#Stephen Joyce
storms-are-evil · 10 months
The internal logic of the tragic post-apocalyptic implies a world robbed of purpose because the end of the world provides no meaning to human civilization. This issue may best be emphasized thematically through an intense focus on the difficulties of everyday survival because these difficulties underscore the wider existential question of why one would choose to exist in aworld without meaning or purpose.
"The Double Death of Humanity inCormac McCarthy’s The Road", Stephen Joyce (2016)
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petitepluiedemai · 26 days
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Stephen Joyce
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bitterkarella · 1 month
Midnight Pals: She's back
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: I'M BACK! Rowling: [snapping fingers] and I'm on the prowl! Rowling: revenge would tasste sso ssweet right now! Julie Bindel, Helen Joyce, Allison Bailey: [in unison] she's back, she's back! Rowling: and it's time for war!
Rowling: [snapping fingers] I'M BACK! Rowling: and i won't play nice! Julie Bindel, Helen Joyce, Alison Bailey: [in unison] she's back! Rowling: I'M BACK! Rowling: against my lawyer's advice!
Rowling: ssso Rowling: you might have heard Rowling: I'M BACK King: oh, how was your candy floss vacation? Rowling: Rowling: my what King: julie bindel said you were on vacation, eating vodka-infused candy floss Rowling: Rowling: oh yeah right that'ss definitely what i wass doing
Rowling: i wass definitely on a sssunny beach ssomewhere, eating vodka-infussed candy flossss Rowling: and not being chassed around my sscottish mansion by my lawyers with butterfly netsss King: Koontz: Lovecraft: Barker: Poe:
Rowling: anyway i'm back to continue my eternal war againssst imane khelif Rowling: becaussse khelif iss clearly no woman!! Rowling: khelif lackss all the disstinctive featuress of a true woman... Rowling: acrodont teeth Rowling: venom ssacss Rowling: and a thick reptilian hide!
Rowling: as the only true woman on earth, i obviousssly represssent the exemplar of the phenotype Rowling: and i have examined khelif'sss face thoroughly and sssee no evidence of a jacobson's organ! Rowling: casse clossed!
Rowling: khelif claimsss to be againssst my global harassssment campaign Rowling: but she could end it at any time! Rowling: all she has to do is ssubmit all her personal medical information to me, the insstigator of ssaid global harassssment campaign Rowling: sso ssimple!
Rowling: and, of coursse, once i possssessss all of khelif'sss personal medical information Rowling: you could obviousssly trusst me to interpret it in good faith and not to twissst it in the aim of furthering saaid global harasssment campaign Rowling: which is ssstill ongoing
Rowling: trussst me Rowling: am i not the epitome of good faith and honesst dealing? King: Koontz: Lovecraft: Poe: Barker: Rowling: i said Rowling: [weaving head, concentric hypno circles in eyes] am i not the epitome of god faith and honessst dealing?
JK Rowling's lawyer: [appearing from bushes, carrying butterfly net] there she is, boys! JK Rowling: ok i really gotta go now Rowling: remember! trust no one! Rowling: measssure every larynx!!!
Poe: King: Koontz: Lovecraft: Barker: Poe: i really don't know why she keeps coming here King: no i feel bad for her King: i think she's just lonely
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hyperions-fate · 6 months
God becomes man becomes fish becomes barnacle goose becomes featherbed mountain.
James Joyce, Ulysses
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deadpanwalking · 8 months
you may have addressed this in the past, but i am pretty sure i'm too dumb to read james joyce. how do you improve your reading comprehension? i'd like to move beyond the nyt bestseller list, but going from stephen king to faulkner seems like a steep jump.
Nobody is too dumb to read a book, but plenty of people have been conditioned into perpetual incuriosity.  The only way to improve reading comprehension is by reading outside of your comfort zone, which necessarily means letting go of the notion that the relationship between an artist and their audience is adversarial, and that a challenging work of art is booby-trapped with mean tricks designed to make you feel bad.
What do you do when you run into a word or concept that you don't immediately understand in the wild? You don't (I fervently hope) drop what you're reading like a hot potato—you keep reading to see if there’s clarification, and if there's none, you find a reliable source that gives you the definition, context, and examples, then circle back. What do you do when you're watching a movie you haven't seen before and the camera lingers on a random detail, or a character makes an inexplicable choice? Unless you are my dad, you give the story a chance to play out before asking what the deuce is going on. 
Faulkner and Joyce aren't cyphers, which is why their short fiction is a standard in the public high school English curriculum, and As I Lay Dying and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man are frequently assigned to juniors and seniors in AP classes—but even their denser writing is more accessible now than it's ever been. Over the past century, so many people have loved them enough to devote their lives to studying their work—and they’ve passed the savings down to you. They’ve written annotations that explain literary, historical, and biographical context and that's aligned with the pagination of the books, they’ve integrated hyperlinks into the hypertext.
There's exactly one (1) acceptable excuse not to read Faulkner or Joyce: not wanting to read Faulkner or Joyce.  You don't even need to give them a chance—millions of people (among them, many prolific and intelligent readers) have and will continue to live rich, meaningful lives after deciding that a particular book or author is simply not a priority, even if the author is famous and the book highly recommended by several friends who wear glasses.
If you can parse this passage from Pet Sematary, you can parse just about anything Joyce throws at you:
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You know what sucks other than Giles or Buffy's mother, they didn't let her have any good adults in her life. Like she'd like someone and they were immediately the victim of the week. Like take the school guidance teacher in season 3, she went to someone, she let her guard down a little and the moment she did. The moment she went to someone other than Giles they killed him.
And it sucks.
We lose so many good characters this way. Like yeah I get it, they live on a hell mouth, but the writers couldn't have let one person have a close call instead of straight up death
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magnificentsapcaddy · 2 months
Alicent: All the work I've put in, everything I've done for this kingdom, and what thanks have I gotten? Am I not entitled to rule even as regent after running the King's council for three-and-ten years as my beloved husband declined in mind and body?
Rhaenyra: All this blood spilled in my name, and yet, my council treats me like a porcelain doll. I yearn for control, but they talk over me, not to me. What sort of queen am I, if I am disallowed from fighting for my people?
Criston: Aemond has grown into something dark and sinister. At night, I wade through a field of ash and bone, and during the day, my mind pulls me back there as well. Am I to blame for my king's downfall? Am I to blame for what his brother has become?
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speakspeak · 2 years
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“Louder Than Bombs”
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causeimanartist · 8 months
What is your favorite Thursday Murder Club member? Im particularly attached to Ron and Elizabeth.
Oooooooooh tough question because I honestly love them all but if I had to pick - it's between Ibrahim and Joyce!
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thestobingirlie · 5 months
Chapters: 4/6
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Steve Harrington & Everyone, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Robin Buckley/Vickie,
Characters: Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington's Mother, Steve Harrington's Father, Vickie (Stranger Things), Eddie Munson, Jason Carver, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Kali Prasad Joyce Byers
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dead Steve Harrington, (for now) - Freeform, Grief/Mourning, Season/Series 04, minor Steve and Jesus parallels, Minor Character Death, Angst, Ignore whatever season 4 told you about the UD, Satanic panic
As of March 21st 1986, Steve Harrington has been dead exactly eight months and seventeen days.
Chapter Summary:
Chasing ghosts, escaping the past, and California dreamin’.
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servants-hall · 9 months
Call the Midwife: Magazine Round Up - 13x01
Here are the CTM features and synopses of in the latest UK TV Magazines:
6-12 January 2024
TV Times
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Radio Times
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TV & Satellite Week
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What's on TV
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bestmothertournament · 6 months
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: The Running Grave
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i have a new ssstory for you tonight Rowling: a new ssstory of cormorant ssstrike Jesse Singal: wow mommy it's great! Maya Forstater: the greatest story ever told Rowling: Rowling: well i haven't told it yet
Helen Joyce: i'm not exaggerating when i say that this is 100% the best story ever written in human history Rowling: you haven't heard it yet Joyce: i don't have to hear it to know it's better than any other story in the world Rowling: Rowling: oh
Joyce: i don't need to know anything about it or even hear it to say that jk rowling is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life Rowling: Rowling: i dunno Rowling: for sssome reassson thisss jussst isssn't ssatissfying
[midnight society] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i have a new cormorant ssstrike ssstory Barker: don't you have your own group to tell that to? Rowling: no all they do isss praisss me and tell me i'm great Rowling: it getsss tiring Rowling: you all wouldn't underssstand
Rowling: sso cormorant strike is an ugly detective with a terrible personality who also reeksss of cigarettess and fartss conssstantly and also his hair lookss like pubess Rowling: naturally the women are all hungry for hiss D Patricia Highsmith: crazy dames, who can fathom them
Rowling: the thing iss women can't get enough of cormorant ssstrike Rowling: did i mention hisss hair looks like pubess? Rowling: women jussst look at his sscrotum-like head and think Rowling: damn i can't NOT fuck that
Rowling: but cormorant sstrike hasss no time for women Rowling: women are all just a bunch of dumb bimboss who only care about sstupid clothes and being shallow Highsmith: bitches be shopping, it true
Rowling: cormorant ssstrike is hired by this rich arissstocrat to resscue hiss adult sson from a cult Rowling: ssee, his sson is autisstic so he can't be trussted to make decissionss Rowling: you know how autistic people are Rowling: they're bassically eternal children
Rowling: ssso the dad is all 'i need to have my adult autistic sson declared mentally incompetent sso that i can control hiss life totally and forever' Rowling: as a good father would
King: gosh joanne King: as a father i have say King: i would do anything for my boy joe King: but that seems a little extreme don't you think? King: sometimes the hardest part of being a parent is letting go Rowling: Rowling: you know what ssteve? sshut up Rowling: jusst sshut up
Rowling: this cult, sssee, it sseducesss and recruitss vulnerable autistic youth who, as you know, can't think for themsselvess Rowling: remindsss me a little of another group now that i think about it King: Poe: Barker: Koontz: Lovecraft: Rowling: you know who i mean
Rowling: thiss cult alsso ssays itss about ssocial jussstice & being kind Rowling: but really it's actually a ssecret front for pedophiless Rowling: remindsss me a little of another group now that i think about it King: Poe: Barker: Koontz: Lovecraft: Rowling: you know who i mean Rowling: thisss cult alssso hass lotsss of money and ussess frivolousss lawsssuitssss to sstop criticisssm Barker: gosh now THAT reminds me of someone Barker: but who? Barker: who could it be? L Ron Hubbard: Barker: yes but Barker: i'm thinking of someone ELSE
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octo-pie · 3 months
Rip Stephen Dedalus you would’ve loved Foreigner’s God by Hozier
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deadpanwalking · 3 months
What was Steve Joyce’s fucking problem
Don't get me fucking started on that man. Churlish, greedy shitheel who fucked over almost every Joyce scholar in some way, including our mutual friend, Kate Bush. Imagine pissing off so many people that you become known as the Darth Vader of a literary legacy.
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dracupa · 8 months
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stephen dedalus doodles
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