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linnorabeifong · 1 year ago
I Physically Can’t Get This Idea Out of My Head
How many people actually know Lin got her scars from Su ? I was rewatching the Zafou episodes and I don’t think Lin ever explicitly mentioned Su giving her the scars. So none of the krew knows. So I get why her anger doesn’t look justified to them and why they would pressure her to make up without that context. But I so badly want them to discover it. I want to see their reactions . I want them to see photos of Lin before she was scarred. How would their perceptions of Su and Lin change ? Would they be more empathetic towards Lin ?
Additionally I don’t think Su’s kids know the truth. Opal really loves her aunt I imagine she would be quite angry if she found out and while Lin’s bond with her nephews isn’t explored in the show ( which it should’ve been I want to see her play power disk with Wei and Wing, and praise Huan’s art and have a heart to heart with Baatar) I think they’re also attached to her and would be upset.
Further how about the air kids, Lin seems quite close to them and they’re all very curious. They’ve probably asked her several times before. Did she lie to them to protect her sister ? Does she give up and tell the truth one day ?
How about Kya, Bumi and Izumi ? Were any of them actually there when it all went down ? Did she tell them ? ( I don’t think she would it seems painful for her to talk about ) How would they react to the truth thirty years later?
Also I think Toph has the capacity for empathy. I think she’s ignorant to the full extent of Lin’s injury and that’s why she was so apathetic about it and just wants to move on. She’s blind. She never saw the bandages or saw how deep the scars ran, how large they were but if she did would she have acted differently? I think so. Sure she’s neglectful but she’s not a monster. If she actually felt the scars I think she would’ve comforted her daughter. She would’ve been more mad at Su. In her eyes Lin has a little scratch and Su was an accomplice in a crime. So if course she thinks Lin is overreacting. In her eyes sending Su away for being an accomplice is a crime is proportional to the harm done. She thinks Lin’s anger is just her being a square and normal sibling bickering. If she knew the whole truth maybe she would’ve punished Su more and made her make it up to Lin somehow.
( does she even know that Lin has a scar afterwards? Does anyone mention them in front of her ?)
and Lin would never let anyone touch her scars ever so how is Toph supposed to understand? How can she without feeling them ?
More thoughts about Toph: Raising both of the girls while being blind must’ve been difficult. Think about it she can’t see if their clothes get stained, can’t see if they have a bruise or see if they’re crying. So much of communication and understanding is nonverbal. She misses out on so many social cues and so much visual information. On top of being blind both her and Lin dislike physical affection.So all they really have left is verbal communication and both of them are too emotionally stunted and prone to bottling things up to ever say what they need to. Let’s be honest Toph isn’t a great listener either so she probably doesn’t fully realize/respond to what Lin is trying to say. Lin may be better at writing out or drawing her emotions but Toph wouldn’t be able to read what she wrote or see her visual work. Lin would have to learn braille and sit down and write in it to get her mother to understand which I honestly don’t believe she has the patience or desire to do. Nor do I believe Toph has the patience or desire to sit down and read all of that. ( Does Toph know braille ?) They can’t communicate with each other properly. There are so many barriers. Of course their relationship is strained. While it may not be wholly Toph’s fault it has produced a huge impact on both of her daughters that none of them can address.
An epiphany : LIN IS A SILENT CRIER. She doesn’t sob. Are you following me? Rewatch the Zafou episode if you don’t believe me . Nonverbal - audio communication ( I don’t know if there’s an actual word for this) doesn’t happen between them. Lin isn’t vocally expressive. She doesn’t cry out loud or scream or make any other vocalizations when she is in physical or emotional pain. She may grunt in some of the fight scenes but she isn’t loud. Think about when she got her bending taken. Probably one of the most physically and emotionally painful moments of her entire life. In that scene she didn’t make a single sound. Or the reverse she got her bending restored a huge moment of relief she didn’t laugh or make any other sounds of joy. She just thanked Korra. Lin is silent . Toph can’t hear her.
In conclusion communication is everything and everyone of them needs therapy.
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I think (well in my opinion) they should write a graphic novel, of Suyin’s teen years, after she left Republic City.
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It’ll show us what Suyin was up to, while in the custody of her grandparents. Su might be a bit of a brat at first, but eventually realizes her selfish attitude, which led her to have an epiphany. (Including how deeply she hurt Lin).
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Suyin tried writing letters to Lin, to let her know how sorry she was for hurting her, but Lin never responded. (Which was understandable). Leaving the relationship of the sisters strained.
Also showing us , in her teens, traveling the world in a pirate ship, joining a traveling circus, and living in sandbender community.
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Eventually in her 20’s, when and how she met Bataar, and bought a large plot of land which eventually became Zafou. She made the city happen with the help of Bataar, of whom she eventually married and had 5 children.
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Including her adopted daughter Kurvira.
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That’s all I have, please leave a Comment and Reblog for any other ideas. And please no rude comments.
Thank U
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crybabycinna · 10 months ago
Painting + Interesting Mornings
Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Summary: again mixing two chapters together so we can get on with the show of new content! To some of yall this is new but if you jump over to AO3 it’s not 🤣 and I’ve written so much while copying and pasting from one site to another like yall I’ve written over 60 parts 😭 also does anyone know how to make a master list thingy so I can put these all together properly for people that are new here idk how to do that I may be 22 but I have the mind of a toddler so break it down for me please 🥺 but anyways these chapters are about somethings that go down while you guys visit Su 💖
Lin and I were unpacking our clothes in Zafou. After we unpacked I went to go paint with Huan and everyone else. I brought Miyuki with me to go paint as well. “You have a cat!” Ikki shouted. “Yes, this is Miyuki say hello.” I told her. Miyuki meowed. “Can I pick her up?” Ikki asked. “Sure.” I said. Ikki picked up Miyuki and she nuzzled her. “She likes me!” Ikki shouted. I nodded. “I want a cat now.” Ikki said. “Can you handle your own cat?” I asked. “Probably.” Ikki said. I shook my head. Ikki put Miyuki down and we all sat down to paint. Miyuki got her own paint set and everything. Miyuki dipped her paws in paint and just walked around on her canvas. “Good job.” I told her. Miyuki meowed. I decided to paint Miyuki. She is my muse. My little baby.
“This is true talent I feel her joy with every paw print. True artistry.” Huan said to Miyuki. “She’s very talented.” I said. I kept watching Miyuki as I painted because I was trying to get her just right. I’m gonna have to hang our paintings in the house. When we finished painting I think I did pretty good. “Wow I like yours.” Ikki said. “Thank you, I did my best. I'm not an artist. Let me yours.” I said. Ikki dragged me over to her pretty sky bison painting. “Oh this is lovely.” I said. “Thank you. I’m a true artist.” Ikki said. “You are.” I said. “Let’s look at Miyuki’s” she dragged me over to Miyuki and we looked at her canvas.
Miyuki meowed. “You did very good princess.” I told her. “She’s an artist just like you.” Ikki said. “She takes after me a lot.” I said. Miyuki meowed. “Oh no. I have to give you a bath.” I said. “I can help you.” Ikki said. “Ok.” I said. I picked up Miyuki and made sure to not have her touch me. Ikki and I put Miyuki in the bath and washed her paws together. “I appreciate your help Ikki.” I said. “No problem.” Ikki said. Once we finished we dried Miyuki’s paw and then she ran to the door. “Where are you going?” I asked. She pawed at the door. “Miyuki.” I said.
I got up and went to open the door. Once the door was open she took off. “Girl where are you going?” I asked and followed behind her. She made her way outside and there was Su and Lin talking. “Oh you wanted to be with your daddy.” I said. Miyuki ran up to Lin and meowed at her. Lin looked down at her. “What?” Lin asked. She meowed again. Lin picked her up. “There, is this what you wanted?” Lin asked. Miyuki purred. “Such a daddy’s girl.” I said. “Daddy’s girl?” Su asked. I nodded. “Makes sense.” She said and laughed. “Oh hush.” Lin said.
When it was time for dinner Miyuki was allowed to sit at the table in her cute new dress. “Aww she looks so cute.” Asami said. “I know right.” I said. Miyuki meowed and spun around to show off her outfit. “Do you think you can make outfits for the baby sky bison’s?” Ikki asked. “Ikki we don’t dress up the baby sky bison’s.” Tenzin said. “Why not? They would look so cute.” Ikki said. “It makes no sense to put them in clothes.” Jinora said. “You don’t make any sense!” Ikki shouted at Jinora. “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Meelo shouted. “There will be no fighting at the table.” Tenzin said sternly.
“You can help me make clothes for Miyuki.” I told Ikki. Her eyes lit up. “Really?” She asked. I nodded. Once dinner was over Ikki held my hand and went back to my room. I let her play with Miyuki while Lin read and I just watched. “When are you guys getting married since you have a baby?” Ikki asked. My brain short circuited for a moment. “What?” Lin asked. “When are you guys getting married? I wanna be a part of your wedding. I'll be your flower girl and Miyuki can bring your rings.” Ikki said. “We won’t be getting married for a while sweetie.” I said. “Why?” Ikki said. “Adult reasons, now don’t you think it’s time for bed?” Lin asked.
Ikki pouted. “Ok, I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Ikki gave me a hug goodnight then petted Miyuki and waved goodbye to Lin before she left. I can’t believe she put us on the spot about marriage. Lin and I just got together officially. The last thing on her mind is marriage I’m sure. “I hate to say it, I would have really loved to make the baby sky bisons some outfits.” I said. “They don’t need clothes.” Lin said. “I know but they would look so cute.” I said. Miyuki jumped on the bed and rubbed up against Lin. “Yes you look very pretty.” Lin said and scratched under Miyuki’s neck. “She just loves your attention.” I said. “Like you do.” Lin teased.
I stuck my tongue out at her. “Keep that tongue out and I’ll make you put it to good use.” Lin said. I leaned closer to her with my tongue still out. She grabbed my face. “Brats like you never learn.” Lin said with a smug look on her face. Miyuki meowed. Lin let go of my face and I laughed. “Sorry to forget you were here princess.” I said and petted her.
The next morning was a bit of a rough morning. “Su please.” Lin said. “What? I’m just asking when are you going to introduce her to mom.” Su asked. “I’m not introducing her to mom.” Lin said. “Why not? She’s great and I think mom would love her. She’s so sweet.” Su said. “Mom doesn’t even care for your husband, what makes you think she’ll care for my girlfriend?” Lin asked. “Ok yes mom is a little rough but I’m sure she’ll like her.” Su said. “Su just mind your business.” Lin said. “I’m just trying to help.” Su said. “I didn’t ask for your help, just mind your business.” Lin snapped. Su sighed. “I just think,” “I think,” I grabbed Lin’s hand. “Hey.” I said.
Lin sighed. “Give us a minute please Su.” I said. She nodded and I took Lin back to our room. “Linny.” I said as I sat her down on the bed. “What?” Lin mumbled. “Your sister is just trying to help.” I said. “I didn’t ask for her help or opinion.” Lin said and folded her arms. “I know and she knows but she just thinks it’ll be nice for me to meet your mom. I know you guys are indifferent but I get what Su is on about since I met her. She wants me to meet your mom.” I said. “I didn’t want you to meet Su in the first place.” Lin said. “I know baby and I'm still sorry for running off instead of respecting your boundaries.” I said.
“I’m sorry too for how I treated you. It wasn’t right. You meeting my sister made things feel so real like the badger moles. It was just back to back me realizing I’m in love with you and I just couldn’t handle it all like I thought I could. This was never supposed to become serious. I haven't been in a serious relationship in a long time. We all know that but you came along and made me feel love again and it was scary and I’m sorry.” Lin said. “Thank you for apologizing and I didn’t mean to scare you with my love. I think part of me wasn’t thinking. I was just enjoying a form of domesticated life with you.” I said.
“You’re making it sound like we’re married.” Lin said and laughed. “We’re halfway there. We live together, we have Miyuki, all we need now is the rings and a ceremony.” I said. “A small ceremony.” Lin said. “As long as I get a fancy girly dress.” I said. “You can get whatever you want, baby.” Lin said. “Well I guess we can tell Ikki.” I said. “No, not yet.” Lin said. “Why not?” I asked. “Because I haven’t asked you to marry me yet, we're just planning.” Lin said. “Oh yeah.” I said and laughed. “Thank you for calming down.” Lin said and pulled me into her lap.
“Of course my love.” I said. “I’m really sorry that I hurt you.” Lin said. “It’s ok baby.” I said. “I love you.” Lin said and held my face. “I love you too. I’m really happy with you.” I said. “I’m really happy with you too.” Lin said. “Oh! You have to see our paintings.” I told Lin and got off her lap. Lin nodded and I dragged her to the painting room. “This is my painting.” I said and pointed to my Miyuki painting. “Oh that’s beautiful.” Lin said. “Really?” I asked. “Yes you did very good.” Lin replied. “This is Miyuki’s,” I pointed to hers. “It’s just a bunch of her paw prints.” Lin laughed.
“But it’s so cute.” I said. “It is.” Lin said. “We have to figure out where to hang our paintings.” I said. “We can hang them in the room.” Lin said. “You should have painted with us yesterday.” I said. “I’m not much of a painter but I do draw a bit.” Lin mumbled. “You do?” I asked. Lin nodded. “You’ve never shown me your drawing abilities before.” I said. “I don’t really show anyone my drawings.” Lin said. “Well can you show me please.” I begged and batted my lashes at her. “I’ll show you when we get home.” Lin said. I kissed her.
We went outside and ran into Korra and Asami along with Tenzin. “Hey.” Asami said. I waved to her. “So what’s this I hear about you two getting married?” Korra asked. “What?” Lin and I asked. “You two are getting married?” Tenzin asked. He seemed shocked. “Yeah I heard you guys are getting married.” Korra said. “Did you hear that from Ikki?” I asked. “Yeah.” Korra laughed. “She asked us when we were getting married because we have a baby together and she wants to be our flower girl.” I said. “That's adorable but also I was gonna say and you didn’t tell me.” Asami said.
“You know you’d be the first person I tell. You have to help me plan and be my maid of honor.” I said. “I can see it all now. You’ll look so pretty in your wedding dress. Oh I’m gonna need tissues.” Asami said. “I’ll be on standby with the tissues babe don’t worry.” Korra said. “So I’m thinking of a big ceremony,” “Small ceremony.” Lin said. “Small ceremonies are nice.” Korra said. “They are cute and very intimate.” Asami said. “If you need someone to marry you two I could do it.” Tenzin said. “No.” Lin said quickly. Korra and I laughed.
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linnorabeifong · 1 year ago
Huan when his Aunt asks him for restaurant recommendations in Zafou.
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gladerwolfstarkimagines · 3 years ago
Mako x Female Reader Request: Part One
Imagine being placed with Mako to guard Wu and instantly not getting on. However as time passes and the war progresses you come to be each other’s greatest allies.
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Part Two Here
Part Three Here
Part Four Here
Mako was done with being Wu's bodyguard. He hated everything about the job and just wanted out. He was hoping Lin was going to tell him it was all finally over and he was free but no. He was now going with Wu to Ba Sing Sei after the coronation, his worst nightmare. "But I have some good news" Lin said and Mako rolled his eyes "what? I also get to sleep curled up at the foot of Wu's bed every night?". Lin shook her head "no but don't give him any ideas, you are getting help. Suyin is sending over one of her finest guards to help protect Wu with the upcoming coronation. Her name's y/n and she'll be here later today. This is her file, read it sometime before then" she said pressing a folder into his hand. "I don't need help while I babysit" Mako protested but Lin shot him a look "you were just complaining about how annoying Wu is and now you're upset you'll be getting help?". "I don't want to guard him full stop!" Mako began to argue when Lin held up her hand "I don't want to hear it! Just meet y/n at air temple island this afternoon. Help her settle in, introduce her to Wu and then bring her to me later today" and that was that. Mako wasn't happy but he did as Lin said and arrived at Air Temple island just after your ship had arrived. He didn't know you by name but he did recognise you when he saw your face from his brief time in Zafou. He couldn't recall having a conversation with you but if you were so high up in Su's regard you must be good. You were rather small for a guard he noted, barely 5 feet and you didn't look particularly threatening as a good bodyguard should. You were talking to Tenzin and Jinora happily and seemed pretty social and bubbly. Mako got a sinking feeling this was going to turn into his babysitting two people. He was inwardly cursing Su Yin for sending you when Tenzin looked up and spotted him.
"Here he is now, y/n this is Mako Wu's bodyguard, the person you'll be working closely beside". Mako sighed slightly and not looking at you held out his hand "nice to meet you, looking forward to working with you". You grabbed his hand and he was surprised how strong your grip was "likewise, I know Bolin well through Opal so if you're anything like him I'm sure it will all go smoothly". Mako didn't reply "Wu is waiting for us back at the hotel so we should go". You paused before nodding "sure" and Mako went to reach for your bag but you grabbed it instead "I'll take my own stuff". Mako shrugged in response and set off. He heard you saying goodbye to Tenzin and Jinora before you caught up to him. "So what's the prince like?" you asked trying to make conversation. It didn't work. Mako shrugged "haven't you met him before?". You shook your head "Wu was kept locked up tight until recently. That's why Su sent me along, he's never been this exposed before and someone could easily see it as an opportunity". Mako couldn't doubt your logic but didn't see how having you around would help. He didn't respond and you lapsed into silence. When you reached the hotel Wu was living in Mako figured you'd need a few minutes to rest or want to unpack but you practically threw your bag on your bed and nodded "I'm ready". Mako led you to Wu's room where Wu was pretending like he hadn't been excitedly practising his greeting the entire time. "Enter" Wu called in his most dignified serious voice as Mako knocked on the door. Wu was sat in a large chair and had obviously gone to a lot of effort to impress you with his royalness. "Y/n" Wu smiled brightly "it's most wonderful to meet you! Su gave you a glowing recommendation so I'm thrilled to have you as my guard". You smiled "Su is too kind but I promise you I will be a diligent bodyguard and will protect you with my life". Mako almost snorted to hear such a big statement come out of something so tiny but Wu seemed to like it. He nodded solemnly and bowed to you "thank you y/n...now come sit! Let's get to know one another!". You and Wu talked for the best part of two hours. Mako felt like his ears were going to fall off and he knew this wasn't going to work. So when he took you to meet Lin he asked her if he could speak with her privately. She refused, telling Mako she was too busy so anything he had to say would have to be said in front of the group. You looked at him curiously and Mako sighed but wasn't going to shrink away just because you were watching him. Meanwhile, you'd only been here 3 hours and already you weren't keen on Mako. He seemed cold, robotic and lifeless. You understood being professional at work but he just clearly didn't want to be here and didn't seem to care that the prince was your nation's best hope at restoring stability. So you weren't too fond of the man and then his next sentence consolidated your negative opinion of him. "Fine" Mako nodded "I don't think y/n is qualified to guard Wu". Your eyes nearly popped out of your head "excuse me, based on what? You've known me a few hours". "Yes and in that time you haven't shown any of the telltale signs of a good guard. You're loud, love talking and aren't much of a fighter. If she is placed as Wu's guard it won't be a help but a hindrance". Mako was honestly expecting you to burst into tears so when you started laughing he froze before looking to Lin "see?". "I'm laughing because you're an idiot. Creerse la última coca-cola en el desierto, el burro sabe mas que tu!". Mako blinked at your sudden language change but Lin smirked. "Pardon?" Mako asked and you smiled sweetly at him "I basically said you know nothing about me or anything in general. For instance do you know I'm the head guard of Zafou? Or that I speak 4 languages? Or that I was trained in metal and earth bending from Suyin herself?". Mako shook his head "I did not". You smiled "Also as for my loudness and love for talking have you ever worked as an agent? People skills and the ability to get people to like you can get you far, something I'm sure you know nothing about. Plus where I come from kindness goes a long way, you didn't even look at me when you shook my hand at the docks and you've been rude ever since. Have you ever thought it's not me whose inexperienced but you?". Mako blanked "what?". You sighed "should I say it in Spanish?" and you went to repeat yourself when Mako held up his hand "I heard what you said". Lin was chuckling slightly and Mako turned to her "are you going to let her speak to me like that?". Lin smiled "after the way you spoke to her I think you deserve it. Y/n has been a guard longer than you which you'd have known if you'd read her file. She's not just here to guard Wu, you could also learn a thing or two from her". You thought Mako's face was going to explode and resisted the urge to laugh. Lin looked at you and her lip quirked in a smirk "y/n why don't you head back to Wu, I'm going to have a word with Mako here...and if nobodies said it already welcome to Republic City. We're pleased to have you". You smiled and bowed "happy to be here chief" and walked from the room. You practically swanned back to the hotel still laughing at the shocked expression on Mako's face when you cursed him out in Spanish. When you reached the hotel room you dismissed the temporary guard and smiled at Wu "your majesty, how are you?". "I'm okay but a little stressed." You nodded "that's to be expected, your coronation is in a week". "I know and my outfit is all wrong, help me choose something different" he said going to his closet. You paused surprised but smiled "of course". Your job here was going to be different than what you'd expected. After you'd diverted the disaster Wu collapsed onto his large sofa with a sigh "being royalty is hard work". You nodded "I'm sure it is" and Wu sat up "but look at me going on, I'm sure you've had a much more tiring day, how's it been so far". "Good" you nodded trying not to think of Mako "the city is very beautiful". Wu nodded "it is isn't it...what about the people?". "Well so far the only people I've met are you, Mako, Tenzin, Jinora and Lin...and you're all very different". Wu chuckled "we are! What do you make of Mako?". You paused "he seems...strict". Wu snorted "that's an understatement". "Is he always like that?" you asked. Wu shrugged "Nah he's a big softie really, he's just got that resting fire nation face and hard exterior. He's a lot more likeable when that drops, trust me you'll be friends in no time. Like me and Mako!" Wu said happily and you nodded half-heartedly. There was probably a greater chance of Wu and Mako becoming best friends than you liking Mako. Or so you thought...how fate likes to screw people over.
So that’s part one! Hope you liked it @idkatpsworld​
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chaoticallysapphic · 4 years ago
The soldiers talking about Y/N and Kuvira: And they were ROOMMATES
Historians: And they were best friends
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justanotherexlover · 5 years ago
Anonymous said:
reader x lin of her meeting suyin and her family?
The Metal Clan (Part 1) (Lin Beifong x Reader)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,300
Notes: Part 1 of 3, season 2 LoK spoilers, female reader
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“We just got a call from the radio about another Airbender,” Asami said suddenly. Your head perked up from its spot on Lin’s shoulder, finally glad to have an actual direction.
You knew Lin didn’t want to keep traveling, and would rather protect Korra from the Red Lotus, but you were happy to be helping in the search for Airbenders. It was a noble and worthy cause, in your opinion.
“Finally!” Korra exclaimed, “Where?”
“A city called Zafou,” Mako said, and you instantly felt Lin tense up as he continued, “The home of the Metal Clan.”
You could see the discomfort on Lin’s face, but your heart was soaring. You’d been with her for years but had never met any of her family. You’d brought it up a few times, but she never budged. She was as stubborn as the metal she bent.
Korra noticed the look on Lin’s face, then glanced at you, then back to Lin, “Either of you know the place?”
You stayed silent, deciding to let Lin take this one. You’d dreamed of going to Zafou for years and meeting Lin’s family--your family, now.
“Uh,” She said, “I’ve never been. But I don't want you going. I would rest a lot easier if you were in Republic City.”
You felt frustration flood your senses for a moment, so utterly tired of Lin avoiding her problems. You looked at Korra, “I’ve never been, but I’ve always wanted to go. I think it’s a good idea.”
You could see Lin glaring at you in the corner of your eye, but you ignored her and smiled at your friend.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, (y/n),” Korra said, “We’re going to Zafou.”
Korra walked back into the airship, and Lin pulled you aside, ignoring Naga’s whine to play.
“What was that?” Lin demanded.
“It’s time that I meet my sister-in-law!” You spat back, standing your ground. Lin glanced around to see if anyone else heard, but it was just the two of you and Naga. 
Suyin might even be married with children--Lin hadn’t shared much information, and what she had shared hadn’t been positive. You knew little to nothing about her family.
“I’ve told you before, it’s not important!” She insisted, putting a hand on your arm. You yanked it away, crossing your arms.
“It is to me!” You said angrily, and stormed off.
Zafou was stunning from above, and you found yourself in awe of it even up close. The statue of Toph(my mother-in-law, your mind whispered) nearly sent you into a state of shock. This was… a lot to process.
You’d never considered metal to be an element that could be so beautiful, but watching the dancers and seeing the city had certainly changed your mind.
“Is this some form of combat training?” Korra asked curiously as the women bent the metal carefully to form a flower.
“Not exactly,” Aiwei said, “They’re rehearsing for a dance premiere next month.”
You watched as a woman with grey hair descended, and your mind recognized her instantly. Lin wasn’t a sentimental woman, but she did have a handful of pictures from her childhood. Suyin.
“Allow me to introduce the matriarch of a Metal Clan, Suyin,” Aiwei said as Suyin walked forward. She looked so much like Lin, you had no idea how Team Avatar couldn’t see it.
“Please call me Su,” She said, pressing her fist into her palm and giving a short bow. She turned to Korra, “Great to finally meet you, Avatar Korra.”
She then turned to where you and everyone else were standing, “And this must be Mako, Bolin, Asami, and…. I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are.”
Su seemed apologetic, but it still stung. Your own sister-in-law had no idea who you were, and it hurt more than words could describe, “I’m (y/n) Bei--sorry, just (y/n)”
You smiled innocently, bowing to her. You were used to introducing yourself by your full name, but of course, you had to keep off Beifong. It added to the hurt you were feeling. Korra looked at you funny, but didn’t point it out.
“You’ve done your research,” Mako said, then glanced at you, “Mostly, at least.”
“I make it my business to know who’s visiting my city,” Suyin said cordially, looking over the group. Her eyes lingered on you for a few extra moments, and your face heated up under her gaze. It felt unfair that you knew who she was, but she didn’t know you.
“So, you’re a dancer,” Korra said, changing the subject.
“Dancer. Leader. Wife. Mother. Collector of rare meteorites. You’ll find that people here have many skills and interests,” Suyin said as she pulled off her glove. Aiwei leaned in and whispered something discernable into her ear, and her eyes widened as she glanced at him.
Her eyes turned to your group and narrowed unhappoly, “Korra, why did you lie when Aiwei asked if there was anyone else with you?”
Korra looked surprised, and Bolin slapped his hand over his mouth. You felt your heart begin to race, knowing what was coming next. Aiwei turned his eyes to you, as if he could hear your heart beat pick up.
“What?” Korra asked, “I, uh… How did you know I was lying?”
“I’m a truth seer,” Aiwei explained, “When people lie, their heart rate and breathing increase. I can sense the most subtle of changes.”
His eyes focused on you, and you felt like you were about to start sweating. So he could feel your heart palpitations.
“Thanks to Aiwei, there are no secrets in our city,” Suyin said. Your shoulders sagged slightly, unsure of how she was going to react to the information she was about to find out. Lin had told you that her sister could be immature and flighty, and you hadn’t prepared yourself for it properly. Maybe Lin had been right--this was a bad idea.
“We came with Lin,” You spoke up, your voice breaking the silence.
Korra and the rest of Team Avatar looked confused, obviously not understanding that Lin and Suyin knew each other. Honestly, how did they get through the day with such low observational skills?
“Lin’s here? I would love to say hello,” Suyin said pleasantly, and your eyes widened. Lin spoke of her sister and mother with such contempt that you hadn’t been expecting warmth from Su.
“You two know each other?” Korra asked, and you sighed, bracing yourself.
“You’re joking, right?” Suyin asked, looking everyone over, “I guess Lin never told you about me.”
Suyin seemed sad at that revelation, and you felt empathy wash over you. You knew what it was like for Lin to keep you a secret.
“They’re sisters,” You explained to Team Avatar, your eyes never leaving Suyin.
“Wait, so that means-” Bolin started, pointing to you, then to Suyin. Your fist connected with his arm, and he yelped, his mouth closing.
“What?” Suyin asked, her eyes moving from Bolin to you. Her green eyes looked so much like Lin’s that it was almost painful.
You took a deep breath and offered a small smile, “I’m Lin’s wife. (Y/n) Beifong.”
Suyin reeled back as if she’d been slapped, and her eyes looked you up and down. You felt small under her gaze and averted your eyes to the floor.
Suddenly an arm reached out and pulled you forward into a hug. Startled, you glanced up at Suyin, then hesitantly hugged her back.
“It’s very nice to meet you,” She said quietly, low enough for only you to hear.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” You responded, squeezing your eyes shut to cut off any potential tears. You’d dreamed of meeting Lin’s family for years, and she’d vehemently refused, citing how rude and unruly they could be. But it was completely unfounded, you were sure of that in this moment.
Lin’s family was your family too. And you were going to have a relationship with them.
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uselessbard1031 · 3 years ago
to name a few… i definitely forgot that kanto and lin never met/realized their connection and the fact that kanto’s entire character aside from just his name is only contained within this fic because his character is 100% an atla/lok character and no one can tell me otherwise. i convinced myself that team avatar met V somewhere in the zafou episodes too cause i feel like they’d all vibe well. then i remembered that not much happened in the zafou episodes. also thought the speakeasy happened which i think kinda morphed in my brain with that tavern place in the misty palms oasis from the shows. might’ve also been my brain’s attempt to add izumi to more of the show because she was robbed of enough screen time. on a complete side note how do you think toph’s “sight” is affected after too many drinks haha? also i just chose to believe the lin and kya conversation about her being interested in women happened because our dear chief is as straight as her coiled metal cables and it needed to be discussed. also cherry chonk’s drawing of garbage is embedded into my brain so that 12/10 good boy lumped into the did i actually see it/did i not. there are definitely other moments these are just some i was able to remember from recently :)
I love to hear it! I really do try to develop characters that fit into the universe rather than disrupt it. Kanto was so much fun because pirates are like my favorite thing ever and the idea of a big scary himbo pirate with Toph makes my heart happy lol. V is actually based on my friend (also named V because I'm lazy). I needed a bartender/crush for Vira and Y/N to gossip about like schoolgirls and felt that she fit well.
As for scenes -- it's 100% canon in my mind, especially after Kya sniffed out the gay with Korrasami, that she and Lin at some point talked about Lin's obvious gayness. Side note, as 'straight as her coiled cables' made me laugh out loud. XD The speakeasy was because I mean it's the 1920s! Prohibition and speakeasies and all that jazz is a great fun way for troublemakers like Kuvira (and Y/N) to have some fun. I didn't even think about Toph's 'sight' being affected but I love the idea that it gets fuzzy like the desert. XD
Garbage is a 12/10 good boy and I absolutely LOVE Cherry Chonk's drawing of him (and all of their work in general -- seriously go check them out!)
I appreciate the message! I always love hearing my readers thoughts; It's one of my favorite parts of fanficiton. With a book, you get reviews sure, but with fanfiction you can follow along as people read chapter to chapter and that is uniquely amazing. :)
Love you all! Stay safe and hydrated! <3
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wishingforatypewriter · 4 years ago
Unsubstantiated headcanon of the day: Kuvira had a surprisingly pleasant adolescence
When she first started training to join the Zaofu security force at age 14 or so, Kuvira made a few really good friends among the other new recruits. Those joining the metal guard were typically from middle class backgrounds, and she found them a lot easier to deal with than the super rich kids the Beifong children were friends with.
She's a relatively young recruit, so many of her friends are a few years older and try to watch out for her (not that she needs it much). These friends also introduce her to jazz and dance clubs and cactus juice, knowledge that she invariably brings back to Huan for dissection.
She finally feels like she's hitting her stride as a citizen of Zaofu. She excels in her metalbending and guard training. She works really hard as a dancer and starts getting solos in major performances.
When she's sixteen, she dates a girl she meets on the security force and is really happy with her. They date for about a year, but then her gf leaves Zafou to join the United Forces.
The next year, she accompanies Su on a diplomatic visit to Omashu and ends up beating the king's son in a bending match and later having a short fling with him.
She moves into an apartment downtown, and enjoys the freedom of having a space of her own for the first time. (Su helps her choose curtains and makes sure her smoke detectors work, but ultimately leaves her to her own devices)
As an older teen, she takes some classes at the fledgling University of Zaofu and ends up getting fully credentialed as a field nurse (in another life, she might have gone fully down the medical path and ended up a metalbending surgeon).Following the Zaofuan maxim of living up to one's full potential, she also deepens her studies in history, law, rhetoric, and poetics.
For the first time, it feels like Su is authentically proud and can't stop heaping praise on her. She quickly rises through the ranks of the metal guard and ends up as a captain, and at the matriarch's right hand, by age nineteen.
There are still challenges, of course. She's sad after her girlfriend leaves for the United Republic. She misses Baatar while he's off at Ba Sing Se University. She has to prove her worth to the senior security force who only see her as a privileged ward of the matriarch. But compared to her childhood and her early twenties, these teenage years are a really idyllic time for her.
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linnorabeifong · 1 year ago
Su and Aiwei
Getting ready to slay the day in Zafou pre season three.
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randomideasmybrainhas · 4 years ago
Flying rocks and kisses
Trying to gain inspiration through power outages, and got prompted for a Suyin request, which I’m actually pretty excited about, gives me a bit of a challenge now. Since they didn’t choose which prompt, I’ll start with 3, and I’ll just play around with a few different people. While, I’m a le $ bean, I’m open to also writing for my boys- so you can request anyone, not just the lovely ladies of ALTA and LOK (but lets be real, they’re the important ones and deserve more love). Here goes nothing, let me know what you think, and hope you enjoy!!
Prompt #3: “Shit, watch out!” She screamed as a large boulder was flying at her crush at an extremely fast pace, fast enough all she could do was jump in front of it, and prepare for the sudden pain.
Word count: 2,973
Requestor: @Helplesslesbean
Having grown up in the lovely city of Zafou for all my life, and following the guards around the city has made me grown accustomed to all the ins and outs of the city and especially the large mansion which resides my personal favorite human, Suyin Beifong. Granted yes, she is the same age as my parents, and I should definitely not be major crushing on her, but I mean… How can you not? Look at her, she’s the fiercest woman I know and would do anything for her family and she made this entire city from nothing, and she’s a Beifong! Her mother literally invented metal bending, which is our entire city. She also started a dance troupe and has worked countless of tiresome hours to perfect her dancers for their plays. I go to every performance and practice.
Speaking of the lovely, perfectionist of a woman, I sat outside helping Kuvira, Suyin’s adoptive daughter practice her dance routine since I’m always at the practices, Kuvira has me help her practice, because like mother, like daughter, she’s also a perfectionist. Something about being abandoned as a child… As we were going over how to jump from the bottom to the top to interlock her ankle with Lucy’s, Su walked up and instantly I started getting nervous, and Kuvira knows my little secret, but finds it weird and childish. Which is probably is, but I ignore her, and keep my little crush on the matriarch to myself. 
“Aww, wonderfully done Kuvira and (y/n)!! That was performed beautifully! I should create a routine without metal bending, so you can participate (y/n)! You’d be such a lovely dancer, might even steal the show!” Su exclaimed in joy while walking up to the two of us, with my pale complexion becoming as red at the Fire Nation. 
“It could’ve been better. Again.” Kuvira said while getting back to the starting position. I just sighed, we’ve been going at this all morning. Usually Su would come by earlier on to watch the practice, but with the Avatar being in town, she’s been preoccupied , which works out for you, since every time she watches you, you get nervous and mess up, and especially when Kuvira trains with you, that usually has you ending on your ass, with a lot of bruises. Kuvira isn’t easy-going, and will use your crush on Su to her full advantage. 
“Oh, Kuvira, you need to learn to take a break, it looks like (y/n) could use one, here have some water.” Su said while pushing Kuvira back down with a water bottle that she brought up. She then handed me one, and I quickly grabbed it, trying to ignore the slight spark of electricity that went off between our fingers when the brushed each other, and quickly downed half the bottle in one go. 
“Wow, you must be thirsty (y/n), I can get you another if you’d like.” Su said, which made you choke on the second half of the bottle, and had you sputtering out that you were okay. Kuvira just scoffed and pushed Su out of the way to go over the form again, she didn’t think it was strong enough. You got back up and started to practice again, ignoring Su’s lingering eyes on you. You kept up with the routine, and eventually Su had to attend to some other things around the city. 
After you finished up, you got cleaned up and ready for bed.You were brushing your teeth when you heard a knock on the door. Confused because Kuvira has a strict sleep schedule that is not to be interupted, and that even means as soon as it’s after dinner, you never hear from her. You finished wiping your mouth and opened your door. Standing there was Su in her long, luxurious emerald green gown with her metal plates and you could smell her fresh perfume she always wore to bed and light green slippers. 
“Su? How can I help you?” You ask, while trying to keep your blush down, or at least not blistering red. You were also trying to ignore the fact that while normal people who don’t crush on others twice their age, they also don’t wear just a large t shirt to bed, with NOTHING underneath. 
“(Y/N), I just wanted to check in with you about a few things, do you mind if I come in?” Su asks. You let her in, but try to ignore that her perfume has you leaning in closer and wishing you could just curl up in bed with her forever. 
As Su walks in, she slightly brushes you with your arm, and the hair on your arm stands up as you clear your throat and close the door behind her. You follow Su into the room as she sits on your bed and you awkwardly stand there. You just look down at the floor, and wait for her to speak. She just sits there and stares at you, and you’re quite confused what she’s looking at, and why she isn’t talking yet. 
“Are you not going to sit?” Su asks. You shuffle and sit next to her, but trying to keep some space between you, for your benefit so you won’t do anything too stupid. This crossed Su’s mind, and she completely ignored it and scooted closer to you and rested her hands on your forearm and knee, which prompted you to swallow loudly, as you tried to ignore your pounding heart. 
“I’ve talked with Kuvira before, and she always says how great you are at talking things through, and I have some concerns.” She starts with, causing you to die a little inside, thinking she knows your little secret. “With my sister being here, and being so resentful against me and my family, I don’t know what to do or say, and my husband is well… we’re not how we used to be, and I feel like you’d have good insight.”
“Uhhh yeah. Um. You’re not?” I squeaked out, not really sure to answer that. She’s not how she used to be with her husband? But they always seemed to be the perfect duo. How is she not doing well with him? Are they splitting up? What happened? Okay (y/n), focus. She’s starting at you. I need to concentrate on what she’s saying. I hear her speaking, but nothing is coming to my ears, I’m just staring at her perfect lips, and wow. They’re so kissable. I wish I could, just…
“(Y/N) are you okay? You seem out of it. I knew this would be too much, just forget I said anything, and have yourself a goodnight.” Su rushed out as she got up to leave. I didn’t know what to do, because now she thinks it’s her fault. I did the only logical thing to do. I grabbed her retreating hand and yanked her back down to me and before she could question anything, I grabbed her face pulled it closer and slammed my lips on her lips. I instantly wrapped my hands into her hair pulling her closer and enjoying this moment. 
She was completely frozen. That’s when the panic started, and I soon realized this was not where she was going with this, and I’m an idiot. Just when I started to pull back, there was a loud bang that shook the mansion, cause me to fall to the floor and Su to stand up immediately. Horrible timing, but I could always just stare at her from this angle. Any angle to be honest. Thats when another loud bang shook the walls, and before I could get up, Su grabbed my hands to lift me up, surprisingly quickly and strong. 
“I need to investigate, stay here (y/n).” Su said eyes piercing through mine. 
“But I-“
“I mean it, don’t leave your room in any circumstance until I come get you.” Su said, then looked at my lips, gave me a quick peck on the cheek instead, and ran out of the room, metal bending the door behind her so I couldn’t get out. Damn metal benders. Though, joke is on her, because Kuvira used to lock me in my room all the time for dinner as a joke. I carved out some hollowed areas to crawl through that gives me outdoor access through the vents. Granted this was 10 years ago, when I was much smaller, but will have to do in a pinch. I wiggled through and I don’t know if its all the training I’ve done with Kuvira to stay toned and made this a piece of cake, or all the sweat I’ve gathered from thinking about the kiss I just shared with Su. Of course she didn’t want to kiss me, I’m her adoptive daughter’s friend, why would she me as anything else? Welp, time to move out I suppose. You know, Fire nation looks lovely this time of year. Another loud bang followed by shouting was heard, and I got back to focus and busted the vent and crawled out. 
When I got up, I see about 20 guards, Su and her twins, team avatar, and Lin. I can’t specifically spot out Kuvira, but I’m sure she’s somewhere amongst the guards. Who I can’t find oddly is the avatar. Isn’t this her thing? Investigation loud bangs? Then I spotted it. The giant metal plates in the center of.. lava? Well that’s new. Some buff, bald man had the knocked out avatar over his shoulder, and everyone was firing metal at him. But some of the guards were fighting a woman with water arms, and a guy who was lavabending?! Who are these people?! My training with Kuvira kicked in, and while I don’t have some super fancy bending like these people, or really any bending, I know how to throw a punch and dodge cheap shots that Kuvira loves to throw at me. 
I run into the action and I spot Kuvira bending her plates at the lady with water arms, but miserably failing. I run up to her and push her behind a pillar. 
“(Y/N)! You can’t be out here, these aren’t normal people. Go call back up!” Kuvira shouted while protecting you from an explosion near by. 
“Idiot, I’ve trained with you, I can help. But you’re such and earth bender. You’re only thinking within the box of fighting. These obviously aren’t normal people. You need to outsmart them, not out bend them.” You shout over all the commotion and duck your head into Kuvira’s arms while splinters of metal go flying a little too close to your face. Kuvira puts up a shield next to you to protect you, and you continue on you theory. “If you can distract the water bending with set up 12-4, then I jump off your back and go and electrocute her. Water hates electricity.” You shout over the loud bangs.
“That could work, but if you get injured, Su will kill me.” Kuvira shouts, while contemplating. 
“That’s okay, I think she already wants to kill me now. I kissed her earlier.” You shout/whisper to Kuvira. She just stares at you with large eyes, and punches your arm. You just shake your head and nod to her. Kuvira get the guards to line up in 12-4, a common move they do to surprise an attacker, with surrounding forces, and my added presence should hopefully hit it home. I waited for the right moment and then when I saw Kuvira was ready and water lady spun around I ran and jumped on Kuvira’s back and she launched me into the air, and thankful for all her dance routines, I flipped next to water arms lady and with the baton fully charged with electricity, I went to electrocute her to take her out, and it was going perfect, except we didn’t account for mr. lavabender to have heart eyes for her, and jump in, and shoot the ground from underneath me, and shoot me into the air, and given it was unpredicted, I was flying far, and crashed into Lin. And man, if I thought Su was strong, her older sister is earth itself, and pure muscle. I groaned from the not so soft landing. I think the ground would’ve been a better landing than Lin. 
“Watch it kid. This isn’t a circus.” She grunts roughly and tosses you aside. Ahh, so now you see the resentment Su was talking about from earlier. You roll off and sit up brushing the dirt off you. That didn’t go as planned. Before you could think of another suggestion, you looked up and saw Su fighting with her twins and you see combustion bender (how did I miss her earlier?!) Directly aim for a rock pile near by Su, to throw all of them at her at once, so she couldn’t dodge it, and before you knew what to do, your body was running full speed at Su, screaming, “Shit, watch out!” as a large boulder was flying at her crush at an extremely fast pace, fast enough all she could do was jump in front of it, and prepare for the sudden pain.
You know those moments when everything slows down, and you just embrace what is happening, but it gives you a chance to look around? This was one of those moments, and you thought you were toast. For sure, going to be flattened out into nothing. Though while you looked around, you see guards running all over, team avatar helping Lin get the avatar, and the twins under the protection of their mother, who is shielding her body to protect them, and staring at you. You feel the wind of the the boulder about to hit you, and you ready yourself for the impact…. That never comes? You look in front of you to see all the boulders that were flying towards you at full speed are now hitting the combustion lady and Lin escaped with the avatar. What really surprised you was the air being blasted from your hands. I’m an airbender????? 
Then the bald man took his staff and the other 3 talented benders into a gust of wind and they were gone. Okay, if I am an airbender, I need to learn that trick. You look back to see if Su is okay, but are instead greeted with arms instantly wrapping around you and the intoxicating smell of Su’s perfume and a bit of mix of burnt earth…You awkwardly return her hug and bury your face into her shoulder, even though she is about an inch or two shorter than I am. 
“You idiot, I told you to stay put! And why would you jump in front of those boulders? I’m an earth bender, I can handle it!” Su screams at you, and you wince.
“Yeah, but I couldn’t see you get hurt, and that was a lot. Even the best of us need help sometimes.” You say as you rub the back of your neck. She just shakes her head at you and brings you in closer. 
After all the crazy moments and discovering the bald man named Zaheer, had all the airbenders, team avatar went after him, and though you wanted to join in on the fight, Su asked you to stay, and while you do love her, you aren’t sure if you can. 
She pulled you aside after the meeting into a small room that was almost never used. “(y/n), I can’t have you in danger again, especially now that you’re an airbender, you’re a bigger target for Zaheer. Please don’t go. I can’t have you getting hurt.” Su says quietly while holding your hand and searching your eyes. You really struggled, you wanted to say okay to make her feel better and happy, but you had to help. 
“Su, I-“
She stopped me by kissing me on the lips, and I think I just died… Is this the spirit world? Sparks shout out from my closed eyelids, and I pulled her in closer to my body as if this was a dream I was hoping to never awake from. Eventually we both pulled away for air, and searched each others eyes while resting our foreheads together. I eventually spoke up, “okay… I’ll stay back.” 
Su visibly sighed and relaxed against my body, and I held her tight and kissed the top of her forehead. I’m not comfortable with the idea of her going out alone, but I heard Kuvira can’t go, and someone needs to stay back to keep her from taking over the kingdom. 
I hope you all enjoyed this, and sorry it went so long!! I just ramble a lot in my head, and it kinda comes out as word vomit, and this is what you get… Please leave a like and comment for support!! 
Also side side note: I know you choose #6, but I wanted to switch it up!!
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avatar-state-kate · 4 years ago
Okay so I alluded to a potential essay in this post and now I’m here to deliver on that promise. So here is the essay on
Kuvira as a Foil for Korra: A Culminating Conclusion
I am a firm believer that the difference between a foil and a great foil is the presence of similarities to really accentuate the differences.
For example, by making both Katara and Azula prodigious, 14-year-old benders, that they use their power for such different ends is only more poignant.
When considering Korra and Kuvira, it is their similarities which help to make their differences shine, so we will begin there.
One in the Same
Action oriented: Korra’s approach to problems is to rush headfirst into them, Korra is not a patient person and needs to take an active role, which is partly why having to sit out post season 3 is so difficult for her. While Kuvira is not impulsive she similarly takes action, stepping up to reunite the earth kingdom pre season 4 and fighting her own battles- best demonstrated in her one on one fight with Korra for Zafou
Ends justify the means: Korra’s morality when introduced is not based on any hard code so much as it is on sides- the good side and the bad side. Most actions, if done by the good side, are justifiable. For example going around the presidents back and having the united forces fight in a foreign countries war. It is Korra’s intentions and status as the Avatar (the good guy) which define her actions as moral. Kuvira, similarity operates on similar moral logic, her intentions are good, and thus what she and her army does to achieve those intentions is also ‘good’, or at the very least excusable.
Isolated childhoods; Korra was raised in the white lotus compound and Kuvira in Zafou. Both are cut off from the larger world, and both are over protected, Korra by the white lotus and Kuvira by Su - who we can infer from Opal’s subplot in season 3 of needing to convince her mom to let her go out on her own to train as an air nomad as being overprotective
Capability: both Korra and Kuvira have a need to prove themselves as capable as a result of their sheltered childhoods where they were made to feel incapable. Being action oriented this manifests in both developing and show casing their bending abilities
These similarities are important to remember as it is how each women handles these characteristics that defines them.
Black, White, and Grey
A lot of the older discourse surrounding Legend of Korra discussed how Korra’s arc was to learn compassion for others, however current discourse has fortunately recognized that Korra did not need to learn compassion; she was always a compassionate person. However, what she did need to learn was a level of moral ambiguity.
As described above, Korra followed an ends justify the means sort of mentality, as an extension of that however, Korra’s morality was defined by sides. Her side, and those against her. The avatar’s side, or the bad guys side. Under this oppositional framework there is no cross over, for her villains to insinuate they are anything like her, she is anything like them, is a deep insult.
This unfortunately prevents Korra from learning from her adversaries, as everything they thought is, to Korra, connected to what they did. We see the fallout of this mentality most in the transition from season 1 to season 2 where the dissolution of the council and democratic election where not initiated from Korra and none of the community initiatives started by Amon, such as the self defence classes, are continued. Korra abandons the equalist cause I’m full. However we begin to see this change in season 2 when Korra decides leave the spirit portal open, conceding that Unalaq was right about some things.
Korra’s learning moral ambiguity concludes with her meeting with Zaheer in season 4. Actively seeking guidance from a ‘bad guy’ symbolic of Korra’s realization that all people have worth while insight, that Zaheer is not just a villain, but a person.
Kuvira conversely maintains her ends justify the means mentality until the finale, with those who question her actions against her. Either you are on Kuvira’s side, the side of progress and stability, or you are an insubordinate, with no grey space in between.
Yin and yang is a common motif throughout the Avatar series, and while framing yin and yang as a good/bad dichotomy is a farce, the concept of light existing in dark, of one being born of the other, is extremely relevant. The fight between Ravva and Vatuu in the legend of Wan was not threatening while each was of equal size, it was only when they separated and Vatuu became stronger that the threat to the world arose. It is not a question of whether someone has badness in them, but a question of inner balance.
Stability versus Balance
Korra developing a more nuisances moral framework causes a shift from seeking stability to seeking balancing in the world. This may seem like the same thing, but to be balanced on a beam or wire is not to be rigid and rooted, but to move with the changes to stay upright. Balance is dynamic and fluid, the world is always changing and Korra needs to learn to guide the flow, not stop it.
Kuvira, however is not seeking balance but stability. She does not want to move with the world, but to bend it to her will. Her plan to reclaim Repyblic City and the rest of the now independent former colonies is a testament to that. Rather then develop with this new world Kuvira wants to set it right.
Connection versus Isolation
Korra begins season 4 more alone then she has ever been, one of the major themes of Korra Alone (which will get its own analysis one day). Korra’s injuries and trauma from the season 3 finale caused her to cut herself off from others, and while time away to heal was undoubtedly necessary, to complete her healing Korra must reconnect to the world and others.
This journey starts with a pilgrimage to the swamp, which in atla is where Aang learns that separation is an illusion as all of the vines are connected. Here Toph removes the last of the poison in Korra enabling her to connect to the avatar state. Korra also learns to use the spirit vines to see the world- she is reconnected spiritually.
Upon regaining her spiritual connection Korra is able to reach out to the air kids- her family- and begin to reforge the relationships she had disconnected herself from.
Kuvira, alternately has an opposite arc as she becomes more isolated. We see that Kuvira is emotionally distant as those who are supposedly in the inner circle, Bolin and Varrick riding in her car on the train, have no knowledge of the true nature of Kuvira’s regime. Her confrontations with Su culminating in operation Beifong where she physically fights her mother figure showcase Kuvira cutting herself from her family. By the finale her loyalest followers (Varrick, Bolin, Zhu Li) and her family have deserted her, all she has left is Bataar Jr. who she is willing to kill in cold blood for her cause. (Look, while we all know Kuvira is sapphic this is still a significant move, bataar was nothing but loyal and a true friend to her, possible her only real ally)
Ultimately this is Kuvira’s undoing. Bolin, Varrick, and Zhu—Li warn of Kuvira’s impending attack on Republic City and the spirit gun. Opal, Lin, and Bolin break out and recruit the rest of the Beifong family. And finally Bataar jr. provided the krew with the intel needed to take down Kuvira’s mech.
The mech acts as a symbol for Kuvira, as it operates as a giant armour for herself, and is similarly dismembered, all of its limbs isolated just like Kuvira has become. It is only when she lies in the wreck of her armour that Kuvira sees how isolated she has become.
Just as Kuvira the mech is destroyed through dismemberment/isolation, Korra is only able to dismember the mech as a team, with Asami, Hiroshi, Varrick and Zhu-Li creating the hole to enter the suit, Lin and Su taking out the gun, Mako and Bolin taking out the spirit vines, and Korra the head Kuvira.
Korra, and us, need other people, to be healthy and happy – to be balanced.
In Conclusion: The Final Confrontation
Kuvira is the perfect villain to capstone the Legend of Korra because while she is a foil to the Korra at the end of season 4 she is in many ways similar to Korra’s past self. Kuvira is the perfect villain for the series finale because she demonstrates how much Korra has grown since her introduction.
This growth culminates in Korra’s ability to recognize herself in her enemies “we’re a lot a like”, a statement that when said by her adversaries was once seen as an insult now a realization of moral ambiguity.
In their final confrontation rather then taking Kuvira out Korra offers Kuvira forgiveness, a chance for redemption. While moves like this can cause discourse in fandoms (she was a fascist and she lives but x innocents die etc), in terms of symbolic story telling it is very significant as Kuvira in many respects represents Korra’s past self, and has become the isolated Korra of Korra alone, for Korra to forgive Kuvira is to forgive herself.
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havemercyonmercury · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
Thinking about Zafou Lin today
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theworldsforgottenboy · 4 years ago
Baatar Jr is Suyin’s son
And Suyin considers Kuvira to be “like her daughter” (whether or not she actually practices what she preaches is a conversation for another time because I promised myself I wouldn’t get too salty on here anymore but man gotta love those glaring characterization issues and heaps of wasted potential in LOK in general but especially when it applies to Suyin’s character and her very obvious and interesting moral ambiguity/antivillainhood that the audience is apparently supposed to interpret as pure heroism which completely cheapens the very interesting character she could have been so she just ends up coming off like a bad person who doesn’t know she’s a bad person but we’re supposed to think she’s an unambiguously good one but ANYWAYS this is why I have fanon and rewrites and fix-it fics)
Kuvira grew up in Zafou at the Beifong house, and Suyin’s kids would have been like her siblings
gonna be honest i still havent watched the rest of korra i just simp for kuvira with the knowlege she did bad stuff
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gladerwolfstarkimagines · 3 years ago
The Mission: Bolin x Reader Series Part Two
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Bolin continues to be an annoyingly adorable and a visit to Zafou brings a lot of things into perspective 
Part One here 
Part Three here
Part Four here
One of the worst parts of being stuck on a train was you couldn’t avoid people you didn’t like, such as your sister’s fiance. You and Bataar Jnr never got on. You think he saw you as a threat considering you were Kuvira’s sister and honestly the thought she cared for you enough for it to be a challenge the one thing Kuvira truly loved was laughable. 
Nobody could ever challenge that love but Bataar hadn’t got that yet.
So he treated you as if you were both fighting for Kuvira’s attention and spoke down to you every chance he could. It didn’t help his superiority complex that he was a genius while basic science confused you and he sure loved reminding you of it.
You were working in the lab, trying your best to make sense of the new data for your sister when a loud noise made you jump. "Y/n where are the reports?" someone yelled and you turned to see Bataar staring at you. "Are they not in the file?" you asked confused, your temper already starting to grow at his tone. You hated interacting with him, he was always so rude and pretentious. He wasn’t your boss but he sure loved bossing you around. He was definitely the worst of the Beifongs. Why couldn’t Kuvira have dated one of his siblings you asked yourself for the millionth time since she’s started dating Bataar.
"Obviously not or i’d have them” Bataar retorted back “did you forget to make them this morning?". "No i'm sure i did them". "Sure or certain?". You paused and Bataar raised an eyebrow "while you try and think of a response why don’t you just go print me off a new report?". You went to reply but Bataar had turned his back to you "right now". He carried on with what he was doing as if you’d already left and you glared. You put down your own notes and walked towards the door. Just as you left the room Bolin appeared. "Y/n" he grinned and after interacting with Bataar it was nice to see a real live human. "Hi" you smiled genuinely pleased he was here "what are you doing here? Aren’t you assisting Kuvira?". "I am but she wants Varrick’s notes so i’ve come to get them. How’s your day going?". "Wow she must be really desperate to ask for Varrick’s notes, they’re more complicated than the actual science" you commented steering the conversation away from your current situation and Bolin laughed. "You're right there! Hey what times your shift tonight because i've heard there's this new mover out and i..." Bolin started when he was abruptly cut off "Y/n" someone yelled and you jumped. You and Bolin turned to see Bataar angrily storming over to you "did i not tell you to and get the reports right away! Why are you standing there like a lump?". "I...i was heading there" you started but he rolled his eyes "don’t lie right to my face, you may be Kuvira’s sister but that doesn’t win you any leniencies, you can’t just get out of work when you want to. You have to work like the rest of us”. You went to explain yourself when Bolin frowned "It was my fault Bataar" he said “she was on her way out but I stopped her. I was asking y/n about her shifts tonight". "It’s valiant of you to defend her Bolin but don’t bother. Y/n’s always had disgusting work ethic long before you got here". "I wasn’t defending her it was the truth and y/n is one of the hardest workers i’ve ever seen!". "Ow yeah then why am i here without the daily report in my hand?". "The daily report...i saw Varrick reading one this morning, did you check the folder?". "Of course i checked the folder" Bataar snapped and Bolin paused "the green one? Kuvira said she wants all daily material going in that one as of monday, remember?". Bataar paused and looked down. He walked over to the desk and picked up the green folder. 
There in the first slot was the report. 
Bataar paused and Bolin nodded "so it wasn’t y/n’s fault, her work is brilliant as usual". "She got one thing right that’s hardly brilliant" Bataar snapped pushing past you both and leaving the room. "Thanks Bolin" you said embarrassed and the earth bender smiled kindly at you "no problem! Is he always so...does he always talk to you like that?". You shrugged "he figures i only got my place here because i’m Kuviras sister so he’s determined not to give me any credit. Kind of weird considering he’s known me since I was five but it doesn’t really bother me. It’s better than the people who are extra nice to me because she’s my sister". "But still that’s not fair" Bolin frowned "you’re not Kuvira’s sister, you’re y/n". You smiled at him, slightly awestruck at how great the boy in front of you was. "Well i think you’re the only person who sees me as that” you replied softly “I don’t even think Kuvira does...". "Nonesense! She loves you and we all see how much work you do! This place would fall apart with you". You shook your head "Kuvira wouldn’t let that happen, if i left nothing would change". "Yes it would” Bolin said matter of factly. "Ow yeah what? Bataar would explode after losing his punching bag?". "No" Bolin grinned "if you left i’d notice, i’d miss you". You paused shocked at how open Bolin was and babbled "i...you would?". "Of course!" Bolin cried "you’re my favourite person here! I love talking to you if you left...well i’d certainly smile a lot less". "I don’t believe you physically can smile less" you teased but you were beaming. Bolin had just flipped your bad mood into an amazing one. "No i’d defo smile less if i didn’t have lunch with you every day!" Bolin nodded determinedly and you looked down. "Thanks Bolin" you said awkwardly and you hesitated before replying "I..i’d miss you too, you make all this bearable". Bolin smiled "anytime y/n" and patted your arm. You watched him walk down the hall and knew right then, you’d fully fallen for him and there was no going back. However there was also no stopping Kuvira when she set out to do something leaving you at an impasse...this was not going to be fun.
3 weeks later
Kuvira had officially announced her plan to become the great Uniter and only one thing stood in her way. Zafou. Kuvira wouldn’t let sentiments stop her and so she travelled full speed into your past home ready to rip it from the hands of your family. Only she didn’t class them as that anymore and you wondered if she ever did. So far Kuvira had kept you away from the Beifongs but she apparently decided now was the time to face them.
You felt sick the whole way here and that only got worse as you walked up the path to your home, which you supposed you should stop calling it now. “You okay?” Bolin asked noticing your nerves. Kuvira told him she wanted him there to show her intentions were good but you knew that was a lie. You nodded back “as good as I can be...what about you?”. “I’m a little nervous” he admitted “I just hope Opal listens to reason and doesn’t hate me”. “I can’t imagine anyone could hate you” you replied without thinking and Bolin smiled. “That’s so nice, thank you y/n. I know I did the right thing joining Kuvira because I met you. Kuvira can’t be that bad if someone like you is her sister”. You blushed and swallowed down that familiar guilt. Luckily you were saved from the effort of replying as you were shown into the living room.
All the family was present and they glared at you. Well more accurately at Kuvira and Bataar but still you could tell they weren’t pleased with you either. An argument began soon enough and even Bolin’s attempts to smooth it over fell flat. Finally, the room turned to you. “Y/n” Su said softly and you felt your heart skip. This woman was the only mother you’d ever known and you’d betrayed her. All she’d done for you, the home she’d opened to you, the love she’d given you...you’d just thrown it back in her face. You could barely look her in the eye but managed it long enough to let her know you’d heard. "Firstly I want to say it’s good to see you, you look well”. You nodded in reply unsure if you’d be able to say anything without crying. Su sighed “You’ve always been more mindful than your sister, surely you think what she is doing is wrong? This is your home too! Why would you want to destroy that, you’re a part of this family and you always will be". You managed not to wince and stared at the floor. You could feel Kuvira watching you and wouldn’t break down while she was here. You’d come too far to fold now, you just had to get through this and it’d be over. "I think my sister is offering stability and you should take it, it’s what the earth kingdom needs...to be united" you managed through gritted teeth. "I agree we need to come together but like this?" Su asked.  You shrugged "if my sister hadn’t stepped in we wouldn’t have a kingdom left to unite". Su sighed and you saw the others look away in disgust, you’d finally lost them forever.
Kuvira took over after that and she told them the terms of her deal and thinly threatened them. You and Bolin stood with your heads down and just let it happen while Bataar Jnr actually seemed to revel in. Finally you were free to go but Bolin paused “y/n wait, can you help me find Opal’s room?  I always get lost here but you know this place right? I need to speak to her. I know if I get her one on one I’ll be able to straighten this all out”. You knew Kuvira had heard that so there was no getting out of it. You nodded and led Bolin down a different corridor.
You and Bolin waited anxiously in the hallway and he sighed “well that could’ve gone better”. You nodded “they all hate me”. Bolin shook his head “no they’re just upset anyone can see that, I’m sure once we’ve spoken to them and cleared this all up it’ll be fine”. As if on cue a familiar Airbender appeared and Bolin gasped.  "Opal!" Bolin called suddenly and you jumped. Opal eyed you both before sighing, still she walked towards you. Bolin greeted her but didn’t receive much back. He trailed off awkwardly and glanced to you "Opal this is...ow wait of course you already know each other" Bolin said momentarily forgetting you were adoptive sisters. "We did" Opal said pointedly and she pushed past you. You watched her go and got ready to act as Kuvira told you to. "We’re still family Opal, we grew up together" you called after her, playing the part perfectly. "We stopped being anything the minute you threatened my family" Opal glared and walked away. Bolin stared "Opal wait!" and rushed after her. You let him go relieved to finally be alone. You rushed back to the train before realising Kuvira would want a report you didn’t feel like giving. So you headed to the balcony compartment, your secret place of solitude and sat there staring off into space.
You forgot one other person knew about your hiding place though, someone you’d showed it to on his first night here. “There you are!” a voice cried and you turned to see Bolin appear out of the hatch. “Have you been out here long? Nobody knew where you were”. “A couple of hours” you shrugged. Bolin didn’t comment, he just came to sit beside you and sighed I need your help!”. Bolin told you everything Opal had said to him and it didn’t sound good. She was mad at him and thought he was betraying her by working for Kuvira. She claimed he’d changed and wasn’t the good man she first met. She said Kuvira had corrupted him and Bolin was beside himself. She was questioning their relationship and wasn’t sure how they could get through this. "Y/n do you think Opal’s right? You know me and her best, what do you think?" Bolin asked tears in his eyes.
Here it was. Exactly what Kuvira had wanted from the start, the opportunity for you to isolate Bolin from the Beifongs and here was your chance. Like a coward you took it. "I think Opal’s overreacting, if she trusted you surely she wouldn't have a problem with it, right?". You saw Bolin frown as your words sunk in and felt a pang in your chest. Bolin nodded "that’s what i worried about, maybe we're just drifting apart now. If she can’t even trust me...". You nodded your head not trusting yourself to say anything. "Thanks y/n you’re a great friend" Bolin said suddenly and he wrapped you in a tight hug. You were smothered by affection and it made you feel sick to know Bolin classed you as a friend after what you’d just done to him. "You okay y/n?" Bolin asked realising you looked unwell and you nodded. "I’m fine i just...sorry i have to go" and you rushed away.
You got back to your room and didn’t have the energy to do anything but collapse into bed. You buried yourself in blankets and finally fell into a fitful sleep. You were awoken by your door slamming and jolted away. You blinked and saw your sister had finally tracked you down but she didn’t look mad. "Congratulations are in order i hear" Kuvira cried and you rubbed your eyes still half asleep "what?". "Bolin left Zafou with us and rumour is he broke up with Opal too. After speaking with you if what Varrick says can be believed". "It can't" you retorted "Varrick's a compulsive liar". "I know but Zhu Li is not, she confirmed his speculation and Bolin was absent all evening, i think you should go see him, seal the deal". "Seal the deal? I thought the plan was to get Bolin away from Opal, isn’t it over now?". Kuvira chuckled "not even close little sister now the avatar’s back we need to work and quickly, get dressed. Wear something nice, go find Bolin and find a way to solidify the two of you. A sudden confession of feelings, a revelation he never should’ve been with Opal, a shoulder to cry on" she smirked and you felt like your skin was crawling. "However you do it, just do it quickly and then the earth empire is ours" she smiled. Kuvira didn’t even bother asking your opinion or agreement she just headed to the door before pausing as if a thought occurred to her. "You’ve done well little sister, just this one more task and the kingdom is ours like we always wanted" she smiled before leaving. "Like you’ve always wanted”, you corrected her into the empty room.
It was weird, no matter how much you disliked your sister you still did what she said. Part of you was just terrified to go against her and so you picked the easier option of doing what she said. You got dressed and made your way to Bolin’s compartment. You knocked on his door and heard movement behind it. Slowly the door opened and Bolin’s sweet face appeared. "Hey" you said softly and Bolin nodded to you wiping his eyes quickly "hi y/n". He’d clearly been crying but he moved to let you into the room. "So i heard rumours and came to see if they’re true. I wanted to make sure you were okay if you and Opal really did...". "We did" Bolin nodded "we agreed it was over, i suggested it and she agreed...". "Bolin i’m so sorry" you frowned and hugged him. Bolin hugged you tightly and you held him.
You comforted him for a while before he quietened down and you glanced at him feeling guilty. Silence settled and you searched for something to say. “Is there anything I can do to help?” you asked and he pulled back “no I...I mean this is a good thing and honestly I’ve been thinking about it for a while”. “You have?” you asked shocked and Bolin nodded. “Opal and I have been distant for a fair amount of time now and then I met this person...you”. You blinked “I...you like me?”. Bolin nodded “yes and I have for weeks, I felt so guilty because I was with Opal but now that’s all over there’s nothing wrong with my feelings or doing this” and he moved in closer.
You wanted to kiss Bolin and had for a while but something made you pause. You just got the overwhelming sensation enough was enough, you had to stop this. You couldn’t take advantage of Bolin like this. You wouldn’t, not for anyone. "Bolin you’re just upset you broke up a few hours ago!". "No...i mean yes i'm upset but i can’t help thinking this is bittersweet! I haven't felt the same for Opal since i met you and we just fit y/n! We have the same ideologies and no conflicts. We’re both so alike, you make me laugh and i think i make you happy" Bolin said bashfully. "I like you a lot and that’s why after the shock had worn off I couldn’t stop thinking about you". Bolin tried to take your hand, staring at you so adoringly you couldn’t cope. You stood up feeling as if your blood was on fire, you hated that you’d done this. You’d tricked Bolin into feeling this way, you hated yourself for your involvement in this and hated how weak you were that you hadn’t refused to do this for Kuvira. Now you’d ruined Bolin’s relationship and messed with his head. You were repulsed with yourself and when Bolin went to touch your hand you snatched it away scared you’d taint him. "Don’t i....you have no idea who i am, the horrible person i am" you spluttered and Bolin shook his head "don’t be silly! You’re one of the sweetest people i know! That’s what i like about you" Bolin grinned and you were furious. You had to make him realise you were awful. You didn’t care about anything apart from helping him see that and so ripped the plaster off. "I tricked you Bolin, all this...your break up with Opal...it’s all my fault! I did it!" you yelled and Bolin paused "what?". "I came between the two of you on purpose, i made Opal seem unreasonable and made myself seem like the better option so you'd fall for me and be solidified with the republic. It was part of her plan and i tricked you willingly, Bolin i’m so sorry" you finished and realised you were crying. Bolin was silent just staring at you in disbelief "When you say she...you mean Kuvira. She asked you to mess with me? To what...seduce me?". "I guess" you agreed "she prepped me on your life, your likes and dislikes, how to act around you, she put us together....". "Y/n did she force you?" Bolin asked earnestly. "No!" you said forcefully realising the angle Bolin was trying to see you in. "She just asked me to do it for the empire...i could see you were valuable so i agreed but i never expected to feel this guilty about it but I did. I felt awful the whole way through it but still i did it, still i manipulated you and made you break up with Opal. I did that on purpose". "So all the time, our friendship our...this" he said gesturing between you both "was that you acting?". You hesitated "yes and no" wiping away tears "i got caught up in it Bolin, I promise! I didn’t think you’d be so...so you! I was expecting to have to act but i didn’t have to, not really. I did enjoy being around you, i didn’t have to pretend....but i was still doing it with Kuvira’s goal in mind. I’m not a good person Bolin and you deserve better than me". In reply Bolin just nodded “I’d like to be alone now please”. “Of course” you nodded and head hung low you walked from the room.
Somehow you felt even worse than you did an hour ago. 
Today had been the worst day of your life. You turned your back on your family, abandoned your home forever and finally broke Bolin. Things couldn’t look much worse. 
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chaoticallysapphic · 4 years ago
Lin and Y/N slow dancing in their room at Zafou at night to get Lin to calm down.
She has her arms wrapped so tight around you and you're barely evening moving, just slightly swaying. Her face is buried in you neck, breathing you in. You stay like that for a while.
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