#that baby was shredder
fabuloustrash05 · 4 months
If you think about it, with entire plot of TMNT 2012, the blame/where it all started was not the love triangle with with Splinter, Shredder and Tang Shen like most people suspect.
It’s actually way before that with Splinter’s father, Hamato Yuuta, not killing a damn baby!!
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explodingstarlight · 5 months
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spent a month mashing two of my long term hyperfixations together into an AU, bone apple teeth
I wouldn't consider this a crossover as much as an inspired AU because autism brain drew parallels between the two narratives and I think it would be fun to explore the earlier years of the apocalypse, before the world is absolutely decimated (alongside many of the resources), before the fam loses Donnie and Raph, et cetera. I have Plans™
Paying homage to this iconic panel from The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem:
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Still finalizing each of the bro's code names, but here are the initial drafts and close-ups of their designs:
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Antimatter Master-Plan
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Magic Mic
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quartergremlin · 1 year
The panel where spliter picks up a baby turtle and straight up squints at the genital area made me break out into laughter. Isnt that what people do to new kittens?! Thats not usually how someone looks at a baby!
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and the kids are p okay with being manhandled like that, so it's probably fine?
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scatterbrainedbot · 10 months
Hello :D
You're so cool
Anyway have you thought that in your rat sons au Splinter might outlive the boys?
You're very cool :D love your stuff dude
(tw for some blood, light gore, implied overdose (kinda??))
hi copper!!! this is a fantastic question!
so obviously typical irl rats have far shorter lifespans than the average irl tortoise. according to google (yes, be awed by my spectacularly in-depth wealth of research) the average pet rat lives between 2-4 years ish, and the oldest on record lived to be about 7. meanwhile, an African spurred tortoise (Splinter's species) averages more around a 50ish year lifespan in captivity, tho is suspected to possibly exceed 75 or more in the wild.
Now, the mutation does give us a lot of wiggle room for playing with these numbers. For the rat sons boys, id say their natural lifespan probably clocks in at about 45-55 years old? definitely not old by human standards, but not young young either. (though, its also important to note that the boys were exposed to the mutagen just days after being born.)
For Splinter, meanwhile, aging is slightly more complicated. He lived the vast majority of his life as a regular normal African spurred tortoise (well, non-mutated at least. there were perhaps some shenanigans of a more mystical variety going on before he was mutated, but thats a separate matter) He was about 70ish i think? when the boys were born and they were all exposed to the mutagen. so he is already distinctly an old man turtle papa. id guess he'd probably still have another eh lets say 25-30 years after his mutation. he could probably push it a little farther even with some mystic nonsense, but when push comes to shove id say his 'natural' post-mutation lifespan would put his death like a solid decade or two before his sons.
of course, the tricky part of the matter is that theres no way for Splinter to know any of this. theres no way for him to know how the mutation affected them all, or if it even affected them all in the same way. especially since the boys dont show many physical signs of mutation for the first few years, and just kinda look like normal rats, (albeit with a more human sort of intelligence) — what sort of health standard do you hold them to? what if they simply dont show external signs of sickness or old age anymore? how do you actually know if something is wrong?
for a while there Splinter is very worried that one of his babies will just essentially reach the end of their normal rat lifespan, fall and not get up again.
so mostly, he just tries to live in the moment, enjoying whatever time he does have with his little ones, taking each day as a gift <3
that fear
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nyaskitten · 4 months
AU where Ras was in the Wyldness when Wyldfyre's pod crashed for Unknown Reasons, and he found her before Heatwave, and decided to "adopt" her...
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chaos-potat · 1 month
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this is how Baxter met both Saki, yeah, this was the same moment that Krang also met Karai
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lalasworld2x · 2 months
Shredder With Baby
Requested by @keiko89yo !
• Omg he’s going to be so gentle and protective after the birth. Like nobody is allowed near you without your permission, otherwise they will be shredded.
• He’s already planning all of the training they will be doing throughout the course of their life.
• You obviously check the training plans, just to make sure this kid won’t be Tarzaning over pits of lava anytime soon.
• “Karai, I’m going to make myself very clear. Under no circumstances will this child be hurt. Ever. Do you understand me?” “Yes, Father…” “Good.”
• Don’t even think about moving to do anything ever, he’s got this all covered.
• There will be at least two or three Foot members in the room with you at all times, even if Shredder’s there. You argue about them being in the bedroom with you, so you compromise with them sitting just outside the door and the windows and the roof.
• Weaponised incompetence?? Who’s she?? We don’t know her around here. This man will literally become your butler.
• He’ll give you as many massages as you want, make you as comfortable as you want. You wanna sleep all day? Be his guest!
• Even with all this kindness and compassion, he still keeps a hard facade on, mainly around any members of The Foot or his other employees. Can’t get too lovey dovey, can we?
• He never cared what sex the baby would be, he knew he would still train them the same anyways.
• If the baby was already diagnosed with any conditions or illnesses, he will do everything in his power to make sure this baby was okay.
• Only the best midwives and doctors for Oroku’s partner.
• He’s so gentle with the baby, it’s adorable!
• He doesn’t exactly spend time with the baby most dads would, but also, Shredder isn’t exactly like most men in general-
• Oroku’s favourite part about this baby (besides the fact that they’re his biological offspring obviously) is their eyes. You’ll always find him stroking the baby’s head as he’s staring into the baby’s gorgeous eyes.
• He’ll wear a shirt around the house less so Baby can have more skin-to-skin contact during the day.
• He’s not super picky with baby names, but he would definitely love a badass name. He would also love a beautiful cultural name, whether it be Japanese or from your own cultural background.
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tmntismdoodls · 2 years
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hold baby gently like hamburger.
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tending-the-hearth · 11 months
tmnt 2012 angst incoming bc i just thought of this and i'm hurt and emotional so i have to share it
au where tang shen doesn't die, and instead gets taken somewhere and is somehow mutated.
in this au, splinter doesn't die, and karai does get mutated, but goes to live with the turtles. there's a little bit of tension just because of karai's past, but splinter is so happy to have his daughter back that there's a truce between the boys and karai, because even though they're unsure, they're still kind of excited to have a sister.
a kraang convoy is hijacked by the boys + april + casey + karai and they find a mutated tang shen, who ofc immediately knows who karai is and there's suddenly so much crying, and tang shen goes with them to the lair, and splinter suddenly realizes that he has his wife and daughter back and there's lots of emotions and hugging
and slowly the boys see a side of splinter they've never seen, he's smiling and laughing so much more, he's teasing and joking around.
and idk, because i love raph angst, raph sees the difference, sees how happy splinter is, and he just... stops. stops trying, stops spending time in the lair around everyone, spends more time with casey or at xever and bradford's place, and there's definitely a big blowout fight because of ✨miscommunication✨ and ✨angst✨ where raph says something along the lines of splinter only needing the boys to fill the space left by tang shen and karai's deaths, but now that he's got them back, he doesn't need them anymore.
and there's just a moment of silence as raph's words sink in before he's leaving the lair, and the rest of his brothers follow him because they've realized it too, but they didn't want to say anything.
@queen-with-the-quill @madcatgurl
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applecherry108 · 1 year
Will there be a bad guy or any threats to the turtles in genera, like I don't know... Bishop or the krang
Oroku saki with an evil look on his face 👀👀
Love your work ❤️❤️❤️
N….not really? 😅😅😅 The closest my au gets is the Foot Clan and even then, once they realize their Beloved Son is a Hamato, they go about dismantling the dark armor real fast. And without the Evil™️ in their organization, they have no need to free the krang…
And since Draxum has a New Found Appreciation for humans since, you know, his son is genetically human, he sorta….abandons the whole mutagen thing, so none of the mutant villains are present…
Even the Battle Nexus is transformed into a more Ninja Warrior-esque competition…
Honestly, it’s all just interpersonal drama. It’s a lot of custody battles and divorcees getting back together lmao
The biggest villain of this au is Loneliness and Guilt.
Anyways, check out these designs.
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pezhead · 1 year
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Just a pre-mutation Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki at two different ages~
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freakova · 1 year
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bnuuy :-)
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ask-the-toy-box · 8 months
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Weapons are still weapons
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danvssomethingorother · 4 months
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Karai should have beheaded his ass right here and now. I don’t really know why she puts up with him in this series. She wasn’t raised and groomed by him to see him as a god like figure.
Justice for Karai. Let my girl murder Shredder.
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gardengnosticator · 8 months
people commenting on my dprk post trying to inform me that one can critique western imperialism without lauding the apparent cartoonish evil north korean empire and when questioning how they can be certain about north korea’s evilness it’s always “well i heard it from x (us backed/supported) media source” without any regards for why and how us media would incite and lie about a potential enemy of imperialism.
sometimes they invoke “well listen to what this defector has to say!” and because they are ignorant they wholesale ignore the fact that south korea criminalises all discourse about the north that doesn’t tow us imperialist lines or that defectors can be given monetary payment for affirming the atrocity propaganda already being fed to the west, yeonmi park isn’t just telling you that random citizens get gunned down in the street for watching disney just to affirm your existing bias to north koreans but also because she gets huge amounts of money from us think tanks and organisations to tell these bold faced lies.
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game88an · 6 days
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Splinter and Shredder: Backstory (Movie)
Combine comics characters and 87 characters.
Prequel Splinter as Human before coming rat
Before Hamato Yoshi (Splinter) came to New York and before Oroku Saki (Shredder) became enemies. Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki trained Ninjutsu (Ninja) outside of Tokyo in a village.
Their Master Mogo Sanjuro is the leader of the Ninja clan and Oroku Nagi is the deputy leader.
Oroku Nagi is very mean to his apprentices especially Hamato Yoshi because he was the only one to speak up.
Mogo Sanjuro talks to Hamato Yoshi about wanting Hamatos to take over as leader and master in case something happens to him.
Hamato Yoshi should be honored but at the same time not because he is not the next coming leader and master of the clan and it is Oroku Nagi who is. Mogo Sanjuro doesn't trust Oroku Nagi anymore because of his toxic personality.
Oroku Nagi was nearby and overheard their conversation.
Oroku Nagi takes the opportunity to go to Hamato Yoshi's room taking one of his weapons.
After Hamato Yoshi's conversation with Mogo Sanjuro.
Hamato Yoshi goes out and afterwards and suddenly Oroku Nagi confronts Mogo Sanjuro.
Oroku Nagi uses one of Hamato Yoshi's weapons when attacking Mogo Sanjuro.
Then Oroku Nagi kills Master Mogo Sanjuro and frames Hamato Yoshi for Mogo Sanjuro's murder.
It becomes impossible for Hamato Yoshi to clear his name because no one believes him because he is a student not even Oroku Saki.
Oroku Saki has been ordered by Oroku Nagi to take Hamato Yoshi dead or alive because he's the new leader.
Oroku Saki believes in his brother instead of his former friend.
The only one who believes Hamato Yoshi is innocent is Tang Shen shortly after that her life is also in danger because she believes Hamato.
Tang Shen is the stepdaughter of Mogo Sanjuro.
She watched as Oroku Nagi killed Master Mogo Sanjuro.
Oroku Nagi corners Tang Shen because she is the only one who can clear Hamato Yoshi's name.
Afterwards when he saves Tang Shen he kills Oroku Nagi and at this moment Hamato Yoshi knows that he can no longer stay in Japan so he and Tang Shen escape to America with there pet rat.
Oroku Saki find's Hamato Yoshi weapon that killed Oroku Nagi and now he hunting after Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen.
They looking for Mogo-Yoku apartment after they left Japan because Mogo-Yoku is son of Mogo-Sanjuro and stepsister to Tang Shen.
Yoku left Japan because didn't want to continue roots of clan but he know ninjutsu also he havent seen Tang Shen for long time but he dont know Hamato Yoshi.
Yoku see that Hamato Yoshi as friendly because he see that Tang Shen is comfortable and happy with him but he doesn't like there pet rat.
Hamato Yoshi starts working at a sushi restaurant while Tang Shen took the same job but her shift was shorter than Hamato Yoshi.
Yoku is bodyguard to Mack Ren (Kurokkā) Crocker work in hospital Bring Health Grow.
It's not long before Oroku Saki/Shredder shows up in Yoku apartment.
Tang Shen went home from work and she see man with silver mask and clows in his arms and he introduces himself as Shredder.
He killed her and waits until Hamato Yoshi comes to the apartment to kill him to.
When Hamato Yoshi comes home, he sees that Tang Shen is dead and at this moment he is stabbed because he is distracted by seeing his wife dead.
Hamato Yoshi managed to survive while his pet rat did not because he tried to jump on Shredder but he managed to keep the rat from squeezing him to death.
Before leaving the apartment, he tears the rat's splashing blood on Hamato Yoshi.
Yoku comes home to find Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen on the floor.
Yoku notices Hamato Yoshi is still alive but not Tang Shen or his pet rat as they are both dead. Yoku calls Mack Ren Kurokkā to save Hamato Yoshi's life and then Yoku takes Hamato Yoshi to the Hospital where Mack Ren Kurokkā works.
Once he has healed, Yoshi had tried to find his belongs what was left of things from Yoku apartment.
Mack Ren Kurokkā tells Yoku must look for Hamato Yoshi.
Yoku probably knows where he is and then finds him emotionally hurt.
After takes his stuff and says goodbye to Yoku and goes down to the sewers to seek his revenge on Shredder and then he sees four fallen turtles from the well and with mutang and both turtles are mutated and Hamato Yoshi is mutated into a rat because the blood entered Hamato Yoshi's wound that Shredder splashing rat blood in his body.
Hamato Yoshi when transform into a rat he change name Splinter and take care of four baby turtles.
End of Story
Hamato Yoshi / Splinter
Oroku Saki / Shredder
Oroku Nagi is older brother to Oroku Saki.
Master Mogo Sanjuro Mogo-San
Tang Shen
Mira Shen (Flashback) mother to Tang Shen
Mogo Yoku son of Mogo Sanjuro
Mack Ren (Kurokkā) Crocker
1. Oroku Nagi beats up Tang Shen by jealousy in Mirage comic book.
2. In version he jealousy of Hamato Yoshi because he get promotion to be the next master of the clan instead of Oroku Nagi.
3. In the 1987 TV series Oroku Saki did have a younger brother Kazuo Saki who was a policeman in Tokyo.
4. Tang Shen doesn't have backstory of her origin story in comics.
5. Idea of the name Mira is from (Mirage comics).
6. Idea of Mogo Sanjuro being character Mogo-San who appeared in 1987 TV series he did train Hamato Yoshi (Splinter).
7. Mogo Yoku appearance in TMNT 1987 but in that version he is grandson.
8. Mark Ren Crocker didt have first name Mr Crocker and his had one appearance in TMNT 1987.
9. Idea of first name Mack Ren from Jack Mendelsohn who created character Mr Crocker and Peter Renaday did voice to Mr Crocker.
10. Bring Health Grow name is based on name Black Heart Gang appeared in TMNT 1987 and Mr Crocker is leader in that version.
11. In version Mr Crocker he is asian american by name Mark Ren Kurokkā (Mr Crocker). His ethnicity chinese and japanese.
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