#rwby raven branwen
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harbingerart · 2 years ago
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I hate her.
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shana340artblog · 2 years ago
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I had alot of fun with this! I still have alot to work on and taking time to study!
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yangfanbb · 2 years ago
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yoomschoocs · 2 years ago
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Sorry for long time no post, life's been busy lately so I haven't had much time and energy to draw.
Anyways- the epilogue they shared lately has me in a chokehold so naturally, I am back on my bullshit of giving these two some moments where they tolerate each other 💕💕
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texasthegreatdestroyer · 5 months ago
Auron: "What you're telling me is that you abandoned your kids, boyfriend, your brother, and your friend to become a crime lord and you've not been in their lives since?"
Raven: "Correct."
Auron: "... No wonder Qrow doesn't like you."
Raven: "Really? That's why? I thought it was due to the crushing weight of knowing I will always be better than him in every way."
Auron: "... ... ... Let's drop this..."
Raven: "What? I'm just being completely honest."
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miki-13 · 2 years ago
FNDM going through the five stages of grief if/when Raven is revealed to be Ruby’s baby-daddy
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@anthurak​ , since they’re the ones who got me on this theory that has only grown more plausible as time has gone on.
-Double, triple and quadrupling down on Qrow-Is-Ruby’s-Father theories and/or headcanons.
- Start actually proposing that Tai is the father because CRWBY said so, nevermind that they dismissed that for said Qrow Baby-Daddy theories.
- Make all the fix-fics where Qrow or Tai are the actual fathers and completely ruin Raven’s character in the process/ make Raven’s character a punching bag.
- Stop watching the show altogether to keep your biases from getting further tainted by canon.
-All the rage posts ever. Especially over how RWBY is pandering to the gays like with Bumbleby, or that it’s not well-written like Bumbleby.
- Harassing the CRWBY members for daring to do this and claiming Monty would be ashamed of them. (You are a cunt if you do so.)
- Popping into people’s message boxes over how pissed they are and claiming if you don’t agree with them, then you’re objectively the worst person ever.
- Scream at the top of your lungs towards the heavens for allowing this travesty.
- Pointing out all the foreshadowing so far, as well as pointing out no one has the full story in or out of universe.
- Realize Sapphron and Terra Cotta-Arc and their son Adrian were foreshadowing for this all along.
- Putting the AU tag on the very long fanfiction you’ve already written that contains far too many of your beloved headcanons about Summer and Raven to edit.
- Making posts at 2 AM and then deleting later about how much this affected OP. Especially over how RWBY has gone downhill from pandering to the gays, like how they did with Bumbleby. Or that it’s not well-written, like Bumbleby.
- Whining to/Being passive-aggressive towards the CRWBY members for daring to do this and claiming Monty would be ashamed of them. (Again, you are a cunt if you do this.)
- Popping into people’s message boxes to dump their feelings on them and claiming if you don’t feel the same, then you’re objectively the worst person ever.
- Curling up in your sock drawer and sleeping for days as you lament how the heavens allowed this travesty.
- Start cranking out the angstiest amvs ever of these two set to Linkin Park/Skillet/ Fleurie/etc.
- All the moodboards and aesthetic boards ever.
- Slowburn 100K+ words teammates+ rivals to friends to lovers to enemies hurt/comfort hurt/no comfort fanfiction. Or drabbles of different moments between them. There is no in-between.
- All the Summer and/or Raven futanari media ever.
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whatastrangewriter · 2 years ago
RWBY Theory!
So, we all know the AMAZING song Red Like Roses (Part 2), right? And I've heard ALL the theories - I think. And yes, I understand where everyone's coming from by saying that the song implies that Summer never wanted Ruby to be a Huntress.
RADICAL NEW TAKE: Summer didn't care whether Ruby became a Huntress or not! Those lines, "But baby please don't do what I did/I don't want you to waste your life in vain" ...what if they're not referring to being a Huntress at all?
Hear me out!
My theory is that Summer is actually referring to what we see her doing in volume 9 of RWBY: going after Salem alone. And I think that's what Summer is trying to warn Ruby about. Because it has been repeated many times that Ruby is just like her mother - but that isn't necessarily a good thing, with what we've been seeing of how Ruby tries to take responsibility for everything, even things that are WAY out of her control.
And yes, I know that Summer had Raven with her. But I think it's pretty clear that Summer did not trust her teammate at that point, or even like her. So essentially, with no one apart from Raven knowing where she was going, Summer went to fight Salem alone.
And I honestly think that that is what she is trying to warn Ruby about. I think that the whole song Red Like Roses (Part 2) is about Summer trying to tell Ruby that she has to allow other people to help her, because if she tries to do everything alone then she is going to fail.
Just like Maria failed when she went to face the Nevermore ALONE, and tried to take on a whole group of people ALONE.
Just like Summer failed when she went to fight Salem ALONE.
So really, Summer is trying to tell Ruby that she has to rely on her teammates to have her back.
Anyway, that's just my theory, and I don't know if anyone else has thought of this, but I think it'd be pretty interesting to consider it like this, especially after Ruby's thing with the tree and all of her trauma in volume 9, where she refused to ask for help.
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basicallytravus · 2 years ago
headcanon - [strq band au in which raven stays the night at summers place but is woken up by summer’s cleaning]
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r0semultiverse · 2 years ago
Damn girl are you a RWBY character because you- where did you go? Why is there a bird outside my window??
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madhighlows · 2 years ago
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God (can’t we just get along/won’t you leave me alone)?
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year ago
The Arc's Wrath! 2
Continuation of this
Mama Arc: *Walking happily in her new flowered dress, given to her by her beloved husband, through the city*
Mama Arc: What's going on?
She looks in the direction of the sound and sees that one of the Banks is being looted by no one but the Brawen Tribe. She sees how they all get into their vehicles and escape at full speed. She then notices Raven, riding her motorcycle very close to the sidewalk where she is standing. The two made eye contact. And without changing lanes, she passes through a nearby puddle. Completely soaking her, dirtying her new dress. But the worst part was that Raven didn't apologize.
Big mistake.
Jaune is in bed trapped in a cuddle with Blake and Ruby after a while of the "Arc's Wrath". He tries to rest while the girls talk about how to show their affection towards him.
Ruby: How about some collars?
Blake: No, that sounds too simple. It doesn't represent the big love we have. It has to be something more permanent. Something that shows our deep and unbreakable love for Jaune.
Ruby: I see...
Jaune: Sorry, but can you two keep quiet? I'm very tired and I would like to sleep a little before-
The door to his room shoots forward like a cannonball!
Jaune: God damn it! What now- *Gasp!* What happen to you?!
He says as he looks at his mom.
Mama Arc: *Soaked*...Yang and Vernal
Jaune: What?
Mama Arc: I need you to seduce and impregnate Yang and Vernal right fucking now!
Jaune: Yang and Vernal?! Why?! What happen?!
Mama Arc: She saw me on the street and instead of moving in line. She drove through a puddle and GOT ME AND MY NEW DRESS THAT YOUR FATHER GAVE ME WET WITH SEWER WATER!!!!!
She explodes in ANGER, scaring everyone in the room.
Jaune: Y-Y-Yang and Vernal you said? I-I-I'm on it.
Mama Arc: Thank you, and remember No protection.
Jaune: S-Sure.
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thefloatingarray · 1 year ago
While humming said songs it just dawned on me that the line 'all things must die' from the song of the same name and 'can't hold me down'/'swing all you want' from I Burn share nearly the exact same melody.
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shana340artblog · 2 years ago
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Some quick Raven concepts! I have used one of my ocs outfits for inspiration for the first outfit! It was difficult to make sure all the red and blacks touch each other and have a good balance of the two.
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yangfanbb · 2 years ago
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Seen this on Twitter and damn it's painful and happy
"Thinking about how, since Raven's semblance is connected to Yang, and once that connection was severed when Yang left remnant I wonder how Raven was feeling then. You know, once she felt that connection again, she immediately rushed to Yang as we saw in the cut episode."
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yoomschoocs · 2 years ago
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The next piece in the 2023 pride series!
Summer, Raven and Tai join the gang :) I hc them all as bisexual, and Raven also being grey-aroace (greyrose). They're proudly waving the polyamorous flag!
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texasthegreatdestroyer · 7 months ago
Free: Walking over to greet the new girl who is Raven. "Hi-"
Qrow: Grabs Free by the shoulder and drags him away frantically.
Free: "Hey, what's your problem???" Qrow: "Man!- She'll rip your balls off, put them in a blender, and give it to the nearest homeless person telling them to drink it because "It's just a strawberry protein shake, dude."!" Free: "God, you act like she's Satan or something..." Qrow: "Well yeah, me and her kinda shot out of our mother's crotch right about the same time. I think I can vouch my whole life experience that she absolutely is just Satan with a vagina." Free: "That's what everyone says about their sibling." Qrow: "Yeah- When they're children-." Free: "Surely she can't be that bad-" "Hey baby~" A random drunk guy walks up to Raven. "How would you like a dance with this guy~?" Raven: "You're not my type." "I could be your type~" He goes in to try and wrap his arm around Raven, but she grabs him by the arm, back handing him in the face and then flipping him over the back side of the bar. She then proceeds to lean over, looking at the guy, his wits lost. Raven then grabs the drink of a man next to her, a bloody Mary to be exact, and pours it right into his eyes, squeezing a lime on top too for an extra kick. She watches with amusement as he screams in agony. Free watches with shock while Qrow just stares un phased, like his sister's antics are a norm. Free: "What the... ... ...-" Qrow: "I told you she's Satan with a vag." Free continues to watch, his jaw agape. Qrow: "You're welcome by the way. I saved you from that."
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