#Step 9: After submission
newsepick · 14 days
Students Guide to Play Quiz on Newsepick
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Newsepick Guide to Play Quiz ⌛
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#"Stay up-to-date with current affairs and practice quizzes based on the news articles you read with Newsepick's Daily Current Affairs Quizze#Newsepick Guide to Play Quiz ⌛#Step 1: Start by logging into your Newsepick account#Step 2: 🔍 Navigate to the Feeds section ➡️ Click “VIEW QUIZ ARTICLES” to see the articles 📚 selected for the quiz.#Step 3: Read through the assigned articles carefully.#Step 4: After reading the minimum number of articles#you’ll be prompted to start the 📝 quiz You can choose to start the quiz immediately or continue reading more 📖 articles.#Step 5: Select the minimum number of articles required to unlock the quiz.#Step 6: Click on “Attempt Quiz” to begin ☑️#Step 7: Answer the questions within the allocated time ➡️ You can skip any question and return to it later if you have time ⏲️#Step 8: Once you are done#click on “Submit”✅#Step 9: After submission#you’ll immediately receive your score and earn Newsepick coins 🎉💰 based on your performance.#Step 10: Click on “Review” for detailed quiz performance feedback.#Step 11: You can revisit your quiz results anytime by navigating to your profile's “Quiz Summary” tab 📊#Connect with Us: [email protected]. Call us at +91 99039 99574#Quiz app for students online#Best quiz app for students online#quiz app for students#current affairs#quiz on current affairs#quiz challange#EducationalQuiz#newsepick#customized quiz app#customizable news reading experience#Youtube
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pinkslaystation · 6 months
[Part 2] If I meant something to you.
toxic!Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Here's part 1 hee hee hee hee Here's part 3 You believe Simon's changed his ways after your sister's engagement. After his actions, you still want him, but does he want you? Word Count: 3.6k
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A half naked woman running out of Simon's flat? A surprise indeed it was.
You really thought he reciprocated the same feelings as you did at one point, for once in your life feeling as if someone truly did want you for you, but that fantasy had dried out, and it was clear Simon had no intentions with you.
Your replacement proved it.
Before you began to weep in front of the Brit again, you hurried to your flat door, rummaging through your sweatshirt pockets for your key, wanting to wallow back into a state of depression in the comfort in your own home.
Simon didn't follow you, instead he just leaned against his door frame, sexily might I add, intensely watching you clumsily rip out past receipts and snotty used tissues from your pockets. He wanted to say something, ask you how your day had been, even thought it just turned 9 A.M.
Then it hit you.
You think back to your previous steps. You woke up at 8:30, you read the texts from your sister, made yourself some coffee, which you definitely think had gone off, and left your home, feigning a state of happiness.
You didn't take your keys with you. They sat on your kitchen counter, almost like they were mocking you for being so careless.
Banging your head against the door, you curse, "Fuck's sake...."
You mentally note that this is probably one of the most humiliating scenes you've found yourself in, nearly as bad enough as your 18th birthday, when your parents congratulated your younger brother instead of you accidently.
Simon exhales a puff of smoke towards your direction, you were so fixed on trying to get inside, you didn't catch him lazily eyeing you whilst lighting a cigarette into his mouth.
"You...wanna come inside?" He asks nonchalantly, looking at the sky, avoiding your gaze as if to seem cooler than you.
"Why would I do that? I don't wanna know where that bitch has been..." You scoff, referring to the girl. You want to look away from him, but his blonde chest hair glistens in the sunlight, enticing you to follow his instructions. He's not even all military mode on you but you already find yourself acting submissive around his presence again.
He grunts, thinking about what to say next, "Well for starters, Francesca's no one...and, where else are ya gonna go?" The sarcasm is sharp in his voice.
So you were replaced by a Francesca.
"And listen love, face it, you need something from me, come in so we can talk. Can't guarantee we'll do a lot of talkin' though..." His words trails off, trying to convince you. Boy, is it working...
His eyebrows are raised, and he purposely flexes his still wet pecs.
Fuck it. You think, barging into his room, purposely bumping shoulders.
You finally enter Simon's room for the first time.
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Simon wasn't completely heartless.
Yes, his childhood trauma resulted in his avoidant nature, ignoring his team in order to work alone on the field, disobeying his Captain to do what he'd deemed as best, and even ghosting you ever time you tried reaching out to you. What you didn't know though, was that Simon had given you his previous phone number, one he doesn't use anymore...
Late nights in his hospital bed led him trying to stalk you through Facebook, which no one your age uses by the way (don't tell him that), and every time his searches led him to nothing.
Had he not been so foolish, he would have manned up and straight up demanded you for your number. But he didn't, instead he told you he'd find you if he needed you, which was becoming more and more infrequent.
Yet here he lies, now clad in a loose black top and sweatpants, sitting across from you on his couch in his oddly empty room, hearing you out.
"'Kay so, your sister wants you at her engagement and you need a date, and you have no other friends but me, and you want me to be your fake date." He repeats back to you.
You hum, "For someone that didn't finish secondary school, you're quite smart."
Simon chuckles at the reciprocates banter, "And...what's in it for me?"
You scrunch your nose, "What?"
"What's in it for me." He enunciates his word, as if speaking to a baby, "What do I benefit from this?"
"Are you fuckin' for real, you've basically used me for your own pleasure, and you can't even fake a relationship in front of my family for like a couple of hours?"
You stand up, ready to leave, not willing to be disrespected again.
"Love, listen," Simon pulls on your arms, and you begin to notice the fresh scars decorating his forearms.
"Our relationship...platonic of course, it's like a business. You want something, you gotta work for it."
You're stunned, did he just insinuate that you were merely a business partner to you? Can this man be anymore of an ass, than he already is, reducing your relationship to a step below a 'situation-ship'.
"What possibly could I have that you need?"
"Yeah," he gruffs out, contemplating his decision, "not money 'cos I got more of that than you..."
He sits there in mock confusion, but you had a feeling he knew what he wanted from you the moment you spat out your request at his door earlier.
Before you try cursing him out again, your attention shifts to the ping from your phone, another unfamiliar number, but not from your sister.
10:32 A.M. ####:- Hey kiddo, how's life been treating you. ####:- Finally gotta a job? ####:- Can't wait to see you, your brother's been waiting to introduce you to his new girlfriend, good addition to the family this time I think. ####:- You're getting older now, unmarried and unemployed. Chop Chop.
Great, just a monthly reminder from your father that you've already been replaced by your brother's new fling for the week.
Now you really needed that date.
"I'll fuck you." You state.
Simon stares at your new found dominance, standing up to purposely look down at you and tower over you, disliking the sense of authority shifting between you two.
"Once again, dove."
"Just. Fuck. Me. Simon. Get this shit over with." You command.
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Okay, now you actually felt used. Blackmailed into having sex with Simon, just for him to get what he wants really was the all time low for you. And you've hit rock bottom multiple times.
You wake up light-headed, in Simon's empty bed. The bedside table held a small note in messy handwriting and a singular key.
Headed out to the pub, got a spare key for your room. You better be out of there by the time I get back. Jesus, you got the hint.
You wonder why and where Simon got a spare key from, realising that this situation could have been rectified from the beginning, instead he basically coerced you into sex just to fulfill his needs.
Your mother would die if she knew what your life was like.
Walking back into your room, you shoot a text to Simon, your now fake date, informing him of the fool-proof plan you'd come up with.
As you rest on your couch, thinking about the future ahead of you, and your head unconsciously drifts to that dreaded question:
What if you hurt Simon like he's hurt you?
The next few days was filled with your evenings trying to explain the dynamics of your family to Simon and teaching him more about you.
"And what, they went to the theme park and just left you there? Ain't that borderline abuse?" He questions, a small guilty feeling arising in the pit of your stomach learning about how similar both of yours fucked childhood was like.
You shrug, used to being kicked to the curb. You stop yourself before making some remark that he has no right to act upset about your parents behaviour when he's acting no better.
You tell him your middle name, hell, you tell him the correct spelling of your first name, and you stare at him, embarrassed that this hunk has pounded at your core but doesn't even know the vowels in your name.
"And last week was my birthday if they ask, and you better tell them I celebrated it by going to the cinema with my friends." You inform him, hoping some of this information gets retained into his pea sized head.
Simon cringes, unaware of your birthday, recalling the numerous amount times you'd shot him a smile that day, urging at least one person to wish you a happy birthday. He cocks his head, "What friends?" before correctly himself, "I mean, names wise."
"....you gotta make them up."
Note to self: Make new friends.
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The big day comes and you and Simon had driven to the venue of your sister's engagement party. Extravagant was an understatement. Anyone that would look at this event would assume your parents were millionaires, but they're not considering only 2 out of 3 children received trust funds.
You wore a sleek black dress with a slit by your right leg, and Simon matched with a clean black suit which, by the way, you paid for.
Though you would usually drink in his appearance, his recent brooding behaviour gnawed in your mind, so no matter how many smiles he sent your direction, they couldn't dispel the unease settling in your gut.
The first hour consisted of the pair of you awkwardly standing around, drinking numerous glasses of the finest champagne, with his broad arm hovering over your shoulder.
"Where's the family?" He asks eyeing every guy that even so glances your direction.
You shrug, glancing at your unread messages to your sister.
1:00 P.M. You:- hey :) made it, wru??? You:- looks very grand btw!! 1:29 A.M. You:- hello? where's ma? 1:37 A.M. You:- champagne's tastyyy You:- hi wru 1:59 A.M. You:- bruh did you rly invite me just to ignore me???
Simon winces at your phone, reminding himself to finally get your number so at least someone would reply to your messages.
"You made it!"
You both turn around at the chirpy voice, instantly locking eyes with your sister.
"Hey, you didn't read my texts, been here for an hour now." You question, as you're being pulled into a hug.
"Oh that was you? Sorry, I haven't saved you on my phone," she laughs. You glance at Simon almost offended by that, even though you hadn't saved her number either.
"Introduce me to the big guy!" She nudges you, and Simon interrupts you before you open your mouth.
"Lieutenant Simon Riley, and uh- also boyfriend." He extends his arm, and you can't tell whether he's faking his grin or not.
She drags his forearms, yanking him away from you and ushering him along eagerly., "You need to meet my family, come come!", as they walk off together, and you find yourself standing there, left to socialise with someone else.
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At 3 P.M., you navigate yourself to your family and your 'boyfriend', whom at this point, had really seemed to fit in with the community. Your father hadn't believed that you scored a buff military commander, and if he wasn't unhappily married to your mother, you'd bet 10 quid that he'd be all over Simon.
"Served in Afghanistan huh?" He chuckles boisterously.
"Yes sir." Simon actually looks like he's having fun, displaying the look of admiration for having an almost father-like figure in his life. He begins you question why you dislike your family so much, they're great!
"And you watch football lad?" He pats Simon on his back.
"Avid fan, sir."
Your father shakes Simon's hand, immediately surprised by his firm grip, "Good man. Don't let go of this one, love." He nods towards you, his smile twitching at Simon, who's basically gripping the bones through his wrist.
You force a smile hugging into your boyfriend's side, shouldn't he be saying that to your Simon, rather than you? I mean it's either your biological daughter you've sort of brought up her entire life versus a solider you've known for about an hour.
"Son, take some notes from your sister, no wonder you're single every other day." Your father reprimands your brother, who flinches from the sudden sound of disapproval and grips his girlfriend's forearm tighter. For sure the first time you're actually than him, at finding a better fake partner.
Your mother, on the other hand, was virtually glued to the other side of Simon, gripping his biceps and fawning over his muscles to your brother, who's actually looked like the only one who saw through your facade.
"Wow, you must really enjoy the gym, sweetie." She bags her eyes, disgustingly.
"Yes ma'am."
She addresses you, for what you think was the first time in over a year, and mouths sternly, "I was wrong, I approve."
The entire event was a drag to you, something you weren't used to at all, considering the majority of your childhood was mainly you being left home during such big events, but Simon managed to enjoy the evening whilst successfully lying to your entire family.
"Me and the missus have been together for 10 months now. She's very happy." He raises his glass to you, eliciting a genuine smile from you. It was times like this that you wished that you and Simon just tied the knot and just began dating. However, you couldn't ignore those underlying feelings of a simmering anger, a desire to confront him publicly for using you for so long.
"I am..." It sounds more like a question than a reply, kissing him, in mock affection.
"You need to stay over our place, Simon darling," Your mother gleams, with your father agreeing, "You can stay in the study!"
"You mean my old bedroom?"
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It's midnight, and your family have finally fell asleep in the place you once called home.
You lay next to Simon on your old bed, inspecting your previous room. The walls were no longer painted your favourite colour, but now was coated in a dull grey, your desk now replaced by a vintage looking oak table, definitely all to accommodate your father's taste. Any speck of 'you' had been wiped out from the room, and Simon wonders what young you was like.
"That was very fun...I like 'em, your family." He whispers almost inaudibly, fatigue evident in his words. His arm is draped comfortably around your neck, your head resting in the nook of his armpit.
You hum. The unfamiliar attention Simon had brought up on the two of you exhausted you, though a small part of you liked it, that now your mother actually cared about what you got up with him on a daily basis.
"Simon..." You begin, "What- what are we? If anything..."
You're anticipating his rejection.
"Neighbours..." He mouths silently.
You nod at him, hoisting yourself up on your elbows, although his eyes are closed.
"Simon. It's just that. I know it's all a show...but today it didn't feel like pretend...And when you said you wanted to marry me to my mum, it's just, I don't know, didn't feel fake you know. Felt real..Simon...Simon?"
He snores in response.
Great. You're just confessing to the thin air.
If he doesn't take you out, socialising for almost 9 hours straight will. You pass out next to him, no longer under his arm. Simon lays next to you, watching the slow rise of fall of your chest, after faking a snore.
He stares at the ceiling thinking about the day.
Come morning, and you find yourself sitting at the dining table next to Simon, who'd found himself in a hearty conversation with your parents, sister and future brother in law.
Across from you is your brother, whom you're sure didn't fall for your ruse.
His expression reveals concern as he gazes at you, almost as if he's silently urging you to unravel the tangled web of lies you've woven.
With a swift motion, he picks up his phone, arching an eyebrow in your direction, just as your phone chimes with a notification.
9:12 A.M. ####:- ik you two aren't dating. ####:- better fess up before i do
He smirks at you, your expression mirrors one of close defeat.
9:13 A.M. You:- ik you mad that she cheats on you every friday. You:- better check her private 2nd insta account before i do
Your brother looks up, hesitant to curse you out in front of everyone.
You 1, your brother 0.
Breakfast was served at this time you actually got the same amount of food as your siblings did, although Simon beat all 3 of you for it. Even though your sister was celebrating her engagement, the entire conversation was stuck on you and Simon.
Credits to your parents, because you were actually learning things about Simon, and you wonder if he thinks you're self-obsessed given that you've forced every fact about you down his throat and you haven't even given a minute for him.
"...and my Captain John Price, great guy. She loves him actually." He nudges you, breaking you from your trance.
Everyone on the table turn to you as Simon rubs your knee softly.
"OH. Um, yeah. Mr Price, John, um, great guy, handsome and so hot. Love him. The best really."
As you stumbled over your words, trying to cover up the slip, Simon gave you a reassuring squeeze on your knee. His eyes conveyed a silent message, telling you that it was okay and that they didn't catch you in a lie.
Your brother, however, shot you a knowing look, his expression a mix of amusement and annoyance. It was clear that he had caught onto your the slip up.
"Alright, enough about work," your mother interjected, steering the conversation away from Simon's military life. "Let's talk about something more fun. Like the wedding!"
The topic shifted to your sister's upcoming wedding, and you found yourself for once engaged in a lively discussion with your family about venues, dresses, and guest lists. Simon chimes in, his comments light-hearted and filled with humor.
As the breakfast progressed, you couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt gnawing at you. Your brother's text had reminded you that you were deceiving your family, and although it had started as a harmless ruse, it was beginning to feel like a weight on your shoulders.
After the meal, you and Simon got ready to depart, and as Simon and the rest of your family went to his car, you stood back at the front door, watching how perfect Simon fit in with them.
"It's obvious you don't like him."
You turn to the voice: your brother.
Your groan, "You again? Can't you just leave me alone, God's sake..."
"Aren't you a 'lil worried about how easily he lies though?" he taunts, "how'd you get him here? Money? Or you hold him over a secret? Maybe...sex?"
"What's your problem? Can't you just be happy I'm with someone?" You step back from him.
"Of course I am, if he doesn't like who, who else will, no? I'm just looking out for you bro. It's not gonna last, take it from someone who's in and out of relationships like your guy's in and out of other women."
You squint your eyes at him, confused.
"Grace, Josie, Francesca..." he trails off walking slowly towards the rest of the group. Francesca? That name rings a bell...
"Word of advice, don't leave your phone out in the open, I mean the amount of nudes on there, you'd think his gallery was a porn site! And without a password? Didn't know you were into whores, sis." He cackles.
And here you thought the trip had altered the dynamic.
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The ride home was 2 hours too long and too silent. You contemplated your next move. Do you beat around the bush or straight up ask him if he's still seeing other people behind your back? You know he doesn't owe you anything, he is your FAKE boyfriend, right? But, why did it feel so real?
"So..." he starts.
You rest your head on the window, "So..."
His hand moves to your thigh, squeezing gently before moving towards your core slowly.
"That was fun." He states.
You hum.
"Real cool family, huh."
You hum once again, unsure what to say.
"We should do that again..."
You look at him confused.
"Are you serious? I think they still think that they have 2 kids, they focused on you the entire time-"
"Well, it's not like you put in much effort to talk, love."
That shuts you up.
He sighs at your silence, "Listen, I've been thinking."
You glance at him, hoping he'd kick you out of his car and let you walk the rest of the way home, too ashamed to be in his vicinity.
"Your parents were hinting us to take the next move you know..."
"Neighbours to friends?" You question.
He laughs, "Your family's great, your sister's and her lad, real cute couple you know, I felt at home...so I was thinking...we should try it you know, going out I guess."
You scrunch your face at him, was he really convinced into asking you out because your parents asked him? And here you were, months of trying to hint to wanting more, and the moment your demanding parents butt in, he's just going to do what they say? And the fact that he couldn't even say the word relationship.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
You cross your arms in annoyance. You were tired of being pushed around like a doormat.
Your brother's words ring through your head, as Simon drives.
It's not gonna last, take it from someone who's in and out of relationships like your guy's in and out of other women.
All the signs point towards rejecting his proposal. He doesn't want you, he just wants the safest route. You being in a relationship with him isn't going to stop him fucking other women.
Why would you waste your time with a guy to whom you meant nothing to?
So you decide to give it to him directly.
"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend."
Thank you all so much for the interactions on part 1! Means a lot :D THERE WILL BE A PART 3 LMAOOO i did not intend for this fic to be long but here we are. lemme know you're interested to be tagged in my future posts! tags -> @lilliumrorum, @kxtz3, @poohkie90, @rainlovesyou12, @restrictionsapply, @lunamoonbby, @nigthmar3moon, @thychuvaluswife, @itsnourm, @bubusi11, @owkittie
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
Mistress snail I had a dream and I fear I can’t let it go
In theory, a devil fruit could do anything, right? The dream was that maybe Katakuri (or King) accidentally got affected by a devil fruit that could shrink things- and I think you know where I’m going with this
Like obviously at first he’s annoyed and confused- he’s gone from over 15+ ft to let’s say 8/9 but then it dawn on him that he can finally feel his darling in the most intimate way without stressing about killing them. I imagine he’d RUN home and just would not be able to leave them alone until the effects wore off
OKAY BUT THIS IS AN AWESOME CONCEPT!! I have been thinking about someone with either the ability to shrink others or grow themselves. Could you imagine if you had a devil fruit that could enlarge yourself to a gargantuan size, and Big Mom clocks it immediately.
Masterlist Here
Word count: mini-fic
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"Finally! A worthy partner for my children! Time to set a trap, bring them home, and have them produce all of the heirs for each of them. An army. Finally, an army." And you are forced to run while you're being tracked by Big Mom and her legion of hunters.
But what if Katakuri is sent after you to bring you in, and you're running from him as fast as you can? He can see the future, he knows where you're going and what you're doing. He knows you can take him in a fight, and he'll likely be rendered defeated in any circumstances...
...So he runs to you to help you get away.
He wants you to have a free life. He doesn't want this life for you, the life of rearing offspring of monsters with him or others as your mate and spouse. He would rather help you escape than bring you home to meet his mother.
And when he does catch up, all you're met with is calming sweetness. Laying down arms, kneeling beneath you, lowering his head and exposing his neck to you, for you to do as you will. You're taken aback and test his submission by placing a blade to the back of his neck. He's not worried, he's seen the future, he knows it's just a test of his humility.
"Let me help you run from beyond where my sister's sight can reach," he'd say with all honesty and submission, "You deserve a life worth living away from Cake Island. Let me help you."
And you accept, and he does.
But what if he gets injured protecting you? Are you going to stay and care for the man who you owe your freedom to, or are you going to take this opportunity to run?
Of course not. You'll stay and help your saviour in leather armor. You'll patch him up, soothe his skin, cleanse him of all ailments. And when your eyes meet with his ruby orbs, your breath hitches as his shroud is partially exposing his teeth.
A monster, large teeth in a mouth split up his cheeks. A monster with the heart of an angel, the skills of a knight, and those beastly eyes that will haunt your dreams with the expression of gratitude and, almost, love? Love in those ruby orbs, reflecting your own expression of love within.
You finally make it to the mirrors' edge. Brulee can't see you here, and Big Mom is livid about it. Katakuri will take any punishment from his mother, so long as you're happy and free to live a life that belongs to you. As he presents his arm out to you, gesturing for you to flee on a ship to the east, you shake your head at him.
Lowering your gaze and bowing your head, you placed your hand over your heart and grew yourself to a humble twenty feet tall, far taller than Katakuri. Looking up at you, his lips part in surprise and cheeks dusted with the glow of a pink flush. Stepping sheepishly closer, you take his extended hand and lace your fingers with his own.
"Thank you, Lord Charlotte," would exit your lips, looming over him with your great height, "I will not forget your kindness."
"Nor I will forget you. -I-I mean, the kindness of your own," he would stumble, truly at a loss for words by feeling dwarfed by you.
Leaning down, you'd press a sweet kiss to the top of his head. A kiss that is sweeter than any dessert he'd ever consumed. A kiss that would haunt him on his journey back to Cake Island alone. A kiss that he so wished to reciprocate before you fled from his grasp and hid yourself beyond Brulee's reach.
But you were gone. You were finally free to live a life that was truly yours. A life free from his mother, and belonging to you completely. He was thankful for that, and should you truly desire to see him again, he would welcome it fully.
The only place he would ever see you is when you visit him in his dreams, replaying that final moment in his mind's eye each night he slumbered.
Just my thoughts on the matter.
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Slutmas Day 9
Subspace (Chris)
Request: None
Warnings: Sub Chris, kinda short, major mommy kink, use of a vibrator, cockwarming
“Your good boy right mommy? Always wanna be your good boy.”
3rd person pov
Lately Chris has been feeling very submissive in just about every aspect of his life, wanting to be a good boy and please everyone. Matt and Nick have noticed and keep making fun of him calling him a “little bitch” or “a baby” and it’s really starting to hurt his feelings. He doesn’t like them making fun of him over something he doesn’t understand and can’t control.
The boys hometown best friend and roommate Y/n finds it kinda cute, she’s constantly telling him he’s doing a good job and making him blush. She’s making him feel some type of way that he can’t describe but it turns him on. Chris would usually just jerk off when he’s horny, but for some reason he can’t bring himself to do it lately. He feels like he somehow needs permission from someone.
Y/n noticed her praising had an effect on Chris one day when she told him how good of a job he was doing cleaning his room. He was making his bed when she came in, “Ooo Chris you’re doing such a good job, it looks so good sweetheart” is what she told him. For some reason that sentence was enough to make him hard, he whimpered when she said it before coming over to give her a hug. Y/n could feel his hard-on against her thigh and he whimpered again as her thigh rubbed against his cock.
Chris had become increasingly clingy, always wanting to be near his brothers or Y/n. Almost like a shadow, following their every move. Once again, his two brothers found it irritating as they had no personal space. They’re constantly running into and stepping on him since he’s always in the way. Y/n found it cute that he’d follow her around, always helping her, wanting to please the younger girl. One day he slipped up as he was feeling extra submissive, thankfully Matt and Nick were not home because he’d be so embarrassed if they heard. His two brothers went to stay the night at a friends house but Chris didn’t want to go since he was now only super clingy towards Y/n.
“That’s a good boy, thank you for helping me” is the sentence that made him slip up, after he put something back onto a higher shelf for her. The words that slipped out of his mouth instantly made him feel embarrassed, “Your good boy right mommy? Always wanna be your good boy” is what had slipped out. He was about to apologize when Y/n said “Mhm you’re mommy’s good boy Chris” for some reason she was oddly turned on.
Y/n’s pov
I was loving how submissive Chris had been towards me this past month, he was being so cute and loved my praising. I swear I could’ve cum on the spot when he said “Your good boy right mommy? Always wanna be your good boy” after I had called him a good boy for helping me. His cheeks flushed a deep red shade and he was about to apologize when I put my hand on his chest and looked up at him “Mhm you’re mommy’s good boy Chris” I told him. A loud whine had fallen from his mouth when I said that as his mind went to a dirty place. He was already extremely horny from not jerking off so the next sentence just kind of tumbled out without him meaning to say it out loud.
Chris had grabbed my hand, looking at me with the most innocent face “C-Can I please jerk off mommy? I’ve been good, I haven’t touched myself in three weeks! N-Need to c-cum, please” he stated anxiously. His face was then covered in a deeper blush that spread to the tip of his ears and down his neck. “How about you let mommy make you feel good? I think my good boy deserves an award, don’t you?” I asked making his eyes go wide while I pushed his hair back a little. “Yes! Yes please, mommy! I wanna feel good!” he said excitedly.
We went down to my room and I went to go grab some lingerie to change into when Chris grabbed my wrist, stopping me. “No, please you already look so pretty, wanna see you” he quietly mumbled out, I cupped his face in both hands “Yeah, you think so? So sweet baby, now can you strip for me and go sit on the bed like a good boy?” I asked, placing a kiss on his lips. He quickly complied sitting against the headboard, his cock already dripping precum onto his stomach.
I teasingly undressed in front of Chris making him whine, only leaving my panties on before going to my dresser. I opened one of the drawers to grab a small vibrator to use on Chris, “Have you ever used a vibrator before handsome?” I asked sweetly. He shook his head no, blush creeping up onto his cheek again as I sat down to the left of him. “Have you ever wanted to use one?” I questioned, loving the way his eye went wide and his mouth slightly parted. “Yes, wanna use one please” he admitted.
I pushed some of his hair back before placing a soft kiss to his neck, making him whine when I trailed my hand down his chest. I took him by surprise when I grabbed his hard cock and dug my thumb into the slit. “M-Mommy?” “Yes angel?” “Can I g-get a kiss?” I smiled at how cute he was before moving my other hand up to his face. I smiled as I pulled him in for a slow kiss, lightly biting his lip when I pulled away, “Are you gonna listen to me and be a good boy?” I asked him.
I removed my hand from his cock making him let out a loud whine, “Please! I promise I’ll be your good boy!” he said pathetically. I took the vibrator and brought it down to the base of his cock, “Put your hands behind your back and don’t cum, okay?” I told him, “Okay mommy” he complied. I turned on the vibrator to a medium-high setting causing Chris to let out a loud gasp, I started slowly moving it up and down the underside of his cock, tracing a very prominent vein. “Can you spit on your cock for me baby?” I asked, to which Chris did almost immediately.
“Good job sweetheart” I smiled at him as I wrapped my hand around his cock, jerking him off with the vibrator. Chris bucked his hips up a few times as he moaned and whimpered in pleasure. “Feels so good, thank you mommy” he whined out, “You’re welcome, are you close to cumming yet baby?” I asked as I sped up my movements. “Y-Yeah” he said back quietly, “If I suck you off, will you be a good boy and cum for me?” I teased, already knowing the answer. “Yes mommy, wanna cum for you” he moaned as I moved to be in between his legs.
I moved my hand away and turned off the vibrator, immediately going down to suck his cock. I started off by teasing the head a bit by giving it kitten licks before deep throating him. It only took a couple of minutes for Chris to loudly moan as he came in my mouth. I swallowed and looked at him, he was panting and had a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead, making his hair stick to it. “Do you think you can get hard again so mommy can ride you?” I asked softly. Chris said “If you makeout with me I can” in a small voice.
I moved to straddle his lap, immediately pulling him in for a rough kiss. I started slightly grinding on him, slowly feeling his cock get hard again as I did so. “Ready mommy, wanna be inside you” he whined, I got off his lap just long enough to take my panties off and quickly returned to his lap. I started slowly grinding a bit, my wetness spreading across his cock. “M-Mommy, I made you that wet right? Cause I’m your good boy?” Chris inquired, “Yes baby, it was all you. You’re my good boy” I smiled at him.
“Ride me please?” he asked quietly, “Okay, are you ready?” I questioned as I lined up his tip with my entrance. Chris nodded and we both let out pornographic moans as I sank down in his cock. “You’re so big baby” I said, loving the way he stretched me out, I immediately started bouncing on his cock, making Chris whine. “Can I touch your boobs please mommy?” he asked politely after a couple of minutes. Since Chris had been good so far, I agreed and he started to fondle my breasts. He ducked his head down to suck on one of my nipple while he played with the other one, helping me get to my high faster.
“Mommy? I need to cum! Can I please cum?” Chris pleaded, letting out a loud whine at my response. “Not yet, I’m so close baby, just a little longer” I moaned back as I started bouncing faster. Chris was a whiny, whimpering mess as it was getting harder him to hold it. “Cum with my baby” I moaned as I started cumming around his cock, Chris not far behind. After a few more bounces, he was cumming inside of me with a loud moan. “Oh thank you mommy! Felt so good! I love you Y/n” his breath hitched at his last sentence, not meaning to say it out loud.
“I love you to Chris” I softly smiled back, exhausted from riding him. I was about to pull off when Chris stopped me, “Wait! Can you please cockwarm me while we take a nap?” he asked shyly, “Of course I can, you wanna lay down?” I replied. Chris just nodded, moving us onto our sides and laying down, burying his head in my neck. “Goodnight handsome” I said while playing with his hair, “Goodnight Y/n/n” he mumbled back. We both slowly drifted off to sleep, hoping Nick and Matt wouldn’t come check on us when they get home later.
All work is subject to copyright
©Daddyslilchickenfingers2 2023
Do not steal, use, or reupload my work
Tag list: @angelic-sturniolos111 @biimpanicking @biplrbtch @chrisenthusiast @chrisolivia4l @christinarowie332 @chr1sgirl4life @delimeats-000 @dev-speaks @ermdontmindthisaccount @flowerxbunnie @fionaheartswomen @freshlovehacker @heartsforchrisandmatt @iheartchrissturniolo @ilovemattsturn @its-jennarose @justaslvttygirl @kvtie444 @lustfulslxt @luvysworld @m6ttsturniolo @mangosrar @mangoposts @meerkatzthings @mattsnutsack @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @recklesssturniolo @solarsturniolo @soursturniolo @strniohoeee @sturniolohoe @sturniolosluvv @sturniolopepsi @sturnphilia
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year
Challenge Day
Pairing: We'ar-ow (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 4039
Summary: After a night of rest, We'ar-ow drags you around her quarters. From a bath to rid yourself of that male's smell to getting food in your stomach, she ensures you taken care of. Rough in treatment, you are confused on what to feel. It doesn't matter. We'ar-ow takes you to the last place you want to be.
Author Note: Little warning, tiny bit of graphic content. Just bone breaking. I'm so glad everyone is loving on her. I'm planning of writing more for her and have a small plan drawn up already.
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
A yawn broke your neutral expression. It was hard. To keep a façade up and hold back your anger for the situation. This was humiliating! This… why did everything have to change? Why so sudden? If you release your anger, said one wrong thing to We’ar-ow, you would think yourself dead. Said Yautja had rudely awaken you. It felt like you gained no sleep after waking up.
Coarse fingers wrapped around your wrist and pulled you from the room. At this point, you realized… We’ar-ow was speaking. Her deep, throaty voice was hard to understand in the first place. When your brain has barely had time to comprehend all that has happened just this morning, there was no room to understand what the Monarch was saying.
With a free hand, you rubbed at the crust in your eyes. Huh, must have cried in your sleep or something. Now, you were finally able to fully see where she was dragging you. Across the strange living room and towards a door you just realize existed. The metal door slides to the side to reveal a massive room.
No time was given to you. She had you by the arm and forced you into the bathroom attached to the bedroom. Almost similar to your ex-mate’s bathroom, the only true difference was color and size. The tub could easily hold four female Yautjas without discomfort. This is when you realized the tub was full and steaming water.
Worst than before, you were giving absolutely not time to reaction as the clothes you wore were shredded. Your mind didn’t have time to even produce a yelp as We’ar-ow shoved you into the in ground tub. Your arms batted the water in a frenzied panic at first. You surged through the surface to gasp for air.
Almost instantly, you whipped your head to glare daggers at her before the logical side of your mind stepped up. Shit. You became submissive, ready for her to punish you. But nothing, no words or hits came. You peeked your head up to find an amused expression painting her face. It took a lot not to scoff. Instead, you simmered down into the water to hide everything below your neck. You didn’t want her to see more than you could control.
This earned a chuff. We’ar-ow shook her head. “Oomans,” was muttered underneath her breath. She kept guard though, eyes not leaving your form. The gaze caused your skin to crawl. You stayed slightly crouched down, eyes focused on the water, while not moving.
A crackly scoffed broke the silence. “Wash.” Your brows crunched the skin between them. What? How? You turned your head this and that way. Just water. Nothing to wash yourself with. What did she expect to use?
“Did the buffoon teach you nothing? I will take great pleasure besting him today. Maybe I will take his head as well, hang it in your new room, pet.” We’ar-ow took the necessary steps forward till her toes hung over the edge of the in ground tub. Her knees bent to a crouch. The salmon pink Yautja used a hand to scoop water and poured it over your head.
Almost… intimate. An action your ex-mate could do in the privacy of the community showers when time allowed it. “The water will cleanse your skin, wash away that Paya-awful male’s scent from you. Wash,” she commanded once more. Now, you understood truly what she expected from you.
You mirrored her actions from before and let water run down my head. Then, your eyes flicked up to hers. Was that good enough? “More.” Nope. You sighed before gaining a great idea. You dunked yourself fully under the surface then waited a few seconds. Once you felt it was enough, you broke the surface again, albeit this time calmer, and glanced up. She nodded.
Good. As you about to move to slip out of the tub, you realized something. There wasn’t anything to cover up with. She had already embarrassed you enough by ripping off your clothing then throwing you in here! Anger simmered in your boiling blood. All of this far too overwhelming to deal with and no given time to comprehend the situation.
All of this was just humiliating to say in the least. You swallowed what leftover pride you could hold onto and peered up at her. “I need a-a towel,” you requested, eyes flickering around her form and looking everything besides her.
The Yautja was still crouched down, nowhere near your level, but close by. Without any pretense, a pink hand grasped at your bicep and hauled you out of the water. You yelped and struggled against her hold, legs and arms flailing wildly. We’ar-ow pinned your back swiftly to her chest, loose hand coming to firm encase your neck.
Untamed attempts to break free from her were thwarted the moment her hand held your life. One squeeze could end it all. She felt the way your throated bobbed with a heavy swallow. She was back to her full height now. The Yautja slightly bent forward to further press herself into your backside. “Good pet.” She took full pleasure in your reaction. Fuck.
From the tops of your vision, you see her pink, split tongue skirt over her lower jaw. “Better,” is all she says before she removes herself from your backside. That’s when you realized you’ve been holding your breath the entire time. It rushed out of you in one big breath.
A hand fixated itself on your bicep before tugging you along. All you could do was listen… like a good pet. She brought you over to a spot in the bathroom before releasing her hold then pushing a button on the wall. Warm gushes of air dried the water from your skin, pleasantly warm. All drops of water officially removed from your previously damp skin.
Surprises morphs over your face. Your ex-mate didn’t have this but being the Monarch of the ship gave you special privileges, you guessed. The shock was allowed to simmer. We’ar-ow held onto your bicep once more and practically dragged you over to her bedroom of sorts. Clothes were pulled onto your body without another word. She shoved you out.
Out the room you had been in, into a massive living room, and towards a kitchen. Scents of food, good food wafted up into your nose. Not only were you starving, you were dying for water. Your throat ached, scratchy and dry. It left you with a headache that pushed at the back of your eyes.
The Monarch was none-the-gentler as she pushed into the bar stool too big for you. You catch yourself on the counter’s edge with not a second to waste. “Consume,” the voice you’re coming to learn barked. Then, she was off, marching towards a room towards the opposite of the front door. The same room we just came from.
On the verge of glaring at her, you grunted lowly and plopped your behind down on the stool. That’s when you realized why she had said ‘consume’ earlier, and where that delicious smell was coming from.
Before you sat a plate of steaming food, food that you didn’t begin to understand what it was made from. Instantly, your stomach growled painfully. A heady reminder. You glanced over to the door We’ar-ow left through. It was closed. You couldn’t hear anything from this far away. But she was gone, out of sight.
You were finally able to take your first full breath without any anxiety to squeeze the air out of your lungs. Yet, in the back of your mind, you knew your guard couldn’t be put down. Not now, not ever. Then, you focused on the food. Nothing smelled off about it, nothing gave you any bad vibes about it. And, We’ar-ow hasn’t given you a reason not to trust her. But, this is the Monarch we are talking about. Someone you don’t know. You scowled but your stomach snarled with a hungry roar. Pain cramped through your abdomen. You’ve never been this hungry before. Your ex-mate never let you go without a meal once a day.
By God’s grace, you were starting to become dizzy from dehydration. You smacked your lips together. A clear glass of see-through liquid was just sitting there. Once more nothing seemingly wrong with it. How could you know though? You weren’t like these guys. You had no great senses that allowed you to smell things miles away or hearing that alerted you in the same fashion. A sigh sounded from your lips.
Fuck it. You grabbed the glass and gulped down the entire thing within seconds. A bunch of air sucked in as well which caused you to burp… quiet loudly as well whoops. Your head whipped over to the door mentioned before. No movement or sounds. Good.
Back to the plate. With a finger, you nudged the things that looked like meat. It was warm. Cooked. Your eyebrows jumped with surprise. What. Something in your chest warmed with a familiar heat. You were swift at stomping it out before it had a chance to grow. Fine. That was… nice of her to do that. You picked up the slab of cooked meat and tore a chunk from it. It was still quite warm in your hands, almost unbearable. You held up the smaller chunk to your nose and sniffed it.
To be honest, it smelled glorious. So well, flavored and thoroughly cooked. You couldn’t helped the tiniest of smiles to grace your clean face. Finally, you placed it into your mouth and chewed. From the lack of food for a day, you hummed with delight. Delicious.
Before long, you had the entire plate cleared of food. You couldn’t know when your next meal would be. You didn’t know how the Monarch will… take care of you. Everything had been flipped on its head and you didn’t know what’s going to happen. You slumped in your chair, doing everything in your body not to just sob again. Defeated.
Warm fingers pinched your chin harshly and pulled your body up, almost lifting you off of the chair. Your hands went to wrap around a pink wrist, eyes darting up to find We’ar-ow. A gasp tore at your throat. Fear flooded your body, eyes clenched shut, ready for her to just snap your neck… but that never happens.
“Head up, spine straight. Don’t coward like prey. You are my pet. My pet won’t be prey,” she ordered and kept your head up, level, like the way she told you before. You cracked open an eye. We’ar-ow is still looking at you with her orange piercing gaze. She leaned in closer than she’s ever before, spilt tongue tasting the air. The Monarch dipped her head in approval. “Better, but I will get rid of that male’s smell later. I have an important meeting to attend. Do you know what it is?”
Curses flew around your mind. Why did she have to talk with you or ask you questions that made you have to answer? You lowered your gaze then shook your head softly. She pinched your chin harder. “When I address you, answer, my pet.”
A pregnant pause filled the air before you took in a deep breath. “No,” your voice quiet in the kitchen, eyes anywhere besides her body. We’ar-ow lumbered closer, a mandible lifting.
“That male who dishonored you, my new pet. He’ll face me in a challenge. He will lose. He will. You are mine. And I will keep you.” You couldn’t help but shiver at her tone. It was like she was a hundred percent certain your ex-mate will not win against her. In all honesty, a large part of your mind said she was correct. Her confidence bled over to you, contagious like a cold.
You wanted nothing more to blurt out the same question as before: ‘why?’ But you believed she would answer the same way. Instead, you held your tongue.
“You’re coming with me. First though-“ We’ar-ow stepped back to put space between the two of you, hand slipping from your chin. “You need to look like my pet. Come.” We’ar-ow turned her body in the direction of the original room she left through. Yet, you froze, stuck in place, not daring to follow her.
She notices this but doesn’t stop. Only a hand came to wave you along. “Don’t make me tell you twice.” Despite the voice being low and grumbly, it wasn’t harsh, just a general commanding her battalion. A tone you listened to, fearing what would happen if you didn’t. Your head bowed as you hopped off of the chair. But the plate… It would be rude and disrespectful to leave it behind.
“Leave it.” Okay, that answers that. You jumped at her sudden voice then scrambled after her. All the while, you kept a heady space behind her.
The door opened up to her presence. It was on the verge of closing until you got closer. You stopped at the entrance to stare into the room.
Holy. Shit. You couldn’t believe how big it was in here. Gracious, highly decorated, skulls, furs, and bones. A hunter, through and through.
Some of the skulls, five to be exact, were… human. You shuttered. Your ex-mate was kind enough to hide away the ones he collected when you reacted, well, horribly. It was a reasonable way to act when you see your own kind’s skull mounted on someone you loved’s wall. You shuttered, body tensing, ready to bolt in pure panic.
We’ar-ow turned around to face you, a bored look on her face. “You done?” It was like she was expecting you to react this way. Something inside of you curled into a ball at the knowledge. “Follow.” We’ar-ow motions you to follow deeper into this… this hell hole, this nightmare filled room. A place that bones of your species decorated the walls. You rapidly shook your head side to side, feet taking a step back to bolt.
The Monarch wasn’t letting you go. A hand wrapped around your throat and lifted you enough to be on your toes. Your bare feet scrapped for hope to stand on something. But she keeps you like this and brings you close. “My pet does not run! My pet stands to face the fear and danger. I will have to train you, unlike that measly male. He did nothing, didn’t he?”
Through the blood rushing violently in your ears, you desperately nodded your head. Any way to convince her to drop you. All you could think about is her snapping your neck. She’s the Monarch. She didn’t have to give a reason on why. Plus, you were her pet.
“Yes! Yes, he-he did nothing.” An alien smirk graced her face again. Her hold on you released. You landed unsteadily on your feet and snapped your head up at the Monarch. She stared down at you, looking over her upper mandibles.
Before a chance to think was given, We’ar-ow turned around and gracefully crossed the room over to the open concept bathroom. Almost similar to your ex-mate’s room, the only true difference was color and size. The tub could easily hold four female Yautjas without discomfort. Her hand swiped at something from the sink and she marched back towards you.
The Yautja towered, truly you meant that, over you but she doesn’t kneel down to get a better view. Instead, We’ar-ow sat down on her haunches. It helped a ton. Yet, she was still a good head taller than you. Without missing a beat, whatever in her hands was transferred to your head. Warm metal skirted around your head, beads falling down to tap against your cheeks. It tickled at first but you stayed still as the female fussed.
After a solid minute, she dipped her head and stood abruptly. “It will have to do,” she stated and continued to peer down at you over her mandibles. For a moment, your mind supplied she was wanting something from you. Words.
“T-thank you,” you offered your appreciation. Honestly, you did value the fact on your second day here, the Monarch has gifted something to you. A deeper part of yourself felt horribly guilty. From your limited knowledge of their culture, females don’t gift things. That’s the job of the male, to woo over any mates for the season.
That appreciation was thrown back in your face. We’ar-ow scoffed then huffed. You flinched, hands and shoulders drawn. A hand engulfed your neck once more. This time, much gentler. Her thumb and claw stroked up the side of your throat… right over an artery. One move, meant or not, could end your life swiftly.
Her mandibles clicked in thought, but nothing the translator picked up. Then, the warmth was gone and her massive form glided around you. She headed towards the door with purpose. Like a lost puppy, you scrambled after her.
This would be a good step forward. Maybe it be in the right direction or not, you don’t know. We’ar-ow didn’t look back once as she guided you through the door of her room, down the elevator, or through the halls. Every step this hunk of muscle took was prideful but not in an egotistical way. Here you were, a meek human doing everything in your power to keep up without looking like a fool. At least your ex-mate slowed partially down for you. She did not care.
With the pace she led, the pair had made it to the designation in her mind quickly. You realized where this was. The sparring room. Many males were already on the mats, proving their worth in a fight. That’s when you smelled the heavy scent of pheromones. Overwhelming and shoved straight into your face. Your mind couldn’t decide if the feeling it caused was good or bad.
When the Monarch entered the room, all those who were in her presence stopped. Males who were fighting tooth and nail ripped away from each other to bow respectfully. Green blood making the mats slick for them. You trotted up to We’ar-ow to stand a couple of feet behind her.
Before you had a chance to get a step closer, a blur of orange raced across your vision. Pink entered the very next second. Your brain stuttered to comprehend all you just witnessed. To your right, the Monarch held a near bone breaking grip on an orange male’s wrist. Now, it caught up to you. The male was going to grab you.
Despite seeing the tension in We’ar-ow’s body, her face was neutral as she stared down at the meek, young male. No words were needed as she calmly snapped his forearm. You slapped a hand over your mouth before any noises could escape. Even though in the past, you’ve seen the brutality that made up the Yautjas at their core. To see it happen less than a foot away from you… to hear how his bones just splintered by this female. Your stomach felt queasy at the sight.
Like it never happened, We’ar-ow faced the majority of the crowd, eyes scanning carefully through the crowd. All eyes on the Monarch. Even other females watched her with rapture, as if waiting for We’ar-ow to do something.
That’s when you felt a burning gaze so familiar. Your shoulder scrunched up to hide away, as if that was possible. You didn’t even dare to look in that general direction. Your heart pounded like a hammer. Creeping, crawling feelings snaked up your spine to settled in the middle of your chest. Echoes of his words rang back like a broken record.
“Dwainet,” the Monarch’s voice rung out like a church bell. The room seemed to still at the call of him. No one dared to speak, let alone whisper their rumors. You slowly picked up your head now, to find his eyes looking at We’ar-ow. Fear. Fear in those eyes you used to peer into.
You don’t know why but the tiniest of a proudful grins raced over your face. To see the alien that broke your heart then smashed on it right in front of you almost wet himself made you almost grin. This must not be usual for the Monarch to call out a male. Or the look on her face was deadly. You couldn’t see what she looked like from behind her. You didn’t dare peek either.
We’ar-ow raised a hand. With a single finger, she called the Yautja to step up. From your spot, it looked like it took all of Dwainet’s will to take a step forward. Let alone the rest to stop a respectful distance from her. His eyes were no longer on her anymore, but they hadn’t settled on you either. The fright in his system the only thing driving him.
The Monarch began to circle around the small male, looking him over. Each step was strategical, purposefully placed. Dwainet stood there, stiller than a statue as the female looked him over. Despite this being mating season, the look in his eye told you he knew that’s not what this was about.
When she was behind him, Dwainet sent a deadly glare down at your pathetic form. Your chest tightened. Shit. Your whole body froze as he silently glowered. Nothing in your body would listen. All of your muscles tensed, ready to spring but not moving.
Nothing left We’ar-ow’s vision. She noticed the way you tensed once behind Dwainet. If it wasn’t for your gaze stuck on him, she would’ve believed it was due to her about to best the male. Instead, We’ar-ow snatched a handful of tresses and yanked him back. All of his attention returned to her. She watched as his face morphed from the intense pain of his tresses being roughly handled.
“I challenge you, Dwainet. When I win, your pet will be mine,” We’ar-ow laid out her plans in front of the male. You watched as his eyes widened, the way his spine tensed.
Harsh whispers rolled over the large group in the sparring room. The translator that sat behind your ear did nothing, unable to pick up a single word. All you could do was glance around the room to read people’s faces the best you could. If only you could hide away when many eyes were on you. You were the center of attention now, no longer ignored as a meek pet.
Dwainet made a noise similar to choking on air. “You can have it!” he gave in so easily. Your stiff posture immediately deflated like a balloon. ‘It.’ He called you an it. The fractured pieces that still held on officially fell away to the darkness.
In a fit of unchanneled rage, you marched over to the restrained male and used a hand to yank on his only lower mandible. We’ar-ow allowed him to be moved by you, still holding onto him firmly. She couldn’t help the sliver of a smirk gracing her mandibles at the sight.
“You will fight her. You will lose. You will be left to wallow in your failure, alone!” you spat, voice gaining volume with each word till your voice echoed in the sparring room. Blood rushing through your ears and heart pounding are all you hear for a few long moments.
All you’ve done came rushing back. Before having a chance to fret over the situation, We’ar-ow hauled the male away from you to the nearest mat. The two males that occupied it were swift in their retreat and stood at the sidelines now.
Some Yautjas held smirks on their face as they watched. Others couldn’t look away from you. The rest just watched in rapture at the sight before. Something they’ve never seen before. The Monarch fighting for claim on a pet. While said pet, yourself, just stood at the edge of the mat. Yautjas crowded you from behind, not too close though. Their bodies creating a wall of muscles and bone, not letting you take a single step away. Shit. You were trapped to watch the brutality of a female that wants you. The Monarch wants you.
But your heart was far too guarded now.
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 17)
Summary: No one ever wins the games, even fourteen years later, Y/N is still playing.
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16
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“People of Panem, we fight, we-” Katniss freezes, staring at her own reflection. Makeup done, hair styled to perfection, holding up a stick for the camera. This isn’t real. This isn’t war.
“Does she know the line?” Plutarch asks, into the microphone, for all to hear.
“I know it.” Katniss shakes her head to clear it.
“She’s just warming up.” Effie explains. Even she has joined the effort, leaving behind her drab quarters for Katniss.
“Alright, let’s go again. Whenever you’re ready.” Plutarch instructs.
Y/N sways, soothing her tired infant to a sleepy submission on the opposite side of the glass. Daisy May is not fond of sleep, especially with the world bustling around her.
Katniss gets back down on one knee. This is take three.
“Maybe if you show her.” Cashmere whispers to Y/N.
“Might not be a bad idea.” Plutarch watches the mockingjay, with a hand to his head.
“Yeah?” Y/N is willing to try.
“Here,” Cashmere puts her arms out, “gimme the baby.”
Y/N looks down at her daughter, kissing her tiny nose and handing her off.
She fusses for a moment, in Cashmere’s hold.
“Shh,” the blonde coos, allowing the baby to take a fistful of hair. “It’s ok, my Daisy.”
The little girl sighs, closing her grumpy eyes, never letting go of Cashmere’s waves.
“Ok, Katniss, Y/N’s coming in to do a demonstration. Just follow her lead and we’ll go from there.”
“Yeah, ok.” Katniss’ eyes scan the reflective surface, searching for her.
A second later, her mentor pops through the connecting side door. She is not made up, or wearing some crazy outfit, her stylist squeezed her into; she is just Y/N. Somehow that is enough.
“I’m a method actor, obviously.” Loved her fake husband so much that their staged marriage became a real one.
Not that Haymitch is any better. Content to kiss the ground where she walks, if he couldn’t be with her.
The joke lands only with Plutarch and Cashmere. Katniss thinks she understands, but doesn’t find it all that funny.
“First thing’s first, I’m gonna move around a little, get the blood flowing, get that shortness of breath.”
Katniss moves with her, trotting in place like a show horse.
“Good, now we’ll go down on one knee.” Y/N demonstrates and Katniss follows. “Slowly and with some effort, I’m gonna rise to my feet.”
“Because you’ve just been in battle.”
“Exactly,” Y/N smiles, before her features harden.
She is a thousand miles away, just stormed the outskirts of the Capitol. The ease with which she shifts from one to the other terrifies Katniss.
“People of Panem, we fight, we dare, we end our hunger for justice!”
Even with the wind and the stupid stick in Y/N’s hand, raised in the air, Katniss almost believes it. This is the type of person that fuels a rebellion.
She was the people’s victor. She won her own way, same as Haymitch. So Snow manacled them together and scarred them with his brand.
The more Katniss learns about Y/N the more her heart aches, for the indifference she held toward her for so long. To know her is to love her and it’s a shame that not many people ever did.
“Yes! That was perfect.” Plutarch exclaims, “Katniss, now you try it. Just like that.”
“O-ok,” Katniss stammers.
Y/N moves aside, switching places so that Katniss is on the pedestal.
Katniss repeats the words verbatim, copying Y/N’s performance as best she can. She only agreed to be the face of the revolution after seeing what happened to district twelve. After seeing the reaction to Peeta’s interview with Caesar, she knows this is the only way to protect him.
There’s a slow clap from the corner, growing closer until he steps into view. The top of his blonde hair covered by a dark knit hat. “And that is how a revolution dies.”
Katniss glares at Haymitch, his hand resting at Y/N’s waist, as if no time has passed between them.
“Is this how you greet an old friend?” Haymitch cocks his head to the side.
“Maybe I don’t recognize you sober.” Katniss bites out.
“I guess it looks as bad as it feels.”
Y/N turns to him, whispering something Katniss can’t make out.
He offers her a smile and a chaste kiss.
Katniss sees herself and Peeta. The way they might have been, ten years down the line. Peeta would love her like that…and she’d love him the only way she could.
It would bubble up and swell in her chest, until she burst. Just like Haymitch, pouring from an empty cup.
Katniss sinks down in her chair, as the propo plays for the team. Wishing she could melt into it, disappear. No one’s going to buy this.
Y/N rubs at her back, “it’s not as bad as you think.”
“You’re right,” Haymitch cuts in, “it’s worse.” He’s always been a tough love kind of guy. Even with an infant strapped to his chest, he isn’t brimming with compassion.
Y/N rolls her eyes, “not helping.”
“Indulge me for a moment.” Haymitch holds both hands up in surrender. “Lets everybody think of one incident where Katniss Everdeen genuinely moved you.” He moves to the digital display, in front of the meeting table. “One moment where she made you feel something real.”
“Ooo,” Effie waves a hand. “When she volunteered for her sister at the reaping.”
“Excellent example.” Haymitch uses his forearm to clear data from the screen. He’s observed enough of Y/N and her tablet over the years, this technology is no different. “Hope that wasn’t important.” He steals a glance over his shoulder, before scribbling in, ‘volunteer 4 sis,’ with the stylus.
“And when she volunteered for Y/N.”
“When she sang that song for little Rue.”
Haymitch adds it to the list. “You know Effie, I like you better without all that makeup.”
“Well, I like you better sober.” The woman says in return, causing Haymitch to glare at her.
“When she chose Rue for an ally as well.” Beetee chimes in.
“Now, what do all of these things have in common?”
“Nobody told her what to do.” Gale understands better than anyone.
“Unscripted,” Beetee agrees, “yes. So maybe we should just leave her alone.”
“And wash her face.” Boggs narrows his eyes, “she’s still a girl, you made her look thirty-five.”
Katniss smiles at this.
“The opportunities for spontaneity are obviously lacking, here below ground.” Plutarch points out. “So what you’re suggesting is that we toss her into combat?”
“I can’t sanction putting an untrained civilian into combat for effect. This isn’t the Capitol,” Coin argues.
“Oh, that’s exactly what I’m suggesting. Put her in the field.” Haymitch knows this is the only way.
“No, we won’t be able to protect her.” The president looks to Y/N now. Surely she is not onboard with this.
“It has to come from her, that’s what people respond to. You want a symbol for the revolution, she cannot be coached into it. Trust me, I know.” Haymitch presses on.
“He’s right,” Y/N sighs. “It’s not ideal but…it’s our only option.”
“Maybe there’s someplace less dangerous.”
“District eight, they sustained heavy bombings last week. No military targets left.”
“We can’t guarantee her safety.”
“You’ll never be able to guarantee my safety,” Katniss adds. “I wanna go.”
“And if you’re killed?” Alma’s words hang heavy between them.
“Make sure you get it on camera.”
“You realize this is dangerous, let alone highly irresponsible.” Haymitch remarks, watching his wife load her gun. The bullets are color coded; black for regular, yellow are incendiary, and red for explosive. Though they’ve been asked not to fire the red ones down here.
“Yeah.” Y/N cocks the gun, squeezing the trigger and letting the bullet fly. She’s gotten better with practice, now hitting her target at dead center. “You don’t approve?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Then what are you saying, Haymitch?”
“As your former mentor, I’m not inclined to advise you waltzing into a war zone.” You search for water. High ground, stay away from the cornucopia.
Y/N nods, “and as my husband?”
“I’m even less inclined.” Though his feelings for her have shifted over the years, the need to protect her is fierce and unwavering.
“I can’t lose Katniss.” Not like we lost Peeta.
“Yeah,” Haymitch huffs, “I get that.”
She sets down her weapon, on the steel table in the training room. “I’m a good shot.”
“You are.”
“I’ve been working on my stamina, I’m almost back to where I was before Daisy.”
Haymitch won’t deny it. “You’ve got good aim, you’re fast, resourceful and a little bit scrappy. You can survive in harsh conditions.” You’re my victor. “But there’s a hole in your uterus the size of a dinner plate.”
“Was,” Y/N corrects him. “The doctors cleared me for this.”
“I watched you almost bleed to death; twice. So you’ll have to forgive me for being reluctant to let you risk your life. I understand that this is important to you-”
She turns, cupping his cheek, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. “I wouldn’t want you to go either. I love you too much.”
Haymitch affords her a soft grin, “that always gets in the way, doesn’t it?”
Y/N lifts a shoulder, “somehow I just keep getting sucked in deeper.”
“You keep getting sucked in?” He chuckles. “I was perfectly content on my own for over a decade, before you put your hooks in me.”
At this she laughs, harder than she should. “Don’t make it sound so romantic now.”
Still his arms are around her. Y/N’s at the nape of his neck, toying with the hair that has started growing in with gray peppered throughout and makes him feel every bit his age.
Their lips meet, by her accord or his own; he can’t say for certain. Y/N bids him closer. Deeper, harder, more. I’m yours. Nothing more, nothing less…just hers.
“Stay off him!” Cashmere scolds from the entryway, effectively breaking them apart. “It’s like you’re trying to singlehandedly repopulate this hellhole.”
“Our contribution to this great nation,” Haymitch salutes her.
“We’ve gotta be quick about this. Get in and get out.” Boggs orders, as they file out of the hovercraft. Nobody wants the mockingjay on the ground for long.
Introductions are brief. Commander Paylor, of district eight, shows them to the makeshift hospital.
Bodies of fallen civilians line the entrance, covered only by tarps. “There’s a mass grave, about two miles west. But I can’t spare the manpower to move them.”
This place is a breeding ground for infection. All the wounded in one place, nothing sterile in sight.
“Don’t film me in there. I can’t help them,” Katniss says to Cressida, as they move farther into the masses.
“Just let them see you,” the woman insists. She left the Capitol for this, she knows what she’s doing.
“Come on,” Y/N gives her shoulder a squeeze.
Katniss opens her mouth to speak but Y/N disappears into the crowd, helping nurse the wounded.
There is someone in the corner; no one tends her, she is alone and clearly suffering. A bucket of water, with a single sponge inside, sits beside her, bandages to the left.
“I’m surprised they let you out just to show face. Thought you were more important than that.” The woman from district eight says.
“I’m not here to show face. I’m here to support Katniss and what I believe in.” Y/N takes a seat, beginning to clean her wounds.
“You sure this is the side you fall on?” She chokes out. “There’s no fancy parties or big houses here.”
Y/N lifts a shoulder. “I never liked the parties and the house wasn’t very homey. The only good thing about it was my family inside.”
“People used to look up to you.”
“That was a long time ago,” Y/N murmurs.
“They will again.” The woman is sure of it, “and when they do, make sure you’re ready. Make sure you stay on the right side of things.”
“I was just trying to survive, couldn’t see beyond that.”
“He’ll kill you for this.” President Snow. “For standing with us.”
Y/N nods, with a tired smile. “Yeah.”
“Then why are you here?”
“This is what I believe in…a new Panem. Where we are equals and have a say in our own lives. It’s worth the risk. It’s gonna take all of us, every person in every district, we all have to fight for it.”
The woman presses her lips together, allowing Y/N to dress her wounds. She says nothing else, looking up at the victor, from time to time. I see you.
It feels good to be seen, by a stranger who owes her nothing. Someone to see her without the tainted film of rose colored glasses.
“How have things been since your release?” Dr. Aurelius inquires.
“Alright, I guess.” Haymitch is not here of his own free will. “Never gonna be good, given the prohibition you have going on around here. But I’d rather be with my family than locked up a mile away.”
“Tell me about your family.”
“My son’s name is Everest, he’s ten. My daughter, Arista is six and Daisy is four weeks old. Then obviously Y/N and her family. Katniss.” Peeta.
“Were they planned? The children.”
“Yes and no.” Haymitch scrubs a hand over his face.
“Can you explain what that means?”
“I don’t want…” Haymitch pauses, “our children are not burdens, Y/N and I have always said that. Those kids are everything and I don’t want that getting twisted. Ever.”
“Of course.”
“Snow gave us deadlines and we met them. With Everest and Arista, we had a year. In that year Y/N needed to be pregnant.”
“But not Daisy?”
“They screwed around with Y/N’s birth control. We’re fertile people, it doesn’t take much.” Haymitch admits.
“And your marriage, would you call it a happy one?”
“Yes, by my account. But I’m sure she’s told you all about me.” This is a joke, for the most part.
“I can’t say much, as it would be a breach of confidentiality. Still you should know, she speaks highly of you. She loves you very much.”
Haymitch drops his gaze.
“Where did you go just now?”
“Nowhere.” Haymitch brushes it off, “I was just thinking.”
“Thinking about Y/N?”
“Isn’t it fucked up how someone like that could love someone me?”
“In what way?” Dr. Aurelius asks.
“I mean you’ve met her.” Haymitch huffs, “had a few sessions.”
“She’s special.”
The doctor lets him speak.
“She’s a good person. She’s smart and she’s funny and she deserves the world.” Haymitch shifts in the chair, “she got me instead. Not exactly a fair trade.”
“I don’t think she feels that way.” The doctor informs him.
“Hmm,” Haymitch mulls it over.
“From the sound of it, you have always been very protective. Now you tend the children, so she can aide the rebellion. That must be hard for you.”
Haymitch scoffs, “I want to chase her down and bring her back.”
“Then why haven’t you.”
“If you love something, you set it free or some bullshit like that.”
“You love her deeply.”
“Coin offered to ‘dissolve’ our marriage. Did Y/N tell you that?” Haymitch changes the subject.
Aurelius sighs, “she didn’t mention it.”
“Tell me, oh great one, what does that mean?”
“Her mind is made up about you, Haymitch. Whether it’s right or wrong, no matter who deserves what, the heart wants what it wants. You are what she wants.”
“I want her too,” Haymitch snaps.
“You’ve mentioned that you struggle with the fact that Y/N didn’t get to choose you as a partner. Yet each time she does, you cannot accept that she is choosing you. As though you feel unworthy, unlovable.”
“Is that your official diagnosis?” Haymitch wonders, making no effort to confirm or deny.
The doctor flips quickly between entries in his notebook. “There is no distinction in any area of your relationship, a true lack of boundaries. All of your triumphs and failures, all of your sadness and your joy, is either sourced from her or the lives you’ve created together.” Dr. Aurelius tosses both hands up. “The greatest tragedies ever written are love stories, after all.”
Part 18
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease @ninimackbrews @wittiestrain184 @r1dd1kulus @erenluvr69 @helpimhyperfixating @jackierose902109 @jellybear455 @dreammgc @dadbodfanatic-x @ftdtcmlovr @inky-sun @ms-brek-ker @undercover55655 @mischiefmanaged21 @avoxrising @koiphisch @drwho-ess @daisydaisybilly
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mcufan72 · 6 months
Sugar and Cinnamon
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Loki x female reader (AU) / 18+
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Warnings: contains angst, fluff, smut, unprotected sex, alcohol and cigarette consumption, soft!dom/sub vibes, some drama, morally grey stuff. Maybe a bit of a filler chapter but necessary for the plot! I hope you enjoy.
While driving in his green Jaguar through the crowded streets of Downtown Manhattan, Loki tried to stay calm. The sunny weather didn't fit his mood. He couldn't stop thinking about last night and what had happened. He could still feel your kisses on his lips, your touches on his body, and he also couldn't forget the way you looked at him and how you made him feel. With your beguiling charm and your incredible art of seduction, you even made him submit to you. To show his submissive side was something he had never done that easily before. But when he finally decided to open up to you further and to give you not only his body but his heart too, you ran away, left him alone, leaving this letter for him. A letter full of heartache and pain, desperation and fear.
After you had this breakdown and cried in his arms, he hoped you'd open up to him as well and that you'd possibly tell him what made you feel so sad and hurt. He was wrong, maybe it was too soon and you two were not close enough to each other yet for such deep conversations. But he wanted you, he wanted you in his arms, in his heart and his life. And for that, he'd do anything so the most important thing was now to find you, no matter what. How was he supposed to not search for you when you were maybe in danger? Why didn't you ask him to help you? He would've given the money to you without hesitation, without demanding anything from you for this favour.
One day you will have forgotten me…
This sentence of yours echoed in his head. He could never forget you. Against all odds, you had grown to his heart, and he loved and craved you even more now. The blackmailing thing made him feel sick and drove him crazy. Who was doing this to you, his precious girl? He was so afraid that you could've left New York already before he got the chance to talk to you. He had so many questions.
Short time later, Loki arrived at the building where REA had its office and he left the car park with fast, long steps. He couldn't get fast enough to Rhea, not even knowing if she was already in the office because it was quite early in the morning. Loki pressed the doorbell and shortly after, the door opened and he entered the welcoming office. Light jazz and soul music and the smell of freshly brewed coffee conjured an incomparable and comfortable atmosphere. Everything in here was classy-modern and elegant but it didn't calm his nerves down. Inwardly he was scared and deeply worried but he wouldn't show it to anyone, especially not to Rhea, your boss. He was sure, according to your letter, she didn't know anything about the trouble you were in and he would never expose you to anyone.
“Good morning, Sir. How can I be of help?” Rhea greeted him kindly and offered her hand for a handshake, visibly impressed by the raven-haired, attractive man in black jeans, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket in front of her. Who could blame her? When he took his sunglasses off and looked at her with bright blue eyes she blushed but kept her professional attitude up.
“Good morning… Rhea, I guess?” Loki responded and took her offered hand in his.
“Yes, I'm Rhea. Mr.Larsson, right?” She asked him, her smile getting brighter when she recognised that he was much more handsome than in the photo she got from him some time ago.
“Yes, I'm Luke Larsson. I'm sorry for showing up that early in the morning and without an appointment but it's urgent and I need you to help me quickly and efficiently,” he explained.
“No worries, Sir. Please take a seat on the couch and let me know what I can do for you. Fancy a coffee?”
“No, thanks Rhea, I'm fine. I want to get straight to the point. It's about Miss Black.”
“I hope nothing happened between you two. If you're not happy anymore with her as your escort we will try to solve your problem,” Rhea took a seat next to Loki, facing him and raising her eyebrows. She was sure there hadn't been a problem between you two at all. She knew how much you liked him.
“No, I can assure you nothing happened. I appreciate Miss Black as my escort and I definitely don't want to book another of your surely lovely escort ladies. It's just that I need an appointment with her today. I know it's extremely spontaneous but… it's urgent, you know.” Loki still tried to stay calm and cool. He was sure Rhea would make it possible to fulfill his urgent request for your company.
“Let me have a look at Miss Black's schedule,” Rhea said, already knowing the answer. She stood up from the sofa and walked over to her desk, sat down on the chair and opened her laptop. Loki waited eagerly for her answer, nervously and subconsciously playing at his fingers. A habit he nearly had forgotten but he hadn't been that nervous for a very long time. You had brought out his soft side again. He had almost forgotten that he had a softer side. He had been alone for too long before he met you.
“I'm sorry, Mr.Larsson but Miss Black isn't available for the next two weeks,” Rhea told him. She just hoped Loki would take it easy and would be open for an appointment with one of her other escorts.
“What do you mean by that?” Loki's heart began to race. He must've gotten Rhea wrong.
“I mean what I said, Miss Black isn't available in the foreseeable future.”
“That's impossible. I need to see her!”
“Sir, I think you didn't get me right. It is impossible. Miss Black is unavailable.” Rhea stayed kindly but strictly.
“But I need to see her! If it's impossible, make it possible! I have an important event to attend and I need Miss Black to accompany me,” he answered with great emphasis. That he had to attend an event was a lie but of course, he couldn't tell Rhea the real reason why he needed to meet you promptly.
“Mr.Larsson, please… I can arrange an appointment with another excellent escort lady from my agency and I promise you you won't be disappointed. I'm certain we'll find the perfect lady for you,” Rhea assured him.
“I'm sure about that, Rhea but that's not the point. I just want to date Miss Black! Only her! Why isn't she available for the next two weeks? Did she get ill? Is she fully booked? Is she going to meet other… gentlemen and why didn't she tell me?” He knew he began to sound desperate. “Please, Rhea, tell me!” He was actually desperate, a fact that made him feel uneasy. He had never been this desperate because of a woman.
“Mr.Larsson, you must know that I won't tell you anything about the bookings, the whereabouts, or any other private things of my escort ladies. Please just accept that she's not bookable for the next two weeks.,” Rhea told him strictly.
“And I tell you to accept that I need to see her. Only her. Today. No matter what! I… because I… I have a soft spot for her, I really like her,” Loki stated and his last words were not much more than a whisper. He should better hold back all those feelings.
“Obviously,” Rhea muttered under her breath and suppressed a grin.
“I beg your pardon?” He asked, frowning and trying to keep up the facade.
“Obviously, and I get that, Mr.Larsson. Miss Black is a wonderful and lovely woman,” Rhea confirmed.
“She is, indeed.” Loki took a deep breath before he continued. “So there's no chance to meet her?”
“No, Mr.Larsson. I'm genuinely sorry.”
“Could you please do me a favour then,” Loki said hesitantly, still hoping for Rhea's help even if it wasn't the kind of help he was looking for.
“Mr.Larsson, I'm asking you, please don't push it too far!”
“I'm not asking for any information. I'll pay Miss Black for the next two weeks,” Loki said, leaving no doubt that he was being serious.
“Mr.Larsson I'm not sure if you…” Loki jumped off the sofa and walked over to Rhea's desk.
“Listen, I don't want further information. I got it that she's not available… at least not for me. Regardless of whether she has appointments with other men or not, I pay for the next two weeks including the nights,” Loki interrupted her harshly.
“Mr.Larsson, please… it'll cost you a fortune and I'm not sure if Miss Black wants you to do this!” Rhea tried to intervene.
“I don't care about how much it costs me. I just care about her. Money doesn't matter, she matters. I ask you to cancel all of her appointments and to add my money to her bank account,” Loki stated demandingly. He couldn't know that you hadn't any appointment at all. He was used to always getting it his way so he was sure Rhea wouldn't discuss his plan with him further.
“Mr.Larsson, Miss Black isn't available and she's also not exclusively yours.” Rhea slowly got angry. At least it was none of her business but she wasn't sure if Loki was stalking you. She just wanted to guarantee your safety.
“Of course, she is! I pay for the time she would spend with me if she were bookable. I want her to meet me and me only. I won't discuss it with you any further!” Loki commanded. Just the tone of his voice was enough to command respect. His possessiveness and obsession with you got the better of him. Why didn't Rhea understand him? He just wanted to protect you and avoid you being forced to meet other men for money. How many men would you have to meet to earn that amount of money you needed for that damn blackmail? He could easily give the money to you but for some reason, you hadn't asked him for help and refused to take his money without working for it. He wanted to give it to you unconditionally and so he had no other choice than to do it this way. You would never have to meet other men again or worse, sleep with them. Men who didn't know how to treat you right, with decency and all the respect you deserved. The sheer thought of them touching you or worse, touching you intimately, drove him crazy and made him fume with anger. And besides this, you were his and his only. But he better stay calm. He wanted Rhea to cooperate with him and so he returned to a nicer tone.
“Rhea, please do me that favour. If you can't do it for me then do it for her. Please! She doesn't have to do anything about it. I won't ask for anything in return. I just want her to be safe.” Desperation overcame him again and he wished he could still hold you in his arms like he did last night. Damn, why didn't you stay and ask him for help? Why did you run away from him?
“That's pretty selfless, Mr.Larsson.”
“Call it what you want, I just care about her wellbeing. She doesn't belong… here,” and he let his gaze wander around the office and emphasized it with a sweeping motion of his arms. “She deserves a life of safety and happiness.”
“Exactly what everyone else here thinks,” Rhea muttered under her breath.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing, Mr.Larsson. I'll do what you're wishing for. But I doubt Miss Black will be fond of it.” Rhea knew it was often fishy when it came to men wanting to pay lots of money for escorts or call girls and pretend not to want anything in return. She didn't think Loki was one of them but you never knew. She also sensed that he wouldn't give up that easily and that he was very serious when it came to you. There surely was more between you two than just the ‘escort-meets-client’ thing. She could see it in his gaze.
“Fond of what? Getting the money she needs without doing anything for it? I just don't want any other guy to lust for her or touch her. She deserves better. She deserves to be treated like a queen. I might not be the right man for her but if there's something I can do for her it's that. I just want to make it easier for her.”
“It seems, our lovely Miss Black has found her Prince on the white horse, the Knight in shining armour. It's a very noble gesture, Mr.Larsson, chivalrous even.”
“I'm anything but chivalrous, Rhea, believe me. I just want her to be okay,” Loki responded humbly. “So, could you please arrange an appointment with Miss Black in two weeks, as soon as she's bookable again?” Loki was well aware that he wouldn't get any further here with Rhea.
“Of course, Mr.Larsson. No issue.” Rhea told him the next free option to meet you. At least he now had the confirmation that you were still here, somewhere in New York.
“I'm sorry that I couldn't be of more help but…I'm just doing my job, Mr.Larsson.”
“It's okay, Rhea. I know and you're doing your job very well and conscientiously. I appreciate how you protect your escort ladies. Nonetheless, thank you for your time. Have a nice day, Rhea.” Loki could barely hide his disappointment. He had hoped for a different ending to this conversation. How could he have been that naive?
“Goodbye, Mr.Larsson and thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Let me know whenever I can do something for you or when you need an escort lady in the next two weeks,” Rhea said kindly. Loki nodded once, put his sunglasses on and left the office.
Back in his car, he angrily hit the steering wheel with his flat hands. “Damn it!” And tears welled up in his eyes. “Girl, where are you?” His question echoed against the windshield and stayed unanswered. Were you in actual danger? Were you scared? Were you crying? Did you miss him or had you already forgotten him? Did you care about him and how he felt after you vanished? Did you care at all? And by the way, he still wanted his scarf back. The thought made him huff and smile. And when you give it back to him he should tie you up with said scarf to his bed and fuck you properly and relentlessly until you'd promise him to never run away again. But before that, he would kiss the heck out of you and tell you how much you had scared him, how much he had missed you and how much he loves and adores you. He needed to search for you, immediately but he didn't even know where to begin. He would drive home and make a plan as to which places he should go to look for you. If you were still in New York he would find you.
You could barely keep your eyes open. The hour-long writing and staring at the screen of your laptop had exhausted you. Your back was achingly tensed up from sitting for hours at the table, writing your thesis. You tried to stay focused and to avoid too long breaks from studying. You were already behind schedule. The deadline would end soon and an extension of it would be impossible. Well, the day of payback and doom came closer and closer too but you pushed the thoughts of it away. You knew you couldn't do this forever, you had to face reality soon but for now, you didn't want to think about it. You'll find a solution to your problem. Soon, very soon but not now, not today.
You sighed heavily, ran your fingers through your tousled hair and buried your face in your hands. As soon as you closed your eyes, you saw him, Luke, or whatever his name was. Since you left him and his penthouse nearly a week ago you couldn't stop thinking about him. You permanently thought about his kindness, his warmth, his beauty, his tenderly demanding kisses, his skin on yours and how good he felt when he was inside of you. You missed him terribly. You didn't want to yet you did. Would he have slept with you if you hadn't asked him to do it? Possibly not. Luke was everything you ever wanted and you wished you would've met him under different circumstances.
Why couldn't you randomly have bumped into him on the streets of Manhattan? A meet-cute ending up in a café, followed by properly dating each other, would've been nice. Luke was attentive, mindful, kind, caring, affectionate, tender and incredibly erotic. The sex with him was so good and satisfying. He not only cared about his satisfaction, he cared about yours as well. Him, finger-fucking you in the limousine was the most erotic experience you've ever had so far, and not to talk about him allowing you to dominate him, later in his bedroom…and everything else afterwards. He truly saw you, he truly cared about you. He noticed and remembered everything you did, said or liked. The flowers he gave to you, the evening gown, the foot massage.
And he did all of this without even knowing you well. Luke had done everything Ralph had never done in five years. But Luke's affection, the blackmailing and your fucked up life scared you and it made you run away from him. He deserved better and not someone disgusting like you. The worst thing was you would never see Luke Larsson again. You had broken your rules, you had kissed him, a client and that was probably the most scary thing. Because breaking your rules has broken your heart… and his most likely, too. Something you didn't intend to happen, you never wanted to hurt him.
You were still denying it but you were into him. No, you were on the way to fall deeply in love with him. But you mustn't, you must forget him. He was your client and you had already gone too far with him. You were sure he would never forgive you and you hoped he had already forgotten you. You weren't any special or mattered, not at all, and certainly not to him. As much as it hurt, it was better this way.
You sighed again and tried to wipe away all those memories and visions of him. Running your fingers through your hair again, you stood up from your chair and stretched your stiff limbs. And Luke was still in your mind…and his scarf in the drawer of your dresser. You still had it. You shouldn't. You should've given it back to him already. You also shouldn't have lied to him. You didn't know how but he knew you were lying when you told him you hadn't found it on the floor of the hotel suite.
You just wanted to keep it, this little piece of silken fabric, a piece that belonged to him, a piece that gave you comfort and spread the scent of safety. His scent which you loved so much. You went straight to your dresser and took the scarf out of the drawer. You buried your nose into the silken fabric and inhaled deeply. It still smelled of him. You should better stop daydreaming and continue writing your thesis. You also should take a shower later, a cold one perhaps. You put the scarf back into the drawer, closed it and headed for the kitchen to prepare another mug of coffee. You turned some light jazz music on and continued working.
It was already 3 am when you went to bed after taking a hot shower. Cold water didn't help at all to wash him out of your system. You took Luke's scarf out of the drawer again, laid down on the bed and pulled your duvet up under your chin. You took a whiff and even though you were tired you felt arousal rise in you. You missed him and you missed his touch. Your fingers found your clit and you pleasured yourself gently but straight to a mind-numbing orgasm to get some stress relief, thinking of him.
On the other side of the Hudson, Loki laid on his bed and jerked himself fast and hard to a badly needed orgasm. He needed some relief from the pain he felt inside of him since you were gone and untraceable. His search for you in the last few days had been unsuccessful so far but you were always on his mind and tomorrow he'd continue to look for you. There were still some places he could search for you. You both didn't know that you pleasured yourselves at the same time, that you thought of each other and cried each other's names at the same time when your climaxes washed over you in the middle of the night. You were so close to each other yet so far away.
When you came down from your high you covered your eyes to keep the daylight out of your system as long as possible because the sun would rise soon. But instead of using your sleeping mask, you used Luke's scarf, covered your eyes with it and tied the two ends comfortably at the back of your head. You dropped your head in the cuddly pillow and a sigh escaped your mouth, tears brimming in your eyes.
“I miss you, Luke… and I love you,” you whispered tiredly. In the warmth of your duvet, engulfed by the quietly playing jazz music from your sound system and by the scent of his cologne, sleep finally took you.
Loki was about to fall asleep when he thought he had heard your tired voice, telling him that you missed and loved him. He knew he was just imagining it hence he hoped that you would at least come to him in his dreams.
The next morning, you were already sitting in front of your laptop again, your phone blinked and vibrated next to you on the table. You were knee-deep in writing your thesis and you weren't in the mood to answer any calls, not to talk about that you didn't have any time for it. You saw Rhea's name popping up on the display and you decided to answer the call.
“Hey, Rhea. What's up?”
“Hey, y/n. Sorry for disturbing you but… we have an issue,” Rhea explained.
“An issue? What happened?” You were curious about what she had to tell you and at the same time, you felt some anxiety arising in your gut. Did she want to sack you? That would be a catastrophe. Did Luke tell her what had happened between you two, that he was mad at you especially because of the letter you had written for him? Was it about him at all?
“It's about Mr.Larsson, dear.” Rhea sounded serious. The tight feeling in your stomach got worse.
“Yes, dear. I already waited for too long to tell you about it. Please come to the office if you can. It's urgent but I don't want to tell you about it on the phone,” she said, her tone slightly concerned.
“Okay, give me thirty minutes,” you answered, uncertain about how this meeting would end for you.
“Fine, I'll be here, waiting for you,” and you both ended the call.
“He did what? I don't understand. Who does he think he is? How DARE he? Guess I should be flattered,” you stated angrily thirty minutes later when you sat at Rhea's desk. But if you were being honest you also appreciated his concerns.
“Yeah, he doesn't want you to meet other men anymore. I suppose he cares about you, a lot.” Rhea had told you everything about her conversation with Loki and also apologized that she had waited for so long to tell you about it and that she hadn't sent you the money yet. She had been uncertain what to do with all the money Loki had already sent to her bank account to send it further to yours. She didn't want to do anything wrong and wanted to talk with you about it so she left the money untouched.
“Dear, we both know you don't belong here. You should take his offer. I'm sure he just wants to help,” Rhea tried to convince you.
“No! I won't take his money. It feels like he would buy me,” and you jumped off of the chair in front of Rhea's desk. “I know that I'm kind of a whore but… it's my decision, you know. I decide to meet a man or not. I decide which guy's money I take and how much. Does he really think if he offers the biggest amount of money he can own me and tell me what to do?” You were furious and walked up and down in the office. “I won't accept that!”
“I don't think he wants to buy or own you. I'm sure if you would tell him why and for what you need so much money he would give it to you without hesitation. That guy has feelings for you, you've grown on him and it seems…”
“Nonsense! And he knows, Rhea. I told him. No details, but he knows,” you interrupted her.
“Even better!” Rhea cheered. “And he still wants to help you! I know something is going on between you two and that something has happened. I don't want to know any details but this man is desperate and you should talk to him. He urgently wanted to meet you for a reason and I'm pretty sure you know what reason it is. Sorry, y/n but I really don't get why you are refusing his help.”
“Because I'm sure… no… I know one fine day he wants something in return. Everything in life has its price, Rhea. Life gives you nothing!” A single angry tear escaped your eye.
“I'm not sure about that, dear. Luke Larsson might be your way out of this business, out of your misery. We both know you don't belong here, desperation brought you here, to my agency, to my office. I'd be very sorry to lose you as my escort lady and I'd love to stay your friend but you should take this chance,” Rhea tried to convince you.
“No! I don't need a savior and I don't need love or care. I need money, lots of money… you have no idea,” you answered strictly.
“Then take his money, for heaven's sake! If you need the feeling of having worked for it try to imagine you'd meet him every day including the nights without actually meeting him. It's not that difficult. Your pride and stubbornness won't help you out of your bad situation, y/n.”
“Enough! End of discussion, Rhea. I can't and I won't take his money without working for it. I just can't do it. I never want to be owned by a man again, certainly not. I don't want to depend on a man’s mercy ever again. And the day will come when he demands a kind of payback, a kind of reparation. I refuse his offer, and you Rhea give him his money back. I don't want it. And also I want you to cancel my appointment with him, I don't want to meet him ever again. I leave now, I've a lot of work to do,” your tone dripping with anger and desperation. “Bye Rhea, see you next week when I'll have finished my exams,” you murmured sadly.
“Of course, dear. I'll send him his money back if this is what you want. I hope everything turns out well for you. Bye, dearest,” Rhea said and you hurriedly left the office without a further word. Rhea felt bad for you. She understood your motifs but she wished you would've accepted Luke's try to help you because it seemed this man genuinely cared about you. Of course, she accepted your wish and sent the money back with the note ‘acceptance denied’.
You wanted to laugh and to cry all at once. Why couldn't he just forget you like you had asked him for in your letter? And on the other hand, you felt wanted and cared for if it was true what Rhea had told you. Was he really desperate to find and meet you? Not that it would change anything. You had cut the wire and there was no comeback now.
You were still too upset to continue working on your thesis and so you walked aimlessly on the crowded sidewalks of the Manhattan streets. About an hour later you stood in front of the New York Public Library and immediately you thought about the conversation you had with Gabby about the Avengers and the Invasion of New York. Shortly after your last night with Luke, you couldn't resist finding out more about the incident and him.
To your astonishment, there was nothing much to find on the Internet and it seemed photos and articles from twelve years ago had been removed from the websites. Normally you wouldn't care about it but somehow you wanted to know who Luke was and what he had to do with the Avengers, the Invasion, and the avoided total destruction of New York City. You should be able to get access to old newspapers from that time and you also may find photos of him. And maybe you would find out his real name. It wouldn't change the fact that you'd never see him again but you wanted to know whom you had kissed and slept with, to whom you had given your heart.
You sat at a desk in the library, scrolling through several articles in the newspapers from twelve years ago. It took some time until you found the articles about the incident. There were short ones, side-long ones but no photo so far with all the Avengers in it. Mostly there were photos of a certain Tony Stark because his building was somehow involved in this so you scrolled further on the screen. And then, you had found it, a photo that involved all of them. In the photo, you also saw the three men you had dated: Steve Rogers, the fantastic dancer. Scott Lang, the guy who made you laugh the whole evening. Bruce Banner, with whom you had one of the best conversations and who invited you to a delicious dessert.
You scrolled further through the article and then you found it. The photo you were looking for. A photo of a handsome raven-haired man, incredibly attractive and with piercing blue eyes. The man you had dated, had sex with, and finally had kissed. You found his name written under the picture. Your friend was right. His name wasn't Luke Larsson. His name was Loki Laufeyson.
Loki was weary and worn. Day after day he has searched for you without any success, without any hint of where you could be. He had searched for you everywhere, he visited every place he had been with you, he looked for you in every cafe, bar, bistro, restaurant, gallery, museum, and park, he went several times to Vivian's Velvet, he even visited every bookstore or grocery store. Nothing. It seemed you had vanished from the face of the earth. Maybe it would've been easier if he would know your real name but without that, it was nearly impossible to find you.
Also, you refused to accept his money. He was disappointed and it kind of hurt him when he saw the money had been credited to his bank account again with the note ‘acceptance denied’. You neither wanted his money nor wanted to be found. But he wouldn't give up on you. Not yet and most likely never. Nonetheless today he would go to Vivian's Velvet for one last time. His very last try to find you.
Cast down, he took a seat at the bar and ordered a whisky. Today he just wanted to get drunk and he drank his whisky in one big gulp. “Another, please,” he asked the barkeeper, who placed a further whisky in front of Loki. This one he also gulped down in one swift sip. “Another!” He growled darkly and the barkeeper refilled Loki's tumbler. Why didn't the alcohol help to wash this dull ache and the sadness away? It had always worked in the past when he took a bath and had a glass of wine and never thought about his lost love interests again. Why didn't it work this time? He emptied his whisky quickly and ordered another one.
“Hello, handsome. Shouldn't you slow down a bit?” An attractive, tall, red-haired woman addressed Loki and took a seat on the bar stool next to him, temptingly crossing her long, black nylon-dressed legs. Her short black leather dress showed more of her bodily features than it covered.
“Mind your own business, my Lady. My drinks are none of your concerns,” Loki stated, annoyed without looking at her and took a sip of his next whisky. He didn't want to be rude but he wasn't in the mood for a conversation or flirting.
“Does it hurt that much? What is it you're trying to numb so desperately? Want me to distract you, pretty one? Want to play with me?” she offered him, her voice soft like velvet and her fingers trailed gently over his forearm up to his bicep. Loki immediately grabbed her hand and stopped her from touching him.
“Don't! I appreciate your tempting offer and you're a really pretty woman but I'm not interested, thank you,” Loki informed her, looking sternly at her. She withdrew her hand from his grip and smiled at him.
“I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to be pushy. I just thought I could help you to forget some of your… grief.”
“That's very kind of you but nothing and nobody can help me to forget, I guess.” Loki swirled the whisky in his glass, staring absent-mindedly at the golden-brown liquid.
“That bad?” She asked cautiously.
“Yeah, it's that bad,” Loki swallowed the entire contents of his tumbler. With the emptied glass he gestured to the barkeeper to refill it and turned his head towards the woman next to him.
“Can I get you something? What would you like to drink? Champagne, a cocktail or something else?”
“Champagne would be nice,” she answered sweetly. “Is she nice?” She wanted to know.
“Who? What do you mean?” Loki asked, irritated and playing with the whisky tumbler in his hands.
“The woman you try to forget,” she responded smilingly.
“How do you know I'm trying to forget a woman,” Loki responded, looking quizzically at her.
“Because men try to drown their pain and lovesickness in lots of alcohol and mostly they're having casual sex with a Callgirl too. That's why many of them are coming here to Vivian's,” she explained knowingly.
“I'm not one of them. I came here a few times to look for her and we had our first date here. She's gorgeous. Over time we became closer to each other and then she vanished. And now I'm looking for her but without success,” Loki told her and emptied his whisky glass.
“So she's one of us?” She wanted to know.
“Kind of. She is… was my escort lady.”
“An escort? Maybe I know her… what's her name?” She asked him.
“Yeah! Yeah, maybe you do!” Hope arose in Loki again. “Her name is Sugar,” and Loki was sure she'd know promptly who he meant. But her answer crushed his hope.
“Sugar, you say?” She contemplated for a moment before she answered him. “No, I'm sorry, I've never met an escort here named Sugar.”
Loki nodded sadly and gave her a description of your appearance when he suddenly remembered a little something.
“Do you possibly know an escort lady named Candy?” He asked her excitedly. It was the last glimmer of hope.
“Candy? Yes, of course, I remember her. She's lovely but I haven't seen her for weeks now. Maybe she quit, I don't know. We were never close, you know.” Loki's hope died instantly and he took a deep breath, shaking his head in disbelief. He slowly believed the universe didn't want him to see you ever again.
“What a lucky girl she is. I wish such a great guy like you would love me like that and look for me like you are looking for her. But I'm sorry, handsome, I think I can't help you. You need to continue searching for her, I guess.” She genuinely pitied him. He was truly sad and desperate and obviously in love.
“And yet she ran away,” Loki murmured. “No worries, it's alright. I won't stop searching for her but I don't want to keep my hopes up too high, you know. But I appreciate you're trying to help me,” Loki continued but could barely hide his disappointment.
“No issue. I'm sure you'll find her. Love always finds a way. Heads up, handsome,” she said, trying to rebuild his confidence.
“I just hope you're right,” was the only thing Loki could answer.
“Thank you for the champagne, I'll leave now. And hey, don't give up on her. I'm sure she is waiting for you. You're a very decent man… coming here frustrated and love-sick and refusing a good fuck… if this isn't fidelity and love then I don't know what is. Good luck, pretty boy” she said kindly, smiled at him, hopped off the bar stool, and went away. She was looking for a man to spend a night in bed with and maybe she would fall in love with one of her clients too but she knew Loki wouldn't be the one. This place in his mind, in his heart, and in his bed was already taken.
It was in the early morning hours when Loki decided to finally go home when he saw a black limousine in the car park right in front of Vivian's Velvet. He was instantly sober. Walker casually leaned against the vehicle, a coffee from a takeaway in his hand. He had had a long night after his two-week vacation but now his shift was over and he would drive home soon. Loki and Walker never crossed their paths in the last few days or nights but it seemed it was meant to be that Loki was meeting him now. Not Vivian's was his last hope, Walker was and Loki was well aware that only Walker could help him to find you. It wouldn't be easy to break his secrecy. But he wanted to give it a try. If this wouldn't work, nothing would.
“Good morning, Walker. Hope you're fine. Do you remember me?” Loki greeted him.
“Good morning, Mr.Larsson. Of course, I remember you, Sir. I hope you're doing well, too,” Walker replied, unsure what Loki might want from him.
“Haven't seen you for a while,” Loki continued. Walker took a sip of his coffee and stared emotionlessly at Loki over the rim of his mug. Walker was cautious with every suitor of the escort ladies he was responsible for.
“I don't want to beat around the bush. I need your help, Walker and it's urgent,” Loki told him, with sadness in his voice. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his chinos and waited for Walker's reaction.
“What kind of help, Sir?” Walker grumbled, raising his eyebrows. He didn't trust a suitor, least of all the pretty ones.
“Sugar. I need to find her and it's urgent. I have looked everywhere for her, days and nights for the nearly last two weeks and I can't find her. Please, Walker, I need you to help me,” Loki asked him desperately.
“What makes you think I could help you, Mr.Larsson?” Walker questioned him dismissively.
“You know where she lives, you always drive her home after her dates. Walker, please bring me to her, I really need to talk to her. I need to see her,” Loki responded firmly, gesticulating with his hands to emphasize his request. Walker's answer was a deep, wholehearted laughter.
“And why should I do that, Sir? Do you really think I'd drive suitors to the escorts’ homes? I'm sorry, Mr.Larsson but this is really ridiculous.”
Loki rolled his eyes annoyed and bit lightly into his lower lip, placing his hands on his hips.
“I genuinely appreciate your discretion Walker and I'm glad that you take your job that seriously but you quite don't understand the urgency of this matter…I. Need. To. See. Sugar. Please!”
“No! I won't bring you to her home. I'll protect the ladies and nothing will change that. Not even a filthy rich guy like you!” Walker grumbled darkly. He would protect the escorts at all costs, especially you because he had a soft spot for you.
Loki walked towards him until their noses were almost touching. They gave each other a death stare and if looks could kill both would die instantly.
“Bring me to her,” Loki demanded insistently.
“You'll bring me to her, Walker! Don't make me force you!” Loki's anger was growing fast but it was the anger of a man who was desperate to find his beloved girl.
“No!” Walker didn't give in. He couldn't know that he would lose any kind of fight against Loki but he would defend your privacy until his very end.
“Damn Walker, she's in danger, she needs help, urgently! So get up your ass and bring me to her!” Loki was upset but of course, he didn't want to hurt Walker physically, it wouldn't help anyone. But something in Walker cracked. He frowned and Loki took one step backwards.
“In danger? Why should I believe you?” Walker asked curiously. He was genuinely concerned now.
“Because it's the truth and you need to trust me.”
“I never trust a suitor. Sugar always spoke highly of you but it's my golden rule to never trust the men who book an escort lady.” Walker explained vehemently.
“She spoke to you about me?” Loki wasn't sure if this was a good or a bad sign.
“She just answered my concerned questions, nothing more but she was always fond of you. So, tell me, why should I believe or trust you? Maybe you're just telling fuckin’ lies to get to her.”
“In the last night we spent together we came very close to each other, not only physically but emotionally too. She stayed for a reason the whole night, you should remember that night and you got well paid for it that you waited until the next morning for her.” Walker remembered that night very well because it was something that didn't happen very often.
“She left without a word when I was still sleeping and the only thing she left for me was a letter, in which she told me mostly everything about her,” Loki continued.”She's in danger, Walker. Someone is blackmailing her. She needs my help. Please, Walker, we're on the same side, we both love her, each his own way, and we both want to protect her. Walker, I'm begging you, bring me to her!” Why the hell was this man so stubborn?
“Do you have any witness of what you're telling me?” Walker was still wary towards Loki but his concerns for you grew. What if he told the truth?
Loki pulled your letter out of the inner pocket of his jacket, unfolded it and showed it to Walker. He didn't give it to him because its contents were too private and just meant for him and it was the only thing he had from you besides the thong he had stolen from you when he pleasured you on the backseat of the limousine which stood right in front of him now. He carried your letter always with him like a treasure. He just wanted Walker to see it and prove to him that he wasn't lying.
“She wrote it in this letter. I told you the truth. Please help me, Walker.” Loki begged him quietly, tears brimming in his eyes. Walker frowned and rounded the limousine.
“Get into the car, Mr.Larsson. I'll take you to her!” That was what Loki wanted to hear.
“Thank you, Walker. I owe you.” A big smile appeared on Loki's face. He put your letter back into his pocket again and he quickly jumped into the car.
The sun was shining brightly this morning. Not only in the sky but also in Loki's heart. He put his sunglasses on and not much later, Walker parked the limousine in front of the building you were living in.
@lokisprettygirl @faesimps @gruftiela @anukulee @fandxmslxt69 @foxherder @depressedpolishgirl @buttercupcookies-blog @chantsdemarins @fictive-sl0th @justjoanne242 @km-ffluv @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lovingchoices14 @wheredafandomat @lokixryss @huntress-artemiss @smolvenger
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lokiusbang · 4 months
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Sign ups for the Lokius Reverse Bang are open
We’re looking for artists, writers, beta readers and pinch hitters to join this event to celebrate 1 year since Loki season 2 finale aired.
This will be an artist-led event. Artists will create 1 or more pieces of art. Writers will claim art and collaborate with the artist to write a fic based on the art.
Sign up form.
sfw and nsfw allowed
artists and writers of all levels welcome
dual sign ups as artist and writer are allowed (but you can’t write fic for your own art)
no ai art or fic allowed
Lokius must be the pairing for your art and fic
canon compliant, canon divergent and AUs allowed
no ship or character bashing allowed
canon-level violence and major character death allowed
art or fic around non-consent, underage and dead dove may not be suitable for this event; please speak to a mod to discuss.
You must complete at least 1 piece of finished art for the Reverse Lokius Bang. You can submit up to 2 submissions to be claimed. Each submission can contain 1 or multiple art pieces. Your art must be able to be shared digitally and must be created specifically for the event.
Types of art allowed:
digital art
trad art
gif sets
Other artforms not listed above may be suitable for the event. Please contact mods to discuss.
16 June—artist sign ups close
30 June–7 July—art submissions
20–21 July—claims period
28 July—teams confirmed
25 August—check in
22 September—check in
20 October—check in
9–20 November—posting period.
Art must be either a rough sketch or a storyboard by submission.
If you want to collaborate with another artist as part of the reverse bang, please contact mods to discuss.
You must write a complete story of at least 5,000 words that’s inspired by the art. There is no maximum word count but all fics must be published within the posting window.
All fics must be beta read and must be posted onto the Ao3 collection.
30 June—writer sign ups close
14 July—claims preview 
20–21 July—claims period
28 July—teams confirmed
25 August—check in
22 September—check in
20 October—check in
9–20 November—posting period
If you want to collaborate with another writer to write your reverse bang fic, please contact mods to discuss.
Beta Readers and Pinch Hitters
Beta readers will help writers polish their fic. Each writer will have different requirements and may ask you for different things. These may include spelling and grammar, story flow, vibe check, sensitivity check, or cheer reading. Writers and Beta Readers can pair up before or after artist/writer teams have been created.
Pinch hitters will step in if an artist or writer has to drop off. They may have to pick up things last minute. This may happen at any point after the teams have been created.
11 August—Beta reader and pinch hitter sign ups close
All dates may be subject to change.
See Lokius Reverse Bang FAQs and Rules.
The Automat server is hosting this event and will have special event channels for the bang. You can join this server with or without being part of this event, and you don’t need to join this server to be part of the event.
Send us an ask or email [email protected] to speak to a mod.
And finally, please reblog to help reach more people interested in Lokius. Thank you.
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rosemarymonths · 1 year
Introducing Rosemary Month 2023, all throughout October!
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You can submit art, fanfics, music, cosplays, meta analysis, shitposts, etc, for the prompts!! I’ll be keeping track of the tags: #rosemary and #rosemary month2023 for submissions!! Or you can simply just @ this acc so I don’t skip over yours by accident!
Day 1: From The Start
Imagine rosemary at their very beginning of their dynamic or at the first step of their romantic relationship!
Day 2: Turtle Consorts
Rose and Kanaya hanging around Rose’s consorts would’ve been pretty cute!
Day 3: Meteorstuck
Imagine any Meteorstuck shenanigans Rose and Kanaya got into together!
Day 4: Hurt/Comfort
Obligatory sadstuck day, but with added comfort for safety measure!
Day 5: First Kiss
Either imagine Pre-Retcon Rose and Kanaya’s first kiss, or the unseen post-retcon kiss! Or maybe you want to explore a different way they could’ve had their first kiss?
Day 6: Quadrants
Time for some rosemary quadrant smearing!
Day 7: Birthdays
How neat would it be to see Rose and Kanaya celebrating each other’s birthdays?
Day 8: Cats
Imagine Rose and Kanaya playing with a bunch of cats!
Day 9: Rain
Rose and Kanaya going through rainy weather, or just explore anything you want to do with rain.
Day 10: Rays
After the rain, Kanaya and Rose finally get some sunshine.
Day 11: Game Over
Explore the absolute heartbreak that is Rose and Kanaya’s deaths, either during the catastrophe or the aftermath within the dreambubbles.
Day 12: AUs
Any AU you want!! Been thinking about a MLP AU lately? A Little Prince AU?
Day 13: Family
Explore either Rose and Kanaya with their own little family, or just them with the other Strilondes/Maryams! Or both!!
Day 14: Alpha Timeline
Imagine either Alpha Rose x Beforus Kanaya, or post-retcon rosemary! Whichever one you like best!
Day 15: Tropes
Explore your favorite rosemary tropes!! Or a trope you’d love to see with rosemary!
Day 16: Scars
Rose and Kanaya bonding over their shared scars, either literal or metaphorical.
Day 17: Flowers
Either Kanaya simply infodumping about her botanic skills to Rose, or just pretty flower art, you decide whatever!
Day 18: Stars
Perhaps Rose and Kanaya stargazing, or aesthetic pieces! Go crazy!
Day 19: Date Night
Imagine Rose and Kanaya finally going on a somewhat decent date this time around.
Day 20: Robots
Assigned meat rosemary day, or just do whatever you wish with robots and rosemary!
Day 21: Double Date
Imagine rosemary going on a double date with another ship you like!
Day 22: Dreambubbles
Either Rose and Kanaya having dreambubble fun times, or perhaps more Game Over angst?
Day 23: Domestic
Explore Rose and Kanaya’s sweet domestic life, as they deserve!
Day 24: Strider Third Wheeler
It wouldn’t be Rosemary without Dave trying to tag along like he’s their five year old son, right?
Day 25: Proposal
Who do you think proposed? Rose or Kanaya?
Day 26: Wedding Anniversary
Rose and Kanaya celebrating their marriage!!
Day 27: Snow
Imagine Rose and Kanaya undergoing snowy weather!
Day 28: Fnaf Day
Exactly what it says. Happy Fnaf Movie month
Day 29: Beach Episode
Imagine Rose and Kanaya just having some beach summer fun times
Day 30: Clothes/Style Swap
A good ol’ fashioned clothing/style swap between Rose and Kanaya!
Day 31: Halloween
Happy Halloween!! Are Rose and Kanaya trick or treating? Passing out candy? Going to a party?Scaring little kids to death maybe?? Do whatever halloween fun you want with these two!
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cinebration · 2 years
The Darkling’s Shadow (The Darkling x Reader) [Part 1]
Premise: You offer yourself as a weapon to the Darkling, acting as his hidden left hand.
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Epilogue
Tagged: @don-daygamerz, @weallhaveadestiny, @kaqua, @sinful-wxrld, @ashdab2611, @ultarviolence, @chodingcreature, @demonenotturno, @crowssixof​, @mxacegrey​, @dreamlandcreations​, @s-r-reads​, @byulsrecs​, @peleksstuff​, @seraferna​, @imtherain​
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: ethanhunt
In the Little Palace, whispers followed you like the rippling wake of a boat cutting through water. You basked in the furtive, wary glances of the Grisha you swept past, the murmurs buoying your step as you made your way to the Darkling’s war room.
If the whispers were jeers or vitriol, you would still enjoy it.
Power demanded fear.
That invigorated you more than anything, more so even than the thought of the Darkling’s amplifying power coursing through you.
Smoothing your red kefta with both hands, you strode through the war room’s doors, gliding on silent steps into the empty space.
Not entirely empty.
The Darkling stood on the far end of the room, leaning over the maps spread across the expansive round table in the room’s center. Only his eyes moved as you entered, glancing up to see who had dared disturb him.
You stopped short of the table, stared across its expanse at him.
Straightening, he swept his gaze over you. “Bone white,” he observed, a note of approval in his voice.
A sharp thrill coursed through you. “I thought it an appropriate color for the embroidery.”
“Yes,” he agreed. “How are you liking it here at the Little Palace?”
After your display in the tent, the Darkling had dispatched you to the Grisha stronghold while he determined what to do with you. You knew, of course, being of a similar mindset as he, that it had been for show. He had made his decision the moment you snapped the Fjerdan’s cheekbone.
He hadn’t even waited a week to return to the Little Palace and summon you to the war room.
A frown creased the Darkling’s handsome features. “You don’t like being around fellow Grisha?”
Somewhere a clock chimed. You listened to its resounding bells until they died into silence, your gaze never wavering from the Darkling’s face.
“Grisha is your term.”
His eyebrows arched. “What would you prefer to be called?”
“By my name,” you answered, “or something more unique.”
A faint hum rumbled quietly in his throat, almost a laugh. “I understand the allure of uniqueness. It can be a curse, though.”
“I can be a curse.”
Taut silence descended between you, the Darkling’s dark eyes fixed unwaveringly on you.
“Is that a threat?”
Striding along the curving length of the table, your hip grazing its edge with a rasp of fabric against wood, you met the Darkling on the other side. You pitched your voice low, forcing him to pay rapt attention.
“I can be a curse or a scourge,” you murmured. Fervor swelled in your voice. “I can be a monster or a ghost. I can be anything you want…or need me to be. But most of all…”
His eyes refused to blink as you stared back at him.
“I can be your shadow, the boogeyman with blood on its hands and maw waiting in anticipation of its master’s next command.”
The Darkling couldn’t hide the dilation of his pupils or the slight widening of his nostrils. Strangling the smug smile threatening to give yourself away, you let your gaze linger on his face a fraction longer before glancing down at the map beneath his palm.
His breath rolled softly over your exposed neck. An exhilarating shiver rolled beneath your skin.
“If it weren’t for the loathing and prejudice of the Fjerdans and the Shu Han, I would suspect you were a spy.”
You glanced aside at him, tilting your neck further in a gesture of submission.
“Which makes me wonder why you are here.”
The lights in the room dimmed as the shadows darkened, rolling out from unseen crevices and corners.
“And what you hope to gain,” he added, the softness of his voice thrumming with power.
The room darkened to the one lamp set in the center of the table, its circle of light barely reaching you. The shadows across the Darkling’s face clung to him with a lover’s caress.
“I thought it was obvious,” you muttered.
“Enlighten me.”
You couldn’t ignore the command in his tone even if you had wanted to.
“You have the potential to be the most powerful person on the whole continent,” you said. “Well, you are the most powerful person on the whole continent. But you aren’t in that position of power. No Grisha, as you call them, are.”
The muscles around the Darkling’s mouth tightened.
Leaning against the table, you shifted a fraction out of the Darkling’s space. “I intend to change that, with or without your help.”
“You alone?”
“I am very committed and highly incentivized.”
“By what?”
You hesitated, wondering whether you should tell him the truth.
The darkness closed further in the room, smothering the lamp on the table. Only the barest gleam of its light reflected in the Darkling’s pupils.
“Power.” The word slid off your tongue with pure reverence. “I want the power.”
The hunger in the Darkling matched your own. You knew it in your bones, recognized the intense desire for power behind the Darkling’s calm mask.
Heartbeats thudded in your chest as he scrutinized your features.
“Why should I believe you won’t kill me to have it? Once we have achieved this grand vision you aspire to?”
“I haven’t learned to take power from a Grisha,” you answered. “Yet.”
“Do you think that is possible?”
“The Shu Han do, certainly. I think we should take power from them.”
Brow furrowing, the Darkling scrutinized your face once more.
You held your breath, heart thrashing against your ribs in a desperate attempt to hurl itself from your body.
The shadows receded, sliding back into their corners and crevices.
The Darkling took a step back from you, his expression a blank mask. He gestured to the map in front of him, long fingers ghosting over spots marked along the Fjerdan border.
“Verify the hunter’s information,” he ordered. “Bring me the head of their outpost’s leader.”
A mild twinge of disappointment constricted your chest. “Proof of loyalty.”
Straightening, you smoothed down the front of your kefta again. You strode toward the doors. “Very well, I’ll bring you your head. Then the real work can begin.”
“Another threat.”
“No, a promise.” You paused at the door and glanced over your shoulder at him. “Otherwise, you’re a waste of my time.”
You waited for the fraction of a second it took for the Darkling’s features to tighten, the muscle in his jaw flexing, before sweeping out the door, everything within you burning.
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miloxo · 2 months
why i should win lasko's #1 fan award :3 @plaqying
1. lasko LOVER since 2021
2. first redacted audio was a lasko audio ^o^
3. certified lasko YAPPER
me in my old 2021-2023 private server
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me in @sereh624 's server
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me in my irl friend group's gc (all of them r not redacted fans..)
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4. got back into drawing after a multiple year long hiatus to bring my 3 year old lasko design to life... pretty.....
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5. im married to him
6. personality-wise, i am literally him irl ask any of my friends
7. this post i found in my drafts from 2022
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(translation: i love lasko sm like my god hes so pretty in fanart???? and his voice?,,???? hes so cute)
8. a couple days ago i couldnt do anything for like 4 hours my brain was plagued with lasko and i couldnt think of anything else.
9. related to 4, i lost interest in redacted for over a year and got back into it because of lasko
10. lasko is one of my favorite characters in ALL of the media ive ever been interested in (hes top 5)
11. for probably 2 weeks straight i fell asleep to "your submissive boyfriend steps up to comfort you during a storm". i woke up energized and happy everyday.
12. i love lasko more than i love my boyfriend (not really but almost)
if lasko was real and i had a chance id leave my bf for him (boyfriend said this)
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13. someone posted a tiktok ranking each character's usefulness during the inversion with lasko at #9 and in reaction i left 6 comments with 3 of them explanations of why he was one of few reasons everyone didnt die during that series
14. ilove lasko..... i love lasko!!!!
15. right before making this i had a crisis questioning if i even deserved beong nominated for this award and how lasko deserves better and more active fans. really shows my love for him
16. this...
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17. when i first made my ao3 account , my username was laskosbitch (#freak)
18. moots with one of my competition for a while now i think. looking at u @morgansplace
19. the SINGLE fandom fic ive written is a lasko fic
20. ???,!,!??!,!?!,!??! i DO love lasko more than my boyfriend
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+5 in our discord dm and another +4 on tumblr, totalling to 211 lasko mentions while talking to my bf
21. "leader of laskonation" role in @/sereh624 's server
that concludes my presentation . PLEASE CONSIDER!!!!!
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rookthorne · 2 years
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 | 𝐉.𝐁.𝐁
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Pairing ➷ Baker!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader Word Count ➷ 965 Warnings ➷ Fluff, pet names Author's Note ➷ My third and final submission for @the-slumberparty's week 2 creator challenge - and it is also my late contribution to Valentine's Day... so happy Valentine's Day to y'all!
Slumberparty Masterlist
𝑪𝑶𝑶𝑲𝑰𝑬 𝑻𝑰𝑵  : ̗̀➛ a sweet biscuit having a fairly soft, chewy texture and typically containing pieces of chocolate or fruit.
There were very few plans you had come up in your life with that rivalled the sheer brilliance of what you decided to do - ‘twas the belated day for it, anyway. 
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Time had slipped through your fingers, so much so you hadn’t realised Valentines Day had already passed by with not even as little as a notice, nor a message. It was the curse of working so hard; late nights, early mornings, so on and so forth. 
Your morning commute didn’t differ in its crowds - people bustling back and forth, rushing to get to their 9 to 5 jobs, or rushing to get to class on time. Though, you did not mind, your thoughts were too occupied on whether you truly were going to pull off such a brazen idea.
It wasn’t reckless per se, but it was out of your norm. A bakery on your usual route to work had signs out, declaring their cookies and treats to be the best in Brooklyn. You didn’t disagree whatsoever, but it wasn’t thoughts of the baked goods that your mind was clouded with, no–it was the baker that occupied the counter. His smile was beautiful, bright enough to light up even the dreariest days, and you couldn’t help but be pulled under the swell of his ocean blue eyes. 
Subconsciously, or instinctually, you found yourself before the very doors to that bakery with no recollection how you had got there, though you weren’t sour for the thought. You could see him talking with customers, bagging up fresh loaves of bread and slices of cakes with that same damn smile that enchanted you. 
The door opened with a whoosh and a tinkling of the bell, and you were inside.
“Have a nice day, ma’am,” he said, his voice smooth. The woman smiled and waved, leaving the bakery with bags and bags of sweet treats.
Another customer stepped forward to be served and you browsed the selection, a little overwhelmed; chocolate this and chocolate that, strawberry this and strawberry that, it was a wonder there were so many ways to use the same flavour in entirely new ways. You were no connoisseur, but you knew baking was an art. 
“Hey,” he called. “Whatcha after today?”
You turned and smiled brightly, trying to will your heart to slow the tattoo it beat against your ribs. “I’m not sure actually,” you offered, sheepish. “I lost track of time and…” A better idea struck you. “I didn’t have time to get a gift before Valentine's Day, so I have to make up for that.”
The man laughed and rounded the counter. “Alright, now that is something I can help with. My name is Bucky, by the way.” You offered yours, and Bucky smiled. “What does your partner like?”
“I want to surprise them, see, they don’t have a favourite–I just know that they love your sweets.” It was a wonder you kept a straight face at the admission, your plan depended on it, and the delighted smile on Bucky’s lips almost broke your facade. 
“The choc chip is by far the most popular, and not to be biassed–one of my favourites.” Bucky directed you towards the clear glass jars where a label was connected with twine, neat script defined ‘chocolate chip’. “And then there’s these,” Bucky continued, pointing towards a cream coloured biscuit with a heart shaped indent, filled to the brim with jam. “They are a safe, but still loved, classic for Valentine’s; even if it is belated.”
“Do you like them?” You asked, peering closer at the dusted sugar and how it sparkled under the soft lighting. 
Bucky nodded next to you. “It was my ma’s recipe.”
“Perfect,” you sighed happily. “I’ll take some choc chip ones and these,” you pointed towards the heart biscuits. “Thanks, Bucky.”
“No worries, doll,” Bucky grinned. Oh, the things you would do to see that smile all the time. 
A few moments later you met Bucky at the counter to pay, a shy smile on your face when you felt the slight crinkle of paper in your hand. Under the guise of digging through your bag, you wrote your phone number on a loose piece of paper and prayed to whoever would listen that this would work. 
Bucky gave you the total with a happy smile and you waved your card. “Here you are,” Bucky said, handing you the bag full of the sweets he had ever so carefully packed. “I hope they like them, be sure to give my thanks for such high praise.”
“I will,” you rushed, grabbing the bag. Bucky turned to the box behind him and fiddled with something, and you took your chance; the slip of paper with your number fell neatly on top of the sealed boxes, its placement obvious and impossible to miss. “Actually, Bucky?”
“Yeah?” Bucky said, turning with a raised brow. “What’s up?”
Taking a deep breath, you offered the bag back to him. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Bucky stared. Shock, bewilderment, and amusement flashed in his pretty eyes as they flicked between you and the offered bag, before finally settling on endearment; a smile and wide eyes softening his features. 
“Oh, doll,” Bucky breathed, taking the bag back and brushing his fingers against yours. His gaze flicked into the bag and his eyes grew even wider. 
Before he could say anymore, you squeaked and skipped to the door. “Enjoy!”
Not even ten minutes later, your phone chimed as you walked through crowds to get to work. You pulled it free and let out a breath. It was an unknown number and an attachment, though what it contained told you exactly who had messaged. 
Thank you for that, sugar. 😘
The attachment, much to your utter delight, was a selfie of Bucky’s bright smile, blue eyes, and he was holding up the piece of paper with your number. You floated on cloud nine for the rest of the day as you worked; giddy, excited, and happy.
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↠  𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ↞
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tessa-liam · 9 months
Turning the Page  
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Now and Then
 - Chapter 9-
Choices, The Royal Romance, AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who belongs to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M🔞Warnings - Series will contain crude language, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 2498
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Now and Then – 9 
Chapter Summary: Riley and William arrive in Cordonia 
Title & Music Inspiration: 
Now and Then, The Beatles                                       
When You Love Someone, Gretchen Peters, Bryan Adams 
Wherever You Will Go, The Calling 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
A/N2: My submission for @choicesflashfics, Week#67, prompt #1 - “Nothing could ever change how I feel about you.” 
A/N3: My submission for @choicesjanuary2024, prompt Day 25 - ‘Remembrance’ #choices monthly challenge @lilyoffandoms #choicesjanuary2024 
A/N4: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. 
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In Flight, Cordonian Royal Jet, above the Mediterranean Sea 
Looking out over the vast expanse of water below her, and under the clear blue skies above the Mediterranean Sea, no clouds were in sight ... not a white cloud, nor a black cloud. 
Riley gazed out the large passenger window of the private jet, in solace, with her memories. Everything felt calm; almost too calm. The flight from New York to Cordonia was eight hours in duration, and even though they left early in the morning, they would not arrive at the palace until late in the evening with the change in time zones. 
Trying to and not getting any rest, her thoughts returned to the events over the holidays.
...Remembering when Liam arrived at her door, in New York on Christmas Eve, a short week ago. The expression of elation on his face as she opened the door for him... 
[‘Hello, my love,’ he tenderly smiled; He was standing there with an exquisite bouquet of long-stemmed red roses, as uniformed delivery drivers from the toy store waited patiently at a distance behind him, as the Royal guard performed a security check. 
Liam stepped over the threshold, leaning down to draw her in for a kiss on the cheek, as she accepted his gift. ‘Oh Li, these are gorgeous; thank you so much.’ 
At Bastien’s prompt, the delivery people entered the brownstone with prewrapped gifts and placed them under the Christmas tree, also filling the extra space in the living room very quickly. 
Chuckling, Riley watched as Liam thanked them with a generous tip, as he closed the door after them. 
“Our son will be so thrilled at what Santa brought him; wait till he wakes up tomorrow.”  
Liam laughed, moving quickly to put his arm around her, pulling her to his side. “Who says all these gifts are just for him? Hmmm?” Riley turned her head towards him, as Liam bent to capture her lips in a passion-fueled kiss. 
“Ah yes, your gift is right here.” Liam slipped his hand inside his coat to reveal a small box, wrapped in gold with a red ribbon. “This is for you.”} 
Riley breathed out, shaking her head. 
...Remembering wanting him so badly that evening ...as he kissed her forehead to say ‘good night’ before turning to the guest room; Leaving her feeling so confused, once again. 
...Remembering how excited LiLi was when he saw his father again Christmas morning ... and the look of pure joy in Liam’s expression as he watched his son blissfully playing with his new toys. 
...Remembering the look of adoration between Liam and his son; a private and sacred bond established between the two ... a bond only meant for them. 
Riley looked down at her phone and smiled fondly at the picture of William. He was proudly standing beside his gingerbread house gift for Liam, alongside Daniel and Matteo, to smile at the camera. Riley marveled at how unequivocally her son loved his father, so quickly. As if two loose puzzle pieces finally clicked into place. There was never a doubt in her mind that William needed to be wherever his father was. The connection between father and son was undeniable. 
...and with those thoughts, she agreed to return to Cordonia.  
And now, she found herself on the Royal jet headed back, leaving behind her New York world for the place that shattered her ‘happily ever after,’ again. 
Liam, being the new, ever-doting father was pointing out to his son the shores of Cordonia through the window. She saw the look of marvel in Liam’s eyes, as he watched his son’s reaction to seeing Cordonia for the very first time. They were sitting in seats across the aisle from her as she glanced over. 
Catching Riley’s eye, Liam responded with a wink and a smile. 
"Welcome home, love." 
Riley smiled in return, as her heart skipped a beat. 
It had been a while since she had felt this way about Cordonia. Another lifetime; so much has changed, and yet remained the same. 
Damien Nazario, the Interpol agent who was now permanently assigned to be William Rys's personal bodyguard, was reviewing the Crown prince's dossier, and his duties to the Cordonian crown, his new employer. Bastien took a seat beside the young agent to answer any questions he may have, as head of the Royal guard, at the rear of the plane's cabin. 
"So, Damien, any questions for me?" 
"No, sir. I believe I have a handle on the situation.” 
"Good, because you are now the official head of the security detail for Prince William, the future king of Cordonia." 
"Understood, sir.” Damien was well aware of the complexity of a constitutional monarchy. 
"Now, there's one more thing I need to discuss with you,” Bastien eyed the young agent. 
"Yes, sir?" 
"Madeleine Amaranth, the former queen of Cordonia. I have forwarded her updated dossier to you." 
"Yes, I've read it through.” Damien paused, waiting for more information. 
"Good, because she has expressed malicious intent towards Prince William and Lady Riley, should they return to Cordonia." 
"Understood. I'll ensure her movements are tracked and reported inside and out of the country, sir." 
"Thank you, Damien.” 
"My pleasure, sir.” 
Bastien, looking pleased, leaned back in his chair, checking the time on his watch, as he felt the plane begin its descent. 
Cordonia, Capital 
The jet touched down smoothly on the tarmac, as the engines powered down. The cabin door opened, and the stairs were lowered. 
Riley could feel the warm breeze blow past her as she stepped off the plane. 
Taking a deep breath, Riley looked around. The air was different here. It was fresh and clean. She closed her eyes and let the wind brush her cheeks. 
Liam followed, with William sleeping in his arms.  
"Is everything alright, love?" Liam’s brows were raised in concern, noticing her hesitation. 
"Yes, I'm just taking it all in." Riley, looked down, unable to keep eye contact. 
"Are you sure, Riley? You've been very quiet throughout the entire flight home." 
"I'm fine, Liam. It is just a lot to process. I'm just a little overwhelmed." 
"All right, I understand. Let us get to the palace, so you and William can get settled and rest ... okay?" 
"Yes, thank you, Liam." 
Liam glanced over at Riley with concern as he personally buckled his son into the car seat. It was quite easy for him to see and feel the apprehension in her mood. She could not hide her emotions from him as well as she always thought she could.
Riley had remained noticeably quiet during the ride to the palace as well, looking out at the passing countryside. Liam could not help but wonder if she was having second thoughts about returning to Cordonia, and/or to him. 
As they pulled up to the palace gates, Liam looked over at Riley, noticing a small smile on her face. 
"What is it, love?" Liam spoke softly, reaching for her hand. 
Riley returned his touch with a squeeze. "This place...it's beautiful." 
"Thank you, that, it is. Welcome home." 
“William will be so excited when he wakes up.” Riley glanced at a still sleeping William as the SUV slowed to a stop. 
"I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me.... to have you both here." Liam confessed. 
"You're welcome, Liam. It's the least I can do."  
Liam's heart sank at her words. He hated the distance between them. He wanted to take her in his arms and make everything right, but, for right now, he knew that was not the best strategy. 
He had to accept that things had changed, and their relationship was different now. He had to be patient and give Riley the space she needed. 
But he also had to make her see how important she was to him. He had to show her how much he had missed her ... that he wanted a future with her and William in Cordonia. 
As the SUV door opened for her, Riley felt a sense of Deja vu. This was where she had started her journey with Liam in Cordonia all those years ago. And now, here she was, back again. 
"Do you want me to take you and William to the guest wing, or do you want to stay in my chambers?" 
"I would like to stay with you, if that's okay." 
"Of course, Riley. I would love that." 
It was surreal for Riley as she walked the pristine palace halls towards the Royal Chambers. Liam carried William, who was fast asleep in his arms beside her. 
 The memories of the past times she was here flooded her mind and her heart ached as she pushed the painful memories aside. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. 
As they reached the large double doors of the entrance to the Royal east wing, the guards opened the doors for Liam and Riley to enter. 
Riley stepped inside; the same chambers where she had spent so much time before. The familiar scent of Liam's cologne filled the air, sending a wave of longing for a past time through her mind. 
Walking into her room ... it was exactly as she remembered it. Everything was in its place, from the elegant chandelier hanging above the bed, to the intricate paintings adorning the walls. 
Riley took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked around the room, taking in every detail. 
 She felt a pang of sadness as she remembered those past times. 
After tucking William into his bed in the adjacent room, Liam came in and sat down next to her. He gently placed his hand on hers, and she looked up at him, their eyes meeting. 
"What are you thinking about Riley?"  
"I'm okay, Liam. I was just thinking about how much things have changed since I was here last." 
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her close. "I know it's a lot, but I'm here for you, and I'll help you in any way I can," Liam whispered. 
"Thank you, Liam." 
He pulled away and cupped her face in his hands, staring into her eyes intently. "You're welcome, Riley. Always. Nothing could ever change how I feel about you.” 
He moved in to press his lips to hers, and she melted into his kiss. 
It was soft and gentle, and full of longing. 
He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers, breathing heavily. "God, Riley, I've missed you." 
"I've missed you, Li." 
He leaned down and kissed her again, deeper this time. 
His tongue swept across her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth to him. 
Their tongues tangled together in a dance that was familiar and yet new. 
They were no longer the same people they were when they had last been together. They were both older and wiser, and the passion between them burned even brighter. 
Riley pulled away and put her hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating beneath her palm. 
"Liam, I..." 
He placed a finger over her lips. "Don't say anything, Riley. Just feel." 
His lips found hers again, and the world disappeared. There was nothing but the two of them, lost in each other. 
She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. 
She moaned into his mouth as he slid his hands down her back and pulled her closer. 
He broke the kiss and buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent. 
"Riley," he breathed. "God, I want you so much."
“Liam, I ...” 
Liam pulled back and looked into her eyes, “stay with me tonight.” 
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📌All fics & edits: @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234
📌Liam x Riley, OC: @emersyn-in-cordonia @mainstreetreader @belencha77 @walkerdrakewalker @iluaaa @mysticalfangirl @queenwalton @bascmve01 @umccall71 @choicesfrog @amandablink @ownworldresident
📌Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics @choicesjanuary2024
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domnextdoor2u · 9 months
Rules and Information:
You must wait until the end of the instructions to orgasm. Orgasm control can play a role in some BDSM relationships and we’ll be incorporating a little practise today.
You will need a mirror. It’s hard to know how you look whilst kneeling without a mirror to help.
Optional: Wear a collar. If you have a collar or some other submissive clothing that gets you in the right headspace, you should wear it whilst completing these instructions.
Optional: Get your dominant’s opinion. If you have a dominant in your life, consider asking them to provide feedback on your kneeling during or after completing the instructions. This could be in person or by sharing a picture of your posture.
1. Start by making sure that the space you’re playing in is warm and comfortable. Use a blanket or thick, soft material to ensure that kneeling in front of your mirror is gentle on your knees.
2. Remove your clothes, fold them and place them somewhere out of the way. Try to fold your clothes as correctly as you can. Get yourself in the mindset of seeking excellence, as that will support your position training.
3. We will be practising two kneeling positions: at attention and on your heels. We’ll start with at attention. Kneel in front of the mirror. Turn so that you are facing to the left or right of the mirror, meaning you need to turn your head to the side to see yourself. You should be able to see a side profile of your body. Once in position, move on to the next instruction.
4. Sit up so that your shins are touching the ground and the rest of your body is in a straight line, perpendicular to the floor. Your thighs, body, shoulders, and head should all be in line, creating an ‘L’ shape with your shins and feet against the ground.
5. Place your arms behind your back, crossing your wrists or clasping your forearms to keep them still and in place. Look in the mirror. This position is kneeling at attention, your weight should be on your knees, with your thighs, body and head in line, back straight and arms behind you. Check that your feet are aligned next to each other and experiment with different arm positions until you find one that is comfortable and looks attractive to you or your dominant if they are present.
6. When ready, move to face the mirror. Kneel at attention. Spread your legs apart but maintain your posture. Use one of your hands to begin caressing and playing with your nipples. Use whatever techniques feel best. Throughout this play, focus on maintaining your at attention posture whilst playing. Keep your back straight. Keep your free hand behind your back. Maintain your balance. Imagine your dominant playing with you like this, teaching you to hold your position whilst you’re being teased. When you’re able to play like this whilst maintainig your posture, move onto the next step.
7. When ready, use your other hand to begin playing with your clit. Play slowly, using whatever technique feels best. Again, focus on maintaining your posture whilst playing like this. Use the mirror to make sure you’re staying in position. Continue to play like this, teasing both your nipples and your clit, until you’re confident you know how to hold this position whilst being played with, then stop playing.
8. We’re going to move onto the on your heels position. Move your legs so that your thighs and feet are together. Relax back so that you are sitting on your heels, as the position name suggests. Keep your back straight or, if your dominant is available, ask whether they would prefer if your back was slightly arched and follow their instruction. Place your hands on your thighs. Look in the mirror to perfect your position, aligning the position of your hands and admiring how graceful you look. When you think you have the position ready. Do this until you think that you have perfected the position.
9. Still facing the mirror, move your legs apart so that you can touch between your legs comfortably when told. Repeat step 6 in this position. Use one of your hands to play with your nipples whilst focusing on maintaining your posture. Continue this until you are comfortable you can hold this position whilst your nipples are being played with.
10. Repeat step 7 in this position, using your spare hand to add gentle clit play. Keep looking in the mirror to ensure you’re still holding your position properly. Continue playing until you are more comfortable you can hold this position whilst being played with.
11. If you have a dominant who isn’t present, consider taking a photo of the positions you have practised to share with them. I’ll also be happy to receive the photo.
12. Assume whichever kneeling position you prefer out of the two practised today, then use whatever techniques you prefer and orgasm.
Now say thank you.
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sigrielweek · 12 days
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Sigriel Week 2024, 7-13 October 2024 - prompts and themes
Sigriel Week is a week of fan creation celebrating the characters Sigrid and Tauriel from the Hobbit movies, timed to coincide with the date of the Battle of the Five Armies on 10 October 2941 of the Third Age of Middle-Earth.
Any and all fanworks and any and all interpretations of the relationship between Sigrid and Tauriel are very welcome - for more information see the FAQ!
Here are some prompts and themes to inspire you - each day has a theme and some suggested sub-themes. Feel free to interpret them however you like!
Monday 7 October - beginnings
did they meet for the first time when Tauriel and Legolas chased the Orcs into their home - or before?
the attack on Lake-town
how do they meet in an AU?
Tuesday 8 October - getting to know you
do they hit it off straight away or does it take a bit longer?
on the lakeshore
first steps towards friendship - or more?
Wednesday 9 October - we're in this together, we have separate paths
journey to Dale/Gundabad
in an AU, is there an age difference/background difference?
how do they reconcile the differences between them?
Thursday 10 October - crisis and aftermath
Battle of the Five Armies
loss and grief
supporting each other
Friday 11 October - someone really special
realisations of feelings
getting together
a special place in each other's lives
Saturday 12 October - getting away from it all
what does a day with no responsibilities look like?
what do they do for fun?
what part do their families and friends play in their lives?
Sunday 13 October - afterwards
does Tauriel stay in Dale?
happily ever after - or not?
does Sigrid inherit the crown instead of Bain?
what does Tauriel do after Sigrid dies?
Please reblog, signal boost, and get ready to create! Whether you see the relationship between Sigrid and Tauriel as romantic, platonic, queerplatonic or something else, your creations are welcome - and so are late submissions. Just mention this blog @sigrielweek in your posts and tag #sigrielweek2024 so we can see them and reblog!
FAQ and rules | AO3 collection
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gretavanlace · 1 year
A few days ago, I received an ask that came bearing the gift of a smutty little josh/danny/reader number. Tumblr was being a dick (what a shocker) about the length, so I couldn’t just answer to post it. I then agreed to post it later on, annnnnnd then promptly forgot because that’s just the way I’m wired. I’ve been mildly senile since birth, it seems, but eventually, I always remember (mostly). Anyway, without further ado, here is said fic.
Thank you so much, anon, I hope you’ll forgive the wait. I just know they’re going to love it! I know I did 🥵 Josh & Danny lane, grab a spoon and settle in at the table, you’re about to be fed
18+ below the cut. Completely unedited as it is not my work and therefore not my place. Warnings: plenty of them
apologies for the REALLY long ask, just had this idea
premise: you’re with Danny, but occasionally, you catch him staring at Josh with hungry, horny eyes
Warnings: anal penetration (m receiving), oral (both receiving), penetration (f receiving), “daddy” and “mama”. I think that’s all!
“Daniel?” You ask. He hums contentedly in response, not looking up from his sketchbook. “I have a question for you, my sweet boy.”
“Yes, love?” Now his eyes are on you, deep brown and trusting. You sit down next to him, close enough that there’s barely a space between you.
“Be honest with me. How long have you been thinking about fucking Josh?” you ask. His eyes widen.
“What?” he asks, immediately on the defensive. “Baby, no, I—“
“Daniel,” you snap. “I said honestly. Are you my good boy?” You know that’ll get him. Danny has a submissive streak a mile wide.
“Yes,” he says quietly.
“And do good boys lie?” You ghost your hand over his rapidly hardening cock.
“Um,” he stammers, shifting away from your touch.
“Do they?” you push again, hand groping his dick through his pants. It betrays him and he curses it under his breath.
“No, good boys don’t lie.” Danny chooses his words carefully. “I’m sorry. I won’t lie. I want Josh. I have for months. Maybe even years. I’m sorry, my queen. Please punish me.”
You grin. So the truth comes out. “I won’t punish you, baby boy. Everyone deserves a second chance, and you made the right choice. That’s my good boy.” You kiss his cheek, then stand and walk away.
“Queen?” he calls after you. “What do I do with my pitiful dick?”
You hesitate — he’s supposed to be in some trouble, so you’re not sure he should be permitted to touch himself, but you have things to do, and you don’t need whiny Daniel all over you. And you certainly will not be doing it for him. “Play with yourself, go ahead.”
You walk to the bedroom, texting Josh. “Coffee & donuts?” you ask.
“Yes! I’ll meet you in 20.”
You smile deviously. Josh has no clue the proposition you’ll bring to your innocuous breakfast date. Stepping back into the hallway, you listen to Danny finish himself off. As soon as he cums, you appear next to him. “Lick it off,” you whisper into his ear. He doesn’t hesitate to bring his fist to his mouth, cleaning it off completely. “Good boy. I’ll be back.”
A short while later, you’re sitting in a cafe across from Josh, sharing donuts and coffee. He’s as pleasant as always, smiling and laughing.
“Where’s Danny, anyway?” he finally asks.
“He’s at home. But there’s a reason for that. I have… an idea for you, Josh.” Josh raises an eyebrow, chewing his donut, nodding for you to continue. “I know you’ve seen the way Danny’s eyes linger on you. On your lips, your crotch.” Josh doesn’t react to this. “I want to give him everything he wants, and he wants you. Will you have him, for just one night?”
Josh considers it. “Yeah, okay,” he says evenly. “But I do have a request.”
“Anything,” you say.
“I want you there too.” Josh smiles.
You grin. “That sounds perfect. Tonight?” Josh nods.
“Are you going to tell him?” You consider the question. He might back out if he has too much time to mull it over, you think.
“No.” He nods again. “Be there at 9:00. I’ll tell him then, and if you don’t get a text by 9:15, you can leave.”
“That sounds good” Josh agrees. He stands to hug you, kissing your cheek. “Love you,” he adds.
Later that evening, you’re preparing Daniel. It’s 8:45 or so, and you know Josh will be there soon.
“Danny?” you call from the bedroom. “Could you come here and fasten this for me?” You’re staring at yourself in the mirror, holding a strap from your favorite lingerie. Sure, you could do it yourself. But there’s no fun in that. You hear his footsteps in the hall, then the sharp intake of breath when he sees you.
“Baby,” he grins, walking to you. “What’s all this for?” he takes the strap from your hand and fastens it, then pulls you into him. You can feel his stiff cock through his jeans, poking you.
“I want you,” you answer simply. You turn toward him, cupping his face with one hand, and his dick with the other. Dropping to your knees, you take your sweet time undoing his belt, the button and zipper. You pull down his pants, eyeing his monster cock through the gray boxer briefs. You pull them down, cock springing free, and immediately take it into your mouth. He puts his hand in your hair, but knows better than to pull your head into him, or to thrust. He may be receiving the pleasure, but make no mistakes, you’re in charge.
“Thank you,” he says, like the good boy he is. You work down his shaft, taking it all in, drinking him down. “You make me feel so good.” You ignore his praise, focusing on making him feel even better. His fingers curl around your hair, tugging, and you smile, sucking him down, giving the sloppiest, most knee buckling head you can muster. “Oh, fuck,” he moans. “I’m close already.” You nod — you know. “Please, is it okay? Can I cum, please?” You nod around him, and in seconds, thick hot ropes of cum are shooting down your throat. You hold him there, close to you, grabbing his ass. “Mmm, fuck,” he says again. “Thank you.” You release him and swallow, and he offers his hand, helping you up. He kisses you, warm lips on yours soft as can be, brushing your hair back behind your ear.
“You’re so good for me,” you say into the kiss. “Aren’t you good for me? Tell me.”
“I’m good for you,” repeats Danny obediently.
“That’s right.” You kiss him again, eyeing the clock. 9:03. Okay. Go time. “Am I good for you, Danny?”
“Yes, yes, you’re so good for me!” he agrees. You smile.
“You wanna know how good I am?” you ask. He nods, looking at you expectantly. “Josh is waiting outside right now. You say the word, and he comes in here. We’ll both give you the time of your life.” Danny thinks it over, considering the possibility. He wants Josh. He does. Just once, really, he just wants to feel Josh, to see him and taste him. You can see him trying to decide, and judging by his cock growing between you, you think he wants it, but something is holding him back. “No tricks. No strings. I see the way you look at him.” You say. “I love you, and I want to give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of.”
“I want him,” Danny admits, breathing hard.
“Then let me tell him.” You slide your phone out of your pocket and send Josh a text, telling him to come up.
Danny looks at you. “Are there any rules?” he asks.
“No, baby. Your only rule is to feel good.” You kiss his neck, and Danny shivers.
It’s then that you hear Josh’s footsteps in the hallway, and pull back, letting Daniel see him as he steps into the room. Suddenly, he goes shy, burying his face into your neck.
“Hello Daniel” Josh smiles.
“Baby?” you ask. “You okay? What’s your color?”
“Green,” Danny confirms with a shaky breath. “May I… may I taste him?”
“You ask him that, baby.”
Before Danny even gets the chance to ask, Josh is answering. “Yes,” he says. He pulls Daniel close and kisses him, hands in his long curly hair. “She’s right,” Josh agrees. “You are such a good boy.” Daniel whines into his kiss, his hand reaching down to touch Josh’s crotch. He’s pleasantly surprised to find Josh already hard, palming him through his sweatpants.
“I want to taste it,” Danny says.
“Then do it,” answers Josh. “Go ahead. This is all for you, Daniel, you get everything you want tonight.” Danny is on his knees in a flash, pulling Josh’s pants down, straight to the ankles. He marvels at Josh’s cock for a minute, thicker than he could’ve imagined, long and hard. He hesitates, then opens his mouth, wrapping it around the head of Josh’s dick. The moment he feels Joshua’s warm skin in his mouth, the taste of him all around, he moans. You’re watching your boyfriend suck dick like he’s done it a thousand times, taking Josh’s whole length into his mouth. Josh thrusts into him once, gently, and Danny whines, nodding.
You lay back on the bed, watching, and reach to the nightstand for a little pleasure of your own.
“Good boy,” you tell Danny, who looks to you, moaning again, and returns to feasting on Josh’s cock like a starving man.
Josh smiles, petting Danny’s hair, letting him take it slow and enjoy himself. It was all for him, after all. Josh didn’t care if he didn’t even cum, though he knew he likely would, and soon, the way Danny was going. “You feel so good, Danny, you’re a natural,” praises Josh.
“Wanna make you feel good,” Danny pants.
“You’re doing so good,” Josh tells him.
Danny nods. “Wanna make you cum. Will you cum for me? Wanna taste it.” He’s whining, chest rising and falling dramatically.
“I’ll cum for you,” Josh says. “You feel so fucking good I won’t be able help it.” Danny nods, his warm mouth around Josh’s warm cock. “I’m gonna cum, Daniel, fuck. Do you want it in your mouth? On your chest?” Danny’s whining loudly, panting, taps his chest.
“Chest,” he pants. “Rain on me, please. My chest, my face, everywhere.” Danny goes back to his work on Josh’s dick, when it pulls out with a pop and Josh moans, cock spitting all over Daniel, on his face, dripping down his chin to his muscular pecs.
“FUCK,” Josh says. Danny’s licking his lips, searching for another drop of Josh’s perfect cum. “Mm, here baby,” Josh swipes up some from Danny’s chest, putting his fingers into Daniel’s mouth, feeding him the cum. “Here, good boy.”
You take it all in, pleasuring yourself all the time.
Danny turns his head to look at you. “No rules?” he asks again.
“No rules,” you confirm.
Danny looks at Josh, eyes wide and pleading. “Fuck me. Fuck my hole please and use me.”
Josh’s eyes widen, and he turns to you, seeking permission. You nod.
“Anything for you,” Josh answers.
“Baby?” Danny asks, looking at you.
“Yes, my sweet boy?”
“Will you come over here? I want you to take care of my cock while I take his, please.” There is a fire in his eyes, and you couldn’t so much as imagine saying no, not the way he looks.
Josh smiles at him. “God, you’re fucking filthy.” He puts a hand on Danny’s shoulder and guides him to the bed, where he gestures for him to lay down. Danny props himself up on all fours on top of you, hovering just above you with his ass ready to take Josh’s thick length.
Danny looks at you. His eyes are full of love, trust, and adoration. “Thank you, baby,” he says, leaning up to kiss you. You kiss him, amazed at all the beauty happening around you. It’s amazing to see Josh look after Danny the way he does, treating him gently, with gentle, intuitive touches of someone who’s done it a thousand times.
“Lube?” Josh asks. You reach over to the nightstand, fumbling around until you feel it, then handing it over. Josh pours a good amount onto Danny’s hole, coating his finger in it also. “We’ll start slow” he tells Danny, swirling his finger around the tight entrance. “You’re tight, baby, that’ll feel so nice.” He praises, and you watch Danny’s face light up, then immediately turn to a blissful, erotic expression that can only mean Josh has begun to ease his finger into Danny. “Aren’t you a good boy,” Josh hums.
You spit into your hand, eager to get in on the action, and wrap your fist around it, pumping slowly, from end to end just the way he likes. “Does that feel good, baby?” you ask, sitting up to whisper into his ear. He nods, whining with pleasure.
“You’re so eager,” Josh remarks. “Taking me in all the way, are you ready for more?”
Danny, eyes closed, cries back “yes sir, fuck, yes daddy.” His eyes shoot open a second, realizing what he’s said, looking at you for approval.
“No rules means no rules,” you assure him, trying not to reveal just how hot and bothered it got you, the way it sounded coming out of his mouth. Josh slips another finger in, sending Daniel rocketing forward into you. You keep a steady hand on his cock and move your hand from his back to offer your breast. He takes it gratefully, suckling and biting at your nipple with each stretching push from Josh. You put your hand back on Danny’s back, gently scratching. He thrusts his hips, asking for you to stroke his cock, and you happily oblige.
“You ready, baby doll?” asks Josh. Danny nods, and cries out, feeling so empty when Josh takes his fingers out. Just as quickly as he’d taken his fingers out, he replaces them with the tip of his cock, pushing in slowly, steadily. “If you need me to stop, just tell me” Josh reminds him.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, please” Danny begs.
“Okay, darling, okay. Calm down. Daddy’s a good listener too, just like you.” Josh’s words, so reassuring, and yet, pure filth spewing from his mouth, make you smile.
Danny’s warm mouth finds your shoulder this time, and you slide down, giving your shoulder to him to bite while Josh stretches him further. He obliges, kissing it at first but wrapping his mouth around it and biting the closer Josh gets to bottoming out. You take your hand off of his cock to collect some of your dripping wetness, wrapping your sloppy soaked hand back around him. “You feel that, baby? That’s all from you two boys, such good boys, you did that.”
Danny nods, biting you again, moaning as you pump his cock. Josh bottoms out, and the tears in Danny’s eyes fall. “Fuck,” he says. “Fuck, this feels so fucking good.” His cock twitches in your hand, revealing how close he was. “Stop,” he said, and the room stilled.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“Yes,” he breathes. “I want to fuck you, please, can I?” he asks, eyes pleading. “Please, let me finish in you.” You smile, feeling around for a condom, rolling it onto his aching, impossibly hard cock. “Thank you, baby,” he breathes. You situate yourself underneath of him, sliding his dick into your soaking wet cunt, where it belongs. You feel yourself wrap around him immediately, taking him.
“Okay,” he says. “Go again.” Josh thrusts, slowly, but the force is enough to send Danny’s cock full force into you, not quite to the hilt but damn close. You moan, reaching for Danny’s back, scratching as the pleasure rides across you. As Josh picks up speed, so do Danny’s thrusts into you. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” he cries. “Please, fuck, can I cum?”
Before you can open your mouth, Josh says “no.” Danny hesitates. “Hold on just a little longer, please,” and it’s then that both of you realize how close Josh is too.
“Oh, fuck, yes sir, I want to feel you fill my hole with cum while I cum, please daddy,” Danny says. Josh nods, biting his lip, thrusting harder. You’re not quite there, but that’s alright — it was Danny’s night, after all.
“Okay,” Josh says, nodding, his voice more of a cry than anything. “I’m— I’m gonna—“
“Me too,” Danny says, and you feel him let go inside of you a second later. “FUCK,” he roars, grinding and gnashing through his orgasm. “Fuck, holy fucking, fuck, thank you, thank you Josh, thank you Daddy, fuck, thank you, baby thank you thank you thank you,” he whines, almost incoherent as he comes down from his orgasmic high. He’s collapsed on top of you, dick still buried deep inside.
“Okay, baby,” Josh soothes. “I’m gonna take it out now, are you ready?”
Danny nods, bracing himself against you. You feel him relax as Josh slides it out, takes the condom off and ties it, to be thrown away.
“You ready to take it out?” you ask. Daniel pouts.
“You didn’t finish,” he says.
Before you can remind him that this was his night, Josh pipes up. “Yet. She didn’t come yet. Josh lays down next to you on the bed. “Remember how I said I wanted you here, doll?” You shiver at the implication. “Daniel, darling, she was so good, wasn’t she?”
Danny nods. “The fucking best.”
“Don’t you think she deserves to cum?” Again, Daniel nods. Josh looks at you.
“How do you want to cum, baby? Tell us how we can please you.” You feel so warm, basking in the sunshine of Josh’s gentle, sexy ways. You think it over; Josh has had two orgasms, and so has Danny. You want to try Josh’s cock on for size, see how it feels, how it fills you up. “Stop thinking,” Josh snaps, and fuck, it’s even sexier than sweet, loving Josh. “You said no rules, and that applies to you too. No rules. Don’t worry about us. How do you want to cum?” You bite your lip.
“I want you to fuck me,” you finally answer. “And when you come inside me, I want Danny to lick our cum up off of my cunt.”
Josh smiles. “You heard the girl, Daniel.” He nods, finally pulling himself out of you, and kissing your forehead.
“I love you,” he says, getting up.
“Watch,” you speak suddenly, surprising even yourself. “I watched you blow him, and you fucked me while he fucked you. Now I want you to watch him fuck me.” Danny nods.
“Yes, my queen,” he answers. He kneels on the ground, staring at you as Josh lines himself up with you.
“You ready, mama?” asks Josh. Mama. Oh, fuck.
“Yes,” you answer. He slips in easily; you’re still soaked.
“Filthy girl,” he growls in your ear. “You’re dripping.”
“Yes,” you answer breathlessly. He fills you up, but you want more. You want him to fuck you, the sensitive head of his cock crashing against your g spot. “Please,” you ask, snaking your legs around his small body. “Fuck me.”
Josh smiles. “You hear that, Daniel? Your lover is begging me to fuck her,” he says.
“Give her what she wants,” Danny says, his voice strained in a way that tells you he’d have been capable of finishing you himself. Instead, he’s toying with his own red, hard cock
Josh starts to thrust, and you’re taken immediately by it. It’s intoxicating, so big and thick, and you can’t believe how fucking good he feels.
“Feels good, doesn’t it mama?” asks Josh.
“Cocky son of a bitch you are,” you pant back.
“You can call me daddy too, if you want,” Josh offers with false innocence, that devilish grin showing back up. Fuck, your legs are shaking.
“Mama and daddy,” you chuckle. “My my.” Just as you’re about to make another smartass remark, he thrusts again, taking your breath away. “FUCK, Josh,” you cry out. “I’m… I’m close, Josh, please,” you tell him.
“I know,” he says, but his tone isn’t the cool and calm one he’d been going for; it betrays just how close he is too.
“Fuck me,” you say, shamelessly grinding into him. He listens, bucking into you erratically. “Oh, fuck,” you say. “I can’t wait, I’m cumming, fuck,” you tell him.
“I’m cumming,” he assures you, and you feel his heat fill you as you let go. He gives an animalistic growl at the way your pussy thumps wrapped around him. “Fuck,” he says.
A shadow looms above you. Danny.
“My turn,” he says. Josh rolls over and Danny grabs his hair. “Taste me,” he tells Josh, feeding him the cum from his fist.
“Thank you,” Josh says. He licks it off, swallowing it all.
Danny lays on the bed, spreading your legs. With the first warm embrace of his tongue, you already know you won’t last long. He feels so good, and the little moans he’s making as he tastes your cum and Josh’s drive you crazy.
“You taste so good,” he tells you.
“You feel even better,” you answer. “You’re such a good boy.” He’s sweating, licking and suckling at your cunt, your aching clit, like he’ll die without it. “Oh fuck,” you manage. “Right there, fuck. I want your fingers.” He slides them in, curling around your g-spot. “Fuck, oh god, Danny,” you’re all but screaming now. “I’m gonna squirt, fuck,” and this is all the encouragement he needs to get you there. You’re gushing around him in a minute, blinded by white hot orgasm. You feel your hands in his hair as you come down, and realize he’s licking the squirt off of you.
“Josh,” he says. “Come taste,” and Josh does, taking Danny’s place for a moment. His lips and tongue are cooler than Danny’s, and you squirm.
“He’s right, darling, you taste divine,” Josh says. “Would you like a taste?” You nod, so he comes up to give you a kiss. You taste yourself on his breath, just the way he said you would.
He situates himself next to you, not minding the wet spot for even a second.
“Thank you” Daniel says from the other side of you. “Both of you, thank you.”
“I love you,” you tell him, turning your head for a kiss.
“Let’s get cleaned up, loves” Josh soothes. He gets up and helps you to your feet first, shuffling the first few steps to the shower with you before going back for Danny. You wince, knowing Danny’s going to be sore, and start the water to clean you all up.
You spend the night between Josh and Danny, snuggling, safe and comfortable, and so fulfilled.
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