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The Informant, Family and his Insecurity Pt 2
I have so many thoughts about him oh my god umm I'm not sure where to even start writing this so it might be a bit disorganised
Part 1 here!
seekers notes spoilers under the cut!!
One very very interesting thing I noticed is that throughout Felix and Informant's appearance ever since his face reveal, Felix has refered to Informant as his brother about 4 times up till now, and Informant has only ever done that twice, as if he says it very sparingly
In one of the tasks I'm about to bring up, the context is that Felix wants to step down as mayor because he had previously falsified a photograph of the werewolf (which is informant just to recall) He wants to keep his brother's identity a secret but the townspeople are getting agitated and scared & untrusting of the mayor and the stress was simply getting to him
Informant comes in to tell Felix not to resign because for one, he's a good mayor and for two, if Carl were to take up the role of the mayor, the city might as well go down in flames
Felix insists on it because he doesn't want to lose Informant and Informant turns to me and goes
Felix always taking charge and him becoming the town's mayor and Informant always feeling this inferiority because Felix has never been listening to him his entire life, taking the backseat and is now doing his occupation in the shadows. Oh My God.
but despite all that, he still treasures Felix, despite how he has never felt listened, despite how he knows they'll never go back to how they were when they were children, he still cares for felix
(okay the context for this is that he was going to sacrifice himself and turn into the werewolf forever without Felix knowing but the witch stepped in to pretend to be the wolf instead so all is good)
Up to here, I was thinking about how Felix wants to protect Informant just because he was the younger brother since he has been worrying about him non-stop ever since he popped back up
Felix has always been trying to protect Informant when they were young and he's Still doing it now.
Informant will always be seen as the little brother in his eyes. He will always be underestimating him and absolutely cannot see that Informant has grown and changed as a person
AND OH MY GOD I AM SO INSANE ABOUT THIS SECTION BECAUSE I've been having this feeling, ever since he revealed himself, the reluctance in his words to admit that he was a Smallcat.
This section means so much for his character because it shows how he misses his family, or at least having a sort of solace of people who can support him, But upon reuniting with Felix, he realises that he can't stand being around him because it makes him feel like a child again
being around Felix makes him feel like he's losing that control again back when they were young because Felix just won't see him eye to eye
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part three of the Vast!Jon AU that is taking over my life
Have some Martin.
Danny Stoker is part of this, now?
Martin’s frilly, pink apron is almost too saturated on camera, but he knows that’s how the viewers love it. He’s even added a pop of lip gloss today, a shade between the apron and the hearts it bears.
“Now, you’ll know it’s done in two ways,” he says, donning his thick oven mitts - wildly orange, but the hearts on them match his apron exactly. “First, the smell. You’ll recognize it after you’ve baked this recipe about six times. There’s nothing quite as good as these orange-cranberry muffins when they reach this stage, and if you’re in a place where you can smell it, it’s incredible. Fortunately, there’s a more reliable, less woo-woo way, too.” He waggles his eyebrows and gives a brilliant smile.
It’s his on-camera smile.
And his applying-for-jobs smile.
And his meeting-new-people smile.
It is sweet, and hopeful, and his eyes aren’t quite closed, and his chin is raised, and it comes across as open and kind and not quite vulnerable enough to invite hurt.
Sure, some people try, but they're trolls, and he just blocks them.
“Behold: your secret weapon!” And he brandishes a toothpick.
Tim laughs off-camera.
Danny mutters something like, “Yeah, they’ve never seen that before.”
“Yeah, well, maybe they haven’t,” says Martin, turning to them for the briefest moment before smiling back at his livestream. “The toothpick is your greatest weapon - well. After learning how to fold instead of stir, anyway. Look, this little guy can tell you if it’s ready, better than a thermometer, or knocking on it, or whatever else you've been told. Let me show you. Now, I know from the smell that the muffins aren’t ready, so I get to show you what it looks like when they’re not.”
He does.
The muffins need a few more minutes, and that is perfect, because he shows the camera how batter clings to the toothpick.
“Time for an awkward cut,” he says, and then there is an awkward cut.
Because there’s nothing to do until the damn muffins are done.
Fortunately, everybody loves the wait for it animation: a tiny version of him with anime eyes, huge, red curly hair, a chef’s hat, and his ubiquitous apron, prancing back and forth from the counter to the stove in an unending loop.
“You’re nearly there,” says Tim, who gets it, who understands why Martin is fucking distracted today.
No one who didn’t personally know Martin would know.
Anyone who does know him could clearly see he is a mess.
“I,” says Martin, and doesn’t finish his sentence.
Jon’s plane went down. That is all anyone knows. That is all anybody can tell him.
Neither tears nor manipulation will bring more info, and so Martin must wait.
He is not okay.
“Ready?” says Danny, keeping them - as always - on schedule. “Three, two….”
“Look at this!” says Martin a moment later, drawing a clean toothpick from the middle muffin. “Now, we’re talking. Oh… everyone, I wish you could smell this.”
And he does one of his little moans.
Those moans are what made his channel.
Someone tried to make #BlackwoodMoan work for a while (like that movie with Samuel L. Jackson), but the fan base rose up and declared Martin too good, too pure to be associated in such a way.
#MartinMoan is the hashtag.
There are gifs.
It’s a high sound, sweet, freakily innocent, and it somehow brushes against every illicit desire any human has ever had for anything. He’s seen compilations of it, clipped together in a tapestry of embarrassment.
He doesn’t mind, exactly?
He did make the sound on purpose. He knew it was effective because it actually got Jon flushed and stammering, and damn near nothing else did.
Martin had merely underestimated just how effective it would be out in the great, wide world.
“They’re perfect,” he says, and takes the time to show the camera the light golden muffins, speckled with red - a perfect batch of orange cranberry baked good from scratch.
The stream ends with him opening one up, peeling the cap off with indescribable satisfaction, adding a tiny pat of butter, and indulging.
The eye-roll is a thing too, like a hungry shark, but that one doesn’t have a hashtag.
“Recipe in the description,” he mumbles, sounding like he’s been fucked within an inch of his life. “My team will answer any questions. You have got to make this. We’ve also included dairy and gluten free options. Bake well, my lovelies, and enjoy your life.”
Bake well, my lovelies, and enjoy your life. He’s ended every single video with that since day one.
Since before Tim and Danny joined him.
Since before he had the courage to tell anyone he was doing this, even Jon.
As always, he means every word.
This time, however, when the camera light blinks off, he bursts into tears.
“He’s got to be okay,” says Tim, who knows Jon, thinks he’s funny, and appreciates how much Martin loves him. “We haven’t gotten a list of deaths, or anything, and they have to release that, as far as I know.”
“They do have to,” says Danny, who barely knows Jon, and doesn’t really like him, but certainly wants Martin to be happy.
“Only to next of kin,” Martin points out, and sniffles.
Tim and Danny both pause.
“He doesn’t have you listed?” says Tim.
“I’m his friend. We’re not anything. Of course he doesn’t,” Martin snaps, and feels bad for it immediately after.
Tim and Danny give one another that look.
“Right,” says Tim. “Not anything.”
Martin rubs his face.
Danny gives Martin a side-hug - too strong, like a mountain man, but well meant. “He’s going to be okay. Have faith.”
“The plane went down.” Martin’s voice is… cold. Almost mechanical. A tone he’d never use with anyone who didn’t know him well. “It hit a gods-damned mountain. What am I supposed to have faith in?”
“Love?” says Tim.
“Actually, yeah. Love,” says Danny.
Martin gives them a look.
They look back. Two brothers, good friends, who’ve been part of his show and part of his life and helped him navigate the mess with his mother and helped him work out his feelings for his childhood friend and now want to help him work through potential grief.
Or his potential… faith, maybe?
Martin can’t seem to fall either way - acceptance of Jon’s death, or hope for his survival. He’s left at a lurching, ugly crossroad with no name, the sign worn beyond legibility.
He sniffles.
“Gonna be late,” says Tim.
“Yeah,” Martin sighs, because somehow after everything, he still has to go to work.
Patreon helps. The baking show definitely makes things easier. But it’s not enough to support his mother. Full-time care facilities aren’t cheap.
Martin tries to smile. “Good thing I’m in the kitchen, right? Don’t think I’d do so well facing customers today.”
“You would, though,” says Tim, and pats him on the shoulder. “Never seen anybody fake it as well as you.”
“Gee, thanks?” Martin says, dry.
Tim ruffles his hair. “Come on. Let’s get the lead out, or… I dunno, something punny.”
Danny never tries to pun. He also has no sense of timing. “I’ve been thinking of taking another job,” he says out of nowhere.
“What, now?” says Tim with fond exasperation.
Martin latches onto the subject change like a leech as he hangs up his apron. “What? I thought you were getting promoted.”
“Yeah, but kayaks just aren’t doing it for me anymore,” Danny says, and ignores when Martin rolls his eyes, reaches into his wallet, and hands Tim a fiver. “I’ve been thinking a lot about supernatural stuff lately, you know? All the things we can’t explain, but every culture and every society has them, all the way through history. And you know, the chances of that are pretty slim, because it’s not like there were fax machines in the stone age, and - ”
“So what’s her name?” says Tim.
Danny looks constipated. “What do you mean, what’s her name?”
“It’s always some date who gets you into a new interest. Come on, Danny, it’s been like that since secondary.”
Danny shrugs. “Caught me. How about I let her explain? We can do dinner tonight.”
“I don’t…” Martin starts.
They both look at him.
“You are not backing out,” says Tim.
“I’m supposed to see my mum,” Martin mutters.
“And it’ll be done in about fifteen minutes when she can’t stand you anymore and throws you out,” says Danny, who really has never had Tim’s charm.
Tim smacks him.
“No, he’s right,” says Martin. “I’ll come.”
“Good. You’d better, or I’m taking some of this one’s leftover mountaineering gear and hogtying you to the back of my bike,” says Tim.
That image actually gets Martin laughing, which he didn’t think he could do today.
The brothers leave first.
Martin’s flat is tiny. Uncomfortable. Distinctly not sound-proofed. He has one window, room for his lovely kitchen setup, and three folding chairs or a Murphy bed, but not at the same time.
Somehow, when the Stokers are there, it never feels crowded.
It doesn’t with Jon, either, but that’s different.
All kinds of different.
Martin locks up, sighs heavily. Somehow, he has to get his brain in gear to handle four-star sous-chef work tonight, and he’s really not sure he can do it. Antoine can be such an ass, even on the best of days, and he always seems to know -
“Excuse me,” comes a voice.
Martin yips and drips his satchel.
“Sorry about that,” says the man, sounding not remotely sorry. Sounding, in fact, deeply amused. “You are Martin Blackwood, aren’t you? Little different without all the getup,” he says, absolutely cheerfully.
He’s some sort of sea captain?
Outside his flat, which is scary as fuck. “Hi?” says Martin, attempting to pick up his bag without taking his eyes off the guy. “Um. Can I help you?”
“Actually, I can help you,” says the man.
Maybe a fan?
Maybe a sicko.
Martin is very still. “Right,” he says, noncommittal.
The man laughs.
It’s… it’s a really good laugh. The voice is good all around, honestly; so is the expression, and body language. This man isn’t aggressive; taller than Martin (which is unusual), he keeps his hands in his pockets, leaning slightly away, as though determined not to violate his space. “I can tell I’ve spooked you, which isn’t what I was trying to do.”
Martin can see no reason to be unnerved by this man.
Martin cannot escape the feeling that he should be, though. “Then why’d you track down where I live?” he says.
“I didn’t. I saw you by accident.” The man points. “Heading over there, to the Tube. But it works out, because I actually do want to talk to you.”
“Right,” says Martin.
The sea captain smiles. “Nice and cautious. Good! Let’s not drag this out, eh? You won’t have heard of me because I like it that way, but what I do is help out independent talent. People like you, in other words. Here.” He holds out a business card.
There’s a QR code on it.
Martin takes it, carefully avoiding contact. “Right,” he says.
“That’ll tell you all about it,” says the man. “I won’t scare you any longer - really am sorry about that.” He’s absolutely not sorry, and it shows.
Martin is damned good at reading people. It’s how he’s survived. The fact that he can’t get a bead on this guy is scaring him even more than the sudden appearance. “Sure.”
“Have a good day, Martin,” says the man. “I look forward to your email.” And off he walks.
Martin looks at the card. It says, Lukas Entertainment. That’s all.
It’s thick cardstock. Raised lettering. Definitely expensive.
Martin looks back up, but the man is gone.
Martin’s gut says there is no way he made it to the Tube that quickly.
Martin’s head says he’s being absurd, and just misjudged how long he stared at the card.So that was freaky, he thinks to himself, and is already texting Tim about it before he gets to work.
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The Dark Picture REPAINT ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Operation Drawcia Pt.14 ~
"Around Three years ago"
[Ceremony by Masaru Setsumaru]
Hotsuma : Tsubaki. Let this be an important lesson. I would understand to know about your brother's hardships.
Tsubaki : I am feel free to be honored to bestow upon my family's legacy. [Hibana is shown from the Tree]
Hibana : Wonder what those two up to? This duel could be proving to be the beginning of her family's fate.
Hotsuma : Let our fates be destined.
Tsubaki : Hai, Hotsuma-san.
Hibana : I can't wait to show who's gonna win.
Hotsuma : Let us begin.
Tsubaki : Ryokai.
*Hotsuma and Tsubaki starts dueling*
*sounds Hotsuma and Tsubaki battling*
Hibana : What a fascinating display, two shinobis dueling each other, guess they are destined going to become the next leader, but for Ageha, her obessions with his brother was a plan to get her killed. This was a foolish attempt trying to bring Chaos to the world. But you know, anybody in the world is a hero that is going to win.
Hotsuma : En garde!
Tsubaki : Humph!
*the two charges at each other*
"Three years later..."
News Reporter : Many days have passed since the arrival of the Black Arms, a tear from the sky what we know it as the "Exception Zone", was first opened after a huge amount of Emerald energy through the space-time continuum. And it appears that the Heartless are forming an alliance with creatures called "Nobodies", that are wreaking havoc in the multiverse and--Uhh, why did you stop rolling? [pans to show a Heartless]
Xemnas : So everything is according to plan, once we settled with the Ohkuboverse's issue, it continues to spread more problems, the courage, the heroism, all coming from the Boy's legacy, and yet they failed to protect, knowning that it lasted longer after the universe ceased from existence.
Xigbar : Tell me about it. The old coot Shinigami turned out to be nothing more than a kid of that Ohkuboverse, the Multiverse has been going alot of downhill since the beginning. Now that their precious "Ohkuboverse" is no more, who's gonna be the hero of a new story?
Xemnas : Perhaps, we should teach the inhabitants of that long-forgotten universe the true meaning of their suffering and yet, their tales should never reach their ends. Once we gather the source of the legacy, we will put an end to their reputation and even meet their demises. Rest to assure, that this excursion from all of witchkind will be exposed by the truth itself.
Xigbar : This is what I'm talking about. Roxas...You're gonna in one bit a of pickle.
*scene changes*
Hibana : Nakatsukasa! You might wanna take a look. I think I have monitored a witch with a hat shape like a chameleon.
Tsubaki : What is it, Mrs Hibana?
Hibana : Ever since your training days as a warrior of the light, I discovered that a witch from the one states of New England has managed to escape with a former detective that has been AWOL'd from the Metropolitan Force.
Tsubaki : Former detective? Who is that?
Hibana : This samurai-like swordsman with long hair is Mifune, a once known detective of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. He was once a detective in the Star Clan incident who was trying to protect a village from the ravenous clan, who turns out to be led by a Heartless known as Shadow Star, a humanoid figure who steals people's hearts and souls for dark energy called Darkness. According to information, Black Star, the last member of the clan is also Heartless as well, he is a human-heartless hybrid that was getting into information about the legacy of Shinra Kusakabe, the one that every hero of Soul World protected. That's why Maka Albarn has combined their efforts with two boys protecting the legacy!
[Scenario : Deadlock by Fumie Kumatani]
Tsubaki : Black Star...Heartless?
Ansem : [To Black Star] Explain to yourself, young man. Your attitude and self-centered life does not make you human to live in shadows, you are a heartless, a son of a heartless that tries to conquer all, but died by the hands of the Kuroshima clan, the pitiful man-made son of Shinra Kusakabe had made you a bigger fool to be imagined. So I suggest that you should be dealing other people's problems. The Heartless would be the source of your origins and they are meant to cover the world in Darkness, but the Demons kept getting our way!
*Ansem's foot is on Black Star's head*
Black Star : Please! I'll...I'll never tell, I'm the only hero that is ever left from the clan! You can't tell me what to do, I am the assassin! I am a hero, I have a life to--
Ansem : SILENCE! You and your arrogance shall pay for your transgression for immediate excursion from the beyonds of this planet, but if you think that you're clever of being a hero inheritated by the man who was wants known as Hoshimiya, then the suggest that the Ohkuboverse will never have it's heroes again, especially the way you meant to take Shinra's. Don't worry, I know how fix that attitude of yours.
Black Star : No please! I beg of you! I meant to be a Hero for this!
Ansem : Shock to Darkness!
Black Star : [yelling in agony] NO! STOP! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU! STOOOOP!!! TSUBAKI! HELP ME!
Tsubaki : *tear drop flows* ....Gomen ne.
*flashes back to end*
Tsubaki : Black Star...a Heartless...Him...living in Darkness?
Nighshade Hibana : Nakatsukasa. What's wrong?
Tsubaki : Am I...am I going to birth to his child to spread all that darkness that I have never felt like this?
[Echo Night - Beyond OST : Track 12]
Nightshade Hibana : ....?
Tsubaki : Do I want a heartless child of my own? Do I want to hear Maka about showing the world how much courage she has given to Shinra! Unacceptable! *SLAM* I will not die, I won't risk my life to be a hero's tool. Black Star...That idiot, who does he think he is?! Always the hero, always the shinobi, always calling himself a star that is his cocky attitude. If only I was real gentle with him, I could've sworn that he was nothing like Kazuki. Mifune said that Black Star was an assassin that is living in the Darkness. But for me...I was a Kunoichi who was trained to be with the light. That is what I trained for to be a hero.
[Are you Alright, Celvice? by Norihiko Hibino]
Man via Communication : Hibana. This is HQ. Do you copy?
Hibana : This is Nightshade Hibana. Copy that. What's the current status?
Man via Communication : Intel confirmed that a young witch is being targeted by a criminal organization. Sensors detecting that a orphan chameleon is being involved of being on a hunt by humans.
Hibana : What chameleon? Who's the Chameleon Girl that is being targeted by criminals of the underworld?
Man via Communication : The target confirmed to be Angela Leon, an orphan witch from New England, who was working for Arachne Gorgon, one of the Terrorist that presumed dead for around 800 years, but recently, the orphaned witch isn't alone, but was bodyguarded by Tokyo's Former Metropolitan Detective Mifune, who is also confirmed wanted for working with the terrorists.
Hibana : What!? Angela Leon is working for the terrorist! Why would a little girl would be working for the terrorists!?
Tsubaki : It's because of me and Black Star, the Star Clan were led by Heartless around 10 years, they're the ones behind all of this! Arachne Gorgon or not, I have to get to that child to a safe place.
Man via Communication : Hibana. This is your newest mission. Your assignment is to secure Angela Leon, stop the Terrorists from possessing this serious threat, and make sure whatever you do, do not fail us. Failure is not an option in the mission. That's an order.
Hibana : Understood. Come on, Tsubaki. It's time that today's not our day.
Tsubaki : Today's not our day indeed.
Hibana : We got a child to secure, man or no man, we gotta find that Shinobi wannabe or else, we'll be toast as heroes.
Tsubaki : Hai.
*scene changes*
*Sonic SFX : Aircraft/Spacecraft Whooshing+Jet roaring*
Wolf via communication : Leon. It's about that Kid, where have you last seen her?
Leon : Oh I don't know, she's a cute little girl that I have been looking after her and her mother told that I would keep a close eye on her, I still don't know why I was guardian to be a parent for a female witch that goes by the name Angela Leon, but I used to call her "Angela Pawolski".
Wolf via Communication : Angela Pawolski? Leon, she's just an orphaned witch of Witchkind, her mother has been long gone since humans have been going bananas on hurting their kind, what are the odds? My suggestion that old DWMA wanted a former detective dead for getting involvements with the terrorists.
Panther via Communication : Don't get a head of yourself, Wolf O' Donnell. Leon is a very busy man, who is a very skillful like the hitman at the speed of sound, Pico.
Leon : I'm certainly aware that readings about Loathsome beings that are the flies driven to scourge the earth below, still no reaction on what the DWMA was thinking, they're money is going down to zero.
Wolf via Communication : I had to get in contact with the Government to assist one of Sega's Veterans, don't ask why, I got a bunch of rats that has a silver tongue to prove those answers, them Apparoids are such a pain to deal with.
Panther via Communication : Once we find the child...Then you will able to meet her in peace. Do we agree?
Leon via Communication : Agree.
Wolf : Since Pigma and Andrew Oikonny have been left out, I guess there's only one thing left to do. We gotta fight for survival, that's what we do in the world of Star Fox. But a reunion with Star Fox, I guess you can say that as well, this will be a perfect setup for the common gold.
Panther & Leon : Understood!
Wolf : Dang! We got enemies on our tail! Those guys need their selves to be put them in their place! Star Wolf, let's get into action!
[Star Wolf's Theme (Assault ver.) by Koji Kondo]
Leon & Panther : Roger!
Panther : Time to give them a real good butt-kicking!
Wolf : Let's see what Old Wolf O' Donnell got something in store for these losers.
Leon : Be on guard! *looks at a photo of Angela Leon* However, I was ordered to protect those who smile, never forget.
Wolf : Alright team! Move out!
*scene then changes*
[Separation by Masamichi Amano]
"Leon Pawolski, member of the mercenary team Star Wolf, was said to be the true guardian that looked after a witch that was named after him and I suggest that those two aren't related by blood or human blood as well."
*Around two years ago*
"At the facility of Deathscythe, Duo is making his departure for Tokyo for the celebration of his reunion, the anniversary of his show."
Duo Maxwell : Well...It's that time. I'm ready to go...Deathscythe is waiting for me.
*Duo is finishing packing up his baggage*
Duo : *hears someone approaching* Huh? Lain.
Lain : I promised, that I finally made him strong enough to take the enemy down, but after you leave, you and your friends would come back to this facility one day, I hope, that we'll meet again some time.
Rei : Just don't forget who looks after your robot, Duo.
Duo : Thanks, guys. I won't forget. *carries his baggage* Take care of yourself.
Lain : *hugs duo from behind* Arigato Gozaimasu, Duo Maxwell. Guess this is goodbye now.
Duo : No problem.
*Scene then cuts to outside of the facility*
Duo : My ride should be arriving here any minute now.
Mike via radio : Hey, Duo! Right on schedule!
Duo : Hey, Mike! Great timing!
Mike via Radio : Heavy stuff man! You're just in time for your flight to Tokyo.
Duo : Great! Just in the nick of time! Let's get going!
Mike via Radio : Roger that! Over and out!
*Duo then get aboards the Helicopter before flies off*
Lain : [she smiles] Good luck, dear.
"Meanwhile later at a Naval Station..."
Shinra the Devil Chao : Arthur! I think I made it to the station.
Saber via Radio : Good. Good. The Emerald should be here somewhere. Where could that fifth emerald be...?
Shinra the Devil Chao : But what I'm really good at...Is that I like to blow things up. In the Real World, what happens when make a mind blowing sea of explosions, Michael Bay style?
Saber via Radio : That's an excellent deduction, Shinra. Just don't refer stuff to the Real World. Hopefully...We all know where that little girl is.
Shinra the Devil Chao : What little Girl?
Saber via Radio : You know...Tamaki Kotatsu, she's the only inhabitant of the Ohkuboverse who barely survived the annihilation from the Time Eater 1000 years before my resurrection in this here body. Local has it, the inhabitant of the Ohkuboverse, Blair Witch, said to be a close childhood friend of Tamaki, but turns out that she's not jus a childhood friend, but a believer of the Ohkuboverse's hero, Maka Albarn.
Shinra the Devil Chao : I know...Tamaki...She's been with us in the Ohkuboverse before it's destruction by the Time Eater, but right now, we shouldn't make any necessary sacrifices, let's see what the Mashimaverse does that the Ohkuboverse don't. I'm just getting started to get into the big picture.
Saber via Radio : Alright. Be on guard. Stay high alert, Sonic is at the one of the naval ships, but trust me, there is a party going on these naval ships, that's why it's called the "Huge Crisis", but there is a Huge Crisis at this here Naval Station, they're gonna turn this entire station into a Naval Shipyard for the Dead.
Shinra the Devil Chao : Say no more. Alright...Let's get this party started. [Turns on the radio]
Professor K : Hey y'all boys and girls, this is your captain Professor K and we're Tokyo's underground Pirate Station, JET SET RADIO!!! We got a special song for the Military Organization G.U.N that will turn their naval station into the sickest party spot in the world! So that is why we're going to throw a party with a JEH JEH ROCKET! Kick it!
[Jeh Jeh Rocket by Hideki Naganuma plays]
Shinra the Devil Chao : Alright! Now we're talking!
Saber via Radio : Don't get too hasty, Shinra! The station's crawling with G.U.N robots, their security are no match for the Dark Chao Walker.
Shinra the Devil Chao : Relax! I got it all covered! Time to make a house call for this entire military!
Shinra & Sonic : [Syncing] Let's do it!
Rouge via Radio : What's going on here!? Who's at the Naval Station!?
Eggman Nega on P.A : Well, Sonic. Congratulations on making to this Naval Station, but how about a friendly reminder? Remember these pests that hunted you down for a crime that you did not commit?
Sonic : Oh yes, I remember those guys. They're the ones mistaken me back at San Francisco, It was a huge badass in distress for all of that Hero work to clear my name, It's all Eggman fault that he got me in hot water after the man of year crud in 97.
Eggman Nega on P.A : Correction, but the Eggman you know is somewhere beyond this naval station. But if you're looking for the fifth Chaos Emerald and not just that Fourth one which were counterfeits, It's somewhere around the station! But mark my words, Blue rodent, I will put an end to you once and for all with my latest and most unique creation beyond this Naval Station!
Rouge via Radio : Oh yeah? Well guess what? You're not getting away with everything you got!
Eggman Nega via Radio : Huh? Who are you?
Rouge via Radio : I'm Rouge the Bat, this Naval Station is off limits, you are not authorized to access this station, state your name and business.
Eggman Nega via Radio : Why...I'm Eggman!
Rouge via Radio : Nice try, but that won't work! Hey, Sonic! I have the fifth Chaos Emerald, I got it secured, but I was in bit of a pickle.
Sonic : Thanks for your advice, hopefully, we can get these emeralds back to Knuckles, but hopefully you won't take the Master Emerald, would you?
Rouge via Radio : No thanks! I'll pass this one, please, find Eggman Nega as fast as you can, the commander is not going to please when he finds about this. Better stay alert and get pass through security!
Sonic : Thanks for that, I get there soon as possible! [To himself] Why in the world would a cat princess from another dimension that Cream would be friends with? Can't believe that Vanilla had her left of and Gemerl is searching for her! Where did looking after her gone wrong? I gotta stop this before Eggman Nega go haywire on the world? Hopefully the military is going out of style when they get a load of--
Sonic : What's the shakedown?
Sonic : Lifeform? Wait a sec, the guy from that long-forgotten universe, Shinra!
*pans to Shinra destroying the robots path*
Shinra the Devil Chaos : *laughs manically* THIS SO GOOD TO BE TRUE!
*Explosion Sounds by Hidenori Arai*
Shinra the Devil Chaos : Out of my way! I am getting my hands to that Girl!
*cuts back to Sonic*
Sonic : Looks like he's having some fun on this naval station! Guess this means that he and his partner are really liking to be the biggest star of this party! Time to blast through the station! *gets on board*
Male Voice : 3...2....1...Blast off!
*DBZ SFX : Boosting*
Sonic : Here I go! [launches in the air and goes through the hoops] WOOHOO! Great Party, Shinra! But I'm not done with you yet!
Shinra the Devil Chao : [To Sonic] Listen to me, Blue Hedgehog, that mustache man is mine! I am going to get him, no matter what! I will get him back!
Sonic : Oh is that so? Okay then, Shinra! But I'll show you what a real hero can do!
Sonic : Made it!
Shinra the Devil Chao : Tell me about!
Sonic : Best party ever! Going through a Naval Station to find the fifth Chaos Emerald was a huge snap, but trust me...You don't know what you're up against.
Saber (Arthur Boyle) : Ah, Shinra, boy wonder. Glad you finally made to the last of the Naval Station.
Eggman : Sonic is that you?
Sonic : Huh? Eggman! You're here and why is your head so small?
Eggman : No need to explanation, Sonic. Listen, while the troops are handeling the forces of the Black Arms, I realized that Eggman Nega isn't appeared what he used to be. He did not came from Blaze's world or neither was the Sol Dimension.
Rouge : But with your advice, we discovered that this Eggman Nega person is not from the Sol Dimension, data shows that this man has his data this actually from 200 years in the future.
Saber (Arthur Boyle) : Huh?
Sonic : ....Eh?
[Everyone pauses for a minute]
*Warioware Clock ticking+Ding!*
Saber (Arthur Boyle) : All this time...You mean Eggman Nega-IS ACTUALLY FROM 200 YEARS IN THE FUTURE!?!
Sonic : So that's why I caught up with Eggman Nega...In the first place, that means you in this little machine is the real eggman!?
Eggman : Yes quite true.
Sonic : It turns out that I've been fighting the wrong ones this whole time, I was supposed to fight against you in our previous fight, but then I was fighting this Eggman from Blaze's World, who is actually from 200 years in the future. Why didn't you tell me that before!?
Eggman : I know why, Eggman Nega wasn't here to help me conquer the world, he wanted me to destroy the world, turn me into a card, help make a machine that wields a powerful staff, and then summons a fiery demon that eats Chao! Those were the predictions that I foreshadowed about him by around two years later on.
Sonic : How come...?
[To the Ancient Soleanna Castle by Mariko Nanba]
Rouge : Well...About that.
Rouge : Shadow...Eggman is dealing with another "him" from 200 years in the future, the humans will think they're going to betray you, Grim, the great God of Death, told us that someone is plaguing the timeline.
Shadow : What do you mean, Rouge?
Rouge : What I'm saying that someone is trying to eliminate the past. The Time Stones from the Miracle Planet incident won't work this time, but I believe that they have some kind of connection with a Sun God name Sol that was worshipped by the inhabitants of the Ohkuboverse a long time ago. But the name "Sol" is missing some letters.
Shadow : What commendation does this Sun God named Sol offers the Inhabitants of the Ohkuboverse for what?
Rouge : It's the Chaos Emeralds, the Ancients who arrived on our world a long time ago warned that the Emeralds power and the Time Stones may have a link with Sun God Sol, but turns out the Sun God that the Inhabitants of the Ohkuboverse worshiped isn't Sol at all, it's..."Solaris".
Shadow : What were they thinking that worshiping to someone that isn't appeared whom he seems to be?
*flashback ends with Shinra*
Shinra the Devil Chao : I...I remember now...the Sun God that we worshiped, there was no Sun God named Sol...It's Solaris. The idiots from the Ohkuboverse had us worshiping on the wrong figure to worship, but the solution that this Sun God named Solaris wanted to offer us Chaos Emeralds, but we didn't know what they were oh no. After the horrors that me and my comrades have witnessed, it turns out that the Holy Sol was a massive ploy for two figures named Mephiles and Iblis.
Saber (Arthur Boyle) : Mephiles and Iblis? *gasps in realization* The Holy Sol it was those two, they used us all for...[in a quiet voice] "Mind Manipulation."
Shinra the Devil Chao : Oh...!
*Before the Ohkuboverse's Destruction (Again)*
[Echo Night - Beyond OST : Track 12]
Shinra in his POV : [To Mephiles and Iblis] You! You two did all of this! How dare you for us to worship you for your mind manipulation! You wanted to offer us Emeralds!? I am going to destroy you right now!
Mephiles : I wouldn't think so. Me and Iblis are going to be fine in the Multiverse. [Referring to Someone] They're all yours! That's him, that's the one who created the new world! Expunge them and erase this enitre universe of his!
Arthur Boyle in his POV : Wait a sec, who are you talking t--
Time Eater : This time, you humans have finally know your place, and I find you responsible for the creation of this world!
Shinra in His POV : No! You got it all wrong! I stopped spontaneous human combustion, but I didn't know that the Evangelist was really an image all along, it was Demon Vibe I swear it! I saved everyone, this world, this galaxy...!
Time Eater : Silence! I will make you all expunge and erasure this existing that universe that you lived in, shared by the Past and Future in all of living matters.
Shinra : [To Mephiles and Iblis] You fools are going to pay, you hear me? YOU ARE ALL...GOING TO PAY!!!
*After the Ohkuboverse's Destruction*
Shinra : Where are you...Where is everyone...How did this happened? I can't see a thing...nothingness, black, dark...is this...is this really Darkness? I lost everything, the Ohkuboverse is no more, the world that I once lived is destroyed. Where did everything gone wrong, where did we all go wrong? Iris, Arthur, everyone...I'm sorry.
~ Mission 13 : Party at a Huge Crisis ~
#sonic the hedgehog#jet set radio#shinobi#fate#star fox#super smash bros#serial experiments lain#mobile suit gundam#soul eater#fire force#crossover#drama#comedy#dark comedy#horror#mystery#thriller#supernatural#science fiction#action#adventure#fantasy#dark fantasy#science fantasy#urban fantasy
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I’ve been thinking. I see a lot of dom!marauders or them being experienced. But what if it was the opposite? Like y/n is experienced and perhaps a dom, while the boys are virgins (or just had little experience)? it makes me all soft 🥺. Like Y/N could be their best friend/fifth marauder (whichever you choose), and they like ask her to be their first time and it’s all blushy for the boys (them being subs, a few tears of pain for them) go crazy! It’s been on my mind for weeks!
Marauders x Fem!reader
Warning : unprotected sex, cursing, Dom!reader, pretty chill I think, you know, for smut
Word count : 1830
Thanks for being so patient, I hope you like it cause it took me forever to do this. It's a bit heavy on the dialogue but oh well
Surprise, surprise.
It was raining at Hogwarts. The Scottish countryside is taking on its usual demeanor of moisture in this season. Not that you minded, that just meant you got to spend the day with all of your favourite boys. You Sirius and James were giggling away in the corner while Remus was trying his best to ignore you all and read, but you figured you could peak his interest.
“Okay Pads, what’s your body count?”
“I’ve never killed anybody, but trust me Snivelus has come close.”
“No you dork, how many people have you slept with?”
“I’m not answering that!”
“I’m not gonna slut shame you Sirius.”
“He’s definitely not worried about being slut shamed Y/N” James snorted.
“Like you’re any better off than I am you prick.”
“Cut it out, there’s no need to call each other names. Are you both virgins then?”
“Well, yeah I guess.”
James was much more embarrassed than he needed to be.
“What about you Remmy, have you done anything at all?”
“Ask Sirius.”
“I already did ask Sirius!”
“Ask Sirius.”
“Oh my god why are you all so embarrassed there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m just surprised is all. You guys are all really attractive and kind people so I never thought you’d be inexperienced and you’ve dated plenty of girls.”
Remus shut his book.
“Not that it’s any of your business Y/N but i’ve at least given or received a hand job or two before.”
“Why’d you tell me to ask Siri- ooooooooh.”
Sirius had his face in his palms.
“Can we change the subject please.”
James patted his shoulder comfortingly.
“It’s okay Pads. It’s not like the opportunity never arose, we were all just waiting for the right person.”
“Aw well I hope you find them soon, I care about you all so much and you deserve the world.”
Sirius was still groaning into his hands.
“She’s so fucking oblivious.”
Remus chuckled.
Quite what? Confused definitely.
“I don’t understand.”
The room’s silence was overwhelming, until James took a deep breath and all eyes were drawn to him.
“Sirius and Remus obviously like each other and I’m not going to deny my attraction to either of them.”
“Then why don’t you-”
“It doesn’t feel complete. See we already found that someone, it’s you Y/N.”
“Really? You guys want me that way?”
James shrugged meekly.
“If you’ll have us.”
“I’ve always felt that way about you. I just never wanted to risk our friendship, but if you feel the same then I’d love to.”
Sirius’s head popped out.
“Right now?”
“Ha ha, no we don’t have to right now.”
“Well what are we waiting for, to get to know each other. I know James too well actually.”
You rolled your eyes and turned to probably the most level headed one, but Remus was giving you puppy eyes. You were so drawn to him you walked across the room and cupped his face with your right hand.
“What’s wrong honey?”
“Waited so long already, love. Don’t wanna wait any longer.”
“Jamie, do you want this too?”
“Yes please.”
“Such good manners baby, so I have everyone’s consent then?”
“Very much so.”
“Enthusiastic consent.”
“If you don’t do something I’m going to combust.”
You smirked at Sirius’s comment.
“You don’t get to combust until I say you do, understand?”
“Ooo scary.”
“So be it.”
You took hold of Remus’s hands and placed them on your hips.
“I know you’ll be a good boy for me Remus, won’t you?”
He swallowed thickly and nodded.
“I’ll be good for you Y/N.”
“I know you will Jamie. It’s Siri I’m worried about. Why don’t we show him what he’s missing out on? Lie back against the pillows for me, both of you.”
“What about me?”
“You can watch for now, learn how to follow their example.”
He huffed.
“Suit yourself.”
You knew your usual roles in the bedroom, so you were trying your best not to be too stern. But still, you needed to teach Sirius his place.
You lifted up the bottom of James' shirt and kissed his hip bone delicately. He got more and more ansty as you drifted your direction to the middle and down, and down, and down.
You very happily undid his belt and pulled off his pants. The state of his arousal was much more noticeable now.
“Can I suck your cock Jamie? Would you like that?”
“Yes please.”
“Good boy, Remmy can you spit on my hand please?”
You held your palm up to his mouth expectantly, but he seemed hesitant.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed sweetie, never for doing what I ask.”
He nodded and did what he was told and immediately you felt your clit throb. Having control over these three boys was certainly a power trip. Knowing you were the first person to make James tremble like this as you engulfed his cock expertly was definitely a turn on. As you bobbed up and down on James’ impressive cock, you rubbed the bulge in Remus’s trousers. The whines the two boys were making was truly music to your ears. You lifted with a pop.
“Alright Siri, are you ready to be good now?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Did you like what you were seeing?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Do you wanna try and make Remmy feel good?”
“I’ve never sucked-”
“I know, but I’m here to help you baby.”
You’ve never seen Sirius so nervous, so quiet.
“What I’m gonna get you to do first is what you do when you jerk Remmy off, Okay? Just spit on his cock and move your hand up and down alright?”
Remus shuddered as he watched Sirius in his submissive state.
“Good job Siri, look how happy you’re making Remmy. Now you can start by sucking the head, like this.”
James whimpered, and soon Remus was making the same noises. You placed your palm on Remus’s stomach to keep him from bucking his hips. Much to James disappointment you pulled away from him again.
“Okay Sirius, don’t forget to breathe through your nose and make sure you keep your teeth tucked behind your lips, there we go that’s it. Hollow your cheeks now too. How does that feel Remus?”
“F-feels good.”
“Yeah? Sirius is being such a good boy now. Is Siri gonna make you cum?
You grabbed hold of Sirius’s curly locks and pushed him down farther, making him gag and tear up. The vibrations making Remus cum instantly. You pulled Sirius off once Remus started squirming at the uncomfortable feeling of overstimulation.
“Did you swallow? Show Remmy.”
Remus groaned when he saw Sirius stick out his tongue, and you did too.
James' voice was raspy.
“Yes baby?”
“Wanna make you feel good, wanna fuck you.”
“Want me to Ride you Jamie?”
“Okay, but since this is your first time you might not last that long alright?”
“That’s okay, Sirius can take over after me.”
“Alright well you lie back and I’ll take care of you. Sirius, you wait like a good boy and I’ll help you out in a second. If you want you can get Remus to suck you off while you wait. Teach him like I taught you.”
You were suddenly aware of how you were still wearing all of your clothes so you hopped off the bed to quickly strip them off and you found yourself smirking at the expression of pure need and desire on James’ face.
You straddled his waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek before aligning his cock with your entrance. Inch by inch you and down on him as he clutched the sheets below him.
“This alright Jamie?”
“Yeah, you?”
“Perfect, can I move now?”
“Yes please.”
You raised your hips up, but before you could bring them back down James snapped his hips up to yours.
“James, fuck.”
But he didn’t seem to care, with one hand resting on your hip and one fondling your breast he kept his steady rhythm that was taking your breath away. Sirius and Remus were no longer enjoying their own pleasure, but enjoying the sight of yours. You reached down to rub your clit, but Sirius pulled your hand away and replaced it with his own.
“Like this Y/N?”
“Just like that baby, doing so good for me.”
Remus squeezed in between James and Sirius to suck on the tit that James wasn’t occupying.
“Boys- I’m gonna cum fuck-”
It’s funny how in public James could be such a little shit, but now all you saw was this wide eyed trembling figure that you got to take care of and fuck it sure was enticing especially when he said things like this.
“Please cum, wanna make you feel good Mommy please please please.”
As soon as you clenched around him as you hit your high James was spurting white hot cum into the depths of your pussy. Thank god for wizard contraceptives.
You didn’t really get to bask in the moment however, since Sirius was pulling you from James out of his own desperation. He had you lying on your back.
“I need you”
“I know I’ve kept you waiting for quite some time, go ahead love.”
Not that Sirius was significantly smaller than James, but he had an easier time going inside after you had come already. Your legs found their home wrapped around his waist as soon as he found his pace.
“Y/N, I don’t think I’m going to last long.”
“That’s okay love, this is about you. Be a good boy for me and cum whenever you need.”
“It’s kinda embarrassing though.”
You cupped his cheeks and pulled his lips to meet yours.
“No need to be embarrassed- Doing such a good job Siri your cock feels so good inside of me.”
He falls down to hold his weight on his forearms, moving even faster than before.
“M’close Y/N”
“Go on and cum baby, feels so good.”
He whimpered into your neck and you soothed him by stroking his hair. Eventually he did roll off from you, unfortunately.
“You guys never told me you were subs.”
“When I’m with Remus I’m a dom.”
“Makes sense, I’d quite like to see that actually.”
Remus cleared his throat.
“Does that mean we get to do this again cause I never actually got to-”
“Of course Remmy, it just kind of makes sense doesn’t it.”
Sirius chuckled.
“Yeah, I mean it didn’t take long for James to be calling you Mommy.”
“It’s kinda sweet though, has Remus ever called you Daddy?”
“Not yet, but I feel like we’re on the brink of something big here.”
Now Remus and James were looking at each other like maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
You personally did not have any complaints; Sirius however would probably have some when you reminded him he couldn’t dom you though.
He’d have to learn the hard way.
@sunny-bunnny @quindolyn @midnightgremlin @weasleyposts @bluemoonyblurbs @emmaev @agalandhermarvelobsession
#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin smut#remus x reader#sirius black#sirius black smut#sirius black x reader#sirius x reader#James potter#james potter x reader#james potter smut#james x reader#marauders#marauders smut#marauders x reader#poly marauders#smut#fanfiction#harry potter smut#harry potter fanfiction
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𝖙𝖜𝖎𝖈𝖊 III {finale} || professor!helmut zemo x reader
{𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 I} {𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 II}
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 : some part of you thought that maybe you could get through this without ever having to really talk about your feelings, or the future, or all those things you were pretending didn’t matter. but they matter, and they can’t go unspoken forever.
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 : 11.7k
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 : smut (semi-public sex aka car sex), some possessiveness, angst, fluffffff way too much fluff, violence (mentioned), mentions of serious injury, military references, relationship discussions, choking (non-sexual lmao it’s just on food), minor character death (in a flashback kinda, not graphic)
You glanced over at him as he stared out into the road ahead, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on your thigh, his thumb absent-mindedly stroking your skin.
The weekend getaway had been his idea, but he let you pick the destination. You picked a cabin in a cute little seaside town, something relaxed where you could spend the whole weekend in bed together and not worry about the rest of the world for a little while.
But you were still in the car, so you were still worrying— specifically, worrying that this felt sort of like a boyfriend and girlfriend thing. And that itself wasn’t so bad, but it made you feel like the ‘what are we?’ talk was inevitable, as was that talk going poorly. You could picture it now: I like spending time with you, he’d say, one of those things that sounds like a compliment but really means you’re worth it as long as you require no effort and stay out of my way.
And you’d just nod and pretend to be okay with it because you were in too deep now to break it off. When you were together, you were so happy that you couldn’t imagine ending it; and when you were apart, you missed him so much that all you could think about was the next time you would be together.
We’re happy now, why do things need to change? he’d say, one of those things that makes sense until you really think about it and understand that it just means why would I care if we’re moving forward or not? I’m already getting what I want.
You sighed, leaning your head back against the seat, and he glanced at you quickly. “What are you thinking about?” he asked, squeezing your thigh.
“Nothing,” you mumbled.
“You expect me to believe that?” he chuckled. “You’re overthinking again, I can feel it.”
“You can feel me overthinking?” you confirmed, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course,” he nodded. “I can tell your mood very well by now.”
“Alright, then why ask me what I’m thinking about if you already know what I’m feeling, mind reader?” you challenged.
“You’re sighing because you are bored from being in the car so long,” he decided, “and you’re also noticing that you’ve never dated anybody who drove such a nice car before.”
Does that mean we’re dating? “Anything else?” you smirked.
“And you’re wishing I would move my hand a little higher.”
Before you could react to that, he moved his fingers up under your skirt, gripping your thigh tightly until you breathed another sigh— one very different from the last.
“Am I right?” he grinned.
“Spot on,” you breathed, whimpering a little when one of his fingers toyed with the hem of your panties. It was subtle, teasing, and yet it was enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your thighs to clench together which he noticed easily.
He tutted in faux disappointment when his finger moved down to find a wet patch in the fabric. “Oh, wet already… what are we going to do with you, draga?”
Whatever the fuck you wanna do with me, you thought, but when your lips fell open thankfully only a little moan fell out.
It was impossible to complain about the risk of distracted driving when his fingers slipped into your panties and explored your folds— yet you were about to complain when he pulled his hand away, until you watched him bring his soaked fingers to his lips, quickly getting a taste before reaching under your skirt again. As if that wasn’t hot enough, he growled a bit when he pushed two fingers into you suddenly.
“Fuck,” you whispered, making him smile proudly. He only ventured the fingers inside you briefly, sliding them out slowly to brush the rough pads of them over your clit and it made your whole body shudder— he pressed down, drawing slow circles, until you were biting back whimpers and pleas for more.
He kept on teasing you, only reaching as deep as he needed to to lightly press into your spot before slipping out to rub your clit and then start the process all over again.
“You’re so…” you panted.
“You’re so mean,” you hissed.
“Am I? I can stop if I’m bothering you,” he offered.
“N-no! I… I just need more, please,” you groaned, yelping a bit when he pinched your clit roughly.
This time when he filled you with his fingers, he twisted his arm to go a bit deeper and kept his thumb on your clit, your soaked pussy making it easy for him to pump in and out at an increasing pace.
Your eyes fell shut as you gripped the seat beneath you, rocking your hips up against his hand for more.
“Ohh, fuck, Helmut, I’m gonna come,” you warned mindlessly.
You only opened your eyes when you felt the car start to shift, looking over to him as he checked the road before pulling over off the side and stopping near the wooded treeline.
“Wh-what are you—?” you mumbled, cut off when he put the car in park and grabbed your face to kiss you roughly. You held the wrist by his hand that held your face, moaning against his tongue, still not sure what he was up to but already on board.
“Get in the back, I can’t wait any longer,” he whispered, and you nodded dreamily as you broke away and awkwardly climbed into the backseat; he followed soon after, pushing you back against the leather and sliding his body between your legs; holding you close, kissing you harder.
It would have been reasonable to expect that the small space would make everything more uncomfortable, but instead it just made it hotter— like there wasn’t room to be anywhere but pressed right up against each other, like the only place he could rest his hands was on your body. You felt totally helpless to his dominating and open-mouthed kiss, to his thick hands tugging your clothes out of the way while you blindly attempted to open his belt.
You reached into his trousers and found him already incredibly hard, wrapping your fingers around the silky skin and grinning when he cursed under his breath.
A bit hasty with your desperation getting the better of you, you guided him to your entrance and began to slowly push your hips forward— but he held your thighs and did it for you, sliding in in one smooth stroke.
This angle seemed to force him even deeper, and you clutched his shirt in weak fists as he pushed all the way inside. “H-Helmut,” you breathed as he started to move, not quite sure if it was a plea for him to slow down or never stop.
“Fuck, say my name again,” he demanded.
“Helmut,” you repeated, giggling when he kissed your neck on a spot that sort of tickled a bit.
“One more time,” he instructed; you could feel his grin against your skin, alongside his teeth grazing your pulse.
Just as you started to say it he fucked you harder all of a sudden, just to make you choke on it. Soon you were saying his name like a prayer, over and over until you worried you’d lose your voice and he had to kiss you to make you stop. “Say you’re mine,” he pleaded softly, right against your lips, “like you did the first time.”
You felt shame pang at the back of your head, a strong instruction from what was left of your logical mind not to do that. But for all your mind’s protests, your body was already his and already bending to his will. “Yours,” you moaned, “Helmut, I’m yours…”
“I know,” he breathed, nodding slightly as he kissed you again, “I know, baby.”
You whimpered and wrapped your legs around his hips, holding him closer as he stayed deep inside you, barely letting him pull back to thrust though he still managed regardless. The bottom of his shirt was rubbing against your clit (consequences of only half-undressing for a quickie) and it made your back arch until you couldn’t push your body into his anymore.
Embarrassingly quickly, pressure began to build inside you, your moans getting louder as they echoed around the inside of the car.
“Will you come for me, draga?” he purred, a low growl against your neck where he had moved his assault of wet kisses. You nodded quickly, holding onto his back tight and biting down on your lip a bit too hard. His hand held your neck, thumb running over your jaw, and in a way it soothed you, but it also sent you tumbling over the edge all at once You barely choked out his name as your attempt at a warning, as if it weren’t obvious just from the way your channel seized up immediately. “Good girl,” he cooed lowly right against your ear, “so good for me, don’t stop.”
You couldn’t stop so long as he kept his pace— not nearly as fast as you were used to, much more measured and patient, and yet it ruined you in a way nothing else could.
It was much too sensual for the backseat of a Lexus. Much too delicate and loving for two people who weren’t even in a formal relationship. Much too perfect to ever forget, irritatingly enough.
He kept his eyes open to watch your face closely as he came inside you, admiring every detail of your face twisted in pleasure— a tear even fell down your temple and he softly brushed it away— before it all slowed down to a stop and you were just holding each other.
Once you both cooled off for just a second, he pulled you close and rolled you around so he was sitting and you straddled his lap, keeping you in an embrace while he kissed your neck and shoulder. “So beautiful,” he whispered, so quiet you almost didn’t hear it.
You wanted to tell him that you meant it, that you were really his. That it wasn’t just dirty talk (and you weren’t even sure if it qualified as ‘dirty’). Even if he rejected you, at least it would be off your chest.
But you chickened out; and in your defense, if there’s any time to have a talk with a partner that might end up awkward, right before a weekend trip is probably the worst time possible. So, it was strategic aside from just pathetic.
“We’re already going to be a bit late,” he noticed, lifting his hand over your shoulder to look at his watch, “is it alright if we just stay like this for a while before I get back to driving?”
You nodded sleepily against his shoulder and he grinned, kissing your cheek. “Maybe you can rest here in the back after that…”
And you did, drifting off quickly in the comfort of his arms. You only partially roused from your sleep when he carefully pulled out of you and laid you down gently, the sound of the car starting coming a few moments later.
He had to keep his eyes on the road, but he wanted so badly to watch you sleep in the rearview mirror.
“So, what did you think?” you smiled expectantly as you turned from watching the credits roll on the TV to looking at where he sat beside you on the cabin’s big fluffy couch.
“Eh,” he shrugged.
“What?!” you squawked. “You just experienced an American classic!”
“American classics, in my experience, are aggressive and boisterous and… greasy,” he explained.
You snorted. “How can a movie be greasy?”
“I meant the food—”
“Oh! We should watch Grease!” you realized.
He grumbled something in Sokovian to himself as he rubbed his forehead, and you laughed in relent. “Fine, I won’t make you watch anything more.”
“No, I like watching movies with you,” he decided, “but maybe the next one can be a bit more… subtle.”
"The next movie we watch should be Sokovian," you suggested.
"There aren't many Sokovian films… the constant war was pretty hard on the cinema industry, believe it or not,” he scoffed. “We managed to make a lot of porn, though.”
“Well then maybe we should watch some of that,” you smirked, and he laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Oh no, it’s awful. Plumbers and lonely housewives, cops pulling women over, that sort of thing,” he dismissed.
“Cheesy porn tropes, you say? Like, perhaps, a professor and his student?” you pressed, leaning in to run your fingers playfully over his open collar. “So unrealistic.”
“It was different with us,” he decided.
“It wasn’t for a grade, we never used the term ‘oral exam’...”
“Mm, maybe we should have,” you purred, hopping up to straddle his lap and trace your finger over the chain of his necklace that was just barely exposed under his shirt. “It’s sorta sexy.”
“Really? Oral exam?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “Makes me think of the dentist.”
“Oh, so you don’t think dentists are hot?” you joked. “Who doesn’t like latex gloves and drills in their mouth?”
He laughed, and although you were sort of trying not to seem totally desperate, you just couldn’t hold yourself back from trying to kiss that smile right off his face— thankfully he didn’t seem to mind, humming a bit against your lips and placing his hands on your back to hold you closer.
Just when you thought he would deepen it, he pulled back slightly.
“Wait,” he mumbled against your lips, pushing you back gently to break the kiss. “It was… different with us, right?”
You shook your head slightly, confused as you struggled to remember what he was talking about. “What? Yeah, of course.”
Hastily pressing your lips back on his, you were all in but he was clearly distracted, only half-heartedly kissing you back; you could all but taste his hesitance and it forced you to pull back and look down at him again.
“What’s wrong?” you asked softly, tilting your head.
“Oh, uh, nothing’s wrong,” he assured, “I just… I was just thinking.”
“...what were you thinking about?” you asked when you realized that was the end of his sentence.
“I was thinking about what you said a few weeks ago, on my birthday— that you liked that I’m so much older than you.”
“You’re not…” he started and began again. “This isn’t just… about that, for you, is it?”
“What?” you furrowed your brow.
“I mean, is that what this—” he motioned to the space between the two of you— “is about?”
You frowned, a little sinking feeling already forming in your gut. “I don’t understand,” you spoke, but your fear was more that you understood him completely.
“My English isn’t good enough for this,” he sighed. “Sometimes I worry that this is… something you do.”
“That what is something I do?” you asked, a bit more pointed than you meant for it to come out, but you really just needed him to say it.
“Date older men,” he finally finished. “Seduce professors, I don’t know, whatever you’d like to call it.”
You straightened up and got up off of his lap, stepping back. “Seriously? You think this is, like, my kink or something?”
“No, I don’t think so,” he clarified, standing up with you, “but I’m asking in case I’m wrong.”
Maybe on some level, you could appreciate that it was a reasonable question. After all, you had been sort of wanting to ask him if he made a habit of seducing students— but you didn’t because you knew it would be horribly offensive, which is why it was so aggravating that he was doing it to you now. In these months together (but not together together), had he not learned enough about your character to realize you weren’t in it for anything but him? “I told you I haven’t even dated that much before you,” you reminded him firmly, crossing your arms.
“And I believe you, I’m not accusing you of anything—”
“It kinda sounds like you are!” you snapped.
“And it sounds like you are getting defensive about it, which makes me worry even more!” he shot back, and you wondered if you’d ever heard him raise his voice before.
“Well, don’t worry about it, because it’s none of your business,” you rolled your eyes, “we’re not even dating anyway.”
Just as you started to walk away, not even sure where you would go when you were staying here with him (a walk outside, maybe, just to clear your head and be somewhere that he couldn’t see you cry?), he stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
“Wait, please,” he breathed, and only because he sounded so broken-hearted did you turn around.
“What?” you sighed, showing your irritation in lieu of your heartbreak.
He took a quick breath, collecting himself before he spoke again. “I don’t mean to be invasive and I certainly don’t mean to be controlling,” he explained, “I just… I want to understand what you want. From me, specifically.”
“Okay,” you nodded, “that might be a more complicated question than you realize. With a complicated answer.”
“I have time, I have the rest of the weekend," he decided. “Just tell me that this isn’t only fun for you. If it is, then… then I’m glad you had your fun, and we can have fun together here, and then when we get back to the city… we can go our separate ways.”
“And if it’s not?”
He swallowed, looking away briefly before stepping closer, reaching up to cradle your face in his palm. “If it’s not just fun, then… then we need to have a different conversation.”
You cleared your throat nervously. “What conversation?”
“I need to know first,” he insisted, “or it would be wrong for me to tell you. I don’t want you to spare my feelings, draga, I just want the truth.”
What you really wanted was to know his feelings first so you could spare your own, but he was so adamant on making you speak first, his gaze desperately searching your face as you tried to avoid the heat of it. “I…” you began, not sure what to say. You knew what you wanted to say, you just didn’t know how, exactly. Looking up into his eyes again, you took a quick breath and started over, trying to ignore your heart racing inside your chest. “It’s not just fun, Helmut, or a bucket list thing or a ‘trying something wild and crazy while I’m still young’ thing. I’m serious about this… but, you know, if you just wanna stay casual I understand—”
He cut you off with a kiss, sudden but not quite desperate; rather relaxed, actually, and you melted into it as his arm snaked around your waist and pulled you close.
“I love you,” he whispered against your lips.
“You— what?” you gasped, pushing back slightly against his chest.
“I love you,” he repeated. “It’s not just fun, it’s not a bucket list thing or a midlife crisis thing— I love you, I’ve been in love with you for weeks and couldn’t think of what to say… I was afraid to smother you, you wouldn’t be wrong to want more freedom than you can have with me.”
A shaky breath moved in and out of your lungs as you looked away from his gaze— it was too wonderfully all-encompassing for you to be able to process this with his eyes on you.
“I hope it doesn’t bother you,” he mumbled nervously, “but I can’t change how I feel.”
“No, it doesn’t… it’s good,” you smiled, starting to laugh. Your heart was beating so heavy you could hear it in your ears, you could barely even hear yourself speak as you answered him. “Helmut, it’s— I love you too, of course.”
“Really?” he beamed.
He kissed you again, harder, and neither of you could stop smiling through it. "Say it again," he pleaded softly.
"I love you," you repeated. "I love you, Helmut."
“Mm, one more time,” he encouraged with a soft laugh as he lifted you into his arms and began to carry you down a familiar path to the cabin’s bedroom.
“I love you I love you I love you I—” you had to stop to gasp when he bit down on your neck, not too hard but still quite surprising, before he tossed you down onto the bed and pounced on top of you.
“Is it fair to say that we’re dating now?” he presumed, making you laugh.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“So it’s just us, you and me, girlfriend and boyfriend?” he continued. “Nobody else?”
“There was never anybody else,” you promised.
“I know, and now there never will be,” he cooed, placing a kiss right on your ear. “You’re all mine now.”
A shiver ran up your spine instantly. “God, how do you do that? Go from sweet to filthy in a split-second?”
“Mm, a habit of mine,” he hummed, “because it makes you all cute and whiny.”
You frowned as he kissed your nose. “Hey!” you, proving him right, whined; he laughed and held the back of your neck as he kissed you again.
Just the sex that followed that conversation would’ve been enough to make this an amazing weekend, but it was even better to leave the vacation as a couple when that wasn’t even how you’d started it.
Afterwards, you laid together in bed and commiserated how silly you both had been to assume the other didn't want more, deciding from now on to be open and honest as much as possible. That was what inspired you the next day to spend the morning trading secrets over the breakfast he'd made.
"I cheated on my eighth grade Spanish exam," you admitted, making him put down his fork in pretend shock.
"¡Chica traviesa!" he gasped.
"Maybe if I'd actually studied, I would know what that means…"
"Truthfully, I can't judge you. I did something similar in my primary studies,” he recalled. “I broke into the teachers' desk and stole an early copy of the exam. But I didn't use it myself, I used it to impress a girl in my class."
You smiled trying to imagine that. "I can see you as the romantic type when you were a kid," you hummed.
"I was more the rebellious type, with girls being one of the more reliable ways to rebel."
That piqued your interest, and you gave him an excited grin of anticipation. "Did you have a punk phase?"
"It was Eastern Europe in the early 90s: of course I had a punk phase," he chuckled. "How else do you celebrate the end of a brutal capitalist revolution but by importing every Western record you can find and dying your hair black in a petrol station's bathroom sink?"
"Oh my god!" you giggled.
"But it was rather minimalist, I wasn't permitted much stylistic freedom so it was little things like that… I wanted an ear piercing, but my mother would've truly had a heart attack."
"I guess you're better than I was,” you shrugged, “my rebellious phase was brief but with a much stronger willingness to sacrifice my mother's sanity."
"Yes, that's more typical," he nodded. "I suppose my real secret was that I didn't want to rebel from my parents nearly as much as I thought I did… I just wanted to make them happy."
You smiled at him as he stared down at his plate. "You sound like a sweet kid."
"Horrifically stupid and a bit self-involved but sure, sweet," he agreed with a chuckle.
"So, all our secrets are out, huh?" you grinned.
"Perhaps I have a few left," he smirked as he leaned across the table to kiss you softly. "I'm saving them for a rainy day."
The weekend went by much too quickly, but you couldn’t begrudge the return to daily life now that you were returning to it together— so far, you’d found that together was the best way to experience life.
Almost as fast as the vacation, so went the seasons as well: you both had classes through summer, and you enjoyed the freedom that came with a much more empty campus; fall, as always, was damp and chilly yet comforting— sometimes the leaves turned just the right color of brown before they fell to remind you of his eyes; winter sent you back home to see your family for the holidays, just for a few days, and you told them you’d bring your mysterious boyfriend next time even though it made your heart race to imagine that.
Your birthday passed at some point during the year, and he took you out to one of those slightly-hipstery barcades where he revealed his secret talent for skeeball— you were glad he felt comfortable completely annihilating your high score even on your birthday. He invited your friends, too, and it went significantly less horribly than you imagined; they only asked him weird questions about being a professor a few times, but otherwise everyone got along oddly well.
And soon it was another spring again, one of your last ones before you graduated, and you let yourself focus on things other than what might happen when you left the university and he almost certainly stayed. For now, you just needed to worry about how you’d ever find time for each other during finals season when both of you were busy for different reasons.
Dinner tonight? I have a reservation at 7 for a place in the museum district. They have a dress code so wear something evening ready if possible. -Z
you don’t have to sign your texts you know. I know it’s you. it says your name right above the text.
It’s more formal this way. -Z
it’s a text message, it will never be formal??
Will I see you at dinner tonight or am I in trouble for asking over text? -Z
I’ll be there
I look forward to your company, draga
hey, you didn’t sign it! progress!
goddamn it
“This place is… really nice,” you noticed sheepishly, glancing around at the minimalist-yet-luxurious decor of the restaurant while you took your seat across the white-linen-covered table from him. “Like, significantly nicer than I’ve ever been to before.”
“Well, you look like you fit right in,” he assured, and you almost believed him— it was the nicest thing in your closet, but still seemed like the wrong energy compared to how him and everyone else seemed so casually flawless. “I took the liberty of ordering for you,” he explained as he poured water into your glass for you from the basin at the table, “I was going to make you order the salmon anyways, it’s really impeccable.”
“What’s the occasion? I’m still feeling spoiled from the anniversary celebrations last month.”
You two had decided to celebrate a year since the day you’d met (and had sex for the first time; it was an action-packed day) instead of the day you had officially began your relationship, since there was no reason to commemorate months of pretending to be casual while you were both quietly devoted to each other.
“I just want to have a nice date with my girlfriend, is that so terrible?” he smiled.
“No,” you answered quickly, “but that’s a load of bullshit.”
He chuckled a little. “You’re right. I wanted to do something nice with you before I go.”
“Yeah, that’s not ominous at all,” you frowned. “Care to elaborate, international man of mystery?”
The conversation paused briefly as the server came by with your meals, and you gave him a little nod of appreciation before he left; the salmon did look pretty amazing, and you trusted your boyfriend’s taste even if it was often more refined than your own.
“I need to make a trip home in the next few months,” Helmut finally clarified. “Nothing particularly interesting, and thankfully all very temporary— boring estate management stuff, comes up every once in a while,” he shrugged.
“How long will you be gone?” you asked, hoping you didn’t sound as needy as you felt.
“No more than three weeks.”
“Three weeks?!” you yelped.
“You know I’d never leave your side if I had the choice,” he smiled. “It’ll go by in a moment, you might not even notice I’m gone.”
“Are you kidding? I practically live at your apartment. We probably haven’t spent three days apart since we met. Hell, we have sex, like, five times a week!”
You heard the chatter of nearby restaurant-goers die down, and you awkwardly looked around to find some of them staring at you as Helmut tried to suppress his laugh.
“I… may or may not have forgotten we’re in public,” you whispered harshly as most of them seemed to get back to their own conversations. “Let’s not eat here again.”
“Oh, would you like to announce our sexual frequency anywhere else?” he joked, though his tone remained as serious as ever, and it made you laugh even though you were the butt of the joke. “Olive Garden, maybe?”
“Shut up,” you demanded between hiccups of laughter.
“The Texas Roadhouse? I’m sure they would love that,” he continued. “They seem like a real liberal crowd.”
“Stop,” you snorted, trying to catch your breath and not laugh too loud in front of all these people who already had a poor impression of you.
“Or we can go to the drive-through at Taco Bell and you can tell them through the little speaker thing,” he offered, and you hid your burning face behind your cloth napkin.
“You’re mean, I was just trying to say that I’m gonna miss you if you’re gone for so long!”
He leaned across the table to grab the napkin and slowly pull it down from your face, smiling at you when he could see you again. “I’ll make it up to you,” he promised. “We’ll have sex fifteen times when I get back, for lost time.”
“That’s not really my issue,” you sighed. “I mean, yeah, we’re still definitely gonna do that, but that’s not what I’m gonna miss most.”
“I know,” he nodded, “don’t think I’m going to do anything but miss you terribly the whole trip. In fact, that brings me to what I wanted to talk to you about tonight.”
“Telling me you’re leaving for three weeks isn’t the main topic of discussion?” you realized.
“It was, but now I’m here with you and it has me thinking all sorts of things,” he explained.
“Okay… what are you thinking about?” you asked quietly.
“Well, I was just thinking that I don’t want to keep you from living your youth while you can,” he answered, looking back at you as you took a sip of your drink, “but that I’d like to marry you.”
Just like that, you inhaled some water and began coughing and choking.
“Hypothetically!” he blurted out, leaning forward to make sure you were okay but you waved him back into his seat.
“I, uh,” you began, coughing one more time before you started again, “I didn’t think that was what you were thinking about.”
“Well, clearly,” he mumbled.
“I mean, I didn’t know you were thinking about that at all,” you explained, “like, I wasn’t sure that we were there yet.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t notice when I told you not so long ago that this year with you had been the best of my life,” he recalled, making you smile a bit to yourself at the memory. “I’m there. I’m just asking where you are.”
“I guess I need to think about that,” you lied. You didn’t need to think about it, you knew that he was talking about exactly what you wanted, but you needed to convince him you were taking this question seriously— god knows he was constantly worrying that you shouldn’t be tied down to him when you were so young, and although you typically handled that by making a bondage joke (and he typically handled that by making a non-joke bondage offer), you didn’t want him to worry about this.
“Maybe you can think while I’m on my trip,” he decided, “and when I come back, we can talk about the future.”
“I just meant for, like, a few minutes,” you admitted. “I don’t need that long, Helmut. I know what I want.”
“Care to enlighten me?”
“To be with you, whatever that looks like,” you said, sounding more confident than you thought possible. “That’s what I want. And I don’t wanna hear you saying anything about how you think I might be too young for marriage or that I might change my mind later… I have a right to love just as much as you, and to know what’s right for me.”
“And it’s me?”
You smiled as you reached for his hand where it rested on the table, squeezing his fingers in yours. “It’s you. Obviously.”
He looked at your hands held together before he smiled back at you— but it faded suddenly, and he pulled his hand away to lean back in his chair. “There’s something else I should tell you, before I let you say too much...”
You swallowed thickly. Oh god, here it comes. Secret family in Canada, glue-sniffing addiction, absurdly specific and disturbing fetish… the wheel of misfortune was already spinning in your head, and you took a bite of your fish to try to look natural.
“You should know the truth about my family, back in Sokovia? We’re, in a certain sense of the word… royalty.”
You started choking again; why did he keep telling you this stuff while you had something in your mouth??
“Shit, are you alright?” he asked nervously, and you nodded in spite of your fit of coughs.
“Are you a prince?!” you spat out as you started to catch your breath again.
“A baron. A little less romantic, I know,” he smirked.
“And if… if what you’re talking about, actually happened, then that would make me…” you trailed off, raising your eyebrow expectantly.
“My baroness,” he finished for you. Funny enough, the word my was doing more for you than the royal title. “Hypothetically.”
“You keep saying that word,” you noticed. “I hope we think it means the same thing.”
“Maybe a better word would be ‘eventually,’” he decided, and your back straightened because oh shit, this is really going to happen. “Maybe an even better word would be ‘soon.’”
You almost choked again, with no excuse this time as there was nothing in your mouth to actually choke on. “H-how soon?” you whispered, and his lips curled into a mischievous grin as he lifted his drink.
“Sorry darling, I don’t think I can tell you that,” he decided as he took a sip slowly, still staring you down over the rim of the glass.
You shifted nervously in your seat, trying to imagine how you were supposed to be anything but jittery after this conversation.
“Can I ask an inappropriate question?”
He raised his eyebrow. “Let’s try not to scare the other patrons again, but sure.”
“How rich are you?” you blurted out, and he laughed a little.
“Somewhere between ‘outrageously’ and ‘ludicrously,’” he decided. “It might seem a little far-fetched considering I prefer not to live extravagantly here in the States… but we’ve made good use of the last dozen-or-so generations of wealth.”
“And you let me pay for lunch last week!” you remembered, leaning forward to smack him on the shoulder with a scowl.
“That’s all you have to say about that?” he realized bewilderedly.
“It’s all that I can process right now!”
“I should apologize for not telling you sooner,” he nodded.
You paused as you stared back at him. “I sorta thought you’d continue with that by explaining why you didn’t.”
He sighed, looking away. “I spent so much time worrying you were only with me in pursuit of a new experience with an older man. And then if you knew how much money was involved… I didn’t want to jump from one insecurity to the next with you, if I could avoid it.”
“You’re insecure about being rich? Next you’re gonna start crying ‘cause your cock’s too big,” you rolled your eyes.
Again, other diners turned to you and this time you looked back at them.
“What are you looking at, huh?” you snapped, and they all stared back down at their plates quickly. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“If you could stop antagonizing the public, that would be ideal,” Helmut hissed.
“I don’t think I’m handling this very well,” you groaned, hiding your face in your hands. “I wish you would’ve told me before.”
“So do I, but believe me that I had my reasons,” he sighed.
You lowered your hands from your face to rest them on your elbows as you crossed your arms. “I think if we are going to talk seriously about this next step, then you’re gonna have to tell me those reasons,” you decided.
“Right, of course,” he nodded, clearing his throat as he looked to the side. “Well, I guess I should start from the beginning. As good a place to start as any, yes?”
You wrinkled your brow; you weren’t sure why he was so clearly nervous.
“As you can imagine, I was born into the royal life, I didn’t have much of a say in it all. From the time I was eighteen I was the 13th Baron in a line of Sokovian royals who controlled a certain amount of land. In retrospect, I understand how incredibly fortunate I was, especially compared to the poorest people in my country, but at the time all I could appreciate was that it was stuffy and boring and allowed for none of the adventure I longed for. Hence the aforementioned punk phase, but that didn’t satisfy for long. I suppose that was why I enlisted.”
“You were in the military?”
He nodded. “Briefly. I liked the idea of being a part of something that had nothing to do with my name. And I was two years into my contract when my unit was stationed in a little border town, mostly farmland, but Sokovian borders are always contentious places… anyhow, one night, while another Lieutenant and I were on patrol, there was an ambush. They shot at us, we shot back, but we were just firing into the dark so we went down rather quickly… I assumed that was the end, everything went black in an instant before I could even think…”
You shuddered, appreciating how traumatic this was for him as he looked down at his lap, stoic but in that way that clearly held more underneath.
“I woke up in a bed, in a cottage,” he recalled. “A farmgirl heard the gunfire and waited until the enemy forces moved on to render aid. She told me I was nearly dead when she found me but that her uncle was the local doctor and had been able to remove the bullets and stitch me up.”
“You told me those scars were from being attacked by a dog as a child,” you remembered.
“Yes, I didn’t forget the lies I told you,” he frowned. “I think that one should be understandable.”
You swallowed, regretting saying anything. “O-of course, I’m sorry.”
“The important thing is that she told me my partner was dead when she got there, and she couldn’t do anything for him. I was in shock— keep in mind I was young and dumb and thought of myself as some kind of invincible— but for the next month she delicately nursed me into… at least decent health, and helped me cope with it all.” He took a deep breath, a soft and somber smile crossing his face. “I suppose you can imagine what happened next.”
He looked at you again and you gave him a shrug, unsure what he expected you to guess.
“We fell in love,” he finished flatly.
“Oh,” you nodded, “right. It sounds pretty romantic.”
“Yeah, the wounded infantryman and the rural farmgirl… it was all very pastoral,” he sighed, “but anyways, my family was more than hesitant to allow me to marry a poor girl, which obviously only made me want to do it more. I even told her that I’d leave the title for her, and she gave me some pitiful monologue about how she’d never forgive herself if she was responsible for me being disinherited, she pleaded with me to find a way to gain my parents’ approval… but I knew that we were in love and that nothing could stop us, so I didn’t think much of it.”
You tried to imagine him as a young, hopeless romantic, and some part of you was a bit jealous that others got the opportunity to experience that side of him when you didn’t; but it wasn’t like he was exactly cold and hardened now, at least not with you. Just wiser, with more experience and more scars.
“My parents had put their foot down and demanded I call off the engagement. And, oddly enough, they told me that it wasn’t her social standing that bothered them but that they simply didn’t trust her. That they thought I was being rash and had only known her a few months— that I was too young, I would change my mind. I was incensed; I mean, not only do they dare to insult my foresight, but this was the love of my life they were talking about like she was some conniving witch. So I said some things I regret to this day, and I told them to keep their title and their properties and have me formally disowned at their earliest convenience.”
“Wow,” you breathed.
“Well, the truth, as it often does, came out sooner or later. That all along, her love was for the money and not the man. When I told her I’d left my title behind for her, she… didn’t take it very well. And by that I mean she slapped me so hard I saw white for a second.”
Your heart hurt to imagine him being treated like that.
“I told her that we would be poor but we would be happy together, she told me that she never wanted to be poor again, that the reason she did all this was to get out of this hellish farming town and live in a castle in Novi Grad. I suppose I could’ve forgiven all that, after all I imagine she struggled greatly for a long time living that way. But then she started ranting about how she didn’t drag some dying Baron through the mud that night on the patrolway just to marry a poor man. I was heartbroken just realizing that she knew who I was when she saved me— that she might not have if I were anyone else. Like, say, my partner that night.”
Your chest was too tight to gasp properly. “You don’t mean…”
“She held out on me for a minute but I finally got her to admit it… the other man was alive when she found us, but she left him to die while she saved me, apparently planning from the very beginning to seduce me and escape to Novi Grad like she always dreamed of. His name was Miroslav Pavlović, and he was a good man… a boy, really, only twenty when he died. Alone. In the dirt.”
Hot tears on your cheeks made you realize you were crying, and you awkwardly wiped them away in hopes that he wouldn’t notice.
He took another deep breath and seemed to reorient his mind, away from the mourning and back to his story. “Of course, I, being a young man with all my pride, told my parents that I ended it in respect of their wishes, but I think my mother suspected what really happened. Especially when the girl went ahead and married my cousin.”
“She what?!”
“An industrious young woman, I have to give her that,” he nodded. “She didn’t need a Baron, she just needed somebody who could get her out of the farm and into whatever her idea was of a luxurious life. And yes, it is exactly as wonderful as you’re imagining to see her on those rare occasions where the extended family all has to gather.”
“Yikes,” you mumbled. “That’s… cold.”
“I suppose it all worked out for the best— I dodged a bullet much worse than the ones that hit me before I met her, she got her riches and noble husband, and my parents were free to arrange a marriage for me with a woman of more adequate social standing. I was so convinced I was terminally unlovable that I actually went along with it.”
“You married her?”
“No, I just agreed to, on the condition that we meet a few times first, at least. It was the second time we met when she confided in me that she was actually a lesbian.”
“Oh!” you chuckled, hoping it wasn’t inappropriate to laugh a bit. Not as his misfortune, per se, or at the idea of a lesbian in general, but just the way this story seemed to get more complex at evey turn.
“Yes, well, my family was more liberal but hers were not the sort who would respond well to that news… I considered going through with the marriage to give her an alibi, so to speak, and the both of us would quietly have affairs with women— ideally different women— to keep up appearances for our families. She and I actually got along alright, we thought maybe we could be good friends, which some husbands and wives aren’t even when they marry for more genuine reasons.”
You scoffed as you nodded, “yeah, true that…”
“But,” he shrugged, “I got cold feet, I just couldn’t bring myself to resign to an entire relationship built on a lie again, so, I decided to leave it all behind and study at a German university— I chose history because I’d consumed historical nonfiction voraciously throughout most of my life and it seemed like a good fit, and I suppose it was the right choice… because here I am.”
You took a long, deep breath, but you didn’t feel that much more stabilized afterwards. “Okay, a lot to unpack with that,” you announced. “I understand why you didn’t tell me about the money, with everything that happened before… but you lived this entire life that I knew nothing about. You already know everything about me.”
“I couldn’t tell you much more than I did without burdening you with it.”
“Sure, but you can appreciate that this puts me in a sort of vulnerable position,” you offered.
“Right,” he agreed. “That was, of course, never my intention. I don’t tell anyone the things I’m telling you now, understand that. Everyone at the university thinks I came from much more humble beginnings and has no idea about my military service— well, except for that one royal historian who unfortunately recognized my name, but I’ve been bribing him into silence from my first day.”
“Wait, you pay him off?!”
“Oh, god no— I just grade his final term papers,” Helmut shrugged. “But still, I got pretty comfortable with my reinvention, weeks go by without me thinking about my life before this. Especially with you… sometimes I thought maybe it would be better to quietly abandon it all and become the person you thought I was.”
You smiled a little; maybe you wished that you knew how to be angry with him even in times like this, but you just couldn’t do it. “You’re still the person I think you are,” you assured. “Where you come from is not who you are, it’s just one of those things that help make you who you are. It’s up to you to decide what you do with it… and I think you’ve done something pretty great with it. Plenty of people who didn’t need to work for a living just wouldn’t.”
“I know it sounds nice, and I won’t pretend it isn’t an invaluable resource, but I find it much more fulfilling to work. I really love what I do, so that helps.”
Nodding a little to yourself, you reflected on how true that really was; after all, this all began in a classroom where you were enchanted by his passion.
“I suppose the moral of the story is… I’m sorry that I hid things from you,” he concluded firmly. “I’ve learned that I can’t protect myself from heartache and love you properly at once— I have to pick one. I want to choose to love you, I want to choose that every day for… well, forever. If you’ll let me. But if the secrets are too insurmountable, I won’t judge you.”
You let out a heavy sigh. “That’s the dilemma of love, isn’t it? You have to be willing to get hurt. But the last thing I want is to hurt you, I promise. And in the end, it really doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor or a fugitive from the law or an alien from space: I love you, really.”
For the first time since he started telling you everything, he seemed to relax. “I love you too, I hope that much is obvious.”
You nodded, reaching across the table to hold his hand. “Yeah, it is. I’m still getting used to that, honestly.”
“Not that I don’t mind being the first,” he tilted his head, “but it’s a shame no one ever cherished you before, in the way that you deserve.”
“You do seem to mind it a little bit, when you always go on about ‘keeping me from my youth’ or ‘restricting me when I should be free’ or whatever,” you recalled, putting on a poor imitation of his accent when you quoted him.
“Well, I guess it’s that I never desired to be the first,” he clarified, staring you down suddenly, “but that I intend to be the last.”
That look… you were already biting your lip and you didn’t even notice it. “Okay,” you sighed.
“You can be the last, just take me home,” you whispered, crossing your legs to hold your thighs together as your tongue ran over your teeth.
He could only bear to tear his eyes from you for a second as he called out, “The check, please!”
wanna come over later? I can’t focus enough to study
You stared down at the text you’d sent Kacey, wondering if it made you sound pathetic. You didn’t want to seem like the sort of girl who made her boyfriend her whole life, and therefore had no idea what to do with herself while he was gone. And to be clear, it wasn’t loneliness itself that made you so listless; of course, you missed him plenty, but your inability to get anything done or even enjoy some alone time was disrupted by that sort of numb, shocked feeling you got every time you remembered that he wanted to get married.
Even more shocking: you wanted to get married.
It didn’t feel too soon, it didn’t feel all that sudden, but it felt like it should feel too soon, if that makes any sense. Maybe you could try to explain it to Kacey if she ever checked her damn phone.
You groaned as you tossed the device away, knowing staring down the screen wouldn’t make her answer any faster. Having already watched everything good on every streaming service ever, you figured your next step was to move on to the mediocre things on streaming, but you couldn’t decide between a show about renovating tiny-houses or cooking using only leftovers.
It was hard to focus on your choices when you kept playing the moment before he left in your mind over and over.
You nestled in under his arm around your shoulders, tightening your grip around his torso until you caught a glance of his watch.
“Don’t you need to leave soon? There will be traffic on the way to the airport.”
“No, there shouldn’t be, it’s only a ten minute drive.”
“What? It’s at least half an hour.”
He laughed a little as he realized the misunderstanding. “Darling, I’m not going to the airport. I’m going to a private airport. For a private plane.”
You cleared your throat. “Oh… right. Still getting used to the exorbitantly rich thing.”
“But I suppose I should finish my packing, I think I’ve put off the last of it long enough,” he sighed, sitting up and tearing himself out of your arms even though you were pouting about it.
Before he left he gave you a long kiss at the door, just meant to say goodbye, but then your knees went weak and he had to hold you and it all started to lead from one thing to another very quickly.
“Fuck, Helmut, your flight,” you reminded him breathlessly, holding onto his biceps as he kissed down your neck.
“They’ll wait for me, it’s my fucking plane,” he growled, grabbing your hips hard. “I need to be inside you one more time before I go.”
Just as the best parts of the memory started to flood back, your phone rang and you jumped up instantly; the sound of 99 Luftballons, your custom ringtone for him that started as a joke but stuck for some reason, told you it was your boyfriend calling and it barely rang for a second before you answered.
“Hi!” you greeted instantly. You looked at the clock on the wall and did some quick math to realize it was probably almost time for dinner there, when it was still before noon where you were.
“Hello, darling,” he answered back, his voice instantly soothing you as you leaned back against the headboard of your (his) bed.
“Your accent is stronger than when you left,” you noticed.
“This is the first time I’ve spoken English in days,” he explained.
“How does it feel to be home?”
“Do you mean being in Sokovia, or talking to you?”
“Baaaabe,” you whined playfully, “you’re gonna make me all needy…”
“I just wish I was there to see the effect I was having on you,” he cooed. “It’s been a bit boring without you— I’m going to bring you with me next time, I assure you. Not just because I miss you so much, but so you can see the country. I want you to see my homeland and there’s no one better to show you around than myself.”
“You really love it, don’t you?” you hummed.
“More than almost anything,” he answered, and you knew what he was implying he loved most. “I know it has… struggled, it isn’t considered exactly a vacation spot by many, but it means everything to me. I don’t have much family left for you to meet, but I’m sure I’ll find some people to show you off to.”
“I’d love to come with you,” you agreed, “you know I’d go with you anywhere, though.”
“And you need to try the ćevapi!” he added, and you could hear his beaming smile through the phone. “Sokovian food is very different from Western dishes but I think you’ll enjoy it.”
“Yeah,” you agreed dreamily, laying back on the pillow as you heard him sigh from the other end.
“God, I miss you,” he breathed, making you hum proudly.
“Miss you too,” you agreed. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot…”
“Yeah? I bet I can guess what you were thinking about.”
“Such as?”
“Things I can’t say right now, in case someone hears me,” he chuckled. “We may not speak English much but they still understand it.”
“Well, I’m all alone,” you purred, “and I’ve been thinking about everything I’m gonna do to you when you get back.”
“Oh fuck, baby, don’t—” he pleaded weakly.
“I really wanna ride you,” you continued in a sultry voice you didn’t even mean to put on, “even though you’re probably too big for that, I just want you so deep in me I can’t fucking breathe—”
“You’re cruel,” he hissed, a low whisper, and you loved his helplessness.
“It’s been so lonely without you, Helmut, I’ve been fucking myself with every toy I can find but nothing fills me up like you do, god I just need your cock.”
“I should’ve had something custom made,” he decided, still whispering but you could hear him smirk, too. “So it’s only ever me inside you.”
“Even then, it’s not the same… it has to be you, the way you fuck me is just impossible to recreate, nothing’s as good as you, professor.”
He made a strained noise and you giggled happily. “How long has it been since you’ve called me that?”
“Too long,” you hummed, “I still think it’s pretty hot.”
“Oh, it definitely is,” he chuckled breathlessly, “listen, I have to return to my meeting, and you’ve made it impossible to focus on boring legal things now but I need to try my best. Alright? I’ll call you tonight, if you’re still awake.”
Of course, your tonight was his tomorrow morning; you decided not to make him worry by admitting you would stay up all night to be able to talk to him. “Okay,” you sighed, “good luck in your boring legal meeting.”
He gave one last whispered ‘goodbye’ and the line beeped as the call ended; you sighed and flopped back onto the bed, staring up at your ceiling blankly.
He’d only been gone four days. How were you supposed to make it to three weeks?
When his plane landed, you were waiting for him in the car, parked on the runway; it was a much quicker process than picking someone up from a traditional airport, plus you got to run to him the second he was off the plane and it made you feel like you were in an old movie or something.
Throwing dignity to the wind, you jumped into his arms and let him spin you around, setting you down to kiss you hard as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I missed you so much,” he mumbled against your lips, hands gripping your waist, and you’d been trying to imagine this moment ever since he left but you couldn’t have ever come close to how perfect it was.
“Missed you more,” you promised with a smile. “Let’s go home, Helmut.”
“Or…” he trailed off, and you raised an eyebrow as you sank back down onto your heels and looked up at him.
“Or we could get back on the plane and tell them to take us wherever we want.”
“I-I have finals!” you gasped. “So do you!”
“Not until next week,” he dismissed, “this is just for a few days.”
“I haven’t packed any of my stuff!”
“You have your phone, everything else can be bought when we get there,” he shrugged.
“What’s gotten into you?!” you giggled, looking back up at him wildly and wondering how he could seem so calm.
“I’m rich and in love and a little bit impulsive, is that so bad?” he smirked. “Where do you wanna go, draga? Rome? Sydney? Jakarta? Nairobi?”
“...Luxembourg,” you blurted out.
He chuckled a little, eyes sparkling. “Why there?”
“First place I thought of. Is that a good enough reason to want to go someplace?”
“It is to me,” he grinned. “You get on the plane and get comfortable, I’ll tell the pilot where we’re going.”
“Okay,” you laughed. “This is crazy, you know.”
“I know,” he nodded, taking your hand and guiding you up the stairs back onto the jet.
It wasn’t like you’d never experienced the concept of travel before, but it was still blowing your mind that you’d woken up in your (his) bed this morning and now, in the same day, you were spending your evening in box seats at the Luxembourg National Opera. He picked out the gown you were wearing (only fair since he was picking up the tab) and at first you had worried you couldn’t pull it off, but the way he kept glancing over at you made you confident you looked just fine.
“You’re not watching the performance,” you whispered to him, leaning closer to his shoulder.
“You don’t really need to see an opera, do you?” he frowned. “Can’t I just look at you?”
“These tickets cost an arm and a leg, you can look at me for free!” you hissed, but you softened a bit when his hand moved to rest on yours and he kissed your temple softly.
The two of you stayed that way for the rest of the performance, leaning on each other and holding hands. Even when you'd been together this long, you still felt butterflies when he interlaced his fingers with yours.
When the show was over and the lights came up to a wave of applause, he looked at you with bright eyes and took your hand.
"Let's walk to the hotel, yes?" he suggested. "Explore the proper way instead of a cab."
"I can't walk that far in these shoes," you frowned.
"I'll carry them for you!"
"I can't walk that far barefoot," you laughed.
"Then I'll carry you," he offered, extending his hand for you to take.
And that was how you ended up being carried piggyback through the streets of Luxembourg, across cobblestone that reflected the soft yellow glow of the street lamps and sconces, in the most expensive dress you'd ever worn.
Life is crazy like that, sometimes.
"You know, this place is a bit like Sokovia," he decided, "but with a better GDP and fewer churches."
"As I understand it, most of the world has a better GDP and fewer churches than Sokovia," you quipped.
"Hey!" he yelped in defense. "Just because it's completely true doesn't mean you have any right to say it!"
You laughed, holding onto his neck tighter but trying your best not to inadvertently choke him.
"Typical of a Westerner to have something snarky to say while standing on the backs of hard-working Sokovians," he scoffed, "or, in this case, riding on the back of one hard-working Sokovian."
"Hard-working? What exactly does a Baron do for work?" you interrogated.
"Uh, carry spoiled girlfriends around tiny European countries, for one," he enumerated, "and when we're not casually becoming distinguished professors in America, we have to manage the various projects of the estate… the Zemo family— which is just me, at this point— runs eleven orphanages. I visit those sometimes and make sure they have everything they need."
"Okay, I don't know that I'd call that hard work, but it's very important so you get a pass," you decided.
"This is us," he announced he stopped walking.
"What's us?" you asked, looking around.
"This building, this is where we're staying," he explained as he set you down and made sure you were balancing right on your heels.
You let your jaw drop as you looked up at the building, admiring the carved stone face with its intricate detail, designs that evoked a certain prestige that just couldn't be found on American buildings.
"Wow," you nodded, "you really don't skimp on your last-minute random vacations, huh?"
"Not if I can avoid it," he shrugged, leading you inside.
For an exterior so gothic, the hotel’s lobby was modern and clean, though certainly not lacking in extravagant touches; you were a bit too tired to properly appreciate that, though, leaning up against his shoulder as he conversed with the front desk clerk in German in order to finish the check-in process.
The hotel had one of those elevators with mirrors on the walls, and a more energetic version of yourself might have noticed the fooling-around potential of the space, but instead you just let your eyes fall shut until you reached the correct floor. Being an incredibly fancy place, the rooms had actual keys and not just RFID keycards— you thought Helmut looked quite regal in his opera tux, unlocking a mahogany door with a golden key. Hard to imagine him in a windowless office and a messenger bag on his shoulder now, but you could remember falling for him in that state just the same.
He let you in first— a true gentleman, of course— and the moment the door to the room shut behind him, you groaned and flopped down onto the bed unceremoniously. He, meanwhile, undid his bowtie and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt before he laid down on his side by you, running his fingers over your back left exposed by the dress for a few moments before he pulled away.
“Darling?” he called to you softly, but you were too lazy to lift your head from where they were buried in the pillows.
“Mhmm?” you answered back, muffled.
“I…” he began, sighing before he started over. “Well, nevermind.”
“What is it?” you pressed, turning your head over to see him— but then you saw his face, and the conflicted look it wore, and you sat up to lay closer to him. “What’s wrong?” you asked gently, watched the way his hair fell into his face when he combed his fingers through it and glanced away from you.
“Draga, I must admit that I lied to you before about why I was returning home,” he spoke, and you were confused but said nothing. You would’ve worried if it weren’t for the look on his face— calm, yet with something brewing in his gaze that you couldn’t quite describe. But you trusted him. When your brain would normally fill the silence with a thousand awful ideas of his real reason for his visit to Novi Grad, it was suddenly quiet. “It wasn’t just for management of the estate… I had to retrieve something.”
He reached into his coat pocket, fishing out a small velvety box with red and gold along the edges. Your heart either stopped, or beat harder than it ever had before; at a certain point the difference was irrelevant.
“I know I should wait longer, for the perfect time, or even just any other time than when you’re not jet-lagged and I’m not so nervous I can’t even think, but…”
A sudden sigh fell from your lips when he opened the box and showed you the ornate ring inside— you couldn’t tell if it was aquamarine or blue diamonds but they shined brilliantly nonetheless.
“My mother wore this ring from the day my father gave it to her until the day she died,” he explained. “I would like for you to wear it.”
Too stunned to do much else, you looked up at him blankly.
“I want you to be my wife,” he clarified, like he thought you didn’t understand what he was asking, and finally you snapped back to reality (as overwhelming as that reality was). You smiled, even nearly laughing, as you leaned in to almost press your lips to his— but when he leaned closer you kept him at bay with a hand on his collar.
“Say it again,” you requested coyly.
“You’re going to make me propose twice?” he realized, and you nodded as you bit your lip. “I’ll say it a thousand times, draga: be my wife.”
“Two down, 998 to go,” you grinned, laughing when he growled and pulled you closer to bury his face in your neck. You definitely noticed the longer beard when it tickled your skin with every kiss to your pulse.
“Be my wife, be my wife, my wife,” he cooed, casually starting to slip the ring on your finger before you dodged him.
“No no no, you haven’t said it a thousand times yet,” you chided him, “and I haven’t said ‘yes’ yet.”
“Oh, darling, don’t dare me to make you say ‘yes’ as if I don’t make you scream it out every night.”
And that’s exactly what he did: make you say yes a thousand times to a thousand proposals, pinning you down and showering you in love relentlessly. For once you just accepted it; for once he didn’t feel guilty.
In a certain sense it was sort of hasty, half-dressed and unexpected with him fumbling to hold your dress out of the way while you clung to his shirt and kissed him hungrily: but still, it was nothing less than sensual, due in part to every beautiful thing he whispered to you until you were too far gone to understand them. He still kept going after that, even, just to feel the weight of his words on his tongue. Just to promise himself to you whether you could hear him or not.
Who could say how far into the night it went? That was the magical thing about it all— neither of you cared, neither of you worried or even thought twice about what time it was or if the sun would rise soon or if it would never rise at all and this was actually the beginning of the apocalypse. It didn’t make a difference; because whether the world ended now or in a decade or in a billion years, you would be together for the rest of your lives.
We were young and in love and I knew nothing could stop us, you remembered something he said. He said it like it was ridiculous, just a frivolous dream; and in retrospect, he may have been right about that specific situation, but now you understood why he had felt that way— you too felt that euphoric glow of knowing you were on the edge of something amazing. Maybe not something perfect, but something that would work out for the best in the end.
When he was finally satisfied with how many times he had satisfied you and you fell asleep on his chest, he took the opportunity to slip the ring on your finger, admiring how beautiful your hand looked wearing it before he kissed the top of your head.
“Fits perfectly,” he whispered to you in spite of your unconsciousness. “We’ll be so happy, draga… I promise.”
#helmut zemo x reader#baron zemo x reader#helmut zemo au#professor!baron zemo x reader#professor!zemo x reader
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with a short & insecure s/o (hcs)
ft. xiao, kaeya, zhongli, & xingqiu requested by anon
this,,, this is me
he’s appalled when he finds out people actually tease you for your height. xiao has always known how terrible humans can be, but to think they would attempt to tear someone down, specifically his lover, just because they’re considered small irate him to no end. you might want to hold on to him tightly before he can storm off and declare war on the bullies who dared to torment you in any way.
he honestly doesn’t care if you’re short or tall, ugly or pretty - your appearance isn’t what’s important here. he fell in love with you for what’s inside of you, don’t forget that, okay? xiao may not outright say all that because he’s embarrassed of showing his soft side to you, but if your insecurity gets the better of you, he’ll at least lend an ear to you as you rant to him while stargazing together.
however, what xiao despises more than others treating you poorly is you belittling yourself. he has zero tolerance for that kind of attitude and will react quite aggressively, gripping you by the shoulders and shaking you. he can’t help himself. it hurts him deeply, dare he say more than a stab to his heart, seeing you wallowing in self-hatred. he’s harsh, but he means well. xiao would much rather see a content smile on your face than having you look disconsolate.
“have you finally stopped your wailing yet?” xiao peers at your face drenched in tears in disinterest, but really, he’s pretty concerned on the inside. your sobs have been reduced to quiet sniffles, but your body won’t stop trembling. he looks away for a minute, sighs heavily, and pulls you into his arms, a blush coating his cheeks.
he stays silent the whole time, too nervous to do anything really, as your palms press against his chest lightly and will yourself to calm down. xiao clears his throat and brings a finger down to brush away the glistening tears from your eyes.
“look, just because you’re short, it doesn’t mean i don’t like you any less,” he whispers only for you to hear, and presses his lips to your forehead, letting it linger there for a few seconds. “even if you, or anybody else, don’t think you’re worthy enough, i at lease still care about you, so don’t let others’ opinions get to you.”
not to be blunt or anything, but kaeya being, well kaeya, he’s probably going to relentlessly tease you. he doesn’t do it because he harbors any ill-intent towards you. it’s just, kaeya is very fond of your flustered expression. if you happen to end up crying from his words, he’ll immediately stop and apologize guiltily. the last thing he needs is for you to abandon him too because of a fault on his end.
kaeya really does love you a lot, despite your flaws and silently admires you for your empathy and altruism. one good thing about being shorter than your boyfriend is that you can wear his clothing on and he’ll be a gushing mess in no time. he’ll purposefully place his jacket somewhere for you to find in hopes you’ll put it on. he may be doing this just for the purpose of having fun, but he likes knowing that it means you're comfortable and accepting in your relationship with him.
he likes patting you on the head when you pass by each other at random times, his lips curling in a knowing smirk. if you ever need help obtaining items that are out of your reach, kaeya will conveniently be there to lend a hand. it fuels his confidence how you always go to him for help instead of seeking support from someone who might be more reliable. it goes to show that your trust in him is deep.
“having difficulties, [name]?” kaeya hollers to gain your attention as you look down from the ladder to glance at the knight, your hand outreached to grab at the material you need with failed attempts. “allow me to be of service~”
he gestures for you to climb down and gets up the ladder himself, easily grasping the object in his fingers. once his feet has touched the ground, he lowers his hand to give it to you, but before your fingertips can make contact with it, he pulls it away from you. "ah ah ah~ shouldn’t i get some kind of a compensation for helping my dearest?” you stare at him in confusion before an idea plants itself in your head. ah. so that’s what he wants. with a roll of your eyes, you stride up the ladder till your eyes meet and kisses him on the lips.
as you push your body away from him, he gives a closed-eye grin and nods in satisfaction. “that wasn’t too bad, now was it?” kaeya finally hands you the item, but he grips your free hand in his and guides it to press against his warm cheek. “you should realize by now what you’re capable of doing, stealing my heart like this. you’re so cruel [name], but perhaps that’s why i’ve grown to love you.”
zhongli is an honest and good-natured man. he’ll immediately tell you that he doesn’t think to care about your height, so there’s no reason for you to worry about it either. he’s not an idiot though. he’s aware that your self-deprecating thoughts won’t disappear so easily with his consoling words alone. actions speak louder than words, after all.
if anyone ends up insulting you for your size, zhongli won’t hesitate to politely stand up for you. although, if they stubbornly persist in demeaning you, it’ll push him to the brink of indignation, but he’ll still attempt to keep up a courteous manner for your sake as he calmly tells them to back off. like kaeya, he loves it when you wear his clothing! he’s lived for a long time to see many things, but witnessing you cuddling him while his jacket is draped snugly over your body has got to be the cutest thing he’s seen yet.
ever the supportive individual, zhongli will help you come out of your shell and build up on your self-esteem. he’s there with you every step of the day, so if you ever slip and feel like you’re about to fall into an abyss of despair, he’ll take your out-stretched hands in his and guide you back into the light.
“[name], is something the matter? you look as if you’re bothered by something.” zhongli questions innocently, studying your face carefully. your eyes droop slightly, but you reassure him that you were pondering how it would feel like if you were as tall as him. he nods in understanding and brings a hand up to his chin in thought.
before you know it, he’s turned his back towards you and kneeled down. perplexed, you stare at him, unsure of what he’s doing. “you said you desired to know what it’s like to be around my height, so this is the only thing i can think of.” hesitantly, you place your hands on his shoulder blades to balance yourself and he makes sure to hold onto you tightly as he stands up slowly. you smile in appreciation at zhongli’s consideration over your feelings and presses your body closer to his.
he beams back at you, sealing a kiss to your lips. “if you ever feel down, remember that there’s at least one person in the world that loves you - one of them being me, of course.”
he also reacts similar to kaeya, although his teasing is slightly toned down and less vocal. like, if you wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek, he might lean away from you and probably use a stool to make himself taller, but he’ll stop after a bit of fun and laughter. it’s not funny unless both of you are smiling, right?
he finds your short stature to be one of your charm points and will compliment you for that, calling you adorable and such. it’s kind of perfect for him because he likes being the big spoon, embracing you from behind and nuzzling his face against the back of your neck. if you’re around the same age as him, it’s alright! there’s still time for you to grow. he’s sure the both of you will be tall soon. there’s no judgement when you’re with him, so don’t be afraid of being yourself around xingqiu, alright?
if he finds out your confidence is still lacking, he’ll scribble down a list of all the things he loves about you for you to read to lift your spirits up! although, that might prove to be a challenge considering his handwriting is infamously known for being illegible.
“hmm... isn’t that the picture we took at liyue harbor together?” xingqiu observes the photo in your hand, reminiscing the fond memories. his honey irises flicker to you. “hey, what’s with the frown?”
you shake your head and tries to change the subject, but he presses on to persuade you into explaining. when you finally do, he bursts into a fit of laughter, wiping away the tears pricking the edge of his eyes. “i apologize for my behavior, but [name], you shouldn’t have to concern yourself with such a trivial matter.” he tucks away a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, his index finger ghosting over your lips.
“have i ever told you that you’re cute?” xingqiu murmurs, a sense of genuine compassion laced in his tone. “don’t stare at me like that, please. i’m quite serious, so there’s no need to compare yourself with me. no matter the height difference, i’ll always love you - if you’ll allow me too.
tagging. @liliisacutieowo, @scarymoosh
#genshin impact#genshin impact x reader#xiao#xiao x reader#zhongli#zhongli x reader#kaeya#kaeya x reader#xingqiu x reader#xingqiu
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Could u maybe do one with damiano where they Get into A fight and He says something very mean but it need with fluff i hope u understood. Thanks :)
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬

𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐢 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 1769
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 (𝐨𝐫 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬- 𝐨𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐡)
your day wasn't the best when you came home — your head hurt, the day was freezing cold from the moment you peeled the blanket off of yourself, and the hours in the office felt like thrice longer than usual. your boyfriend, damiano couldn't take you out at your office, since his studio was in the opposite direction than your office, but you got in late too because he couldn't find something he needed. you were a little bit nervous, but you just sushed your thoughts and tried to forget the words damiano and you said to each other.
"why can't you just leave the things in their original place? is this that hard to note?"
"be glad that i washed it out."
"be glad that i washed it out…"
damiano mimicked your voice, you hoped that the tone of his voice was only annoyed and derisive because he was tired.
thus, your mom called you in lunch just to call you about that there's no room in the house for you because your other cousins need place until the end of christmas –you couldn't stop the bitter taste in on your tongue, maybe that's why you couldn't hide the disappointment and gloom in your tone.
"but… where gonna i sleep then?"
"sweetheart, you can rent out a hotel room for a few days, don't you?"
"but mom, that's so much money!"
"did i mention that we would be so, so happy if we could meet your boyfriend? what was his name, danny?"
could your mother for only once not change the topic of the talk, if that began to change uncomfortable for her?
"it's damiano, mom."
"damiano, yes. so, is it alright for you?"
i don't have another option, and you know this too too well.
"yes. bye, mom."
you didn't wait for her "goodbye, sweetheart", slamming the red button on your phone.
and now, at the end of this ironically 'happy' and 'succesful' day, you stood in your living room, with your phone in your hand, pressing together your lips as damiano said out those words. you hoped that when you get home, you can take a long shower or run a bath while damiano sits on the edge of the tub, or even bathing with you, talking about this shitty day while you and damiano hate the world together, sharing a bottle of champagne and painting each other's nails –but he too decided to go against you.
"i think you shouldn't worry that much about that."
"come on babe, it's just your mom. she's always dramatic, you shouldn't pull it on yourself that hard."
"no, i think you don't understand my problem, she literally said that her daughter don't have a place, a bed in the house she grew up during fuckint christmas!"
"shake it off, y/n. we're gonna figure it out."
"we're gonna figure it out, what does that mean to you, huh? christmas is approaching, day by day, the hotels are sure as hell full, even the airbnb-homes, but yeah, you're right, we have all the time in the world to figure it out!" you acted with your hand, more sarcastic than ever.
"what are saying now, that is my fault that you got a late call?"
you sighed, feeling your soul heavier than ever –the pound in your head spreaded down into your chest, giving the sour feeling of crying.
"no, i'm just telling you that you could be a little bit more helpful and understanding… it's about my family, my mom, mia madre as you used to say! how can't you understand this?"
"i am not understanding enough? how can you say this?"
don't do this, dami, don't manipulate my feelings, at least not you –don't make me more miserable, please.
"i say this because i can only talk with your about this! i trust you only with my problems, my problematic mother and my other shitty things, and now you just say that i should calm down on a problem that means bigger to me than ever?"
"well it's not my problem to have a useless mother!"
it was enough. far enough for you to snap.
"than you know what?",
grabbing your purse and coat,
"fuck you!" with that, you slammed the door and stepped out of the house. you didn't know where to go on the year's coldest day –you only knew that you don't want to stay near anybody right now. maybe renting out a hotel room wasn't a that-bad idea. or going to vic, and block damiano and your mother for the next two days.
trying to call vic, you didn't even noticed that your bump into somebody, pulling together your coat on yourself, you decided to go afoot to the next bus stop, maybe damiano runs after you, but right now you couldn't face him, after everything he said.
well, it's not my problem to have a useless mother. did he think this the whole time, the whole time when you bragged about your family? that that's only your pathetic problem? you couldn't see the screen of your phone from hé blur of your tears –they immediately broke down on your neck and cheek, then freezing in the cold wind, only leaving a chilly, uncomfortable feeling. the snow crashed through the clouds, everything were white and so, so cold, the wind blew in between your coat and sweatshirt –your teeth crashed together as you pleaded to the sky and vic to pick up that phone. your stomach grumbled,
"it's almost half ten, what do you want?"
"vic, oh my god! i'm so glad, can i ask you a little favour?"
"what the fuck, is is it you, y/n? i thought damiano called me this late, he would lose his phone and use yours, the dumbass. what's the problem?"
"can i sleep at you?"
"of cour- why?"
"please, i'll tell you everything, but…" you wailed suddenly, you were surprised too, not to mention vic.
"sweet jesus, was that you? grab a cab and come here, fast! i'm calling damiano."
"no, no please!"
vic didn't respond.
"come here safe, okay?"
"okay. bye, vic."
the line cut off, leaving you there in the winding snow –more five or six streets? you still pondered on damiano's words between tears and shivers, while trying to hug yourself as warmly as you could.
you barely reached the second corner when you heard a humming of a car. can't be a taxi, but then… who's on the streets this late, in this tempestuous weather? excluding me, you thought, could laugh but in a soaked coat, sweater and socks you only wanted to survive until vic's.
turning your aching neck, at first you thought you hallucinate –seeing damiano's black car was nearly a dream, a mirage. does hypothermia kicks in that soon?
as the car approached you, it stopped beside you.
"do you really gonna walk to vic like this? did you call a cab?"
you ignored damiano, walking towards, your bag almost slipped out of your hand.
"let me help you cara mia, i'm sorry. can we talk about this in the car? it's warm in here, too."
stubbornly, with shaking hands, you wiped off the wet locks from your face. hearing a quiet murmur, something like 'okay, that's enough', the door of the car opened, inviting you to sit on the passenger's seat. you stopped the marching, looking at damiano with crossed arms.
"i'm not going anywhere until you get in this car. you can walk to vic, but i'm gonna follow you, and i'm gonna sit in here until you collect enough peace to talk with me."
it warmed your heart a little bit, but the harsh words sung in the back of your head –reluctantly, but slowly you got in the car. damiano didn't hesitate a moment to turn on the child safety lock system as you closed the door. you huffed.
"is it really neccessary?" you asked quietly.
"i don't want you to change your mind when we get back home "he said. "do you need anything? a blanket, a coffee? a tea? i'm texting thomas to boil some water."
"thomas... how? and why?"
"he came for some butter, but you bumped into him, thomo was surprised even that you're that…" –searching for the right words, it was hard and awkward for each of you.
"listen, y/n, i–"
"no, dami, i was just upset and–"
"no, wait! it's my time to apologize. because in the past time, i got carried away. i said things and i said them without thinking about how hurtful they can be. i should be glad, so fucking gratefuo that i have a girlfriend, a lover like you, a lover who nurtures me, who search my lost things even when i can't find them because i'm such a clumsy ass, a lover who shares her deepest secrets and problems with me. a lover who trusts me so much, who accepts my little habits… i know i can't take back the things i said about your mother and your problems, but the least i can do is make you forget about it, and support you with it. can you", damiano said as he covered your cold, tender hands with his big, soft ones. "y/n y/l/n, amore della mia vita, the love of my life, accept my apology about everything i said and did?"
you couldn't stop the blushing, your whole chest warmed up at his words, clinging to his hands.
"yes, i absolutely can. i'm sorry i yelled at you, it was just a shitty day, and my family… well, that's another story."
damiano leaned closer to you, touching your jaw, tucked a cold strand of hair behind your ear, spreading comfort towards your cheeks and eyebrows.
"even with soaked clothes, pale skin and damp hair, you're still the prettiest, angelic thing i've seen in my life, mia dolce bambina."
you didn't need anything to reach up to his lips, yearning to get as much as from his warmth as possible –damiano strokes the back of your head and neck, played with the moist locks.
after the little kissing session, damiano stroked your hand, taking off your coat, giving you his instead.
"let's go home, okay?"
"okay. i love you, damiano."
"i love you more than you could ever think, little angel."
as the two of you reached home, damiano huffed.
"you know, i'm a little bit disappointed in your mother too."
you pulled up your eyebrows, the corner of your lips curling up slowly.
"really? and why?"
"we can't make out in your old bedroom, that could be quite an extra christmas event, don't you think?"
𝐚/𝐧: 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨-𝐦å𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞-𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲. 𝐢'𝐦 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 <𝟑
#damiano david x you#damiano david x reader#damiano x reader#damiano imagine#damiano david#maneskin gives me bi panic#maneskin headcanons#maneskin oneshot#maneskin imagine#maneskin#send me requests#i'm tireeeeed#damiano headcanon#damiano icons#damiano x y/n
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Headcanon: Loki's sweet tooth.
Trigger Warnings: low self esteem, disordered eating behaviors. ANGST.
Happy ending, with fluff.
Pairing: Loki x gender neutral reader
Disclaimer: gif not mine.
Loki has never been one to finish his meals. Always left something, never been too interested in savory foods.
Not that he didn't like them. He just didn't pay much interest to it.
When you started dating you saw this behaviour in him and when you asked why he didn't eat it all, he answered it was just some royalty thing.
"It was a prince manner thing, to eat slowly and tiny. My mother taught me. But Thor and Odin finished too soon, they ate like animals, and when the King finishes, you have to stop eating too".
You nodded but explained that he was now in Midgard, and he was free to eat all he wanted.
But it was already too deep on him. To not finish the plate.
So you started making him a bit bigger plates, so at least he wouldn't be hungry by leaving some.
But you saw his disinterest. He just really didn't care about food. Or at least convinced himself he didn't.
Sometimes he'd observe a really delicious sweet you'd be eating with such lust... but when you offered him he'd always answer the same.
"I don't like sweets, thanks".
You've never seen him eating sweets, he said it was bad for the teeth and the stomach, and he didn't really like it.
Now, movie night. You were both cuddling on the couch, he ran his long fingers through your hair, he caressed an eyebrow with his thumb, the day was cold outside yet his body warmth kept you in a perfect temperature.
You were watching Harry Potter, because he's never seen it and you couldn't believe he lived a thousand years without relating a lightning to something else than his brother.
And after almost an hour you remembered "I bought some chocolate to watch the movie with". He laughed slightly as you went to look for it.
You came back with a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolate. The golden and shiny box caught his attention like a puppy.
"You and your sweet tooth" he said, smiling and getting back to the movie.
"I bought it for you too, I think you'll like it".
He smiled and told you he didn't like sweets, as he usually said. But you just didn't believe him. He was actively avoiding it.
You could see that typical sparkle in the eyes a child has when is showed the most expensive toy. A sparkle of "I really can't have this but I want it with my heart and soul".
You knew exactly what happened there. He was avoiding satisfaction. He probably liked sweets, but he wanted to feel like he could control that.
He wanted to feel like he could control it, and he probably thought he didn't deserve it.
And that sucked three thousand.
Because he totally deserved it. He deserved to enjoy enjoyable things. He deserved to eat mindlessly some chocolate with his partner in a movie night.
So you teased him into trying it. Playfully, without being too invasive.
"Mmh, it smells awesome".
"Oh, I adore this".
"This is the best chocolate I've ever eaten".
He knew what you were doing and joked back.
"Stop making love to the food, my dearest".
"Come do it yourself, then".
You both laughed as he threw himself on top of you and started tickling your tummy and neck, until you were unable to breathe.
After all the tickling, he rested his head on your stomach and you caressed his hair. He sank his nose in your soft belly and kissed all the way up to your chin.
He stopped there and looked at you with the unconditional love he always looked at you. You looked at him back, a little bit worried.
"You seem concerned".
"I am, a bit, yeah".
"Wanna talk it out?", he asked, without a single clue of what was bothering you.
He was unaware that you knew what he did with.
"It's about you. I understand you might not want to talk about it, but I'd like to give it a try, okay?", you started carefully.
"Yes, my love. Talk away".
You sat on the couch again and handed him a piece of chocolate. He forced a smile and glanced at you with wonder in his eyes.
"What goes through your mind right now?", you said, still holding the chocolate towards him.
"What's this about, darling?". He still was asking you sweetly, but you knew it was bothering him just the mention of it.
"I... I don't think you don't like chocolate".
"If I liked it, I'd eat it. Otherwise, what would be the point of avoiding it?" He excused himself. A terrible liar, who'd say?
"Exactly. What would be the point, indeed", you said with a soft look.
He glanced down and didn't look at you for a while. You kept talking.
"It doesn't make you weak, you know?"
He glanced up and met your gaze with the fear of a child who's been caught misbehaving.
"How...?" He stuttered. You grabbed both his hands and kept talking.
"It doesn't make you unworthy. It doesn't make you lame, or silly, or lazy. It doesn't make you bad. It won't bring you the problems you think it will".
His eyes were glassy and he kept swallowing, trying to hold back the lump in his throat.
"I feel like it does", he said, with the tiniest voice he's ever spoken.
"But it really doesn't".
"I don't think I deserve it. I know it sounds like madness. And I never thought anyone else is unworthy of eating a piece of chocolate. I don't know what goes through my mind, and I'm not sure what my mind process is".
He was speaking truly from the heart. He was opening up to you in a way he's never opened up to anybody else before.
He was holding back tears. It really affected him.
Now you had to hold back your tears.
After he was done speaking, you hugged him tightly and put his head on your chest. You knew that if he wanted to cry, he'd want to hide his face.
As soon as his face rested on you chest, wrapped up in your arms, he started tearing up a little.
You kissed his tears and he smiled with red and swollen eyes.
"I don't deserve..." he started saying, but you didn't even let him finish.
"You do deserve it. Because..." you whispered, and made direct eye contact to say it "...you deserve the world. Do you hear me? The nine realms and all the worlds in the galaxy".
You knew deep down he didn't believe you. But he nodded and accepted it.
You also knew that if you repeated it over and over for the rest of your long lives, he'll end up believing it.
So you did.
#loki headcanon#loki#loki x reader#loki incorrect quotes#loki x gender neutral reader#mcu#marvel#loki laufeyson#loki angst#angst#loki fic#laufeyson
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hey, i was wondering if we could have like a lily and loops conversation ? About greyback? Like ik he talks to cap about it a lot, but as he’s Lily’s best friend it would be really nice to see (whether it be comfort or like apologising for not telling sooner (cause that’s something loops would do) or lily just being a badass and pissed off)). Just something to show how close they are cause I feel like we always pair pots and cap as platonic soulmates, but I believe loops and lily are as well x
Platonic soulmates are my jam, especially for these two. This series was while ago--thanks for sending such an interesting ask! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove
TW for canon injury, self-blame, threatened outing
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Her voice was gentle, as it had been for—god, Remus didn’t even know how long. He sniffled, and shrugged one shoulder without looking at her. “I’m not angry, Re. Not with you. I’m just confused.”
“Remus, please.”
“I don’t—” He sniffed furiously and scrubbed at the sides of his face with his sleeves. “He was going to out me. He held me down and tore me apart and I couldn’t—I couldn’t tell anybody or else everything would just…”
He made a vague crumbling motion with his hands, then let them fall limp into his lap. Lily slid closer on the bulkhead until their shoulders touched. Beneath them, sand and rocks rustled in the wind off the water. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I should’ve trusted you.” He shook his head, miserable to his core. “You’re my best friend. Of all people, I should’ve told you. Fuck, Lily, you knew I was gay before anyone else did, and I didn’t even tell you.”
“You don’t owe me anything.” Regret laced her every word; guilt stained his tongue. “I should have phrased my question better. Why—if you knew that I knew, why did you think I wouldn’t support you?”
Remus shook his head again and squeezed his eyes shut, letting more tears fall into his lap with each stifled sob. Lily gathered him close under her arm and let the cool breeze off the water tangle their hair together. “It was never about you,” he managed after a moment. “It was about everybody else. How could I tell you without telling my parents first? How would I even begin to explain all that shit? And now—and now everybody knows what happened and how much of a fucking coward—”
He broke off and bit down on the thick fabric of his hoodie; Lily wrapped her other arm around him with a soothing sound, much like the ones she made for Harry during his evening meltdowns. And she let him cry, and shiver, and blubber out incomprehensible words until he was too exhausted to continue before wiping his cheeks dry with her thumbs.
“You’re a lot of things, Remus Lupin, but a coward isn’t one of them,” she said, looking right into his itchy eyes. “You are braver than just about anyone I know, and you should have never had to keep that secret. You are too kind, and too wonderful, and too loved to be taken advantage of like that.”
He swallowed around the painful lump in his throat. “Love you.”
“Oh, Re.” She gave him a tight squeeze and tucked her face in his neck. “I love you, too. Don’t you dare apologize for something that was never your fault in the first place, okay?”
“I understand why you didn’t tell me.”
“It doesn’t make any sense.”
“It does.” The conviction in her voice half-convinced him—he would always admire Lily’s bullheaded determination. She would blow up the ground she stood on to keep her loved ones safe, and god help anyone who tried to get through her. “Are you wallowing?”
“You wouldn’t have done what I did.”
He felt her shrug slightly. “Maybe. Maybe not. The only thing we know for sure is that you made it through, whatever it took. You survived. And he can never touch you again.”
“I have to give a speech tomorrow. For the media. He’ll be there.”
“If he even looks at you wrong, I’ll castrate him.” Remus let out a startled laugh. “I will, with pleasure. The world would be better for it.”
“I wish I had told you sooner.”
“I’m not going to lie and tell you I don’t wish the same.” She pulled back and cupped his face in one palm with an unreadable expression of affection, sadness, and distilled Lily Evans loyalty. He loved her fiercely for it. “But I’m glad you could tell me now, in your own words. I’m glad you don’t have to hide anymore.”
“My parents are coming up tonight.” Dread had been pooling in his gut all day. He didn’t know how to look them in the eyes and confess. “How am I supposed to explain this trainwreck?”
“However you see fit, Re. It’s up to you how to tell your story.”
“They’ll be disappointed in me for lying.”
“They won’t. I promise. If anything, they’ll be just as furious with Greyback as me.”
Remus sniffled again. “The video is all over the news. And Twitter. And Instagram.”
“I can chuck your phone in the water, if you like.”
“No,” he laughed, running a hand through his hair with a slow exhale. “No, I’m good. Fuck. This sucks.”
“It does. What’s next?”
He thought for a moment, watching small waves lap at the beach. Clouds were gathering overhead, turning everything grey. Grey, like the steel that was slipping back into his spine. You don’t own me anymore, he thought as vindication snarled in his chest. “I think it’s time to bring a man’s life down to rubble and give him exactly what he deserves.”
Her smile was brighter than the shadowed sun. “Excellent.”
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i’ll love you forever
fem!reader x regulus black
summary: regulus tries to save you from him.
warnings: death, breakup, fighting, mention of cheating, sirius & regulus argument, y/n being hopelessly in love.
word count: 1.5k
italics+sectioned: past scenes
italics+small: letters
a/n: i’m sorry if this is bad i’ve been very unmotivated and insecure ab my writing lately.
⊱ ──── ˗ˏˋ✧*♡*✧´ˎ˗ ────⊰
you never thought it was possible to love someone as much as you loved regulus. he wasn’t perfect, he had his flaw like one does, but he was yours; and he’d always be.
regulus adored his brother, despite the different views. regulus grew up watching his brother get punished and abused for being different, so regulus did what his parents said. he believed in the same morals as them and his life was easier.
when he was sixteen, he got the dark mark. you remember him crying in your arms, repeatedly apologizing to you.
“i’m sorry y/n” his head buried in your chest and his arms clutching onto your body “they wanted me too, i couldn’t disappoint them! sirius’ is already gone, i didn’t know what else to do!” he cried out.
when he said sirius’ name, it must’ve sparked something. his grip on your body became right her and his sobs louder, despite being muffled in your chest.
“sirius. oh my— sirius! he’s going to hate me” he sobbed at the thought of his brother resenting him.
it had been 2 years since that night and it had only gotten worse; he had gotten worse.
he was temperamental and he had the tendency to lash out at you now more than ever. you understood how difficult his life was and the expectations his parents had given him. the last thing he wanted to do was not excede his parents expectations.
he asked you dozens of times why you were still with him, how could you be with him. the answer was simple; you love him. you never could have broken up with him, this was just a rough patch in the path to your happily ever after— at least that’s what you told yourself.
you recalled the times that he’d sneak into your dorm in the middle of the nights and come up with crazy plans of running away together and escaping all of life’s problems; no more abusive parents, no more responsibilities, just the two of you. somewhere warm in the summer for picnics dates and cold in the winter to stay by the fireplace.
but those plans were just dreams. the more you thought about it, it was heartbreaking. no sixteen year old should fantasize about escaping life but that was what came with being regulus black’s girlfriend.
you remembered you had once walked in on regulus having a heated argument with his older brother about their family. sirius seemed as if he had gone mad, the only way you could describe it was pure rage, his eyes were full of bitterness and resentment. regulus could see the disappointment in his brothers face.
“i can’t believe you! how could you possibly do this! how stupid are you?” sirius screamed out, his face a bright shade of crimson red.
“how could i? are you kidding me? you left and i didn’t know what to do! some bloody brother!” regulus shouted back. you had been standing at the door way, neither of them noticing you until you began to walk away.
“oi! and who’s this, hmm? death eater girlfriend? i bet she’s just as bad as you” sirius ridiculed, his arms flaying towards you.
“don’t you dare talk about her like that!” regulus stepped in front of sirius.
without another word sirius walked out, his shoulder grazing yours as he left. regulus sat on the edge of his bed, aggressively running his hands through his hair. you slowly walked over to him, you were met with dark hazed eyes— he was so tired of everything. you just wanted to hold him and tell him everything was okay, but you couldn’t possibly lie to him.
everything that has happened with him led you to where you are now.
you sat atop his bed, patiently waiting for him to come back from class. you looked around his dorm, at his wall where photos and articles of the dark lord were previously plastered. you weren’t sure what happened but he suddenly wasn’t a big fan of him after he came home from holiday.
“oh, hello darling, i didn’t know you were here” regulus walked in, interrupting your thoughts.
“I‘m sorry, do want me to—” you pointed to the door.
“no, stay, i actually needed to talk to you” regulus replied as he took of his robe and loosened his tie. you could tell it was serious, he sat in front of you and looked at you, lovingly. he gently grabbed the side of your face, admiring you.
in spite of his sweet actions, there was an unsettling feeling bubbling in your stomach.
“you’re so pretty” he mumbled under his breath before shaking his head, bringing himself back to the topic of importance. “there’s something i need to tell you but you need to know that i love you...” he breathed out and shifted uncomfortably.
you noticed an expression of sorrow painted across his face. his eyes were dull and sunken, as they were most of these days. you took his hand in yours “i love you too.” you squeezed his hand gently “what is it reggie? is everything alright? i know you’ve been stressed but it’s all going to be okay—”
“i slept with someone else”.
the worrisome bubble that was previously forming in your stomach exploded, only it turned into a fulminate of agony.
“reg... how could— w-why?” you said lowly. you subconsciously moved away from him, you hands letting go of his. honestly, you didn’t even realize that you were still holding his hand.
“i’m sorry, y/n” he muttered, looking down at his fingernails.
you gently grabbed his face in your hands so that he was looking at you and brushed the hairs out of his face “h-how could you?” tears brimmed your eyes and your voice was small and shaky.
he slept with someone else. the worst part was that is that despite this, you’d still love him. even if part of you was telling you that you should hate him, you don’t think you ever could.
he kept silent, looking at you with tiresome eyes— it seemed impossible that those lifeless eyes were once filled with happiness, not despair.
“it’s okay” you mumbled, a single tear falling down your face. you hummed as you stroked his soft skin, following the curve of his cheekbones. his eyes were puffy and red, resembling yours. you leaned into his shoulder because for once, you wanted him to hold you. you wanted him to tell you everything was going to be okay— even if it wasn’t.
regulus cradled your head as you sobbed in his shoulder. as much as you didn’t want to cry to him about him. you had no one else. all of your friends left you shortly after you began dating regulus because they didn’t see the sweet boy that you did— or the sweet boy that you saw.
“how c-could you? i gave you everything. three years, reggie, three years! of your bullshit. i stayed with you through everything, how could you do this to me? i was with you during everything and you just threw it all away!” you mumbled in his shoulder as you gripped onto his white shirt.
“i hate you” you whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. regulus sobbed quietly as you vociferated into his shoulder. you two stayed like that for what felt like hours, holding onto one another for what you didn’t know would be the last time.
it had been months since you last heard from him. you had both graduated from hogwarts never having spoken again. to be completely honest, you still hadn’t gotten over him. it seemed impossible, as many times as you stated that you hated him. deep down, you knew that you never could because he was your true love.
it was late at night, nearly midnight, when an owl had knocked on your window with a letter. an unfamiliar owl, but very familiar hand writing. the envelope read:
‘to: y/n y/l/n’
‘from: regulus black’
every thought of happiness quickly disappeared as you opened the letter and read the first line. you never thought you could possibly feel this excruciating.
the boy that you vowed to love forever was gone.
you had no idea what to do, you’re vision was blurry and tears filled your eyes, uncontrollably falling down your face. you ran outside and you would have looked mad to other people but you didn’t care, not in the slightest. you screamed, yelled, begged at the moon and stars. how could they have taken him away.
“bring him back, please. bring him back. i need him, my love” you pleaded, you collapsed on your knees and sobbed— wishing that he could hold you like he did that last time.
dear y/n,
by the time you’re reading this, i’m probably already dead. you see, i’ve found out why lord voldemort is immortal and i’m planning on destroying it. i hope you understand that, everything i’ve ever done was for you. i want you know that i never cheated on you, there’s wasn’t nor is there anybody in this world who could’ve loved me the way you did. it’s been difficult, living without my true love. but i’ve managed, as will you. goodbye y/n. i’ll love you forever.
taglist: @keepawaythenargles @anywherebuthere @myloveforluna click here to join my taglist<3
#regulus black#regulus black angst#regulus black fic#hp#the marauders era#james & peter & remus & sirius#the maruaders#regulus x y/n#regulus black x you#regulus black x reader#hp fic#regulus arcturus black#mia’s work
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Can you trust me? | knj
⇢ pairing: namjoon x reader (idol! Namjoon)
⇢ genre: Angst because Namjoon may or may not be an asshole about important things but also fluff because of sweet-talking
⇢ word count: 3k
⇢ warnings: Arguements but honestly thats it because the rest if fluff lmao.
⇢ Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
⇢ Summary: Namjoon keeps making excuses of not meeting up with you and given that you guys have been having fall outs recently, things are about to be put on the line. Will you guys break up? Or will you stay together? Can you trust him..
You have reached the voice mailbox of-
You shake your head lightly as tears feel the brim of your eyes. This is the third time today. You knew that in this relationship with Namjoon would mean that he wouldn’t always have time for you. But for him to not even give you a quick text or just even answer his phone is absurd. You’ve been talking about this meet-up for the past two weeks. Although he is mostly busy majority of the times, a dinner for one night surely wouldn’t affect his schedule right?
Especially with all the things going on between you and him. This date tonight would of approached everything that has been happening. The arguments you guys have are just nerve wracking. Especially when he argued with you for being clumsy because you had spilled fruit juice in his studio.. on the wooden floor. You just didn’t get how it would be a big deal as it was not carpet so an easy clean up. At the end of the day, you guys knew how to get on each others bad side and that’s not good at all.
So here you are now, dressed in an elegant black dress with that Swarovski crystal bracelet he gave you for your 1 year annivesary. Atleast, that’s when he actually gave a fuck about the relationship. Actually, you can’t even count the amount of excuses he’s made within the past months to not spend time with you. The last time it was because he was washing clothes and didn’t have any to wear right now. In which you had called bullshit because he has more clothes than anybody could ever.
Needless to say, you had ignored his calls and texts for two days to give him a piece of your mind. Namjoon wasn’t the type to over-react on such things so it wasn’t a win situation for you. Instead he sent you some of your favorite chocolates and flowers as an apology as you weren’t speaking to him. Yes, you gave in because who wouldn’t over the dozen of roses and Switzerland made chocolate?
This time is something different though.
The waitress returns with a bottle of champagne with a bucket of ice in her hands, and while she sets it down, you quickly wipe the stray tears away and force a smile. You didn’t even notice they were there before.
‘‘ It seems as though my significant other..” You take the napkin from your lap and throw it on the table. “ Will not be joining me today. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”
The poor waitress had been waiting for you to order your food for an hour now. You’d kept insisting to wait because Namjoon would’ve been there any minute. Turns out you were very wrong.
She smiles softly, popping the cork off the bottle and pouring a glass for you. ‘‘Shall I give you the bill then?’‘
As if you would be the one paying for this, when he had broke his promise for you. Broken promises are a thing you hated and he knew that. Putting this on his tab wouldn’t bother him with your petty little antics. The boy is a millionaire, something like this doesn’t even make a dent. Somehow though, you wanted to pay him back for not even showing up.
‘‘Put it on Kim Namjoon’s tab. He’ll be the one paying for this.’‘ You mumble to the young girl. The girl nods her head and pulls out the tab and hands it to you.
You sign your signature on it, and place a good thousand dollar tip on it. The feeling of satisfaction soothes you. He’d surely be paying for his time away, and wasting this waitress’ time. You hand it back to her, waiting for her reaction to the amount. Sure enough she doubled back to you when she realized how much was on the tab.
“ Ma’m? You added two extra zer-”
“ My date wasted your time love. He’s deeply sorry for it. Do something good with the money yeah?” As if the sinister smirk to yourself wasn’t enough, you quickly get up from the table and thank her again before heading to the exit.
The taste of the sweet yet tangy wine soothes the emotions flowing through you right now. Kim Namjoon. A guy who cancels dates a lot. A guy who does not keep his promise.
The only place you knew he would be at rather than his apartment would be at the BigHit building in his studio. He’s always there rather it be snowing or sunny outside he’s just.. there. It always astonishes you how one can just lock himself in a room for hours. What is it about him and doing that? Last time you paid a visit here Namjoon was eating the dinner he ordered in the room, instead of coming over to your house as he promised.
You punch in the code to the brand new building and a charming sound lets you know you may enter. You smile at the two security guards who give a slight smile then back to the blank expression towards the outside world.
Your heels click against the cold tile making your way over to the receptionist. The air smells fresh, as if someone had just cleaned the room again. The receptionist politely stands up quickly and greets you with a smile and a slight bow of her head.
“ Miss Yn, how may I assist you today?” Her eyes are warm and bright, along with her small smile at you. You wish you could feel happy in this current situation right now.
“Is Namjoon in his studio again.”
‘‘ Yes Ma’m should I tell him that you are coming in?’‘ She says, smoothing her skirt out before sitting back down about to grab the phone.
You immediately shake your head no. Since he doesn’t like showing up and canceling dates he doesn’t need to know anything at all.
You force a fake smile upon yourself to please her. ‘‘No. It’s a surprise since we have not had the time to see each other in a while.’‘ Oh yes, a surpise it will be.
She nods her head, ‘‘ Yes ma’m. Have a nice night with him.’‘
You say your goodbyes to each other and you go your separate way down the hallway of studios. Each door standing out in it’s own way makes you smile.
Mang Gae Deok Room
Hope world
Golden Closet
Genius Lab
And finally, Mon Studio.
You fluff your hair a little bit before turning the corner to the secluded area. But something takes you by surprise, it makes you tense up. Eyes watering and a little whimper chokes out of you. So this is what he’s been doing. This is what he’s been up to for the past weeks.
Its as if almost you feel your heart stop beating for a mere second. As if the blood in your veins went cold. As if what you’re seeing right now is only your imagination but in reality it is not.
There he is, sitting in his chair while a female takes it upon herself to casually take a seat on his desk, smiling and laughing and all. The pain in your heart makes it hard for you to keep looking. Sure, you guys argue, but ditching plans to do whatever it is with a girl is a low blow. That’s all you can take. That’s all you can manage to see right before he turns to look at you in complete and utter shock. There is no stopping the flow of the tears coming down your warm cheeks.
You look down at the boxed up food you had bought him and the bottle of wine that you had taken then back up at the door. Raising the box in the air, you throw it against the window making the food splatter everywhere leaving a mess. The two inside jump at your actions, but you ignore them and just walk away with utter disbelief.
Foot steps and yelling are heard behind you but you don’t stop. You continue walking, but then speeding up your pace passing the receptionist, who is confused yet concerned, and pass the two security guards with no expression.
Running to the open, vacant elevator you quickly wipe your tears and repeatedly abuse the close button to keep Namjoon from joining you. The image of him you get just before the door closes, is him running attempting to get the elevator door to open. You make sure to make eye contact with him just so he can see your pain.
You sniffle heavily while hanging your head low walking to your apartment. You could understand if it was one of the boys in the recording room. It doesn’t look like a great situation, but the girl did seem comfortable enough with him to sit on his desk. So that only leads you to think about how long has she been around him. The thoughts barricade your mind and before you know it you are face to face with someone standing directly on your doormat.
You dont bother to look up already knowing that body structure. Instead you try and shove past him to unlock your home, but there’s no use because next thing you know you’re being held by your upper arms standing in-front of him.
‘‘ Namjoon I don’t want to fucking talk about it.’’ You grumble, shoveling yourself out his arms quick enough to unlock your apartment enough for you to slide through and slam shut.
Knocks are loud on your door to cause some neighbors to wonder. Let them wonder they can scold him themselves for causing so much of a scene.
‘‘ Yn im coming in.’‘ He yells through the door.
You roll your eyes and stand a few feet from the door with your arms crossed on your chest. The door gives a charm letting him know the pin-code was correct. He shuffles in lightly through the door and closes it gently behind him. You stand there waiting for his explanation as you slowly walk towards him.
‘‘ Yn-’‘
It felt good for your hand to connect with his cheek. How dare he disrespect the relationship of you two like this?
Namjoon holds his now sore, red cheek and gives you a serious look, ‘’ That was unnecessary. Let me fuckin expl-’’
Your nose flared in and out as you breathe heavily with your eyebrows furrowed in anger. ‘’ Another woman Kim Namjoon? You didn’t show up to our date because you were doing god knows what with another woman?”
Namjoon bites his lip hard as his eyes narrow, ‘’ Stop fucking smacking me. Let me got damn explain you brat!’’ He yells, pushing you to against the wall.
Your strength towards him was no match. You try to run away but he pins you back onto the wall. You were useless at this point.
‘‘ What’s your problem! Calm down!’‘ He semi-yells, grabbing your face to make you look at him. You look at him, you look him dead straight in the eyes with anger all over you.
‘‘ Shut up. Shut the fuck up Namjoon. I planned the date to talk about everything happening but you don’t show up? Instead you were chatting it up with another girl.” You pause, ripping your arms away from him. “ That’s not a good look for you.”
Namjoon steps back, scoffing in disbelief. That only pisses you off even more, but you decide that it had been enough smacking him for the night. ‘‘ I wasn’t cheating if you think that. You and I both know I wouldn’t do that, right?”
You glare at him, ‘’I don’t know you fucking tell me.’’
That one single sentence sets him off. Trust is something you two really try to have with each-other but lately that’s been all over the place. Questioning his loyalty to him is like a stab in the back with a sharp, piercing knife. Namjoon puts his hands on his head in shock while walking towards the kitchen. You follow him because the last thing he was going to do to you, is ignore the entire fucking conversation.
The silence is rough. You sit yourself down on one of the island chairs as you watch him pour himself a glass of wine. The one you had bought from the restaurant. The way his jaw locks with a serious pout on his face lets you know, he has some choice words to say. That sharp tongue is just holding it in.
But did you over-react? Perhaps you did? Either way, it wasn’t a great scene to walk in on. Your man and another woman alone in his studio. You can’t help but to have reacted that way. Wouldn’t any other person would? It’s not that she was there, it was the way she was very comfortable around Namjoon to the point of doing what she did. She was also a person you had never met.
Namjoon puts the tip of the glass to his lips, making direct eye contact with you as he takes a long sip of wine. You roll your eyes at his dramatic action.
He clears his throat, ‘‘ Im still young. I have female friends and I have male friends. I would love to have time with them before you start barking up my ass.”
Barking up his ass?
‘‘ So you’re saying that all you were doing was having fun with her cause you’re still got damn young huh? Is that what i’m hearing Namjoon?’‘ That rage begins in your stomach again. Simmering in you like boiling water.
You continue, “ It’s like you just don’t care you left me at the fucking restaurant looking stupid right?”
‘‘ No I wasn’t having fun with her. You ran out without letting me explain, instead you were all dramatic throwing fucking food at my windows.” The sound of the glass clinking against the counter-top is sharp. You wince at the sound of it.
Maybe you did over-react. But in your defense, you still had no idea who the girl was.
“Yn, how childish can you be right now? Did you ever think that me, one of the members of a worldwide known boy-group will be busy? Hmm? Yes, I should of told you that I couldn’t make it beforehand. I honestly thought I would be able to join you, but I overlooked my schedule wrong. That is my fault. The girl came because she was scheduled to work on our collaboration tonight with me.”
Oh gosh. The guilt takes over your body all at once. This was the last thing you wanted to happen. You really outdid yourself now. During all your rage and tantrum about this situation, you had failed to realize that you had indeed signed up to live this type of relationship with him. Of course he’d be busy, he’s an idol. Not once did you take his feelings and thoughts into consideration this entire time.
“ I don’t know Yn, I don’t know if we can continue our relationship together. You and I seem to be clashing a lot now-a-days. You questioning my loyalty really hurt me. We should think about taking a break, or ending things.”
Tears well in your eyes but you just let them fall. Those words you never wanted to hear ever. Sure couples clash with each-other, but isn’t that what makes them stronger? It’d be One year and a half down the drain if things were to go south now. Namjoon is a sweet guy, but your recent over-reacting scenes is becoming too much for him.
There goes that silence again. You two just sit there, not saying a word. The tension is thick as wood. This isn’t right. This won’t be right. Th emotions in you are running high. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Things were only said in the heat of the moment. You were tired of him always canceling and didn’t even bother to let him explain. This could of been handled better.
“ I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve been wanting to spend time with you and you keep canceling on me Namjoon..”
He sighs, placing his now finished glass of wine in the sink. He runs his hands in his hair shaking his head again. “ I’m sorry for that. I should do a better job at telling you my schedule.”
It still hurts though. The way he said those words without hesitation. “ Do you.. still want us to take a break after this?”
“ I think that now that we understand each other a little more, we can work on being better together and not seperate.”
You’re happy to hear those words. Namjoon comes from behind the counter straight towards you where you were now standing beside the chair you were once sitting in. His arms snake around you and pull you into his chest, hugging you tightly. You sink into him, nuzzling your head into him with a small sigh.
“ I don’t like when we fight like this. You know I love you right? So much. So, so, much.” He whispers down to you. You nod your head in agreement. It’s something about being in his arms that soothe you.
You feel so complete with just the presence of him. He makes you happy, as you do him. Namjoon is understanding, caring, kind, and so much more to you. He was there for you on your worst days, and was there on your best days.
He plants a small kiss on your forehead, “ Let’s become better together yn. I want big plans for us in the future, and I don’t want to lose you.”
“ I want that for us too. I love you so much Namjoon. Even when things are bad for us, I care a lot about you.”
The butterflies in your stomach settle. Being in Namjoons arms is what home feels like to you. You’re secure and safe.
‘‘ Can you trust me next time? I promise from now on I will tell you in advance if I cannot participate instead of just leaving you wondering.‘
You nod your head, not caring about what he said but only caring about his embrace right now. The only thing you care about att he moment is him and his understanding.
‘‘ Can you trust me?’‘
#kim namjoon#namjoon#knj oneshot#knj#namjoon fanfic#namjoon angst#namjoon fluff#namjoon smut#namjoon x reader#namjoon x you#bts smut#bts fluff#bts angst#namjoon reaction#namjoon fanfiction#bts imagine#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts reaction#kim seokjin#min yoongi#jung hoseok#park jimin#jeon jungkook#bts
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part two of the fic for my content creator celebration! in this one, cas uses bobby’s story to take care of five year old jack <3
read part one here (you probably wanna read that first if you haven’t)
read the whole thing on ao3 here
Cas always pays close attention to his son. Jack is at the age where he wants to get into everything, where the whole world feels like it belongs to him and him alone (a common phase for children that seems to have only been exacerbated by Jack’s brief stint as God), so he spends a lot of time exploring their backyard and asking questions and pushing boundaries. Cas understands all of this—he’s read about it in many parenting books—and is always careful to keep an eye on Jack. So he is watching Jack play with legos on the back porch through the window, and he is perfectly able to see the precise moment Jack jumps to his feet to chase a butterfly into the yard, exactly how he goes tumbling down the porch steps without anything there to stop him.
“Daddy!” Jack is already wailing by the time Cas scoops him up in his arms, frantically searching his son for injuries. His knees are bleeding, and his little hands have gone raw at the bottom of the palms; Cas’s stomach twists at the sight of his son’s blood. “It hurts.”
“I know, honey, I know,” Cas says, carrying Jack into the house as quickly as he can. Realistically, he knows that though Jack has been hurt far worse in his life and that this kind of injury is typical for young children anyway, but some instinct within him cries out in fear and worry at the sound of Jack’s sobs.
Cas sits him down in one of the kitchen table chairs and presses a kiss to his forehead. “Stay right here, okay, Jack? I’m going to get something that’ll make you feel better.”
Jack only cries harder, so Cas moves quickly, digging out their first aid kit from the mess that is the pantry and laying it on the table. He mops up the worst of the blood before pulling out a small tube of antibiotic cream.
“This might hurt,” Cas says gently. “But I’ll be quick.”
“No,” Jack sobs. “No, don’t do it if it’s gonna hurt!”
Again, Cas’s heart twinges. “I’m so sorry, honey.”
That only seems to make it worse, and Jack’s crying reaches a fever pitch. Cas feels frantic panic rise up in him—Dean has always been better at this part, has always known how to soothe, how to turn Jack’s tears into laughter into just minutes. Cas wishes desperately that Dean would get back from the store, but it twists uncomfortably in his gut to picture what he’ll find: a hurt, crying child and a husband still too inhuman to know how to comfort anybody. Even at his gruffest, Dean naturally knows how to take care of the people he loves, something Cas still struggles with; he always makes Cas think of Bobby, the rough gentleness he would have about him as he patched Cas up and poured him a glass of terrible whisky.
And then Cas knows exactly what to do.
“Jack, how about this?” He says. “If you try to take a few deep breaths, I’m going to give you permission to do something me and Dee never let you do.”
Jack’s sobbing slows slightly. “W—what?”
“Take a deep breath with me, and I’ll tell you.” Cas inhales, long and slow, and Jack does the same, still sniffling and hiccupping as his crying slows to almost a complete stop.
“Good job, Jack.” Cas smiles fondly and smooths some of his son’s hair back from his forehead. “Now, I’m going to get you cleaned up and put some band-aids on. It’ll hurt. But,” Cas grins in spite of himself. “But, while I’m doing that, you’re allowed to say bad words.”
“Really?” Jack’s eyes go almost comically wide. He always wants to curse—it’s a holdover, Cas thinks, from his time as a sort-of-adult—and Dean and Cas have had to have many conversations with him about appropriate language for little children. “I can? You won’t tell Dee?”
“It’ll be our secret,” Cas says, winking. Jack giggles.
He starts dabbing the antibiotic cream on the cuts before there can be any more discussion, hoping that will be the best way to handle it. Jack’s face screws up in discomfort, and with the utmost conviction, he says, “Dammit, Daddy!”
Cas is almost surprised by the fullness and joyfulness of the laugh that punches out of him at that. He loves his son so much it hurts, a pleasant ache behind his ribs. “Exactly, Jack. Just like that.”
It doesn’t take long to patch him up, after that. Jack takes delight in cursing, going as far as a single “fuck” that sets him off into hysterical giggles. By the time Cas is done, Jack is smiling brightly and swinging his legs back and forth.
“Can I go back to my legos, Daddy?” he asks excitedly, all the tears and pain apparently forgotten. “I didn’t get to finish with my town. They’re having a talent show ‘n I gotta make sure it goes good.”
“Stay on the porch where I can see you from the window,” Cas says as he repacks the first aid kit. “And dinner will be ready soon.”
“Okay!” Jack hops down off the chair and zooms away, tossing a “Hi, Dee!” over his shoulder as he heads outside.
Cas glances at the doorway, and sure enough, Dean’s hulking an absurd amount of grocery bags into the kitchen. He dumps them all into a heap on the table and grins triumphantly at Cas.
“You know you could just ask for help,” Cas says, exasperated.
“It’s a matter of pride, sweetheart.” Dean presses an obnoxious, smacking kiss to Cas’s cheek, and Cas rolls his eyes but smiles anyway as he returns the first aid kit to its proper place.
“Woah, everybody alright?” Dean asks, eyes catching on the white and red case Donna bought them as a housewarming gift (“former angel, hunter, and God, or not, everybody needs a first aid kit!”)
“Jack fell down the back stairs earlier. He skinned his hands and knees,” Cas says. He looks at Dean, then folds himself into his arms—he wants to feel Dean’s steady warmth, and he can now if he wants; it’s been a while, but Cas isn’t sure he’ll ever get over the wonder of having Dean as his husband. “He was crying, but I managed to distract him enough to get him patched up.”
Dean hums as he runs a hand up and down Cas’s back. “Yeah? What’d you do?”
“Something Bobby taught me,” Cas says. He thinks of that night by Dean’s bedside, of the quiet hush in which Cas felt so much younger, somehow, than Bobby sitting beside him.
“Bobby?” Dean’s voice has gone heavy, the way it often does when talking about someone they grieve. “What was it?”
Cas smiles to himself. “I told Jack he could say any swear words he wanted.”
Dean starts to laugh, and Cas feels the vibrations of it through the entirety of his body. He thinks that if he still had his grace, he would feel it singing in joy at the sensation. “Oh, Jesus. I forgot about that.”
“Me too. But then Jack was so upset, and I couldn’t get him to calm down, and I remembered Bobby telling me that story.” Cas pulls back but tangles their hands together, because he always wants to be touching Dean. He glances to make sure Jack is still safely playing on the porch, then back at Dean. “It feels like so long ago.”
“It was,” Dean says. He squeezes Cas’s hand, and he looks a little sad, thinking about Bobby. But around that, there’s a comfortableness, a contentedness, that Cas has only recently seen in Dean’s eyes; it makes him smile. “Never woulda guessed back then that we’d have a kid of our own.”
“Me neither.” Without intending to, they both pivot to look at Jack, at his solemn focus as he rebuilds a lego tower. That feeling of home, of safety and warmth, suffuses Cas from head to toe. It occurs to him that the first time he ever felt that was in Bobby’s house, watching the boys goof around and laughing at them with Bobby. Cas thinks of him, wherever he is, with Karen and Rufus and all the people he’s loved, and for the first time in a very long time, Cas prays—for peace, for love, for comfort and safety. For home.
#deancas#fic#spn#cas#bobby#jack#dean#del's writing#content creator celebration#offbeattraxx#gardenercas#rambleoncas#seffersonjtarship
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Can I request an angst where Yeonjun breaks up with you but then wants you back a few weeks later?
«❝ 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ❞»
Yeonjun was the one to break up with you, so why does he want you back now?
➸ check part two out here !
«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Pairing: Yeonjun x Reader (female)
Genre: 5 cups of angst and maybe 2 cups of fluff ?
Warnings: harassment, alcohol consumption, cussing, yeonjun is a big jerk in this :ccc, cliffhanger ending, not edited so if i make a mistake... oopsies
Song: I’ll Never Love This Way Again
(I wasn’t sure if I could do a happy ending, but you just have to find that outtt 😌😌~~ i’m so sorry that it came so late too ! i just didn’t expect there’d be tons of assignments this week??? anyway, if you want me to make a part two, of course i can ! requests are always open 🥺💓)
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Everything was fine.
When Choi Yeonjun made the first move under your favorite spot in the whole world during the time both of you were stargazing, you felt his smile brush up against your lips as you kissed him to your heart’s content. Finally, the boy of your dreams was yours. You hadn’t thought this would be coming for a long time, but you were so happy it turned out this way instead of a permanent, platonic friendship- one that was simply excruciating whenever you saw him and his adorable, fluffy cheeks. Warm infatuation flowed through your veins making you kiss him deeper, allowing him to be in your arm’s embrace while your heart swelled in joy. This was love.
You knew deep in your heart that everything was fine and was going to be fine, for that matter.
Said boy gently cupped your cheek, and you melted into his touch under the glistening, white moonlight. He was so warm, you never wanted to lose that even if you gave up the entire universe to be with him.
He was happy.
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach while you fondly gazed at his pure, bright smile, not being able to look away from his brown eyes which captivated you every single moment of the day. In a crowd of people, you were sure he’d be the one person you’d look at, and not to mention the only one. He was for you, and you were for him. He loved you, and you loved him. What difference was it going to make if you made it official?
And so you were too.
“I love you, Y/N,” he murmured so softly he wondered if you actually heard it.
You had.
“I love you too, Yeonjun.”
Everything was fine.
Up until now.
Call you cheesy or anything else, but all you wanted to do for the day was drop some food off at your boyfriend’s house before going out to a few of your classes. Your boyfriend of eight months, actually. You doubted that anybody else numbered their months as an anniversary, but who was counting? It had been a while since you seen each other due to studies and exams, so you assumed that this would be the perfect time to visit him for a couple minutes while he’s having troubles on a few assignments. Easily, a couple minutes could turn into hours and you’d find yourself missing class unintentionally.
Although at the same time, spending time with your boyfriend was the best! And he’s made you smile so much these past months that you were really starting to understand why you loved him so much. Those sparkling eyes which held all the starts from the Milky Way Galaxy in them, those sweet lips which never failed to calm you down whenever your patience wore thin, and that sweet heart that protected you from all evil in the world. Point is, he was the perfect boyfriend and there wasn’t even once a time where he would hurt you! After all, you knew that he loved you so much as well. He promised he would always be right beside you, and the Choi Yeonjun never ever goes back on his promises.
Entering the house with the spare key he gave you for emergencies, you hesitated for a few seconds when you heard his voice ripple throughout the silent kitchen. Was this right? It wasn’t an emergency, but what if Yeonjun was really hungry and needed you? You could picture his pouty lips whine whenever you asked him if he wanted something to eat, and the imaginary sight made you grin with delight. Still, you were unsure if you could just budge in without his permission. Like the loving boy he is, he assured you every time that it was okay, managing to convince you in the near future which was technically now that he adored in whenever you planned a surprise visit for him.
You shut the door softly, enough for it not to create any sounds that could signal you arrived. Knowing how much Yeonjun loved when you came over by the way he kept encouraging you to come over whenever you had free time, you made sure not to make any sound in order to be the sunshine in his day. It could too much for other people, but hey! Seeing him happy because of you made the pride in your chest grow, like you were on top of the world. Just a simple visit would do, right?
“Yeah Bin, I just think they’re really clingy, don’t you agree?”
His velvety voice caused you to stand still in your spot, paralyzed as your mind was reeling with a variety of thoughts. Your excitement instantly burned down in flames, your curiosity growing as you slowly inched around the familiar kitchen. Luckily you weren’t noticed, albeit that was good since you didn’t have the desire to be seen anyway. Who was he talking about? Could it be someone you know?
“Nowadays, I don’t see them as much, and I’m so happy I don’t. Like, who would want to come home to that thing? If we lived together, I sure as hell know that I wouldn’t be able to stand a minute with them, if not much more than a second.”
The pounding in your chest grew faster with every single second that passed, for if he caught you, you knew that he would be extremely disappointed. As a couple, it was important to trust each other, and especially when one of them needed their privacy. But the wonder of who it was was far stronger, overpowering the fear of being caught. Yeonjun would definitely hate you for this if he ever found out, but that didn’t mean he had to know. You felt like you were doing something by listening to him, an impending feeling in your gut which only signaled trouble.
“I think I’m getting tired of them. All they do is wear my clothes when they know they have their own and cry to me about their problems every single night. They’re always like this and that, making you do things that you don’t want to do. It’s really annoying, you don’t understand,” he added as he ran his fingers through his hair.
Your heart sunk to the ground, shattering into a million yet heavy pieces once you registered who they were talking about.
It was you.
Yeonjun chuckled at your newfound misery, not acknowledging you were there as he traced his finger over the marble counter. “And don’t you try to defend them, Soobin. I know you guys are good friends, but if you dated them then you would really know how stupid they are. To be honest, their problems turn out that way just because they’re such an idiot. Who knew I would be stuck with a dimwit like them?!”
He burst into laughter, but you heard nothing from the other line. Internally, you thanked Soobin for not finding humor out of the situation, but there was a bitter taste in your mouth as you heard him tell more and more about what he hated about you.
Was it that easy to say?
Too tired to hear the rest, you gently shut the door, leaving as soon as he made another joke about your affection. The bag of food clanked against the porch loudly, causing the shutter of the windows to flicker inside the house but you didn’t care anymore if he came out to see you like this. He said you were pathetic, and that’s what you are. If you can’t even do one thing, then why even try due to the fact that you aren’t good enough for him? Your eyes were betraying your will now, welling up with tears of disappointment in yourself. You should’ve known, you should’ve known! Look what happens when you depend on people too much, this is all your fault!
You went home like a fool with your stunned voice not permitting you to say anything about what you heard from him. Maybe if you just endured it a bit more, he would come to realize that you were only doing what you did since you loved him with all your heart. This couldn’t be your boyfriend, perhaps he was stressed with all of the exams they’re giving. This wasn’t him, it just couldn’t! How could he say all of that?
He was for you, and you were for him. He loved you, and you loved him. That was that.
Certainly everything was going to be okay... right?
«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Just like Yeonjun wanted, you did everything in your power to make sure that he was comfortable with his own space. You placed the stolen clothes you loved to wear whenever you missed him during the time you knew he wasn’t home because of dragged out classes. You didn’t text or call him as much, knowing that he would probably get annoyed if you bothered him too many times to count on both hands. You didn’t plan surprise visits anymore when you had the time, choosing to coop yourself in your bedroom as you waited for him to say something- to say anything.
Maybe he would actually come talk to you, right? It’s been almost three weeks since you’ve seen each other. Maybe he would notice the missing piece in his life which was you, right? He always told you he adored whenever you called him your soulmate, as cheesy as it is. Maybe he would at least explain why he’s being like this, right? He strove to do the right things in your relationship even if it cost him his pride. It was because he loved you.
That’s what you thought.
He didn’t, and you were left shattered in pieces. Disappointment clouded your heart as you thought well of him, the hope in your chest gradually becoming less and less each day for the time the two of you did not speak. Instantaneously, you felt terrible about yourself, understanding why he thought of you to be so clingy that it was almost suffocating.
All the while, that ended up with the two of you getting even more further apart.
You hated it, but what hurt the most was that you weren’t sure if he cared about you anymore.
«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
“Hey babe, can we talk today? I need to tell you something, so meet me up at Moonlight.”
When Yeonjun asked you to meet up with him at your favorite spot, the one you both deemed to be your place, you were absolutely thrilled to see him. It was nearing four weeks since you haven’t seen each other which was quite surprising to you; you never knew how well you could hold up without him in the first place. Moonlight was the code name for the place you both ended up confessing to each other since it was incredibly vivid in your hazy memory. You couldn’t help but remember Yeonjun’s bright smile directed towards you when you mentioned the name.
Jittery, you made sure to put on the perfume he gifted you on your first month anniversary, spraying it just enough so that it wouldn’t overwhelm him. It was no wonder that you wanted to look your best for him, for perhaps he would finally tell you that he loved you again! You’ve been waiting for that day since forever, patience becoming frayed from the anticipation that consumed you every single day.
Your nerves were practically a scrambling mess as you walked yourself there, hoping that everything with Yeonjun was doing well. Gosh, you missed his fluffy cheeks so much and his cuddles you swore you were going to go crazy. His scent was no longer on your pillows and you had to admit that you really missed it. But really, this was a good sign! You knew that everything was going to be fine, just fine. He was going to be right by your side, right by your side where he would stay but why was this gut feeling in your fluttering stomach trying to convince you differently?
When you arrived there, heart thumping as you watched his head peek up instead of staring at the ground, you suddenly felt your eyes gather up with tears. It was pathetic to cry in front of him, but you missed him so much that just seeing him made your whole world feel complete. As always, he looked perfect when his eyes found yours, looking you up and down and staring to see if you’ve changed one bit.
You waved at him shyly, words becoming stuck in your throat as you took in his beauty that never failed to amaze you. A smile struck your lips, stepping towards him with bravery even if you were scared you were doing something wrong. He wasn’t smiling like usual, so maybe something happened in his personal life? You wanted to be there for him through times like these. However, all you had to do now was hope for the best once he spoke up.
“Y/N, I...”
His voice faltered when he stared at your gentle expression, unable to find the courage in what he was going to say.
How was he going to break it to you?
“Yeonjun,” you stated simply, raising an eyebrow at why he was so vulnerable all of a sudden. His breath became heavy when you mentioned his name but he remained strong, standing as tall as he could to finally say-
“Y/N, I’m breaking up with you.”
... What?
He’s breaking up with you?
You couldn’t comprehend what he was saying, all the words going through one ear and out the other.
There was no way. There was no way he was breaking up with you. You were for him and you were for him. He loved you, and you loved him. There’s no reason why he would be leaving you right now, he just couldn’t do that!
He sighed, shaking his head at your dumbfound expression. “I just... I just I don’t think we’re right for each other. We don’t have any interest talking to each other anymore, and you know how easy it is to give up, right? That’s what we should do, and I know you’ll definitely find someone else.”
You still weren’t able to say anything, shock taking over you as your eyebrows furrowed and tensed up. Since when was he like this? He said he never gives up on anything, so why is he giving up on you now?
“You’re a great person and all, but I have to break up with you, alright?” His velvet voice which you swore loved you just as much made every single hope and dream die in your soul, the words he said breaking your poor heart even further.
You couldn’t possibly understand- you just couldn’t!
He was for you and you were for him. He loved you, and you loved him. It’d always been like that! You kept repeating over and over again in your head, trying to convince yourself that this was a bad dream that you needed to wake up from.
He didn’t say anything else, the sudden silence deafening your ears as you did your best to conjure up something to say.
“B-but why...?”
But why? All the sympathy from before drained from his heart once he heard those words and he couldn’t contain himself, chuckling at your misconception. Why couldn’t you get it through your thick head that he was being the right one here? It was the hard truth, you needed to realize that like he did.
“You can’t be serious, can you? It isn’t that hard to understand, I’m just saying that we should break up once and for all,” the boy muttered under his breath.
Was it that easy to say? Was it that easy to break someone you loved? Was it that easy to hurt someone you thought the world of?
The anger built up from weeks before rushed in you and you charged up to him, punching him in the chest with all you had to give. It was too weak to feel anything, honestly. He couldn’t help but smirk at your fragility.
“Yeonjun, how could you do this?!” You heaved, voice becoming stronger without realizing it. You threw another punch, strength failing you over and over again. “I gave everything to you!” You hit him again. “I did everything in my power just so that you’d be happy!” You hit him again. “I went against my own heart in trying not to contact you as you’d like, but it all came down to this?” He watched tears one by one trickle down your cheeks as your voice thinned with hopelessness, but he just wasn’t able to feel anything.
“You just weren’t good enough.”
It was like that one phrase set you off, and you clung to him like a fool, taking his freezing hands into yours while the atmosphere became thick with tension. Perhaps if you could’ve done something from the past the way he liked it, he wouldn’t leave you. Perhaps if you just worked on yourself and your appearance a bit more, he would actually find something to love. Perhaps if you just tried harder, everything would be fine. But why? Why had all your efforts gone to waste just like this?
“What can I do then? What can I do to make you love me again? Tell me, please! I want to fix everything, I have to fix what we have!” You gripped his shirt as hard as you could, your knuckles turning white from how hard you were doing so. His scent which gave you euphoria every time you sensed he was near had now turned sour, making your stomach churn with dead, exhausted butterflies you weren’t sure how to clean up.
There was no remorse in Yeonjun’s heart as he stared down at you, combing his fingers through his hair in frustration. This was much harder than what he had assumed, but you’d eventually move on, right? He honestly couldn’t say that he cared, and it was a bit funny to see how desperate you were.
“I don’t love you anymore, Y/N, get over it,” he said before pushing you away towards the tree you used to have dates under.
You then stumbled on your feet, almost falling over due to dizziness which numbed your senses. The thorny-like bark of the tree slit a few cuts on your arm, making you groan with tears in your eyes. You searched frantically to where he could be, eyes easily falling upon his body, where every single second you witnessed became excruciating both physically and mentally. Your chest twisted with unbearable agony while you watched him leave, walking out of your life as if it was the easiest thing to do. The splinters dug against the flesh of your skin, but you couldn’t care less. He was leaving. He was leaving, and you were just allowing it to happen.
“Yeonjun, please don’t do this to me!”
You hoped he would hear you.
“I know it’s all my fault, but please don’t leave me!”
You hoped he would just listen.
“I want you to stay, Yeonjun! Please!”
You hoped he would know how much you loved him so much to the point where you would die without him.
“Yeonjun, I still love you!”
But it didn’t work.
“Please...” You reached out to him in desperation that he would come back, but the once familiar figure slowly but surely left your life, taking your torn heart without giving you one, last glance.
«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
To say you were a wreck was an understatement.
If an absolute pathetic mess who didn’t take care of their hygiene as they laid in bed all day, going through several tubs of ice cream was enough to say that you were a wreck, then that was it. But clearly, that in itself was not good enough just like what he said. You were terrible, clearly in shambles after what he had said to you. Faults upon faults kept piling upon the bitter taste of your tongue no matter how much you tried to distract yourself by doing the things you loved. In this situation, it seemed that hobbies didn’t work at all. The things you did had no purpose without him. It would only come out as second best, and you could even say this was the worst you’ve ever done them. All of it came down because of the breakup. How could you live without the boy who made you so happy every single day?!
So in turn, it had to be your fault for doing this. It had to be your fault because you tried so hard and yet it just wasn’t good enough. You caught yourself thinking that if you just changed yourself a little, maybe then everything could be different, and the two of you could be happy in love like always. That only weighed on your heart because you knew you were such a fool for him, hopelessly devoted for something that would never come.
Plus, it was bad enough that no one cared about you so much to even look after your well-being even if you felt terrible about getting help. Showing sympathy was the worst option ever since it only reminded you of how your ex would shower you with love and affection whenever something abominable happened to your heart. Looks like that wouldn’t happen now.
Soobin tried calling you a lot after he heard that Yeonjun broke up with you, but you didn’t give him any chance to talk to you. If he did, then you would burst into tears at his voice saying something along the lines of the words, ‘are you okay?’ Obviously, you wouldn’t be able to handle it if he saw you like this- like a sobbing mess that no one else could ever love.
A day passed of watching shows you used to love, and that didn’t work either. No spark of light passed your eyes while you gazed upon the screen you and Yeonjun used to share, laughing about your favorite characters who you would give the world to but were honestly too stupid to realize that they caused the problem in the first place. You weren’t able to help the tears that gathered up like puddles in your eyes when you saw Yeonjun’s favorite character, the one he adored all the time whenever you two watched tv together.
Every single place you looked at, it would only remind you of him. The couch where you two would cuddle all the time, and the one where Yeonjun slept on if you forced him out. Sometimes when you both were having a bad day, some things would lead up to another with shouting and angry eyebrows due to the cause of each other. Although that would be solved in no time and more times than necessary, you would find yourself sleeping on top of his chest so he’d wake up to you apologizing to him. With lots of soft kisses too! He said he loved you, and that was that. You loved him too.
Really, you couldn’t go a day without him so why was it so different now? What happened to the loving boyfriend Yeonjun used to be?
Just a day after he broke up with you, you found your spare key you gave to him right in front of your house, waiting expectantly for you to pick it up as if it was nothing special. Just the sight of it was enough to bring you tears and you threw it over the streets as if it was nothing. It didn’t get very much far though, but the only thing your mind screamed about was Choi Yeonjun this, Choi Yeonjun that, Choi Yeonjun every-single-where. If it was something from him, you wanted nothing to do with it! Except maybe his sweaters and pillows that still had the scent of him, yeah.
It would be strange if someone found it right on the black pavement your driveway, huh? And definitely used it to unlock your house in the wee hours of the night. Wait! And not even bothering to knock on the door before coming inside with the key that they found too. That would be totally strange...
It seemed the idea got to Soobin when he showed up to your house without you knowing, being smart enough to use the key to open the door. You awoke to his gentle voice luring you out of bed at like two in the morning, apparently just checking up to see if you were okay. Once hearing that, you sobbed onto his white sweatshirt, pretty much feeling bad that you wrecked both his mood to the max and his poor sweater that was victim to both your spit and tears.
A bleak outcome became of this even if he assured you so many times that it was okay. His shoulder and shirt in the upcoming days were your soggy tissues for the moments where you cried, but that gave you much ranting to let out anyway. Soobin couldn’t believe his very own best friend had the audacity to do this, but it wasn’t his business to do anything but help. He didn’t mention anything to Yeonjun who laughed about your ashamed expression when he listed the reasons to your shortcomings, though it wasn’t like he cared enough about him to see for the time being. He didn’t tell you either, for he didn’t know how you’d react. What he knew mostly was that you were busy cursing Yeonjun and his perfect, white smile that still very much caused flutters to your heart.
Little did you know that Soobin’s everlasting, sweet kindness would get you somewhere farther than what you could’ve ever expected; even if it meant eating tubs of ice cream just to make yourself feel better.
«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Time goes too fast for your brain to comprehend.
It’s been... almost one month since that very day.
That very day where Yeonjun broke up with you, marking it a month anniversary of where the love of your life crushed your entire being. That very day where you promised yourself you wouldn’t ever love again. That very day where you realized what the true meaning of what love really is.
So far, you haven’t heard about Yeonjun. Soobin didn’t tell you anything- which you were thankful for- otherwise you would’ve had a mental breakdown about his fluffy cheekies or the bright smile you so longed to have back. Likewise, he said he didn’t mention anything about you to Yeonjun, but you knew the boy was doing well without you. It’s been a long, rough month and you were obviously itching to move on, but that was what broke you the most.
You did your best to avoid him. You ripped every single photo you had of him in your albums although it caused you so much pain, you burned every single sweater you still had left in your closet for safekeeping, you threw all of the anniversary gifts he gave you- even the promise ring so that you wouldn’t go insane. Even you were surprised at how much you could do by yourself in trying to move on. And little by little, you could tell it was working. Soobin was proud.
In classes that you were with him, you made sure to sit at the end of the room so that he wouldn’t dare to notice you. Sometimes you’d find yourself staring at him whenever the teacher droned on and on, but luckily you got back into the lesson by engaging yourself by drawing in a few of your old notes to study from. The long hallways were crowded with tons of people, so there’s no way he’d see you too! You made sure of that. At lunch, you instead went to restaurants to waste some time until the next period started again. You made sure everything was perfect. You did everything in your power not to see him.
Passing period was just for a while, and you met up with Soobin who seemed to be a mess with his black hair all over his eyes. You bit back laughter at his ignorance.
“Thank you so much for helping me Soobin,” grinning, you passing him some bread from your lunch bag that you knew he would like. He accepted it generously, gnawing down on it as he shot you one of those eye smiles he knew you were weak for.
"Of course! You’re my friend, why wouldn’t I help you? Also this bread is much more yummy than Yeonjun’s cook-” speaking of the devil, you caught sight of the boy with blue hair (something you admired as you stared at him) who was walking in your direction. His head was turned to the side as he laughed with his friend, but that laughter was enough to shatter your heart all over again
Grabbing Soobin, you pulled him out to the other hall where luckily Yeonjun wouldn’t be able to see you two if he didn’t go there. You hoped he wouldn’t. He would see how you weren’t over him yet! One of you, you couldn’t discriminate between them, sighed. Your heart was thumping way too loudly in your chest in which you were sure anybody could hear it and you teared up, laying a shaking hand over your chest. That was a close one. That was so close, he could’ve seen you like this- like such a mess who wasn’t good enough.
“It’s because you saw Yeonjun, right?” Soobin’s hands gripped your arms as you suddenly felt overwhelmed with dizziness. What happened to your posture and your stature? You shook horribly, nodding your head at his words. Again, there was a bitter taste in your mouth as you avoided Soobin’s eyes. He must’ve been disappointed in you, but you just couldn’t do it.
“Yeah. I saw him again, and he could’ve seen me,” you spoke softly only he could hear it, clear tears of agony becoming one puddle onto the hard ground.
You weren’t sure if you could handle seeing him. You couldn’t allow yourself to after how hard you’ve been working.
Soobin just pursed his lips, pulling you in for another embrace of his. He doesn’t mind giving them to you whenever you needed it, and seeing you like this hurt him just as much as it did when you saw Yeonjun. Nonetheless, you were surprised at his manner despite the sadness that clouded your vision. You were expecting him to reprimand you since you were doing so well and this could be the next big step, but he didn’t. You knew that was only because he was only worried for you anyway.
What you didn’t know was that when Yeonjun turned the halls to see the two of you holding each other in the dark while you did your best not to make any sounds, he glared at Soobin who found him in the corner of his eye. In response, he furrowed his eyebrows back to him, laying his chin comfortably on top of the head as if it was what he always did. They both stood there for a few moments as your chest heaved up and down with heart-wrenching sounds of hiccups that echoed through the hallway, but not one of them dared to move moved. Yeonjun then shook his head, turning away as his loud, mocking steps were practically silent to you who sobbed on the one you knew you depended too much on. Soobin noticed that his annoyed expression was brimming with green, monstrous jealousy, obviously at the sight. But he didn’t want to tell you.
You didn’t stop yourself from crying until the soothing voice above reminded you that it was finally time for your next class. Pulling yourself together was the hardest thing to do in that moment as your stomach coiled with a churning spin. You wanted to throw up as regret bubbled in your fake smile. How would you ever move on if Soobin didn’t feel the need to help you?
Future you would’ve definitely gave her everything just to tell you that Soobin’s help failed.
«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Was it too early to say that you totally regretted coming here in the first place with Soobin?
All these people dancing upon each other and making out in whatever they could find weren’t your thing. Every place your eyes landed upon was something you definitely needed the eye bleach for, it was too disgusting for you to even glance at once in a while. It could be the drinks that are making people like this, but where was their modesty? You wanted to choke from how much they shoved it in your face that they were happy. That’s also due to the fact that they made you feel extremely single as well, but not the point!
Instead you were standing near the “punch” table, staring down at your drink since it was so much better to look at instead of people eating their faces out. Some of the boys tried to get you notice them, but you paid no mind to them. No amount of catcalls about what you chose to wore or the seductive snickers they sent your way could pull you out from your trance of the hypnotizing cup. None of them were as cute as your standards anyway... which was still Yeonjun.
A cup wouldn’t hurt tonight. Just one cup would be fine, wouldn’t it? You winced at the taste, nose scrunching up with disgust when you downed it again. It was hasty to put some more in the cup while you poured the most you’d ever done before, taking no time to repeat the same action. You knew that in a couple of minutes- hours or so, you’d probably end up drunk and alone on the dance floor, but who cares. No but seriously, who cares? Not even yourself, so maybe once you could actually find a distraction which, or for that matter, who makes you feel better.
One cup.
Two cups.
Some things led to another and what surrounded you became blurry, hazy, and too raggedy to make sense of.
You weren’t expecting to hear a familiar voice from out the corner send shivers down your back, prodding at your heart as you almost spit back your drink into the same cup.
It was in no doubt, him.
A lump appeared in your throat, making you choke on your own spit. Soobin lied, that rat lied to you! Was it on purpose or that he really didn’t know? You sure had to give it back to him by socking him in the stomach once you made eye contact with him. Otherwise they were having a date here, but you knew Yeonjun well enough that he wouldn’t do this from your past experiences.
However, that wasn’t the point! You got back to your surroundings, taking sneaky glances at who you’d been dreading to see this whole month.
“Please, no! It can’t be him!” You whisper-shouted to no one, holding your breath as the same scent with the same voice inched closer to you in slow steps. It passed through your nose, making your stomach churn with anxiety as you heard his *feet draw nearer and nearer and nearer to you. You could feel the breath in your lungs depleting as your eyes widened with fear, too paralyzed in your spot to move away. Was he going to hurt you even more now?
Move, please! Just move your legs and leave!
“Y/N, baby...? Please tell me that’s you,” Yeonjun gently called, getting closer with slow stomps and an aching heart in mind. He took in your bored facial features, the thumping in his ears getting louder and louder as seconds passed. It had been a while since he clearly took a look at you; in response, his mind clearly blowing over with a thousand questions per minute. This had to be an illusion, tricking him that it wasn’t the you he was searching for this entire time. Maybe he was drunk, but it just couldn’t be something that wasn’t there! Who else could it be other than the one person he’d been pining for, for a month?
It was you, the only person he’d ever loved.
The word baby pricked your ear, and you turned to the side to see Yeonjun with tears in his eyes. They were sparkling from the lights all over the house where you could clearly see them, and you cringed, looking away from him. What a sight you didn’t ever want to see for the rest of your life. It only made things worse, obviously! This urge of wanting to baby him while asking him had to be suppressed or else you wouldn’t know what would happen. You were doing so well. You couldn’t give up now.
“Y/N? Why are you here? I thought you’d be home studying like you always do,” the boy muttered, his eyes focused on your every action as if you’d disappear any second. He was right, you completely wanted to disappear from his sight. Still, you didn’t want to look back at him in fear that your streak would end in a demise.
“Nothing, and it’s none of your business anyway. Please, leave me alone.”
He only shook his head at this- or what you assumed from the peripheral vision of your eyes- and jerked a thumb at the red solo cup you were holding. You decided to gaze at it intently like you had been doing this whole time, bringing it up to your lips when he shouted something right in your ear. It was quite different than what he was murmuring earlier, and you almost dropped the cup from your already shaking hands.
“Y/N, stop drinking! I told you it wasn’t good for you, don’t you remember?”
Yeah, but that was back then.
You shakily sighed, clenching your eyes shut. If you wouldn’t allow yourself to look at him, then let’s not do any of this at all. A headache would soon become of this, if his nagging voice kept annoying you any longer.
“It’s an acquired taste, you idiot. Just leave me alo-”
"Please, listen to me,” he cut in, easily begging in favor of you. Too curious to hear what his request was, you didn’t say anything.
“I don’t know how to start this off but... I know I’ll never love this way again, just like I do to you. Y/N, can’t you see?! I’m dying without you.” He moved closer to you and you looked down at the floor, too shaken up to say anything. His breath was near enough that you could feel it right against your forehead while he looked directly at you with piercing eyes. You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, the words of help stuck in your throat as your poor heart hammered in your poor, wrenching chest.
He then held out his arm towards you, one so desperate you felt it through his heart that he wanted to let you hold on. You looked away from that too, not wanting the urge of finally seeing him to enrapture you like always.
“There’s no one else who can ever replace you. It’s me for you and you for me like we’ve always said... can’t you see it too?” His words were too affectionate to get away from now. What was this warm feeling you received upon hearing that? Gulping nervously, the last part of his words resonating in your mind before he drew one, last breath.
“I need you,” he delicately whispered.
There must’ve been glue beneath you, for you were trapped in that claustrophobic spot in the corner. Of all the words he could say, he just had to hit you right in the chest where everything ached... Suddenly, it had become so silent you could hear a pin drop. Your ears had to be tricking you. There was no way Yeonjun could ever say that to you, after all the things he did to you a month ago. He had to remember that, right?! You can’t go back to him no matter what he says! He doesn’t love you. He never did.
“I’m leaving. Have the cup if you want it,” you shoved it into his hands and right off the bat, he dropped it like it was nothing. A deep, permeating frown was on his face and he grabbed your hands with his warm ones, holding it as if it was the only thing he ever wanted to do. His thumb stroked the top of yours, clinging on tightly in desperation as if begging you to spare one more glance at him before this love was somewhat forbidden, somewhat over.
“Y/N, I know I messed up pretty bad, but please. Please, be safe out there. I won’t hold you back anymore. Tell me to take you home, and I’ll do it. I need you, just please,” He held onto your hand, his fingers tightly wound with yours and your eyes widened. Why did he have to sound so genuine?
“Have a good night, Yeonjun,” you glanced at him for the first and last time to see a glistening tear run down his cheek. He was the same. Yeonjun was the same. All the way to his forehead and lips, he was just Yeonjun. His messy, blue hair was still just as charming as your eyes ran through it. His lips were like you left them, and you could do anything just to show him how much you adored them again. His pure eyes were still like the last time you saw them, innocent and sweet like it held no true matter of what the world was like out there.
It broke you just as much as the last time you saw him. He and you were finally meeting each others’ eyes, but not in a way you ever expected. You wanted to be free from him by the time you saw him again, so that he’d realize you were doing well without him even if the case was far from that.
And you wanted to say that it was what he deserved but why in the hell was your heart saying so much differently?!
«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
By the time you got out of where Yeonjun currently was, you could feel yourself losing breath even if you hadn’t walked very far. It was true that you walked as best as you could because the legs which carried you across the dance floor simply felt like dancing jelly; all the while you kept cursing yourself internally for even making a dry conversation with him.
The air felt tense now. You felt as if you could no longer relax inside that same house for any longer. Soobin wasn’t anywhere to be found, but you didn’t truly search for him in the first place because this was one night where you wanted to enjoy yourself for a little while.
Maybe some drinking would help it like it had done earlier. You wouldn’t have to worry anymore about Yeonjun if you just changed your mindset due to the drinks! Wobbling, you gripped onto one of the cups that distinctly wasn’t yours and took a few swigs out of it, hoping it would help ease your nerves.
Three cups. His smiling face appeared in the cup, and you winced at the bitter taste. Why were you torturing yourself with this bitterness?
Four cups. Well, looks like you were okay, you guessed.
Some things led to another and here you were. At the dance floor where you were swaying to the music the dj put on whether it was romantic or made to have a blast.
Throwing your hands up to the sky like all the other people were doing, you realized you were having so much fun- for a couple of minutes or even a couple of hours, you weren’t sure- until two, sly hands gripped at your waist. You instantly cowered away with widened eyes, backing away from instinct when they forcibly pulled you back in.
“Hey, sweet cakes,” they slurred quietly, their breath repulsed with beer mixing in with the tacky scent of cologne they chose. You immediately noted that it was a male’s voice, scrunching your nose up at the rudeness he plainly owned. The audacity he had to come up to you like this instead of introducing himself with a tender voice. And a pet name straight off too?! Give you a break.
It made you think about how Yeonjun always treated you nicely, naturally acting like a gentleman whose kindness made your heart swell with love.
“Hey, asshole, could you leave me alone?” Despite the fear rushing through your veins, you made sure to stand firm like everything was okay. Sooner or later, he had to get the hint. And if not... you glanced at your heels, then catching a look at his crotch. But we could say that was only Plan B if nothing else worked out.
He chuckled at what you assumed to be your insolence, a cocky grin crossing his attractive and confident face that only made you want to throw up.
“Aw, don’t be like that! I saw you dancing right across the room and I knew I had to get a piece of that,” he muttered, getting closer to you by each step. You couldn’t help but groan at his terrible advances towards you.
“Well, I don’t care. Leave me alone, please.”
The man sighed, rolling his eyes at your words. You hoped that with that action it meant he was finally leaving you alone, giving you the peace you so hopelessly needed after the whiplash that took place with your ex. But he only got close to you, an uneasy grimace taking place instead of the pretentious, arrogant grin from before. Your stomach bubbled with anxiety this time, not feeling much too comfortable in the moment to dance again.
“Help! Someone, please!” No matter how much you kicked at the bottom area of his body (and missing them completely since your aim terribly sucked when you became drunk), he wouldn’t budge to your surprise. You tried squirming away due to the resistance of being a damsel in distress like every saving person needed to be, but the man would clearly not move with all your efforts!
He puckered lips swiftly while you hurriedly tried to move away with the best of your abilities. You were sure as hell you couldn’t get out of there even if you used all the strength that was left in your body. With the wall pressed up against your back and the looming arms that trapped you in, there was no way you could leave without pleasing him. He was getting way too close for comfort and you closed your eyes shut, no longer feeling the courage to shout at anyone through the blasting music.
“Now, how about you give me a kiss from those pretty-”
“she said leave her alone, you asshole!”
In one, sweeping moment which had you off your feet, you felt someone’s back brush against your front while you squealed with a deadening fright. At the very last bit of being harassed, you never would’ve expected to be saved by the one and only who you thought was never going to come back. Hastily you opened your eyes, only to see Yeonjun whose chest was heaving up and down from how fast he ran just to protect you.
“Leave her alone or else I’ll be forced to do something much worse- something more horrendous than you could ever imagine.”
Seeing how tall Yeonjun was in comparison to him, he muttered something under his breath before moving along to another direction. And just like that, he was gone. Gone to another place where you hoped never to see him again to bother either of you.
You internally thanked the heavens, eyes tearing up from how grateful you were to not have been physically attacked.
Yeonjun speedily turned back to you, his face blooming into a worrisome expression. Lips forming into a pout, he cradled your cheek, checking everything from your face to your arms which were shaking terribly in order to be sure you were unscathed.
Even if you hated him so much at the moment, even if you thought he was a dreadful person for hurting you, even if what he was doing could be because it was the right thing to do and not because he loved you, this was the Yeonjun who you fell in love with in the first place. He was right in front of you again and no matter how much you wanted to back away from him, you couldn’t deny that he was your precious knight in shining armor.
“Yeonjun, thank you- I’m scare...” Your brain wasn’t able to form a comprehensive sentence, words jumbled together to create a nonsensical grumble you were sure he couldn’t understand. He just cooed at you softly, taking you into his warm arms which felt just as cozy as his sweet heart. Your face subconsciously buried upon his chest, nuzzling into it as he gently patted the top of your head.
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m right here. There’s no need to worry. I’m right here, and I’ll always be right here.” His hug this time was made for you, and you happily sighed with a newfound relief. Tighter, you clung onto him, hoping he didn’t mind. A part of you knew that he didn’t care because he kept pressing those soft kisses he knew you adored onto the crown of your head.
Your brain was yelling at you that this was wrong, he could be toying with your heart again, but everything felt so right. Your heart wasn’t corresponding to your mind, telling you something the sober you wouldn’t be able to understand.
You were safe at last.
The both of you stayed like that for a few minutes with you sniffling into his embrace before he lightly rubbed your shoulder.
“Come on, baby, let’s go home to make you calm down,” he took your hand into his tenderly, treating it with the utmost respect. After all, it was what you deserved after all of that trauma.
All the way he made sure you were alright strolling beside him, protecting you like the world depended on it. His scent was too addictive and you followed him, holding his hand tightly while a soft smile became of his face.
Before you knew it, his steps led you to his house.
«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
“Yeonjun, stop! You know I’m-” you erupted with an intermittent series of laughter, giggling over and over again whenever his fingers accidentally traced against your stomach. He was busy carrying you to wherever he was taking you, whining about how you didn’t deserve less from sleeping on somewhere comfortable.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch,” he giggled along with you, nuzzling his nose against yours. Anybody else who saw this could see that you both were clearly an affectionate mess, touching one another whenever they pleased.
Sooner than later after all that messing around, he laid you down on top of the bed as gently as he could, setting you down as if you were a fragile vase. His fingers lingered at your side before he cleared his throat, instantly pulling away at how quiet the atmosphere had gotten.
It was hard to see his face now; the dimness of the room and not to mention the side effects of being drunk disrupting your normal vision, but you could still see how intent he was on gazing at you. You grew shy at how long the duration of time he chose to stare at you with keen eyes, looking away compared to your strong, resistance persona from before.
Yeonjun found this little bit to be endearing, sketching out your whole, entire face in his head. To your adorable, button nose, to your cheeks which he oh so wanted to pinch, and to your lips that he was too afraid to kiss without permission, everything was simply perfect- a masterpiece that cannot be described in words. If it was up to Yeonjun, he would never look away because he was afraid he’d lose you again.
But this wasn’t right.
If he was there, it would only hurt you like you said earlier. His heart was screaming at him to let you know that he loved you more than anything else he’d ever laid eyes upon, but no, that wouldn’t be right either. He wasn’t sure how you’d react once he told you that. You’d leave him and rightfully so.
Even if he was drunk as hell, he knew you wouldn’t be too comfortable sleeping with him once you sobered up in the morning. Besides, it was his fault- he doesn’t get to treat you like the way he did before since he really has no right to.
Sighing, he turned to go until something grabbed onto his hand. His eyebrows rose up, but he didn’t allow himself to look back or else he’d betray all his morals.
Like he expected, you were the one holding him in place, your fingers sliding against his as they squeezed tightly.
“Yeonjun... stay? Just for tonight?”
«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
A soft, genuine smile spread throughout his face as he turned over on his side, immediately expecting to touch someone that kept him company from last night. It had been a while since things were arranged like this, a month if he remembered correctly in his hazy mind. This was something he’d been desiring for such a long time already... he was going to make the most of it even if it was just a little bit.
Wait a minute... his fingers danced throughout the covers, eyebrows turning into a frustrated furrow and he finally realized what was happening.
But- but you were there with him last night! You weren’t an illusion! Your voice resonated through his head along the lines of asking him to stay, but you just weren’t there.
Panic swept throughout Yeonjun’s body as his eyes searched the whole entire room for any sign of her, looking at the door which was wide upon unlike last night.
“I messed up,” he groaned as he raked his fingers through his messy hair, heart dropping to his stomach as if it had weighed 1,000 pounds. His shaking, cold hand plummeted upon a pillow that was still warm and coated with her warm scent he always adored coming home to whenever he had a rough day.
But you were no longer there. You were gone.
“I lost her.”
Posted: 2/15/21- 6:30pm
#txt fluff#txt angst#txt requests#txt reactions#txt imagines#txt scenarios#yeonjun fluff#yeonjun angst#yeonjun requests#yeonjun imagines#yeonjun scenarios#txt ff#txt fic#txt fanfic#yeonjun ff#yeonjun fic#yeonjun fanfic#yeonjun x reader
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𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝐵𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑
Warning: Just one brief mention of kidnapping and being held hostage. Other than that, it's safe to proceed.
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
✿*:・゚𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰 ゚・:*✿
It felt like an eternity before someone opened the door and walked in.
Hongjoong took one look at you before widening his eyes. He looked back at one of men behind him and sighed.
"You had one job Hangyul and you couldn't even do it right?! This isn't the right person!"
Said Hangyul bowed his head and apologized profusely.
Hongjoong rubbed his temples in annoyance. He looked back at you and examined you closely. Even with your puffy hair, tear strained cheeks and messy hair, he thought you looked beautiful. The longer he looked at you, the more some weird feeling in his chest started to grow.
"What's your name?" He asked you.
You struggled to find your voice, but managed to utter out your name in a soft whisper.
It was almost like music to his ears.
"Well Y/N.....it seems we accidentally mistook you for someone else.....Ooops."
He really didn't know what to say to you. He felt bad that you were now standing before him, scared, trembling and no doubt hurt. Part of him told him to release you from your restraints, and hold you tenderly. Then one of his men reminded him:
"Hongjoong sir? Since we can't release a witness for security reasons, do you want us to get rid of her?"
Your head snapped up at the comment and you began desperately trying to break free.
"No please don't! I'm begging you! Have some mercy on me! Let me go and I swear I won't say anything to anybody!"
Hongjoong hesitated for a brief moment until your crying got louder and you said:
"I have a son! He's only 3 years old! I'm the only one he has! So please......." You begged, all the little strength you had left in your body began to slowly drain as you realized you might never see your son again.
That's all it took for Hongjoong to break.
"Release her."
The men looked shocked. "But sir-"
"I said release her. Now!" He commanded.
Instantly, all the ropes were cut and you were free. You tried to stand up, but you were so shaken up your legs gave out. Luckily, Hongjoong caught you in his arms and carried you away from there.
"I'm really sorry about this."
He ordered for his car and personally saw that you made it home safely. Even days afterwards, he still kept an eye on you and your son, whom he couldn't help but find adorable.
You noticed that someone was watching you when you suddenly started to receive strange packages that sometimes contained groceries, clothes or even toys. You wondered who could be sending these things.
Your question was answered when you took your son to the park. Hongjoong tried his best to stay hidden but you quickly found him. He stood there looking awkwardly at you.
"It was you wasn't it?" You asked him.
"Yeah....." He replied shyly. Seriously, he was one of the top mafia bosses. Why was a single mom like you making him nervous like a schoolboy?
"Mommy!" Your son ran up to you.
You picked him up and your son just stared at Hongjoong. He leaned into your ear and asked you who he was.
You smiled at him. "Oh him? He's just an old friend."
Your son looked back at Hongjoong, somewhat afraid of him. But Hongjoong just gave him the warmest smile he could.
"Hey there little buddy. You don't have to be scared of me."
Hongjoong knew it would take time, but he also knew that in the end, he'd be part of your life and of your son's.
✿*:・゚𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪 ゚・:*✿
You don't know whether you were grateful or you regretted ever accepting to work at the bar Seonghwa owned. You couldn't complain about the pay, it was more than good and although you knew Seonghwa was sketchy af, you never felt unsafe as he always made sure you were protected and no one harassed you.
However you knew Seonghwa had the hots for you, everyone knew it actually. At first, they thought he just wanted to get in your pants, that's what he usually did with any hot female that worked for him. But time passed and everyone now knew that he was head over heels for you. Boy was like a love sick puppy for you. It was quite entertaining to watch actually.
No one resented you for it or even tried to bother you. You were constantly turning him down and keeping a strictly professional relationship with your boss. If he offered you any gifts, you rejected them. If he offered the schedule everyone fought for, you turned it down and accepted the shittiest shift. Seonghwa never gave up though. He wanted you and he'd get you no matter what.
"You've gone soft." His best friend, Hongjoong told him one day.
"No I haven't." Seonghwa refuted that statement.
Right then, the phone rang. Hongjoong picked it up.
"Hello? Oh hi...... Oh really? Ok. I'll let him know. Don't worry. Hope you feel better. Bye."
Hongjoong hung up and continued his task of polishing his gun.
"Well?" Seonghwa asked rather annoyed.
"Oh it's nothing. Just Y/N calling in sick. She won't be coming." Hongjoong stated as if it was the most normal of in the world.
Seonghwa, however, was panicking.
"Y/N?! Sick?! What do you mean sick?! She's never sick! She never calls in! What if something happened to her?! I need to see her!"
Grabbing his jacket, he ran out the room, leaving Hongjoong dumbfounded.
"Ok. But you're not soft huh?"
Seonghwa sped over to your house, bag full of medicines and other things he deemed necessary in his arms. He frantically knocked on what he hoped really was your door, he had never been to your house.
"What?!" You shouted when you swung the door open.
"I came cause Hongjoong said- Wait! You look fine." Seonghwa noticed you didn't look unwell as he scanned your body.
"If this is another stupid attempt to hit on me, I will slam my door on your hand. I don't care if one of your men end up cutting off one of my fingers." You warned him.
"You said you were sick!" Seonghwa exclaimed.
"No. I called in a sick leave because-"
You were interrupted by a soft 'Mommy' from behind you. You turned to see your 2 year old daughter standing there, blanket wrapped around her tiny and frail body.
"Sweetie. I told you not to get out of bed. Your cold will get worse."
You completely forgot about Seonghwa and proceeded to attend your daughter, who was the reason why you called in sick. Seonghwa was shocked at finding out you had a kid. But it wasn't a bad surprise. In fact, it was quite the opposite. He didn't even realize that he ended up walking into your apartment and watched as you tucked your daughter in the couch, helping her blow her nose.
If people thought he was whipped before, now he was fucking wrapped around your finger. He adored kids, and this revelation just made you even more perfect in his eyes. Now he was more than determined to make you his.
✿*:・゚𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸 ゚・:*✿
With Yunho, you actually didn't take long to start dating. He was so caring and attentive to you. You remember when you told him on a date that you had a child. You felt it was necessary to let him know before your relationship got more serious.
"A kid?" He repeated.
"Yes..... I have a son..." Your voice trailed off.
Your head already started imagining the worst and most common scenario: he'd be all sweet but say he's not ready for that responsibility and dump you like all the others. It happened every single time. It didn't turn out to be the case though.
"Really? How old is he? Do you have a picture? When can I meet him? Does he know about me?"
Yunho was ecstatic to find this out and he was very interested in anything that had to do with you. Besides........ you weren't the only one keeping secrets. He hadn't exactly told you what his job really was. Just like you, he was afraid of you leaving him when you found out his connections to the criminal world. Which is why he kept it hidden for a long time.
But he did tell you one day. He came clean about it.
"I know I should have told you earlier, especially now that I'm a part of your and your son's life.... but I was scared...... I love you but I understand if you'd rather not see me anymore."
Maybe you were crazy, maybe you were too much in love, but you assured him you wouldn't leave him. You only voiced concern about your son's safety. You didn't want anything to happen to him.
"I swear on my life, nothing will ever happen to him or to you. I promise to keep you both safe."
It was a promise he always kept. He became a constant in your life, and he was always making sure to spend time with your son, spoiling him to no end. You remember when he threw a birthday party for him at his mansion. It was small and not a lot of people could come because he couldn't risk having strangers over, but you all had a great time.
That's where you met his other friends, who were very curious to meet the woman and the kid who made Yunho into a hyperactive puppy.
"I'm serious, I've never in my life seen him be like this." Mingi pointed out as they watched Yunho play with your son.
"Really? Since I met him, he's always been like that." You were surprised to find out from his friends what he used to be like.
"Then you must really be a special lady. Congratulations. You turned a criminal into a total dad."
You blushed at Seonghwa's comment.
"He's not a dad...." You cleared your throat.
Seonghwa turned to you and smirked.
"Not yet.....but trust me. Very soon it might be official."
✿*:・゚𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰 ゚・:*✿
Yeosang and you didn't have the greatest of start in the relationship. Both of your parents were mafia bosses and so you were both forced into a contractual marriage that neither of you wanted.
"Look. How about we just carry on our lives as if nothing happened?" You suggested.
"Agreed." Yeosang nodded.
Years passed and eventually Yeosang took over the family business, working alongside your brother Wooyoung, who took over for your father. Because Yeosang spent so much time with your brother, you ended up spending so much time togethers.
Soon you both stopped avoiding each other company and actually became close friends. Or you thought you would just be friends, until one day Yeosang couldn't help himself and just kissed you.
"What was that for?" You try not to look too happy about it though.
"What? Is it a crime for me to kiss my wife?" He winked at you.
Gradually, you fell in love and completely forgot that this was a contractual marriage. It became a real marriage for you both. Yeosang doted on you and was such a devoted husband. And he was so ecstatic when he found himself you were pregnant with your first child. He immediately made preparations and began decorating one of the rooms, choosing gender neutral colors like green and yellow.
He was over the moon when you gave birth. He cried so much when he held your precious bundle of joy in his arms for the first time. He was so overwhelmed with emotions. Leaning down, he kisses your forehead tenderly. He was so grateful to have you and your daughter.
You two became his whole world, and his friends teased him to no end about it. After all, how did the cold mafia Prince turned into such a warm family man?
✿*:・゚𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷 ゚・:*✿
Your relationship with San was very blissful and passionate. It definitely started with a lot of passion. You two met at a club and randomly hooked up. You thought he'd be just a one night stand, not that you cared. You weren't particularly looking for a relationship. But he was hooked on you and so he sought you out, properly asking you out on a date.
You quickly found out that he wasn't just the kinky lover in the sheets. He was a total cutie and a cuddle bug. That ended up sealing the deal for you and you completely fell in love with him.
Things definitely moved fast in the relationship. 4 months in and he asked you to move in with him. You thought it was strange, but were so in love with him that you agreed. You didn't know it was because he wanted to make sure you were safe in case any rivals tried to hurt you. And he made sure not to let you find out what and who he really was.
After a year, you two welcomed a baby boy into your lives. You spent the first months like all new parents: full of happiness and joy over your new baby. San was already making plans for his boy, imagining him taking taekwondo just like he did and excelling at all things that had physical involvement. Everything seemed to be going fine......
Until one day you found out who he really was. Your heart shattered at this new piece of information.
Had he lied to me? Is all of this a lie?
One thing was for sure, you panicked when you thought about your son and his safety. Without thinking, you began packing a suitcase, taking only the necessary things for him and you. You didn't know where you'd go, but your mind told you to leave.
"Baby? What-what are you doing?"
You turned to see San standing at the door, confused as to why you were packing.
"I know. I know everything."
His heart dropped at your words. So you finally found out. It clicked to him what you were up to.
"And so you're leaving me?" He couldn't believe it.
"I have to! How could I stay with you knowing our son could be in danger because of you?!"
San marched up to you and pulled you against him, holding onto you for dear life.
"Baby please listen to me! I lied to you, I know and I'm sorry! But I honestly do love you, I love you and our son so much, you two are my everything! You can't leave me! Please don't walk away from me and don't take him away from me! I'm sorry! But I promise I'll take care of you both."
He sanked down to his knees and held you by your waist, his tears staining your shirt. When it came to you and your son, he was no longer the strong confident mafia boss. You were his ultimate weakness.
"Please don't go..... please say you still love me...."
Your heart clenched. Even though finding this out tore you apart, you still loved him. You'd never stop loving him.
✿*:・゚𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲 ゚・:*✿
At the beginning, you didn't want to be with him. You knew who he was and what he was capable of. You were practically forced to date him, scared shitless thinking about what he'd do to you if you refused him. He really did try to show you that he wasn't the ruthless and violent mafia boss the media played him out to be.
"Why do you look so uncomfortable? Don't you like the food?" He asked you.
"The food is great, it's just you know, not every girl wants to have a dozen men in suits standing around with guns in their pockets while on a first date." There was a hint of bitterness and sarcasm in your tone.
Mingi pouted. "It's for protection purposes."
If someone had told you the most feared mafia boss in all of Seoul was actually a clumsy, soft baby, you would never have believed them. But indeed, that's the side of Mingi you ended up uncovering. Sure it still terrified you when his rage was released, but never was it directed to you.
Finally after years of asking and asking, you accepted his marriage proposal and he was the happiest man alive. No happiness could compare. That's what he thought until the day you gifted him with a precious angel. She instantly became daddy's girl and nothing could change that. It was quite funny actually.
Like one time when he was having a meeting with his other mafia friends. Things got very heated and Mingi was about to blow up. Until a tiny head peeked in.
"Daddy!" Your daughter ran over to him, while you failed to try and catch her.
Mingi completely forgot what they were talking about and he picked her up.
"Hi princess! How are you? Did you miss your daddy?" He cooed at her.
Snickers were heard from his friends.
"Who would have thought?" "The Song Mingi has been tamed" "And by a child nonetheless"
Mingi threw a glare over at his friends.
"I can still order your heads on a platter you know." He threatened them.
"Mingi." You warned him, gesturing to your daughter.
"Sorry." He mouthed, remembering not to say such things in front of your daughter.
That's when his friends totally lost it.
"I told you San! Y/N is the one who really wears the pants in the relationship."
✿*:・゚𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰゚・:*✿
Were you furious that your father practically sold you into a marriage with his mafia friend's son? Yes. Was Wooyoung pissed off at having a wife thrown at him? Nope, not at all. He fell in love with you at first sight.
"Hi! I'm Jung Wooyoung, your soon to be husband and I can tell we're going to be really happy together!" He was practically beaming with joy.
"Hi, I'm L/N Y/N, the girl that's going to be caged to you for life......or death. Whichever comes first." You responded.
Wooyoung actually laughed at that, but you were serious. What if one day his mafia ass gets tired of you and he just decides to put a bullet in your head? You secretly hoped he did that before you were bound to him for life.
But 5 years later and you're still married. He's just as much in love with you as the first day he met you. You learned to love him, or as you often said to tease him: you learned to put up with him.
"Deny it all you want, but I know you love me just as much as I love you."
When he found out you were pregnant, he became even more clingy with you. Always making sure you were ok, going to everyone of the doctor's appointments, and constantly talking to your growing baby bump. The baby wasn't due for another 4 months and he was already wrapped around their finger.
"I can eat by myself Wooyoung." You reminded him as you tried to take the bowl from him.
"Let me baby you, ok!? I want my queen to be treated like one and I want to make sure my little princess will be ok." He stated.
You chuckled at how he kept insisting it was a girl.
"What if it turns out to be a boy?" You cocked your head to the side.
"It's a girl! She will be a precious bundle of pink glittery joy that I will love and cherish for as long as I live!" He really wanted a girl.
You rolled your eyes every time and you were desperately hoping that the ultrasound you were scheduled to get would reveal it was a boy. You really wanted to wipe the grin off his face. That and you wanted a mommy's boy yourself.
"So tell us doctor. It's definitely a girl right?" Wooyoung asked as he held your hand tightly.
"Actually......you're carrying a very healthy baby boy. Congratulations."
Wooyoung's hand dropped yours and he stood there stunned. You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. For goodness sakes, he had already had the nursery painted pink.
"Ok, now that you've been proven wrong, hand me that catalog. I'm deciding how we're decorating my son's nursery." You told him when you got back home.
"Uh.... it's our son! If I remember correctly, it takes 2 to make a baby. And please no sport related decorations! Get something more original! Ooh! I saw some really cute marine animals design that..."
You just smirked at him as he turned the pages of the magazine. He was still whipped.
✿*:・゚𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸 ゚・:*✿
When you applied for the secretary job, you didn't think anything was sketchy about it. But you were wrong and instantly you were dragged into Jongho's mafia world. And you knew that now there was no way out. You knew too much and the only way you would ever walk out of there would be in a coffin.
That's what you thought, but honestly, Jongho liked you so much that if you wanted to, he'd dismiss you if you wanted it. But he didn't want you to go. He was too hooked on you to let you go. He liked how different you were from other women. You were so mature, and he liked your 'I don't give a fuck' attitude you exuded at times. He also loved to play around with you, even if he was the one doing most of the pulling while you were doing a lot of pushing.
"Sooner or later you will be mine doll." He often told you.
"Go find some other girl to play around with Jongho. I'm a little too old to be anyone's toy." You always responded with things that if it were anyone else, it'd get their head blown off.
You tried to keep your personal life as secret as possible from him. Your deepest fear was of Jongho finding out about your daughter, your only joy in life. You were afraid he'd use her against you........... that's what you tried to tell yourself. But really, you were afraid that if he found out, he'd lose interest in you. You couldn't deny he was attractive. But what kind of man would involve himself with a woman that already had a kid? Especially someone as young and powerful like Jongho?
But one day, you had no choice but to bring her along to work with you, since no babysitter was available. You thought you'd be all right. Jongho wasn't supposed to be there and you only had to pick up some papers. Luck wasn't on your side that day though. While you were rummaging around your desk, the devil himself walked into the office.
"Ah Y/N. Good thing I caught you. I need you to see if I got- who and what is that?"
He immediately pointed at your daughter, who was currently holding onto your leg, her other hand holding her bunny plushie. The color drained from your face, but you took a deep breath and gathered your courage.
"Jongho, this is my daughter, [insert name here]. Sweetheart, this is Jongho. He's the man I work for." You smiled down at her.
You didn't even want to look back at Jongho, afraid to see his expression. You were startled though when he came closer to you and bent down so he was eye level with your daughter.
"Hi there princess. What you got there? Do you like bunnies?"
Your daughter took an instant liking to him as she began explaining in her 2 year old language who her plushie was. And Jongho only played along, completely enchanted by such a cute and innocent baby.
"Ok that's enough sweetheart. I'm sure Jongho has some other things to attend to and we have to go."
Picking her up, you bid goodbye to Jongho, who held the door open for you. He grabbed your free arm though and whispered in your ear before you left:
"If you think this changes anything doll, you're completely wrong. I still want you and I still stand my ground that you'll be mine......."
He pulled back and smiled at you.
"Your daughter is very charming as well. You should bring her over more often."
He winked at you as you made your way out.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
#ateez#ateez reactions#ateez hongjoong#ateez seonghwa#ateez yunho#ateez yeosang#ateez san#ateez mingi#ateez wooyoung#ateez jongho#mafia!ateez#mafia!au#ateez mafia au#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines
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Hi Dream! How are you? I hope you're fine <3. First of all, I want to say that I love your headcanons, they are super entertaining and you know how to get into character very well!
Congratulations on the recognition you are gaining, you deserve that and much more!
Anyway, can I request relationship headcanons with Vladimir? Or if you wish with all of the boys, with what you feel most comfortable with <3.
Have a nice day! :D
Relationship headcanons for ML boys
Awwww thanks you Anon! I'm literally crying of happiness for all of your kind words that cheers me up to continue with this, thank you again and I wish you a great day!
For this I'm going to write relationship headcanons for all of the ml boys, I hope that you enjoy them!
He can be a little possessive with you but not getting toxic. He wants to keep an eye on you to make sure that you're doing good. Also he knows that the world isn't a safe place and even if he trusts you he feels weird if you're out for a long time.
Will teach you how to take care of plants and enjoys to spend time in the garden with you. Will give you specific flowers following the language of flowers to express his true feelings.
Let's imagine that you fall sick, Vlad immediately notices and carries you to bed, keeping you in the bedroom and bringing whatever you need.
Loves tu hug you while sleeping, when it's winter he covers you with a blanket and sits in bed, reading you a book under the light of a candle.
Isn't a showy person if we are talking about public love demostrations. However this changes if you are in a closed environment, Vlad loves to kiss your lips and forehead to see you smile.
His hair is very special to him and takes good care of it so if he lets you braid it or brush it then Vladimir really loves you and wants you to be part of his daily life.
He's a seductive by nature and it doesn't change even if he's in a relationship. The only thing is that now he's just flirtatious with you and has the goal to make you blush with his commentaries.
Invites you to the moondance and makes sure that both of you have a good time. Still he doesn't like when someone tries to hang out with you in a not so innocent way. He will let you handle it anyway.
Sends letters to Leandra so she visits the mansion with more frequency. Likes to spend time with his sister and enjoys if you are involved in this activity too, after all the three of you are like a family.
Somedays Beliath just feels down and doesn't want to interact with others. You will notice that he's locking himself in his room so you will enter to see what's happening. In those days he just needs a hug and some gentle words to feel great again.
Loves to tease you 24/7 even if others are present. Always touching parts of your body like hips or arms and getting closer.
Will propose to have a threesome with anybody, but if you accept of course. He cares about you and wouldn't do anything that you don't like or enjoy.
If you get sick he'll demand ask Ethan to help you, watching the process in case that he needs to do it by his own in the future.
Likes to dance with you but for your bad luck he has a lot of energy and can do it for hours.
Loves to read with you, he doesn't care if they are different books or the same one. Raphael just wants to enjoy these moments with you and share his passion.
He can be clowny and joke about his blindness. Making this scene: "Rahpie I need your help with *insert a situation or problem*" "I see..." "Well what could you- Raphael!" (I used pink because I ran out of colors sorry)
Lets you touch the things at his room and answers your questions about them, finds your curiosity very cute and keeps feeding it with more stories.
Raphael enjoys when you sit in his lap because he can feel you closer and feel the warmth of your skin. Sometimes while you're sitting there he reads to you or tells you stories about his days.
He wouldn't compare you with Margarita because he saw (I'm sorry) that you're not like her. You're even better because you really love him and wouldn't dump him or cheat him.
Likes slow dances and he is really good in that! Always guiding you through the melody and touching you like a rose that's about to loose its petals.
Takes his wolf form whenever you ask him, Aaron let you climb to his back while running into the forest. If you need to go to the village he'll carry you down there and keep his wolf form while waiting you. He trust that you'll be okay and just lets you be but it's worried that something might happen (mom mode; on)
If you enjoy nature Aaron will lead you into the forest and teach you everything that he knows about plants or animals. Seeing your eyes shine makes him happy.
Is more likely out of all of the boys to leave hickeys on your body, that's his werewolve nature. He really enjoys to bite your skin but makes sure to take good care of you after that.
Some days his wolf instincts are really strong and in those times his actions are weird; being closely, needing attention, wanting head scratches...it's like having a real dog but in a human body.
Aaron will take you out to some bars to drink something in there, prefers calm places like these and will take you to night cinemas to watch movies.
If there's a spider of any other weird insect in the bathroom he'll release it. Doesn't like harming others if it isn't necessary (also because he knows that you might be scared of them, he can smell the fear).
Is really nervous about these relationship because his last one didn't end up well because of his attitude (and because his ex was a pain in the ass but Ivan doesn't know it).
While hugging you he will ask "Is this okay? Are you alright?" because he's a little bit shy during intimate moments but really loves them (he's a baby, give him some love please).
Enjoys playing videogames with you, sometimes having long sessions that end up very late. Ivan screams and get excited whenever he wins. At the end Valdimir will send you both to sleep because you are getting very loud.
Meme king, probably uses phrases of memes and uses them to seduce you. You also respond with other memes making no one in the mansion being able to understand what are you doing. "Are they flirting or inventing a new language?" No, it's called generation Z and millennials Vlad.
Borrows you his headphones and lets you listen to his playlist, he even make one for both of you. Tell me how can't you love this man.
You are the one that kills the spiders because he just screams and rans away. In case that you can't do it Ivan will call Aaron (he wouldn't kill them though, he just releases them in the wild).
You probably sleep together and you usually wake up first. In the rare ocasion that he does it Ethan will stare at your sleeping face, his teasing side tells him to wake you up with a prank and he does it. Maybe throwing a little bit of water to your face or by pulling your leg.
If you catch a small cold or a bigger sickness Ethan will help you right away. Always making sure that your health is doing good.
Has an idea of how to cook and will prepare something for you. Bad news; he's lazy and doesn't clean his mess. Makes sure that Ivan does it though.
Will take you to the town at night just to see things out there. Once somebody told him that he looked like Jack Frost and now you bother him with that.
After passing on his trauma Ethan will start to tell you more about his life, specially about his parents. He remembers them as the nicest persons and that he owes them a lot, sometimes he feels bad because he can't see them again and tears start to be visible at his eyes.
His favorite place to have a date? The moondance. He will take you there every night, both of you will spend the time dancing and drinking a little bit. In case that things are going wild Beliath will arrive to take care of both of you.
Mysterious with everybody but with you, his attitude changes. Talks more, express more emotions, jokes with you...other's can't understand how both of you ended up together.
Likes to take you for a walk outside the mansion (or wherever he's living) and likes to see the stars. Maybe some nocturnal dates.
He hates humans but think's that you are nice, if you need to go and get something to town he'll guard you because doesn't trust your "specie" and things that they can take advantage of you. However if he sees that you are fine at your own he'll let you be, just don't arrive late or he'll kill every human in existence.
Likes to play hero and hides towels and stuff just to hear you asking him for help.
Is always the first one to wake up but lets you sleep.
Well and this make me realize how much I love Ivan, I need him in my life bye
#moonlight lovers headcanons#moonlight lovers eloise#moonlight lovers neil#moonlight lovers ivan#moonlight lovers raphael#moonlight lovers aaron#moonlight lovers#moonlight lovers ethan#moonlight lovers beliath#moonlight lovers vladimir
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings; Rating: Angst (with a happy ending); General
Premise: The aftermath of MC and Ethan's fight about their date night debacle.
Author’s Note: Thank you to everyone for the lovely feedback on Part I and II! This almost had an alternate ending, (it's still sitting in my WIPS) but I couldn't do them like that 😅 it starts off angsty, but the happy ending is there 😊 I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading 💖
She struggles to unlock her front door, vision blurry from the tears. She hopes to any and every deity that the apartment is empty as she stumbles through the entrance.
“Serena, you’re home! How did it go?”
Sienna is at the dining room table, jumping excitedly in her seat. Her face falls as she takes in her roommate’s running mascara.
"It didn't go."
Serena staggers to the couch, falling face first onto the cushions. "He didn't show…"
"Oh sweetie… " Sienna stands and makes her way to the couch. Sitting on the unoccupied end, she strokes her best friend’s hair.
“Then, I went to his apartment and we had this huge fight and he called us a mistake," she says through her sobs as she sits up and puts her head on Sienna’s shoulder.
"Do you want to stuff our faces with takeout and junk food and binge watch Marvel movies?"
Serena just sniffs and nods her head.
Two hours later, the television is playing a soft melody as they share their second pint of Ben & Jerry's.
"Even after everything… Steve is Peggy's Lobster, just like Ethan is yours."
Serena looks to her left with incredulity.
"You know! Lobster! They fall in love and mate for life!"
Serena snorts. "Have you seen the claws on those things? Ever been pinched by one? Shit hurts," she says as she puts another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.
They sit in silence for a few minutes before Serena’s dejected voice rings out. “Why does he keep doing this to me?”
Sienna scrunches her nose. "Lobsters always were finicky."
~~~ One Week Later ~~~
“Here are the test results you requested, Dr. Ramsey.”
She places the manila folder in front of him and takes a step back, keeping her head down.
Ethan stares at her for a long moment, willing her to look at him. It’s been like this for the past few days: she only speaks to him when absolutely necessary and avoids eye contact at all costs. When she continues to evade his gaze, he sighs, and opens the folder.
His brows furrow. “This isn’t the test we decided to order.”
“Oh. I'll go fix that right now.” She finally meets his eyes and says, “I must have made a mistake.”
His chest tightens: Did she make a mistake with the test... or with me?
She approaches the office and knocks softly.
“Come in.”
She slowly pushes open the door and sees Naveen look up.
“Ah, Serena! To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing my grand-mentee?”
She gives a small smile as she shuts the door behind her. “I was hoping you would have some time to talk.”
“What did he do?”
She spills the story, only stopping halfway through to take the tissue Naveen hands her. After she finishes, she wipes her eyes, and reaches into her coat pocket, pulling out something folded. “And I was hoping you would approve this.”
Naveen unfolds the paper, skimming over it. “A leave of absence?”
She nods. "I'm not asking for this solely because of what happened. I've been homesick for a while now; it was my first holiday season without my family and I haven't seen them since I moved here… and I don't know, I guess what happened with Eth—” she clears her throat, “Dr. Ramsey, was the last straw. It all feels like it's too much: Edenbrook, Boston.” She shakes her head before continuing. “I just… need a break. Please."
Naveen sits back and takes her in. She’s slightly hunched over, strands of hair falling out of her topknot, the concealer no longer hiding her dark circles, and she’s been wringing her hands since she sat down. The woman in front of him is a shell of the usually confident and exuberant young lady he is used to seeing and his heart breaks for her.
“I will grant you this leave of absence.”
She perks up at his words.
“On one condition.”
She eyes him warily.
“When you feel like you have reset, you must return and talk to him. I am not saying you have to make up with him, or even forgive him. Just talk to him about what happened.”
She is unmoving for a few seconds, then nods soberly. “You’re right, I know.”
“I wouldn’t be much of a grand-mentor if I wasn’t, now would I?” He says with a smile.
Ethan is walking down the corridor to his office, trying to comprehend the words on the file in his hand, but his mind is elsewhere. The sun has long set, but he refuses to go home. To the place where, everywhere he looks, he's reminded of her. It's not like he'll be able to sleep anyways; he's lost count of how many sleepless nights he's had since their argument, tossing and turning for hours, as her side of the bed remains tucked and cold.
Not only has he been unable to sleep, he's been unable to focus on anything but her: her melodic laugh lilting through the hospital corridors, her sweet perfume lingering in the office, her animated way of chatting with anybody but him.
He opens the office door and a voice in the back of his head reminds him: You miss her, you idiot.
He rubs his bleary eyes and looks at his watch. 8:09pm.
He groans and goes to sit at his desk when a purple sticky note catches his eye. There, scrawled in her loopy half-cursive is a note: Need some space.
He immediately grabs his bag and rushes to the parking garage, hoping he's not too late.
He knocks urgently, stepping backwards as the door swings open.
"Dr. Trinh, hello. Is Serena here? I really need to speak with her."
Sienna stands there, unblinking.
He awkwardly clears his throat and begins to try and look into and around the apartment.
Sienna follows his movements, trying, and failing, to block his line of sight.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that Dr. Ramsey."
Before he can speak, she continues: “Even if she hadn’t left yet, she wouldn’t want to speak with you anyways.”
His blue eyes turn a shade stormier at this information. “What do you mean ‘if she hadn’t left—”
“Nothing!” Sienna goes to close the door, but is stopped by Ethan’s hand.
“Dr. Trinh. Sienna… please.”
His eyes are conveying a plethora of unspoken pleas, and after a few beats, she sighs.
“She’s at the airport.”
“What? Where is she going? For how long?”
“She’s going home and she didn’t say.” She shrugs.
Ethan immediately turns on his heel.
"Flight 936!" Sienna yells after him as he sprints back to his car.
He hurriedly weaves between the leisurely drivers and dodges through the lackadaisical travelers in the airport lobby, stopping in front of an information screen. His eyes scan the monitor furiously until he sees it.
Flight 936: Boarding Now.
He bolts to the nearest desk, buying the next available flight, and rushes through security.
He's running like a madman, frantically looking for her, hoping that she hasn't boarded yet.
He arrives at the designated gate area, but she's nowhere to be found. He's about to approach the help desk when a familiar voice rings out from behind him.
“What are you doing here?”
It’s not lost on him that she utters the same words he so callously said to her in front of his apartment that night.
He heaves a sigh of relief. He turns towards her, taking a step forward, only for her to take a step back, and the small smile on his face fades.
“I need to explain myself.”
“It’s a little too late for that.” She begins to walk around him.
Ethan lightly catches her wrist, stopping her. “Rookie… I know I've hurt you, innumerable times, and I am so sorry. Please hear me out and if you still want to leave afterwards, I will buy you a new ticket home.”
She looks into his imploring orbs and sees nothing but honesty. She closes her eyes, breathes out, and whispers, “I cannot believe I’m about to do this.”
She grabs her stuff and begins walking to a less busy part of the gates area. Ethan is too stunned to move for a moment. She looks over her shoulder and raises an eyebrow at him.
“Right!” and speedwalks after her.
She stands with her suitcase in front of her, arms crossed, waiting for him to start speaking.
He runs his hand through his hair, clears his throat, and locks eyes with her.
“There are no excuses for my actions, but I want you to know that it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me. I know that’s an out people utilize, but in this case, it’s true. You know about my mother abandoning my father and I when I was a child, but what I have not shared is that her leaving absolutely destroyed my father. He waited and waited for her return, all the while putting on a brave face for me, and continuing to love her."
He notices that her arms have fallen back to her sides.
"What he did not know was that I could hear him crying at night, that I would catch him wistfully looking at her pictures, and overhear him leaving her voicemails begging her to come home. Watching him fall apart, while I couldn’t do anything, broke my heart and I promised myself I would never let myself be in the same position. ”
Her eyes have slightly softened now too and it’s all the encouragement he needs to keep going.
“My father says that he and my mother had a great relationship in the beginning. Then a few years down the road, it started to change. He told me that no matter how much you love someone, sometimes it just isn’t enough, because if it was, she wouldn’t have left. Therefore, to ensure that I wouldn’t be left heartbroken again, I closed myself off to anyone and everyone.”
He can feel the tears gathering slowly in his eyes and he tentatively reaches for her hands.
“Until I met you. You have been so incredibly patient, supportive, and understanding with me; I see and feel it everyday. Despite that, I am still afraid. Afraid that one day, you will lose your patience with me or that you will see what my mother, the one person who was supposed to love me most in the world, saw, and leave as well and I’ll be left shattered, begging you to come back to me.”
She begins to try and say something, but Ethan continues.
“I know you are not my mother and that I am not my father. But the images of him in the first few months after she left are ingrained and still haunt me.”
He’s gripping her hands tightly now and she squeezes them comfortingly.
“I do not want to make the same mistakes as my parents: that is what I meant. You, and we, are not a mistake. I know we can, will, do better. I completely misspoke the other night and even Jenner has been acutely avoiding me since then.”
She laughs lightly and it gives Ethan the strength to blink away his tears.
“I am so incredibly sorry for my words and for hurting you. I will spend however long and do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness.”
He rests his forehead against hers and whispers, "There are not enough words for me to convey my gratitude in having you in my life. You deserve better and I will do my utmost to be better. Forgive me, baby.”
She serenely scans his face and his heart begins to pound so loudly, that he wonders if she can hear it too.
She brings one hand to wrap around the back of his neck and her eyes flutter closed. She gives a small nod and whispers, “Okay.”
She pulls back far enough to look in his cerulean eyes and nods again. He breaks out into a large grin and sweeps her up into his arms, spinning her around. She laughs in surprise and Ethan thinks it's the most wonderful sound he's ever heard.
He sets her back down and kisses her tenderly, languidly. He pulls away with great effort and takes her plane ticket.
“Now that you won’t be needing this anymore, how about we go back to my place?” He doesn’t wait for her to respond, as he’s already moving to collect her things. She tugs on his hand and he looks up. When their eyes connect, she places one hand on his cheek.
“I know this is difficult for you. So thank you. For your apology, for opening up to me… for trying.”
He leans into her touch and places a sweet kiss to her palm.
“For you, I am always willing to try.”
She beams at him as he places a soft kiss to her temple and they walk out of the airport, hand in hand.
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