#Sun Aries/1st
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ranastro · 2 months ago
Hello everyone, this is a follow-up reading on astrological observations, you can find other readings in the table of contents. Since this is a hobby and the article is observed from a personal perspective, please consider it for entertainment purposes and take what is useful.
[Article disclaimer] These are my observations about moon positions:
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- Cancer Moon is like a mother, a nurturer, a mentor, a companion, they can be very tolerant, accepting of others but when their emotions are suppressed, repressed, angry they will express it with terrible intensity. However, when they return to a balanced state they will return to normal but they will mostly not forget what happened with them.
- Leo Moon/5h often has a passion for expressing themselves through art by creative forms such as music, poetry, movies, acting, playing musical instruments, painting, architecture, makeup, etc. They also often have strong personal opinions,  good for the collective; sometimes, their opinions will be a bit stubborn in their own way, they also learn a few lessons if it violates the law, causing harm to others; if they express that opinion on social platforms, many people will immediately object to that opinions of them. In many cases, their intuition is often accurate about the feeling of something wrong or shady, but the way they present evidence leads to another unrelated problem.
- Sagittarius Moon is quite humorous, they easily start conversations and tell interesting stories, they are also friendly and humane, pay attention to the events, news happening around them and also the views, the differences between the perceptions and actions of others with the same thing. They are easily angered, may say quite harsh words if someone is rude, disrespectful, steals the privacy of others, they can also remind others if their actions are wrong. They also like to analyze, they can tell a story full of nuances, causes and effects, results, how the people in that situations feel, what their views are, thoughts of them, ... so they can also be very good listeners and give advice.
- The Moon in Pisces in 8th is often dreamy, likes to immerse themselves in romantic stories, gentle gestures, sweet words, they like to experience many fairy tales with different colors, even if they have hopeless plots, but they all hope for a happy ending, besides that is a deep connection, truth, strong intensity, promoting loyalty and a little possessiveness, they want their lover's world to only have them, be honest, they want to find and understand the other person thoroughly. Therefore, they can have high demands on their partner. The Moon in this position is also passionate about art, healing, mysteries of the universe, religion, laws, prohibitions, magic, witchcraft, has experiences that transcend the physical world, intuition, tarot, ... some neurological symptoms, hallucinations, headaches if they go too far. 
- Sun/Jupiter Sagittarius easily get luck in help from elders/experienced people/younger generation/subordinates if they work together. 
And below are about Sun & Venus positions:
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- Sun, Venus Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Pisces/ harsh aspects between Venus and Mars can change the lover's preferences very quickly as fast as a pinwheel,. For example, they are in the process of learning about love, they may like who has beautiful appearance, famous; they pursuing romantic experiences. These positions can have feelings of love for many people at the same time if they do not intend to commit long term or understand it and do it.
- Venus Capricorn in 7th usually likes hard-working, romantic, wealthy/financially stable partners. They also like to work, or work too much, some emotional relationships attract them from the workplace, school, learning environment. These people can attract people with good economic background, in leadership, management, team leader positions, good communication but a bit patriarchal and possessive. Tend to marry late. (If aspect between Venus Capricorn and Saturn is strong they may have the intention of not marrying)
- Sun Aries/1st can have strong positive impacts on others in work/study, they strongly motivate, help increase strength, energy for others to move forward. When someone has difficulty related to an unstable environment, difficulty concentrating on work and study, the presence of these "leaders" will help purify the atmosphere there better like a fire that clears away the fog and removes some unfavorable residues. Therefore, this position can be trusted by everyone and hold certain responsibilities in work and life. However, there may be a situation where they do wrong but stubbornly refuse to admit their mistakes, do not correct them, stubbornly do not change, causing persistent mistakes and a hot temper. Careful consideration and balance are some of the lessons they will encounter in life.
🍓~ Have a nice day ~🍓
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alfascorpiionux · 1 month ago
Astro notes ~ part 2
Venus in Aries women tend to be called not feminine enough and could be criticised for the way they move or speak. “Not feminine enough” is something they likely heard at least a few times.
Earth Ascendants tend to put too much pressure on themselves and value responsibility. They may come off as cold and unapproachable without meaning too. They dislike or look down on chaotic and unreliable people.
Sun in Pisces are some of the most trustworthy and kind people I’ve ever met. They are sensible, thoughtful and make great friends.
Sun in Aquarius could be both clingy and distant. It really depends on the person in question and their current emotional well-being. They are known to struggle with recognising or processing their own feelings. The higher manifestation of this placement might actually spend more time by themselves as they realise this is what they truly need or they might just become more independent in general. It’s a funny thing with Aquarius. It’s when they are most chill and just doing their own thing that they attract the most attention. If they try too hard to keep a relationship, they almost always lose it. It mostly could be related to a shaky self of self-identity.
Saturn in 3rd house could bring difficulties in communication. Either you stumble over your words, speak too much or too little or just feel like you cannot find common conversation topics with other people. You are responsible, sometimes to your detriment, as it could lead to a false sense of expectation of what other people should do or be like. You love deeply and have a few select people you pour all your love into and would do anything for. Could mean you are a little rigid and definitely don’t like sharing personal stuff.
Moon in Capricorn: when will you stop denying and over-rationalising your own feelings? Being vulnerable and expressing your feelings is not a weakness as society seems to want to teach us. It takes an enormous amount of courage and strength. It’s about being your authentic self with all of its gifts and imperfections. It will not make you exploitable or create unnecessary drama/conflict. But rather it will open your eyes to truths that may currently be hidden from you. In any relationship, especially personal, emotional compatibility is essential. If you keep being polite and inauthentic you’ll never feel truly fulfilled or find the people who are right for you.
Also, stop being so hard on yourself for every little detail. Allowing yourself to relax and take a break once in a while is important for your mental, emotional and physical well-being. It may also enable you to see different situations more clearly.
Mercury in Virgo: you are amazingly patient and definitely notice the “smaller print”. You might be good at making diagrams, charts, tables. You probably don’t make mistakes when doing calculations and might have a real affinity for the exact sciences. You know how to explain things in simple, concrete and very understandable terms. You know lots of things and are very willing to share them with others. Careful not to come off as a know-it-all and watch out for your nit-picking tendencies.
Neptune in 1st house: is actually a quite interesting placement. People probably tend to project on you a lot. They might have completely false ideas about you and believe them with conviction even when you consistently convince them otherwise. Be very attentive of those you surround yourself with! Sometimes the kindest acts hide the darkest pits of hell.
This placement gives a charming, sometimes ethereal appearance to the individual. There is a charming quality to the way you carry yourself, the manner in which you express your ideas. People could have hidden fantasies about you or idolise you.
Sagittarius Ascendant: talkative, sort of daring personality. If you don’t have many friends, the then you at least have a large circle of acquaintances. You like expressing your ideas, sometimes just to stir the waters. You’re up for fun and spontaneous activities. You like creative people. In social settings you tend to “fly” from one group of people to another as you enjoy exchanging news, ideas, impressions with other people. You may not understand why some earth ascendants like keeping silent. It’s not that they don’t want to talk to you or are angry with you, social situations probably stress them out and they don’t like having their routine interrupted. That’s something to take into consideration.
Also, try not arguing with people just for the sake of proving your point every time. Choose your battles wisely.
Gemini Ascendants: are the real masters of social situations. It’s not mentioned nearly enough just how good they can be at picking up on social cues. They might wisely not show it or even mention it later on, but you can be damn sure they didn’t miss a thing. Also, they are very flexible/adaptable communication wise. If you have a more subdued way of communication they’ll talk more softly and encouragingly. If you are loud and enthusiastic they will try appearing that way as well.
They pick up on the vibes of a room: main relationships between people, primary personality traits, attitudes, if someone has social anxiety etc. They probably also know about secret enemies and crushes but will pretend not to.
Look out for mind games and subtle shows of cunning from them. For example: if you are a heterosexual woman having a secret crush on a heterosexual man and he picks up on it, they might subtly do something to make you feel jealous. Or more blatantly. They could talk to almost every other woman in the classroom but ignore you. Or start talking very pleasantly with you girl friend while you are around etc.
I like associating this placement with the Scandinavian God, Loki, the trickster. They are definitely the type of people that test both the spirit and composure of others. Not always, but there is this tendency, without a doubt.
They might also subtly look down on those who are shy/find it hard to express themselves.
Moon in 8th house never truly gets over a crush. They don’t fall in love easily but once they do you’ll forever remain in their heart. If you leave never to meet them again then you’ll be one of the spirits in the “graveyard” of their souls, ever present and never to be completely forgotten. They are people who are authentic and love with incredible depth and intensity. Once you become their person, they would do anything to make you feel understood and loved. Could have difficulties letting go or accepting rejection.
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fancyperfectionsweets · 2 months ago
Astrology Observations 🥀🏚️
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💞 This is fucking crazy but I read somewhere that the moon's zodiac in your D9 chart shows the ascendant/sun/moon of your spouse of their natal chart and I checked mine and my boyfriend's and it's literally the same?? His moon is in Capricorn. I'm a Capricorn rising and mine is in Pisces moon in D9 and this man is a Pisces rising?? Tf?? 🤯🤯
⚖️ A debilitated sun represents bad relationships with their father. Sun represents the father in the chart. In my personal observation, fathers or even people who can represent father figures in the libra sun's life (older brothers, uncles) can be hypocritical, take advantage of them or cannot be dependent on for any kind of support. One of the hardest placements fr.
🔅 If your darkaraka has another planet in the same house, your spouse can also have similar qualities of this planet. For eg., sun dk with mercury in the same house means that yes, your partner will be famous or has ego (sun qualities) but can also have "younger" or childlike qualities or they may be younger to you (mercury qualities).
👁️ Neptune first house = big doe eyes (no matter which zodiac).
👩‍💻 It is said that having a stellium in the 11th house can attract online stalking behaviour and it's true 🥲 . I have an 11th house stellium (sun + mercury + pluto) and I've had so many fake accounts and dating profiles made of me that I've given up trying to get them reported. I'll report one account and find another one. Aaaaa 😭 truly annoying.
🌹 Want to know the ideal time to meet a potential partner? Check your 7th house zodiac. When venus or jupiter comes in this sign, this is when you're likely to find romantic interests. I found out that my first relationship was when jupiter was in cancer (my 7th house lord) and I mostly bumped into my boyfriends when venus is in cancer.
🛌 4th house synastry is literally so comforting? You can be the coldest person and still be dreaming of building a home together with this person once they walk into your life
🌟 Weirdly enough, I've noticed that when people have Saturn + jupiter conjunction in whichever house they come across as super assured about those house's themes. If it's in the first house, the native is sure of himself. In the third house, they can be sure of their communication skills and be pretty blunt.
🦋 Libra 10th house, libra 1st house and venus doms: their obsession to be put together in public needs to be studied.
🤑 If you are born in 1997, there is a huge chance that Jupiter is in its debilitation zodiac in your chart (jupiter was in Capricorn that year). So here's two ways the debilitation can be cancelled.
1) Check your D9 chart. If Jupiter is exalted there or is sitting with another exalted planet, the debilitation of your natal chart gets cancelled
2) check if Saturn was in Pisces (which it was mostly that year). Pieces is jupiter's zodiac and capricorn is Saturn's. They are sitting in each other's zodiac according to vedic astrology, making something called parivartan yog. In Parivartan yog, these planets become almost exalted, debilitation gets cancelled and the houses they are in, becomes important. The parivartan yog is always better if none of these planets are in the 6th, 8th or 12th house though. I think the luckiest placement here would be jupiter in 9th, saturn in 11th.
👊 Aries venus men? Why are y'all attracted to women who literally berate you, playfully beat you up and are mean to you??
🍑 I'm sorry but if you are going to involve yourself with a libra woman, know that more often than not, you're going to be "manipulated". This is because a libra woman thinks of manipulation as diplomacy or even a way of getting her way. This doesn't mean it's always negative. Libras understand that manipulation is sometimes done for the other person's good. My best friend is a libra and when I was underweight, she switched from serving me food from a small plate to a larger one to "manipulate" me to eat larger portions of food (more food looks less on larger plates) and I think it's so sweet 🥺❤️. They understand that forcing people to see a perspective is wrong so they try to not come across as forceful. They truly are diplomats of the zodiac.
❤️‍🔥 The 8th house also represents your hidden fears. In my case, I have a lilith there in leo. This sometimes manifests as icking out against leo and scorpio men. I may find them visually appealing but their traits piss me off so much.
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damianstarastrology · 2 months ago
astrology observations 1.26.25
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Moon conjunct ascendant people tend to move away from home at some point in their lives.
Transit Sun and Moon conjunct your ascendant could indicate an upgrade to your living situation; this could include moving homes or making renovations to your current home
Scorpio Venus people tend to only have a few serious partners in life before settling down. These people are fiercly committed and do not feel the need to play the field for long if at all. Messy breakups are common with this placement especially with a square to Mars in Leo/Aquarius
Venus square mars people have intense relationships with others. The relationships modeled for them in childhood effect and shape their early partnerships
Jupiter conjunct ascendant individuals have a strong pallet for aquired tastes; they enjoy eating foods from a variety of cultures
Transit Jupiter in the first house is an auspicious period of life. You will enjoy rich foods, experience beautiful enviornments and financial boosts
Aquarius and Scorpio Rising have likely lived in an apartment or communal living space at some point in their lives. These placements can be indicative of a lack of privacy growing up resulting in hermit-like tendencies in adulthood
Saturn conjunct Venus in the natal chart can inhibits social connection in youth and could indicate an awkward personality especially if aspecting the Sun
Transit Saturn conjunct natal mars is a period of necessary delays, contemplating options and longevity of plans rather than taking actions
Sagittarius Venuses are best suited for partners who are not from their place of origin
I have noticed prominent Aquarius placements in many people who identify as queer/LGBT+. Aquarians thrive on labels from a young age but likely resonate with a different label or evolve to reject labels entirely as they age.
Aquarius Risings are likely to change and evolve in coming years with Pluto crossing their ascendant. This evolution will be the natural progression of the changes you have been taking in recent years
Capricorn Risings have had a difficult time these past few years with Pluto passing through their first house. Friends have been lost, familal relationships changed forever, likely a significant death in the family happened during this time.
Over the next 20 years, Capricorn Sun and Rising will be working toward owning a home and achieving a steady, reliable form of income. By the time Pluto enters Pisces, they will likely have paid off a mortgage and own a property of their own, or they will have inherited a home, property or business
Capricorn Venus usually have a one that got away. They have a difficult time letting go of past partners
Cancer moons love going to the beach. Being near the ocean has a cleansing effect on them
Gemini placements connect with others through humor. They love to laugh at themselves. People get offended when Geminis poke fun at them, but it is all in good humor and harmless. This is just their way of connecting with you
Capricorn Moons can come off as mean spirited but they are actually the opposite; these people are very compassionate and easily hurt, they are accustomed to others disappointing them and so are emotionally guarded and reserved
Having Aries in the 10th/11th house indicates running your own business and/or being your own boss especially if the Sun, Mercury or Venus are in Aries
Sagittarius/Pisces Midheaven and Jupiter conjunct MC/in the 10th house indicates higher education, recieving bachelors, masters, or doctorate degrees
Taurus Suns are easily annoyed by people with big personalities. They can’t stand loudness or obnoxious behavior. They prefer the company of other relaxed, easy going individuals
Sun in the twelfth house tend to randomly disappear from people’s lives without a trace
Sun in the sixth house are recurring characters in others daily lives. They often run into people at the grocery store or out running other errands. A ton of household names are sixth house suns; Charlie Chaplin, Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Gordon Ramsey just to name a few
Moon conjunct Saturn experience seasonal sadness during winter months
Mars in the first house and mars square pluto people are argumentative and intense. They can turn any conversation into a ranting session
Saturn in the third house get their drivers license later than their peers
Neptune conjunct ascendant people have a close connection with the arts. Music, film, media, television, theatre, art and culture vastly shaped/warped their worldview growing up
Uranus conjunct ascendant/in the first house in Aquarius probably had unmonitored internet access growing up
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idllytarott · 10 months ago
astrology observations for sad people
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— the signs who I personally believe are really misunderstood by their peers are often capricorns and aquarius because of their saturnian tendencies where they become the mature, bigger person or are aloof of how they're presenting themselves, they always think they know better or people feel very intimidated by their personalities and, because people don't understand them, they alienate them,
— aries and scorpio as they are very intense, over confident people, other's might feel put-off by them, they can be very controlling and have a "I don't care" kind of personality that doesn't usually goes well with others, their ways of always trying to make themselves clear and understood causes the opposite effect, they are often misjudged as villainous or mean,
— geminis are also put in a place of having to know better, not given a chance or space to mess up as they are very intelligent people and show it, others might have big expectations which are often not met since they prefer to do what makes them happy and makes them curious, they tend to over-inflate themselves, or the opposite, and people take their words too seriously or not at all, very polarizing sign.
— a stellium in 4th can be super difficult to deal with, specially if it falls on not easy planets like mars, or saturn, uranus, or pluto. These people are always dragged back to their family issues no matter how much they try to escape, their parents maybe gave them too much responsibilities as little kids or vented to their child without thinking of the consequences, if these people ever decide to have a family they should always consider if they're doing it because they want to or because it is what's expected of them.
— chiron in social signs as gemini, aquarius and libra feel very alienated at all times, having social interactions is a learning experience for them, whether is good or bad, I also notice people usually get obsessed with them? They don't respect these people¡s space or it could be the other way around, to me is a placement where you'll learn to not be socially inept or teach people how to treat you right for some reason?
— saturn IS a complicated planet, it depends on the person's other planets and aspects how they deal with saturn, a person with moon conjuct saturn has a harder time dealing with their emotions than a capricorn moon. Even when the energies are similar, they don't have the same impact.
— now, a person with a capricornian stellium or dominant does deal with the saturn energy much comfortably than a person with sun trine saturn, because they were born with it. I personally believe you accommodate, or your aspects accommodate to you as you grow and evolve as a person.
— a pisces stellium, specially if is on moon or ascendants, is very perceptive to other's opinion on them, not in a superficial way but more on a "does this person thinks i'm being fair or mean?" Let's not forget the sister sign of Pisces is Virgo, so these signs also share the analytical or more neurotic way of seeing the world. A Pisces Rising is very self-aware of how they come off to people or how they are seen, they might not show it or say anything about it, a Pisces mercury might be self-conscious about how they approach others, how their voice sounds or how they come off when talking.
— I do believe leo's have a harder time being appreciated by people, as they devote to other's so easily they could neglect themselves in the process. Is the kind of person who is always looking out for someone to make happy or to make them feel comfortable because is something they want reciprocated. But this is a thing that can happen to fire signs a lot, they can be overbearing or too kind to people that it ends up backfiring on them, they have a very childlike mentally.
— is true what they say, a 12th house stellium in a natal chart makes the person passive and/or too in their own world, they have premonitions in dreams, but I've also seen these individuals have a really hard time with sleep, they have paranormal experiences a lot that some of them are used to it. They can be in some sort of medication, but not all, and not always these people are medicated or doing substances, they have an easier time to have out-of-body experiences, like lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis, these can occur because these people are super sensitive and get easily drained and stressed. Is important they are taking care of their energy at all times, I've met many that have one, two or more 12th house placement where I've found out some other person has been doing some sort of witchcraft on them, or have a big negative energy that this 12th houser sucks accidentally.
— having a mercurial dominant or rising can be super difficult when it comes to feeling, they tend to rationalize everything too much, are easily distracted and indulgent, they are very, very anxious at all times on all situations, even if they show otherwise. they overthink things too much, are the kind to be incredibly self-aware or completely out of touch with themselves.
— the ascendant aspecting negatively the mercury gives the individual speech impediment or a very shy personality, an almost inaudible voice or a raspy one, people with this placement have a harder time getting their thoughts across, or people might misinterpret them.
— keeping the conversation going, mercury negatively aspecting saturn makes a shy and reserved person, someone who, as a kid or a teen, has problems with being heard, or people simply didn't care or asked for this person's opinions, they might had been very codependent on an adult or somebody else to talk or to get to be seen, as they grow older they learn to communicate rather excellently, they might want to treat their shyness or whatever problem they have with unwanted attention or negligence
— neptune in personal houses like the 1st, 7th, 4th or 10th is really tricky. you might ignore gut feelings bout certain individuals, or on the contrary, believe someone is good when they aren't. these people can be their own worst enemies as they are super perceptive of how they come across to others, or how others make them feel.
— neptune in the 1st is common on actors and models and singers, usually on famous people, because they can create a fantasy of how they want people to see them, or act like chameleons around people, this creates a series of identity crisis during their lives.
— neptune in 7th is prone to feel things that really aren't there? they convince themselves somebody hates them or likes them for just one interaction, these individuals are like a sponge in social situations and they take everything somebody tells them to the heart. they also are known to lie a lot to people on behalf of good manners, they like to be liked.
— neptune in 4th house has a really confusing or unclear family situation, they might adopt the role of the parent when they shouldn't, or are treated as a child even as an adult, something in their family, in what they think is normal growing up, isn't. the most likely to stay in a bad situation for many, many years because they don't know any better, or think it's normal.
— neptune in 10th, although it deals with fame and impersonal relationships, to me, is just as fundamental as the houses listed above. they don't see themselves through their own eyes, or feel like they depend on other's perceptions on themselves too much, they are confident, or pretend it really well. these individuals know how to act the part, how to commit to the bit, they never feel that sense of belonging anywhere, because they might show different parts of their personalities to different people
— for me, the hardest moons to have are capricorn, scorpio and virgo.
— capricorn moon is a strictly analytical sign, they don't feel comfortable in the moon as is where the emotions and insecurities shine the most.
— scorpio moon is a very intense sign, as opposite to the Capricorn, they can be super emotional, or completely numb, very extremist and their emotions are black or white, polarizing.
— virgo moon is extremely difficult, they don't like to have to feel things, they like to think and act with precaution and it's hard for them to let their emotions slip, the kind of friend who'd have the most practical advice to all sort of topics, a helpful hand in all situations, but when it comes to them as individuals, they let themselves be too much, their head is always at a thousand percent. From what I've gathered of this moon is that, yes, they are neurotic when it comes to certain things, but completely careless to others, and it's usually to themselves, you won't ever see a Virgo moon misbehave or dress bad, but they can hold a lot of suppressed shame or anger or sadness, like they tie it with a bow in a box and keep it locked.
— lastly, no aspect or moon or sign is bad, they are just more difficult than others, there are people with easy aspects, like sun sextile or trine jupiter, they are prone to idealization and inferiority complexes. it's true that a person that has the harmonious aspects is lazier or gets unmotivated way easier. nothing is really set in stone, you can have a moon conjunct saturn and a cancer mercury in 9th house, your way of expressing yourself is more reserved, but optimistic and even childlike. when it comes to astrology, every single aspect and sign, and house counts to describe a person.
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scorpihoe1111 · 1 year ago
Astrology Observations-Part 2🌙
Having both Taurus and Aries placements in a chart can indicate someone who enjoys pressuring/embarrassing people when underdeveloped. These people can be actual bullies towards others when they’re at their worst.
Gemini rising’s/Mercury in the 1H look younger than they actually are.
Scorpio rising women are sometimes shorter than average while Scorpio rising men are taller than average.
8H moon’s can have dreams about scenarios that end up happening IRL.
Capricorn Rising’s usually have a skinny/bony appearance.
Whatever sign and house Saturn is in your chart can tell you what other people’s karma is for messing with you. Ex: Taurus Saturn in 7H? Taurus is a Venusian sign so it rules over beauty/appearance as well as luxury and money and the 7H signifies relationships, partnerships and marriage etc. Their karma may be their physical appearance looking uglier, plus going broke as well as their relationships/love life going downhill.
People with Scorpio in the 6H may prone to UTI’s/yeast infections or very heavy and painful monthly periods.
Cancer Rising’s may attract a lot of jealousy because of how intelligent they are (Gemini 12H)
Aries Rising men are usually buff and naturally muscular in appearance.
Aquarius in the 11H can attract multiple friend groups from all walks of life way more easily than the average person.
Pisces Moon/Venus are a lot more skilled in manifesting the things they want than they think they are.
Venus/Libra in the 12H can signify a lot more people than you think having a crush on you/being attracted to you. Your secret admirers just keep it to themselves because they assume you already know and don’t wanna boost your ego.
Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn rising women consistently attract men who neg them as a way of trying to get them to notice them.
Sagittarius placements (esp mercury) are blunt and rude in their speech but they don’t mean any harm by it, they just say whatever they’re thinking.
Virgo placements on the other hand are also blunt, but they over analyze every encounter and conversation they have so they usually know what’s rude to say and what’s not. So if a Virgo’s saying shady things towards you, they mean it.
Libra Venus’ can not remain in a relationship if there isn’t constant flirting. It’s also important not to let yourself go if you’re in a relationship with them because they are visual asf.
12H sun’s rarely get acknowledgment for the good they do but get a lot of attention for the mistakes they make.
12H suns can also be kind of gullible and naive growing up.
Mercury in the 2H usually don’t like to talk about things that aren’t factual or don’t benefit them in some way.
Mars in the 12H can be prone to high blood pressure due to internalizing their anger most of the time.
Venus in the 1H are very attractive, even if not conventionally handsome/pretty there’s something very aesthetically pleasing about their facial features and their overall vibe.
Venus in 1H can also do no wrong in the eyes of the public. Basically pretty privilege.
Same goes for Pisces Risings ⬆️ they usually get away with a lot due to their innocent demeanor.
Your moon sign is usually a prominent sign in your mother’s chart.
Saturn in the 8H might not lose their virginity until later in life, or at least not as soon as their peers.
Your rising sign can tell you what everyone was feeling or what was going on during the time of your birth.
Leo women have this tendency of leaving or cheating on men who are good to them for guys who are terrible people. (Not all Leo women of course, but I’ve seen soooo many Leo girls do this)
Pisces men are very, very confusing. The type of person to be married for years with kids and still try to keep up with what you got going on in your life.
Cancer in the 12H usually have issues with women/mother in their life.
Aries Venus prefer the chase more than the actual relationship.
Scorpio/8H placements have an inherent fear of their spouse/loved ones dying.
Pisces mars are freakier in bed than most people think.
Moon sextile Neptune manifest through their dreams a lot.
Sun in the 5H is someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and prefers fun over responsibility a lot of the time.
Mars in Scorpio are more revengeful and unforgiving than any other Scorpio placement honestly. These people can get revenge and still not be happy.
Mars in Sagittarius usually have lots of flings and hookups throughout their life.
TW!: Some underdeveloped Virgo men have a weird tendency to actually want to harm women mentally and emotionally. They’re not the type to just break up with a partner and move on, they usually want to make the breakup as fucked up as possible so the thought of them remains in the persons mind forever. I’ve met over 6 Virgo men who’s admitted to this before and the girl didn’t even do anything wrong in the relationship, they just didn’t wanna be with her anymore but didn’t want her to forget them.
Capricorn women usually have very long, flowing luscious hair.
Part 3 coming soon 🌪️
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astrogre · 1 year ago
Astro observations 2
Disclaimer: I would like to confirm that my observations are the niche ways in which a placement may manifest, it is the way I’ve noticed it in others, the people around me, celebrities, myself and in my studies. It is not the doctrine wide broad way the placement occurs for everyone.
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Jupiter 7H can have a reputation of wanting EVERYONE. Anyone with a pulse, they like everyone, usually their dating history is so diverse that if you put all their love interests in a room together it would be the most strangest group of people. Drake has this placement and he is known for wanting, going on dates with or having a relationship with Nicki minaj, Ice Spice, Jorja smith, JLo, Kylie Jenner, Tyra Banks, Sza, Hailey Beiber, Serena Williams, literally everyone. Marilyn Monroe also has this placement and people would say the same about her. With this placement it can make the native have interest with a lot of people. You can have plenty of potential partners.
Having 12H placements Sun especially can make you feel like your gifts, talents, purpose or whatever planet topic is in it, was made for others. Like serving an ungrateful, complaining customer that ends up eating the entire plate anyway. You individually may not be selfless but it feels like the planet in the 12H benefits others and not you. It feels like a fire that burns to keep others warm.
Conjuncts to the MC (planets and asteroid) show what you are most known for in the workplace, what you’re like at your best self too. Any placements conjunct to MC show what you are like at the peak of your life and how you act in your career and what are known for in your career. That’s how MC can indicate what your career is because it focuses on who you are at your best and how others see you in the workplace and go off from there. Eg. Aquarius MC conjunct Uranus and Webb may indicate you being tech savvy at your best self so astrologers may assume you’re in tech industry or well known online, but you can still be for an example a doctor that aids in treatment with technology, your MC sign doesn’t mean you exclusively work in the industry the sign represents, it just shows you the way you work in the industry you pursue
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Neptune 1st housers may look completely different to their parents. Like you can see a hint of their parents features on their face but they don’t look that much like them. They can be born with features that are contrary to their birth parents like red hair and blue eyes in an all brunette family. Or it can be a subtle difference like they appear as if they’re from a different country, people guess their ethnicity incorrectly like all the time.
With Neptune 1st house There is nothing particularly special about these natives physical appearance in particular, they MAKE themselves special. The way they carry their physical body and animate it, is what makes these people so different and admired. They’re like puppeteers for their physical bodies. This is a continuous pattern I’ve seen, like if you just saw these people on the street sure -you’d think they’re pretty.. but not necessarily “otherworldly”, what makes these individuals perceived as such is the way they control/express their behavior. I have noticed Neptune here makes people VERY controlling over their appearances, it does make me question if Neptune is a subtly secretly controlling planet, if it manipulates subconsciously, like a child conveniently stepping on other’s sandcastles when running on the beach so they don’t have to wait their turn for the buckets, these natives can accidentally bring about their ideal version of themselves to reality and everyone is like who is this??? It’s more so like they customised their avatar in their head and showed it to everyone here in the physical plane. It’s like they made themselves a game characters in a world full of civilian people, that’s why they’re so unique looking, it’s because they wrote themselves .
Unpopular opinion but Scorpio Venus isn’t a fun sexy placement that everyone hypes it up to be. It can make you constantly end up in relationships that have weird power dynamics and are just unhealthy. You may struggle to be in a soft loving relationship because it’s not intense enough but that just leads you/partners to manipulate and themes of control in your relationship. Sure, it may be considered“hot” but not healthy. Not love.
Also another thing I’ve realised with this placement, feminine natives attracted to men PLEASE don’t intentionally flirt with someone. You’re already so intense and magnetic without realising it that if you intentionally flirt with men it’s so extreme like a 0-100, that it can overwhelm/scare them because of how predatory it may feel 💀. If a man isn’t pursuing you, he’s not interested because your always appealing and screaming out a mating call even if your physically doing nothing.
Lilith opposite moon natives can have mothers who impose traditional lifestyle and beliefs on the native. For an example the mother may be controlling and imposing her ideas of humbleness, modesty, and traditional masculinity/femininity on the child. Defensive, like she is everything but a mother herself but subjects you to standards she cannot even amount to.
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Uranus 2H feel like everything that makes them feel good and safe can be taken away in an instance. These people KNOW what it’s like to have the things they love abruptly taken from them over and over again by others or by nature, until they may even struggle to value the great things they have anymore. 2H rules your values and self worth, for these natives it gets to an extent where they don’t even value themselves because once they finally start to accept themselves they’re shown a perspective to them that they cannot accept.
It is said that the degree of a placement shows which age that planets energy starts to become active. Not sure how true that is but when you look at your natal chart, try keeping it in mind for yourself and look back to when you first had an experience under the themes of that planet. E.g for sun, when and what age did you feel seen, Venus who and how old were you for your first love or romantic partner
Sun conjunct Lilith. People with this placement may deal with their fathers highlighting the most non conforming features of themselves, the smallest of things you do will be escalated, this can manifest as slut shaming, being degraded for the way you are because you’re not “soft”, making you out to be like a chaotic mess, villainising you. Imagine having a loud snitch exposing your most “cancellable” traits. Britney Spears has this exact placement and I went to test if my hypothesis is true:
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For Britney this placement is in the 3rd house which rules communication, hence why her father made comments about her like this, but say if it was in the 2nd house it could be done by a father providing less for his child because he deems them unworthy due to their non-traditional traits. This illumination of shame is done by the themes of the house this aspect is in.
All the Sagittarius influenced natives I meet always play a loud an instrument. I’ve seen it in Sagittarius suns especially and also in sag stelliums. I have no idea why, but they always do. They play things like drums, electric guitar. I’ve also seen that they can play piano and other instruments but it’s actually not their main instrument to play and if it’s not instruments they have an interest in LOUD hobbies, like cars.
Pluto in 11th house can have one of those character AI boyfriends, be in a relationship with their NPC rpg girlfriend/boyfriend, or they can just straight up play otome games and deeply feel like they have a connection to the character, these are the kind to marry their VR chat girlfriend and play mystic messenger.
Also Pluto 11Hs if your dreams and ambitions were to be vocalised to your peers, they may find you egotistical or someone to watch out for. You are a BIG dreamer. It’s giving Azula. I think Pluto 11H natives learn to keep their ideas to themselves if they want to be successful.
Natives with Aphrodite (1388) in 1st house, when describing you people may argue on the appearance or how you may present yourself as, or who they believe you are, alike to when the men witnessed Aphrodite in mythology, they would say “she had beautiful blonde hair and a soft voice” and another man would scream at him and say “nay, she was a red haired bold aggressive woman who goes for what she wants” this is because the men see what they want to see in her, they see their ideal beauty, but can both identify it’s the same person. When they see her in person at the same time they will only see what they think she is and will not be able to see her for herself. Could indicate in your reputation, you are idolised like Aphrodite but only being liked for your beauty/the persona they project on you.
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Saturn 3rd house can make you have siblings that whip you up into shape, being a catalyst or aid to your best self, whether in a harsh way or a progressive way it depends on the sign. E.g Billie Eilish has this placement and her brother Finneas is a key aid to her success today by being the one who writes her music, and Kylie Jenner has this in Aries but her sister Kendall was her competition, worst critic, extremely condescending and critical of her body, her image, her skills even making fun of her for having lip injections in interviews etc which forced Kylie to feel insecure changing everything about herself but lead her to the popularity she has today.
Scorpio Mars isn’t a fun placement either, so many say that these natives are blessed, after all, Mars is in rulership, it gives them will power, survival instinct and makes them a shark. But people don’t discuss how being a Scorpio Mars can make you hurt others further than intended, it’s like tactically pulling the jenga block excited for your opponents next go but instead- you make the entire tower fall on your their face, they hurt themselves crying and the game ends bitterly. You won but at what cost? You can overestimate what people can take, and inevitably your loved ones may become the sorry victim of your sting. I think deep down Scorpio Mars natives know how much they hurt people and sometimes wish they weren’t so intense. I always think of Omni man from invincible having this placement.
Was working as an external motivational speaker for a school and this Gemini Sun teacher was so prim and proper, he’d sit crossing his legs and always be making sure students were extremely well behaved listening for anyone talking like this:
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I’d say rather strict. He was timely, efficient hated tardiness and I knew he was a bloody mercurial with that prestige desk organisation and flick of fingers while typing (such sass),I thought he was a Virgo but, when I pried to get his birthday (which was very difficult as he was professional and loved etiquette). He was actually a Gemini Sun. Gemini suns you guys have the goofiest of smiles and energy but you can be scary to work under. It’s SO funny how differently Gemini suns treat those on the same authority standing as them compared to the ones they’re supposed to oversee. They’re like 👨‍⚖️🔎⏰ as a boss, but personally like: 🌸😃🌈 to their colleagues. You guys also have very snappy and sassy comebacks to disrespect it’s hilarious to watch outside looking in how you even come up with such remarks. I’ve also noticed you guys can be sucky and adoring towards your bosses, but strangely it works.
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Capricorn MC, how does it feel to live my dream?? People with this placement are the most high earning, most dominant or the most respected and well known person in their field. Whether it be politics, modelling, office, technology, teaching, literally everything.. if you have Capricorn MC the way you handle your work is with an extreme amount of meticulous efforts. You go through the small print terms and conditions, execute the process with full clarity which is what makes you guys so successful. You don’t fuck around, Examples of people with this placement are Martin Luther King, David Beckham, Kendall Jenner, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Heath Ledger, Nikola Tesla, Jeff Bezos, Alexander the Great. Notice how they’re all contenders for the title “Greatest of all time” in the fields they’re in. When they say that Saturns influence makes you established and remembered throughout history, it’s true. With Capricorn MC, you’re probably the first to set a record in the work you do and will be remembered as one of the foundations of the future.
I don’t want to reinforce stereotypes about Pisces moon. However, I’ve noticed that you really shouldn’t jokingly insult these guys. I think it’s because of their inclination to read between the lines and the underlying meaning of words that are said. They really don’t take criticism very well because they pick up the hidden meanings, e.g I once lived with one and he jokingly told me he’s going to lock me out of his room so that I don’t rob him and then I asked in all seriousness“why would I rob you?” And he was hurt and explained it’s because my question suggested that i thought he didn’t have nice clothes. (Which is true, im not interested in menswear nor his style). Perhaps this is a me thing though because im rather forthright with what I say. Maybe Pisces moons aren’t so sensitive, maybe we’re just cruel to them.
Also these natives are incredibly intelligent in terms of understanding emotions. I’ve noticed that they can easily grasp why certain people do certain things which is what makes them known to be “empathetic or forgiving” but it’s really because the concept of deep and complex emotions isn’t difficult for them to grasp. They’re like the Einsteins of human nature. And when I speak of empathy, that doesn’t mean they they can do no wrong, that’s a common misconception about Pisces moon, there are bad people within every placement but strangely Pisces moons if they are “bad” end up being forgiven for it because they garner sympathy from others. E.g Kim Jong-un, Edgar Allen Poe, Kesha, Coco Chanel, Kendrick Lamar, Vanessa Hudgens, Hilary Clinton, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Kanye West, Michelle Obama.
Fama (408) conjunct Mercury can indicate being well known for your ideas and thoughts, they can stand out or perhaps the way you communicate them does. You have an attractive mind that garners attention from many, people love to hear what you have to say, it’s like being lady wistledown from bridgerton. Ben Shapiro is an example of someone with this placement. He speaks very fast and is a famous conservative speaker engaging in debates with political royalty.
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Ascendant conjunct Chiron forever being attacked for their appearance really saddens me. These natives can be treated normally but then once they do something that others don’t like, their appearance will be promptly targeted. E.g Margot Robbie (brutally called mid because male viewers didn’t appreciate her in the Barbie movie), Peter Dinklage (think he complained about dwarfism being represented in cinema but I can imagine he must have also grown up with a lot of unkind words), Priyanka Chopra (people coming for her when she married a Jonas brother), Selena Gomez (I don’t even know why but people attack her for her body apparently), Abraham Lincoln (this man wanted to free slaves I bet they made caricatures of him during the 1800s).
Venus in 10H, why is your relationship a Google search away. Everything we know about your love life is against our will. I know you love your partner but please. These natives can end up telling on themselves about the nature of their relationships. Examples: Jayda Smith (red table), Johnny Depp ( his released audio recordings), Billie Eilish (made a whole documentary about her relationship to her ex boyfriend) David Bowie (spoke pleasantly of his wife Iman any chance he got in many interviews), Kristen Stewart (cheating at award ceremonies).
Aries Mercury people are extremely motivational, they really know how to make others do something simply by their words, it can be for the bad or for the good E.g The rock (Dwayne Johnson) , Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Queen Elizabeth II, Amber Heard, Mark Zuckerberg, Al Pacino, William Shakespeare. These natives can make an understaffed workforce win the battle because they remembered what you said, they’re usually quoted and the people with this placement can have really empowering but simple one liners that make you want to beat on your chest like King Kong and seize the day. Very influential and honestly the best people to have a pep talk from.
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astroismypassion · 5 months ago
Astrology observations 🫖 ☕️ 🫖
Credit: @astroismypassion
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🫖 Capricorn Moon native, I noticed, go not literally after older people, but those that are more ADVANCED in life than them. They go for someone who has is almost finishing high school, when they just started out. Or for someone who is already in college or going for masters, when they have started college. Later, in adulthood, these native hang with people or go for a partner that has higher salary than them, has a better positioned or better paying job.
🫖 Yes, I would agree with astrology community about Cancer Sun men being prone to go for younger women than them. But I beg to differ, this is only, if they don't have Aquarius/Capricorn influence in their Natal chart. Such as if they have Sun Uranus aspect, Capricorn IC, Capricorn/Aquarius Moon, Venus at an Aquarius/Capricorn degree or in the 10th or 11th house.
🫖 Planet Neptune in astrology in general indicates where you are likely to experience confusion, the things you are unclear about or area about which you have misconceptions. But in more simplistic astrology, to me this planet literally explains »things you don't know about«. Neptune in the 2nd house: you don't know how high of a salary you want or you don't know your values, because you haven't consciously thought about that before. Neptune in the 5th house: you don't know how your ideal date would look like. Neptune in the 7th house: you don't know which kind of committed partner you desire. Neptune in the 12th house: you don't know what to do with yourself in your alone time/when you are just by yourself. Neptune in the 1st house: you don’t know your full, real identity, personality.
🫖 Capricorn Moon/Saturn in the 4th house/Moon Saturn aspect native, I would argue even some with Aquarius Moon, Moon Uranus aspect, have really minimalistic room, with little décor, not much colour, because at home their personality was restricted or wasn’t fully allowed to be express due to parental figures often overpowering them. So as a result, their own room lacks character, personality, it can look dull or lifeless.
🫖 I noticed in real life, there is always Scorpionic influence over the Moon, in people who form and join a friend squad or form a close-knit group of friends. But then I found a famous celebrity example. In friend circle of Taylor Swift (so called Taylor’s Squad in mid-2010) all had Scorpionic Moons. Actress Hailee Steinfeld, who was part of Taylor’s Squad has Moon at 8 (Scorpio) degree, model Gigi Hadid has Moon at 20 (Scorpio) degree, model Ruby Rose has Moon trine Pluto, actress Sarah Hyland has Moon square Pluto, singer Lorde has Moon quintile Pluto.
🫖 If you have both Pisces and Aries over a relationship house, such as over the 7th house, even dating house the 5th house, but also over more emotional houses such as 4th, 8th house, but also 2nd house, you might say or think about yourself that you are a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, when in fact I noticed these natives desire a partner who will go along with whatever they suggest. So someone flexible and compromising. These people take it personally, if you don’t accept or like their suggestion, like they start questioning, if you are even “their person”, their soulmate.
🫖 No one talks about how Venus Saturn aspect/Capricorn Venus/Venus in the 10th house/Venus at a Capricorn degree (10, 22) people are really tough on themselves and daily put a lot of pressure on themselves in all areas of their life. They rarely enjoy life and just let loose before the first Saturn Return (so before the age of 30). These people don’t play about their ambition. They put in as much work as possible before the age of 30. One celebrity example singer Selena Gomez (Venus at 10 (Capricorn) degree) talked about how she took everything so seriously in her life, career and rarely took time off just for herself.
🫖 Pisces Moon/Moon Neptune aspect/Moon at a Pisces degree (12, 24), even Pisces Venus, natives actually desire a “low maintenance” partner, someone that actually doesn’t need them that much in their life. So someone who will give them a lot of space, will be independent in their own life, not needing always being together, will be okay with not answering messages right away and with occasional ghosting. But they are most often masking that wish with having high standards or being non-committal.
🫖 Libra Venus natives are overlooked for how progressive they actually are! These people truly desire an EQUAL partner on all levels (financial, physical, career, family). For example, men with this placement, might not feel treated with their partner earns more than them. They pick up household chores, cooking, cleaning at home and don’t mind it.
🫖 I always recommend people when they feel challenged by a sign, to look at the opposite sign of that particular sign for guidance, help or what to do to better themselves. For example, you feel challenged by your Aries Moon that you have in your Natal chart. Look at Libra, what you need to work on the most in order to have better quality connections with family, close friends and lovers is to become more flexible, create balance within, become more compromising, diplomatic, cooperative and a better listener. And you can do that with every personal planet position in your Natal chart.
🫖 Forget Leo Venus, they are not compliment-starved, but have you seen Pisces Moon/Pisces Venus? It’s under-rated how much these people want to be complimented, acknowledged and appreciated, their whole vibes changes, if you compliment them.
🫖 The more I look into astrology with the time that goes by, the more I realize what we already are, what we are used to is represented by our Moon sign. We grow into traits of our Sun sign in adulthood and grow more comfortable with the traits of our Rising sign after the age of 30. For example, you have Aries Moon, you already know you struggle with motivation, you might be used to not finishing projects, you are used to conflict, tension and irritation in your environment. If you have Cancer Sun, you are only now learning how to healthy express and show emotions. If you have Sagittarius Rising, you will be more open, spontaneous, travel more, educate yourself more after the age of 30.
🫖 If you struggle with purpose, meaning in your life or with making major life decisions, always work with your North Node. Look at North Node like direction or guidance. For example: you want to return to college, higher education at an older age, but you’re scared if you want to do it or not. Then you see you have Virgo/Gemini/Sagittarius North node or North Node in the 3rd/6th/9th house, Jupiter North Node aspect or North Node at Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius degree (3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 27) in your Natal chart. You totally should do it, because it’s part of your life purpose shown by your North Node, NN shows what you feel your purpose in this lifetime is deep in your soul.
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Credit: @astroismypassion
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astro-tag-9 · 11 months ago
Placements that for better or for worse become “all in” when in love
- Cancer moon
- 7th/8th house sun
- Libra Venus
- Taurus Sun
- Cancer Mars
- 1st/6th/7th/9th house Venus
- Capricorn Jupiter/Mars
- Scorpio/Libra/Cancer stellium
- Taurus Venus/Moon
- 4th/5th/7th/12th house Lilith
- Aries moon
- Libra Sun
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astrolovecosmos · 4 months ago
Notes about parental and family influences and interpretations throughout different areas in astrology.
Sun - Your relationship with your father or parent who shapes your personality/identity and confidence, ability to lead a household, pride in family or children.
Moon - Your relationship with your mother or parent who nurtures your inner self or emotions, maternal instincts, your inner mothering/healing/nurturing abilities, how you may behave as a mother/parent.
Venus - An uncommon way to look at the planet is how you are taught self-love and/or how to love others. There may be an emphasis on learning this from your mother or feminine family member, but aspects and house placement could change this.
Jupiter - Due to its connection to Zeus/Jupiter being the head of the pantheon and its connection to divinity it can be looked at as a moral guide or spiritual guide. Some connect this to ideas around fatherhood.
Saturn- The parent who acts as an authority figure and/or disciplinarian, typically associated with fathers. How you react to authority figures.
Ceres- The asteroid of caregiving and nurturing, this shouldn't be ignored when considering mothers/motherhood/parenthood.
Demeter - Can indicate the bond between a mother and child. Also has connections to fertility. Also connected to relationship to food, resources, nature, finances, and nurturing.
Juno - The asteroid of marriage, attachment, intimacy, soulmates.
Hera - Associated with marriage and childbirth. Also associated with jealousy and manipulation within romance/marriage.
Frigga - Associated with loyalty to family and spouses/partners.
Zeus- An asteroid that gives greater detail into your father's influence or your influence as a parent. Can talk about parent or father figures outside of your birth parent. Also it can give insight into the more dramatic dynamics among your family. Also has connections to fertility.
1st House - The house of potential, usually heavily focused on the self, this could be a place where expectations can be looked at from a family view. But ultimately this house will always be all about YOU, and not others. This could be looked at as your own expectations which can be influenced by family or not. Associated with birth.
3rd House - Siblings, extended family, neighbors, community.
4th House - House of family, home, roots, ancestry, hometowns, and motherhood/parenthood.
5th House - House of children, pride, legacy, creation, pregnancy, and experiences as a parent.
7th House - Marriage, romantic partnerships, partnerships of all kinds.
10th House - House of parental figures, authority figures, how you learn to be part of society and the public sphere, and your parent's expectations.
*10th House/Saturn - Has connections to grandparents.
11th House/Uranus - Can be used to interpret "found family" and adoption or fostering. The 11th House in particular speaks to community, your "village", your tribe, and your friendships.
12th House - Family karma, family secrets, the womb.
Aries- Usually known as the baby or child of the zodiac but has also been used as a symbol for fathers in some instances (typically connecting back to leadership traits).
Cancer - Strong ties to motherhood, the "maternal" sign.
Leo- Strong ties to fatherhood and is usually considered the most "paternal" sign.
Capricorn - Has strong ties to parents in general with debated, complex associations to fathers and mothers. Is associated with authority figures. Is sometimes used to describe the "father" especially when in comparison to Cancer, the "mother". (Cancer/4th House can be used for grandmothers and Capricorn/10th House for grandfathers)
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multidimensionalguidance · 5 months ago
Leo ASC/Sun/Moon, 1H Sun, 9H Sun, Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, and Uttara Ashadha
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lil-tomi · 29 days ago
1st House Observations:
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I've been reading more about the Houses and wanted to provide some observations! Writing these have been so helpful as I learn more and more about astrology 🫶
Aries ♈️ in 1st: overzealous and immature in the best way possible, they let their inner child be their guide in a beautiful way
Taurus ♉️ in 1st: personifies the color green, they probably hike, or do raw clay pottery or some shit, they're truly earthy if it's also their Sun ☀️
Gemini ♊️ in 1st: I'm lowkey threatened by these people, their aura is haunting and they are better than me at literally everything
Cancer ♋️ in 1st: someone who gives off an artsy vibe but is actually very logical and reason based in their thinking, usually cute
Leo ♌️ in 1st: okay ngl, they're kind of annoying, but I love these people, they have the energy of laughter, a cool summers day, & peaches
Virgo ♍️ in 1st: they are so tense or so chill, there's literally no in-between, they also are not easily readable, they keep their cards close
Libra ♎️ in 1st: straight up superhumans, they know their shit in whatever field they're in, they have a great sense of personal style also
Scorpio ♏️ in 1st: the absolute worst version of Scorpio, double red flag 🚩 if it's also their Sun ☀️ or Venus, sorry not sorry what can I say tbh
Sagittarius ♐️ in 1st: I want y'all to be able to livestream your thoughts, cause I need to know everything, so intelligent and wise
Capricorn ♑️ in 1st: sometimes, I really think you guys just need to take a step back and breath, you take stuff too serious, just relax ok?
Aquarius ♒️ in 1st: the artistic vision of these people is like no other, they are fluid in any role and wear many hats, underrated leadership style
Pisces ♓️ in 1st: they have Alice in Wonderland vibes, frequently overlooked, just wants to chill with their cat, generally confused
Empty: they are usually anxious as hell, even if they don't show it
Here some other more general observations ~
People with their Sun ☀️ Sign in the 1st house have a really strong sense of self and identity, they know their shit, they know where they've been and they know where they're going, if you share similar values and ideals keep this person close
Moon 🌙 Sign in the 1st house people also know themselves well but they are not people who typically make friends easily, they may try but they also struggle with rejection
Having your Jupiter and/or Mars in the 1st house makes for great parents, strong teachers, and generally reliable people
Venus in the 1st house are fucking supermodels for sure, but stop asking them about their skincare routine, that shit was blessed by god
North Node in the 1st house people are often preoccupied with fame, achievement, and attention, when their efforts aren't successful they are the worst people to be around
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alfascorpiionux · 18 days ago
Astro notes ~ part 3
Aquarius Sun: can be surprisingly self-sacrificing. They are private people who let only very few select people close. The evolved version of this placement is very sweet if a little clumsy and devoted, sometimes to the wrong people.
Libra Sun: much like Leo Sun, could be quite vain, perhaps not in as pronounced of a manner, but for sure there is a sense of entitlement, at least on the intellectual front. Indecisive in love and probably keep their options open for some time.
Aries Moons: could be quite shy and indecisive. They could be bottling up their emotions and then explode, depending on other placements.
Especially the woman may feel the need to temper her own intensity/reactions if she feels it’s not received well. Or she may simply not have had the chance to openly discuss what she really feels. Either way, the intensity is there and they can’t hide what they feel forever. From what I’ve noticed, these natives definitely have a mind of their own and are quite independent.
Virgo Mercuries: you’re very good at explaining things aren’t you? People may look for you if they need guidance as you are very patient and methodical and definitely like learning things more in depth. You explain things in a manner everybody understands.
However, it may be difficult for you to express what you really feel or you don’t want to seem vulnerable. It’s okay to be less cerebral and precise and let go once in a while. Allow yourself some drama/chaos. Very few things in life are as we’d imagine them. Don’t close yourself off. There might be people wishing to be there for you but you don’t let them.
Pisces Mars: do you realise your laid-back, “always-go-with-the-flow” attitude pisses others off? Many time they might not know where to place you. You might be super hard-working and still people may judge you for seemingly not doing enough. You are creative and spiritual which attracts others but at the same time your passive-aggressiveness, or victim mentality are off-putting. Conflict is necessary at times. It helps us learn from our own mistakes and those of others and facilitates our growth. Don’t avoid it. Also, don’t seek the most roundabout way to get what you want. Sometimes asking for it is enough.
Aquarius Mercury: there is a real possibility of speech difficulties being present. The native has many ideas but finds it difficult to put them into words. There is a “fizzy” quality to the way they speak. They can get super passionate about certain topics and amaze others with the knowledge they accumulate, the theories they develop or conclusions they reach.
Favours facts, reason and logic in their communication over emotional expression. They may be huge nerds, give off mad scientist vibes or be the loners always lost in their thoughts.
Many personal planets in 2nd house: your property is your little baby, yes? With this placement there is a real possibility of falling into greed. You certainly want to make money and have one or multiple nice properties to go home to. A lot more than other people do. You are a hard worker and provider for your family.
Depending on other placements, giving and/or receiving gifts could be your love language. You love having your own money (lots of it!) and spending it to your heart’s content. You could totally be into business and make a successful entrepreneur. Be careful though: never let your goal of making money overshadow everything else in your life. Personal relationships: love, family, friendships are very important. Stop putting them at the very end of your priorities list.
Many personal planets in 10th house (especially Sun, Mercury, Mars): you are the definition of a hard-worker. You love doing things right, if possible excellently. Praise and gratitude in your profesional life please you like few other things can. Sure, you work to get money, but more than anything it’s because you feel it’s your responsibility to handle. Like your job gives special meaning to your life. Makes you different from the rest of the world in a good way.
Work troubles, failures could affect you more than other people, shaking your belief in yourself and your abilities. Same as with 2nd house placements, or maybe even more: take a very good look at your priorities list. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you don’t need relationships. Because you know you don’t really believe it either. Make space for people to enter your life and to get to know you and be with you. Living for your career alone is a lonesome and ultimately unsatisfying path.
Mercury in 3rd house: communication plays an important role in your life, for better or for worse. If you are a good at expressing yourself then it’s a gift and blessing. If not, then it’s a horrid curse. The way you express yourself has a strong impact on those around you. Stop denying the obvious. Being an introvert and a recluse doesn’t excuse tardiness in communication and leaving things up to misinterpretation. It only creates headaches for everybody involved, including yourself!
There is a real potential to become a charismatic, witty, sharp-minded individual with this position as well as a good multitasker. You’re an adaptable and very curious learner who needs mental stimulation. You may find it easier than others to learn new languages.
Lilith in 5th house | Saturn in 1st, 5th, 7th house | Aspects between Saturn an Venus/Mars: you may reject physical affection or feel a diminished need for it. You may also have an unusual relationship to physical touch, needing it in surprising moments, or just in specific ways.
Chiron in 8th house: attracts situations and people that hurt them one way or another. A deeply karmic placement. The wounds are centered around intimacy, trust, shared-resources, loss and transformation. You may find it very hard to trust people and let them close. You fear losing the people close to you. There could be struggles with power and control in your personal relationships. In order to heal, doing shadow work and spiritual practices is a good choice. You could use crystals, music, energy healing or whatever resonates with you the most. Also redefining what intimacy means to you is of special importance.
Lilith in Leo: could attract toxic people in love, individuals who don’t value them for the beautiful souls they actually are. Power struggles are possible.
On the upside, they are very charismatic, individualistic and captivating people with plenty of creativity. There is an authoritative air to the way they carry themselves. They have amazing style and always feel the need to look strong in public. They have a strong ego and are quite stubborn. They love getting plenty of attention, though they might not admit it’s true.
A person with Lilith in Leo probably had one or both parents who very emotionally distant/neglectful and it could indicate having a highly strict, even dictatorial father.
Instead of constantly looking for validation outside, look inside of yourself. You are worthy exactly the way you are, you charming soul. You need not prove a thing to anyone or get anybody’s attention. It’s a foul tarp that’ll make you sink lower the further you try to move. Other people’s opinion of you it’s just an opinion and that’s all. How do you actually see yourself? What is truly of importance in your life? Those are questions you should ask yourself.
1st house Lilith: a conflicting relationship when it comes to body image, self-expression, self-confidence or your sexuality. Since childhood you may have felt rejected by other people and not because you said or did anything upsetting but just by the virtue of being yourself. It’s like they can sense the rebellious, wild energy you embody and feel intimidated by it. You may feel like you don’t really fit in with any group of people. Being shy, insecure and having weak boundaries in childhood could be very likely.
Body-image issues: people might be making many comments about your body or you might feel insecure about the way you like, constantly feeling like you could look better it’s not enough. Generally this placement is said to give a very beautiful and attractive body with darker eyes and hair.
Many people likely feel attracted to you and your presence definitely makes itself known in a room.
Self-expression issues: you may find that people purposefully ignore what you say or are pissed when you open your mouth even to ask a simple question. You may feel very insecure about your voice or the way you express yourself. You may find it very difficult to find people on the same wavelength as you and building authentic and close relationships also might not come easily.
Self-confidence and boundaries: they are usually developed as the native grows in age. In youth these people can be quite shy.
On the upside: you exude uniqueness, wild and raw sexual energy and you definitely have a magnetic presence that draws others in.
The key with this Lilith placement is to accept yourself and stand up for yourself no matter what. Have confidence in your worth as a person and strong boundaries. Never let anybody disrespect you. Not once. It could otherwise become a habit. Many people will like you while others will hate you. It’s just the way it is. Might as well accept that you are different from others, embrace it and make the absolute best out of it.
Thanks for reading!! Hope my observations resonate with you. Would love to chat you guys.😄🩷
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richlyfe · 1 year ago
Defensive astrology observations 👹
- If they have a Pisces moon make sure their not a addict or alcoholic you can’t save them 🫶🏽 also can’t be alone always in a relationship
- if their planets fall in your 12th house…Run save yourself Sun, moon, Venus, Rising. Be prepared for the ride of your life. Bright side painful lessons for spiritual growth.
- moon and pluto negatively aspecting in synastry can be intense but get really toxic
- Mars in Aries avoid fights you’ll most likely end up with a scar on your face.
- Lilith dominants be careful with your romantic partners because they become obsessed and possessive with you which can be dangerous they might take you out 🪦. Never break up with people in person and never tell people when your leaving just go.
- if your friend is a Gemini Sun Women noticed they are really competitive with women. Low vibration ones crave male attention/ validation and hate when other women around them receive it. Gemini low key incestous.
- Libra Moon people a friend to all a friend to none type.
- Pisces suns use vulnerability and sweetness and their good reputation to reel people in…this is fake weakness Pisces Suns are the experts in emotional manipulation. Will use tears, guilt, gifts etc. Great at making you feel your the only one but always have backups. Pisces sun : Appear weak when they are strong
Random Pisces tend to be the Karen’s black or white very entitled and easily offended.
Neptune in 11th house watch out for your friends most likely to backstab you. Also people might gossip about your drinking so just be careful.
If your lover or friends mother is a Scorpio Sun they groom their kids to go after people with money and power. Scorpio Sun women tend to marry rich and the powerful and teach their kids to do the same. If your successful or have clout and you have a new friend or lover and their mom is a Scorpio Sun make sure their intentions are pure.
Leo moons stop dating Scorpio moons please date a Sag moon or Leo sun someone that makes love fun.
Cancer Sun men lie for fun about any and everything always see if what they say checks out before you trust them. The type to hide an entire family and marriage. Boring texters.
Libra men wear the “good guy mask” to reel people in they are the type to plot against you hiding their true agenda while dating you. Ie: Halle and DDG (libra) lyrics read “might just tweet somethin' just to ruin it. I got a platform, I'm abusin' it. It's a couple things about your job I wanna know” -Famous
Virgo suns if they’re not a boss or where they want to be career wise don’t trust them. They can be really envious and purposely give you bad advice or try to distract you from your goals.
Virgo suns learn your body tired of y’all saying y’all stomach hurt.
Leo Suns really fun but can be bad influences. Also can be extremely envious of others success.
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msmysticfail · 1 year ago
Sun in the houses
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✩Sun in the 1st house✩
People with a strong personality, they know what they want and generally do not need the help of others as they go after what they want alone. These are people who attract attention because this is an angular house, associated with Mars and Aries, both having a lot of power and magnetism. They do well when they take responsibility for their lives and their dreams, generally having great emotional and physical independence.
They are dedicated, but can quickly give up a project if it’s not strong enough for them. They need to feel in control of their own person in order to feel more confident in themselves.
✩Sun in the 2nd house✩
They are ambitious people, material possession and financial stability are two important issues in their lives. They are generally calm people, who appreciate a constant routine where they can calmly achieve their ambitions. They know the value of things, which is why they like to be surrounded by quality things and people. Loyalty is very important to them, they are friends who will always be there when you need them.
They are people who express beauty, whether in the things they produce, in their own physical appearance, or in the way they treat others. They value what they have, because they know how hard they had to work to achieve it. They love winning and receiving gifts.
Unless other aspects indicate, they are people who have a tenacious and persistent personality. They know how to get what they want, through calm, patience and diplomacy they go out there achieving it.
✩Sun in the 3rd house✩
They are people who need mental stimulation, they are always out there, reading books, talking to people, studying or simply binge-watching a tv show. They have an agile, eager personality, they always have a friendly and free manner, knowing how to conduct a conversation almost intuitively.
Because they understand things easily, they are always going from one project to another, sometimes without finishing them, however. People may mistake their friendly and receptive manner for a love interest, which is really a mistake. They are people who captivate others, as they feel genuine interest in the reality and world of the people around them.
They need to use their intellectual abilities to feel alive, which is why they love being at parties, group meetings or any other activity where they can exchange some type of stimulation with others.
Their intelligence is quick, they understand many subjects in a general way. It is very difficult to find this person bored, but when they enter this state they leave it soon, as they cannot bear the boredom for long.
✩Sun in the 4th house✩
These are people who have a need for intimacy, they generally have a very rich family world, the environment in which they retreat is very important, being a mental and emotional shelter that they use to recharge themselves from the world.
They have a connection with their mother, their family, their children, their ancestry in general is very important, which is why they dedicate quality time to them. Their home is usually full of photos, objects of sentimental value that they love to look at from time to time.
They are reserved people, you certainly won't see them presenting themselves spontaneously, as they generally like to observe people from afar to, if they want, introduce themselves. When you meet them, however, they show their cute and affectionate side. They are lovely people, who usually have something that captivates the attention of those who know them personally.
At work they usually remember the names of most of the people who work with them, knowing about their families and their lives.
These are people who like, at the end of the day, to come home and retire to their living room or bedroom, enjoying the comforts of home, having a good bath or just watching their favorite series.
✩Sun in the 5th house✩
These people attract attention, they are generally magnetic. You may not even know what caught your attention with the person with the Sun in the 5th, but one way or another you will remember them.
Something about their personality or appearance usually captivates people, meaning that they usually have a group of people admiring them. Whether it's the way they recount their romantic adventures, or the way they talk about how they overcame an enemy, these people have a sparkle in their eyes. They attract many people unconsciously, as they are usually just being themselves, not necessarily wanting to draw any attention.
They are creative people, they usually have a dramatic tone when expressing themselves. They are fun, everyone loves to have them present at parties, meetings or in gatherings in general. Because they have an intense vivacity, they are people who exude sexuality in some level, generally having many admirers wherever they go. Pay attention to their laugh, the way they smile, you won't be able to look away.
They have a strong personality, not accepting other people's opinions easily, preferring to always listen to their own heart. At work, they attract attention, however, they sometimes need to control their vivacity in this environment.
✩Sun in the 6th house✩
These folks are great at analyzing people and situations, if you want real advice that will change your life, go to someone with the Sun in the 6th house. They generally have their life very organized, having everything under control. You will find them always with a notebook, or an online notebook writing down their obligations and goals for the day. They are great organizers, they know how to separate the wheat from the chaff and they always have free time, thanks to their well-thought-out routine. Despite this free time, they generally prefer to be doing something, whether it's doing something at home, like shopping, getting gas, cleaning the house, or solving something at work.
They have a very strong relationship with their work, their role in society, they need to be constantly proactive to feel good. They are great at what they do, attracting envy and admiration for their capabilities. They are not very fond of romance in general, preferring to invest the time they have in themselves.
These are people who have a balanced routine, full of tasks, which they love to do. However, their health may suffer from periods of work overload, despite being fully capable of handling it, as they hate not being able to complete something, but they must take a time off, otherwise their health will suffer.
They need to always be working on their mind and body to feel good and at peace.
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hiddenpie · 8 months ago
Aries observations
-An Aries will very rarely give you a compliment. The way an Aries gives compliments is often through saying the opposite. Example: you help them by sharing some wisdom that really hits. Their response “you ain’t no professor” in a joking way but that is their way of saying “thank you, that was good”😂😂
If you can see through them they are extremely lovable people who just need you to be patient with them.
-do not try to talk a Aries Sun down when they are fired up. They cannot even see you lmao everybody is the enemy. And they most likely will offend you. Give them space or get burned…that is the best thing to do. After they are calm they can have clarity. “Post turn up clarity” is real for them😂
-Aries men are most likely to tell you to be safe when you leave from them. If they care about you they will say something along the lines of”be careful, be safe” that is their way of saying love you lmao
-do not try to joke with an Aries that isn’t close to you. Like you need to know they fwu before you try to be playful and jokey like others close to them are. Most likely you will be looked at a certain way and they will probably get combative/rude lmaoo. Tread lightly round these folks. They will probably rub you the wrong way before the right way and vice versa.😂
-other signs can sit and say “I give zero fucks” but like when an Aries says it, they mean it with their heart and soul and their energy backs it up hehe
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