sasukeen · 6 years
after further digging into the hedgehog resemblances I've come to the conclusion that tobirama is sonic, blue armor, fast etc. And madara is shadow, red and black colour scheme, antagonist.
Oh my god yes XD
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sasukeen · 6 years
A little late but happy new year! Hope 2019 will be a good one!!
Thank you, anon!! I hope the same for you!! :D
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sasukeen · 6 years
Happy New Year, everyone!!
Couple things:
1. The ask box is once again closed!
2. Thanks to everyone who voted for who Madara would be up against in my new fic! By popular demand, it will Madara (aka sleep deprived hedgehog man) vs. Tobirama (aka angry stick-up-his-ass hedgehog man)
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sasukeen · 6 years
Hey guys, I’m opening the ask box until tomorrow morning! :D
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sasukeen · 6 years
hello! happy new year!! it possible for me to request modern romantic headcanons for itachi with a female s/o? maybe like with him being the heir to the uchiha who run a huge company that he will inherit or something? so sorry if this request is weird! have a great day
It’s not weird at all!!
Itachi and his s/o probably met in college. Itachi strikes me as the type of dude who didn’t have any interest in girls because he was career-driven, but then there was that one girl he met in college and he was just like, “well shit. I like her”
So into romantic and intimate dates. Private dinners, little day trips, going to the beach, maybe even a weekend cruise or something. Itachi wants to spoil his s/o with stuff like that.
At the same time, his s/o needs to understand that Itachi has a huge company he’s going to inherit, so there’ll be times where they can’t do a whole lot together. For this reason, his s/o needs to be independent and enjoy having time to herself so when Itachi is busy with the company and all that, she’s not upset about him not being around.
Also Itachi is completely invested in this relationship. He fully intends on marrying his s/o one day, so hopefully she’s on the same page.
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sasukeen · 6 years
How would Rock lee take care of his sick s/o?
Omg Leeeeeee
Listen, this man would be amazing at taking care of his sick s/o. He’s gotta be the healthiest dude in Konoha (aside from Guy), so he probably has some remedies to help his s/o recover as soon as possible.
He’s got soup ready, maybe some natural remedies like herbs or shit like that, tea. Whatever he thinks can help them, he’s got it on hand.
He’ll insist that they need both bed rest and some exercise. He insists they’ll feel better if they get up and move around some instead of laying around all day until they’re healthy again.
Still, Lee’s probably really overwhelming. His s/o probably gets a headache from his hovering, and then he’s freaking out because he has to go get them ibuprofen. Poor s/o.
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sasukeen · 6 years
Hi! Could u write headcannons for Jugo and Darui with oversensitive s/os?
Ooh okay! These are short, sorry :(
So Jugo is just the sweetest human. He’d be so good with his oversensitive s/o. He’d be able to talk them through what upset them.
Jugo wouldn’t be the one to set them off, though. Maybe on accident once or twice, but for the most part it’s outside influences that upset his s/o. He’s really good at removing them from the situation and calming them down.
He’s super laidback so he wouldn’t really intentionally upset his s/o. However, because he is laidback, his s/o could convince themselves that Darui doesn’t care, so then that would upset them.
He just has this really calm and cool way of calming them down, though. He takes it in stride and makes sure they know he does care, he just doesn’t show it that well.
He’s super observant when they’re out and about so if his s/o does get upset by something, he can distract them or just remove them from the situation. He makes sure it’s lowkey though so they don’t freak out even more.
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sasukeen · 6 years
Any suggestions for names of buildings at Konoha University??
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sasukeen · 6 years
*screaming internally intensifies* -anon sounding like tobirama apparently.
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sasukeen · 6 years
*screaming internally* -anon sounding like tobirama apparently.
I love the unintentional creation of this Tobirama and Hashirama headcanon. It’s amazing and I’m 100% using it if I write a modern AU with them XD
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sasukeen · 6 years
Anon, that still sounds like Tobi though... Just saying.
It does XD
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sasukeen · 6 years
While I can see the fandom Tobi and Hashi thing. I wanna say it was completely unintentional!! I'm not good with mobile phones and the like. I just forgot about it? It'm not like my sister ever says anything worthwhile anyway, but at some point she confronted me about me not replying for a year and a half and I got embarrassed and ignored her. Social stuff is hard.
Haha I feel that!! I forget to answer people all the time, but luckily I don’t have read receipts on. I wouldn’t feel too bad about it, it happens!!
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sasukeen · 6 years
why do i read that as a modern hashirama and tobirama interaction where tobi left hashi on read for two years because hashirama was close enough to tell him person so he ignored the stupid whatsapps.
Lmaoo Tobi would 100% leave Hashi on read because he just doesn’t want to deal with his brother and Hashi would be super salty about it
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sasukeen · 6 years
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sasukeen · 6 years
I once left my sister on read for two years you are not so bad.
LMao omg I don’t feel so bad now XD
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sasukeen · 6 years
Wow I literally have requests that say “Happy New Year” omfg
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sasukeen · 6 years
Ooh can you do some Shikamaru fluff? ❤ In whatever form you choose! Ty!
So, lo and behold, Shikamaru just wants to lay around on his day off. Big surprise.
Of course, his s/o comes over, and typical Shikamaru is just like…meh, troublesome.
He likes to cuddle, though, to just lay back with his s/o, either in bed or outside where he can watch the clouds. He’s got his arms around them and they’re on his chest or something. So cute.
Maybe they’ll play a game of shogi. Probably not, though. Once Shikamaru falls asleep they probably aren’t moving for a long time.
It’s just really peaceful, the two of them laying together. So nice.
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