#Super Fast Keto
cacw · 3 months
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wow so cute. NOT! who the hell do you think you are
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thatan0regsikangel · 5 months
Excuses for not having anything to e@t
“I had a super late breakfast”
“ im allergic to that”
“I absolutely hate “insert commonly disliked ingredient”
My doctor told me that I should cut down on that for a while
I don’t eat gluten
I’m vegetarian
I don’t eat anything that’s made with that type of oil
I’m trying Keto!
Have you seen how many chemicals they put into that stuff now?
Sorry my mom would totally freak since she made *favorite food* for dinner
I ate at school
I feel nauseous I might throw up if I eat
Im fasting for religious reasons
Sorry today is a religious day I’m not supposed to eat that
I would if I wasn’t going out to eat later
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dfmbf2 · 15 days
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Tuesday I entered into a period of what I call “keto rush,” no hunger at all, slightly manic feeling, feel really good and sexual, as my body cycles into burning body fat after a period of refeeding these past two weeks which had followed a period of much more extensive fasting that I did to make weight for my physical. My doctor, who is low key fatphobic and very athletic himself, was very happy with my weight and my numbers generally—low sugar, low cholesterol, kidneys and liver excellent—but reminded me that I had been 20 pounds lighter five years ago ago pre-COVID and said he’d like to see that again.
Due to the fasting I had done to bring my weight down low as possible for the weigh-in, my iron was low, so for the last two weeks I’ve been adding high iron foods (beef, fish, and an iron supplement) and today was when I could feel the reset kick in, very flushed and hot and awake, zero interest in food or eating, feel really strong and energetic, so when this happens I ride it hard—went for 10k run, then upped my weights at the gym for a big pump, added my usual ab routine, stripped and sunned naked out back for an hour, and I’m just going to skip eating for the next day at least but really want to take the fast out to Saturday. Lots of electrolyte water with my microbiotocs, vitamins and herbal T supplements are making me feel really sexualized and hot. Due to the low iron test number, doc wants me retested end of October and didn’t say it but implied dropping those last 20 would be something he’d like to see happen by then.
When the metabolism shifts into keto like this, I usually end up dropping 5-7 pounds of fat in a week which means my daily caloric need goes down permanently, so it’s a cycle that reinforces itself over and over as long as I stay sugar free and keep it going. It’s how I ended up extra lean and staying small and tight as I did for years, and it’s super hot thinking I’m on my way back there again.
This keto rush/fatburn period is when typically I would direct all of this erotic diet-bitch energy toward my partner, making him cum over and over, and his semen would be the only thing I consume for the next three days (beyond my supplements, electrolytes and water). Another piece of how the diet-fetish cycle creates a reinforcement loop—slimmer means sexualized, and feeling more sexualized motivates me to adhere to the dietary restriction.
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aisuru-skinny · 25 days
Things from recovery that have made my relapse less miserable
But considering I'm currently in relapse and it's a mental disorder and I can't stop any of you, let alone myself, remember to take care of yourselves
🍒 Intuitive Eating - This is probably 85% responsible for my relapse because practicing intuitive eating, I ate every time I was hungry BUT I didn't allow myself to overeat either and I didn't keep eating if I felt like I had too much. I just wanted till I got hungry again. This was like some crazy proof that you can have self control and don't have to binge. If you felt like you messed up with one meal, don't just keep wrecking yourself. Choose that moment to reset IMMEDIATELY instead of telling yourself you'll do it later or if you can have 1 more binge. I used to go in cycles of ⭐vation and then binge for a day to a point where I knew I couldn't fill myself up more but kept going anyway. I haven't had what I would consider a full blown binge in almost 5 months because I know I have control (granted I have overeaten a few times but I don't let myself continue to spiral)
🍒Keto Diet - When we were trying to figure out why everything I eat makes me sick, a keto diet was also test trialed to see if I had a carbohydrate intolerance and the take away from this is that guYS FRUIT HAS SO MANY CARBS it's literally natural sugar that gets converted to carbs and you're weight can just pack back on. I'm not saying don't eat fruit, please do!!! But you have GOT to balance it out with protein and veggies. Having a more savory breakfast, if I eat that morning, makes me last through the day longer than something with fruit or just letting all my meals be fruit. If I do eat fruit, it's a small portion snack or like a little apple sauce pouch situation (there are these things I get called Gutzys and they're just fruit and greens purees with probiotics and 1 pouch is less than 100 cals and they're super filling. I also find if I eat them super quick it helps fill me up and feel a little sick so I don't keep eating after having one.)
🍒 Supplements - PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. TAKE SUPPLEMENTS. I take hair, skin, and nails to maintain biotin levels as well as probiotics because my digestive system is clinically wrecked. And as much as y'all are gonna hate this one, I also drink fiber. It really helps keep things moving and can debloat you too by keeping movement. I've also heard magnesium can help with sleep and bloating but I personally didn't have a difference taking it. Every body reacts differently.
🍒Cycle Syncing - For those of us still on a menstrual cycle, there's something to be said about cycle syncing and remembering that our bodies do go through change every month (ugh). The closer I get to my period, the more bloating I deal with and also find my digestive system is more sensitive. Love Wellness Bye Bye Bloat pills actually really help with the hormonal bloating and I also find this time in my cycle is typically a good excuse for liquid fasting. Bone broths, miso, and diuretic/digestive teas (Dandelion Root/Ginger/Tumeric) are great. Magnesium levels can also drop a lot around this time and make us more susceptible to hunger and cravings, I find that making a low cal hot chocolate using ultra dark cocoa powder is the way to go. It can be slightly bitter to drink but babe get over it, you don't need added sugars. It helps replenish levels, can satisfy chocolate cravings, and the warm drink can help keep the digestive moving and reduce bloating.
🍒Spices - All I'll say, I got back into cooking and please guys. Use spices. Use salt, it has healthy minerals. I know we're not eating a lot but it doesn't have to taste like freaking cardboard. I never count calories in spices because it's slim to none anyways. If I didn't season my food, I'd probably be more wanting to cave and binge because the food is so bland I'm looking for something more tasteful to eat. Season your food, eat what little of it you want, you're satisfied and won't go looking for less boring food.
Remember to take care of yourselves 🩷
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mjalti · 1 year
May you share how you workout/what you do workout wise and eating wise for your weight goal?
right now i've been super into low impact exercises. i do a small pilates youtube thing at home x hot yoga soon. the more i think about my experience with pure barre, the more i enjoy it but in the moment it didnt feel monumental.
my diet remains keto-based, the only thing ive incorporated thats been fueling my journey has been IM fasting, and fermented foods. kimchi, kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut etc. raw veggie salads like the shredded carrot in vinegar. i havent been too heavy on meats, but thats bc i dont really enjoy them; however i love fish. a tonnnnnn of soup and stews & keto tortillas lol.
i can do a what-i-eat-in-a-day if you want :)
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hell0kittyland · 10 months
Im actually so miserable on this second water fast I want to off myself cause like I’m stuck in this mindset where the second I eat I will erase in the span of 20 minutes DAYS of water fast suffering and it’s like I can’t ever stop I’m stuck and I wish I was normal.,. Where I was thin enough, like I kinda wanted food, not binge but i want idk a home cooked meal something like fucking wings or lasagna or something and I can’t have it cause it’s going to ruin everything, even a few bites… and it’s like I’m only 20, am I going to waste my 20s miserable? My body’s disgusting even if I loose the weight I have so SO many stretch marks I’m not kidding everywhere and I need to get them lazered off and I want a even skin tone and all this extra shit like plastic surgery slight tweaks to my face and weight is one aspect. It’s just sad even if I loose it, I still can’t wear crop tops and shir or low rise jeans cause of my extreme stretch marks that I already had since i was tall growing up (im 176cm) and then the huge weight gain in less than a year of like 25kgs or something caused an army to appear and then loosing fast caused more to appear and my body’s like permanently fucked. It’s sad cause I’m face wise pretty but like my teeth kinda fucked too so I need to pay for braces AGAIN and it’s UGH I’m poor my family’s poor my life’s in the shitter I’ll never get a boyfriend, the weight is like 10% of my worries but atleast I can wear idk cute skimpy outfits that don’t show skin like winter outfits with stuff like tights and long sleeve shirts or something. Anyways I’m just like depressed cause it’s like girl am I cursed? Ahhhejejeendjej I mean I want to be super skinny cause I want too so that’s a given but my life fucking sucks and I can see my 20s going down the drain from all this and then I’ll be a sad alcoholic / drug addict
Living like this makes me suicidal, I wish I was thin enough and skinnier where eating a meal didn’t do this to me… maybe in the mid to low 50kgs I can relax abit slightly and focus on maintaining the weight than loosing since that’s near my GW of 50kg. Wear as I’m like 66kg currently and I’m nowhere near happy so I’m not interesting in maintaining I want to LOOSE.
Ugh living like this is so shitty, no caffeine either no nothing but water >{^{!$|$| can’t even have gum cause it will cause hunger pangs and may break keto
I would drink broth but it will break keto and that’s the only reason I water fast
Quick weight loss and keto, it’s when you get past day 3 is when you loose since it takes me exactly 3 days of water fasting to enter ketosis, the 3rd day and beyond I will be burning pure fat (and muscle LMAO) and then I’ll loose some serious kgs so currently after flopping so bad I’m 44 hours in a water fast on the second day and I’m like… cause bitch I ate a few bites of some pasta, barely ate and tell me why the fucking scale went from 66.5 to 67.7…. Like you’re joking right… 1.2 FUCKING KILOS OVER NIGHT? that’s like almost 3lbs 😭 and then I snapped and I was like what’s the point… if a few fucking bites of the leftover pasta I mean small bites did this to me then I cannot eat
I weighed myself this morning I only went from 67.7 to 67.3kg … like I’ll KMS
To be fair I only peed and haven’t shit but the food was barely anything and threw it mostly away so I’m like girl..
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daintydaintyme · 11 months
ABC DIET DAY 1 (500 cal)
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Decided to do ABC diet with omad bc I wanna be able to fast for at least 22-24 hrs. soooo for dinner I had:
1 cup of broccoli (40 cal) with walden farms ranch (0 cal)
2 slices of natures own keto bread (35 each)
2 slices of tomato (6 cal)
1 romaine heart (5 cal)
1 starkist tuna creations deli style tuna salad (80 cal)
it was super filling!! I could barely finish it, but of courrrseeee my sweet tooth kicked in so for dessert I had:
1/4 cup of halo top cookies and cream ice cream (92 cal)
1 almond butter chip IQBar (180) (these are literally the best I adore them)
total: 473 cal
overall, great day! I burned 309 cal at work so I don't rlly feel so bad abt getting so close to my limit, although I would have liked to have netted in the negatives.
I also feel kinda shitty for doing a diet instead of just trying to fast and restrict as low as possible, but I know that this way is wayyyyy more sustainable
til tomorrow- xoxo, dainty
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keto-kitty · 5 months
34 days on keto
Life got a bit hectic for a while there and I didn't have a chance to update, but I got to the end of my keto spell, and missed out on a lot of the Easter chocolate and I'm not really that disappointed tbh.
By the end I was 76.2kg, which was a loss of 2.6kg, although I did get down to 75.6kg a few days before. Overall I felt better, had a bit more energy, I'm pretty sure I was sleeping better and able to maintain half a routine, but I was starting to struggle to decide what to eat, I found myself snacking a lot rather than actually eating meals, and towards the end I started taking snacks to work rather than lunch so then I could have a bigger hot meal in the evening when I got in which I think I prefer.
Obviously 34 days isn't super long, my body is definitely used to getting into ketosis, but I don't think a month is long enough to see all the benefits beyond being able to fit into a smaller pair of jeans.
I'm going camping in June so that will be my next break, unless my next surgery (which I still need to book because I'm an idiot) is before it, so I'm probably going to give myself to the end of this week to eat all the shit I want to eat, and then get back on keto for about 60ish days.
I would like to lose 5kg, I feel that's a reasonable goal for 60 days, I would like to go to the gym at least once a week, and I would like to try and get back into intermittent fasting. I'd also like to try and go for more walks, it's cold AF at the moment, there was snow on the hills again, but as it gets warmer I'd like to go out more, maybe aim for once a month. In a completely non-food or exercise related goal, I'd like to try and read more, actual books, not just fanfiction, I have so many books and I don't ever seem to be able to find time to read, so I'd like to make a conscious effort to try and read at least once a week.
But for now, I'm going to go make myself a pizza :)
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cardinallifts · 2 years
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March 1st-5th Recap:
Completed a 45 and 37 hour fast without any weight loss. Disappointing but I haven't been super strict on keto so maybe that's my fault.
7/7 Days of Exercise and Pearl League Promotion in Duolingo
Pushing for another week of consistent fasting, lifting heavy and hopeful weight loss~
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erasied · 4 days
food inspo via some of my own photos
below break ⊹.✮₊⋆
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w/ estimated calories
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for 1oz of bluefin tuna it’s 40c, 6.5p
for 1oz of salmon it’s 50c, 5.5p
depending on which you get, it can be lower as well!
whenever i have to get fast food i always get one of two things at chickfila and it’ll be either..
a spicy southwest salad w/ spicy grilled fillet; remove the cheese, seasoned tortilla strips, and chili lime pepitas along with exchanging the dressing for the lite italian
215c, 24p
or a grilled chicken sandwich wrapped in lettuce (only w tomato)
120c, 21p
yogurt + fruit
honestly, any yogurt and fruit combination is something that’ll be low calorie and fill you up!
photo #1 would be around 250c~~?
(60 for the yogurt, 81 for the chocolate, estimating around 65 for the grapes and maybe 40 for blueberries?)
photo #2 would be around 250c~~ as well?
(150 for the yogurt, and roughly 75-100 for watermelon?)
of course, depending on what brand you use and how much of each item you add, the total will change. but overall, everything is relatively low calorie and you can switch it all around!
now for me, i always though of a sandwich as a high calorie item and feared them. but now, because i found the right ingredients, its one of my safe foods!
i use better goods brand keto bread which is 35c, 4p and 10g… of fiber 😭
but it’s a super good alternative to other options!
the sandwich in the photo is around 150c!
(70 for the bread, 50 for 2oz turkey breast, give or take 5-10 for the tomato and lettuce, 25 for a laughing low lite cheese) + sriracha
there’s tons of protein in this meal and it fills you up for soooo long! again, the calories really matter on what you choose to make it with, but it can be a lower option.
pairing it with a fruit of course raises the total calories, but also makes it more like a meal :)
“burrito bowl”
i say this in quotes because it isn’t exactly a burrito bowl LMAO
in the photo i used cauliflower rice, lettuce, fat free mozzarella, rotisserie chicken, black beans, pico de gallo, and sriracha
my estimate was right around 250c for the entire bowl and it was honestly pretty good! i’m pretty sure i logged it wrong though, so i’m not gonna give an entire breakdown for it 🤕!
stir fries
another amazing low calorie option is a stir fry, you just have to watch what you put in the sauce.
both options were under 300c, photo #1 less than the other.
in photo #1, i stir fried mushroom, bell pepper, broccoli, and carrots. i probably just made a sauce with lower sodium soy sauce, chicken stock, garlic, and a very small amount of cornstarch for thickening.
in photo #2, i stir fried mushrooms, carrots and radish in a low sodium soy sauce. on the side i had around 2oz of chicken breast lunch meat and had a small fruit bowl! its a really balanced meal and honestly kept me full for hours!
now, these are all just ideas but we do have to fuel ourselves sometimes, and making these meals in front of others could reduce concerns for you. the community has to help eachother 🤞🏻
thank you for reading all the way up to here if you got to this point :)
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minimizemydamage · 12 days
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Ended my fast at 37.5 hrs.
Today's numbers were all high. Still in keto and deficit range but wayyyy high. But I think my super low restriction is what caused the binge so. This is better.
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hockeymusicmore · 5 months
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july-goals · 9 months
hello!! i feel super cringe making this post BUT i did make this side blog with the intent to actually share my journey with personal posts so here goes nothing.
i‘m ella, 30, and in october 2023 i decided to take up a healthier lifestyle again and for me that also includes losing some weight. since puberty i always struggled with my weight, had a phase with disordered eating, threw out my scale etc. when i was at university i started working out consistently, and combined with a keto diet i achieved a weight/body i felt comfortable and capable at. but i didn‘t manage to maintain that. for a time, i just fidn‘t focus on my body that much, learned about intuitive eating, body acceptance.. all concepts i still very much stand behind.
2023 was a difficult year for me, my mom and one of my best friends had some serious health issues and i reacted the way i always do - i ate way too much, for a long time. combined with a new job (that i really love and that is a lot less stressful than my previous one!) where i don‘t move that much and can no longer intuitively do my own version of intermittant fasting, i just kept on gaining more weight. at some point i no longer fit into most of my favourite clothes and that really shocked me. thankfully, my mom and friend are doing much better now so i feel it‘s okay to focus more on my own health again.
i‘m still figuring out what works best for me. i started calorie tracking as it helps me with portion control among other things. i think i will have to adjust my limit of daily calories along the way depending on results but i will never go below what i calculated to be my basic metabolic rate + most of my active calories. the idea of starving lost its appeal to me a long time ago. in general i want to move/walk more and i started working out regularly again. doing a mix of hiit and some weight lifting so far, and this january i joined in yoga with adriene‘s new 30 day challenge.
most importantly though, i want to work on myself while being kind to myself and not beating myself up too much when i slip up. i don‘t want to obsess too much. i will try to post regularly, although daily is probably too optimistic.
so, if you continued reading up to this point: thank you!!! let‘s see what we can achieve until july (and afterwards) ☺️
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wahrdiaetolin · 9 months
Diaetolin Bewertungen – Keto BHB Apple Gummies Preis!
Es gibt viele Menschen in der fortgeschrittenen Welt, die nach Techniken zur Gewichtsreduktion suchen, wie kann man dünner werden? Wie bekomme ich einen schlanken und fitten Körper? Etwa jeder 6. Mensch ist mit Gewichtsproblemen konfrontiert. Aber bevor Sie sich für ihre Empfehlung entscheiden, verstehen Sie ihre Technik gründlich? Hier werde ich Diaetolin besprechen, Dies ist eine ketogene Diät, die hilft, den Ketosezustand zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus werde ich mich hier bemühen, Ihnen allen die Daten zu geben, die ich gefunden habe.
Niemand braucht Bauchkissen, aber aufgrund des ständigen Sitzens und der Nichtbewegung des Körpers bekommt fast jeder dieses Problem. Dies ist außerdem das am schwersten zu reduzierende Fett. In jedem Fall wird dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Diaetolin auch diese kuscheligen Schichten verringern, indem es Ihren Körper weniger anspruchsvoll macht, alle fettigen Zellen zu zerkleinern und zu trennen.
Was ist Diaetolin? Diaetolin ist eine auf BHB-Keton basierende Formel zur Gewichtsabnahme, die Ihnen hilft, in Form zu bleiben und Sie in einem Ketosezustand zu halten. Dies ist der beste Weg, um mit dem Verlust des Muskel-Fett-Verhältnisses umzugehen. Diese Ergänzung enthält eine breite Palette von Artikeln, die von Spezialisten als charakteristisch und natürlich garantiert wurden.
Sie alle müssen heutzutage natürliche Produkte verwenden, da sie nach dem Absetzen oder während der Verwendung keine Symptome hinterlassen. Dieser enthält einen Teil der außergewöhnlich hilfreichen und gewinnbringenden Kräuter. Diese Kräuter werden Ihren Körper super dynamisch machen, um in Ihrem täglichen Leben 100 Prozent zu geben.
Wie wirkt Diaetolin? Eine große Anzahl der Allgemeinbevölkerung hat es versäumt, durch ihren Ernährungsplan Gewicht zu verlieren, und der Grund dafür ist nur der Nährstoffbedarf. Diese Ergänzung basiert auf dem Prozess der BHB-Ketone. Es wird Ihrem Körper in einem vollständigen Ketosezustand helfen. Dies ist der beste und genaue Weg, um Stufen schnell zu verlieren. Dies ist eine Realität, wenn sich jemand für einen Diätplan entscheidet, seine Ernährung will inkrementiert werden. Darüber hinaus geben sie ihre Essroutine auf und sind nicht bereit, genug Fett zu verlieren. Sie fangen wieder an, sinnlose Kohlenhydrate zu sich zu nehmen und fangen wieder an, an Gewicht zuzunehmen.
Wenn Sie sich jedoch für Diaetolin entscheiden, erhalten Sie ein sehr außergewöhnliches und überraschendes Ergebnis. Stoppen Sie außerdem den grundlegenden Treiber unerwünschter Muskeln gegen Fett. Darüber hinaus beginnt das vorhandene Muskel- und Fettverhältnis in Ihrem Körper, Fett für die Vitalität zu verbrauchen. Und machen das Fett auch zu einer perfekten Quelle der Vitalität.
Wenn Sie sich dafür entscheiden und dies verfolgen, gelangen Sie an diesem Punkt schneller in den Ketosezustand. Außerdem kann Ihr Körper bereit sein, Fette anstelle von Kohlenhydraten zu sich zu nehmen. Darüber hinaus gibt es Ihnen mehr Vitalität und hält Sie frei von einem stressigen Leben.
Welche Hauptbestandteile werden in Diaetolin verwendet: Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen über die Inhaltsstoffe, denn das Unternehmen, das dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittel herstellt, achtet sehr auf die Gesundheit. Alle Inhaltsstoffe, die in diesem Nahrungsergänzungsmittel verwendet werden, sind also rein natürlich. BHB-Beta-Hydroxybutyrat ist der beste Inhaltsstoff, der jeden Menschen fit und schlanker machen kann. Dies unterstützt die Prozedur der Stoffwechselrate. Es wird auch die Magen- und Leberkapazitäten verarbeiten, um Ihren Körper zu festigen. An dem Punkt, an dem Magen und Leber gesund sind, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit geringer, dass sie heftig werden.
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lfemmerunn · 11 months
Actual weight loss tips
There's a difference between hunger and boredom.
Ayo I've been there, a teen in the early 2010s desperately trying to be super thin. Nothing seemed to work; thru to my early 20s, tried keto, excessively working out, caloric restriction, coffee, adderall, phentermine (sent me to the hospital), no sleep, IF, nothing seemed to last or even work that well (except adderall).
Now as a woman in my almost mid-20s, I'm much skinnier than I was when I was 17. BMI is currently 17, and I'm pretty happy where I am. I'm healthy, energetic, high-functioning overall, and more confident about my physical appearance than I was back then. I don't exercise at all, either.
So, what did I do? The key is to stop being neurotic and letting your body gradually adjust. I cut out birth control, those fucking seed oils, coffee, and carbs. I get at least 6 hours of sleep a night, never more than 8. I'd recommend a glass of red wine a day, but only if you have a healthy relationship with alcohol (I do not). Also, I took Black Seed Oil pills (Nigella sativa) for a week, and IT IS A MIRACLE PLANT it completely reset my system.
Why BC: I started taking it because I had extremely painful periods. Turns out, they become less painful when your diet isn't shit. If you wanna gain weight fast, I recommend you just keep taking it. If you wanna almost die, take phentermine too. That's a power combo ri' thurr
Why seed oils: this guy can explain it better than I https://reallytanman.substack.com/
Why coffee: Caffeine increases cortisol, increasing insulin, promoting weight gain.
Why carbs: Increases insulin resistance, promoting weight gain.
Nigella sativa: Reduces insulin resistance, non-addictive, natural, your body will know when it doesn't need it anymore. Tanman has a really good article against it as well, if you're willing to do your own research (which you should be doing anyways).
I eat once-twice daily, never before 11 am or after 10 pm, drink mainly sparkling water, eat mainly butter and meat, cook my own food. I commute to work a few hours a day and walk up several flights of stairs multiple times a day, so I'd put my lifestyle at moderately sedentary. I don't count calories or snack during the day either.
When I really crave something bad, I try to eat fruit, but if I'm really craving something else, I'll try to find a bakery-type snack that contains sugar instead of some shady substitute, and avoid chips and anything carby as much as possible. That being said I absolutely will eat shit once in a while because I feel like it.
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ezzybrownmedia · 1 year
17 Weight Loss Tips
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When it comes to shedding those extra pounds and achieving your weight loss goals, there are various methods and products available on the market. In this article, we will explore 17 different weight loss tips that can help you on your journey towards a healthier you. Each tip is backed by a product designed to assist you in your weight loss efforts, and you can find more information about each product by clicking on the provided links. ALSO READ: Interesting stories
1. Acai Berry Extreme
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                Acai Berry Extreme is a natural supplement that harnesses the power of acai berries to boost metabolism and promote fat loss. Incorporate this supplement into your daily routine to kickstart your weight loss journey.
2. Garcinia Cambogia Actives
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Garcinia Cambogia Actives contains Garcinia Cambogia extract, known for its appetite-suppressing properties. This can help you control your food intake and support your weight loss goals.
3. Green Coffee 5K
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Green Coffee 5K is packed with antioxidants and chlorogenic acid, which can aid in burning fat and boosting energy levels. Include it in your daily routine for a natural energy boost.
4. Silvets
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Silvets is a comprehensive weight loss solution containing natural ingredients to help you control your appetite and reduce fat absorption.
5. Night Mega Burner
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Night Mega Burner is designed to work while you sleep, optimizing your body's fat-burning processes during the night. It's a convenient way to enhance your weight loss efforts.
6. Meltamin
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Meltamin is a supplement that focuses on thermogenesis, helping your body burn more calories by generating heat. Incorporate it into your routine to increase calorie expenditure. LEARN MORE: Read blogs and articles here!!!
7. Fat Burn Active
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Fat Burn Active is formulated to support a healthy fat metabolism, making it easier for your body to break down and utilize fat stores for energy.
8. NuviaLab Keto
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NuviaLab Keto is designed for those following a ketogenic diet. It provides essential nutrients to support a keto lifestyle while promoting fat loss.
9. Moringa Actives
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Moringa Actives harnesses the power of Moringa oleifera to boost metabolism and provide your body with essential nutrients, aiding in weight management.
10. Cappuccino MCT
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Cappuccino MCT offers the dual benefit of coffee and MCT oil, which can increase energy levels and promote fat burning when consumed as part of your morning routine.
11. Nutrigo Lab Burner
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Nutrigo Lab Burner is designed to enhance fat metabolism, making it easier for your body to burn those stubborn fat reserves.
12. Keto Actives
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Keto Actives is another supplement tailored for the ketogenic diet, helping you stay on track with your low-carb lifestyle while supporting fat loss.
13. Piperinox
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Piperinox contains a blend of natural ingredients that may help control appetite and improve digestion, making it easier for your body to process and eliminate fat.
14. Fast Burn Extreme
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Fast Burn Extreme is formulated to accelerate fat loss by boosting metabolism and increasing energy levels, allowing you to exercise more effectively.
15. Green Barley Plus
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Green Barley Plus harnesses the power of green barley extract to promote weight loss and overall well-being.
16. African Mango
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African Mango is derived from the African mango fruit and is believed to support healthy weight loss by controlling appetite and improving metabolism.
17. Probiosin Plus 
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"Probiosin Plus stands out as a one-of-a-kind buddy for your weight management journey. It's got these amazing probiotic superpowers that work like a charm. Here's the cool part: Inside the Probiosin Plus, there are these special DRcaps® that make sure the probiotic superheroes don't get all weak in the stomach acid. That's why they're super effective!" Incorporating these products into your weight loss journey can be a helpful step towards achieving your goals. However, it's important to remember that no supplement can replace a balanced diet and regular exercise. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new weight loss regimen to ensure it's safe and appropriate for your individual needs. ALSO CHECK: Affordable products Remember, consistency is key when it comes to weight loss, and these products can serve as valuable tools in your overall strategy. Stay committed, stay active, and stay healthy on your path to a happier, slimmer you! Read the full article
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