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minruko · 2 years ago
dogs or cats? 👀👀
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minruko · 3 years ago
archiving this blog bye lol
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minruko · 3 years ago
sprinkling in some collage au just for you fren
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he’s been waiting for this date for weeks, it was the first time your schedules aligned with final exams wrapping up you finally had time for yourselves. so in order to unwind he proposed a date to a skating rink!
you glided around in your green skates smiling as you watched yuji slightly cling to edge “i got this baby don’t worry!” he shouted as he clung to the metal bar “man this looked easier on tv…” he mumbled as he wobbled over to you.
but its okay because he knows that he has you to lean on even if that means you’ll both get passed my multiple children skating with ease, giggling as he claims they’re taunting him.
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minruko · 3 years ago
OMG BBY may I please have Sanji with the song For Tonight? Thank you sm, and CONGRATS on 2.5k !!!
yes yes ofc ty rumi🫠
wci angst just for you fren <3
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it was supposed to be a short visit but its not like you could leave after you noticed his tears. you’ve never seen him cry, or at least pure genuine tears of sadness anyways. as soon as you saw him you wrapped your arms around him immediately, what was supposed to be a quick hug turned into an impromptu cuddle session.
he was supposed to get married soon to her, you’d be damned if you were to let him go.
you lifted his hair from his left eye to kiss him softly on his forehead, he was sleeping soundly in your arms you’d give anything to be there for him when he wakes up, but just for tonight you have to let him go.
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minruko · 3 years ago
seein them fics talkin ab some “they call you monkey <33” no the fuck not??
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Fanfic: * Y/N is called “pet”, “slave”, “creature”, “monkey”, etc. as terms of endearment*
Me; a negro:
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minruko · 3 years ago
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minruko · 3 years ago
Ooohhh congrats on the milestone! To more achievements for this blog! May I please have Luffy with the song hard to do?? Thank you!
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a/n- writing as a distraction so if you see me gang no you didn’t!!
a/n 2- ty for participating i hope you enjoy🙇🏾‍♀️
2.5k event
you laid on the side of your bed in the dead of the night this is not the first time your thoughts have kept you awake. it’s been a year since you last saw the crew in sabaody. since you saw him. no matter what you said you couldn’t even convince yourself to think you didn’t miss him and with the news of his brother you felt horrible that you couldn’t be by his side on that dark day.
the people on your island would try and cheer you up the best they could reminding you with wide comforting smiles on their faces that you only had a year left till you could see him again.
you pulled your pillow to your chest your mind swirling with thoughts missing him was so hard to do.
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minruko · 3 years ago
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event desc: It's the rhythm of the night! The party is in full swing and to each song there's a story to be told pick a number and head on to the dance floor where a special someone is waiting for you!
event requests close on april 24th
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event instructions: pick a song below the cut along with one character, if the song is angsty you could choose to have a good or a bad ending. a song could be used three times before it’s “closed” meaning it won’t be used again for the requests.
*links take you to spotify so you could listen to the song
disclaimer: these are not song fics!! they will be fics or scenarios based on the song
1. doubt my love- jaz karis
2. 2 you- mariah the scientist
3. beetlejuice- mariah the scientist
4. unconditional love- sinéad harnett
5. hard to do- k michelle
6. on and on- they.
7. loosing focus- they. ft wale
8. not thinkin’ bout you- ruel
9. kissez- seyvn streeter ft davido
10. play fight- they. ft tinashe
11. fool for you- snoh aalegra
12. smile- wiz kid ft h.e.r.
13. done for me- charlie puth fr kehlani
14. skate- silk sonic
15. greatful- mahalia
16. 3:15- baazi
17. surprise me- mahalia
18. dance alone- tayla parx
19. someone to watch over me- col3trane
20. 17- pink sweat$
21. i wanna be yours- pink sweat$ ft crush
22. this december- ricky montgomery
23. kill the lights- alex newell
24. whoa- rakiyah
25. love's train- silk sonic
26. scooch- k.michelle
27. fly as me- silk sonic
28. 3,2,1- 24kgolden
29. blessed- daniel caesar
30. sad- tayla parx
31. fixerupper- tayla parx
32. for tonight- giveon
33. nothing feels better- pink sweat$
34. come over- the internet
35. sober- mahalia
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minruko · 3 years ago
time to release this event from the deepest depths of my drafts so i could get into writing again
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minruko · 3 years ago
tysm tags had me cheesing shamelessly reblogging bc you gave me all the motivation in the world
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fluffy hcs
ft- doflamingo
a/n- doffy fluff fluffier than his coat
a/n 2- doflamingo is literally 10” what the fuck
you would be his one and only s/o, he takes loyalty very seriously as seen with his executives
no other people on the side, his attention would souly be on you and you only
at first he would buy you random expensive things that he thought you look nice on you, but the more the relationship developed he started buying things he know you would like
seeing how he only has his eyes set on you he showers you with compliments, saying how nice you look in an outfit, or if you got your hair done in anyway
during soft moments while y’all are alone and cuddling he often refers to you as ‘his one and only’
despite him having a ‘reputation to uphold’ he is a sucker for just laying down with you, him often being the big spoon so he could hold you close or you resting your head on his chest
he enjoys the sight of you in his huge coat, the way it would be a dress on you engulfing your figure into it
if you had to go off on your own to do any solo missions he would try to hide how mopey he is and how much he misses you, when you come back he wordlessly drags you into his room to cuddle and so you could tell him all about what happened
if you’re not a party person he’ll often leave parties right away if you feel uncomfortable claiming that ‘the party wasn’t up to his standards’ when the party goers wonder why he’s leaving so early
he remembers every single important date, from anniversaries to the most important of y’all your birthday
speaking of which he would give you the most extravagant birthday party every year, doing the best within his power to top each one
if you’re not much of a party person or don’t like being the center of attention he takes you to a tropical resort island for your birthday, smiling softly at the wide grin on your face, you would turn to him to thank him and just barely missing the smile on his face
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minruko · 3 years ago
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minruko · 3 years ago
writing is gonna be a little slow yall bc of school also we hit 2.5K which is neat event coming later on but it’s brewing alright
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minruko · 3 years ago
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Bonus sketches:
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Click for better quality
Reblogs are apreciated^^ !!
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minruko · 3 years ago
Writing a fic about Yuno x reader x Megumi😩
you goin into some DANGEROUS TERRITORY ANON.
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minruko · 3 years ago
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⌜summary- envy makes one false appearance change that leads to their death⌟
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“sweetheart is that you? this place is horrifying can we please go?”
roy turned around at the sound of your voice his eyes filled with murderous intent softened at the sight of you.
“what are you doing here sweetheart i thought you were scared of the dark?”
you wiped at some tears rolling down your cheeks from fear “please let’s just go! we need to find the lieutenant!”
he smiled too himself, he got the confirmation he needed he could do this without a guilty conscious. roy raised his gloved hand ready to snap his eyes becoming dull and murderous like they were before.
“if you’re going to impersonate the people who are important to me do it right envy.” he snapped his fingers which caused “you” to scream in pain.
“you would really roast your own lover?! MUSTANG?!”
he snapped his gloved fingers once again which engulfed the homunculus in burning flames and caused them to return to their “original state” their screams of pain and agony fell death on roy’s revengeful ears.
“simple. my partner is no where near this capital in fact they’re not even aware of this plan.”
the homunculus fell to their knees fire raging all around them as roy snapped again and again “scared of the dark really?” they shouted as their voice went hoarse final attempts to get under his skin in vain “what kind of person is scared of the dark i mean really! HUH MUSTANG?”
“they’re not. you just played into my lie.”
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minruko · 3 years ago
don’t forget the small font for whole entire fics!! which is ANNOYING AND UNREADABLE
Welcome to the "x reader" tag, where you'll find:
headcanons featuring 15 other characters you don't care about
one sentence thirst posts
and: walls of words that would really benefit from the "read more" option!
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minruko · 3 years ago
even after reading the 1044 leaks i’m still gonna be shocked im so excited i need the chapter to hurry up‼️
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