#Stealthy Survivor
sykloni · 2 months
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Congratulations for your golden crab, Team Wasteland!
I'm cheering for you from the yellow team! You did it! You beat team Forest!
Here is a screenshot of their achievement 👏
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I used some pose references from AdorkaStock so credit to them for providing so many amazing references pictures!
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wi11owbird · 11 months
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I don’t think I ever posted this somehow?? But it’s from a few months ago. The song is “When the War Came” by the Decemberists.
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robinlmaoo · 1 year
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stealthy and seed!! they met when seed found stealthy in the wasteland with a hurt leg, and healed them :)
stealthy annoys the seed a lot with their reckless and loud personality (and apparent obliviousness to imminent danger), but the seed cant leave them because they have a moral obligation as a healer to stay with and take care of their patient! though theyre secretly amused by, and admire the survivor’s daringness and boldness :)
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creature-of-light · 1 year
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bestestspirit · 1 year
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wanderingskychild · 1 year
So the setting does change. Cool 😎!
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eternal-moth-jay · 2 years
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the three S's of the golden wasteland
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localkrillenthusiast · 10 months
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Stealthy survivor you’ll always be my fave
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silentvoidtreeshop · 2 years
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ejsuperstar · 5 months
assorted sky screenshots
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joowee-feftynn · 8 months
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New look for my sky kid how we feeling
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favcritecriime · 1 year
tag drop # 3
「  finn  」 —   » you gotta be zen about this
「  niklaus  」 —   » this family makes me want to murder people
「  kaleb  」 —   » you never know how much time you'll have
「  kol  」 —   » the best people are black sheep
「  damon  」 —   » yoo hoo big bad vampire out here
「  katherine  」 —   » please i'm katherine pierce i'm a survivor
「  davina  」 —   » give them hell davina claire
「  lexi  」 —   » i think you owe me a beer
「  nick  」 —   » cause like bluebonnets in the spring we’re only here for a little while
「  alicia  」 —   » i feel like i haven't felt like myself in a while
「  mike  」 —   » that's the problem with putting others first you've taught them you come second
「  jj  」 —   » if i'm the one mediating we've hit rock bottom
「  kiara  」 —   » not everything is a kingpin movie
「  pope  」 —   » humans are the only animals that can't tell fantasy from reality
「  cleo  」 —   » take your hands off i'll cut you
「  barry  」 —   » you screw me it's not just me that you're screwin
「  wuxian  」 —   » i'll just live freely for as long as possible
「  tina  」 —   » girls just wanna have fun
「  jonathan  」 —   » people don't really say what they're really thinking; when you capture the right moment it says more
「  steve  」 —   » i'm stealthy like a ninja
「  jenn  」 —   » no one knows who the real me is
#「  finn  」 —   » you gotta be zen about this#「  niklaus  」 —   » this family makes me want to murder people#「  kaleb  」 —   » you never know how much time you'll have#「  kol  」 —   » the best people are black sheep#「  damon  」 —   » yoo hoo big bad vampire out here#「  katherine  」 —   » please i'm katherine pierce i'm a survivor#「  davina  」 —   » give them hell davina claire#「  lexi  」 —   » i think you owe me a beer#「  nick  」 —   » cause like bluebonnets in the spring we’re only here for a little while#「  alicia  」 —   » i feel like i haven't felt like myself in a while#「  mike  」 —   » that's the problem with putting others first you've taught them you come second#「  jj  」 —   » if i'm the one mediating we've hit rock bottom#「  kiara  」 —   » not everything is a kingpin movie#「  pope  」 —   » humans are the only animals that can't tell fantasy from reality#「  cleo  」 —   » take your hands off i'll cut you#「  barry  」 —   » you screw me it's not just me that you're screwin#「  wuxian  」 —   » i'll just live freely for as long as possible#「  tina  」 —   » girls just wanna have fun#「  jonathan  」 —   » people don't really say what they're really thinking; when you capture the right moment it says more#「  steve  」 —   » i'm stealthy like a ninja#「  jenn  」 —   » no one knows who the real me is
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rootsofdread · 8 months
request open *twirls hair kicking my feet giggling* could i request maybe ghostface and myers with a survivor who's also stealthy? like maybe they caught a glimpse of them but the moment they moved a little closer trying to get a jump the survivor is just POOF and gone
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Michael Myers / The Shape:
Michael had first seen you working on a generator all the way across the trialgrounds from himself. He figured you'd be busy enough that you wouldn't even notice him and he'd be able to grab you right off of it. All seemed to be going according to plan until he got there, and...there was no trace of you anywhere. It was like you had never even been there in the first place. But he knew he saw you. It'd be safe to say he'd never been so confused before.
He decided right then and there that he had to catch you. He knew wouldn't be able to sleep until he got to you at least once. He didn't find you that trial, and...he still can never get his hands on you during trials. He's always willing to throw an entire trial just to go after you, though. The second he realizes you're lurking around, he drops everything to track you down.
He always swears you're following him around. He can never see you, and you'll never give him a straight answer, but...he knows you're there. He doesn't much enjoy swapping roles. You're making this much harder than it needs to be...but, truthfully, he enjoys the challenge. He finds you fun, in a weird way.
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Danny Johnson / The Ghostface:
Danny first met you when he saw you weaving through a patch of trees at the edge of the trialgrounds. He'd been tracking you for most of the trial, and now you were all alone...he waited until you ducked behind a wall. He walked up, and lunged behind the corner, swinging for you. You can probably imagine his surprise when you were suddenly nowhere to be found. There was nowhere you could've gone. How in the hell...
Finding you slowly became more and more like a game to him. At first it was frustrating, but it started being fun for him after a while. Every trial he has with you, he gets excited, hoping this would finally be the time he catches you. He still hasn't, but he looks forward to every trial with you.
If you're still in the immediate area, you'll often hear Danny giggling to himself while he's looking for you, or him playfully calling out your name. He doesn't necessarily think doing either will help his chances, he just likes to have fun, especially around and with you.
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rishiguro · 1 year
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warnings: mentions of murder. non graphic injuries. swearing. 2.5k+ words.
angstober event
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dabi walked around the now completely destroyed district, half-heartedly kicking a small rock in front of him. with his hands stuffed in his pocket, he looked oddly calm and collected, the only signs of the past battle being the sweat that glued his hair to his forehead and the dirt stuck on his entire body.
he sighed, gazing at the horizon for a quick second before taking a turn and continuing in a different direction. slowly speeding up, he quickly glanced at every body he came across, only to keep walking as soon as he saw the person’s face.
surely you had to be here somewhere. you were an extremely resilient person and also very capable at keeping yourself alive, no matter what. your entire life you had tried to keep yourself alive, somehow managing to beat the odds, no matter how bad the situation got.
so you definitely were here somewhere.
but where could you be?
dabi rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, pushing away the uncomfortable thoughts that crept up on him.
you couldn’t be gone. he saw you here somewhere and you were fine, he told himself. and you certainly weren’t dumb enough to fall into the hands of some young hero.
you were better than that.
so you were definitely here somewhere. hiding?
were you seriously trying to pull a prank on him in times like this?
dabi didn’t know for how long he had been walking around, but slowly the surroundings, despite being completely destroyed, became familiar again.
furrowing his eyebrows, he tried to remember the last time he saw you, before his steps sped up again, quickly carrying him through the debris, before he caught a glimpse of a familiar sweater.
before he could even blink he was kneeling down beside a pile stones, stones which once had been a wall, and dragged them off, carelessly throwing them to the side to reveal a familiar body, clothed in the aforementioned dirty sweater.
his eyes quickly examined the state you were in, taking notice of the completely disheveled hair, the ash sticking to your skin and the wounds littered across your body. the blood was dry, leaving behind sharp crusts over the broken pieces of skin.
no, that couldn’t be right. that couldn’t be you. you never got severely injured, not once. you were careful, stealthy.
you never got caught. you never got hurt.
dabi clicked his tongue, leaning back a little. “honestly, you almost had me fooled,” he stated with raised eyebrows. you surely were convincing, barely even moving a muscle. he looked over to the rubble he just removed from your body. “did you plant the debris on top of you? i doubt that young hero was strong enough to cause that” looking back at you, he shook his head. you surely had some weird ideas. “you could’ve killed yourself, you know? and for what? just to scare me?”
you always liked to provoke him just enough to get a rise out of him, no matter how. you enjoyed seeing him all riled up, completely contradicting his usual apathetic self. you liked to coerce him out of his stoic shell, grinning at him whenever you reminded him that he could indeed feel things.
that he felt things for you.
“prove a point?”
he groaned in frustration when he realized that you still weren’t moving a muscle, seemingly very into the whole act.
“stop this shit” he demanded, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “get up”
turning his head to the side, he examined the surroundings. for now you were safe, alone, no one here besides the two of you and some bodies scattered around. injured or dead, dabi couldn’t care less.
he turned back to you, sighing. “we have to leave before some shitty heroes show up to look for survivors” a sinister grin appeared on his face for a short while, remembering the havoc the by now big league of villains had caused earlier. so much destruction and death.
hurting them right at their weak spots.
“i doubt there’s any though”
by now he would’ve expected you to open your eyes, maybe even give him a lecture on how he was unnecessarily cruel. and he would agree with you, that sure, maybe he was, but he also believed that everyone deserved what was coming for them for supporting a system built on shutting out everyone who seemed like they didn’t fit. kicking away everybody that wasn’t perfect enough.
and then you’d get quiet, not wanting to openly agree with him.
“hey, are you even listening” he flicked your forehead, expecting some sort of reaction again, only to be met with nothing. what were you trying to pull here? “it’s not funny. stop playing the damsel in distress”
he clenched his jaw tightly. “seriously”
and still nothing. you laid there, unresponsive, eyes still closed shut, like he wasn’t even here. did you even hear him?
“you’re not funny, you know” he shook his head, mouth forming a slight smile at the idea that just came him. surely that would get you to react. “i could just leave you here when the heroes show up. maybe that would teach you a lesson”
you were infamous for escaping the heroes every single time, even back when they first caught eyes on you. nobody really knew how, but somehow, even during your days as a lowly criminal, they were lucky to even get some cctv footage of you.
they surely would be stunned finding you here. a free trophy to be taken, an infamous villain served on a silver platter.
that would certainly make for some great headlines in the news.
“hey,“ dabi called out again, reaching out to shake you by your shoulder. your skin was cold, colder than he expected. a frown etched itself onto his face.
he shook his head. no, it were probably his hands that were still a little heated, not having fully cooled down yet. that must be it.
you’ve never been cold like that.
he groaned in annoyance, balling his hands into a fist. “the gig is up, get up now,“ he demanded sternly.
and still, nothing.
“seriously, it’s not fucking funny anymore”
he furrowed his eyebrows, cursing under his breath. there was no way you could be that committed to the act. what could even be worth it? you never had it out for him like that before, no matter what happened.
gnawing on his lower lip, a few images flashed in his mind.
of him, fighting some hero that he didn’t know the name of, dodging his attacks while cursing him out loudly, shooting flames at him.
a familiar, yet distant voice calling out to him, which he promptly ignored, too busy with the situation at hand.
a loud bang, immediately being followed by something — someone — throwing themselves at him.
his body being flung away, looking at your form in shock as you were hit by something.
a quirk.
“are you trying to teach me a lesson or something,“ dabi asked, rolling his eyes at you again. he shrugged. “it’s not my fault you took that blow earlier”
you threw yourself at him after all. “besides, it wasn’t that hard, so get over yourself”
and dabi retaliated. just a few moments later he hit whoever it was that had hit you, leaving behind a charred body.
“the lousy hero is dead anyways. we’re even”
and yet you still wouldn’t move.
were you really trying to teach him a lesson? right now?
dabi would rather have you give him an hour long lecture about awareness as soon as you were back in the hideout than be stuck here right now, on his knees next to your still and hurt body.
“are you deaf? i said get up,“ he raised his voice at you now, reaching out to shake you again. “hey”
the villain grew impatient, clearly bothered by your lack of response.
didn’t you hear him?
“come on, move,“ he barked again, feeling the anger rise in him. were you seriously just ignoring him like that? was your lesson so much more important than letting him know that you were okay?
were you really that cruel to him?
didn’t you love him? you said you did.
“don’t act like you can’t hear me,” he snarled angrily.
get up. wake up. open your fucking eyes.
do anything but don’t just lay here like you were dead.
“stop,“ he whispered, digging his own nails into his palm.
do anything but what you were doing now. please.
you couldn’t do this to him.
“come on”
why couldn’t you just listen to him?
“hey,” he tried again, his voice a little softer. despite that, you still didn’t show any signs, leaving him to grow more frustrated again. “i said get up,” he snapped.
“fuck, listen to me,“ he demanded, exhaling a shaky breath. “hey!”
“get the fuck up”
“open your fucking eyes,” he demanded loudly again, practically digging his fingers into your skin, leaving behind red marks. “i said open them!”
and yet you didn’t.
“fuck this,“ he cursed out, letting go of you and rising to his feet.
“i’m going to fucking leave you here, what then, huh?” he spat, clenching his teeth together tightly. he flexed and relaxed his hands repeatedly at his side. “what are you going to fucking do then?”
come on. move.
“going to let one of these dumb heroes find you,” dabi continued, by now practically hissing at your unresponsive self. he turned away for a second before looking down at you again. “and who knows what they’re going to do to you then”
capture you. interrogate you. lock you up, never to see the light of day again.
come on, wake up.
would you really allow him to talk to you like that? so dismissive, so cruel?
and yet you laid still.
“hey! i’m talking to you!”
you were never that quiet. you never ignored him.
he fell onto his knees again, reaching out to shake your body one last time. “don’t do this, don’t fucking do this,” he clenched out between his teeth, hunching forward and putting his forehead on your arm.
he took a deep breath before straightening his back. “alright, fine,” he muttered defeated, “you won, doll. you scared the shit out of me, okay? now get the fuck up so we can fucking leave”
he pulled your body into his lap, fingers running over the wounds on your arms.
“get up!” nothing. “i said get up!”
“fuck, come on, stop playing, this isn’t funny,“ dabi commanded, a slight tremble in his voice.
with trembling fingers he reached out, pressing them slightly onto your neck.
“give me something, anything,“ he begged, “please, you can’t do this to me, please”
he felt a huge weight lifting off his shoulders when his fingers finally felt the blood pumping through your veins faintly.
you were still here.
but why weren’t you waking up?
“open your eyes,” he gulped again, “i said open your fucking eyes”
another flash of images appeared in his mind.
your body flying a few meters after being hit. you, hissing and groaning in pain as you tried to lift yourself onto your feet again. you, clutching your side with a pained expression, locking eyes with him for a second before you turned around and assumed a fighting stance.
that couldn’t be true.
you were fine.
you had to be fine.
you were always fine.
“come on, i know you can hear me,“ he whispered to you, begging. you why couldn’t you just answer him?
you were still here, you were alive, weren’t you?
he shook your shoulders again slightly, his own hands trembling. “wake up. i said wake up!”
his voice broke as he continued to chant at you. “i’m telling you to wake up, damn it!”
he hunched over your body again, arms clumsily pressing you close to his chest, rocking your bodies back and forth.
“please,” he whispered with a broken voice, “please, doll. i’m sorry for yelling at you, okay? now can you please open your eyes? for me, yeah?”
dabi swallowed harshly, blinking rapidly as he continued rocking the two of you, whispering to you.
he hates this. he hated how you were so still and unresponsive, he hated how he was shaking whenever he brushed his hand over your arm, trying to warm you cool skin, he hated how his entire body was trembling.
he hated how he felt so weak, so useless, like a small child, unable to stand up for himself and unable to help the people close to him.
unable to help the person he loved.
“you can’t do this,” he whined angrily, miserably failing in suppressing the rage in his voice, “don’t fucking do this!”
you couldn’t leave him. you promised not to leave him.
“don’t leave me, come on”
he clutched you even closer to him, his own heart beating rapidly against his chest.
“i know you can hear me,” dabi claimed shakily, forcing a smile on his fear-stricken face as he caressed your cheek with two fingers. “i’ll forgive you for this shit, i promise i won’t be mad, just wake up now, yeah?”
“go ahead, open your eyes,” he encouraged you again, his voice uncharacteristically high-pitched.
why didn’t you listen to him? you said you’d listen to him.
“i said open your eyes!” dabi demanded loudly, immediately clutching you close again.
he felt his chest constrict as he leaned over you, pressing a kiss on your ashen forehead.
you couldn’t leave him. not here, not like this.
“you can’t do this to me!” he cried out, “please, please, please”
while softly running his fingers over your face he dug his teeth into his lower lip again, breaking the skin on it in the process. “stay with me, yeah? stay right here with me! you have to wake up!”
“don’t leave me please,” the villain begged, pressing another kiss on your face. “i need you, doll”
“you can’t go,” he whimpered, his body and breath trembling, “don’t go where i can’t follow, please”
you couldn’t leave, not like this.
he still wanted you, he still needed you, he loved you.
you were all he had left, all he loved, all that kept him breathing every day.
“i love you, please,” he confessed, feeling his eyes burn again, “please wake up”
you couldn’t just leave him like that, you couldn’t.
and yet you didn’t move an inch.
“okay, okay, i get it. not here. that’s okay,” he whispered, not even sure if you were able to hear him at this point. but he knew that he had to get you away from here, quickly. it couldn’t be much longer till the police would arrive with rescue heroes in tow. you had to leave. “i’m going to carry you, okay?” carefully he reached underneath your knees with one arm, pulling them close to himself, before grabbing you with his other arm.
he pulled you close, continuing to whisper to you. “we’ll be back at the hideout in no time and then you can open your eyes yeah? you’ll be safe and then you can wake up”
he had a weak smile on his face, his eyes burning as he looked at your frail face. you looked so pale, so unnaturally pale. “that sounds like a good deal, yeah?”
“okay” he muttered, before turning to you again. “up we go, yeah?” he warned, lifting you into his arms and standing up shortly after.
“i’m going to hold you tight, yeah? just hang in there with me, doll. i got you”
and with you safely secured in his arms he ran off, disappearing behind broken buildings.
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reblogs and comments are appreciated !
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deceitfuldevout · 1 year
Savior (Part 1)
Dark!Emmett x Reader
Word count: +2,394
Warning(s) in chapter: +18, Non con, Breeding, Forced Breeding, Minor character deaths, Kidnapping, Mentions of past character death, Murder.
Author's Note(s): I'm still riding the Cillian high.
It was summertime in Akron, NY. Life was simple, peaceful, was. You were excited to be starting as an elementary school teacher. Until they arrived, death Angels, they were called. Slaughtering anyone and anything in sight that made sound. There was only one thing you could do, and that was to survive.
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It's been 474 days since the apocalypses began. Winter was approaching, so you and your group decided to venture out. You were careful with each step. Who knows when or where a creature would be lurking. They're quick and stealthy. Almost silent. A mistake your teammate makes resulted in your entire team's demise.
A sudden trip on a hidden string causes a wind chime to clatter down, purposely alerting the creatures. Before your team has a chance to escape, they were quickly dragged off by the creatures. One by one their screams were heard. You ran, as fast as you could. Until your legs almost gave out. You couldn't believe it. Everyone, everyone was gone. You were all alone, dealing with the aftermath of yet another loss.
The adrenaline still pumping though your veins as you took each step. You hadn't even realized the hidden beartrap until it was too late. It takes every ounce of your energy not to scream in pain. You force yourself to swallow it down, muffling a cry. Fat tears role down your cheeks. It takes you a while to compose yourself. After that the realization hits. You were trapped in the middle of nowhere. With only a backpack filled with medical supplies.
This was it, this time, you would surely die. A deep feeling of dread consumes all your senses as you wobble to a sitting position, the pain becoming excruciating. You really did try your best to stay alive. But when your vision begins to blur, you embrace the darkness, letting it consume you.
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When you had woken up your body felt heavy. A throbbing pain pulses though your head. It was hard even trying to lift yourself from the bed. Wait, what? You swiftly lift yourself up, looking around to find out just where the hell you were. How the hell did you end up here?!
"You were out for a while," a voice calls. You turn around to find a man seated at a desk, just now finishing up his meal. He's dressed from head to toe. His outgrown beard covers most of his features. A trucker's hat covering the top of his head. It was hard to tell what he looked like in the dark, "Here," he hands you a bowl, it's canned soup. You hesitantly take it from him, "Thank you..." eating it with careful bites.
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You notice him still staring but choose to ignore it. He was kind enough to save you back there. Surely he wasn't so bad. Emmett recognizes you the moment he found you lying unconscious at the front of his hideout. For a moment, he thought you were surely gone. Until he hears a faint whine escapes your lips. He doesn't know why he decided to drag you inside. Maybe he just needed a sign.
"Your friends they uh, they didn't make it," feeling sorry for what he'd just said. Your heart broke for them. One small mistake costed them their lives. A part of you carried survivor's guilt with you. Thankfully you weren't alone. He was at the right time and place. When you try kicking your legs out of bed a sharp pain hits one of them. A painful grunt escapes your lips.
You with certain now, your foot was broken, small jagged cuts decorate the heel and ankle. It seems as though he tried to help, "I did my best to stop the bleeding but...'m not a miracle worker," his voice is deep, raspy with age and time. It sounded too familiar. That's when it hits you, "Emmett?" There was no doubt, you were sure it was your old neighbor. Hell, you used to babysit his boys. Your brows furrow, now worried, "What happened to...?"
"Gone, I lost the boys to those things, and Nora, she couldn't take it..." his eyes start to glisten. His once lively spirit now the shell of a man he used to be. He's taken aback when you start to cry, "I'm so sorry Emmett..." you cried, "I loved them so much..." mourning the loss of his family. He knows very well, his boys were fond of you. Even asking if you could be their teacher for the next school year. You even applied to an open position for the upcoming fall. After all this time fate still had a way with bringing people together.
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Emmett lets you rest up for a few days while out on a supply run. He even left a few supplies and food by your bedside. You wanted to know where you were, but with your leg being in the condition that it was, it was impossible. For now, it was best to rest while it heals. You didn't want to weigh him down.
In the meantime, you try different ways to stay busy. Each day completing at least two to three tasks around the room. Whether it was stretching, exercising, or attempting to walk again. Soon enough you were able to limp for a certain amount of time. Emmett was sweet enough to get you a crutch.
As time passed, you began to make yourself comfortable. Its been a while since you’ve arrived. To the point where the two of you had a daily routine. Emmett would be out, either hunting or gathering food and supplies. While you stayed to look over the compound. When Emmett would arrive after a long day of work, he'd come home find a homecooked meal waiting. It's been a while since he’s had a proper meal.
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Emmett halts at the door, watching as you hum a tune while finishing up dinner. You sat on a wheeled office chair while getting the plates ready. He approaches you from behind, "Here, let me," carrying dinner to the table. The both of you ate in silence. But it wasn't awkward, you both enjoyed each other's company. You're the first one to speak up, "Hey so..." starting the conversation, "As soon as my leg heals, would it be alright if I come help?"
Emmett couldn't hide the look of disapproval on his face. He doesn't think you're ready, or even fit to go out there, "No,"
"No? Why? I can walk now and--" "No, final answer,"
"Are you serious?"
"As serious as I can be,"
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"But it was only one time! They didn't get me--"
"It's not just the monsters you should be worried about..." he pauses, "...the people, they're not the same," as if it were coming from experience, "Look at your leg, you think a monster did that?" he scoffs. You were the last thing that reminding him of how kind life was before. He can't risk losing the little beacon of light left. Not again.
Emmett won't admit it, but it was lonely during the past few months. You made it all the more bearable. Something stirred inside of him. Just the thought of a pretty little thing waiting for him at home. He felt guilty. As if he didn't deserve a second chance. So, what does he do when confronted with a problem? He avoids it altogether. Emmett would spend hours going on raids just to avoid being in the house. Being alone with a pretty little thing like you would only lead to trouble.
It's been a while since he'd been with someone. During a supply run he'd found a few magazines to help, but it hadn't done the job. They weren't the same. Not even close. He can't even remember the last time he's emptied himself deep inside a pussy. His breathing becomes shallow from the thought of it.
"Emmett?" you tilt your head. Shit, what did you say? "I asked if you wanted more," scooting the bowl of stew towards him. He's flustered, "Sure thing," when he reaches for it his calloused hand brushes against yours. He's in awe by how soft it is. You were this ethereal being, who just so happened to stumble upon his hideout. He quickly retrieves his hand. Not wanting to make you uncomfortable. But did he really want that?
It was just the two of you all alone down here. He's much stronger than you. If he wanted, he could just take you, right here right now. And there would be no one to stop him. He imagines you on your knees, looking up at him with that innocent look. Shit...he has it, bad.
He can't decide if it was pure desire, or simply part of his nature to breed. You were already a natural playing the role of a homemaker. It's not like there was anything else to worry about. He would take care of you. He'll provide you with anything you need. All you had to do was give him a little something in return. Just once wouldn't hurt. As you ready yourself for bed, you notice Emmett still standing there. You turn towards him, curious of what he was doing. He pulls out a thin metal chain. What was that for?
"Please, don't fight it..." he nears. At that moment your heart sunk. Emmett held the metal in his hands, "You already know I'm stronger, so don't try to stop me," nearing the edge of the bed. You look at him with a look of dread, "Emmett?" eyeing the chain cautiously, "W-what are you doing?"
"Sh... just let it happen..." he nears, "I promise you I'll take good care of you, you'll never want anything else,"
"Emmett? No..." tears began to form. You couldn't run away from him, not with a limp. All you could do was scurry to the corner of the bed. Emmett links the chain to bottom of the metal bedframe. He held your good ankle in hand before linking it to the cuff. You're well aware he's much stronger, he even carried you all the way down here. He straddles your waist, and you scream profanities, lashing out at the man you once called a friend.
Emmett tries pleading with you to hear him out, he tries to muffle your screams with his hand. But instead, you retaliate by biting it. He grunts in pain, now retrieving it. He's not amused at all by your little rebellious stunt. This wasn't you. He doesn't have time for any temper tantrums. He's not angry, only determined, "Fine, have it your way," he's done having to fight for what's rightfully his.
He could've let you die out there, just like your teammates. It was your fault for trespassing, you were the ones who triggered his trap. Instead, he'd given you a new purpose in life. You'll never be exposed to the dangers of the outside world again. He'll make sure of it.
During the past few months, Emmett went absolutely feral. He couldn't keep his hands off you. Just this morning, you'd woken up to him buried deep inside you pussy, grunting like some sort of animal in a rut as he pounded that tight little cunt of yours. Still half asleep, you tried your best to ignore him. But when he raises your leg over his shoulder to deepen the thrusts, you couldn't hold it in. Small grunts escape your lips as you turn your head to the side, avoiding his gaze.
He leans in, "Hey...hey pretty girl, don't hide from me..." a hand cups the side of your cheek, turning you to face him. He looks down at you with hooded eyes, his hips still jutting in and out your channel. You were just starting to get used to his pace when suddenly he starts picking up speed. Your hands reach out to halt his movements, but he wrenches them off. Now pinning them to your sides as he chases his climax.
You feel the familiar sensation of his spunk now filling your womb. It's hot and sticky, some of it drips down and staining the sheets, "Fuck..." Emmett knew he should've laid out a towel. By now there was a small puddle of your juices mixed together. He would have to see if there were any blankets during his next run.
"Sh... just go back to sleep," he whispers. He couldn't help himself. He was tired and sore after spending most of the day scavenging for supplies. But as soon as he saw you sleeping soundly, in that sexy slip-on he’d gifted a while back, well, he just couldn't help himself. Is it not in his nature? There was no way you didn't know the power you had on him. He sighs, admiring your bow tuckered form.
It was a smart idea chaining you to the bed post. That reminds him, the purpose of today's trip. Emmett retrieves a salve from his bag. He starts rubbing it into the raw skin of your ankle before covering it with a gauze, "I'm sorry..."
"No, you're not…" you whisper to him. You're right, he's not. He kept both of your hands wrapped up in fabric bindings, so that you wouldn't hurt him or yourself. At first, he didn't mind the scratches, but when you almost claw his eyes out, that's when the idea had struck.
Emmett had warned you that the people weren't the same since then, including himself. He won't admit it, but as soon as he laid eyes on your unconscious form, the only thing he could think of was planting his seed deep inside you. He knew it was a good idea to save you, or was it you who saved him?
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daddy-deathslinger · 2 months
Ok so how do you think Oni, Ghostface, and the Knight along with his crew react to their s/o being turned tiny in the my little oni event? For like a solid week the Entity turned some of the survivors small
The “My little Oni” event was so random, but I loved it! Here’s some HC’s for ya!
The Oni with a tiny s/o
Kazan has always thought that the larger and more intimidating you are, the stronger you are. And he values strength above all else.
So when he one match finds that you have shrunk in size, quite a lot to say the least, he is very conflicted. 
You’re still you, but now you’re… weak? Defenseless? 
But he soon finds that strength has nothing to do with size.
You evade him so easily now, you’re impossible to catch and you seem to be everywhere in a matter of seconds!
For the first time, he is at a disadvantage while consumed by Blood Fury, not finding you anywhere while sprinting around.
You’re so stealthy, but you never rub it in his face when you win a chase or escape unharmed. You’re gracious like that.
And that, Kazan thinks to himself, is strength. 
He admires tiny you more than he thought he would.
Ghostface with a tiny s/o
Danny just straight up laughs his ass off when he sees you.
Before you can even start complaining, he scoops you up in his hands.
You can trust that he’s gonna go around the match, showing you things from “his perspective”, just like that one meme you’ve shown him once.
Note to self: Do not show memes to Danny.
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The Knight with a tiny s/o
When Tarhos and his men find out that you’ve turned extremely small, Tarhos first and foremost makes his faithful three promise not to make fun of you.
Yes, now you’re apparently small, another weird trick of the Entity, but he knows that you are still you.
On day one, he swears to protect you and guide you… through the very tall grass.
You find it a bit embarrassing, but soon you start seeing the positive with having your own squad to help you out in your tinyness.
You have Durkos to show you all the hidden places in the maps, so your stealth can increase even more.
Alejandro is well read and knows all the killers’ weaknesses, so he teaches you the deadliest insults to hurl as you run out the gates on your small legs. 
Sander teaches you all he can about combat, even though you won’t be needing much of that knowledge with your size, but you know he likes to pass on his knowledge. So you let him.
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