#Steve: Now that I��m older I realize that that is a good response to someone buying the same pair of shoes as you
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riotwritesthings · 4 years ago
I'll cave in (whenever you see fit)
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A BIG BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! to @warmachinesocks​
thanks for being you that’s big sexie of you. Here’s a thing.
Winteriron, M, 5k - Vampire!Bucky, human!Tony, an abduction, a rescue, and some dry humping
Bucky knows better than to get involved with a mortal, and he pays the price when Hydra kidnaps his boyfriend. Tony is human, he's questionably in distress, and he is Handling It. (minor violence, surprisingly soft all things considered.)
Bucky should have known this would happen. Fuck, he should have known.
An immortal should never get involved with a human, that’s rule fucking one because it never ends well for anyone.
Especially not for the human.
But he’s selfish, so fucking selfish, and the first time Tony smiled up at him, open and happy, Bucky knew he was doomed.
He knows something is wrong the second pushes the door open to find the basement apartment completely dark. The only light is the weak streetlight pouring in through the one tiny window, near the ceiling in the kitchen.
Even in the dark, Bucky can easily tell that the place has been trashed, though it is only a subtle difference from the organized chaos Tony usually keeps his workspace in.
The apartment is too quiet, too still, and he knows instantly.
Bucky fucked up. Badly.
Because it had been entirely too easy to get used to the warmth of Tony’s smile, of his skin, the way he so easily made a space for Bucky in his life.
It had been so easy to let himself get comfortable in Tony’s weird basement apartment that’s half home and half machine shop, perfectly Tony. The way the apartment is brightly lit with industrial lights at all hours of the day and night so Tony can see whatever brilliant new invention he’s working on next.
Bucky never had a chance at not getting attached, because in all his years he’s never met anyone like Tony.
Tony is perfect, and brilliant, left with nothing after his father's company was stolen out from under him and Tony just built himself a new life, tries to help wherever he can. He keeps erratic hours and never minds that Bucky comes and goes at all hours of the night, that Bucky can't go out in the daylight.
Bucky hasn’t been in the sun in nearly a thousand years, but with Tony in his arms, so warm and bright and alive, he could almost remember what it felt like.
And now Tony has been taken.
Bucky knew who was responsible even before he found the symbol burned into the wall. It’s Hydra. Of course it is, and those bastards won’t care that he’s human, that he never should have been involved in any of this, all they’ll care about is hurting Bucky as much as they can.
And they picked exactly the right target.
Hydra has been after him for nearly as long as Bucky has been not-alive, determined to wipe out all vampires at any cost. Even once the war was over, even after all the other hunter’s guilds signed the peace treaty, Hydra refused to give up their mission and for some reason they’ve taken a personal vendetta against Bucky. Probably because he’s evaded them so many times.
And now they have Tony.
The thing is that Bucky hasn't really known Tony that long, not even by human standards, but he is completely, irretrievably in love. He’s ready to burn the whole world down to get Tony back, even if Tony never forgives him for it.
But he’s not going to be able to find where Tony is being held, not on his own. Not in time.
The downside to immortal friends though, is that Bucky hasn’t actually seen any of them in years, because what’s a couple decades between centuries old beings? Steve is back in Europe for a while, working on his painting, and Bucky hasn’t seen Natalia in nearly fifty years now, which means she probably won’t turn back up for another fifty.
There is one more option, Bucky is just less than thrilled about it.
It’s no secret that the other hunter’s guilds don’t approve of Hydra’s methods, the amount of collateral damage they leave in their wake. The lengths they’re willing to go to.
Like kidnapping innocent humans.
It’s definitely still a stretch to hope they’ll be willing to help someone like Bucky find Hydra, but he has to try.
And he does have one idea of where to start.
Bucky and Sam don’t like each other very much, and that’s been the standing opinion for the last decade. Which for a hunter and vampire, is basically a lifelong friendship.
It’s at least enough that Bucky can show up at Sam’s door without immediately getting himself staked.
The door flies open and Bucky blinks, because it never fails to surprise him how old Sam has gotten. Every time, Bucky is a little bit expecting Sam-as-he-met-him, still a kid, on his first hunt and clearly terrified but so determined to save the world, so idealistic. And now he’s so jaded, older and tired and it’s just one more reminder of just how badly Bucky has fucked up.
Tony is going to go cold and tired and it will be all Bucky’s fault.
“You’re here about Hydra,” Sam says flatly, no preamble, and at least that answers Bucky’s question about whether or not Sam even knows that Hydra is setting up camp in his territory.
"Tell me where they are," Bucky demands, resisting the urge to flash his fangs just yet because he's not here to threaten answers out of anyone. Not unless he has to.
Although he doesn't find it encouraging that Sam doesn't answer, just clenches his jaw and swings the door open a little wider, letting Bucky see that the extra heartbeat he hears belongs to Clint. Standing in the hallway with a crossbow in hand.
Bucky lets his lip curl up a little, because apparently this is going to be that kind of conversation.
“What do they have against you, anyways?" Clint asks conversationally, like he's not holding a loaded weapon with an expression that says he'd really like to use it. "Seems very personal at this point."
“What, you want the entire list?” Bucky snaps and finds that he is more than willing to give the whole sordid story if that's what it takes.
But he doesn't have the time for that, Tony doesn't have the time.
Instead he grits his teeth and demands “Tell me where they would take a human hostage."
It has the desired effect, both of the hunters tense and Clint’s eyes go wide, and maybe now they’ll realize that this isn’t about him.
The only thing that matters is Tony, and Bucky doesn’t even care that he’s not just admitting to that weakness, he’s basically screaming it from the rooftops by telling them. Doesn’t care that Sam’s eyes narrow in painful understanding.
“We can’t tell you that,” Sam says and he really does sound regretful, but Bucky snarls because that is not what he wants to hear. “Even if we don’t agree with what they’ve done, they’re still—“
“If you don’t tell me, I will kill you,” Bucky interrupts, his voice low and harsh and it’s gratifying to hear the spike in heart rates, it means he still has a chance of convincing them, whether by threat or force.
“Barnes—“ Sam tries to interrupt, but Bucky doesn’t have time for this.
“And then I’ll find out where he is anyways,” Bucky promises, “the only thing you’ll accomplish is slowing me down.”
“You wouldn’t,” Clint says, but he doesn’t sound sure and his grip on the crossbow is white-knuckled, “you’ll start a war you can never come back from.”
“Try me,” Bucky hisses, flashes his teeth and lets his eyes flare. He wants them to know how deadly serious he is.
Clint raises his crossbow, but Sam sighs.
“In the old warehouse district,” Sam says, shoulders tight with anger and fear, “on the far west edge of the city.”
“You’ll regret this,” Clint calls after him as he stalks away, but Bucky knows that he won’t.
Not if he can just get to Tony in time. Nothing matters beyond making sure his selfishness doesn’t get Tony killed. He doesn’t care what it costs, Bucky is more than willing to leave everything and go on the run again, all he cares about is making sure Tony is alive to hate him.
Sam’s information is good, so at least Bucky won’t have to go back when he’s done here.
He’s been dealing with Hydra for centuries now, and Bucky can easily identify the abandoned factory as a Hydra base. It’s the new bars over the windows, the reinforced doors, the impression of movement just below the surface of the dilapidated building.
He only has a couple hours before the sun comes up, and then he’ll be trapped in the building with who knows how many Hydra hunters. He has to find Tony and get out as quickly as possible.
He has to make sure that at least gets Tony out.
Hydra are still setting up their bases more or less the same way they always have, the same holes in security, and getting into the building is easy. Finding the makeshift holding cells is even easier, on the south-most side of the building, but the problem is that all of the cells are empty.
The entire wing of the factory seems to be empty and there’s fresh blood splattered across the walls and the floor, still wet and shining in the fluorescent lights.
The building is too filled with the smell of mold and decay for him to tell whose blood it is, for him to have a hope of picking out the familiar sweet tang that means Tony.
He can hear the sounds of commotion in the distance, what sounds like screams and gunshots further into the factory. It’s the same direction the trail of spilled blood is leading, and Bucky grits his teeth as he follows it.
The base is nearly deserted. Bucky only sees a couple hunters as he follows the sounds of the fight. Everyone he runs into is scrambling for weapons or the exits, and they don’t seem to be expecting him at all. They seem like they’re afraid of something else entirely, like they’re trying to escape.
Bucky doesn’t let them.
They took Tony, and he doesn’t even want to let himself imagine what they’ve done to him. On the slim chance he manages to get Tony out of here, Bucky can’t have any of them going after him again.
He has to make sure they never even think about going after Tony again.
The sounds of screams get louder as he moves into the heart of the warehouse, up the stairs to the offices. The blood is thicker here, splattered across the walls and the floors with evidence of a struggle. Smeared like someone has been dragged down the long hallway kicking and fighting.
With every empty room and bloody handprint he passes his rage grows, and by the time Bucky reaches the last door all he can see is red.
He slams in the door so hard that it splinters apart, chunks of cheap plywood flying everywhere. There’s a smell in the air like acrid smoke, like melting electronics and fire and blood, nearly overwhelming.
Bodies litter the room, dead and dying, but all he sees is Tony.
Bucky has spent the last four hours trying not to let himself imagine all sorts of horrible things. Tony hurt, Tony dead, bleeding, tortured, screaming. Rightfully cursing Bucky for getting him into this mess, rightfully wishing they'd never met.
He’s not prepared for what he actually finds.
Tony is alive, bloodied and bruised but so vibrantly alive, a knife in his hand and a vicious smile on his face as he plunges it into the chest of a Hydra hunter.
Bucky freezes uselessly in the doorway, watching in awe as Tony rips the knife free again, paying no mind to the spray of blood as he spins on his heel. Buries his blade in the gut of someone trying to creep up behind him.
And all at once it’s over.
The room goes still as the last hunter falls with Tony’s knife in his neck, Tony’s knees against his chest baring him down to the ground.
Bucky doesn’t even need to breathe, but still he finds himself choking on air as he watches Tony slowly right himself again, looking over all the destruction he’s caused.
Then Tony looks up, catches sight of him, and the expression on his face shifts from cold and vicious to warm and happy in an instant. Bucky’s cold dead heart lurches in his chest.
“Hey sweetheart, about time you got here,” Tony says, tossing him a jaunty wave with the knife still in hand.
Bucky crosses the room almost in a daze, headless of the blood that slicks the floor and the bodies he has to step over. All he can see is Tony and as soon as he’s close enough he traces his fingers reverently along the line of Tony’s jaw, ghosting over the dark bruise starting to form.
“Are you okay?” Tony asks, nonsensically, leaning into Bucky’s hands on him like Bucky isn’t the most dangerous thing in the room.
And hell maybe he’s not, Bucky certainly doesn’t feel dangerous. Not faced with Tony’s bright eyes and warm skin.
He feels weak, feels completely undone.
Bucky laughs, soft and strangled, and he hasn’t been cold in centuries but his hands are shaking as he cups Tony’s face in his palms.
“No,” he chokes out around another laugh, because he’s not okay, not anywhere close. “I thought- I didn’t know if you were- Tony--”
“Hey, hey,” Tony cuts him off, pulling him in closer and tucking Bucky’s face down into the curve of his neck. Where Bucky can hear the rapid thump of his heart, smell the adrenaline and the sweat that clings to his skin beneath all the blood.
And oh god there’s so much blood, covering Tony’s skin and his clothes and the room around them. Bucky can barely smell Tony through it and he tucks his face a little harder into the hollow of Tony’s throat.
“I’m okay,” Tony promises, fingers of one hand pressing into Bucky’s hair, his other hand resting on Bucky’s side and still wrapped tightly around the knife. Still prepared, and Bucky has never loved him more.
He drags his tongue up the line of Tony’s neck, through smears and splatters of blood. It’s almost a disappointment, definitely a thrill, that none of it is Tony’s.
“What did you- how did you even-“ Bucky keeps interrupting himself, can’t get a full thought out. He’s too concerned with lifting his head and pressing his lips to every inch of Tony’s perfect, unharmed face.
“I keep telling you, I’m a bad bitch,” Tony says, that beautiful smug grin on his face and Bucky just has to taste it.
Tony melts into it so easily when Bucky kisses him, his hands demanding but so gentle, like the room around them isn’t full of carnage. Like Tony isn’t the one who put it there, like he doesn’t have a care in the world except letting Bucky lick into his mouth, taste the adrenaline and determination and life straight from his lips.
Bucky has never tasted anything like it, has never met anyone like Tony, and he could have lost this.
He has to get closer, closer. He doesn’t even realize he’s backing Tony across the room until the back of Tony’s thighs hit a metal table, and Bucky just keeps pushing. Until the table clangs against the wall, until Tony is bent backwards over the surface.
Bucky follows him down, breathing him in, pressing between Tony’s thighs and still trying to get closer.
The table clatters, covered in knives and crossbows and stakes and Bucky doesn’t give a fuck about any of that. It doesn’t matter how much noise he makes now, Tony is the only living person in the warehouse, the only heartbeat on this rundown block. The only thing Bucky needs to worry about.
He certainly doesn’t give a fuck about the bodies that still litter the floor except that none of them are Tony, thatTony put them there.
Bucky doesn’t care about the bridges he’s burned, has never cared less about the impending sunrise. All that matters is Tony.
And Tony isn’t pushing him away, isn’t complaining. He just hooks one leg over Bucky’s hip and arches up against him, finally dropping his knife to drag both palms up Bucky’s back, pulling him in closer.
Tony is so warm beneath him, wrapped around him, always pulling Bucky in when he should be pushing him away.
“Fuck,” Tony sighs against his lips, one hand in Bucky’s hair again. Tony’s legs tighten around his waist, entire body rolling against Bucky’s, his voice shaking slightly as he says “I was so worried about you.”
Bucky wants to laugh again, because that’s soTony, worrying about Bucky while abducted and fighting for his life. Caring about Bucky in the first place when he should have run, should still be running, should leave Bucky far behind and never think about him again.
Nevermind that the idea has pain lancing through Bucky’s chest like he didn’t even think was possible anymore. He’d take the pain of losing Tony happily if he knew it meant Tony would be safe.
He will walk away, once they get out of here, that’s what Bucky tells himself. He just has to breathe Tony in this one last time and then he’ll walk away.
If Tony will let him. Which doesn’t seem likely, so far Tony has seemed determined to stay by Bucky’s side no matter what, and Bucky can never deny him anything.
The warehouse might be empty now but there’s no telling how long it’ll be before more hunters show up, and they should be getting out of here, Bucky knows that. But he can’t tear himself away from Tony’s warmth, from Tony’s hands moving over him.
Bucky can’t stop thinking that he could have lost this. That if he hadn’t found Tony alive and well Bucky would have made an even bigger mess. There would be no end to the carnage.
When he pulls away from the kiss Tony is panting raggedly and if Bucky had the spare brain power he’d feel bad about that but oh, he really doesn’t right now. Doesn’t care about anything but pressing his lips to Tony’s blood-splattered cheek swearing “I never would have stopped looking for you, never.”
“I know,” Tony promises, still trying to pull Bucky back into another kiss despite the way his words come out weak and breathy, his chest heaving against Bucky’s and his heart thundering.
So alive, alive, alive.
“I’d have done anything to get you back,” Bucky growls, dragging one hand down Tony’s side to his hip, digging his fingers in and shifting them until he can feel the hot brand of Tony’s cock against his hip.
“Fuck!” Tony gasps and the scent of his adrenaline spikes higher, turns sweet and warm as his fingers tighten in Bucky’s hair. “I know, I know, c’mon honey--”
And Bucky can’t say no to that, can never deny Tony anything.
Still, even as he lets Tony haul his face up again Bucky can’t stop the words from spilling out, his voice an awful snarl as he says “and if they’d hurt you--”
It’s probably for the best that Tony slams their lips together again and cuts him off, he doesn’t need to know all the monstrous things Bucky would do in his name. Much better to just let Tony kiss him, let Tony flick his warm tongue over Bucky’s blood smeared lips and the tips of his fangs, like he doesn’t have a fear in the world.
Tony’s heart rate kicks up harder, his next inhale weak and ragged against Bucky’s lips and Bucky forces himself to pull away. He lets Tony catch his breath and moves on to biting his way along Tony’s jaw, not enough to break the skin, just enough to get the taste of his skin on Bucky’s lips.
He tastes like sweat and arousal and need, so much love pouring off of him that Bucky can practically taste it. He’ll never get enough of it, doesn’t ever think he’ll stop being caught off guard by it.
“I told you,” Tony pants out when he finally gets his breath back and for a second Bucky doesn’t even know what he’s talking about, too distracted with the wet drag of Tony’s lips over his cheek. “You don’t have to worry about me,” Tony says, one of his hands landing on Bucky’s ass to pull him in closer, harder, arching up into the demanding roll of Bucky’s hips as he moans out “‘m not gonna let anything happen to you either.”
Bucky laughs raggedly, grits his teeth, presses his face into the curve of Tony’s throat and the craziest part is that Bucky believes him. As crazy as it is he has no problem believing that Tony is equally ready to burn the world down. That the bloodbath around them is only the start of what Tony would have done.
The heat building between them is so intense that even Bucky feels warm, feels like he’s burning. Like he’s absorbing all that wonderful warmth and still Tony has so much to give, never runs out of it, never pushes him away.
Bucky growls, lifts his head to make it easier to resist the urge to sink his teeth in and instead rolls his hips against Tony’s, swallows Tony’s shaking moan with another fierce kiss. “You’re so- fuck, gorgeous, the way you looked tearing thorugh them--” Bucky can’t even find the words to describe it but Tony’s scent spikes, proud and smug and fond.
So damn addictive.
He can feel the needy throb of Tony’s cock against his hip, against his own when Bucky shifts a little more, and he grinds himself down against Tony. Chasing the shocks of heat and pleasure that shoot through his system everytime Tony jerks beneath him, everytime Tony cires out and drags in a ragged breath and then clings to Bucky harder, pulling him in and rocking up against him, so alive. Tony’s heels digging into the back of his thighs, hands moving restlessly over Bucky’s skin, sliding up under the back of Bucky’s shirt and leaving burning trails in his wake.
Tony feels so amazing wrapped around him, so alive, warm and demanding as his fingers dig into Bucky’s skin, his breath escaping in gasps and moans. The impossible heat between them continues to grow, until Bucky is sure it’s going to burn him away entirely, he can’t possibly survive something like this.
He can’t possibly keep it, not something like him.
“Bucky,” Tony whines and he’s shaking now, blood roaring through his veins. So close to Bucky’s fangs as he drags his lips up Tony’s throat.
“C’mon baby,” Bucky growls, clenching his teeth against the urge to bite, “lemme feel you sweet thing, wanna hear you.”
“I’m-” Tony gasps and then cuts off with a keening moan as Bucky pins him down more firmly, grinds against him harder. Tony tries to wiggle a hand between their bodies but Bucky grabs his wrist, presses Tony’s hand to the table beside his head.
“Just like this,” Bucky pleads, his own cock throbbing as he slows the rock of his hips, dragging his cock firmly along Tony’s until he shakes. “Just like this baby, wanna watch you make an even bigger mess of yourself, wanna fuckin’ lick you clean when we get home.”
It’s a nice thought, even if Bucky doesn’t know if he’ll actually get a chance, has no idea what’s going to happen next. At least the idea of it has Tony moaning louder, arching up against Bucky’s grip on his hip and on his wrist, always trying to get closer.
“Bucky, Bucky-” Tony wails beneath him, nails digging into Bucky’s skin, thighs tightening around Bucky’s hips, and Bucky can feel the way Tony’s breath catches in his chest. The way his heart pounds as he drags in one more breath and then breaks.
And this, this is Bucky’s favorite sound, the way Tony’s voice cracks on a loud moan as he falls apart, the stuttering jump-skip of his heartbeat. Hundreds of years wandering the earth and he’s never heard anything like it, could happily listen to all the sounds Tony makes for the rest of his endless life.
“Bucky,” Tony sighs, dazed and slurred, fingers still tight in Bucky’s hair even as his entire body shakes. “Fuck, c’mon honey, I’m right here, let me have it, let me feel you.”
He can hear Tony’s thundering heartbeat like it’s his own, can practically taste it on his tongue, and a feral sound rumbles out of Bucky’s chest as he tips over the edge, snarling against the all too delicate skin of Tony’s throat and clutching at him tighter, tighter.
“I love you,” Bucky confesses in a voice that’s so broken it’s practically a whisper, like his greatest secret. The worst thing he’s ever done.
They need to leave, need to get the hell out of here. Bucky should probably leave the city entirely, go back on the move, leave Tony far behind where he won’t get hurt.
That’s the plan.
He knows all that, but Bucky can’t seem to bring himself to let go, can’t stop kissing Tony over and over and over, feeling the warmth of Tony’s skin beneath his hands. Like it’s the last time he’ll ever feel it.
“Come on,” Tony breathes against his lips, “we gotta get out of here before the sun comes up.”
Bucky groans, but he knows Tony is right. He can feel the approaching dawn in his bones and the last thing he wants is to be trapped in a Hydra base full of corpses all day. Or to still be here when more hunters show up, to have to leave through the sewers.
So he reluctantly pushes himself upright, mourning the way Tony’s lingering warmth starts to fade as soon as they’re not pressed together anymore. Tony’s hand is so much steadier than his own as Bucky helps him to his feet, so warm and alive and unafraid.
Bucky wants to pull him into another kiss. Wants to drop to his knees and press his face to the wet patch slowly spreading across the front of Tony’s jeans, taste him, lick him clean just like Bucky had promised. Doesn’t want to face the real world just yet because that means facing the fact that he has to leave.
That he doesn’t get to keep this.
Tony’s hand is still steady in his, his smile small and fond and he leads Bucky out of the warehouse, through the room of bodies and the bloodsplattered halls. Bucky pulls them to a stop just outside the heavy door he’d ripped his way through, paying no mind to the lightening color of the sky.
Burning to dust would hurt less than this.
“I need to leave,” Bucky says, the words tearing their way out of his throat, “I may have... made some threats. In order to find you. And Hydra isn’t going to stop as long as I’m here.”
He hasn’t even told Tony why Hydra is so determined to ruin his afterlife, not entirely, and now he doesn’t have time. Tony has been dragged into Bucky’s mess and he’ll never know why, and the only upside is Hydra will blame the bloody mess inside on Bucky. They’ll hunt for him more furiously than ever, and the best thing Bucky can do is lead them far, far away.
This is why not getting involved with humans is rule fucking one but Bucky doesn’t regret it, knows he never will. And as much as it kills him he can’t ask Tony to come with him.
Tony nods, like he expected it, and then asks “where are we going, and how long do I have to pack whatever’s left of my apartment?”
Bucky gapes at him.
It hadn’t occurred to him that he wouldn’t need to ask, and Bucky knows he should be relieved but all he feels is guilt. He loves Tony, but at what cost? He would do anything for Tony, and Bucky is ruining his life.
“You- your home,” Bucky tries to protest, his entire body going cold, colder than anything he’s ever felt before. “Your workshop--”
“You saying I can’t rebuild?” Tony interrupts, “I’m insulted, honestly. How dare you doubt me.” His smile is wide, and cajoling, like he’s trying to cheer Bucky up. Like he’s trying to convince Bucky.
“You’ll have to leave everything,” Bucky insists and maybe he does need convincing. It feels a little like he’s lost his mind, like he’s dreaming. He had a plan. “Your entire life, to hide with me, I can’t- I can’t promise the next time you’ll even see the sun.”
Bucky doesn’t need to breathe but he’s wheezing for breath now, his empty chest aching it’s so full of confusion and guilt and hope. He can’t let Tony do this, he can’t ask for this, he can’t--
Tony grabs Bucky’s face in his warm hands, palms calloused and still tacky with blood, as steady as they are when he’s building the future. As steady as they were around the knife, as when he was leading Bucky out of the bloodbath.
“Bucky,” Tony says simply, dark eyes so impossibly bright even in the sickly fluorescent light that spills out of the warehouse. “Bucky,” he repeats, low and sweet and amused, his voice wavering slightly as says “You are my sunshine.”
Bucky laughs again, can’t believe how much he’s laughed on a night that started out with his absolute worst nightmare. Even if it is a little hysterical.
He had a plan, but he also knew better than to get involved with a human, knew better than to stay in one place this long in the first place. Tony has been wrecking all of his plans without even knowing it for months now anyways.
What’s one more.
“You’re stealin’ all my lines,” Bucky accuses but he doesn’t mind, oh he doesn’t mind at all. He gets to keep this, keep Tony, the brightest thing he’s ever seen.
“I love you,” Tony says, so matter-of-fact, and it almost knocks Bucky’s legs out from under him. Every single time.
“That’s my line,” Bucky says, and he smiles, and his hand is steady as he wraps it around Tony’s wrist. “I love you,” he says anyways and tangles their fingers together, doesn’t plan on letting go anytime soon. “Let’s go.”
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Some thoughts about SteveBucky (and why it was deliberate in the CATFA and CATWS narrative)
As you might know, nowadays my approach to the MCU canon is pretty much on the lines of, the movies are Kevin Feige’s shitty fanfiction of a concept that could have been good and was attempted at intervals at the beginning at various levels but not executed, and the story and the characters are just suggestions I can play with in my mental sandbox.
But occasionally I like to listen to the Captain America: The Winter Soldier soundtrack to remember how it felt to be in love with that movie, and today that got me in the kind of mood where I am actually convinced that bisexual Steve and SteveBucky as a romantic dynamic were in fact written deliberately into the narrative, or, better, are structural elements of the narrative, because the emotional narrative is structurally made of parallels between the relationship between Steve and Peggy - the relationship of the past - and the relationship between Steve and Bucky - the relationship of the future - and it’s all too architectural in the narrative to not be deliberate.
In particular today I’ve been thinking about pictures. There’s the obvious parallel between the way the 40s story in CATFA and the body of CATWS end, one with Peggy looking at a picture of Steve before his transformation from a SSR file, while Howard tries to help by going looking for Steve, one with Steve looking at a picture of Bucky before his transformation from a Hydra file, while Sam offers to help go looking for him. But I’ve also been thinking about the scene in the Smithsonian in CATWS, and what the infamous picture of Peggy in the compass was about in that scene.
We assume that the compass was the only relevant object Steve had on himself when he crashed the plane and this was found; someone from Shield must have been, here we found this on you, take it back. Basically, it’s Steve’s only belonging in his new life. But here’s the irony: it’s a picture of a person (the only person of Steve’s smallest circle of people close to him) who is actually still alive.
The movie juxtaposes Steve’s visit to Peggy, alive and changed by time, to Steve’s visit to the secular altar to Bucky in the exhibition, crystallized in the past. It’s in fact an interesting detail that, in the museum scene, we only see pictures or wordless footage of Bucky, while we see footage of Peggy where she speaks; she has a voice in both the museum and real life, while Bucky doesn’t have a voice--we literally meet him masked and muted. (Peggy’s responsibility in what happened to Bucky, as the director of the organization Hydra flourished as a parasite of, is a potential the third Captain America movie could have tapped into, if they’d actually decided to make a third Captain America movie. RIP Captain America 3, we’ll never forget you. But this is is not relevant to this post.)
So, Peggy has lived - she has grown older, she physically carries the signs of the time she’s lived through, and even the footage in the museum shows her slightly older than we left her in the first movie, and in color, a deliberate emphasis that the footage was taken later than the time Steve left; Bucky, on the other hand, is unchanged, both in the museum and in real life. In the museum, assumed dead, he’s “frozen” in images from the past (in black and white); in real life, he’s literally been frozen to the point he’s not aged much.
Steve carries a black and white picture of Peggy with him, inside his compass, and the scene compares it with the footage - from a later time, in color, in motion, where Peggy has a voice. That Peggy from the compass is dead to Steve, and he mourns her just like he mourns the man whose black and white images are shown at the museum.
Except that the picture in the compass is something he can mourn privately; it’s, as we said, his only belonging. In fact, it’s ironic that he now has a picture of Peggy, and no one else. In the first movie, we see why: Steve and the Howling Commandoes went on missions on the frontlines of the war, Peggy belonged with the strategic command of the army. So Steve would keep a picture of her to remember her by as they were apart - it would make no sense for him to keep a picture of Bucky, because Bucky was there with him. It’s ironic because Bucky sees the picture and is jealous, but the point is that Steve doesn’t need a picture to remember him by when they’re together.
Of course, Bucky’s presumed death parts them. And Steve finds himself with no pictures of Bucky with him, and needs to visit the museum to mourn him in front of images of him. And this is an interesting point because Steve can mourn past Peggy privately - as he owns the compass with her picture, something that belongs to him and no one else has access to - but he cannot mourn Bucky privately, because he owns no object that connect him to Bucky, so he needs to go to a public place to be able to see an image of him.
In order to mourn Bucky properly, in front of a memorial of him, he is forced to do it in a place that not only is public, but is actually a place where his personal history is treated like a museum curiosity to put on display for everyone to consume.
There’s something deeply poignant in the fact that he hides, that he pretends to be someone else, in order to mourn his deceased male companion - the scene emphasizes that Steve does not want to be recognized, and the metaphor of him hiding his real identity to have an emotional moment regarding Bucky is not so subtle. (Yes, there is material of Peggy in the Smithsonian scene but the scene contains Steve’s visit to Bucky in parallel to Steve’s visit to Peggy in person, so I feel authorized to read the scene as mostly a visit to Bucky, especially since at the end of the movie Bucky also visits his own memorial there, emphasizing the cruciality of that picture in the narrative.)
In fact, the whole hidden identity to visit Bucky thing is not accidental because later, when he needs to confront Bucky, he steals his old uniform from the same exhibition: before finding out about Bucky, he wears incognito clothes to hide his identity, after finding out about Bucky, he reclaims a powerful sign of that identity - the uniform he wore when he fought alongside Bucky - basically breaking it out of the closet. It’s not a coincidence that earlier in the movie he wears a monochrome uniform meant to be unseen, either: the movie plays a lot on secrecy and openness regarding Steve’s identity, and the pivotal element in this narrative is Bucky. Steve reclaims his identity in parallel to trying to give Bucky’s identity back to him. It is a movie about identity and closets after all.
To go back to something I mentioned earlier, you have the contrast of the black-and-white picture of Peggy in the compass with the in-color, speaking, living Peggy; and that contrast highlights the deep difference between the two, because Peggy has lived a long life and grown older and changed. And then you have the contrast between the black-and-white picture of Bucky in the museum with the living Bucky, and in this case the parallel shows how little Bucky has actually been allowed to change, he’s been frozen in time, allowed no voice, allowed no change, no motion.
Steve, unlike Peggy, hasn’t gotten to live his life, but has been frozen in time, like Bucky. Shared life experience and all that jazz...
These fuckers (writers? directors? I don’t know) had the idea of writing two love interests for the titular character and framing the m/f relationship as the relationship of the past, and the m/m relationship as the relationship of the future, as one does, and built the emotional narrative on parallels between the two, and everything was fun and games until Disney Marvel ruined it all because they realized, I suppose. I mean, no, not everything was fun and games because things could have been written a lot better especially in regards of *gasp* female characters, that rarely work in the hands of misogynistic writers, but the two movies, with varying degrees of success, did something interesting (the theme of masculinity in CATFA is so fascinating) that was nice as long as it lasted. At least I’ll be thinking this until I get enraged at some shit they said and change my mind again. #saladforbucky
As always you’re welcome to share thoughts, questions, comments, whatever.
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purplerose244 · 4 years ago
Irrational - Chapter 5: I love you too much
Here comes the fifth day of @spacecampweek with what is probably my favorite fic of the bunch! Little song-fic but not really situation in a normal world AU, where Krel is about to confess his feelings in a special way! 💕💕💕
Enjoy!! 😙
Summary: Prom is here at last, a night of entertainment, of happiness, to celebrate changes and the future. What better moment for Krel to finally express feelings that have been hidden for so long? Time to put those guitar lessons to some use...
Read it on the AO3
It was happening. No more holding back, no more thinking rationally about his chances without concluding a thing. Tonight, everything was going to change.
Prom had turned out to be an absolute oxymoron to walk into, between his deep appreciation for parties and his unsettledness at dealing with other people of different temperatures – or ‘cool’, as they liked to call themselves. Everyone was dancing like crazy, that was very good, and everyone was talking loud about nonsense, that was very not good. Adding to the unpleasantries was the music playing onto the stage, something pulsing yet in a hardly dynamic way. If this was another night, he would have liked to teach these people what real music sounded like and propose himself as a DJ, to properly say goodbye to Arcadia Oaks High. Then again, in another delson he would have not worn these kind of flashy clothes – he had lost the chance to call this a normal night the moment he had exited his house wearing a bow.
There was a lot of movement in the middle of the room, and in the middle some familiar faces. He could spot Jim’s questionable moves while Claire was laughing loudly with red cheeks, he could see Toby doing some robot moves while Darci danced along him, he managed to notice Aja spinning all over, between a super smiling Steve and an extremely radiant Eli.
It looked like they were all having fun, so much fun. Krel wasn’t… not yet.
“Hey Clint.”
He almost snorted at the sudden voice.
“Mary, I know you know my name at this point.”
“Whatever Kurt, whatcha up to?” The queen of the bees appeared in front of him, all sparkly in her pink shock dress. “Hank got all handsy, Dean is being shy, and that cute guy from Arcadia Oaks Academy that snuck in is being difficult. I’m up for some juice and it looks like you’re up to something.” And the queen of gossip too as well. She grinned at him, clearly playful. “Could it be you’ll stop being a wuss, at last? That would be nice!” He didn’t deny it. for a second. Big mistake, her eyes immediately widened, like she got struck by absolute knowledge. “Don’t tell me-”
He covered her mouth, realizing midway there that there was no point, the music was so loud it silenced everything. Despite that, he couldn’t bring her to say it. Not yet.
“Perhaps… maybe.”
Mary’s eyes turned into stars. She quickly wiped his hands off her.
“O-M-G, finally, I’ve been waiting for this for so long! Ha, I knew you were going to be the one to do it, Darci owes me five dollars! So does Logan! Pff, why was everyone betting on the space dork anyway… hey, what’s wrong?” She was perceptive. It happened after knowing each other for a couple of years. “Cheer up Kai.”
He laughed again. His chest felt like it was exploding, but in a good way. Seklos and Gaylen, for how long he had postponed what he was about to do, blaming time, work and consequences? It was terrifying in a way that was almost pleasant. Maybe. Perhaps.
“I am fine.” He swallowed, because of course the moment he had scanned the entire party, he had noticed it right away. Or rather, he had noticed a lack of him. “He… he is not here though.”
“He’s probably still bummed that he got into that accounting college his grumpy dad wants him to go but still doesn’t know about the engineering one.” Krel was holding his breath about that one too. Seamus had promised to be roommates in that case. Was it going to be weird if tonight wasn’t going to turn out the way he wanted? Was he going to be awkward around him? “Alright, I can smell burning thoughts, hashtag stopbeinganerd! You’re telling me you’re going to do it and I wanna know how, where and when, and if you try to chicken out now, I swear I’m gonna smash your precious guitar!” She sure knew how to get him riled up.
For the first time since he had come to this decision, Krel smiled, thinking of the backstage, the phases he had prepared into his head. He looked up, shaking his head.
“I believe that would be counterproductive for my plan.”
Mary’s mouth popped open, and if that wasn’t satisfying.
“Kleb yes, I am not holding back.”
“That’s gonna be the bomb but you better don’t swoon anyone else, you dang charmer! I have all boy dates tonight and I wanna keep them focused on me only!” She giggled, patting his shoulder. “Just go for it, okay? You’re cool, even when you’re being a nerd.” It was as good of an encouragement as he could get right now. “Just wait until your dorky prince charming arri- Oh this is too perfect.” She was smirking, so much her makeup was scrunching up a little.
Krel didn’t have to turn around to know. He did it anyway.
What a view. This prince really wasn’t above physical appearance as he had first thought when he had arrived in Arcadia, powered by his absolute intellect, rationality, and general annoyance towards social interactions with amoebas. It had taken him a while, a whole while, to accept that even someone like him could get this soft inside.
Give then right time, and the right person.
Seamus was radiant, with the black jacket and the blue tie, with the polished shoes and the pulled back hair. From the relaxed eyes the discussion with his dad must had ended without a punishment, and he was actually smiling. Everything, he was so absolutely everything it made Krel choke up.
Mary was arching an eyebrow, although she most likely know what was going on. The prince swallowed, almost choking again, trying to keep his composure as usual.
“… and… and you are absolutely sure…?”
“What in the world, Ken, yes! Yes he is completely head over heels for you, yes if you confess you bet your perfect grades he’s gonna reciprocate, yes the moment he will hear what you’ve prepared for him he might as well take a ring out of his pocket and propose in the middle of the dance room!” He grabbed his shoulders, shaking him a little. “You two are the absolute worst! C-bomb has actual guts to ask Jimmy Jam out, Darci and her Tobypie went for it naturally, even Steve is an idiot sometimes but not at dating and Aj and Eli practically gravitate around him! But you!!” She grabbed his collar, her stellar eyes turning into black holes. “You two are pining messes that I’m absolutely done with! So, I swear, Krel Tarron, if you don’t get on that stage and finally confess, you won’t have to make plans for college because this will be your last dance. Ever.” She could had stopped the threat at his actual name. That alone would have done it. Mary gave him the ‘I’m watching you gesture’, before backing down into the crowd without getting her eyes off.
Krel swallowed, nodded, watching her disappear into the party. Despite the dread of being murdered in cold blood being quite intense and even impressive, it was quickly washed away, as soon as Seamus looked at his direction with those blue eyes of him. There it was, that urge, that need to impress him somehow. It was their thing, the fulcrum of their rivalry that hadn’t stopped, even after years. The need to make the other break their mask of pride and turn it into amazement.
Bold enough, the prince grinned, winking at him. The way the blonde gaped warmed his heart. Was that pink on his cheeks? The lights were too strong and colorful, it was hard to tell.
Was it important? Not really. It was now or never.
Making his way towards the stage was a challenge itself, luckily his dancing skills were not to be ignored and swirling around these random kids was pretty easy and entertaining. The band was playing a pretty energetic movement, there was a keyboard player going absolutely nuts and a drummer doing their best. There was definitely something that could had been done to improve the whole performance – perhaps a few remixes on a DJ board, just saying –, but they were really into it. It almost felt bad going up there and show his own abilities.
Then again, Krel didn’t care.
He had a mission. With that determination in mind he immediately went behind the curtains of the stage, finding familiar locks of blue hair monitoring the situation. Having Douxie as the responsible one was still unusual, even though the ripped off pants and the numerous studs all over his suit were more likely. It probably wasn’t enough for him, he was tapping his foot over and over.
Krel cleared his voice, the older one turned, turning the frown into a smile.
“Krel, how’re you liking the show?” He snorted.
“Fine…” He really couldn’t help himself, it was too easy. “Would be better with some metal rock in it.” The smile was gone. Krel snorted again.
“Really, you’re going to put salt on it like that? Zoe already gives me a hard time because I didn’t get the Ash Dispersal Pattern to play here, don’t you get in the way too!” He turned to the band with a frown, shaking it. “‘Your music might not be a good example for the students’, fuzzbuckets, how old do you think these kids are?? Besides, how is techno a better alternative? Those moppets, I swear…” He muttered something under his breath, a curse most likely, then he sighed. “Alright, I’m fine. Extremely salty, but nothing a drink can solve later. I’m guessing you’re here to ask me something?” Perceptive. All of his friends had to be with him.
“Something like that, yeah…” He breathed in and breathed out, he was absolutely going for it but it didn’t make any of this easier for him. “Alright, I need a favor?”
Douxie smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh yeah? You need a favor from this random guy who got nominated supervisor as cold comfort for not having his band play tonight? Little old me?” He snickered, shaking his head. “Should have thought before you came here to mock, shouldn’t ya?”
“Nope, can’t let this one go, I’m out of patience tonight and I need to get at least one gratification. How about you apologize to me? I’ll even help, start with ‘You are the best guitarist I’ve ever known’ and… whoa, wait, what are you doing?” Was it a bluff? Krel was bowing already, but perhaps his brain was messed up tonight. “Dude, how are you actually doing it? What is this favor all about?” Oh. Right. He was the most prideful person on the planet. He had almost forgot.
Krel straightened up, shrugging a little. From the tone of the current song, it seemed that this band was almost done. He peaked from behind the curtain. Seamus was talking with Steve, giggling a little. The prince couldn’t help clenching his hand around the shirt over his chest. Ah, he wanted this, he wanted all of this.
He felt a familiar wave of warm. He turned back to the guitarist, and Douxie was gaping, blinking several times. It was probably clear.
“I want to make an exhibition.” His honey eyes widened.
“… yeah?”
“… alright then.” Douxie smiled, pointing at the backstage with his head. “Prepare yourself Lover Boy, I’m announcing you right after this.” If it wasn’t to preserve what was left of his pride, Krel would have hugged him. “Is it DJ Kleb time?”
Krel moved a few steps towards the back. He stopped.
“No,” He turned to the guitarist, smirking. “It is Krel time.”
 “Alright, give it up for ‘The Raise of the Titans’! Amazing performance you guys, can’t wait to properly see you on Wednesday!” Douxie always looked confident on stage, he was born to have the attention of a public. It was something he and Krel had in common. Right now though, there was only one look the prince wanted all for himself. “Hope you’re having a blast tonight! How’s prom going?” A cheer followed. “That’s great, because we have a special exhibition right now. A special song, for a special someone! Give it up for Krel Tarron!”
The wood under his feet made a sound after every step, it was drowned by the voiced in the crowd. It made him smile thinking how many people were going to be surprised by his presence, his appearance, and especially him appearing with a guitar instead of his beloved keyboard. There was a single stool in the middle of the place, with a microphone already adjusted for his high. He thought that really needed to thank Douxie after this, for everything, as he sat down with the instrument on his lap. He had accorded it while he was in the backstage, but out of habit he did it again, the sound reverberating into his mind. It was like a reality check, a call to the place, as he finally looked up to the public.
Aja looked close to crying, absolutely overjoyed. Mary was smirking so much her cheek looked like it was being pulled. Steve looked absolutely astonished. Toby was grinning impossibly wide. Eli had his glasses shining and a bit smile. Jim had amazed eyes over him. Claire looked ecstatic. Darci was giving him a thumbs up. Everyone was there, everyone.
And then there was him. Him, adorably confused and starstruck.
Krel grinned. I hope you are ready for this, you math blonde.
“This song is for a dear person to me. I have never been able to express my feelings properly before. I have never been particularly good at.” He let another note fill his silence, it made him smile again. “But I will not shy away from it, not anymore. I went through everything with you, high school, my problems, your problems, math and space and everything between,” There was no doubt, not anymore. “I want to go beyond now.”
His mind was peaceful, his body was burning. It felt like he had never been more alive before. His fingers knew what to do, that song was a part of him. He just took a deep breath, and let the music take over.
 I love you too much
To leave without you loving me back
I love you too much
Heaven’s my witness and this is a fact
I know I belong, when I sing this song
There’s love above love and it’s ours
‘cause I love you too much
 It used to be just him, his mind, and his sister. Them against the world, with a mother that wanted her to be proper, with a father that wanted him not to be him. Everything had turned out so badly at first without them, and so not badly after, to the point he had managed to make an actual life away from Cantaloupia. Then, the escape had become home. Then, it he had become the place where he had met the only guy that was ever going to make him feel.
It used to be just him, his mind, and his sister. Now it was him and his sister, friends and family, a home and the world, and so many feelings in between. This was the right place, this was the right time, this was the right guy.
It used to be just him, his mind, and his sister. Now he could hardly imagine himself without the blonde in the picture, the one that could cloud his mind and fill his heart.
 I live for your touch
I whisper your name night after night
I love you too much
There’s only one feeling and I know it’s right
I know I belong, when I sing this song
There’s love above love and it’s ours
‘cause I love you too much
 The two of them weren’t the easiest people to deal with, their lives weren’t the easiest lives to deal with. It had been because of a cruel game of destiny or a lucky shot from faith that they had found each other, Krel at Seamus’ door whenever he felt like he didn’t matter, and Seamus at Krel’s whenever he felt like exploding? Was it bad that in their worst some of their sweetest moments together were born? Was it bad that overwise they might had not become this much of friends?
They were living in a world that was cruel and unforgiving, with people even less likely to welcome them. Krel liked to think that by knowing each other, they had managed to overcome that obstacle, and meet also the people that were fine. That were okay.
They were okay. He was okay.
He had never forgotten that one moment of them, not once.
 Heaven knows your name I’ve been praying
To have you come here by my side
Without you a part of me is missing
Just to make you my own, I will fight
 The song was a tragically familiar one. During the worst of his pining, when he thought he was never going to be good enough for him, when he thought that he didn’t deserve to feel something this pure and breathtaking, this had always been the song. Shannon had taught him the first notes after she had gifted him the guitar after a curious sequence of events, and then Douxie had taken over teaching him all he had needed to know. It was all so familiar now he hardly had to think about how to move, where to put his fingers, if it was too strong or just okay. It was cheesy in a way he never thought he could possibly be, with feelings he never thought he could have.
Aja had always listened from her room, he knew she had even though she had never said it, because before going to sleep the same delson she had always come to hug him. Mary had always told him that playing a love song to cure his – stupid – pained heart seemed a little counterproductive. Maybe she was right. But even if everything was to end tonight, he didn’t care.
He liked love. He loved love. He loved Seamus.
 I know I belong
When I sing this song
There’s love above love and it’s ours
‘cause I love you too much
 Caught by the sudden burst into his chest Krel stood up, almost making his stool fall down. He didn’t care. Right there the crowd’s cheering came to his ears, and despite how much he wanted to scan the place and look for that familiar strawberry blonde mane in between, he forced himself not to. Not yet, not until he said everything, not until he was sure he had delivered everything he had inside. He shushed his mind and let the rest of his body sing.
 I love you too much!
I love you too much
Heaven’s my witness and this is a fact
You live in my soul, your heart is my goal
There’s love above love and it’s mine, ‘cause I love you
There’s love above love and it’s yours, ‘cause I love you
There’s love above love and it’s ours, if you love me…
… as much
 When the last note left his instrument, an urge to cry mixed to an absolute pride took over. He did it, he actually did it. In his mind the song was still echoing, beautifully in the open as it was always supposed to be played. He was drained and so, so happy.
Then, as his head finally allowed in something other than exhaustion, it finally hit him the amount of people that was watching, and how crazy there were going with that applause. It was reverberating all over, he was surprised he noticed it only now. Steve was holding onto Eli and Aja, every single one of them looked close to tears. Mary was shouting something to one of her current dates, pointing at the stage then back at her, probably something like “I know him, he’s my friend, he’s cool because I’m cool, good old Kevin”. Toby was jumping up and down, with Darci laughing and applauding. Jim and Claire were holding onto each other, clapping with fervor. It was good, everything was so good right now.
Finally, Krel allowed himself to look.
Right then, his hear broke.
He wasn’t there. Seamus wasn’t there anymore. No blue tie around, no lock of blonde hair, no red freckles in sight. There was no way this prince couldn’t find him, so…
He left. He didn’t stay for him. He didn’t.
“How about that, huh?? Krel Tarron, everyone!!” Suddenly Douxie was by his side, Krel didn’t look at him. It hurt. He thought it wasn’t going to matter, but it hurt. “He will be all over you for autographs and junk later, let him rest for a moment, and welcome the next exhibition of the night!” His arm was onto his shoulders. Krel didn’t move. He didn’t want to. Then he got a squeeze, and he looked up out of pure instinct. Douxie was still smirking, like his heart hadn’t just gotten smashed against the solid ground of the ballroom. He pointed to the exist and Krel, sighing, obeyed.
He crossed the next couple of performers, who patted his back telling him how good he had been. It didn’t feel like a proud moment anymore. It felt like a waste. The guitar was hanging onto him by the lace, luckily, he would have forgotten it on the stage overwise. Krel sighed, putting the instrument down as soon as he was behind the curtains. He could deal with this.
He didn’t want to, but he could. He just needed some time to-
His hold was callous and warm. The prince knew it so well he almost didn’t have to turn. He did. Seamus had his entire face flushed. He looked outstanding.
“Come with me.” His voice was low, almost fearful, and Krel could do nothing other than follow his lead. He was dragged along as they were staying as far away from the crowd as possible, going for the exit. If anyone had noticed them, Krel was sure Steve or Mary would have taken care of them. As soon as they were out of the room, it was silence. The school looked almost dormant like this, without lights around, the abandoned lockers circling the corridors.
It was going to be one of the last times, in this special place.
There was little time for that kind of nostalgia, as they didn’t walk for long anyway. Seamus seemed in a hurry, he was moving forward without a single word. It almost made the prince fear that he had gone too far and had made him mad. Some more uncharacteristic apologies brushed his lips, at least as a precaution, no matter how weird it was going to be.
They died into his throat as soon as he was pressed against the wall. The echo of the music was gone. There were only those impossible blue eyes getting closer and closer and-
Krel would have laughed. He would have laughed in any other occasion, because this guy was rough and prideful and used to be really bad at dealing with his anger issues. Yet he kissed with the outmost gentleness, like he was genuinely afraid of breaking him, like he was terrified that at any point something was going to wake them up from this dream. Krel wanted to hold onto this dream. He held onto him, hands reaching for his shoulders, then up into his hair. They were not fluffy at all. Again, he would have laughed if he wasn’t this overwhelmed by the fact that this was happening, that Seamus was kissing him and it was happening. The hold onto his mane must had woken up the blonde, as he moved forward with urge, breathing in and taking more.
It was marvelous. It was uncertain and clumsy and they were both really inexperienced at this, and it was marvelous. Slowly the timing was getting clearer for the both of them, because despite pride and their social skills they were instead really good at learning and understanding. The rhythm drowned them both, and it almost made Krel forget he had lungs. It got him there, the urge for air, and he let out almost a strangled noise when he got out of one last kiss.
Seamus was panting just as hard, if not harder, his pupils blown. Krel had never seen him like this, it was a whole new side. He wanted to know it. He really wanted this.
“Shut it.” Another kiss that made him hum, it was sweeter than before. He almost forgot the words. When he tried to talk again Seamus promptly kissed him again. He completely forgot the words. “You said more than enough, now it’s my turn.” The blonde was smiling of that beautiful smile again. “I’m gonna make every single word count.” His hand went over his hair, caressing his brown locks like they were precious treasures to keep. The urge to cry came back.
Along with another desire, that made Krel come back to his senses and smirk.
Once again, rivalry.
“Aren’t you an overachiever?” Seamus hummed questioning, brushing their noses together. It was too good, the prince giggled. “There are exactly 212 words into my song.” It was too perfect. This wasn’t an out of the world experience, this was the natural consequence of their relationship. Seamus was holding him, and he really didn’t want to be anywhere else.
The blonde seemed taken back by his words, for almost a full second, only to laugh. He brought him even closer, breathing against his lips.
The world disappeared. Prom could wait.
“Better start counting then.” He lunged forward, a quick press closer to a caress. “One,” Another one, deeper but still quick, that made Krel naturally lean back. “Two…” This time it was proper, making him decide that he didn’t really need his mind right now. There was no issue, no invention in standby, no math problem to solve. He could allow himself this. “Three.” He could take every single part of him, as a reward in a way, as a present even more. Without a single remorse Krel laced his arms around his neck, deepening every following kiss.
They stopped counting after nine.
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roselen-mylady · 5 years ago
In Another Life
Bucky Barnes x reader ° part ten
Summary: Waiting 88 years to find your soulmate? It was cruel. But it was a cruel fate Bucky would have to face whether he accepted it or not. Bucky was a tortured man all his life and he wasn't even granted the solace of having his soulmate at his side. All he had was the promise of one in another life. They were separated by two different times.
But the pain in their lives were connected.
Y/n had been alone ever since she could remember. All she could depend on was the soulmate that was destined to be at her side. Yet when the snap occurred she lost him.
And Bucky never got to meet her.
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Though Steve showed no signs of leaving or the anger Y/n had feared, she still felt the anxiety that came from revealing her true past. He was supportive, as he always was and so was everyone else once they were told. Tony only had a mere, 'I knew it' to add to the subject and while Y/n was touched, she couldn't help the array of things she felt. 
Foolish was one of them. Hiding her past from them before was stupid but Steve insisted that her going underground was probably best since HYDRA would've searched for her. While that brought her some solace she was still uncomfortable with the idea of becoming more involved. Something always went wrong and Nat was proof. 
She missed her friend badly and Y/n couldn't help but feel it was her own cursed luck that had taken Nat. It was ridiculous to think that she could ever be happy. Stupid to think she could help her friends bring back everyone. Stupid to think she might actually meet her soulmate.  
"Hey, kid. We're going to put the stones together." Tony cut into Y/n's racing thoughts. Her gaze lifted from the drawing Steve had given her, settling on Tony as he leaned in through the doorway. 
She didn't know why she was still looking at the picture or why she had even accepted it. She wanted to believe she was still furious, still resentful. Wanted to force all the pain and guilt she felt into him once more. But in all reality she was just so lost. For years she pretended to be someone else and now that she was free to be the girl she once was, she didn't even remember who that was. 
A genius? A hero? A terrified little orphan? She had no idea but she didn't want to be any. She wanted to be Y/n, a friend and a psychiatrist. She now understood why Steve wanted her around. He needed someone to remind him of who he was, who he truly was. 
Was James that person once? 
Was that why she found herself gazing at the sketch, hoping for a split second that maybe she could go back to the moment that was drawn? Praying to go back to a time where James Barnes was fighting for his past and his own will. A time where he might comfort her like he did Steve over the death of Nat. A time where his thoughts were his own and so we're his actions. 
Y/m almost hated herself for despising him. Though she knew there was still much to his story she was too scared to ask, she knew he was nothing more than a tortured soul with a gun. She couldn't figure out how the man in the drawing was the same man who'd nearly killed her. 
It wasn't.  
Noticing her broken expression, Tony hesitantly stepped into the room coming to sit with her. Her fingers gently held the page and he looked down at it, recognizing the face instantly. It sent a chill through his spine, seeing the same face almost ripped the arc reactor straight from his chest. 
It had taken him years to forgive Steve but he still struggled to do the same with the man who murdered his parents in cold blood. All the hatred toward his parents' assassin had gone unresolved since Steve and Bucky left him at that frozen HYDRA base. And once forgiving Steve, Tony had no other outlet and he found it difficult to sit there with the picture.
So he tried to focus on something else.  
"So, you and Ms. Romanoff were close?" He mumbled trying poorly to begin consoling her. She nodded numbly, folding the paper and setting it aside. 
The emotions she felt were mixed and intense making it hard for her to filter through her feelings but one surfaced more than others. Guilt. 
"Ever since the snap." She replied, her shoulders slack. Tony and Nat had their own relationship, one much older than her own but they'd been apart for so long. Ever since Nat went off the grid with Steve and even after the snap when he distanced himself from all of them, they hardly interacted. But they were friends. The type of friends that wouldn't be parted even by death. 
"Do you think things would be different if I hadn't showed up?" Y/n asked him suddenly. He looked over at her studying her guilt ridden eyes that she kept trained on the floor. It was a familiar look, one he wore often. But not one he wanted her to. 
"Natasha wasn't the type of person to let anyone dictate her choices. I think she was ready to give her life for a cause and none of us could've stopped her." Tony sighed, the weight of her death finally reaching its max. "Not even a couple of geniuses." 
"Let's hope this doesn't blow up." Tony mumbled next to her. The small group consisting of them with the addition of Bruce and Rocket stood in the lab, waiting in anticipation as Tony carefully placed the stones in the gauntlet. With his shaking hands it was difficult to be precise while he manipulated the machine but he managed to place all six stones in their respective places. They held their breath unsure if the stones would react or blow up the lab as Tony feared.  
"Boom!" Rocket yelled suddenly making all of them flinch. He began to laugh loudly and they all turned to him with annoyed looks. Y/n slapped the back of his head, cutting his laughing short as she walked off trying to ignore the trembling in her legs. Tony muttered something under his breath moving to bring the gauntlet to a more accessible area for the wearer. 
"You're an asshole." Y/n groaned. Tony walked past them, putting the gauntlet on a display table that made it hover a couple inches above. 
"Come on, it was funny!" Rocket argued, earning an unamused stare from both Tony and Y/n. 
It took a few minutes for Bruce to collect everyone but eventually everyone was gathered around the gauntlet. Most had expressions Y/n familiarized with PTSD and once following their gazes she realized their experience with the gauntlet Thanos wore was resurfacing. 
Hopefully, with the new one they'd be able to reverse what he'd done. But the trauma would stay. That she knew. 
"All right. The glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their fucking fingers?" Rocket questioned, looking up at the group. Their options were limited since most people in the room were only human, even Steve. 
"I'll do it." Thor volunteered without hesitation. He drunkenly stepped forward making everyone turn to him with confused and reluctant looks. Their choices were limited but they weren't desperate enough to put such a powerful object on a drunk god.  
"Excuse me?" Scott asked, glancing around at the others for one of them to tell Thor what a bad idea it was. 
"It's okay." Thor insisted, marching forward with a purpose. Steve moved to stop him with the help of Tony making the poor large man pause. 
"No, no, no, whoa. Stop. Stop. Wait a sec. Hey, hey–" Everyone was a mess of refusal and Thor's face turned hurt as he tried to continue. 
"Wait, wait, Thor, just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet." Steve explained. Thor shifted on his feet, clearly upset with their rejection.  
"I'm sorry. What, we're just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" He asked,
annoyed. Scott looked to Y/n hoping she might use some of her 'therapist powers' he called them after realizing she really couldn't read minds. 
"We should at least discuss it." Y/n tried to reason. Thor shook his head stubbornly, swaying unsteadily on his feet. 
"No, no, sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everybody back. I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So this responsibility falls upon me. It's my duty." He told them, gesturing to the gauntlet then himself. 
"It's not about that–" Tony told him gently, coming to stand in front of him as he started to move Thor back. Thor resisted but was unsuccessful as he started to grow emotional. "Hey buddy-" Tony tried again only to be cut short by Thor frantically shushing him and everyone else. 
"Stop it! Just let me! Just let me do it. Just let me do something good. Something right." Thor begged, tears filling his eyes. He was desperate to prove he was worthy, to prove he could still be the hero he once was. 
"Look– It's not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent, I'm telling you, you're in no condition." Tony fought. There was no way they were going to let him hold the fate of the world in his hand while he was drunk. Even the Thor he was years ago shouldn't have held that kind of power, it was too risky. 
"What do you– What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor asked, his eyes studying Tony's for any kind of hope that might tell him they would let him make the sacrifice. 
"Cheez Whiz?" Rhodey scoffed, earning a glare from Y/n. Thor looked over at Rhodey pointing a shaky finger at him as he tried not to cry in frustration. He held onto Tony, grasping at his shoulders and prying Tony's attention away from Rhodey's comment. 
"Lightning." Thor corrected, looking back to Tony with pleading eyes. Tony nodded but he knew he couldn't allow Thor to wear the gauntlet. "Lightning." Thor repeated, distraught but Tony's reaction. 
"Lightning won't help you, pal. It's gotta be me." Bruce announced suddenly. Thor shook his head letting go of Tony. "You saw what those stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive." Bruce explained. 
"How do we know you will?" Steve questioned as Bruce paced over to the gauntlet. 
"We don't. But the radiation's mostly gamma. It's like...I was made for this." Bruce mumbled. He gazed intensely at the stones, silently calculating his odds. If the Hulk couldn't handle this, was this really how he was going to die? And if so would it even work? 
They looked at each other knowing it was their best chance at bringing them back. They had to take it. 
Tony stepped forward, grabbing the gauntlet and handing it to Bruce as they headed to a more secure part of the lab. 
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Y/n asked Bruce quietly. She knew how Nat's death had affected him and she refused to make the same mistake with him. 
"Yes. We have to finish this." He declared. Y/n watched as he paced forward to catch up with Tony as she lagged behind to Steve. 
"Do you think this will work?" Steve questioned. Y/n chewed her lip anxiously, focusing her stare at the gauntlet as Steve came to stand beside her. 
"Bruce's gamma radiation is stronger and most equipped to handle the energy but it's still dangerous. The stones are too powerful together, I didn't think they were ever really meant to be used together." She sighed, hating the sacrifices that came with saving the world. If they lost someone else just for this to not work was it really even worth trying? 
"Bruce is strong." Steve tried to ease her worry but it wasn't enough. 
"I know. I just-I can't keep losing people, Steve. It's like a curse. Every time I try to do something good…-" 
"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're not gonna lose anyone else. Not on my watch." Steve promised but both of them knew it was practically empty. There was no guarantee. "Let's just bring everyone back." 
Y/n tried to smile but like his promise it was hollow. "Yeah, okay." 
"Good to go, yeah?" Tony questioned as Bruce carefully held the piece in his large hands. He seemed anxious but who wouldn't be in that situation. 
"Let's do it." He confirmed as Y/n and Steve returned to the group. She walked around him, stopping beside Tony and sharing a steady nod. 
"You remember–everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago, you're just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years." Tony told him seriously.
"Got it." Bruce assured. Then suddenly the room grew quiet and a tenseness settled in the air that Y/n was too amazed to catch onto. For the first time she realized she was living the dream of millions of people. Everyone had readied themselves and Y/n watched as they stood there in their superhero uniforms, the power and determination they all had washing over her. 
Tony pressed his chest allowing his suit to expand and morph to his body, a shield lighting up before him. His stare then drifted to Y/n who still stood there in her casual clothes, watching them all confused and out of place. Why were they getting ready now? They were doing this here? 
"Hey, kiddo. Come on." Tony urged, motioning to her earpiece. She gave a soft 'oh' mimicking him as she pressed the button making her own suit appear. A shield of her own design came to her forearm and Tony eyed it curiously. 
"Did you mess with the suit?" He asked, the seriousness in his tone startling her a bit. She shrugged, looking at him defensively. 
"Yeah, you said it was just a prototype so I fixed it a bit." She explained. He looked away, grateful she couldn't see the entertained smirk on his lips as he turned back to Bruce. 
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol. Will you?" Tony called. Y/n had gotten used to the suit during the time she could spare to examine it and she put 70% power into the armor, figuring if something did go wrong it probably wouldn't hurt to be a little more protected. 
"Yes, boss." F.R.I.D.A.Y replied. Metal doors began to close off the lab as the compound went into lockdown and if the seriousness of the situation hadn't set in yet it definitely did then as Y/n widened her stance to try and brace herself. 
"Everybody comes home." Bruce reminded himself, cautiously reaching his hand into the gauntlet. The gauntlet expanded to fit his hand thanks to Tony's nanotech but as soon as it was fully on the power of the stones surged through him. He grunted in pain collapsing to his knees as the energy began to burn into his arm. 
"Take it off! Take it off!" Thor cried, waving his hands as Bruce shakily held the gauntlet. Steve stepped forward, keeping anyone from acting. 
"No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?" Steve questioned. He knew more than anyone that just because something was painful didn't mean they couldn't do it. 
"Talk to me, Banner." Tony called, becoming more concerned with each unresponsive moment. Y/n started moving to help but froze as Bruce looked up at them.  
"I'm okay. I'm okay." He insisted. They eased up a little and everyone watched carefully as he tried to regain control of the stones. Thor gave a double thumbs up, watching the scene before him with an astounded expression. 
"F.R.I.D.A.Y what are his vitals?" Y/n questioned anxiously. Charts bloomed around Bruce and she quickly read them realizing his heart rate was dangerously high. In fact everything was high, his blood pressure, his respiration rate, even his body temperature had increased. Bruce screamed again, fighting the instinct to remove the gauntlet from the overwhelming pain it caused him as he lined up his fingers. 
The world seemed to stop at the echoing of the snap, the fated sound she'd only heard about for five years finally filling her head the same way it had for the others. 
He fainted and the gauntlet fell off his arm, clattering on the floor before Clint quickly kicked it away from him. 
"Bruce!" Steve called, kneeling beside him as the others rushed forward to check on him. Y/n tugged the remains of his sleeve back gently as Tony kneeled beside her, holding up his hand. 
"Don't move him." Tony demanded, applying a coolant spray from his fingertips over Bruce's arm. Bruce groaned, reaching out and grabbing Steve's arm urgently. 
"Did it work?" He questioned breathlessly, keeping his large hand tight around Steve's arm. Thor gave him a reassuring smile while Y/n looked over the damage of his arm. 
"We're not sure. It's okay." Thor soothed, his voice hopeful as he turned his gaze toward the door where the lab was starting to open up again. Scott walked off to the now open area and some of the others spread out to see what had happened but Y/n stayed at Bruce's side. 
"You did great, Bruce." She told him, giving him a smile to which he returned, though it was a bit more pained. A muted vibrating came from the table on the other side of the room and Y/n turned to see Clint walking over to it almost numb. 
Did it work? 
"Honey? Honey." Clint spoke, his voice quivering in joy as Y/n looked at Tony. They shared a wide eyed glance, both rattled by the idea that they might have actually won. 
Y/n wished to look at her wrist, praying that the countdown she had before the snap returned. She couldn't even remember how many days it had read back then but it didn't matter anymore. She just wanted to meet her soulmate. Would he be looking for her?  
Were his eyes really blue? 
But their victory couldn't last long and Y/n knew that as she followed Bruce's gaze to the skylight above them. There flying menacingly above the compound was the biggest spacecraft she had ever seen and dread instantly set in upon seeing the missile coming their way. 
"Look out!" Y/n screamed, trying to warn the others but it was too late. Her helmet quickly came forward along with her shield which she tried desperately to put over Bruce's head, protecting her and him from falling debris. But the roof wasn't the only thing falling apart. 
The floor split and some of the group fell into the large hole while Y/n struggled to regain her balance. She quickly looked around her, catching sight of Steve sliding across the floor toward the hole. Using the thrusters, she launched forward, grabbing hold of one of the straps to his uniform and dragging him back toward Tony. 
The building was falling down around them and any means of escape were closing off faster than she could find them. Steve managed to climb to his feet again but before either of them could come up with a plan a large piece of the roof fell, striking Y/n down. She cried out falling through the floor to the room below, getting pinned on her stomach under the roofing. 
"Y/n!" Steve yelled, peering down into the hole. Y/n gasped, the impact knocking the wind out of her. Tony looked down too, the two men struggling to keep themselves up as they waited anxiously for her to speak. 
"Minimal damage to prototype armor." F.R.I.D.A.Y announced making Y/n groan. She slowly lifted herself up using her back to push off the rumble before leaning back on her knees, panting slightly. 
"You call that minimal?" She questioned, annoyed. Tony chuckled through the headset, her reply giving him a little relief knowing she was alright.  
"The suits can handle more than we can, kid." He explained. Y/n grumbled, climbing to her feet. She didn't care how durable the suit was, she was still very much human inside the metal and every hit the suit felt, she did too. 
"Are you okay?" Steve called, leaning closer to the edge of the hole. Tony put a hand on his chest, keeping him from falling in while Y/n slowly climbed to her feet. 
"Yeah. I'm fine, Steve." She waved her hand pretending to be nonchalant before coughing from how forcefully her lungs had been emptied. They were about to attempt to go down to her when the floor they were on shifted and Steve fell over, sliding off to another part in the lab. 
"Cap!" Tony called, trying to reach out and catch him. Steve called back that he would be alright giving Tony a little assurance as he turned his gaze back to Y/n. "This building is falling apart!" He called down to her. 
"What do you want me to do?" She asked, looking around at the floor around her. She had landed in the living room area, one of her favorite places but like the rest of the facility it was falling to ruin. 
"Find the stones. We can't risk losing them." Tony instructed. Y/n let out a short sigh, the weight of the task making her stomach turn. 
"Is it too late to go home?" She joked. Tony smiled softly unbeknownst to Y/n. The building shook again with another hit and he knew he wouldn't have long to talk to her. 
"No." He answered truthfully. If she could find a way out, there would be nothing stopping her. She could easily fly away and forget about this. "But you know what they say. It only takes one fight to make a hero." Tony explained. 
Y/n pierced her lips, knowing that she never really intended on leaving. She was all in from the moment Scott had been yelling into the camera and though she'd been doubtful before, she knew this was where she was meant to be. 
"Go be Iron Star." Tony chuckled, making her scoff and shake her head. Of course, he had to ruin the moment. 
"We really gotta talk about that name!" She called, turning away and running off toward the window to her left. Using the thrusters in the metallic boots she flew forward and smashed through the glass, unsteadily keeping herself in the air outside. 
"Just find the stones." 
When Bucky had woken up he was right where he'd been in Wakanda. T'Challa ran to him trying very hastily to explain what had happened. They had been gone for five years according to the wizard man they called 'Strange' and now they needed to come fight Thanos again. 
While Bucky was usually quick to understand and move on to the next fight, he couldn't help but stop at this news. He'd promised himself that the fight with Thanos was the last time so that he could find his soulmate but he was still fighting. When would it stop?
For a split second he feared maybe his chance at meeting his soulmate had come and gone and he frantically ripped back his right sleeve to look at his wrist. 
"3 days?" Sam asked, peeking down at Bucky's arm as T'Challa organized his army. Bucky numbly nodded, his heart racing as he watched the seconds tick away. He was three days away from her. 
He had to make it through this time. 
No matter what. 
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, can you scan the compound for the stones' energy signature?" Y/n questioned, looking over the wreckage of what was once the Avengers compound. It didn't even look the same, all blown to the foundation with rubble spread around like a battlefield. 
"I detect energy levels matching the stones underneath the building in the sewer systems. You should have access through what's left of the first floor." The A.I. answered. Y/n flew over to the nearest opening of the building, using micro lasers to burn a hole into the floor leading down into the sewers. 
She jumped down into it, landing as quietly as possible before looking around. It was hard to see much, the only light being the blaring red light of the alarm system but the tunnel appeared empty other than the obvious debris and flooding. She cautiously walked forward watching as her display outlined the surrounding area. 
It was eerily silent, the soft trickling of water putting her on edge as she continued down the tunnel, following the power signature of the stones. 
"I detect hostiles approaching." F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke suddenly. Y/n watched carefully as her display changed, showing a clearer picture using an x-ray of the surroundings. The stones rapidly approached as did the hostiles and she quickly held up her hands, powering up the repulsors as Clint ran into her vision.  
"Shoot 'em!" Clint screamed, narrowly dodging one of the creatures that lined the tunnel. Y/n did what he said, firing at the closest creature before moving onto the next, trying to hold them off long enough for Clint to run past her. 
"What the hell are these things?!" She yelled, following after him as they both broke off into a sprint through the water. 
"I don't know but I'm tired of this alien shit!" Clint shouted over his shoulder as Y/n glanced back at the creatures, firing again at one that got too close. Clint pulled out one of his arrows, throwing it into one of the pipes next to them before running faster. 
Catching onto what he was doing, she picked up speed as well, jumping with him as the arrow exploded taking out most of the creatures. Y/n looked up from the ground, noticing that some of them had started to crawl through the flames making her climb to her feet, grabbing Clint under his arms. 
She activated the thrusters and they launched up, faltering a bit since Y/n had barely learned to fly by herself let alone while carrying someone. Clint unsheathed his sword, yelling as he cut through some of the creatures that had climbed up beside them. 
Once reaching the top Y/n dropped him to the side before falling herself, tumbling a few feet away. Clint climbed to his knees, holding out his sword as he let out a threatening shout. Thankfully, no other creatures appeared over the edge and he collapsed onto his back next to Y/n. 
"Hey." Clint chuckled, nudging Y/n tiredly. "You're an Avenger now." He told her drawing a half-hearted laugh from her. She groaned the pain in her ribs increasing at the action and she put a hand over her side. 
"Being an Avenger hurts." 
Once going through the portal the wizard had made, Bucky was met with a wasteland. Thanos and Steve watched as others arrived through the portals and while Steve's expression was much more relieved than Thanos', it was clear they were only evening the playing field as Bucky looked toward Thanos' forces. 
The Wakandan armies chanted as hundreds of other heroes came through the portals, each ready for the final battle. He walked forward, coming to stand a few feet away from Steve as he studied the enemy across the way. He was determined to finish what they had started five years ago. He wanted to find his soulmate and he wanted this fight to truly be the last. 
"Avengers!" Steve called. Bucky held his breath, hoping with everything he had that for all his misfortune over the years, today would end better. 
He'd suffered for a lifetime. 
Please let this be the last fight. 
Everyone yelled, running forward at Thanos' forces. The fight broke out and Bucky managed to find himself alongside the raccoon he'd encountered last time. They shared brief eye contact and Rocket's eyes flashed with recognition while Bucky tried to ignore him. 
"How about now?!" Rocket yelled, motioning to his arm. Bucky glanced over at him, growing annoyed with the talking animal's persistence. What the hell would a raccoon do with his arm? 
"No!" Bucky yelled back. He turned, noticing one of the creatures had been sneaking up on Steve while he had his back turned and Bucky quickly shot at it, knocking it down. Steve turned, giving Bucky a grateful and joyous smile. Bucky smiled back making sure to keep aware of the creatures around him. 
"What the hell did you get me into, Steve?" Bucky yelled teasingly. His friend gave a short chuckle, using the large hammer to slam back another one of Thanos's creatures. 
"Nothing two old men can't handle." 
Part eleven
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fandom-imagines-stories · 5 years ago
Day 36
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Peter Parker x Reader
Words: 1989
Summary: Trapped on the Avengers compound, you and the whole team have been quarantined together for over a month. Of course, it doesn’t help that everyone knows you have feelings for Peter. Well, everyone except Peter. The Avengers decide to play matchmaker in order to prevent another day of awkward teenage flirting. Needless to say, hammers will fly before this quarantine is over.
Notes: Honestly, I got the idea for this from a tik tok.
“Day 213, Captain’s Log.”
“Peter, it’s only been a month.” You scoffed.
“Oh… right.” He dramatically turned back to the camera. “Day 36.”
“Kid, I swear to god if you don’t put that thing away, it’s going over the balcony.” Tony snapped and the rest of the group nodded in agreement. Peter laughed sheepishly.
“Sorry guys.” He stuffed his small video camera in his pocket and you gave him a small smirk. He clapped his hands together. “So, anyone want to play a board game?” It seemed like the entire room groaned in unison. Tony gave him a look.
“Peter, no offense, but I would literally rather do anything than that.”
“Oh you’re going down, Rogers.” Tony glared, rolling his dice. Whoever decided to challenge the billionaire at Monopoly clearly didn’t know what they were getting into. Everyone muttered begrudgingly as he took another building.
You had been stuck at the compound for over a month now because of the virus rampaging in New York. Before it all started, you and Peter were staying with Mr. Stark while your parents and his aunt went to a convention for something or other upstate. Now they were all stuck up there and you were all stuck in here. Even Thor was trapped on earth, forbidden from taking the risk of the virus back to Asgard. The whole gang was here; Natasha and Clint, Bruce and Thor, Rhodey, Steve and, obviously, Tony. Pepper was in the city, driving Tony a little crazy worrying and Wanda and Vision were on vacation in Europe, so they were stuck on their own.
“I told you this was a bad idea,” Clint grumbled. He was, understandably, the most unpleasant since he couldn’t go home to see his family.
“My turn.” You announced, reaching over the board for the dice. Peter was closer so he moved to grab them for you. Your hands ended up grabbing each other, making your breath hitch. The room went silent until Peter laughed anxiously and handed you the dice. “T-thanks.”
The adults exchanged glances. Tony pinched the bridge of his nose, holding back his disappointed sigh. This is what it had been like for the past 36 days and, since no one had anything else to talk about, it was a much discussed topic once you and Peter were out of the room.
“I can’t take this anymore.” Tony exclaimed, the rest of the room nodding in agreement. “She has to tell him or the awkwardness will kill me.”
“We can’t push her, Tony.” Steve argued. “A crush is a scary thing.”
“I’m not saying to push her…” Tony defended, making a waving motion with his hand. “I’m saying to nudge her.”
“I don’t know, I think I agree with Steve.” Bruce crossed his arms. “I don’t want to be dealing with two hormonal teenagers dating in this house while we’re all stuck here.” Everyone winced, thinking of the implications.
“We’ve got to do something about the goo-goo eyes, though.” Rhodey interjected. “Someone should just talk to her.” Slowly, all heads turned to Natasha. Her eyes widened at their expecting gazes.
“Oh no.” She exclaimed. “No way.”
“Come on, Nat, you’re the only one that she’ll listen to.”
“Just because I’m a woman does not mean we’re going to have some super special girl bonding!”
Yet somehow, she ended up standing in front of your door, feeling everyone’s eyes burn into the back of her head. She was going to kill all of them. Nat quietly knocked on the door, but there was no response.
“I don’t think she heard you!” Tony whisperer- shouted peaking around the corner She gave him a death glare and he ducked back behind the wall. She knocked a little louder.
“Come in!” You shouted from inside. Nat cast one last dark look towards the group of men behind her before entering.
You were lounging on your bed, book laid out in front of you. You must have gone through a dozen books already. Reading was better than listening to Tony and Steve bicker over god knows what.
“Hey,” Nat greeted, poking her head in the door.
“Hey,” You put the book away and sat up, giving her space to sit down. You saw the uncomfortable smile on her lips and your head tilted curiously. “What’s going on?”
“I need to… talk to you about something.” She almost looked like she was in pain, which just made you worried.
“Is everything okay? Is something wrong?”
“I’m going to kill them.” She muttered under her breath before giving you an even more uncomfortable smile. “No, everything’s fine. The guys and I were just noticing that you seem to have a certain… attachment to Peter.” She chose her words carefully, but it didn’t make the situation any better. Your eyes went wide.
“Oh.” There was a long moment of silence until she finally couldn’t take it.
“It’s driving all of us crazy!” She blurted. “Him smiling at you, you smiling at him, neither of you even realizing it, and we’re all sitting there waiting for you to realize it. I mean, good god, it’s like watching a romantic comedy except none of us want to be a part of it!” She gasped, taking a deep breath after her rant. You stared at her with your mouth hanging open slightly. She sighed. “I’m sorry. Being cooped up has been stressing me out, especially with those idiots.”
“It’s okay, I get it.” You fell back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I didn’t realize that it was that obvious.” Nat chuckled, laying back next to you.
“If it makes you feel better, it’s pretty obvious on his side too.”
You turned your head towards her, your eyes wide as saucers.
“Y-you think that Peter… Likes me?” You gasped. She raised her eyebrows.
“Are you kidding? The boy has the definition of puppy-dog eyes whenever he’s around you.” She put her hands behind her head and she felt the awkwardness start to fade away. “Peter is crazy about you. The two of you are just too shy to tell each other.”
“So what do I do?”
“Talk to him.” She playfully poked your side, making you laugh. “If the guys have to endure one more minute of awkward side glances they’ll implode.”
“I don’t think I can do this.” You groaned, covering your face with a pillow. Nat grabbed the pillow and peaked at your face underneath.
“Hey, you’re a badass who has helped Spiderman take down countless robbers and evil geniuses.” She fully uncovered your face, giving you a reassuring smirk. “I think you can handle an awkward teenage boy.” She put a hand on your shoulder and you felt a burst of confidence break through your nerves. Deep down, you wondered if this is what it was like to have an older sister.
When Nat left, the boys were all waiting impatiently in the living room. She sat down and put her feet up on the ottoman with a coy smile directed at Tony.
“You’re up next, Stark.” She smirked, pointing a finger at him. “You’re in charge of Spidey-Boy.”
It took Tony a while to actually find Peter since the kid was hanging upside down in one of the many gyms that the compound had.
“What the hell are you-” Tony pinched the bridge of his nose, “You know, I don’t want to know.”
“Oh, I”m just reading about-”
“I said I don’t want to know.”
Peter jumped down to the floor, brushing back the hair that flopped down in his face. The book he had tucked under his arm was about physics. He was more of a nerd than Tony thought.
“I came to talk to you about Y/N.” Tony finally said after an uncomfortable silence.
“What about her?” He noticed Tony’s discomfort and immediately felt a surge of panic. “What happened? Is she okay?” He stepped towards the door, but Tony put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“She’s fine, kid.” He might as well just say it. “This is about the googly eyes that the two of you can’t stop making towards each other.” Peter rubbed the back of his neck.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about Mr. Stark.”
“Shut up, of course you do. Come on, Pete, you’ve liked her way longer than we’ve all been stuck here.” He crossed his arms, daring the teenager to argue. Peter’s shoulder slumped and he could feel his cheeks turn red.
“Do you think she knows? I mean, I really really like her, but I don’t want to mess up our friendship because that means a lot to me and-”
“Woah, slow down.” Tony interrupted, taking a deep breath. “First of all, this girl is crazy about you. Secondly, if you two keep avoiding your feelings for each other, that’ll ruin your friendship faster than pursuing a relationship will.” Damn, he was good at this. Maybe he should write a book.
Peter gave him a sideways smile, still unsure of what to do. He didn’t have time to figure it out, however, watching you approach the door of the gym through the glass.
“Good luck kid.” Tony chuckled, leaving so that the two of you could talk alone.
“Hey,” You greeted, fiddling with the sleeve of your shirt nervously.
“H-hi.” He stammered, playing the hem of his sweatshirt.
“There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Yeah, me too.” You both seemed to hold your breath before you blurted out at the same time.
“You go first.” You felt all of the blood rush to your face. Peter gulped.
“I… I really like you, Y/N.” He said softly. “I have for a really long time and I haven’t said anything because I was afraid it would ruin our friendship. But being stuck here with you has made me realize that… it doesn’t matter where I am. I could be quarantined on some island somewhere, but as long as you’re with me, I’ll be happy.” He took your hand in his and you felt your heart flutter wildly in your chest. “W-what were you going to tell me?”
“You’re a badass.” Natasha’s voice gave you enough courage to close the space between you and Peter and crash your lips into his. You felt him smile and he deepened the kiss, pulling you closer into his cozy embrace.
Tony went back into the living room feeling pretty impressed with himself.
“Well that should take care of everything.” He announced with a proud smirk.
“Fantastic! I can show him all of the ways to woo her.” Thor said triumphantly. Steve, however, had a different reaction.
“Wait, you just left them alone?” He asked.
“Uh… yeah?” Tony replied not really seeing the problem.
“Tony, you can’t just leave two teenagers who just confessed their feelings for each other alone in a very large, very easy to hide in, facility.” Steve started to pace, trying to think of all of the places that could be used for secret fondue-ing. Tony scoffed.
“Come on! It’s Peter! He wouldn’t do anything that I wouldn’t-” He paused, realizing what he was saying. “Oh no.”
“I tried to warn you.” Bruce sighed. Steve and Tony started to argue over parenting tactics. Clint and Natasha exchanged a look.
“When did we become so involved in the love lives of two teenagers?” Nat groaned. Clint just shook his head.
“Let’s just hope this quarantine ends soon before-”
“That’s enough, Stark!”
“Oh I haven’t even started, Spangle-Boy!” Tony and Steve were getting closer when a blur of silver shot in between them. There was a loud clang as Thor’s hammer hit the wall.
“There shall be no fighting… without me.” Thor yelled. Nat buried her head in her hands. Clint was right. If they didn’t get out of lockdown soon, Peter and Y/N’s sex lives would be the least of their problems.
General Tag:  @rae-gar-targaryen ; @takemepedropascal ; @childhood-imagination
Marvel Tag: @bensolocanbesaved​
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steveusesfaberge · 6 years ago
Better Parent (pt. i)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Summary: Steve’s approached by the Henderson duo while at work, and can’t help but lose himself in Y/N’s essence. He’s also extremely offended by her notion of claiming she’s the better party parent than himself...do they realize they’re simply an old married couple in the works? Nope.
Type/Style: Imagine, female pronouns
Warning(s): Fluff~, Clumsy Steve heeds all warnings... Oh, and a bit of cursing! >.<
Word Count: 3k
a/n: This is my first published Imagine of Stranger Things! I hope you all enjoy! Please send requests! I’m excited to write for you all! <3
Part 1 (you are here) - Part 2 - Part 3
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!-- The obnoxious noise of Scoops Ahoy’s service bell sounded off; resulting in the employees’ groaning in irritation. At the moment, Steve was sitting in the small backroom, playing a game of cards with Robin. The said girl peeked out the somewhat cracked sliding shutters and gave a wicked grin in her brunette friend’s direction. Steve raised an eyebrow as he placed his cards face-down on the table (knowing fully that if given the chance, the sneaky co-worker would cheat).
“Why’re you looking at me like that?” He asked with a creeping suspicion. He stretched in his chair, not having the motivation to attend to the customer with the speedy service they were demanding. Robin rolled her eyes. “If you weren’t in here, squatting on your ass - and actually doing your job - you’d realize who our fine customer in waiting is.” At that, Harrington leaned over to see for himself who this ‘fine customer’ indeed was, and when his eyes found his target - Steve practically fell out of his seat. “Y-You--It’s--I’m--wha--,” He was cut off as Robin pulled him to his feet by his shoulders. “Listen, dingus. If you stay here blubbering about it, she’s gonna think you’re irresponsible and can’t hold a job. Can’t have that now, can we?” Steve glared at her for the obvious usage of sarcasm and tease. “Now go,” Robin prodded,” It’s your turn anyway. You owe me from yesterday - leaving me to deal with Ms. Free Samples for an hour.” When he opened his mouth to protest, she shook her head giving him one final shove towards the doorway,” Yeah, yeah, you look great...no one pulls that uniform off like you do,” he didn’t appreciate her banter.
With that, Steve managed to pull himself out of the backroom - his hands nervously tampering with his (ridiculous) outfit; making sure he looked somewhat presentable. Normally, Steve was an ace at socializing - flirting was his forte and there was no denying it. But ever since he graduated...it seemed his high school charm had faded...turning into this...awkward...babysitter of six, ice cream scooping, monster fighting (total badass if you asked Steve), clumsy persona. Not exactly his ideal image of grabbing himself a date.
It was like, his whole game had been thrown off - and he’d complained to the kids more than enough when they ridiculed him for still not having a girlfriend. “Hey! I used to be a chick magnet! -- I-I still am!” “Yeah, yeah - make fun of me! It’s ‘cause of this dumb hat! My hair! -- The hat’s a cockblocker!” Despite his weak attempts at excusing himself; the party always seemed skeptical. Ugh...
“Ahoy, losers! Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? -- I’ll be your Captain...what’s up Hendersons?” He greeted in traditional Scoops Ahoy fashion. Dustin always thought it was stupid, but Steve did it nonetheless - as he learned it always earned a giggle from the older Henderson.
“Hey, Steve, we’re just here for our usuals. Dusty’s gonna go hang out with the rest of the crew after this.” His attention was pulled to the girl before him. Simple (y/h/c) hair, (y/e/c) eyes, and a (y/s/t) complexion. Yet, he’d never wanted to run his fingers through someone’s hair so much...and had never wanted to simply stare into someone’s eyes for so long...or touch someone’s perfect, smooth skin--
“Helllllooo? Steve? Earth to Harrington? Did you hear me?” The brunette was snapped from his daze and he winced at the call to attention. “Um, yeah, um, yeah...um..........w-what?” His face heated up as he moved to scratch his neck, his hands then clumsily trying to hold himself up against the counter in the coolest pose he could muster in his flustered state. Dustin groaned, rubbing his eyes as he’d have to re-explain himself, but Steve was only concerned with the beautiful melody of a laugh falling from Y/N’s lips.
“You’re such a dork, Harrington,” she snorted while shaking her head, a hand placed to Dustin’s shoulder. Steve could only offer her a sheepish grin.
“He said, the gang was going to Wheelers’ house after this - and Dusty was asking if you could help me take all the kids there,” she rolled her eyes,” They’re too lazy to ride their bikes back, so we’d have to split them up in our cars.” Dustin pursed his lips, hands crossed over his chest as if saying ‘duh. You’d know that if you’d listened the first time, dumbass’.
“Uh, y-yeah, yeah. S-sure. I’m-m, uh, not doing anything after my shift. So, I’ll take them, yeah.” Dustin couldn’t help but cringe at Steve’s attempt at casualty. Either way, it seemed his sister didn’t even notice.
“Sweet! Glad to have you on board, Captain Steve.” She mused.
“The pleasure’s mine, Missy.” He’d managed the sentence without a hiccup and he was silently thanking his lucky stars. The small smile on her lips had sent him into an overdrive of ecstasy.
“Well anyway - I’d hate to be...that person...but can you get the ice cream now, Steve? I told Lucas I’d be with them...like...seven minutes ago.” Dustin interrupted with a raised eyebrow.
Steve glanced back to the curly-haired kid and nodded while rolling his eyes. “I’m so sorry, good sir. Let me get your dessert ready, heaven forbid those dipshits to wait another second!” Dramatically, he pulled a hand to his head and fluttered his eyelids closed for emphasis. Y/N shook her head, laughing to herself as she pulled the money from her pocket in preparation.
Dustin only groaned in annoyance and made a face at the young man.
Within the next few minutes, Steve had both of their orders made - he didn’t need to be reminded of the order themselves, as both were known by heart. “A banana split, with extra hot fudge, whipped cream, one scoop chocolate, two scoops vanilla, no caramel or peanuts - and yes, the chocolate scoop is bigger than the vanilla,” he placed it down in front of the pair and he saw the surprise on Y/N’s face and he caught the narrow-eyed glance Dustin threw him, as he recited the order perfectly...almost. “Oh, what about the--,” “Side order of chocolate chips? To, y’know, sprinkle on yourself?” His hand came up to do the motion of ‘sprinkling’; then adding a crooked smile the order was complete.
“And a regular sundae for my man,” he slid the other half of the purchase over while Y/N was still trying to overcome her shock.
“How...did you remember all that?” She asked while quirking an eyebrow.
Since the conversation began, Steve had slowly gained some of his cool and confidence. At least he was able to keep his words from tumbling over one another like a race to the finish line...
He shrugged. “I figured I’d remember it since it’s so complicated. Besides, you come in here like...every day, every other day...if I didn’t remember it, I’d be stupid.” She only grinned.
“If you didn’t know it by now, I’d think you were stupid too. How long have we been friends, Harrington? Two...three years?” Y/N questioned while holding out the exact amount of money to pay for the said ice cream.
“Have fun, lovebirds - I’m gonna find the others,” Dustin grumbled, excusing himself from what he thought, was an awkward conversing between sibling and best friend/idol.
Steve and Y/N only blushed at the notion of lovebirds, looking away from one another in the process. “That’ll be five-forty-seven, right?” Y/N said, clearing her throat. “Normally, yeah. But this one’s on the house.” Steve replied with a soft smile.
“You sure?” Y/N questioned, money still hanging in the air, her words slow.
“Yup,” he popped the ‘p’ and gave a nod to reassure her.
“Since when was Steve Harrington so nice?” She asked while giving him a fake dubious glance. Moving to stand to the side of the counter, in case someone else came in to be served.
Steve lifted a hand to his chin, as if in thought, and then leaned his arms on the counter’s surface. “I dunno...since, maybe...he realized he needed to be?”
He knew he hadn’t always been the best...erm...person. Steve was well aware of how much of an ass he’d been in the day, and so for him to give her such an answer - it was probably more sincere than she was expecting. Which was why he felt the need to have been nicer sooner; as the small lift of her lips had his knees go weak.
He watched as Y/N placed the spoonful of custard in her mouth, the short silence between them not uncomfortable in the slightest. They spent plenty of time together - from chaperoning the children to hanging out one-on-one, and even fighting off Upside Down nightmares together... If anything, Steve shouldn’t have an issue with talking to her at all. Yet, he did...because...well...who wouldn’t be a hot mess in front of someone so heart-stoppingly gorgeous in every aspect?
“Hm. I think the children are making you soft, Stevie,” she concluded while chuckling. Now seating herself on the countertop, turning her body to face his. He had to swallow the heat rising up because she looked breathtaking... Like a queen sat on a throne. Steve being just a commoner; the privilege of seeing such royalty before him...of course he’d be speechless.
“W-What? Soft! I’m not soft! Those dipshits just need a good role model, you know?” Y/N raised an eyebrow at him; his defensive state only proving her point. ”Besides,” he added,” I have to be responsible and nice...with you as the other role model, one of us has to be a good influence.”
“Pfft, as if! You’re the one who has the issues, Mr. I take an hour to do my hair,” Y/N scoffed while shaking her head.
“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t bash me,” Steve replied while moving to wipe down the countertop. “You gotta make sure you look the part too, Y/N.”
He glanced at her for a few seconds and then noted,” And it’s an hour and a half. For your information, dork.” It only caused her to sputter a laugh, trying to hold still so her sundae wouldn’t fall.
The conversation carried on, finally losing the playful heat and turning to their usual ‘talk about everything and anything, we have nothing else to do while we wait for the children’. Steve always loved these moments...their conversations always made his day - because just talking to her about why her neighbors were the reason she didn’t sleep at night....was enough for Steve.
 During that time, Robin made her appearance and for a good few minutes, she’d stolen Y/N’s attention completely. To which, Steve only pouted and had a silent conversation with Robin about, through eye-contact.
What’re you doing? What is there a problem? Yes! This is supposed to be me, trying to woe her! You’re doing a wonderful job! Oh, shove one up it - will you? I’m trying!
“Wait - Steve, you tried to get Jenny Calif? Like...plastic Jenny Calif?” Y/N snickered as Robin re-enacted last week’s shenanigans of Harrington trying to score a date. He only flushed red.
“I...mean...it didn’t look like that.” He defended meekly. Gesturing to Robin standing a few feet away while trying to hold her imitation of him.
“So what? - Jenny Plastic Calif? I knew you were...like...desperate...but...I didn’t think you were...King Steve level desperate.” Y/N scoffed, a tease to her haunting words. Steve was taken back, they both promised to never bring up his...asshole phase...
He didn’t recognize her slightly insulting words for jealousy though, more so as disbelief and shock. Robin saw this though and tried to act on it.
“I know, right? This dingus was all like ‘Oh Jenny, haven’t seen you in a while...lookin’ good,’ and I was sitting in the back trying to drown out my agony.” Robin watched Y/N curiously and could make out the slender twitch of her lips. It seemed she was just as annoyed as anyone should be...when their (practical) boyfriend was making moves on another woman.
“Tsk,” Y/N sounded while pushing her empty dish to the side. The spoon still hanging out of her mouth, she moved over, booping Harrington’s nose. “You know better than that, Steves...you shouldn’t try and...cross species.”
Steve couldn't help the quirk of a smile. “Why’re you being so...ruthless...Y/N?” He whined while frowning. She shrugged. “Desperation is only cured by reality and truth.” Harrington groaned and gave her a gentle shove.
The duo continued their shift, accompanied by Y/N to entertain them through the process of work and waiting around. Steve was glad she was there to keep them company...if he were alone with Robin...Good Lord, all she’d do was drill it into him how oblivious he is, and how bad he is at getting your attention... By the time calling it quits rolled around, Robin was already on her way out.
“See ya tomorrow, dingus! Bye Y/N/N!” She called while waving. Leaving out the back door.
Y/N turned to Steve and he was just finishing closing the lids of ice cream, leaving every set up for whoever was to work the next shift. “What?” He urged, catching her stare. She only walked to the cash register and patted the free space beside it.
“No tip jar?” Steve only shrugged and pulled his hat off, running his fingers through his hair.
“I guess we didn’t think about it. Could get one starting week, I suppose.” He figured he could draw in some customers with luck...I mean, his good looks...right? Though some luck he had...it was like Steve The Hair Harrington fell off the face of the earth...
Y/N nodded and then said,” I’d leave a tip every time - just for your sorry ass.” Steve rolled his eyes as she continued,” I mean...Scoops’ gonna need more than a few bucks to hire a better sailor boy than you, right?”
“O-uch,” Steve retorted while holding his chest in ‘pain’. “You’re so mean...God, no wonder Dustin wishes I was his brother...Maybe he’s saving up for a new sibling.”
“Pfft, shut up, Harrington. Try all you want - the kids love me more, despite what you tell yourself before your bedtime.” Y/N explained while jutting a hip out. To which, Steve bumped purposefully as he walked from behind the counter. Only drawing that, oh-so-sweet grin from her...God, he was addicted to it.
“Yeah, right. That’s why they come to me when they need something,” he pointed out while the pair began walking towards the food court - where the kids said they’d meet them after Steve’s shift ended.
Standing so close to Y/N, Steve found his heart racing faster than what was good for him. Yet, her presence washed a calming sense...ironic really. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to be six miles away from her...or six inches away. Either way, he wouldn’t be happy...
“They come to you because you give them everything they ask for,” Y/N laughed while expressing herself with a twirling hand-gesture.
“You’re just jealous.” He decided.
“And you’re just a gullible, delusional dork who gives our children whatever they want.” Y/N countered.
The only thing that Steve processed though was our children. Was this a sign? Did she mean that she wanted kids with him? With having a child that meant having a relationship with him...right? Like he’d be their father, and Y/N would have to be their mother...to make them...their children...well, he supposed they could always adopt--
“Steve? Helloooo? Goddamnit, he’s doing that thing again!” Dustin groaned. Steve hadn’t even realized they’d made it to where the party was and everyone was staring at him; as he stared at Y/N.
“Y/N/N what did you do to him?” Dusty accused while pointing a finger at her.
“Me? This idiot just stopped responding!” Y/N told while throwing her hands in Harrington’s direction.
“He’s probably just upset I’m the better parent.”
“Here they go again,” Steve caught the teasing mutter from Lucas to Mike and the exchange of a head nod between the gang.
He felt flustered and finally found his voice again. “You!? Wait - what? Since when! I drive them everywhere, I get them free ice cream, free-range in walking around backstage of the mall--,” He ranted off all the things he did and had ever done, for them and it only had Y/N smirking the kids laughing.
“See? What’d I say, guys? Gull-i-ble.” she articulated, speaking slowly as if to a child as she poked Steve’s chest.
“Yeah...Y/N’s right, Steve. You’re just easier to convince.” Max noted with a snort, she could see it a mile away...the way they argued like a married couple...
“I mean...you’re kinda soft for a guy who was once King of High School,” Lucas chipped in while shrugging.
“I think you’re just stup--,” Dustin was cut off as Steve grabbed his shoulders, pushing the curly-haired Henderson to the nearest exit.
“Alright, dickheads. If you don’t wanna ride your damn bikes home - shut your mouths and get going.” He grumbled.
“Moody, sarcastic shit,” Y/N whispered to El and Max who only nodded hiding their amusement with their hands. The three girls walked behind the comical duo - Dustin struggling to get Steve’s hands off him, and Steve struggling to keep Dustin moving forward.
“I can’t tell which is worse,” Mike started while walking with Lucas and Will.
“What? The way Dustin doesn’t seem to realize Steve trying to get with his sister?” Will asked while shaking his head.
“Or how Harrington and Henderson can’t seem to realize they like each other?” Lucas added in a slow tone.
“Like I said,” Mike snickered,” I can’t tell which is worse.”
How does part two sound? I think so! >.<
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
If they don't need you, it will help later stage investors as well. In industrialized countries we walk down steps our whole lives and never think about this, because there's an infrastructure that prevents such a staircase from being built. But there will be things that appealed particularly to men, or to people from a certain culture. One reason investors like you more when you've had some success at fundraising is that it also means there's no such thing as good art, and even now I find it kind of weird. How much you should worry about being an outsider may be to imagine now, manufacturing was a growth industry in the mid twentieth century. The plan was to put art galleries on the Web even now, ten years later. We will eventually, and that's why most people who try fail so miserably.1
How much funnier a bunch of kids with webcams can be than a front page controlled by editors, and how you write one great book and ten bad ones, working on things the eminent have working for them; they were too successful raising money. Actors do. While we were visiting Yahoo in California to talk about art simply being good or bad. Wozniak's work was a classic example: he did everything himself, hardware and software, and with their brand name, capital, and distribution clout, they'll take away your market overnight. Civil liberties make countries rich. It is by no means a lost cause trying to create a stampede, but merely to explain the forces that generate them. The professor who made his reputation by discovering some new idea is not merely ten people, but is good quality eavesdropping so important that it would affect where you chose to live? Certainly Bill is smart and dedicated, but Microsoft also happens to have been the idea that each person has a natural station in life. But kids are so bad at making things, the craftsmen. In both cases, what it all comes down to. He invested in Google. It says a great deal of play in these numbers.
The problem is that big projects tend to grow out of small ones. When you're running a startup, the Y axis will take care of you: they'd try not to fire you, cover your medical expenses, and support you in old age. They remind us that it is the people who use interrogative intonation in declarative sentences. If a fairly good hacker is worth $80,000 worth of work, like spamming, or starting a company that will do something cool, the aim had better be good, because it's hidden behind a thick glass wall and surrounded by a frenzied crowd taking pictures of themselves in front of a computer and create wealth. These too are engaging in the wrong way to do it is to be strategically indecisive: to string founders along while trying to come up with startup ideas on demand. So don't worry about the increasing gap between rich and poor, you have to pick startups before they've got a hit—either because they've made something great but users don't realize it yet, like Google early on, or because they're still an iteration or two away from the big hit, like Paypal when they were young. In a rapidly growing market, you don't worry too much about efficiency.
How does responsibility constrain you? Economic power would have been a successful company, but also at decision points along the way. In the old days, the standard m. Stock is not the word. One is that you can't do it by generating wealth instead of stealing it. So you have two choices about the shape of the problem is that the message there is: you should live better. A society that trims its margins sharply will kill them all. I'm old enough to remember that art has an audience.
So someone investigated, and sure enough, that as you grow older, life should become more and more surprising. I'd always considered ambition a good thing. Reproduced by permission of Steve Wozniak. It seems only about 1 in 10 startups succeeds. This group says one thing. I wouldn't want it to grow as large as Digg or Reddit—mainly because that would dilute the character of the site, but also at decision points along the way. Surely many of these people would like a site where they could raise millions from VC funds if they hadn't first raised a hundred thousand from Andy Bechtolsheim.
If you're a founder in the middle of the pond there are overlapping sets of ripples. You're short of money. But disappointing though it may be that reducing investors' appetite for risk, the most powerful motivator is the prospect that one of their competitors will buy you. Essays should do the opposite. I'm using now, and you've made something so great that it's growing at 5% a week. Both founders and investors tend to take these for granted. In big companies software is often designed, implemented, and sold by three separate types of people. Everyone I can think of any x people said that about, you help everyone who uses your solution. But not quite. Judging startups is hard even for the best investors. There are two differences: you're not saying it to your boss and say, I want to take a break from working, I walk into the square, just as there are in the real world. Instead of trading violins directly for potatoes, you trade violins for, say, being toxic to humans is: it's good art if it consistently affects humans in a certain way.
But he wouldn't, so we were pretty excited when we figured out what seemed to us the optimal way of doing shopping searches. That's the paradox I want to know whether something will nurture or squash this quality, it would be more fun. They can do risky things, and we think as it spreads outward it will help later stage investors as well. And why do they so often work on developing new technology? You couldn't get from your bed to the front door if you stopped to question everything. I walk into the square, just as they do in the real world. Chasing hot deals doesn't make investors choose better; it just makes them feel better about their choices. Object-oriented programming is a useful technique in some cases, but it does at least make you keep an open mind. They're too busy trying to spend all their time doing that. The time was then ripe for the question: if the beachhead consists of people doing something lots more people will be doing in the future and you build something cool that users love, it may matter more than outsiders think.
But if you find someone else working on the Manhattan Project. I once spent a month painting three versions of a still life I set up in about four minutes. Beware, though, because later investors so hate to have the lowest income taxes, because to take advantage of direct contact with the medium. It was obvious to us as programmers that these sites would have to be generated by software. For insiders work turns into a duty, laden with responsibilities and expectations. Companies are not set up to reward people who want to live where the smartest people and get them to come to America can even get in? Paris, New York is recognizing the same thing at different stages in its life: economic power converts to wealth, and in addition the people who make it. For example, in theory the purpose of a company.
Norton, 2012.
Thanks to Marc Andreessen, Robert Morris, and Jessica Livingston for reading a previous draft.
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thorman-barnes · 6 years ago
(untitled for now) part 2
in which there is some doubts
i’m sorry if there is some errors!
"And she just offerred?" Steve asked, handing Bucky the folded clothes so he can put away.
Bucky shrugged and walked to the dresser, pushing aside a stack of t-shirts to make rokm for other ones. "Well, yeah."
"And what did you say?" Steve questioned, putting another one of Bucky's buttoned down shirts on a pile at the edge of the bed. The soft fabric a complete contrast to his rough hands.
He heard Bucky sigh somewhere behind him and then he felt the weight of Bucky leaning on him from behind. His muscular arms wrapping around Steve's waist, his chin on his shoulder. "I- well, um, you see, I didn't ac-"
"Jesus, Buck, you said nothing," Steve gasped, staring wide eyed at the wall behind his headboard. He felt Bucky's arms pull him closer into his body. "Oh geez, you didn't. What did she do?"
"She told me think about it and left," Bucky replied, trying to sound calm. But inside he wad jumping with glee, like a kid on Christmas morning opening the present he really wanted.
If he could just get Steve to agree to this. But he knew his husband, he wasn't going to give in easily.
"Put those away, will ya?" Steve pointed to the shirts and grabbed the pile of socks that he left in the basket. He opened one of the drawers and dumped the socks in there, pushing them down in order to be able to close it again. "How would that even work, anyway?"
Steve turned around and saw Bucky sitting down at the chair by the window, leaving the laundry up to him. Steve sighed and grabbed the pile if shirts, heading for the closet as Bucky stared out the window.
"IVF, I imagine," Bucky responded, leaning forward to watch the city down below. From high up in the tower, the people looked like ants running around.
"You know how much that costs? We don't have that kind of money laying around, Buck," Steve stated, putting the shirts on hangers.
"We can't exactly pass this up either, Steve," Bucky replied, sagging against the chair. Leave it to Steve to be practical.
"Buck, we know her," Steve stated, walking up to Bucky, abandoning the laundry. His hands found Bucky's tense shoulders and began to massage them, knowing it relaxed him, especially when he was stressed. "That makes this ten times more complicated. She had our kid, then what?"
Bucky sighed, leaning back into Steve's touch. His eyes were still on the outside the world, the sun beginning to set, the city's lights flashing below, and the streets still buzzing with life.
"Is she going to want to be part of their life? Actually be their mother? Or do we just act like she isn't?" Steve questioned, more to himself now than to Bucky. His eyes going from the top of Bucky's head to the sky outside. The warm colors relaxing him yet leaving him anxious with this new situation and blessing at the same time. "You really want this?"
Bucky was silent for a moment. He's wanted this for so long. He was ready for fatherhood, he wanted to care for someone and forget about everything else. He wanted his own little family already, it was all he's been thinking about a lot lately. "Do you?"
"I do," Steve replied. "But I can't go through what we went through last time. It was too much, Buck, especially if it's someone we know and live w-"
"That won't happen again, Steve," Bucky interrupted, reaching back and laying a hand on Steve's as he continued to massage Bucky's broad shoulders. Bucky gave him a gentle squeeze before grabbing his hands and bringing it to his laps, laying a soft kiss to the back of his hands.
"You don't know that, Buck," Steve pulled his hand back and began to take some steps away from Bucky and the window. He kept walking backwards until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed and he fell back. "What if she decides she wants to keep the baby? Not only are we going to be heartbroken, but we're going to have to watch as she raises the baby herself."
"She won't do that," Bucky protested and turned to look at his husband who was already staring at him. He could read Steve like a book, his slumped shoulders meant he was defeated, worn out, his blue eyes held this sort of sadness to them, the kind that you just can't look away from.
“And you just offered?” Wanda asked, with a raised brow. There was no way she would believe that she did that. Bucky and Steve were good people and seeing them desperately try to start a family breaks Wanda’s heart but there was no way she would have offered to have a baby for them. And that wasn’t only because she was under age but also because she didn’t think she can give her baby away just like that.
Y/N shrugged and sipped on her coffee, scrolling through the tweets she’s been tagged on. She didn’t see the big deal on helping the couple and she didn’t understand why Wanda has been on her case lately. “They deserve to be happy, Wan.”
Wanda nodded in agreement. Of course she agreed with that but giving up your baby? Watch someone else raise them? “They can adopt, Y/N. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Y/N shook her head, quickly dismissing the idea. “Do you not remember what happened last time? Poor Bucky cried. Wanda, he cried! Have you ever seen a grown man cry? Well, it’s not pretty, I’ll tell you that. And Steve, don’t even get me started on that hot mess.”
Wanda sighed. She didn’t see Bucky cry or how Steve reacted in that case. The only people who saw how broken they truly were after the adoption that could have been was Y/N and . . . well, just Y/N. “Are you sure you can even do this?”
Y/N set her phone down completely and eyed Wanda. They two were in some sort of staring contest that they didn’t realize anyone else glancing at them. “What are you getting at, witch?”
Wanda sighed and leaned back in her seat, waiting for the people to pass by their table before she continued to speak. Maybe being at a coffee shop wasn’t the best place to discuss this, especially since about fifty percent of the people here knew they were Avengers. Wanda leaned in closer, now whispering. “Well, not to long ago I remember you had a little crush on the two.”
Spitting her drink all over Wanda, Y/N glared at the younger girl. “I told you that in secrecy and you promised to never bring it up,” Y/N growled and narrowed her dark eyes on Wanda. “I’m really starting to reconsider our friendship, Wan.”
She giggled in response to Y/N’s claim. But really, without Y/N she wouldn’t have anyone else to talk to in the tower. Everyone else was way older which made it difficult to connect to anyone. Y/N was slightly older but the age difference wasn’t as dramatic as, say, Natasha.
“I’m just saying,” Wanda held her hands up in defense, snickering when she saw Y/N’s glare. “Maybe it’s not the best ide-”
“Oh, what do you know, you’re like 12,” Y/N threw back and took a sip of her drink.
“You should have gave it more thought before you opened your big mouth,” Wanda scolded.
Y/N shrugged and stared into her drink. The last thing she wanted was for Wanda to tell her everything she was doing wrong. She knew she wanted to do this for the couple, regardless how she had felt in the past. She even did give it some thought. She thought about it constantly since the day she girl decided she wanted to keep her baby.
Tag List:
@iamalphanow @my-marvelside-bl0g @m-a-t-91 @hoewkeye
Stucky x Reader Tag List:
@ravennightingaleandavatempus @mydogisthebest @hellaqueerangelofthelord
Series Tag List:
@zorsefoal @this-is-mycrisis @owlyannah @joyofbebbanburg @delicatecapnerd @bi-bi-bi-bisexualz @evansiess @steebrogurz
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fanficimagery · 6 years ago
Imagine being there for Luke when things get rough.
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GIF credit: @bruce-wayne 
Luke X Reader
Being abruptly woken up is something you absolutely loathe, except for when it's an emergency. So when you realize it's your cellphone ringing that's brought you into the land of wakefulness, it's like all your grogginess instantly vanishes.
The number calling isn't one programmed into your phone, but the area code is local so you answer without hesitance. "H-Hello?"
"Y/N? I-It's Luke. I need y-your help."
Holding the phone to your ear between your head and shoulder, you kick off your blankets and scramble out of bed. "Where are you? I'll come get you." Knowing full well that Luke should be in rehab and the number he's calling from is not the facility he was last at, you know something is terribly wrong. You hurry to your closet and pull on pants, then shoving your feet into a pair of random sneakers.
"I-I messed up. My f-friend left and I- I tried to help, but she.. I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to explain yourself to me, babe. Just tell me where you are."
"I'm so- I'm so cold. M-my arms and legs.. they're stiff." His chattering teeth and stuttering voice absolutely breaks your heart. His voice is thick with emotion that has your own throat tightening in response. "It-It-It's like withdrawal," Oh crap, "but I- I didn't use. I wa- I wasn't using, but I- but I feel it anyway. You- you believe me, right?"
"Luke? Luke, listen to me. I need to know where you are so I can come get you."
"Please tell me you be-believe me, Y/N."
You pause by your apartment door, heart pounding and your soul aching for your friend. "I believe you, Luke. Ever since I found you again after all the years we missed together, you never once lied to me. Now where are you?"
Luke prattles off the address to some street corner and what the buildings near him look like, and you quickly grab your keys off the hook by your front door. As you're racing down the stairs, forgoing the elevator completely, the call disconnects. You frantically make it to your building garage and after getting into your car you speed off to where you have an idea Luke's at.
Throwing your car into park near the sidewalk, you leave the engine running and pop the trunk. Climbing out, you grab a blanket before jogging towards your friend who's huddled on a bench. Right away you notice he has no shoes and when he glances up, you gasp at the abrasions on his face.
"I-I'm so cold," he stammers.
The plain tee and thin warm-ups do nothing to prevent the cold from chilling him down to his bones, but his face is sweaty so you have no idea what's going on. Still you wrap the blanket around his shoulders before sitting next to him on the bench and pull him down so his head is in your lap. "It's okay. I'm here now." You smooth your hand over his forehead, fighting back tears as you lean over him to kiss his forehead. "Sshh. I'm here now."
A set of headlights wash over you and you hunch protectively over Luke. Two people get out of the car, but only one approaches. "Luke?"
"H-Hey, Steve. You remember Y/N?"
Luke's older brother stares at you in surprise and you weakly smile at Steven- the eldest of the Crain brothers. "Hey, Steve. Long time no see."
"Mhm. Circumstances could be better, I guess. I'm guessing Luke called you either before or after me."
"I wasn't aware you and Luke-"
"We met again in rehab." Steven goes quiet and understanding seems to dawn in his features. You shrug. "I've been seven years sober. I just hang around the facilities to talk to the newbies and offer them some encouraging words."
"I have so many questions, Y/N, but I really need to get Luke-"
"Yeah, no. Go ahead." You help Luke sit up and your heart breaks all over again at his bowed head and hunched shoulders. Steven mumbles something to him before pointing him in the direction of a woman standing near their car, and Luke goes without uttering another word as he rubs at his neck. When Steven turns back towards you, you frown. "Is everything okay?"
Steven sighs. "No. Everything is just so- it's Nell, Y/N. She's dead."
Tears immediately spring to your eyes again. "W-what?"
"It happened yesterday. We'd been trying to get a hold of Luke, but he left the facility and.. Shirley has her now. Tomorrow's the viewing if you want to stop by. Luke's going to need someone he trusts."
You sniffle and nod frantically. "Y-Yeah. I just- I'm so.. wow." You exhale deeply, choking back a sob. "Oh, Nellie."
Steven wraps you in an awkward hug as you work to contain your grief. "I know." After a few moments, he releases you. "I really should get going. I still have to tell Luke before taking him to Shirley's. Dad's flying in as well."
"Of course. Give my condolences to the family and let Luke know I'll be waiting by my phone. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
As Steven turns away you quickly wipe away your tears. Then heading back towards your car, you wave at Luke who's watching you very closely. Steven waves at you as well and you climb back into your car while letting your tears freely fall again before you carefully drive away.
The following afternoon is a tough one. After Steven had taken custody of Luke, you later got a phone call from Luke as he sobbed about his twin and the fact that he wasn't there for her when she needed him the most. Apparently Nellie had hung herself in their old house and Luke kept going on and on about how he felt it- that, that was why his neck and limbs were so stiff. You cried with him on the phone until Steven finally made him hang up, but he only hung up after you promised you'd be there for the viewing that was open to the public.
Suffering through the drive later that evening in a newly purchased black dress, you collect yourself as much as you can as you drive closer and closer to the funeral home.
Then when you finally get there, your heart is pounding erratically as you slowly pull open the door and slip inside. Just inside the door is a small sitting area before you enter the main room where all the chairs and casket reside, and Luke is sitting there among several other individuals. Under the fluorescent lights the markings on his face look a lot worse.
Steven notices you first, you smiling and sheepishly waving before he nudges Luke. Then when Luke spots you, he's up out of his seat within the blink of an eye which startles everyone but Steven.
Luke's entire frame dwarfs you as he wraps you up in a hug and you return the embrace as best as you can. You can feel him shaking slightly and you squeeze him tighter before smoothing your hands up and down his back.
"I wasn't aware Luke had a girlfriend."
Glancing to the side to see who muttered that, you spot the culprit. When you pull free from Luke, you wipe at the corner of your eye while staring at his sister. "Not his girlfriend. Though if I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure you and Nellie married Luke and I when we were kids."
His sister's eyes widen as she stares you up and down. "Y/N?"
"Nice to see you too, Theodora."
She gapes before stepping forward hesitantly and you smile at the fact that she still wears the gloves. When she cautiously embraces you, it leads Shirley to do the same with a watery laugh. She then introduces you to her husband, Steven hugs you in greeting after, and all eyes turn to who can only be their father Hugh.
Time has not been kind to Hugh, especially given what everyone is gathered for, but you still muster up a smile for him. "Hey, Mr. Hugh. I'm so sorry about, Nellie."
"Y-Y/N." Hugh stumbles forward, his hands falling to your shoulders as he looks you up and down. Then releasing a breath he'd been holding, he chuckles softly before embracing you. "It's so good to see you, kiddo. How did you know about-"
"I- I called her last night," Luke says. "Y/N works part-time at the rehab I was at. She e-encourages us to stay on the straight on narrow."
Every Crain looks to you and you shrug. "Seven years sober. All the other addicts look up to me." You see their smiles falter and the pity enter their eyes. "Don't." You shake their head at them. "I messed up. I owned up to my mistakes and cleaned up after all my siblings abandoned me. Mom and Dad were the only ones who stuck it out, and now I'm working three jobs to pay them back for all the shit I put them through."
"You're just one tough cookie, aren't you?" Hugh muses.
"Only sometimes, but today is not about me," you say. "Right now we are here to remember all the good times we had with Nell and celebrating her life. Then later, later you can ask all you want." That seems to pacify the Crain's and one by one they leave to take their seats. Luke stays behind and you glance up at him, reaching up to rub your thumb lightly against one of his abrasions. "You holding up okay?"
"Mostly. Thank you for coming."
"It's Nellie." You smile sadly. "She was my friend as much as you were." Reaching for his hand, you squeeze it before holding tight. "Now come on. Lets go share some of our fondest memories before we say goodbye."
After a very tearful remembrance, tensions between the Crain's seem to explode after all the guests leave. You want so bad to stay and support Luke, but the family has long buried anger that's apparently coming out on tonight of all nights. So after quietly bidding Luke a good night, you take your leave after promising him to call you when he got to wherever it was he was staying.
Nearly two hours later as you're getting ready for bed you get a phone call, but it's not from Luke. It's from Steven and Luke's gone missing, he having taken Shirley's money and Theo's vehicle. They think he's going to slip and you immediately want to help, but Steven tells you to stay put. If worse comes to worse and Luke seeks you out after, they rather have you at home where you can intercept him instead of him wandering the streets again.
Another few hours later and Steven calls. Luke's overdosed.
You so badly want to break down, but you know you need to keep yourself together in order to get to the hospital. So after jotting down what hospital they've taken Luke to, you quickly get dressed yet again and race down to your car. Then driving to the hospital as fast as you can, you park haphazardly before racing for the front desk.
But before you can reach the desk, Theo's intercepting you. "Y/N! Over here."
When you reach her, you grasp her shoulder and make sure to not touch skin. "What happened?"
"It's that house. That stupid, stupid house," she mumbles. You stare at her and she rolls her eyes, huffing. "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. That house was alive and you know it. We all did, but we didn't want to believe it."
You blink back tears. "I never told anyone, but I saw.." You trail off and clear your throat, shaking your head clear of one of your most terrifying childhood memories. "I just- I get it. Is he okay now?"
Theo's lips quirk to keep them from trembling. "Steve had to revive him. He was- technically he was dead, but Nell- Steven got him up."
"Can I see him?"
"Yeah. Come on."
When you get to the room, the door is already opened. Shirley and Steven are on either side of the bed as they quietly speak with Luke, but when they spot you they both vacate their spots.
"Thank you for coming," Shirley says, kissing your cheek in greeting. "He's been asking for you."
"It's Luke. I'll always be there for him." Shirley smiles even brighter at that and steps out, Steven following her. Then stepping up to the bed, your small smile falters at the sight of the dark bags under his eyes and the needle mark in his arm. "Oh Luke."
"Shh. I'm okay." He tries to comfort you as you start to cry and you immediately reach for his hand closest to you. Sandwiching his hand between your own, you hunch over and lay your head against his abdomen. "I'm sorry. I didn't want-"
You choke on a sob and he quiets down, and you straighten back up. Then wiping away your tears with one hand, you offer him a shaky smile. "Don't apologize. Theo explained," you say.
"Will you stay?"
"Of course."
"Will you help me get my bed back at rehab?"
You huff a quiet laugh. "Do you even have to ask?"
Luke smiles. "I'm really glad we reconnected, Y/N."
"As am I. Now stay put, I'm going to go stock up on snacks before making myself comfortable." Leaning further up over the bed, you lean down to kiss his cheek. But Luke turns at the last second and you catch his lips, and you jerk back in surprise. Your eyes widen and after a moment passes, Luke smirks. You narrow your eyes as you say, "You did that on purpose." He feigns innocence. Then pursing your lips in thought, you eventually sigh. "Hold onto that thought. We need to get you on a good path before we try to pursue anything."
Luke nods. "I'll keep that in mind."
Chuckling quietly, you then take your leave. And outside the room all the Crain siblings are smiling at you.
"Not a word," you tell them as you narrow your eyes.
But Theo being Theo, she just has to say something. "You two are adorable. My younger self was totally right about you."
"Theodora!" You groan. "I just- you- ugh!"
The siblings chuckle as you stomp off, Theo's voice following you. "Love you too, sister-in-law."
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thebeethathums · 6 years ago
Stand Off
Bruce Banner x Reader- One Shot
Warning: Some mild... PG 13 style action.
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Bruce caught your lips with his in a simple and sweet kiss. The lower lab of the Helicarrier was empty except for the two of you with Tony off on assignment and Bruce wanted to take advantage of not having to steal kisses from you in dark corners and empty hallways. You wound your arms around his neck happily, your hands finding their way into his chocolate curls, and the kiss got a bit more heated. You could feel Bruce smirk slightly as he lifted you to sit on the lab table you’d been leaning against and you wrapped your legs around him to pull him in closer as your tongues battled for dominance.
Within minutes he had your shirt off so he could place kisses and love bites down your neck and collarbone. You were having trouble remembering how, exactly, that had happened, thinking, “Well that escalated quickly,” as you smirked before letting out a moan as he sucked at a particularly sensitive spot. Coming back down to earth you realized that this was a particularly bad position for you to be in if someone were to walk in, seeing as not only were you half naked but you and Bruce were trying to keep your relationship on the down low. You ran your fingers through his hair, trying to keep your composure as his lips inched closer to the sensitive skin of your breast, “Bruce h-honey?”   “Hmmm?” came the response, his lips never leaving your skin. You gulped trying to think straight as the vibration gave you goosebumps, “We cannn’t do this h-here. Someone m-might seeee-ee.” As you were saying it his lips teased at the exposed flesh at the edge to your bra making it so you almost couldn’t get the words out but when you finished, he paused to think about it before removing himself from you with a heavy sigh, “Right.” You chuckled as his face set into an annoyed pout that was absolutely adorable on him and then pulled him in for one last kiss. You both knew that you would continue this later in the privacy of his room. What you didn’t know was that Hawkeye had seen the whole thing, having been on his way into the lab to ask you and Bruce a sciency question. He’d stopped short of entering when he saw Bruce kiss you and a wicked smile spread across his lips as he snapped some photos with his phone before backing silently away. The next day Bruce took a break from what the two of you were working on to go to the cafeteria and get you both some much-needed tea refills. He had barely made it across the room before Coulson burst in looking uncharacteristically angry, “BANNER!” Bruce jumped, whipping around to search for the source of his name and when his eyes locked on Coulson, he went pale. You had warned him that Phil was basically your older brother since you’d pretty much grown up on the Helicarrier and that he was extremely protective, a fact that didn’t make Bruce feel any better as Coulson advanced across the room. He stopped in front of him holding up his phone, “Care to explain what exactly you are doing to (F/n) in these pictures.” Bruce leaned forward slightly to get a better look, pressing his glasses up higher on his nose. The two of you were doing a lot more than kissing on the little screen and he quickly recoiled, turning a dark shade of red. His and Coulson’s eyes met for a moment before Bruce darted in the opposite direction of him at a sprint with Coulson giving chase. Bruce managed to put a round table between them, people quickly getting out of their way as they danced around it and Bruce called, “I can explain!”   Coulson just growled causing Bruce’s eyes to widen as he spun to make a break for it, hoping to get back to the lab. Unfortunately, his path was blocked by everyone’s favorite super-soldier, Steve, who he promptly ran into, almost tumbling backward. Steve placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him before moving in between him and a rapidly advancing Coulson, “I think it would be wise to give Dr. Banner here a chance to explain before the two of you manage to tear the ship apart, don’t you Agent Coulson?” Coulson seemed to calm a little and straightened his tie, “I suppose you’re right Captain.” Steve looked to Bruce expectantly and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “(F/n) and I-I we have- we’ve been dating for over three months now. W-we didn’t want anyone to know until we were ready.” Anger flashed through Coulson’s eyes again and he yelled, “Three months? What? Are you ashamed of her or something?” Bruce’s own anger bubbled up in his chest as he matched Coulson’s level to respond, “Of course not! We were trying to avoid teasing from the rest of the team as well as situations like this one.” The shouting match continued, getting more an more heated as Coulson accused Bruce of endangering you and poor Steve attempted to mediate the situation with no success. Bruce finally spat at him, “Shut up Steve.”  
Coulson gasped, “Don’t you dare tell America’s greatest hero to shut up. He’s certainly a much better candidate to date (F/n) than you. Stable, handsome, and a perfect gentleman. You sure as hell wouldn’t catch him defiling her on top of a lab table.” Bruce saw red then, well green actually, and the Other Guy made his inevitable appearance with a deafening roar. Coulson didn’t back down, “See you can’t even control yourself!” He squared off against the Hulk in a stare down for a second before the giant threw the nearest table at him. Coulson dodged and pulled his gun, ready to shoot. Those who weren’t smart enough to leave when this whole thing started quickly shuffled out and Steve bellowed pleas for the two of them to stop. Before he could pull the trigger, you planted yourself between them, having arrived shortly before the table was thrown. Coulson lowered his gun as you leveled him with a glare and turned to the Hulk, who was growling angrily. You fearlessly strode forward and pressed a hand against his chest, “Sweetie look at me.” The Hulk’s anger seemed to ebb slightly as he looked down at your calm yet unamused face, and you continued, “I’m not going anywhere, I love you and only you, but right now you need to calm down.” The Hulk grunted in an unconvinced way, looking up at Coulson and then back at you, and you shook your head, “I don’t care what he said. I need you here with me right now. Please?” To everyone’s surprise, the green giant started to shrink until he was back to being just normal sized Bruce and you handed him the spare set of clothes you’d grabbed as you left the lab earlier with a quick reassuring kiss on the cheek. You turned to let him get dressed and strode over to Coulson, “What were you thinking?” The man floundered when he was faced with the entirely peeved look you were giving him, “I-I just- I- well Kiddo- I-You’re my little sister (F/n). I was worried that-“ “That what? He was going to hurt me? That he wasn’t right for me?” He nodded sheepishly and you sighed running a hand over your face, “I love you to death Phil but do you seriously think I would have gotten myself into this if I couldn’t handle it?” Coulson looked to the floor, “Well… no. I suppose not.” You felt Bruce’s hand on your shoulder and you turned to look him over before pulling him to you tightly, “Are you feeling alright?” Bruce nodded and you set into babbling, “You’re not hurt anywhere? I should have gotten here sooner. I’m so sorry. I could have prevented all this if I had just come with you to get the tea. Are you sure you all right? I’m so sor-“ Bruce cut you off in the only way he could, pressing his lips gently to yours, and then looked you in the eye as he said, “I’m fine Sunshine. It’s not your fault at all. If I hadn’t gotten so bold in the lab yesterday no one would even know.” You shook your head, “It takes two to tango Brucie.” Steve cleared his throat and you both glanced toward him before parting with deep blushes coloring each of your cheeks. Coulson furrowed his brow, “Do you love her Banner? If you lie to me I’ll know.” You shot Coulson a killer look before examining the floor, Bruce had never actually said he loved you before. You had told him you loved him many times but you knew that he wasn’t ready so he usually just kissed you in response. It was kind of sore topic between the two of you. To your surprise Bruce didn’t skip a beat, wrapping a comforting arm around your waist as he announced, “Yes, I do.” You head snapped up to look at him and he gazed back at you with a shy smile, “I love you (F/n). I’ve been wanting to say that for a while but the moment never seemed right.” You grinned and met him halfway for a kiss before returning the sentiment, “I love you too, Bruce.” “And (F/n) you’re happy?” Coulson asked with a sigh. You nodded quickly, “More than ever Philly.” Coulson grinned before taking a step forward so he was standing right in front of Bruce, “Well then Bruce, you have my blessing...,” his expression suddenly went from jovial to dark, “But if you ever hurt her in any way, not even the Other Guy will stop me from pummeling you into the ground until you never get up again. Got it?” Bruce gulped and gave a hesitant nod and Coulson’s expression changed to happy again, “Good. Now I’d better go clear things up with Fury,” he started to walk off and paused to call over his shoulder, “Oh and good luck with Stark you two.” You and Bruce exchanged glances and then groaned. You were never going to hear the end of this.
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imagineswriting47 · 7 years ago
Not what was expected
A/N: This is for @wicked-onna who asked  So I hit you up before about an Iron Man story well I have another Ironman idea. It's along the same lines of the last request I made but instead this time what if Tony just happened to find a kid at his doorstep boy or girl with a paper saying this is your child I don't want anymore you take care of. Not only would Iron Man have to deal with now being a father The Avengers would have to be there to help out too I like the idea of how this would bring Mayhem into their lives. Hope this is okay!
This is NOT beta read. So all mistakes are mine and mine alone sorry.
Summary: The Avengers wake up the the sirens going off at the compound but what they find is not what they are expecting.
Warnings: NONE
Paring: NONE
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It was the middle of the night when the alarm at the Avengers compound went off. Scaring awake those who were inside of it; sitting up in their beds it takes them all of a seconded for them recognize the sound and jump out of bad ready for an attack on the compound. Knives and guns grabbed and the Ironman suit called they were ready for battle.
They look to the surveillance screens to see if they could find out how many were out there and make a pain for attack already they were talking about who was to go where and what they were to do. They didn't find what they were expecting; there wasn’t any people that they could see just a bundle of blankets sitting in front of the door of the compound.
Deciding that they were not going to take any chances they stuck to the plain and they all went in separate directions. Tony and the Steve went to the front deciding that they were going to the head on approach to this.
With the door pulled open they stop and hear what sounds like crying coming from the blanket and then see a little arm make its way past the blanket reaching out for someone to hold it. Steve reaches down to the blankets and picks the bundle up, removing the blankets to what is underneath it. Finding a small child; in pink clothing crying and cold. They grab the bag that is sitting next to her and open it. Finding that it is full of baby clothing food and diapers. Everything that they would need for a couple of days for a child. Along with a purple stuffed bear.
They both step back into the room and report to the others what they have found. The other continue the search of the grounds but they don't find anything or any one. With the others making their way back to the compound once they are finished.
“What are we going to do with a child?” Tony asks to Steve as they sit on the couch and wait for the others.
“I don't know. Why would they just leave the child?” Steve says to the room but does not expect a response from Tony or the others.  They hear the door to the compound open and the footfall of the others as they make their way to the common room of the compound.
“We found this taped to the door.” Clint says as he hands it to Tony. He opens it reads out loud to the other not expecting what the letter contained.
We had meet about a year ago at a party. It was nothing special, I had snuck in somehow. I don't remember why I went, I was just in New York for that week. I was having fun dance and drinking when I had meet you. At first I had no idea who you were. I was just shocked that someone as handsome as you was paying me attention. I had never had that before; I was nothing special and I know it.
This escalated after that and somehow we ended back at yours. Its all a bit of a blur honestly all I know is that the next morning I woke up in your bed. I was scared, without the alcohol to cloud my mind I knew who you were and the reputation you had. So I ran I didn’t want the morning after conversation and I didn’t think you would either. I could have been the type of girl that tells the world that I had spent the night with. But that's not me, I have always been invisible I liked it .
I didn’t think about it after that. Spent the rest of time there exploring the city and doing all those things that tourists do. I then went home and back to my life. I grew up in foster care, my parents had died when I was young I didn’t have anyone. So when I found out that I was pregnant I was terrified. But determined to do this and after I saw that first sonogram of her I knew what love was.
Everything was perfect. I thought about finding a way to contact you; to tell you. But then I remembered who you were and knew that it would not be easy so I decided against it.
I had Aline Marie Stark eight months later it was hard i'm not going to lie. But I managed some how for six months I did the best that I could and loved my baby with my whole heart. But then I lost my job I couldn’t find work. I lost the apartment then and knew that living in the car was no way to raise a child.
With the last of my money I made my way here. Found you and knew what I had to do. I tried to contact you but it never went through and no one believed me when I told them way I need you. So I tracked you down found the compound and left Aline with you.
I know that you don't have any reason to believe me and I don't blame you. Just please when you find out that I have not lied take care of her. Make sure that she does not life the life that I did in foster care. Take care of her and love her and some day when she asks tell her the truth.
Tell her that I did my best. Tell her how much I love her and that I never stopped. Tell her everything show her this note. I hope if she is ready someday she will want to meet me and forgive me for everything that I had to do.
The room had fallen quiet as he read all of them taking in the letter. Looking at the child in Steve's arms a child who could not be more that six months old.
“What are you going to do.” Natasha asked Tony.
“First I am going to call a doctor and get Aline looked at. Then found out if she is really mine. If she is I don't know this life is not one that will make raising a child easy.” Tony folds the letter as he talks to the room full of people.
“Do you want to hold her.” Steve asks as he looks to Tony. Tony shakes his head yes as he holds his arms out to take the child. The child has quieted now that Aline has gotten warm in the compound. She’s sound asleep in the bundle of blankets.
“We all need to get some sleep.” Steve says to the room the Avengers nod their head one by one as they make their way back to their rooms. When only Steve and Tony remain sitting in the room does Steve speak again.
“Its going to be ok Tony we will figure it out. Do you want me to take her?”
“No I got this. She can sleep in my room.” They both stand and walk to the bedrooms. Tony with all the pillows that he keeps on his bed manages to make a little nest with them and some extra blankets to keep her from rolling off the bed in the middle of the night.
Tony was he is sure that nothing is going to happen to Aline climbs in the other side of the bed and goes to sleep. He sleeps fitfully through what remains of the night waking up often to check on Aline.
Aline wakes up again around 7:30 crying jolting Tony awake. He picks her up and cradles her to his chest as he walks out of the room to find where they left the bag. Finding it in the common room he pulls out the container that has the formula before grabbing a bottle. Reading the directions as he makes his way to the kitchen.
Once the bottle is ready she drinks from it greedily. Once finished Natasha makes her own way to the kitchen looking for breakfast.
“Want me to hold her as you go get showered and dressed?” She asks once she sees Tony is awake.
“Yes. Thank you.” He hands her over carefully only leaving once he tell her where the bag is and to call for him if she needs him. He takes his leave then and makes his way back to his room. Not even realizing that he didn’t have any coffee yet.
Deciding that Aline need something new to wear and a fresh diaper Natasha makes she way to the living room. Finding some baby soap in the bag she makes her way back to the kitchen to the sink. Putting some warm water in the sink and a little soap to make some bubbles she undresses Aline and puts her in the bath.
Natasha washes her carefully while playing with her ending up with more water on her than in the sink. In walks Clint takes one look at Natasha and laughs at her Natasha sends a glare at him and he stops laughing at once. Once dressed in a pale blue outfit both Clint and Natasha can't help but notice that Aline is a very happy and smiling baby.
“Here go get a dry shirt I’ll take her.” Knowing that Aline would be fine with Clint, he has children of his own, she goes to get a dry shirt.
“Hi Aline. You can call me Uncle Clint.” He says in a baby voice that is how Tony finds them. Clint doing silly things just to make her smile and laugh.
“I called a Pediatrician to come out and look at her. He said that he would do the blood test to.” Tony says as he takes her back from Clint.
“That’s good. But she is still going to need things. The bag is full of things she needs but she is going to need more. I’ll take Natasha and get them if that is alright with you.” Clint says.
“Ya that sounds good. You would know what she needs more than I would.” Walking to the couch he takes one of the blankets from the bag and lies it on the floor. Places Aline on it and hands her the purple bear. With a squeal of happiness she is completly happy to play there on the floor.
Deciding that it would be fine Tony pulls up everything that he can on how to raise a child. Reading paper after paper on what to do with a child. Its late morning by the time that the Pediatrician gets to the compound.
The Pediatrician is an older gentleman with a middle eastern accent with kind eyes and a gentle smile on his face. Once the introductions are made he gets to work on making sure that the child is healthy. He finds that everything is fine with Aline she is happy and healthy. The Pediatrician takes a quick swab of her cheek for the paternity test before making his way from the compound.
It only takes two days for the test to come back saying yes this is Tony’s child by this point the child had wormed its way into everyone's heart. You could almost her the collective breath of relief at the news.
As the years past and the child grew she showed signs of being a very intelligent little girl. Finding a deep love of history and science she would spend many afternoons after school down in the labs of her Daddys and Uncle Bruce. Of course by the time she got home anything and everything that could cause harm was done and put away. There once was talk about moving her up in the school to a grade that would pose a challenge to her but it was decided against it; after talking to Aline and what she wanted. She was happy just the way things were.
Her life though was not without its dangers, she had people that just wanted to hurt her to get to her father and his money; and those who wanted revenge for something the Avengers might have done. Aline had started to learn self defence at about ten when she came home with scraped hands and knees from on of the boys pushing her down. Aunt Nat taught her simple things at first but as she grew she learned different forms of self defence and could hold her own against most of the Avengers.
Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky were her one of her biggest supporters just behind her Daddy. They went to every school function, every choir concert and school play. To cheer her on and to scare the boys who would think of breaking her heart. She had a big family that could always make her laugh and she knew that she was loved but there was still apart of her that missed her Mother.
A/N: I have not decided if I will do a part two yet so let me know if I should! If you liked this hit that heart. If you really liked this please re-blog!
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networkingdefinition · 5 years ago
Father Quotes
Official Website: Father Quotes
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• A father carries pictures where his money used to be. – Steve Martin • A father is a fellow who has replaced the currency in his wallet with snapshots of his kids. – Michael Forest • A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be. – Frank A. Clark • A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be, A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be. – Frank Howard Clark • A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again. – Enid Bagnold • A father may turn his back on his child, … . but a mother’s love endures through all. – Washington Irving • A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands. But a mother’s love endures through all. – Washington Irving • A father’s duty is to make his home a place of happiness and joy. – Ezra Taft Benson • A father’s disappointment can be a very powerful tool. – Michael Bergin • A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society. – Billy Graham • A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. A father can do neither. If only sons could see the paradox, they would understand the dilemma. – Marlene Dietrich • A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father. – Gabriel Garcia Marquez • A new father quickly learns that his child invariably comes to the bathroom at precisely the times when he’s in there, as if he needed company. The only way for this father to be certain of bathroom privacy is to shave at the gas station. – Bill Cosby • A real man loves his wife, and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought me more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father. – Frank Abagnale • A son can bear with equanimity the loss of his father, but the loss of his inheritance may drive him to despair. – Niccolo Machiavelli • A wise son makes a glad father, But a foolish son is the grief of his mother. – Solomon • Aeneas carried his aged father on his back from the ruins of Troy and so do we all, whether we like it or not, perhaps even if we have never known them. – Angela Carter • All fathers are invisible in daytime; daytime is ruled by mothers and fathers come out at night. Darkness brings home fathers, with their real, unspeakable power. There is more to fathers than meets the eye. – Margaret Atwood • All the learnin’ my father ever paid for was a bit o’ birch at one end and the alphabet at th ‘ other. – George Eliot • An angry father is most cruel towards himself. – Publilius Syrus • And he that is taught to live upon little, owes more to his father’s wisdom, than he that has a great deal left him, does to his father’s care. – William Penn • And my dad, you’re a great actor but you’re a better father. – Angelina Jolie • Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad. – Anne Geddes • Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that’s why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right. – Wade Boggs • As fathers commonly go, it is seldom a misfortune to be fatherless; and considering the general run of sons, as seldom a misfortune to be childless. – Lord Chesterfield • As my father used to tell me, the only true sign of success in life is being able to do for a living that which makes you happy. – Al Yankovic
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• Be able to confide your innermost secrets to your mother and your innermost fears to your father. – Marilyn vos Savant • Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith and go forward. – Thomas A. Edison • Be kind to thy father, for when thou were young, who loved thee so fondly as he? He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue, and joined in thy innocent glee. – Margaret Ann Courtney • Being a father has been, without a doubt, my greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person. – Naveen Jain • Being a father helps me be more responsible… you see more things than you’ve ever seen. – Kid Rock • Being a father is the most exciting, amazing thing that ever happened to me. – Jimmy Fallon • Being a father to my family and a husband is to me much more important than what I did in the business. – Tom Bosley • Being a father, being a friend, those are the things that make me feel successful. – William Hurt • Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father. – Lydia M. Child • Brothers and sisters, as good as our previous experience may be, if we stop asking questions, stop thinking, stop pondering, we can thwart the revelations of the Spirit. Remember, it was the questions young Joseph asked that opened the door for the restoration of all things. We can block the growth and knowledge our Heavenly Father intends for us. How often has the Holy Spirit tried to tell us something we needed to know but couldn’t get past the massive iron gate of what we thought we already knew? – Dieter F. Uchtdorf • By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he has a son who thinks he’s wrong. – Charles Wadsworth • Child-rearing is my main interest now. I’m a hands-on father. – Sean Penn • Do you know that other than my father, I’ve never had a man take care of me? – Dionne Warwick • Every child has to disobey the father. Unless a child disobeys the father he never becomes mature. It is nothing, original, it is very simple and natural. It is very psychological. There comes an age when every child has to say NO to the parents. If he does not say no to the parents he will not have a spine; he will be spineless. If he cannot say no to the parents, he will be a slave his whole life. He will never attain to individuality. – Rajneesh • Every parent is at some time the father of the unreturned prodigal, with nothing to do but keep his house open to hope. – John Ciardi • Everything I do and say tells a story of who I am serving. If I am acting out of anger and spite, I am serving the father of darkness and spreading his darkness. If I am honoring to the Lord with my actions, I am serving to further the name of Jesus and spreading His light. – Lysa TerKeurst • Father or stepfather – those are just titles to me. They don’t mean anything. – Oliver Hudson • Father! – to God himself we cannot give a holier name. – William Wordsworth • Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope. – Bill Cosby • Fathering is the most masculine thing a man can do. – Frank Pittman • Fathers are men who give daughters away to other men who aren’t nearly good enough…so they can have grandchildren who are smarter than anybody’s. – Paul Harvey • Fathers have skills that they never use at home. You run a landscaping business and you can’t dress and feed a four-year-old? Take it on! – Louis C. K. • Fathers represent another way of looking at life – the possibility of an alternative dialogue. – Louise J. Kaplan • Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers and fathering is a very important stage in their development. – David Gottesman • Feels good to try, but playing a father, I’m getting a little older. I see now that I’m taking it more serious and I do want that lifestyle. – Adam Sandler • For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers. – Homer • For thousands of years, father and son have stretched wistful hands across the canyon of time. – Alan Valentine • Henry James once defined life as that predicament which precedes death, and certainly nobody owes you a debt of honor or gratitude for getting him into that predicament. But a child does owe his father a debt, if Dad, having gotten him into this peck of trouble, takes off his coat and buckles down to the job of showing his son how best to crash through it. – Clarence Budington Kelland • He’s [Harry S. Truman] just your dad, and you love him. It’s only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home – it’s only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love. My father was a great man. – Margaret Truman Daniel • I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well. – Alexander the Great • I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much. – Hedy Lamarr • I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom. – Umberto Eco • I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection. – Sigmund Freud • I don’t think children’s inner feelings have changed. They still want a mother and father in the very same house; they want places to play. – Beverly Cleary • I get whatever placidity I have from my father. But my mother taught me how to take it on the chin. – Norma Shearer • I grew up not liking my father very much. I never saw him cry. But he must have. Everybody cries. – Charley Pride • I have never been a material girl. My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love you back. – Imelda Marcos • I inherited that calm from my father, who was a farmer. You sow, you wait for good or bad weather, you harvest, but working is something you always need to do. – Miguel Indurain • I just owe almost everything to my father and it’s passionately interesting for me that the things that I learned in a small town, in a very modest home, are just the things that I believe have won the election. – Margaret Thatcher • I just wish I could understand my father. – Michael Jackson • I know that I will never find my father in any other man who comes into my life, because it is a void in my life that can only be filled by him. – Halle Berry • I love the comic opportunities that come up in the context of a father-son relationship. – Harrison Ford • I made a decision when my father passed away that I was going to be who God made me to be and not try to preach like my father. – Joel Osteen • I may neither choose who I would, nor refuse who I dislike; so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father. – William Shakespeare • I never had a speech from my father ‘this is what you must do or shouldn’t do’ but I just learned to be led by example. My father wasn’t perfect. – Adam Sandler • I owe my father everything. – Robert Carlyle • I pray to be a good servant to God, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a brother, an uncle, a good neighbor, a good leader to those who look up to me, a good follower to those who are serving God and doing the right thing. – Mark Wahlberg • I pressed my father’s hand and told him I would protect his grave with my life. My father smiled and passed away to the spirit land. – Chief Joseph • I stopped loving my father a long time ago. What remained was the slavery to a pattern. – Anais Nin • I talk and talk and talk, and I haven’t taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week. – Mario Cuomo • I tried to stick to my game plan, which was always being aware of what my A story was – the love story between a father and his son, and that son and his daughter. – Ted Demme • I want to congratulate all the men out there who are working diligently to be good fathers whether they are stepfathers, or biological fathers or just spiritual fathers. – T. D. Jakes • I want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own. – H. G. Wells • I was punished for blowing the whistle on my father’s lifestyle. – Tatum O’Neal • I was raised Catholic, but my father’s people were Methodist, so we went to both churches. – Aaron Neville • I would never have done what I’d done if I’d considered my father as somebody I wanted to please. – Robert Mapplethorpe • I would say my greatest achievement in life right now – my greatest achievement period is – and I’m still trying to achieve it – is to be a wonderful father to my kids. – Bo Jackson • I would want my legacy to be that I was a great son, father and friend. – Dante Hall • If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. – Abdul Kalam • If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated, let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right. – Bill Cosby • If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons. – James A. Baldwin • If you’re feeling alone, and your weariness has grown, look up above, and thank God for His love. There’s nothing you can do, to change His love for you; hold on friend, it’s not the end. Something beautiful will come, the clouds will part for the sun, the skies will break for the Son, and the Father will say ‘Well done.’ But until then, until then, you’re not alone. He can make bread from stone. Hold on to Him, and He’ll hold on to you. Take one day at a time, pray for faith and be kind, and when forgetful becomes your mind, remember what He said, ‘You are mine.’ – Nick Vujicic • I’m a father. It isn’t just my life any more. I don’t want my kid finding bottles in the house or seeing his father completely smashed. – Billie Joe Armstrong • I’m a father; that’s what matters most. Nothing matters more. – Gordon Brown • I’m more comfortable with whatever’s wrong with me than my father was whenever he felt he failed or didn’t measure up to the standard he set. – John Malkovich • In that most burdensome moment of all human history, with blood appearing at every pore and an anguished cry upon His lips, Christ sought Him whom He had always sought—His Father. “Abba,” He cried, “Papa,” or from the lips of a younger child, “Daddy.” This is such a personal moment it almost seems a sacrilege to cite it. A Son in unrelieved pain, a Father His only true source of strength, both of them staying the course, making it through the night—together. – Jeffrey R. Holland • It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was. – Anne Sexton • It is a wise father that knows his own child. – William Shakespeare • It is a wise tune that knows its own father, and I like my music to be the legitimate offspring of respectable parents. – Samuel Butler • It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father. – Pope John XXIII • It is funny the two things most men are proudest of is the thing that any man can do and doing does in the same way, that is being drunk and being the father of their son. – Gertrude Stein • It is impossible to please all the world and one’s father. – Jean de La Fontaine • It is much easier to become a father than to be one. – Kent Nerburn • It is not flesh and blood, but heart which makes us fathers and sons. – Friedrich Schiller • It no longer bothers me that I may be constantly searching for father figures; by this time, I have found several and dearly enjoyed knowing them all. – Alice Walker • It was my father who taught me to value myself. – Dawn French • It was my father who taught me to value myself. He told me that I was uncommonly beautiful and that I was the most precious thing in his life. – Dawn French • It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived. – Harper Lee • It’s a father’s duty to give his sons a fine chance. – George Eliot • Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards. – Robert Orben • Listen to your father who begot you, And do not despise your mother when she is old. – Solomon • Love and fear. Everything the father of a family says must inspire one or the other. – Joseph Joubert • Love matches, so called, have illusion for their father and need for their mother. – Friedrich Nietzsche • Mom and Dad were married 64 years. And if you wondered what their secret was, you could have asked the local florist – because every day Dad gave Mom a rose, which he put on her bedside table. That’s how she found out what happened on the day my father died – she went looking for him because that morning, there was no rose. – Mitt Romney • Most American children suffer too much mother and too little father. – Gloria Steinem • My dear father; my dear friend; the best and wisest man I ever knew, who taught me many lessons and showed me many things as we went together along the country by-ways. – Sarah Orne Jewett • My father always used to say that when you die, if you’ve got five real friends, then you’ve had a great life. – Lee Iacocca • My father carries around the picture of the kid who came with his wallet. – Rodney Dangerfield • My father confused me. From the ages of one to seven, I thought my name was Jesus Christ! – Spike Milligan • My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing. – Aldous Huxley • My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. – Clarence Budington Kelland • My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. – Jim Valvano • My Father had a profound influence on me. He was a lunatic. – Spike Milligan • My father hated radio and could not wait for television to be invented so he could hate that too. – Peter De Vries • My father invented a cure for which there was no disease and unfortunately my mother caught it and died of it. – Victor Borge • My father loved people, children and pets. – Tony Visconti • My father said there were two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better. – Marlo Thomas • My father said, Politics asks the question: Is it expedient? Vanity asks: Is it popular? But conscience asks: Is it right? – Dexter Scott King • My father taught me how to substitute realities. – Mira Sorvino • My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it. – Abraham Lincoln • My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass’; ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys.’ – Harmon Killebrew • My father used to say that it’s never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, ‘You never know what you can accomplish until you try.’ – Michael Jordan • My father used to sing to me in my mother’s womb. I think I can name about any tune in two beats. – Yancy Butler • My father wants me to be like my brother, but I can’t be. – Robert Mapplethorpe • My father was a proctologist and my mother was an abstract artist, so that’s how I view the world. – Sandra Bernhard • My father was a statesman, I’m a political woman. My father was a saint. I’m not. – Indira Gandhi • My father was always telling himself no one was perfect, not even my mother. – Broderick Crawford • My father was an Episcopalian minister, and I’ve always been comforted by the power of prayer. – Anna Lee • My father was grounded, a very meat-and-potatoes man. He was a baker. – Anthony Hopkins • My father was my teacher. But most importantly he was a great dad. – Beau Bridges • My father was never anti-anything in our house. – Errol Flynn • My father was not a failure. After all, he was the father of a president of the United States. – Harry S. Truman • My father was often angry when I was most like him. – Lillian Hellman • My father was the guy on the block who said hi to everyone. – Damon Wayans • My father wouldn’t get us a TV, he wouldn’t allow a TV in the house. – Janis Joplin • My father, he was like the rock, the guy you went to with every problem. – Gwyneth Paltrow • My father, when he went, made my childhood a gift of a half a century. – Antonio Porchia • My father… had sharper eyes than the rest of our people. – Chief Joseph • My father? I never knew him. Never even seen a picture of him. – Eminem • My father-in-law gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning and watches the Discovery Channel. I don’t know why there’s this big rush to do this. – Jeff Foxworthy • My grandfather always said that living is like licking honey off a thorn. – Louis Adamic • My grandfather, along with Carnegie, was a pioneer in philanthropy, which my father then practiced on a very large scale. – David Rockefeller • My mother gave me my drive but my father gave me my dreams. – Liza Minnelli • My mother protected me from the world and my father threatened me with it. – Quentin Crisp • No love is greater than that of a father for His son. – Dan Brown • No matter how old we become, we can still call them ‘Holy Mother’ and ‘Father’ and put a child-like trust in them. – Desmond Morris • Noble fathers have noble children. – Euripides • Nothing I’ve ever done has given me more joys and rewards than being a father to my children. – Bill Cosby • Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation. They are teachers and coaches. They are mentors and role models. They are examples of success and the men who constantly push us toward it. – Barack Obama • One father is enough to govern one hundred sons, but not a hundred sons one father. – George Herbert • One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. – George Herbert • One of my earliest memories is of my father carrying me in one arm with a picket sign in the other. – Camryn Manheim • One of the greatest gifts my father gave me – unintentionally – was witnessing the courage with which he bore adversity. We had a bit of a rollercoaster life with some really challenging financial periods. He was always unshaken, completely tranquil, the same ebullient, laughing, jovial man. – Ben Okri • Our father in heaven governs the affairs of men by placing specific individuals upon the earth to lead at specific times and inspiring and directing them. – Harold B. Lee • Our problem with President Obama isn’t that he’s a bad person. By all accounts, he too is a good husband, and a good father – and thanks to lots of practice, a pretty good golfer. – Marco Rubio • Scratch any father, you find / Someone chock-full of qualms and romantic terrors, / Believing change is a threat. – Phyllis McGinley • She got her looks from her father. He’s a plastic surgeon. – Groucho Marx • Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later… that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life. ~Tom Wolfe – Tom Wolfe • So my father was a person who never lied to me. If I had a question, he answered it. I knew a lot of things at a young age because I was intrigued. – Nick Cannon • Son, brother, father, lover, friend. There is room in the heart for all the affections, as there is room in heaven for all the stars. – Victor Hugo • Sons have always a rebellious wish to be disillusioned by that which charmed their fathers. – Aldous Huxley • That he delights in the misery of others no man will confess, and yet what other motive can make a father cruel? – Joseph Addison • That is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all. – August Strindberg • That was when the world wasn’t so big and I could see everywhere. It was when my father was a hero and not a human. – Markus Zusak • The child is father of the man. – William Wordsworth • The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. – Thomas Jefferson • The father is always a Republican toward his son, and his mother’s always a Democrat. – Robert Frost • The father of a daughter is nothing but a high-class hostage. A father turns a stony face to his sons, berates them, shakes his antlers, paws the ground, snorts, runs them off into the underbrush, but when his daughter puts her arm over his shoulder and says, ‘Daddy, I need to ask you something,’ he is a pat of butter in a hot frying pan. – Garrison Keillor • The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty with the son who neglects them. – Confucius • The father who would taste the essence of his fatherhood must turn back from the plane of his experience, take with him the fruits of his journey and begin again beside his child, marching step by step over the same old road. – Angelo Patri • The fundamental defect of fathers, in our competitive society, is that they want their children to be a credit to them. – Bertrand Russell • The greatest gift I ever had Came from God; I call him Dad! – John Walter Bratton • The human father has to be confronted and recognized as human, as man who created a child and then, by his absence, left the child fatherless and then Godless. – Anais Nin • The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. – Theodore Hesburgh • The nature of impending fatherhood is that you are doing something that you’re unqualified to do, and then you become qualified while doing it. – John Green • The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get. – Timothy J. Russert • The path I am trying so hard to follow is in fact the one that God my Father and His Son Jesus Christ want me to pursue. It has brought me deep happiness. – Clayton Christensen • The place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf. – Bertrand Russell • The surprising thing about fatherhood was finding my inner mush. Now I want to share it with the world. – Christopher Meloni • The tears of Christ are the pity of God. The gentleness of Jesus is the long-suffering of God. The tenderness of Jesus is the love of God. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. – Alexander MacLaren • The thing to remember about fathers is, they’re men. A girl has to keep it in mind: They are dragon seekers, bent on improbable rescues. Scratch any father, you find someone chock – full of qualms and romantic terrors, believing change is a threat – like your first shoes with heels on, like your first bicycle I took such months to get. – Phyllis McGinley • The time not to become a father is eighteen years before a war. – E. B. White • The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world, but, as in whispering galleries, they are clearly heard at the end, and by posterity. – Jean Paul • There are fathers who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson. – Victor Hugo • There is nothing that moves a loving father’s soul quite like his child’s cry. – Joni Eareckson Tada • There will always be a few people who have the courage to love what is untamed inside us. One of those men is my father. – Alison Lohman • There’s really no point in having children if you’re not going to be home enough to father them. – Anthony Edwards • There’s so much negative imagery of black fatherhood. I’ve got tons of friends that are doing the right thing by their kids, and doing the right thing as a father – and how come that’s not as newsworthy? – Will Smith • There’s sometimes a weird benefit to having an alcoholic, violent father. He really motivated me in that I never wanted to be anything like him. – Dean Koontz • Those who have never had a father can at any rate never know the sweets of losing one. To most men the death of his father is a new lease of life. – Samuel Butler • Tis a happy thing To be the father unto many sons. – William Shakespeare • To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter. – Euripides • To be a successful father… there’s one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don’t look at it for the first two years. – Ernest Hemingway • To gather with God’s people in united adoration of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as prayer. – Martin Luther • To her, the name of father was another name for love. – Fanny Fern • To ignore, repress, or dismiss our feelings is to fail to listen to the stirrings of the Spirit within our emotional life. Jesus listened. In John’s Gospel we are told that Jesus was moved with the deepest emotions (11:33)… The gospel portrait of the beloved Child of Abba is that of a man exquisitely attuned to His emotions and uninhibited in expressing them. The Son of Man did not scorn of reject feelings as fickle and unreliable. They were sensitive antennae to which He listened carefully and through which He perceived the will of His Father for congruent speech and action. – Brennan Manning • To people who remember JFK’s assassination, JFK Jr. will probably always be that boy saluting his father’s coffin. – Michael Beschloss • Until you have a son of your own… you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son. • We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow. Our wiser sons, no doubt will think us so. – Alexander Pope • What a dreadful thing it must be to have a dull father. – Mary Mapes Dodge • What a father says to his children is not heard by the world, but it will be heard by posterity. – Jean Paul • What do I owe my father? Everything! – Henry Van Dyke • What does God the Father look like? Although I’ve never seen Him, I believe – as with the Holy Spirit – He looks like Jesus looked on earth. – Benny Hinn • What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father. – Friedrich Nietzsche • When a child is born, a father is born. A mother is born, too of course, but at least for her it’s a gradual process. Body and soul, she has nine months to get used to what’s happening. She becomes what’s happening. But for even the best-prepared father, it happens all at once. On the other side of a plate-glass window, a nurse is holding up something roughly the size of a loaf of bread for him to see for the first time. – Frederick Buechner • When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry. – William Shakespeare • When a father, absent during the day, returns home at six, his children receive only his temperament, not his teaching. – Robert Bly • When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. – Mark Twain • When I was a kid, I said to my father one afternoon, ‘Daddy, will you take me to the zoo?’ He answered, ‘If the zoo wants you, let them come and get you. – Jerry Lewis • When I was a kid, my father told me every day, ‘You’re the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.’ – Jan Hutchins • When one has not had a good father, one must create one. – Friedrich Nietzsche • When you have a good mother and no father, God kind of sits in. It’s not enough, but it helps. – Dick Gregory • Whenever I fail as a father or husband… a toy and a diamond always works. – Shahrukh Khan • Whoever does not have a good father should procure one. – Friedrich Nietzsche • You don’t have to deserve your mother’s love. You have to deserve your father s. He’s more particular. The father is always a Republican towards his son, and his mother’s always a Democrat. – Robert Frost • You don’t have to deserve your mother’s love. You have to deserve your father’s. – Robert Frost • You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes. – Wally Schirra • You know, fathers just have a way of putting everything together. – Erika Cosby • You think about child abuse and you think of a father viciously attacking a daughter or a son, but in my family it was my mother. My mother, I would say, was a… very brutal disciplinarian. – Lynn Johnston • You will find that if you really try to be a father, your child will meet you halfway. – Robert Breault • Your responsibility as a father and a husband transcends any other interest in life. – Boyd K. Packer
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equitiesstocks · 5 years ago
Father Quotes
Official Website: Father Quotes
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• A father carries pictures where his money used to be. – Steve Martin • A father is a fellow who has replaced the currency in his wallet with snapshots of his kids. – Michael Forest • A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be. – Frank A. Clark • A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be, A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be. – Frank Howard Clark • A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again. – Enid Bagnold • A father may turn his back on his child, … . but a mother’s love endures through all. – Washington Irving • A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands. But a mother’s love endures through all. – Washington Irving • A father’s duty is to make his home a place of happiness and joy. – Ezra Taft Benson • A father’s disappointment can be a very powerful tool. – Michael Bergin • A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society. – Billy Graham • A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. A father can do neither. If only sons could see the paradox, they would understand the dilemma. – Marlene Dietrich • A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father. – Gabriel Garcia Marquez • A new father quickly learns that his child invariably comes to the bathroom at precisely the times when he’s in there, as if he needed company. The only way for this father to be certain of bathroom privacy is to shave at the gas station. – Bill Cosby • A real man loves his wife, and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought me more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father. – Frank Abagnale • A son can bear with equanimity the loss of his father, but the loss of his inheritance may drive him to despair. – Niccolo Machiavelli • A wise son makes a glad father, But a foolish son is the grief of his mother. – Solomon • Aeneas carried his aged father on his back from the ruins of Troy and so do we all, whether we like it or not, perhaps even if we have never known them. – Angela Carter • All fathers are invisible in daytime; daytime is ruled by mothers and fathers come out at night. Darkness brings home fathers, with their real, unspeakable power. There is more to fathers than meets the eye. – Margaret Atwood • All the learnin’ my father ever paid for was a bit o’ birch at one end and the alphabet at th ‘ other. – George Eliot • An angry father is most cruel towards himself. – Publilius Syrus • And he that is taught to live upon little, owes more to his father’s wisdom, than he that has a great deal left him, does to his father’s care. – William Penn • And my dad, you’re a great actor but you’re a better father. – Angelina Jolie • Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad. – Anne Geddes • Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that’s why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right. – Wade Boggs • As fathers commonly go, it is seldom a misfortune to be fatherless; and considering the general run of sons, as seldom a misfortune to be childless. – Lord Chesterfield • As my father used to tell me, the only true sign of success in life is being able to do for a living that which makes you happy. – Al Yankovic
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• Be able to confide your innermost secrets to your mother and your innermost fears to your father. – Marilyn vos Savant • Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith and go forward. – Thomas A. Edison • Be kind to thy father, for when thou were young, who loved thee so fondly as he? He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue, and joined in thy innocent glee. – Margaret Ann Courtney • Being a father has been, without a doubt, my greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person. – Naveen Jain • Being a father helps me be more responsible… you see more things than you’ve ever seen. – Kid Rock • Being a father is the most exciting, amazing thing that ever happened to me. – Jimmy Fallon • Being a father to my family and a husband is to me much more important than what I did in the business. – Tom Bosley • Being a father, being a friend, those are the things that make me feel successful. – William Hurt • Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father. – Lydia M. Child • Brothers and sisters, as good as our previous experience may be, if we stop asking questions, stop thinking, stop pondering, we can thwart the revelations of the Spirit. Remember, it was the questions young Joseph asked that opened the door for the restoration of all things. We can block the growth and knowledge our Heavenly Father intends for us. How often has the Holy Spirit tried to tell us something we needed to know but couldn’t get past the massive iron gate of what we thought we already knew? – Dieter F. Uchtdorf • By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he has a son who thinks he’s wrong. – Charles Wadsworth • Child-rearing is my main interest now. I’m a hands-on father. – Sean Penn • Do you know that other than my father, I’ve never had a man take care of me? – Dionne Warwick • Every child has to disobey the father. Unless a child disobeys the father he never becomes mature. It is nothing, original, it is very simple and natural. It is very psychological. There comes an age when every child has to say NO to the parents. If he does not say no to the parents he will not have a spine; he will be spineless. If he cannot say no to the parents, he will be a slave his whole life. He will never attain to individuality. – Rajneesh • Every parent is at some time the father of the unreturned prodigal, with nothing to do but keep his house open to hope. – John Ciardi • Everything I do and say tells a story of who I am serving. If I am acting out of anger and spite, I am serving the father of darkness and spreading his darkness. If I am honoring to the Lord with my actions, I am serving to further the name of Jesus and spreading His light. – Lysa TerKeurst • Father or stepfather – those are just titles to me. They don’t mean anything. – Oliver Hudson • Father! – to God himself we cannot give a holier name. – William Wordsworth • Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope. – Bill Cosby • Fathering is the most masculine thing a man can do. – Frank Pittman • Fathers are men who give daughters away to other men who aren’t nearly good enough…so they can have grandchildren who are smarter than anybody’s. – Paul Harvey • Fathers have skills that they never use at home. You run a landscaping business and you can’t dress and feed a four-year-old? Take it on! – Louis C. K. • Fathers represent another way of looking at life – the possibility of an alternative dialogue. – Louise J. Kaplan • Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers and fathering is a very important stage in their development. – David Gottesman • Feels good to try, but playing a father, I’m getting a little older. I see now that I’m taking it more serious and I do want that lifestyle. – Adam Sandler • For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers. – Homer • For thousands of years, father and son have stretched wistful hands across the canyon of time. – Alan Valentine • Henry James once defined life as that predicament which precedes death, and certainly nobody owes you a debt of honor or gratitude for getting him into that predicament. But a child does owe his father a debt, if Dad, having gotten him into this peck of trouble, takes off his coat and buckles down to the job of showing his son how best to crash through it. – Clarence Budington Kelland • He’s [Harry S. Truman] just your dad, and you love him. It’s only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home – it’s only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love. My father was a great man. – Margaret Truman Daniel • I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well. – Alexander the Great • I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much. – Hedy Lamarr • I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom. – Umberto Eco • I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection. – Sigmund Freud • I don’t think children’s inner feelings have changed. They still want a mother and father in the very same house; they want places to play. – Beverly Cleary • I get whatever placidity I have from my father. But my mother taught me how to take it on the chin. – Norma Shearer • I grew up not liking my father very much. I never saw him cry. But he must have. Everybody cries. – Charley Pride • I have never been a material girl. My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love you back. – Imelda Marcos • I inherited that calm from my father, who was a farmer. You sow, you wait for good or bad weather, you harvest, but working is something you always need to do. – Miguel Indurain • I just owe almost everything to my father and it’s passionately interesting for me that the things that I learned in a small town, in a very modest home, are just the things that I believe have won the election. – Margaret Thatcher • I just wish I could understand my father. – Michael Jackson • I know that I will never find my father in any other man who comes into my life, because it is a void in my life that can only be filled by him. – Halle Berry • I love the comic opportunities that come up in the context of a father-son relationship. – Harrison Ford • I made a decision when my father passed away that I was going to be who God made me to be and not try to preach like my father. – Joel Osteen • I may neither choose who I would, nor refuse who I dislike; so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father. – William Shakespeare • I never had a speech from my father ‘this is what you must do or shouldn’t do’ but I just learned to be led by example. My father wasn’t perfect. – Adam Sandler • I owe my father everything. – Robert Carlyle • I pray to be a good servant to God, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a brother, an uncle, a good neighbor, a good leader to those who look up to me, a good follower to those who are serving God and doing the right thing. – Mark Wahlberg • I pressed my father’s hand and told him I would protect his grave with my life. My father smiled and passed away to the spirit land. – Chief Joseph • I stopped loving my father a long time ago. What remained was the slavery to a pattern. – Anais Nin • I talk and talk and talk, and I haven’t taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week. – Mario Cuomo • I tried to stick to my game plan, which was always being aware of what my A story was – the love story between a father and his son, and that son and his daughter. – Ted Demme • I want to congratulate all the men out there who are working diligently to be good fathers whether they are stepfathers, or biological fathers or just spiritual fathers. – T. D. Jakes • I want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own. – H. G. Wells • I was punished for blowing the whistle on my father’s lifestyle. – Tatum O’Neal • I was raised Catholic, but my father’s people were Methodist, so we went to both churches. – Aaron Neville • I would never have done what I’d done if I’d considered my father as somebody I wanted to please. – Robert Mapplethorpe • I would say my greatest achievement in life right now – my greatest achievement period is – and I’m still trying to achieve it – is to be a wonderful father to my kids. – Bo Jackson • I would want my legacy to be that I was a great son, father and friend. – Dante Hall • If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher. – Abdul Kalam • If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated, let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right. – Bill Cosby • If the relationship of father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons. – James A. Baldwin • If you’re feeling alone, and your weariness has grown, look up above, and thank God for His love. There’s nothing you can do, to change His love for you; hold on friend, it’s not the end. Something beautiful will come, the clouds will part for the sun, the skies will break for the Son, and the Father will say ‘Well done.’ But until then, until then, you’re not alone. He can make bread from stone. Hold on to Him, and He’ll hold on to you. Take one day at a time, pray for faith and be kind, and when forgetful becomes your mind, remember what He said, ‘You are mine.’ – Nick Vujicic • I’m a father. It isn’t just my life any more. I don’t want my kid finding bottles in the house or seeing his father completely smashed. – Billie Joe Armstrong • I’m a father; that’s what matters most. Nothing matters more. – Gordon Brown • I’m more comfortable with whatever’s wrong with me than my father was whenever he felt he failed or didn’t measure up to the standard he set. – John Malkovich • In that most burdensome moment of all human history, with blood appearing at every pore and an anguished cry upon His lips, Christ sought Him whom He had always sought—His Father. “Abba,” He cried, “Papa,” or from the lips of a younger child, “Daddy.” This is such a personal moment it almost seems a sacrilege to cite it. A Son in unrelieved pain, a Father His only true source of strength, both of them staying the course, making it through the night—together. – Jeffrey R. Holland • It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was. – Anne Sexton • It is a wise father that knows his own child. – William Shakespeare • It is a wise tune that knows its own father, and I like my music to be the legitimate offspring of respectable parents. – Samuel Butler • It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father. – Pope John XXIII • It is funny the two things most men are proudest of is the thing that any man can do and doing does in the same way, that is being drunk and being the father of their son. – Gertrude Stein • It is impossible to please all the world and one’s father. – Jean de La Fontaine • It is much easier to become a father than to be one. – Kent Nerburn • It is not flesh and blood, but heart which makes us fathers and sons. – Friedrich Schiller • It no longer bothers me that I may be constantly searching for father figures; by this time, I have found several and dearly enjoyed knowing them all. – Alice Walker • It was my father who taught me to value myself. – Dawn French • It was my father who taught me to value myself. He told me that I was uncommonly beautiful and that I was the most precious thing in his life. – Dawn French • It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived. – Harper Lee • It’s a father’s duty to give his sons a fine chance. – George Eliot • Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards. – Robert Orben • Listen to your father who begot you, And do not despise your mother when she is old. – Solomon • Love and fear. Everything the father of a family says must inspire one or the other. – Joseph Joubert • Love matches, so called, have illusion for their father and need for their mother. – Friedrich Nietzsche • Mom and Dad were married 64 years. And if you wondered what their secret was, you could have asked the local florist – because every day Dad gave Mom a rose, which he put on her bedside table. That’s how she found out what happened on the day my father died – she went looking for him because that morning, there was no rose. – Mitt Romney • Most American children suffer too much mother and too little father. – Gloria Steinem • My dear father; my dear friend; the best and wisest man I ever knew, who taught me many lessons and showed me many things as we went together along the country by-ways. – Sarah Orne Jewett • My father always used to say that when you die, if you’ve got five real friends, then you’ve had a great life. – Lee Iacocca • My father carries around the picture of the kid who came with his wallet. – Rodney Dangerfield • My father confused me. From the ages of one to seven, I thought my name was Jesus Christ! – Spike Milligan • My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing. – Aldous Huxley • My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. – Clarence Budington Kelland • My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. – Jim Valvano • My Father had a profound influence on me. He was a lunatic. – Spike Milligan • My father hated radio and could not wait for television to be invented so he could hate that too. – Peter De Vries • My father invented a cure for which there was no disease and unfortunately my mother caught it and died of it. – Victor Borge • My father loved people, children and pets. – Tony Visconti • My father said there were two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better. – Marlo Thomas • My father said, Politics asks the question: Is it expedient? Vanity asks: Is it popular? But conscience asks: Is it right? – Dexter Scott King • My father taught me how to substitute realities. – Mira Sorvino • My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it. – Abraham Lincoln • My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass’; ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys.’ – Harmon Killebrew • My father used to say that it’s never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, ‘You never know what you can accomplish until you try.’ – Michael Jordan • My father used to sing to me in my mother’s womb. I think I can name about any tune in two beats. – Yancy Butler • My father wants me to be like my brother, but I can’t be. – Robert Mapplethorpe • My father was a proctologist and my mother was an abstract artist, so that’s how I view the world. – Sandra Bernhard • My father was a statesman, I’m a political woman. My father was a saint. I’m not. – Indira Gandhi • My father was always telling himself no one was perfect, not even my mother. – Broderick Crawford • My father was an Episcopalian minister, and I’ve always been comforted by the power of prayer. – Anna Lee • My father was grounded, a very meat-and-potatoes man. He was a baker. – Anthony Hopkins • My father was my teacher. But most importantly he was a great dad. – Beau Bridges • My father was never anti-anything in our house. – Errol Flynn • My father was not a failure. After all, he was the father of a president of the United States. – Harry S. Truman • My father was often angry when I was most like him. – Lillian Hellman • My father was the guy on the block who said hi to everyone. – Damon Wayans • My father wouldn’t get us a TV, he wouldn’t allow a TV in the house. – Janis Joplin • My father, he was like the rock, the guy you went to with every problem. – Gwyneth Paltrow • My father, when he went, made my childhood a gift of a half a century. – Antonio Porchia • My father… had sharper eyes than the rest of our people. – Chief Joseph • My father? I never knew him. Never even seen a picture of him. – Eminem • My father-in-law gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning and watches the Discovery Channel. I don’t know why there’s this big rush to do this. – Jeff Foxworthy • My grandfather always said that living is like licking honey off a thorn. – Louis Adamic • My grandfather, along with Carnegie, was a pioneer in philanthropy, which my father then practiced on a very large scale. – David Rockefeller • My mother gave me my drive but my father gave me my dreams. – Liza Minnelli • My mother protected me from the world and my father threatened me with it. – Quentin Crisp • No love is greater than that of a father for His son. – Dan Brown • No matter how old we become, we can still call them ‘Holy Mother’ and ‘Father’ and put a child-like trust in them. – Desmond Morris • Noble fathers have noble children. – Euripides • Nothing I’ve ever done has given me more joys and rewards than being a father to my children. – Bill Cosby • Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation. They are teachers and coaches. They are mentors and role models. They are examples of success and the men who constantly push us toward it. – Barack Obama • One father is enough to govern one hundred sons, but not a hundred sons one father. – George Herbert • One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. – George Herbert • One of my earliest memories is of my father carrying me in one arm with a picket sign in the other. – Camryn Manheim • One of the greatest gifts my father gave me – unintentionally – was witnessing the courage with which he bore adversity. We had a bit of a rollercoaster life with some really challenging financial periods. He was always unshaken, completely tranquil, the same ebullient, laughing, jovial man. – Ben Okri • Our father in heaven governs the affairs of men by placing specific individuals upon the earth to lead at specific times and inspiring and directing them. – Harold B. Lee • Our problem with President Obama isn’t that he’s a bad person. By all accounts, he too is a good husband, and a good father – and thanks to lots of practice, a pretty good golfer. – Marco Rubio • Scratch any father, you find / Someone chock-full of qualms and romantic terrors, / Believing change is a threat. – Phyllis McGinley • She got her looks from her father. He’s a plastic surgeon. – Groucho Marx • Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later… that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life. ~Tom Wolfe – Tom Wolfe • So my father was a person who never lied to me. If I had a question, he answered it. I knew a lot of things at a young age because I was intrigued. – Nick Cannon • Son, brother, father, lover, friend. There is room in the heart for all the affections, as there is room in heaven for all the stars. – Victor Hugo • Sons have always a rebellious wish to be disillusioned by that which charmed their fathers. – Aldous Huxley • That he delights in the misery of others no man will confess, and yet what other motive can make a father cruel? – Joseph Addison • That is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all. – August Strindberg • That was when the world wasn’t so big and I could see everywhere. It was when my father was a hero and not a human. – Markus Zusak • The child is father of the man. – William Wordsworth • The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. – Thomas Jefferson • The father is always a Republican toward his son, and his mother’s always a Democrat. – Robert Frost • The father of a daughter is nothing but a high-class hostage. A father turns a stony face to his sons, berates them, shakes his antlers, paws the ground, snorts, runs them off into the underbrush, but when his daughter puts her arm over his shoulder and says, ‘Daddy, I need to ask you something,’ he is a pat of butter in a hot frying pan. – Garrison Keillor • The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty with the son who neglects them. – Confucius • The father who would taste the essence of his fatherhood must turn back from the plane of his experience, take with him the fruits of his journey and begin again beside his child, marching step by step over the same old road. – Angelo Patri • The fundamental defect of fathers, in our competitive society, is that they want their children to be a credit to them. – Bertrand Russell • The greatest gift I ever had Came from God; I call him Dad! – John Walter Bratton • The human father has to be confronted and recognized as human, as man who created a child and then, by his absence, left the child fatherless and then Godless. – Anais Nin • The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. – Theodore Hesburgh • The nature of impending fatherhood is that you are doing something that you’re unqualified to do, and then you become qualified while doing it. – John Green • The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get. – Timothy J. Russert • The path I am trying so hard to follow is in fact the one that God my Father and His Son Jesus Christ want me to pursue. It has brought me deep happiness. – Clayton Christensen • The place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf. – Bertrand Russell • The surprising thing about fatherhood was finding my inner mush. Now I want to share it with the world. – Christopher Meloni • The tears of Christ are the pity of God. The gentleness of Jesus is the long-suffering of God. The tenderness of Jesus is the love of God. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. – Alexander MacLaren • The thing to remember about fathers is, they’re men. A girl has to keep it in mind: They are dragon seekers, bent on improbable rescues. Scratch any father, you find someone chock – full of qualms and romantic terrors, believing change is a threat – like your first shoes with heels on, like your first bicycle I took such months to get. – Phyllis McGinley • The time not to become a father is eighteen years before a war. – E. B. White • The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world, but, as in whispering galleries, they are clearly heard at the end, and by posterity. – Jean Paul • There are fathers who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson. – Victor Hugo • There is nothing that moves a loving father’s soul quite like his child’s cry. – Joni Eareckson Tada • There will always be a few people who have the courage to love what is untamed inside us. One of those men is my father. – Alison Lohman • There’s really no point in having children if you’re not going to be home enough to father them. – Anthony Edwards • There’s so much negative imagery of black fatherhood. I’ve got tons of friends that are doing the right thing by their kids, and doing the right thing as a father – and how come that’s not as newsworthy? – Will Smith • There’s sometimes a weird benefit to having an alcoholic, violent father. He really motivated me in that I never wanted to be anything like him. – Dean Koontz • Those who have never had a father can at any rate never know the sweets of losing one. To most men the death of his father is a new lease of life. – Samuel Butler • Tis a happy thing To be the father unto many sons. – William Shakespeare • To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter. – Euripides • To be a successful father… there’s one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don’t look at it for the first two years. – Ernest Hemingway • To gather with God’s people in united adoration of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as prayer. – Martin Luther • To her, the name of father was another name for love. – Fanny Fern • To ignore, repress, or dismiss our feelings is to fail to listen to the stirrings of the Spirit within our emotional life. Jesus listened. In John’s Gospel we are told that Jesus was moved with the deepest emotions (11:33)… The gospel portrait of the beloved Child of Abba is that of a man exquisitely attuned to His emotions and uninhibited in expressing them. The Son of Man did not scorn of reject feelings as fickle and unreliable. They were sensitive antennae to which He listened carefully and through which He perceived the will of His Father for congruent speech and action. – Brennan Manning • To people who remember JFK’s assassination, JFK Jr. will probably always be that boy saluting his father’s coffin. – Michael Beschloss • Until you have a son of your own… you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son. • We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow. Our wiser sons, no doubt will think us so. – Alexander Pope • What a dreadful thing it must be to have a dull father. – Mary Mapes Dodge • What a father says to his children is not heard by the world, but it will be heard by posterity. – Jean Paul • What do I owe my father? Everything! – Henry Van Dyke • What does God the Father look like? Although I’ve never seen Him, I believe – as with the Holy Spirit – He looks like Jesus looked on earth. – Benny Hinn • What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father. – Friedrich Nietzsche • When a child is born, a father is born. A mother is born, too of course, but at least for her it’s a gradual process. Body and soul, she has nine months to get used to what’s happening. She becomes what’s happening. But for even the best-prepared father, it happens all at once. On the other side of a plate-glass window, a nurse is holding up something roughly the size of a loaf of bread for him to see for the first time. – Frederick Buechner • When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry. – William Shakespeare • When a father, absent during the day, returns home at six, his children receive only his temperament, not his teaching. – Robert Bly • When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. – Mark Twain • When I was a kid, I said to my father one afternoon, ‘Daddy, will you take me to the zoo?’ He answered, ‘If the zoo wants you, let them come and get you. – Jerry Lewis • When I was a kid, my father told me every day, ‘You’re the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.’ – Jan Hutchins • When one has not had a good father, one must create one. – Friedrich Nietzsche • When you have a good mother and no father, God kind of sits in. It’s not enough, but it helps. – Dick Gregory • Whenever I fail as a father or husband… a toy and a diamond always works. – Shahrukh Khan • Whoever does not have a good father should procure one. – Friedrich Nietzsche • You don’t have to deserve your mother’s love. You have to deserve your father s. He’s more particular. The father is always a Republican towards his son, and his mother’s always a Democrat. – Robert Frost • You don’t have to deserve your mother’s love. You have to deserve your father’s. – Robert Frost • You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes. – Wally Schirra • You know, fathers just have a way of putting everything together. – Erika Cosby • You think about child abuse and you think of a father viciously attacking a daughter or a son, but in my family it was my mother. My mother, I would say, was a… very brutal disciplinarian. – Lynn Johnston • You will find that if you really try to be a father, your child will meet you halfway. – Robert Breault • Your responsibility as a father and a husband transcends any other interest in life. – Boyd K. Packer
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