foxstens · 1 year
hades is so good :’)
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parawhore-mp3 · 4 months
Thanks to rockstar Eddie Munson, his band Corroded Coffin are known as "those guys who are always covering pop songs". He makes the band play metal versions of those catchy bubblegum popular songs because he says that his partner, Steve, likes them. And so he has the band play a different cover at every gig (despite sometimes getting shit from haters saying that he's selling out and going pop), because he knows that Steve will be losing his shit to those songs every night.
It doesnt take long until Steve and Robin start a game in which they try to guess what the boys are going to be covering at every show. They make a new version of the whiteboard they had at scoops ahoy, so they keep track of their individual scores. (Steve may or may not be trying to 'interrogate' Eddie at home when he's distracted, so that he can get some songs right and get an upper hand on Robin, cause somehow she keeps guessing the right song every time!)
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts - Hollow Bastion
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goldiipond · 3 months
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my dearest friends the three shadows[relation withheld]
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shorlinesorrows · 5 months
my jean & neil qpr agenda (part 1?)
after Neil orders the hit and Greyson becomes another Former Raven statistic for the media to go wild with, Jean ends up texting Neil. It's definitely not a thank you, but both of them know it kinda is (prob something like "you're an insufferable disease" lol)
They don't have contact for a while, but one day Neil reaches out by sending Jean the most atrocious multilingual French meme with "Kevin doesn't appreciate me or my humor, this is a hate crime"
It's sporadic from there, and maybe at one point they meet up while Neil and Andrew are on their summer road trip. Neil and Andrew end up in Colorado, and Jeremy, Cat, and Laila practically drag Jean there to see them (he'll deny that he had a good time, but he really did)
Andrew and Jean have a bizarre and interesting dynamic where they don't speak to each other often, but they eventually grow a mutual respect and shoot each other Looks about their "I'm Fine" partners. They don't mind just sitting in the same room and sharing space while they do their separate things.
When Jean and Jeremy start their pottery class, Jean takes to it like a fish to water.
He ends up majoring in Ceramics & Multimedia Art. Something about using his hands to create, rather than destroy.
He makes Neil a little exy racket charm for his keychain.
At one point, Jeremy makes a gc with Jean, Neil, Kevin, and Andrew on impulse. Jean "hates" it but doesn't leave the group chat. Andrew only stays in it because he can mute it, and it's useful for when they plan to meet up sometimes. It also makes Neil happy and it's not something he really minds
Jean also takes LOTS of pictures. With his phone, his friends' phones, a polaroid camera he gets as a gift from Cat, anything he can get his hands on. He hangs them up on his half of the room with Jeremy.
Eventually Jeremy and Jean do get separate rooms. They usually still sleep in the same room, but it's an important milestone for Jean and his recovery. Being able to have his own space, and know he's allowed to control who comes in it.
He decorates that room so much it's chaotic and beautiful and there's probably little pencil doodles on the wall next to his bed from when he can't sleep. He tends to draw daffodils :]
It becomes a bit of a tradition to meet Neil and Andrew every summer.
When they go pro, Jean and Neil end up on teams only a few hours' drive from each other. Neil and Andrew start on the same team, but the whole Minyard-Josten Rivalry is still a Thing because they're always shooting heated Russian at each other while "glaring" and no one else seems to realize it's their equivalent of flirting.
Jean thinks it's hilarious. He harasses Neil about it constantly.
Him and Kevin eventually mend their friendship, and they care about each other a lot.
Neil probably made the three of them matching "I survived Castle Evermore" shirts just to be a menace, and then Jean and Kevin have to make him swear that he'll never wear it in public.
Neil has a habit of just. Showing up at Jean's house and crashing sometimes.
Jeremy at one point jokes that he'll have to fight Neil for Jean's time in the future, but he's not really worried. They're happier when they spend time together. Jeremy and Andrew are chill with it.
When they meet up for the first time after a game between their pro teams, none of their teammates have any clue what's going on. Jean and Neil insult each other ferociously, but also can't seem to resist hip-checks and shoulder bumps and almost affectionate shoves.
Neil constantly sidles up to Jean and pretends like he doesn't know what he's doing. Jean usually responds by absently grabbing his hand so he knows where he is.
They are literally a cat and dog. Neil will deny that he's being caring or affectionate towards Jean all day long while actively attempting to be in Jean's space, and Jean practically perks up when Neil enters a room.
When their teams play against each other, they talk in French sometimes. Their checks are always a bit brutal (they know very well how far the other can be pushed before they break) but they help each other up at the end of quarters.
Jean is constantly antagonizing Neil by smiling and complimenting his striker skills while blocking him, and Neil is constantly taunting him with words that are plenty sharp, but never actually aimed for vital spots
Jean gets a service dog and Jeremy decides to name her Mr. Barkbark Flufferpants, following Andrew & Neil's naming scheme for their cats. They usually just call her "Mr."
When they make Court, the two of them practically live in each other's pockets.
Jeremy and Andrew watch both exasperatedly and amusedly (though Andrew just calls it annoyance when asked) as the two of them dance around their Big Queer Platonic Feelings
When they finally manage to actually communicate about it, it goes something like "Idk what's happening, I'm kinda obsessed with you but it is Not Romantic and I don't know what to do with that." And then "Oh thank hell, me too, I thought I was even weirder than I already am. Wanna go harrass the fbi together?" "No."
They become even more attached at the hip after that, can practically finish each other's sentences. It's like they freaking mind melded tbh.
At first Kevin gets worried that they're slipping into old habits from the Nest, especially Jean, but when he brings it up to Andrew and Jeremy, Andrew just goes "No, they're idiots." and Jeremy nods and says "I think they're in a honeymoon phase. If we see them slipping, we'll pull them out."
Kevin decides to wait and watch, and thankfully their relationship ends up being as healthy as Neil and Jean can be. There might be a little codependence going on, but they have other people and other grounding forces to help intervene if it seems to be unbalancing.
They both put each other on their emergency contacts list.
It's a common sight to find the two of them twisted into impossible positions together just doing their own things, Jean drawing, Neil watching reruns of Exy matches, whatever.
Their dynamic just becomes Jean, who genuinely grows up to be a pretty chill dude, and Neil, who's an absolute gremlin. Except they kinda absorb each other's personalities, so they're both little shits together. They fit.
There is definitely all sorts of weird conversations that they have at 2AM in little sleepovers they do together (sometimes with Kevin, Jeremy, or Andrew) because they never got that as kids.
I bet Neil mercilessly teases Jean for being allosexual, especially when he gets flustered (all in good fun, of course)
Jean just snarks back with a "shut up, I literally saw you look at Andrew like a besotted elderly man with his partner of fifty years like five minutes ago." Neil sticks out his tongue at him.
Jean actually can sometimes read the ways that Neil and Andrew show affection for each other because of how much time he spends around them, which leads to him occasionally getting confused when other people don't automatically Get It
Neil takes a while to warm up to Jeremy because he seems Too Nice, but once he does he helps Jeremy plan to absolutely torment Jean with silly little romantic gestures that make him flush all the way down to his neck
At one point Neil tries to get Jean to explain what it feels like to be sexually attracted to someone without knowing them really closely, and it leads to a really surprisingly deep conversation about attraction before it turns into neil making dick jokes.
Cat and Laila still keep in close contact with Jean, as well as Renee. They make sure to meet up as often as they can. Cat and Jean always go for a bike ride together and they all cook dinner as a group.
They're both cuddle monsters when in the right mood. They also have the convenient ability to fall asleep Anywhere when they feel safe. So finding them curled up together in weird places at home is pretty commonplace.
They're forever partners, not in the way that the world and the Nest tried to make them be, but in a way that they created themselves.
It doesn't have to be romantic to be special, and if anyone ever suggested that they should be in a romantic relationship, they would both look at that person with absolute judgement and disgust. This person interrupted their conversation. They were talking shit about someone. Neil is lounging in Jean's lap. Andrew is saying he hates them both, and Jeremy is cackling at it all while taking a low-res picture for Cat and Laila.
idk i have a Lot of thoughts and could keep going. (i might write a fic if anyone wants to read it, and I'll definitely write little snippets for myself if I get the time. )
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otiksimr · 5 months
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bastart13 · 1 year
A question, does Lucio's prosthetic arm work or does it just hang on his shoulder? And if the other LI lost an arm what design of their prosthetic arm would be
Honest question: have you played the game?
Not only is he posed in a lot of the art using his arm, he's often described using his arm in narration, and even purely in-universe, why would Lucio kidnap and force two alchemists to build him a prosthetic arm if it wasn't going to do anything?
But onto hypotheticals!
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It's kind of cute thinking about what approaches they'd have to needing a prosthetic.
I feel like Asra's would be either made by his parents or self-made, ironically resembling Lucio's arm the most because of those influences. But it'd definitely have more interesting use in channeling magic.
Julian's would be similarly self-made/scrapped together. Lots of exposed metal and leather straps with more of a hook and crude joint than any life-like articulation. I imagine they'd be some magic element but a lot more downplayed.
In contrast, Muriel's is almost all magic. He carved the pieces himself and worked with Asra to fix it in place. While it acts a lot more like a natural arm, I think it's more prone to shorting out.
Nadia's is definitely designed by herself. Even if she had the pieces made and enchanted by other artisans, it's mechanical and elegant in a way only she could design. Like Lucio's, it can have additional covers and accesories.
And Portia's is probably the least expensive and a gift from Mazelinka. It's another case where it's magical, but Portia never knew the extent of it. It's cute, wooden, and jointed like a doll, with a practical hook, and she spent the first days with painting it.
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hajihiko · 1 year
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Tiny doodle before I gotta run off. Mob boss watching the pride parade
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tuherrus · 9 months
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doing my very normal activities of looking at some guy's eyeballs but maybe you'll find some use out of me trying to find relatively neutrally lit footage of his peepers
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
i do think it makes sense for isabeau and loop to kinda hate each other at first....
like loop tried to kill siffrin when he was already sick and weak. even though loop lost or decided not to go through with it, isabeau still witnessed the aftermath. and he's so protective!! yes loop is also siffrin but that makes it MORE of a betrayal. like if siffrin tried to kill mirabelle or smth yknow, it's fucked up for someone you love to attack someone you love. but maybe if it was actually siffrin he would find it easier to understand the weird situation and forgive them - but loop is a different person now, and they're a person who's mean to isa's siffrin!
and then on loop's side, you've obviously got the jealousy (isa likes siffrin, not me) and attempt to create distance (this isn't my isa, just a fake copy). but you've also got loop's feelings towards their own isa, which could be pretty complex at this point. kinda depends on your headcanons for exactly what loop's og timeline looked like, but. they could be mad that og!isa never tried to confess like new!isa did, was loop!sif not good enough? or they could be mad at themself for not realizing isa liked them in their own timeline even though he was being more obvious, like, i fucked it up worse than stardust did and this isa is just a constant reminder.
loop is just very upset about many things, and i think isa would make the next easiest target after siffrin, bc he's strong and kind - easier to lash out at than anxious mirabelle or young bonnie or intimidating odile. plus, since romance has more cultural precedence as a sharp dichotomy that leads to jealousy, it might be easier to channel their feelings through that simpler lens (isa will never cuddle me like that bc he's not dating me, and never will bc he already has sif) rather than the more nebulous concept of friendship jealousy with its wider range of possible conclusions (maybe mira would tell me secrets like that if i worked to become closer friends, but maybe she never would. oh god now i have to figure out what i actually want and what i'm willing to risk to reach for it). so it's easier for loop to focus on being mad about the more straightforward thing that they clearly can't have.
anyways what i'm saying is loop and isabeau keep glaring at each other over siffrin's head bc obviously they both sat next to him at the dinner table even though that regrettably means they're stuck being near each other.
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mionkings · 3 months
Into the Dannyverse or Something 🤷‍♀️
What I love about DCxDP is that there's variety, you don't like this one? Well just go look for another or make one yourself! 🗣
The only thing is that I feel like we can all agree on is that Danny is a little shit with shit luck >:)
In his own world or in DC via dimension hopping or just literally existing; he's gonna cause mayhem, accidental or not when it comes to him and DC universe.
So it really shouldn't be surprising that somehow; multiple Dannys' from different universes/timelines, fucked up and fell into 1 SINGULAR world and now they're all sharing an apartment together, trying to find a way to fix this mess WHILE also trying to avoid trouble, sounds absolutely impossible but okay!
Oh, and their neighbors think they're a family of escaped clones.
This sounds like a chaotic sitcom (๏ᆺ๏υ)
The adults are tired already 😭
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perish-the-creator · 3 months
Recently began to explore the idea that since Starscream is the presumed last seeker in TFP (outside of the twins), that he started to adopt Vehicons to bond with so he doesn't lose his mind.
These Vehicons being named Thunder, Racket, Creek, and Larry. Each with a singular defining color in the palm of their servos.
Starscream used to be able to keep them safe. Only having them operate on the ship or doing low maintenance missions where he hoped Autobots wouldn't attack.
He cared about them deeply. Teaching them an old song from Vos that in moments of pure silence and nothingness (and if Soundwave wasn't nearby) they'd whistle it together.
So when he escapes, he does feel bad about leaving them behind. And they have to find a way to keep themselves undiscovered while Starscream promised to one day free them.
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essenceofarda · 6 months
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OF BLESSED THYME & THISTLE | Chapter 1 | Page 5
Masterlist of Pages
Faramir’s cousin, Lothiriel, comes to Minas Tirith to become a companion of his new bride, Eowyn, something that he hopes will ease Eowyn’s rough transition into Gondorian Society. Eowyn, for her part, decides her new companion would in turn make the perfect bride for her brother, Eomer King of Rohan. Matchmaking shenanigans ensue 😏
When the aunties pull no punches 😳😖 Poor Eowyn lol
I'm actually kinda super proud of how this page turned out LOL
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gummi-ships · 9 months
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Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance - Symphony of Sorcery
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Just had the sleep-deprived idea of combining my Cryptid Batfam Au with @phoenixcatch7 's Possessed Doll Au into a combo au, some distant timeline where the two combine and meld into one thing.
Honestly would be slightly body horror probably, maybe with Bruce starting with building wings and then it... escalates. There's a reason that people don't go down in the caves under Gotham, and Bruce is incredibly lucky that It welcomes him. Perhaps welcomes him too much, what with it seeming to build him another body each time he gets injured, even if it's just bruising. Not to mention that another is forming when he takes Dick in, and then another when Barbara joins them.
There's something not quite the same the first time he wakes up in a body that is his but not, something organic but not. Testing on it is fine, small tests that is, anything larger and his head starts to pound and ring. It's easier to just accept the shadows' gifts than question it.
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Honestly I like to think the body is something between inorganic and organic, like veins of flesh and fur wrapped around bones and metal. Like a flesh puppet of sorts, starts all skeletal and mostly metal and wood but the veins of black and red start to grow over time as the whispers about the Bat spread.
Honestly I also like to think it's more animalistic than the original possessed doll au, the wood easily mistaken for things like chitin, especially with the segmentations. Combine the chest cavity with the harness that the kids cling to, and you have a back cavity lol. The 'Spine' seemingly splitting open to hide things inside. Bruce probably does have clothing for the body, but I wanted to figure out the general body first lol.
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theamazingian · 7 months
Game Freak leaving Unova alone and giving Kalos the time in the sun it deserves was not on my bingo card but I'm happy about it!!
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