#Sweet Heat
maxpaulll · 1 year
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*skeeges ur Shaw pack*
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silelda · 1 year
I’ve been slowly getting better at tolerating and enjoying spicy foods. I grew up in the kind of household where “spicy” was frowned upon so I never built up a tolerance.
I’ve very much learned that citrus-spicy is a favorite of mine. Something about it just hits a lot of tastebuds in the right way. I could be eating something way too spicy but want more because it tastes so good!
So, naturally, I had to try the Sweet Heat Sauce at Popeye’s. I love it. It works very well with their chicken and I always ask for extra to have with chicken nuggets at home.
Well, one time, @fluxxdog recommended I mix some of the sauce with some instant noodles. Forget the seasoning packet, just mix in some of the sauce.
Does anyone know a recipe for Sweet Heat Sauce or some alternative to repeatedly going to the restaurant? I’m trying to cut back on fast-food.
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euesworld · 1 year
"Heartbeats blazing with a sunrise fire, alive with a light inside and eyes to admire.. kisses, hugs, cuddles, love.. these are the things that I desire, so bring me the sweet heat in which fire was sired."
My heart catches aflame with a passion unbridled when you moan my name, I only hope that you know the same heat without an ounce of shame - eUë
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ecopunkfox · 1 year
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Peepers :3
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factsaboutqueers · 1 year
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Winter Squash Soup with a Sweet Heat Recipe On a chilly night, savor this silky winter squash soup with just the right amount of sweetness and heat.
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deadmomjokes · 2 years
PSA: tomatoes are not spicy. Tomatoes and tomato products should not be spicy. Pizza sauce isn't inherently spicy. Tomato-based pasta sauce is not spicy. Ketchup is NOT spicy.
If tomatoes are spicy, you have an allergy to tomatoes.
This announcement brought to you by my almost 29-year-old husband learning for the first time in his 2.8 decades of putting food products into his mouth that spaghetti and saucy pizza aren't spicy foods
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nycmixing · 1 year
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Popeyes // Sweet Heat Sauce + 5Pc Handcrafted Tenders Dinner + Cajun Fried + Buttermilk Biscuit
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angelunderheaven · 3 months
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humhowellujah · 5 months
i'm drunk off two lavender martinis what the fuck do you MEAN dan and phil went on a step by step recreation of their japan trip as a part of a HONEYMOON episode for their sims. be so fr rn be so serious please. dan howell you have 4 minutes to respond . phil, keep it up babygirl. lavender martini recipe in the tags
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bakubunny · 2 months
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dreaming abt being erasermic’s pretty little bunny hybrid that’s shy and nervous around them. bunny!reader who has a cute, snuggly new bed to settle into, but you’d rather hide in the box it came in; it feels safer than this big, scary, new place. unbeknownst to you for now, hizashi finds you holed up in the box… because your cute tail sticks out just a bit too much.
he wanted to give it a little tug, give you a pet, but he didn’t want to frighten such a sweet thing like you. so instead hizashi takes picture after picture of your soft bunny butt and your fluffy cottontail. he sends them all to shota, cooing over text about how adorable you are.
eventually you warm up to them. you try the cozy bed they made just for you, and it’s perfect. you accept the way they snuggle you up and pet you, the way they talk to you differently than they do to each other, thinking you don’t understand what’s going on. one day while you’re cuddled with them hizashi’s phone lights up on the charging dock. his screen shows a picture of you sleeping ass up, finally comfy in your new bed with your legs all stretched out.
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inspired by a convo with @dcsiremc & @neon-gothicc
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pockethexapod · 1 year
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drrav3nb · 15 days
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(cred to FullWithDivas for the videos!)
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throwmethroughawindow · 6 months
the asl trio arc has my heart in shambles, i love them so much. that arc is one of my favorites ever🥺🥺🥺 sweet little babies.
the way sabo catches heat from Garp because he says he wants to be a pirate too😭😭😭😭 the way sabo giggles and farts at Dadan😭😭😭 ace being dressed by makino 😭😭😭😭 ace learning manners😭😭😭 Luffy telling ace he didn’t know his dad was ____ 😭😭😭
One of the funniest arcs
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oversoonjpg · 1 month
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pendraegon · 2 months
going on a roadtrip would fix me
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lankayu · 5 months
sanuso worms in my brainnnn😵‍💫 welcome to sanji’s struggle of being in love for the first time and not quite knowing how to go about confessions
i am a firm believer of sanji being in denial from little garden to water 7. after usopp returns to the crew, sanji finally comes to terms with his feelings for usopp as that gaping hole in his chest is filled by his presence — and following the acceptance comes the unbearable tension when he’s around the sniper. nothing has changed between them; sanji still respects usopp as the brave talented sniper he is…in fact, they’re even closer after the battle at enies lobby. sanji argued that it made the matter of his intensifying crush worse. but of course, the awkwardness was all in his head and it was his fault he couldn’t act normal around usopp or talk like they used to
but he misses talking to him. he couldn’t stand the thought of usopp permanently leaving the crew and never getting the chance to see him again. and now usopp is here, sailing alongside them, as things should be. he misses him so much so pulls himself out of his head and musters the courage to make a decision; he’ll tell usopp how he feels. it’ll fix whatever’s going on with him hopefully, because he’s been swatting these thoughts away like flies for months now but he can’t deny any longer how much more than a friend he wants to be to the sharpshooter. the only problem is that he can’t quite figure out how to tell him
sanji remembers that sunset at water 7, that bridge, where he had overheard usopp rehearsing stupid scenarios to get the straw hats to take him back (he still cant quite place why he had stuck around to listen to the idiotic display) and it gives him an idea. next thing he knows he finds himself pacing back and forth in the kitchen, rehearsing different scenarios of “the big moment.” he doesn’t want to come off as a sap, but he also doesn’t want to play it casual because he needs it to be special. this could either completely ruin them or complete them and sanji couldn’t fuck it up
after writing out a declaration of love on a piece of paper and practicing said declaration out loud and probably getting walked in on a few times by the sunny’s local food thief (luffy) he decides this rehearsing stuff is stupid and usopp is an idiot for doing silly stuff like this and why the hell did he even try something so ridiculous and fuck it all, he was just going to wait until the right moment because that’s maybe the most romantic way to go about it (even if it means this’ll take 5 more months)
there’d definitely be multiple instances where sanji has the perfect opportunity and tries to tell usopp before immediately backing out, muttering serious “it’s nothing” “nevermind” ‘s and whatnot, leaving usopp dumbfounded everytime. but he already sorta knows (more so just has his suspicions and mutual feelings to return) so he decides he’ll let the cook figure things out on his own until he’s ready. because knowing sanji, he’s probably going through an identity crisis because of him…usopp does feel the slightest bit bad that someone like him has put sanji in such a dilemma
I think the moment that the confession leaves sanji’s mouth would be the most inconvenient moment possible. possibly…. in the middle of battle, when they’re both pumping with adrenaline. possibly when usopp snipes an enemy that was just about to slice a distracted sanji in half — and the cook is so pathetically head over heels at this point, his bottled up love and the overwhelming feeling of admiration in his chest overflowing all at once, he just outright blurts out “i love you” when usopp asks if he’s okay and he doesn’t even realize what’s been said and done until usopp is cheekily smiling at him, saying something along the lines of “i know”
sanji doesn’t even get a chance to process what just happened in the span of 10 seconds before he’s forced back into battle, another wave of opponents storming the battlefield. he’ll have to deal with it later
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