#Su Beifong x reader
crybabylulu · 3 months
Lin Beifong x reader x suyin beifong
Summary: both Lin and Su like you but you’re very oblivious to Su’s advances (thank you to @2sosa for requesting this! 💖)
You live in Zafuo with the Beifong family since you were one of Su’s dancers. Su liked to house her dancers since you all performed often. You’ve met Su’s sister Lin a few times and you two really connected. You thought Lin was so strong and beautiful. You had a thing for strong women that could easily pick you up and lift you over their shoulders. It turned you on for some weird reason. Anyways Lin was coming to visit! Su was throwing a big party and invited Lin and the rest of team Avatar. You couldn’t wait to see Lin but you had to practice when Lin arrived but you would see her after.
The next day you ate breakfast then went to practice. For some reason you were struggling to keep up with everyone; it was probably because Lin was on your mind. All you could think about was seeing her. After practice Su made you stay behind. “Tell me what’s going on Y/n.” Su said as she walked over to you. You couldn’t tell her you were thinking about her sister! You shrugged. “Come on, you can tell me, you normally can keep up with everyone else. What’s going on?” Su said and ran her fingers through your hair.
“I didn’t get much sleep last night. This party is bigger than what we normally do so I’m also nervous about that.” You lied. “There’s no need to be nervous. You know you’ll do great, you're my little star.” Su said sweetly. “Thanks Su.” You said. “Of course and you know you’re supposed to get some sleep, rest is important.” Su said. You nodded. “Now come on, we're going to practice.” Su said. “Ok.” You said. Su helped you practice one on one. She stood behind you and guided your arms and hips. “There you go. Now I’m going to stop helping and you do it by yourself.” Su told you.
You nodded then did the whole dance routine by yourself. Su watched you intensely as you danced. You knew you were doing everything right. You know how to dance and follow choreography. Your mind was just clouded with Lin. Once you finished you looked at Su for approval. “That’s my girl. Very good girl.” Su praised you. You smiled real big. “Thanks Su.” You said. “You’re welcome sweetie now go shower then say hello to everyone.” Su told you. “Ok.” You said and ran off to go to your room. You took a long shower then did some makeup after your shower.
You wanted to smell good and look good for Lin. Once you were ready you went looking for Lin. “Y/n!” You heard someone shout. You knew it wasn’t Lin but it was ok. You turned and saw Mako. “Hey!” You said and walked over to him. “Good to see ya, how are you?” Mako asked. “Good to see you too and I’m good. How are you?” You asked him. “I’m good, you excited for your performance coming up in a few days?” Mako asked. “Yeah I’m really excited and I’m so happy you guys are here.” You said. “Happy to be here to support you.” Mako said. “Thanks Mako.” You said.
“Come on, let's go find Asami and Korra. You know they’ll be happy to see you.” Mako said. You nodded. Hopefully Lin is with Asami and Korra. When you found them they were with Opal talking but no sight of Lin. Where the hell was she? You gave Korra and Asami a hug and you guys talked for a while. “You look so pretty.” Asami said. “Thank you.” You said. You saw Lin walking with Kya while you were with everyone else and you wanted to run over to her but you didn’t want to be weird. Ugh! You kept glancing over at her hoping she would notice. She always told you she knew when people were staring at her.
Lin eventually looked over at you and you smiled at her. “Oh there’s chief.” Mako said. You all made your way over to them and you gave Kya a hug then looked at Lin. “It’s good to see you again Lin.” You said sweetly and batted your lashes at her. “It’s good to see you again as well, Y/N.” Lin said. “Oh the twins are having a power disk game soon, do you guys wanna come watch?” Opal asked. “I need to go get lunch I didn’t eat after practice.” You said. “I’m surprised mom didn’t yell at you.” Opal said. “She doesn’t know I haven’t eaten yet.” You said. “Makes sense.” Opal said.
“I’m not interested in going, you all have fun.” Lin said. “Oh come on aunty Lin.” Opal said. Lin shook her head. “Fine, come on guys.” Opal said and led everyone away. “Come on, let's go get you some lunch.” Lin said. You smiled. You two headed out and went to go grab lunch. “I’m glad you could make it.” You told Lin. “I wouldn’t miss you dancing for the world.” Lin said. “Really?” You asked. “Yes really. You’re a beautiful dancer.” Lin said. Your heart fluttered at her words. “I really missed you.” You said shyly. “I missed you too.” Lin said and put her hand on top of yours.
Oh now your heart was ready to leap out of your chest. After lunch you two made your way back home. “Writing letters back and forth is nice but it’s much better when we’re in person.” You said. “I agree I wish I could come visit more but you know criminals never stop.” Lin said. “Criminals suck but you do what you have to do to protect the city.” You said. “Maybe you could come visit me.” Lin said and held your hand. “You want me to come visit you?” You asked. Lin nodded. “You can stay with me when you come to visit.” Lin said. “I would like that.” You said. “Good we can plan something and I’ll show you all of Republic City as best as I can.” Lin said.
“I can’t wait to see your city.” You said. Lin smiled. After a while it was time for dinner and you sat between Lin and Su. Under the table you and Lin kept touching hands. You were trying not to smile like an idiot but it was so hard. Everyone was laughing but your main focus was Lin. All you did was listen to her talk you love when she talks. Once dinner was over you went to your room and took a shower. You cleaned your face from makeup then washed your body. After your shower you put on your pjs and laid down on your bed.
There was a knock on your door and you sat up. “Come in.” You said. Su opened the door and came in with her eyes covered. “You decent?” She teased. “Yes I’m decent.” You said and laughed. She uncovered her eyes. “Don’t seem too decent to me.” Su said and closed the door. “What do you mean?” You asked. “Those shorts seem a little short and that tank top seems really tight.” Su teased. It was true that your tank top was tight. “I can see your nipples as well.” Su said and waggled her brows. You covered your nipples and laughed. “They seem as hard as a rock, who were you thinking about?” Su teased as she sat next to you.
“No one, it's just cold. I just got out of the shower.” You said. “Mhm sure.” Su said. “I’m telling the truth.” You said. “Anyways make sure you get some rest. It's important. I need you to be my good girl tomorrow and keep up with everyone else, ok?” Su asked and ran her fingers through your hair. You leaned into her touch and smiled. “I’ll be good, I promise.” You told her. “I know you will. You’re always my good girl and you make me so happy.” Su said. “I always want to make you happy, Su.” You said. It was the truth you wanted to show her how good of a dancer you are and for her to be proud of you.
“You make me very happy.” Su said. There was a knock at the door. “Come in.” You said. Lin walked into your room and she was surprised to see Su. Your heart fluttered at seeing Lin. “Su.” Lin said. “Linny.” Su said, then removed her hand from your hair. “I have that book you wanted to borrow. I just wanted to know if you want it now or later.” Lin said. “Oh I’ll take it now please.” You said. Lin nodded. “I’ll be back.” Lin said. “Ok.” You said. Lin left your room. “Don’t stay up late reading.” Su said. You nodded then she left your room.
After a while Lin came back and you smiled. She sat on your bed. “Hi.” You said. “What was Su doing in here?” Lin asked. “Oh she just wanted to make sure I don’t stay up late because today I wasn’t keeping up with everyone because I stayed up so late. I couldn’t sleep.” You said. “Sleep is important. You need to rest.” Lin said. “I’ll sleep soon, I just want to spend time with you right now.” You said. “We’ll spend time together tomorrow I promise. After dance practice we’ll go to lunch together again.” Lin said. You pouted. “Don’t pout honey.” Lin said. “Fine, I'll see you tomorrow for lunch." You said.
Lin left your room and sighed. You got comfortable in bed and fell asleep. When you woke up you went to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth then fixed your hair. After that you went to eat breakfast with everyone else. You and Lin sat next to each other and again you two were holding hands. When it was time to go dance you didn’t want to because you wanted to spend time with Lin but you had to go dance. You did your best at practice because you wanted to show Su that you could keep up. You wanted to please her. After practice Su pulled you aside. “You did so well today. I'm proud of you.” Su said.
“Thank you Su.” You said. Su nodded then ran her fingers through your hair and you smiled. “You were a very good girl today. Keep making me proud and keep up with everyone.” Su said. You nodded. “Go shower and then eat.” She told me. You nodded and ran off to go shower. After your shower you put on makeup then got dressed. There was a knock on your door. “Come in.” You said. Lin opened your door and you smiled. “Hi.” You said. “You ready?” Lin asked. “Ready.” You said and walked over to her. “You look beautiful.” Lin said. “Thank you, you look beautiful as well.” You said. Lin nodded and you two left.
It was the day of the party and you were getting ready. You were running a little late but it was nothing serious. When you left your room you ran into Su. “There’s my pretty girl.” Su said. “I know I’m a little behind.” You said. “It’s ok honey you have plenty of time.” Su said as she walked over to you. “I know but I still shouldn’t be late.” You said. “It’s ok. Are you gonna be my good girl and do well?” Su asked you and stroked your cheek. “I’m gonna do my best.” You said. “That’s my girl.” Su said and pulled you close to her and you smiled. “Su.” You both turned and saw Lin. “What are you doing?” Lin asked.
“Mind your business Lin.” Su said. “I thought I was seeing things when you were in Y/N’s room but now I know I’m not.” Lin said. You were so confused on what Lin was talking about. “Lin, I told you to mind your business.” Su said. “Su you’re married.” Lin said. “Lin mind your business.” Su said again. “I’m sorry but I’m so confused right now.” You said. “Suyin, a married woman has been flirting with you the whole time.” Lin said. You looked at Su. “Is that true?” You asked Su. Su sighed then nodded. You had no idea what to say. “Why couldn’t you mind your business Lin?” Su asked.
“I have a performance to do.” You said and tried to walk away. “Y/n.” Su said. “Su let her go perform.” Lin said. “Lin go away. Why do you even care?” Su asked. “Because you’re married and I like her.” Lin said. Oh there goes your heart again. “Well I like her too.” Su said. “Again Su you’re married! You’re just like mom can’t hold a proper relationship.” Lin snapped. You couldn’t believe they were arguing like this in front of you. “Lin you haven’t been in a relationship since Tenzin you have no clue how to love someone.” Su snapped.
There was a metal pole that came flying and you and Su ducked. “You could have hit Y/n!” Su shouted. Lin didn’t say and just sent the same pole to hit Su. Su went stumbling back. You got up and ran over to Lin. “Stop it.” You told her. Lin pushed you up against the wall and you heard the pole clatter on the floor. “Now you could have hit Y/n.” Lin hissed. “You just always have to get in my way.” Su snapped. “Su be so serious!” Lin yelled. The two of them kept arguing and you couldn’t take it. “Hey!” You shouted. They both look at you. “Don’t I get a say in any of this?” You asked.
“Of course you do sweetie.” Su said. Lin nodded. You sighed. “Su you and I can’t be together. You’re married. I’m not going to be anyone's affair partner or side piece. I can’t do that. I deserve to be shown off and not hidden and that’s how you and I will be. You'll have to hide me and I just can’t do that and I like Lin. She gets me and I know she won’t hide me.” You said. Su just took a deep breath then nodded. “Well I hope you two are happy together. Let’s go so you can make it in time for your dance.” Su said. You nodded and you all left.
You made it to your performance and kept up with everyone and did amazing. Once your performance was over you went over to everyone and Lin immediately kissed you. You melted into her kiss. This is all you’ve ever wanted. “When did you two start dating?” Korra asked. “Today.” You said with a big smile. You went over to your fellow dancers and Su hugged all of you. Once she got to you she held you tight. “If you and Lin don’t work out you can always come to me.” Su teased. “Su.” You said. “Just teasing but I hope she makes you happy.” Su said. Lin came over and Su let you go then gently pushed you over to Lin.
Lin held out her hand and you took it. She pulled you into her and you two kissed again. After the party you and Lin went back to your room. “This has been an interesting night.” You said. “Did you really not notice Su was flirting with you?” Lin asked. “No not at all, I thought she was just being silly. I didn’t take anything she said in a flirty way like when she called me her good girl. I didn't think she meant it like that.” You said. “She called you her good girl?” Lin asked. You nodded. “And you didn’t take that as flirting at all?” Lin asked. “I thought she meant in a mentor way or something.” You said.
“Such an oblivious girl.” Lin said and shook her head. You stuck your tongue out. “Put your tongue away before I make you put it to good use.” Lin said. “Make me.” You said then stuck your tongue out again. Lin pushed you onto the bed and climbed on top of you. You quickly put your tongue back in your mouth. “Oh no no baby girl don’t think you can behave now.” Lin said.
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master-sass-blast · 2 years
Happier to Be Wrong.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five: Chapter One, Part Five: Chapter Two, Part Five: Chapter Three, Part Six: Chapter One, Part Six: Chapter Two, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen
Summary: "She knows the signs. Inconsistent affection in public or private, not initiating dates or outings, seeming lack of interest in progressing the relationship as a whole…
She’s learned. She’s wiser now. And she’s not going to get caught off guard –not going to get hurt–the same way again."
AKA talking about feelings and trauma is hard, part one.
Pairing(s): Lin Beifong x Reader.
Rating: T for arguing and some intense emotional stuff.
Word count: 6.8k.
She’s not too big to admit her faults. She can be uptight. She likes order and routine to the point of erring on the side of rigidity. She can be icy, which gets worse if she’s pissed. She’s got a short temper in certain areas; a poor tolerance for stupidity and bullshit, if you will.
Toph had called her a “grumpy little badgermole,” back when she was seven and cranky over other kids constantly cutting lines at school.
Tenzin had called her pessimistic. So had Kya and Bumi. So had Su, and Toph, and Aunt Katara, Uncle Sokka, Uncle Aang, Saikhan, Riyu–
“Pessimistic” was the one she refused to concede. It was hardly pessimistic to prepare for the worst –especially since it happened so often! Especially considering her line of work! It was hardly pessimistic to be cautious and prudent.
And it was hardly fucking pessimistic when she was usually right.
She knows the signs. Inconsistent affection in public or private, not initiating dates or outings, seeming lack of interest in progressing the relationship as a whole…
The first one had been easy to spot with Tenzin, back in the day. She hadn’t argued about it at the time, though. She’d put her blinders on, chalked it up to stress with Air Nomad stuff, and kept plowing through life and work alike. However, she’d missed the other two with him. She’d been so busy with work and trying to make her career that she’d just… let things go. They’d always pick things up back later –or so she thought. She thought they’d have the time.
She’s learned. She’s wiser now. And she’s not going to get caught off guard –not going to get hurt–the same way again.
She’d called you earlier and asked to talk; no sense in avoiding –delaying–the obvious. You’d said yes, she’d ended the call because she still had work to do, and… that’d been it.
It’s been a few months since the two of you started officially seeing each other. Summer is waning into autumn; it’s cold enough in the evening now that she needs a coat if she goes out. 
She turns the collar of her peacoat up when a particularly icy breeze snakes around her. The wind’s been coming from the North lately, cooling the city as winter draws closer. Part of Lin –a part of her that she doesn’t acknowledge often–wonders if the cooling temperatures are a sign. Cooling seasons, cooling romance, bullshit like that. She scowls and walks faster. It doesn’t mean anything. Facts decide outcomes, not coincidental circumstances.
She regrets not driving over. She’d taken a tram part of the way, then opted to walk the rest of the way. She’d thought –hoped–that the walk would help take some of the edge off her mood. Instead, all it’s done is given her more time to overthink things. Maybe it’s better just to end things right now. Avoid something more drawn out and painful. She rounds the corner to the street your apartment complex is on and sighs. No, no. Talk to her first, then decide. The most facts make for the best decisions.
You’re waiting for her in the lobby –both unexpected and somewhat unwelcome; she was hoping to have the elevator ride to focus and try –probably fail–to calm her remaining nerves.
Lin stops short, surprised. “Oh, hi.”
“Hey.” You offer her a soft, if concerned smile. “What’s up? You sounded pretty serious on the phone.”
Can’t imagine why. Lin purses her lips, then nods towards the elevator; one thing she never wants to repeat again is a public break up. “Let’s head up.”
You hook your arm around hers once the elevator doors close. You lean against her, cushioning your head against her shoulder. “Did you have a good day at work?”
“Passable,” Lin grunts. She doesn’t want to be rude –she really, truly doesn’t–but the thought of making fucking small talk right now, with how things are, makes her want to puke. Don’t fucking act like you don’t know what’s going on. You’re smarter than that.
Patience. If there’s one thing nearly forty years on the force has taught her, it’s patience. She’s witnessed countless interrogations and stakeouts fizzle down the drain from getting too emotional or jumping in too soon; fights in relationships aren’t all that different, really.
“Well, you said you wanted to talk,” you declare once you close your apartment door behind both of you. You flip the lock, then shrug when she turns to look at you. Your expression’s tighter now, and you’re not moving into her personal space again; you’ve picked up that something’s wrong. “What’s up?”
Lin stares at you for a moment, both to collect her thoughts and study you. You’re shifting from foot to foot, and you’ve got your lower lip tucked between your teeth, but you’re not avoiding her gaze. You’re more on alert, but not guilty, per se.
She can’t decide whether to be angry or curious. She jams her hands into the pockets of her coat and ambles further into your apartment. “Have you been happy while we’ve been together?”
You sputter. Your eyes go wide. “What –what kind of question is that?”
“It’s the one I’m asking,” Lin replies, careful to keep her voice neutral and steady.
“I –yes. Of course I have!” You smile, but it quickly fades as you assess her with a look of dawning fear. “Have… have you not been happy?”
She has to bite the tip of her tongue to keep from automatically reassuring you. Focus. Eye on the target. “You’re happy with how things are? Between us?”
“...Yes,” you answer after a moment of bewildered silence. “I am.” Your brows draw together, and you angle away from her slightly. “Why –why are you asking me any of this? What’s going on?”
She shrugs. “Just piecing things together.”
Your eyes narrow. You go quiet, still, as you watch her. Then, you sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose. You lean back against the lip of your kitchen counter. “Fuck’s sake, Lin.”
It’s her turn to narrow her eyes. “What?”
“Okay.” You purse your lips in an angry approximation of a smile, then lower your hand and level her with a hard stare. “What we’re not doing… what you’re not going to do to me is treat this like a damn interrogation.”
“I am not–”
“You’re asking leading questions out of nowhere, you aren’t answering my questions when I ask you anything, and you’re not telling me what’s actually going on, what you’re feeling, or what the hell even started all of this in your mind,” you interject, ticking off each item on your fingers. “That’s not a conversation, that’s a damn interrogation. And what I am not okay with is you treating me like you’re a cop!”
Lin scowls. “I am a cop.”
“Not in our relationship you’re not!” you snap, eyes flashing with frustration. “Not with me, you’re not!” You close your eyes, force yourself to take a deep breath, and when you speak again, it’s apparent you’re trying to force yourself to stay calm. “You’re not a cop here.” You open your eyes and fix her with a pleading, hurt look. “You’re just Lin.”
Her heart catches against her ribs at the way your voice breaks on her name. She has to look away to keep her resolve from crumbling. “If you’re not okay with how I am–”
“If this is ‘how you are,’ then you can walk out that door until you have your head back on straight and decide to treat me like a damn person!” you snap, pointing stiffly at the door to your apartment. “I don’t care that you’re the Chief of Police, I don’t care how long you’ve been on the force, and I don’t care that you’re my girlfriend in this context. None of that gives you the right to browbeat me, especially not in my own fucking apartment!”
“Water is the element of change. The people of the Water Tribe are capable of adapting to many things.”
Right, Lin thinks, bitterly amused. Waterbenders flow with change –until they transform into a tidal wave and flatten you against the ground.
This isn’t how she wanted things to go (believe it or not). She really, truly didn’t want to hurt you or make you angry. All she wanted was some fucking clarity on just what was going on between the two of you –or, failing that, opening things up so you could take the out and let her try to move on. But you’re not taking the out –not even when you’re clearly angry with her. You’d told her that she could leave, but caveated it with “until you have your head back on straight.” Meaning, as far as Lin can tell, that you’re not interested in ending things.
Yet. Lin sighs and closes her eyes. I’m so fucking tired.
The instinct to run is there. She feels like a wild animal faced with a forest fire. The world is burning around her, there’s a clear path to safety, and every instinct she has is screaming to get the fuck out. However, she’s a Beifong. No, more than that, she’s Lin. And she has never approached anything in her life with the attitude of a coward.
Lin opens her eyes and looks over at you.
You’re watching her, arms crossed over your chest. Your expression’s stormy, lips pursed into a frown and eyebrows drawn together. But you’re not tapping your foot. Not checking the clock. And while she was processing, you weren’t huffing, or trying to get her attention. You’re waiting. Watching. Seeing what she’ll do next before you make a choice.
Probably more than I deserve. Lin grimaces, then does her best to gather her thoughts again. Okay, new plan. Just… try to figure this shit out.
She needs clarity. She needs to know why the fuck you act all distant around her in public but not in private. She needs to know if you’re aware of it, if there’s an explanation, or if you’re just fucking with her. She needs to know if you’re in or you’re out. Spirits, Lin’s never been good at gentle, or graceful –but all you seem to be asking for is straightforwardness, and she can do that.
She swallows hard, then undoes the buttons on her coat and takes it off. She drapes it over her arm, then walks stiffly over to your couch and sits. She leans forward, braces her forearms against her knees, then says it. “You act like you don’t want to be together.”
Your eyes widen. “I–”
“From where I’m standing –from what I can see–you do.” She stares at you, watches as the meaning of her words sink in and you go quiet, then continues. “You…” She sighs, then rubs the back of her neck. “You’re hot and cold. You’re all over the place. You never initiate dates –and when we do go out, you act like you’re scared to be seen with me. Like you don’t want me to touch you. But it’s not an affection thing, because when we’re in private, you’re all over me.” She pauses for a moment, waits to see if you’ll say anything.
You stay silent. Still. Your frown has dropped, and your expression looks braced. It looks like you have tears in your eyes.
Lin purses her lips, but continues. No sense in stopping now. “Maybe… maybe I should’ve been clearer from the start. I’m sorry that I wasn’t. I know I’m not… not the most open person, but…” She stops, mind stalling with resistance to the mere concept of opening up, of explaining any of this. Just fucking say it, Beifong. “I –I prefer actually… I want a certain level of public affection in a relationship.” She’s sweating. She doesn’t need a mirror to know her face is red. “If… if you were under the impression that I didn’t want you to be affectionate in public…”
You swallow hard, then shake your head. “No. That… no.”
Fuck. Lin does her best to keep her face neutral even as her heart shatters into billions of pieces in her chest. She nods slowly, realization numbing away the grief she knows she’ll feel later. She inhales slowly through her nose, then lets it out while counting to ten. “I’m sorry. I should’ve been clearer from the start.” Her heart clenches tight –ruined as it is–when a fat tear rolls down your cheek. “Maybe–” she clears her throat “–it would be best if–”
You clap one hand to your mouth and let out a choked sob.
She stops. Angi, this blows. She doesn’t want to hurt you –Spirits help her–but there’s no sense in letting things linger if the two of you aren’t compatible. Get it over with. Rip the bandaid off–
“Tui and La, this stupid fucking cycle.”
Lin blinks, startled. Then, she frowns when your words sink in. “What?”
“I mean, you’re not the first girlfriend I’ve had who’s told me this.” You let out a self-deprecating laugh, then snarl in frustration. “You think I’d fucking learn after how many times–”
She recoils, caught off guard by the intensity of your self-directed vitriol. 
You’re ranting now, words rushing together so fast and mixed with sobs to the point that she can barely keep up. “–and maybe I should’ve been the one to be up front, and never let this happen so I didn’t hurt you–”
She says your name, then repeats it louder when you don’t stop. “Slow down, I can’t understand you–”
“–be so fucking naive, I should’ve been realistic about being defective–”
“Stop it!”
Her bark has you cutting yourself off with a gasp. You freeze for a minute. Then, your face and your knees crumple.
Lin’s off the couch and over to you in three long strides. She catches you before you hit the floor and holds you tight as you weep against her shoulder. “Easy. Just slow down and breathe, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” you gasp; you’re breathing so fast and hard that you’re bordering on hyperventilating. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry–”
“It’s okay,” Lin replies automatically. “Just breathe–”
“It’s not.” You let out a body wracking, shaking against her, then force out, “I –I hurt you, and I’m so sorry–”
“You didn’t–”
“I made you think that I didn’t want to be with you! That I wasn’t h-happy–”
“Stop interrupting me.” Lin winces at her tone, then tries to gentle her next sentence. “Just –calm down. Please. I don’t want you passing out, okay?” She strokes one hand over your hair, trying her best to soothe you. “Just breathe, sweetheart. Please.”
You listen for a few minutes; your body stabilizes and you shift your feet to hold more of your own weight. Your breathing slows and evens out. Then, you're shaking your head and pulling back so you can see her. “I’m so sorry, Lin–”
“You don’t–”
“But I do.” You look up at her, eyes red and watery and mournful. “I made you think that I didn’t want to be with you. That I didn’t care about you. And I am so sorry.”
“You–” Lin shakes her head. “I… I jumped to conclusions. And for that, I’m sorry.”
You grimace. “I still had to lay the pieces out.”
“We both played part in it, consciously or not.” Because she can’t fucking take you blaming yourself for everything that led up tonight. Granted, she still doesn’t have the clarity she came here to find, but she’s gathered enough to know that her initial conclusions were wrong. She lets out a shaky breath, then wracks her mind for what to say or do next. Fuck, how do I even begin to salvage this–
“I’ve got shit in my past, Lin.”
Her mind stalls, caught off guard by the sudden confession. Her hands flex against your shoulders as uncertainty rolls through her. Don’t we all?
You sniff, then offer her a pained, watery smile. “I mean –Tui and La, this is…” Your voice trails off, and then your expression shifts to something more pained, more tired. “Fuck.” You scrub your face with your hands, then sniff again. “I… I don’t know if I can explain this tonight.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to–”
“I want to,” you cut her off, voice firm. “I just…” You sigh. “I need some time to think.”
Lin purses her lips. Her stomach’s churning, and her chest feels like it’s on fire. “If –if you’d rather end things, just say so.”
“I won’t, because I don’t want to.” You shake your head –then freeze. You look up at her slowly, expression pinched. “But… but if you want to…”
She takes a deep breath, then shakes her head as well. “I don’t.” Because she doesn’t. Even with logic, years of experience, and all her instincts screaming to get away before she gets hurt, she doesn’t want to let go. Not if you’re just as determined to hold on as she is.
You let out a sigh, tension unwinding from your body. Your expression slackens, and your shoulders drop a bit. You lean against her, laying your head against her shoulder. “Okay.”
Lin winds her arms around your shoulders. She closes her eyes when you wrap your arms around her waist, and lets herself indulge in simply holding you for a few moments.
She’s exhausted, though. She feels like she’s been gutted, like everything inside her has been ripped out and that she’s barely keeping herself upright –almost like a hangover, but without the benefit of booze. She needs space, needs some precious quiet to put her mind back together… but she doesn’t want to leave you. Not when you’re so obviously wrecked like this. (Not after she came in, basically ready to rip your throat out, and caused this whole mess in the first place.) Lin kisses the top of your head. “Do you want me to stay?”
You let out a shaky exhale, then slowly shake your head. “No.” You pull back and offer her a small, weak smile. “Not that I want to kick you out, but… I just need some time and space to think. To find the right words.”
“Of course.” Lin nods, then starts putting on her coat. She gets her arms in the sleeves, gets the coat situated on her shoulders –then stops. You need to apologize, Beifong. She grimaces, but sets aside her pride all the same. “And –I’m sorry. For coming in so hot.”
“It’s okay.” You quirk your mouth to the side, then duck your head. “And I’m sorry, too. For scaring you. For making you think I don’t care.”
She stiffens. It’s instinctive, mostly; she hadn’t said anything about being scared, and she’s not fond of feeling like she’s been seen through like a pane of glass. Relax. She’s supposed to know you. Lin forces herself to untense, then leans forward and kisses the top of your head again. “Apology accepted.”
“Thank you.” You hug her, then tip your head up and kiss her non-scarred cheek. “I’ll try to have something tangible for you in a couple days so you don’t overthink things to death.”
“I do not–”
“Yes, you do.” You smile softly at her, then laugh a little when she huffs. “You’re like me. We both like having clarity.”
She really can’t argue with that.
She nods –then, she lifts one hand and cups your cheek. “Is it alright if I kiss you?”
You smile and nod. “Yes.”
She kisses you, short and sweet, then pulls back. “I’ll let you rest.”
“Thank you. And you get some rest, too,” you say as you escort her over to your apartment door. “Don’t stay up half the night burying yourself in paperwork.”
“What makes you think I’d do that?” Lin asks drily, feigning innocence. She smirks, then chuckles at the flat look you give her. “I’ll do my best.”
“I suppose that’s all I can ask.”
Lin smirks and arches one eyebrow, then turns to leave–
You catch her arm and draw her back in for one last kiss.
She doesn’t melt into the kiss; she’s too tired, too emotionally overwrought for that. But it’s still comforting, and she can feel some of the tension ebb from her body.
You’re the one to end the kiss this time. It lingers longer than before, but you eventually pull away. “Good night, Lin.” You offer her a tired smile. “We’ll talk soon. I’ll let you know when I’m ready.”
She nods, then manages a “Good night,” back. She waits until your door closes and she hears the deadbolt slide into place, then strides down the hall towards the elevator.
She’ll have to walk home; she didn’t even think to call for a cab before leaving. Lin scowls and jams her hands in her coat pockets. Should’ve fucking drove here.
She’s borderline boneless by the time she makes it back to her apartment. Emotional confrontation never did suit her well. She locks her apartment door behind her, then lets out a ragged sigh. She slumps against the wooden portal, allowing herself to rest for a moment before shoving herself upright once more.
She keeps a supply of liquor in her living room, tucked safely away in a dark stained wooden cabinet. She pulls a bottle of bourbon out, pours herself a couple of fingers, then sets the bottle on the coffee table before she lets herself drop down on the couch. She knocks back half the portion, wincing slightly when she swallows and the alcohol burns down her throat. She’s not looking to get drunk (not like she did after Tenzin, or Amon). But she’s numb, and raw, and right now the scrape of alcohol in her throat is both grounding and soothing.
She stays quiet while she finishes the glass. She doesn’t bother turning on the radio, or even turning on a light. The sun’s pretty well down by now, but there’s still enough ambient light filtering in from the city. The rumble of Satomobiles and chatter from people on the sidewalks is sufficient background noise. So she sits in the dark, drinks her bourbon, and tries to nurse what feels like a gaping wound in the center of her chest.
It’s not over, she tries to reason with herself. Everything is fine. All couples have rough spots. You’re just phasing out of the honeymoon period.
Not that it does much good. Not in any important sense at least.
Don’t be stupid. You know something’s wrong –that’s the whole reason you went over there tonight. You should’ve cut and run, called your losses before everything went to shit. Besides, if something wasn’t wrong before, it certainly is now, since you went and fucking stepped in it. Maybe, if you’d just kept your mouth shut in the first place and let it ride out– Lin squeezes her eyes shut and wills that line of thinking to stop. Enough.
Not doing anything wasn’t an option. She’d learned that the hard way with Tenzin. And while detaching might be objectively safer, might’ve hurt less in the long run…
She growls under her breath. She sets her empty glass on the coffee table, then rubs her temples with her fingertips. Why do this have to be so fucking complicated?
She doesn’t want to end things. Despite her worries and old, buried hurts, she knows it. She wants to stay with you, wants things to work, wants to be happy with you.
Lin scowls. If that’s even possible. She swallows hard, then closes her eyes and lowers her head into her hands. Okay. Facts, not feelings. What’s the actual situation at hand?
Fact: There is some sort of delineation between how you act around her in public and how you act around her in private.
Possible outcome: The two of you have diverting preferences for PDA, which may yield to incompatibility as long term partners.
Fact: There is some sort of unaddressed trauma you’re dealing with as it relates to romantic relationships, displays of affection, or both. This trauma has, apparently, created a cycle of dysfunction in your romantic life –so much so that she’s not the first partner to bring the difference in private versus public attention to your notice.
Possible outcome:...
Lin frowns into her hands. I don’t know. She could tell, back at your apartment, that this is a deeply seated issue for you. But beyond what you’ve told her, she has nothing to go on. She has to trust you and take you at your word.
What’s worse –or better, she honestly can’t tell at this point–is that she does trust you. You’ve been nothing but painfully, earnestly honest with her since the two of you met. You’re not one for calculating guile, manipulation, or cunning schemes. It’s part of what she likes so much about you. She trusts you to be honest with her. To be direct. You certainly were earlier tonight when you called her out on her bullshit.
She can’t help but smirk, just a little, at the memory. That’s my girl. Lin lets out a long, exhausted breath, then lifts her head from her hands. Nothing else to do for now.
She decides against a second glass of alcohol. She has work tomorrow; more than that, she needs to sleep. She puts the bottle of bourbon back in the cupboard, rinses the glass, sets it on the countertop to dry, then heads to her bedroom.
She coasts through her bedtime routine with mechanical detachment. The overthinking part of her mind is blissfully absent, silenced by bourbon and the comfort of facts. She washes up as much as she needs to, changes, then turns out the light in her bedroom and climbs into bed.
Mercifully, she doesn’t dream.
Work is good. Paperwork and meetings with city officials are a pain in the neck, as always, but it’s routine. It keeps her mind busy, keeps her grounded. After yesterday, she needs to keep busy.
She stays late, too. It’s a bad habit, born out of being a workaholic and using said work to avoid anything that made her uneasy. But it’s not like there’s a shortage of reports to review, policy changes to amend, or case details to go over.
It’s late when she leaves her office –past eight. The sun’s low in the sky as she strides out of the department headquarters and over to her Satomobile.
The drive back to her apartment is routine. Uneventful. She makes a couple mental plans to put away some laundry she left out earlier and make dinner, but otherwise her goal is to spend the evening working on the paperwork tucked in her briefcase.
That is, until she opens her mailbox and realizes she has a letter from you.
She’s halfway to the elevator when she sees the nonstandard envelope; it’d been wedged between a few pieces of junk mail and this month’s utility invoice. A quick inspection reveals your name and address on the front –and then it’s all she can do to keep from ripping it open in the elevator. Patience, Beifong. She certainly doesn’t want to open a personal letter from her girlfriend in public. Especially if it contains bad news. She’s never been fond of getting emotional –especially the emotions that lean towards crying–in public spaces.
The letter burns in her hand the entire ride up to her floor. She can’t take her eyes off the envelope, tracing the smooth lines of your name and address over and over. She has nice penmanship.
She holds out until she locks the deadbolt of her apartment door behind her. Then, she uses her metalbending to summon her keys and uses the toothed edge of one to cut the envelope open. She tosses the rest of her mail on the counter, drops her briefcase next to the small stack of letters, and finally –finally–withdraws your letter from the envelope and unfolds it.
Before I get into this, I want to apologize again–
She has to close her eyes and physically stop herself from groaning in pained frustration. This –this isn’t what she wanted. She’s realizing, unfortunately, that her approach last night was deeply flawed. All she wanted was some fucking clarity, but now you’re apologizing for trivial bullshit, practically dragging yourself across the coals in genuine penance; she’d rather have teeth pulled than go through this. Breathe. If she took the time to send you a letter, then it’s important. Lin inhales through her nose, holds the breath briefly, then exhales through her mouth before opening her eyes and resuming reading.
–to apologize again for last night. That things got to this state. I know that you’ll probably say that I don’t need to apologize, but I can tell that I’ve hurt you, and I don’t think you minimizing your own feelings will do anything good, so please just let me have this.
She bites down on the inside of her lower lip. Discomfort curls through her body; she feels exposed –even with still wearing head to toe metal armor. She takes another deep breath, forces herself to relax her grip on the paper when she realizes she’s leaving indents, then continues.
I wish I could say that I have this all figured out and that I can give you a complete explanation, and that we can get this completely behind us and move forward… but I can’t. I’m starting to wonder if this “quirk” of mine is ingrained deeper than I realized. Everytime I try to explain it or think about it, I feel like my thoughts get lost in a sea of mud. But, I do have some semblance of an explanation, so I’ll put it to you now.
The paper’s warped in a few spots. There’s some smeared bits of ink, some areas more translucent than the others.
Tear marks, Lin realizes with sadness. They’re tear marks.
I guess the easiest way to put it is that I don’t think growing up in the Water Tribe was healthy for me, at least as it relates to my sexuality. Their attitudes, while better than other regions, certainly aren’t the most progressive. I always thought that, since coming to Republic City, I’d put all those ideologies behind me. However, now I’m starting to wonder if it lingered more than I thought.
I’m so scared of being seen as queer in public. Not because I think someone would hurt me, but it’s… just not what I’m supposed to do. I know this probably sounds insane, but I feel like I’m going to get caught with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar. It’s why I lean away from being affectionate in public or arranging dates. I’m so afraid of “getting caught” and… something happening. I’m sorry I can’t explain it better; like I said, it’s like my mind turns to mud whenever I try to think about this.
She has to brace against her kitchen counter to keep from sinking to the floor. She’s not entirely sure what she’s feeling; shock, to be certain. A deep, overwhelming sense of realization and clarity as all the moments of your aversion and seeming apathy come into context. But deeper, underneath all of it, there’s a growing sense of horror, one that makes her stomach clench and churn.
She was fortunate to grow up in Republic City, in the circle of family and friends that she had. Even back then, Republic City had a vibrant queer community and laws protecting queer rights. Toph, certainly, hadn’t been fussed when she came out as bisexual as a teenager. Uncle Aang had made a point to carry forward the Air Nomad’s open acceptance of all sexualities and gender identities, and Aunt Katara had followed his lead. Uncle Zuko had quashed Fire Lord Sozin’s laws against gay marriage in the Fire Nation–
Spirits, she could probably list the advantages she’d had –advantages she’d had over you–as a queer woman for hours, now that she thinks about it. No wonder. She purses her lips. No wonder she wasn’t comfortable being affectionate in public.
Again, I am so, so sorry this splashed all over you, Lin. I know that it doesn’t change the inconsistencies in how I act, but I hope you’ll believe me when I say that I never intended to hurt you, or to make you feel like I didn’t want to be seen with you. Believe me when I say that I am so utterly happy to be your girlfriend –even when it’s scary.
She’s crying. Or damn close to it. Her eyes are watering, stinging.
I know we need to talk about this more. I still need some time to think, but I think I can have more of an explanation ready for you by the end of this week. If you want to talk, I’d appreciate you calling me once you get this letter and feel ready to discuss things. However, if you don’t want to talk –if this isn’t something you feel comfortable working through–then I understand–
Lin can’t remember a time she’s walked to her phone and dialed your number faster.
You pick up after a couple rings. There’s a shaky inhale once the call connects, and then your voice –soft, painfully hesitant–filters through the speaker. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Lin swallows, then looks down at your letter. “I –uh–I got your letter.”
“Oh.” There’s a beat of silence, and the muffled sounds of you shuffling. “Okay.”
“You–” Get your shit together, Beifong. “You said you wanted me to call. To set a time to talk.”
“Yeah. I did.” There’s another pause, and then you let out a small laugh. “I guess I didn’t think you’d read it right away. Or that you’d want to talk so soon.”
“Of course, I did,” Lin says, indignant; like she’d let something like this go unaddressed for so long. “And of course, I do.”
“Okay.” Another shaky exhale. “I guess –I guess I wasn’t sure if you’d be mad.”
Oh, sweetheart. “I’m not mad,” she reassures you. “I think–” She has to swallow again and blink a few times; her throat’s gone unexpectedly tight with emotion. “I think your letter helped, actually. It puts a lot into context for me.”
“O-oh.” There’s a sniff, and when you speak again your voice sounds strained. “I –I’m glad. I’m glad it helped. But there’s… there’s still more I’d like to say. I just need time to… find the words and stuff.”
“Okay. It’s okay.” She braces against one hand on the wall next to the phone mount. “You said you wanted to talk later this week?”
“Yeah.” Your voice sounds clearer now. More certain. “I was thinking maybe Saturday? You could come to my place for dinner.” You let out a soft laugh. “I could make you some proper Sea Prune stew.”
“You don’t need to cook for me,” Lin argues, shaking her head. “Not for something like this. I can get us take out.”
“I want to,” you insist. “It’ll give me something to do with all my nervous energy.”
That, she can understand. “If you’re sure.” She purses her lips, loathing this feeling of awkward uncertainty running through her. “I… could bring something for dessert?”
“If you want to.”
“I do.” I need even things out somehow.
Lin’s suddenly remembering why she went through a spell of not dating whatsoever; these awkward, nebulous post-fight conversations always make her feel like she has ants crawling underneath her skin. Easy. One thing at a time. She takes a deep breath, then lets it out.  “Okay.” Agni’s sake, say something better than that!
“I’m really sorry, Lin,” you pipe up –and, Spirits, your voice is cracking like you’re going to cry, and that’s the last thing she can bear right now. “I really didn’t mean for you to get caught up in my bullshit.”
“I wouldn’t characterize having trauma around expressing your sexuality as ‘bullshit,’” Lin fires back.
“I’m –it’s not–”
“You wrote that you’re scared of being recognized as queer in public, to the point that it’s had a negative impact on every relationship you’ve had,” she interjects. “How is that not trauma?”
Your end of the line is quiet for a long time. Then, you sigh. “Well, I’m still sorry.”
“You don’t need to be–”
“Tui and La, Lin, just accept the apology,” you insist tiredly. “My actions, though caused by arguable trauma, hurt you. Just because there’s underlying reasons doesn’t change that you got hurt, and it doesn’t change that I’m still accountable for my choices.”
“But I’m not upset with you,” Lin argues. “Not with this. Not with it being a trauma issue.”
“Then just say you accept my apology! Quit telling me to not apologize to begin with!” You let out a tired laugh, then add, “Besides, when you could tell me what to do, anyway?”
She feels a smirk spread across her face at the clear impish challenge in your voice. She shifts to leaning against her shoulder, so that she’s sidled up next to the wall mount for the phone. “Oh, I seem to recall countless times where–”
“Focus, Lin.” Your smile is audible in your voice now. “You were going to accept my apology.”
She’s grinning, now. “Says who?”
“Says me, the girlfriend you adore and care about.”
Any other day, she’d argue with you to get a rise out of you, but she doesn’t want to push you too far right now. She lets out a soft chuckle, then concedes. “I appreciate and accept your apology. Thank you.”
“Yue above, it’s like pulling fucking teeth from you, isn’t it?” you mutter.
“The fuck else do you want from me, woman?” She smiles when you laugh –actually laugh, and it’s a relief to hear it–then sobers when she remembers that she owes you an apology, too. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, too. You were right. I was handling things like an interrogation. That wasn’t fair to you.”
“Apology accepted,” you answer, like it’s the easiest thing in the world. “I really appreciate that. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
There’s a pause, but the silence is more comfortable than before. Then, you ask, “Are we good?”
And that –that is a question she fucking hates. It’s so open-ended. What does “good” mean? Is it relative to the situation, or is there some definition of “good” that applies to the relationship overall that she should use instead? And, moreover, how is she supposed to know? Just because things are being worked through doesn’t inherently mean everything is “good.” Sometimes, working things out just drags more issues into the open, and then everything goes to shit as a result–
You’re overthinking this. Think smaller.
Okay. She’s not upset with you. You’re not upset with her –as far as she can tell, anyway. You’ve both apologized, you’ve both accepted each other’s apologies, there’s plans to talk things out more so there’s better understanding of the situation and what you both need. That… that seems good.
“We’re good,” Lin decides. “Are –are things good on your end?”
“We’re good on my end,” you assure her, voice warm.
“Good. I’ll see you on Saturday for dinner?”
“Yeah.” The two of you take a moment to hash out exactly when she’ll stop by your apartment, and then you sigh. “Not to just hop off, but I’m gonna go. I’m scheduled for rehab at Yue General tomorrow, so I need to rest.”
“By all means. I hope everything goes well.”
“Thanks. I hope things go well tomorrow for you, too.”
“Thank you.” She smiles softly. “Good night.”
“Good night, Lin.”
She hangs up when she hears the line click on your end, then sighs. Lin rubs the back of her neck with her hand. She straightens up, then looks down at the letter in her hand. She finishes reading it; there’s not much left, just you giving her an option out of the relationship if she didn’t want to hash things out and you apologizing again before signing the letter–then lets her eyes trace back over the sheet of paper. She’s noticing more tear spots on the paper, especially as she gets towards the bottom of the page, and she feels like her heart’s breaking all over again. She traces the outline of one of the more pronounced stains, then closes her eyes. Okay. Enough. You need to move forward with your evening. She opens her eyes, forces herself to fold the letter shut, then strides into her bedroom to grab a change of clothes before she showers.
Before opening her wardrobe, though, she detours to her nightstand. She opens the top drawer, then tucks your letter inside –between the left side of the drawer and a couple of books, where no one’s likely to notice it if they go snooping. She closes the drawer, then plants one hand against the top of her nightstand and braces against it. I was wrong.
She stays there for a moment, simply processing. Then, she smiles to herself –small, but there–and resumes getting ready for the rest of her evening.
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randomwritingguy · 2 years
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader) Part 28
Frustration is fuelled within me every second we stay in our apartment. Pacing back and forth, hands clasped, behind my back, I stare daggers into the ground.
"Y/N, relax." Korra suggests, concern in her face.
Relax? How can I relax now?!
After Aiwei escaped, Korra proposed we use Naga to track down the truth seer but Chief Beifong forbid us to do so! She wants to send us back to Republic City so she can protect Korra! Even Suyin agreed with her much to everyone's surprise and now we're leaving tomorrow!
"Every minute we waste, the further that traitor gets away." I grit out, my steps increasing in their speed and intensity. "This is our best chance to catch Zaheer and we are now losing it!"
"None of us are liking it." Mako comments, his voice so bitter that I can practically taste it. "But we have to listen to the Chief's orders."
Unfortunately, he's right.
"I guess so." I concede and I eventually drop to one of the chairs. "She better know what she's doing."
A loud knock brings the scene to a halt.
Who's knocking at this time of night?
Korra opens the door and there, standing by the entrance, is Suyin.
Wait, Suyin?!
"You really think Naga could track Aiwei?"
"Then, here."
In a flash, I see the matriarch handing Korra some keys. Wait, keys?
"There's a jeep packed with supplies on the east gate." Suyin explains. "It's all gassed and ready to go."
Korra, obviously, is confused by all of this. "What? Why?"
Suyin responds immediately. There isn't a hint of hesitation or regret. "Because I want you to hunt down Aiwei and bring him back to me."
Despite my shock, I manage to speak up. "I thought you said-"
"-I said what Lin wanted to hear and I bought you guys some time." She clarifies. "Go. I'll deal with Lin in the morning."
YES! We can finally catch that bastard!
After a quick hug to Suyin from Korra, we all begin to depart. Before I walk past Beifong, I give her a small smile. Despite our differences, despite the arguments, despite everything, at this moment, we are allies. She helped us and I will be grateful for that.
"Thank you."
Suyin, probably having the same thoughts as I did about our relationship, smiles back. "Don't mention it. Now, go!"
I nod and with a quick dash we head off, Korra on Naga and the rest of Team Avatar in the jeep.
The hunt begins.
We have been travelling for hours. Once the sky was as black as Vaatu's heart is now as bright and blue as the hope we now have.
Throughout the trip we all managed to have a little bit of rest. We needed it after all the excitement we had back in Zaofu.
The thought of the metal city reminds me of Lin. She's going to be PISSED when she realises we're gone. Spirits, she probably already knows.
Right now, we're at some local Earth Kingdom desert village. Naga managed to track Aiwei to the small area. He must have took a quick stop.
It isn't much. Just a bunch of run-down and withered buildings bunched up close together. Its clear the village hasn't been well-kept by the populace.
"Aiwei has definitely been here." Korra tells us. She then looks at Naga with a grateful smile. "Nice tracking, girl."
"Let's ask around." Mako suggests, already beginning to walk to some sort of tavern. "Maybe someone's seen him."
We all follow, and we enter inside. Just like the outside village, the tavern isn't well kept. The citizens are just as dirty and sketchy as the area.
I look around the area, trying to spot someone who appears to be at least a little trustworthy and-
Uh oh.
My curse catches my friends attention and they all turn to see what I was talking about.
Right by the entrance, there are five posters. Posters that have pictures of each and every member of Team Avatar. Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami...and me.
"Wanted posters!" Korra exclaims in shock.
Mako leans forward and narrows his eyes. ""Wanted by Her Majesty, the Earth Queen, for crimes against the Kingdom."
Crimes? Oh, you have got to be kidding me!
"The Queen is still pissed about what happened in Ba Sing Se." I growl like an animal. "The fucking nerve to place a bounty on us..."
"Those airbenders won't hers to keep!" Korra angrily barks out. "I swear, if I see her pinchy little queen face again, I am going to..."
"Uhh, guys..."
We all turn to see why she's all of a sudden nervous.
There, in the tavern, all of the customers are glaring daggers right at us. The dirt, scars, and ripped clothing amplifies the intimidation they already radiate. I even see one pulling out a long, slick sword and another a sharp spear.
Uh oh...
"Lets get out of here." I quickly mutter and in a blink of an eye we all rush out.
Welp, I guess we should continue the trail. No point sticking around this...fun...place.
We eventually reached another town, much larger, tidier, and generally nicer looking than the one we visit before. Apparently it's a place called Misty Palms Oasis. I guess its an oasis in more ways than one after our las location.
But that pales in comparison to what we found.
Naga found something.
Aiwei's jeep crudely hidden beneath the large rocks that spread across the plains.
"This must be Aiwei's jeep." Asami tells us, pointing out the obvious. "He can't be far."
She's right. Aiwei must be in Misty Palms!"
"Let's get this guy." I tell them, cracking my knuckles. "He must be in that settlement over there."
"No." Mako disagrees, hands raised in a soothing gesture. Then, he points to his younger brother. "Bolin and I will investigate the Misty Palms Oasis. You, Korra, and Asami wait here in case he comes back. Besides, we don't want to call too much attention to ourselves."
Dammit. He's right.
Sighing heavily, I relent. "Very well." I reluctantly agree. "I take it you two would be wearing some disguises?"
"Did someone say disguises?!" a very loud and cheery voice calls out, causing Mako to pinch the bridge of his nose and mutter "Oh no..."
Bolin, clearly more excited than his brother, dashes to the bags of supplies Suyin had provided us and then, in a moment of light speed, whips out a yellow raincoat, so bright that it nearly hurts my eyes, and pulls it all over him and proceeds to bring out some green goggles and slaps it on him. A few moments later and Mako does the same.
Well, uh, it's certainly a disguise...
I mean, it might attract a lot of attention with its colour but at least its something...
Oh dear.
I trade looks with Korra and Asami and its clear we all share the same thoughts about their...disguise.
"Now we need some backstories!" Bolin continues, clasping his hands together and rubbing them back and forth in a preparation gesture. Then, he dramatically places one on his chest in a dramatic sense of sadness. "I'm an ex-United Forces operative named Ting-Ting. War was the only woman I ever loved, until Ivy came along and showed me what real love is. Tragically, she was taken from me by my archenemy Dr. Razor and-"
"-Enough!" Mako interrupts, clearly fed up with his brother's antics, and begins dragging him towards the Misty Palms. "Let's just find Aiwei."
"Good luck, guys." I tell them and just like that they are off to the local area.
Well then.
"Is there anything in his jeep that can help us?" I ask the two women as I begin walking towards the vehicle.
"Only one way to find out." Asami says. "You check the boot and I'll check the glove department. Korra, you watch out for us."
"On it." We both respond at the same time and we get to our tasks. Korra sets herself upon a large boulder while I go to the back of the jeep. In a quick motion, I pull the lid of the boot open and I am greeted with...nothing. Great.
"Nothing in here." I tell them with irritation, slamming the lid shut. "Any luck with you?"
"Not yet. There isn't seem to be anything of-WAIT! I think I found something!"
Oh shit!
"You found something?" Korra speaks up, sliding down the boulder and joining Asami and I.
The CEO of Future Industries pulls out some sort of note and hands it to Korra. What is it with these guys and notes?
"Xai Bau's Grove, sundown." Korra reads aloud carefully. When she finishes, her features light up in excitement. "This must be where and when Aiwei's going to meet Zaheer!"
"Sure sounds like it." I agree, crossing my arms. "Never heard of Xai Bau's Grove before, though."
"Good thing we have a map." Asami points out and then spreads it across the jeep and begins analysing it with precision and care. "All right. Xai Bau's Grove, where are you?"
Our eyes scour the map, draining and drinking the information before us like we dying of thirst. I can't see the name we are looking for. Dammit!
Almost immediately after we begin our search, a couple of blue butterfly-like spirits land on the map, covering portions of the map.
Asami brushes them away with annoyance. "Go away! I'm trying to find something."
Damn straight. Now, where in the spirits is this pla-
"Hold on a second." I urgently tell her. "Maybe they are trying to tell us something."
"What do you mean?" Korra asks."
Before I answer her, I do a thorough scan of the Earth Kingdom map one more time to make sure I am not mistaken.
I am not.
"Xai Bau's Grove isn't in the Earth Kingdom or anywhere." I finally answer. "It's in the spirit world! That's why it isn't on the map."
Upon my revelation, their features flash with a new understanding. Asami scrolls up the map and places it away. "You're right! That's got to be it."
"We'll wait for Mako and Bolin to return and tell us if Aiwei is here." Korra declares, her voice full of leadership and authority. "If he is here and he's staying in Misty Palms, then we'll wait until he mediates into the Spirit World."
I nod in agreement. Sounds like a plan.
Eventually, Mako does return but by myself. Before I can panic, he tells us they found out Aiwei is hiding in an inn and Bolin is keeping an eye on him. We tell him of our own discoveries and we agree to stake his room out until sundown and quietly enter his place.
We manage to book a room ourselves opposite to Aiwei's. A perfect place for a stakeout.
Well, almost perfect.
Because this room is fucking awful.
Literally, it's so small its ridiculous with only one bed. Like, its okay for one person I suppose. But still! Naga is literally filling up nearly half of the damn room.
"I'd just like to say, for the record, this room is definitely not perfect." Bolin speaks out our thoughts but is immediately hit in the face by the polar bear dog's tail.
"Understatement of the century." I dryly comment and glance at Korra and Mako peeking out of the window.
Bolin continues his (understandable) complaints. "I thought stakeouts were supposed to be exciting. This isn't. At all!" To avoid total boredom, he begins searching through the room but then gets all excited out of nowhere. "Hey, look! A Pai Sho board! Mako, you want to play?"
"Kind of busy, bro." Mako quickly refuses, focusing on spying on Zaofu's traitor.
"I'll play."
I glance at Asami, and I see her lit up with excitement and anticipation. I didn't know she played Pai Sho.
A few minutes pass and, as I silent observe the multiple games between Bolin and Asami, I come to learn that the CEO of Future Industries is actually a Pai Sho master or, at least, a master of the version she plays. Turns out Pai Sho has multiple versions, which now I realise isn't really surprising since the game is apparently over a thousand years old, and Bolin played a way, WAY different version. Sato's version is slow, methodical, focused on strategizing. Bolin's is fast, reckless, and little thinking. The earthbender doesn't like this, obviously, and seriously asked Korra to standardise Pai Sho rules. The sarcasm she shot back at him went completely over his head.
"So, we know at sundown Aiwei is going to go to the Spirit World." I state, glancing in the directions of Korra and Mako who are staring at the truth seer's own accommodation. "We go to his place and you just meditate into the Spirit World?"
"That's the best plan I can think of." Korra responds, still gazing through the glassless window. She doesn't sound worried at all despite what happened back at Zaofu.
"Korra, you were nearly kidnapped last night." I tell her with complete seriousness. "I don't like the idea of you confronting Zaheer in the Spirit World all alone."
This time, my best friend turns to me with complete determination in her gaze to me. "Y/N, I have to. This is the only way we can find out more about these guys and stop them."
"I know that." I shake my head. "I just..."
I trail off, not really knowing what to say. I'm overthinking this. It's not like Korra can be taken in the Spirit World. Neither she nor Zaheer would have their bending.
But Korra looked so vulnerable back in Zaofu...
I don't want her to be in that state again.
"Maybe I can come with you?" I weakly ask, already knowing the answer.
Korra shakes her head gently. "It's best if I go alone. By myself it will be easier to hide and might give Zaheer a false sense of security."
I nod solemnly. Dammit.
Then, a light touch of her fingers press upon my chin and I see her tilt my chin upwards. I see a small smile on her lips and comfort in her ocean eyes.
"I'll be fine."
Yeah. Yeah, she will. Of course.
"I know." I tell her, a smile slowly spreading on my lips too.
And, like that, the tender moment is ruined by Bolin's scream of frustration. Sounds like Asami has defeated him yet again.
A quick glance and, unsurprising, I was correct as I see Bolin laid down on his back, face buried in his palms, and groaning quietly while Asami has a triumphant smile on her face, arms crossed.
Hm. Okay then.
Displaying a big and cocky smirk, I walk over to Bolin and sit down, cross-legged, next to him. "My turn."
"What?" Bolin squeals out, shooting straight back with wide eyes. "Don't do it, Y/N! Asami is too skilled! She's undefeatable!"
"I'm afraid he's right, Y/N." Asami agrees with complete arrogance, her triumphant smile now a smirk. "I'll destroy you just like I did to Bolin."
Oh, really now?
I cross my arms in defiance. "Then you won't mind if I have a go, oh so Pai Sho Master?"
She chuckles at my mockery title I give her. "If you don't mind losing then sure."
Oh, I'm not going to be the one losing.
"I didn't know you played Pai Sho." Asami points out as we reset the board.
"I played a few games of it back on Air Temple Island." I tell her, placing my own pieces back to their starting positions. "Jinora taught me how to play."
"Did you and Korra play together?"
I give her a sly smile. "You really think Korra will play Pai Sho? A game of patience?"
"Hey!" Korra barks out with an offended look, mouth agape. "I can be patient!"
"You can." I concede. "But you can't be patient enough to play Pai Sho."
Asami chuckles. "Sorry, Korra, but I have to agree with Y/N on this one."
The jet-black woman and I gaze at each other as we hide our snickers behind our mouth as we try to contain our laughter at the sight of Korra's offended and infuriated look.
When the moment subsides, we go back to our board and not too long afterwards we are finished with resetting our arena.
Bolin slumps away melancholily and moves to the side of the two of us and then gives me a dedicated stare. "Avenge me, Y/N!"
I give him a serious gaze that shouldn't really be serious in the first place given the situation. "I will."
I turn to Asami, the woman giving me a hardened glare, and I smirk.
"Your move."
Unlike the previous matches, this one lasts for what feels like a lifetime. Each move her and I make is coordinated, organised, and with purpose. The arrogance that once filled our forms has now drained away as we realise that our opponents are actually good. Really good.
"This is the longest Pai Sho game I have ever seen." Bolin comments.
"This is the longest game I've played." Asami agrees.
"Ditto." I add. I then manage to retrieve a drip of arrogance I had and smirk. "I thought you said you were going to destroy me?"
"Don't get cocky." Asami warns, smiling dangerously. "I don't see you doing any better."
Hm. Touché.
We continue but no more teasing comments are made. This game is dead silent now as we make our moves one by one, piece by piece, strategy by strategy.
I don't know how much time has passed but eventually we reach a deadlock. Our number of pieces are low and equal.
"This can go either way!" Bolin announces, voice full of shock and anticipation.
Asami and I glare at each other, intensity in our eye-lock so powerful and thick you can slice it with a katana.
The sound of an excited fire ferret is the only warning we hear and in a blink of an eye, tiles from the game fly into the air while the board acts as a resting pad for the cute pet.
"PABU!" Asami, Bolin, and I yell, startling Korra and Mako. In a fit of anger, I swing my arms upward into the air but this accidentally sends Pabu and the Pai Sho board and tiles right into Asami's face!
"Asami, you okay?!" I tell her, moving Pabu away from her and giving it to Bolin.
"I'm fine." The CEO of Future Industries groans out, moving strands of hair away from her face.
"Shhh, guys!" Mako sternly orders us. "We don't want Aiwei hearing us!"
"But Mako you should have seen it!" Bolin exclaims, despair in his voice. "It was the most intense game of Pai Sho ever and Pabu ruined it! Now we'll never know who would have won!"
"I'm sorry the game was ruined but just keep it quiet." Mako tells his brother, not having any of it.
Welp. Thanks Pabu. The game between Asami and I will forever be inconclusive. Just peachy.
"I'm sorry for blasting all of that stuff at you." I apologise. "It was an accident."
Asami, now finally tidied herself, gives me a tired smile. "It's okay. I'm just surprised at the strength of that blast. You've really progressed fast with your airbending, huh?"
Warmth rushes to my cheeks in embarrassment and I scratch the back of my neck. "Eh, I'm not that good. I suck compared to Tenzin, Korra, and even the air kids."
"Don't be too hard on yourself." Asami refutes. "For a novice, you're great! I mean, remember back at Zaofu? You deflected an explosion!"
True...I did do that. To be honest I'm surprised I was able to do it. I wasn't even thinking when I did it. I just...did it.
"She's right." Korra agrees, giving me a proud smile. "Not any newbie can do that. You'll be a great airbender."
The heat in my face intensifies and engulfs into flames. I really hope I don't look as red as I am feeling.
"T-Thanks." I tell her, shyly looing downwards. Then, in a surprising boost of confidence, I chuckle. "Sprits, I'm going to have a big arrow on my forehead someday. Imagine that."
"I can imagine it." She tells me with a slight teasing smile. Then, the smile shifts into something tender. "And we'll all be there when you get them."
"You said it." Bolin agrees, wrapping an arm over my shoulders. "An airbending master in Team Avatar?! How cool is that?!"
Huh. Me, an airbending master?
I close my eyes and imagine myself as that. Me, wearing big, bold, red and yellow robes with a cloak similar to Tenzin's that signify my allegiance to the Air Nation with bright blue arrow tattoos all over my body and being clear as day on my hands and forehead.
"Yeah." I tell everyone, giving them a smile. "It would be cool."
"Uh, guys." Mako announces. "I hate to break the moment but it's pretty much sundown. We got to make our move now!"
The friendly atmosphere shatters as we are brought back to the reality of the situation.
It's sundown?! Already?! How long were Asami and I playing Pai Sho for?!
Standing up straight, I gaze at the outside world and I see the all-too familiar orange glow of a sunset.
"Lets do this." Korra declares and she starts marching out of the room. One by one, my friends leave until I am alone.
Taking a deep, hard, breath and release it, I follow.
Korra will confront Zaheer.
We will find out who he and his friends are.
We will find them.
And we will stop them.
One way or another.
And that's it!
Feedback is appreciated! :D
See you all in the next chapter!
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melzula · 4 years
Can you write a cute family headcanon about Toph's Sister! Reader babysitting her two nieces when they were children?
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Little Lin and Suyin absolutely adored their aunt y/n as kids
You owned a quaint little dress shop in Republic City so you were around often, and most of the time it was you who looked after the girls while Toph was out doing police work
Unlike their mother you have no problem showing affection, showering the girls in hugs and kisses. You’re a softer, sweeter presence that they appreciate very much
You’ve been there for them both since the day they were born, bottle feeding and changing diapers and singing sweet songs to put them to sleep
They love whenever you make your famous egg rolls and rice for dinner. It’s not a very extravagant meal but it always taste so good
You encourage them both to be the best they can be and always support their best interests. You try to keep both girls in check, but sometimes it’s hard to keep up with them
The days in which you stop by for a visit or to watch over them while their mother works are always their favorites
You try to play peacemaker whenever the two fight, but this works less and less the older they get
Both always come to you to vent about their frustrations or about their mother
Lin may never say it aloud but sometimes she wishes you were her mom
Your favorite activity to do with them whenever you babysit is finger paint! You make a new creation every time you’re together, and this tradition continues well into their adulthood as well
Both forever remain close to you, Lin always stopping by to visit every now and then to check in on you as well as update you on her police work and Su inviting you to Zaofu to show you her latest updates to the city as well as her dance routines
They don’t know what they’d do without their favorite aunt
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girlandthedarkness · 4 years
Suyin Beifong Headcanon
gn!reader x suyin beifong
- You knew each other from school, you were one of her close friends, the only one Lin actually likes.
- You were best friends until she starts to mess up with some criminal, you two dry off from each other.
- Your ways parted completely after the conflict between her and Lin, because you were on Lin's side.
"- I can't believe you agreed with Lin! At this moment of your quarrel she already shouts.
- Su, you hurt your sister while robbing a bank, despite the screams your voice was small, hating that she raised her voice at you.
- Well then, I guess you are not my friend anymore!
- Su...
- You know what, you're boring and that's why you don't have friends!
Her voice was full of hatred that it makes the tears appeared involuntarily in your eyes. The hurting look on your face wakes Suyin up, she understands how hard she messed up. The young Beifong wanted to apologize, but you just left the room, feeling exhausted from your clash.”
- You didn't see her after that, you found out from Lin that she left the Republic City.
- But Su was sending you letters, however, you couldn't bring yourself to open them or to throw them away.
- You met again after a few years, you were coming home from work when you noticed a figure at your front door.
- It was Suyin, your heart skipped a beat and you were ready to turn away, but she has already notice you.
"- Y/n wait. She runs to you. I'm so happy to see you again! The whole speech that she prepared for you vanish from her mind. I'm really sorry for everything that I said and done to you and how I treated you.  But I've changed, I swear. I'm a different person now. I hope you'll forgive me and will give me a second chance.
While Su struggle to find right words you study her. She was taller now, and more tanned than you remember.
- I'm not mad at you anymore, I grew past this Su. I guess, hearing from you this words, just proved the things that I already knew.
- It's not true, I was blinded by the fact that you chose my sister's side over mine, and deep down I knew that you were right.
You were so concentrated on her face that didn't notice how close she is to you now.
- I wanted you to be on my side, because I love you, and I understand that after all these years you may not feel anything for me, but I'll regret all my life if I don't tell you how I feel.
To say that Su's confession dumbfounded you is to say nothing.
- I didn't know that you feel that way about me, that's awkward. If I knew sooner, I would say that I feel the same for you.
- Does that mean that?
- I love you too, and sorry for not answer to your letters.
- So you got them? She asks with a smile. Can I kiss you now?
- Yes."
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The Mission: Bolin x Reader Series Part Two
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Bolin continues to be an annoyingly adorable and a visit to Zafou brings a lot of things into perspective 
Part One here 
Part Three here
Part Four here
One of the worst parts of being stuck on a train was you couldn’t avoid people you didn’t like, such as your sister’s fiance. You and Bataar Jnr never got on. You think he saw you as a threat considering you were Kuvira’s sister and honestly the thought she cared for you enough for it to be a challenge the one thing Kuvira truly loved was laughable. 
Nobody could ever challenge that love but Bataar hadn’t got that yet.
So he treated you as if you were both fighting for Kuvira’s attention and spoke down to you every chance he could. It didn’t help his superiority complex that he was a genius while basic science confused you and he sure loved reminding you of it.
You were working in the lab, trying your best to make sense of the new data for your sister when a loud noise made you jump. "Y/n where are the reports?" someone yelled and you turned to see Bataar staring at you. "Are they not in the file?" you asked confused, your temper already starting to grow at his tone. You hated interacting with him, he was always so rude and pretentious. He wasn’t your boss but he sure loved bossing you around. He was definitely the worst of the Beifongs. Why couldn’t Kuvira have dated one of his siblings you asked yourself for the millionth time since she’s started dating Bataar.
"Obviously not or i’d have them” Bataar retorted back “did you forget to make them this morning?". "No i'm sure i did them". "Sure or certain?". You paused and Bataar raised an eyebrow "while you try and think of a response why don’t you just go print me off a new report?". You went to reply but Bataar had turned his back to you "right now". He carried on with what he was doing as if you’d already left and you glared. You put down your own notes and walked towards the door. Just as you left the room Bolin appeared. "Y/n" he grinned and after interacting with Bataar it was nice to see a real live human. "Hi" you smiled genuinely pleased he was here "what are you doing here? Aren’t you assisting Kuvira?". "I am but she wants Varrick’s notes so i’ve come to get them. How’s your day going?". "Wow she must be really desperate to ask for Varrick’s notes, they’re more complicated than the actual science" you commented steering the conversation away from your current situation and Bolin laughed. "You're right there! Hey what times your shift tonight because i've heard there's this new mover out and i..." Bolin started when he was abruptly cut off "Y/n" someone yelled and you jumped. You and Bolin turned to see Bataar angrily storming over to you "did i not tell you to and get the reports right away! Why are you standing there like a lump?". "I...i was heading there" you started but he rolled his eyes "don’t lie right to my face, you may be Kuvira’s sister but that doesn’t win you any leniencies, you can’t just get out of work when you want to. You have to work like the rest of us”. You went to explain yourself when Bolin frowned "It was my fault Bataar" he said “she was on her way out but I stopped her. I was asking y/n about her shifts tonight". "It’s valiant of you to defend her Bolin but don’t bother. Y/n’s always had disgusting work ethic long before you got here". "I wasn’t defending her it was the truth and y/n is one of the hardest workers i’ve ever seen!". "Ow yeah then why am i here without the daily report in my hand?". "The daily report...i saw Varrick reading one this morning, did you check the folder?". "Of course i checked the folder" Bataar snapped and Bolin paused "the green one? Kuvira said she wants all daily material going in that one as of monday, remember?". Bataar paused and looked down. He walked over to the desk and picked up the green folder. 
There in the first slot was the report. 
Bataar paused and Bolin nodded "so it wasn’t y/n’s fault, her work is brilliant as usual". "She got one thing right that’s hardly brilliant" Bataar snapped pushing past you both and leaving the room. "Thanks Bolin" you said embarrassed and the earth bender smiled kindly at you "no problem! Is he always so...does he always talk to you like that?". You shrugged "he figures i only got my place here because i’m Kuviras sister so he’s determined not to give me any credit. Kind of weird considering he’s known me since I was five but it doesn’t really bother me. It’s better than the people who are extra nice to me because she’s my sister". "But still that’s not fair" Bolin frowned "you’re not Kuvira’s sister, you’re y/n". You smiled at him, slightly awestruck at how great the boy in front of you was. "Well i think you’re the only person who sees me as that” you replied softly “I don’t even think Kuvira does...". "Nonesense! She loves you and we all see how much work you do! This place would fall apart with you". You shook your head "Kuvira wouldn’t let that happen, if i left nothing would change". "Yes it would” Bolin said matter of factly. "Ow yeah what? Bataar would explode after losing his punching bag?". "No" Bolin grinned "if you left i’d notice, i’d miss you". You paused shocked at how open Bolin was and babbled "i...you would?". "Of course!" Bolin cried "you’re my favourite person here! I love talking to you if you left...well i’d certainly smile a lot less". "I don’t believe you physically can smile less" you teased but you were beaming. Bolin had just flipped your bad mood into an amazing one. "No i’d defo smile less if i didn’t have lunch with you every day!" Bolin nodded determinedly and you looked down. "Thanks Bolin" you said awkwardly and you hesitated before replying "I..i’d miss you too, you make all this bearable". Bolin smiled "anytime y/n" and patted your arm. You watched him walk down the hall and knew right then, you’d fully fallen for him and there was no going back. However there was also no stopping Kuvira when she set out to do something leaving you at an impasse...this was not going to be fun.
3 weeks later
Kuvira had officially announced her plan to become the great Uniter and only one thing stood in her way. Zafou. Kuvira wouldn’t let sentiments stop her and so she travelled full speed into your past home ready to rip it from the hands of your family. Only she didn’t class them as that anymore and you wondered if she ever did. So far Kuvira had kept you away from the Beifongs but she apparently decided now was the time to face them.
You felt sick the whole way here and that only got worse as you walked up the path to your home, which you supposed you should stop calling it now. “You okay?” Bolin asked noticing your nerves. Kuvira told him she wanted him there to show her intentions were good but you knew that was a lie. You nodded back “as good as I can be...what about you?”. “I’m a little nervous” he admitted “I just hope Opal listens to reason and doesn’t hate me”. “I can’t imagine anyone could hate you” you replied without thinking and Bolin smiled. “That’s so nice, thank you y/n. I know I did the right thing joining Kuvira because I met you. Kuvira can’t be that bad if someone like you is her sister”. You blushed and swallowed down that familiar guilt. Luckily you were saved from the effort of replying as you were shown into the living room.
All the family was present and they glared at you. Well more accurately at Kuvira and Bataar but still you could tell they weren’t pleased with you either. An argument began soon enough and even Bolin’s attempts to smooth it over fell flat. Finally, the room turned to you. “Y/n” Su said softly and you felt your heart skip. This woman was the only mother you’d ever known and you’d betrayed her. All she’d done for you, the home she’d opened to you, the love she’d given you...you’d just thrown it back in her face. You could barely look her in the eye but managed it long enough to let her know you’d heard. "Firstly I want to say it’s good to see you, you look well”. You nodded in reply unsure if you’d be able to say anything without crying. Su sighed “You’ve always been more mindful than your sister, surely you think what she is doing is wrong? This is your home too! Why would you want to destroy that, you’re a part of this family and you always will be". You managed not to wince and stared at the floor. You could feel Kuvira watching you and wouldn’t break down while she was here. You’d come too far to fold now, you just had to get through this and it’d be over. "I think my sister is offering stability and you should take it, it’s what the earth kingdom needs...to be united" you managed through gritted teeth. "I agree we need to come together but like this?" Su asked.  You shrugged "if my sister hadn’t stepped in we wouldn’t have a kingdom left to unite". Su sighed and you saw the others look away in disgust, you’d finally lost them forever.
Kuvira took over after that and she told them the terms of her deal and thinly threatened them. You and Bolin stood with your heads down and just let it happen while Bataar Jnr actually seemed to revel in. Finally you were free to go but Bolin paused “y/n wait, can you help me find Opal’s room?  I always get lost here but you know this place right? I need to speak to her. I know if I get her one on one I’ll be able to straighten this all out”. You knew Kuvira had heard that so there was no getting out of it. You nodded and led Bolin down a different corridor.
You and Bolin waited anxiously in the hallway and he sighed “well that could’ve gone better”. You nodded “they all hate me”. Bolin shook his head “no they’re just upset anyone can see that, I’m sure once we’ve spoken to them and cleared this all up it’ll be fine”. As if on cue a familiar Airbender appeared and Bolin gasped.  "Opal!" Bolin called suddenly and you jumped. Opal eyed you both before sighing, still she walked towards you. Bolin greeted her but didn’t receive much back. He trailed off awkwardly and glanced to you "Opal this is...ow wait of course you already know each other" Bolin said momentarily forgetting you were adoptive sisters. "We did" Opal said pointedly and she pushed past you. You watched her go and got ready to act as Kuvira told you to. "We’re still family Opal, we grew up together" you called after her, playing the part perfectly. "We stopped being anything the minute you threatened my family" Opal glared and walked away. Bolin stared "Opal wait!" and rushed after her. You let him go relieved to finally be alone. You rushed back to the train before realising Kuvira would want a report you didn’t feel like giving. So you headed to the balcony compartment, your secret place of solitude and sat there staring off into space.
You forgot one other person knew about your hiding place though, someone you’d showed it to on his first night here. “There you are!” a voice cried and you turned to see Bolin appear out of the hatch. “Have you been out here long? Nobody knew where you were”. “A couple of hours” you shrugged. Bolin didn’t comment, he just came to sit beside you and sighed I need your help!”. Bolin told you everything Opal had said to him and it didn’t sound good. She was mad at him and thought he was betraying her by working for Kuvira. She claimed he’d changed and wasn’t the good man she first met. She said Kuvira had corrupted him and Bolin was beside himself. She was questioning their relationship and wasn’t sure how they could get through this. "Y/n do you think Opal’s right? You know me and her best, what do you think?" Bolin asked tears in his eyes.
Here it was. Exactly what Kuvira had wanted from the start, the opportunity for you to isolate Bolin from the Beifongs and here was your chance. Like a coward you took it. "I think Opal’s overreacting, if she trusted you surely she wouldn't have a problem with it, right?". You saw Bolin frown as your words sunk in and felt a pang in your chest. Bolin nodded "that’s what i worried about, maybe we're just drifting apart now. If she can’t even trust me...". You nodded your head not trusting yourself to say anything. "Thanks y/n you’re a great friend" Bolin said suddenly and he wrapped you in a tight hug. You were smothered by affection and it made you feel sick to know Bolin classed you as a friend after what you’d just done to him. "You okay y/n?" Bolin asked realising you looked unwell and you nodded. "I’m fine i just...sorry i have to go" and you rushed away.
You got back to your room and didn’t have the energy to do anything but collapse into bed. You buried yourself in blankets and finally fell into a fitful sleep. You were awoken by your door slamming and jolted away. You blinked and saw your sister had finally tracked you down but she didn’t look mad. "Congratulations are in order i hear" Kuvira cried and you rubbed your eyes still half asleep "what?". "Bolin left Zafou with us and rumour is he broke up with Opal too. After speaking with you if what Varrick says can be believed". "It can't" you retorted "Varrick's a compulsive liar". "I know but Zhu Li is not, she confirmed his speculation and Bolin was absent all evening, i think you should go see him, seal the deal". "Seal the deal? I thought the plan was to get Bolin away from Opal, isn’t it over now?". Kuvira chuckled "not even close little sister now the avatar’s back we need to work and quickly, get dressed. Wear something nice, go find Bolin and find a way to solidify the two of you. A sudden confession of feelings, a revelation he never should’ve been with Opal, a shoulder to cry on" she smirked and you felt like your skin was crawling. "However you do it, just do it quickly and then the earth empire is ours" she smiled. Kuvira didn’t even bother asking your opinion or agreement she just headed to the door before pausing as if a thought occurred to her. "You’ve done well little sister, just this one more task and the kingdom is ours like we always wanted" she smiled before leaving. "Like you’ve always wanted”, you corrected her into the empty room.
It was weird, no matter how much you disliked your sister you still did what she said. Part of you was just terrified to go against her and so you picked the easier option of doing what she said. You got dressed and made your way to Bolin’s compartment. You knocked on his door and heard movement behind it. Slowly the door opened and Bolin’s sweet face appeared. "Hey" you said softly and Bolin nodded to you wiping his eyes quickly "hi y/n". He’d clearly been crying but he moved to let you into the room. "So i heard rumours and came to see if they’re true. I wanted to make sure you were okay if you and Opal really did...". "We did" Bolin nodded "we agreed it was over, i suggested it and she agreed...". "Bolin i’m so sorry" you frowned and hugged him. Bolin hugged you tightly and you held him.
You comforted him for a while before he quietened down and you glanced at him feeling guilty. Silence settled and you searched for something to say. “Is there anything I can do to help?” you asked and he pulled back “no I...I mean this is a good thing and honestly I’ve been thinking about it for a while”. “You have?” you asked shocked and Bolin nodded. “Opal and I have been distant for a fair amount of time now and then I met this person...you”. You blinked “I...you like me?”. Bolin nodded “yes and I have for weeks, I felt so guilty because I was with Opal but now that’s all over there’s nothing wrong with my feelings or doing this” and he moved in closer.
You wanted to kiss Bolin and had for a while but something made you pause. You just got the overwhelming sensation enough was enough, you had to stop this. You couldn’t take advantage of Bolin like this. You wouldn’t, not for anyone. "Bolin you’re just upset you broke up a few hours ago!". "No...i mean yes i'm upset but i can’t help thinking this is bittersweet! I haven't felt the same for Opal since i met you and we just fit y/n! We have the same ideologies and no conflicts. We’re both so alike, you make me laugh and i think i make you happy" Bolin said bashfully. "I like you a lot and that’s why after the shock had worn off I couldn’t stop thinking about you". Bolin tried to take your hand, staring at you so adoringly you couldn’t cope. You stood up feeling as if your blood was on fire, you hated that you’d done this. You’d tricked Bolin into feeling this way, you hated yourself for your involvement in this and hated how weak you were that you hadn’t refused to do this for Kuvira. Now you’d ruined Bolin’s relationship and messed with his head. You were repulsed with yourself and when Bolin went to touch your hand you snatched it away scared you’d taint him. "Don’t i....you have no idea who i am, the horrible person i am" you spluttered and Bolin shook his head "don’t be silly! You’re one of the sweetest people i know! That’s what i like about you" Bolin grinned and you were furious. You had to make him realise you were awful. You didn’t care about anything apart from helping him see that and so ripped the plaster off. "I tricked you Bolin, all this...your break up with Opal...it’s all my fault! I did it!" you yelled and Bolin paused "what?". "I came between the two of you on purpose, i made Opal seem unreasonable and made myself seem like the better option so you'd fall for me and be solidified with the republic. It was part of her plan and i tricked you willingly, Bolin i’m so sorry" you finished and realised you were crying. Bolin was silent just staring at you in disbelief "When you say she...you mean Kuvira. She asked you to mess with me? To what...seduce me?". "I guess" you agreed "she prepped me on your life, your likes and dislikes, how to act around you, she put us together....". "Y/n did she force you?" Bolin asked earnestly. "No!" you said forcefully realising the angle Bolin was trying to see you in. "She just asked me to do it for the empire...i could see you were valuable so i agreed but i never expected to feel this guilty about it but I did. I felt awful the whole way through it but still i did it, still i manipulated you and made you break up with Opal. I did that on purpose". "So all the time, our friendship our...this" he said gesturing between you both "was that you acting?". You hesitated "yes and no" wiping away tears "i got caught up in it Bolin, I promise! I didn’t think you’d be so...so you! I was expecting to have to act but i didn’t have to, not really. I did enjoy being around you, i didn’t have to pretend....but i was still doing it with Kuvira’s goal in mind. I’m not a good person Bolin and you deserve better than me". In reply Bolin just nodded “I’d like to be alone now please”. “Of course” you nodded and head hung low you walked from the room.
Somehow you felt even worse than you did an hour ago. 
Today had been the worst day of your life. You turned your back on your family, abandoned your home forever and finally broke Bolin. Things couldn’t look much worse. 
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smellss · 4 years
after all these years - zuko x reader
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gif credit: @forgotten-or-unknown-truestories​
I love the concept of the gaang interacting with all there children and i haven’t seen to many oneshots about it. I hope you enjoy this one because i think it’s my favourite one yet. keep requesting
- smells x 
the laugh of children could be heard echoing through the hallways of the palace, the patter of feet coming closer and closer to banquet hall were y/n was helping organize decorations for the banquet this evening 
uh oh here we go
“your highness the children are here to speak with you” the guard explained, trying to suppress his grin
“thank you enzo, let them in please” y/n smiled kindly to the guard, knowing what was coming next
the children all came in dressed in there best clothes for the feast they all huddled into a group,all whisper shouting until lin and kya pushed tenzin forward to speak
“um hello auntie y/n, we were wondering if we could ask you something?” little tenzin asked very shyly, looking down towards the ground trying not to make eye contact with y/n
“of course what can i help you all with?” y/n smiled to the children
“well um-m see we where...” tenzin stuttered his face becoming redder by the second, the children beginning to giggle behind him except for lin who scowled at all of them for teasing tenzin 
instead izumi took over instead pushing tenzin back to the group
“well mum, you know how we are all supposed to sleep in our separate rooms after the feast tonight. we were wondering if instead we could bring all our sleeping mats into one room and stay together?” the young girl spoke very quickly to her mother drawing out the last part, looking at y/n with pleading eyes
“like a sleepover” bumi added stepping forward to stand with izumi
“we promise to be extra, extra good aunt y/n don’t we guys?” kya said turning around to the kids, all of them nodding their heads and giving cheesy smiles
spirits how am i supposed to say no
“well if all of your parents say it’s alright, then i don’t see why you can’t” y/n exclaimed making eye contact with each of them giving them a warm smile
a wave of cheers erupted from the group, all of them running to y/n to wrapping there little arms around her legs yelling thank you over and over again
“now all of you run along the feast will start soon” y/n smiled to the children as they ran off happily discussing who was going to sleep next to who
izumi ran back one last time throwing her arms around y/n’s waist and squeezing it tightly
“you’re the coolest mum ever!” izumi exclaimed smiling widely, before running back to her friends
y/n smiled to herself, before walking over to help one of the guards hang up a picture frame
after hours of hanging up artwork, lighting candles and setting the table the feast was ready to begin. the children all sat at there table while all the gaang sat together, the people of the fire nation began to enter as zuko gave the opening speech to allow the feast to commence.
“it is not true” y/n exclaimed crossing her arms and pouting at her friends all teasing her
“love it’s true, they asked you because you can’t say no to them” zuko chuckled amused, placing a arm on his wife’s chair smilingly at his wife 
“no it is not!” y/n exclaimed flabbergasted at her husbands comment, throwing her hands in the air
“sure it isn’t buttercup, i’m sure that if they you asked you something you could say no” toph teased the woman, taking a sip of her drink looking staring at y/n knowing she would crack under her hard stare 
“there just so many of them and they always make tenzin talk for them and he has these little pleading eyes so i can’t say no” y/n rambled out before, snuggling her head into the crook of zuko’s neck out of embarrassment
the group laughed loudly at y/n, katara and aang nodding agreeing with knowing of there son’s bargaining capabilities 
the rest of the feast was a roaring success, everyone leaving with full stomach’s and droopy eye’s. the children all ran to the large room filled with sleeping mats, cushions and blankets the adult’s followed behind laughing at the children’s antics. the children all changed into there sleeping wear and began to settle for bed, y/n volunteered to stay with the children until they fell asleep. 
“be good for aunt y/n okay guys” aang said nodding at kya,bumi and tenzin all lying on there sleeping mats 
“we love you” katara whispered placing a kiss on each of there heads before walking out of the door arm wrapped around aang’s waist smiling 
“be good you two, okay?” toph exclaimed to lin and su, the girls smiled giving toph a quick hug before running back to there sleeping mat, sokka also winked at the beifong sisters from the door making both the girls giggle before walking out with toph
“izumi, i’ll see you in the morning okay?” zuko whispered into the girls ear giving her a tickle before walking over to y/n
“i’ll see you later love” zuko exclaimed kissing y/n on the head before walking out waving to all the kids before shutting the door 
the children erupted with loud voices and shuffling of mats now moving them around after there parents had gone lin and tenzin sheepishly moving there mats next to one another, kya and izumi moved so they would be next to su and bumi.
y/n shook her head and smiled at the children, lin and tenzin reminding her of herself and zuko when they were travelling with the rest of the gaang 
“okay, now that you have moved and gotten all of your talking out it’s time for sleep” y/n exclaimed to the children, resulting in a wave of groans and sighs 
“but mum we aren’t tired yet!” izumi whined flopping dramatically back onto her sleeping mat, y/n rolling her eyes at her daughters antics 
she really is so much like zuko  
“could you tell us a story please?” lin asked hesitantly a chorus of yes and pleases following lin’s question
“well i suppose so, what story would you like?” y/n questioned to the children
they all turned to each other and huddled little snippets of conversation could be heard like “no that’s boring” or “weird”, finally su and kya turned around with a squeal
“could you tell us the story of how you and uncle zuko met please?” the girls giggled and the boys groaned
“it’s going to be all gross and romantic” tenzin sighed in annoyance placing his chin in his hand
“what’s wrong with romance tenzin?” lin raised her brow at young air bender with a smirk plastering her face
tenzin let out a muffled nothing blush dusting his cheeks as he looked away from the young beifong girl
“well zuko and i didn’t get a long at first actually, we met at the northern water tribe when we fought against each other.” y/n began to explain to the children
“stop, leave him alone” y/n yelled as she jumped in front of aang and sent water crystals flying at zuko’s head, the fire prince shielding himself with a wall of fire
“i don’t think we have met yet, prince zuko soon to be capture of the avatar” zuko mocked the girl, sending back a ball of fire which y/n gracefully dodged
“i wish i could say it was a pleasure to meet you but it isn’t” y/n yelled sending a wave of water over freezing zuko in a block of ice
“by the way the names y/n” y/n smiled running over to help katara with aang
“woah you trapped dad in ice” izumi gasped looking at her mother with wide eyes
“yes well he was trying to capture aang” y/n explained to her daughter, making the other kids giggled at the thought of the two men trying to capture each other
“i met zuko again when he joined our group at the northern air temple, i didn’t trust him at first i was still convinced he was trying to capture aang. so he tried to convince me that he wasn’t.” y/n smiled at the memory
“spirits y/n what is it going to take to get you to trust me” zuko yelled at the girl throwing his hands in the air out of frustration
“i don’t know zuko, all this time we have been running from you and i’m not sure if i can trust you” y/n yelled back tears beginning to form in her eyes
“please y/n just give me a second chance” zuko pleaded, showing y/n a side of himself that she had never seen before
“okay i will give you a second chance,if you hug me” y/n said smirking at the boy
“what why would you want that” zuko exclaimed stepping away from the girl exasperated at the idea
“come on zuko one hug and i’ll give you a second chance” y/n teased opening her arms and wrapping them around zuko
the fire bender turned a bright shade of red as the girl squeezed him tightly, zuko reluctently wrapped his arms around the girl
y/n smiled contently, quickly placed a kiss on his cheek and skipped away yelling a “thanks zuko” over her shoulder
zuko stood there in shock placing a hand on his cheek were y/n has kissed him
“auntie y/n why did you hug him” kya asked tilting her head
“yes why did you hug me?” zuko questioned leaning against the door smirking at his wife before walking over to her, scary all the kids and y/n
“zuko spirits, how many times have i told you not to sneak up on me” y/n scolded the man whacking him on the chest causing him and the children to chuckle
“sorry love but i wanted to see what was talking you so long but now i want to know why did you hug me” zuko questioned his wife
“well i know how much you hated being hugged or anything involving another person touching you ,it made you feel like you were trusting them which weren’t really open too. so i knew that if you let me hug you and you accepted it that then you truly trusted me and i could trust you.” y/n explained to her husband smiling at him as the kids awed at the couple
“also i had a bit of a crush on you then” y/n laughed before zuko hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear “i love you”
“now i think that is enough stories for tonight so goodnight everyone” y/n exclaimed waving to all the kids blowing out all of the candles, before walking out the door
“thanks for that zuko i don’t think i-mph” y/n was silenced by zuko’s lips pressing against her, still after all these years it sent fire works through her body
“thank you for trusting me love” zuko whispered tucking a stray piece of y/n’s hair behind her ear earning a loving smile from his wife.
“i would do again it a thousand times” y/n gleamed embracing zuko tightly just like she did all those years ago. 
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valeriedark10 · 7 years
This is getting serious Kuvira x Reader
Cuz there’s not enough Kuvira on tumblr at all, I mean come on people.
Your heat broke in to a thousand peace’s when you finally saw her after a long time. She looked and intimidating as you remembered but you still saw that glint in her eyes but honestly at this point you didn’t know if it was even the same person you met at the Beifong residence.
You still remember that day. Su was a good friend of your father and you knew her well yourself, but you were still surprised when she took you in after the car accident in witch you parents died and the lower half of your body was badly injured to the point you couldn’t walk anymore.
That was the day you met Kuvira.
She saw the deep sadness in your eyes, of corse it was obvious. You were an earth bender and you just lost the ability to walk, of course it took its tool on you. But she still wanted to see you smile. After words you became great friends but now ...
Sitting on the ground near Opal and Jinora you watched as your secret lover tossed your best friend like a rag doll in front of you and her army. She looked amused, as if she didn’t see the pain in your eyes and she pushed Korra to the ground one more time.
As the battle went in and on you saw the struggle in Korras eyes, even in the avatar state.
Your heart was on fire, either from the pain of seeing your best friend at this state or from anger that the one you lived acted this way.
Once you saw Korra being ingulfed in stone as Kuvira blended the metal plates off her armor in to sharp blades you had enough.
For the first time in years you jumped up, bending the earth under your feet to shoot out of the ground and shoot right in the center of Kuviras back, knocking her down to her knees.
She quickly turned only to have her angered facial expression drop to one of surprise and shock.
You STOOD there, on your one 2 feet for the first time in years.
You didn’t think. Your body moved on it’s own shooting boulders of stone at her at lightning speed, you didn’t even notice the tears streaming down your face as you stood strong on the ground, back in your natural state of an earth bender.
Kuvira bearly has time to dodge your attacks while you seemed unfazed and almost relaxed attaking her almost full force.
Roughly ripping your arms up you bended the metal in her armor making her fly in the air and following your arms and you were the one tossing her around.
Her body fell to the ground, now she was struggling to stay on her feet you took this opportunity and bended the stone that held Korra in place away from her body and looked at Opal and Jinora, signaling to get the weakened avatar to safety while they still have a chance. Without a second thought they did that and climbed on the bison that had flowed to them while you were attacking Kuvira.
“(Y/n)! Get on ! Hurry !!” Jinora cried it to you as Kuviras solders moves from their place and at your direction. You ran to the bison and fly off before you got caught. Looking down you saw it, her green eyes staring at you, you saw her lips move but you didn’t hear a word but you didn’t have to, you knew what she said.
“You finally can walk”
You were almost shocked to see a small smile on her face and a tear growing down her face as you flew away.
Your heart burned in sadness and pain.
You loved Kuvira with all your heart but after all she has done, it will take a lot to forgive her.
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sapphickorro · 2 years
I’d Choose You in Every Universe
Pairing(s) - Lin Beifong x AFAB!Reader (no gender terms are used but female genetalia is present)  / Kuvira x Reader (mentioned?)
Request: can i request lin getting jealous when she sees someone flirting with y/n and how she would react? 
summary: Lin catches you getting a bit too close for comfort with another woman.
warnings:  Drinking, mentions of alcohol, filthy porn with plot, fingering, eating out, vulgar language(?) 
word count: 2,151 (i got carried away…)
A/N:  this is written to be in the time period of season 3 when Kuvira was just a shy guard that didn’t want world domination and Bataar Jr. and her were never a thing. Also, my first smut fic, starting off strong. 
There will be a pt. 2! Idk when i’ll write it though…
ao3 - masterlist
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It was Suyin’s annual Zaofu anniversary party. Celebrating the day that Zaofu had become its own city (and a successful one at that). She had all of her close friends and family members come by her house and by the end of the day, the house would be jam packed with people. All of them wearing different earth kingdom themed clothing and formal outfits. She would allow most of her guards to join the party along as long as they had been taking turns watching over Zaofu and not ingesting any alcohol.
Lin had decided to bring you as her plus one this year and the year before to the party. Lin dressed in one of her green earth kingdom suits and you accompanied her in a long green dress that had a slit by your left leg showing a small amount of your thigh.
The sky was still blue, and the sun was still out. The two of you had arrived and entered through the large metal doors. Suyin immediately ran over to the two of you, enveloping your neck in a hug. You wrap your hands around her to give her a small hug back.
“Y/N! So glad to see you again.” Su says as she lets go of her hold on you and walks over to her sister. 
“And Lin, I’m glad to see you as well.” Suyin wraps her arms around Lin’s waist, her head falling onto Lin’s chest as Lin raises her hands in the air, unsure of what to do. 
Lin looks over to you with wide eyes and a face of uncertainty. You smile at her tilting your head a bit to signal that she should hug Su back. Lin grumbles a bit but twists her mouth into a small smile as she pats her sisters back a little. “Glad to see you too, Su.” Lin says with a small voice full of genuinity. 
Su pulls back with a large grin plastered on her face. She grabs yours and Lin’s hands in her own and says, “Well, there are refreshments and food inside, go make yourself at home. I’ve got more people to greet.” 
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It was getting late. The sun had already gone down and the party goers had gone from setting off fireworks and dancing throughout the night to settling in Suyin’s massive home and enjoying drinks while chatting with one another. 
Lin had been pulled away from you some time ago to talk to some of her old colleagues. You settled down in the corner of one of the green couches, a drink in your hand as you watched Lin across the room talk to a bunch of old men in suits. 
“This seat taken?” A deep voice pulls you out of your thoughts as you snap your head up to see a girl in Zaofu uniform and a thick braid to accessorize her. 
“Oh, no. Not at all.” You respond as you scooch over a bit more to let the girl sit next to you.
“Kuvira.” She holds her hands out allowing you to shake her hand. “Y/N.” You respond with a small smile. Her calloused hands holding a strong grip over your much smaller hands in comparison. 
“I’ve never seen you around.” You say to her as you let go of her grasp. “Yeah, last year I was patrolling a lot during this time. Some of the other guards wanted me to cover for them so I never had the time to attend the party.” She responds smiling back at you. 
You nod in her response and take a sip of your drink. “Champagne?” She asks and you look at her confused until you realize she was talking about your drink. “Oh, no. This is apple juice. I’m pretty lightweight, I’ve already had enough glasses of wine.” You say as you chuckle and Kuvira laughs lightly with you.
In all honesty, you and Lin were like polar opposites. Drinking was not an exception. Lin could hammer down alcohol like they’re water and come back completely sober. You, on the other hand, could barely tolerate vodka. 
You and Kuvira continue talking until one specifically funny joke warrants a loud burst of laughter from you. This grabs Lin’s attention as she looks over the shoulder of her colleague and sees you laughing as Kuvira’s hand had made its way behind the couch and over your shoulder. Her other hand inching towards your thigh. 
At this sight, Lin excuses herself and walks towards the couch the two of you were sitting on and grabs your arm. “I’m feeling a bit tired, I think we should go.” Lin says coldly looking at you and purposefully ignoring Kuvira.
“Oh, sure. Sorry Kuvira, I’ve got to go.” You say standing up but before you could leave, Kuvira takes a hold of your hand. You look down, shocked as Kuvira stares up at you and says, “I had fun talking with you Y/N. Maybe next time you come over we can talk again?” You open your mouth to respond but Lin pulls you away by your waist hurriedly. You stare behind you to see Kuvira looking at you dumbfoundedly and you lip sync out a “I’m sorry.” 
“Lin, what the hell was that?” You say as you turn your attention back to Lin and you see her scowling with her eyebrows furrowed. You quickly shut your mouth realizing she was angry as she pushes you into one of Suyin’s guest rooms. 
She slams the door closed with one of her legs as her mouth latches onto yours, kissing you fervently. Her hand metal bends the lock closed. You reciprocate eagerly attempting to match her fierceness. Lin breaks the kiss as she starts peppering kisses down your neck. Your lips bruised and red as you pant for air. 
“Lin what–” You attempt to utter out as Lin cuts you off. “Up.” She says one word and you know what she means. You jump onto her arms, her rough large hands holding onto your ass as she starts to kiss down your cleavage. She backs you onto the bed and throws you down. 
Lin takes off her suit jacket in one quick motion. She leans in to kiss you again but you hold her shoulders and stop her before she can get any closer. “Lin, as much as I love how rough you’re going with me right now, what’s wrong?” You said as you looked into her eyes. Lin’s tough facade falls and she leans in closer, making your arms bend in front of her shoulders. She whispers out, “Just, please. We don’t have to continue if you don’t want to but…” She says with her eyes lidded and her breathing slowed down. The moonlight shines onto her face and her cute expression along with her begging makes you want to shed a tear. 
You lean in and break the distance kissing her slowly. She kisses back, much slower this time. As if she was savoring you and memorizing the shape of your lips. Her hands gently hold onto your waist, one arm going around to unzip the dress. 
As she slowly takes off your dress you dip your head into her neck to kiss and mark her. She groans out, leaning her neck to the side to let you have more room. 
You kick your dress off and Lin leans back to admire your braless body. She groans at the sight and leans down to mark her way down to your breasts leaving purple and red spots. She takes a nipple in her mouth and slowly moves her tongue around. A hand fondling with your other breast. You moan out as your back arches to move your breasts closer to her.
Her free hand travels down to your underwear and cups your pussy. You whimper out a please as you try to lower yourself to get more friction from her hand. 
She chuckles as she leans back away from your breasts. You whimper out at the cold air hitting your hardened nipples. Lin stares down at your face, admiring your neediness and lidded eyes. Your lips plump and glossy under the moonlight. “God you’re gorgeous.” She mutters out bringing one hand to cup your face and the other still holding onto your underwear. You lean your face into her touch. 
“Who does this pussy belong to?” She asks you as she starts to rub her thumb on your clothed clit making you buck your hips and moan “You, Lin. You.” 
“You sure it’s not that Zaofu guard that was eyeing you like a hungry pig?” Lin growls leaning close to your ears. You shake your head eagerly, not trusting your voice to respond. 
“You were so close to her tonight, I almost thought you’d forgotten who you belong to.” She whispers coldly into your ears. “No, I belong to you, Lin. Only you.” You squeak out. 
With that, she pushes your underwear to the side and presses a finger inside of you. You immediately moan out her name. “Please, more.” You whimper out, wrapping your arms around her shoulders. 
Lin inserts an extra finger in and slowly pushes in and out making you whine out in neediness. “You just suck up my fingers so well. You were begging to be whored out like this weren’t you?” She says as she gets up and cups your chin, forcing you to open your mouth. She removes her fingers from your vagina and puts them in your mouth. You close your mouth and suck on her fingers, cleaning them off for her. “Good job.” She says as she starts to make her way towards your thighs. She pulls off your underwear and you help by bucking your hips up. She admires your bare pussy and smooth skin.
“Wait.” You say as she starts to lean in. She sits back up staring at you wondering if she did something wrong. “I think it’s rather unfair how much clothes you’ve got on and how little I have.” You say sitting up, drawing a finger down her blouse. She chuckles and starts unbuttoning her shirt as you lean back in to capture her lips. Lin slips in her tongue after your fight for dominance (not really a fight as you let her win rather quickly). 
She slips off her blouse and leans back to take off her pants. Once her pants are off, she pushes you back down onto the bed and grips your thighs.
“Give me a word.” She says as she lingers just barely over your clit. Her hot breath sends sensations through your body. “Red.” You whisper out, breathless. She nods and captures your clit in her mouth, skillfully licking and sucking on it. You buck your hips up moaning. She removes her grasp on your thighs and holds your stomach down.
Your hands move down to her hair and you tug on it moaning and whimpering her name. Lin would usually tie your hands up by the headboard during this time but she was enjoying the tugging right now (although she would deny it if you ever asked her). She then inserts two fingers into your hole, fingering you with precision and hitting your g-spot every time.
“You taste so good,” she mutters into your pussy and her words make your vagina clench around her fingers. “So glad I get this pussy all to myself,” she groans out and you whimper at her words. 
“Look at me,” she says, making your head look down at her, your eyes meeting as she eats you out.
“Lin…” you pant out, unable to finish your sentence. You don’t need to though, Lin can sense you’re getting close and she says, “Let go, let go for me.” And you do just that. You orgasm with a high scream like moan, yelling out her name. 
She eases you out of your high and slowly slips her fingers out causing you to whimper at the emptiness. She gets up and you see her lips drenched with your cum. You blush under her gaze.
“Getting shy now? Don’t worry, this isn’t the end.” She says, leaning down to kiss you, giving you a taste of yourself on her tongue. 
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After many more orgasms and many more rounds. She finally relents and pulls you into her arms. “I’ll start the bath,” she says slowly getting up. “No…just stay with me a little longer,” you respond dozing off into sleep. “If I do that, I’m afraid we’ll both fall asleep,” she says, chuckling and pulling away completely from you, resulting in a whine coming out of your mouth. She kisses your forehead and runs off to the bathroom, soon after, you hear the sound of water coming out of the faucet. 
You sigh dreamily and think that in every other universe, you’d choose her over everyone else.
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kis-ki · 2 years
past the windowpane ☾
lin beifong x fem!reader
synopsis: rainy nights bring out the best in everyone. including you and lin.
content: rainy nights, sleepy kisses, childhood memories, just absolute domestic fluff, slow dancing
wc: 1.1k
a/n: not the fic i said i’d be doing next, but the one i felt like writing. don’t worry, other one is coming out soon too. title is from my current favorite song ゆめうつつ by lamp. as always it’s available to read on ao3 here ! enjoy :)) 
The air around you is damp tonight.
Not in a cloying, sticky sort of way, but in a way that cools your skin and makes you lazy and slow. Your eyes blink slowly as you watch the rain fall through the fogged glass of Lin’s bedroom window. You have it slightly open, just enough that raindrops sometimes fall on your face, a gentle surprise. The radio plays a soft song in the background, but it’s just white noise against the pitter patter of the rain.
As a bolt of lightning flashes through the sky, covering the whole city in light for just a moment, you feel a pair of warm, firm arms wrap around your waist.
“What are you doing up so late?” Lin asks softly, dropping her head onto your shoulder and pressing a barely-there kiss against your skin.
You just hum, and look back at her for a second. Smiling, you place your hands atop her own, right where they sit at your waist.
“Just thinkin’” you say, quietly. The thunder finally comes, and even though you were waiting for it, expecting it, you still jump a little. Lin chuckles against you, and pulls you closer against you.
“You scared?” she teases, and you roll your eyes even though she can’t see it.
“Not at all,” you say, then pause. “Though I used to be, as a kid.”
“Wanna know a secret?” she says, lifting her head so that her lips brush ever so slightly against the tips of your ears. It almost tickles.
“Mhm,” you say, nodding just a bit. Your body sinks against hers, the aching tiredness overtaking you. It feels so good to just let her hold you like this. So safe.
“When I was a kid,” she starts. “I was afraid of thunder.”
You’re just a little bit shocked, but not quite as much as you would've been a few months ago.. As much as Lin likes to seem so tough and strong—and she is, for the most part—she’s human just like the rest of us. She has fears and worries and hopes and wants. You love all those parts of her, the ones that get kept away from the prying eye of the public and bared only for a select few, one of them being you. She is as much at ease right now with you as you are with her, her body soft and supple as you mold against each other, two halves of a whole.
“Were you now?” you ask, light and airy, like the breeze flowing in through the open window. You love it when Lin tells you stories about herself—about her childhood. It’s not rare, but it’s definitely not as often of an occurrence as you taking up the whole night talking without realising it.
She nods. “I was. I used to make Su sleep in my bed with me on stormy nights. That is, until I decided I was too dignified to cuddle with my little sister. She was also quite annoying, which didn’t help her case.” Lin chuckles as she says so, and you’re glad. You know that her relationship with her sister used to be very strained, so listening to her talk about Suyin in such a playful manner is calming.
“My mom wasn’t a big fan of them either,” she continues, making a rare mention of Toph. Her mother is a sore spot for her, as is yours for you. “Vibrations from the thunder and the water on the ground made everything a little fuzzy for her. She never liked not being in complete control of a situation—and that included being able to see.”
You huff, and with a small smile, tease, “That sounds like someone I know.”
She groans, dropping her head back onto your bare shoulder.
“Don’t say that,” she mutters, and you know that you haven’t accidentally gone too far by the way she gives you an exasperated laugh as she says your name.
You cannot help but giggle as you turn around to face her.
“Sorry,” you say, smiling and not sorry at all.
“You are not,” she huffs, and you reach a hand up into her hair, messy and unmade for once.
“Maybe not,” you mutter, and lean up to kiss her.
Your lips meet and you kiss her with the taste of rain in the air, with wind brushing against your back, and with thunder rumbling throughout the city. She tastes the same as she always does, but you know you’ll never get used to kissing her like this, not when it always feels just as good as the first time, so you let yourself get drawn into it, your mouth slipping open for her tongue to lightly skirt along the plush softness of your lips.
You kiss lazily, both of your bodies aching for sleep, and the humid air lulling you along towards bed. Still, the sound of the rain calls to you, so instead you just stand there, letting her kiss you stupid.
When you finally slow, you’re breathless and your bodies warm the cool room. Her arms are draped around your neck, and you easily let yourself lean against her, sleepy eyes blinking hard.
“I’m tired,” you murmur against her chest, the music of the radio echoing off the walls around you. You start to sway with it, and Lin quickly follows your lead. You’re not quite dancing, but just letting your bodies move with the music. You suppose that is, in a way, dancing, but you’re too tired to put any real effort into it.
“You should sleep,” she says, dropping her chin onto the top of your head.
You hum at her still swaying gently to the sound of thunder and the radio. “Later,” you say, letting your arms wrap around her waist. “I wanna stay here for just a little while longer,” you continue a few seconds later, but your words trail off into a yawn.
“Okay,” she says, acquiescing only because she does not have the energy to pick you up and haul you to bed. “Just for a little while longer.”
You nod against her, your eyes falling shut.
“Just a little while longer,” you repeat back, and a flash of lightning illuminates your whole room, and you can hear the rain coming down harder now.
The two of you stay there, a pool of water forming beneath her open window, your feet shuffling slowly as you move with the soft music on her radio. You don’t quite fall asleep, but you’re not quite awake either as you listen to her heart beat in her chest.
Rainy nights are officially your favourite.
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crybabylulu · 5 months
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Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Summery: things get a little spicy between you and Lin and not in the good way (REMEMBER I SAID YALL CANT JUMP ME! YALL CANT BE MAD AT ME)
I woke up to the sound of a door closing. I slowly sat up and Lin wasn’t in the room, I got out of bed and went into the living room and still no Lin. I peeked out the window and saw Lin getting into her car. I pouted then I turned to the kitchen. There was a plate of breakfast waiting for me with some coffee. “She’s so in love with me.” I said to myself then took a sip of my coffee. When I finished eating I cleaned up the kitchen then did some laundry and tried to figure out what to make Lin for lunch.
As the days went by with Lin being stuck in the office she made sure to come home in the morning to take a shower and make breakfast for me. It was sweet but I want her to lay with me! I was laying in bed when the phone rang and I answered it. “Hello.” I said. “She ripped it.” Asami said. “What?” I asked. “I wore the matching outfit we bought last night and Korra ripped it. You need to put yours on.” Asami said. “Y’all nasty.” I teased. “You and Lin fucked in my closet.” Asami said. “That is true.” I said.
“Exactly so you better put that outfit on and then that pencil skirt outfit and go up there and do what you need to do.” Asami said. “You’re right.” I said. “Also are you and Lin coming with the rest of us to Zaofu?” Asami asked. “Why are we going to Zaofu?” I asked. “Because Lin’s sister has invited us to visit.” Asami said. “Her what?” I asked. “Her sister Su…has she not told you about her?” Asami asked. “No! I had no clue she had a sister.” I said. “Well they are still learning to get along so I’m kinda not surprised but I don’t know as her girlfriend I thought she’d mention her to you.” Asami said.
“She’s been busy a lot lately so I’m not surprised that she hasn’t brought it up.” I said. “Well I say get to packing so you guys can come.” Asami said. “Oh we’ll be there, trust me.” I said. “Good, I’ll talk to you later. I love you.” Asami said. “I love you too.” I said and hung up. I sighed then decided to start packing. I packed the new pink lingerie in my bag and a bunch of clothes and other things. When I finished I decided to make Lin’s lunch. When that was done I dressed up then made my way to her office. I didn’t put on the lingerie outfit because I’m mad at Lin.
She’s not getting any from me. I saw Mako and Bolin. “Hello boys.” I said. “Hey!” Bolin exclaimed and gave me a hug. I hugged him back then hugged Mako. “Chief isn’t in her office, she’s in another meeting.” Mako said. “That’s fine I’ll just wait in her office also you guys are coming to Zaofu right?” I asked. “Yeah of course.” Bolin said. “Are you guys going? I know chief has been a little dodgy about answering if you guys are going or not.” Mako said. “We’re going.” I said. Mako and Bolin nodded. I went up to Lin’s office and I sat in her chair.
The more I sat there the more irritated I got. How could she not tell me? Why wouldn’t she tell me? I’m her girlfriend, she's supposed to tell me these things! How the fuck do you not say hey babe I have a sister! Like makes no fucking sense. The door opened and I looked up. “What’s wrong with you?” Lin asked. “So you have a sister.” I said. “Who told you?” Lin asked as she closed the door behind her. “Asami called me asking if we’re going to Zaofu with everyone else because your sister invited us.” I said.
“We aren’t going.” Lin said. “Oh yes we are, I already told Asami, Bolin and Mako we are going and I’ve already packed.” I said. “Well unpack because we aren’t going.” Lin said. “Yes we are.” I said. “No.” Lin said sternly. “I’ll go without you then.” I said and folded my arms. “You wouldn’t dare.” Lin said. “Try me.” I said. “Why are you being so difficult?” Lin asked as she walked over to the desk. “Why don’t you wanna go? Why didn’t you tell me about your sister?” I asked. “Because it’s none of your business.” Lin snapped. “I’m your girlfriend Lin.” I said. “No you are not. Remember your place.” Lin snapped.
“Ok.” I said. I got up and left the room. She wants me to remember my place. I can do that but me remembering my place means her remembering hers. When I got back to the apartment I didn’t even bother to clean up and I ordered food for myself. When dinner time came around I didn’t bother to cook for Lin at all.
The next morning I woke up to the smell of food. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen. I saw Lin at the stove. “So you didn’t wash dishes last night?” Lin asked. I didn’t bother to respond and I made myself some coffee. “Am I talking to myself?” Lin asked. I turned to look at her and just took a sip of my coffee. “Really?” Lin asked. I shrugged. “You are being such a brat right now.” Lin replied. That’s the point Linny. I’m back in my place. “Do you think this is funny?” Lin asked. “No I don't, Linny.” I said. “You clearly do.” Lin said. I shook my head.
When lunch time came around I made her lunch and just dropped off the food. I didn’t bother to sit and be with her. The same with dinner. Just drop offs and go. I've been doing this till it was time to go to Zaofu. I made sure I had everything in my bags that morning. “Are you really going?” Lin asked. I nodded my head. “You’re on your own for lunch and dinner. Good luck. Hopefully when I come back your attitude has changed.” I said and made my way out the door. I’m being petty I know but I don’t care! She started it!
When we made it to Zaofu I got introduced to everyone. “I’m surprised my sister got a girlfriend as sweet as you.” Su said. I just laughed. “Speaking of aunty Lin, where is she?” Opal asked. “Paperwork is keeping her way too busy.” I said. “When will she ever take a break?” Su sighed. “Who knows.” I said. I was shown around and of course I went shopping on Lin’s card. She’s gonna spank the hell out of me but I don’t care! I sat with Su outside and we just talked. “You know I didn’t think my sister would fall in love again.” Su said. “What do you mean?” I asked.
“Last time she was in love was with Tenzin and that was years ago.” Su said. “Damn.” I said. “I don’t know if she dated other people after him really but she seems to like you if she sent you to meet me and I’ve heard Korra talk about the two of you. You two seem so sweet. I wish she was here so I could see you two together.” Su said. “She’s dated some other people before me. I believe she made it seem like it was all just casual.” I said. “Well she’s taking you seriously so just try to be patient with her. I know she can be a handful.” Su said and we laughed.
The next morning I woke up to knocking at my door. I got out of bed and opened the door. There stood a pissed off Lin. “Oh hello.” I said. “You really made me come all the way here to get you.” Lin huffed. “Oh no no I didn’t make you come here.” I told her as I moved aside to let her in. “I’m not in the mood for you brat.” Lin said. “Then why are you here?” I asked. “To bring you home.” Lin said. “Why?” I asked. “Because you don’t need to be here.” Lin said. “Why? Your sister seems nice and your niece Opal was asking about you.” I said.
“You know nothing about my sister.” Lin snapped. “Then tell me.” I snapped back. “It’s none of your business.” Lin said. “Lin, just explain please. I just want to understand.” I said. “You just don’t need to be here!” Lin yelled. “Don’t raise your voice at me Lin Beifong.” I said. “I wouldn’t be raising my voice if you just listened!” Lin shouted. “I’m trying to listen but you just keep yelling and saying a whole lot of nothing baby.” I said and sat on the bed. “Pack your things we’re leaving.” Lin said. “You can’t make me leave.” I said.
“If you don’t come with me this is over.” Lin said. “Ok, I don’t need your money. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. In all honesty the reason I’m still here with you is because I genuinely love spending time with you. I love our time together that’s why I’m here but if you don’t care about that then ok. I’ll pack up and leave if that’s what you want.” I said. Lin huffed. “Tell me what you want, Lin.” I said. “I want us to go home. Please let’s just go home.” Lin said. “Please tell me why I just want to understand.” I said.
“Why do you have to know? Why can’t we just go home?” Lin asked. I grabbed Lin’s hand and pulled her to me. “Talk to me. I want this to work Lin and this won’t work if you don’t talk.” I said. She sat down and I straddled her. “Lin, please just let me in.” I begged. Lin sighed. I cupped her face but then quickly removed my hand from her scar cheek. Lin grabbed my hand and put it back. Lin took a deep breath and started to tell me about her relationship with her sister.
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master-sass-blast · 3 years
Ooooo I loved the question about Lin X Reader. I accidentally found the story and fell in love with it. What about Su’s thoughts about the reader. I have a feeling they get along real well and it kind of scares Lin
Hello, welcome! Please enjoy your stay sdlfjldksfjlskdjflsjf.
I think Su would probably rib Lin for picking up such a young partner; probably some jokes about "robbing the cradle" or "damn, get it" for the sake of (lovingly) pissing off Lin. Behind the humor, as long as Lin's happy, she's happy.
So, with HTH in particular, we have the interesting position that the Reader's coming into things after Su and Lin have made up. Ergo, she's not seeing the conflict between them, nor is she seeing Lin at a point of not having dealt with her trauma and issues over her relationship with Su. (I have other reader insert fic ideas for Lin outside of HTH where the reader comes into things sooner, and it does change the interactions with Su because of it.) I don't think the fallout between Su and Lin is something we're necessarily going to broach in HTH, mostly because it's not where the scope of the story is aimed, so that also puts things in a different light.
As for getting along with Su... I don't want to tip my hand too much and spoil some of the plot for the series, but just because they're similarly impish doesn't necessarily mean the Reader and Su will be best buddies. I will clarify that there's not going to be drama over Su and the Reader not getting along --it more relates to the Reader feeling comfortable and accepted in family situations (again, we'll see that trauma bubble up in future fics). In general, I think we'll find that the Reader's a lot more reserved around Lin's family because of that trauma/shyness, which in turn mutes whatever connection via humor that she and Su could possibly share.
I also think its worth noting that the HTH reader is very much the type to follow Lin's lead when it comes to the Beifong family. She's not interested in making waves (heh, waterbender pun), nor is she interested in creating extra conflict or contention for Lin. She's sociable, polite, pleasant even, but I just don't think we're going to see that kind of bond or connection between the Reader and Su.
(I get where all this might seem confusing because I have written the HTH Reader as being very boisterous and impish compared to Lin. My personal take on that is that the Reader is just more comfortable with Lin, enough so that she feels okay teasing her and being silly with her. Again, we'll start seeing the Reader's own family trauma and social anxiety crop up as we move into the next leg of the series.)
Thanks for asking!
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randomwritingguy · 2 years
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader) Part 26
Kuvira and finally arrived back at the edge of Zaofu where the Beifong Household is located. After our emotional talk about our parents of all things we hung out for bit more while before we headed back. Apparently, the guard’s shift was about to start soon.
When we finally reach back to where we began, it was past afternoon. I don’t see any of my friends anywhere. They must be around here somewhere.
“Here we are.” Kuvira states.
“Here we are.” I echo back.
I glance back at the guard with a smile who smiles back.
“This was nice.” I tell her. “I had a good time.”
She nods. “As did I. Hopefully, we could meet again before your departure.”
I hum in agreement. “So do I.”
Then, before I can even react, a press of warm lips land on my cheek and I am engulfed in flames.
“Good day, Y/N.” Kuvira tells me with a smirk, finding my flushed state amusing, and walks away with her hands behind her back in a business-like stature.
Even when she’s walking away, my cheeks still feel like they are on fire. I place a hand on the cheek that she had kissed.
Well then…
Shaking out of my flustered state, I start walking around the city and trying to find anyone there. It’s time I stopped avoiding them.
It took a few minutes, but I finally found them.
And what I see…
“What in the spirits is going on here?!”
I see Lin lying unconscious on the floor with Korra holding her head. Boulders spread out across the land like confetti, metal panels bent out of shape to form barriers, and I even see one of those weird metal structures crashed against the wall.
That’s not the only thing I see. I notice Opal on a bridge with Suyin and Bolin on the right end and most of the Beifong family on the left.
“Y/N!” Bolin exclaims with urgency. “Not trying to be rude but, uh, you kinda showed up at the wrong time.”
“Clearly.” I agree, walking closer to Korra and Lin. I kneel down next time and examine the Chief of Republic City Police’s health to see her condition. She looks awful. Not only is she slightly wounded from the fight, but she looks as pale and white as the snow land of the South Pole.
Opal rush towards us too, her posture clearly expressing her nearly overwhelming worry. “Is she okay?!”
“She’s pale.” I comment. “And slightly injured but…she’ll be all right. What happened?”
“I just learnt how to metalbend and Bolin was about to start but Lin showed up out of nowhere.” Korra explains, nervous and confusion mixed into one. “She and Su started to argue and then Lin attacked and all of a sudden they started fighting!”
Putting the revelation that Korra can now metalbend aside, I continue focusing on the chief. Sounds like the tension between the two siblings finally reached its dangerous breaking point.
“That doesn’t matter right now.” Suyin tells us, who has now walked towards us. Her tone expresses regret and shame. “We need to take Lin to her room and give her some medical attention.”
“Agreed.” I tell her. “Let’s carry her.”
With the strength of Korra, Bolin, Suyin, and I, we manage to bring her to her guest room. When we place her onto the bed, Aiwei enters the room with clear distress. “I heard what happened. Is she all right?”
“I’m not sure.” Suyin tells him.
The trusted advisor lets out a very tense sigh. He marches towards Lin and examines her. “This is my fault. I suggested to her to visit an acupuncturist to help deal with her supressed feelings. She must have not allowed herself to rest once the process was done.”
The worries from the matriarch and the truth seer aren’t mutual to mine.
“The Chief has been through worse.” I assure them but looking at Suyin specifically with sympathy. “She’ll live.”
“Y/N is right.” Korra agrees, facing them too. “Lin has dealt Equalists and mecha tanks. If she can survive that, she can survive this.”
The words of our reassurances seem to have worked as the tense and frightened looks of Suyin, Aiwei, and Opal smooth out and diminish slightly.
“That’s good to hear.” Aiwei responds. “Right now, I think she just needs some rest. We should leave her be.”
Yeah, that’s probably the best idea.
As we all reluctantly leave and then proceed to go our separate ways, I hear my name being called out.
“Y/N. May I have a word?”
I turn and see the matriarch. Her expression is unreadable.
With my fists tightly clenched and my body tensed, I slowly but surely walk towards her.
“Thank you for helping to bring my sister here.” She tells me with her tone containing gratitude. “You didn’t have to after our last meeting.”
“Lin needed help.” I reply. “I wasn’t going to refuse to help her because of some argument.”
She nods in understanding. “Of course. You’re as noble as Korra.”
“No chance.” I tell her in an attempt to appear humble. I hesitate slightly and bite my lip. Then, finally, I continue speaking. “Look, I am not going to apologise for what I said last night. I stand by my words. But…I will apologise for how I said it in front of your family. That was uncalled for.”
My apology seems to have startled the matriarch as her eyes widen in surprise. Then, a moment later, the surprise is gone. “Thank you. Apology accepted.”
And, with an exchange of nods, we depart.
I meet up with Korra, Bolin, and now Mako and Asami who seemed to have been caught up on what happened.
“The talk with Su gone all right?” Korra asks me when I finally approach them.
“Surprisingly, yeah.” I reply. “I apologised for how I acted to her. We seem to be on mostly good terms now.”
“That’s a relief.” Asami says. “That means you won’t be skipping breakfast tomorrow?”
I rub the back of my head with a sheepish grin. “I’ll be there.”
“What were you doing anyway?”
“I had a prior engagement.”
Korra cocks an eyebrow. “Prior engagement?”
I shake my head gently. “Met a guard of Zaofu when I stormed out. We hung out and decided to hang out today. She seemed pretty cool.”
“Pretty cool, huh?” Bolin asks with a smirk.
The memory of Kuvira’s kiss on my cheeks resurfaces and I feel my cheeks heat up slightly. Regardless, I roll my eyes.
“Not like that.” I tell him. “What about you guys, though?”
“Like I said before, Suyin gave me some metalbending lessons!” Korra informs me with excitement. “I am now the world’s first metalbending avatar!”
My eyes widen. Not even Aang learned metalbending? Interesting.
“That’s awesome, Korra!” I tell her. I turn to our earthbending friend. “What about you, Bolin? Did Suyin teach you too?”
My words seem to have struck the wrong chord, though, as nervousness washes over him. “Uh, no. No. Not yet. She was about to but, uh, Lin interrupted.”
“Oh.” I respond, not really knowing what to say. “Well, I’m sure she will give you some lessons later.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Bolin responds, the nervousness still present. “Of course.”
Hm. Odd.
I open my mouth to speak…and then close it.
Now with the urgency of Lin’s condition now gone, the memory of my conversation I had with Kuvira and my final decision now returns more louder than ever.
It’s time.
“There’s something I need to tell you, guys.” I announce, my voice calm and steady. “Well, specifically, I need to tell you something Korra and Mako.”
“Why us two?” Mako asks, eyebrow raised in curiosity.
I gaze downwards to the ground, and I rub my arm up and down. “Asami and Bolin already know.”
“Know what?” Korra presses.
I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. Despite making my decision, I still feel my heart beating as fast as an Air Scooter.
“Back on Air Temple Island…” I begin softly, shifting my gaze to my friends now. “I phoned up my parents to tell them I got airbending and was planning on join the Air Nation…”
“What did they say?” the firebender asks.
I sigh yet again. “They told me if I join the Air Nation…they will disown me.”
Mako’s jaw drops in shock. Bolin and Asami stare at me with sympathy and care. And Korra…
“They…they couldn’t…”
I get it. I really, really do. Korra has known my parents for years. I’ve lost count of how many times she came to my house and played together while my parents watched on. They treated her almost like she was their own daughter.
“I thought the same.” I bitterly mutter. “But they did. They were being dead serious. They told me I was trying to abandon the Southern Water Tribe.”
“What?!” Korra exclaims, concern now being replaced with anger. “How could they do this?!”
“That’s not it.” I continue. I turn to face her directly and I see the fiery rage in her normally cool eyes. “They even brought you into it by wanting me to ask you take my bending away.”
“WHAT?!” Korra barks out. “That’s it! Let me call them and I’ll- “
“-Korra, no.” I interrupt her, placing both of my hands on her shoulders. I squeeze them gently. “It’s okay, I-“
“-It’s not okay!” she tells me. “They’re your parents and they’re willing to abandon you! That’s awful! How are you fine with all of this?”
“I’m not.” I bluntly tell her. “When the call ended, Bolin saw me as an emotional wreck. It has been bothering me since we’ve left Air Temple Island. I didn’t want everyone else knowing yet. I only told Asami about it because she’s had similar experiences with family trouble.”
“Why didn’t you tell me and Korra?” Mako questions. His tone doesn’t come across as judging or hurting or anything of the sort. Just curiosity.
I sigh. “You guys were so excited and focused on finding new airbenders and I…I didn’t want to be a downer.”
Before I can even react, Korra’s two strong arms pull me into a tight hug with her face buried in my shoulder.
“You will NEVER be a downer.” She assures me. “I’m sorry you’ve been feeling this. I knew something was off, but I had no idea it was this bad. I’m so sorry.”
The beating of my heart that was running as fast as a Satomobile slows down to a gentle pace and a comfortable warmth fills my form. I hug her back just as tightly and smile. “It’s okay. I get it and…I’ve made my decision.”
“And?” Asami asks.
Korra pulls back to look at me. I gaze at all of my friends, and I take a deep breath. “I’m going to join the Air Nation.”
“But your parents-“
“-Screw them.” I interrupt my best friend, looking back at her. “I’m not going to let them bully me into not living my life. I want to rebuild the Air Nation and be part of its culture. If they don’t want to be part of my life when I do that, so be it. It will hurt, really hurt, but…I have accepted it.”
As soon as I finish my monologue, two big, strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me upwards. I know the all too familiar hug.
“We’re so proud of you!” Bolin exclaims, voice overly emotional.
Mako and Asami walk closer to Korra, Bolin and, I, smiles full of pride on their features.
“Good on you, Y/N.” Mako compliments.
“I’m glad you’ve made your decision.” Asami adds on.
Korra is the last one who speaks up. “We’re always going to be here for you. I will always be here for you.”
I feel droplets beginning to form from the kind and heart-warming reassurances.
“I know.” I finally tell them, voice watery. “I have you, guys.”
“Yeah!” Bolin agrees, now excited. “You have Team Avatar!”
Classic Bolin.
I giggle at his excitement. “Yeah, I have Team Avatar.”
We’re like that for a moment or two, basking in the warmth that is our friendship. It feels like all the problems in the world are nothing but a minor inconvenience now.
Everything will be all right.
Darkness clouds my vision as I rouse from slumber.
Great. Another restless night.
Some time passed since I told my friends of my situation with my parents. Lin managed to fully recover and even patched things up with Suyin and her niece. Opal even convinced Suyin to let her go to the Northern Air Temple to learn and train with the rest of the airbenders. We just saw her depart a few hours ago.
At least, I think it was a few hours ago. I don’t know how long I slept. Ugh.
After a few minutes, my vision adjusts to the dark room and I can see everything more clearly. For now, though, I am not interested. I continue staring at the ceiling, lying flat on my back.
The thoughts of my parents stills fill my mind.
I have made my decision to join the Air Nation. Now I just need to tell them.
Yeah, tomorrow. I might as well get it over with.
After one phone call, my old life will be over.
Despite the hurt that will come, the wonder and joy of living the life of an Air Nomad will be worth it. I know it.
Maybe, just maybe, if I allow myself to think of it and if I’m really, really lucky…that new life will have Korra as my girlfri-
Scrambling out of my room and my own room, I see Mako and Bolin already sprinting out of theirs. I follow them soon afterwards, and I see four of the strangest people I have ever seen.
A tall and powerful woman with a jet black ponytail and a tattooed third eye. A combustion bender?!
A long-haired woman with…watertendrils as arms?! WHAT?!
A scruffy-looking bearded man with a dangerous build and stance, carrying an unconscious Korra over his shoulder. That bastard!
And a bald man in robes. Wait…he looks familiar somehow…
I don’t have much time to ponder on this, however, as the four individuals unleashed a tsusnami of attacks with boulders, flames, water whips, and gusts of wind.
Gusts of wind?! An airbender?!
That airbender must be Zaheer. Lin said he got airbending now.
But still…why do I feel like I know him?!
Again, I don’t have time to analyse that question but thankfully Bolin creates an earth barrier to block the initial attack of the boulders which buys us just enough time to dodge the other incoming attacks and take cover behind one of the metal pillars.
“Sound the alarm!” I yell out to any guards in the area. “Zaheer and his friends are here!”
My yell worked as not even a second afterwards an ear-piercing screech that was the alarm fills my ears and blinding headlights appear into view and start shining towards the four individuals.
My relief is short lived, however, as mere seconds later an explosion appears out of absolutely nowhere with a force of ten mecha tanks which fling the three of us backwards! I roughly land on my back and pain fills my entire form!
Asami rushes to us with panic and worry written clear on her face.
“We can’t let them take her.” Mako groggily tell us, trying to recover from the impact of the explosion.
“I don’t think they’re going to get far.” Asami reassures us. She points towards them with urgency. “Look!”
I turn to the direction Asami pointed at and I see it.
Together with the effort of Lin, Wei, Wong, Kuvira, and the rest of the guards they are able to trap the four fugitives in a metal prison of their own making.
“We have you surrounded. It’s over.” Kuvira declares, her tone not revealing any trace of fear or nervousness. “Release the Avatar!”
I rush up to them to examine the scene. Okay, okay. Good. They can’t escape now! There’s no way they can-
-Suddenly, the grass around begins to be filled with molten rock, then filled with a hot pool of lava!
The metal panels that trapped the four fugitives succumb to the overwhelming heat of the lava and one by one they fall apart, revealing them in battle stances.
“No way! That guy is lavabending!” Bolin exclaims with complete shock. “That’s awesome…ly not good for us.”
Lavabending?! That’s a thing?!
“Save your admiration for later, Bolin.” I snap at him.
Then I see the bald man use his wooden staff attempt to create some sort of cover for him and his friends with his airbending. One of the guards notices this and exploits the temporary vulnerability by shooting out a metal cable that wraps around his arms like a snake and with considerable strength, flings him away off the platform!
That man…why is he so damn familiar? I have to know!
I run. I run despite the yells and screams of my friends. I run to where the man lands as he fights two of the guards. Much to my surprise, he seems to be taking them on effortlessly with some sort of mixture of martial arts and airbending. Who in the spirits is this guy?!
He blasts the two a good distance away and before he can press his attack, I launch my own with a powerful gust of wind! He is sent back but quickly recovers with a retaliatory swing of his staff that creates a tunnel of wind in my direction. I dodge with a roll, raise my fist and-
So does the man, his eyes now so wide they look like they could pop open.
That face…
I know that face…
I know those olive green eyes and those sharp eyebrows. I know that slightly cut left eyebrow which has been disconnected from one section of the eyebrow to the other.
“Yorru?!” I exclaim, my stance faltering into shakiness.
The flash of recognition in his eyes confirms my suspicions. “Y/N?!”
It is Yorru!
Yorru is the man who tried to kidnap Korra?!
Yorru is Zaheer?!
“What are you doing?!” One of the two guards yells wh are now running back. They launch their metal cables at Yor-Zaheer, but he dodges them with a quick backflip. When he lands he launches yet another air strike which hits them again. This time, however, it knocks them out cold.
And I? I just stand there during all of this, still frozen in shock of the truth.
When the guards get knocked back, though, I snap out of it.
I rush forward to Zaheer and deliver a low air swipe kick in an attempt to knock him to the ground. I know he would most likely dodge it and when he does just now I use my low position from my previous attack to roll away from his counter-attack and then flip into the air, spin as fast as I can, and launch a powerful air kick!
Only for him to dodge it!
Now left vulnerable midair, Zaheer launches an upward air kick in retaliation which knocks be back to the top of one of the pillars, hitting me straight in the spine.
I land with a loud THUD! I try so hard to get up but the pain on my back is too much.
However, instead of seeing him towering above me, I glance up and I see Zaheer looking back at the platform with his face full of panic.
I look to the source of his fear, and I see it.
Lin Beifong, Korra in her arms, holding a metal cable that is elevating her to the top of the dome, away from the other fugitives.
My relief quickly vanishes because Zaheer turns his staff into an air glider and begins advancing towards the two in the air!
Luckily, Lin dodges Zaheer’s attack and before he can launch another one Suyin appears in a metal cable of her own and sends dozens of daggers into his direction, ruining one of the wings of the glider and causing him to land back onto the glider!
Before, I can celebrate the victory, however, the entire area is filled with black smoke that clouds my eyes! When my vision recovers, they are gone!
Despite the frustration, though, we had a victory. We saved Korra.
Ignoring the excruciating torment, I am feeling, I slowly rise to my feet. Almost immediately after I get up my back engulfs into a fiery torture of suffering. “AH!”
“Y/N!” Asami yells, rushing forward to me. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” I snap, trying to advance forward. However, as soon as I take a step, I begin tumbling back onto the floor. Luckily, Asami catches me just in time.
“You’re not fine!” She retorts angrily. “You’re badly hurt!”
“I don’t care!” I bark back. “I need to see Korra! Is she okay?!”
“Lin and Suyin have her.” She replies. “We need to give you some medical attention.”
We are in Suyin’s office. I am sat with Mako, Bolin, and Asami on one sofa while on the sofa opposite, Korra lies still while Aiwei takes care of her. When I saw her, my heart broke again. I haven’t seen her this bad since she broke down sobbing in front of Tenzin and I during the Equalist Crisis. No, scratch that. This is worse.
“This should neutralise the shirashu toxins.” Aiwei informs Korra, handing her some sort of drink. It seems to have worked slightly, as I see her slightly moving her fingers. It ain’t much but it’s a start.
“How could you let this happen?!” Lin yells at Suyin, frustration clearly present. “You assured me this was one of the most secure places in the world.”
“It is.” Suyin counters. “I don’t know how this happened. Obviously, this was a well-planned operation, so don’t blame me.”
WHAT?! How fucking dare she!
“Take some fucking responsibility!” I loudly tell her, my rage allowing me to ignore the pain of my back. “It’s clear you have a rat within Zaofu! A rat who is very influential and knows the city inside and out like your guards! Your arrogance nearly costed Korra’s life!”
The short-lived peace we established has fallen apart as Suyin glares daggers at me. “You have no right to lecture me, Y/N! We will question them all! Whoever betrayed my city will suffer the consequences!”
I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh, so when outsiders make “some mistakes” you give them second chances but when someone within Zaofu makes one then they will get punished? Fucking rich!”
“Enough, Y/N!” Lin barks out, silencing me in an instant. The anger, while still present, is mixed with shame and guilt.
Dammit. I told Korra I would tolerate Suyin and I already failed…
We all turn to the voice and I see Kuvira, standing tall and proud. “We searched the entire estate. There’s no sign of them.”
“Well, keep looking!” Lin orders at the captain.
Now that the silence has filled the room, despite the intensity due to the argument between Suyin and I, my mind returns to Zaheer.
I need to tell them.
“I met Zaheer before.” I announce.
“WHAT?!” everyone shouts, absolutely shocked. Even Korra, in her paralysed state, appears shocked with her widened eyes.
“When?!” Lin demands. “When did this happen?!”
“It was just before Harmonic Convergence.” I explain, trying my hardest to recollect. “Korra, Jinora, and I meditated into the Spirit World to close the Northern and Southern Portals, but we got separated. A spirit told me to go to Wan Shi Tong’s Spirit Library for some answers. When I got lost, Zaheer approached me. He said his name was Yorru and he guided me to the library and just…disappeared.”
“Did he say anything to you?!” Lin demands, quickly processing my story and like a true Chief of Police seeks out any other relevant information. “Anything at all?”
I pinch the bridge of my nose as I concentrate to find the memories.
“I simply spend my time in this realm because it makes me feel more free than ever. Freedom is essential to one's happiness."
“I haven't been free in a long time. "What ifs" and what could have beens have been plaguing my mind for years. I'm homeless, you see? I am worthless to the eyes of corrupt leaders of the nations. But here? Here, I feel more alive than ever."
“I did. Three of them, actually. They were my best friends. One of them...she...she was the love of my life. But they're gone now."
"I, too, find the culture fascinating. I admire it. Their views on life and how the world works are truly inspiring."
“He…he talked about freedom, corrupt nation leaders, having three now gone best friends with one of them being the love of his life, and his fascination with the Air Nomads.” I slowly tell them as I begin to remember the words. “I assume the three friends he was talking about was the other fugitives present. However, he also claimed he was homeless. For all I know some of it could be bullshit.”
“It’s the best we’ve got.” The Chief tells me. “That’s more information we’ve had about him than when we interrogated him.”
“Why didn’t you tell us before?” Mako questions.
I frown. “I didn’t think it was important. How was I supposed to know he was a criminal? That doesn’t matter now, what matters is that we need to find out let them in and why.”
“And we will do just that!” Suyin exclaims. “We won’t stop until the traitor is found!”
She marches off, anger still burning within her. I frown yet again. The absolute hypocrisy of that woman drives me fucking insane!
I glance back at Korra who is still lying flat on her back and paralysed. I’ve never seen her so helpless before in my life.
My fists clench at the sight.
Zaheer will suffer for this.
And that's it!
Did you know Yorru was Zaheer? He used that name when he infiltrated Air Temple Island in "Rebirth"
Hope you all enjoyed it!
Feedback is appreciated!
See you all in the next chapter!
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ravensbug · 3 years
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Lin Beifong x Reader
Request: No
Prompt: No
Word Count: 1337
A/N: Taking a well-needed break from writing a research paper to do this. Just 6 am thoughts of drunk Lin thanks to some wonderful art by @nerdycanible1 Go check them out they’re an absolutely amazing artist and writer!!
Summary: You’re relaxing in bed reading a book when Lin comes home late at night. When she comes in and just falls down on the bed you finally can smell the alcohol that she’s probably been drinking for hours. She eventually starts speaking the thoughts in her head and you reassure her that all these bad things she’s saying about herself aren’t true.
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It was late at night and Lin still hadn’t come home. A normal occurrence for the middle of the week, except this was a Saturday and Lin had gone out 8 hours ago. You couldn’t remember if she said when she was going to be back, but there was worry in your mind the longer she wasn’t home.
You tried to distract yourself with the book you were reading but it didn’t help much. You were in one of the more filler-type chapters and found yourself constantly looking out the bedroom door, listening for the turning of the lock that continued to remain silent. You continued to read the words on the page although you didn’t really grasp what you were reading, your mind in a different place.
Lin stumbled up the stairs towards her apartment, vision blurry and steps slow. She’s almost tripped on the stairs four times now on her way up and the thought that she was an idiot for tripping up the stairs made her grumble. She was leaning against the wall for support when she finally got to her apartment and tried to get her keys out. Having a hard time figuring out which one was correct she just used her metalbending to open the door instead, letting it swing open in front of her.
You heard the turn of the lock, although it didn’t sound as solid as a key being used, so you knew Lin had used her metalbending to open the door. You gently put the bookmark in where you had your book opened to even though you knew you would backtrack the next time you picked it up.
You looked down the hall and into the small living room to see Lin stumbling along in the dark. A normal occurrence for anyone else in the dark but she had seismic sense and you knew that. Your heart dropped in an instant when you thought that she might be injured. Thankfully you saw no injuries when walked into the light of your shared bedroom. She groaned and covered her eyes from the light and you suddenly knew why she was acting weird. She was drunk as all hell.
Lin practically fell on the bed with another groan and you turned off the light on her nightstand leaving yours still on. You stayed silent as Lin laid there staring at the ceiling. You thought that she would have fallen asleep, but she was still wide awake and her brain was thinking of anything but kind things about herself.
In the silence, you analyzed what Lin looked like. She looked beyond tired that’s for sure. Her hair was slightly messy and her shirt was even more so. Her shirt was also unbuttoned all the way and you could see her bare skin underneath.
“Why am I still chief?” Lin blurted out. You were spooked for a moment when she finally spoke. 
“Lin…” You spoke her name softly. You also didn’t answer her question so she asked again.
“Tell me why I still have this job? I’m certainly not good at it.” Lin didn’t make eye contact with you as she spoke again.
“Lin! You’re a better Chief of Police than your mother was and that’s already saying a lot, to begin with.”
“How? Dozens of my officers lost their bending to Amon because I was careless about sending them out.” It’s like this was an argument to her, and you really didn’t want to start yelling at each other.
“Those men knew what they were getting into. It’s not your fault.” You knew no matter how many times anyone said that Lin would always blame herself for her officers losing their bending.
“What about when I lost my bending? Why do I still deserve it now? I haven’t been able to protect everyone with it.” 
“Do not make what you did seem useless. You saved Tenzin and his family even after all he put you through. That’s called being selfless, Lin. You do it all the time and everyone is thankful for you.”
Lin scoffed at your reply. “If everyone is so thankful then why did my own sister scar me for life?” Oh, she was going deep now. You knew that meant she’d been drinking for hours.
“Lin please, what Su did was out of anger and you two have been working things out. You know she feels remorse for scaring you.” Your hands were on her shoulders now, rubbing them slowly to provide a comforting presence to her.
“Yeah, but mom certainly doesn’t feel bad for leaving.” You could see tears in Lin’s eyes but she still refused to look at you.
“Your mother didn’t care about you or Su in the way she should have. You need to stop looking to her for approval or as an example.” Now you were getting angry because it was like all the things you two had talked about together and worked through suddenly meant nothing to her and all her walls had gone back up.
“Lin, love, please look at me,” you asked. Your hands were now at the sides of her head as she finally moved her eyes to look at you. You had moved closer to her so you were at her side while she was lying down on the bed.
“I still don’t understand why you’re-” You stopped her before she could finish. You straddled her waist and your lips crashed into hers, finally tasted the alcohol that you’d been smelling on her. It was strong and overwhelming but you continued to kiss her. One of your hands was holding her hair and you stopped kissing her to get some breath. “Shut up, Lin,” you mumbled, still holding onto her.
“But after everything I’ve been through, the countless times I’ve had my life on the line, why?” A tear escaped her right eye and you wiped it away quickly. You gave her another kiss before you spoke again.
“Because you are the most amazing person ever.” you gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, “And if you keep arguing with me I’m just,” another kiss on her nose, “going,” another on her left cheek, ”to keep,” another on her scars, “kissing,” another on her neck, “you,” a final kiss on her lips again.
“I love you so much Lin Beifong. Don’t you forget it.” You held her face in your hands. Lin reached and took a hold of both your hands and gave each one a quick kiss.
“I love you too,” she smiled. You saw the blush creep on her face and you couldn’t help but smirk.
“What?” she asked like she didn’t know she was blushing.
“You’re blushing, love. Don’t worry I think it’s cute,” you smiled.
“I am not cute!” she pouted.
“Oh, my bad. The mighty Lin Beifong, Chief of Police, and master metal bender can’t be called cute by her wife.” Her blush only got worse and she mumbled something you couldn’t quite hear.
“What was that, love?” you asked.
“I said only you can call me cute,” she mumbled louder so you could hear her.
“Well, that’s good. But now we need to both get some sleep. It’s almost 3 am.”
“I’ve stayed up later before,” Lin protested.
“And this is a weekend and we both deserve to relax. It’s time for bed Lin.” You were a bit stern, but you knew Lin was going to have a horrible hangover so the sooner she went to bed the better.
“Get changed though, you smell like alcohol.” You stopped her before she started to doze off.
She complained the entire time while getting changed into sleepwear until she was back in bed with you. You turned your nightstand light off and quickly got comfortable in bed. You felt Lin’s arms wrap around you and pull you close against her as you both fell asleep. You would always love Lin, no matter how many times you had to do these conversations with her.
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girlandthedarkness · 4 years
Dating Toph Beifong
an headcanon about dating chief toph beifong, because she's superior
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- You were one of the lawyers in the case that Toph works at
- Since you were her opponent, she dislikes you at the start, but she eventually likes you since you were great at your job and have a good work ethic
- You were slightly afraid of her, but you admire her, I mean she's Toph Beifong, the greatest earthbender, a legend
- You met again on the other case, this time you worked together- That's when you start to see her more as a human being rather than a legend
- Your case was tough and you were exhausted, trying to come with a strong defense
- Toph really likes your passion, the way you never give up and didn't mind her slightly hurtful humor
- You get along with each other and now you're dating, you didn't even notice when you fall in love with her
- Dating Toph it's hard, very, she's stubborn and will never admit that she's wrong- Her habit to blame you on nearly ended your relationship, but she promised to work on this
- You were worried that Lin and Suyin will not like you, that's why you were afraid to meet them, your crazy heartbeat draws a smile on Toph's face
- No need to worry, the girls like you from the start, you clicked with them quickly. They are draw in to your warm energy and later see you as a parent figure
- Lin adore the fact that you had read the same books as her and loves to talk about them with you
- Suyin look toward the time you told her stories about your earlier adventures with your friends, the fact that Su stay still for hours confused and amazed Toph
- Both of the girls confessed to you about their crushes and struggles, knowing that if they tell Toph about it she will tease them later
- You have a busy work, but always try to find time for Toph or/and girls
- When you and Toph return home earlier you read out loud a new book that you bought, this helps to relax both of you
- One day when Toph returns late at night from work, she senses you, Lin and Su sleeping on the floor in front of a still working TV and she realised how lucky she is and how much she loves her little family.
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The Mission: Bolin x reader series - Part One
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Imagine being Kuvira’s younger sister and her recruiting you to seduce Bolin...however the plan works a little too well and you can’t tell if you’re pretending anymore.
Part Two Here
Part Three Here
Part Four Here
Your sister was your world for as long as you could remember. Your first word was her name and you idolised her as many little sisters do with their older sisters. You used to think your sister was the best person in the world. So much so, you took her side in the argument with your parents and when they sent her away you refused to stay with them and went with her. It wasn’t until you were older did you begin to rethink your logic. 
Your sister did care for you in her own way but she was selfish. Your needs and goals only mattered to her when they aligned with what she wanted and when they didn’t...she could be maliciously sneakily and would more often than not manipulate you into doing what she wanted all along. So despite your love for your foster family the Beifongs, when Kuvira left she played the sister card and you caved going with her despite the fact the Beifongs had always been kinder to you. Your sister just had a hold over you that you couldn’t break and so you followed her around like a lost puppy doing everything she said.
That’s how you found yourself in your current predicament. 
The moment Kuvira heard about Bolin she worked at getting him on her side. He was a master earth bender, fiercely loyal and one of the few lava benders in the world!  Kuvira had succeeded in getting him to join her army but that wasn’t enough. She wanted insurance he would always be loyal to her and that’s where you came in. 
The plan was you would seduce Bolin, get him to leave his girlfriend Opal and solidify Bolin’s commitment to Kuvira. So she began coaching you on ways to approach the earth bender, starting with ways you would be an improvement on everything he had with Opal. "You know Opal y/n, she’s all butter wouldn’t melt. If Bolin fell for that he must be attracted to kindness so act like she does but better. Act all sweet and kind but confident! Act adorable but clever and dignified too. Opal’s okay but nobody wants someone who’s just nice so you have to be more than nice, okay?" Kuvira barked at you in one of many coaching sessions.
You’d originally protested of course. Not only did you know Opal and were fond of her, you were messing with a couple all for your sister’s gain. Your sister had always hated Opal and you suspected that sweetened the deal which made her pursue Bolin even more fiercely. She bombarded you with words, guilt trips and promises until you agreed to atleast talk to Bolin. That small allowance encouraged her and Kuvira hadn’t let you forget it. She now had a full 6-week plan and today was the day you put it into action. 
“Y/n!” Kuvira barked “I said do you understand?”. You nodded “I understand” and looked back at the floor. Your older sister smiled at you slightly and seemed to go to say something before she thought better of it and left the room. “Good....dismissed”. You gratefully fled from the room. 
Later that day
Your arrived at the dining room exactly on time and saw Kuvira spot you and smile slyly. The room was set up as she’d planned. All the tables were full except for the table Bolin was on. So you took a plate, grabbed some food and made your way over to his table. You made a show of checking the room for seats and got Bolin’s attention. He smiled at you as you came over and you smiled back shyly. “Could I please sit with you?” you asked “everywhere else is full”. Bolin nodded “sure! It’d be nice to have company and i’m just pleased to see someone I know”. “Ow yeah you’re the avatar’s friend right? Bolin?” you asked staying well clear of the topic that was Opal. Bolin nodded “yeah we met in Zafou all those years ago”. You nodded “it’s nice to see you again, how are you settling in?”. Bolin sighed “honestly it’s been a little difficult. I usually have no problem making friends but i’ve struggled a bit here”. You frowned at that, your heart panging guiltily. Kuvira had purposefully isolated Bolin so he’d be easy pickings when you approached him. “Ow no” you said faking surprise “don’t worry some people here can be quite clicky but we’re not all like that. Have you had a tour of the train yet? Or seen the roof?”. Bolin’s eyes lit up “there’s a roof?”. You laughed “yeah where you can go outside and stuff. We’re not really supposed to use it when the train’s moving but I can show you if you want?”. “Yes please!” Bolin cried and you smiled “how about now?”. “Done” Bolin said throwing his food down and you laughed standing up. 
So far so good. The plan was going exactly as planned. 
“Y/n where do you think you’re going?” Kuvira called and you froze. Phase two was in motion. 
“I’m taking Bolin on a tour of the train” you explained and your sister pretended to narrow her eyes. “Have you finished all those tests I told you to run?”. “Yes Kuvira” you replied pretending to be annoyed with her, which wasn’t so hard to do. “Are they on my desk?” she asked and you paused. “I...I was going to...”. “Going to isn’t any use to me, do it”. You swallowed “I’ll do it as soon as I’ve given Bolin the tour”. “Not after, do it now. It’s already late” Kuvira barked and you hung your head “yes Kuvira”. She nodded at your response and then nodded to Bolin before going back to her seat. Once she was gone you looked back up “mind if we take a quick detour?”. “Not at all!” Bolin smiled sympathetically “lead the way”. 
You led Bolin down some halls and into your private study. “I’ll just be a second, the reports should be right...and they’re not here” you sighed. “Hey don’t worry take your time, can I help look for them?”. You smiled “thanks, they’re in a red folder if you see it lying around”. Bolin started looking and broke the silence first “so is Kuvira always like that?”. You sighed “no...she’s just under a lot of stress lately that’s all. But still she can be such a pain sometimes. Don’t get me wrong I love her but she can be so driven it makes her emotionless sometimes. You have no idea the pains of having a serious responsible pouty older sibling". 
There was the trap and Bolin took it. 
"Actually I do!" Bolin cried "Do you remember my older brother Mako? He’s a police officer now as if he needed a more serious career. Before that he was the leader of our pro-bending team and he’s always pouting!". You laughed at that without even meaning to and smiled "you’re not messing with me? Your brother is really like that?". "Yes and I can prove it" Bolin grinned digging in his pocket. He pulled out a battered wallet, opened it and took a piece of paper out of it  "look this is me and Mako". You saw a photo of a slightly younger Bolin standing beside Mako. True to form Mako looked angry and had a slight pout as Bolin grinned at the camera. You laughed as you inspected the picture "was he smouldering on purpose?". "No that’s just his face" Bolin cried "trust me i know what it’s like to have an older sibling you’re nothing like". "It’s nice to know there’s someone who does" you smiled. Bolin blushed and deciding not to come on too strong you changed the subject. You conveniently found the folder and turned to Bolin “now about that tour”. 
You took Bolin through all the best places onboard all leading up to the main attraction. “So this is the gym, there's a small study down there we’re free to use and some cabins down that corridor. That’s where my room is”. “Really?” Bolin asked “my room’s down there! What number are you?”. “24, what about you?”. “I’m 22!” Bolin cried “we must be right next door to each other”. You grinned “that’s so great” but again felt that uncomfortable sensation knowing you were lying to him. “Well the good news is you’re really close to the roof then” you smiled and led him into the engine room. You walked up the ladder and paused “you’re not scared of heights are you?”. Bolin shook his head “not at all! Although there was this time I had to hold onto the wing of a plane while my friend Asami flew it and that was terrifying!”. You chuckled “you have to tell me the rest of that story but first we climb”. 
You went up first and waited at the top to help Bolin out. “Woah!” Bolin cried. You smiled at his reaction but hastily pulled him back as he began to lean on the railings precariously. “Careful, like I said this is technically an out of bounds area”. Bolin nodded “ow yeah...thanks. I can be quite clumsy”. You smiled “it’s no problem” and stepped back. The two of you admired the mountains as they passed and Bolin smiled “this is definitely a big perk of the job”. You nodded “totally. Whenever I can’t sleep or just need time to myself I come up here. Nobody uses it so it’s basically always empty”. Bolin nodded “that sounds nice”. “Feel free to use it anyway time you want” you offered and Bolin’s eyes lit up “really?”. You nodded “of course! We’re friends aren’t we?”. Bolin’s smile got even brighter “yes of course! I’m so happy i’ve made my first work friends! We can gossip any out colleagues and go on work social events and coordinate our shifts and...am I getting carried away? I do that sometimes?”. You shook your head and smiled, a genuine smile you didn’t even have to think about. “No that all sounds lovely. Truth be told I don’t have many friends around here to do all that stuff with. A lot of the others are either too uncomfortable around me being Kuvira’s sister to act normal or they resent me for being the Great Uniter’s family. I know some of them think that’s the only reason i’m here...” you said trailing off bitterly. That bitterness was all real and you didn’t need to fake it for a second. You allowed yourself to wallow in it when Bolin placed a hand on your arm breaking you out of it. You looked up to see Bolin had a sympathetic but not patronising smile on his face. “I can imagine that’s really hard and I’m really sorry you’ve had to deal with that. Hopefully I can be a good friend to you and that won’t happen anymore”. You felt pleased by Bolin’s kind words and smiled another genuine smile “thanks Bolin, that means a lot you’re...really nice”. Bolin grinned “I try!” and you laughed. This couldn’t have gone any better, you knew Kuvira would be thrilled. 
She was. After that Bolin began seeking you out and you quickly became friends. You hung out at lunch, took shifts together and even spent your few free hours together. You were basically joint at the hip but you found it was no longer something you had to do but more of a habit. You sought out Bolin’s company because you enjoyed it! Bolin was kind, funny and a really good friend. You could see why Opal liked him so much and felt yourself begin to appreciate his charm and personality. Not to mention you also started noticing other things about him. Like how his eyes lit up even brighter when he was excited or how insanely in shape he was. You thought his forearms were just the result of thick metal armour so when you saw his arms were actually that huge your eyes almost popped out of your head. Kuvira’s plan was definitely working, Bolin was becoming more fond of you every single day but it wasn’t a one-way process. There were side effects and you were experiencing them first hand. 
Your growing feelings for Bolin made it harder to justify what you were doing. He was honestly one of the sweetest people in the world and you were trying to harm him for what? Some petty war your sister was starting? Her own ego? You’d become more conflicted and were trying to avoid Bolin a little to give yourself time to think, however Bolin wasn’t one of those friends you could avoid. You entered the cafeteria discreetly and headed to the back in the opposite direction of Bolin. You thought you’d gotten away with it when you heard someone stand up and knew instinctively who it was. "Y/n over here!" Bolin yelled and you blushed as everyone in the cafeteria looked over. You noticed your sister watching and purposefully didn’t look at her as you made your way to Bolin. "I've been looking for you all day!" Bolin cried "we have the night shifts together this week! How great a coincidence is that?". You glanced to where your sister sat "weird coincidence" you nodded "but i'm grateful! I bet you'll make the night shift interesting". Bolin nodded his head seriously "totally! I usually play whatever games i can, eye spy...riddles even though i don’t know many, tongue twisters....but my partners always tell me to be quiet so i don’t get to" Bolin said sadly and you felt genuine anger someone was mean to him. "Well i have no objection" you smiled "you can talk as much as you want. The more the better". Bolin’s face lit up "Nobody has ever told me i can talk as much as i want!" he cried *you really are the best friend ever!” and you laughed before feeling the familiar pang of guilt that now lived permanently in your stomach. You weren’t sure how much longer you could keep this up.
Unfortunately for you this was just the start of what Kuvira had planned
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