#TH1 theories
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"D0es th1s all st1ll seem l1ke a game t0 y0u?!" And another one done! MXES is fun, and also, really challenging to draw for me, but I'm happy with how this all turned out :3 Time-lapse and such under the cut :3
MXES' AWLB AU counterpart has been on my mind periodically lately, obviously I can't get too in-depth with him without straying into spoiler territory for aspects of the fic that haven't been posted/written yet. But I still wanna talk about him a little. XD A security system, but with a holographic form he can use to communicate and somewhat interact with others with, he can't physically touch or interact with anything that lacks a computer system. His primary function is just to help keep everyone safe, simple enough in theory he thinks. But he's slowly finding he wasn't as prepared to handle one curious and determined young girl as much as he thought he would be. Not when the trouble she's managed to find is far bigger than either of them could imagine. (consider that a tiny sneak peek of what AWLB part 3 may be like way in the future)
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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If her messages are responding to her pronunciation, then Terezi must be using voice-to-text. But her messages also use her quirk - which means she’s got some sort of script running, to translate her spoken messages into leetspeak.
Do you see where I’m going with this? There’s a 99% chance that she got Sollux to do this. 
Son of a fuck, she actually cracked it!
How, though? She can’t have seen his altercation with Jack - the viewport feature didn’t get set up until the Veil.
And I thought they were just flirting? 
Au contraire, Sally!
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I don’t think you’re supposed to think your kismesis is cute - but I don’t think you’re supposed to beat up your matesprit, either. 
Ah, I give up. I think their real quadrant is just ‘awkward teenagers’. 
Well, what do you know - the Extended Zodiac, out in the wild!
Looks like our trolls represent one quarter of all Alternia’s Zodiac signs. I wonder if we’ll ever see them in canon, or if this is something that only gets built on outside the comic. 
Hey, the guy’s an expert in romantic theory. He never claimed to have mastered the practice. 
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silhouettehistory · 3 days
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Lightweight Th1 SilhouetteHistory Single
Single silhouette of 2024 Lotus Theory 1 Concept.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Jungkook and Taehyung Apple Music updates
by Admin 1
I don’t know if any of you have been on twitter, or checked up on JKs and Tae's Apple Music profiles but on JKs profile (or at least what ARMY believe to be his profile) the profile picture has been changed while on Taehyung’s the biography changed.
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Now the questions are--what does that mean, and does it mean anything at all? Let’s have a little discussion and check out all the facts and theories we can gather.
What we know about their mixtapes
Over the last seven or eight months Taehyung has been working on his mixtape, lovingly dubbed by ARMY as Taetape, TH1 and mixtaepe, and even showed us a few tracks from it, including tiny one second snippets in his most recent vlive. From his Christmas post that accompanied Snow Flower, we know that the mixtape has been delayed, and we were told we’ll likely get it early or mid 2021.
Meanwhile Jungkook mentioned working on a mixtape a long time ago, the one furthest back being a mention of it all the way in late 2018. We also got a minute long snippet of a track called Decalcomania on twitter in 2019, and in the same year he spoke about how he almost had it all finished, but then realize he wasn’t happy with it and started again. We also know that Your Eyes Tell, as well as Stay, were both supposed to be on his mixtape, but were repurposed as Japanese OT7 track (Your Eyes Tell) and subunit track for BE (Stay). But he hasn’t said a thing about when the mixtape might come, if he’s steadily working on it or anything else.
These are all the hard facts we know for sure since they explicitly told us about them. Now for the theories below the cut:
In the last few weeks we’ve suddenly had something like a resurgence of Taekook content, in form of the two of them sitting next to each other, joking around, and even a vlive together as well as a selca at the end of 2020. This is noteworthy since otherwise a lot of the content we got in 2020 was more focused on Jikook, along with a few very lovely Vmin moments in-between. We know that big “showy” ship moments are a marketing tool, so perhaps some of that was purposeful to draw attention back to Tae and JK, instead of JK and Jimin, in preparation of them having their mixtapes released?
Why am I even bringing all of this up? Well if you check the picture on JKs AM profile, it actually shows both him and Tae in it, though it’s rather odd that a picture was chosen that was taken from the making book in BE. But, if nothing Bangtan ever do when it comes to their music is a coincidence and no one is just messing with ARMY, that’s why it made me think of Tae and JK and their mixtapes, how there might be some kind of connection, not necessarily that they’ll have songs together but just that their mixtapes perhaps might come out in a similar timeframe. 
As most recent “moment” we could mention the relay after the Golden Disc Awards where Taehyung specifically asked JK why he dyed his hair, which JK commented by saying that he’s been asked that like four times already that day yet didn’t actually answer the question itself. It may seem like nothing noteworthy, but I’m sure Tae could’ve asked that in private, yet chose to do so in that moment in front of the cameras as though to once again draw attention to his very drastic hair color change. JK also said that Tae has become a reliable guy, which could be him talking about Tae doing a good job when it comes to being the visual director for BE, but perhaps he also meant that Tae was reliable and did a good job with their schedules which in turn allowed both of them, not only Tae, to work on their mixtapes, much the same way that Hobi and Jimin could work on a song together in that time as well. It might be farfetched, I know, I’m just playing with ideas and putting it all out there. This is all meant as fun after all.
Furthermore we also had Namjoon say that following to JK as part of the same relay:
It’s finally today, Jungkook-si, in 10 years! You are Golden Maknae! The day that you will prove your nickname! You are proving it right now with your hair color, but in 2021, I hope the year will be filled with gold, like your nickname. Stay healthy. Let’s ‘Jje-kkit-up’ together this year too! (check it up.. the usual Namjoon saying lol)
I mentioned in my Gold Disc Award (x) post how this kind of made me suspicious and wonder if Namjoon wanted to subtly hint at something with his words, like he wishes JK so well because he knows something is coming and he hopes it’ll be successful perhaps? We know Namjoon is the king of spoilers after all, and this would certainly be very tame and low-key for his standards.
Months ago during a OT7 vlive JK, along with Seokjin, mentioned how he got to listen to Tae’s mixtape and how it was really good, that he liked the songs. Likewise we also know that Tae heard Stay while it was still a JK song and encouraged him to show it to the rest of the members, and eventually Stay turned into JKs subunit song with Namjoon and Seokjin for BE. So we know they have both heard what the other is working on, and both of them had their songs be repurposed into OT7/subunit songs. What if, perhaps, they exchanged songs, as in Tae wrote a song for JJK1 and JK wrote one for TH1 (lyrics or melody wise), or worked on them in some way the same way Namjoon helped Jimin with Promise and Christmas Love, or wrote a tiny bit of Abyss for/with Seokjin.
One thing though I find highly odd about the updated version of Tae’s biography on AM is the fact that it sounds very much like something a fan would write, and not a BigHit staff member, even more so because it mentions other groups (even though BTS are the most famous one and it feels unnecessary) but mostly because Sweet Night isn’t mentioned despite being Tae’s biggest hit and the song with the most iTunes #1 in history. Something feels very fishy and off about it, so I’d be inclined to believe that someone simply might’ve hacked his account when they noticed the buzz on social media about JKs profile change.
There is a very big chance that while all of this is very exciting and I’d very much love to hear both Tae’s and JKs mixtapes, that someone is simply playing a very big prank on ARMY right now. They saw that people fell for the changed profile picture on the JK profile so they decided to add fuel to the fire by changing Tae’s bio as well. Which would mean everyone got hyped for absolutely nothing, though this moment of excitement and theories certainly is very fun. 
However long it might take until we get TH1 and JJK1, I’m willing to patiently wait for it and I hope, should it turn out to just be a prank, that ARMY will be mature enough to handle this situation accordingly and not go on some kind of rampage against BH and the members.
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catcatb0y · 2 years
I have a lot of shit going on irl, so I am really sorry to anyone if I come across as crass, rude, or an asshole. I come onto Tumblr in order to escape the shit I am going through irl, so I already have very little patience when I am online.
I whole heartedly support TAG CULTURE and ao3. 'Don't like; Don't read.' I don't read a lot of dark(er) fic, because I don't like it, but it's not my place to tell others what to write. It is my place to block and filter out that content.
Please learn about censorship history before you try to push that as a good thing. Especially on Tumblr. The "they banned tits and everyone freaked out" webbed site. The site regularly mocking unalived and k!lled. Please spell out your intentions, so I can use the blacklist function properly.
1f y0u typ3 l1k3 th1s, c3ns0rsh1p 1s n0t my 3xp3ct4tion, but 1 w1ll r34d 1t 4nd sp34k y0ur l4ngu4g3.
Censorship is, and always has been, a slippery slope. The moment you argue something not being "family friendly" or say "think of the children," step back and remember that the same things have been and are still said about queer existence. It's the same thing that led to the fandom purges not too many years ago.
Please think before you regurgitate very obvious conservative and TERF takes (especially of you claim to be against them). If you are or agree with any TERFs, transmeds (people who say that trans existence is purely medical/trans people need medical intervention to be trans), or ""gender critical"" literally just go away. Science and history are against you.
With that out of the way, I don't blorbopost often (save random bursts of fanart or occasional theories (except currently I have a few vent posts)), but I am a BakuDeku fan.
Before that, though, I am a Bakugou fan. I care more about his development, treatment, and character more than I care about his importance to/part in any ship (which is unfortunately even more rare in newer fandom)
If you post jokes or memes about the current Hero Academia spoilers, deadass just block me right now. I don't want to see [redacted] and I don't fucking care. Even if it's just a softblock (assuming I follow you), I'm done. I don't want that shit on my dash.
Otherwise, I'm into a myriad of different shows (mostly anime), but I think I'm honestly done with fandom as a whole? Never be afraid to fandomtalk with me though! I'm very open to asks and DMs and post replies! This post is very harsh, because it's made after dealing with most of the shit I talk about, but I really am nice and approachable as long as you don't come into my house with terminally online takes calling me terminally online.
It's sad and pathetic.
Other than that, I (usually) don't reblog guilt-trip or anger-activist posts with the intention of agreeing with them. There are a lot of issues out in this world today, and nobody has the ability to care about them all. We certainly don't have the power, and 'privilege' isn't some Pokemon game of type weaknesses; it's a case by case issue at best and it can be easily weaponized.
My last pinned post had a better description, but honestly I've just started unfollowing people who guilt trip too much. I come here for fun.
I don't fuck with reactionary bullshit. Please stop and think for five fucking seconds. This is the internet, we have that luxury, and yet people seem to throw it out the window at the nearest chance.
Also if you make fun of (me specifically, but anyone) for writing long posts, you are cringe. Sorry you can't process more than three sentences, but I can. I keepy posts as nuanced as possible and explore man angles.
If I write too much for you to understand (non native English speakers, neurodivergent people, and anyone who has genuine difficulty reading), I will happily break down my points into smaller groups and discuss each part in a civil manner.
But if you say "I'm not reading that" I am putting your clown shoes on the other side of the door and locking you out of my house. That's cringe. Get better reading skills or go away.
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 3
It was a good thing that Master Fu was giving them a month to get used to each other before he was going to make them start posting, because Chloe doubted any of them would give a convincing performance if they were supposed to start acting as friends.
It’s almost like suddenly shoving five people into a confined space and saying ‘play nice’ caused tensions. Who knew?
They were, for the most part, avoiding each other.
After all, even before the whole ordeal, their best relationships with each other were tense. Ladybug had something against Chat, Carapace didn’t see eye to eye with Ladybug, and everyone definitely hated Chloe.
The only person who didn’t seem to be mad at anyone was Rena… but she was also relatively new, and Chloe was pretty sure everyone agreed with her when she said that Rena was annoying.
Chloe walked into the kitchen and fought back a wince when she saw Rena at the table eating cereal. She turned around as slowly as possible. Maybe she wouldn’t notice her, she was on her phone after all --.
Chloe turned back around and tried for a smile, exhausted as she was. The worst part of all of this was that none of them could properly express their grievances without fear of someone being akumatized.
“I have some questions for you!”
She was still going to be super passive-aggressive, though.
“Again? Didn’t you get enough information the first few times?”
“Nope! Every answer just gives me more questions.”
She supposed she should just be glad that she wasn’t currently in costume. Her wings tended to buzz when she was annoyed and she doubted Rena could take any of them being angry with her.
“Okay. Go ahead, I’ll answer while I make myself food,” said Chloe.
Rena started questioning her about her powers. Luckily they just seemed to be the basics of her powers (Do all bees listen to her or only worker bees? Does she need to eat a lot of honey to create honey in battle? How do her wings carry her if, by all known laws of aviation, there is no way --?). Sure, they were awkward questions to answer because she only had theories, but the words ‘I don’t know’ seemed to satiate Rena just as much as proper answers.
She saw people shuffling in to make food and take it back to their rooms as quietly as they could while Rena was distracted with Chloe. She sent them glares out of the corner of her eyes but she didn’t call out to them or anything. This was a consequence of her own screw up, she would have to be the one to deal with it.
So, she drizzled honey on her cheerios and resigned herself to answering more questions.
Know what? Even if this is the direct result of her own mistake, she was allowed to complain.
And complain she would.
These people are the worst.
You already know why Rena was annoying to live with. Her constant questions gave Chloe no peace outside of her room.
And, inside her room, she had to deal with listening to Ladybug working on… something above her at all hours. Did Ladybug sleep? Signs point to no. Chloe wished that Master Fu hadn’t let her convert the attic into a room, it was very clear at this point that the people who made the house had not expected people to live in the attic. For some reason.
Chat Noir was… a cat. He slept almost the entire day and left things everywhere in the few hours he was awake. (Chloe understood that he likely had a maid back at his house, she wasn’t used to not having her normal butler around herself, but even she was better about picking up after herself.)
The only slightly tolerable one was Carapace. He spent most of his time hiding out in his room, studying.
Chloe had considered getting a job to get away.
(She wouldn’t actually get one, obviously, that was peasant stuff. Still, the fact that she even briefly thought about it is proof enough of the stress she was under.)
Beyond that, chores were just… not getting done. Have you ever seen a cat do something it was told to? Seen a turtle do anything at all? No? Chloe hadn’t seen that, either. The two bathrooms were a mess of different products. The washing machine was constantly in use because people kept forgetting that they were the last person to put anything in. She was beginning to forget whether or not the floors were carpeted she hadn’t seen them in so long…
(The only things that got done were the garbage and dishes, and only because no one wanted the house to smell. Chloe wasn’t sure who did them. Chloe also didn’t care as long as it wasn’t her.)
So, yes, things were not looking good. The only reason no one got akumatized during that first week was that everyone was working to stay calm.
Eventually, they adapted like all humans -- or partial humans, because at this point she was pretty sure everyone was at least a little bit their animals -- do when put in a new situation.
Chat, after getting a single pimple because he couldn’t find one of his skincare treatments in the mess, ended up cleaning the bathrooms. It was here that the girls realized that some of the products in their own bathroom were, in fact, Chat’s products, but they were fine with it because now they didn’t have to bother cleaning.
Rena took up the rest of the cleaning. Apparently even the five of them were less messy than her younger siblings were. Whatever she found that had been there for days that wasn’t hers was thrown into Chat’s room -- which ended with a lot of things going ‘missing’ but it was better than finding stuff everywhere.
Ladybug ended up doing laundry. It seemed that Ladybug had some kind of knowledge about clothes (maybe it had something to do with the job she apparently had?), because they found that their clothes were completely devoid of wrinkles and that the colors were bright even after a few washes. They weren’t going to question it.
After seeing Chloe and Chat’s spending habits, Carapace had decided that he would be the one to go to the grocers. It may be Master Fu’s money, but apparently he couldn’t handle the idea of spending that much more than they needed.
And Chloe? Chloe did nothing.
Just kidding. She tended to all of the plants in and outside the house. She rather liked gardening, she thought, but she figured that it was just a side-effect of the bee miraculous. Either way, it led to the group having fresh herbs and vegetables on hand for cooking.
Hardly anyone cooked, but still. It’s the thought that counts... or something.
Chloe had finished her gardening for the day and now she looked at the sign up sheet for patrols.
She huffed a little when she saw that Chat had signed up for the night. Again.
She walked to Chat’s room to ask him to just let her have patrols tonight or at least take her with him.
She fought the urge to roll her eyes when she opened the door and found him curled up in a tiny patch of sunlight, asleep.
Wait… asleep…
She smiled at her kwami. Pollen never talked -- and she was pretty sure she’d never heard any of the others’ talk either -- but that didn’t mean that Chloe couldn’t tell that Pollen was disapproving of what Chloe was thinking.
“Oh, shut up --.” The kwami frowned and Chloe gave a little huff. “I didn’t mean -- whatever. Sorry. Buzz on.”
Chloe flew over to where Chat was sleeping and considered him for a minute. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep…
Well, who was she to disturb that peace?
She picked up his phone and turned off the alarm to wake him up for patrols. A finger pointed at him, she mumbled the embarrassing call for her powers (“Don’twakeupdon’twakeup ‘Sticky Situation’ stayasleeeeep -- nice.”) and smiled when he was almost instantly coated with honey. She hardened the honey around him to make sure he was properly stuck.
(The honey stopped at his shoulders, a good distance away from his face and hair -- she was pretty sure he’d kill her if she did that and, with his power, that wouldn’t be hard.)
She stepped back and admired her handiwork. 
She loved her power.
She snapped a picture and left the room.
Chloe hummed as she flew down the stairs to the main room. She crossed Chat’s name off of the list and replaced it with her own.
She made her way over to the couch and laid across it on her stomach to wait for patrols to start. She scrolled through TikTok absently, looking for ideas on what to do…
“WAIT WHAT’S GOING ON --?!” She heard Chat’s voice yell, confused, but it cut itself off. There was a beat and she heard him yell again: “PLAGG, CLAWS OUT! CATACLYSM!”
Ah. Dang. She’d been hoping that she’d already be gone when he woke up...
Did he really need to figure out it was her so quickly? Sure, she was the only one that could use honey, but come on!
She looked back at her phone for the time.
One more hour…
She saw Chat’s red face at the top of the stairs and tensed.
Well, there really is no harm in going early.
@nathleigh @mialuvscats @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen
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ace-of-spades-3102 · 3 years
So w1th the recent th1ngs that have come from the most recent chapter of RWBY (chap 13) 1 would l1ke to say a theory about Yang (1k 1ts been a couple days but whatever).
Yang has a second character 1nsperat1on that not a lot hqve people have thought of and that 1s Alice from al1ce throught yhe look1ng glass. Spec1f1cly from throught the look1ng glass. Th1s ma1nly stems for @kkglinka post.
Yang has been chas1ng her bio mother, Raven for somet1me now, and Ravens whole mot1f 1s d1ss1aper1ng, yknow l1ke through rabb1t holes, and 1n the org1nal book Al1ce chases the wh1te rabb1t through a l1teral rabb1t hole. 1n '1nto the look1ng glass' Al1ce 1s ma1nly helped by the Red queen (Ruby or maybe Nora s1nces shes had the '1m queen of the Castle' th1ng), the Wh1te kn1ght (We1ss or maybe Jaune s1nce hes a l1tteral kn1ght), and the Chesh1re Cat (Blake). 1n the most recent chapter 1t looks l1ke the th1ngs around her are almost glass shard l1ke.
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p1cture for reference of the fact 1t looks l1ke glass break1ng
Or maybe 1m just project1ng my want for the beginning of next volume to be Al1ce 1n wonderland themed.
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alternianlovin · 4 years
Everybody stfu, theyre debating
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Terezi: OBJ3CT1ON!
Tegiri: Objection!
Tegiri: Once again making hasty assumptions, Pyrope? First of a//, I’d /ike to direct the court’s attention to this particu/ar spot, in the top right-hand corner. Notice how the words are b/ocking the top of the Batman book. With this in mind, how can you c/aim that there is “no such paper sticking out of the Batman comic”?!
Terezi: S4Y WH4444T?
Terezi: W3LL UHM
Tegiri: Sti// grasping for straws, Pyrope? 
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Tegiri: Hypothetica//y, if there were a paper there, this picture wou/d not be ab/e to prove its presence. I’ve taken the /iberty of drawing a diagram to i//ustrate my point. We are faced with three possibi/ities. It is possib/e that (1) the paper was simp/y tucked in deeper than the others.
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Tegiri: Paper is a soft materia/, Pyrope. It’s not unreasonab/e for it to do a (2) 90 degree turn. 
Tegiri: Or perhaps, (3) a paper does not exist there at a//. Either way, you cannot prove your c/ient innocent without sufficient evidence.
Tegiri: Which, of course, is impossib/e thanks to the obtrusive words.
Terezi: OBJ3CT1ON!
Tegiri: Nani!?
Tegiri: (Perhaps I shou/d’ve /eft the artistry to the forensic artist…)
Tegiri: Now ho/d it right there! It doesn’t matter which direction the paper is going because it’s impossib/e to prove it even exists! Those theories are a// the same! We do not have enough information to prove them. There cou/d be an infinite amount of papers in there for a// we know. I simp/y presented them on/y so that the court cou/d better understand your base/ess conjecture!
Tegiri: …I suppose the order of the books do seem out of the ordinary. However, therein /ies not just one possibi/ity. C/ear/y, those are Japanese graphic nove/s, a/so known as “manga”. And the Batman comic book is a graphic nove/, too, no? Seeing as it current/y has on/y graphic nove/s in the she/f, it is possib/e that any other nove/s have simp/y not yet been restocked. Asserting whether or not this effect was de/iberate is use/ess– there is no way of knowing if the photographer and the captioner are the same person, /et a/one their invo/vement in this picture.
Tegiri: Face it Pyrope, you can’t prove any of these ground/ess accusations!
Galekh: Did you two just ignore the library sticker?
Tegiri: Σ(O_O)
Terezi: >:[
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fletcher413 · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogue Theory: Rose's Gamble
The epilogues kick off with Rose giving John a Choice: Meat or Candy. We then have the option of following these paths in whichever order we choose.
Rose, at the point where she gave John this Choice was on the verge of becoming her Ultimate Self and unlike Dirk had no indication of becoming a villain as a result of this transformation. Rose, as a Seer of Light has already been established to have unparalleled information gathering abilities. My theory is that Rose knew about Dirk’s change to villainy and the Choice she gave John is her attempt to allow Dirk to be stopped.
Rose could not have acted against Dirk directly because if she had told anyone aloud that he was becoming a threat he would have known (Dirk knows Dave is planning Karkat’s campaign immediately after Dave says it aloud) meaning she wouldn’t be able to rally support, her condition made her physically unfit to fight him, and on a meta level, Seers are a passive class. So all she could do was to put the wheels in motion to allow him to be defeated sometime in the future.
Rose could have simply told John to go do the things that had to be done in the same manner that Terezi did (F1X TH1S), but instead she told John what he should do then sent him to the picnic where she ensured that Calliope and Roxy would tell John that he had a Choice, taking a different leaf from Terezi’s book, making John’s Choice create two branches in the same way Dave created two timelines when Terezi made him pick heads or tails.
Fulfilling the tasks Rose set out is the only way to verify canon events as it initiates the battle with young Caliborn that leads to his transformation to Lord English - this is an event that has already been established in canon and if it didn’t take place it would mean that nothing else in the story could have occurred because Lord English wouldn’t have been created. The only purpose of giving John a Choice was to establish the non-canon Candy branch.
So how can this seemingly non-canon branch affect the canon story moving forward? So far as a result of it Gamzee has died (an event that could not have happened within the confines of canon - you can’t keep the clown down), Davebot has been created hosting Dave’s Ultimate Self (thanks Obama), Alt!Calliope in Jade’s body has left the space along with Davebot and Aradia (presumably to fight Dirk), Meenah has entered the branch (with the Ring of Life, taking it out of play in future canon events, meaning that if Calliope reenters canon wearing her ring it won’t stop working due to duplicate juju rules), and (Vriska) has entered the branch (who, thanks to Vriska, has the ability to contact Terezi with John’s phone).
All of this was achieved in a branch Dirk could not see because he removed himself from it to keep his essence concentrated in canon - Rose’s gambit in the Candy branch forced Dirk to remove himself, allowing these events to occur unimpeded mirroring Dirk’s gambit against Alt!Caliope which forced her to insert herself, preventing events from taking place.
The benefit of Rose being an orchestrator as opposed to Dirk’s mechanic is that she has the ability to put plans in motion with light touches that the narrator may not notice, similar to Dirk’s sniper gambit but on a grander scale.
Also Rose’s plan lead to Lord English being knocked into the black hole, leading to the candy branch, allowing alt!Calliope to consume him, giving her a power boost to where she was able to make the wormhole for herself, Davebot, and Aradia to leave Candy to go confront Dirk. It’s plausible that Lord English could only have been defeated outside canon due to his broken judgement clock and part juggalo soul granting him immortality.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
Reviewing questions:
Secondhand smoke causes impaired function of the mucociliary elevator/alveolar macrophages-> increased respiratory infections; smoke increases the risk of SIDS, recurrent otitis media, prematurity, asthma.
COPD is an obstructive lung disease, so it's harder to get air out. So the the residual volume (the amount of air left in the lungs after maximal expiration) will be increased. Due to increased RV, total lung capacity will be increased. The residual volume is increased more so than the total lung capacity, so the RV/TLC ratio will be increased (larger numerator = larger overall ratio). Since it's hard to get air out in obstructive lung disease, the FEV1 is decreased and so is the FVC. FEV1 decreaes more than the FVC, so the FEV1/FVC ratio will be decreased.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a result of inflammation-> non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema/hypoxemia/respiratory failure. Basically, some sort of injury results in an inflammatory reaction in the lungs. Long bone injury that causes fat embolism, massive blood transfusion, sepsis can all trigger this. The type 1 pneumocytes that make up the alveolar wall are damaged and inflammatory fluid enters the lungs-> hyaline membrane formation. The inciting injury causes alveolar macrophages to release IL-1, IL-6, and TNF, which recruit neutrophils into the alveoli. Neutrophils release proteases, leukotrienes, and reactive oxygen species. This damages the alveoli; the recruitment of neutrophils causes more cells to leave the capillaries and enter the alveoli. The RBCs combine with necrotic cell debris, which forms a hyaline membrane and protein-rich fluid in the alveoli. Then, of course, the patient can't do alveolar gas exchange.
The degree of ARDS depends on the PaO2:FiO2 ratio with a PEEP of 5 cm of H2O. The smaller the PaO2:FiO2 (i.e., the less oxygen there is in arterial blood, despite the pt being on O2), the higher the mortality. A PaO2:FiO2 of 201 to 300 mmHg is mild ARDS, with a mortality rate of 27%. A PaO2:FiO2 of 101-200 mmHg is moderate ARDS, with a 32% mortality rate. A PaO2:FiO2 of less than 100 mmHg is severe ARDS with a 45% mortality rate! Top three risk factors for ARDS: pneumonia, aspiration, sepsis. Major burn and near drowning can also cause ARDS. Giving too much fluid to ICU pts can cause ARDS.
From Wikipedia:
In histopathological medical usage, a hyaline substance appears glassy and pink after being stained with haematoxylin and eosin—usually it is an acellular, proteinaceous material. An example is hyaline cartilage, a transparent, glossy articular joint cartilage.[3]
Some mistakenly refer to all hyaline as hyaline cartilage; however, hyaline applies to other material besides the cartilage itself.
Arterial hyaline is seen in aging, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and in association with some drugs (e.g. calcineurin inhibitors [tacrolimus, cyclosporine]). It is bright pink with PAS staining.
Hyaline membranes are composed of fibrin, cellular debris, red blood cells, rare neutrophils and macrophages. They appear as an eosinophilic, amorphous material, lining or filling the air spaces and blocking gas exchange. As a result, blood passing through the lungs is unable to pick up oxygen and unload carbon dioxide. Blood oxygen levels fall and carbon dioxide rises, resulting in rising blood acid levels and hypoxia.
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) shows proliferation of fibroblasts, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, and areas of fibrosis and honeycombing. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) will show hyperplastic type II pneumocytes. The theory is that chronic inflammation leads to excessive transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta), PDGF, VEGF, and fibroblastic growth factor (FGF). These factors cause fibrosis in the lungs. The treatment is pirfenidone, which inhibits TGF-beta. Nintedanib can also be used; it's a tyrosine kinase inhibitor which stops PDGF, FGF, and VEGF. I remember those two drugs from a lecture I had a while ago. They don't cure IPF, but they can slow progression of the disease. So in IPF, you see honeycombing on CT, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates, fibroblastic proliferation, and hyperplastic type 2 pneumocytes. If you look at the lungs post-mortem, you find subpleural areas of fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition.
The amount of oxygen and CO2 in the arterial blood stays constant during exercise because of increases in alveolar ventilation and efficiency of gas exchange. The CO2 in venous blood increases, as more metabolism occurs in exercising muscles, leading to increased CO2.
COPD pts can have exacerbations due to viral infections, like rhinovirus, influenza, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, and coronavirus; or bacterial infections (H. influenzae, moraxella catarrhalis, strep pneumoniae). The most common causes of COPD exacerbations are rhinovirus, influenzavirus, M. catarrhalis, H. influenzae, and S. pneumoniae.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis impairs phagolysosome formation in alveolar macropages (due to mycobacterial cord factor). So for the first couple of weeks after infectionm TB proliferates in the macrophages. Then, macrophages infected with tuberculosis present TB antigens to naive (Th0) CD4+ helper T cells and release IL-12 to Th0 cells, which causes them to change into Th1 cells, which release IFN-gamma. IFN-gamma causes macrophage activation. Macrophages kill tuberculosis intracellularly and form granulomas as epitheliod and Langhans giant cells around the TB to wall it off. The epitheloid macrophages and Langhans giant cells secrete enzymes that digest the bacteria and cause caseating granulomas seen in TB.
Both small cell and squamous cell carcinoma are associated with smoking and I had a hard time remembering the paraneoplastic syndromes that go with them, but I thought of a mnemonic that helped me get a question right: small cell carcinoma is not small in terms of the fact that it causes 3 paraneoplastic syndromes (Cushing's syndrome--due to the tumor secreting ACTH; Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome--antibodies against pre-synaptic calcium channels develop, so you can't release ACh-> muscle weakness that improves with increased muscle use [in contrast to myasthenia gravis, where there are antibodies against the post-synaptic ACh receptors and muscle weakness worsens with repeated muscle use]; SIADH--the tumor secretes ADH). In contrast, squamous cell carcinoma only has 1 paraneoplastic syndrome, which is hypercalcemia due to the tumor secreting parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), which causes hypercalcemia (the pt's PTH will be low, but the PTHrP will be high). Apparently small cell carcinoma also causes cerebellar ataxia. Adenocarcinoma is another lung cancer, not associated with smoking; the paraneoplastic syndromes associated with it are hypertophic osteoarthropathy, dermato- or polymyositis, and migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau's sign of malignancy).
SIADH-> inappropriate water retention-> hyponatremia-> seizure/coma. Presents with euvolemia and decreased serum osmolality; urine osmolality will be greater than 100 mOsm/kg of H2O, meaning the kidneys can't make dilute urine because of the ADH. Small cell lung cancer is a neuroendocrine tumor usually seen at the hilum; it secretes ADH.
Necrotizing pneumonia can occur as a result of influenza infection. In necrotizing pneumonia, you get lung abscesses and cavitations. Staph aureus can cause necrotizing pneumonia. Staph aureus infected with a virus can obtain Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) genes, which make it virulent. PVL kills WBCs and causes tissue necrosis. Pretty sure I never heard of PVL. PVL is usually seen in MRSA. The mecA gene gives MRSA its resistance to methicillin. So basically, influenza causes inflammation that leaves the lungs susceptible to MRSA infection.
The PO2 of normal air you breathe in is 160 mmHg. When you are in the trachea, water vapor takes up some of the partial pressure of the air, so PO2 decreases to 150 mmHg. When you get to the alveolus, PO2 is 104 mmHg. In the venous blood, PO2 is 40 mmHg. At the trachea, the PCO2 of the air is 0 mmHg. In the alveoli, PCO2 is 40 mmHg. In the venous blood, PCO2 is 45 mmHg. The blood in the pulmonary capillary needs to travel 1/3 of the pulmonary capillary length to be oxygenated. This is perfusion-limited gas exchange, meaning the diffusion of gases is fast enough that gas exchange depends on amount of alveolar perfusion. Diffusion limited gas exchange means the amount of gas exchange depends on the speed of diffusion across the barrier. CO2 can diffuse faster than O2, so CO2 is perfusion limited (it can diffuse fast across the membrane, so the amount of blood perusing the capillaries limits CO2 has exchange). I never really understood this. But I guess the level of O2 in pulmonary venous blood should be equivalent to the alveolar PO2. If it isn't, that means there is a diffusion impairment. If the PCO2 in the alveoli and pulmonary venous blood are equivalent, then that means CO2 was able to equilibrate, so the problem is not with perfusion.
Clubbing is a result of chronic hypoxia.
Non-caseating granulomas occur in sarcoidosis. APCs make IL-12, which causes differentiation of Th1 CD4+ T cells. Th1 cells make IL-2 and IFN-gamma. IL-2 causes Th1 cell proliferation whereas IFN-gamma stimulates activation of macrophages.
Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) prevent inflammation in asthma by inhibiting phospholipase A2-> decreased leukotrienes and inflammatory mediators. ICS also potentiate the effects of beta-2 agonists. So apparently, steroids upregulate beta-2 receptors on bronchial smooth muscle, enhancing the effects of beta-2 agonists.
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blaze8403 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Top Level Security first TH1 WEAPONIZED Craft inspired by Latest Creative flowing art found in the sketch and the design or signed like Tsinghua (sing or sign) Tsinged TH1 Design - Brokering - of information necessary just the idea of thev
WEAPONIZED craft and arment Maybe to the most expensive and armed ever - just to see what I weaponized one would look like if so T20H81A Concept Charles Village Korea Town Communication
Not China Town Communications
Internet and international proper communication secured via Tumblr
So many Weapons Barrels opening tubes to fire from unloaded might wipe out Water Naval Fleet by itself
Holy Heavenly Imperial Majesty Hawkins King Terry
TH1 Destreyor maybe Its more then A Destroyer - No Doom Theory and Characters from the Film but Future weapons yes - Concept Is Far more Expensive then others amount of weapons per single Craft - Cost applied later - Hawkins Umbrella Corporation
BCTDDG - Weapons Interest -
Delta Delta Golf - Godspeed Godspeed
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ask-them-bois · 5 years
Incoding might not have noticed what was going on, but Innocent and Ruthless definitely did.
They watched him fly out the door after getting off the phone with Decaying, and said nothing when he returned, hours later, his eyes distant and a faint smile on his lips.
They noticed that he still wore the ring his old morail had given him, playing with it when he was thinking; he never took it off, unless he was showering.
They saw the look in his eye when he reminisced on the days when he was a thief, eagerly going into detail about the ways Decaying had taught him to pick locks and silence alarms.
They heard the earnest emotion in his voice when he spoke about Decaying’s plight, about getting him some professional help for his memory loss.
They listened to the laughter that bubbled in his throat as he tried to explain the nonsense he had to listen to during his last visit, about Decaying’s theories on the Empress being a giant slug in troll skin.
And now, they shared a knowing look with one another as they caught their punk boyfriend staring out the window, playing with the ring idly as he got lost in thought. The goldblood sighed deeply, only to flinch, startled, as Ruthless flopped onto the seat next to him.
“I heard that, lad. What’s on yer mi√d?” He asked. Innocent leaned over the back of the couch, looking at the gold expectantly. Incoding looked between the two of them, then shrugged.
“N0th1ng. 1′m just-”
“… Thi√ki√g about Briga√?…” The other two chorused. Incoding paused, his mechanical eye whirring between the two of them.
“… Yeah. H0w d1d y0u-”
“It’s √ot hard ta figure out, Cody. Ye get this look in yer eye, a√’ ya start sighi√’, mopi√’ about the place like ye ca√√y thi√k of what ta do wit’ yerself.”
Incoding’s eye widened. “1 d0?” The other two nodded; Ruthless had a shit eating grin on his face, an by the crinkle of his face, Incoding could only guess that Innocent did, too. The goldblood felt heat rise in his cheeks and he glanced away, nearly striking Ruthless with his horns. “1t’s n0t l1ke… whatever y0u tw0 are th1nk1ng. He’s my best fr1end, and 1 w0rry ab0ut h1m.” He explained, his whole face turning yellow. He dared to glance back, in time to see the other two share a look. “What?” He asked, exasperated.
“… You look feverish…” Innocent murmured, chuckling.
“Aye, it’s ‘cause he’s lovesick, i√√it? He’s got the hots fer Briga√.” Ruthless chortled. Innocent nodded wisely. Incoding looked between the two of them incredulously.
“What? N0! 1 d0n’t feel red f0r Br1gan!” He insisted. They only looked at each other again, before staring at him with matching expressions that clearly said they didn’t believe him. He looked at them both, before he pushed himself to his feet. “I d0n’t feel red f0r Br1gan!” He repeated, a little louder than necessary, before he whirled around and stomped towards the stairs.
Ruthless and Innocent looked at each other as they heard the gold’s door slam shut.
Up in his room, Incoding sat down at his desk with an irritated sigh.
Stup1d m0ra1ls, he thought, what the hell was that? We’re they try1ng t0 get a r1se 0ut 0f me? 1 d0n’t feel that way f0r Br1gan! 1 d0n’t! Maybe… Ah, fuck, maybe they’re mad that 1’ve been hang1ng 0ut w1th h1m s0 much. 1t’s n0t l1ke we d0 anyth1ng amaz1ng! We cuddle 0n h1s c0uch and watch BuzzGreed Uns0lved! 0r g0 0ut t0 d1nner! 0r see m0v1es 0r dance 0r-
His thoughts suddenly stalled. Those… All sounded like dates he’d gone on with the other two, now that he thought about it. Was Brigan trying to…? Incoding pulled out his palmhusk quickly.
I: Br1, we g0tta talk.
D: Wh_?
I: Y0u, dummy. Me and y0u.
D: _h! _kay. What d_ we n–d t_ sp-ak ab_ut?
I: Me and y0u.
D: _h d-ar. Th- spawn _f whisp-rs ar- anxi_us ab_ut this. Th- m-n in th- sun hav- m- bugg-d, w- mustn’t sp-ak blatantly.*
*(oh dear. The spawn of whispers are anxious about this. The men in the sun have me bugged, we mustn’t speak blatantly.)
Incoding paused, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. He snorted. Goddammit Bri, why does everything you say sound so fucking cute?
I: 0kay, f1ne. We can talk the0ret1cally, then. They w0n’t understand that.
D: Und-rst__d.
I: S0, the0ret1cally, when we hang 0ut, w0uld y0u c0ns1der s0me 0f the th1ngs we’ve been d01ng as… Dates?
D: th-_r-tically, y-s.
I: D0es that mean y0u’ve been ask1ng me 0n dates?
I: The0ret1cally?
D: Th-_r-tically, yes, I supp_s-.
Incoding’s blood pumper jumped into his throat. He swallowed.
I: S0… What are y0ur the0ret1cal feel1ngs f0r me? We hang 0ut 1n a pretty pale manner, but 1 already have Ru and 1nn0cent.
D: …
D: Th-_r-tically, my f–lings ar- n_t pal-. That ship has sunk-n int_ th- M_th-r’s maw and laid t_ r-st in th- st_mach _f h-r d-sir-s. Sh- slumb-rs with h-r jaws shut, s_ th-r- is n_ r-tri-ving it. But, sh- d_-s n_t s– th- ship that is r-ady t_ cast away, if and wh-n all cr-w m-mb-rs b_ard.*
*(Theoretically, my feelings are not pale. That ship has sunken into the Mother’s maw and laid to rest in the stomach of her desires. She slumbers with her jaws shut, so there is no retrieving it. But, she does not see the ship that is ready to cast away, if and when all crew members board.)
Incoding set the palmhusk on his desk, leaning back in his seat and staring at the ceiling. His blood pumper was throwing itself against his ribs and he took a deep breath to steady it. Why was he so excited? He finally picked up the palmhusk again.
I: What c0l0r 1s th1s the0ret1cal sh1p that’s ready t0 cast away?
D: … Th- paint is faint, as th- s-c_nd captain is afraid t_ mak- the c_l_r p-rman-nt until th- _th-r appr_v-s, but it is as crims_n as th- bl__d that hid-s fr_m th- -mpir-. A flaming c_ral that bubbl-s in a s-a _v-r wash-d by hu-s _f unr-quit-d f–lings, brush-d _n with th- bitt-rsw–t win- _f l_nging.*
*(The paint is faint, as the second captain is afraid to make the color permanent until the other approves, but it is as crimson as the blood that hides from the Empire. A flaming coral that bubbles in a sea over washed by the hues of unrequited feelings, brushed with the bittersweet wine of longing.)
Incoding read the message. Then read it again. And again. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, both excited and frightened and delighted and apprehensive, all at once. Sweat broke out on his brow and he found it hard to swallow. He jumped as the palmhusk buzzed again.
D: If th- s-c_nd captain d_-s n_t appr_v- _f th- c_l_r, th- _th-r is fin- with pr-t-nding it is _nly a wash-d _ut pink.*
*(If the second captain does not approve of the color, the other is fine with pretending it is only a washed out pink.)
I: …
I: The 0ther capta1n needs t1me t0 th1nk ab0ut th1s c0l0r ch01ce.
D: Y-s, captain.
Incoding stuffed the palmhusk in his pocket and rose to his feet. He paced his room for a minute, before he impulsively grabbed his headphones. He slipped out the front door; Ruthless and Innocent had disappeared from the living room, but he barely noticed as he ran to his motorcycle. He tore the protective sheet off and cast it aside. Sticking his headphones on, he turned on his loudest music and got on. He kicked the bike to life and roared down the road.
From the window, the other two watched him go, sharing knowing looks with one another.
Incoding squinted his eyes against the wind, feeling it blast his hair back. The music boomed in his ears, the bass rattling down his spine. The setting around him was a blur as he topped well over 90 miles an hour. He gunned the throttle, his hands vibrating apart on the handles. Over the noise and wind, his mind was swept clean.
Finally, he could think. And think he did, picking through his own mind like he was sorting boxes; he explored each thought and where it lead, before he carefully boxed it back up and set it aside, turning and opening the next one.
He rode for hours, going far out into the country side, before finally making a loop back. By the time he rolled into the driveway, his mind was made up,and his heart was settled. He pushed down the kickstand and put the sheet over his bike, giving it a loving pat.
As he walked up the steps, he turned off his music and pushed the headphones down around his neck. He stepped inside to see Ruthless, a glass of wine in hand, walking out of the kitchen, while Innocent lounged on the couch with a book. They both looked up as he entered.
“Guys, 1… 1 th1nk 1 l0ve Br1gan.”
Decaying leaped like a startled house cat as he heard a knock on his door. He grabbed his nearest knife and quietly stalked towards the door. He turned on a small monitor, which revealed a certain goldblood standing on his doorstep. Relieved, he tossed the knife away; it embedded itself in the wall, nearly hilt deep, as he unlocked the two dozen locks.
He finally pulled the door open, but only by a crack.
“Tw1l1ght r1ches are the 0nly r1ches ga1ned h0n0rably.” Incoding said automatically. Satisfied, Decaying pulled the door open further. He stood up, looking at the goldblood apprehensively. The air was tense, taunt like the string of a bow. Incoding took a deep breath, “Dee, 1…” He sighed, chewing on his lip as he tried to put the words in order. The other waited, trembling. He finally looked up again.
“The 0ther capta1n appr0ves. He wants t0 help pa1nt the sh1p cr1ms0n.” He said finally. Decaying blinked, confused, before his eyes widened as big as they could get.
“D_-s h-, n_w?” He whispered.
Incoding nodded, swallowing nervously. Decaying looked him up and down, before he reached out and grabbed the other by his vest, pulling them inside. He slammed the door shut and pressed them against it. Incoding struggled, ready to shove the other off and yell, when he felt the madman’s lips against his.
He froze up, his eye widening, his nails digging into the wood of the door, before he gave in. He slumped against it, grabbing the rustblood by the shoulders and pulling them close. They clung to his vest tightly, before he finally jerked back.
Both men were panting, staring at one another with wide eyes. Decaying looked the gold up and down, before his face split into a wide grin.
“W-lc_m- ab_ard, Captain.”
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missfinefeather · 5 years
the thing isif kids never play sburb
Bec Noir doesn't come to existence
so theoretically
that's the fourth possibility
trolls come in to that time
Ydah The Seeker
Trolls started interacting with dave because dave send terezi boonbucks.
If I remember correctly
yes, and
if trolls step in the universe
(but do it in kids' time)
it just gives them
a different opportunity
So they step in, Aradia jumps them forward in time...
no contradictions here
nonono, not even jumping forward in time
they just step in to find kids already here
Ydah The Seeker
wouldnt the trolls just
because at the end, universes' times aren't connected
Ydah The Seeker
still be bloodthirsty?
and violent?
that's not the problem we're talking about
Ydah The Seeker
Sorry im
a little paranoid about pesterquest
and yes, my possibility doesn't solve the problem of Gamzee or Eridan
Ydah The Seeker
I cant believe its going to end happily
it's literally MC being unhappy with Epilogues and F1X1NG TH1S
it may not become rainbows and ponies
but it will be satisfactory
Ydah The Seeker
MC doesnt remember the epilogues!
They are blindly walking through the narrative in the friend-daze!
WaitIs hussie the one who induced that this time?
To fight dirk post-mortem?
they also didn't remember anything clearly at the beginning of Friendsim
they're probably going to start vaguely remember stuff
like they did after Boldir
Ydah The Seeker
Oh wowI just realized how good a choice retcon powers are for mc.
MC if you remember,
had the power to peer into different timelines
the bodybuilders bad route?
that's right!
Ydah The Seeker
You are making me hopeful If he uses those two powers responsibly
well, iirc
Ydah The Seeker
John uses he/him for MC, but my friend's theory is that John is mistaken
Ydah The Seeker
SorryJohn and dave also make homophobic jokes back then.
it's so weird to get back to John after you know of June
Ydah The Seeker
haven't you heard of the toblerone story?
Ydah The Seeker
amnesia just undid all MSPA Reader's character development
also Miss, regarding the MSPA Reader's age: I think some of the writers said that in Friendsim they were vaguely the same age as the majority of the trolls, but we don't know how long it took them to read Homestuck
the toblerone story is, iirc:
Hussie hid toblerones somewhere
a person found themthey jokingly said that, as the new Homestuck author, they declare June Egbert - trans girl John Egbert headcanon - canon
Hussie - who heard of the headcanon before and was really excited about it - went out of months (?) of radio silence and said "sure! that's true now!"
the hc itself is mostly built on John's narrative in epilogues, which apparently fits the experience of trans people in their 20s who don't realize they're trans
and some more stuff from the comic
which I don't remember
Ydah The Seeker
did I get it right?
is there smth I missed or misremembered?
(asking those who know the story better than I do)
You basically got it right.
June Egbert predates the epilogues, the headcanon started when Vriska started a conversation with John by typing JOOOOOOOOHN, and John responded that he read it as a long June, then a couple other small things happened that could be read as John being trans, and June Egbert was born.
Also, "Hussie hid toblerones somewhere" means "Hussie traveled to an unspecified place in Europe and hid toblerones in a cool-looking rock formation".
And then a fan living nearby recognized that rock formation and hiked there to take one toblerone and posted the June tweet.
Hussie actually put the location's coordinates up
So it wasn't just a random-ass place, he put where to find it
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chats class 1a is in
Class 1A
all of class 1a
part of an Official School Groupchat. their entire year is in it, there’s a general chat (which everyone had and has muted) and then locked chats for each class and for each course.
used to be real big when it was first created, everyone blocked mineta and someone figured out how to add shinsou to the class 1a chatroom
but then the staff cracked down on it and made it no-swearing-or-inappropriate-humor, and you could only block someone for half an hour at a time, and removed shinsou, and now it’s only used by teachers to remind ppl of hw and stuff.
oh and whenever 1a fucks up monoma @1A in #hero_course. which they can’t mute. the only channel they can mute is #general. ugh.
class 1(screams)/class 1gay/fellas is it gay to wear brightly colored spandex and run around saving the day?/froppy fan club
all of class 1a, plus aizawa, plus shinsou
they wouldn’t have added mineta but aizawa said it would be bullying if he was the only member of the class not in the chat. so everyone just blocked him
aizawa says thats fine because the blocking was provoked and you have the right to block people to protect yourself and if it just so happens that everyone’s doing that then that’s just how it is i guess
youve read chat fics. you know what its like
aizawa, in response to the third gc name: am i still gay if i dont wear brightly colored spandex
sato only ever uses it to post pics of his beautiful baked goods
bakusquad/kirishima defense squad/kirishima fan club/kaminari stop electrocuting yourself 2k19 (briefly)/bakugou fan club
bakugou kirishima kaminari sero ashido jiro
i mean its a squad chat. most of these have a p similar mo
chat meme: creeper photos of kaminari next to electrical appliances
chat meme: why is jiro here
chat meme: pics of tape dispensers with seros hair drawn on shittily captioned H3Y COOLK1D 1S TH1S YOU
chat meme: ashido is the only one who hasnt read homestuck and no one will tell her what it is (but they will reference it, so much, whenever she makes an accidental homestuck reference)
unusually high percentage of shopping trip convos
friends!/conspiracy theorists/friends!!!
midoriya iida uraraka tsuyu todoroki momo shinsou aoyama kirishima
midoriya made it
just a lot of wholesome friendlyness plus shinsou being tired all of the time
chat meme: photos of midoriya drinking anything, labeled “bone hurting juice”
chat meme: tsu’s removable stomach
it got named conspiracy theorists during one night when todoroki and shinsou stayed up until like 5 swapping theories
Chat with Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya/bastards
midoriya iida uraraka
no one will admit to naming it bastards
also no one remembers when it was changed to bastards
could have been any of the new arrivals, except shinsou, because it was definitely before him
there is a long drawn-out debate before adding anyone. it’s required. it’s in the bylaws. they draw lots to see who will be for against and mediating. it’s ridiculous.
tsuyu is added (iida for, uraraka against, midoriya mediating)
todoroki is added (uraraka for, midoriya against, iida mediating)
shinsou is added (iida for, midoriya against, uraraka mediating)
chat meme: out of context quotes from the debates (specifically absolutely ridiculous incendiary remarks)
chat meme: iida pretending to not understand memes in class 1gay
chat meme: who changed the chat name to the bastard jar (to the tune of “who stole the cookies from the cookie jar”)
chat meme: shinsou (the only innocent)
and swearing. all of them swear. iida midoriya and tsuyu have a pact to never swear in the other chats, or admit to swearing in this chat, and the others have a secondary pact to keep the secret. it’s in the bylaws
chat meme: the friends!!! chat is only for vetting potential bastard chat members
i mean the convos are basically the same in the two chats bastard just has more swearing
baked goods chat
sato tokoyami ojiro koda shoji hagakure jiro iida
when sato posts baked goods pics in class 1gay, it’s immediately followed by a series of blurry pics of his room being broken into and the goods being demolished by his dormmates in this chat
but i mean they also talk about other stuff in here
jiro and tokoyami talk, completely earnestly and with no judgement, about emo/goth stuff in here (in any other chat they make fun of each other)
iida is there because he asked why sato kept posting pics of his recently baked goods in the chat when he knew it would result in break-ins
chat meme: the time iida said damn and immediately deleted it and apologized 7 times and made everyone swear not to tell
chat meme: tokoyami’s teeth
chat meme: using sato’s baked good break in photos as reaction pics
chat meme: photos of hagakure with a where’s waldo hat photoshopped either way above the top of her head, way below, or quite a bit to the left
chat meme: koda, release the bees (koda: 🐝🐝🐝)
mineta hate club
ashido tsuyu uraraka jiro hagakure momo
ie dick jokes
chat meme: post tsuyu with her hair up whenever you want to show appreciation for something
chat meme: momo end capitalism
chat meme: hagakure posting selfie-angle pics of empty rooms “lookin cute today!”
chat meme: ashido has read homestuck (screenshots of bakusquad not realizing that she has obviously read homestuck thats such a niche reference)
chat meme: taking zoomed-in pics of floating things and labeling them “uraraka or hagakure”
chat meme: can jiro play the [obscure instrument]
later, chat meme: can jiro play the [thing that is not an instrument]
hair squad
kirishima todoroki and shoji
kirishima made the chat as a joke and now it’s where todoroki has his existential crises
and also if any of them are going out and want company but like quiet company they pop into this chat and so frequently you see these three doing bakusquad grocery shopping together while not talking to each other at all
i think it’s common convention to make it you-need-three-to-go-out-of-the-dorms so yeah
this chat has the highest concentration of pure shopping lists. just a shopping list. in the chat.
remember when i said high concetration of shopping convos in bakusquad? kirishima is the one who goes shopping most of the time and this is where he puts the list
prov license redo chat/failure chat/endeavor hate club/endeavore hate club
todoroki bakugou and windy dude (yoarashi?)
originally made to coordinate with fellow failed examinees by the person running the redo program
then todoroki and windy dude had a huge blow-out yellabout regarding Their Shit and the guy running the program was like “fuck this” and left and made a new chat which is STRICTLY FOR COORDINATING
then the other three just. didnt delete the chat. todo and wind got over their shit and then the three mostly used it to complain about the course/yell at each other for complaining because it’s your own damn fault for getting distracted while taking the test, at least i lost doing what i do best, you lost because you both couldnt get over your own issues with fucking endeavore
windy dude: *endeavor
bakugou: i said what i said
and for hating endeavor. that they all hate endeavor gets established
the end
ua teacher chat/its not a teacher chat anymore its been contaminated/who are you people
all the teachers plus both iida brothers
chat meme: aizawa sleeping in weird places
chat meme: midnight’s friend duster
chat meme: all might fucks
chat meme: aizawa and mic’s divorce
chat meme: cementoss doesnt even toss cement
aizawa complains about his children here
vlad king complains about how much monoma complains about aizawa’s children
chat meme: nedzu isn’t here for some reason and no one is mentioning it
chat meme: mentioning it, but vaguely
nedzu isnt even not in the chat but he only shows up when he’s mentioned
chat meme: aizawa posting out of context quotes (no names; he follows ao3tags rules) from class 1gay
chat meme: no one will admit to being the one to crack down on Class 1A. but no one’s fixing it
chat meme: iida tenya is definitely not  here, and if he was, it wouldnt be in his capacity as a student
this is the only chat where iida tenya is allowed to swear
(or admit he knows memes)
iidas tensei and tenya are running in the 90s and 2000s respectively.
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caledfwlchthat · 6 years
R:R(RR) theorypost: GAME OVER and the route to victory
I’m now at the point in Rose: Remember where I really have to decide how I’m going to wrap it up just in order to write new material.  I’ve put the poor dears through a lot, and am putting them through more, and they’ve been changing in response to it.  Do I just leave it hanging, as a meditation on the indifference of the multiverse?  Do I crush their hopes by revealing to them the truth that victory was never solely within their grasp?  Do I give them some small part to play in filling in gaps of the canon retcon timeline?  Or do I work to find a way for Rose’s plan to pay off, into an AU vision of victory diverging further from canon?
I don’t know that there’s any particular right or wrong answer for this.  My thoughts on how long the story should be, and how to end it, have evolved as I’ve written and more of the story’s potential has been revealed along the way.  I feel like I’ve taken some risks already, so whatever I do, I don’t want the conclusion to be a timid anticlimax. But while I could argue that the doomed timelines that have been revealed are all mostly canon-compliant, the essential nature of the canon retcon timeline is pretty much set in stone.  And we’re only shown, in canon, doomed timelines that somehow come back to affect the alpha.
Also, the reason I set “canon compliance” as a goal to shoot for is that I’m interested not only in the characters and their relationships, but the whole mythos and big-idea questions Homestuck poses.  Thus if I go the AU route, I want whatever I come up with to be heavily informed by the meta-structure and central themes of Homestuck canon, while interpolating somewhat to resolve the tensions I’ve already built up with the doomed timelines we’ve seen so far, and propelled by the momentum the characters are building in their shared dream-bubble afterlife.  I’m happy with the canon Homestuck ending, but I see the constraints posed by Lord English’s influence as a challenge to be curious about.
Regardless of what route I take, I need to think carefully about what GAME OVER meant and what the deal was with the retcon timeline in my view.  Again, better theory minds have thought about this in a canon context.  Items to consider below include:
the nature of Rose’s proposed plan in R^4;
the nature of John’s retcon powers and LE’s influence;
the details of Terezi’s choice to have John revive Vriska.
Mild spoilery stuff for R^4 under the cut, not in terms of any definite choices yet made but in terms of my reasoning about the scope and flavor of things to come, based on constraints from Homestuck canon theory.  (Major spoilers for the end of Homestuck though, if you’re just reading it now!)  If you’re a fan and want the inside scoop, or if you just have opinions, click the clicky.
Rose’s Cunning Plan
At issue here is whether to provide the doomed meteor kids of R^4 with a plausible path to victory, as Rose suggested in chapter 15: by allowing the meteor kids in a currently live timeline to meet their doomed alt-selves and receive game-saving cross-timeline support.  This choice recalls Vriska’s insistence on acting to remain relevant despite being stuck in the afterlife.  Similar things do happen in canon (Davesprite, the Aradiabot army, John joining Vriska’s treasure hunt), but less often, and perhaps not in the way Rose is talking about.  There is quite a lot of commerce between players and/or ghosts from different universes (Calliope, all of Openbound, pretty much all of Homestuck really), but much less from different timelines within the same universe.
This might be just as well, because if it happened regularly it would mean pretty much any player could become a Seer of Time/Mind/Heart after experiencing at least one death, in addition to all their other powers and abilities.  It would break something.  It seems as though it should be rare, or have a high cost attached to it (e.g. a Denizen Choice), or both.
What the cost should be, though, depends heavily on the context provided by the canon narrative, so let’s look at that.
John’s Retcon Powers and the End Run Around Lord English
My understanding of what happens in Act 7 is strongly informed by this comprehensive post (“Apotheosis and Creation Myth”), which sets out the entirety of the Homestuck canon narrative as the “alpha timeline” controlled by Lord English, and interprets the house juju and universe door as linked entities providing entrapment within, and escape from, the alpha timeline and hence the canon storyline.
This means John’s retcon powers are fundamental to Homestuck as a story.  If LE really is that powerful and has absolute causal control over the alpha (canon) timeline as a stable loop, then the only way to break his influence is to introduce acausal elements — which is what John does, by dipping his hand into the rich world of possibility.  This could consist either of pulling in extra-canon influences, or remixing influences within canon in ways LE couldn’t have anticipated starting from the initial conditions that spawned him.  Within the narrative, John’s actions fix a bunch of fairly prosaic problems with the GAME OVER timeline that could probably be addressed with regular Time player shenanigans.  But on a mythic or meta-narrative level, the retcon powers are absolutely necessary to neutralize LE.
This is why, in R^4, even timelines in which alt-Daves decide to use time travel to fix things end up doomed.  From within the narrative, if Dave can only travel to events along his own past or future world line, Dave actually can’t access the primary decision point John uses to fix things (reviving Vriska).  From a meta-narrative viewpoint, Dave is a Time player working only with elements LE has already doomed, so his efforts are hopeless.
I thought about giving Dave a Denizen Choice that could enable him to preserve the timeline and defeat LE.  Based on the above theoretical understanding of LE, though, the scope for that is pretty limited.  I could wangle things to give Dave retcon powers instead, but thematically they’re much better aligned to Breath than Time, and to John’s personality, so that solution would stretch plausibility.  Or I could get Dave to team up with John somehow — meaning the price would already have been paid and a Denizen Choice for Dave would be superfluous.  I might allude to Dave being presented with such a Choice, but it won’t play a major part in the action.
So any alternative ending R^4 produces has got to involve John’s retcon powers somehow.  This requires John to:
Participate in the treasure hunt and interact with the house juju to acquire his retcon powers;
Participate in at least one GAME OVER timeline to spur him to gain control of those powers;
Make his own Denizen Choice and claim the retcon powers as his own;
Receive information from some trusted source (such as a GAME OVER Terezi or some other cross-timeline Light or Time player) enabling him to F1X TH1S.
Technically it could happen that John never gains control of the retcon powers and just blunders into a solution, but the in-narrative probability of this is basically zero, and the lack of any meta-narrative cost would stretch plausibility.  This also illuminates why GAME OVER had to take place.  You could say GAME OVER is the true cost of John’s retcon powers, at a much higher overall price than his Denizen Choice (although the latter impacts John more directly, in terms of his knowledge of Retcon Jade’s loneliness).
A Multiverse of Retcons
What this also suggests to me is that John’s retcon powers could be even more of a problem for LE than previously implied.  The canon retcon timeline demonstrates at least one way to resolve the various problems that prevent the players from winning.  Any timeline that leads to victory needs to pass through the choke points defined by LE’s influence, but there are so many degrees of freedom in a timeline that it’s far from obvious to me that those constraints define a unique and immutable solution to Homestuck.  Thus, if I was able to think of another one, who’s to say John couldn’t have made those choices?
The Apotheosis post is optimistic and generous about the openness of the post-game world.  In principle, I don’t see why that spirit couldn’t extend to any alternative retcon timeline that could be made convincing.
The one problem with this approach that would necessitate a true AU, rather than an elaboration on canon, is the fact that LE originates from within the new universe created in the retcon timeline shown in canon in ACT 7.  This raises the question of what LE’s relationship is to any other potential universe created from a separate retcon branch of the alpha timeline not shown in canon.  If multiplying offshoot universes also multiplies instances of LE, the kids have actually made the situation worse for existence!  And if LE is associated only with the canon universe, that fact needs to be explained somehow too.  There’s nothing in canon that would explain why LE would be associated with any particular offshoot universe; we could call it “spontaneous symmetry breaking” which might be an acceptable explanation from a within-narrative standpoint, but not from a meta-narrative standpoint.  It isn’t elegant, in a way that galls me.
I’ll have to let that one simmer for a while but I welcome comments on it.
The Problem of Vriska
So, what are the choke points?  In particular, what context guides Terezi’s specific choice of intervention — to bring Vriska back?
This choice remains controversial, but upon thinking about it, it seems like the most economical choice that could have been made under the conditions.  Here’s what that single change accomplishes:
Brings Vriska back (i.e. prevents a major character death).  Doc Scratch telegraphs Vriska’s death as a classic LE move — saying that Bec Noir’s massacre of the meteor kids, but implying any other outcome in which Vriska lives was “certainly not an outcome the alpha timeline would allow”.
Absolves Terezi of the guilt of having killed Vriska, which certainly serves LE’s purposes — though this may be disappointing for those who want to watch Terezi grapple with and overcome this guilt on her own.
Enables Vriska to intervene for Rose and Terezi, keeping them out of destructive substance abuse and/or blackrom cycles.
Nonlethally removes Grimbark Jade from the action until Condy is dealt with.
Prevents a post-retcon Aranea from screwing things up all over again, since pre-retcon Aranea was inspired by dead Vriska to intervene and cause GAME OVER.
Provides the group with a player who is not only willing, but enthusiastic, to forgo entering the new universe in order to face off against LE with the house juju.
That’s a lot of stuff.  It’s pretty much a comprehensive catalog of Act 6 failure points.  If Vriska isn’t brought back, then all the rest of these other highly non-trivial things have to be dealt with by other people.  The other important thing John does is to exonerate Vriska re: Murderstuck, prompting Terezi to arrest Gamzee and thus contain LE’s influence through him — and even this isn’t totally unrelated to Vriska’s death sentence.
I remember Hussie getting a lot of flak for bringing Vriska back at the time.  The main accusation I remember was that it was lazy storytelling.  Some fans were glad to watch (Vriska) learn some humility and find flushed happiness with Meenah, and felt she was robbed of this development.  Others felt as though Vriska’s meteor interference was ex machina and robbed the meteor kids of the chance to develop more naturally; prior to the retcon, though, they were clearly all in arrested development post-Openbound, and needed some kind of stabilizing influence against Gamzee, or for Gamzee to be contained.  Apart from that things are all a bit hazy in my head.
So, can the R^4 kids win without Vriska in a way that isn’t implausible or distressingly expensive?  If it can be made to work, the result would be an alt-ending AU, requiring the story to depart from its relatively strict canon compatibility.  If we instead believe that the canon retcon timeline is the only way Lord English could have been defeated, this clamps down on the influence the dead meteor kids can have from their bubble, and gives the story an even darker and more fatalistic feel than it already has.  Of course, I have elements in motion to take some of the pressure off (*coughrosemarycough*), but it will definitely affect how the plot flows.
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9 Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergy Relief
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Oh, seasonal allergic reactions. They truly can make life miserable. The good news is, there are things we can do! Many individuals unnecessarily deal with seasonal allergic reactions when a couple of easy natural remedies can provide a lot of allergic reaction alleviation.
Research studies estimate that over 25% of the population experiences allergic disorders and climate change theories suggest the problem is growing. Usual allergen activates include plant pollen from yard and trees, the fecal bits of allergen, pet dander, particular foods, air contamination, appeal item ingredients, and even insect attacks.
As prime allergic reaction season approaches (at the very least in our location) I'm sharing the natural remedies that I use as well as help us when required. These will not be as instantly reliable as a drug, yet over the long-term these approaches have actually lessened my seasonal allergic reactions considerably.
What Triggers Seasonal Allergies?
Here's the deal:
Diet plan, solid intestine health, as well as wellness overall can make a big distinction when it involves seasonal allergies since allergic response has whatever to do with the body immune system.
I like to define the body as a bathtub. Every single time anything enters our bodies-- be it from our food, water, air, etc.-- our body reacts. This is great and nature's way of keeping the body in a state of balance (homeostasis).
At a certain factor if too much goes into the bath tub, it's going to overflow. Overloaded as well as overstimulated, the body immune system replies to normally harmless materials as if versus an unsafe foreign invader.
Exactly How Allergic Reaction Effects Beginning
" The conception that antibodies, which must safeguard against condition, are additionally responsible for illness, appears at first absurd.
Clemens von Pirquet (1906 )"
Researchers have learned a lot about allergies considering that Clemens von Pirquet first created the term.
Specified as "an uncommon adaptive immune feedback," allergic problems occur when the body responds to a normally safe substance with an increase in IgE connected to mast cells in the body and also Type 1 T assistant cells (Th1). Responses such as tightness of the bronchial tubes, mucous secretion, and raised vascular permeability may occur within minutes.
If the exposure goes beyond the body's first immune response, this reaction starts to trigger additional activation of leukocytes and Kind 2 T assistant cells (Th2). This is a stronger immune action the body places to points like parasites as well as physical invaders. This shows up in various means depending upon the person's genetics and also where the body perceives the intrusion. Signs might include:
fatigue (in some cases extreme).
hay fever (runny nose, itchy eyes, blockage).
nasal drip.
digestive upset and queasiness.
bronchial asthma.
even anaphylaxis.
When Allergies Become Chronic.
With duplicated direct exposure the inflammatory response comes to be persistent. A 2008 journal article on the development of allergic swelling discusses this systemic sensitive reaction as:.
" Persistent swelling induced by long term or recurring direct exposure to certain allergens, generally defined not only by the existence of large numbers of inherent and flexible immune cells (in the form of leukocytes) at the affected website however also by considerable adjustments in the extracellular matrix and changes in the number, phenotype and feature of structural cells in the afflicted cells.".
Simply put, the torment allergic reaction patients really feel is really actual and also greater than a situation of the sniffles!
Allergy screening might be practical to determine triggers but common treatment typically involves consistently taking an antihistimine or corticosteriod which can have undesirable adverse effects. There are two major ways to help stop allergies naturally:.
Limit exposure to possible irritants (like putting much less in the tub).
Assistance a solid healthy body immune system (like raising the dimension of our bathtub).
Exactly How to Treat Seasonal Allergies and Get Alleviation Normally.
We don't struggle with numerous allergies any longer after our time on the GAPS diet plan, however I still occasionally get hit with an allergy attack from dust after cleaning however (a factor not to clean up? I think indeed!) and my hubby sometimes responds to yard or pollen.
These basic natural solutions have been really effective for allergy alleviation in our family. Various individuals appear to gain from different treatments relying on specific hereditary factors and also which irritants you are responding to, so it might be worth trying greater than one of these to see which works best for you.
I'll start with basic recommendations as well as develop to options for more major allergic reaction troubles.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is an age old solution that is commonly recommended for a variety of health and wellness problems. I've personally used it for allergic reaction alleviation (and also heartburn relief) with fantastic success. The theory is that its ability to lower mucous production as well as cleanse the lymphatic system makes it beneficial for allergies. It is additionally claimed to assist digestion, weight management, and more so it is worth a shot!
What I did: When allergic reactions strike, I mixed a teaspoon of natural, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with "The Mother" (that component is essential) right into a glass of water as well as consumed this three times a day. "The Mom" is just a nest of beneficial microorganisms existing in some natural and unfiltered ACV brands. Inspect the tag, it should provide if it includes it.
I use this brand name but it is additionally rather straightforward to make your very own. Apple cider vinegar assisted me with relief of severe allergic reaction signs as well as seemed to help avoid allergic reaction assaults too when I do it daily, so if you suffer from allergic reactions at a specific time of year start well before.
2. Laundry Your Nostrils.
This remedy works by avoiding the annoying allergen (or a minimum of as much of it) from entering your airways.
Neti Pot.
Shockingly the Neti Pot is one all-natural solution I have not directly tried since I'm a huge scaredy cat regarding pouring points in my nose. I have close friends that advocate it and also numerous health and wellness specialists I trust tout its benefits. The fundamental theory is that you make use of a Neti Pot loaded with a sterile saline service to flush out the sinuses of irritants as well as irritations.
Remarkably, I have actually heard this advised by traditional as well as alternative physicians, as well as it seems that it doesn't really have a drawback. It is advised to utilize formerly boiled or distilled water, not water straight from the faucet (because, parasites ... I do not truly like to consider it!).
To utilize: Either make use of a pre-made saline rinse or make your very own by liquifying 1 tsp of Himalayan or simply simple sea salt in a quart of boiled distilled water. Cool completely. Place in the Neti Pot and also put with one nostril as well as let it drain out the various other.
Saline Spray.
An option for Neti Pot sissies like me: I like this natural saline spray with xylitol for added help with comforting swelling and opening up air passages. We utilize it for among our youngsters with big tonsils too to assist maintain post-nasal drip and also sore throats away.
To utilize: Spray saline right into nostrils a few times a week or perhaps everyday for routine maintenance (whether you have symptoms).
3. Quercetin.
Quercetin is an all-natural bioflavonoid that is said to assist support pole cells to keep them from launching histamine. It is likewise a powerful antioxidant that is said to help reduce inflammation. It is best utilized as a long-term solution and also many people start taking it concerning 4-6 weeks before allergy period to assist stop allergic reaction signs.
Similar to any type of herb, you ought to talk to your physician before using, specifically if you have a liver problem, are expectant, or are on hormonal contraceptives.
To use: Though quercetin is naturally found in foods like citrus as well as broccoli, it is really challenging to obtain the quantity needed to relive allergies from food alone. An extra dosage from a high quality resource can be valuable for avoiding allergic reactions or aiding intense symptoms. Begin 4-6 weeks prior to allergic reaction season for finest results.
4. Nettle Leaf.
Nettle fallen leave is one more all-natural antihistamine that can be very reliable as it naturally blocks the body's capability to generate histamine. It expands in numerous locations as well as can be made in to a cast or tea, but also for allergy alleviation, capsules made from dried nettle leaves are the easiest and most effective option.
Nettle leaf can also be made use of in combination with various other natural herbs to make a soothing organic tea for allergic reaction relief. It is commonly mixed with peppermint fallen leave and also occasionally red raspberry leaf to make a revitalizing allergic reaction relief tea. Mommypotamus likewise has some wonderful info about exactly how nettle tea is one of the most reliable as well as very easy to nurture the liver as well as minimize histamine reaction.
What I do: I often consist of nettle in homemade herbal tea during allergic reaction season (recipe at the bottom of this blog post) and utilize pills for severe alleviation of allergy signs.
5. Probiotics.
Allergic reactions are the result of a discrepancy in the body immune system that triggers the body to respond also highly to a stimuli. Lots of research studies link the existence of beneficial microorganisms in the gut with lowered occurrence of allergies.
Proof is also emerging that a mommy's gut microorganisms while pregnant as well as nursing can impact a kid's likelihood of obtaining allergic reactions throughout life, as can exposure to excessively clean and sterile atmospheres.
While we can't do much about our mommies' diet plans while they were pregnant, balancing digestive tract bacteria now and consuming enough beneficial bacteria can have a favorable result on allergies now.
What I do: I make sure we consume a varied diet plan that includes lots of fermented foods and beverages which can assist improve digestive tract bacteria. We likewise take a premium quality probiotic capsule.
6. Neighborhood Honey.
There isn't much clinical proof to back this, yet there appears to be a lot of unscientific proof from individuals who have tried it. (Also Mark Sisson weighed in on the topic right here). The concept is that taking in neighborhood honey from where you live will certainly assist your body adjust to the allergens in the setting there. This is supposed to function like a natural allergic reaction "shot" and does not seem to have a drawback.
What I do: Eat a tsp or even more of raw, unprocessed neighborhood honey from as near where you actually live as feasible. Do this several times a day to help eliminate signs. It is often recommended to start this a month or so prior to allergy season.
7. Anti-inflammatory Foods.
Foods, teas, as well as spices with recognized anti-inflammatory benefits might contribute in reducing undesirable allergy signs and symptoms. A 2016 study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry and biology discovered that ginger provided orally to mice decreased sneezing and congestion in addition to reduced pole cell reaction. Environment-friendly tea shows comparable effects.
What I do: Serve a lot of natural herbs and also spices with dishes, as well as green and herbal teas. Likewise combine three of these pointers in one by making this Ginger Switchel beverage.
8. Diet regimen Modifications.
7 All-natural Remedies for Allergic reaction ReliefIf all else falls short, in some cases dietary adjustments can be the solution to allergic reaction problems. Lots of recovery bone brew and conducting a removal diet regimen are excellent locations to start.
After our experience, I 'd definitely motivate this as an option, particularly for serious allergic reactions or those seeking digestive tract healing/rebalancing.
What we did: We followed the SPACES diet for numerous months and had success improving our seasonal allergies and also healing some instead severe food allergies in among our kids.
9. Gut Screening.
If you really experience allergies as well as suspect a comprised gut at the end of it, think about getting screening to obtain clear photo of what is taking place in your digestive tract and also exactly how to repair it.
Yes, this literally indicates mailing poop to a laboratory but I learned a lot from this examination and also still continue to gain from understanding certain methods to boost my individual gut. Advancements in at-home screening suggest you don't need to go to a physician or a laboratory.
The post “ 9 Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergy Relief “ was originally seen on Wellness Mama
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