yioh · 2 years
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
I saw that you were having a bad day. I hope it will be better soon.
I am giving you a big hug.
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I will try to distract you a little bit.
I have some questions that you might have answer before but I will still ask. 😁
What is the fic or story that you wrote that you will recommend and why?
Which one is the most personal?
Which one is the one that you feel the proudest?
And finally in which one do the characters are you babies and you will kill/die for them?
Have a lovely evening/day.
I hope it will distract you a little bit 🥰
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Hi hi. Sad thing about today is that other than the foot injury it's been a good day. I had ice cream earlier in the afternoon, and I had pasta for dinner. Like had it not been for the constant pinching in my foot and the bruises forming I would've been a happy lil potato 🥺🥺 (but istg that lil hug is the cutest thing gaaaaaah 🫠)
For a story that I recommend, and that I feel the proudest over, and the one with the couple that I would fight & kill (maybe not die though bc who else will tell their story lol) is 'relinquish the crown'. I have not yet written anything that has involved this much brain power from me as this series has taken. From a lil thing of 5.6k words and it's grown into seasons long story arcs, companion pieces, companion mini-series (coming soon), and so many "What If…?" roads to go down, it can singlehandedly make my head spin 😂 But the world I've built around them so far is something I'm so proud of and I will never stop being proud of it, even if a good number of my readers potentially aren't really here for that particular plot (i know this because this series notoriously has the least traction among everything i've ever written in the Loki community but it's okay because the readers it does have are about just as passionate about this story as i am and i get to talk to some of them in depth about some elements that would soon enough make it into the story)
As for the one that feels most personal to me…that might just be 'all the right answers' from the 14 days of valentines collection, since it's the only thing I've written so far where I created a reader that has the most of "me" in it, with the certification and the job…it's honestly who I wish I was…? Someone who was able to quit my day job and pursue an acting career, but alas…my time hasn't come yet 😅
thank you so much for sending in the ask! i really appreciate the cutie lil gifs 🥹💖
send me a 'get to know the blogger' ask to distract me from my foot injury
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spindlebeforesunset · 4 years
Dorm Leaders of Night Raven (+ Chenya) if they were magically transported in the Philippines without reason
(guys, I miss going out okay)
Riddle Rosehearts
• what the fuck its so hot
• he doesn't scream, or yell, or cry, but he almost punches Chenya in the face out of shock
• the locals are staring at him and the rest like what the hell
• oh my god where is his tea and tarts, what the hell is this red pasta on some egg shaped plate
• he's turning red, he does not know what is happening, and the stress is getting to him
• Chenya is just patting his head to try and calm him down
• screams with the rest when a Jollibee mascot appears out of nowhere
Leona Kingscholar
• why the hell is it so loud
• wakes up to the other leaders bickering among themselves in some food place
• he steals the glass full of Coca-cola from a distracted Kalim and looks at his surroundings
• oh shit the locals are staring, taking pictures, whispering, and the kids are screaming
• he is ready to slump down on the table but Jollibee enters
• screams out a string of curses while hugging an even more panicked Chenya
Azul Ashengrotto
• why is the table so small
• is the first to snap out of his shocked daze and slaps the others to either wake them or snap out of their own
• yeets his coat at Malleus' horns because the kids around are screaming bloody murder
• "We have to get back to the College right now or else we're fried fish!"
• writes down what almost everyone is saying on some tissue that keeps ripping (don't worry, he can read it)
• he stops writing when he realizes the twins aren't there with him and is horrified for the Monstro Lounge
• his scream sounds like a girl's when Jollibee enters
Kalim Al-Asim
• when he snaps out of his shock, he remembers he has to take a shit
• looking around for a bathroom while arguing with the others on what to do
• barely weirded out by Chenya patting Riddle's head
• he doesn't look at the food in front of him because Jamil did not prepare it
• nobody around looks like a Jamil and he's about ready to cry
• jumps back and crashes on Malleus's lap because Jollibee entered
Vil Schoenheit
• rifling through his handbag for something he hopes is useful (a textbook, emergency makeup kit, hand mirror, pen, a hair clip, a handkerchief, and his phone)
• no signal for his phone and he almost faints
• is barely hiding his stress as he tries to read the textbook for anything on magical transportation
• snaps at the others in short intervals
• is horrified by his own sweat that he keeps dabbing away with his handkerchief
• someone accidentally steps on his red belt part and he almost screams if Idia did not kick his foot
• actually screams when Jollibee enters and fails in chucking his book at the mascot because it missed
Idia Shroud
• only registers that he's in a different place when Azul claps his hands in front of his face
• one look at the locals across their table makes his panic spike up (no, the screaming kids are not helping at all)
• he also realizes Ortho is not there with him and he dies inside
• his fire hair is starting to get haywire
• "Malleus, we need to get out, now - WHAT IS THAT THING."
• lowers his head to the table so that he doesn't see the other people
Malleus Draconia
• he cannot see because Azul covered his head with a coat
• "I cannot-"
"Keep that on, the kids are scared." Vil.
oh oof same as always
• going through a mental list of incantations, rituals, spells, and enchantments to visualize for anything to work
• sweating buckets because of the heat and his black clothes
• Crowley, what the fuck did you do this time
• becomes sad when he remembers his Tamagochi is nowhere on him
• only screams when Kalim ended up on his lap (still cannot see Jollibee)
Chenya (*kawawang nadamay)
• I came to NRC to eat one of Trey's cakes and I don't know what in the hell just happened but at least there's Riddle with me
• the other dorm leaders do not comment on him yet though (even if he's full body)
• does not flinch when he's almost punched but starts to panic when Riddle is turning red and pats his head
• kind of curious of where he is but he wants to get back asap because his exam is tomorrow
• a baby held by someone almost yanks his ear but he ducks
• screams when Jollibee enters but it screams even higher because Leona is hugging him
*the poor unfortunate soul that got wrapped in with the others' mess
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lordxgrinnyxboy · 4 years
i’m watching London now and
Gwyn’s reacting to meeting Mojo for the first time and i’m. so upset. he sounds proper terrified. :’(
he either just said “wow...wolf...” or “warmth”
that howl sounds like me whenever i see new tgm content
oh sh he immediately follows it up with “you can’t stay here” damn ursus
Mojo sounds like he’s about to end Ursus’ life fr
the NOISES in this version. We’ve got dizzy!Gwyn and i am getting serotonin. which is a little weird but i’ll take it
 the baby noises are super real but nothing beats Ms. Brisson’s baby noises i’ll tell u that
“Who is this? Your sister?” “No.” ashfajfhaj
there’s both More and Way Less going on in this scene like Gwyn’s just kinda standing there like “okay”
he’s walking around now
just dropped like a sack of potatoes when Dirry-Moir goes “HIS FACE DID IT”
ooh Ursus sounds even more Done
why does she have a necklace that says Dea. does Ursus not know his wife had that. why does she have necklace
is “loved by the father she would never see” part of the inscription?
Did Ursus Get A Necklace For His Unborn Kid And Try To Send His Family AWAEY?
Mr. Maskell’s just yanking that puppet’s head all over the place
this poor kid sounds like he’s straight up dying i feel so bad
he’s like sobbing and Ursus thinks it’s a laugh
side note that the cowl is Stunning and An Excellent Look as always
*harsh whisper* “and it was then that i saw! that the boy could do nothing but! . . grin.”
“gaAAaaah” oh Gwyn
“I watched you, boy, I saw your poor mother drown” AND YOU JUST LET HIM WANDER OFF INTO THE SNOW???
Ursus no disrespect but he’s kinda having a moment and you’re just
Ursus i swear if you do not get that child a tylenol
god he went after that like a magnetized kitten holy heck Gwyn
points awarded for sounding delirious
you are like super coherent and goal-oriented laddie
i don’t know what this voice is Mr. Maskell is doing but i kind of love it but it also Does Not Fit
he’s like simultaneously delirious as hell but also more lucid than Bristol!Gwyn couldve ever dreamed of being
Oh god the sobbing
i’ve held out this long but i’m finally forced to say it. think i might kinda love Mr. Maskell a little bit.
nvm i hate the way he just stood up i take it back 
oml the voice on “father?” hsjhsj
kinda abrupt transition to stars in the sky
it sounds different but ooh smooth ooh i kinda like it
“am I dreaming” BABEYYYY
Ursus just like “Lemme go ahead and Not Answer That Question.”
idk why but this song always feels like Ursus half expects Gwyn to die in his sleep or something
dang Ursus doesn’t even wait for him to fall asleep he just jumps right on back like “sink or swim kidlet my hand in this is DONE”
i just realized it’s Just Him puppeteering this kid. somehow looks Stranger than multiple ppl workin the puppet but it might be the angle
on my life i swear it looked like Ursus just either punched the wall or threw a dart at a board
aw Ursus has a lil lie down in this one. about 672000 feet away from the Mojo + Kids pile but still
Mr Maskell just levitated the puppet
what on earth kinda rotational maneuver w
i think they just did actual magic of some sort. i am. bewildered. what.
“Dea!” awwwwwww
“mMOJO!” good gracious.
man they cut out “I DON’T WANT STORRIES”
Gwyn’s tone on “no, Beauty and the Beast” here XD
“The Goblin and the Fishmonger?” “No”
“The Bride Who Loved Salt?” “Noooo”
Gwyn’s got a favorite word in this edition and it’s “no”
awwwwwwwwwwweee the “YES!” reactions that’s too cute actually
the Beast voice in this one X’D
“I’m...dying. I’m. . .bleh.” *slaps puppet down on table” i am in tears
wait a second they cut out the whole “You’re the wicked witch” thing. DISAPPOINTED
abrupt swerve into super smooth “never did I dream” i’m so
i have mixed feelings about the “I’d like to be a Lord” but oof “and wake up in a real palace” hits different after “Am I dreaming?”
why are they reacting to the floaty bit or are we just supposed to imagine that the kids are still dancing and are just going all spinny or
im cry
i like how he just yeets her across the room and he starts up with “never did I dream” like “pls ignore the fact that I totally just threw you across the room”
she just flung out a hand and drew him to her like the gosh darn force and that’s on
his outfit has colors this time
she kissed him so good he lost his right elbow for a second
ngl i do love the way London!Gwyn does the “has given me LIFE” like that little upward hitch on the ‘i’ i just like the sound okay
the choreo is a little odd tho
Gwyn fully looks like he’s two seconds away from doing a little dance number but he keeps stopping just short of getting to it
what is this headbob he’s doing good grief
go off with your little dramatic hand wiggle and holding Dea’s hand up like it’s simba! i see you! yeah Gwynplaine! strike that pose!
London!Gwyn uses crimson lethe instead of milk in his cereal, that’s the only possible explanation
the man is LIT UP
he is drunk on love and homebrew painkillers
what does Dirry-Moir swear was real? the puppets? He just pointed out everything going black so he’s either breaking the fourth wall or Clarence’s death literally triggered an eclipse
they just hop in the cart and Ursus locks it up X’D “Get in the car, kids!”
he let Dirry-Moir come in their HOUSE oh no
and this post is way too long so i’ll cut it here but! Bristol owns my heart but i will not deny having a good time so far.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Characters: Tsunayoshi Sawada, Kyoko Sasagawa
Hello, everyone! Here is my story for Day 3 of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! RarePair Week, for the Prompt “Hilarious or Shocking Reveals”!
Tsunayoshi Sawada had shed tears many times in his young (and unfortunately harrowing) life. He honestly never dreamed he would be blinking away tears while staring admiringly at the rolled-up diploma in his hands. His quivering fingers bent the thin paper when they curled tightly around it. He sunk his front teeth into his bottom lip, but his mind was numb to the dull pain of the action. With a sudden squeal of delight, he crushed the paper in his fist and threw his hands in the air.
“I did it! I graduated high school!” he crowed triumphantly. He puffed out his chest and put his curled fists on his hips to close his eyes and inhale haughtily. “I am not No-Good Tsuna anymore!”
“Yes, you are.” Tsunayoshi deflated like a popped balloon to cast a sordid glare at his home tutor. Reborn had grown significantly in the last several years since the Arcoboleno curse had dissipated, now standing at Tsunayoshi’s waist. The man trapped in a child’s body still dressed way too sharp for his apparent age, donning a neat, pressed suit and his magic chameleon disguised as a hat. He sipped matter-of-factly at his coffee and smirked teasingly at Tsuna. “That paper in your hand doesn’t change the fact that you still have a long way to go- and it was my teachings that earned you that diploma, anyway.”
“Ahhh, Reborn, you’re just as ruthless as ever,” Tsunayoshi grumped and pouted at the diploma. I don’t care what Reborn says! This is an accomplishment, and I’m gonna treat it like one!
“Tsuna, Tsuna!” Takeshi called as he came trotting up, beaming as always, with his father watching with a pleased smile from a distance. “My old man says he’ll treat us to sushi tonight. Everyone is invited!”
“I want sushi! I want sushi!” Lambo sprang out from the bushes where he had been presumably playing in the dirt looking for worms, as evidenced by the smears of soil he left on Tsuna’s uniform pants as he pawed at them. Tsunayoshi recoiled with a whine, looking dejectedly at the streaks of brown disfiguring his pants. Lambo skipped over to Takeshi and began running circles around him, bleating about sushi. The afroed boy had undergone a similar growth spurt, only slightly shorter than Reborn, but he had not acquired much in the way of maturity. Takeshi laughed good-naturedly and patted Lambo on the head affectionately. Nothing ever dampens Yamamoto’s spirits, Tsunayoshi thought warmly.
“Hey, little brat, you’re so loud,” Hayato griped as he strolled up with his hands in his pockets, and his diploma tucked in a back one. Scowling, he pushed on the back of Lambo’s head with the sole of his shoe. Though it couldn’t have hurt much, Lambo still took great offense. The little boy plopped down on his behind and began to bawl, screaming about how mean Hayato was to him. “Shut up, you baby! I didn’t hurt you!”
“Gokudera! Stop tormenting my dear sweet Lambo!” Tsunayoshi narrowed his eyes at the familiar but very out-of-place voice. Haru came running into the schoolyard to scoop Lambo up and press him into her bosom. Lambo cooed and snuggled into her breasts, clearly with lascivious intent, but Haru nuzzled his fuzzy head endearingly.
“What are you even doing here?!” the bomb expert griped. She shot him a seditious pout and a stony glare.
“I came to see Tsuna graduate, of course! Our school just finished, so I rushed over here. And what do I find? Gokudera is as much a villain as always!”
“Oh, can it, stalker!”
“I am not a stalker! I am a lady in love!”
Tsunayoshi abandoned the duo to their quibbling and pushed himself onto his tip-toes, head craned back to scan the many craniums of the students mingling in the courtyard. He did not find who he was looking for, but close enough. He could hear Ryohei screaming about the usual nonsense from a mile away. Wherever Ryohei is, Kyoko must be! he thought and pushed into the crowd.
Tsunayoshi was still small compared to his peers, so squeezing through the many chattering students was a chore. He followed Ryohei’s crowing and howling laughter towards the center of the mass of people. With a grunt, he pushed through two very stocky football players before stumbling out into a circle of green grass. Tsking, he smoothed out the creases in his shirt and pants and fixed his fluffy bangs, then inhaled deeply and straightened his back. He fingered the box-shaped lump in his front pocket nervously, eyeing the beautiful young girl chatting amiably with her overzealous boxer brother.
All right, Tsuna! It’s now or never!
“Kill him! Kill the Vongola Tenth!”
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” Tsunayoshi screeched in anger and tore at his orangey-caramel hair in frustration. As machine-gun fire ripped across the yard, the new graduates erupted into confused screams and scattered like marbles. Thankfully, whoever was attacking only meant to entice the Vongola family into retaliating, so the fire harmlessly rained down into the grass and concrete. Ryohei shoved Kyoko behind him and threw up his fists, while Tsunayoshi begrudgingly trotted over to stand beside him.
“What cowards! Show your faces and fight like a man!” Ryohei yowled and shook his bandage-wrapped fists.
“Can they not?” Tsunayoshi replied with a groan. “Can they just go home?” The yard had thinned in a matter of seconds; all the crowd had spilled out into the streets and run for cover, leaving just the mafia family behind. Takeshi had drawn his katana and Hayato his bombs. Kyoya (who had been lounging around the school though he had graduated before them) was standing across the yard with his tonfa, frowning. Chrome, brandishing her trident, scampered up with Haru clinging to the hem of her shirt. Lambo was sitting in a puddle of his tears, and Reborn was nonchalantly sipping the last dregs of his coffee.
“Reborn! Do you have any idea who these thugs are?” The Vongola Tenth asked his tutor. Reborn pretended not to hear him. “You little-! Gaaaaaah, let’s just get this over with,” Tsunayoshi huffed and activated his Dying Will Flame, alighting his forehead with the orange glow and materializing his gloves on his hands. “Come out!”
“Yeah, so I can blow you all to Hell!” Hayato sneered. Dozens of armed men in black suits appeared on the rooftops, with a man in a mink overcoat at their head.
“My name is- Hey, what the fu-?” Tsunayoshi didn’t give the mafia leader a chance to introduce himself, instead opting to blast his way up to the roof and drop-kick him in the face. As their leader slid across the tiled roof with an imprint of Tsunayoshi’s shoe across his forehead, the underlings could only gawk at Tsunayoshi’s malice and prowess. Tsunayoshi, his expression blank, flexed his fingers.
“One day. Can’t I have one day without some goons crashing in and threatening my life and the lives of my friends? Seriously, did it have to be graduation day?” Tsunayoshi griped as he advanced on the man, who was now crawling away on his hands and knees blubbering. The men around Tsunayoshi howled angrily and trained their weapons on him, but before any of them could fire a single shot, his Guardians jumped into the fray. Within seconds, the attackers’ formation crumbled into chaos. Tsunayoshi ignored the mania to stride over to the leader.
“Have mercy!” the leader pleaded as he pressed back against the roof’s wall, shaking like a leaf and staring fearfully at Tsunayoshi. Using Leon in the form of a mini-helicopter, Reborn perched himself atop the fence and tutted at the poor excuse of a man.
“How shameful. Did you really think you could take on the Vongola Tenth with such a small force and such little resolve? This is an insult.”
Tsunayoshi smothered his Dying Will flame and pouted up at his tutor.
“Rebornnnnn, please don’t tell me this was some kind of training exercise or scheme…”
“Of course not. Even I am kind enough to allow you to enjoy your graduation day.”
“Y-you asshole! How dare you patronize me!” the mafia boss screamed and lunged at Tsunayoshi. A knife glinted in the sunlight, shooting towards Tsunayoshi’s throat, but his hyper-intuition made dodging it an easy task. The young Vongola Tenth side-stepped the attack, leaving the manic man stumbling across the roof. Takeshi dispatched him with a neck-chop to his pressure point, and he crumpled like a doll.
“That was no fun. I wanted a challenge,” the swordsman whined and sheathed his katana.
“I would rather not have to deal with stuff like this at all! One day! Just one! That’s all I want!” Tsunayoshi argued. Takeshi just laughed animatedly, like he always did, squinting his eyes happily. When he stopped, he glanced down at the ground with a confused grunt.
“Oh? Tsuna, what’s that?”
Tsunayoshi knew exactly was Takeshi was referring to and released a high-pitched screech, but before he could retrieve the precious object, Lambo scampered over and swiped it.
“No! Lambo! Give it back!” he wailed and chased the afroed, horned child across the roof. Lambo screamed elatedly, pleased with the chase, and opened the box as he ran in circles with Tsunayoshi in hot pursuit.
“A ring! It’s a ring!” Everyone froze, including the girls, who had just mounted the steps.
“Ahhhhhh! Tsuna is finally going to make Haru his mafia wife!” Haru trilled and clasped her hands beside her cheek. Clenching his teeth, Tsunayoshi shot her an incredulous look before lunging for Lambo, who had stopped running in his bewilderment of everyone’s reactions. He yelped as Tsunayoshi snatched the ring box and hid it behind his back.
“Lambo’s lying! It’s not a ring!”
“Uh, yeah it is, Sawada,” Kyoya blinked disinterestedly. Tsunayoshi growled at him, infuriated that he was no help to his cause; it was just par for the course, because since when did Kyoya care about anything but his naps and the middle school?
“Who’s it for? Who’s it for, Tsuna?” Ryohei grinned and bolted over to shake him. Tsunayoshi released startled gasps as his brain rattled in his skull along with all his other bones under the boxer’s relentless jarring.
“Gah! Ah! For the love of-! Kyoko! It’s for Kyoko!” he choked out. Ryohei ceased shaking him to gawk stupidly at him. Tsunayoshi went pink from the base of his neck to the top of his forehead. He shouldered away from his Sun Guardian, fidgeting with the box incessantly. Kyoko gawked wide-eyed at him from across the roof, mouth agape. Ugh! I had wanted to do this in private, but since when does anything in my life go as planned? he lamented. He cleared his throat before striding over to the girl, trying to seem dignified. It was a meaningless effort, because his knees buckled as soon as he reached her. “K-kyoko,” he stammered, then swallowed thickly, hating how quivery his voice was. He tried again, opening the box as he did so to reveal a silver band with a tiny pink opal in the center.
“K-Kyoko, this isn’t how I wanted this to go, but…. I’ve loved you for a long time. You were the motivation to get me through the hardest parts of my life. This is a promise ring,” he explained with a glance down at the jewelry. “M-my life is really dangerous now, with the mafia and all, and because of that, I’ve put your life in danger far too many times… B-but, with this ring, I promise to protect you, always, a-a-and love you w-with everything I h-h-have…” His voice grew high-pitched and trembly at the end, making his blush redden to a tomato color. With shaking lips and shaking hands, he extended the ring to her. “P-please be my girlfriend, Kyoko!”
“Nice delivery,” Hayato muttered sarcastically, which made him hunch his shoulders up to his ears. He heard Hayato yelp as his sister slapped him upside the head. Still, he kept his eyes firmly locked on Kyoko’s face, watching as she studied the ring curiously. His breath halted as she reached out with slim fingers to pull the ring from the box and admire it in the sunlight. The little pink opal sparkled beautifully, but not nearly as wonderfully as her eyes, Tsunayoshi thought. His heart somersaulted in his ribcage as she smiled broadly and slipped the ring onto her right ring finger.
“I accept.”
“Yes!” Tsunayoshi howled and threw his hands in the air triumphantly. “Kyoko said she’ll go out with me! This is the best day of my life!”
“Sawada!” Tsunayoshi cringed and hid behind Kyoko as Ryohei barked his name. He hunched down to peer above Kyoko’s tiny shoulder, watching fearfully as her elder brother stomped across the roof to cross his arms and glowered down at him.
“R-ryohei, I can explain…”
“No. I’ve heard enough,” he grunted with a stern expression. Tsunayoshi whined and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for one of the boxer’s devastating punches. Instead, he felt a hand ruffling his fluffy hair. He cracked an eye open to see Ryohei grinning and even crying a little. “This is so exciting! I know you will take care of my sweet little sister.”
“I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, big brother. You’re the one who needs taking care of, getting beat up all the time!”
“Heyyy, Kyoko, that was so mean…”
“So are Tsuna and Kyoko getting married?” Lambo asked Chrome while sucking on his index finger.
“No, no, they are just dating,” the illusionist responded. “I think…”
“Hey! This is just one more thing to celebrate over sushi!” Takeshi laughed good-naturedly.
“I’m leaving,” Kyoya snorted and whirled on his heel to begin striding for the stairs. He bristled when Takeshi clapped a hand on his shoulder and turned him around.
“Come on, Hibari, don’t be such a stick in the mud! Surely you like sushi? My father makes the best.” Kyoya glowered before clicking his tongue thoughtfully.
“Do you have tuna sashimi?”
“Of course.”
“Fine. But I’m going for the sashimi, not because we’re friends.”
“Sure, sure.”
Tsunayoshi watched fondly as his friends rejoiced on the rooftop, smiling alighting their faces like beacons as always. As Ryohei scampered over to throw his arms around a laughing Takeshi’s shoulders, Kyoko looked at him with a sweet smile, making Tsunayoshi’s heart stop in his chest.
“You’ll keep your promise, won’t you, Tsuna?” He blinked, then smiled lovingly at the girl he had adored for the longest time.
“Of course, Kyoko. I’ll protect you with my life. I swear it.” His eyes snapped wide open when she leaned in to press a small kiss to his cheek, leaving bright pink heat in her wake.
“Good- but don’t be in a hurry to throw your life away. I’d miss you so much, Tsuna.” Smiling charmingly, she skipped over to Haru and Chrome, wherein they cooed over the pretty pink-gemmed ring. Tsunayoshi slowly raised a hand to his cheek, a smile slowly spreading over his face.
“I’m proud of you, Tsuna,” Reborn remarked and patted the back of his thigh. “I never thought you’d do it, really.”  
“It’s all thanks to you, Reborn. You gave me courage.”
“No,” the mafioso retorted with a sly smirk. “You always had the courage. I just taught you how to find it.” Tsunayoshi nodded in agreement.
“Yeah. You sure did, Reborn.”
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @khrrarepairweek​, @deliathedork​
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lxlmoon558 · 4 years
Random Thoughts #14
To much thoughts head
No can sleep
Why did it take me 4 tries to spell sleep
I’m now think of her
Great just great
Not only am I being a pinning lesbian
I’m also very worried about her
This won’t let me sleep
I want her to feel better
She’s beautiful
And gorgeous
And every other of those words
And smurt
And amazing
And every other of those words
And I’m just like
Your fucking (insert 10,000 words of just wow)
And also
I don’t like text messaging a lot with her
Cause we really a lot on changes to our voices whether pitches or accents or impersonations when talking to communicate a more variety of things because we just assigned things to things
I can say the same phrase but with a stich impression and it would be a total difference
Also it’s better face to face
Because face expression
Can’t forget the hands
Either way
Back to two
Funny thing I realized
You know that meme where it’s like
This is how tops Texts
And this is how bottoms texts
And it’s just like
Complete switch for us
She’s more sarcastic and confrontational and just grrr when texting each other
And I’m like emojis gifs I love you stickers and just baby
I even send her dam poems that I think she needs to read at times and then be like
Just remember that I love you
Like when she was feeling fat and stuff I sent her a poem about that
Either way
Funny thing is
That I’m the top (she says I’m not to piss me off but guess what baby I know what ur doing so I don’t get mad hehe I win)
And she’s the bottom (getting her to say that was oof 10/10)
Another funny things
She absolutely hates creative writing and most poetry and stuff
Like she doesn’t understand it or get it
Even the editing style
She’s a journalist a hard core grammar and facts here you go type
And it’s like
We’re on opposite sides
And we fight about it
Like when editing stuff for each other and stuff
Yet we never stick to the rule of not editing each other’s stuff
Oh well
And bro
Non gendered pal
And she’s like
You are a keeper
I like you
I definitely do
But we can’t date
Cause of my dam homophobic parents
And she doesn’t want to be in a relationship that has to be hidden like that and she can’t express her love for me like that in front or near them
Which fair
And she’s right
She deserves better
But like
My parents
Why did u have to be homophobic like that
God I love her so much
This is getting long
Also if me friend sees this cause she follows my tumblr
She gonna know who
I don’t know what to react and say
But oh well
Doubt she’ll see tho
Probably off staring at her boys
Better for me
Either way
Ps. I read her confession a lot because it makes me happy and smile and feel loved but then after I stop reading I feel sad because she’s not mine
9/9 2020 01:15
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danganronpa-21 · 6 years
Chapter 1: Meet the Naegi-Kirigiris
Chapter 1: Meet the Naegi-Kirigiris
TRACK: DRtA OST 1-16: Buzzkill (The Animation) My mother had heard the Reaper's footsteps too late this time.
She was halfway through calling out my father's name when the sound of a gunshot exploded through the school's auditorium. 
It seemed almost the instant that the sound went off, he crumpled to the floor like a doll. Students screamed and cried out, ducking for safety and others ordering for someone to call an ambulance. None of them moved to help, they all just stood there and panicked. All that anyone could seem to do was think about themselves, despite the fact that the wound had been inflicted upon someone else. At least, that was what it looked like, judging by all of the people standing and crying. The population willing to help was scarce, and it seemed like everyone else was just looking for an exit. If it weren't for my family, nobody would even be making an effort at all.
“They shot him.” Natsumi's terrified voice filled my ears as I felt her latch on to my arm. The sound of it was so uncharacteristic that for a moment I believed that I must have been dreaming. “Oh my god Koichi, they actually shot him!” I couldn't move. My whole body was trembling as the reality of the situation began to set in. I could feel tears blur my vision and threaten to spill down my cheeks as I stared forward at the collapsed body of my father on the stage. I felt almost as if I was going to be sick, right then and there. I had not even the strength to scream or cry out like everyone else. All I could do was stand there and watch as my mother sprinted to my father screaming out his name in desperation, tears making their way down even her face.
“Makoto!” Her voice was shaking so badly as she tried to get him to react. She kept jostling his arm in hopes of getting a response. “Makoto! Makoto! Please, Makoto!” I couldn't stop myself from clenching my fists as I listened to her beg for him to force his eyes open. The pain they both must have felt in that moment... I couldn't possibly imagine it. This was the first time anyone aside from my father had seen my mother cry so openly. Her sobbing was hysterical as she ripped her gloves off her hands and pressed two fingers to Dad's neck. She was looking for a pulse. After all, if he wasn't able to show any signs of life himself, she would need to see if there was still something. “There's a pulse, faint, but it's there! His heart's still beating!” She announced through her sobs, taking this opportunity to move his head so he could breathe better. It was all she could really do for him as she continued to plead. “Come on, Makoto, stay with me... Don't worry, baby, I'm right here..."
[From what I could see, this did not really provide him with much comfort at all. In fact, I wasn't sure that he even had any idea why he was lying on the ground anyway. He seemed to only stare up at her with half-lidded eyes, confusion and concern present on his face. For a moment I saw him move his hand up as if to touch his forehead, but my mother quickly swatted it away and told him to just leave it alone. By then I was sure he could probably feel the blood trickling down his face.
"S-Somebody, call for help!" My sister cried from just behind my mother, glancing around the auditorium. "Hurry, we don't have much time!" “The ambulance is on their way, everyone just stay calm!” It was my honorary uncle, Byakuya, who spoke next. He was clutching his cell phone so tightly in his hand that his knuckles had turned white. The students looked skeptical, worried that the attacker might come back for them, but I knew that wouldn't be an issue. There was only one person it could have been, and I saw them rush out of the auditorium moments after the wound was inflicted. ●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●
TRACK: SDR2 OST -1-06- Beautiful Days [Summer Salt]
It seems whenever I meet people who recognize my last names, they always ask me the same question. “So what's it like being the son of Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri?” I mean, they're always expecting me to dish out something about how magical it is being the son of two heroes, but it's not really like that at all. I mean, sure, my parents are probably cool. I just have no idea because I can't see them anything else other than Mom and Dad- the people who brought me in to this world and the people who put up with all of my crap for fourteen years. To me, they're always going to be Mom and Dad. But to everybody else, they're TV stars, legends, or heroes. They're the apple of the public's eye, Japan's most beloved couple, yadda yadda yadda, dumb talk show stuff. They expect to everything and anything about my parents to be glamorous and awesome, and by extension this means most people expect my life to be glamorous and awesome.
I won't lie to you- I am pretty fortunate. I've had a really great life. I've got a roof over my head, food on the table, and a family who loves me dearly. Anything one could really ask for has pretty much been mine throughout my fourteen years of life. But that doesn't necessarily mean that everything about me and my family is the most glorious thing of all. When it comes down to it, my family is not as exciting as those tabloids make us seem. In fact, we're your typical Japanese family... well, as typical as you can get these days, anyway.
Which leads me in to the truth of being their son, and conveniently, the story I'm trying to tell.
I'd say that one of the best things about being Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri's son is waking up to find out that your mother is standing over your bed, watching you sleep. 
If you haven't guessed by now, when I said best, I meant terrifying. Of course, Mom doesn't see it that way, but what can you really do?
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“Gaaaaaah!��� was the closest estimate I'm going to make to what my shriek must have sounded like when I opened my eyes to see my mother looming over the side of my bed. I'm sure on the inside my scream must have scared her half to death, but thanks to the iron mask she'd learned through detective work, she appeared mostly unruffled.
“Oh, s-sorry, Koichi.” Her voice was soft as she spoke to me, her iron mask fading away as she offered me a gentle smile. “I didn't mean to scare you.”
“What were you doing?!” I asked, looking up at her like she was crazy. Aside from her, can you think of any person who deems it normal to watch other people sleep? It's just downright creepy!
 “I came up to tell you that dinner's ready, but when I got upstairs I noticed you were asleep. I was somewhat torn between waking you up and allowing you to continue to rest. You looked so peaceful, and very much like your father.” She answered meekly, tapping her fingers together in a manner that reminded me of my honorary aunt Toko. "You were so cute, I didn't have the heart to wake you."
“I struggle to think of a time where I do not look like Dad,” I replied flatly. Between me and my two sisters, I was the one who looked most like him. We had the same olive green eyes, same light brown hair, same tanned complexion, nearly the same height, and the same button nose and soft cheeks that made us look younger than we were. Pretty much like my parents had tried to clone my dad and it had come out almost perfect. It wasn't uncommon for people to comment on how much we looked alike- especially Mom. You can imagine her joy when I popped out looking just like Dad.
“I suppose that's true. You two make all of the same faces, after all." She laughed softly, offering me her hand so I could more easily climb out of my bed. Judging by the book laying on my chest, I must have fallen asleep while reading again. "Speaking of which, be sure to thank Hope when you get downstairs because I almost had to make dinner tonight. You and your father would be making the same disgusted faces all night if she hadn't.”
As I accepted my mother's assistance, I couldn't help but smile slightly sheepishly. Don't get me wrong, I love Mom to the moon and back, but her cooking is awful. At our house, it fell on Dad to do most of the cooking and baking. Not that he minded, much, but days where Dad had meetings were a nightmare if Hope didn't step in. Mom was... infamous for giving people food poisoning with her cooking. So usually it was best if she just left everything up to Dad and my older sister.
Thankfully, today she'd taken it upon herself to cook for the family as Dad had a meeting to attend. I still think it's kind of silly that they have to have a meeting when school hasn't even started yet, but what do I know? At the very least, the spring meeting meant that Hope would be able to cook. During the school year she tended to get caught up with the Student Council or the cheerleading team, so if she wasn't available for dinner and neither was Dad, we either ordered in or it fell on me to make dinner. Those are the problems with having an overachiever for a sister, I guess.  
“That's... probably true. Although I don't imagine it will taste very good when it's cold. We should get headed downstairs.” I replied, laughing slightly. My mother simply smiled back at me before leading me downstairs to greet my sisters who were putting out the plates and utensils so we could begin.
“Ichi, did you fall asleep again?” I heard my youngest sister call to me from the dinner table, trying to hide the fact that she was giggling. "It's not good to take so many naps, you won't be able to sleep at night!"
I couldn’t help but smile at her. As I mentioned before, Seiko is my youngest sister. She is a whopping six years younger than me, standing at eight years old. She's straight up half my other sister's age! To answer your question, no, my parents did not plan to have her. But it's a darn good thing they did because she is the cutest kid. Even when she was scolding you, you couldn't resist those big violet eyes and chubby cheeks.
“Yeah, I fell asleep again.” I laughed as Mom and I wandered in to the room, knowing it would humour her. “I guess I need to improve my sleeping schedule.”
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“It probably would have been best to start improving it a week ago, Koichi.” Mom scolded me, shaking her head as she placed her hands on her hips. “We'd prefer it if you did not fall asleep during your first day at Hope’s Peak.” “Yeah, you certainly wouldn’t want to end up in the Headmaster’s office,” Hope teased, knowing full well what being sent to the Headmaster’s office would mean for me. At most, a lecture, but still never particularly pleasant. I’d honestly rather be in class, if I were to be perfectly honest. After all, I had worked my butt off just to get in to that school. That’s what happens when you discover you have to take the entrance exams last minute. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bitter with my parents because I didn’t get in. It wasn’t their fault that it happened. In fact they were trying pretty hard to help me, but in the end it was the other staff members that pushed for the other student to be admitted. I had to study for weeks just to pass the entrance exams, and now that I’d gotten my chance I knew I couldn’t let it slip away. So perhaps landing myself in my father's office on the first day was not exactly my greatest ambition during this new school life of mine.
 "Okay, okay, let's just sit down and eat. Seiko looks like she's starving." I prodded softly, pulling out a chair for my mother to sit down in before promptly taking my own seat. (My mother raised a gentleman.) Putting our hands together, we all closed our eyes and began the before-meal ritual that all Japanese families do. Why? What can I say, we're pretty normal. Nothing awesome or glamorous about normal people, is what they used to say.
 We began our meal quite happily, my mother passing around food dishes to my sisters and I to make sure we could all get our fill first before she got her own. Dinner that night was salmon alongside white rice, with a topping of seaweed and sautéed vegetables. For beverages we went with cold barley tea considering it fit so perfectly with the warm spring we were having. Just sitting in front of the food had made me understand why my youngest sister had looked so hungry while my mother and older sister were teasing me. The whole thing smelled and looked delicious, and considering we were already eating dinner late, it was hard to hold off from wanting a taste. Simple or not, the meal looked *so good*.
 "Do you want me to make a plate for Dad?" Hope inquired as she helped Seiko scoop some rice on to her plate. Seiko was definitely old enough to do that sort of thing on her own, but she's the baby of the family so she usually gets extra help no matter what she's capable of.
 "No thank you, you just sit down and enjoy your food. I have no idea when your father will be home, and when he does get home, I can make a plate for him. You have done quite enough, Hope. Thank you." Mom responded with a smile, knowing that any minute now Dad would likely be home. It wasn't like him to carry meetings through dinner- in all honesty he hated carrying meetings any longer than they had to go, but with the first day of school just around the corner, he might have had to stay longer.
 "So, Koichi, you excited about tomorrow or what?" Hope asked me cheerfully, her eyes sparkling with delight as she scooped some rice on to her own plate this time. "It'll be your first day, after all. It's a pretty big deal!"
 "Uh... I dunno, I guess I am. I mean, I know Hope's Peak like the back of my hand, really..." was all I felt I could offer my sister as she passed the rice off to me, "Part of me feels like it won't be too daunting. Maybe back in the day, when the school consisted solely of ultimates, but... Now it's a little bit different."
 "I'm glad to hear you're at ease, Koichi," Mom told me softly, the same pleased expression reigning on her face. "I wouldn't want you to worry too much about it. Everyone at Hope's Peak will take good care of you, obviously including your father, your sister, and myself."
 "I'm so jealous that you get to go to Hope's Peak now! I wish I was going," Seiko commented, putting on a totally fake pout. "But instead I have to go to my stupid school, where they keep telling me that being a detective is no hobby for a young lady..."
 "Don't you listen to them, Seiko. I used to get told just the same thing when I was a girl, and now look at me. We've got a Super High School Level Detective title ready for you, so I wouldn't advise giving up!"
 Seiko's pout transitioned in to a smile as she looked up on Mom. It was comforting to see the way my mother supported my sister and pushed her along, the same way she did with Hope and I. I could still distinctly remember studying for the entrance exams with her, pushing me to just do a little bit more as she was sure that I would be able to do it. It's interesting, I think, how much a mother's love can make you feel as if you can do anything. I'm grateful to have always had that in my life. Sometimes I think it's because my mother didn't really get to have that in her life that brings her to try so hard to take care of us. After all, she hadn't been intending to have three kids but she met my father and suddenly things were different. She used to tell us how she never saw herself getting married or being a mother, not until she met him. When she would say that, I used to wonder if that was how it could be with other things, too. You could never see yourself as one thing until the right people came along.
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It wasn't that I thought that perhaps each human needs another person to complete them, but perhaps everybody needs somebody to love and support them, whether it be romantically or platonically. As humans we all need somebody to push us to be our best, and for Mom that person was Dad. Dad would tell you that for him, that person was Mom. The two of them were yin and yang almost, starting off as best friends and blossoming in to lovers. I couldn't help but wonder if maybe someday I'd find somebody like that.
 I guess that was part of the appeal of Hope's Peak. Just the idea of someday finding people, my people, who would care for me and encourage me to do my best. People beyond the confines of my bloodline and my not-technically-family, people who chose to be with me. My number one goal in going to Hope's Peak was finding those people. If it had happened to my parents when they were young, why not to me?
 For my sisters and I, Hope's Peak was always a symbol of promise and hope for the future. That's why I felt relatively at ease, because I knew that no matter what happened, there would always be hope. That was pretty much an age old lesson in my house, and one that-
 "Koichi? Are you alright?"
 Oh, gosh. I got so absorbed in my thoughts I had clearly missed an integral part of the conversation that we had been having. I tried not to look like I had totally just spaced out, but by that point it was relatively obvious.
 "H-huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm good." I responded awkwardly, glancing over at my mother who was staring at me with a raised eyebrow. Was I making a weird face while I was zoned out, or something?
 "Are you certain? Your father just tried to greet you and you didn't say a word."
 "What?" I asked, turning towards the doorway to the kitchen. What Mom said was in fact true, Dad had since returned home from work and I was too zoned out to even notice that he'd come through the door. Let alone realize he had been speaking to me, jeez! "Oh, hi Dad..." I greeted him awkwardly, feeling my cheeks flush softly.
 "Hi Koichi. Got a lot on the mind today?" He snickered softly, still forgiving as ever.
 "You don't know the half of it... Big day tomorrow, as you know."
 "I think you'll find I understand a little more than you think I do. But yep, it'll definitely be a big day. Exciting for sure, unlike that last meeting, ugh." He sighed, pushing a hand through his light brown hair. I could tell just by the look on his face that it really was that boring as his expression resembled that of the one he has when he's just waking up. I could only pray that he hadn't fallen asleep during that last meeting, considering it had been with the school board. They'd already almost removed him from the position of headmaster once, so sleeping in a meeting would definitely screw with their perception of his professionalism.
 "Not a good one?" My mother inquired, tilting her head to signal that he should come sit down and eat.
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 "I think that was the worst one yet. I very nearly fell asleep, as you weren't there to pinch me every time I started to nod off..." He admitted with a laugh, moving to kiss the side of Hope's head and thank her for making dinner.
She merely murmured her answer as Dad went around and kissed Seiko's head, then mine, and then of course Mom's. The second he did that, she was cracking a smile again. Probably the biggest one I'd seen from her all day.
 "Well, I'm certainly glad I wasn't there, then."
 "Yeah, you probably should be. But at least we're all here together now, and we have some delicious food to eat prepared lovingly by a beautiful young woman whom we all love." Dad teased, making Hope giggle softly as he took his seat across from Mom. "And, of course, we can make a toast with our tea to Koichi's big day tomorrow."
 "Agreed," Mom added, raising her teacup to prepare to clink it against ours. We all began to mimic her, going around the table and clinking our glasses together before taking a sip of the tea.
 "To Koichi's big day!" Dad announced proudly, a phrase that we all repeated after him as he raised his cup in the air triumphantly.
To me, my parents are still my parents. They probably will never be "cool" in my eyes, but I don't think that being cool is all that's important when it comes to them. If there was ever really a way to say that my parents are cool, it would be to say that they're cool because they're loving. They're cool because they're supportive. They're cool because I know they've always got my back if I need them. Sure, the whole fighting against despair thing is pretty cool in itself, but it's that kind of love I feel that best defines being their son.
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antarestyl · 6 years
PTA Sans – The one where there is an PTA meeting. Again.
Azzy got a lot to think about and figure out for himself. School might help. But before that, we have a PTA meeting. Remember when this was about PTA meetings?
Some of the stuff Linda and Sans talk about is a product of some headcanon talking on the Soriel Discord. The people there are really great and were a big reason for me to get to write on this again. *waves at all of them*
Warnings: Talking about human biology stuff, PTA Linda, emotions, Azzy’s issues with Asriel, Toriel, Asgore and Flowey.
AO3 Link
Quiet honestly, Azzy was still trying to figure himself out at this point. But one could argue that every kid is figuring themselves out growing up so going to school with Frisk and the other children would be good for him. After all, he still WAS just a child in a way... he was just a bit death and then soulless for a while.
…maybe he shouldn't ever say that one out loud.
  Anyway, school it was for him and he couldn't be happier. Frisk had told him all kinds of fun things about school. Teachers and lessons and breaks and friends. They also had told him about Toriel who was a great teacher, about Undyne and her soccer practice, about Sans who would sometimes substitute for a science teacher and be super embarrassed about it.
  They told him about sitting outside at good days and watching the rain on bad days. They told him about lunch period and about the cookies and muffins Muffet had delivered for lunch and how that one lady Sans was arguing with often would always look really funny when she looked at the fine baked goods.
  They told him about their family too. About how Mettaton would sometimes pick them up. About how Papyrus would make them lunch sometimes. About how Toriel was their mom and Sans a strange mix between dad and uncle and therefore a dunkle. They told him about Sans taking them to soccer practices, about how happy Sans was looking now-a-days. They told him about Papyrus being really good with magic and in charge of safety when they were together with Undyne. They told him about Asgore too, how awkward it was sometimes between him and Sans and Toriel but also that they tried their best, that they were friends again.
  Honestly, all of this made Azzy's head spin but in the best possible way.
  A lot of that stuff was stuff he kinda knew as Flowey already or had been told by Toriel and Asgore. The first conversation between all three of them was... really strange to be honest. Strange and very uncomfortable.
  Azzy still felt a strange mix of regret and happiness and sadness thinking of the conversation.
  Seeing Toriel for the first time as Azzy was hard. He had all of Asriel's memories after all, remembering calling her mom and cuddling to her soft fur, eating her pie and helping getting snails from the garden.
  He remembered loving her, feeling comfort just looking at her, feeling safe and cared for and warm.
  The feeling was missing.
  It was not “nothing”, like being Flowey but the total certainty of love and comfort was just missing. Oh, he still liked her, he still would trust her with his well-being, but she just... was not his mother. Not a part of his new soul.
  That didn't mean it couldn't be anymore, of course. Azzy was sure that he could learn to love her like a mother again. It would take time and patience and would require making new memories for himself and to separate them from Asriels memories and feelings, but it could be done. Still, Azzy was more than a bit disturbed by his own feelings when first seeing her and the conversation after that was not helping that much.
  Toriel hadn't cried. Her eyes got watery but she didn't cry. She did hug him tightly, even after Azzy gently told her that he wasn't her Asriel anymore, that Asriel had died a long time ago.
  “I know.” she had said. “I know. A mother feels when her baby is gone. But let me pretend for a moment?”
  And Azzy didn't had the heart to deny her that. He whispered to her that Asriel still loved her, that he had loved her all the time and that he had been sorry to worry her so much. It seemed to be the right thing to do.
She had held him a good while, while Asgore was silent during the whole thing. Azzy kinda was glad that they had sent Sans, Frisk, Papyrus and the others outside after the initial explanation was finished.
  The hug ended finally and well, they all knew about the giant elephant in the room.
  “So... you are not Asriel,” was the first Toriel said after she dried her eyes off a bit. “so who are you now?”
  “I... honestly don't know yet.” Azzy said, looking at his leave-like pawns. “Frisk gave me the name Azzy. I am a new soul with Asriels and Floweys memories. Everything else... I gotta figure out now.”
  “That is a really mature answer.” said Toriel and Azzy just could nod at that. “And I thank you for telling me.”
  “... I am not your son anymore.” said Azzy quietly, better to do it now than later. “Asgore was involved into making this new soul for me but he isn't “dad” as I knew him as Asriel too. He is different and you are different and... and I am really different. You should know that.”
  Toriel nodded. “What do you want to do now?” she asked. “We could still be your parents...”
“I... want to stay with Asgore for a while.” whispered Azzy. “At least for now.”
  “Why?” asked Toriel, not able to keep the hurt completely out of her voice. Azzy didn't know if it hit him more to know that she was hurt or that she was unable to hide it.
  “... it's nothing against you.” he tried to explain. “I still got all the memories of Asriel and he loved you and you were his mother and... and it just feels wrong in the moment.” He paused, struggling to put all of this into words. “The emotions just aren't the same now and it kinda feels like I am stealing you from this... memory of Asriel. With Asgore it would be easier in the beginning because I can feel his love that was part of creating this soul but... yeah. I need time for anything else.
Also... sorry but you live together with Sans. I... I got nothing against him now but... I did a lot of very bad things to him. And he to me to stop me. Uhm... don't hold that last part against him, I pushed and pushed at him until he snapped and at that time I really thought it didn't matter at all what I did but that is no excuse. He does remember a bit of the stuff and I nearly all of it and... it would be really bad if we would live under the same roof now.” he looked down, unable to look at Toriel. “I just... want to figure some things out for now. Live a life on my own. Be Azzy. Until I am good enough to... you know, apologize and make up for it. To you too.”
  “... will you let me visit you?” asked Toriel softly.
  “... of course.” said Azzy, smiling. “I am just not living here but... I want to get to know you again. All of you, it that is okay.” “Well... then there is nothing more I can say on that matter.” said Toriel. “I am very proud of you... Azzy.” She looked up to Asgore, a lot of unspoken things still between them. “Tell me if you need anything.” she said to him, voice gentle and soft and for the first time since they sat down that day, Asgore smiled a bit. “I will. Thank you Toriel.”
  “No, thank you Asgore.” she said. “Take good care of your son.”
      Asgore and Toriel told him a lot of stuff too, but that was more serious. They told him about education, about human-monster interactions and how Frisk somehow managed to make the humans not fear the monster. They talked about how happy everybody was, how hopeful.
  Toriel, with a wink, told him that more little monster souls were formed in the few years they were up here than in the last ten years down there. The new Hope the monster were feeling did all of them good.
  The humans seem to be really interested in keeping things peaceful for the most part and Frisk kept working hard to keep up the good relationship between monster and humans.
  It all sounded like a dream. Sure, Azzy, as Flowey, had had the chance to learn some stuff while he was with Grillby and the two other flame elementals and their happiness sure was obvious. But to think that it really was this good? It was so strange. Weird even. But also nice.
  Still, he felt a kind of awe when he looked at the school where Frisk was dragging him too, their hand holding his little paw tightly.
  One more bonus of walking on two legs, apparently: he was able to hold hands. That was nice. Really nice. Frisk turned to him, grinned as if they could read his mind, and winked.
  “Gaaaaaah!” made Azzy (really smooth there, boy, he thought to himself just a moment later), blushing with a deep purple and Frisk laughed in their airy high-pitched giggle.
  “Welp, looks like you kiddos have fun.” said Sans, waiting for them at the school. Azzy huffed a bit. It was so unfair that Sans could teleport. He was still behind them with Toriel when they started walking! And now he saw Azzy being all flustered. Unfair. All of it.
  Sans laughed when he noticed Azzy's glare at him.
  “Awwww come on, lil' lion.” he said, winking too. “You gotta work on your roar but it was a pretty nice effort already.”
  Azzy huffed. Frisk laughed again and Toriel put her big paws on both of their shoulders.
  “Alright, my children. Let's go inside.” she said smiling and Azzy was still kinda conflicted about being called “my child” by Toriel. But he still nodded and followed Frisk inside.
  “... I now kinda wish my dad was here too.” Azzy mumbled to Frisk and Frisk finally let go of his hand to sign.
  “He would have come but there was an emergency he had to attend, remember?”
  “Yeah, I know.” mumbled Azzy.
  “And you still got me and Sans and mom here... well... mom has to go to some stuff before but she'll be there after a bit too!”, Frisk signed out happily and almost too fast to follow for Azzy.
  “Uh... okay?”
  “Don't worry, Azzy. It's going to be alright.”
  And Azzy... well... he believed them.
      Sans sighed a bit when he dropped down on his seat, Frisk and Azzy beside him. PTA meeting. Again. To give a very very abridged and human-friendly explanation of Azzy and how he would join the school next week.
  Sans really wished that Toriel was here but she had a meeting with another class she had to attend to so there was nothing he could do.
  Maybe he could stall a bit? There were other things on the agenda...
  “Woah, Sans! Nice to meet you again!”
  Sans looked up and smiled a bit when he saw Steven and Pia standing in front of them, both of them grinning brightly.
  “Hey guys.” Sans greeted them. “How is it going?”
  “Fine, fine... it was boring without you.” said Pia. “Like, really. Uhm... it's nice to see you back.”
  “You brought your kids?”, asked Steven, looking to Frisk and Azzy. “Hi there.”
  Frisk giggled and waved and Azzy frowned a bit.
  “I am not his kid.”
  “Ah.. sorry...?”, said Steven slowly.
  “It's complicated.” said Sans slowly. “I uhm... will explain later. Azzy here is Asgore's kid.”
  “Ah, well... uhm... welcome?” Steven really looked a bit uncomfortable now and Azzy waved a bit at him.
  “It's alright.” he mumbled, shaking his head to shake his pedals out a bit.
  “Well... okay.” mumbled Steven before turning to Sans. “So... anyway, it's really nice to have you back. Linda and the strange Mrs. Smith is driving everybody nuts.”
  “Who is Mrs. Smith?”, asked Azzy.
  “Somebody who is inspecting the school.” explained Sans. “I don't know her but Papyrus and Toriel told me about her.”
  “Well, Mom's school is great so everything is fine, right?”, signed Frisk.
  “Heh... of course, kiddo.” said Sans, petting over Frisk's head. “It's all right, you'll see.”
    And things were pretty good at first. Linda was there, yeah, and she was her irritating self but it was more like comfort than grievance at this point. Like after facing his past, bringing back a dead monster prince and having several serious breakdowns in the last weeks... Linda was kinda that kind of problem Sans could smile at.
  Nothing like some heavy breakdowns to shift the world perspective back to where it should be huh?
  So Sans stepped into the heated discussion going on right now with a big smile on his face.
  “Linda, there is something I don't understand...” he begun and Linda rolled her eyes at him.
  “Oh look at this, the skeleton doesn't understand something.”
  “Hey, despite having no brain, I got some PhDs.” chuckled Sans and knocked on his head. “This numskull here understands a lot more than SOME people with a brain.”
  Linda was actually growling at him while Steven and Pia giggled softly. Sans could see Frisk leaning over to Asriel (no, Azzy, scolded Sans himself. He should respect that name-change!) out of the corner of his eyes, signing something a bit too quick for him to understand.
  “What are you going on about then?”, huffed Linda.
  “I don't understand what the issue with the biology lessons is now.”
  “What is there not to understand?”, huffed Linda, crossing her arms. “Children shouldn't be subjected to... to you know, THIS kind of human biology.”
  Sans blinked at Linda. Linda started back.
  “Uh... I really don't understand.” he said slowly. “Are we talking about pooping or something? I mean I know humans don't like talking about it but come on, they gotta learn how food gets processed and it's kinda new stuff for monsters because we don't have that whole squishy stuff going on inside us.”
  Pia was now openly giggling and even Frisk couldn't suppress a small laugh,
  “It's the same about the toilet thing, honestly, I still don't get that either.” continued Sans, smirking a bit but still playing the fool. “I mean for something you don't like talking about you make an awful lot of noise about this...”
  “THIS IS NOT ABOUT POOPING!”, screamed Linda finally, prompting everybody in the room to break down with laughter. “URGH, we can never discuss anything of importance here!”, continued Linda, raising her voice so she could still shout over the still-laughing crowd.
  “Well, it was kinda important for monsters to know what the bathroom is for humans, you know.” said Sans, winking. “There would have been so many misunderstandings and hilarious incidents ...”
  “Nah.” said Sans, winking. “I thought we were having a serious conversation here?”
  Sans fake-gasped. “Linda! Not in front of the children! Think of the children!”
  Linda made a strangled-sounding noise of pure rage and Sans saw several dollar bills change owners.
  Yes, it was good to be back.
  It took some time until everybody had calmed down so Sans could talk again.
  “But seriously, what is the issue with that?”
  “Well, it's unnecessary, especially for children so young. It will corrupt them!”
  “Uhm... aren't you a parent?”, asked Sans, blinking.
  “Yes?”, huffed Linda. “What does that have to do with...”
  “Shouldn't you, like, talk to your kid from time to time about that stuff too?”
  “I mean, do you want them to live in a bubble? You humans are obsessed with that kind of thing, or at least it seems to me like this.” said Sans with a shrug. “I mean they will learn about it someday, Why not get facts and stuff before they learn from anywhere else? I mean, I DID look through the Internet from time to time and as much as I don't have a clue about human biology, some of the stuff there doesn't seem to be even do-able...”
  “W- would you shut up about his?”, hissed Linda, face still in a deep red shade. “They shouldn't be taught this is school yet! They are way too young!”, hissed Linda.
  “Linda, we are talking basic sex ed in their sixth grade.” huffed Sans. “There are kids that go through this weird puberty thing you humans have at that time. They have to learn somehow, at some time in some way.”
  “You want to teach them about sex!”
  “...did you even READ the thing?”, asked Sans confused. “They are not getting taught about this sex thing, they are getting taught about your biology and sex kinda is a part of that.”
“It will encourage them to... to DO stuff!”
  “We teach them about war in history and I don't see them fighting and about the moon landing and you don't see any of them building rockets.” huffed Sans. “They are kids, they still think of each other as icky.”
  “So it's way to early.”
  “What, about the messy stuff?”, asked Sans. “Yeah maybe, but we are not teaching that. We are teaching that humans are mammals and how they reproduce. Like, knowing what bit is called what, the use of it, some health stuff... and yeah, what this sex thing is and what it's good for. They need to know the basics so we can build up on that when they are a bit older. But they should at least understand where human babies come from.” He frowned a bit. “Honestly, what DO you do when one of your kids get a sibling?”
  “It still should be in the hands of the parents.” huffed Linda.
“Yeah, so, when do you plan on telling and teaching that stuff to your son?"
  “NOT NOW!”
  “Thought so.” huffed Sans. “But look, this is not about... your strange hang-ups about this kind of thing. They need to know some basic things. And it's important for monsters too. We just... don't GET all of this but maybe this way we at least understand why you humans are all so weird about some stuff and not about other stuff. We teach magic and the science of souls after all too.”
  “That... urgh...” huffed Linda.
  “It really would clear up so many misunderstandings.”said Sans, winking. “I mean, just a few months before you all up in my face because of that one class I taught...”
  “You were taking off your shirt in class!”
  “Yeah, to show the kids how ribs are connected to the sternum...”
“That is super indecent.”
“... Linda, I repeat what I said the last time, I am all bones. There is literally nothing here. I am not just a human in a costume.”
  “It is still indecent!”
  “Well, and that is why we have to learn it, because none of us Monsters can understand stuff like that otherwise. And in an inclusive school like this, we gotta work together, right?”
  “What are they talking about?”, whispered Azzy to Frisk who grinned and giggled at the dialog.
  “Mom tricked Sans into being a substitute teacher. He did it a few times since then. Last time he was supposed to teach the bones of a human to the kids and used himself as a display. He always gets a weird look when he looks at the display skeleton that is meant for that stuff.” Frisk signed almost too fast for Azzy but he got the gist of it and giggled.
  “And why is that human lady so against that?”
  “Many humans insist very much on clothes. It's all still a work in progress. And Sans and Linda are always going against each other.” Frisk pointed at Steven and Pia. “Those two sometimes bring popcorn.”
  “Nice.” chuckled Azzy.
  “If you really are so against it, you can take it to the school committee I guess...” said Sans finally and shrugged, the topic getting obviously stale for him.
  “I demand that we take a vote.” hissed Linda. “Everybody in favor to demand leaving the sex ed out of sixth class raise their hand.”
  Some of the monster parents that didn't have hands looked at Linda a bit flatly but even the humans hesitated. There were a few raised hands but mostly the others seemed to be in favor of keeping the biology lessons as they are.
  “Well I think that settles then.” chuckled Sans.
  Frisk and Azzy also giggled softly at Lindas face who now looked like something nasty was passing through her stomach.
  “And after all of THAT stuff... how about something better, huh?” chuckled Sans and pointed to Azzy. “Azzy here will be a new student in Frisk's class.”
  “H...hey!” squealed Azzy, a bit overwhelmed when suddenly all eyes turned to him. “Uh... yeah, I'll start... school soon.”
  “Hey there.” said Pia, waving while Steven smiled nicely at him. Linda looked like she wanted to say something but a look from Sans brought her back to silence. Finally she just huffed.
  “If Mrs. Smith comes to grill your behind, fine.” she spat out. “I'll keeping it in the protocol that I protested.”
  “Yeah. Sure.” said Sans, waving with his hand. “You do yours.”
  The rest of the meeting was pretty mellow all things considered. Azzy was kinda bored but it WAS interesting to learn about stuff that went on in the school behind the scenes.
  In the end, Toriel came to the meeting too, explaining some changes that will happen around the school. A new indoor swimming pool would be built soon so they could offer swimming lessons for humans and monsters alike. Undyne apparently was very happy about that. There were some minor things too like that the cafeteria menu will be mostly monster food now because it seemed like humans didn't get harmed by it and it didn't trigger any allergies in general. A few teachers would leave, new teachers and staff would come and Toriel also announced that Mrs. Smith would continue her inspection of the school for the next weeks still.
  “Why does the inspection take so long?” mumbled Azzy.
  “Mom said it's because we are the first monster-human-school... they want to be really sure everything is going well. But it is and will be and then there will be lots of schools like this.” signed Frisk with a nod and a spark of determination in their eyes. Azzy just smiled and shrugged.
  Most likely, this won't concern him too much.
      When the meeting was finally over, Toriel drove him home again. Azzy felt a bit awkward saying goodbye to Toriel but decided on a small hug and a “thank you” before running to Asgore.
  “Hey, hey, son.”chuckled Asgore as he caught Azzy with his arms. “How was your day?”
  “It... it was great.” said Azzy. “... dad.”
                In the void there was life. A soul-beat and magic crackling around an almost finished soul, glowing brightly in the otherwise endless darkness. There were thoughts and emotions and abstract concepts.
  Where am I?
  Who am I?
  Why am I alone?
  My name is... my name is..
  I want.
  I need...
  I want to go home...
  Not yet, not yet.
  They knew they were almost there. Just a little bit more. The memory of somebody needing them, somebody calling for them kept them going. Just a bit more, just a bit more.
  Another piece clicked into place. Just a tiny bit longer.
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My thoughts on GoT S07E06: A summary in (more or less) chronological order
Poor Gendry, nobody cares about him. Especially the writers or else he wouldn’t have been rowing for a hundred years.
“And your children after you” Gaaaaaah! If only Bran had arrived earlier
Arya, don’t. Just don’t. What are you, 12 again?
Of course Jon would understand. *.* Now stop making my baby suffer. She deserves to get along with her sister, just for once.
Jon, the Lord of Light wants you alive because you’re a nice piece of ass. That’s it.
Tyrion, don’t. He doesn’t stare. Not even once. I have the receipts. (I am now aware Jon did stare towards the end of the episode)
I bet all of you that already watched the leaked ep are shaking your heads as I grab all the hope I can like a fool.
You bet the son didn’t need to die!
The scene with the undead bear in the snow is just like watching encoded porn in the early 2000s.
Can we establish that Tormund is Gimli. Except taller and redder. (and as @teamtormund kindly pointed out, yes, that would make Brienne Legolas)
I swear I could hear the fellowship theme as they charged over the Walkers. Except if Tolkien had written this only Sean Bean would have died.
Don’t send Gendry away. Now I can’t have jondry either? What are you doing with my ships this season?
Poor Dadvos. You leave your children alone for half an episode and everything runs havoc.
What’s this thing with Jon Snow being surrounded by his enemies and needing a woman to save his sorry fine ass?
Sansa is with us! She wants Jaime x Brienne to happen just as much as us! (I am now aware it’s Braime)
Do they have email in Westeros now? How fast do this people travel?
THATS’S how you use your dragons, Dany!
So a reckless guy makes you lose one of your children and you are telling me you are going to bang him. Okay…
OH THANK GOD HE ISN’T DEAD! My heart stopped
Uncle Benjen! 7 seasons too late, though.
If jonsa *is* endgame I suppose we’ll all have to thank D@ny. Just a little bit.
There’s a boat. There’s a bed. There’s Jon Snow half naked. I DON’T LIKE IT!
Half-naked Jon Snow. Cut to Sansa Stark. And here I am, hoping like a fool.
WTF is wrong with Arya? Didn’t D&D ever get siblings or what? Like my little sister and I fought all the time growing up but I’m pretty sure we would murder FOR one another now.
Sansa now has the dagger. Whaaaaaat? 😱😱😱
NO. NO. NO. You take off those puppy eyes. Right now. I’m telling you.
Oh, so now you make me believe it. No. No. I don’t want it. Put it back. Put it the hell back!
I’m just gonna ignore this “my queen” bs, okay? Total Denial mode on
Ice Dragons!
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nessackerman · 7 years
Request-> RFA + Old fashioned MC
Okaaay so, I had a hard time with this at the end, uhm... like, I had it clear in my mind but struggled to put it to words? But despite this little inconvenience I had lots of fun doing it! :3
Gaaaaaah, I’ve been having a lot of ideas lately and I’m writing all of them down so when I have more time I can fully write them! I’m so excited about this blog!!! asjdkfsjkdf
Okay, that was off topic, no more talking, here you have~ ❤  
-He may have felt a little intimidated at first, like:
"OMG, she's really mature and polite and I'm just a dork, I really don't deserve her, she's gonna get bored of my donkey ass, omg I'm screwd~"
-So he would have a difficult time adjusting to this kind of classy/old fashioned MC.
-He would often ask himself, and sometimes he would ask you too, how did you fell for him when you had someone like Jumin, who's more gentleman like, more... like you?
-You would nudge him in the ribs and dedicate him an angry look like: "You dare say that again, you stupid young ass, and I'll punch you right in the face" and he would be scared af, like: "Oh dear Jesus... that wasn't so lady like, huh~"  You would bit your cheeks to contain the laugh "I'm mad, I'm mad, don't let him know that was funny, ugh"
-Then he would start pouting and you'd sigh and then you'd cup his cheeks with your hands and you'd give him a peck in his lips and then you'd tell him: "Babe, there's no one like you, and I ONLY want you, I love you for who you are just like you love me for who I am, isn't it?”
-Then he would smile with teary eyes and kiss you again, thanking God for letting him know you. 
-Time schedules would be the worst part of the relationship if this MC is someone with a regular sleeping routine, because he's a mess and we all know that.
-Once he's used to it he would joke around about it.
-A LOT. And OH SURPRISE, you're a little dork yourself, you'll fight him with more puns and smart comebacks. 
-I imagine him one day buying a cane and a monocle to wear on a date to make a little fun of your grandma attitude, you'll laugh too because he's a dork.
-Let's admite it, you love him too much to get mad at him, but you'll get sure to fight him with his own weapon.
-Brace yourselfs for the puns between you two.
-He wouldn't find anything strange at first, you're just a very polite girl, isn't it?
-Maybe sometimes he would find this a little weird when you're acting like that with him too in the intimacy of his penthouse, like maybe you would call him Mr. Han and he would be like: What...?
-But he would get used to it pretty fast, and he would let you know when you're being TOO MUCH of a grandma. 
-He has an organized lifestyle so if MC is this serious with her sleeping and eating routine he wouldn't mind at all, he would feel at rest knowing you're taking care of yourself. 
-But he would enjoy you being such a good lady for daddy~ huhuhuhu (͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)
-This poor puppy would be confused af.
-He would even feel uncomfortable at first with all that politeness and grandma attitude, he would be the one having the hardest time with this mc.
-He would feel like an immature baby when he's by your side, like Seven, he would ask you why are you with someone like him when you could have someone like Jumin, like: "You're so mature and beautiful, what could I have to offer you? I'm not manly enough for you..."
-You would stomp him in the head and you'd take the time to explain everything you like about him: His kindness, his cheerful smile, the way his eyes sparkle when he's happy, the way he treats you like you're made of silk and honey and crystal. 
-He would turn bright red and he would hug you and kiss you gently and he would promise you to be your knight in shining armor forever.
-More or less like Jumin, she would be fine with it at first.
-She would ask you to be more colloquial when you two are alone.
-She wouldn't like to feel like she has to be this correct and polite outside the office too.
-Nonetheless she would love your classy and modest way of dressing, and the aura of matureness that you have all around you.
-She would envy the way you have everything so well scheduled and you get to have your eight hours of sleep every day even though you work so hard.
-She would absolutely love to hang around with you and have long talks with you about everything, you're beautiful, intelligent and mature, she's so comfortable with you...
-But you two might have to spice up things a little from time to time if you don't want to end up on a boring routine.
-He would be a little confused at first but he would adapt himself to your "grandma attitude" pretty fast.
-You're his princess so he would act like the prince he is,  he would be the greatest gentleman of all most of the time when you two are in public, with friends or with your family.
-Like: May I grab your hand my princess?~  You would nod and smile and your cheeks would turn a little red and he would be like: So cuuuuuuuuuute, gah ~
-But he would have a hard time if you're too polite with him when you two are alone, he would expect a little bit of wildness in certain aspects (if you know what I mean) of your relationship.
-He wouldn't have to worry about you being sexy outside home because of your old fashioned style, he would fall to the ground if one day he finds you're wearing sexy lingerie behind your classy black dress  (͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)
I really hope you like this Asahi! Like I said it was a little hard at first but then I had lots of fun doing it, I couldn’t contain my smile while writing it!! I made Seven’s headcanon longer because, what can I say... he’s... so... *winks* (͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)
That’s it, feel free all of you to request (please request PLEASE) and leave a comment or whatever you want! I’m always so happy when you comment or reblog or like my posts...!!! I can’t thank you all enough for this ❤
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sexysilverstrider · 7 years
Please give me some Frewi headcanons! I need something of them! You made me love them, and now I am so thirsty for some of my new otp.
gaaaaaah i wanna think n type more but…the assignm is killing me….SO heres a fanfic idea tht god knws when ill finish pft OK LISTEN
considering that nah is the last kid to recruit, frederick often wonders if he has kids of his own every time he sees the future children. sometimes it bothers him a little  coz he gets thoughts like ‘do nowi and i not have children??’ ‘am i that busy to even start a family??’ ‘did…did my future self not want a family??’ coz he knows nowi wants children n fred begins to doubt himself. he wants to ask luci or the other kids but hes too scared or embarrassed.
at times he’ll distract himself with some training or chrom/lissa focusing but his attitude mellows down to a point where chrom can see the change of attitude.
so chrom confronts fred. sadly fred just denies politely so chrom goes to the next best thing: nowi.
after asking nowi n all, one night nowi asks freds whats wrong. in the end fred confesses coz gods forbid his smol precious wife is too cute n stubborn. he confesses tht hes wondering if they have kids of their own coz HE wants one of their own plus hes afraid he couldnt give nowi what she wants n idk future nowi might be sad coz of it and nowis just.
she laughs n freds so shocked coz ‘my love why are u laughing?’
nowi just cups his face n kisses a very stunned husbands face. after all that little pecks nowi hugs him n happily says ‘thats why youre all sad? oh you silly freddy bear! i married u not because i want kids - well not JUST because of that. but its because i love you, you silly! of course i want children and a family. but for now,’ nowi kinda leans back n smiles her smile tht makes fred all dumb ‘ youre my family.’
fred cries n nowi wanted to cry to but laughs n kisses n the next thing he knew all he could hear was nowis sweet ‘besides, that doesnt mean we need to stop trying to make another family~’ before fred has a say in anything there was kissing n purring n boy tht night was filled with moans
the next day they went into the haunted house nah was in and a few hours later nowis crying nahs crying freds bawling so much he giving his smol dragon babies a huge bear hug n thanking naga as if the divine dragons standing right before him :3c
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tj-teejay · 6 years
Live blogging “2001: A Space Odyssey”
What is this, an ape documentary?
I can’t even.
Is there gonna be any dialogue in this movie?
Yet, I am strangely fascinated.
Ten minutes of objects flying through space. Still no dialogue. Fuck me.
At least there are humans now, so there’s hope for spoken words, I guess.
Classical music intensifies.
OMG, someone’s talking!
Awkward 60’s attire.
Awkward 60’s design choices.
Hey, they have Space Skype!
Awkward 60’s hair.
Clumsy dialogue is clumsy.
Awkward bulbous head dresses.
Awkward zero G walking.
Classical music intensifies.
Okay, that took for-fucking-ever to get on with it.
Oh, Jesus fucking Christ, more endless space travel sequences.
Awkward space MREs.
Awkward silver space spandex.
Disjointed choir music intensifies.
Awkward wall jogging. Between pods with space mummies.
Awkward 90° camera angle.
Awkward space tanning.
A-ha, artificial intelligence computer. I sense mischief ahead.
More endless spaceship sequences with heavy breathing. Kill me now.
Red spaceman repairs broken space equipment for minutes on end. yawn
A-ha! AI is lying.
AI is an arsehole.
AI is contrary and still an arsehole .
Intermission. WTF?
Black screen. Music intensifies. I am not impressed.
Endless space sequence with heavy breathing. Gaaaaaah
Yellow spaceman floats through space.
Oops, AI kills yellow spaceman. Whoopsydaisy.
Intermittent repeating shots of dead yellow spaceman floating away.
Monotone beeping intensifies.
Awkward attempt to recapture dead spaceman.
Fifteen second shot of space mummy in suspended animation pod. Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?
AI kills space mummies. Whoopsydaisy.
AI can read fucking lips. AI is a super arsehole .
Spaceman Dave is screwed. Basically.
Spaceman Dave is screaming on the inside.
Ur screwed m8
Spaceman Dave attempts superhero manoeuver.
Superhero manoeuver takes ten minutes. Whyyyyyyyyyy?
Every single step of superhero manoeuver with super fucking annoying sound effects. More heavy breathing. Smug AI is not amused.
AI clumsily bargains for life. Zero fucks given by Spaceman Dave.
Awkward AI singing awkward daisy song.
Awkward choir music intensifies. Black monolith bricks floating thorough space.
Minutes of planetary imagery. Whyyyyyyy?
Black space bricks. Whyyyyyyy?
Spaceman Dave is caught in a wave of psychedelic warp travel. What is happening????
Psychedelic warp travel lasts for minutes. I want to poke my eyes with sharp sticks.
Warp travel turns into colorful space fog.
Valid question: Was the DP on LSD?
Squeaky, discordant music makes me want to poke sharp sticks into my ears.
“Guys, we have fifteen minutes of screen time left to fill, but we can’t think of any plot.” “Oh, hey, I have an idea!” fifteen minutes of psychedelic colour swirls with terrible music
Is this gonna loop back to the apes in any way at all?
Still with the colour overload. Whyyyyyyy?
Tempted to fast forward.
Really tempted.
Heavy breathing in odd 18th century space castle interior. They’re losing me.
I can’t even with this movie.
Set designer was also on LSD.
Spaceman Dave aged by forty years.
Wilson Fisk eats scrambled eggs from behind.
No, wait, Space Fisk has hair and is not as bulky.
I’m confused.
Black space brick is there.
Classical music intensifies to space baby floating around.
Credits roll.
0 notes
prinnyalexis · 6 years
Tumblr media
Does anyone even read these things lol? Long time not posting 😂 This human right here. He is my world, my everything! I never truly knew what love was, until I had the pleasure of meeting him. He’s changed me as a person, he’s saved me from myself. Although a long road ahead, I’m truly on the road to recovery. He is the best thing to ever happen to me, and I honestly wish on anyone they find their right person. I don’t get to see him daily, but it makes us stronger. I’m so proud to call him my boyfriend, he overcomes his own troubles and we still make it through the tough times. I will never understand what I’ve done to deserve him. But sure as hell will I never be letting him go. Gaaaaaah unexplainable how I feel towards him! Started the year with some shit news about myself, and even though I never had the worst outcome of what I could have had, but finding out I potentially lost our baby has broken me. And I’ll never be able to forgive myself or my disorder for letting it happen. Can only look to the future to what life will bring us, and when it’s right to have our little family. I can’t wait to move in with him when he’s back based where we live (my beautiful boy is a sailor) Recovery will always be worth it, to those who read this, and I hope you find someone who helps you along the way just like I did 💋
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