Affiliate & Referral Programs
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An affiliate or referral program is a way for people to earn money by telling others about a product or service they like. Let's say you really enjoy a new toy and you think your friends would like it too. You can join an affiliate program and get a special link or code to share with them. When your friends use that link or code to buy the toy, the company knows that you referred them. As a thank you for bringing in new customers, the company gives you a reward, like a percentage of the money they spent or some other kind of benefit. The more friends you bring in, the more rewards you can earn. Affiliate programs are often used by companies to spread the word about their products and reach more customers. It's like a way for them to say, "Hey, if you tell people about us and they buy our stuff, we'll give you something in return!"People can join affiliate programs for all kinds of things, like toys, clothes, books, and even online services. It's important to be honest when you're part of an affiliate program and let your friends know that you'll get something if they buy the product through your link or code.So, it's a fun way to share things you love with your friends and earn a little something extra at the same time!Interested to learn more about and see some example? The example list will be expanded over time. We had to start somewhere of course. Have a look at this page. Read the full article
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YieldNodes Update March
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There was an update of the YieldNodes CEO Stefan (Steve) the other day on the progress of the business transformation of YieldNodes. Very positive and optimistic view given by him. They are even have open positions to fill for the new business model. The continued reward of 5% per quarter was again confirmed by Steve.Here are the key points from the interview:1.    As per the roadmap, the NFT launch of the certificates of the assets will take place between March 15th and 31st, with the launch on April 1st. This will replace the Claim Sales system, which will end on March 15th. If you are interested in purchasing claims, you may do so at https://claim-sales.yieldnodes.com/. News regarding this launch will be sent via email, and no action is required on your part at this time. 2.    We have more than 200 asset providers committed so far, with a yearly turnover volume of over 380 million. This is a great start to our roadmap, but still a lot ahead to do. We encourage you to submit your assets at https://assetprovider.decenomy.net or apply for job positions at https://decenomy.net/jobs. The stronger we stay together, the better the return on investments will be by the end of 2023.Here is the full video interview with Steve with way more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmWKgXM6b1U Read the full article
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New stream added: Cointiply
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Given the sub optimal environment for the Crypto Market we were looking for a more stable additional income source. We stumbled upon Cointiply. A platform, where you can complete various tasks, from very small tasks like watching ads to more complex undertakings like completing survey. Of course, the more complex the task, the higher your reward.Interested? Have a look at our initial review here. Read the full article
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YieldNodes 4th Quarter 2022 rewards
Since the change of their business models, YieldNodes provides quarterly rewards (instead of monthly as before). The goal is to provide a 5% reward, given the business transformation and the current market environment.
Performance 4th Quarter 2022
YieldNodes kept their promises of 5% quarterly rewards. Doing the exact math it ends up exactly with 5.00%. Yes, not the performance we where used to before, getting similar rewards on a monthly basis, although compared to any other investment I regards this still as a high reward system. - 2022 Q4: 5.00 % - 2023 Q1: TBD - 2023 Q2: TBD - 2023 Q3: TBD - 2023 Q4: TBD
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Interested to start earning as well with Yieldnodes? Please use our referral link. Many thanks. Read the full article
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Furio ecosystem update - It grows constantly
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If you are wondering how the Furio ecosystem is doing on a regular basis, there is an interesting article series providing regular statistical updates on it. The latest article got published yesterday. You can read it here on Medium.The short version: The overall ecosystem seems to growth constantly. The number of participants in the Furvault is growing (10.9%), so does the deposited amount (9.8%). For all of us investors this is a good sign as per the article, as there is a lot of trust in the system. Also the Furpool is growing, even more this week then the week before (25.4%). Check-out the full article here for some charts and more details on the ecosystem.
Join the Furio community
Interested to start earning up to 2.5% as well per day? Please join our team. Everyone is very welcome to join. Team address: 0x53D47B3C259F5E77c7B64F0A5D20b5Cb53b4c0c8 Read the full article
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YieldNode Pro or more Pro-blem?
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These were some quite concerning mails from YieldNodes in the past few days that were sent to investors. All Non-Sapphire Withdrawals are paused for the moment as emergency measure. In a nutshell, YieldNodes informed their users about the challenges YieldNodes faces currently:- Crypto Winter: All the coins they are master noding lost drastically in value, hence YieldNodes is not profitable in these market conditions currently - Locked assets at exchanges: Binance and Changelly locked liquidity for YieldNodes - Liquidity: Based on an interview, link below, it looks like there is currently about 10% left - Euro and inflation To avoid ending up as a ponzi-scheme the team had to come up with an emergency plan which is YieldNodes Pro, which is about getting regular income not only from master noding, but also from other business based on real assets. YieldNodes Pro was something in the pipeline for a while, but given the current market situation it needs acceleration. The assets, summing up to 300 millions euros, that Decenomy, the company behind YieldNodes lists to ensure future incoming streams besides master noding, looks as the following: - 2 hubs in Germany and Malta- A large photovoltaic power plant in Germany (11.5 MW)- Several photovoltaic power plants in Italy and Germany (>2 MW)- A large photovoltaic power plant in Iran (23 MW)- An HTC plant in Germany connected to all patents (https://htcycle.ag/en/about-us_8)- A music publisher and streaming provider in Germany- The Mobolith project with which we can charge electric cars without a charging network and which also compensates for the disadvantages of the very volatile power supply from the sun and wind.- Various residential, commercial and social properties, building plots and forests where we focus on sustainable construction and management.Users will subscribe based on their YieldNodes balance using NFTs, which will be traded once implemented. Until that point, which will be in 2023, Decenomy will pay a quarterly(!) contractual minimum interest of 5%. More information on the YieldNodes page: https://yieldnodes.com. There is a an interview with the CEO to provide you with with additional information: https://youtu.be/ysEBK8ZpsGY For the time being, it is probably best to held back with additional deposits into YieldNodes given the unexpected news arrived in the last couples of hours and days and wait until there is more news on how the new revenue streams are clarified (no financial advise as usual). So how big is the problem? Hard to say. Given the transparency of the team, which was always appreciated, we are confident that Deconomy/YieldNodes will deliver their promises and get back into the profitable area they used to be and provide the profits again they delivered in the past. Even during crypto winter and the problems they are facing. There is some patience needed it looks like. Read the full article
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Furio Furbot NFT sale details
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Just a quick reminder on the Furio Furbot NFT sale which will happen tomorrow, October 11th:The sale will happen on the usual Furio web app: app.furio.ioIt will open a 5 PM UTC for the 2.5% club members and 5.30 PM for everyone else. So take your chance if you are part of the 2.5% club.The price for each NFT is 200 USDC. There are 5'000 NFTs available and you can purchase as many as you like.The trading bots achieved so far 8 - 10% of profit per month. 50% will be distributed to NFT holders, 20% will be transferred to the LMS, 20% will be re-invested, 10% are fees and maintenance costs. Good luck and see you at the sale tomorrow.
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Interested to start earning up to 2.5% as well per day? Please join our team. Everyone is very welcome to join.Team address: 0x53D47B3C259F5E77c7B64F0A5D20b5Cb53b4c0c8 Read the full article
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YieldNodes October week 1 performance
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YieldNodes provides weekly updates on the estimated profit for the current month. An interesting figure for all investors as this gives an indication of the monthly performance to expect.Not yet invested in YieldNodes? Yieldnodes aims for a profit of 5 - 15% on your investment per month. Read our review about YieldNodes here on our site or sign up now to start earning too. So how does the performance for October look like so far?
Performance October week 1
Below are the current weekly estimates. Estimates, so things can change for the overall month. Yieldnodes achieved a profit of 5.3% in September as comparison to the below numbers for October: - 1 Oct - 7 Oct 1.3% - 8 Oct - 14 Oct: not yet known - 15 Oct- 21 Oct: not yet known - 22 Oct - 29 Oct: not yet known
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As soon as further weekly estimates will be available, we will provide another update.
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Interested to start earning as well with Yieldnodes? Please use our referral link. Many thanks. Read the full article
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Furbot NFT sale - additional income stream
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As announced by the Furio Development Team recently, they plan to introduce trading bots in the Furio ecosystem. You can read this article for further details. The reason why we mention this here on our site is due to the opportunity in getting an additional income stream for you as an investor.
What are the details?
There will be a NFT sale on October 11th starting at 5 PM UTC time. If you are a member of the 2.5% member club, you can participate also int he first 30 min. If you are not, then it starts half an hour later for you. Tip: Make sure you are a member by then. We can imagine, the NFTs will sell out quickly. As there will be a market place for Furio soon, you might have to chance to buy an NFT also later. Although usually these items increase in price over time. See also the calculation below. An NFT costs 200 USDC. The test results of Furbot showed monthly results of 8-10%. The profits will get distributed 50% to NFT holders. So that is around 4-5% profit per month for NFT holders. An here comes the interesting bit: 20% of these profits will be re-invested. So the capital where your NFT is making profit will grow over time. Profit will be re-compounded. This is awesome and a great reason to invest in such an NFT, if you would ask us. Again, we are not financial advisors, we share our opinions only.
So how could this looks like?
- A NFT costs 200 USDC - Month 1 200$USDC * 8% * 50% = 8 USDC - Month 2 (200 USDC + (200 USDC * 8% * 20%)) = 203.20 USDC * 8% * 50% = 8.128 USDC - Month 3 (203.20 USDC + (203.20 USDC * 8% * 20%)) = 206.48 USDC * 8% * 50% = $8.26 USDCAs you see from this example the FDT gave, your profit will increase over time. Depending on the market conditions and trading results of course. But the potential is huge with this re-compounding feature. Furbot will also be available with different risk profiles in the future. Things can get even more interesting going forward. Not much known yet about these profiles. You will find it here, once more is known. Again, if you interested in buying one or more NFTs, mark October 11th, 5 PM UTC in your calendar. We will be there too trying to purchase some.
Join the Furio community
Interested to start earning up to 2.5% as well per day? Please join our team. Everyone is very welcome to join. Team address: 0x53D47B3C259F5E77c7B64F0A5D20b5Cb53b4c0c8 Read the full article
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Lower initial deposit limit in October on YieldNodes
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Have you ever felt like the initial deposit limit of 500 Euro is to high to give YieldNodes a try and play around with it? Here comes your chance: In his latest communication Stefan Hoermann, CEO of YieldNodes, he announced besides the September result of 5.3%, something special just for you: They will lower the initial deposit limit to just 100 Euro, but only in October. Even though he expects this will put a lot of pressure on their support team, he wants to give everyone a chance to start an account on YieldNodes. So if the 500 Euro limit was so far the barrier to enter YieldNodes as an investor, this is your chance to start master noding.There are also YieldNodes T-Shirts available to buy if you like.
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Not yet a YieldNodes investor? Interested to start earning as well with Yieldnodes? Please use our referral link to support us. Many thanks. Read the full article
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YieldNodes September results: 5.3%
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Today all investors received the mail they are waiting for every month: The monthly performance was communicated. And as you might have guessed from the title the month was closed with 5.3% profit. As we expected already earlier this month, reviewing the weekly results, the profit is more on the lower end of the YieldNodes results so far. Although if you compare this to the overall markets around the globe, this is still a great result the team achieved! So you got now the option to either withdraw your profit or re-compound it. As we can not give you financial advise, the decision is up to you. If you like to re-compound, go to "Deposit" to the area "Deposit from profits". Either select "Max" or enter the desired amount and press "Submit" to reinvest. If you like to withdraw, then go to the "Withdrawal" section, select your desired currency, wallet address and select "Withdraw". Consider the Tutorial from YieldNodes to not withdraw directly to an exchange due to potential investigations, instead use a personal wallet address first to receive the funds. Enjoy the weekend and the profits.
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Not yet a YieldNodes investor? Interested to start earning as well with Yieldnodes? Please use our referral link. Many thanks. Read the full article
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How much can you earn with Drip?
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Have you ever wondered how much you can profit when investing in Drip? We did, hence we came up with an article we like to share with you. And in this scenario we will invest 500 USD today into drip. How much can you earn within a year with such an investment? Lets calculate: The price of a Drip token is currently around 6.50 USD. If you have a look at the overall price chart, you will spot that the highest price of it was 161 USD earlier in the year. As many other crypto currencies the Drip tokens price decreased heavily. So this is actually a great opportunity to buy!
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So with today's price you get 76.9 Drip tokens which you deposit in the Drip Faucet. After the deduction of the 10% tax you end up with 69.23 tokens in your faucet. That's where you start earning your 1% daily reward. Lets assume you compound every single day (although the difference is quite small if you don't do that daily), you will end up with 169.5 Drips after 90 days. After 180 days you will have already 415 Drip tokens in your faucet. And if you keep on claiming for another 180 days, believe it or not, you will end up with 2'488 tokens. Amazing, isn't it? This would allow you to withdraw almost 25 Drip tokens per day after a year. Now the big question you will have, how much is that worth in Dollars? Guess that depends all on the development of the price of the token. Lets assume the following: Drip falls down to 1 USD: You still have 2'488 USD worth of Drip tokens in your faucet and you can withdraw 24.60 USD on a daily basis. Still not bad for an initial investment of 500 USD, right? Lets assume Drip stays as it is, around 6.50 USD: So the 2'488 tokens will with worth 16'177 USD and you can withdraw 160 USD every single day. Now lets assume the Drip token goes back to the all time high (ATH) we saw back in January 2022 of 161 USD: Your investment would be worth 400'695 USD! And your daily withdraw option would be 3'967 USD. Again, all from an 500 USD investment done today and a small effort on a daily basis. So how is this possible? Well, this is the power of the compound interest that is provided on a daily basis: The longer you compound the more you end up with. And the more you can then withdraw on a daily basis from your investment amount. Of course the price of the tokens needs to be a the right price point. Given the fact all crypto currencies lost in value, there seems to be quite some upward potential also in Drip. Lets compound and see.
Interested in joining the Drip Network aswell and looking for a buddy and/or a team, feel free to use the link below. You are very welcome to join: https://drip.community/faucet?buddy=0xb3C253D80578f569cFd4fe2E916EDbF01B384577 Read the full article
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New income stream added: Furio
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We just released our third passive income stream on our front page. This time it is Furio.io, a Defi platform that offers a dynamic reward system with up to 2.5% daily on your investment. Amazing isn't it? We think it is. We tested Furio now for a couple of weeks since its release back in July and are very pleased with what the team and the Furio system delivers: A stable ROI with huge daily rewards which you can (and should, read our review) compound to increase your investment over time.
Furio in a nutshell:
- up to 2.5% daily ROI - Sustainable Taxation (simply 10% on all transactions) - Compound Interest - Deflationary Tokenomics - Variable Rewards System - Anti Dump Mechanics (Whale Tax) - Team Building Referrals Please read your review about Furio here: Furio.io
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Interested to start earning up to 2.5% as well per day? Please use our team link. Many thanks. Read the full article
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YieldNodes September week 3 performance update
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YieldNodes provides weekly updates on the estimated profit for the current month. An interesting figure for all investors as this gives an indication of the monthly performance to expect.Not yet invested in YieldNodes? Yieldnodes aims for a profit of 5 - 15% on your investment per month. Read our review about YieldNodes here on our site or sign up now to start earning too. So how does the performance for September look like so far?
Performance September week 3
Below are the current weekly estimates. Estimates, so things can change for the overall month. Yieldnodes achieved a profit of 6.1% in August as comparison to the below numbers for September: - 1 Sep - 7 Sep: 1.0% - 8 Sep - 14 Sep: 1.2% - 15 Sep - 21 Sep: 1.0% - 22 Sep - 29 Sep: not yet known.
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As soon as further weekly estimates will be available, we will provide another update.
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Interested to start earning as well with Yieldnodes? Please use our referral link. Many thanks. Read the full article
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YieldNodes: More for you, Less for us!
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This is the headline of the latest communication from YieldNodes to all of its members. What is it about?You might be aware or remember from a previous articles that YieldNodes pays a monthly reward of 5 - 15% of your investment. The payout you receive as an investor is 85% net at the end, 15% is the fee for the overall operation of YieldNodes. That was the fee structure so far.
Less fees going forward
As YieldNodes will become 3 years old this October, the fee of 15% will be reduced. Instead of the 85% you will receive 87.5% going forward. YieldNodes will receive not 15% anymore, they will get 12.5% to cover their costs. This is quite a drastic reduction of fees and great news for us as investors as we get even more money going forward. I think this is also great news from YieldNodes' perspective. Although this is now pure speculation on my side, I assume their business is growing a lot lately and they can simply afford to reduce the fees and still have enough to cover their overall business and for sure still make profit.
Mobile app soon
The YieldNodes app is currently under review by Google and should arrive soon for Android users. Also the IOS app will come soon, but usually that is a bit a longer process on the Apple side. So stay tuned to manage your YieldNodes investment on your cell phone soon. Let me add here a warning here: The apps are not yet released. Be aware of fake apps. All in all exciting news for all of us YieldNodes investor. Thanks for your time.
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Not yet a YieldNodes investor? Interested to start earning as well with Yieldnodes? Please use our referral link. Many thanks. Read the full article
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Drip Network - How to claim your daily 1%
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So you signed up for Drip, deposited your initial investment in the faucet, waited 24 hours and now you are ready to claim or better re-compound your well deserved 1% reward. But you don't know what to do. Of course, we got you covered here with a simple guide.
Re-compound Drip
To hydrate (re-compound) or claim your daily profit you have to go to the Drip Faucet.
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On the left hand side you see "Available", in this picture it is 0.247 Drip tokens, showing you how many Drip tokens you can either re-compound (hydrate) or claim.The process is now pretty straight forward: If you like to increase your current investment, you click on the "HYDRATE (recompound)" button, if you like to withdraw the amount you click on "CLAIM". In both cases your Metamask will popup and ask you to confirm the transaction. Verify the numbers (like gas fees) and press "Confirm". Wait a few seconds, until you get the confirmation. If you hydrated successfully, the Confirmation looks as the below screenshot:
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Congrats you re-compounded for your first time. Or claimed for your first time. Time to enjoy your cup of coffee.
Not yet part of Drip?
But interested in earning 1% daily too? Please feel free to use our buddy link below and join the team: https://drip.community/faucet?buddy=0xb3C253D80578f569cFd4fe2E916EDbF01B384577 Read the full article
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Yieldnodes sign-up guide - Step by step
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So you read our report about Yieldnodes and think it is a great investment after doing your own research too? Great decision. To give you a helping hand by joining this great platform, we will provide you with a step by step guide on how to sign-up for your Yieldnodes account, verify your account, deposit funds and start yielding profit. Ready? Great. Here is how to do it. Easy. Step by step.
- Click on this registration link to get to the sign-up page of Yieldnodes.com (referral link, thanks for your support). - Fill in all your details, check "I agree with Terms and Conditions" (after you read them). - You will get an email "Successful registration". Click there on "Access your account" to get to the dashboard - Congrats, you created your account successfully. Next, lets get the verification done.
- Click on "Withdrawals" - There you see 4 pending steps to get a fully verified account - Lets start with verifying your mail address: Click on "Resend mail" (if you haven't received it already like I did). Once you get the "Email verification mail, open it and click on the button "Verify Email Address" - As next lets complete your account details by clicking on "Account" in the dashboard. Complete all the fields marked with a * and save your changes - Next lets setup your 2FA (2 Factor authentication). Highly recommended to use an Authentication App (and not SMS). Select this option, scan the QR code with the app, make a note (offline) of the backup code and enter the current displayed code of your app i the field. Then press "Set Up". - As the last step you have to upload all the required documents. Lets start with the "Sign agreement". Click on the link "Download template here", print it, signed it, scan it back in and uploaded the file by clicking the browse button. - Next is "Photo Identity Proof". Scan either your passport or national identity card and upload it too - For the "Address proof" you have to upload a document where your address and name have to be clearly visible. Please make sure that the data matches the data entered in your account profile exactly. This could be a bank statement, utility bill or a tax assessment that has been received in the (physical) mail. - This was the last step. Now you have to wait until Yieldnodes verified all your documents. Took only a couple of hours in my case until I received the confirmation mail "KYC Documents verified". If it takes longer, give it up to 48 hours before you reach out to the team. - Once all your documents have been verified, lets move on to the next step. You can move on earlier, but as a risk averse person you probably like to make sure you get the green light before moving on.
Deposit funds
- Well done. Your account is now fully verified and ready. Now it is time for the initial investment, which is the seed for your future cash flow. With Yieldnodes you got several ways to deposit: Either via Cryptocurrency or via FIAT money using 3rd party services. I highly recommend to deposit either Bitcoin (BTC) or USD Tether (USDT TRC-20). Lets use the Bitcoin way of transferring our investment for the next steps. - Click on "Deposit" in the dashboard - Click on "Show/Generate Bitcoin address" and copy the wallet address shown there - Go to either your exchange or wallet where your Bitcoins currently are stored. Start a withdrawal or "Send" transaction to the previously copied wallet address. Verify it is pasted correctly to be on the safe side. Then send it on. - It took around an hour until I got the confirmation mail from Yieldnodes saying "New deposit received". - Your investment arrived. Congratulation. Your active part is actually done by now. Sit back. Enjoy a cup of coffee.
Grace period
- Yieldnodes verifies now your deposit. - Again, you have to be a bit patient. It took a few hours until I got the confirmation mail saying "New Deposit Approved" - After that, the so called grace period starts. That's where your deposit will be used to procure masternode infrastructure. Your deposit will automatically become active and start yielding after 7 days.
- After the 7 days grace period, time to check your dashboard. - You are now earning profit on your investment. Well done.
Feedback is always appreciated. Please leave a comment or use the contact form at the front page. Read the full article
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