M. Lively
35 posts
Heya! I'm Lin, Lollie, and/or Levi Lively (Any pronouns)I must release my scribbles on the perverbial chalkboad that is the internet lest I be consumed by them.
Last active 2 hours ago
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froggitonamelon · 9 days ago
Have you played undertale red and yellow? I think you would like it.
I love the idea of it!
But alas... I am not good at actually playing games like Undertale :(
I either spend too much time on it and it overpowers the stuff I need to get done or it gets pushed to the wayside for weeks/ months at a time
Also, I don't have a mouse (idk if that matters with UTR&Y but it has with other games)
Besides, there's many people who have played the game and recorded their experience for my viewing/listening pleasure! And wikis for me to read! And (properly sifted) fanfic! And-
I actually started watching a playthrough about two months ago but then finals/holidays/life got in the way, and I haven't gone back to it yet. I'd like to though
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froggitonamelon · 12 days ago
Emo clover.
Look scary.
Wearing all black western clothing like you sead the wolf cut and eye liner.
But has a soul so pure it mistaken for gold.
And it would just make Ceroba just think like who give this child trauma yet they have a soul so pure !
Emo kid with a heart of gold! Kid with a heart brighter than the swelterstone :D
Kid looks intimidating because it's going to keep them safe but they're such a softy underneath!
Starlo: Thinks Clover dresses in all black to look cool
Ceroba: Knows better
(It's probably a little bit of both, Clover can probably appreciate a swishy coat)
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froggitonamelon · 15 days ago
Hear me out.
What would happen if clover fell into the underground before chujin death.
How would this change the time line
Oh the drama! I'm imaging that you're picturing after Integrity's death but before his own.
The entire underground would be much more tense. \
Ruins: The least affected of all the main areas. I'm not sure Clover would encounter Dalv at all, either being too scared or believing that they're Integrity haunting him.
Snowdin: There would be more guards and less friendly. Martlet would still be there, but she would be more hostile since she knows Kanako personally. She would call the guards (and attempt to call Chujin but he's busy).
Waterfall: If she does, Clover wouldn't be using the bluebird boat. They'd be hunted by Undyne. For the sake of UTY continuity, they dive in the river to escape them, getting swept out to the Dunes
Dunes/ Wild East: They seem to be safe here, at least until they get to town. Kanako would not be particularly friendly and neither would anyone who knew what she went through. Starlo, uncle extraordinaire, would capture Clover but they would worm their way into his cowboy shaped heart. While it's not as friendly as in canon, they do manage to send them on their way without alerting Kanako's parents or the guards once they learn Clover's harmless.
Steamworks: Chujin would finally find out here. He'd be terrified and after Clover for their soul, becoming the main antagonist from here on out. Since the Steamworks are an actual functioning place of work at this time, there would be other employees and more robots.
Hotland: Clover passes through relatively uneventfully. They do not meet Alphys but are still being chased by Axis.
New Home: They either give up their soul to Axis peacefully or kill the robot and fight Asgore and then Flowey.
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froggitonamelon · 18 days ago
i am curious as to how clovers sacrifice would impact bits of undynes dialogue, like say the cooking session with undyne.
Tee hee the idea that Undyne and Frisk have both met Clover just in different forms and have no idea that combined they have met a singular whole Clover :]
As for how meeting another human before Frisk (and especially soulless Clover), it would affect her quite a bit.
Undyne would go to Alphys for questions on the human husk after meeting them. They'd learn together over various different kinds of human media (though they still watch a lot of anime). She might've even gone to Asgore to see the soul for herself once or twice, just to get some idea of what the only human she's ever met was actually like.
She wouldn't believe anime is real. At least, not to the extent that she does in canon. Other genres like swords and sorcery (from Asgore's stories), westerns (from the Wild East), and undead horror, however?
Humans being very competent, powerful, and dangerous is still something she believes to her core. She knows human souls are incredibly powerful but she doesn't know what having a soul does to a human. They could gain magic, they could gain cool anime powers, they could just become incredibly competent badasses.
As for how this affects her interactions with Frisk….
Undyne doesn't believe she can handle everything herself. She's more pushy when it comes to getting MK to go home and calls other guards to Waterfall when she learns that Frisk it there. I don't think she would believe it was a new human at first and would actually need to get a look at them. Her knowledge of human media keeps her from making the same 'all humans look the same' mistake as Dalv.
The anime influences in her character would be lessened slightly. Her 'tragic tale of our people' speech is different, skipping the intent for a dramatic monologue entirely. Her Undyne the Undying form is the same though as all that she's learned about humans from new consumption of media has been proven to be a lie so she returns to anime (thats the power level the human seems to be on afterall).
Undyne would also try to offer the child an 'adult beverage', having less of an idea of what humans eat and the cultural differences between an adult and child in that regard.
They don't burn Undyne's house down. She still can't cook but she isn't as quick to jump to the '20 min at 300 degrees= 2 min at 3000 degrees' conclusion.
She mentions her brief interaction with Clover to Frisk when they're talking over tea. She mentions that seeing a human without a soul felt wrong to her and that she believes that Frisk being killed, and their soul taken would be better. She doesn't want that to happen though. This is the first instance moment get in the story where Clover learns that there is a possibility that their body survived.
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froggitonamelon · 21 days ago
What is being soulless like for Clover? Does it hurt? I know they don't feel anything, but do they have a whole thing like Flowey did where they try so hard to feel something and nothing comes up?
While being soulless doesn't cause Clover any physical pain, it isn't easy on them mentally.
They loved their friends and family dearly before losing their soul. Despite only knowing them for a short amount of time, they felt seen and appreciated like they never had on the surface. That's why it hurts so much when they suddenly can't bring themself to feel joy at the presence of the people that they gave up their own life to save. For a while it scared them… while they could feel fear
While living with them, Clover could see that they were trying. They c could ee the pain that failing to make them feel anything at all caused them and it frustrated the human. It felt like every day they were getting worse, and their family was getting more desperate. They don't know how long it would be before they shut down into a moving statue, a shell of even this shell of themself. The human couldn't even bring themself to be scared of the idea, they just felt cold.
They believe that they haven't saved their family any pain by coming back, only prolonged their suffering. Clover believes that it would've been better if they'd just waited on that rooftop to wither away. That's why Clover leaves and why they won't come back even though the others have gone looking and even run into the human before.
It is very Flowey like in that regard. The difference between them is that Flowey, in discovering that he could reset, began to see the world around him as expendable, finding what he believed to be joy or curiosity in discovering something new. Clover gave up everything to bring this world some peace and even though they don't feel any satisfaction or grief over it, it was still their dying wish.
They don't really understand why they feel anything at all about their dying-but-not-really wish. After all, they don't see themself as 'Clover' anymore.
AN: I'm so sorry this took so long Anon! I hope this was at least a satisfying answer!
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froggitonamelon · 25 days ago
Oh My GOD!! Look at them!! They've been emo-d!!
I've been flitting between staring at the speedpaint and the final piece like a maniac!!
I love the club in their eyes <3
Ooo gold eyeliner! I see you I see you
Honestly I am not complaining about the bandit look! It adds to the edge <3
Please Anon LOOK AT IT!!
Emo Clover
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Yes, I'm procrasinating on the animatic again, but I could not resist. And I challenge any artists who follow me to try the same (please tag me if you actually do, I wanna see pretty art-) Also I wanted Clover's hair black but was trying to keep it the same color tone as their of hair......but it still looked brown without me realizing.....letsjustpretenditsblackpleaseIbeg Alsoalso, I know this looks more like a bandit Clover rather than emo, and for that I apologize, I was trying to combine cowboy and emo without many references and failed TOT Still was really fun to do, loved doing their wolf cut hair, found some good references for that. Now, BACK TO THE ANIMATIC MINES
Edit: omg I completely forgot to add the yellow/gold eyeliner I was gonna have clover have underneath their eyes….
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Original post by @froggitonamelon here
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froggitonamelon · 26 days ago
(referencing the post about Clover slowly fading away)
Wait, that means Clover is slowly dying/fading away due to lack of a SOUL, right?
That should be easy enough to fix if all it takes to keep them "engaged in life" is a Determination injection like Flowey, right?
Because logically Flowey and Clover are both biological constructs that have been affected by Magic in some way, and both are also soulless
Flowey might not be the best example, because golden flowers don't have a SOUL to begin with, so Clover might just need periodic Determination injections every few years, but that's better than being completely numb and dead, right?
Ooo that's interesting!
Determination injections would work yeah! They wouldn't do anything for their memory since the DT isn't coming from their soul and it's their short-term memory that's failing but it would work for the physical stuff.
If only they would accept help >:( please bestie it would make your life so much easier if you would just let them take you to Dr. Alphys
Getting DT injections isn't something that Alphys would let happen outside of her lab after finding out what it does to monsters so they couldn't just bring a dose to Clover. They can use certain kinds of green magic to help but it wouldn't work as well.
As for emotions, it would help them feel something, but it wouldn't be enough to feel joy. It would likely come out as a spark of hope and then despair, fear, and/or frustration as its not doing as much as they would want it to.
They just need to find some purpose, something to do. They'll have their dog and regulars to keep Clover going.
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froggitonamelon · 1 month ago
Hear me out
What if clover went through a EMP stage before Falling into the underground.
Like just clover but has a black cowboys hat and cowboy vest etc etc.
It not a stage clover says I am the darkness and the night I am the cowboys of the night type of funny cringe.
Phff Clover with a studded black leather vest, a wolf cut, and massive amounts of eyeliner would be great! This child would bake in the Wild East though XD
Makes you wonder if Starlo would assume they were a bandit or put them into a villainous role as a result or if Ceroba would even be interested in using his soul similar to her neutral run role.
Honestly, I could see an emo Clover pulling from a different aesthetic entirely since they seem like a bit of a thespian to me. Like maybe they are familiar with firearms in general, but the cowboy flavor is more for the fun and drama. If Clover were emo, I could see their flavor shifting with it to something like a bounty hunter or dystopian rebel.
Me still thinking about emo wild west insp. Clover's design:
Clover with waist length hair they dyed black
Skull and/or moon motifs to contrast with their original sunny personality
Gold embellishments o_o
Black hat constantly over the eyes
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froggitonamelon · 1 month ago
Does being soulless hurt Clover, or do they just not care? Seems like it was a pretty miserable existence for Flowey.
Being soulless doesn't hurt Clover necessarily as its more of a slow loss of sensation, like their entire body is falling asleep and no amount of shaking it out will wake it up. They start going numb before a gradual loss of function in their limbs (though it is a very slow transition, taking years).
I imagine Flowey is similarly numb both due to a lack of soul and a lack of actual nervous system. His aren't tingly like Clover is because his body never had a soul to begin with. He also never had to deal with the gradual loss, he's just been numb from the start.
Flowey can't die from this process due to his artificial determination, but Clover's organs would eventually loose function and kill them.
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froggitonamelon · 1 month ago
I'm screaming omg tjherbfbs it's so good the EYES IN THE DARKNESS its so boy who cried wolf ah!
It feels like a blend of fell and horror and I'm SO HERE FOR IT!
i am honestly really interested in seeing what the more typical monster encounters are, like flyer and penilla and sweet corn- oh god all of the sweet corns are dead aren't they? if so what would they be like if they were alive?
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We will see how the monsters look in the next part, but for now here is a sneak peak at the first area!
-The ruins are- like much of the underground- a hard place to live in, most areas have some sort of artifical light source, but every attempt of illuminating the ruins has resulted in workers going missing and equipment coming back in only pieces of scrap. Because of such hostility, the doors remain closed and untouched.
How lucky that the roses growing all across the wall give such a...ominous red glimmer, be careful to not mistake a flower for the glowing eyes of-...whatever lurks in the shadows, the monsters here have proved to not enjoy unexpected- or noisy- visitors
Watch your step, do not listen to any whispers coming from the void, and do not touch the tar black water that rots the walls, stay silent and maybe- just maybe- you might survive.
Good luck.-
-PART 2-
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froggitonamelon · 1 month ago
Can u make Frisk meet Soulless Clover?
Yes yes yes yes and yes! I would love to do that and actually have a bit of a sketch for it! I had to put it on hold since it's a bit much for my schedule rn (at least to do the concept justice) but I hope to get it out at some point!
When they get close enough to Soulless!Clover, their soul (let's call them Justice for distinction) feels it nearby. Justice knows that this isn't where they were separated and had assumed that Clover was dead, so they rush off.
Chara, seeing this, would have Frisk follow and they would find Clover from there, on the boat.
As for how Frisk and Clover would interact, I think Clover would be apathetic and cold, a spark of purpose within them to get this kid to the capital as quickly as possible. They don't have it in them to kill the kid themself but still have a remnant of duty to see the monsters free after all this time.
Proximity to Justice would help Clover feel something identifiable for the first time in years but it's still dulled, like sunlight on a cold day.
After regaining their soul/body, Clover would have memories from both halves of their life so they would have an actual emotional connection to Frisk. They would become like an older sibling or cousin, one that is protective but goofy. They would kill for Frisk but would also throw them into the deep end of a pool or start a pillow fight. Frisk in turn, would look up to Clover.
Clover and Chara have very fun older 'brother' and cool older 'sister' energy with Frisk being an adorable youngest sibling that wants to be like both of them at the same time.
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froggitonamelon · 1 month ago
I've noticed your souless Clover loses the color in their eyes with their soul. That going to be explored at all?
Yes they do, thank you for noticing!
Clover's eyes during the events of Undertale Yellow are a sandy yellow tone (ha ha desert). After they give up their soul, their eyes fade to gray before fading once more to white.
This would show the three distinct phases of Clover:
Soulless Clover in the Wild East
Clover attempting to make the life they wanted before work but not being able to connect with their loved ones as their emotions fade
2. Desert Dweller Clover
Their eyes are completely gray here as they wander the desert and other areas of The Underground. I imagine that their body would start shutting down/ failing in this phase as their eyes shift to white. I'm not quite sure how I want this to work yet but they're using magic to heal/ slow it.
3. Riverperson Clover
This one I'm still tweaking because this would be a very different version of The Riverperson aesthetically. Instead of the cat boat they have going on, Clover's boat is designed to be lived in and resembles a riverboat with a roof and some thin walls. I'm also thinking of making the cat into a dog to be half boat and half service animal.
This also gives them a role in Undertale proper :]
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froggitonamelon · 1 month ago
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I don't think I've ever seen a superhero Frisk design before and that is criminal so have a concept design!
Undertale Red and Yellow baby! Frisk, Chara, and Clover all inhabit Frisk's body. They can each take control of it and have their own respective powers when they do.
Clover Polaris can do the Undertale Yellow Clover things. They can fire plasma blasts and teleport. While they don't need the gun, I like the idea that it's easier to control with the conduit and they like the aesthetic. When they hit someone, they can inflict phantom pain based off of the injuries they know they inflicted on others (similar to Sans' karma).
Chara Dreemurr can do Player things. They can save and reset time with some limitation- only being able to go back to their last save and the moment they woke up that day, the latter only being possible if they die. They can also check other people's health, abilities, and intensions.
Frisk Asope can change the color of their soul! Each color has 1 specific ability that correlates with their respective soul mode/ attack. They can only be one color at a time.
Green: This color summons a roughly 1 meter/ 3 foot round shield. This is accidentally so very Captain America but I'm not mad about the similarity.
Purple: This soul color creates magic strings (a la Spiderman or Error Sans) that can be used to trap and trip opponents and can even be used as a whip if twisted together.
Red: Frisk has some precognition with this soul color. It's like a spidey sense, warning them of danger.
Yellow: Clover is already representing a yellow soul color, so I wanted to give some love to the yellow attacks Undyne uses in her fight. Turning their soul yellow will give them the ability to redirect attacks.
Indigo: This color allows Frisk to alter their own gravity, flipping them up, down, and sideways. It's not flight but can appear similar if used just right.
Cyan: While remaining still, Frisk can be rendered intangible. This does not equal invisible or inaudible however so relying on this for stealth is not advised.
Orange: If in motion, Frisk can charge up enough energy to create explosions, destroying attacks and obstacles. This is inspired by Outertale's orange soul mode and feels very Flash.
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froggitonamelon · 2 months ago
Hi! Just a heads up! Winter break has ended, and I don't have much time as I did to draw since these can take me one to three days with no commitments each.
I don't want to leave those that have asked questions with no response for weeks on weeks, so I think I'm going to answer some...most? as text instead!
I hope that's ok I don't know
The last one I drew before school started back up again is coming out tomorrow! It's not Soulless Clover but its a fun concept
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froggitonamelon · 2 months ago
dude soulless clover is so cool of an idea!
I eagerly await more!
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froggitonamelon · 2 months ago
Oh the macabre and creepy fairytale going on with this au oh it's so good!!!
Also, with the knowledge of Flowey's design in the RRH au it's so creepy like sir why are you uibu dmptf up uif hspvoe?? How did you dpoupsu zpvs cpez in order to do that???
[1 letter off spoiler shield uibu= that]
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Don't let your kids wander into the woods.
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froggitonamelon · 2 months ago
Hello! I love your ideas, designs and AU
Regarding the AU, what do you think about the fact that the soulless Clover should essentially be immortal in magical combat? After all, they have no SOUL to break or take
Imagine how the same Undyne lies in wait for them and tries to kill them, but she... nothing... works out?
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Combat details below :)
Honestly trying to figure out what in combat would and would not affect Clover has been very interesting.
When it comes to most bullets, I imagine that Clover functions like the grey attacks that Napstablook uses at one point. As it currently stands, there are 2 acceptations to the general rule that bullet patterns do not affect Clover.
1: Clover can be hurt by physical weapons. Trying to distinguish this from bullets that look like weapons is where the struggle comes in. If they are shown carrying a weapon in their sprite, the weapon behaves like how you would expect a weapon like that to behave, and the number of times that weapon appears as an attach matches how many they have, its fair game. Physical weapons (I have so far): Asgore's trident, Ceroba's staff, Starlo's lasso and one of his guns, Mad Dummy's single knife (maybe any of MD's attacks ??), and the Dogis' axes (I think?? Unless both still remain after you kill one??) Bullets that look like weapons: Undyne's spears, Moray's swords, Ed's fists, and Starlo's extra guns
2: More nebulously, any bullets that can affect their environment without needed to touch the soul is also fair game. Fire and sound are the two most notable. Toriel uses fire magic to clean her stove so it is presumably hot enough to burn the skin and any music too loud or piercing would still hurt Clover's ear drums. While these still hurt, they wouldn't hurt Clover as magic bullets.
If there are any others you think should be exceptions, please let me know <3
Aww thank you so much Anon!! <3
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