#T speculation
lemotmo · 10 days
I don't know if you want to share this but I thought I would send it just in case. Also, I agree with this. This makes sense. Hope you're having a lovely day!
Q. How in the world is an off screen breakup less satisfying from a storytelling standpoint than an onscreen break-up? A breakup is a breakup.
A. An off screen breakup does not allow the character any agency in their own breakup. It's that simple. The audience needs to see Buck recognize and acknowledge what it is about the relationship that doesn't work FOR him. The relationship is entirely about and for Buck, don't @ me Tommy people, that is the reality. The relationship is entirely about giving Buck an opportunity to grow. You can't see the growth if all you get is a throwaway line about the relationship fizzling out. The audience has seen Buck go through relationship after relationship without really learning anything. And then we watch him repeat the same thing a few months later. This relationship and breakup needs to be about Buck finally figuring out the wrong patterns he keeps repeating. He dates people who do not actually SEE him. He dates people who like the wrapping he comes in. He dates people who are physically attracted to him but aren't interested in or are annoyed by the real parts of him. Every single relationship he has had has followed this pattern. The audience needs to see Buck acknowledge that and officially break that pattern. It's that simple. For better or worse, like or not, Tommy is always going to have been the first. Irregardless of yours or my personal feelings about the relationship, from a life lesson for Buck perspective, it needs an onscreen breakup. Especially if the show is truly going to put him with Eddie. You cannot have a season of personal growth and acceptance from Eddie and not show Buck growing in some capacity as well. He won't be heavily featured but an onscreen breakup is the correct way to go from a storytelling perspective.
Oh no Nonny, I'm definitely posting this. Thank you so much!
As much as I hate to admit it, I do agree to some extent here. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved it if Tommy had just quietly disappeared, but I guess I always kinda knew that wasn't going to happen. I always believed that Lou would be in season 8.
So now that we know for certain that he's there, I say let them play out the story the way they intended before all the craziness started in fandom. The orgininal story was always about Tommy being Buck's first relationship with a man, but it was never meant to last very long. We know this from what Tim said in an interview, what Lou himself said in his interview and Oliver's very clear hints in all his interviews.
So, let's see how they're going to deal with this. Let's see how Buck and Tommy struggle to connect and how they maybe start to realise that they might not be very compatible. I also think that Buck has very real feelings for Eddie at this point, but he has never confronted these feelings, so that might inadvertently also be a factor in BT not working out.
Let's see how they'll eventually break up so that Buck's story of growth may continue during season 8.
And ultimately, if they go with the queer Eddie narrative like we all strongly suspect, this will give Buck the chance to finally take a closer look to his feelings for his best friend and come to the realisation that the thing he has been looking for has been right in front of his nose for years now.
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Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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Leo skeletal anatomy! Click for better quality :)
The way most turtles actually fit into their shells is because their arms and legs are shaped to fit into the loose skin around the openings for their limbs, but on account of their human proportions, I just suspend my disbelief as to how mutant turtles could fit in their shells without the odd configuration to their organs that real turtles have. Real turtles have flat lungs that sit widely along their carapace, which is weird but cool. Turtles shed their scutes (the large flat scales on their shells and plastron) about once a year or if the scutes are damaged. The scutes have barely any skin between them and the bone, which is why turtle skeletons usually have the scutes on still, though they can pop off. The rest of the skin sheds regularly though, instead of in large patches.
For the brothers’, their respiration is much more human than turtle. Therefore, their lungs need to expand and contract with their diaphragm rather than just with their movement, so therefore they must have some flexibility to their chest. Some turtles, like box turtles, already have hinged plastrons, and softshell shells are mostly cartilage, so it’s not too far off to assume that there’s a bit of cartilage just to the upper plastral bones of the hard shelled brothers to give their humanoid lungs room to breathe.
Poor Leo. After the movie, one could assume he’s got a couple broken bones. It kind of made me morbidly curious as to how to describe injuries on a character whose skeletal structure is quite different from a human’s for my own writing!
Feel free to use as reference or disregard, these are just my own little speculations :)
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ohmerricat · 4 months
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exactly the face i made when i heard her say that line. Kate, what does that mean. did you intend to say “this event may be suspended along your timeline” and misspeak? “along your event” that’s just words. they don’t really click together into any kind of cogent sentence.
unless… is ruby’s life an event?
makes me think of the doctor referring to himself as a “complex space-time event” in boom. ruby’s timeline seems to be getting more unravelled by the minute, what with all the changes and erasures and rewritten histories and alterations to her past and future. she’ll out-complex him if she doesn’t watch out
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steampoweredwerehog · 23 days
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Sure he’s a 10 but he’ll lie about his Nightmare Teeth
Fun bonus fact a giant’s threat display is called Flaring :3
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causalityparadoxes · 3 months
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Hey, quick question, what did he mean by this.
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It's crazy to think that in a few short years Byler will be mainstream. Like, not even "fandom" mainstream in the sense that Destiel and Johnlock became well-known ships across the internet, but like, MAINSTREAM mainstream. Like, culturally mainstream. Like, official Byler merch at your local mall, major headline on Fox News, angry Ben Shapiro rant, SNL parody mainstream. Everyone and their mother will know about Byler and they will be a classic couple in media the way that Han and Leia or Harry and Sally or Jim and Pam are.
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meonea · 4 months
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“They walked quietly down the corridors of the Enterprise. Only the noise of their bumpy steps distracting them from certain thoughts and certain fears”.
(I’m obsessed)
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meep-meep-richie · 4 months
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they could open the next 911 episode like this tho
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thaumasilva · 2 months
my biggest wind and truth theory is still that that adolin dies, shallan discovers she's pregnant after the fact (or otherwise tbh), and then she becomes a worldhopper to abscond into the cosmere and escape roshar at the end of the book. because honestly if things are as Catastrophically Fucked as i'm predicting them to be by the end, i think she's a character particularly vulnerable to, well, the despair of that. she would have found a reason to go on anyway but as a writer that first thought being "i need to get my unborn child out of here for their and adolin's sake if not mine" is super powerful motivation
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Still going insane over Cosmo Chase coming back from the dead as a vampire and IMMEDIATELY kissing Jack Manhattan
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hot-frog-stew · 4 months
really important star trek question: can vulcans smoke weed?
cause they can’t get drunk by alcohol but chocolate has an equivalent effect so is it the same for weed?
what mundane human substance should be vulcan marijuana?
i think catnip is a fine option cuase vulcans are evolved from felines i think but it’s also kinda boring
i cant think of anything better than catnip so suggestions welcome!
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lemotmo · 9 days
I'm so happy she answered this 😅😅😅. I have no words. Yes to all. Love. Love. Love. They're so mad.
Q. The reason we can't be free of the Buddie nonsense is because the entire cast including the show runner has been conditioned to mention them even when it isn't necessary. It was a question about BUCK and TOMMY. Their relationship. Their progress. There was absolutely no reason for him to mention Eddie. Give us a break. He's ridiculous and you all are ridiculous.
A. He mentioned Eddie because Buck's entire relationship with Tommy is about Eddie. Eddie and Buck have been the entire point of that relationship. It only exists to put in motion Buck and Eddie's eventual relationship, which after today seems even more likely. The only reason Tommy is there is to lead Buck to Eddie. And everyone who watched the actual canon scenes that aired, and paid attention to the actual context of what was being shown, has been telling you all this for months now. You were sold a tissue of lies for personal profit and self promotion. And you wilfully chose to believe the lie over what you were actually being shown and told by the show. That's on you and that's on him. You paid him to tell you what you wanted to hear. And he was clearly punished in some capacity for it because he's hung you all out to dry. None of this has ever been about Tommy. It has always been about Eddie. And it was obvious. They weren't subtle about it. And judging by your message, and the many other messages currently sitting in my ask box, you all know that. And you're angry today because it sounds like you're about to watch jealous Eddie. Which sounds delicious quite frankly. It's always been about Eddie. So you'll see your guy in some capacity this season but his entire reason for being will be so Eddie is the one who ends up with Buck. And, for the record, your guy knew that as he was taking your money. Redirect your anger where it actually belongs, anon. And then enjoy all the Eddie content.
Thank you Nonny! I appreciate this!
Okay, I don't think this needs any extra thoughts to be honest. I've already talked about the Buck, Tommy and Eddie parts of this article in a previous post. If you're interested you can find it here.
Ali is a lot more straightforward than I was in my post though.😄😋
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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Donnie skeletal anatomy! Click for better quality
Alright so softshell turtles right. They funky. It’s a lot more obvious that their shells are part of their ribs, as you can actually see the faint outline of their fused vertebrae and ribs on their shells. The reason their shells are so soft is because the edges and much of the lower half of their shell is actually all just cartilage and skin. Their plastron are weird, because the bone plates are largely separate and pointy, held together by harder cartilage the same way human ribs are attached around the sternum.
Donnie was weird to figure out on account of the cartilage lower half of his softshell, but I tried to compromise with his lower back vertebrae being unfused to still allow for the higher mobility required for his waist. Another fun fact about softshell is that they don’t actually have scutes or scales, but because of the look of his plastron and consistency with his brothers in the show, I’m just going to pretend that Draxum mixed in some DNA to let him grow scales for extra protection even if he has less coverage than his brothers. He can “breathe” water by absorbing oxygen through the skin of his throat, not actually by inhaling it. While most turtles can do this to a point, soft shells can stay quite active while doing so.
Personally I like to think of Donnie’s softshell as both a weakness and a strength depending on the situation! While more vulnerable, his skin can heal faster than scutes, and if he sustains blunt damage to his shell he can more easily disperse the force of it because of the give to his cartilage, rather than have the force crack his shell and cause a much more traumatic injury. Kind of like how seatbelts have some give to them to ease into a stop instead of giving someone whiplash.
Just some personal head canons! Feel free to disagree or expand upon :)
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ohmerricat · 4 months
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is it just me, or does that sound like a reminder a director would give an actor right as they’re about to launch into a scene?
“and, from the top, Ruby, you’re standing in the street, on the phone to your own mother.”
or stage directions in a screenplay: RUBY, standing in the STREET, on the phone to MOTHER.
nothing to do with me.
we’ve been thinking susan twist is “The Director”, but what if she’s not? what if she’s a helpful member of the crew, trying to get through to Ruby and the Doctor in whatever ways she can; and The Director is actually Mrs Flood?
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scopnotes · 26 days
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Introducing Dale, a Lymphocyte T Helper.
He’s the second main antagonist of Unimune.
His role is to lead white blood cells and transmit informations to other lymphocytes about the enemy they’re fighting. He’s very serious in his role… maybe too serious…
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
For vaggie that spear is her support animal/therapist
For charlie, it's a rival she'd like to throw in lava but can't cause, it's vaggies support 'animal'
silly headcanon plot twist- Charlie's jealously at the spear ISN'T silly or irrational at all, it's a subconscious manifestation of Charlie's desperation for her girlfriend to actually open up emotionally to HER instead of to a WEAPON, confide fears and problems in CHARLIE, and a very frustrated, very also-emotionally-constipated-in-her-own-way Charlie doesn't wanna pin that frustration on Vaggie directly so she deflects all her anger to the spear, which as an inanimate objects, can't get any hurt feelings over this or decide Charlie is too much and dump her
we've done it. we've cracked the silly headcanon and found the angst waiting underneath XD XD XD
or maybe the above is all just what the hazbin crew speculates together, in their weekly "there's no way those two idiots don't have shit going on in their relationship" chaggie hotel gossip meet-ups
#hazbin hotel#chaggie#charlie morningstar#vaggie#making angst out of a silly headcanon#Husk probably both founded and runs said meet ups#t's like his support group he can vent and not lose his entire mind#at the hotel that's a front row seat to chaggie#and their obliviousness to their own unaddressed drama#angel dust treats the gossip meet-ups like a weekly soap opera and comes up with the most ideas which are pretty much garbage#including one where vaggie has an evil twin sister up in heaven#pentious takes it the most seriously#after every chaggie gossip session he picks their room to sneak into and anxiously watch them sleep (until vaggie kicks him out)#he's so WORRIED#but also sssstudying them. for tipsssss#niffty acts out all the chaggie speculation ideas in real time with dead bug puppets#other than that she just likes speculating on how many people vaggie's probably killed and how she might have done it and#how charlie would scream in horror if she found out#alastor is NEVER invited to these meet ups#he always shows up anyway#and brings heartbreak-themed snacks no one else at the meet-up ever touches#he tried bribing Razzle and Dazzle into joining in with an offer of doughnuts in exchange for their own unique insight into chaggie#they burnt the doughnuts to ash but#silently DID promise not to tell chaggie about the meetings#keekee uses the meetings to make rounds and get as many pettings as possible#chaggie drama as a spectator sport is a hotel tradition that its founder and manager have NO IDEA exists and no one has died for (yet)
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