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scalpho · 1 year ago
love that as soon as gorgug got nerdier and fabian got gayer, kristen really overcompensated for the bad kids' overall loss in jock by becoming more jock than either of them ever were
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scalpho · 1 year ago
THIS IS EXACTLY IT! pib only really suffers one real "loss", and that's the fall of marienne and the death of tomas to the giants - but even then, pib himself gets out unharmed. he picks himself up, finds another boy down on his luck, and continues his tricker gig; the nature of the trickster spirit is to always win, to persevere, and pib does this, but he also feels a lingering bitterness over marienne and tomas. it doesn't drive him, by any means, but the attachment is still obviously there. he doesn't go out of his way for it, but when the opportunity arises it becomes obvious how much he cares - ie. trying to push to go to snowhold, and his reaction to the fox trying to eat tomas' dead body. his existence as a trickster spirit, as an archetype rather than a character, sets him apart from his fellow PCs, but his care and attachment to one story (puss in boots) and the characters in it and the people he meets alienates him from his fellow tricksters. he doesn't belong neatly anywhere, but a trickster's whole thing is to break the norm and cause a little chaos, and if he wants to use his cunning to carve out a place in the world for him and his friends to be happy, then he'll do so to great success. it's his trickster right to do whatever the hell he wants and do it well
so interesting that pib feels like the odds are against him as a little cat in a human world when i feel like the opposite. he’s an archetypally different character than any of the other pcs and i think it gives him an advantage. the trickster spirit can never lose because they don’t play by the rules everyone else does. villains lose often and heroes usually lose before they win, or they have to give up something, or they have a flaw, but tricksters get out of every problem by definition. the trickster always wins by virtue of their role in the story. and i feel like pib always DOES win. even the dice reflect it, he crits at least thrice in the last episode, and in almost every episode beside that, and even outside of crits i can’t think of a single time (other than rote attacks) that he tries to do anything and fails. he ends his story by stealing from the most powerful witch in the world and she tells him to his face, i respect you for doing what you do and being what you are. he gives things up and steals them back for himself and for everyone else because the trickster never learns a lesson and never loses anything. he always wins
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computerpeople · 2 years ago
something i wish was more socially acceptable was being able to say you morally deject something without the other personl immediately assuming you hate them or are canceling them or are trying to make them out to be a bad person
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scalpho · 1 year ago
unbelievably funny that when the seven hit their junior year (after, like, a hell of a lot of shenanigans to all remain in school together despite being different ages) arthur aguefort was like "oh you guys want to stick together? yeah i'll tell you about the mystical ged and stop time to take you to my super secret library and yes i'm going to be weird and cryptic about it all because i'm arthur aguefort, like, duh, but i am still ultimately helping you and i think you're soooo cool i'm so proud of you all [sheds a tear]". and with the bad kids he's like "yeah yeah i know you 'saved the world' but you need to get your grades up or i'll expel you. lol."
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scalpho · 1 year ago
fantasy high pcs ranked by how willing i would be to get in a car with them in the driver's seat
gorgug. the canon designated driver. his van is a boat and his boat is a van. no issues here
riz. also has canonically driven and done it well. good reflexes and sufficiently paranoid. i trust him
adaine. she'd figure it out and drive carefully enough. once again no issues here
kristen applebees. drives wearing flip flops. would smash the entire front of the car just trying to get out of the driveway. accidentally hits the accelerator when she means to hit the brakes. i'm 100% going to die
fabian. he cannot drive and has zero road sense. the hangman does it all for him. he's below kristen because if we get into a terrible accident kristen can revivify me. fabian would backflip out of the car as it's crashing and leave me for dead
fig. FLIPPED A CAR. i mean she's 100% a better driver than both kristen and fabian but i wouldn't be able to get over the fact that she FLIPPED A CAR ON THE HIGHWAY
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scalpho · 1 year ago
There's only room for ONE type A rogue halfling teenaged girl in spyre and that's penny luckstone. little miss four dogs needs to get OUT of here
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scalpho · 11 months ago
so jarring to me whenever someone draws gorgug looking stylish and put together. if his clothes don't look like they're infused with motor oil then that's not gorgug that's his metrosexual cousin jorjuj. and i don't know him
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scalpho · 2 years ago
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so i started watching aso
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scalpho · 1 year ago
bill dead hallariel gone cathilda gone and hell if we're counting gilear then he's gone too. the closest thing fabian has to a parental figure right now is honestly probably his motorcycle. if we had to pick. and that's his dog
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scalpho · 1 year ago
you'd think fabian would catch a break after bill's death but the second bill clocks out of giving fabian intense ominous speeches (sometimes borderline threats) embedded between "my darling boy"s and "i love you"s, hallariel comes out of 16 years of perpetual drunkenness into sobriety to clock IN to doing the exact same thing. first time we see her sober she threatens to duel fabian to the death. AND gilear is his stepdad. just L after L on the parental front for fabian aramais
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scalpho · 2 years ago
dan fucks' pep talk ability adds such a funny layer to hunchfucks because why is fucks giving hunch weird pep talks that hunch remembers in times of hardship. why were they standing in front of a cow together. what led to "friends are a lot like steaks"
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scalpho · 1 year ago
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and she DID fight a dragon. brennan lee mulligan you scheming foreshadowing beautiful son of a bitch
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scalpho · 2 years ago
it still baffles me that for the sci-fi comedy zac came barelling in with a cerebro-slug infiltrating the brain of an ex-military man whose memory was wiped by his commanding officer after he was ordered to secretly dump dead bodies, all of which with exploded heads, and also the slug is the slug prince and the slugs have taken over the bodies of billions of people in an attempt to conquer the galaxy and his slug father is responsible for the deaths of all the brothers of one of his friends and crewmates. and then for the actual horror season his character pitch was "i'm a little kitty cat. i'm little and small"
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scalpho · 2 years ago
operation slippery puppet is obviously THE move from battle of the brands but even though this didn't work out it's probably my 2nd favourite moment from that fight. zac's desperate "what are you doing?!", lou understanding what's happening but nobody hearing him because they're just so utterly confused, brennan's anguished SCREAM of "NOOOOO!", beardsley emily and murph's perfect comedic one-by-one rundown, brennan's face. 10/10 no notes
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scalpho · 1 year ago
if i had 16 seconds to sum up the bad kids i'd just play this clip. fig poking at something emotional. kristen's quiet yes. adaine's totally blunt "no i never get what i want". gorgug immediately getting cut off and letting it happen. fabian. riz's bewildered expression
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scalpho · 1 year ago
zac's a better man than me because if i got to go back to calorum and watch BRENNAN'S religious man pc die alone in a holy place after having a final revelation about god in episode 6 i would've been insufferable about it. that's karma!
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