sophisticatedaiphos · 12 days
i will never get over this..
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emblazons · 4 months
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"If you touch her again, I will kill you. Again."
STRANGER THINGS SANS VISAGES S04E09 - The Piggyback (Part I of II)
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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Stupid fucking cat (affectionate)
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h20milk · 1 month
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downbaddetective · 2 months
I love how some people take Edwin saying that counting all of the cats in Port Townsend is impossible seriously. Like, if you don't like The Cat King that's fine, but we have the entire show showing Edwin being a dramatic ass bitch (and that's why we love him). Edwin Payne is in no way an unbiased party in most situations so I'm kinda confused as to why this one thing is taken as gospel. Edwin is being petulant when he says it because he doesn't want to do it and he also kinda struggles to admit he did something wrong enough to warrant consequences in the first place. However, in the end, he has successfully counted them all and I'm pretty sure he had done so before the trip to Hell. Not only that, but he enjoys the fact that it was something that he could and did, in fact, win.
And don't get me wrong, we know why it's an issue and why it's dangerous, but Edwin isn't infallible. He knew, he was told, and he still chose to go through with trapping the cat. Just because there is a lot more happening elsewhere doesn't mean that he shouldn't be held accountable for his actions (especially after he scolded Charles for the possession thing).
I love Edwin to bits, but watching people baby him frustrates me to no end because it takes away from his character. Let him be deeply flawed. Let him be messy. Because the whole point of these characters is to show that you can be flawed and yet still be a fundamentally good person.
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deliriuxe · 2 months
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collection of old (december) doodles of Baggs being a sleep deprived twat (featuring. Ren)
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thetopichot · 9 months
just a random idea
Sugarboo is being unusually quiet, staring out a window, and Seth worries that they’re upset about something when in reality they’re just deep in thought and zoning the heck out. Alphonse is used to this so he’s not worried.
Sugarboo is honestly so real for that. I do that shit ALOT & my friends & family look at me like "Hey, Lou? Ya good?" but I can totes imagine that. It would kinda go down like:
Seth looks at you worried as you stare out the window. He turns to Alphonse who's in the kitchen cleaning dishes. "Hey, Al?"
"Yeah?" Alphonse shouted from the kitchen.
"Is Sugar all right? Cuz they been staring at the window for 'bout an hour now. Are they mad?"
Alphonse finished up the dishes & approached Seth. He put a hand on his shoulder. "Nah, they're fine. They're just in deep thought, ya know? In the zone?"
Seth turns to Al & raises a eyebrow at him. "In the what now?"
"They're fine, Seth. They're just thinking."
"Hmm. 'Bout what though?" Alphonse shrugged to the question.
"The world may never know."
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gremliinsart · 8 months
Your bubble propoganda came in the form of putting him in a letter with cute decor, glitter, stickers, stamps, and cursive, and slipping him under my door.
I grieve the timeline where you never drew Carnival Bubble. I would be absolutely DEVASTATED if he never made it in the au... IM SO SORRY IVE COME TO LOVE HIM SO MUCH... CAINE WOULD N O T BE THE FUCKING SAME IN HIS WRITING WITH OUT HIM.
Wehehe 💖💖 I gave you an offer you couldn't refuse >:3
It always makes me happy seeing people in the comments going "BUBBLE IS SO CUTE!!" Everytime I see a drawing of Carnival Bubble I kick my feet and giggle and point and go "Ahaha! I did that!" It always brightens my day UwU
I have partly to thank my sibling who encouraged me to DIY my own Carnival Bubble after I was in shambles to see my favorite little guy missing from the line up
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doubledyke · 7 months
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cosmicrhetoric · 3 months
still can't believe that kaido came down from the ceiling in his big ass dragon form to announce that luffy was dead and nami got so mad she stepped out into the open and started YELLING at him. like fully yelling she called him a stupid lizard man. sure blah blah she loves luffy so much there's no cowardice in her when it comes to defending him but the pure Haterism it takes to look the strongest man in the world in the face and go yeah actually fuck you fuck your mom fuck your kids (not yamato) fuck your whole existence you're NOTHING to me 🍊💥🤬
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lightbulb-warning · 4 months
whenever i see my cat i get woken up from my stupor and remember that my cat is in fact a guy who also lives here and then there's joy
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climbdraws · 2 years
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edit - sold! 🐈‍⬛️
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maydaysmadness · 1 year
Watching She-Ra and the Princesses of Power for the first time and I think one of the things that gets me the most is Hordak and Entrapta's relationship, idk if it's romantic but regardless.
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She's showing the dude actual understanding as a person.
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Making him him feel like more than just a failure.
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He's more than just the failed clone of Horde Prime, and he's seeing someone else as more than just a tool.
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He finally made, at the very least, a real, genuine friend.
Hell Entrapta was even willing to forgo doing SCIENCE IMMEDIATELY because she wanted to spend more time with him.
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When the portal was finally finished he didn't even put it on himself, he knew it was all her, and he could admit it.
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He wanted her to see their crowning achievement.
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Catra and her bold faced lie.
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That face broke me.
Just like that lie broke him.
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downbaddetective · 17 days
Soooo... uh, this happened. The Cat King seems to have possessed me momentarily so as to wax poetics about his favorite ghost? This is also without much editing, so I'm sorry if it's kinda bad. All mistakes are my own, and so are all of my commas that you can try and pry from my cold, dead hands. (Please be nice, I haven't written anything but essays for the world to see in a looooooong time. The Howl's Moving Castle AU will probably benefit from me practicing a little before diving headfirst into it, so...) This can be read in any way you'd like, but I see this as pre-relationship Catwin.
Edwin had been at it for hours, staring into the void of... something. Something there in the middle distance that Thomas desperately wishes was him in moments only known to himself. Longing to be at the center focus of that gaze. Stupidly gorgeous, intelligent eyes that would without hesitation cut him down if the urge struck.
Thomas regrets the gift now. The stupid coin ('drachma', a familiar voice sounded in his mind. Even when in the same room, he still plagues his thoughts, unbelievable!). The coin has been worn smooth with handling, and age wasn't doing the damned thing any favors. But, oh, it was mesmerizing to watch quick fingers passing it amongst themselves. Edwin's hands were always busy, not unlike his own, so it only seemed natural to offer tribute to the force of nature that was and is Edwin Payne.
The coin itself wasn't anything of any significance; in fact, Edwin would probably be able to say more about it now with its smoothed over faces than Thomas would have had the day he obtained it. But significance has been bestowed upon the soft metal simply by making contact with just about the only deity that Thomas would pray to in this day and age, time only having made him jaded and guarded since the last time he dared.
"Thomas?" And no, he takes it back, green eyes sear through him once more, and he remembers why he shies away every time. And the name, gods that name, his name, in the possession of the first in his long, long life that he hoped would choose to keep him. The facade slips back into place quickly, but before he could respond, the ghost is already continuing, "Heads or tails?"
"Oh, talk dirty to me, kitten."
Edwin raises one unimpressed brow but merely asks once more, "Head or tails?"
The coin is still being woven between his fingers, but now the Cat King of Port Townsend has had his prayers answered, Edwin Payne's unwavering focus entirely trained on him. And he had meant it all those moons ago when he had told the detective that want and pleasure and punishment were not mutually exclusive. This right here had to be punishment, to want something, someone, so badly and yet have to look away or risk being blinded.
"Don't know what I'm playing for, sweetheart. You know I don't work like that."
Edwin's face shifted ever so slightly, just enough that Thomas could see the hellfire burning deep down within him, that thing that saved him, that got him out of hell the first time, alone. And, for a brief moment, Thomas took the time to pray again, this time to anyone listening that, for once, Thomas would be allowed to keep Edwin right back.
"Heads..." and in a movement too quick for even the cat in him to catch, the coin is flicked up in the air at an impressive height and is caught by Edwin's palm flat to the desk in front of him. "Or tails, Thomas? Or do you distrust me that much?"
It truly is pathetic how that gets his heart racing.
"You should know me by now, kitten."
"Tails then, is it?"
One slight nod of the head was sufficient enough for him, apparently, because Edwin's hand began to lift off... of nothing. He could feel his face contort in confusion before he could school his features. And looking back up to the ghost's face, he saw what he could only describe as childlike glee in place of the fire that had been there earlier.
"You think you're clever, don't you?"
" I happen to know I'm clever. I don't see how that has any relevance right now."
"Okay, so now what, hmm? Are you going to pull it out from behind my ear now?"
"Don't be ridiculous. You would know if it was behind your ear."
Would he, though? Edwin took up all of his senses when he was around so Edwin could drop a house on him, and he probably wouldn't notice (probably). But he looked at Thomas expectantly. Even through the playfulness, a challenge has been issued, a puzzle to be solved. 'Find it.' his eyes told him.
And so he closed his eyes. He had used magic that much was obvious, but Edwin was still novice on pockets and travel that didn't involve mirrors, so it couldn't have gone very far. And... no. No, that was too easy, probably a diversion to make him look foolish. But still, he could taste the faint ozone on his tongue.
Thomas stood and leaned over the desk, bracing himself with the arm that wasn't reaching for, arguably, the bigger trickster of the two. For his part, Edwin was keeping eye contact, his face not betraying him one bit. And Thomas is so very grateful to have witnessed this kitten learn that he has claws.
And the only thing Thomas, The Cat King of Port Townsend could do in this moment was once again pray to any and every deity listening that Edwin would want to keep him and that he would be able to keep him right back.
Edwin's eyes flutter closed momentarily when the heat of Thomas' hand passed close by the side of his face. He was right, though. There's a little bit of buzzing energy right behind his ear. He grabs the coin out of the pocket that Edwin had created, out from behind his ear.
He offered up the coin once more as tribute to this beautiful creature in front of him. Edwin took it carefully from his hand with a faint grin on his face.
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thetopichot · 8 months
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Darling: "Why are you whispering?"
Finn: "I'm 22, love."
Auron, overhearing the convo: "You guys are so young what the fuck?"
Darling: "That's what I'm saying."
Auron: "I'm about to be 26 next week."
Finn + Darling, shocked: "26?!"
Auron, offended: "DON'T REACT LIKE THAT, DAMN!"
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theia134340 · 1 year
I'm really really confused as to why they are editing out scenes based on fans reactions or hate. Just put out the media you want to since no one is determined to use media literacy anyways. It's no secret that people have always been watching this series with a sense of shipping lenses and have made very loud noises with all the theories and bashing of everyone in the series except their faves. It was never going to satisfy everyone so there was no reason to cut scenes that actually would have added detailed context to characters.
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