, of the scary man with the scared face. He is standing behind his mother, who looked to be in her teens, with his hands on her shoulders. They both were looking at the camera with serious, scary expressions but her mom, looked like she wished to be anywhere else. Why did they look so miserable?
She looks back inside the box and notices a journal, she opens it, but she can not yet read. Though she is a very smart girl and could read most words, she can not yet read sentences, so she puts it back. However, at the bottom of the box, she notices a key. She picks it up, wondering what it could be for then remembers her mother's shrine. Her mother had a shrine which she keeps in the dojo, with a picture of her Nainai, Jiji, and her mother when she was a baby on it. However, at the bottom of the shrine, were two cabinets which her mother keeps mysteriously locked. She has tried numerous of times to open it but never could because she could never find the key...until maybe now. 
Sprinting out of the room, she goes to the dojo at the other end of the hall and slowly slides open the doors to make sure no one was there. Across the room, she sees the shrine and goes over to it, looking over she shoulder one last time before sticking the key in. She could not describe the excitement she felt when the key actually turned. Slowly, she opens it and once she does, her jaw nearly falls to the floor at what she had found. 
Within the cabinet, was a weird looking skull. Or she thinks it is a skull. It sure looks like a skull. The bottom half did any why and it had normal sockets where eyes on an alive person should be, but the top half was misshapen and looked almost metal, with three metal parts sticking out, almost looking like some kind of crown. Unable to resist, she takes it out and looks it over curiously, trying to figure out if it is a real skull or some kind of artifact. 
That's when she gets caught. 
"Amai," A calm, level but secret furious voice had her frozen on the spot. She knew that voice, very well. She turns to see her mother, standing tall before her and glaring down at her sternly. Her mother is a tall Japanese woman with long black hair she was wearing in a high ponytail, light-skin and bright almost red-looking amber eyes which she had inherited.  She was also wearing a black body-length suit with a hood, which extends downwards to her knees, and a long green scarf that she uses to cover half her face.
"What are you doing?" Her mother asks and though she was trying to remain calm, Amai knew she was furious. "Nothing." She tries to hide the skull behind her, but she knew that was stupid. For her mother had already seen and it is not like her small form, could hide the large thing behind her back anyway. Her mother hardens her gaze, making her tense but she says nothing, just holds out her hand, singling her to hand the weird skull over. Biting her lower lip nervously, she obeys, and she watches as her mother puts it back before locking it and turning back to her daughter again sternly. "You are not to touch or go through my things, you understand?" 
"I was just looking, Mama!" She lies. They both knew it was a lie. If she had just wanted to look at whatever was inside, she would have asked, she wouldn't have snuck around or taken it out in the first place, but it was just so hard to resist. Her mother though, was clearly not amused as she repeats, "I don't care. You are not allowed to touch or even look at my things again!" 
"What even is it anyway?" She asks, curiously and she is caught off guard by her mother's reaction. She did not expect for her mother to still at the question. It seemed like a normal question to ask when you find something that looks awfully similar to a human skull in your mother's shrine but for some reason, it causes quit the reaction out of her mother. Her mother is a born warrior, who rarely shows much emotion, but right now, for some reason, her mother had stopped moving, stopped speaking, completely motionless, almost like a statue. The only thing that changes is her eyes, her eyes shifting to amber to a jade green as her pupils turn into slits. 
She used to love seeing that, though she could do the same with her own eyes, watching her mother do it when she is trying to intimidate someone or scare them into giving her what she wants, was always so cool but right now...it was scary. Her eyes were moving back and forth, like they were trying to fight some kind of battle as they were train to only stare at the wall. 
Her mother's weird reaction only lasts a few seconds before her posture and eyes turn back to normal. A normal person probably would not have notice it at all, but she did. It was rare for her to see her mother react this way. Only once does he remember seeing her mother vulnerable and that was when an old friend of her's died. Only something big could cause her mother to break but...what was big about that skull? 
"It is none of your business," Her mother finally says, in a quiet but angry tone. Her eyes were not looking at her daughter anymore but to the side, as if ashamed to look at her after her few seconds of weak display. Amai does not speak or even move, not knowing what to do now. Suddenly, she regrets ever opening that cabinet. When her mother finally looks her in the eyes, she sees something in them, something that made her stomach turn and she is thankful when her mother says, "Go play, Amai and don't let me catch you doing this again." 
She then turns to her, and the moment her mother dismisses her, she does not hesitate to leave, glad she was not going to face any punishment but something, causes her to look back when she makes it to the door. She sees her mother, kneeling in front of the shrine, and she swears but is not 100% sure, that she saw one or two tears roll down her mother's cheeks. 
After that day, she never asks about the skull or weird pictures again, not wanting to see her mother cry like that ever, ever again. Her mother was the strongest person she knows, to see her act like that...it was terrifying.
However, she could not stay silent forever, especially when new things kept hidden in the dark, began to come out in the light. 
TMNT: The Story of Karai's Choice
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"You are who you choose to be, not what others make you"
Those words stuck with her since the moment she heard them, hit deep within her heart and soul, it helped guide her through her journey. No one has ever given her a choice before. Her whole life was always controlled by another and anything she wanted, she would have to force or earn. Karai put blood, sweat and tears to be who she is today and now, after coming home after another late night, she finds he five year old daughter up and waiting for her, wanting to be told a bedtime story and oh…does Karai tell.
(No I do not own TMNT or the pictures on the cover and this story is a little expired by Karai's Path)
Sneak Peak -
It was very late at night in Tokyo City; so late that all the 30 year old Japanese, Chinese woman wanted to do was sleep. 
Of course fate had other plans...
As soon as the elevator rang, she walked inside her penthouse, legs almost dragging but before she could even make her way into her bedroom where her wife was probably waiting for her, she heard noise coming from the kitchen. 
Fear of a possible enemy breaking into their home, she does not hesitate to pull out a kunai from her sash and as quietly as possible make her way to the kitchen. She stopped and pressed her back against the wall, listening in and trying to peak to see who it was but alas, she could see no one from this angle and all she could hear were cluttering sounds of glass. 
Foot steps began approaching and bracing herself, the woman jumped out of hiding and raised her weapon but the sound of a startled scream, and glass shattering made her immediately freeze in her actions. 
Using her free hand to look for the light while also making sure to keep her guards up, the woman switches the switch and once the lights turn on, she was taken aback when she saw not an enemy but a little girl, about the age of five, wearing her long black hair in braided frizzy pigtails, as well as purple pjs with a black kitten pattern. She stared at her with her big almond shaped amber colored eyes which were similar to her own as the woman stared back at them. 
The two blink at each other, panting, both their hearts racing, clearing in shock before the woman's slight moment of fear turned into fury. "Hamato Amai, you're supposed to be asleep! What are you doing out of bed at this hour?!" 
The little girl, Amai, bit her lower lip nervously. "I, um...was waiting for you." The woman sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Amai...do you realize I could have killed you! I thought someone broke in!" 
Her daughter hung her head and mumbled, "I got thirsty..." The woman sighed again and looked down at the shattered glass on the floor, knowing she would have to clean it up. 
Why could she never just have a peaceful night? 
Shaking her head in frustration, she went to grab a dust pan and broom while Amai stood there, waiting, watching as her mother cleaned up the broken glass until her attention was back on her and she held out her hand. "Come on, Amai, I'll take you back to bed." 
Amai took the offering hand and allowed her mother to lead her back to her bedroom. It was a big room that was separated by a slide door, so she and her brother could have privacy. However, when they walked in to Amai's side of the room, the woman was not surprised in the slightest to see her five year old son, curled up on her bed, his black locks of hair messed messed up, as he softly snored. He was wearing black pj's with a skeleton pattern. Amai smiled at him and immediately crawled to lay next to him as her mother tucked her in. "Alright, now I want you to go to sleep and not get out of this bed again, you understand?" 
She turned to leave but stopped when, "Wait Mama!" Amai called out and the woman paused to look at her. "Can you tell me a story before bed?" 
"A story?" The woman blinked. Usually, bedtime stories were her wife's thing, mostly because they prefer her because she would tell the children scary old mythic tales. Never have any of her children asked for her to tell a story before and now that they have, she was unsure if she could. "You know, I am not good at making up stories, Amai." 
Amai frowned, looking disappointed. "Can you try? Please..." The look made the woman's heart twitch, she recognized that look. She had that look many times on her own face when he would disappoint her when she was a child. So, with a sigh, she took a seat at the end of the bed and thought of a story she could tell. 
What would her brothers tell their kids? No doubt a whole punch of American fairytails and probably some stories about their adventures when they were young. 
An idea came to her head then and she looked at her daughter, feeling hesitant but then with a bit of a smile she said, "Okay, I will tell you a story about an, uh, Princess and...A Dark King..." 
TMNT: The Past of Hamato Yoshi
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Description -
Fanfic about Splinter's childhood. In this story you will get to see Splinter when he was a child, teenager, and young adult and the similarities he shares with his five children.
You will get to meet Splinter's parents, Hamato Yuuta and Hamato Atsuko, other possible siblings, that aren't OCs but other characters I found on a TMNT website, friends, and the relationship he shares with each of them.
You get to see what Shredder was like when he was a kid and how he gained the jealousy and hatred towards Splinter.
You get to see Tang Shen and the possibility similarity she shares with Karai and the turtles as well. You get to see the love triangle with her, Yoshi, and Saki.
You basically get to see it all!
Pulse bonus after Splinter's death and the struggles. How the turtles start to fall and how Karai struggled with identity crisis and how they all got to meet their family in Japan.
So, please read to find out what Splinter was like as a child. (I do not own any of the art and I do not own TMNT)
Sneak Peak -
He could not believe this was happening...
He did not want it to end this way, not with his children watching...
They scream his name yet he could not respond to them, assure them that everything was going to be alright. There was still so much he wished to say, to tell them but not enough time.
He could not even say a word to the person who stabbed him, the brother he used to love before he threw him off the roof.
As he fell, with his children crying, screaming his name, he could not help but think how he got here. How he went from who he was to who he is now. How he went from being Hamato Yoshi to Master Splinter. How he became a man of nothing but loss, to a father of four wonderful mutant turtle sons and a beautiful daughter.
But most of all.
He wondered where it all began... 
May 11, 1967, a heavy storm rained all over Tokyo City, thunder and lighting were flashing, streets were flooding, trees were falling, and the wind was blowing. On a night like this, people start to wonder what could cause the great storm. What the heavens above must be saying, to turn what used to be a bright sunny day, to a day like today. 
Some think when a storm like this passes, a great evil is soon to rise but others…believe it is when a great hero is born and that hero is soon to be born, up on top of the mountains, far above Tokyo city where no one dares to cross for reasons unknown. 
Little did the people of Tokyo know that up above the mountains, lived a secret ninja clan, called the Hamato Clan. This clan was, of course, heard off, it was known for being the protectors of all of Japan but no one knew of their whereabouts. 
In the center of the small clan lay a small dojo which was home of the Hamato Clan’s Master, Hamato Yuuta. Hamato Yuuta was known for being one of the best ninjutsu masters there ever was. For he, at only the age of 17, was able to slay the previous leader of the Foot Clan, Oroku Maji. 
Many looked up to and respected Yuuta, he was a great master and he led all of them with a heavy hand but…Yuuta could not protect his clan or Tokyo forever, as strong as he was, death is something no one is able to escape, that is why he needed an heir…
Just as loud as the storm outside, Inside of the Hamato Clan dojo, a Japanese woman with long straight black hair which is styled in a bun with side bangs, monolid shaped amber eyes, light skin, and wearing a red kimono with black trim, organic print, and the Hamato emblem placed on the center of her obi, was laying on the floor, sweating and screaming as she squeezed her eyes shut painfully. 
A Japanese man with long jet black hair that he had pulled back in a bun, u-shaped beard, hooded shaped chocolate brown eyes, tan-skin and wearing a reddish-brownish kimono with the Hamato clan emblem on his back, was by her side, holding her hand, even though his was turning slightly purple by her strength.
“Yuuta…” His wife whimpered beside him and Yuuta frowned. “Just hang on a little longer, Atsuko.” 
Just then, the door flew open and Yuuta looked to see two of his Jonin, “Master Yuuta, I am sorry, but there is no way we can take Mistress Atsuko to the hospital. There has been a landslide. It is not safe to go down the mountain in this storm.” 
Yuuta gritted his teeth at this news but he knew, way before he even sent his ninja out that would have been very likely, he had just hoped they would find some kind of way. He sighed heavily and looked at his wife. “I am sorry, my love but we are going to have to deliver our child ourselves.” 
Atsuko continued to pant and sweat, letting out vicious swears under her breath. It has been so hard for them to get pregnant, they have waited for this moment for so long and the fact that they could not make it to a hospital had both of them on edge, though Yuuta tried to remain calm, it was very hard. 
Five miscarriages. It took six tries until Atsuko was finally able to make it full term, though it was the hardest thing to watch. Her pregnancy had been awful. She was constantly sick and the whole pregnancy had just been them fearing that they would lose another one but she had been determined to assure that would not happen, and she succeeded but now, the baby was coming out a week early and she has been in labor for ten hours with a fever….there is no telling what will happen now.
A look of sympathy crossed his face when his eyes met with her’s, her eyes which used to hold so much fire, were now filled with tears as she looked up at him fearfully. He put a comforting hand on top of her head, for it was all he could offer. He knew what she was thinking…
So many miscarriages and now, after finally being able to stay long term through this terrible pregnancy, a storm just had to come right when she went into labor. It is like the heavens were trying to tell them a child is just not meant to be but they have bested fate before, and they shall do it again. 
Yuuta gently pulled his hand out of his wife’s grip and moved to look between her legs, to see if he could see any sign of his child. “Keep pushing, my love.” 
“I have been pushing for hours!" Atsuko snapped angrily then tears started to fall from her eyes. "Oh Yuuta...what if something is wrong? I...I do not think I can take it if something happens to this one..." Yuuta frowned and was unsure what to say, but he tried to say something anyhow, "This child is a fighter, just like you. He has made it this far, let us not give up on him yet." 
Atsuko nodded and continued to try to fight through the pain, praying her child will come out soon, healthy and unharmed. She pushed  with all her might, squeezing her eyes shut, as she let out a furious scream, like she was letting out a battle cry. She did it again for a few more minutes before she grew tired and laid back, huffing and sweating and after another hour, her prayers were finally answered…
Atsuko let out a small gasp when she heard a piercing, ear-bleeding cry. She lifted her head to see Yuuta, frozen in shock as he slowly lifted up a small blood covering babe in his hands, it’s limbs frailing as it continued to wail. 
All she could do at the moment was stare in shock, not believing it to be real then she looked at her husband and was taken aback by his expression. The usually calm Hamato Yuuta, who can handle any deathly situation, with a fearless hand, was all tense and nervous, as if any small movement he made would mean instant death. Slowly, he looked at his wife and said, “We have a son,”
Atsuko all but held out her arms, no matter how weak or tired she felt, she would not be able to rest easy until she is certain that her son is alright for herself. 
Yuuta instantly obeyed her silent request and carefully as humanly possible, laid the naked babe on top of his mother's chest, putting a blanket over him and once he was placed in his mother's arms, his cries slowly died. Atsuko let out a wet chuckle as she looked at her son. "Hello there, my precious boy," She cooed. "You were very impatient, weren't you? A few weeks early. You were ready to see the world, huh?"
Hearing the familiar voice of his mother, the baby's face scrunched up as he tried to peer open his eyes. His eyes cracked open for a second before they opened up completely, his vision was all blurry for a few seconds but once they cleared, he saw the face of his mother and once his eyes locked with her's, he continued to just stare at her. She chuckled at the look of curiosity and wonder in his eyes before looking towards her husband. "Oh, Yuuta, isn't he gorgeous?" The baby then looked away from his mother, when he noticed someone else looking at him. "Indeed. I believe he has your eyes, Atsuko."
It was a man, who looked to be studying his newborn son as he extended a hand to stroke the damp, blood-soaked hair on the child's head. The baby looked at the man curiously as one of the Jonin brought a pot of hot water and towels. Yuuta used it to clean off his dirty hands first then soaked one of the towels to gently clean off his son’s face. Of course, he would need a more thorough and proper bath later but the way his wife was looking at him, he knew she would not want to let him go anytime soon. 
Once he was done, he found himself staring at his son again as he brought his finger forward. The baby grabbed onto it, looking at it curiously before sticking it in his mouth. The man pulled back but when the baby's eyes started to well with tears, he panicked slightly and immediately stuck his finger back in the baby's mouth, allowing him to suck on it. Atsuko snorted at her husband as he scowled at her but his attention quickly went back to his son. For the life of him, Yuuta just could not stop staring, after so long, his son was finally here and it was so terribly hard to believe. 
But soon, as if just now accepting that this was indeed very real, Yuuta slowly smiled and said, "Kon'nichiwa, musuko yo."
The baby only glanced at him before growing bored with his finger and spitting it out of his mouth."You did a wonderful job, Atsuko. You are a true warrior, my love," Yuuta then said to his wife, causing her to give a slight smile. 
The two newly parents sat in content, watching their son as he looked around at the new world around him. “You know,” Yuuta brought up after a while, “After all this time, we still have not thought of a name.”
Atsuko smiled. “I already know the perfect name.” 
She nodded and looked down while stroking her son’s head. “Yoshi." Yuuta blinked and tilted his head. "Yoshi?" 
"Yes, I think it suits him. He is Yoshi." She then leaned down to gently rest her head against her son's. "Our little Yoshi." Yuuta hummed as he considered the name. "Hamato Yoshi," He echoed  while looking down at his son who was smiling happily at his mama, causing him to smile as well. "I like that name…our son, Hamato Yoshi.” 
The two ninja masters smiled in content as they looked down, happily at their new born son but  little did the Hamato family know, someone was watching them. Outside the roaring storm, a black falcon sitting on top of a tree branch watched the Hamato family closely before flying off...
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takkytakk · 2 years
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Hamato Atsuko
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