#Summer X Raven
bridgyrose · 2 days
Rosebird Week: First and Last kiss
A blush crossed Summer’s cheeks as she held Raven's arm while they walked through the quiet Vale streets. The sun had already set, so most everyone had made their way to their homes for the night. Which made the walk she was on all that more special since it was just her and Raven. No one to bother them, just the crisp night air and the stars above. 
“So, where are we going?” she finally asked. 
“Its a secret,” Raven answered with a smile. “You’ll have to wait and see.” 
“Its always a secret with you.” 
“I want you to be surprised. That way its more enjoyable.” 
Summer rolled her eyes. “Every night with you is enjoyable. So you dont have to worry.” 
“Yes, but Tai said-” 
“You’re really going to listen to him?” 
“Why shouldnt I?” 
“Have you seen the way he talks to the other girls? It wouldnt surprise me if he never gets a date.” 
Raven shrugged a bit. “Well, maybe he had a good idea.”
Summer looked up at Raven curiously. “What do you mean by that?” 
“You’ll see when we get there.” 
Summer sighed and stayed close to Raven as they walked, not sure how much she believed that Tai could come up with any good dating ideas. And yet, curiosity was starting to get the best of her the longer they walked. They certainly werent going towards the docks, nor did it seem like they were heading anywhere that was familiar to her. 
It didnt take long for them to reach the edge of the city and to the clearing just past the walls. Summer slowed her step until she came to a stop, staring up at the stars. They were brighter now that they were outside city limits.
Raven let out a heavy sigh. “We must be a bit early.” 
“Early?” Summer asked. “Early for what?” 
“Tai told me that this clearing is home to fireflies and that it’d be a romantic place for the two of us.” 
“I’ve already told you that I like it when its just the two of us already.” Summer looked away as her blush started to brighten, her heart fluttering as a few thoughts crossed her mind. “And well, the stars are still bright and it would be a great place for us to… you know… have our…first… kiss.” 
“I thought you werent ready.” 
“I think I am now.” 
Raven smiled. “Then I’ll follow your lead.” 
Summer nodded and smiled up at Raven, hesitating as she took a slow step closer. The world almost seemed to stop as she stared into those bright, red eyes. She stood up on her tiptoes as she leaned in, lingering when she felt Raven’s nervous breath against her lips. Finally, she finally pressed into a kiss, a small moan leaving her lips as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. 
As far as she was concerned, this was the perfect moment she was waiting for. 
Summer took a few pained breaths as she stared up at the night sky, a weak smile crossing her lips as she watched the stars. Her hand tried to grip Raven’s, voice hoarse as she spoke. “They’re… they’re just as beautiful as before.” 
“And you’ll get to see them again,” Raven said as she took hold of Summer’s hand. “Tai is getting help and Qrow is going to be here any minute. A-and then we can see the stars again tomorrow together. And the night after that.” 
“You dont need to lie to me, I know I’m not going to make it through the night.” Summer let out a heavy sigh and looked up at Raven. “So we should enjoy this moment-” 
“I cant,” Raven interrupted. “I dont want a life without you.” 
“I’ll always be with you, Rae. You know that.” 
Summer closed her eyes and slowly loosened her grip on Raven’s hand. Nothing had gone to plan, and here she lay, dying in front of her wife. Salem caught them off guard, Tyrian managed to strike her heart, and all she could do was wait for the inevitable. 
After a few quiet moments, she spoke once more. “Can… can I have one last kiss?” 
“Sum, w-we… we cant give up. Help is almost here, I can see the medical airship on the horizon.” 
“Please Raven. I-I dont want to go without feeling your lips once more.” 
Summer opened her eyes and smiled up at Raven, a few tears of her own starting to well up in her eyes. She used the last of her strength to try to sit up and kiss her wife, lingering just before her lips touched Ravens. 
As she broke the kiss, she felt herself drift away, the sound of Raven’s crying becoming distant.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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The hiatus is upon us. This was less than 24 hours after the RWBY Season 9 finale.
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harbingerart · 1 year
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I hate her.
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short-wooloo · 6 months
Yang: "So Ruby tells me you had a thing for Summer"
Raven: "Oh please, your sister's being a ridiculous romantic"
Raven (internally): "Ruby's Mom! She's Got It Goin On! She's All That I Want! And I've Waited For So Long!"
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zozoistireds-blog · 3 months
The Light Of The Future Au: Late night talks
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(Qlick the image for better quality)
There are nights when Ruby and yang have long gone back to there respective homes long after moving out, where tai, raven and summer talk sometimes even qrow, whether it be topics of trauma, reminiscing on the times they pranked qrow during their beacon days, or what they plan for the future.
While raven, summer, and tai will not admit it to anyone other then each other there have been night, where the conversations go deep where tears are shed for the pain, the three have them gone through where the simpley sit in each other's embraces until the morning sunrise.
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
look, I’m not saying Summer & Raven having gay sex would fix anything, but it sure would make things a bit more interesting
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sonofabludger · 1 year
Hear me out. Maybe the reason Raven called the previous Maiden weak was because Summer sacrificed herself instead of letting Raven die. Raven had to make up a story to tell herself because the reality was too painful. She had to consider love weakness. She was still in contact with Summer, but not the others according to Yang’s story in Vol2.
The real reason she sheds a tear in Vol5 when Yang stubbornly shoved past her is because Summer was the exact same way and she couldn’t stand reliving the memory of the day she lost the most important person in the world to her. And how she tried to stop her. And how she gained those powers she tries desperately to hide.
Raven was devastated to learn she was the last one in Summer’s thoughts. She felt herself so incapable of love (platonic or romantic for you shippers lol) that she couldn’t fathom why SHE would be considered worthy. I think based on these interactions that Raven never wanted to hurt anyone by giving herself/powers the way she was hurt by losing Summer.
The stories we tell ourselves over and over to protect ourselves from the truth can be so contorted and delusional. Hurt and loss and guilt are powerful things.
I don’t think Raven killed anyone but herself.
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jayz4dayz · 1 year
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localhornist · 2 years
And time for Day 7 of @rosebird-week ‘s Rosebird week, Promises/Betrayals
As always, ao3 link here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41936106
Also school killin me rn so day 8 is probs gonna be a few days late😖
“Raven, stop scratching at it, the collar’s fine.”
“But it’s not. It feels crooked, and if it looks crooked when she comes, then-”
“Raven,” Raven stopped pulling at her black collar at Qrow’s flat tone, as he gave her a thoroughly exhausted stare. “You look fine. Seriously. And I’m pretty sure Summer’s gonna drop dead seein’ you in a suit, no matter how the collar is.”
Raven mused his words over, taking her hand from the collar to scratch her neck, looking back to where guests were beginning to filter in, no doubt guided by Oscar and the Schnee boy, or one of the other ushers. Raven chuckled thinking of them. “Honestly, I don’t think this would be going so well without all the kids’ help.”
“Hmph, you tell me. Speaking of,” Qrow leaned past Raven. “Hey, Yang! Is the sword okay?” Yang looked over from where she’d been talking with blake, rolling her eyes and placing a hand on her waist.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s okay. Don’t worry yourself to death,” at his lack of amusement, she held up an intricately decorated, curved scabbard. “See?” Qrow just sighed. Raven chuckled at the two’s antics, nudging him in the side. “Hey, I wouldn't’ve chosen her if I didn’t trust her. And we’ve got Clover keepin’ an eye on them, anyway.”
“Somehow, he doesn’t reassure me.”
“Really? After so long with each other, I’d thought you’d trust him with anythin’.” She laughed at his unamused expression. “Hey, be careful. You’re gonna be in my spot with him eventually, worry wart.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
The two meandered for a while longer, keeping an eye out as more guests filtered in and sat down. Tai soon enough came rushing in, Qrow mocking the celebrant for being late, earning him a hit on the heads with the book of vows. As he nursed the ache given, Tai and Raven took to small talk, though Tai made sure to take the chance to embarrass Yang with mentions of ‘Taking notes for her’s and Blake’s turn’. As the ushers still outside came in, however, the group knew it was time, and took their places. Yang and Qrow stood off to the right. Raven took her place in the centre, Tai just behind with the vows ready. The groom's people took their seats at the front.
And then, the music began. And the assembled crowd grew into a hushed silence.
And she walked in.
Summer was in a rather simple wedding dress, as she’d preferred, coloured in white and lined with red. Maria led her, taking the parent role after mentoring the woman for years, though not anymore. Ruby was closed behind, grinning happily whilst covering a shield decorated with a rose, with other bridesmaids in toe, Weiss looking slightly exhausted from all the organising. Clancy followed with Robyn keeping an eye on her, as the silver and red-eyed girl scattered petals behind them. The music began to soften as the party came to the front, the various bridesmaids filling in their seats, as Ruby stayed alongside her mother. Maria gave Raven a warm smile, of empathy or reassurance or both, she couldn't tell, then nodded, letting go of Summer’s arm, and standing to the side. As they did, the music finally fell silent. Tai broke it, clearing his throat.
“Family. Friends. Today we are gathered here to celebrate the union of two people, close to us all. A union of mind and spirit, so that the two may walk together not just as two bodies, but as one soul.” He held out a hand to one, then the other. “Raven Branwen, and Summer Rose.”
“As most of you will know, I’ve known both Raven and Summer for a long time. Which is odd, given how blindsided I was by being chosen to do this by them. Granted, I’m the only person they know with a law degree, but I’d have thought they knew me better than to trust me with this, given the number of juicy things I have on these two.” That earned him a laugh from the crowd, as Summer giggled whilst Raven just rolled her eyes.
“But, that’s for later. For now, I hope to honour them both and join them in a union I know from my beacon days they’ve both longed for. Of course, if there are no objections.” No one stood, and he chuckled. “Good. I’d rather not have to witness Qrow’s scythe skills on today of all days. Now then,” he gave a nod to Yang, who stopped forward, handing the sword to Raven, who presented it to Summer, hilt first. “On this day, I give you the sword of my family, so that we may one day grant it to our own.” Though it felt formal, Raven couldn't help but notice the irony, considering either Clancy or Ruby would be the ones to inherit it. Something told her it would continue to collect dust.
Summer took the sword carefully, swapping it with ruby for the shield. “Thank you. And I, too, present you with this shield, so that our union will be kept safe from all woes.” Raven took it, nodding as a smile crept up her face, barely noticing Yang take the shield.
“Now then, it is time. Raven?” At his prompting, Raven took from a necklace around her neck a small ring, decorated with red and black gems. “Summer. We’ve... had ups and down. Many of them. When we met, and for a long time afterwards, I would try to push you away, shut myself off. Yet you kept coming back, and, eventually, you helped me break my walls, see myself for who I was and who I wanted to be. Even when I closed myself back in again, time and time again, you still never gave up hope. Never gave up that I would keep those walls up. And it’s that hope that helped me do so.”
Her voice began to grow shaky, and she stopped for a moment to catch her breath, wiping a tear away even as Summer felt her own growing. “And I promise you, for as long as my soul stays on this land we call home, I will keep them down. And I will build something new, with you to enjoy it alongside me.” Summer nodded shakily, smiling warmly through the prickling tears.
“Thank you. Summer?”
Slow, calm breath filled the room, as Summer, too, readied herself. She took her own ring from her necklace, decorated with red and white. “I, I feel I’m somewhat the same. From our first interaction, we didn’t get along, butting heads throughout beacon. But, as I got to know you, I saw small things. But they showed something grand. Wonderful. The real Raven, not the Branwen she presented herself as. And I fell in love with her. How could I not?
And I kept falling in love with her. Through the trials and tribulations, through the best and worst, I stayed for her. And I’m so glad I did, so I could see her stand in front of me today.”
Tai nodded, smiling at them both. “Now then, with the exchange of vows and rings, the two may become one, in heart, mind and coil. Summer, do you take Raven to be your partner, through highs and lows, through joy and loss?” She smiled, looking into those crimson eyes, barely holding back tears. She nodded. “I do.” She slipped the ring onto Raven’s hand, holding to close.
“And do you, too, Raven, take Summer to be your partner, through all of life’s tribulations, from highs to lows, and from joy to hardship?” And so too did crimson look into Silver, smiling through small tears of joy. She nodded, sliding the ring onto her beloved's hand, feeling the warmth as the two rings touched. “I do.”
“And so, I am glad to pronounce the two of you joined in marriage - wife to wife!”
The ensemble guests erupted into a chorus of cheers, as Summer immediately pulled Raven into a kiss, making Yang chuckle until Qrow hinted that she should be taking notes for her time, which earned him an elbow to the gut.
The pair, hand in hand, soon made their way down the aisle, grinning, and only seeing one another, as cheers and claps echoed around them. They stepped through the doorway to the outside, eye to eye and hand in hand.
With a promise in their hearts, and a world to face. Together in heart, mind and soul, as so many times before.
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darealsaltysam · 1 month
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xmcu tweets part 3 !! i got lazy with these half of them are just tiktok sounds and tumblr posts el oh el
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bridgyrose · 3 days
Rosebird Week: Day 5
“What do you mean you never want to see me again?” Raven asked as she reached out for Summer. The thought had almost seemed to come out of nowhere, stinging her heart as she tried to push it away. “I didnt do anything-” 
“And that’s exactly the problem!” Summer pushed Raven’s hand away and glared at her. “You werent there when I confronted Salem! You werent there when our home was attacked! You left. Just like you always do.” 
Raven tried to speak, the words she had wanted to say not leaving her lips as she had desperately wanted to. She had wanted to tell Summer how much she had loved her, that her leaving was a request from Ozpin, other plans were being brought to motion that she had to be part of. 
But the words wouldnt come. 
Instead, all she could do was look away from the woman she loved. “Its… its not what you think. Once Salem is dealt with, I’ll tell you everything.” 
Summer scoffed. “Salem cant be defeated.” 
“She can be-” 
“She cant! She let me kill her over and over and over again. Every time she fell, she came back. Ozpin is sending us into a war we cant win. And if I’m going to keep my family safe, then I need to leave and I cant see you anymore.” 
“You cant leave!” Raven tried to grip Summer’s shoulder, only for her to disappear into a storm of petals. Her body froze as she watched the petals dance in the air, fingers unable to try to grip them until they finally laid to rest on the ground. 
She gripped her sword and swung in the air, waiting for the familiar hum of the portal as she thought about Summer and the connection that bonded them. If Summer was going to run, then she’d chase after like she had before. 
But the portal never came. 
Raven sliced through the air over and over as she tried to form a portal to Summer. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her body became tired. Finally, her blade fell from her grip and she couldnt help but come face to face with the bitter truth: the bond she had been trying to fix with Summer, had finally broken. 
And she had lost the woman she loved.
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iamafanofcartoons · 10 months
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Like Mother Like Daughter, Friendship Bracelets by Kyrus-Hiki
RWBY Whiterose and RWBY Rosebird
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asyncamestel · 20 days
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the beginning of all things
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hiskayaa · 6 months
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short-wooloo · 1 year
Ruby and Weiss: combat skirts
Summer and Raven: combat skirts
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morgangalaxy43 · 2 months
It’s crazy when people say that the X-men doesn’t have queer themes when they can’t read between the lines about Nightcrawler’s catholic guilt, Angel having to bind his wings, Charles and Erik clearly being implied to be more than close friends or Scott, Jean and Logan being implied to be in a romantic relationship throughout many comics and how so many fans ignore Mystique and Destiny’s complex romance or Gambit’s strong and obviously bisexual vibes and gender nonconformity as well as Iceman and his entire character arc as a mutant in X-men 2 being an queer allegory
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