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sylvemooniet · 8 months ago
Sooooooo, I decided to post here my take on Superboy Prime's origins, which technically is more of a rewrite. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Clark isn't a Kryptonian, but he definitely wishes he was. Unfortunately, he was human (or at least, mostly human), and a very fragile one.
He lost his biological parents when he was still a toddler, Clark didn't even remember their faces. The young boy had to live in an orphanage since then, but he was lucky enough to be adopted when he was around 5 years old. And in that moment, he was a Kent, Clark Kent. Such a bittersweet name.
The love for Superman comics was practically inevitable, considering the similarities they shared, and just like Superman, Clark missed his biological parents, but was grateful he was adopted by such a loving family.
While in school, he was bullied, being called Superboy, or more specifically "the Superboy who bleeds", as he was as vulnerable as a normal human. And the comparison got worse when his bullies found out he was adopted. Clark's only friend was Laurie Lemmon, who was always there for him.
While still a kid, he witnessed an accident happening, and he couldn't stop staring at the corpse of the victim, not because he enjoyed it, he was terrified, but he could feel the energy coming from it, but before Clark could touch it, his mom took him back home.
On his teenage years, he and Laurie went to a costume party at a beach, ironically he wore a Superboy costume. Suddenly, a cosmic portal opened, and Superman, holding the body of Supergirl, fell from it. Trying to help them, not knowing the girl was dead, he touched Kara, which made him absorb her cosmic energy, including her powers. Clark thought it was his Kryptonian powers finally awakening.
As Superman witnessed the power of the young boy, decided to bring him to help the catastrophe caused by the Anti-Monitor. Clark didn't know, but he would never go back home.
I have more ideas to go on, but for now that's it. Basically, instead of Superboy-Prime being a Kryptonian, he's kind of a metahuman that can absorb cosmic energy from dead people. Depending on the feedback, I'll elaborate more of this idea!
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shamlesspandanerd · 11 months ago
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shadowwingtronix · 4 months ago
BW's Daily Video> Supervillains Improved By Retcons
Catch more from WhatCulture Comics on YouTube  
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frogaroundandfindout · 7 months ago
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Mia uses the blue arrow Roy gave her for an emergency. It hits Superboy-prime and sends him to the phantom zone. As the teen titans try to give Conner some medical attention, Superboy-prime breaks out of the zone
(Teen Titans Vol.3 #32)
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lesser-mook · 10 months ago
"Who are some incel characters in media?"
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First ones to mind that abuses power, socially awkward, all underrated: 
-Hal Stewart from Megamind
-Andrew from Chronicle
-Carrie from Carrie 1976
-Brandon Breyer (Tho he's probably the youngest on the list. It's inappropriate to label him as Incel *Carrie too, for him we'll say he never had a girlfriend, but he possessed the red flags of one and in the future story, probably will be.)
& Superboy-Prime👑 (painfully underrated, DC needs to finally abandon that garbage character Kara Bore-El and finally get SB-P in a movie saga, a game as a playable villain, animated show at minimum and nothing less) *The fact that Batman who laughs came before him in DCUO, HOLY SHIT what a waste and what neglect
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TALES OF THE SINESTRO CORPS: SUPERMAN-Prime (For anyone who want to get an entry point to the character, there's your window)✅
Point being:
They all were vulnerable kids that got too much power at the wrong time & or lost too much at once that triggered the fall. They didn't start out evil, they weren't naturally bad, just not ready, not stable, inadequate or neglected,  some even abused.
What If? A volatile Peter Parker got superpowers
Outside events escalating around them combined with their own dramatized inadequacies as people created their fall as villains. Not out of ambition but inadequacy given too much power where therapy & healthy relationships should've been.
Stewart specifically only ended up with power because he was being manipulated by someone else in the first place, promised glory, and got disappointed (mainly due to him having zero charisma & little social awareness): And in that disappointment he lashed out and made bad decisions.
He could've forced himself on Roxie, he could've even held her prisoner/Hostage/ enslaved or tormented her in a PG-13 Fashion like stalking or destroying her home *knowing where it is;
But he left her alone, the ONLY reason she ended up in his sights again is because she went to him to reason with him.
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It says a lot about him that he didn't physically do anything to her initially or didn't so much as kidnap her, but he did rob a bank and just went home to play video games. That's it.
It only escalated, yet again, because Megamind antagonized Hal because he wanted his glory days fix. 
The same selfishness that uprooted Hals life and created Titan in the first place, but Megamind got the happy ending. Most people don't really meditate enough on that fact.
And notice how them being incels comes second to their tragedy, I didn't even need to label them that to make the point. Outside of this question, Its not even necessary to describe them or label them as such despite the fact that they are involuntarily celibate even post-upgrade, despite being gods, their story is more relevant to them than the label. 
That's why they work as "incel" characters.
Out of the 5 only 1 of them managed to loosely, painstakingly redeem himself.
Just one.
The worst one.
Only one. 
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random-movie-ideas · 2 years ago
Superman Villain Movie Ideas, Part IX: Superboy-Prime
Clark Kent AKA Superboy-Prime is genuinely one of the most tragic villains so far, at least in my opinion. He first appeared during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, as a teenage Clark for whom Superman was only a fictional character. His world ends up being erased in the crisis, and he is sealed away in a paradisiacal pocket dimension. Driven mad by the loss of everything he knew and seeing the hero he could have been, he eventually breaks free from his pocket dimension, decrees himself the only true Superman, and goes on a murderous rampage on a quest to restore his old world.
Origin Movie: Really hard to do this, seeing as his origin is set up by so many previous stories. However, we could go the Cyborg Superman route of having him be the villain of a Conner Kent-led Superboy movie in a Cinematic Universe following a major Crisis on Infinite Earths movie. Either that or speed-run it a bit in an "Into the Superverse"-style movie.
Sequel Movie: Technically, this is kind of what that Superboy movie would be, though you could possibly have a Superverse movie or a movie with Ultraman as the villain that ends up somewhat recreating the events that lead to Superboy-Prime's creation in the sequel.
Finale Movie: Depending on how you paced the series, any one of those possibilities mentioned above could lead to an Infinite Crisis movie with Superboy-Prime as the lead villain, ending with his ultimate fate of being trapped back in his old restored dimension, except all of his friends and family have read the comic issues where he committed his most heinous actions.
Secondary Villain: A "Superverse" movie could easily have him playing second fiddle to Mxyzptlk or Ultraman, and just kind of touch on the details of his backstory, while a more straightforward version could simply keep his co-villainship with Alexander Luthor Jr.
Overall, my ranking of these would be:
Origin Movie: Technically not an origin, but the most obvious way to use him is part of that Cinematic Universe setup.
Finale Movie: Same as above, but I do like the idea of including his ultimate punishment.
Secondary Villain: He would be an easy inclusion to a Superverse film.
Sequel Movie: Just kind of everything else stated above.
What do you think? Let me know who I should cover next!
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tomoleary · 2 years ago
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Eduardo Barreto - DC Comics Presents #87 (1985)
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stefanoavvisati69 · 10 months ago
Crisi Infinita: l'epopea che ha definito un'intera era dei fumetti DC
Autori: Geoff Johns, George Pérez, Ivan Reis, Phil Jimenez, AA.VV. Pubblicazioni in Italia: Crisi Infinita # 1 – Crisi Infinita, in 7 pt, pubblicata da Planeta DeAgostini (da Marzo a Giugno 2007) – DC Absolute # 21, Crisi Infinita pubblicata da Rw Lion nel Dicembre 2017, Crisi infinita Eventi DC pubblicato da Panini in cartonato a Febbraio 2021 e pubblicata da RCS Quotidiani nella collana:…
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strdstwanderer · 7 months ago
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I want a Marvel parody of Infinite Crisis where Gwen punched the universe so hard, Uncle Ben comes back as the Red Hood.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 4 months ago
So… I had a random thought today while looking at some fanart.
In comics, it’s generally agreed that Jason Todd died on April 27. He came back to life approximately 6 months later. That would put it in late October.
We can make an argument he was resurrected on Halloween. You know, the day that the veil between life and death is the thinnest per folklore?
I’ll just leave you guys with that thought
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shamlesspandanerd · 1 month ago
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waitingforthet · 6 months ago
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Check my Patreon out if you’d like to support the comic, even a little bit helps. Or just to check out the reward tiers, there’s some neat bonus stuff and I tried to make them fun: https://www.patreon.com/waitingforthet
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months ago
so funny when ppl try to use evil gun batman's existence as proof that tim drake is uniquely more likely to be evil than anyone else. firstly, way to ignore the rest of evil gun batman's team, but secondly. moreover. i know this may come as a shock to u guys, but "character meets their alternate timeline evil self" is an incredibly common stock comic book trope actually. u are in the comic book fandom. why do i need to explain this... this is kind of embarrassing for u 😔
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starsidime · 3 months ago
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[DC] I don’t think I ever posted this one, Jon Kent and some misc stuff
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dailydccomics · 3 months ago
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Dark Nights: Death Metal (2020) cover art by Greg Capullo
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seilnakyle · 5 months ago
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