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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
Hi,Sir 😳😳😳😳😳
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The prettiest and most talented @akaminette drew one of the LIs of my story đŸ„°đŸ„° isn’t she amazing? 💖
You can guess if he is the hero or the villain đŸ€­
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
This seems so COOL!!!!! Where I have to sign up?
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I have a little confession, I started working on a personal project, it's a choices type of story (so all text like a book but with choices). It’s called Heroes & Villains, the setting is something in between a dark academia/murder mystery in season 1, and futuristic/cyperpunk in season 2.
The idea is to use season 1 as a stepping stone for the reader make up their mind when it comes to morality and society views (there is a sort of inequalities-ridden caste system), and make a decision at the end to either join the villains or the heroes.
There are two LIs, as the title can suggest one is a hero and one is a villain, but the idea is to be able to romance either one of them whether you choose to join either of the two groups. So basically 2 LIs but 4 routes: hero/hero, hero/villain, villain/hero, villain/villain.
As I said this is mostly a self-indulgent writing exercise for me, I have no plans to make a real game out of it, but if I like it enough I may find a way to post it online (I know there are some tools for this kind of things) and share it with whoever is interested, so far I've only written the introduction but I quite like it â˜ș
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
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an edit of the ep. 10 dinner scene by candysweetposts! thank you again for your magic <3 
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
Drive Fast
a re-write of the ep.10 dinner scene
I couldn’t help but feel the bitter sting of disappointed tears in my eyes as I put the phone down on the counter - perhaps a little too hard. That wasn’t fair, was it? It wasn’t fair to be pissed off with him. Even though we’d had that massive argument a couple of days before, after the cupcake debacle
 and now, for the dinner that was meant to patch it all up, he was skipping out on me at the last minute for an ‘urgent rush order’.
And that meant more urgent orders, more last minute cancellations in the future - if Hyun made this a habit, people would come to him knowing that he could dig them out if they were in the shit. I was just sick of all of it. Rayan in the middle of his sexual assault case was bad enough - the fact that Priya wouldn’t talk to me because I wouldn’t testify was worse
 there’d been radio silence from Nathaniel since he’d gone undercover. I missed my best friend. He would have been able to make this right for me, just with a night of shitty TV and fast food and a pair of his sweats. I stood from the last stool, turning it upside down and slipping it into its place on the counter, and caught my slightly warped reflection in the coffee machine. And I’d tried, too - I’d really tried for this restaurant, in a short, scarlet dress and a velvety blue blazer. My make-up was meticulous; my tattooed thighs masked by sheer stockings, held up by the black lace garters that I knew Hyun liked so much. A chunky platform heel made it so that the look wasn’t too mature for me to get away with. Although
 god, what was the point of even trying? Time to go home, bury myself in some ice cream, and ignore my boyfriend for the rest of the night, I guess.
I snatched up my bag, tossing it over my shoulder, and switched off the lights. Would I go eat by myself? That would be pretty pathetic. At least the reservation wouldn’t be wasted, though. I ruminated over the idea, letting myself out of the cafĂ© and beginning the intricate process of locking it up from the outside. They had good food. Without worrying about what I looked like, I could get the ribs or something, maybe -
“Oh, fuck me!” I yelped, leaping on the spot and dropping my keys in the process. Turning around, I saw the broad-shouldered figure of Nathaniel’s partner in the creeping moonlight, his brows knitted together in that quirky expression that always seemed to be on his face, apart from when he was serious. He was in his usual black shirt and heavy jacket, sleeves rolled up past his forearms. “God, Eric, sorry, you just - you startled me.”
“No, that’s my bad. Here.” Before I’d even blinked, he’d stooped to grab my keys, passing them back to me. “Hey, Eva, you’re shivering. You alright?”
“Yeah, I just - ah, I was meant to be going for dinner tonight, so I dressed up a little. Cute clothes aren’t really practical, you know?” My hands shaking slightly from the evening chill, I clicked the final lock shut, and turned back around to face him. Even though I was in my heels, he still had almost a foot on me. It’d be scary if the warm smell of coffee and cologne rolling off him wasn’t so familiar, so nice. My eyes flickered to his hand, for a moment - I saw the outline of some vegetables and a bag of what was presumably rice in a carrier. “Heading back to the bachelor pad?”
He laughed then, tweaking the bag in understanding with his fingers. “That’s right. Decided to try something new tonight, though God knows it’s gonna taste like shit. I was hoping I could grab one of your coffees before you closed to wash it down, but I was a little late out of work.”
“I’m sorry,” I said apologetically, but he shook his head.
“Stop. You’re always stayin’ open past closing time anyway, kid. It’s good you were on time for once, taking a break for yourself. Where you headed?”
“Oh, I’m going home.” I passed a hand back through my updo, shaking it out ever so slightly. It was tight, too tight.
An idea suddenly came to mind.
“Although - I mean - I have this reservation at Signs, and my date bailed on me, and I hate to think of you starving yourself on undercooked rice.” I pulled a face, eliciting another laugh from Eric. “Come with me. I’m not doing anything else.”
“With you? Not sure if I’m exactly dressed for the occasion.” He glanced down at himself, and back to me, then. “Probably won’t even get a foot in the door.”
“That’s the advantage of all black. No one knows what the fuck you’re wearing. Please? I’ve just had
 ugh, I’ve had the longest day, and I could do with some company.” Trying to be as subtle as I could, I stuck my bottom lip out, widening my eyes like my best impression of a puppy. “Please?”
A strange look passed over Eric’s face - one that I’d never seen before - and I wondered if I’d noticed him swallowing, but that was by-the-by. Everyone swallowed. “Sure. Dunno what I’m gonna do with the farmer’s market, though.”
“Give it.” When he didn’t pass the groceries over, I leaned down to make a grabbing gesture. “Give it. Thank you -” And with a flourish of my wrist, I rolled everything up in its plastic sheath, nice and tight, and stowed it away in my handbag. It fit just comfortably.
When I glanced back to Eric, he was staring at me in amazement.
“I’ve never been able to figure out how women fit the god damn kitchen sink in their purses. We had a woman once - visiting her boyfriend in one of the holding cells - managed to get the biggest dildo I’ve ever seen in my life into a purse about this size.” He squared off a shape of about 4 by 6 inches, and I found myself giggling ridiculously - the word dildo coming out of this seasoned cop’s mouth made me want to snort.
“She clearly had her priorities in check. This way, it’s only about a five minute stroll.” We left the cafĂ© then, striding towards the wide, open street that would take us past the park. The silverly night-time poured through the wrought-iron gates, casting strange, ghostly shapes on the pavement, and the wind rushed by, slipping over my shoulders. I shivered again.
“C'mon, now.” With a sigh, Eric shrugged his heavy jacket off, wrapping it around me in one fluid motion. I was buried in the leather, then, he turned the collar up against the breeze, and I caught that distinctive scent, matched alongside that of a well-kept, expensive coat. “You’re shaking like a leaf.”
“Eric, you’re going to be fucking freezing.” I started to strip myself, somewhat grudgingly, from the still-warm silk lining, but his strong hands caught me by surprise, pinning the coat to my shoulders.
“Let a has-been do something chivalrous for a far-too-young lady.”
Couldn’t help but giggle again, then - drawing his sleeve to my mouth and covering it, to try and mask the very unladylike cackle. “I don’t know where you get off on calling me a kid all the time. I’m the same age as Nath.” Oh, I missed him. I really missed him.
“I know. Although admittedly, you’re looking pretty sophisticated tonight. Hyun is missing out.” He shot me a kind smile, and I felt my eyes momentarily watering again.
“Yeah. He is.” And he had been, for quite some time, it seemed.
We reached Signs in no time, and were quickly shown to the intimate, candle-lit table that I had specifically reserved for Hyun and I in the corner, where the high glass windows met and exposed diners to the beautiful, jungle-like garden outside. There was a pause, and the shadowed detective took a moment to pull my chair out, which allowed me to keep my dress pinned down modestly as I sat.
I smiled, despite myself. “Why, thank you, Inspector Ward.”
“The pleasure is all mine, ma'am.” He sat opposite me, drawing a hand to his chin, propping it up beneath. His strong jaw, framed by that kept stubble, made him look rugged, cold-blooded. An unlikely saviour. Despite his caffeine addiction, he seemed relatively fresh-faced, I had to give him that.
The waiter arrived at our table, presenting a wine menu, which Eric shook his head at, and two dinner-time spread choices. I gladly took the drinks option.
“Have you been here before?”
“Actually, it’s been years since I’ve honoured a chic restaurant with my presence,” he chuckled, and I laughed in return.
“Well, I for one am glad that you decided to jump me outside the Cosy Bear. Enjoying the present is what’s most important, right? All those little twists and turns.”
“Couldn’t of said it better myself.” His bright-golden gaze flickered down to the menu in his hand. “Hmm
 Although, I will admit, I’m tempted to be a stereotypical guy and go for the steak.”
“Go for whatever makes you happy, I’m not gonna care.” I whistled under my breath, running my finger along the price tags. I could afford to enjoy myself. Hyun wasn’t even here. “I think I’m going to have the carbonara. It is stunning. Really saucy, with that hit of garlic and parsley. I think I’m far enough away to off-set the garlic breath, yeah?”
He grinned. “Go whatever makes you happy, I’m not gonna care.”
“Oh, touchĂ©. As for a drink
 hmmm. Well, I’m not driving anywhere, so I think
 but this is where I get useless. I don’t know anything about wine.”
Eric leaned over for a moment, and I caught that sharp, bright scent again, the one that belonged to him. “The Von Der Fels goes pretty well with cream-based sauces like that. But if it’s sharper, go for the Chateau Lestrille. It’s a little expensive for by-the-glass, but it’s a nice wine.”
I couldn’t help but feel myself staring suddenly. “Excuse me? Where did Eric the coffee addict go?”
“Hey, I got an appreciation for the finer things in life,” he laughed at me again, closing his menu. “I think I’m ready if you are, sweetheart.”
I was
 surprised by how much fun I’d had with Eric. We’d never shared such an extended conversation before - I’d confided in him with all of that drama around Crowstorm when it had cropped up, discussed my fears regarding Nathaniel, and he, in turn, had done a great deal of talking about Melissa over a morning coffee before they’d split. It was hard to believe it had been six months since that had happened. And now
 Now that romantic troubles or other dramas weren’t on the table, I found that I actually enjoyed his company. He was hilarious - humorous with an air of irreverence, capable of switching to an intellectual discussion within seconds. On my toes almost the entire time, until I was warm and bubbly, overflowing at the edges, the blush of wine filling me up and spreading across my cheeks. He remained sober, glasses of juice accompanying the handsome steak he’d settled on, and I was pleased to see it. When it was time to leave, he was out of his chair in a second, wrapping the jacket around me and helping me to my feet with a quick, private hand. I appreciated it - I was a little doddery in those heels of mine, although it was a shock to see how quickly he moved. Eric always acted like such an old guy, it was easy to forget that he was still in the peak of his health, and physically, at that.
I pulled my wallet out from his coat pocket, and was surprised by a stern admonishment.
“Not tonight.”
“Eric.” My voice wasn’t loud, but it was firm. “Stop. I had plans to eat out tonight, you didn’t. Ergo, I’m getting the bill.”
“My ass,” he scoffed, bringing out a slim, leather billfold and cracking it open. “Seriously, Eva, it’s mine.”
“Seriously, Eric, it’s mine,” I replied, pulling my card from the small pouch it was secured in. “Please. I would really like to.”
“Considering I’m your guest, shouldn’t you be lettin’ me make the decisions?”
“You paying for the meal immediately means that I become your guest, so that psychology isn’t going to work on me.” I let go of his arm, and trotted steadily up to the waiter’s station - two young women were looking at us with amusement in their eyes.
“You two are hilarious. Are you dating?”
Eric smiled. “No, we’re – ”
“Engaged,” I cut him off, and had to fight as hard as I could not to burst into peals of laughter at the expression on his face. I quickly switched my labrodite ring from my index finger to the correct placement on my left hand in my pocket, and held it out for the two to inspect. “Tonight, actually, he asked me - ”
My lie was drowned out by the sound of excited chatter from the women, who were taking my manicured hand, examining the ring, asking me what the stone was. I explained that it wasn’t a gem of any kind, but in actuality, a polished chip of Belgian black marble from the city we’d met in. They were practically foaming at the mouth, with Eric looking like he was going to arrest me for slander the entire time - but, as I suspected when I ran my card through the machine, the drinks and the dessert had been comped!
“Success,” I crowed, turning around to face Eric playfully as we left the restaurant. “That’s how a pro does it, Inspector Ward.”
He was still shaking his head at me, attempting to push a smile back down as he watched. “You’re gonna kill yourself if you keep walking backwards like that - little liar! I’ll have to watch out, next time I’ll be seeing you it’ll be down in the damn station.”
“Thing about me is that I never get caught,” I winked, before stumbling slightly over myself - but before I could hit the pavement, he’d caught me by the waist, momentarily drawing me into his body.
I felt the briefest rush of blood flooding across my cheeks, down my chest, through the core of my body as I was pressed against him - the thin fabric of my dress and his shirt meant that I could feel the heat of him, burning through to me. The scent of his cologne against his skin was almost intoxicating, and I couldn’t help myself but to lean in, inhaling just below the curve of his jaw.
There was a momentary pause, before Eric chuckled, drawing me safely away by the elbows, and I realized what I’d done. My blush flooded my cheeks again; I swallowed, and turned my head away, trying not to make it look as though I was – well, I was –
“Were you sniffing me?”
“You smell good!” I protested, as we came up close to the Cosy Bear again. “A-okay, this is where we say goodbye, Mr. Policeman.”
“If you think I’m letting you walk home like that, you’ve got serious doubts in my intentions to serve and protect. C'mon, sunshine, my car’s at the station.”
“Eric, it’s fine. Really, there’s no need - ”
“I’ll arrest you for public intoxication if you don’t get in the cruiser.”
“I mean it.” His expression showed no trace of joking, and I stopped in the middle of the street, folding my arms with a pout. “I get it if you don’t want to be dropped off in a cop car, but you’re stayin’ here till I call you a cab.”
“No, I don’t care about the car, don’t be ridiculous. You just - You’ve already given up so much of your night, I don’t want to make you drive me home as well,” I mumbled into my own shoulder.  When I looked back, his sharp black brows were arched again.
“I haven’t had this much fun in months. Stop trying to make it sound like a travesty.”
“I am sorry, though,” I began, but Eric shook his head, cutting me off once more.
“No. None of that. Now, the cab or the car?”
“The car,” I admitted. I didn’t know why my heart was picking up slightly at that idea - it must have been my stupid over-indulgence, the alcohol making me fuzzy, growing hotter under his collar. “I’ll get in the car.”
Eric’s vehicle was a sleek black thing, with comfortable leather seats, and very ordinary otherwise - apart from the siren atop the roof, of course. I nestled into my place, my sleepy head drooping as I snuggled into his coat. This was nice. It was
 it was really nice. I didn’t want to go home to a stressed out boyfriend and tonnes of flour and dirty and broken crockery and noise until 3 AM where we turned away from each other, and slept on separate sides of the bed again. I wanted to fall asleep in this car. I wanted to stay here forever.
The rain began to gently patter against the roof while Eric was buckling himself in. He reached across to draw the seatbelt over my lap, clicking it in carefully, and switched the radio on. Blues music played softly over the speakers.
“Yeah?” The engine purred to life beneath us, and he reversed out, the last car to leave the lot.
“Will you turn on the lights?” I perked up a little. “Pleeeeeease? Nath never lets me turn on the lights.”
“Please! Oh, please, this could be my only chance. There’s no one around,” I whined, sitting up properly now, and reaching out to touch his arm. “Just for a little bit. A tiny bit. The tiniest bit. Please?”
“That is such a gross abuse of those eyes,” Eric sighed, shaking his head, but he turned off to the left and I squealed.
“Are you gonna do it? Please, please, please!”
“Yes, I’m gonna do it. I’ll take the outer town road to get to your place, so we’re not disturbing anyone.” Likely story, of course, but I could see that once he switched the lights on and I started to giggle, his eyes narrowed in a grin.
“How trashed are you?”
“Like, barely,” I protested. “I’m holding it together just fine, thanks!”
“You sure?” The engine was louder now, and I realized that we were beginning to speed up, up towards the highway.
“I’m sure. I’m sure, I’m sure.” I tossed his jacket into the back seat and straightened up eagerly. The flashing sirens cast a cyberpunk hue over the whole car, eclipsing the night in what felt like the future.
“You sure you’re sure?” He laughed, the speedometer inching past ninety, and I screamed.
“Alright, you’re the boss.”
One hundred, and climbing.
I reached for the window switches, rolling mine down and sobbing in delight as the wind and the rain rushed in, cutting deep into my bones. The lights continued to wash over us, bathing us in pools of ultraviolet splendour, as the lone car sped down the road, picking up in pace all of the time.
My chest was heaving when he switched the sirens off, plunging us into darkness again, and turned off down towards a street that would bring us back into the heart of the city. It had been maybe ten minutes, but it felt like forever and nothing, all at the same time.
I inhaled.
We rolled the windows back up, and the silence was relatively comfortable for the rest of the journey, until Eric paused a few meters away from the entrance to my apartment.
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
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My first fanart of Lance !! ( i feel like he’s too soft in a new era, i prefer when he tease Erika ^^)
the reference i used X
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
*amber and armin kissing in episode 39*
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
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Just been wanting to give a shot at a personnal design for Nevra NE, so here it is ! â˜ș
Did you ever imagine Nevra with long hair ?
Please :
Do not edit
Do not repost without credits and links
Thank you 💕
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
Beemoov post
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
So pretty!!!!,
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I hope I’m doing this right! 
A beautiful edit of Eric’s Illustration in Episode 13 by <3 
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
Here's a little priest Lys thing I wrote for The Hive discord server's valentines event
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momiyi-chan · 3 years ago
Ô Amour sucrĂ© ! Un jeu avec lequel j'aurai grandi. Tu sais toujours faire des personnages magnifique autant les uns que les autres, mais Dan ! Lui il brille de mille feux ! <3
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Pour ceux et celles qui ont joués aux derniers épisodes, vous savez qu'il n'est pas un ange ! Maiiis c'est quelque chose qui, pour moi, le rend encore plus intéressant.
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momiyi-chan · 4 years ago
Art Prompt #22
Draw your OC wearing old timey clothing! If they already wear “old timey” clothes, draw them in a modern day outfit!
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momiyi-chan · 4 years ago
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momiyi-chan · 4 years ago
What if the villain on his route ends being Eloise following her parents's steps and on the bad ending locking him and experiment with him
ok so... who u think is gonna be the villain in the neil's route?
Good question. I'd like to say Neil himself but I'm not sure đŸ€” on the other hand what's the point of a villain route if he's not a villain? I have the feeling he's tamer in his own story. What do you think?
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momiyi-chan · 4 years ago
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In order to make Otome's little Corner a more active place, our wonderful mod @otomes-and-tears brought the idea of making a server event dedicated to modifying Eldarya's canon and building up a new world in which plot, characters and such would be fixed.
Note: this event is not, in any shape or form, an attack to the team behind the game. This is just some way to have fun and challenge ourselves.
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1ST STEP: brainstorming
2ND STEP: working on the new universe
3RD STEP: putting everything together and showing the final work to the Eldarya community
The special chats are private, so as soon as you're in, ping me or a mod in any chat and we'll give you the event tag.
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Any doubts or problems, contact me, the server's admin, or any mod:
@otomes-and-tears (bee)
@tania-rambles (tania)
@lauren-snk (lauren)
@momiyi-chan (momiyi)
@louis-ratking (lou)
@imjustsomebodyelse (lisa)
@hebisstuff (hebi)
@jockallensworld (allen)
@fragments-of-stardust (achilles)
@centralsaints (max)
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momiyi-chan · 4 years ago
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Tears of Themis x Lays Collab
Promo Video 
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