#Student Empowerment Schools
townpostin · 3 months
Loyola School Telco Holds Investiture Ceremony For New Student Council
School Inducts Leaders Through Comprehensive Selection Process Event emphasizes responsibility and empowerment in student leadership roles. JAMSHEDPUR – Loyola School Telco initiated its new session with an investiture ceremony, inducting the newly selected student council members. "This ceremony nurtures leadership qualities in our students," stated Principal Charanjeet Ohson during the…
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study-diaries · 5 months
How to avoid drama in your life. (School/Work/Family)
Hate to say this but i don't really think some people can just live their life without poking into other's business and causing unnecessary turmoil so, here's a guide to avoid all types of unnecessary drama in your life.
A full communication circle.
Communication is the main cause for most fights so, here's the thing. When there is something that needs to be done, inform all necessary people about it in advance. Here's a mistake most do, they just tell one person and ask them to put forward the message to the others but tell them directly. Literally, it is the safest option for you, like no one can blame you that you didn't tell them. No one can hold it against you. So tell them directly. And from time to time get repeated reminders so they remember.
Don't involve yourself in unnecessary talks
This is serious. If you are sitting and your friends are complaining about someone, you just listen to them. Don't add on to the things and hype up them. If you know that person isn't like that, defend them subtly. Involving in gossip is the worst. When someone says something about another person or even you then just reply with "I don't really care, they are/ I am free to do whatever they/I want." Or "I don't have the energy for this." Or "It's really none of my business/concern".
If you demand respect, you need to give respect.
Be nice to everyone, I am serious about this. Even if you're not friendly with the person or you don't like them, just be nice. It won't hurt you or them. Even if they do something to hurt you, just let it go with a "Meh it's fine but i would appreciate it if you won't do it again". This may even work people up a bit, handle yourself with care. Make it seem that their presence doesn't actually threaten you.
Calm composure.
Keep yourself calm and composed whenever you're faced with a difficult situation, do not react immediately, take a breath. I usually just frown but more than that, I won't react to anything. It takes some practice but eventually, this is useful. The reason for you to maintain a calm composure is because if the person who hurt you is looking for a dramatic reaction, don't give them the satisfaction.
Better articulation
Especially if it's important instructions! When someone accuses you of something, don't immediately raise your voice, think for a moment, let them wait and then reply with what had actually happened in your point of view.
Apologize. Even if it isn't your fault.
Sometimes, people are just shitty and they won't understand even if you explain it a hundred or a million times. In those case, just say the magic two letter word -> "I'm sorry" or "I apologise". Your worth doesn't come down just because you apologised, on the other hand, you just became a better person than the other one.
It's simply not your damn business.
When someone directly tells you about their life etc etc. You lend a compassionate ear to them. If it's a story going around the whole place, it's simply not your business. And you can say this directly to the person passing the gossip, if they argue then that means you now actualy are aware of another gossip machine.
Don't EVER share your opinions on important matters with a person higher than you! Especially not in front of other people!
I'm damn serious, you don't know who will have it against you so, be careful around who you're saying things to. Other important matters include opinions about the specific person, politics, nationality, culture etc etc. Be sensitive.
Break the chain
When you hear something bad is going around and it reaches you, keep it to your damn self. Don't go adding the fuel to the fire like the rest!
Do not assume!
Don't assume about a situation or a person. Clarify. Always clarify. You may not know what the other person was going through, you don't know everything. Just don't think something, clarify it. No body is going to get mad at you for clarifying.
Make excuses.
When you hear someone talking bad about someone else. Defend them. Make excuses. I don't mean lie to them, I mean saying things like, "It's alright. You don't know what they were going through." Or "Maybe something happened that you don't know about." Personally, I always use the second one because I feel like, sometimes, people aren't bad guys. Situations make them act like that. Povs differ. So be mindful.
Don't raise your voice. Improve your argument.
If there is an argument. Do the classic Harvey Specter thing. You improve arguments with a neutral tone. Don't sound mocking or cocky, sound like you're just explaining to them. This won't escalate the scenario. (The quote was actually given by Desmond Tutu)
Hope this helps! :)
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4r35ares · 1 year
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There are different various types of trends in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) So what is ICT? ICT is an extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications.
In recent years, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become increasingly prevalent in our society. Without further ado, here are the different trends in ICT:
Convergence: Convergence in technology refers to the combining or integration of different services or technologies into a single platform or system. In a technological context, this could refer to the blending of different types of technologies, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, virtual reality, augmented reality, and more. This could also include the merging of different services from different providers, such as combining a music streaming service with a fitness tracking app to create a single platform for fitness and entertainment.
Social Media:  refers to online platforms or applications that allow users to connect, share, and communicate with others. These platforms or applications use a variety of tools or technologies, such as web servers, software, databases, and networking equipment, to facilitate social interaction. Social media platforms can range from simple messaging apps to complex social networks with hundreds of thousands or even millions of users.
-Different types of social media(sample):
Social media platforms can be classified into a few major categories based on their functions, features, or target audience:
General social networks: These platforms are typically designed for open communication between users with a broad range of interests, relationships, and backgrounds. They provide communication and interaction tools such as messaging, shared content, and events, and often encourage connections between users who may not know each other in person. Examples of these types of social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
Bookmarking Site: is an online service that allows users to save or "bookmark" web pages and other content, usually with tags or categories for easy organization. These sites often allow users to organize their bookmarks into collections, share their bookmarks with others, and search and discover new content through other users' bookmarks. Popular examples of bookmarking sites include Google Bookmarks, Evernote, and Pinterest.
Social news is a variation of social media that focuses on sharing and discussing news and current events. These platforms or services often allow users to create and engage in communities around related topics, submit and discover links to news and articles, discuss and debate these topics, and share their thoughts and opinions. Popular examples of social news platforms include Google News, Feedly, and Flipboard.
Media sharing refers to the process of sharing media files, such as photos, videos, music, and documents, between users via online platforms or applications. This can be done through direct messaging or in dedicated groups or communities. Popular examples of media sharing platforms include file-sharing services such as Dropbox, media hosting services such as Flickr and YouTube, and social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.
Microblogging refers to the practice of publishing short, frequent updates or "tweets" on social media platforms. These updates are made to public feeds or user profiles, allowing followers or other users to easily access and stay up to date on new content.
Blogs and forums are both online platforms where users can share and engage in discussions or conversations with others, but they are not the same. Blogs are often created by individual authors to share and express their personal thoughts and opinions with others, while forums are structured more as online discussion boards or communities, where multiple users can contribute and engage in the conversation as a group. Blogs typically offer a more one-way communication, where authors create articles and readers comment and interact, while forums allow for a more open dialogue and back-and-forth interaction between multiple users.
mobile technologies:
refers to the use of computing and communication technology that is accessed through mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. This technology allows users to stay connected to the internet and easily access a wide range of services and applications even when on-the-go, including social networking, gaming, web browsing, messaging, communication, navigation, and more. In recent years, mobile technology has become increasingly dominant in our society, with most people now having access to multiple mobile devices and using them for a wide range of activities throughout their daily lives.
mobile operating devices
iOS is the operating system developed by Apple for its iPhones, iPads, and other mobile devices. iOS is specifically designed for mobile devices and provides a user-friendly interface and a vast selection of apps and services on the App Store. Features include advanced camera capabilities, support for different languages, access to cloud storage and services, and more. The latest version of iOS is iOS 16, released in September 18, 2023(iOS 17).
Android is the operating system developed by Google for mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. It's used on a wide range of Android-based devices, including those made by Samsung, LG, OnePlus, Google, Asus, and more. Android is designed for ease of use and offers features such as a personalized user interface, access to the Google Play Store, and compatibility with a wide range of apps and services. The latest version of Android is Android 14, released in September 2023.
BlackBerry OS is the operating system developed by BlackBerry Limited and used on their BlackBerry smartphones, tablets, and other devices. It is designed specifically for these devices and provides various features, functions, and capabilities, including access to apps, email, and text messaging. The latest version of BlackBerry OS is 10.3.3, released in June 2020.
Windows Phone OS is an operating system developed by Microsoft for its Windows Phone devices, which include smartphones and tablets. It is based on the Windows kernel and designed specifically for these devices, providing features such as a user-friendly interface, access to apps and services from the Windows Store, and deep integration with Microsoft's cloud-based services, such as OneDrive and Bing. The latest version of Windows Phone OS is 8.1, released in 2014. However, Microsoft discontinued development of Windows Phone OS in 2016 and shifted its focus toward other platforms, such as Windows 10.
Windows Mobile is the operating system developed by Microsoft for its Windows Mobile-based devices, which include smartphones, tablets, and other devices. It is based on the Windows kernel and designed specifically for Windows Mobile devices, providing features such as a user-friendly interface, support for various apps and services, and deep integration with Microsoft's cloud-based services, such as OneDrive and Bing. However, Windows Mobile was discontinued in 2016 and Microsoft shifted its focus to Windows 10.
Symbian is a mobile operating system developed by Nokia for its Symbian-based devices, which include smartphones, tablets, and other devices. It was the dominant operating system for mobile devices for many years, until it was discontinued in 2014 and replaced by the newer Android-based Nokia X platform. Symbian was known for its user-friendly interface and wide range of features, including internet connectivity, advanced messaging and email features, and access to a variety of apps and services. Nokia was a key player in the development of the mobile phone and has since shifted its focus toward other platforms, such as Android and Windows.
WebOS is the operating system developed by LG for its line of WebOS-based smart TVs and other devices. It provides a user-friendly interface with access to various features and functionality, including streaming media services, online content and services, and integration with smart home devices. It can also be used with LG smart watches and smartphones. The latest version of WebOS is WebOS 6.0, released in 2022.
Windows Mobile is the operating system developed by Microsoft for its Windows Mobile-based devices, which include smartphones, tablets, and other devices. It is based on the Windows kernel and designed specifically for Windows Mobile devices, providing features such as a user-friendly interface, support for various apps and services, and deep integration with Microsoft's cloud-based services, such as OneDrive and Bing. However, Windows Mobile was discontinued in 2016 and Microsoft shifted its focus to Windows 10 Mobile instead.
ASSISTIVE MEDIA: assistive media refers to media and technology that is designed to assist or enable communication and access for people with special needs or disabilities. This can include products such as assistive listening devices or software, assistive technologies for blind or low-vision individuals, and communication aids or support services for individuals with physical, cognitive, or psychological disabilities. Assistive media helps to reduce communication barriers for these individuals and provide them with access to education, employment, and social activities.
three components:
1. Client computers –  also known as end-user computers or client stations, are individual devices that are used to access and interact with a larger network or system. These devices are often connected to a server or mainframe, where the processing and storage of data and information take place. The client computer then receives and displays the information, providing a user interface and allowing for user interaction. In a corporate or enterprise setting, client computers are typically provided by the organization to their employees or users, who connect to the network and use the software and services provided by the organization. 2. Distributed Servers – refer to a network of connected servers that are spread across a geographic region or multiple locations. This allows for sharing of resources, such as data, application and storage, over a large area and the ability to access and utilize information quickly and effectively. Distributed servers can also improve system performance, reliability, and scalability, as well as providing failover capabilities and redundancy in case of server failure. The use of distributed servers is prominent in cloud computing and related technologies, as it allows for remote access, storage, and computing of data without the need for physical servers in each location. 3. Datacenters – A datacenter is a facility dedicated to the housing, operation, and management of computer systems and data. These facilities usually contain servers, storage systems, networking equipment, and other information technology components, as well as environmental controls to maintain an optimal operating temperature and humidity for the equipment. Datacenters are fundamental for organizations and businesses that rely on large amounts of data and technology for their operations, and allow for secure and reliable storage and management of data. They can also provide services such as cloud computing, storage, and network connections for other companies or organizations.
Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing is a computing model in which data and applications are stored and processed in remote servers or data centers, rather than on local devices or systems. This allows for the sharing of resources and data among multiple users and devices, improved scalability and flexibility, and access to data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud computing can be provided through a variety of models, such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
Types of Clouds
1.Public Cloud -is an internet-based cloud computing service that is provided by a third-party provider and is accessible to the general public. Users access the Public Cloud through a subscription or pay-as-you-go model, allowing them to use its capabilities and resources as needed, without having to build and manage their own infrastructure or hardware. The Public Cloud provides a range of services, such as computing power, storage, networking, application and database hosting, analytics, and artificial intelligence. It is often used by organizations and individuals to reduce the cost and complexity of building and managing their own IT infrastructure. 2.Private Cloud - is an internal or privately hosted cloud computing environment, controlled and managed by a single organization or individual. Unlike the Public Cloud, which is accessible to anyone with an internet connection, the Private Cloud is restricted to a limited number of users, often within the same organization or network. Private Clouds provide many of the same capabilities and services as Public Clouds, but with higher security and control over data and resources. They also offer the flexibility to manage and support applications and workloads in a customized environment, without the need for large capital investments in data center equipment and infrastructure. 3.Community Cloud - is a type of cloud computing environment that is shared among a group of organizations or entities within a specific geographical, industrial, or academic community. It allows these organizations to utilize a shared cloud structure, resources, and tools while maintaining control and governance over their own data and systems. In contrast to a Public Cloud, which is operated by a third-party provider and accessible to anyone with an internet connection, a Community Cloud is typically owned and managed by a governing body or consortium of participating organizations. This governance allows for more control over data, security, and other considerations, while still providing the benefits of cloud computing. 4.Hybrid Cloud-is a cloud computing environment that combines the use of both Private and Public Clouds. This approach allows organizations to leverage the advantages and capabilities of each cloud model, while also reducing the drawbacks and risks associated with relying entirely on one type of cloud. In a Hybrid Cloud, some data, systems, or applications may be hosted on a Private Cloud, while other data or more demanding workloads may be hosted on a Public Cloud. This approach provides the option to move workloads between clouds based on the specific requirements or performance needs. Hybrid Clouds are becoming increasingly popular as a way to optimize cost, flexibility, and performance in cloud computing deployments.
PS: this is made by a student and with no professional assistance, so if there are any incorrect statement, please do correct me, thanks<3
also, some of my sources are a bit outdated, so i have to change some details, if my grammars seems off, please do point it out so i can correct it<3
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Good day, everyone! Today, we’re diving into the world of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and exploring the top five trends that are shaping our digital world. Whether you’re into technology or just curious about how things are evolving, these trends are pretty fascinating and vital!
Convergence is all about bringing different technologies together to create something new and more powerful. It’s like mixing various ingredients to make a unique dish. For instance, smartphones are a great example of convergence—they combine a phone, a camera, a GPS, and more into one device. Recently, we’ve seen even more convergence in areas like smart home devices and the Internet of Things (IoT). These innovations allow different gadgets to work together seamlessly, making our lives easier and more connected.
Social Media
Social media continues to be a major player in ICT, and it’s constantly evolving. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter are not just for sharing photos and updates anymore. They’ve become powerful tools for businesses, influencers, and activists to reach and engage with people. Recently, we’re seeing trends like short-form video content and live streaming gaining popularity. Also, privacy concerns and the push for more secure platforms are making headlines. Social media is shaping how we communicate and connect with others in ways we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago.
Mobile Technologies
Mobile technology is advancing rapidly, and it’s not just about having a smartphone in your pocket. We’re talking about 5G networks, which are super fast and will make things like streaming and gaming even smoother. Foldable phones and wearable tech, like smartwatches, are also becoming more popular. These innovations are making our mobile experiences more interactive and personalized. Plus, mobile apps are now integral to almost every aspect of our daily lives, from managing health to controlling smart home devices.
Assistive Media
Assistive media refers to technology designed to help people with disabilities. It’s about making sure everyone has access to information and can communicate effectively. Recent advancements include improved screen readers for visually impaired users, voice recognition software, and augmented reality (AR) tools that help with learning and navigation. These technologies are not only making the digital world more accessible but also empowering people to participate more fully in various aspects of life.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a big deal because it allows us to store and access data and applications over the internet instead of on our local devices. Services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft Azure are examples of cloud computing in action. Recently, there’s been a shift towards more advanced cloud services, such as edge computing, which brings computing power closer to where data is generated. This trend helps improve performance and reduce latency for applications that need real-time processing.
So, there you have it—five exciting ICT trends that are shaping our world. As technology continues to evolve, it’s fascinating to see how these trends will develop and impact our lives!
Bai Sadida Alona Dalanda
11 STEM 2
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strategiadvizo · 6 months
Transforming Education: Unleash the Potential of Your Students with Strategia Advizo's Vocational Courses
Introduction: In today’s rapidly evolving world, the traditional education system faces the challenge of keeping up with the pace of technological advancements and changing job landscapes. At Strategia Advizo, we believe in empowering the next generation with the skills they need to navigate and succeed in the 21st century. Our suite of vocational courses, designed specifically for CBSE schools…
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harunrabbani · 1 year
Debunking the Top 5 Confidence Myths: Empowering Students to Shine
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Sixth former, Jayne, was in her final year of A-Levels and headed towards pure A’s. Her teachers expected her to get into a top tier university effortlessly.
But, there was a hitch. 
Mr Taylor, the Head of Sixth Form expressed his concerns to me. Jayne was extremely shy. Overcoming self-doubt was a nightmare for her. If anybody tried conversing with her, she would shut down. Her teachers were deeply disturbed she could sabotage access to the best English universities because of her refusal to communicate.
Despite the efforts of her parents and teachers, they couldn't make her budge. The traditional approach to confidence-building simply did not work.
Besides jeopardising her academic potential, this extreme shyness had other consequences. Jayne rarely participated in extracurricular activities and leadership opportunities at school. It was certainly going to hurt her future career and financial status.
Furthermore, this low level of confidence contributes to stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. Thus, harming her mental and emotional wellbeing.
Let's explore five common confidence myths, debunk the myths and share confidence tips that may help with students like like Jayne. Yes, you'll find out what happened to Jayne.
Myth 1: Extrovert Equals Confidence
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The stereotypical extrovert is loud, sociable, and often the life of the party. In truth, confidence and extroversion are not related. Both introverts and extraverts can be highly confident people, but how it manifests usually differs.
The appearance of confidence in an extrovert can easily mask the hidden pain and suffering that individual is going through. At the age of 12, my family relocated from a multicultural community to a monocultural one. I was the only non-white at my school. 
The daily verbal abuse I was subjected to turned me into an introvert. So I put on a mask. I refuse to smile, stood tall and tried my best to look tough.
It worked. The rest of the kids at school thought I was confident. Little did they know how much fear and anxiety I was feeling every school day. I had just two friends at school. Otherwise, I was socially awkward.
Confidence transcends personality types. It is something that can be developed with a step-step-approach. It need not take as long as people imagine. 
Myth 2: Confident People are Always Confident
One would be forgiven to believe that confident people never have self-doubts, limiting beliefs, or “bad hair days”. In fact, a student may demonstrate supreme confidence in one or two subjects. Yet, may have self-doubt about other subjects.
When they're confident in a topic, they'll be inspired, energised and passionate about it. When confidence is low, they'll have lack of motivation, little energy and have low self-esteem about the topic.
Supreme confidence has the gift of spilling into other topics. In a way, the student is averaging up their confidence across subjects. Hence, my mantra:
"How do you do one thing with excellence is how you do everything with excellence”. 
A confident student is encouraged to strive for excellence in one subject first. Why? Because the strategies that got them there can be replicated in their other subjects. 
Fighting low confidence is a waste of energy. Embrace it instead. This has a healing effect on the mental and emotional wellbeing of the student. It’s also a good starting point from which to build confidence. 
Let’s not forget that confidence must be nurtured and practiced regardless of one’s abilities. 
Myth 3: Confidence is Arrogance
Arrogance is a double-edged sword. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, "arrogance is the quality of being unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you’re more important than others". 
A confident person, on the other hand, can be an individual positively expressing their abilities boasting. Arrogance, however, is often highly subjective because it can be swayed by perceptions.
For example, you can confidently give a presentation on a familiar topic. One member of the audience might praise your knowledge, wit and wisdom. In the same audience, another person may think you're arrogant, pretentious and a know it all.
Who is correct?
Myth 4: Confidence Requires BIG Wins
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When observing others move forward with their studies and extracurricular activities, it’s easy to say “she was an overnight success”. Having such a belief raises the bar for oneself. We often fail to meet such high standards. As a result, self-worth about success in that topic falters.
"Comparing yourself to another is the fast-track to mediocrity and failure. The only person worthy of comparison is the present version of you to yesterday's version."
Think of an individual signing up for weight training for the first time. After a week of training, they will not walk out of the gym having a body that looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime.
It’s the continuous daily practice, rest, and appropriate nutrition that leads to such a body for Arnie.  
Aiming for top grades and GCSEs are nowhere near as daunting as aiming for My Olympia. Students have a finite time (two years) to achieve their grades. It’s the daily consistent practice – the micro wins – that lead to results. NOT the big wins. 
Myth 5: Confidence Comes Before Action. 
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We need to debunk this confidence myth quickly and as frequently as we can. It is one of the causes of hesitation, deliberation, and procrastination.
The neural networks associated with confidence do not materialise from thin air. The neural (nerves) pathway have to be built incrementally and deliberately over time. This means
Having clarity the goal (e.g. four A's)
Daily, consistent practice
Feedback and appraisal
Adjusting and adapting when necessary.
Confidence arises as an outcome of these steps. For example, an A-Level student’s goal may be to get the best grades in order to get into the university of choice. This means appropriate exam grades.
So how about practising with past exam papers two or more times a week? Week in, week out? Confidence to sit exams is inevitable.
From Extremely Shyness to Supreme Confidence
Jayne knew how to play shy. In social interactions, she blushes, gets sweat palms, upset stomach, and worries about how others view her. Hence, she withdraws even more. She feels out of control.
Jayne also knows how to achieve top results in all her subjects…with excellence. Then, we let her take control of those things that are in her control.
She was trained in controlling her anxiety through breathing exercise taken from yoga. Jayne was taught how to adopt a different body language from the one she was accustomed to.  
She repeated affirmations to undermine her limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. We also taught her a simple meditation to calm her nervousness and worries. 
Finally, she was trained in how to socially interact using a 5-step process on communicating that helped train Jayne to become a conversationalist. 
Closing Remarks
No amount of training will change Jayne into an extrovert. She is not wired that way. But with training and coaching, she has developed into a more confident young adult. with a brighter future.
Confidence is not an accident at birth. It has to be nurtured. A student attaining confidence does not guarantee it permeating into all areas of life. Each area has to be addressed separately.
It’s also acceptable to “lose” confidence sometimes. When you're on the path to excellence, failing or losing confidence is a critical feedback mechanism to adjust. It requires humility, open-mindedness and a little courage to get started.
Please note: Names have been changed to protect privacy.
Ready to empower your students with confidence, resilience, and exceptional communication skills?
Explore more on my website for tailored talks and workshops designed to inspire and transform. Teachers, discover how my engaging sessions can benefit your school. Click here.
Students, dive into my LinkedIn videos for practical insights on building a brighter future. It all starts with a click.
Visit www.harunrabbani.com and let's embark on this journey together."
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alberryconsulting · 1 year
Join Dr. Almitra Berry as she shares powerful insights into empowering schools through bold leadership and harnessing the transformative force of parent power for achieving equity. Discover the key strategies, innovative approaches, and practical steps to foster a culture of empowerment and inclusivity in educational institutions. Explore the crucial role of strong leadership and the collaborative partnership between parents and schools in driving positive change. Don't miss this enlightening conversation that will ignite your passion for educational equity!
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nievamurillo · 1 year
This is an interpretation of my concept paper survey entitled: "Youth Engagement in Sports"
Question #1: Did you find this concept paper reliable?
Options: Yes, No, and Maybe
From the 30 respondents, 28 or 93.3% answers Yes, while 2 or 6.66% answers Maybe.
Question #2: If "YES", how would you rate it? "1" is the lowest and "5" is the highest.
Options: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
From the 30 respondents, 17 or 56.7% answers 5, 6 or 20% answers 4, 4 or 13.3% answers 3, 2 or 6.7% answers 2, and 1 or 3.3% answers 1.
Question #3: Are you in favor with the details and content of this concept paper?
Options: Yes, No and Maybe
From the 30 respondents, 25 or 83.3% answers Yes, while 5 or 16.7% answers Maybe.
Question #4: Are you going to support this project?
Options: Yes, No and Maybe
From the 30 respondents, 29 or 96.7% answers Yes, while 1 or 3.3% answers Maybe.
Question #5: How would you rate the overall rating of this concept paper project? "1" is the lowest and "5" is the highest.
Options: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
From the 30 respondents, 18 or 60% answers 5, 5 or 16.7% answers 4, 4 or 13,3% answers 3 and 3 or 10% answers 1.
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rsabmp · 2 years
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NATIONAL MINORITIES RIGHTS DAY Minority Rights Day which is observed on December 18th every year was celebrated at the National Commission for Minorities on December 16, 2022. The United Nations on December 18, 1992 adopted and broadcast the Statement on the individual's Rights belonging to Religious or Linguistic National or Ethnic Minorities. Minority Rights Day upholds the right to freedom and equal opportunities for the minorities in India and creates awareness about their rights. The National Commission for Minorities invited various intellectuals from the six minority communities namely - Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jain and Zoroastrians. Representing their community. #minorities #diversity #education #blacklivesmatter #china #india #culture #humanrights #minority #women #stem #empowerment #student #advocacy #pakistan #leadership #racism #k #virtuallearning #school #love #edreform #iu #mathchat #edleadership #scichat #literacy #edtech #educationispower #elearning (at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmQ3vhmJoMw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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People have been asking for a Chang timeline post! Chang not only represents a turning point in the politics of the Tintin series, he also represents a sense of chronology in the otherwise floating timeline of the canon. While Tintin almost never discusses his past, Chang is a key part of his personal story in Tintin in Tibet.
I imagine him and Tintin being around the same age, with Chang being a few months younger.
Child - Chang had a happy early childhood being raised by his father and grandparents. He never mentions his mother when recounting his backstory to Tintin, so my main guesses are she either passed away or his parents separated before Chang was old enough to remember her. His father and grandparents taught him how to cook from an early age, and taught him the importance of solidarity and community, lessons Chang will hold onto the rest of his life.
Early canon - Chang is orphaned. This sudden loss causes him to act out. He turns to picking pockets and causing general mischief until an orphanage takes him in. Chang learns a lot of skills just to survive - he’s stealthy, he’s street smart and pretty decent at climbing. His experiences as a street kid taught him to be wary of authority.
The orphanage provides a brief period of stability until it is swept away in a flood. Until this point, Chang has felt pretty powerless in his life so just goes with the flow, so when Tintin drags him out of a river he doesn’t think twice about going along with him to break up a drug ring in The Blue Lotus. Going on this adventure with Tintin imbues him with a sense of empowerment and purpose he never felt before.
Student - The Wangs adopt him pretty quickly after he busts the drug ring with Tintin. It’s a sudden change he struggles to adapt to, with the Wangs being wealthy academics and Chang coming from a working class background there’s a significant culture clash.
Tintin leaves just as quickly and rarely contacts Chang, even as his journalism career takes off, leaving Chang lonely and heartbroken. Chang tries to send him letters but doesn’t know that Tintin moved out of Labrador Road.
Having missed out on education for a bit Chang struggles with school. He feels unworthy of the opportunities the Wangs try to provide him with and a part of him feels they only adopted him because they were dazzled by him taking down that drug ring, an achievement he increasingly feels he will never live up to again. He struggles with mental health issues, but finds solace in photography, his portfolio getting him a place at university despite his bad grades.
Young adult - In an attempt to try and help Chang’s mental wellbeing the Wangs decide to send Chang off to visit his uncles before he starts university, only for Chang to nearly perish in a plane crash in Tibet. Ironically, it’s this near death experience that shakes him out of it. Chang has a renewed enthusiasm for life, taking to travelling, dance and photography. Didi trains him in some basic martial arts so Chang can fend for himself.
Tintin makes an effort to stay in touch after having nearly lost Chang. The two repair their friendship, and Tintin has him stay at Marlinspike when Chang studies in Belgium for his second year of university. By the time Chang comes around, he’s had a growth spurt and has been working out - Chang is pretty haunted by his skeletal state from his near death experience in Tibet, so has been making an effort to recover.
After helping Tintin with a case, Tintin gets him a job at his paper as his photographer. Being Chinese he faces challenges in the workplace, and he uses his charm to be as personable as possible. Unlike Tintin, he frequents quite a few staff parties, and ends up pretty popular!
A couple of years later, Chang tries to unionise the staff at the paper. He and Tintin are outed as a couple and the two of them are fired.
Middle aged - After fighting fascists with the Marlinspike team during WW2 Chang and Tintin settle down in Belgium, with Chang scraping out some freelance photography work and a part time job at a portraiture studio. War in China causes them to lose contact with his adopted family. 
While Tintin grows more cynical, Chang accepts the chaos of the world and mellows out a lot. He tries to be a supportive partner and makes extra effort to stay in touch with his uncles and cousins.
Elderly - Chang uses his skills in photojournalism when he gets involved in political activism. He and Tintin are finally able to reunite with Didi and his children in the 70s.
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townpostin · 25 days
KSMS Fiesta 2024 Crowns Jusco School South Park as Champions
Carnival-themed event showcases student talent across 17 Jamshedpur schools Jusco School South Park emerges victorious in KSMS Fiesta 2024, a two-day inter-school carnival celebrating creativity and competition. JAMSHEDPUR – Kerala Samajam Model School’s carnival-themed KSMS Fiesta 2024 concludes with Jusco School South Park clinching the Overall Champions title. The vibrant two-day extravaganza,…
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jromanoff · 5 months
Nightmare II R. George
Pairing: Regina George (2024) x Reader
Warning(s): bus accident, mentions of trauma and therapy
Authors note: something short and cute for you all :)
Summary: Regina has a nightmare about the accident.
Word count: 1.1k
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Regina and Cady burst through the doors of the school’s main entrance, their voices echoing through the hallways. The other students followed them outside, eager to witness the encounter between two of the popular girls at North Shore (and film it, of course). Regina stormed away from the school, still shouting at Cady, when suddenly, a vivid yellow blur hurtled towards her from the periphery of her vision.
Regina shot awake as the bus was about to hit her. She immediately shot upright in bed, breathing heavily. Her forehead covered in a small layer of sweat. Who knew Regina George could sweat?
As Regina felt the weight of the blanket on her lap she knew she was safe, in bed. It was a nightmare- it wasn’t real. Not again.
“Gina?” you spoke sleepily as you woke up due to all the movement from Regina’s side.
“Go back to sleep,” Regina said, her voice slightly trembling. She quickly used the blanket to rid herself of the sweat on her forehead. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but Regina wouldn’t let them. She didn’t want to worry her girlfriend.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you turned around in bed to face your girlfriend. Due to the darkness, you could only make out her form sitting upright on the bed as her face was turned away from you. Regina then looked over at you and spoke, “It’s nothing, baby. Just a stupid nightmare. Nothing to worry about.”
You, however, could sense that Regina was more affected by this ‘stupid’ nightmare than she let on. You knew she was trying to keep it together instead of breaking in front of you.
"I know it isn’t nothing, Regina. It's okay to admit when something’s wrong, you know?” you said softly while sitting up and placing a gentle hand on Regina's shoulder. As you looked into Regina's eyes, you could see the tears she was holding back.
Regina's facade cracked for just a moment, her eyes betraying a flicker of uncertainty before she quickly regained her composure. "It was a moment of weakness," Regina spoke dismissively, her tone firm as she tried to reclaim her usual confidence.
Her sudden change of tone left you even more confused. It was suspicious. You wondered what could be bothering Regina so much. Determined to find out, you didn't want to pressure her into telling you. Instead, you hoped she would explain once she calmed down. Her body language suggested she was on high alert at the moment.
“You don’t have to pretend with me, baby. Please tell me what’s wrong.” you said as you rubbed Regina’s shoulder, hoping it would help to ground her.
Regina's dismissive facade crumbled at your words, revealing the vulnerability she was trying so hard to conceal as a single tear fell from her eye. “Okay, maybe my dream did freak me out a little." Regina admitted and sighed. Your heart broke at the sight of your sad and crying girlfriend. She didn’t deserve this.
You wrapped your arms around Regina, pulling her close in a comforting embrace. “It's okay, Regina," you murmured softly. "You don't always have to be tough, or whatever. Everyone has moments when they’re not okay. Even the queen bee. And that’s perfectly fine." you reassured your girlfriend as you felt her tears wetting your shirt.
Regina leaned into the embrace, allowing herself to be vulnerable for just a moment. “I just... I don't like feeling powerless and weak," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper as you gently wiped away some stray tears from her cheeks.
“You're not powerless or weak, Regina. You're a strong, intelligent and powerful woman. Being vulnerable doesn’t invalidate those qualities." you offered words of reassurance and empowerment to your girlfriend.
Regina let out a shaky breath, grateful for the support of her girlfriend. Right now, she allowed herself to let go of the facade and embrace the comfort of being vulnerable with the person she trusted the most.
Silence engulfed the room as the two of you hugged, Regina’s head resting on your shoulder. Allowing herself to relax in your arms, Regina’s breathing slowly got back to normal.
“I dreamed about the accident,” Regina admitted quietly, breaking the silence. This made you frown, the accident was months ago.
“Is this the first time you had a nightmare about the accident?” you questioned.
Silence followed your question. That gave you everything you needed to know. “It’s not, is it?” you sighed “You need to tell me when these things happen, Regina.” you told her, hugging her a little tighter at this confession. Now that you knew about your girlfriend's nightmares, you were rightfully worried about her.
Regina nodded against your shoulder, a weight lifting from her chest as she finally shared her burden with you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to worry you and be a burden to you,” she murmured.
“It’s okay, Gina,” you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I’m here for you, always. You’ll never be a burden to me.”
Regina squeezed you tightly, her gratitude evident in the way she clung onto you like a koala. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible in the quiet of the room.
“We should try and get some more sleep, don’t you agree?” you asked Regina, pulling away from the embrace, causing Regina to whine at the loss of contact.
“Will you hold me?” Regina asked, her voice hopeful. As if you’d ever deny her.
“Of course, my love,” you smiled and laid back down on the bed. “C’mon, lay down,” you said, patting your chest.
Regina didn’t hesitate to lay down, snuggling into your chest. She sighed in content as she found a comfortable position on your chest.
“Goodnight, my love,” you murmured softly, feeling her relax against you as you rubbed small circles on her back.
“Goodnight, baby,” Regina replied, her voice laced with warmth and affection.
As you thought about your girlfriend, you realized she probably needed to go to therapy to deal with the trauma of the accident. However, you decided that it was something you'd discuss with her tomorrow. She’d probably refuse, but you were determined to try nonetheless. Until then, you’d try to support her to the best of your ability. Now it was time to get some rest.
It didn’t take long before the two of you dozed off. This time, Regina slept peacefully and dreamed about her girlfriend- and so did you.
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stealth-liberal · 7 months
Whew, I have a lot to say, and I know for a FACT that not a single non Jewish person on here will give a shit... but I have to vent.
Antisemitism in America is so bad that I honestly don't know if it's safe to send my daughter off to college in 2 years. She doesn't know either. Both of us have discussed her staying home and doing as much of her university education online, so as to keep her safe. She has sensory issues and an anxiety disorder... and already she has been rejected all over the place in her high school campus since 10/7.
The Women's Empowerment Club? The club leader has made it so that no female Jewish student feels safe there, and all of them quit. The little leftist neo nazi in charge of it probably cheered as they left and patted herself on the back for her "praxis". Maybe she can start goose stepping and yelling "Heil Hitler!" while she's at it. But she's not unique. Feminist organizations the world over deny mass rape of Jewish women. Why? Because it's Me Too Unless You're a Jew. They want us all raped and in the grave. Period.
The Pride Club? Forget it. All queer Jewish kids are persona non grata there. Apparently it's cool if Jewish queers are the subject of violence... and I can't say more or I'll start wanting to kill people. I am bisexual, my husband is bisexual, our daughter is lesbian. I have been part of this community since I was 12 as an ally and since I was 15 as a bisexual (took me some time to figure out what I was). My daughter came out in 4th grade for G-d's sake. We've been there, fighting the fight and now... queer organizations all over the world are abandoning us. They honestly hope we will all die, the more violently the better.
I was a proud intersectional feminist and a proud queer woman my whole life. Or at least ever since I could make decisions about that sort of stuff and what I believed. And I have been abandoned, my daughter has been abandoned, for blood sport. Her friends are pulling away from her and we all know why... because she committed the unpardonable sin of being Jewish.
Funny part? The Muslim Student Union has done nothing to her or the other Jewish kids on campus. Ponder that thought leftists if you will.
My son is in 8th grade and for the entirety of his 6th and 7th school years he was relentlessly bullied for being Jewish. We live in a red town and it was right wing antisemitism. It was so bad that I had to remove him for his safety from the school for a while. Now? It's left wing as well, he's catching it from both sides and I don't know how to protect him.
No one cares. Frankly, if my 13 year old son committed suicide to get away from it all... they would throw a party. Another dirty Jew/Zionist down... am I right? None of you give a fuck.
I marched, I protested, I voted, I phone banked. I lived my beliefs in action, and the left betrayed me. They fantasize about me and my children being raped and murdered. The more graphically it could happen, the better for them. Frankly, I think they get off to the videos Hamas released in the privacy of their rooms at night.
There's nowhere to run. Israel isn't an option. I know everyone thinks Jews are dripping in wealth... but I frankly do not have enough money to move my family to the other side of the planet. My husband is in IATSE, the stage hand local. There are no jobs waiting for him there. There are no jobs waiting for me there. I have no family there. Neither does he.
Actually, my husband isn't Jewish. I am, our children are, but he is not. He supports us in our Jewishness 100%, but he is not a Jew and he never wanted to convert. Which is fine with me... but how the hell does that work in a country where there is no civil marriage?
I'm not Orthodox, I don't want to be Orthodox. I want full egalitarianism, so I go to Reform, Renewal, or Conservative synagogues, depending on what is closer to wherever I live. Israel is a VERY Orthodox country, and the options are Orthodox or completely secular. This is a criticism I've been laying at Israel's feet for DECADES.
And Jew Haters better not use this as a way to say how awful Israel is. Not when the countries surrounding Israel are either dictatorships or absolute power, divine right monarchies who kill dissenters constantly.
So... there's really nowhere for my family to go. So I guess I'll stay where I am being a liberal Jew and waiting for the sick marriage of MAGA and Leftists to come to my door and kill me and my family.
None of you care. All of you would cheer. I'll never trust any of you again for the rest of my life. Till the day I die... I'll never trust any of you in any part of my life (online or offline) again.
1 in 5 members of Gen Z think the Holocaust didn't happen. 2/3rds of Gen Z think stories of the Holocaust are exaggerated and that Jews were somewhat complicit in what happened to us. Blame the victim...amirite? The rates amongst Millennials are not as horrific... but they're still bad. You all are going to commit a 2nd Holocaust and pat yourself on the backs. And when history remembers you all as the Nazis part 2... you will babble in your nursing homes that you were "Just trying to save the world from the Zionist/Jewish scourge."
When that happens, I hope you die in a puddle of your own shit.
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gatheringbones · 2 years
[“I want to spend a moment reflecting on exploitation: I’ve been eyed for social work since I was in my mid-teens. A racialized, mentally ill, gender queer youth, I was also remarkably articulate, psychologically precocious, eager to help and to please. The adult service providers whose orbit I floated in were quick to notice and take a shine to me—I was one of those once-in-a-blue-moon clients, the kind it feels both easy and rewarding to work with because I was so traumatized yet seemed to “improve” so quickly. The adults I trusted always seemed to want me in their empowerment initiatives, they were eager to put me on youth councils and committees, they gave me leadership roles despite the fact that I was in way over my head. I was brilliant and gifted, they said. I had so much to offer, they said. Helping was what I was made for.
I came to identify my worth with helping, my lovableness with how much I was able to give and please. It didn’t matter that most of my early jobs and roles involved some significant risks—for example, facilitating antihomophobia workshops in high schools as a high school student myself might have required a rather enormous amount of self-disclosure and vulnerability to strangers, but it was all for the cause, wasn’t it? And how proud my youth workers were whenever I came back from another successful outing. And if the honorariums they paid me were less than minimum wage, well, it was more money than I’d ever made before, wasn’t it? And how lucky was I to get paid to do something that did so much good for other people?
When I got to college age, I knew it was my purpose in life to help and heal other people. In my darker moments, it sort of seemed like that was all I was good for—and all the trusted adults, the wise youth workers and therapists and psychiatrists who mentored me, said I was gifted. They said I was special. My diversity made me fashionable. So “interesting” and “textured,” one psychotherapy supervisor called me. A wealthy white psychologist said I was an “ambassador for my people.” (She didn’t specify which people.) This was how, at twenty-two years old, I began an internship that involved doing therapy with adults who had survived childhood sexual trauma. Although I had no real clinical training, I held sessions for them at night in the windowless basement of a hospital in Montreal. I learned therapy techniques quickly, from videos on the internet and by practising on the job. People were counting me. I had to help.
Some quick number-crunching tells me that I gave over 4,000 hours of unpaid therapy in order to get to paid work as a clinician. By contrast, the very first sex work gig I got paid me $100 for some nude cuddling and a sloppy hand job that I completed in twenty minutes. I almost never think about that first gig now. I still dream about the stories my clients told me in that first unpaid therapy internship I took at twenty-two. Occasionally, I still cry, wondering how they are now, if I’d done enough to help them.
My social work experience isn’t every social worker’s experience, so I can’t claim to speak for the whole social work community. What I can say is that the people around me saw something useful and beautiful that they liked in me, so they took it and used it and I allowed it to happen because I wanted to feel loved and I didn’t think I really had choices. What I can say is that my sex work practice started out rough and frightening, but it blossomed into a decent learning experience and a business that paid me lots of cash up front, usually with no strings attached.”]
kai cheng thom, do you feel empowered in your job? and other questions therapists ask sex workers, from The Care We Dream Of: Liberatory & Transformative Justice Approaches to LGBTQ+ Health, edited by Zena Sharman, 2021
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sarosenna · 3 months
My next Audio Drama I love is here!
This Pride Month, the queer community has been dealing with attack after attack. Especially queer youth are vulnerable to this.
@keepitsteadypod and the other stories discussed in this article are about the empowerment of queer joy in Young Adult fiction.
For those of you unfamiliar with this show, here's the description:
Seventeen-year-old Zach is not a moral crusader. He's a snarky, well-liked stoner who attends detention about as often as Algebra. Unfortunately, he's also a closeted bisexual in 2005, in a town where even the potheads are conservatives. When school firebrand Gabe suggests they pretend to date in order to take the heat off two female students who are actually in love, Zach knows it's the worst idea he's ever heard. Then he does it anyway. 
Read the article here.
You can find my other articles on my Medium.
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sonora-reyes · 2 years
The digital preorder campaign for my queer little autistic revenge book, THE LUIS ORTEGA SURVIVAL CLUB, is LIVE!
preorder: http://bit.ly/3RpCyLf
enter: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYjaiwCPREYCQIHyQMwJaB0bHYOq1XK_M-n2xpBJano8lGtw/viewform?usp=sf_link…
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Every preorder or library request will mean a donation to One N Ten!
One N Ten is a phoenix organization that centers the needs of LGBTQ+ youth ages 11-24. They have a focus on empowerment, sex education, wellness, and self-expression. They even have housing and workforce programs!
About The Luis Ortega Survival Club:
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Ariana Ruiz wants to be noticed. But as an autistic girl who never talks, she goes largely ignored by her peers despite her bold fashion choices. So when cute, popular Luis starts to pay attention to her, Ari finally feels seen.
Luis’s attention soon turns to something more and they have sex at a party—while Ari didn’t say no, she definitely didn’t say yes. Before she has a chance to process what happened and decide if she even has the right to be mad at Luis, the rumor mill begins churning—thanks, she’s sure, to Luis’s ex-girlfriend, Shawni. Boys at school now see Ari as an easy target, someone who won’t say no.
Then Ari finds a mysterious note in her locker which eventually leads her to an unlikely group of students determined to expose Luis for the predator he is. To her surprise, she finds genuine friendship among the group, including her growing feelings for the very last girl she expected to fall for. But in order to take Luis down, she’ll have to come to terms with the truth of what he did to her that night—and risk everything to see justice done.
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