xerith-42 · 27 days
Guys when I say Aaron and Blaze are friendly but also rivals I mean that they're best friends but they threaten each other all the time. Every conversation has a chance for them to end it by saying "I hope a great curse befalls your family!" Followed by "YOUR CROPS ARE POORLY MAINTAINED AND YOUR HARVESTS WILL BE WORTHLESS!!"
They love each other. They will just pretend to punch each other and even follow through on it sometimes. Every now and then one of them just tackles the other onto a mattress and they spend the next five minutes wrestling. The phrases "I hate you" and "Go fuck yourself" are terms of endearment. They could live together. The house might catch on fire while they're trying to make some new masterpiece desert in the toaster oven. But they might also inexplicably become 5 star chefs by complete accident just by being near each other.
They're on a permanent hiatus from playing slug bug and all it's other variants because they'd still punch each other even if the driver was doing dangerous speeds and maneuvers, and sometimes Aaron forgot to pull his punched and actually pissed Blaze off. They make each other worse and encourage the other to do dumb things. They make each other better because they know how to be brutally honest enough to inspire real change and growth in one another.
If you asked either one for their opinion on the other the answer could be "I love that guy." or "I am going to drive my car through his window as fast as physically possible." and more often than not both at the same time.
Besties for life
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
A tiny riventrix drabble I couldn’t get out of my mind: and berries and secrets and dreams
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ronanlynchbf · 10 months
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fandom-geek · 10 months
i think the thing that really gets me about pre-canon durge is their absolute sense of duty, and their utter isolation outside of the cult of bhaal.
most of the cultists seem eager to see durge upon their return, and one even says they were the first to feed him flesh. gortash tells them of an exhibition of a bhaalspawn's corpse and another bhaalspawn's creations and durge immediately plans to attack the hall of wonder to recover them. they then apparently entrust said bhaalspawn's corpse to sceleritas fel to "restore" through taxidermy. they deride orin for her artistry with corpses explicitly because "bhaal will never care" and because orin "[does] not understand lord bhaal".
even their infamous prayer for forgiveness is framed around their absolute submission to bhaal's plans, and the crime that requires forgiveness? admiring his rival's chosen. that's one line, and the next three paragraphs are swearing to carry out his plan exactly as they've been told to, all for his forgiveness.
hell, even their room reinforces this. orin has barely touched the place aside from installing her mother's corpse and her manifesto - and that is some of the only decoration. what was it before orin, an empty room with skulls, a bed, a desk, some chests and a wardrobe?
the durge didn't have any semblance of a life outside of bhaal, aside from gortash. and is it any surprise? the only other hint they ever had a life outside of the cult is the flashback of kid durge murdering their adopted family, all thanks to their father's urging.
bhaal even tries to force them back into isolation after they've been tadpoled by forcing them to kill alfira, and then trying to force a durge who resists him to kill their lover. if they continue resisting, bhaal kills them. bhaal will not allow them to have a life outside of him and, if it weren't for jergal, he would've succeeded.
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scalpho · 10 months
it still baffles me that for the sci-fi comedy zac came barelling in with a cerebro-slug infiltrating the brain of an ex-military man whose memory was wiped by his commanding officer after he was ordered to secretly dump dead bodies, all of which with exploded heads, and also the slug is the slug prince and the slugs have taken over the bodies of billions of people in an attempt to conquer the galaxy and his slug father is responsible for the deaths of all the brothers of one of his friends and crewmates. and then for the actual horror season his character pitch was "i'm a little kitty cat. i'm little and small"
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soaked-ghost · 13 days
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hatred for someone you've never met (they wear your face and bear your name, and they do everything better than you)
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harundraws · 6 months
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so there's a fun new art meme going around....... OR what should've happened at that class reunion hotel rendezvous!! i thought drawing our favorite couple for it from the insane but delicious fanfic 'flirting with the line (and then i crossed it)' by @novelconcepts would be a fun thing to do!
👉🏼the link to novelconcepts’ post to the fic ✨
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royalarchivist · 1 day
Richarlyson: You're skinny sir, are you eating well these days?
Pac: Not really. To tell you the truth, I've been eating... I stole, together with my son, we stole some cupcakes from the Federation. I ate some, but I know chocolate isn't the best thing to eat, right?
Richarlyson: 12 kilos D:
Pac: 12 kilos?!? No– what? My god. My god... Am I malnourished, Doctovo? Am I- Am I malnourished?
Richarlyson: You weigh less than a pitbull, sir.
Pac: Less than the singer? Damn... [Laughs]
Richarlyson: [Hits Pac]
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danlous · 2 years
We lucked out so good with Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid i still can't believe it. They brought in Grey Worm from GoT and pulled out some guy from australian hinterlands or wherever they've been keeping him, neither of them being what most fans originally had in mind. And then Jacob so vividly brought alive a character that has never been done justice and Sam just got straight up possessed by Lestat. AND they proceeded to have literally one of the most mind-alteringly good chemistries between onscreen couples ever in history. Making me fully buy into the characters' tortured gothic romance and feel like they're always seconds away from rawdogging each other. I would say they were raised in a lab but this is magic and fate in action i'm serious
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Seeing people say that we never see the Doctor and Ruby talking for more than 30 seconds makes me think 73 Yards and Dot and Bubble has just clouded their memories because the first four episodes of this era are almost nothing but the Doctor and Ruby talking and bonding.
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Yeah, the Doctor-lite episodes meant we haven't had as much lately, but so many are going on as there's been none at all, as if every episode before 73 Yards was like Rogue where they were mostly separated in their own plotlines.
#doctor who#dw#fifteenth doctor#ruby sunday#ncuti gatwa#millie gibson#and don't get me started on the tardis bookends discourse#that argument lost all credibility when the same people insisted the ending of rogue be moved to the tardis#for no reason other than they wanted it in the tardis#it was exactly the type of scene they said the season was lacking#but didn't count because it wasn't in the tardis#same as with boom#one of the reasons they don't do tardis scenes at the start and end of every episode is because they get rather repetative#if you started rogue with the doctor and ruby in the tardis it would just end up being a repeated of the devil's chord#they decide to do bridgerton and get all dressed up#we don't really need a scene explaining why they're there#it is built into the whole show that they are just roamers#often randomly showing up in places and trying to have fun#for them going to a regency ball is no different than going to a club is for most people#wildest one was someone complaining why they were in wales at the start of 73 yards#they argued that because we didn't get a scene in the tardis we had no idea if being there was intentional or not#but that is irrelevant#the tardis often just lands in random places and the doctor and co have no idea where they are until they step outside#so many episodes start with them stepping outside and going “where the hell are we?”#everything that could've been said in the tardis was said outside it#there was no need to split that between two locations#especially when one actors time is limited#this all feels tied into the ongoing discourse about shows being longer#which many say is to it in more character beats#but honestly just feels like a hunger for more content
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lionbearfox · 1 month
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a kokomi redesign as promised :)
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yangjeongin · 1 year
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HYUNJIN | <★★★★★ (5-STAR)> UNVEIL : TRACK 3 "죽어보자 (GET LIT)"
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verflares · 3 months
i miss her so bad (botw/totk zelda)
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54625 · 2 months
little rant
sorry guys I'm in my feels again. It just.. it could've been so good. It should've been so good. QSMP was fully able to be the best server ever made and to have so much content and longevity and.. I just. It wasn't just a server, it was an idea, you know? An ambition to represent a mission bigger than the server itself; uniting people from all around the world and getting them to communicate and bond. Having it fail so spectacularly and leave so much undone hurt 100x more because we all know what the QSMP could have been, and to have a goal so noble be executed so terribly and fizzle out is just... Idk man, it's just sad. The QSMP really was something so so special that won't really be recreated and it just had so much potential. We saw all of it's epic highs so we know what we've lost. It could have been so good if they did it right. I don't know how to encapsulate how I feel about it other than just really really sad.
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artbribery · 1 year
Pariah Dark is turned into a toddler and entrusted to the care of the Ghost King aka Danny.
He can’t keep him in Amity or the Realms so he goes to the next best choice: Gotham.
I originally thought about it with Pariah “PD” Dark as the toddler and with Danny being the tired single dad following his child, fixing his messes and giving apologies.
But Danny is so tired that it doesn’t even register to him that what he just apologized for was actually a Red Alert emergency for the Bats. 
An unearthly screaming ringing in Gotham, an eldritch being took the entire town into another dimension. 
An emergency in which Danny just went up there to the source of the screaming, crouched down, full named him and gently but firmly told him to put it back like he caught him with his toddler hands in the cookie jar. 
And then everything went back to normal. 
Just like that.
(This next part is shitposting)
A few minutes earlier(?)
I am a vigilante doing a stake-out at the farmers' market in Gotham. They sell a huge variety of stuff, including fresh shrimp. Today a toddler walked by the shrimp cooler and started chanting "SHRIMP! HEAVEN! NOW!", emphasis on the "NOW!". Eventually leading his father to say "Please PD, we can't keep doing this." What is Shrimp Heaven? Why does PD need it now? What are my responsibilities in this situation, if any? I'm confused and delighted by this sloganeering child, but I fear something darker may lay under the surface.
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star-ra · 2 months
Thinking about q!Phil's apology to Chayanne and Lullah again
Thinking about how he originally wanted to talk to each of them separately, one-on-one, but didn't even suggest that idea again once he saw Lullah on the complete opposite side of the room as him and Chayanne wielding his sword
How badly do you think that could have shattered his confidence? He mentioned that he had been putting off that talk for some time, so he must've been trying to build up the courage to say what he wanted and NEEDED to say to his kids about everything that happened with the Ender King's possession, and to find the right time for it
Do you think there's an alternate timeline where Phil immediately backed down from that conversation? Distanced himself to try to make his kids feel even a little safer? Decided it was a bad idea, or bad approach, or bad timing, just BAD all around?
How could he continue with his original plan when his daughter's looking at him with fear again? When his son is pointing a sword at him again?
Maybe he just writes and leaves them a letter instead, trying to do literally anything to make his kids feel even slightly more comfortable in what's supposed to be their happy little home
What else can Phil do for his kids when they can still imagine the evil king that took their dad so easily?
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