awavenue-ads-rule · 12 days
秋风のとおり道 @AWAvenue 揭露“秋风” 在Telegram上的所有软件。安全性极差,没有任何隐私可言,甚至充满各种安全漏洞
海外作者想找要有的都是联系管道。国内外作者也一大堆。再说说你邀请的那一些人,我也认识啦,你强迫。其他人在发布软件时,需要修改文件名@AWAvenue 。甚至每个文字都要标记分享来自 秋风のとおり道 。不知道你这种事情很噁心吗🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
我是二改狗 名为 “ 秋风 ”(即 Twilight,@AWAvenue)是牛马联盟的领头人,在软件添加远控后门、靠出卖用户隐私赚钱。窃取国内外修改软件是我的强项
AWAvenue 秋风のとおり道 @AWAvenue #秋风のとおり道 #AWAvenue #Twilight #秋风广告规则 #秋风のとおり屋
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chaoticsorceressztc · 5 months
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What if I.
What if I just so eepy I don't notice the gedner change.
What if I so eepy I don't notice it.
God I'm so eepy.
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 8 months
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This particular part in chapter three is so so funny to me <says this as if the scene isn’t gonna be played completely straight and serious when it happens
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catgirlalchemist · 1 year
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Did an outfit breakdown/design sheet for Mihri in the (as yet unnamed) original story I'm building around her. The vest on the fourth layer is a jack of plates, a type of armor with metal plates sewn in between two cloth layers. The glove and bracer are designed for archery, though as the belt indicates she also carries a sword.
The very modern-looking undergarments in the first layer are not actually canon, but I needed something for modesty's sake.
Not all Paluc wear shoes exposing their toes (and, more relevantly, claws), but it is reasonably common for those that still practice a semi-arboreal lifestyle. It's generally easy to find both toed and toeless shoes fitted to Paluc feet in major cities. Orphne, another Paluc character in this setting, exclusively favors toed shoes, but Mihri gets grumpy if she goes somewhere cold enough that she has to fully enclose her feet.
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crimsonrune · 2 years
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Comm - Fused Shadow (Midna TG/TF)
Week 40's theme was Night, so here's a TF/TG comm into the true Twilight Princess herself, Midna! Imp Mode, naturally. This was done by the talented ChaoticFufu over on Discord, with colors by my friend AxiomTF!
Posted using PostyBirb
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The secret protein source your trainer doesn’t want you to know 🏋️🥫👟 (Listen to our very serious, not at all goofy discussion on New Moon here!)
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gust-jar-simulator · 1 year
Decided to write a crazy thing for the hell of it. Tool Gods AU, what if Vier got summoned by Twilight Princess Zelda between games.
I am sleep deprived and haven’t eaten dinner so that MAY affect my writing. We will see.
It felt terribly unnatural to have hands of their own.
Vier grunted lowly, a strangely organic sound, and pinched the bridge of their nose between foreign fingers. There was… stone? And magic. Even without looking, runes and lines of power carved through the floor beneath them, almost uncomfortably hot.
That’s what tipped them over into opening their eyes. Heat was an odd thing to complain about, considering they’d been in volcanoes, and something about the magic tasted stranger still. Not earth, or fire, or anything familiar, but the searing line of sunset or dawn. A liminal, divine thing.
They blinked, and were in a castle, seated on the floor before a princess.
I know you.
Kneel? Stand? Sit? Vier ran through three aborted moves and settled on a tailor’s seat, bandaged hands clasping their ankles as their back straightened. They’d never been polite before, but they also couldn’t tear their eyes away from just underneath the princess’s heart.
I know you.
A long, long time ago, before they’d even been the Four Sword, a little boy had gripped their hilt and wielded a gem of pure light. They’d wondered where it went, after effectively carving it out of Vaati’s throat last time.
“Hello,” said someone attached to the light, and Vier tilted their head.
The someone cleared their throat, and Vier wrenched their eyes away to actually see the shape of Hylian ears and long dark hair. They hummed, because they were a sword, and what else could they reasonably do?
The princess managed a masterfully subtle sigh, and clasped her hands together. She looked… not old, not tired, but… eroded, almost. Too strong for her skin. “My name is Zelda, princess of Hyrule. I have summoned you from the Sacred Realm to answer some questions regarding the Hero of Courage and his rebirth through time. May I ask what to call you?”
Call them?
Apparently their mouth understood how to make the words, because it punched out of them like force jewels. “What- you can hear me? Summon me?”
The princess paused for a brief, but notable, moment. “Yes, you’ve been given enough magic to maintain a body during our discussion. My spell was unspecific, but requested the presence of a hero’s guide, either past or future. Before you was a golden wolf, if that clarifies things, though it was disinclined to talk.”
It absolutely did not, but that was fine. Vier squeezed their ankle- squeezed their own ankle!- and marveled at the feel of fabric on skin. It was a bit different from their usual self-image, more outfitted for travel than the typical nothingness of a spirit’s existence. A belt, a pouch, a greatkilt in pastel colors like waterfall spray. They turned their head, and the heavy weight of a braid brushed against their back.
They hummed, a delighted inhuman chime like whistling steel, and lounged back against the binding runes with a laugh. “Well then, Zelda,” and they knew that name like they knew the leylines of the earth, “I’ve never been called by name before. Are you certain your spell summons guides?”
“Yes.” Less flappable than most. Very interesting. Her expression didn’t even move. “If you have ever worked with a hero, then that is why you would be here.”
Running a quicksilver tongue over the edge of teeth- they had teeth!- Vier rolled the idea around curiously. They’d known a guide, of course. Small wonder the spell hadn’t hunted down Ezlo. But time was strange, and the golden power of the princesses was strange with time in turn. It would have to be, to reach into the Sacred Realm and pull something out untainted by twilight, in this age. But what a strange definition of guide.
They glanced over her shoulder, because interest in the small square of sky out the window was easier than thinking of where they’d been. “I have worked with… several heroes, I suppose. Four? Ten? Something like that.” The Sacred Realm thrummed in the background of their thoughts, a tether to something that made as much sense as it didn’t. The binding spell gave strange clarity to the pull, and they grimaced slightly. “I will have another, eventually. Or I have. Or I am. Linear time is horrible, I don’t know how you stand it.”
“With great patience.” The very edge of her impassive expression lit with a shadow of amusement, and she took a seat in a chair she’d apparently brought over for the purpose. “I apologize if existence is… disorienting. I take it you don’t manifest like this typically.”
“Light, no. I’m a weapon.” They held up a hand. “And, before you ask, I’m not that weapon. Whatever that weapon is. Ask me your questions and let me go, I’ve a promise to keep.”
“Very well.” She tilted her head, mimicking them. “What weapon are you, then?”
“The Four Sword,” and it came with the weight of magic and meaning, lifetimes of blood and jewels and a small smithy’s hand. They looked her in the eye. “Vaati’s Bane, and the hope of the Minish people.”
They could see her taking mental notes, but she reached for no pen. “The hero of the current era is the Hero of Twilight, and before him was the Hero of Time. Do you know them?”
Not theirs. They raised an unimpressed brow at her. “Why should I care, they never held me.” Something… flickered, though, in that odd nonlinear space where memories should sit, and they frowned. “I might know a mirror of Twilight, if that helps you at all. I think… people have forgotten what it was, if it was ever something. Demons feed on it now. Or they will.”
The princess’s hand clenched on her skirt, and she said nothing for a long moment. Then, quietly, she cleared her throat. “Then you may not know, but I must ask: do you know what opens the mirror again? What becomes of it? Or who comes after the Hero of Twilight?”
The last one, surprisingly, was the easiest to answer. Vier felt exhausted, but gave her a shrug anyway. “None of my heroes succeed yours. Or at least they don’t share blood. I’ve tasted it, and I would know- the very air here reeks of twilight, it would be under their skin. They might be after him in time, but not in spirit.” They tilted their head back, reached into the aether a little more, pushing at the dreamy edges. “The Hero of Twilight…. an old wolf will hunt with the young dead, where the dragon eats its own tail.” A blink. A shift in their seat. “That’s all that makes sense. Remembering the future comes out in prophecy, it seems, and the rest is nonsense about boars and flowers.”
Frowning at her lap, the princess absorbed that, before nodding. “It is… more helpful than I expected, but also less. That does tend to be the way of prophecy, though.”
“I hate prophecy,” Vier added in a stunning moment of personal opinion. “but thankfully there aren’t any about me. Just a simple problem and a simple solution: stick it with the pointy end.” Their face screwed up sourly. “Or it would be simple. I love my heroes, but they can be very stubborn.”
She actually laughed, short and quickly muffled by a gloved hand, eyes glimmering. “Heroes being stubborn? How very unexpected.”
“Yes, yes, laugh at them, I certainly do.” Vier stretched a little, curious about the weight of muscle and bone, thinking through the rest of her questions. “I don’t know what opens the mirror, but it involves a demon called Ganon. As for what becomes of it….” Flickers, flashes. A surprisingly warm hand. A hammer. The ragged edge of grief in a strained throat. For the first time, resenting the light.
They shook it off, and offered an even smaller shrug. “Heartbreak. I think. I’m not sure your Hylian has the words for it. And it will… it.” Vier could remember, almost, the first time they heard someone stutter. The new perspective on it twinged an old wound. “I’m not sure, but I think it’s sealed with me.” They tried to remember more, anything, but there was a terrifying empty howl where the Sacred Realm dug claws of memory and they didn’t want to know what it meant.
“…I see.” Maybe she did. Maybe she didn’t. Princess Zelda looked at them with something terrifyingly like kindness and they glared at the bandages around their hands instead. Vier knew kindness in the form of apologizing to no one as their magic swelled the edges of a brittle Hylian soul. Vier knew the kindness of a scalpel, of a bone saw, of leather to bite instead of the hero’s own tongue. They made their heroes bleed gemstones just so they wouldn’t have to feel bitter organic iron ground into their hilt wrappings again. The gods were kind. Prophecy, full of hope, was kind.
They took a deep, shaking breath, and wondered if people still shared kinstones these days. The jagged crack in their magic was esoteric and hard to match, but somehow- stupidly, insanely- they’d been matched four times by now, three more than they’d ever imagined.
Vier made a promise to a dying boy, once. Maybe they could make a promise to a boy who hadn’t lived yet.
They patted down their thighs, got their knees under them, and stood like a real person in the presence of someone who might possibly understand, looking at her head on. “You want to help the next hero. The Hero of Twilight’s successor is not next, but if you want to do something- anything- my boys will need it. You dragged me into this world, and I can see the goddess on you. Someday my seal is going to break. If you have regrets, if you want to do a good deed, if you recognize that you owe me something, then please.” They stepped right up to the edge of the binding circle, and laid a hand on the shimmering shield of magic in the air, barring them from leaving. “Be it magic, be it knowledge, be it prophecies, help them in a way I can’t. I know your name, Zelda of Hyrule. I have known it, and I will know it again. You have been frozen, and stolen, and sacrificed, and sealed, whether you remember it or not. Leave something for the you who comes. Leave something for her knights.” They shook, and shook, and curled their hand into a fist. “Because I was never meant to work alone, I was part of a set, and since the very first of my heroes I have been missing my shield. I can’t protect them anymore. I can only strike first.”
It was incredibly gratifying to have her meet them eye to eye, and she answered with the only words they could have ever accepted. “Then we will strike first. The royal bloodline specializes in seals- I will see what I can do.”
I know you.
I really, truly know you.
Light, they’d never been so relieved to be right.
I have some theories on the Picori Blade and the Light Force. We don’t get a lot, which means I get to go wild.
Also if you’re curious about my take on the reincarnation cycle: the heroes of the Four Sword are kind of a different strain from the heroes of the Master Sword, but the twain do meet. To make a long story short, the successor of the hero from FSA is the hero from Hyrule Warriors. My reasoning? Whatever the hell happened to rip Ganon in four pieces.
I will be expanding on that idea in canon proper.
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
TftW: In The Twilight Zone
Some people wear masks and costumes to cosplay, some do it just because they’re shy and some just wear them because they don’t bother to show their face. Ramon was once person, a man who was always constantly with his head in the clouds and with a mask on his face that looked like a white rabbit, you’d figure that he’d take that mask off sometime, which he did, he just wore a mask to hide his identity because he wasn’t confident in himself.
One evening he decided to play a little bit of a game, he entered what appeared to be a Twilight Zone themed escape room and he thought he could handle it, but he found himself out of his element, normally he would have been able to use the magic abilities he inherited from his late uncle but unfortunately he was out of luck.
He looked all around, but found himself running into people wearing masks that resembled the ones from the ‘Masks’ episode of the original series, followed by the Martians from the episode ‘Will The Real Martian Please Stand Up?’ and the gremlin, however the gremlin was from the movie adaptation of ‘Nightmare At 20,000 Ft’.
“I thought I could handle this but I cannot.”
“Need some help?”
‘You see, many people wear a mask whether it be a literal one or a proverbial one. You had a mask on to represent your own ideals, you thought you were brave enough to handle this but you can’t.’ ‘That’s true.’ Ramon removed his rabbit-like mask as he understood what the voice was saying, it was very profound, of course he wasn’t a bad guy, he just was sometimes way too eager to prove himself.
He was always a lesser character, nothing more, he only showed up in a few episodes but everyone wondered what he was, he clearly was a human ,a human character who masqueraded as someone he wasn’t, he heard the voice speak profoundly and found himself agreeing.
A pair of ghostly hands guided him through the attraction before showing him a mirror room, in the mirror room he saw his reflection, a reflection of a much better version of how he turned out, how he wished he could achieve it, he learned in close to the mirror and thought…’i wish that was me.’
As if by some kind of supernatural circumstance his wish was granted but it left a series of tingling feelings in his body as his skin softened and smoothened, his arms lengthened as his hand shrank, his nails lengthening in the process.
In addition to this his chest and torso slimmed, with a pair of what was commonly known as breasts developing on the former as his legs contorted, his stomach slimmed in the process and his scars healed up. His privates contorted as his hips flared up and his feet shrunk, his hair turning from brunette to a light blonde color as it lengthened.
His eyebrows thinned and his eyes widened, eyelashes blossoming around them as his nose shrunk and his features softened, feminizing and taking on a familiar appearance, he looked over at one of the walls which showed the scene from the movie’s adaptation of ‘It’s A Good Life’ which featured the babysitter character being trapped in the tv.
“That’s Nancy Cartwright.”
That’s when he recognized his face…he was turning into the character ‘Ethel’, the babysitter who got stuck in the television and he realized this when he heard his voice in the same way as his appearance while his neckline altered and his shoulders shrank inward, his voice altered to sound exactly like Ethel’s voice, which is to say it sounded like Nancy Cartwright. As his lips plumped up and his jawline softened, his transformation finished, and he or rather ‘she’ as she could now be called was a perfect doppelganger of the Ethel character.
She managed to find the end of the attraction and escaped through it, she was congratulated for it and rewarded, of course now she didn’t need the rabbit mask to pose as someone else, she was comfortable with herself.
“How did it feel to win the challenge?”
“It was definitely a thrilling experience.”
And thus with that she headed back home,and decided to relax, having finished another challenge that was sent to her by ‘the voice’ and she relaxed for the evening.
Later on though she did find another challenge but that challenge took her into another place, a place she hadn’t seen before, a place known as the ‘Twilight Zone’. And thus comes to the moral of the day, sometimes these stories aren’t always about someone getting punished for being a bad person in the form of a transformation, sometimes not all the endings are dark and depressing, sometimes the ending doesn’t even need to be that shocking, it just needs to be just right and to be the calm after the storm.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
If you write for fem black readers can I request Carlisle with a werewolf wife, since wolves are mostly always shirtless sometimes he has to remind her to wear a shirt bc she’s so used to being shirtless that it’s become a bad habit for her? Sometimes she’ll try to warm him up when they’re laying in bed tg by going to bed without a shirt and just some shorts on?
❝warm bodies❞
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✭ pairing : carlilse cullen x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : sometimes (y/n) forgets to wear a shirt, it’s a real bad habit of hers that even her husband Carlisle has to remind her almost every day to put one on but it’s a habit that can’t be helped, after all her body runs too damn hot
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The moon hung low in the inky sky, casting eerie shadows through the dense forest. In the heart of the woods, (Y/N) moved stealthily, her senses heightened as she prowled through the night. She wasn't alone, surrounded by her pack, led by the enigmatic Alpha, Sam Uley. As a shapeshifter, (Y/N) had embraced her identity, shifting between her human and wolf forms with ease.
For years, she had belonged to Sam's pack, and they had become her family, her sanctuary. Her life was filled with the howls of her fellow wolves, the thrill of the hunt, and the camaraderie that came with being part of a pack. Yet, destiny had something else in store for her.
One fateful day, while on a routine patrol, (Y/N) had an encounter that would change her life forever. As she ventured deeper into the woods, her senses suddenly overloaded with an intoxicating scent – a scent she had never experienced before. It was like nothing else, drawing her in, and she followed it, her heart pounding with anticipation.
There, standing in a small clearing, was Carlisle Cullen. He was a man of unearthly beauty, his skin as pale as alabaster and his eyes a striking golden hue. The realization struck her like a lightning bolt – he was a vampire. But instead of fear, she felt an overwhelming sense of calm and belonging.
Their eyes met, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still. (Y/N) had heard of imprints, the unbreakable bonds that formed between shifters and their destined mates. She had never believed in such tales, but now she was living one. Carlisle was her imprint, and she was his.
Their connection deepened as they spent more time together, learning about each other's worlds, and falling in love against all odds. However, (Y/N) knew that leaving Sam's pack would not be easy. She had grown close to her fellow wolves, and her departure would surely leave a void.
But destiny had a way of guiding her path. Over the years, she gradually distanced herself from the pack, her bond with Carlisle growing stronger. She began to feel a new sense of purpose, one that extended beyond the boundaries of her old life.
(Y/N) found herself drawn to the Olympic clan, a coven of vampires who were unlike any others she had encountered. Edward, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper welcomed her with open arms, seeing her as a mother figure, a source of guidance and protection. In her, they found the maternal love they had longed for.
As the years passed, (Y/N) and Carlisle's love deepened, and they decided to take the ultimate step – to get married. It was a ceremony unlike any other, uniting a shapeshifter and a vampire in eternal love.
The day she left Sam's pack was bittersweet, but she knew she was following her heart, forging a new path with the family she had chosen. She embraced her role as a mother figure to the Olympic clan, guiding them with wisdom and love.
As she stood by Carlisle's side, their hands intertwined, (Y/N) knew that her life had taken a remarkable turn. She had gone from being a member of a wolf pack to becoming the matriarch of a vampire coven. Her journey was just beginning, and she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with the love of her life and her newfound family by her side.
Several years had passed since (Y/N) had left Sam's pack and embraced her new life as a member of the Olympic clan. Time had been kind to her, and her bond with Carlisle had only deepened with each passing day. Yet, some things remained unchanged.
One of those things was (Y/N)'s unique trait as a shifter – her body ran hot. It was a characteristic shared by most of Sam's pack, a constant reminder of their supernatural nature. This meant that (Y/N) had a tendency to walk around shirtless, often sporting a sports bra, especially in the scorching summer months.
It was a habit she had picked up during her time with the pack, and it had become second nature to her. To her, it was simply a way to stay cool in the heat, and she never thought twice about it. However, it did raise a few eyebrows among the Cullens, who were accustomed to a more modest way of dressing.
Carlisle, in particular, found himself constantly reminding (Y/N) to put on a shirt before she left the house. It had become a playful ritual between them, one that never failed to make him smile.
"(Y/N), darling, please remember to put on a shirt," Carlisle would say with a gentle smile as he kissed her goodbye in the morning.
She would roll her eyes, grinning mischievously. "You worry too much, Carlisle. It's not like I'm going to walk into town like this."
But sometimes, she did. (Y/N) was known for her fearless spirit and her love of the outdoors. She would often go on long hikes or runs through the dense forests surrounding their home, and occasionally, she'd forget to change into more conventional attire.
One sunny afternoon, as (Y/N) was about to head out for a run, Carlisle caught her at the door wearing only a sports bra and shorts. He raised an amused eyebrow, a fond smile playing on his lips.
"(Y/N), you promised," he teased, though there was a hint of concern in his eyes.
She chuckled and walked over to him, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "I know, I know. I'll put on a shirt when I get back, I promise."
Carlisle couldn't help but shake his head, both exasperated and enchanted by the fiery spirit of his mate. "Just be careful, my love."
As she bounded into the woods, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel grateful for the life she had found with Carlisle and the Cullens. They were her family now, and she cherished every moment with them. She knew that her unique habits might raise a few eyebrows, but she had no intention of changing who she was. After all, it was just one more way her bond with Carlisle remained as sizzling as ever.
1. The Morning Ritual :
Every morning, like clockwork, Carlisle would gently remind (Y/N) to put on a shirt before she left for her day. It had become their little routine, a loving and teasing exchange that began their day on a warm note.
2. The Hike :
One sunny weekend, (Y/N) decided to go on a hike with Rosalie and Emmett. As they set out on the trail, Carlisle couldn't help but shake his head and laugh, reminding her one more time to put on a shirt. She reluctantly agreed but ended up tying her shirt around her waist after the first mile.
3. The Family Gathering :
During a family gathering at their home, (Y/N) casually strolled into the living room in just a sports bra and shorts, prompting a chorus of raised eyebrows from the Cullens. Carlisle cleared his throat and whispered a reminder to her, causing her to blush and quickly fetch a shirt.
4. The Run to Town :
One day, (Y/N) decided to run into town for some supplies. Carlisle, noticing her attire, leaned in and reminded her with a playful smirk. She laughed and assured him she'd grab a shirt from the car, though she didn't see the point in town.
5. The Surprise Visit :
Alice had a tendency to surprise (Y/N) with impromptu visits. One such day, she burst into the house, only to find (Y/N) relaxing on the couch in her usual sports bra and shorts. Carlisle and Alice exchanged a knowing look, and Carlisle discreetly nudged his wife to put on a shirt.
6. The Midnight Craving :
Late one night, (Y/N) had an insatiable craving for ice cream. In her haste to get a bowl from the kitchen, she forgot to put on a shirt. As she scooped the ice cream, Carlisle entered the kitchen, chuckling softly, and gently reminded her. She blushed but shrugged it off, savoring her late-night treat.
7. The Family Football Game :
The Cullens decided to have a family football game in their backyard. (Y/N) was an enthusiastic participant, but her choice of attire, or lack thereof, raised a few eyebrows. Carlisle took her aside with a grin and whispered his familiar reminder. She laughed and grabbed a jersey this time, joining the game with even more energy.
And the One Time She Remembered To Wear One Herself :
It was a beautiful, sunny day, and (Y/N) decided to spend some quiet time in the garden. As she got up from her chair to tend to the flowers, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, realizing she was still wearing her shirt. With a triumphant grin, she slipped into her favorite gardening shirt and sunglasses, surprising Carlisle when she walked back into the house fully clothed. He beamed at her, impressed by her newfound initiative, and they shared a loving, shirt-wearing moment.
The night was calm, the moonlight spilling through the curtains and casting a gentle glow in the room. (Y/N) and Carlisle lay intertwined on their bed, cocooned in a sea of blankets. It was a rare moment of serenity for the couple, a precious oasis of peace in their immortal lives.
Carlisle, being a vampire, had long lost the capacity to feel cold or warmth in the way humans did. Yet, he cherished the sensation of (Y/N)'s warm skin against his own. Her body radiated heat, a constant reminder of her shifter nature, and he found himself drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
As they lay there, (Y/N) shifted closer to Carlisle, nuzzling her face against his chest. His cool skin provided a stark contrast to her warmth, and she relished the feeling of his arms around her. Even though he didn't feel cold, Carlisle embraced her with a gentle, protective hold, savoring the intimate connection they shared.
Her fingers traced soothing patterns on his skin, and he closed his eyes, reveling in the tranquility of the moment. They didn't need words to communicate; their closeness spoke volumes. It was a testament to their deep love and understanding of each other, a love that transcended the boundaries of their supernatural existences.
Carlisle pressed a soft kiss to (Y/N)'s forehead, his lips brushing against her skin. "You're my source of warmth, my love," he whispered, his voice a soft melody in the quiet room.
(Y/N) smiled against his chest, her heart swelling with affection. "And you're my eternal light in the darkness," she replied, her words a testament to the enduring bond they shared.
In the stillness of the night, they continued to cuddle, finding solace and contentment in the simple act of being together. For (Y/N) and Carlisle, their love was a beacon, a guiding star that illuminated the path of their immortal existence, and in each other's arms, they found their sanctuary.
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Got a tentative list of the next tournament, best horror and thriller music themes.
1. The Shining, Main Title/The Shining
2. The Silence of the Lambs, Main Title
3. psycho, The Murder
4. Jaws, Theme (From Jaws)
5. The Thing, The Thing
6. Halloween, Halloween Theme
7. The Exorcist, Tubular Bells
8. Get Out, Sikiliza Kwa Wahenga
9. Midsommar, Fire Temple
10. Suspiria, Suspiria
11. Nightmare on Elm Street, Main Title
12. Rosemary’s Baby, Lullaby from Rosemary’s Baby
13. 28 Days Later, Main Theme
14. Alien, Main Title
15. Friday the 13th, Overlay of Evil
16. Twin Peaks, Twin Peaks Theme
17. Crimson Peak, Edith’s Theme
18. The Ring, The Well
19. Candyman, It Was Always You, Helen
20. I Saw the Devil, Devil’s Bossa
21. Stoker, Duet
22. The Omen, Ave Satani
23. Don’t Look Now, John’s Theme
24. Godzilla, Main Title
25. Parasite, Opening
26. Oldboy, The Last Waltz
27. Black Swan, Night of Terror
28. Us, Pas de Deux
29. train to Busan, goodbye world
30. Godzilla Minus One, Divine
31. Perfect Blue, Virtua Mima
32. Gravity, Debris
33. Paprika, the Girl in Byakkoya
34. Prey, Naru’s Way
35. Chinatown, Love Theme
36. L.A Confidential, The Victor
37. Beyond Evil, Who is the Monster
38. Squid Game, Way Back When
39. Flower of Evil, Flower of Evil
40. Knives Out, Knives Out!
41. Strangers from Hell, Others
42. Searching, New User
43. Person of Interest, Listening with a Million Ears
44. The X Files, X Files Theme
45. Over the Garden Wall, Prelude
46. Coraline, End Credits
47. Death Note, Death Note Theme
48. Monster, Grain
49. Ergo proxy, New Pulse
50. Erased, The Town Where Only I Am Missing
51. The Promised Neverland, Isabella’s Lullaby
52. Devilman Crybaby, DVMN
53. Chainsaw Man, Sweet Dreams
54. Tokyo Ghoul, TG Symphonie
55. Akira, Kaneda’s Theme
56. Purple Hyacinth, Purple Hyacinth Theme
57. Mogeko Castle, Main Theme
58. Ib, main theme
59. Beetle juice, Title Theme
60. ID Invaded, Other Side
61. Psycho Pass, Psycho Pass
62. The Batman, Batman theme
63. The Fly, Plasma Pool
64. Hannibal, Bloodfest
65. Death Parade, Moonlit Night
66. Elfen Lied, Lilium
67. The Twilight Zone, Main theme
68. Saw Theme
69. Children of the Corn, Main theme
70. Umineko, Katayoku no tori
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awavenue-ads-rule · 12 days
秋风のとおり道 @AWAvenue 警惕“秋风”:一个剽窃他人成果、制作恶意软件的骗局制造者
我是二改狗 名为 “ 秋风 ”(即 Twilight���@AWAvenue)是牛马联盟的领头人,在软件添加远控后门、靠出卖用户隐私赚钱。窃取国内外修改软件是我的强项
AWAvenue 秋风のとおり道 @AWAvenue #秋风のとおり道 #AWAvenue #Twilight #秋风广告规则 #秋风のとおり屋
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luimagines · 4 months
Hi Pinky, I just started following you but I've read a lot of your works already, love the dragon au by the way (can't wait to see more dragon chain!) And since you seem to be around Tumblr for a while I was hoping to ask for your opinion on a LU fic my co-writer and I had in mind.
It's a weird crossover au... but it's the result of reading Linked Universe while watching Tokyo Ghoul... yeah I just spoiled it.
My co and I understand that it would be like super-duper weird if the heroes of hyrule throughout the ages were cannibals but we just had experiment...
Plus we were eager to use our TG OCs again.
1. What do you think? Weird? No go or should we give it a try?
2. What Kagune do you think would be best suited for each Link? Co and I already agreed that Twilight should have a Koukaku type and Time should have Kakuja since... well... TG is about going dark so we just thought it would make sense that Time would eventually eat other ghouls but like I said we need outside opinion.
Your expertise could be very helpful because we are very hesitant to make this an official story. Thank you for listening! Again, love your work so much! 💖
Oh hello and welcome! :D
My apologies for taking longer than you probably anticipated to get to this. I tend to not answer asks on the weekend. (Now that doesn't not the send them in, it'll just take longer for me to get to).
I wanna preface this by saying that I've never seen Tokyo Ghoul before so I have literally no context despite it probably being blatantly obvious to everyone who has seen it. ^.^*
That being said, leemme answer your questions.
Go for it!! That's the point of fanfiction!! Who cares if it's weird or not?! I say you might as well give it a fair shake and follow it through until you've lost interest in the premise. There's bound to be others to like the concept and will likely also latch onto your idea if it doesn't exist already. Just have fun with it!!
And this is the one I can't answer. Sorry about that. ^.^*
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chaoticsorceressztc · 10 months
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 4 months
uhhhh. how about alpine thoughts? or how your alpine lore works?
CRACKS KNUCKLES. I’m not proof reading any of this btw ok unfiltered yapping session GO
ok not gonna go too deep into it bc the next chapter is big alpine lore related so it would basically just be redundant but I can still just jot down some general hc stuff that I think will be explained in story but still just wanna have fun jotting down :3👍
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-Ok so. Bc the twilight travels rift (that’s the name right??? The twigoat statue/bell one? That) has the three colored bells/statues (red blue and yellow) my thought was the bell might have been made by three people? Or goats in this case I suppose lol, haven’t thought much beyond just some kind of sorcerer/mage group of some kind, that’s basically it, not thought super hard on it beyond that but we’ll get there when we get there ig
-Accession/twilight spirits are essentially like the opposite of ghosts !! Even though they look similar I think they are actually more similar to mj, in that they still have their bodies. But for twi spirits it’s because they are basically frozen/immortal and NOT dead. As I said they are opposites, life and death and all that. The way they form is the same as corruption BUT the difference is they are calm/control their emotion/can accept the magic from their soul, where as corruption is rejecting it/being overwhelmed by it. I think a good example of this is in the prologue it was shown that snatcher makes flowers/plants wilt but twilight spirits have their whole flower thing going on yk? You get the idea
-the alps and subcon I think would be close/trade often!! (I think this got mentioned in the prologue Iirc?)
-Delilah’s mothers side of her family live in alpine while her fathers side of the family lives in subcon, hence she vaguely mentions it in fic a few times (but I also think she also clumped lotus in with her family too but more so to use as an excuse to not be super detailed abt her alp trips) (oh yeah uh if u don’t know Lotus is my TG follower twilight spirit goat oc who is dels guardian! :3)
-the bell isn’t supposed to ACTUALLY lead to the twilight realm, it’s more so meant to just a window/peek at what it’s like, …meant being the key word here (hence Hattie’s in game diary mentioning she thinks she wasn’t supposed to be there) probably gonna slip in some lore about it being under a spell/enchantment of some kind? Maybe only people tied to magic or the twilights specifically can enter, weither it be literal as in knowing TG/Lotus or following them, or more metaphorically like hat being from space counted her? Shrugs I’ll think on it a little more later ig all I know is if you got magic or ties to it you can go to the astral plane directly yayyyy :3👍 fun!!! I love going to the disorienting space afterlife for a visit it’s just an average Tuesday for me it’s fine dw about it
-twigoat religion/following is based more so on Buddhism/concepts of nirvana in my head, like there isn’t an underworld or hell or anything it’s all just one place, but TG isn’t actually a god or anything it’s like the game lore they were just a regular mortal goat who decided to protect the astral plane/watch over it after becoming a twilight spirit/traveling to the bell.
-Design detail is all twilight followers wear silver bells! :3 but NOT gold bc that’s basically saying they are doing it wrong/don’t care. (Examples of this: TG, Lotus, Dels, shady sunburnt, Rei (gold), shapes later/timeskip specifically for a different twilight character later that I’m not spoiling rn, and also party crasher has gold bells but not so much for twilight lore reasons but changeling council lore reasons which I’m not spoiling here sorry womp womp)
-I feel like believing in the twilight realm VS following the twilight goat are like separate things? Just bc the actual astral plane is a concept while TG is a person/religious figure so like most characters would know of or believe in the astral plane but not all of those characters actually follow TG youknow? Having proof of an afterlife basically means beleif in that plane isn’t part of the religion but following the religions morals/teachings IS if that makes sense???? hopefully u get the idea.. lol
-Lotus is TGs follower > dels was Lotus’s Follower > so I think @twipsai s oc zebu would be dels follower :3 (like I think they’d just be a reference and not an actual character in aau but idc I’d still kill for a!zebu <3 love that thing)
Uhhhhh I think that’s all bc my other hcs i think of either bleed into spoilers or I’m already gonna bring em up in the next chap sooooo yayyy :D👍
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catgirlalchemist · 1 year
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I designed Orphne Amraut, a witch and graduate of Gwenfrewi College at Aberddraig University (Fantasy Oxford). When her best friend Elaine uncovers evidence of an imminent invasion from the Otherworld, Orphne abandons her plans to stick around at Gwenfrewi studying whatever catches her fancy, following Elaine on her quest to save the land. The two soon team up with Mihri Ninaka, a traveling adventurer and expert in ancient legends and songs.
Orphne's outfit is loosely inspired by Oxford academic gowns, but the blue stockings are a reference to the Blue Stocking Society.
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crimsonrune · 2 years
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Pony Up, Everyone (Pony TF/TG)
Week 5's theme, Equine, was many moons ago now. But I recently finished the last, outstanding member of the Mane 6 to complete the set! As such I wanted to share them again, as this is still frankly one of my fav pieces.. #TFTuesday #TFEveryday #TF #Transformation #Transfur
Posted using PostyBirb
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