#TMNT Hamato Yuuta
badassturtles235147 · 10 months
Splinter's Parents Oneshot
It has been a month since I have been taken prisoner by the Foot clan. I sat in a dirty cell, with my wrists bound to the wall and my ankles chained tightly together. I still do not know what they want from me. They have already taken my home and my family, what else could they possibly want? 
Why did they not just kill me too, along with the rest of my village? Why am I alive while everyone else has perished? Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I quickly held them back when I heard a creak of a door opening. 
Heavy footsteps could be heard, along with the crackling sound of armor. I narrowed my eyes, knowing it was the soldier who kidnapped me, once again coming to visit just to pester me. When he came in front of my cell, I turned to glare at him but I was confused when I saw someone else with him. 
The soldier was a bulky man, with no hair but a long brown beard. He wore silver armor, as well as his friend who was wearing a mask, so I was unable to see his face. 
The soldier chuckled, “What did I tell you, kid? A beauty, isn’t she?” 
“She is heavily chained,” The masked soldier noted. He sounded young. 
“Yes. Honestly, I hated to go to extreme measures but do not let her fool you. This girl is vicious. She attacked most of my men, almost breaking every bone in their bodies,” The soldier replied. 
“Why do you have her here at all? Why did you not just kill her, like everyone else in the village?” The young masked soldier then asked. 
That is what I have been wondering. 
“Her parents were traitors of the clan. They have kept themselves hidden for 16 years but we finally got word about them. Well, more precisely, their children. Word of a young girl, rescuing her brother from a dangerous thief got out and her skills were similar to ours. We went to investigate and found that she was indeed the child of the traitors, but we found that her parents were already dead,” The soldier finally explained. 
“Punished by the sins of the parents,” The masked soldier said, matter of factly.
“Yes, though, it was difficult to capture her. This girl was deeply beloved by her siblings and the village. They all tried to protect her. There was no need for the little ones, so the master asked for them to be executed and the villagers kept trying to get in our way, so we eliminated them as well.” 
“I see but I am still not understanding your plans with her?” 
“I honestly do not know myself but if I have to guess, the master is probably trying to find some use for her.” 
“I just love how you two are talking about me, like I am not even here,” I said sarcastically, as I glared at them. I heard enough and I wish not to hear anymore. 
The soldier smiled at me. “Ah, miss Hinokawa, how I wish you would just be more compliant. The master might show you more mercy.” 
I scoffed, “What does this clan know about mercy? All of you are just cruel, heartless monsters!”  
“Did you forget that your parents used to be one of us?” He taunted me, making me ball my fists. “Not by choice. They were born here and forced to serve the clan but they chose to leave. That is what separates them from you, they were not cowards,” I spat and the soldier's lip curled in an ugly snarl. 
He opened the cell door and came in, towering over me. In reply, I gave him a fearless gaze, refusing to show him any fear and give him an ounce of satisfaction. However, I was secretly terrified. I was heavily bound. The only part of my body I could move was my head so I had no way of defending myself should he choose to get physical with me. All I could do was remain strong as he growled in my face. 
He roughly grabbed me by the chin, making me wince in a bit of pain as he examined my face. I kept my glare but he just seemed to smile in amusement. “Those red eyes of yours truly burn with a lot of fire. You know, I think I finally know what the master is going to do with you.” 
“What?” I growled and he smiled more. “He might just make you his bride. He has been looking for a bride since his father passed. He will need to make a heir soon. You are very strong and beautiful; no doubt he believes you would be the best suited.” 
“I would rather kill myself,” I said, with venom in my tone. 
“Oh, now, do not do that,” He said while losing his grip up a little to rub his thumb against my cheek. “It would be such a waste.” 
I responded by snapping my jaw forward and biting down hard on his finger, making him bleed and cry out. He pulled his hand back, nurturing it in his other hand as I grin in satisfaction, his blood falling from my lips. He then glared, furiously and raised his hand. 
“You bitch!” He shouted and I prepared myself for the hit but before he could even bring his hand down, the masked soldier grabbed his wrist, twisting it behind his back and slamming him against the wall. 
“W-What are you doing?!” He demanded, painfully. The masked soldier did not respond, he just hit a pressure point on his neck and the soldier let out a little grunt before falling into unconsciousness.  
I doubt I hid the shock on my face, and I stared at him in complete confusion as his back continued to face me. He then slowly turned to me and took off his mask. Under the mask, was a young boy about my age. His black hair was up in a high ponytail and his warm brown eyes were staring at me in slight concern. 
“That was reckless,” He said, coming forward and kneeling down in front of me, making me flinch. He examined my face, seeming to be looking for any injuries and he raised his hand to touch the slight bruises that began to form on my chin but I whipped my head away from him. “Don’t touch me!” 
He immediately moved his hand away from me and stared at me with an unreadable expression. “I am not here to hurt you, I am here to help,” He tried to assure me, but I just stared at him questionably. “My clan and I are trying to put an end to the Foot Clan but we heard that there were prisoners being held captive. We came to free you and everyone else who was taken.” 
Free me? It sounded like music to my ears but… “How do I know I can trust you? How do I know you are not just going to take me as a prisoner too?” 
“Do you honestly believe I would sneak in here and save your life just so I can take you as a prisoner? I do not even know who you are.” 
“Your master might-!” 
“I am the master of my clan.” 
That made me speechless. He, a master? He looks no more than 17 years old? How could he be a master of a whole clan? As if reading my thoughts, he began to explain, “My father, the previous master, was killed recently, leaving me no choice but to take his place. I swore that I would follow in his footsteps and end the war my family has been trying to end for centuries.” 
Now, I felt guilty for my hostility towards him but still I could not let down my guard. I already did that once and it cost me everything. I will not make that same mistake again. “I am sorry for your loss but you being master doesn’t prove anything to me. You have not even said what you plan to do with me once you free me.” 
“We plan to take you back to our home until we are certain that the Foot clan will not be looking for you,” He answered simply. I was still skeptical. “Then afterwards?” 
“Once we are certain that your life is no longer in danger, we will help you anyway we can for you to have a fresh start. A new life.” He then smiled. “Though, it seems you can handle yourself well enough without our help.”
I blushed a little at the compliment but said nothing as he stood. He cut my wrists and ankles free with his sword. I stood frozen for a second, surprised by the action and once the reality of my freedom came to cross, the urge to run was strong but somehow, I stood frozen when my eyes caught his. 
The boy was hard to read but his eyes just kept staring at me. Searching. For what? I was not sure but he offered me his hand. “It will not be long before others show up. If you are going to make a decision, you best make it now. WIll you come with me or do you think you can make it out on your own?” 
He was letting me choose while still giving me my freedom? I looked at him and realized what he was searching for in me. He wanted to be confident that I could escape on my own, without his help. He did not want to force me to accept his help or trust him if I did not want to but he still wanted me to be free. 
It was strange. He did not even know me but yet, he seemed to care so much. Can I trust that though? I pondered my options for a while. I was sure I could easily escape and find my door to freedom but once I am free then what? I have no home to go back to, no family or friends. They are all gone. I have nowhere to truly call home. My path of loneliness would truly be a difficult and dark one but if I go with him, what would happen to me? Who will I become? The path to go with him was filled with uncertainty and unknowns but the path to go off alone, was filled with so much heartache. 
I have always been one who never shied away from danger. I was always up to take risks and chances but this was a chance that might change my whole life. I could never go back to my old life, go back to who I was before the Foot clan. That past was dead and gone. Now, I must move on, even though a part of me does not want to. I must because I know my family would want me to and I must always be strong for them, even though they are no longer here by my side. 
In the end, I decided that no place could be worse than here, and I slowly took the offered hand. The boy smiled, relieved by my decision and helped me on my feet. He began to guide me out of the cell and out the door to freedom. 
“Will you really help me find a new life?” I asked, quietly, hoping with all of my being that I will not come to regret my decision. 
“I give you my word, Miss Hinokawa,” He vowed. 
This guy was way too pilot and formal. 
“My name is Atsuko,” I clarified, and he smiled at me. “My name is Hamato Yuuta.” 
If you are wondering what happened to me after the day I met Yuuta, all I will say is....read TMNT: The Past of Hamato Yoshi! LINK BELOW!!
TMNT: The Past Of Hamato Yoshi - The Birth Of Hamato Yoshi - Wattpad
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“I mean, you totally could’ve avoided all this had you just killed my son. But no…”
— Oroku Keiji, to Hamato Yuuta as they watch Shredder and Splinter battle to the death
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 days
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I got bored and started playing around on Canva and I ended up making the TMNT 2012 Hamato family tree.
So yeah, enjoy this as a reference or something lol
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lotus-duckies · 1 year
man can you imagine if Hamato Yuuta met his grandkids thinking he'd get a grandson to carry on the clan but instead Splinter gave the mantle to his (2) oldest daughters, one of whom is a giant turtle and the other is half alien, and honorary mention to Karai, who is a snake and wants control over the clan that Yuuta destroyed
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greeter1987 · 4 months
Hamato Yuuta, upon finding baby Oroku Saki : It's just an infant... It's just a boy... What sort of imminent threat does he pose that I cannot avoid?
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Karai in Ghost Splinter 2 is more likely than not going to have the horrible realisation that her and Splinter's childhoods were very similar.
Like her and Splinter are taking a break from one of their training sessions. Splinter is still in his ghost form, but he looks more like himself than usual, which they've figured out means he's in a good mood + has enough energy to remain stable. They're just talking and the subject of his childhood gets brought up.
Karai notices that his father doesn't appear in many of the stories at all. She's curious why that is - she knows grandma Atsuko died when Splinter was very young, so her absense is explained by that, but her grandfather didn't die until Splinter was in his mid 30s.
So she asks about Yuuta. Karai wants to know about all of their family, and that includes her grandfather, who admitedly she already has a low opinion of due to him kidnapping Shredder. (She hates Shredder, but she was also kidnapped as a baby and raised by a man who claimed to be her father, all while lying to her face everyday, so this is something she can't help but empathise with.)
Splinter seems uncomfortable and is quiet for a moment, trying to pick a story to tell her. He settles on one that he thinks is a humourous story from his youth... emphasis on thinks. To him it's a story about when he did something he shouldn't have and got caught by his father. When he finishes the tale, he turns to look at his daughter and is confused to see that Karai is horrified.
The Shredder raised Karai, but she's since realised that he was not a loving father, far from it. There is a word for what he did to her, and it is not parenting. She doesn't know what to think about the fact he learned that from Yuuta.
Or that Splinter's childhood wasn't that different from hers.
Suddenly, Splinter and his most questionable decisions make a lot of sense.
Whilst she's thinking all of this, and struggling against the impulse to grab a Ouija board and drag Yuuta to filth, Splinter is just, so confused. He thinks he did something wrong but doesn't know what - he has no idea why Karai is upset. Sure his father was a... difficult man to get along with, but he wasn't that bad! Maybe Splinter just didn't tell the story well?
Splinter apologising does not help.
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stellartraveler · 3 months
The turtle's designs for my TMNT 2012 separated au called Related by Blood Family by Choice. The bases of the turtles are traced from the references for the Turtles Take Time (and Space) short found on the tmntpedia .
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*All turtles + Splinter can turn from Human to Mutant*
Michael(angelo) Yoshi O'Neil:
Was raised by April's Aunt and Uncle in North Hampton.
Was taught ninjutsu by April's Aunt who was Tang Shen's Sister, Lei.
His wraps are meant to resemble tree bark as he grew up in the woods.
Moves back to New York a few weeks before his 15th mutation day.
Has electric based powers. Also has scars from when he first used his powers.
Thinks the others are dead or being held captive by the Kraang.
Leonardo Yuuta Splinterson (Hamato)
Was raised by Splinter alongside Raph and Donnie.
Chose the name "Splinterson" so the boys could go to school without giving away their true heritage.
His arm and leg sleeves where gifts from Splinter while his watch was a gift from April.
Made his shoes himself in shop class.
Suggested that the boys wear the masks in Turtle form as kids and it became their special thing.
Doesn't know Mikey exists, but still feels like he's missing something. He thinks the thing he's missing is a big accomplishment.
Raphael Lee Splinterson (Hamato)
Feels more comfortable in his mutant form than human form.
His bandages and scars are from boxing and generally fighting bullies at school.
His gloves were a gift from April and his shoes a gift from Splinter.
Best friends with Casey. Casey doesn't know about their true forms.
Keeps bandages in the little pouch on his right leg.
He thinks the thing he's missing is a community with other mutants.
Donatello August Splinterson (Hamato)
Is nearsighted. Wears glasses in human form but uses the googles in Turtle form.
Hands are covered in soot from working on inventions without proper protective equipment.
Was the one who really wanted to go to school.
Spaceship pin was a gift from April while the shoes and sleeves were from Splinter.
His brothers force him to wear the pads as they are very overprotective.
Still has a crush on April but values their friendship more than anything. April knows about their true forms.
He thinks the thing he's missing is a purpose.
Please send me asks if you want to know more!
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im-a-walmart-bag · 3 months
Here is the first part of the story! Hope you like it! It was kind of rushed thought, sorry about that!
It is called..
King Leonardo and the Fallen Kingdom
This is about the leader of the TMNT, Leonardo. This is just what happens before, like flashbacks or things he writes down, I won’t say much yet! Hope you enjoy it!
Long ago, Two Brothers united into the Hamato Kingdom, The King of the land none other than Hamato Yuuta.
You see, Oroku Saki was found
In the aftermath of the war, Being adopted by the king wasn't easy, Especially when Oroku Saki was the prince of the Foot Clan Kingdom. Yuuta had to keep it secret from him, if he didn't, who knows what could happen. So throughout the years, King Yuuta has kept the big news a secret, afraid it will Only lead Oroku Saki down a path of evil, you see, this was no ordinary kingdom This was a kingdom at magic. And in Oroku Saki’s heart, all there was, was dark and evil magic from the Foot kingdom. (I know, weird name, but wort with me here) Enough about Oroku Saki! Let’s talk about Hamato Yoshi!
Hamato Yoshi was born in the Hamate Kingdom and was given the power of patience and strong Will - power. Now, you might be wondering, “How is that a super power?” Well, patience might not seem like much, but will power allows him to block attacks using his magic and the power of patience ables him to learn healing magic, any if he wanted too if he tried, making him the higher and more powerful kid, making him next in line.
When Oroku Sami found out, he despised Yoshi because of anger and betrayal, thinking he should have become the next in line. Making the two now rivals.
Yuuta was someone who believed that if needed to fight, you must, so, he did what any kung-fu king would do, teach his sons Kung-fu, but what Yuuta didn’t know is that after all of the training, the two used it to fight each other. Yoshi was someone who never wanted to fight if he ever wanted to..but when Saki forced him to fight, he couldn’t just leave, Saki wouldn’t let him, so, he fought back. After the years of fighting, they never agreed on anything, so they fought and fought, until one day the two were exploring and fighting of course.
"Saki, we can work together," Yoshi pleaded during the heated sparring session.
"Work together? Why should I, when you’re always favored?" Saki retorted, his eyes burning with anger.
Yoshi was slammed against a broken wall (some ancient ruins or something), Before a helmet would fall out of a glass casing, the two stopped fighting, looking at it in confusion, Saki picked it up, it had many ancient writings on the inside, so they went home to tell their father.
When Yuuta saw the helmet, he went ballistic, yelling at the two, mostly Saki, because they found something so dangerous, Sali had enough of the yelling, the annoying behavior of his father…so that night, he left the kingdom for good.
In those years, Saki found his origins on where he came from…he was pissed to say the least..all of this power, all of this greatness…yet he hid it for ‘protection’…After years alone, he finally made something that revolutionizes his new army, a ooze that can turn humans into hideous monsters/mutants…so…he did what he did best…conquering places by his wrath..Gaining more power than ever..So..to get revenge..he would use it on his Brother.
This story is a work of fiction and features alternate universes (AUs) based on characters and settings that may be familiar but are presented in unique and original scenarios, including the original AU. The events, characters, and settings depicted are the product of the author's imagination and are not intended to be representative of any actual persons, living or dead, or real-life events. Any similarities are purely coincidental.
This story may contain themes and content that differ from the original works and may include new character interpretations, relationships, and plotlines, as well as the original AU. Reader discretion is advised.
All rights to the original characters and settings belong to their respective creators. This story is a fan creation intended for entertainment purposes only, with no intent to infringe on any copyrights or trademarks.
This content concludes cursing, gore, and trauma, read at your own risk!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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danicadenniss · 1 year
Alexandria Sora Hamato-Casoy
Aliases: Alex, Alexia, Alexis
Abilities: Water Bending, Air Bending, Healing
Elements: Water, Air
Choices of Weapon: Elemental Energy Yo-yo
Occupation: Student at Titan City School
Date of Birth: June 21st, 2007
Zodiac Signs: Gemini/Cancer
Affiliations: Ninja Turtles, Hamato Clans, Rebellion Alliances
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Gender Pronouns: She/Her
Ethnicity: Asian (1/8 Quarts Chinese, 7/8 Quarts Japanese, 1/2 half Rykuyuan)
Height: 4’9
Hair Color: Light Natural Brown (with blue highlights)
Eyes Color: Amber
Skin Color: Light Ivory
Family Members: Mother-Hamato Aya, Father-Cameron Akio Casoy, Youngest Sister-Kumiko Sakura Hamato-Casoy, Partial Aunt-Hamato Miwa, Partial Uncle-Hamato Rai, Partial Grandfather-Hamato Yoshi✝️, Partial Grandmother-Tang Shen✝️, Partial Great Grandfather-Hamato Yuuta✝️, Adopted Partial Granduncle-Oroku Saki✝️, Material Grandmother-Mikado Casoy, Martial Grandfather-Riku Casoy✝️, unnamed Material Great-Great Grandfather ✝️, Casoy Ancestors, Hamato Ancestors
Love Interest: Dean Pierre DePout (Boyfriend)
Eras: TMNT 2012, The Cartoon Adventure
First Appearance: Adventure Awaits
Voiced by Karen Fukuhara
Alexandria Sora Hamato-Casoy is a pre teenage Chinese, Japanese and Rykuyuan girl (later teenage to young adult onwards) with slim figure, straight light natural brown hair with blue highlights, narrow brown eyebrows, thin eyelashes, amber eyes, light ivory skin and rosé peach lips. In season 4, from her first appearance her hair was long, down to her waist, with a loose braided ponytail with a teal green hair tie from Adventure Awaits 2 Parts event to Light Spirit, she cut her hair from waist length hair to shoulder length bob and added side swept bangs with a teal green hair barrette on the left side of her head. From her debut, she wears a light green rimmed circled shaped framed eyeglasses with blue lenses, until The Calling, healing saliva fixed her eyes and no longer to wear glasses and eyes were visible from blinds anymore than in her elemental powers of water and air. From Adventure Awaits to Light Spirit, She wears a yellow sleeveless dress with white stripes, over a green long sleeve blouse with light blue floral prints, white leggings, pastel yellow and white socks and sky blue ballet flats with small bows on its sides. Since Light Spirit, as her signature color is golden yellow, she wears golden yellow one piece bodysuit with light yellow trim, pastel and bright yellow graphic varsity vest with sea green and sea blue T & S print on its left side, light green above the knee skirt with blue trim and light blue tights covered her bottom, a golden yellow belt with yellow heart shaped buckle around her waist, yellow and white stripes elbows length fingerless gloves, yellow boots, golden studded earrings and golden yellow choker with yellow small T and S around her neck. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail with a sea green hair tie. Since Season 5 she wears a yellow and light blue hexagonal shaped jewel pendant around her neck, an oversized golden yellow blazer jacket with 3/4 sleeves, collar and her jacket has white trim over a white dress shirt, dark blue shorts, shin length golden yellow socks with white trims and blue Mary Jane’s flats with white floral patterns on its. At Titan City School, she wears a yellow button up shirt with rolled up sleeves, and light yellow collar, since Adventure Awaits to the Hun Are Coming, a white camisole top underneath, since Season replaces it with a white undershirt, a sky blue v neck sweater with blue 3/4 sleeves and trims, light green and sea blue above the knee plaid skirt, white tights and blue Mary Jane’s floral flats. Her hair was tied in the waist loose bun with a sky blue hair tie and later her hair cut down to shoulder length bob and left side swept bangs and now her hair is tied in a ponytail or bun with a teal green hair tie.
Alex is a smart, kind, polite and compassionate girl.
Samantha Harriet Simpson
Aliases: Sammie, Sam
Choice of Weapon: Elemental Energy Baseball
Date of Birth: September 17th, 2007
Zodiac Signs: Virgo
Affiliations: Ninja Turtles, Hamato Clans, Rebellion Alliances, Fire Ferrets
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Gender Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 4’8
Ethnicity: African American
Hair Color: Burgundy Brown
Eyes Color: Brown
Skin Color: Dark Brown
Family Members: Mother-Gabriella Carol Storm-Simpson, Samuel Harold Simpson Jr., Youngest Brother and Sister-Michael II and Miley Simpson, Partial Uncle-Jackson Simpson, Material Uncle-Ethan Storm, Material Aunt-Macy Rose-Storm, Material Cousin-James Rose-Storm, Partial Grandfather-Samuel Harold Simpson Sr., Partial Grandmother-Luna Simpson, Material Grandfather-Michael James Storm✝️, Material Grandmother-Mrs. Storm, unnamed Partial Great Grandparents ✝️, unnamed Material Great Grandmother ✝️ Mayday (Pet)
Love Interest: Davidson Arlo Rodriguez (Boyfriend)
Eras: TMNT 2012, The Cartoon Adventure
First Appearance: Chomp!
Voiced By: Kat Graham
Samantha Harriet Simpson is an African American pre teenage girl (later teenage to young adult) with a slim built, dark brown skin, two toned black and red lips, brown eyes and curly burgundy brown hair with bangs, kept up in pigtail buns with yellow hair ties. She wears a red cat eyed framed glasses with yellow lenses, a simple black choker, a cropped green varsity jacket with 3/4 sleeves and button closure (typically found on right side), and its also features light green trims and an 5 print over its heart and back. Under her jacket she wore a long yellow t-shirt, complete with navy black capris leggings and yellow high tops sneakers. Since Power Outage, signature color are green and yellow, she wears a green one piece bodysuit with yellow 3/4 sleeves and trims, sea green varsity graphic vests with dark green trims, yellow T and green S on its left side, yellow above the knee skirt with light green, a light green belt with a heart shaped buckle around her waist, dark green capris leggings, yellow crew socks, green boots, her choker change to green with light green small T and S around her neck, her glasses switched to green cat eye goggles with light green lenses like her eyeglasses, green fingerless gloves with yellow trims and her hair ties are light yellow.
Sammie is upbeat, quick-witted and adventurous girl.
Na’ Luzia Rio Garcia-Naruto
Aliases: Clover, Cloverleaf, Clovie, Clovis, Luz, Lu
Occupation: Student at Titan City School, Member of Elements Martial Arts
Abilities: Earth Bending, Metal Bending, Lava Bending, Fire Bending, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Elements: Earth, Metal, Lava, Fire
Choice of Weapon: Elemental Energy Sword
Date of Birth: April 20th, 2007
Zodiac Signs: Aries/Taurus
Affiliations: Ninja Turtles, Fire Ferrets, Rebellion Alliances, Elements Martial Arts
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 4’10
Ethnicity: Dougla (Afro-Puerto Rican, Indo-Trinidadian)
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Dye Medium Dirty Blonde Ombré
Eyes Color: Hazel
Skin Color: Medium Brown-Tan
Types of Skin: Dark Brown Freckles On Her Cheeks
Usuals Feature: Small Light Brown Scar On Her Left Eyebrow
Family Members: Mother-Stella Mia Garcia-Naruto, Father-Na’ Coda Naruto, Partial Aunt-Niagara Naruto, Partial Uncle-Blaze of Domino, Partial Oldest Cousin-Na’ Kai Naruto/Hiccup Haddock/The New Limbonar, Partial Grandfather-Chief Navajo Naruto, Partial Grandmother-Nova Naruto, Unnamed Great Partial Grandmother ✝️, Unnamed Great Great Partial Grandmother ✝️, Material Grandmothers-Savannah and Gloria Garcia, Material Aunt-Karen Sara Garcia-Clark, Material Uncle-Calvin Lucas Clark, Leonard Diego, Marco Carlos, Megan Paola and Antonio Pablo Clark, unnamed great material grandparents ✝️, Ancestor-Kumora✝️, Garcia Ancestors, Naruto Ancestors
Love Interest: Jennifer May Anderson (Girlfriend)
Era: TMNT 2012, The Cartoon Adventure
Voiced by Imani Hakim
Na’ Luzia Rio Garcia-Naruto is an Afro-Puerto Rican and Indo-Trinidadian pre-teenage girl (teenage to young adult) with athletic build, thick, wavy dark brown hair with medium dirty blonde dyed ombré at the back and the edges short right side bangs, her hair in the mid length undercut bob at the backside by tied in a ponytail with a dark red hair tie, narrow thick dark brown eyebrows, hazel eyes, medium brown tan, dark brown freckles, thin two tone burgundy-brown lips, black nail polish and a small light brown scar like a notch on her left eyebrow. She wears metallic navy blush black studs earrings, a small red sport bandage on her nose, three black stars shaped studs piercings on her left ear, a sliver metallic pendant with an small black earth onyx charm around her neck. Since her first appearance Feelin Hot, Hot, Hot, a dark grey cami top with black straps, a cropped solid burgundy button up shirt with tucked sleeves and dark burgundy collar, a maroon red graphic cargo capris pants with a orange graffiti Starry Evolutions prints on its right side, (parody of Eevee Evolution), navy blush black leather belt with an red and a silver cat buckle around her waist, white low cut socks and red and black checkered slip on the sneakers. She wears also was wore a orange and black tie dye hooded jacket with a white cat print on it front and cat ears affected on the top of it hood. She carrying a Tailor Moonlight’s Ruby backpack with red trims and lining (parody of Luna from Sailor Moon). Since the she wears a sleeveless burgundy tank top with white stripes, a cropped black leather jacket with 3/4 red sleeves, collar and a lesbian pride patch on its right shoulder, a pair of reddish-orange and black tie dye high rise capris jeans, a dark red belt with a sliver metallic buckle around her waist, orange ankle length socks and black combat boots with dark gray laces, soles and white stars prints on its each sides. Since the middle of Terrible Zero, she wears a burgundy one piece bodysuit with black trims, a cropped red graphic varsity vest with dark red short sleeves, trims and maroon burgundy T & S on its left side, orange capris pants with black trims, linings and reddish-orange belt with a red heart shaped belt around her waist, red elbow length fingerless gloves with reddish-orange trims, red and black stripes crew socks and dark red ankle length boots with red trims, red elbow and knee pads on her elbows and its pants, her hair is down to neck, she wears a reddish-orange headband and a red choker with dark red T and S around her neck.
Clover is a very strong, brave, intelligent, athletic and talented person.
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drummergirl231 · 7 years
Not got mention this is the only canon in which they’re actually brothers. Most of not all of the time they’re only ‘brothers in arms’ and completely unrelated. Just friends who trained together. I’m not even entirely sure they’re related in 2012
They aren’t by blood. Splinter explained to Karai in S02E22 “Vengeance is Mine,” that his father adopted baby Saki. “The bitter feud between the Hamato and Foot Clans lasted centuries. Oroku Saki was the son of the enemy, but he was just a child, so my father gave him shelter. We were raised as brothers.”
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Saki then told his Foot Soldiers the same story (albeit with his own flair) in S03E20 “Tale of the Yokai.”
“The Foot was the oldest of all ninja clans, but it was wiped out by Hamato Yuuta when he slain its master - Oroku Keiji - my father. I was adopted by the Hamato Clan as an infant, raised by my enemy in ignorance.” 
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beetlegoose01 · 3 years
TMNT Adventures- Hamato Yoshi
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Here's Hamato Yoshi ! He isn't called Splinter in this verse or even Sensei. Just Dad, Pops, and other fatherly terms. He does get called Splinter by Casey later on, but it's a joke.
Only child of Hamato Yuuta and Hamato Atsuko and half brother to Oroku Saki, Yoshi was once a confident and arrogant young man with ambitions to be the next heir to the Hamato Clan. Close friends with his sibling Saki, once a devastating secret was revealed and the loss of someone dear, Yoshi fled to America, hoping to leave those painful memories behind.
He married Tang Shen and they had three children together: twins Leonardo and Venus, and little Raphael. But their marriage was not perfect (and both ended up being gay af), and it ended in an amicable divorce a year after Raph's birth.
While on a trip to the pet store with his children, he adopted two baby turtles each for the twins. Shortly after, the family was kidnapped by the infamous scientists John Bishop, Baxter Stockman, and Doctor Elizabeth Aranea. They were experimented and mutated into rat and turtle humanoids respectively.
that's all I have for Splinter's backstory my b
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badassturtles235147 · 10 months
Splinter and Yuuta's Relationship Cannon!
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So, Headcanon!
I have a strong sense that Splinter was not very close with his father as he is with his sons. I know we do not see very much of Hamato Yuuta but there are strong signs of the family drama that's gone on through the years of Splinter's childhood (which I am trying to make a story about. Though it is taking me a loong time)
Anyway, in Tale of the Yokai, I know everyone probably thinks that Yoshi was Yuuta's favorite and Saki was the disobedient rebellious one but...I believe it was the other way around.
I believe Yuuta favorited Saki while Yoshi was the one who got pushed to the corner.
Think about it. I man raised and brought in war his whole life. No doubt losing loved ones along the way, and he killed an innocent child's parents then took him in as his own.
You can imagine what that must do to a person, especially a father.
Even though the war was over, Yuuta's father no doubt raised Yuuta to grow up much faster, preparing him for the fight against the Foot Clan and since that is all Yuuta knows, he did the same to his sons.
Yuuta seems very strict, stricter than Splinter and he seems very distant with his sons. He sees his two sons fighting and instead of talking to them, making them realize their fight was stupid like Splinter would have done, he dismissed it and told them to start acting like brothers.
It is clear that Saki was acting up, going through something but Yuuta just ignored it. Why? Because he forced himself to believe that there was nothing wrong with Saki. Yuuta, I believed, spoiled Saki rotten out of guilt of killing his parents and raising him in lies. Every time Saki was clearly looking towards the dark path, Yuuta would just turn a blind eye.
As for Yoshi, who was meant to be Yuuta's heir, he was contently getting scolded and punished. Yuuta was so hard on Yoshi growing up, that he just reached a point where he did not care for his father's approval anymore, coming to terms that nothing would make his father happy or proud of him. Yoshi was a rebellious teenager (much like Raphael and Karai) who did not care for rules nor traditions, but he always did do the right thing in the end.
Saki though, always made sure he stayed in his father's praise and rarely ever disobeyed. Though, occasionally, when things did not go his way, he could not help but lash out. The first time he lashed out on his father, is when he made Yoshi leader.
The two brothers were jealous of each other for different reasons. Yoshi was jealous of Saki because he was the golden child while Saki was jealous of Yoshi because everyone else seemed to love him and he was a better ninja than him, when his temper was not getting in the way but most of all, he was jealous that he won Shen's heart.
Yuuta no doubt saw all this happening, the rivalry turning bitter between his sons, yet he did nothing.
I am also basing this on how we see Splinter and Shredder. How they became the two men they are now.
In tale of the yokai, Shen was always on Yoshi about how he cared more about the clan than he did about their family. It was not true but because of his father, Yoshi thought this was how he was supposed to be. As a new father, Yoshi was scared and did not know what to do, so at first, he did it his father's way but after losing Shen and realizing the unhappiness he caused their family, Yoshi realized that he wasn't much of a father or a husband.
Yoshi thought, he would never get another chance but then, his sons came.
Splinter, I believe, found a different, better way to raise his sons than his father did. Splinter may be strict, but he was also very loving and understanding of his sons. Whenever they fought, Splinter was always quick to put an end to it and make the boys remember their love for each other. No doubt because of his past relationship with his ex-brother. Also, Splinter was more of a father than he was a sensei. Unlike his father who was the complete oppsite.
In times, he hated that he had to stay behind while his sons went to fight but as a teacher, he needed to let them fight their own battles but as a father, he was always there when needed.
Also, with Karai, Splinter was very understanding and respected her space. He knew Karai needed to find her own way and he knew if he stepped in, he would only push her away.
I do not believe he would do that if he did not know from experience.
There were also times, I notice, Splinter tensing a little whenever his sons hugged him which tells me Splinter did not get a lot of affection growing up and it was hard for him to show it as well, but he tried.
I believe Splinter not only became the loving father he is because of the loss of Shen, but because of his relationship with his own father. Splinter did not want to be distant and too strict with his children. He wanted to be more than just a sensei. He wanted to be their father. He also wanted them to discover themselves while guiding them and allowing them to make their own choices.
In conclusion, I believe Splinter had a complicated relationship with his father. He looked up to him but as a sensei, as a father not so much. Splinter took all he learned from his father, on how to be a good sensei but as a father, he had to learn that himself.
Splinter will not say that his father was a bad father though. Just did not know how to be one. Hamato Yuuta was a broken man that suffered from years of war and because of that, Splinter could forgive his father and hope when it is his time, the two could reunite and fix what Splinter wished he could have fixed years ago.
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fabuloustrash05 · 4 months
If you think about it, with entire plot of TMNT 2012, the blame/where it all started was not the love triangle with with Splinter, Shredder and Tang Shen like most people suspect.
It’s actually way before that with Splinter’s father, Hamato Yuuta, not killing a damn baby!!
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jokerfan99 · 4 years
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TMNT (2012) - The Shredder (Redesign) by Henil031
Oroku Saki (also known as the Shredder) was the deadly and nefarious leader of the Foot Clan and Splinter and the Ninja Turtles' vengeful arch-nemesis. He takes on the role of one of the main antagonists of the Nickelodeon series: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 Series. Oroku Saki was born in rural Japan into the ninja Foot Clan, the longtime enemies of the Hamato Clan. After a particularly devastating assault by the Hamato Clan on a Foot Clan village that left the rival ninja clan in tatters, the baby Oroku Saki was discovered amongst the wreckage by Hamato Yoshi's father. He was then adopted by Hamato Yuuta and raised alongside Yoshi as brothers; and greatest of rivals, with Oroku blissfully unaware of his true heritage. Their rivalry escalated when they met Tang Shen and subsequently fell in love with her. Their bids for her affection turned their rivalry into hatred and Oroku Saki insulted Hamato Yoshi in front of Tang Shen, and in response was attacked by Yoshi. This brief fight ended in victory for Yoshi, while Saki fled and wandered alone. During this time Saki learned of his true heritage and rebuilt the Foot Clan and donned the moniker 'Shredder'. Many years passed by for the shredder burning-thirst of hatred and revenge on his old rival "Hamato Yoshi" (also known as Splinter) found out where he is, which is New York City. Thus, begin assaulted the turtles numerous times to destroyed them along with Splinter or anyone that get in his way.
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/henil031
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I am only just restraining myself from making another TMNT AU.
This one'd be Hamato Yuuta's youngest son gets cursed for unknown reasons and rather than treat Yoshi with tact and compassion, he proceeds to go about things in the worst way possible.
Atsuko and Gyogi eventually convince Yuuta to let Gyogi take Yoshi in. Trying to argue that Yoshi shouldn't be spending his life in a dark room with no company doesn't work, but bringing up the constant threat of discovery does. The Hamato Clan has a small estate deep in the countryside - if Yoshi lived there Gyogi could continue his training without having to worry about someone seeing Yoshi. It'd be safer for everyone and free up Yuuta and Atsuko to work on finding a cure.
So now Gyogi is responsible for raising his nephew.
It's also getting increasingly difficult to convince himself not to go back to Osaka and strangle his own brother.
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Splinter Lives AUs
In lieu of a recent death in the TMNT family, I have compiled a fine selection of AUs in which Splinter keeps being an active part of the plot and/or stops being dead. Including...
Crippled AU
Splinter gets stabbed and thrown off a roof just like in the episode, but in this universe he survives the encounter. Of course he has suffered pretty bad internal damage in the process, including spinal injuries, but despite this Splinter remains a mentor to the turtles despite being unable to properly fight anymore.
Saving Time AU
Time is being messed with by a mysterious and malicious outside force. Judging by the current state of history, whatever is causing these changes has it out for the turtles, who are now on a fast track to a gruesome fate. Figuring two can play at the ‘alter the course of history’ game, Rennet brings Splinter back to life with the time scepter so he can assist his sons in their mission to save the world from a complete time catastrophe.
Reanimated AU
Upon seeing the Foot Clan being revived after Saki met with a mysterious fate in New York, the scattered remnants of the original Hamato Clan start to band together in order to rebuild their own clan from the ground up. Unfortunately, only the members of the eradicated Hamato bloodline were trained to accurately translate the ancient esoteric Hamato scrolls; the cornerstone of the original clan.
Unwilling to carry on without them, they hire an ancient witch by the name of Kitsune to revive the deceased son of Hamato Yuuta; Hamato Yoshi. Traced to Northampton and pulled from his grave Splinter soon finds himself at the head of the clan, trying desperately to stabilize the heated vengeful undercurrent of the new clan while keeping his family at a safe distance from the madness threatening to break out in the unwitting city of New York.
Ghost Dad AU
(inspired by an idea from @aceaberration) Splinter’s body actually dies in this AU, but his spirit escapes at the last second and ends up being stuck on the physical plane. Now more or less a ghost Splinter can disappear and reappear at will, move objects (though without nearly the same level of strength and coordination as someone with a body), float, move through walls, and inhabit some electronics.
He’s essentially a visible, benevolent poltergeist who is very fond of conversation and misses the taste of tea.
Reincarnated AU
Due to some unexplained fluke, Splinter finds himself waking up in a New York back alley in his human body. Dazed, confused, and afraid that a large portion of his life might have been some sort of hallucination, he grapples to readjust to life as a human while simultaneously struggling to find his family... and maybe, eventually, the reason behind this confusing phenomenon.
And my personal favorite...
Shredder just fell into the dumpster without climbing back up and pulling some bs finishing move AU
And I feel this one’s fairly self-explanatory
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